#vintage Australiana
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peninsulaisms · 1 month ago
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misplaced patriotism
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eroticlamb · 5 months ago
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the australian dream
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #326 - Tame Impala, Lonerism, 2012
L’edificio in copertina del disco di oggi (che ricordo è il fil rouge dei dischi di Maggio per questa rubrica) è un particolare di uno degli edifici dei Giardini di Lussemburgo di Parigi. È mostrato sovraesposto alla luce, un po' sfocato in una giornata soleggiata estiva, come potevano farlo le decine di migliaia di turisti in quel luogo quel giorno, ed è opera di Leif Podhajsky, grafico e artista visuale australiano, che decise di editarla proprio come se fosse una foto fatta quasi per caso, mancando il fuoco del soggetto. Con questa copertina, l’artista di oggi voleva esprimere la sottigliezza e spesso l’indifferenza dell’isolarsi contemporaneo, come simboleggia il cancello più a fuoco dell’edificio e del giardino di sfondo. Kevin Parker è stato sin da subito un tipo dalla fervente immaginazione e creatività. Australiano di Perth, sin da giovanissimo inizia a suonare in gruppi rock amatoriali, fin quando non ha un piccolo successo con i Dee Dee Dums, un rock duo dove lui canta e suona la chitarra e Luke Epstein la batteria. È quasi per scherzo che registra in maniera casalinga delle canzoni che pubblica su una pagina di MySpace (ode al leggendario social network), dando a questa idea il nome Tame Impala, in omaggio alla grande antilope africana. Sorprendentemente ottengono un successo per passaparola sulla piattaforma, tanto che una piccola casa editrice australiana, la Modular Recordings, lo scrittura. Parker è “costretto” a ingaggiare altri due musicisti per suonare dal vivo i brani, Dominic Simper (basso) e Jay Watson (batteria). Il 2008 è l’anno del loro lancio: firmano un Ep a nome Tame Impala (sebben la copertina con la scritta la scritta di tre stelle lo fa diventare famoso come Antares, Mira And The Sun) una loro canzone, Half Full Glass Of Wine diviene una piccola hit, suonano come supporter band ai The Black Keys e in numerosi festival, dove il loro suono proto-psichedelico ha un grande successo. Che perdura nel 2009: nuova canzone di successo, Sundown Syndrome, che addirittura è inserita nella colonna sonora del film pluricandidato agli Oscar I ragazzi stanno bene, ancora festival, concerti, critica innamorata di questo suono vintage-moderno peculiare. Nel frattempo Epstein se ne va, e Parker da solo scrive testi e musica del primo (tranne una canzone con Jay Watson), attesissimo, disco dei Tame Impala: nel 2010 viene alla luce Innespeaker, apoteosi di questo gusto del nostro per il rock psichedelico degli anni d’oro (metà anni 60) ma con tocchi pop spiazzanti, ma che funzionano a meraviglia. Disco acclamato dalla critica e dal pubblico, Parker è con il nome di una band una delle nuove sensazioni della musica.
È con curiosità che quando esce nel 2012 Lonerism ci si approccia a questo nuovo lavoro: c’è già chi lo aspetta alla prova del secondo disco modesto dopo un grande inizio. Ma quasi tutti vengono smentiti da un lavoro che prosegue in questo binomio creativo quanto meno singolare tra psichedelia e pop music, ma stavolta lo fa abbandonando le chitarre e il rock per spingersi molto di più sull’elettronica, echi di new wave, accentuando la spinta psichedelica con cascate di tastiere e effetti di sampling. Parker non si nasconde e vuole creare una musica che “sia psichedelica ma che abbia la grazia pop di Britney Spears”. Registrato tra Perth e Parigi, spesso in totale solitudine, solo con il fido ingegnere del suono Dave Fridmann al mixing, il disco si apre con il gioco di campionamenti di Be Above It (quasi un mantra pop), che si ripetono in Endors Toi, in una atmosfera solare, quasi da serie Tv californiana. La stupenda Apocalypse Dreams, primo singolo estratto e una delle canzoni più belle dell’intero repertorio Tame Impala, ha echi lennoniani e un finale che in più punti sembra un omaggio a David Bowie e alle sue esplorazioni spazial-musicali di qualche decennio precedente. La parte centrale del disco è invece quella più marcatamente psichedelica. Nel trittico Mind Mischief, Music To Walk Home By e Why Won't They Talk to Me? si sente il lavoro dietro il mixer di Dave Fridmann, già produttore dell'esordio, ma soprattutto collaboratore fisso di quei pazzerelli dei Flaming Lips. Elephant sfoggia un riff sporco e quasi funk e un determinato assolo di tastiere acide, bellissime sono l'onirica ballata Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control e la quasi marcetta pianistica di marcetta Sun's Coming Up. Discorso a parte merita l’ultimo singolo, Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, che lo stesso Parker ammetterà di aver scritto pensando a Walk In The Park dei Beach House: una sognante ballata power dream pop, che diventerà una delle canzoni dell’anno, usata in film (Divergent del 2011), serie Tv (The Imperfects su Netflix), e spingerà il disco ai posti più alti delle classifiche redatte dalle riviste specializzate come miglior lavoro dell’anno. Anche le vendite sono sbalorditive: solo Feels Like We Only Go Backwards vende un milione di copie tra fisiche e digitali. Nonostante per alcuni sia un divertissement, il secondo lavoro è portentoso per l’accuratezza di certi particolari, per il lavoro di produzione certosino e per la freschezza generale delle musiche, caratterizzate dall'uso spectoresco degli arrangiamenti, dalla stratificazione degli effetti e da una pomposità e magniloquenza che faranno scuola.
Ancora meglio farà Currents nel 2015: scritto, suonato e registrato tutto da solo, molto più dance, virando ancora di più sul pop psichedelico e sul synth-pop, venderà milioni di copie e vincerà il Grammy come Miglior Disco Rock e miglior Disco dell’anno nel 2016, decine di altri premi e scaraventa canzoni come Let It Happen, ‘Cause I'm A Man, Eventually e The Less I Know The Better a miliardi di visualizzazioni sui siti di streaming facendo di un ragazzo di Perth il nuovo Re Mida del pop internazionale.
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artemisbarnowl · 4 months ago
I've been lurking on this couch on marketplace that's from a furniture restoration/interior design business because it's quite cute but had just been reupholstered to the wrong colour.
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I went in to the shop this morn anyway just to look and see if a green could work for my house (it could, it's just tooooo Australiana for my tastes with my yellow walls) and the owner tells me she's picking up an identical one (pre restoration) from Sydney this week and I can buy that one and pick the colour of the fabric?! It'll need less work than the green one since the varnish and rattan are still good so it will be cheaper, but still in the realm of new couch price since it's vintage refurb, but I'm fine with all that. She told me where they get fabrics from so I can go have a look at colours this week (not open on weekends) and give her some options, and by then she'll have the frame and we can get a firmer quote on work to be done.
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rankertopanwar · 7 months ago
Manshed auctions
Manshed Auctions
In the realm of collectors and enthusiasts, where passion meets pursuit, Manshed Auctions stands as a beacon of discovery. Specializing in an array of niche interests, from vintage memorabilia to rustic relics, Manshed beckons aficionados and curious souls alike to delve into the captivating world of auctions. With a virtual gallery at your fingertips, let’s embark on a journey to uncover the treasures awaiting within the digital halls of Manshed Auctions.
Manshed Auctions: A Haven for Collectors
Nestled within the digital landscape, Manshed Auctions boasts a diverse collection that caters to a spectrum of interests. For those seeking the allure of the bygone eras, Mancave auctions offer a nostalgic retreat into the world of vintage memorabilia and collectibles. From retro signage to classic advertisements, each item holds a story, waiting to be cherished by its new custodian.
Rail auctions chug along the tracks of history, presenting enthusiasts with a ticket to explore the world of locomotives and railways. Whether it’s vintage model trains or antique railway artifacts, these auctions provide a platform for railway aficionados to add to their collections and preserve a piece of transportation heritage.
Memorabilia auctions serve as a treasure trove for fans of pop culture, sports, and entertainment. Dive into a sea of autographed memorabilia, rare artifacts, and iconic pieces that evoke memories of beloved moments and celebrated figures. From vintage movie posters to sports jerseys worn by legends, each item encapsulates a piece of history, waiting to find its place in a new home.
Exploring Beyond the Rails: A Diverse Selection
While railways and memorabilia capture the spotlight, Manshed Auctions extends its offerings to encompass a myriad of interests. Petrol auctions revitalize the nostalgia of old gas stations, featuring vintage petrol pumps, signage, and oil memorabilia. Whether for restoration projects or decorative purposes, these auctions cater to petrolheads and collectors with an appreciation for automotive history.
Australiana auctions celebrate the rich tapestry of Australian heritage, showcasing indigenous art, vintage bush items, and cultural artifacts. From Aboriginal paintings to classic Aussie collectibles, these auctions pay homage to the diverse traditions and landscapes of the land down under, inviting collectors to immerse themselves in its vibrant spirit.
Deceased estate auctions offer a glimpse into the lives and legacies of those who have passed on, presenting a curated selection of heirlooms, antiques, and treasures. Each item carries a narrative of its own, weaving together the threads of history and memory into a tapestry of remembrance.
Beyond the confines of traditional auctions, Manshed embraces the rustic charm of yesteryears with enamel sign auctions, bowser auctions, and oil auctions. These auctions cater to enthusiasts of vintage signage, petrol paraphernalia, and industrial artifacts, providing a platform to acquire unique pieces that add character to any space.
Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Thrill of Collecting
At the heart of Manshed Auctions lies the thrill of discovery, where each bid is a chance to unearth hidden gems and add a touch of history to one’s collection. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of auctions, the virtual halls of Manshed beckon with promises of adventure and nostalgia.
Collectible auctions offer a playground for enthusiasts to indulge in their passions, with a diverse array of items ranging from rare coins to antique furniture. With each auction, collectors have the opportunity to expand their horizons, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and bring home pieces that resonate with their personal interests and tastes.
Vintage auctions serve as a gateway to the past, offering a curated selection of timeless treasures that evoke the charm and elegance of bygone eras. From retro fashion to mid-century furniture, these auctions celebrate the enduring appeal of vintage aesthetics, inviting collectors to adorn their spaces with pieces that stand the test of time.
In the dynamic world of Manshed Auctions, the thrill of bidding is matched only by the satisfaction of winning a coveted item and adding it to one’s collection. Whether you’re drawn to the allure of railways, the nostalgia of memorabilia, or the rustic charm of vintage relics, Manshed Auctions invites you to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. With each auction, a new adventure awaits, promising excitement, camaraderie, and the joy of uncovering treasures that speak to the heart.
Visit for more details - https://manshedauctions.com.au/
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urbancitysells · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Pottery Vase Jug Australiana Brown tan Handmade Signed Small.
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skrimshanker · 5 years ago
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1930s Australiana tin toy tea set.
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“He's not the same bird since he had an audition on T.V.”
“Who the hell does he think he is - The Voice of Australia?”
The Bulletin, Dec 26, 1956; The Bulletin, Feb 22 1961
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aussie-sclerophyll · 2 years ago
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Tidbinbilla echoes with the stories of an ancient past and the voices of today.
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statelibraryqueensland · 5 years ago
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Lady Australia saluted by Soldier, ca. 1930-1940.
Negative number: 55969, John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland.   SOURCE
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peninsulaisms · 3 months ago
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i miss her (1960s sorrento) (i was born in the 2000s)
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juliesimages · 3 years ago
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Just listed these two. I can’t keep up with these magpies on vintage music sheets. One of return collectors calls me “the magpie lady” hahaha. I have so much I want to paint, need more time. Lol. Listed on my @bluethumbart shop. Thanks for looking. #magpie #magpieart #magpiepaintings #magpieoncintagemusicsheet #1931 #1931originalmusicsheet #vintagemusic #vintage #bird #birdart #magpielovers #birdlovers #stilllife #acrylicart #australiana #australianmagpie #juliehollisart #goldcoastartist #bluethumbart #bluethumbartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVMsUwv1Uu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reloveoxley · 3 years ago
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Plates and places a plenty #australiana #littledishes #vintage #antique #collecttheset #englishchina #awesomenefinds #humpday #reloveoxley #brisbanesbigggestrange #oxleysbestbrew #open730till2 #comesayhi (at Relove Oxley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVOpU71PM4_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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samuelhumphreys · 7 years ago
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Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus Regnans). -- 🌿 Original illustration on vintage 1975 Hal Leonard Publishing sheet music paper. 🌿 Hand signed. 🌿 Size (cm): 23 x 30.5 🌿 Includes free worldwide shipping 🌿With the purchase of this original illustration you also receive a native Australian tree planted in your name. -- www.samuelhumphreys.com -- -- -- -- -- -- #mountainash #eucalyptusregnans #eucalypts #eucalyptus #eucalypt #australiana #vintage #naturalhistory #naturalhistoryillustration #SamuelHumphreys #botanical #botanicalart #botany #sustainableart #CNCF #sustainability #ethicalart #environmentalartist #nature #conservation #conservationart #illustrator #illustration #blacklines #australianart #native #trees #art #australianartist (at Australia)
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j2ske · 5 years ago
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detail from tennis painting #3 (nobody ever really wins an argument). 860x860mm, synthetic polymer on synthetic turf. DM FOR SALE DETAILS. #popart #painting #exhibition #tennis #climatechange #vintage #australiana #souvenir #holidays #pop #allegory #bg https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JGhKXDnpX/?igshid=1r1p07tbso8sn
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rankertopanwar · 8 months ago
Memorabilia auctions
Manshed Auctions
In the realm of collectors and enthusiasts, where passion meets pursuit, Manshed Auctions stands as a beacon of discovery. Specializing in an array of niche interests, from vintage memorabilia to rustic relics, Manshed beckons aficionados and curious souls alike to delve into the captivating world of auctions. With a virtual gallery at your fingertips, let’s embark on a journey to uncover the treasures awaiting within the digital halls of Manshed Auctions.
Manshed Auctions: A Haven for Collectors
Nestled within the digital landscape, Manshed Auctions boasts a diverse collection that caters to a spectrum of interests. For those seeking the allure of the bygone eras, Mancave auctions offer a nostalgic retreat into the world of vintage memorabilia and collectibles. From retro signage to classic advertisements, each item holds a story, waiting to be cherished by its new custodian.
Rail auctions chug along the tracks of history, presenting enthusiasts with a ticket to explore the world of locomotives and railways. Whether it’s vintage model trains or antique railway artifacts, these auctions provide a platform for railway aficionados to add to their collections and preserve a piece of transportation heritage.
Memorabilia auctions serve as a treasure trove for fans of pop culture, sports, and entertainment. Dive into a sea of autographed memorabilia, rare artifacts, and iconic pieces that evoke memories of beloved moments and celebrated figures. From vintage movie posters to sports jerseys worn by legends, each item encapsulates a piece of history, waiting to find its place in a new home.
Exploring Beyond the Rails: A Diverse Selection
While railways and memorabilia capture the spotlight, Manshed Auctions extends its offerings to encompass a myriad of interests. Petrol auctions revitalize the nostalgia of old gas stations, featuring vintage petrol pumps, signage, and oil memorabilia. Whether for restoration projects or decorative purposes, these auctions cater to petrolheads and collectors with an appreciation for automotive history.
Australiana auctions celebrate the rich tapestry of Australian heritage, showcasing indigenous art, vintage bush items, and cultural artifacts. From Aboriginal paintings to classic Aussie collectibles, these auctions pay homage to the diverse traditions and landscapes of the land down under, inviting collectors to immerse themselves in its vibrant spirit.
Deceased estate auctions offer a glimpse into the lives and legacies of those who have passed on, presenting a curated selection of heirlooms, antiques, and treasures. Each item carries a narrative of its own, weaving together the threads of history and memory into a tapestry of remembrance.
Beyond the confines of traditional auctions, Manshed embraces the rustic charm of yesteryears with enamel sign auctions, bowser auctions, and oil auctions. These auctions cater to enthusiasts of vintage signage, petrol paraphernalia, and industrial artifacts, providing a platform to acquire unique pieces that add character to any space.
Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Thrill of Collecting
At the heart of Manshed Auctions lies the thrill of discovery, where each bid is a chance to unearth hidden gems and add a touch of history to one’s collection. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of auctions, the virtual halls of Manshed beckon with promises of adventure and nostalgia.
Collectible auctions offer a playground for enthusiasts to indulge in their passions, with a diverse array of items ranging from rare coins to antique furniture. With each auction, collectors have the opportunity to expand their horizons, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and bring home pieces that resonate with their personal interests and tastes.
Vintage auctions serve as a gateway to the past, offering a curated selection of timeless treasures that evoke the charm and elegance of bygone eras. From retro fashion to mid-century furniture, these auctions celebrate the enduring appeal of vintage aesthetics, inviting collectors to adorn their spaces with pieces that stand the test of time.
In the dynamic world of Manshed Auctions, the thrill of bidding is matched only by the satisfaction of winning a coveted item and adding it to one’s collection. Whether you’re drawn to the allure of railways, the nostalgia of memorabilia, or the rustic charm of vintage relics, Manshed Auctions invites you to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. With each auction, a new adventure awaits, promising excitement, camaraderie, and the joy of uncovering treasures that speak to the heart.
Visit for more details - https://manshedauctions.com.au/
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