#violent night review
agentnico · 2 years
Violent Night (2022) Review
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Never thought I needed to see a stand-off between Santa Claus and Sid the sloth from Ice Age. Turns out, I really did not need to see it. 
Plot: An elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone hostage inside. However, they aren't prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he's about to show why this Nick is no saint.
David Harbour is most known to everyone as the loveable Hawkins chief of police and No 1 class dad-bod Jim Hopper in Stranger Things. However outside of the Netflix series Harbour is yet to find another signature role to define his career, as he has not had much look in the film medium, with the likes of 2016′s Suicide Squad and the Hellboy remake acting more as a hinderance than a boost to his filmography. Harbour is a very talented actor and a very likeable one too, so it’s a shame that his agent evidently isn’t able to suggest him actually good movies to be in. However in comes Violent Night, a Christmas action slasher that in style merges Die Hard with Home Alone with a home invasion tale featuring action and gore on the level of John Wick. On paper this movie screams potential so no wonder David Harbour took on this role. Especially since his character of a run-down tired Santa Claus who’s been in the business for too long to actually give a real crap is actually really fun to watch. From endlessly downing liquor to vomiting it out even quicker, Harbour’s Santa is done with everything, yet given Harbour’s likeable facial expression he is also a Santa that still cares about giving kids that aren’t on the naughty list a very merry Christmas, no matter how few there are. So Harbour is great, HOWEVER, and this is a huge however - he is still stuck in a bad movie.
Yep, sorry but this is not the way to kickstart this holiday season. Violent Night is not a good film. Harbour’s Claus is great fun, but aside of him all the other characters are either very annoying or simply not worth caring for. The main family who have been taken hostage are for the most part all very self absorbed obnoxious snobs. So honestly I kept wanting them all to turn from hostages to dead bodies. As for the mercenaries, a lot of them try being over-the-top whilst saying jokes, however neither the jokes nor them were entertaining. John Leguizamo as the main baddie - he was okay. Look, he tries his best to be the Hans Gruber-type, but he isn’t given much to work with. 
In terms of the action scenes and gore, this movie is pretty gory, but nothing that was actually that shocking or ground-breaking. The action itself was okay...I think. Honestly I couldn’t see the fight sequences half the time as they were set in very dark surroundings, as if the director was hiding the bad choreography and stunt work. There’s a major fight set in the attic, and a lot happens there, but I hardly saw any of it. So don’t walk into this one expecting John Wick-level action work.
Overall Violent Night is a forgettable affair. Only positive is David Harbour and the character creation of his run-down Santa Claus. There are even a few quick flashbacks of this Claus being originally a Viking or Kievan Rus fighter, and I wish we got more of that! If Harbour and that character were just lucky enough to be in a better film with a more fun story and maybe a better action director, we could have had another Christmas classic. Should have had that chap who did Bullet Train earlier this year to direct this one. Sh** would have gone real then.
Overall score: 3/10
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spotlight-report · 2 years
"Violent Night" Movie Review
In Violent Night, David Harbour plays a cynical, burnt out Santa Claus who takes it upon himself to rescue a family from a team of paramilitary home invaders led by John Leguizamo. If you’re the sort of person who says the best Christmas movie is Die Hard primarily because it’s edgy to say that, and you’ve been needing something equally violent and Yuletide-themed, this film might be what you’re…
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easyinfoweb · 2 years
Violent Night 2022 detailed review, Rating Cast & Crew. Movie Explained !
It’s the Month before Christmas that brings violent night a rowdy skull crusher that Dawn’s fierce action might Tommy Wirkola honors die hard and home alone with care with hopes that a Barbarian Santa would. I am just kidding the rhymes start there.
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ohyoubringmejoy · 2 years
Violent Night (2022): REVIEW | Danixinhahhh
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askmovieslate · 9 months
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It's a sledge hammer, guys, come on.
I'm so glad David Harbour is making weird movies every now and then, because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have checked this one out.
It makes me wonder how that other Christmas movie with Kurt Russell would've turned out. Mmm. Crossover when?
((Strip Guest written by @fgsshinyhoard))
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I watched “Violent Night” last night. Honestly, despite how goofy the premise is (Santa Claus meets John Wick), I do appreciate that it was not just a meme-y movie. The makers really did try to make a Christmas movie, it just so happens that Santa here is an ex-Viking who murders mercenaries with a sledgehammer.
So, 8/10, was actually more entertaining than “Avatar - The Way of Water”.
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i-didnt-hate-it · 4 months
I didn't hate The Watchers, it was really interesting!
For an unabashed nepo-baby movie, The Watchers is actually pretty solid. Produced by M. Night Shyamalan and written for the screen and directed by his daughter Ishana, the film doesn't hide from the fact that it's a family affair.
I won't go too deep into the plot so as to avoid spoilers, but I will say it kept my attention throughout the whole film. Being a Shyamalan film, there are a couple of nice twists, not too crazy but not horrible either.
The effects aren't the best, but definitely not the worst either. Ishana does a good job of using CGI, and her monsters, in moderation.
There are three main aspects of the film that I really enjoyed. First is the music, it's deep, gritting, and swelling. Very orchestral, and it elevates the whole film. Abel Korzeniowski is definitely a composer I'll be listening to more often. Second is the cinematography by Eli Arenson. I mean, the whole movie is basically an excuse to show off fantastic mirror shots. I'll be honest, I haven't seen symbolism through camera placement and cinematography in general like this in a while. The third thing I really loved was the location. In case you don't pick up on it, the movie takes place in Ireland. They let you know that, loud and clear, but it's worth it just to see the gorgeous landscapes. I can't wait to see beautiful screenshots and gifsets from this.
The performances were all pretty solid, nothing to complain about, but no significant standouts, at least not yet. I mean, I've thought Dakota Fanning has been amazing since War of The Worlds, and she doesn't disappoint here.
If there's one thing I've learned from the last two movies I've watched, it's don't go into the forest. Ever. For any reason. Alone, or with a bird, or with a group of friends. If the undead fireman sam version of Jason doesn't get you, The Watchers will.
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ogradyfilm · 2 years
Recently Viewed: Violent Night
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Violent Night shouldn’t be nearly as good as it is. How can a film best summarized as “Die Hard, but starring the real Santa Claus” be simultaneously subversive and sincere, irreverent and earnest, obscene and wholesome? Somehow, director Tommy Wirkola (Dead Snow) pulls off the delicate balancing act with aplomb, embracing the utterly absurd premise without ever resorting to patronizing irony.
Beneath its excessive violence and foul language, the movie actually tells a rather traditional Christmas story—indeed, it’s reminiscent of A Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life. The plot revolves around an alcoholic, pessimistic Saint Nicholas, who has grown disillusioned with the Yuletide season after seeing it perverted and corrupted by commercialism and materialism. When an innocent young girl on his Nice List is kidnapped by some very naughty robbers, however, he gradually rediscovers the true meaning of the holiday: family, forgiveness, reconciliation, and redemption.
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Cheesy? Perhaps. But it’s also undeniably effective at making even the Grinchiest viewer’s shriveled, coal-black heart grow three sizes—and it pairs surprisingly well with the practical stunt work and gnarly gore effects. Elevated by solid performances (particularly from David Harbour and John Leguizamo) and creative set pieces (the extended action sequence in which Kris Kringle utilizes a series of increasingly ludicrous improvised weapons—including ice skates, a sharpened candy cane, and an industrial snow blower—is especially impressive), Violent Night is a genuine Christmas miracle; I definitely plan to revisit it in the years to come.
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filmbrainbmb · 2 years
David Harbour is Santa Claus caught up in a Die Hard scenario in this quick review of amusingly OTT action comedy Violent Night.
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hepbaestus · 2 years
Thoughts on Violent Night (2022) NO SPOILERS
Fuck man
Solid film
I don't usually handle blood well
Kinda hot ngl
Also David with tattoos? Hnngg
Can you tell what I was thinking during the entire film? Probably.
Overall score: 7/10
Film recommendations welcome!
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So, I saw the new movie Violent Nights and as a lover of ridiculous movies, and in definite need of some silly one liners, I can definitely suggest this movie as one to see for the holidays though it is OBVIOUSLY not for children.
Going to keep this without spoilers but if you love violence, heist movies, and Santa beating up and/or decapitating folks, I can heartily recommend it. This flick runs more on the action side of this as well as heavy on humor, but I can recommend it for a holiday watch.
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jeux-raconte · 2 years
Violent night
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Comme le dit l'affiche, sorti le 30/11/22 avec en vedette David Harbour, shérif de Stranger Things. On va pas se mentir, les deux rôles n'ont pas la même envergure... Le réalisateur norvégien, Tommy Wirkola, a une carrière dans le film d'horreur à thématique enfantine (Hansel & Gretel, les bonhommes de neige...), ou encore une parodie de Kill Bill. Ça promet.
Durant les vacances de Noël dans la famille, ce n'est pas toujours évident de trouver des activités à faire tous ensemble. Donc quand ma mère et ma soeur m'ont dit qu'elles voulaient aller au cinéma voir ce film, j'ai dit banco ! Je n'avais pas vu la bande annonce, mais je vais vous la mettre quand même : (ça paraît évident mais je précise que le film est violent et parfois sanglant / gore, et n'est donc pas pour tous les publics)
N'ayant pas vu de bande annonce, les 10 ou 15 premières minutes m'ont été pénibles : vomi, pipi, caca, tout y est... Malheureusement, ça n'est pas mon type d'humour. J'ai donc levé les yeux au ciel plusieurs fois, en me disant que 1h52, ça peut être très long en fait.
Mais quand le scénario se met réellement en route, on a affaire à un braquage, film de Noël, d'action, avec des méchants très méchants et des gentils dont on ne sait pas trop qui est vraiment gentil.
Le film crie très vite Die Hard ou Maman j'ai raté l'avion, mais les références sont assumées et citées directement dans le film.
Je vais parler d'abord des scènes d'action, parce que c'est la première chose qui me vient et je n'arrive pas à réfléchir à la suite de mon récit...
Les scènes action/combat sont agréablement chorégraphiées. Même si le premier m'a fait peur à cause d'une caméra épaule très secouée, les suivantes sont propres, j'avais peur de cut à outrance qui gâche l'action et sert souvent de cache-misère, et bien cela n'a pas eu lieu ! Le film alterne humour parfois drôle, au minimum divertissante/scène d'action / avancée du scénario.
Le rythme est bon, pas trop le temps de s'ennuyer. Je ne m'étends pas trop sur le scénario pour plusieurs raisons : ne pas spoiler déjà, et puis parce que ce n'est pas ce qu'on attend le plus de ce genre de film.
Tout se termine sur un climax d'action qui s'enchaine sur plusieurs scènes, de temps en temps une exécution arrache une petite grimace, mais même si le style des publicités, de l'affiche etc, essaient de vendre un film ultra gore of the dead, en réalité il ne l'est pas si souvent que ça.
Dans la salle, la moyenne d'âge devait être de 19 ans, sachant que mon groupe la faisait bien monter, et je pense que c'est représentatif des ambitions de de film. En ce sens, il réussit plutôt bien ce qu'il entreprend : faire un film d'action divertissant, avec quelques scènes gores/violentes pour que les ados présents en reparlent de temps en temps en gloussant (je commence à écrire comme un boomer, c'est terrible), mais qui n'a pas plus d'ambitions que ça. Je ne le dis pas négativement, je trouve ça très bien que le film se donne les moyens de ses ambitions, ni plus, ni moins, et n'essaie pas de se survendre ou de promettre monts et merveilles !
S'il fallait noter cette expérience, je pense que je mettrai autour de 14/20 mais c'est très très subjectif, je n'ai pas les compétences pour noter objectivement un film comme ça (même si je pense qu'un critique cinéma mettrai probablement plutôt quelque chose autour de 11/20). Divertissement de Noël en famille (pas toutes les familles ni tous les âges hein !) validé donc, mais pas sûr que je m'en rappelle dans un an !
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aquaprimal · 2 years
Watched Violent Night
I thought violent night was going to be a generic action popcorn flick, but I was wrong. Their is a lot of heart in this film with the story and themes they wanted to tell. It's a move that is both cynical about the vapid and shallowness of Christmas season and hopeful. It's also real about expectations and things may not work out.
It's also entertaining action flick and funny too. Action is both over the top, gory, but cool and gritty. You can actually believe that Santa is in danger, but a badass too. Humor is not too in your face or too obnoxious. It tends to be set up well.
To sum it up, It's Die Hard Christmas with Santa. It's worth checking out
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ohyoubringmejoy · 2 years
Violent Night (2022): REVIEW | Danixinhahhh
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wheelybard · 2 years
Finally, the end of the Die Hard Christmas discourse by making Die Hard with Santa.
David Harbour is a badass yet heartfelt Claus, and is a warrior to boot.
Yet behind the violence lies the heartwarming story about family and belief in yourself.
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