#this fandom motivated me ily guys
spideyhexx · 2 months
i don’t think the spark for writing for coryo and Billy is slipping away from me (think sometimes im like I need smth new but ive still enjoyed talking about them) but engagement obviously makes me bleh cause its been a bit low recent days so need to know if yall are still with me with coryo n billy or just in general😔think fandom dying out makes me sad and sometimes that makes it harder for motivation but still wanna write for it/am still into Tom so🤷‍♀️
am also just an over thinker fbdhhd but long as some of yall are sticking around that’s nice :) and it’ll probs be so much better when we get more tom content/his new films :)
I also don’t really want to lose my interest on them too because I’ve really enjoyed it but I don’t think it will leave me completely
think it’s just hard sometimes to not feel down about stuff like that even though I’m still enjoying the characters yk? Idk I’m fbsbfb feeling like a flop and down but we’ll push through🫶and ily guys!
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dsaf-confessions · 4 months
important announcement
okay so modred here!!! and i am about to share my total, unbiased, unfiltered and honest thoughts.
i am leaving the blog
yes yes i know i try to act unbothered by everything but its scary how everything changed so fast! did you know i was actually considering sharing my main on here because i thought this place was so chill? safe to say im glad i did not do that.
i've tried to win the idgaf war but the truth is its killing me. im fighting in the idgaf war and im losing. it feels like its been months since it started, but its not even been three weeks. just over two, im pretty sure. its not even been three weeks since i've turned 15 years old!
two days after my 15th birthday this started!! what unfortunate timing. and honestly, ive got exams in less than a month, and i've been so stressed about everything. not just exams, not just internet drama, but like a secret third thing too.
its super scary to admit im being stressed out by all of this considering that there are people whove taken pride in upsetting me and for what crime? they're old posts. i was 14 when i posted them. id apologised. id listened to advice. i'd improved. but all because one day someone decided they didn't like the blog, this entire account collapsed and so did my mental health with it it seemed.
i dont like being honest. i just like to laugh about everything. i know certain people are going to be laughing and proud that they've made me leave this blog while reading this post, and while thats the reason ive been scared to leave this whole time, they're going to do that anyway. they're going to keep hating me. so the least i could do is try to put myself first rather than try to push through it using spite as my motivator.
i know there will likely be people bragging on their accounts that they've made me leave (im aware of what people are saying). and that upsets me. i wont lie. but at the end of the day, if you find yourself being proud of making a newly turned 15 year old leave an account that they once found comfort in, then thats more of a judge of character about you than me.
its scary how people can decide that they don't like you one day and make a post ruining everything, and its scary how people can act comforting to your face and then go ahead and brag about how upset they've made you to someone else, but in the end i cannot control what people say and at the end of the day i can only control what i do and who i surround myself with and thats why im leaving.
im not leaving the discord, or the dsaf fandom at all, but i am getting far away from this blog and blocking everyone who hates me because thats all i can do. all i can request is that if you know who i am, keep it secret. and if you somehow find me, please dont try to talk to me.
i think i'll just talk with my friends and post my silly little art and things without becoming a known name. its the only way to exist in fandom i think.
but wait! this blog wont die!
you see, as you were reading this post with tears in your eyes, i had secretly been assigning not just one, but two new admins for the blog! i trust them to keep it running, but also if you guys treat them terribly i give them full permission to delete this entire account. they need to put themselves first too.
so, my last words to the dsaf confessions blog?
change da world. my final message. goodbye. /ref
uhh just kidding!! final message is: if you dont like this blog, block it. if you dont like me, then we'll leave this here and forget this drama ever happened. dont try to make my past mistakes these guys problems. as soon as i hit post im leaving this blog, so any hate you try to send towards me will not go through to me. you wont even be screaming into the void either, just at some innocent people.
thats all i have to say. ily all!!! /p
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Hey guys!
It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? 😅 I haven’t been very active on here and here’s what’s been going on:
I’ve moved (still in the process) and I’ll be moving again sometime in the near future. It’s a long story but that’s been taking up a lot of my time (also recently went on a lil vacay so that was nice). With that a lot of other aspects of my life has changed and it’s all just been one big adjustment. I feel like my time management skills aren’t enough for me to balance it all and therefore I’ve been slacking on here
Unfortunately my motivation has also taken a hit. I’m finding it hard to sit down and write like I used to and it literally feels like permanent writers block when I do get the chance 😭 I know you guys want to see some more stuff and as of right now I have a list of wips that I’ll complete and publish, but outside of these is to be decided as time passes:
1. The Ralak series
2. Neteyams First Rut Chapter 8
3. Behind the Facade Part 2
4. Little Secret Part 2
These are in no specific order or anything as I feel that I need to work with whatever I’m most motivated to write
I can’t promise that I’ll be as active as I used to, but I will definitely try. I miss you guys, and most of all I miss interacting and talking to you guys. But shit in my life is so different and it seems to be ever-changing. I’m sure there will be a point where it all plateaus and I’ll have more time on my hands and the motivation. I’m never leaving this fandom. Like ever lol just thought I’d say that 💕
Until then, ily!!
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spookeart · 11 months
I’m obsessed with your art. I stare at it daily. Your Regulus is the closest to what I see in my silly little head when I imagine him.
Thank you for blessing this fandom with such beauty. 🥹 ❤️‍🔥
You guys keep thanking me but really it’s because of sweet messages like that that I’m motivated to make more content to share, so thank YOU!!❤️
I’m happy you like my Regulus because I’m planning on drawing him again and again until you all get sick of me. Thank you again ily🫶
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joshfutturman · 4 months
seeing everyone create so much art in this fandom inspires me to draw SO MUCH you guys have no idea,,
like i was struggling with drawing motivation for a while now but seeing all these art pieces makes me want to create again!!!!
finished my cowboy billy drawing and it'll hopefully be up tonight!! ily guys!
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samsrosary · 1 year
i know spn fandom is drying out at the moment and most pieces dont get that many notes but this has been the nicest experience ever posting my art here the past 8 months or so. you guys are so genuine and kind in the notes and i love going back and reading all the things you guys say, if my art has ever made you go OUCH or OMG or HELLOOO i want you to know i love you so fucking much. it keeps me feeling good about drawing and motivated to draw more and yeah ily guys <3
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bnuuybee-writes · 1 year
About the Bunno
Hi! My name is Tomie! But you can also call me Bun!
I'm 21 years old and use he/they pronouns.
I am genderqueer transmasculine, but I just refer to myself as Queer, since that's just a whole Mouthful.
I'm attracted to pretty fictional men, but one irl man has my heart <3
If I'm not writing, I'm either doing photography, watching Youtube, talking to my sister ( @frickinsleepdeprived ily betch) or laughing in the middle of the night with my best friend/love.
I will be writing headcanons the most, but I will also be writing some drabble, one-shots, maybe even a multi-chapter fic if I have the time.
My main inspiration for this blog is actually @dilftaros !! She's been a huge source of motivation for me and I'm so honored to have her as my mutual. Ily Cherry!! <3
Shoot me an anon request if you want a specific scenario! Check this post here for the fandoms I write for and here for my limits and what you can expect from this blog!!
Ily guys! Stay safe, drink water, n eat smth yummy bc you deserve it !! <3
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roseworth · 1 year
Tangled anon, hi (i am so stressed right now so) can you just give me a tangled ramble please? The movie, series, fandom, anything Thanks (love you)r content
hello my love im sorry i took so long to get to this ily :( <3 <3 <3
i NEED to talk about cass tangled. every time i think about her i start eating drywall because she had sooooooo much potential in her arc and it could have been so fun
the thing is chris sonnenburg accidentally did a fantastic job making bad guys with good motivations for every other villain (lady caine, varian, the saporians to a degree, etc) and he ALMOST got there with cass. but it got completely fucked up in the middle of season 3
the first two seasons were set up to show cass feeling ignored by everyone else and looked over by everyone. she wanted to be taken seriously but she rarely ever was and i thought it was a very good set up :( plus in her minor appearances at the beginning of season 3 it was more of her remembering what she had felt before and building up her rage <3
then. THEN. the fucking confrontation ep. literally every other grievance she had was ignroed so she could say "rapunzel stole my mom so now im killing her <3" like girl what happened to feeling ignored and looked over. the vague concept of "destiny" being used throughout the show to explain literally everything is actually the most annoying thing ever. like the gothel twist couldve been okay if they hadnt used it as The Reason for cass's villain arc, but instead it was her prime motivation in all the major fights and she said shit like "you took my destiny because i was gothels daughter" like?????? what destiny???? and why would you have it by being her daughter????? her motivations were so messy and didnt make any sense. then the finale comes and zhan tiri overall is soooo underdeveloped and badly executed, then cass and rapunzel have an emotional scene that feels sooooo unearned bc none of her original motivations are addressed and the fact that her motivation turned into "i was supposed to be raised by gothel" meant that it was hard to address it at all in the finale. then ofc it culminates in the lamest final battle ever with the Big Bad of the series
it couldve been so good. i could fix this fucking show. every day i mourn what tts could have been.
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editrevue · 1 year
hiiiii hi hi haiii guys!!! ^_^ I don't rlly know much about these revstar girlies (the anime is on my to watch list! i just have to wait for the stars to align in my brain to. let me watch it 🥲) but i wanted to send in a request so!!!! how bout y'all make something self indulgent!! And to wanna make it interesting..... maybe you can make something for a kin/comf that isn't too popular by. fandom standards? or is just underappreciated in general?? if that makes sense?? okay thats allll have a nice day guys have fun bye byeeeee :33
-Cherry @/sunbedo 🍒💕
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CHERRY!!! here's hers and here's mine!! @sunbedo
Hiii hi hi hiiiiiii!! omg don't worry, this was incredibly fun to do and it had us both thinking about the popularity of certain characters and who we'd like to see more content of, so we appreciate you sending this in! also I'm sorry for the wait to post this ask, it got completely lost in the drafts for a while and I wanted to ramble a bit under a cut ajsdakhd oh and let me know if you want to be 🍒anon at any point! ily and thanks again!! have a good night cherry 🥺
I only put this under a read more so I don't ramble too much but omg if you get into revstar let us know!!! it's still raging strong as a special interest and hyperfixation and we'd both love to talk abt it with you!! and please take your time there's never any rush to get into it! might i add that i love the usage of "if the stars align" here because if that ain't the most befitting for this source that you could've said... kjDSHASD <- revstar is very "star" themed, literally and figuratively! but hmm. if I had to kin assign you anybody especially from the anime I'd say probably Futaba and/or Karen!!! It's a little harder to say from Starira but I just KNOW you'd love Frontier and their found family tropes. Aruru? Misora? who knows but I also think you'd enjoy the Siegfeld Juniors a lot, especially Minku and Kuina for some reason. But yeah! the anime only focuses on the Seisho cast so that'd be your first introduction if you started with the anime and basically like the only introduction unless you looked into the mobile game or stage plays! which we can always help you with because we both have the resources. the cast is fairly small (if you don't count side characters and background characters which in of itself is few and far between) totaling about 40ish or so, roughly. so it's both easy and difficult to find "obscure" or underrated characters that don't get attention in the fandom because they're all loved by *someone* but there are characters that aren't as popular by default at the same time (like Frontier, Seiran, some Siegfeld, etc.) so that's why I went with Shiori Yumeoji for a kin, and Sun went with Tsukasa Ebisu for a kin as well! If we went with ccs, I would've chosen Misora or Stella, and I think it's funny because we got a few rqs for them recently since we've done this rq so it really worked out that way! Sun said she probably would have done Shiori as a cc if love didn't chose a kin too which worked out since I ended up doing that for myself. um anywaysss yeah! omg! I hope you enjoy it whenever you have the motivation and do not hesitate to talk to us about it or send in anything else for us to do in the meantime! this was very good for the soul
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amaretto-mp4 · 1 year
‘lil updoot since I’m free and can check my phone:
Ily guys here and my art friends and mutuals, honestly one of my huge motivations for going back to see art and share my work with people who support me.
That being said, I’m going to be doing a bit more research on Tumtum’s reblogging system and what it would possibly mean for my art work, going forward - though I likely will continue to share my work here because it feels comfy. 🛌
I’ve been seeing a lot of artists move onto Threads in the past week but I’ll be holding off from it indefinitely, as it all seems too quick and new for me - I feel like I don’t need another soc med to the cocktail I have right now :| and the site being so new leaves a lot to be discovered, and I’d at least give it a few months.
Anyway, I’ve been spending some time making some oc art that and fandom wips! I have like,,, 2 major appointments (driving and pet care related) coming up tomorrow that I’m really nervous for and will be revising >< hopefully once that’s over, I’ll be more relaxed in the coming week and share them.
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undisclosedmemoirs · 3 years
Vincenzo parallels
While i’m still processing ep. 19, I’m going to make a list of the parallels this series has fed us with like I said I would (bc omg are they satisfying and I need you lovely souls to make GIFs out of them pretty please, tho I have seen a couple of them roaming around already, ily guys).
Some of them were pointed out by you guys during this last couple of weeks and I apologize but I have the memory of a fish when I’m sleepy and just woke up, so please do tag yourselves!! If I missed any, which will probably happen because I was dumb and didn’t notice it, please feel free to add them, I will be eternally grateful ^_^ This might be a long post so bear with me or just scroll past it, it is your right and I will like you the same (Clown Town 4ever <3).
I just want to say that i am doing this because i got genuinely motivated by all of you. All of you amazing contributors deserve the world for making this experience as enjoyable as it was for me. To all of you who interacted with me throughout these past 2 months, thank you so much!
1. Ep. 1 – The tenants are behind Lawyer Hong Yu Chan against Vincenzo while he is introducing himself // Ep. 19 – The tenants are behind Vincenzo with him against Chief Kim while Mr. Cho is telling them who he is (the development folks).
2. Ep. 1 – “ASPETTATE” Vincenzo saves Cha Young and hangs Park Seok Do out the window warning him that if he drops head first he might die // Ep. 18 – He saves her too, only this time he throws wifey’s aggressor headfirst out the window. He defenestrated him (@dionideatta ily for making me discover this word).
3. Ep. 2 – Chayenzo’s first conversation: They just met and she is already suspicious of him, she is the one who wants to know what he is up to. Ends up messing up her triumphant leave by getting the direction wrong. // Ep. 19 – On the same spot, Vincenzo is the one in jealous mode wondering where the heck wifey is going without him and unconsciously follows her. She tells him the direction to his house “You need to go that way to go home hubby” (This parallel ended me).
4. Ep. 2 – Myung Hee and Han are drinking together. Han offers her to work with him and get behind Babel which will be the most powerful company out there // Ep.19 – Myung Hee tells Han that’s where their partnership started and that is where it is going to end since that will be their last drink together. (The bad guys have parallels too).
5. Ep. 3 – The Chayenzo balcony conversation “You know Booralro?” // Ep. 19 – “I was glad to meet someone who recognized a Booralro suit that day” (The blatant flirting right in front of my breakfast).
6. Ep. 3– Hong Yu Chan telling Vincenzo he needs a monster to defeat Babel // Ep. 19– Vincenzo tells Cha Young it’s okay for her to backoff now because they are about to become monsters. He is fulfilling what her father asked of him.
7. Ep. 4 – Cha Young calling for her father (</3) // Ep. 17 – Vincenzo calling for his mother (</3) (Wdym I’m crying again?)
8. Ep. 4– Cha Young at the cemetery mourning her father, virtually alone (psycho is not much of a comfort source) // Ep. 17 – Vincenzo at the cemetery mourning his mother and Cha Young is there for him.
9. Ep. 4 – “Promise me we will not do anything that will take other people’s lives” // Ep. 10 – “Promises can be broken out of necessity” (Nothing to add here).
11. Ep. 6– The tenants ask what will happen if they don’t get up when the judge enters the court room and Mr. Nam tells them nothing happens, so they decide to defy them, only to get right up as soon as the door opens // Ep. 19 – THEY DO NOT GET UP I LOVED THIS ONE
12. Ep. 7– Confused baby himbo and a clapping Vincenzo // Ep. 19 – Proud baby himbo clapping happily for Vincenzo (my son is growing up *sniff sniff*).
13. Ep. 10– Chayenzo angsty hug scene. Vinny hugs her with one hand // Ep. 19 – Chayoung gets shot, Han Seok looks petrified and Vinny puts his hand on the wound on her which is right where he put his hand in the tunnel when he hugged her back
14. Ep. 11– Vincenzo tells Han Seok to kneel // Ep. 19 – Vincenzo is the one kneeling on his own accord to save Cha Young.
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alexandrablake · 3 years
oh sorry i forgot i was a cm blog
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revengesworn · 2 years
okay so i feel i owe you all an update with what’s being going on considering i haven’t been very active for quite a while now-
the tl;dr of it is that while uni is now over, my mental health & depression have been pretty bad for quite a long time now. my motivation and energy levels are hugely affected by this in particular, and i’ve often been losing all interest in the fandoms/characters I would normally enjoy, or swapping between interests so fast that I can’t maintain consistent activity on a single one of them. and when I lose interest in something, it’s extremely difficult to get myself to work on it - i tend to find i have either an obsessive amount of interest or none at all.
but please know that even if I take a long time to reply, both IC and OOC, that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you or our threads! I adore all the threads I have with you guys right now, and I know I can be pretty terrible/struggle with remaining in contact with people in general, but I really do think you’re all amazing and I love talking to you when I’m able to do so. even if I can’t be here as often as i’d like, i hope you can find some enjoyment from this blog anyway - and never be afraid to poke me if i haven’t replied to a message for a long time. I really appreciate it, actually!
i still love TR and i’m gonna try and be as active here as I can, but just expect me to be replying to things slowly semi-permanently at the moment. I am working on my mental health in therapy but it’s a slow process, unfortunately... thank you all for your patience and for being the best in general. ily all mwah <33333
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sweet-sirin · 2 years
7, 17 & 26 🥰
hi golden ily 💛
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Danganronpa wise it's Maki. Not as a character and not even her arc, because I still do love her but never found her arc interesting to begin with. But I used to adore her to bits before I looked at her character more critically. Now, that I see her more like a child in need of guidance, my adoration subdued greatly to the point I get deeply frustrated with her. But I still find her rather lovely. I absolutely disagree with arguments about how unrealistic or Mary Sue she is. And I get why people hate her so much, but I personally still see a lot of reasons to love and even praise her. It's just that now I'd prefer her to shut up rather than to hold her drawn hand under the moon.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
The whole third chapter.....
First of all, I'd prefer for Angie's cult thing to not be so on the nose creepy and obviously manipulative. Saihara is made out to be this cool smart guy, unbothered by Angie's tactics. But intelligence isn't very helpful when you're a target of emotional manipulation, and Saihara was a perfect target: he's weak willed, a follower by nature, easily stressed out and anxious, he just dealt with a personal loss and has the pressure of everyone's lives on him. Emotionally he should be one of the most susceptible people to Angie's actions.
Instead we got the cliche "a creepy cult leader" trope where the appeal of joining her is poorly exposed. I'd really much prefer for Angie to be helpful and comforting to the main character, enough that the player would be torn between "Angie is power pressuring everyone and it might end poorly" and "Angie is really nice, and understanding, and got the right ideas".
This was just a dishonour to how predatory and sneaky cults are.
Also Korekiyo's murder methods and motivation... I do not know what I'd replace it with, but I would in a heartbeat. You can't do worse than that.
26. Most shippable character?
The fandom thinks it's Shuichi, or maybe Kokichi, but to me it's Kaede. I can ship her with absolutely anyone if I so wish, and it'll be interesting to me. Even with Kaito. And i have a gatekeeping problem with Kaito.
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clubyukhei · 3 years
an important update
hi everyone. i know i haven't posted or been active for awhile now, but after learning about what's happening with yukhei at the moment, i think i should give a long overdue announcement on the future of this blog. 
to start off, i want to apologise for taking so long to make this post. over the past three months i've been struggling to find the motivation to write whilst losing interest in fandom and going through a change of priorities in life in general. to be really honest, i don't enjoy sharing my stories on here as much as i used to and this made me distance myself from tumblr quite a bit. but this isn’t to say i'll never write again — there's still a long list of ideas sitting in my google docs and i don't wish to abandon them just yet, so hopefully they'll get to see the light of day when i’m back in the right mood. 
with that said, this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. i’m not leaving permanently and i’m not deactivating (and all my existing stories will still be up for anyone to read), but idk when i’ll return. i need a break from the fandom, even more so with the ongoing situation concerning yukhei rn. 
i get that for some people it might still be too early to make a judgment, but personally i can no longer stay neutral or defend him at this point. i’m standing with the victims bc some of these allegations against him are very serious. i can’t say that i’m entirely surprised by his alleged behaviour, but i am truly disappointed. it hurts me to admit this bc after all, he made a lot of my days better and i was emotionally invested into him for a period of time. i have a lot of thoughts and feelings on this matter, but this is all i’ll say for now.
so… yeah. i’m going to need time to process all of this, especially since sm/label v have yet to clarify things. i hope you can understand my decision.
to my mutuals: i’ll miss interacting with you guys on here. even though i haven’t been on here for long, i wholeheartedly cherish the friendships i’ve made and it has been really nice talking to you all. take care of yourselves, ily and hopefully we can catch up when i’m back 💗
to my followers and readers: as always, tysm for reading and supporting my stuff :') i appreciate every single reblog and comment i've ever gotten, so please know that my time on here was worthwhile thanks to you. take care of yourselves, let's meet again someday 🤍
until next time,
nia 🦋
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Tumblr Writers Q & A
Thank you @littlemisspascal for tagging me, ily hun <3
1) How many complete fics/oneshots do you have but haven’t published yet? 
Right now, I only have one fic I haven't yet posted and it's a Frankie one (: I literally just finished it today lol. It's a one-shot for my 1k Followers Celebration!
2) How many WIPs do you have? 
Good lord, so many. Obviously I have my character series' but I also have 10 more fic requests to complete for my 1k Followers Celebration, so I have a lot of stuff queued up for you guys lol
3) Do you take requests, write original fics, or both?
Usually, both! As of right now though, I am no longer taking fic requests because I'm still completing the ones from the celebration. After I'm done with those, I'm going to take a little break from requests, but I will certainly come back to it!
4) If you have requests how many do you actually have?
Currently 11
5) How many fandoms do you write for?
Just Pedro Pascal characters <3 (I've been thinking about writing for Loki and Steven Grant/Marc Spector, but idk)
6) Are there any fandoms you used to write for? 
Nope, this is my first time writing on this platform!
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts, or OC?
I write OC characters and reader inserts. I don't write for ships
8) Niche fandom/Characters you write for?
Just Pedro's characters (:
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? 
Yes ma'am! I also do fic recommendations at the end of every month (:
10) Favorite genre to write for?
Ugh, I love angsty and romantic, either together or separate. I really like using tension and specific detail in my stories
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)?
I really like "forbidden" type tropes, along with royalty fics, and soulmate fics!
Established relationships are also a trope I like to write, mainly with Daddy Whiskey, Frankie, and Din
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? 
I listen to music, I looks at GIFs, and I also look at/reread my past fics. Sometimes I'll look up specific scenes from movies or shows, too. I also have an inspiration folder that I keep when I get the urge to write random one-liners and ideas. That is suuuper helpful, I utilize that folder a lot
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? 
I love dark and twisted tropes, but I don't like to write them. When I write, I create my happy place, and that ain't my happy place lol
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? 
Oh my god I want to write Dieter Bravo and Javi G. SOOOO BAD
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? 
For about 10 months! My 1 year anniversary is coming up in June!
16) Did you read fanfiction before you started writing? 
Hell yeah I did lmao
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites?
I only post my writing on Tumblr
18) what do you personally consider the wordcounts of "Drabble", "One-Shots" and "Fics"? 
Drabbles: 50-500 words. One-Shots: 1k-6k words. Fics: 7k+ words
But that's just in reference to me, and even I don't always follow that. But this varies a LOT depending on the writer and the characters and stuff
19) Which do you prefer to write more?
I really love the current fic series' that I have going. I'm in love with all of them, so I think I like to write chapters for those more than anything else. One-shots can be fun too if I'm in the right mood lol. The only time I ALWAYS love writing one-shots is when they're about Daddy Whiskey <3
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued?
Nope (: I may take longer breaks from certain stories than others, but I intend to finish all of my series! I can't abandon them they're my babies lol
21) What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on Tumblr? 
I know it's hard, even I get in my head about this sometimes, but I really dislike when others compare their work. It's not a competition, it's about personal growth and honestly just having fun. You can create your own little home here, write what you want to write and interact with who you want to interact with. Every single account is different. Your account is about YOU
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? 
Nope, I am all over the place baby lmao
23) Do you listen to music or ambiance/noise to write, or do you need total silence? 
I bounce back and forth from all three, just depends on how I'm feeling
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? 
More often than not, yes. It's rare for me to not outline a piece before writing it
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? 
I post on Mondays and Fridays, usually in the evenings/later in the night. I'm trying to change that though and just post throughout the day on those two days
No pressure tags: @anaaaispunk @oogaboogasphincter @lucky-pascal @pascalslittlebrat
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