#vine x elm
quill-pen · 1 year
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Bethel/Elm and Vine mood board attempt
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The Ace Ops!
.For the group itself, Tyrian was a very violent leader of it's first incarnation before he betrayed the group and he and grimm killed almost everyone on his team with the only survivors being Clover and Elm, the second incarnation has armored outfits that are aesthetically somewhere in-between super sentai and space marines and are the group we encounter in the main series
As for member specific stuff
.I'd get rid of Elm's random bursts of aggression like when she tried to punch Ren, they never really gelled with the rest of her character, she instead can come off as just tired especially after clover "dies"
.Marrow has his name changed to Marine, his semblance (which I always hated) is swapped out for making Pools of water that he can control and can make facsimiles of anything they reflect, and his weapon would get a (pending) rename
.Vine is a bit mentor to Ren and even teaches him some aura stretching and a his team and Ren are shown mourning him
.Harriet not following orders lead to the events that got Tortuga (someone she was quite close with) killed and that's why she's is the way she is, she also has a very... unfortunate crush on Robyn that she's annoyed at herself for having and Robyn realizing that and actually flirting with her is NOT HELPING. She also new weapons that are lightning dust powered sickles instead of her fighting style just... being bootleg The Flash
.Clover seems to never take his helmet off, when Qrow gets close enough to him he tells him he deserves to know and... yep Clover has Sliver eyes, after Tyrian stabs him the next time he wakes up is a living nightmare inside The Hound, Ruby barely gets him out of that thing alive, he reluctantly joins team Ruby's faction, helps get Qrow out of jail and him and the rest of remaining Ace Ops get to group hug!
(when they get to Volume 10 he starts carrying around a badge of Qrow's emblem that he use screw over people he doesn't like lol)
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howlingday · 4 months
Another devilartemis cell vs x men 97
Rwby crossover
RWBY '97
Cinder: For the last time, this is a Grimm implant! GRIMM! IMPLANT! How would you feel if I said you were a fucking air fryer, huh?
Jaune: Uh, I think he's talking about those guys.
Cinder: Who?
Ace-Ops: (Exist)
Cinder: Great! Another team of overinflated egos in spandex! Terrific! Okay, who's the one with the most trauma? Show of hands. Is it you?
Marrow: ???
Cinder: It's gotta be you. (Points to Vine) You're definitely on something. Nobody would purposefully be bald unless were high off something. Definitely scream "I'm not fit for anything BUT active duty".
Harriet: You talk way too damn much! (Rushes Atlesian Knight)
Jaune: So, what, did the robots become racist all of a sudden?
Clover: Well, actually... Well, yeah. The fugitive Arthur Watts hacked into our system and tampered with their coding. Now, they hunt down anyone that doesn't have human aura, including our own teammate, Marrow.
Jaune: (Staring at Elm's ass) ...I'm sorry, what? I missed, like, 90% of that.
Knight: (Head spins off)
Harriet: (Soccer juggling it) Problem solved!
Cinder: Not impressed. I could do that, too.
Cinder: What the fuck?!
Clover: Yeah, racist robots weren't what I'd expect, either.
Qrow: Well, well, somebody better hang onto that non-existent budge! Are you telling me Clover has decent lines for once?! And I ain't just talking about his... dialogue~.
Cinder: Fucking hell- There's more of you?
Clover: He's not one of us.
Qrow: Y'know, Clovey, you'd think with all these AUs, somebody would've cared enough to give you an actual character.
Clover: (Readies Kingfisher)
Qrow: Oh, right, right, the part where you pick a fight with me... Yeah, because that worked so well last time. Doubt even [tumblr] could write our fight any worse. But you know who does have good writing?
Qrow: DevilArtemis! Yup! And by clicking that little link just above here, you can go support him on Patreon! That's right! This isn't a sponsorship! It's just an unpaid plug-in~!
Qrow: Click that link and maybe Clover will stop being such a dick! And just stick to having one, am I right?
Qrow: (Girlish scream, Chased off-screen)
Jaune: ...Do you think that Patreon plug was subtle enough?
Cinder: Fuck no!
Jaune: Shit! Plan B, Cinder!
Cinder: (Puts on straw hat, Dancing)
Jaune: (Plays banjo)
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Just watched this and man, with this actual solid contrast, I’ve gotta be honest. I MIGHT still ship Milkvan. Like at least a LITTLE bit more. Or be torn, like-
Because it actually feels climactic. It culminates in a series of flashbacks in their relationship, Like they did with Elm@x. It didn’t seem to take too much time away from her fighting even and it was shortened enough that it totally could still include some of his reasoning like “I’m sorry I don’t say it more, I was scared saying how I feel would make losing you hurt more”. Boom. Done.
In this version it shows their moments and that were theirs by choice. The ones ABOUT their relationship. In this version it shows his speech as distinctly what motivated her. We remembered just fine that Max was endangered, so this makes it look like he helped save her rather than him motivating her then the final push being her hearing Max choking.
It’s good. And most of all, they’ve done it before. Long speech in a climactic moment that didn’t feel like distracting or counterproductive (2x08). Supporting a major moment with memories of love via flashback (4x09-El and Max).
And you can totally still intercut all the other characters across the globe helping like they did as it culminates in this one moment. Cut between them and then back to her intercutting as she releases her own vines then the big moment with Vecna. It works! If you want to keep Max, you can even show her further motivating El after the vines have already started to loosen to cement the initial inciter being Mike.
Most of what I see of GA is that they feel like they were supposed to feel something in this scene so they take the idea of the failed goal and use that for their predictions. But it is an entirely different prediction if you’re working under the assumption that they succeeded. 
They know they didn’t write this. And they know how to write this. We know how to write this. And they’ve even done it before! This was purposeful. 
Honestly, even just ONE of those memories in the flashbacks instead of the meeting one to personalize it more would have made it.
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maliciouslove · 1 year
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SFW—fantasy AU, aged up characters (21+)
pairing //fairy!bakugo x reader
summary // a story about a stubborn fairy born from laughter, refusing to abide by fairy law and instead adventuring into the world to find its maker.
word count // 1.2k
tags // fantasy AU, fairies, platonic love, platonic soulmates
AN // some flower language background you may need
daffodils: symbolize rebirth and new beginnings, bloom in spring, usually in april orange tulips: symbolize understanding and appreciation between two people, being spiritually and physically connected to someone
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The sound of raindrops on flower petals, the smell of daffodils in spring and the promise of new beginnings—rebirth. Vermillion eyes open for the first time, the faint sound of laughter echoing over the rainfall. 
A tiny figure rises from inside the blooming yellow flower, sleek golden wings engraved with shimmering patters like moving vines shake off the remnants of slumber and spread wide on the fairy child’s back, full of life and eager to explore. 
In the haze of feelings being born and searching for memories that have yet to be created, crimson eyes gaze into the sky above—a rainbow forming in the clearing sky as the rain dies down and makes way for the fire in his heart to light up. 
Katsuki is the name this flame fairy was given by the unnamed gods, born with fiery determination and unquenching, burning desire in his soul. From the moment his eyes open and he takes in the world, takes his very first breath of air—hundreds, millions of questions bloom inside his mind, making him eager, impatient even to find his answers. 
Normally, flame spirits are mischievous, they bring warmth to those who need it, but they can also set forests ablaze, burning down what stands in their way and defies them. Flame fae are temperamental, never staying in one place for long, their mood as volatile as the fire in their hearts. But all fae folk are born with purpose—they are born from laughter and they fulfill a role, upholding the laws of nature and providing the world with magic that the humans cannot perceive. 
Fairies bring rain after long droughts, then turn it into frost—a single touch of theirs makes flowers bloom each morning, their songs replacing the sun with the moon. From the moment their wings flutter and their eyes take in the world, they know what they must do and they diligently do their work each day. Such is fairy law. 
Yet Katsuki denied these laws—his only purpose being to answer the one question that burns the brightest in his mind, to quench his ever burning desire to meet his maker. To find the person who’s light and gleeful laughter he heard as he took his first breath of life that faithful spring day. He needed to understand what made him who he is, to observe this magic bestowed onto humans to be able to give life to his kind. 
So letting go of his responsibilities, against the better judgment of his elder spirits, he sets out on his own adventure, following his own blazing path as he searches for answers. Through forests and meadows, taking shelter from the rain under amanita mushrooms in the forest and using elm tree leaves as makeshift umbrellas, he kept marching forward, directionless but with strong resolve. 
No matter how many times the sun and moon take each other’s place, no matter how much the stars plead him to stop—his ruby eyes only look forward and his golden wings carry him high. Sharing burrows and seeds with field mice, asking sparrows for directions and following butterflies to patches of flowers that he could use as beds at night. 
Katsuki has long since forgotten how much time had passed, how long he had been searching—not knowing how far he had even gone. But that would not stop him, uncertainty would not extinguish the fire burning in his eyes as he sets out each morning to search for that which he had not yet met. So full of hope and desire, he flies up to an orange tulip at sundown, appreciating the flower under him mimicking the sky above in fiery shades of orange—tinges of pink at the tips. 
He curls up inside the flower, settling on the soft petals and being careful not to harm the stamen inside. The fragrance of the flower calms him, gently coaxing him to sleep and bringing pleasant dreams to the fae. In his dream he’s wandering amidst flower fields, chasing that laughter again—the sound as sweet as he remembered it, full of life and joy. 
The melody of it guiding him home. 
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Katsuki is abruptly woken by the rustling of leaves nearby, a somehow familiar tune being hummed as his own flower bed trembles and he feels the world shifting under his feet. Poking his head above the flower petals it becomes clear to him the tulip he was using as shelter was picked and placed in a basket amongst other tulips, all in shades of red, orange and yellow. 
He turns his head and is met with eyes he’s seen before, in his dreams—eyes full of promise and adoration, eyes that reflected his love back at him. These human eyes should not be able to perceive him as he was a fairy, born of magic that has always been beyond the grasp of humans.
Yet he was sure that you could see him—taking in his tiny frame, carefully memorizing every detail of his outfit made from leaves bound together by corn silk, inspecting closely the features on his face. Your eyes sparkle with curiosity and innocence, the most beautiful smile he had ever seen adorning your features.
From the moment his eyes met yours, his purpose became clear to him. His long search is finally over—fate had brought him to his final destination, for these magical eyes could only belong to his maker. 
From inside his flower he waves shyly and is greeted back with the most delightful giggle, just like he remembers it. The sugar laced melody of your voice brings tears to his eyes as the fire inside his heart no longer rages violently, untamed, but calmly spreads from his chest to the tips of his fingers that reach for you. 
Your hand stretches out to him, slowly and carefully as if he might get scared and run—index finger making contact with his tiny hands in a makeshift handshake. To him your smile was brighter than the sun, drinking in your voice as you introduce yourself to the tiny fae, asking questions that he could not answer as his voice could not reach your ears. 
But even so, he gestured animatedly, smiling and flying around, using his body and his surroundings to do his best to answer you—to communicate with you.
“What brings you here?” you ask, hands placed in your lap as you sit on the grass amongst a field of flowers—your beauty overshadowing that of the tulips. 
Katsuki’s wings flutter to life and like a golden ribbon of light he circles you, stopping in front of your chest and placing his little hand over your heart. Though there were no words spoken, you understood he was here for you, and you could feel that unspoken and unseen bond between you. 
The feeling of familiarity seeped in your skin and bones, soaking through to your heart and soul and giving you the ability to see colors and beauty where you had not seen it before. The small frame of the golden fae rests in the palm of your hand now, and you can understand him—with every fiber of your being you understand that this magical being is woven from the same thread you are. 
Therefore the next words that roll off your tongue in a whisper feel natural and ring true:
“Welcome home”
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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ask meme - renora, elm x vine, frostbite
ask meme
Long post ahead
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Get my boy Ren away from that white bitch, she does not deserve him. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE REN FOR THE BULLSHIT SHE PUT HIM THROUGH.
This ship is another one that Canon made me DESPISE it, and by extension Nora. I'm sorry, but I was fucking seething at the way she treated him. Nora didn't give a shit that Ren was stressed out about their situation (rightfully so), instead of listening to his worries she kissed him without consent, when he got justifiably angry with the crew, she joined the rest of them white bitches and made him out to be the VILLAIN when he came in to check on her.
Hello? Nora, Ren just got through hell, being slammed through rocks, dragged across the tundra trying to save Oscar, had to save Jaune and Yang's useless asses, got shit on by Yang for being frustrated, met the devil and barely survived an explosion, and you still think he was being irrational?? And it's his fault that your relationship deteriorate??? Bitch, have some fucking self awareness.
I legit have no love for Nora or the ship anymore. Sign this petition to get Ren better friends, God bless 🙏
Elm x Vine
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Jesus Christ, were these two done wrong.
I wanted to see more of them to be honest, but both Elm and Vine were victims of RT's racism, so sadly we have shit for them. I wanted them to be on screen more damn it, I know these two are married!!
But overall, it's the same with any Clover ships. They're cute, but nothing more because these guys don't got shit to them.
Frostbite (Adam x Weiss)
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Fuck you RT, they are fucking foils to each other and if you would let them meet, your show would've worth something FUCK YOU GIVE THEM TO ME SOBS
Adam and Weiss should have met, and they should've kicked Jacques' ass together. Weiss should have been confronted with the sin of her family's legacy, and Adam should have been able to have his pain be fuckimg recognized. WE DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS.
They were hurt by the same name, by the same man, and lost a part of themselves that they will never physically or mentally get back. These two have so much narrative foil to each other, and I will never be happy again thinking about what canon did to this potential. FUCK YOU RT.
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s1r3ns-c4ll · 1 year
Request Rules/Who I Write For/Masterlist Link
 Hello hello! the name’s Siren and here’s the post where you can see what you can request, who I write for, and eventually a masterlist as I start putting up requests and my own little writing blurbs! You’ll Find all my Hogwarts Legacy and RWBY fics on the masterlists and the tags #Siren HL and #Siren RWBY
Hogwarts Legacy RWBY (Coming Soon)
Fandoms I Write For (Might Expand Eventually):
Hogwarts Legacy
What I’ll Write:
x Reader (GN will be the default if not specified, but I will write fem/masc reader focus if requested!)
Non-Explicit Mature Themes (teasing explicit themes, but not actual smut will be written)
Fluff ( I love fluff with all my heart ;) )
What I WON’T Write:
Works glorifying S/A themes
Rape/Non-Con themes
Abusive themes (I can elude to pat experiences but will never explicitly write works with abuse being the focus)
Illegal age gaps
Hateful content that paints another character in bad light (ex: “Can you write something where [sweet character] does [bad thing] to [sweet character] and reader helps them through it?”)
Extremely dark themes
Hogwarts Legacy Characters:
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Samantha Dale
Imelda Reyes
Anne Sallow
Garreth Weasley
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Note: I’d love to write for every Hogwarts Legacy character! But on Tumblr, there is a heavy focus on Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth (Mainly the two Slytherin). So I don’t discourage requesting them, but please do send requests for our lovely women in the game :)
RWBY Characters:
Team RWBY:
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Team JNPR:
Jaune Arc
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Lie Ren
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarletina
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Team SSSN(N)
Sun Wukong
Scarlet David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Nolan Porfirio
Atlas ACE-OPs
Clover Ebi
Marrow Amin
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Elm Ederne
Winter Schnee
Emerald Sustrai
Penny Polendina
Ilia Amitola
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courtclover · 2 years
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@eiiskonigin​ sent:  9, 10, 16, 17  [ SHIPPING QUESTIONS ]
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what do you think about crossover ships?  would you play any?  
I don’t mind doing crossovers anything, just as long as it’s from a series I know and recognize or that I am interested in. I honestly would do a crossover ship, but you know it has to have chemistry between mun and muses.  
what do you think about poly ships? would you play any?
I actually really enjoy poly ships! I actually want more because I’m selfish 🥺👉👈 I lowkey ship clover x qrow x winter and clover x winter x robyn and ironcharms so you know 👀
what’s your NOTP when it comes to your muse?
Any ship with the main cast of kiddos or Penny, Mercury, Cinder, Emerald etc. Clover is middle age. I’m not shipping him with anybody in the 15-23 age range. 
what’s your BROTP when it comes to your muse?
Elm Everdeen and Clover Ebi are best buds for life and you can’t take this away from me. They are gym bros. Clover is Elm’s spotter on the bench press. Clover spoke at Elm’s and Vine’s wedding. Elm saw the attraction between Clover and Qrow from miles away and was the first on the team teasing Clover about it. They are best buds for life. I will die on this hill. 
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scorchedpoet · 4 years
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https://www.deviantart.com/trash-muffin is amazing and i am always so happy with the work they do!!! (They have amazing YCHS!!)
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
Ship Ask: Vine x Elm
Who would wake up first?: Surprisingly, its Elm. She wants to get her morning workout and power breakfast ready.
Do they have nicknames for each other?: They don’t, but Marrow and Harriet jokingly call them “The Newly Weds” because of how they are partners inside Ace-Ops.
How do they apologize after an argument?: Elm is stubborn. It takes someone like Clover or Ironwood to coax an apology out of her. Vine is pretty good with apologies. He gets a guilty conscious easily.
What would they be like as parents?: Pretty good parents. Elm wants their kid to be physically strong, but also emotionally content so lets them play and socialize freely. While Vine is more the tutor parent, going over studying and spiritualism with their kid.
Who is more romantic?: Elm. She’s got a lot of big feelings and due to her size she’ll scoop up Vine into her big muscular arms.
Where do they go on vacations?: I would assume that they don’t get too much time off, but I think that they would probably go to Argus
Who gets jealous easiest?: Elm. She doesn’t get jealous at Harriet, more gets jealous at anyone fawning over Vine for saving them.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas?: Vine. He’s a religious minority in Atlas, so its nice to have Elm to share his traditions with.
Who is the most adventurous?: Vine actually. Though its more he has a blase attitude to trying something new. “Oh you wanna go to this town just to taste a particular food? Okay.”
Who is the most protective?: Elm
What was their wedding like?: It was a military wedding. They had all the troops present to witness it. Elm had opted wear a dress ONLY IF she could wear her jacket over shoulders. Vine was dressed in ceremonial robes instead of a suit. And to show his support, Clover was wearing similar attire.
Who uses all the hot water?: They actually shower together. Got a big tub.
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking?: Elm but its mainly because she gets so hungry she forgot to turn on the fan over the stove.
Who initiates sexy times the most?: Elm.
Who is more dominant?: Elm. No question. Vine really likes being under her thighs.
What would they do if the other one was hurt?: Vine wraps Elm in protective vines to shield her from any damage. While Elm get pissed and smash your head open.
Who gives nose/forehead kisses?: Vine. He’s got a few inches over Elm, and he’s gonna use it.
What their biggest fight was/will be about?: Elm wants a rematch against Blake and Yang and Vine has to get her to call down on how she seems ready murder children.
What is the song that summarizes them best?: The Night Is Still Young by Nicki Minaj
A headcanon?: The reason they’re the only pair in Ace-Ops is because they were teammates back in Atlas Academy (Team name could be anything: Team VINE, Team IVRE, Team IVYE, etc), and due to not being too close with the other members of Ac-Ops, Elm and Vine grew an even deeper bond as they realized how far they’ve made it together.
Ask me more
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(*recylced from an old rwby wiki post I made*)
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Hunter Drones AU: Does Winter have a thing for Jaune or not? Do want to know if Yang's jealousy is justified or not.
Hunter Drones IV
Harriet: Hello, Winter.
Elm: Winter, how are you?
Winter: Specialists.
Elm: Relax, Winter, we're off duty. You can ease up a little.
Winter: My apologies, its hard to take off the mask when I'm around you.
Elm: We know, gotta keep up that military discipline in front of the troops!
Winter: Mostly for, Armin, he tends to lax off when you take your eyes off of him. Honestly, when I meat all of you I thought, Harriet would be the slacker among you.
Harriet: Hey.
Elm: It's that tomboy charm of hers. I remember when, Harriet first joined, Clover was concerned he be dealing with a lose cannon. When really, Harri's the one with a stick up her butt.
Harriet: Hey!
Winter: Really, With, Ebi's rather relaxed demeanor I thought he wouldn't be that concerned with such a thing.
Harriet: Hey, were Specialists, the best of the best. Clover may be a bit relaxed around us, but he does run a tight ship after all.
Winter: Indeed he does.
Elm: Hey, Winter... may I ask you a personal question?
Winter: You may, but that does not mean I will answer you.
Harriet: Ha! That's a, Winter response for ya.
Elm: Wouldn't expect any less from her honestly. Okay, there's something I've ben meaning to ask; What's the deal with you and Arc?
Winter: With, Jaune?
Elm: Yeah, with Arc, what's going on between the two of you?
Winter: There is nothing going on between me and Jaune.
Harriet: Then why do you keep calling him by his first name?
Winter: W-What?
Elm: It's not, Mr. Arc, not, Dr. Arc, it's always Jaune. He's the only guy I've ever heard you refer to them by their first name. So... you sure there's nothing going on between the two of you?
Winter: H-Have I always been referring to him by his first name...?
Harriet: Oh my gosh! You didn't even know?!
Winter: N-No! I haven't! I... Uhhh...
Elm: So there is something going on!
Winter: Maybe, I don't know! B-Besides, just because I call him by his first name doesn't mean there is anything going on between us.
Harriet: She has a point.
Winter: See..,.?!
Harriet! However, he's also the only guy you've ever called by their first name.
Winter: H-He is?
Elm: As far as I am aware. Family doesn't count.
Harriet: So maybe there is something there, a little bud growing around there?
Winter: Absolutely not! J... Dr. Arc and I, are just colleges, nothing more!
Elm: Rigghht~! Let me ask you this then; What did you think of the blonde, Hunter Drone of his?
Winter: The blonde? I think her name was, Yang.
Harriet: Yeah, Yang. Those two seemed pretty close.
Elm: Yeah, she didn't seem to really like you. like you were encroaching on her territory. Encroaching on her, man.
Winter: What?! Jaune's not her man! Not if I have anything to say about it!
Elm: Because he's your man?
Winter: Yes! No, wait!
Harriet: Ha. got ya! You do like him!
Winter: Ughh... Can we stop talking about this and talk about your love lives instead...?
Elm/Harriet: What love lives.
Winter: Oh-ho! So there isn't anything going on between you and Clover, Harriet?
Harriet: W-W-What?!
Winter: And the same with you and Vine, Elm?
Elm: Eh...?!
Winter: Okay girls: Spill it.
Elm/ Harriet: No!
Winter: Pff... Cowards...
Okay, I managed to do this all with one hand!
Took just as long to write it, as it took to colour code it...
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florafunweek2021 Day 1: Firsts/Regrets
Have some of their backstory in RWBYPirates. Elm’s an Atlesian noble named Greta Rainhart forbidden from loving Vine, a farm boy. That doesn’t stop them from sneaking out and eventually having their first kiss. They’re soon caught by Elm’s mother and after a fight involving Vine’s family and authorities, Vine is forced into the Atlas Navy so that he won’t see Elm. This backfires when the ship he works on escorts Elm on a brief noble trip. Upon returning to Atlas, Elm disappears and eventually turns up in the Navy with cropped hair and her new name, Elm Ederne. Both are placed on the Aesopica under the command of Commodore Ebi. Things change however when the ship betrays the Atlesian Navy, Admiral Ironwood, and King Ozpin, but that’s a story for another day.
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minniethemoocherda · 4 years
Petals of Love
Ren jumped off the ship after Jaune and Yang. The pair were a few steps ahead of him, formulating the best plan to track down Oscar. Behind him, he could hear the Ace Ops as they prepared their payload. The one that would detonate with them inside if they didn’t find Oscar in time.
Marrow waited anxiously from the pilot seat. Ren knew that the young faunus had been shaken by the week’s past events, but not enough to break free of Ironwood’s reign. Not yet at least. Harriet was scouring their perimeter, in an attempt to out run her anger. They all knew where they were, and nothing was going to protect them from the Grimm if they got this close. The turmoil boiling beneath Winter’s surface was expertly hidden, exuding a calm air of professionalism as she oversaw the others. Under her instructions Vine and Elm carried the payload off the ship, using a mixture of the former’s semblance and the latter’s raw strength. Once it was on the ground, the pair checked it over. Ren saw light pink petals swirl when they accidently touched hands. At the contact, Elm’s anger was able to calm and Vine’s emptiness was filled with the elation of emotions. They complimented each other perfectly, just as their semblances did. No wonder Elm had gotten so defensive when he accused them, of trying to fight how they feel about each other.
Then, as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over, and their petals swarmed back to how they were before. But Ren had already come to a decision.
“Do you remember Nora?” He asked, as he strode over to them. The looks of confusion on their faces had nothing to do with who Nora was, but rather why he was asking them about her. “She and I have been best friends since we were children. We saved each other’s lives and continued to do so ever since. It took me too long to realise, that I loved her and now I might never get the chance to tell her. So promise me, that you will not make the same mistake. That you will tell the ones that mean everything to you just how loved they are, before the opportunity is taken from you.”
Whatever they had expected him to say, it certainly hadn’t been that. Their confusion quickly turned into a flurry of emotions. If they hadn’t realised their feelings for one another before, they certainly had now.
“Ren! We have a plan. Time to go!” He heard Jaune shout. He bid them a nod of goodbye before following his teammates. Ren hoped that they would heed his words. If he did not have the chance to confess his feelings before whatever happened next, then at least he could give these two
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short-wooloo · 5 years
Why RWBY Won
There have been some people questioning Team RWBY’s victory against the ACE-OPs, claiming that they aren’t skilled enough compared to the premier team of Atlas, which is both a misunderstanding of what determines the outcome of a fight and attempts to pin it on a sole factor (interestingly enough I’ve also seen people use the same flawed line of reasoning a year ago to say that Adam should have won because he’s “strong”)
The outcomes of fights are decided by a combination of skill, experience, strength, environment, intelligence, mental state, preexisting advantages/disadvantages or weaknesses and the exploitation of such, and in cases of multiple combatants on the same side, teamwork
With this in mind it certainly may seem like ACE-OPs is more skilled, experienced, and stronger given that they’re adult graduated Hunters, who are “the best in Atlas” (are the truly the best? Or are they just the best who would not question orders?), but other than that every indication is that they have had a run of the mill schooling and experiences as Hunters, yes RWBY is technically only second or third years, but that’s just what they would be in the academies relative to their ages, Team RWBY’s experiences have been anything but ordinary, that fact is the plot of the show, they have been fighting terrorists, esoteric legendary Grimm, and facing villains with far-scoping grand plans at a young age, Team RWBY is simply not comparable to other Hunters in their age range
With that in mind we should get to the main reason RWBY won: Teamwork
Throughout the fight RWBY was very clearly working with each other, they watched each other’s backs, and aided in defeating opponents, but for ACE-OPs, there’s almost no semblance of cooperation, Marrow was reluctant to fight, Harriet was violent and aggressive, and even Elm and Vine, the ones who worked together the most during the fight were divided in approach, Elm opting for more lethal force and Vine trying to restrain while fighting together meant they were as much against themselves as they were against Bumbleby, speaking of which, it was cooperation by Blake and Yang that beat Vine then Elm, and though Ruby and Weiss weren't directly aiding each other (the nature of their opponents mean they had to keep them isolated from the larger battle), they supported and helped where they could, Ruby defending Weiss, which also lead to further division in ACE-OPs as this drew Harriet back into the office, where she and Marrow got into a spat over methods and use of force, and later Weiss bring the fight with Harriet to an end with efficiency
Next we have weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages: In this area Team RWBY very much played to their strengths with their opponents,
Ruby faced off against the speedster Harriet and thus keeping her from attacking WBY, and more importantly despite the similarities of their semblances, the functional difference of Ruby’s is that it allows her to go incorporeal and does not need solid footing on the ground to work, thus allowing Ruby to dodge and wriggle out of Harriet’s grasp, important as Harriet is a close range fighter with no discernible long-range weapon, furthermore, and this is something that I think gets missed but Ruby’s line to Harriet about how RWBY is now better is more than just a justified boast, its psychological tactics, Harriet is competitive, she needs to win, and Ruby played to that, by taunting Harriet, Ruby got into Harriet’s head, threw her off balance, Ruby distracted Harriet from the larger fight (which Harriet could have been a major influencing factor on the outcome if she just worked with her teammates), by goading her into a personal grudge, Ruby targeted Harriet’s focus and made her get caught up in something personal, oh the irony
Yang squaring up against the heavy-hitter Elm, as she is not only the toughest of RWBY and therefore can take more/harder hits, but she has semblance that specifically requires taking hits as a power up, that and Yang nullified the advantage of Elm’s semblance by exploiting its logical weakness of requiring solid ground
Blake took on Vine, and honestly, he was probably the most screwed over in his opponent, we still don’t know what Vine’s weapon (if he has one) is, and his semblance works by stretching out and grabbing things, which isn’t so useful against an opponent with a weapon and style that not only works at different ranges, but alternates and switches between them rapidly during combat, and Blake’s semblance is perfect for the fight, as in practice it works as short range teleportation whilst not immediately indicating where Blake has gone, and the semi-solid nature of Blake’s shadows makes for excellent distraction/bait against someone who’s fighting style is based on grasping/catching enemies
And finally we have Weiss and Marrow, like with Vine, the logical weakness of Marrow’s semblance was exploited, Weiss kept herself and her summon separate, depriving Marrow of his ability to end the fight quickly as he can only freeze those in his line of site (side note: good on Team RWBY for quickly getting away from Marrow and therefore keeping him from affecting the rest of the battle), any time Marrow froze one he was opened to attack from the other, eventually he was overwhelmed
And there’s one more reason why I’d like to add for why RWBY won: willingness to use violence
Now what I mean by this is that RWBY was on the same page on what they would do to win, they aimed to incapacitate, not hurt, half of ACE-OPs was committed and willing to use lethal force, 1/4 was trying not to hurt, but clearly wasn’t afraid to do so if it came to it, and only poor Marrow seemed to have any real opposition to lethal means,
What is it that makes this important?  Creativity and ingenuity
As I recall reading at some point, what makes superheroes who do not kill or are not willing to kill outside of extreme circumstances better fighters than heroes that are willing to kill/villains, is frankly that humans (and in this case Faunus since the anatomy is almost the same) are remarkably easy to kill, maim, and damge, heroes who do not kill have to be careful and creative to non-lethally incapacitate their opponents, particularly if the heroes have superpowers and they’re against normal humans, thus the need to be smart and efficient at problem-solving, as opposed to lethal force which is easy to implement and does not require much brainpower to use, therefore RWBY did more than physically beat ACE-OPs, they beat them in the mind as well
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call-me-flicky · 5 years
please unmute, thank you. (1)
is vine okay
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