#vincenzo ep 17 spoilers
twilightofthejedi · 3 years
fic: lost in your current like a priceless wine
written for @ahenix !!
thank you sm @trynatalktou for the beta work!
read on ao3: here
“Or we could just share the bed,” she ventures. his gaze snaps to hers, incredulous. She barrels on hurriedly. “It’s big enough for the both of us, anyways.”
in ep 17, what if chayenzo decided to spend the night in the hotel room after they plotted? and then there was only one bed??
set during episode 17
Cha-young closes the laptop with finality, heading to the table where the tray of food had been set out. She pours a drink into two glasses, and hands one over to Vincenzo where he stands by the large glass window. He smiles, taking the drink from her hand. She leans against the wall, and lifts her brows at him.
“What now?”
“Now we try to get some rest.” He pushes off the wall, and she follows suit. “It’s already late, and we need to be up early tomorrow to see the fruits of our labors.” He grins at her at this, boyish with his enthusiasm.
“All right. If you hand me my room key, I’ll leave first, Mr. Cassano.”
He blinks at her. She frowns at him.
“You didn’t get another room?”
“No. Should I go and get it? I’ll be right back.” He makes to move for the door.
She thinks fast.
“No it’s fine. There are so many couches here anyways. I’ll just make myself comfortable on one of them.”
He looks pained. “No, no it’s fine. I’ll go down and book another room.”
She tries to play it off nonchalantly. “Yah, does money grow on trees for you? I said it’s fine, right? Typical mafia, flaunting how rich you are…”
“All right, all right. Just don’t put your feet up on the coffee table with your shoes on,” he says hurriedly.
Just to be contrary, she sashays over to the couch, not missing how his breath hitches. She flounces on the couch ungracefully, and kicks up her heels-clad feet on the low coffee table, groaning at the relief it brings to be off her feet. Smirking, she looks over at Vincenzo, who looks like he isn’t breathing.
“What was it that you said?” she asks loudly. He tears his hand through his elegantly styled hair, and she is suddenly seized by the desire to do it herself. To know exactly how the strands of his hair would feel through her fingers.
Focus, Cha-young. You’re supposed to be making him lose his mind, not yours.
He doesn’t seem to notice her racing heartbeat, however. Marching over to her, he takes a hold of her feet and removes her heels, his hands impossibly gentle. Then, he stands abruptly.
“I’m going to wash up. I’ll be done soon,” he says, and she thinks that if all it took to unsettle Vincenzo Cassano was to put her feet up on a coffee table, she would have done it a long time ago.
When he finally emerges, his hair is wet and plastered to his forehead, and all she can think is oh shit.
“You can go ahead, Ms. Hong. I’ll get some blankets for you out of the closet,” he says, and oh, his voice should not be that smooth. She nods, and hopes it doesn’t look like she’s fleeing when she hightails it to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, she steps out, clouds of steam at her feet. He is running a towel through his hair, and she has to look away, because the simple act of him drying his own hair should not be this attractive to her. She finds a water bottle and takes a long drink from it, her throat suddenly dry.
He seems to realize that she has come out of the bathroom.
“Ms. Hong, I can take the couch, don’t worry - you can have the bed.” She looks towards the couch, and sure enough, his shoes are neatly arranged in front of it. This is patently unfair, of course. He’s paying for the extravagant hotel room; he should be allowed to at least sleep on the bed.
From middle school, to law school, to her internship and partnership at a firm, Cha-young has been known for her ability to think fast on her feet. It is, after all, what allowed her to win trial after trial, to the point in which she had secured a position at Wusang, a prestigious firm, at such a young age. She prides herself on this ability.
It comes especially in handy now.
“Or we could just share the bed,” she ventures. his gaze snaps to hers, incredulous. She barrels on hurriedly. “It’s big enough for the both of us, anyways.”
He nods slowly.
“Yes, you’re right. I’ll take this side.” He moves to the side closer to him, and she stares at him, unable to believe her own luck. She unwinds her hair from the twist on the top of her head, and catches him watching her. He quickly looks away, cheeks reddening.
She smiles to herself. Still got it, Hong.
He climbs gingerly underneath the covers, and she follows suit, but with considerably less grace.
They lay there in silence for a few minutes, the only light originating from the Seoul night outside. She is acutely aware of every particle of her body, and every centimeter of distance between them.
Much to her relief, Vincenzo speaks first.
“I never thanked you.”
“For what?” For once, her customary brashness has abandoned her. Maybe it’s something about the unfamiliar environment, or the lambent light gilding his face in soft light. Or maybe it’s the quiet vulnerability in his voice, as he stares up at the smooth plaster of the ceiling, determinedly not looking at her. She props herself up on one elbow, and turns towards him.
“For staying with my mother that day. And then staying with me afterwards. I never thanked you.”
She is taken back momentarily.
“Why would you need to thank me?”
“You didn’t need to do that. That went beyond the professional limits of our partnership.” She suppresses the urge to roll her eyes, but suspects that if she did that, he would take it as some sort of rejection, which she has no desire to do. She decides to be delicate, for once in her life. Her father is probably gaping in heaven. Cha-young being considerate of someone’s feelings? I never thought I would see the day!
“I think, Mr. Cassano, that we’ve gone well beyond the limits of a professional partnership,” she begins carefully. He goes rigid, and turns to face her, mirroring her position.
“Either way, I greatly appreciated your support. I don’t think I could have gotten through it without you.” Despite his words, his tone is stiff, formal.
Cha-young has known Vincenzo long enough to know when he is holding something back. Still, she won’t push him.
“Of course. I wouldn’t have dreamed of leaving you to face it alone.” Light, unweighted words. Cha-young still remembers the hushed hours of the funeral, how he had stood, head bowed, in his suit with the three stripes on the arm. She hadn’t known what to say, what to do, so she had simply stood there with him, a silent vigil to the maelstrom of his grief.
He inhales a shuddering breath, his eyes fluttering closed. “How did you do it, Cha-young-ah?” She is so (pleasantly) shocked at him dropping the honorific that she is rendered completely speechless.
“Do what?”
“How did you go on? I’ve tried to shut out my mind and keep moving, and I’ve tried to keep busy, but then my mind gets quiet and I don’t know what to do. So how did you do it?”
Outside, rain gently hits the glass of the window, and she looks at him, really looks at him for the first time since she had settled under the covers. He always looks handsome, but now he looks almost liquid in the moonlight slanting in through the hastily drawn curtains. His eyes look like storms, shadows whirling around themselves in the dark expanses of his irises, his pupils blown out.
She thinks, rather foolishly, that she wants to kiss him.
“I gave myself a purpose, remember? I vowed revenge, and I didn’t allow myself to stop.” She flops back on her back. “So as far as dealing with grief, I don’t think I can give you good advice. I’m barely dealing with it as it is.” The rain outside picks up, and she huffs a laugh. They’re really two broken people aren’t they? She can’t even offer him any advice, because she is exactly the same as him in that regard.
“So I guess don’t let yourself stop. We’ll figure out what comes next after we’re done doing everything that needs to be done.” She feels bold, all of a sudden. “And we’ll figure it out together. Because I don’t know, either.”
His hand suddenly reaches out, and takes hers. Her entire body feels like it's running through hot water, and she squeezes his hand back.
“That sounds like a good idea. Excellent plan, Ms. Hong. You truly do belong in the mafia,” he says, but his voice is thick.
She laughs, and he smiles, pleased, looking down at their entwined hands. And suddenly, just like that, Cha-young can not wait anymore. The world that they both live in is far too dangerous for her to deny her own feelings any longer. She has enough regrets in her life that she doesn’t want to add to them. She will never be able to live with herself if she doesn’t act now, so she does.
As simple as that.
She leans down, moving her free hand to curl around his neck, and kisses him. He doesn’t hesitate like he did in the gallery, and pulls her into him, and she sinks into the warmth of his chest. He kisses her back and it’s everything that she has ever wanted. If she thought that the kiss in the gallery was amazing, this is simply heady. She thinks that she could get drunk on the feeling, the feeling of his mouth moving against hers, and the sure, steady warmth of him underneath her body.
When she pulls away, his face is soft, and he reaches up to run his thumb over her lips. She runs her fingers through the outrageously soft strands of his hair, and smooths it away from his face.
The rain has slowed down to a gentle backdrop at this moment - this moment that seems to be frozen in time. She leans down to press a kiss to his jaw.
“Go to sleep, jagiya,” she says, daring to call him the word that she has wanted to call him since he lost the bet about the bungeoppang. He smiles at her, slow and luminous, and turns around, his back to her.
She settles behind him, and reaches forward to wrap her arms around him, and press her lips to the nape of his neck. He sighs contentedly, and she can feel it in his chest.
The rain patters on, and Cha-young can not think of a better way to go to sleep.
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literaryfic · 3 years
i’m SURE han seo decided to side with vincenzo and is helping him. and here’s why :
in the hotel room, cha-young tells vincenzo that she’ll handle the second party. meaning, they planned for vincenzo to remove himself
when playing hockey, han seo thanks vincenzo and i don’t think this little bonding moment (with is this love playing during the accidental hug) was meant to make the betrayal hurt more. i think it signifies han seo’s loyalty to vinny.
when han-seo’s drinking alone and swiping between vincenzo’s and han-seo’s pictures asking himself who will come out on top, he’s clearly trying to decide who he should side with : vincenzo or his brother.
when vincenzo picks up the phone and han-seo says “we need to talk”, vincenzo’s eyes look too serious/alerted for him not to know something’s up
when they’re surrounded by interpol, they look at each other and it’s a little sus if you ask me
WHY would han seo shoot vincenzo at this point. he’s not good with a gun, he’s missed when trying to kill his brother before, and also interpol is right there, why risk killing someone in front of others when he’s surrounded? makes no sense
UNLESS, it’s all part of a ploy so vincenzo can fake his death and work from the shadows to destroy babel once and for all (and be reborn as park juhyung and live happily ever after with cha-young and geugma plazza family)
it also get interpol off his case so he’s not a wanted man anymore
also, i don’t think han seo saying his gun is empty was a lie lol
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jeonggu · 3 years
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kaorusan241 · 3 years
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No context Vincenzo spoilers
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babykiwistuff · 3 years
People be forgetting the spoiler our dearest Luca gave us a week ago.
Now I understand why TVN's MAD back then. If we didn't know that Vinnie's going to be alright, tonight's cliffhanger will be the biggest one so far but alas, we're spoiled 😂
But I wonder how things will go from here, to me it looks like Vinnie and Han Seo planned the whole thing to fake his death, but idk about Luca coming to Korea and that spoiler where Cha Young & Vinnie picks him up from the airport. Idk what's going to happen tomorrow but whatever it will be, I hope Han Seo will still be our beloved himbo till the end of the series! 🐥💕
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junebright0 · 3 years
Dude Han Seok doesnt believe him for a second.
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i-am-adlocked · 3 years
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undisclosedmemoirs · 3 years
Vincenzo parallels
While i’m still processing ep. 19, I’m going to make a list of the parallels this series has fed us with like I said I would (bc omg are they satisfying and I need you lovely souls to make GIFs out of them pretty please, tho I have seen a couple of them roaming around already, ily guys).
Some of them were pointed out by you guys during this last couple of weeks and I apologize but I have the memory of a fish when I’m sleepy and just woke up, so please do tag yourselves!! If I missed any, which will probably happen because I was dumb and didn’t notice it, please feel free to add them, I will be eternally grateful ^_^ This might be a long post so bear with me or just scroll past it, it is your right and I will like you the same (Clown Town 4ever <3).
I just want to say that i am doing this because i got genuinely motivated by all of you. All of you amazing contributors deserve the world for making this experience as enjoyable as it was for me. To all of you who interacted with me throughout these past 2 months, thank you so much!
1. Ep. 1 – The tenants are behind Lawyer Hong Yu Chan against Vincenzo while he is introducing himself // Ep. 19 – The tenants are behind Vincenzo with him against Chief Kim while Mr. Cho is telling them who he is (the development folks).
2. Ep. 1 – “ASPETTATE” Vincenzo saves Cha Young and hangs Park Seok Do out the window warning him that if he drops head first he might die // Ep. 18 – He saves her too, only this time he throws wifey’s aggressor headfirst out the window. He defenestrated him (@dionideatta ily for making me discover this word).
3. Ep. 2 – Chayenzo’s first conversation: They just met and she is already suspicious of him, she is the one who wants to know what he is up to. Ends up messing up her triumphant leave by getting the direction wrong. // Ep. 19 – On the same spot, Vincenzo is the one in jealous mode wondering where the heck wifey is going without him and unconsciously follows her. She tells him the direction to his house “You need to go that way to go home hubby” (This parallel ended me).
4. Ep. 2 – Myung Hee and Han are drinking together. Han offers her to work with him and get behind Babel which will be the most powerful company out there // Ep.19 – Myung Hee tells Han that’s where their partnership started and that is where it is going to end since that will be their last drink together. (The bad guys have parallels too).
5. Ep. 3 – The Chayenzo balcony conversation “You know Booralro?” // Ep. 19 – “I was glad to meet someone who recognized a Booralro suit that day” (The blatant flirting right in front of my breakfast).
6. Ep. 3– Hong Yu Chan telling Vincenzo he needs a monster to defeat Babel // Ep. 19– Vincenzo tells Cha Young it’s okay for her to backoff now because they are about to become monsters. He is fulfilling what her father asked of him.
7. Ep. 4 – Cha Young calling for her father (</3) // Ep. 17 – Vincenzo calling for his mother (</3) (Wdym I’m crying again?)
8. Ep. 4– Cha Young at the cemetery mourning her father, virtually alone (psycho is not much of a comfort source) // Ep. 17 – Vincenzo at the cemetery mourning his mother and Cha Young is there for him.
9. Ep. 4 – “Promise me we will not do anything that will take other people’s lives” // Ep. 10 – “Promises can be broken out of necessity” (Nothing to add here).
11. Ep. 6– The tenants ask what will happen if they don’t get up when the judge enters the court room and Mr. Nam tells them nothing happens, so they decide to defy them, only to get right up as soon as the door opens // Ep. 19 – THEY DO NOT GET UP I LOVED THIS ONE
12. Ep. 7– Confused baby himbo and a clapping Vincenzo // Ep. 19 – Proud baby himbo clapping happily for Vincenzo (my son is growing up *sniff sniff*).
13. Ep. 10– Chayenzo angsty hug scene. Vinny hugs her with one hand // Ep. 19 – Chayoung gets shot, Han Seok looks petrified and Vinny puts his hand on the wound on her which is right where he put his hand in the tunnel when he hugged her back
14. Ep. 11– Vincenzo tells Han Seok to kneel // Ep. 19 – Vincenzo is the one kneeling on his own accord to save Cha Young.
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notquitewhump · 3 years
Vincenzo - Whumplist (Han-seo)
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Long-time lurker is here with my first list!
I saw a list for Vincenzo and was surprised not to see one for our favorite boy, Han-seo.
Spoilers for the list below. Hope you enjoy!
(I am 1000% copying layout and everything honestly from the incredible @love-me-a-lotta-whump go follow them if you haven't already, you're missing out)
Ep. 2: beaten with hockey equipment, tries to get up but is hit again,
Ep. 4: startled, stumbles back, unnerved, frantic, heavy breathing, panicked, knocked to the ground by an explosion,
Ep. 5: choked, thrown to a couch, threatened, stumbles, heavy breathing, hands on his knees, blood is thrown up onto him, is shocked,
Ep. 6: uncomfortable, identity revealed, averts gaze,
Ep. 7: backing up when brother comes near him, young Han-seo anxiously waiting outside hospital room, threatened with a fork, forced to eat a gummy bear,
Ep. 8: nervous, avoids eye contact
Ep. 9: terrified, heavy breathing, threatened, a glass thrown at his head
Ep. 10: he’s chased with a bomb, showed a picture that scared him, realizes he was being threatened, heavy breathing,
Ep. 11: uncomfortable, threatened, told he’ll be killed, terrified, heavy breathing, crying, leans against the window,
Ep. 12: terrified, crying, whimpering, heavy breathing, frantic, nervous,
Ep. 13: grabbed by the collar, told that the only reason he’s still alive is so he can take the fall for his brother,
Ep. 16: lamp is thrown at his head, he dodges it, lamp thrown again, told not to dodge it this time, forehead is bleeding, clenches his fists,
Ep. 17: thrown to the ground, there’s a bomb, stuttering, worried that the bomb is going to go off, asks if he’ll be killed when everything is over, Hanseok brings up Hanseo shooting him, at gunpoint
Ep. 18: heavy breathing, thinking he killed someone, scared, shot, anxious, nervous, shot, faints, heavy breathing, threatened, regains composure,
Ep. 19: scared, at gunpoint, cries, scared, teary-eyed, shot at, terrified, heavy breathing,
Ep. 20: sacrifices himself, dies
go check out love-me-a-lotta-whump's Vincenzo list
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lady-charinette · 3 years
- I'm holding out hope that Vincenzo f*cks up Han-seok for ordering to kill his mother but that just before he would deal the final blow, he gives the gun to Han-seo to finish him off (remember him saying he doesn't meddle in family affairs/family betrayals, this was a matter of killing his mother, but I think he'll leave the kill for Han-seo who deserves to end his brother for all the abuse)
- Why does Vin asking Cha young to stay with his mother make me feel uneasy? At first I thought Han-seok might have an ace up his sleeve and target Chat young for her connection connection Vincenzo, but he himself has feelings for her AND he never targeted her before even when she was a liability and threat
- just to up the stakes and get the story to go full circle I think Paolo will go for Cha young. He couldn't finish off Vincenzo, so he knows he is still alive and kicking. There's still an agenda there. So him flying to Korea to finish the job himself doesn't sound too far-fetched. The guy is the Mafia boss now, you think someone like him won't smell the connection/weakness Vincenzo has towards Cha young? KIDNAPPING SCENE
- the way Vincenzo just brutally ripped off/broke the killer's fingers off with his lighter *Chefs kiss*
- Vinny just bulldozing his way through numerous guards who've supposed to be trained all the while following the half dead man leading him to Han-seok's lair all the while dripping blood on the floor
- casually shooting a bullet through his head and spraying blood on Myung-hee, I love the petrified and scared look on her
- shit is about to go down
Theories for Ep. 17:
As some people already said, Cha young getting abducted after Vincenzo finishes business with Han-seok & Co. is a possibility. I wish we could see a scene where Vincenzo absolutely pulls no punches even if it is his "brother" Paolo that kidnapped Cha young ("out of respect for Fabio" is jumping out of the window quick).
Maybe a full on fighting sequence between them, depending on if/how injured Vinny is that Cha young helps him out (if she's not too injured herself, I feel like she isn't the type to be idle in these situations especially if Vincenzo is hurt/in danger unless she's strapped to a chair, but even then she would just use the chair to hit people 😂)
Han-seo killing Han-seok for all the abuse and suffering he had to endure at the hands of his brother
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lemoticon · 3 years
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[SPOILER] I'm ok... not crying and worried.
Vincenzo ep 17.
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literaryfic · 3 years
I’m 100% sure it’s all a plan by vincenzo there is NO WAY he’s dead and NO WAY han seo shot him like that
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kaorusan241 · 3 years
Okay I'm gonna live-blog my reactions to episode 17 because I won't be able to watch on time tomorrow
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obsessiveviewer · 5 years
033 - Novella/Movie - In the Tall Grass (2019)
Tower Junkies - 033 - Novella/Movie - In the Tall Grass (2019)
  In this episode, Tiny and I pull double duty as we review the King/Hill novella In the Tall Grass and its adaptation by filmmaker Vincenzo Natali.
This week’s stinger comes from our Patreon-exclusive recording: 050 - TJ B-Roll - “Heartland Prep” - Tiny’s Anniversary Plans, Matt’s Heartland Plans, and Greek Restaurants - October 9, 2019
Show Start - 00:19
News - 01:43
Check-ins - 12:15 
In the Tall Grass (Novella) - 20:40
Non-Spoiler - 22:12 
In the Tall Grass (Movie) - 32:39
Non-Spoiler - 33:19
Spoilers - 57:02 
Closing the Ep - 1:15:06
Patreon Stinger: “Heartland Prep” - 1:17:25
Pre-Recorded Outro - 1:18:08 
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Here's your first look at Stephen King's next book, If It Bleeds - EW
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The Stand TV Series Starts Production: Amber Heard Reveals 'The End' - CinemaBlend
“The Stand”: Greg Kinnear Joins CBS All Access’ Stephen King Limited Series Adapt - Bleeding Cool 
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Song of Susannah (Dark Tower VI)
Gerald’s Game
Tiny’s Top 19 King Novels
The Dark Tower (Dark Tower VII)
The Stand
The Shining
The Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower II)
The Gunslinger (Dark Tower I)
Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower IV)
The Dead Zone
Mr. Mercedes
Gerald’s Game
Pet Sematary
Wolves of the Calla (Dark Tower V)
Salem’s Lot
Under the Dome
The Waste Lands (Dark Tower III)
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junebright0 · 3 years
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