#to the people who listened to my grievances thank you too you guys know who you are
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arcanegifs · 4 months ago
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This is the last time I'm going to be annoying about this, I swear.
A few examples of that I, a gifmaker, personally love seeing under the tags:
Analysis of said scene, show, or character, especially the long ones going in depth that span like 1000 words
People saying how crisp the GIFs look and how nice the coloring is THANK YOU. ILY GUYS. That's always huge praise for me.
Reacting with how emotional you got with the scene. How painful and emotional or how touching a scene is.
People making funny jokes, memes, comments, etc.
Literally ppl horny posting LMAO. It's super funny to read and I love seeing all the unhinged comments.
Seeing how much you loved the show and its characters
Things I don't like seeing under the tags. And these are just two very specific things:
How much you hate the show, how much you think a scene is bad, how much you hate a character, the ship, the creators, etc. or how much you dont like this ship anymore, calling a ship horrible because ____ reasons. OKAY! I get it! But I don't want to see that. Make your own hate post on your own blog! You're free to have an opinion on how much you hate something. Just do it on your own blog.
Asking why I leave out certain scenes out, why I decided to gif this scene, or not gif more of these characters. Sometimes, I'm just exhausted. I can overlook things. You guys don't know how draining making gifs can get to me, especially the scenes that are really long. But I do it because I LOVE Arcane, the story, and the characters, and the particular scenes that I make gifs of. I have my own biases too. Of course I’m making them first. Please, just make them yourself instead of complaining under the tags of my edits. Yes, I can see them.
Don’t get me wrong, I wholeheartedly appreciate everyone who supports and follows the blog. I want to make a million more HQ gifs of this amazing show, but sometimes, the very rare negativity can still get overwhelming, to the point where it demotivates you.
Arcane is extremely special to me because it's such a fantastic show, and that alone motivates me in trying to create more GIFs. Honestly, if it was any other fandom or show? I would've probably left already. Arcane is THAT great.
I know the block button is there. I use it too, but sometimes, the amount of effort and time you exert to create FOR FREE just isn’t worth it. And that’s why gifmakers and creators stop making things for fandom. It’s not fun anymore. It’s not worth it.
Some people think that making my style of GIFs is easy. Then great! Since you think so, then do it yourself and help create for the fandom too! I wholeheartedly encourage you to do it!
TLDR: Don't be rude on people's fanwork, especially when they are created FOR FREE. If you don’t like their fanwork, you can make them yourself.
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0cta9on · 2 months ago
Moon Rabbit
Length: +12k words
Genre: Smut
Gfriend/Viviz Eunha x Male Reader
(Author's Note: This is like 90% story and 10% smut, but I hope y'all enjoy anyways :> Thank you to @msafterhours for beta, this story wouldn't be alive without you <3 Enjoy!)
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Amongst the monotonous drone of the harsh fluorescent lights and the mysterious smell emanating from the bathrooms, it’s hard not to feel a little pessimistic about life. It would be so easy to air out your long list of grievances to anyone that’ll listen, but complaining to the kind of people this place attracts—late night travelers who’d struggle putting two and two together— is always more trouble than it’s worth.
“Welcome to 7/11!” 
The ring of the entrance chime followed by the soft yet enthusiastic voice of your coworker is a constant that you have yet to get used to, even after a whole three weeks of hearing it nonstop. You told Eunha plenty of times before that she doesn’t have to greet the customers, yet she continues to do so anyway, something about “responsibility” and “upholding the company’s image”—as if the company’s image isn’t rotisserie hot dogs and gallon-sized slushies. 
At best, she’ll get a polite nod, at worst, they scoff and act as if a simple gesture is the worst thing that’s ever happened to them. Her greetings might be more suited to the morning crowd, but she insists that she’s not much of a morning person. You don’t exactly care enough to verify her statements, so you’re content with her keeping you company during the night shift.
“Let me know if you need help with anything!” Eunha calls out to the customer as he aimlessly wanders through the aisles. You’ve grown accustomed to the late night visits from these kinds of people, guys in their early 20’s who seem either too drunk and/or faded to respond properly; hopefully, he’ll just quietly pay for his things and leave without any trouble.
“Yo,” he utters, carelessly dropping a single beer can and a box of large condoms onto the counter. You give him a curt nod, trying not to make a face as the violent stench of weed attacks your nostrils. Figures.
“Hey bro, do you know if that chick over there has a boyfriend?” He looks over at Eunha as she stocks the shelves, baggy eyes tracing her body through a half-lidded gaze. You simply shrug. Whatever she does outside of work is none of your business.
The man chuckles to himself, grabbing his things off the counter. “Watch this.” He saunters over to her and engages in a conversation that you can’t quite make out. Even as you try to distract yourself with other work, you can’t help but tense up slightly, stealing glances towards your coworker. 
Eunha puts on her signature smile, nodding her head to everything he’s saying. Occasionally she’ll laugh, more so out of politeness than anything. If you would have to describe her with one word, “polite” would probably be enough. Maybe overly so, but hey, who’re you to judge her of all people about small talk?
Then, you notice a small crack in her expression. The corners of her lips drop ever so slightly. Her eyes widen just a smidge. Now he’s walking towards her, backing her up into a corner, like a predator stalking its prey. 
You’ve learned not to stick your nose into other people’s business; even the simple act of lending an ear has cost you time and energy that ultimately led you to getting kicked to the curb the second you’re no longer of use. It’s exhausting. You’d do anything to forget that kind of pain, even if it means your existence is a bit lonelier. And yet, despite your better judgment, you grab a spare broom and begin sweeping towards the problem, stepping in between them right as Eunha’s back hits one of the fridges.
“Excuse me,” you mutter, your eyes never leaving the ground.
“Bro, what the fuck are you—”
“I’m trying to do my job,” you state, jerking your neck to glare at him. The man scoffs in annoyance before stomping towards the exit, grumbling incoherently while he knocks a couple chip bags off the shelves.
“Thanks,” Eunha says, breathing a sigh of relief. “He kept asking for my number and wouldn’t stop after I said ‘no’. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t here.”
You shrug, continuing to sweep the rest of the store. In hindsight, there might not have been a need for you to intervene in the first place; Eunha is a grown woman that can probably take care of herself, and what kind of damage could a guy like that do anyways? Yet, despite everything, you still chose to play the hero. What’s done is done.
As you go back to your place by the register, you notice Eunha beaming brighter than ever before despite no one else being around.
Eunha groans, face planting into the counter. “I’m bored.”
“You could deep clean the coffee machine,” you suggest, eliciting an even louder groan from her.
You think about telling her to switch to the afternoon shift, but refrain from it in the end, figuring she probably has her own reasons for wanting to work this late. You chose the night shift out of necessity more than anything. Countless sleepless nights led you to the conclusion that you might as well get some compensation for your suffering.
Eunha’s face suddenly lights up as she goes over to the fridges and grabs two beer cans. “We should drink!” she says.
“Those are for the customers,” you state.
“I’ll pay for them, dummy. Besides, there’s literally nothing else to do. No one has stopped by for hours.”
You stare at her pleading face, slightly impressed by how well she manages to pull off “puppy-dog eyes”. You don’t consider yourself much of a drinker—going down that road only left you with an unbearable sickness that made “taking the edge off” not even worth it—but a hunch in the back of your mind tells you to go for it anyways. Maybe “puppy-dog eyes” actually do work; maybe the boredom’s gotten to you too.
“Woohoo!” she cheers. “Let’s go sit out front! I wanna look at the stars.” Eunha grabs the cans and a large bag of chips from the shelf before running out of the store with the excitement of a kid in a candy store. With a sigh, you follow behind her.
Your breath catches in your throat as the outside chill hits you like a speeding train, sending an unpleasant shiver through your spine that makes you regret even considering this stupid idea. You turn to retreat back to the warmth of the store, but a brief glimpse of Eunha waving you down with such genuine enthusiasm pulls you in, and before you can even think to stop yourself, you’re already grabbing the beer can from her outstretched hand. 
“Isn’t it beautiful tonight?” she comments, gazing up at the stars above. It’s… nice. Better than the harsh fluorescent lights of the store, for sure.
“Yeah,” you utter, taking a swig from your can. You grimace at the bitterness, a reminder of why you stopped in the first place.
“Woah pal, I don’t need to hear your life story,” she quips, chuckling at her own joke. “Isn’t this better than being stuck in that smelly old store all night?”
You shrug. “It’s… alright, I guess.”
She stares at you for a while, studying your expression with a focused squint.
“...What?” you mutter, suddenly feeling self-conscious under her gaze.
“Nothing, sorry.” She shakes her head, her gaze falling to the unopened beer in her hands. A tense moment passes before she finally clicks it open and takes a small sip, wincing as she swallows the bitter liquid. “Um, do you… hate me or something?”
You turn to her in confusion. “Hate” isn’t a word you associate with Eunha. Truly, you don’t think anyone could hate someone like her. Maybe you get a little irked by her inability to set up the shelves properly, but nobody’s perfect, least of all you. In fact, you don’t have any strong feelings about her one way or another. She’s just your coworker. 
Just that. 
Nothing else.
“No, not at all,” you reply.
A small grin forms on Eunha’s lips. “That’s good. I was worried that maybe I did something and that’s why you never talk to me.”
Huh? “I talk to you.”
“Yeah, no, I mean, like, really talking. Not just about work and stuff,” she explains. “We’ve been working together for, like, months and I barely know anything about you!”
“It’s barely been three weeks,” you correct her, earning a dramatic eye roll. “Do you really need to know anything about me to work here?”
Eunha grimaces at your answer. “I guess not, but it would be nice to know if I’m working with a serial killer or not.” She takes another small sip from her can, tension seeping into the frigid air between you two.
“I’m not a serial killer,” you state.
“Well, I wouldn’t know that if you didn’t tell me.”
“I could be lying.”
She turns to you, studying your expression with an intense focus. “Hmm… I don’t think you’re lying.”
“You think?” You raise an eyebrow at her.
She shrugs. “For starters, aren’t most serial killers supposed to be charming to lure in their victims and stuff? No offense, but you’re the least charming person I’ve ever met.”
“Better than being a serial killer I guess.”
She chuckles to herself, dissolving any lingering tension in the air. “So you have a sense of humor. That’s good to know.”
“I guess I do.”
Eunha lifts her can towards you, flashing you a warm smile that wards away the bitter winds. You watch as the corners of her lips curl at a certain angle, her eyes squinting ever so slightly to make room to smile even wider. How impossibly white and symmetrical her teeth are, as if god or whoever is up there took their time creating her. In hindsight, she’s probably perfect for this job - kind, inviting, instantly putting you at ease with a single glance. A smile seems so natural on her, it feels like the sky would fall if it disappeared from her face for even a moment.
“Hello?” She waves her hand in front of your face. “My arm is getting tired here, are you gonna cheers me or not?”
You shake your head. “Right. Sorry.” You clink your can against hers before bringing it to your lips. The bitter taste of alcohol is nonexistent at this point, replaced by subtle yet present undertones of sweetness. You peek through the top of the can, confirming that it’s still the same old cheap beer it was mere seconds ago. Yet, for now, it’s just a little more bearable.
To put it lightly, this fucking sucks.
The shadows dance and jeer at you from your ceiling as if to celebrate your misfortune. All you can do is watch the show play out as you barely cling to life. An earlier Google search of your symptoms tells you that it’s just “a common cold”, but you’d swear Death itself has a personal vendetta with you, cursing you with rusty lungs and cinder blocks for limbs. Regretfully, you retrieve your phone from your nightstand, sending Eunha a text that you aren’t able to make it to work tonight.
A sudden weight jumping onto your chest causes you to drop your phone onto the floor. Two yellow marbles coldly stare at you through the darkness, silently judging your poor condition.
“Y-Yokai, please… I can’t b-breathe…” With weak hands, you try to gently push your cat off of your chest, but it’s no use. Every time you try to get close, the little beast nips at your fingers. 
This is it. This is how you die. You never believed in the superstition about black cats, but perhaps you should’ve heeded its warning. Maybe this is his way of telling you that he never liked you in the first place, in spite of all you’ve done for him as his caretaker. Years from now, when someone finally notices that you’re missing, they’ll find your corpse with Yokai resting right on top, like he’s gloating about outliving you. You shut your eyes, quickly accepting your fate. On the brightside, maybe you’ll finally get some sleep for once.
A knock on your front door causes him to jump off your chest to inspect the noise. You silently thank the stranger at your front door as your lungs finally fill with air. As far as you’re concerned, they just saved your life.
WIth a blanket wrapped around you, you struggle against your headache and stumble towards the door. The person on the other side makes you wonder if you should add hallucinations to your list of symptoms.
“Hi!” Eunha beams at you, a plastic bag in her hands. “I brought you some stuff to help with your cold!”
“H-huh?” You stand there in shock, a million questions floating through your head. “What about the store?”
She shrugs. “I closed it for a bit. I’m sure the two customers that would’ve shown up tonight will live.”
Never in a million years did you expect anyone, aside from the occasional delivery man, to show up to your doorstep, let alone with the purpose of providing you aid. It’s… nice. You’re probably better off with a good night’s rest, but god knows you’ll never get one.
“Are you gonna invite me in? It’s rude to keep a woman waiting, y’know,” she teases.
“R-right.” You step aside, allowing her into your apartment that hasn’t seen another human soul the entire time you’ve lived in it. As luck would have it, another person arrives on the one day that you’re unable to clean anything. “Sorry about the mess.”
“It’s alright—Oh!” Yokai leaps from the shadows, stopping just a few feet in front of her to inspect the stranger entering his home. “Hi there! Oh my gosh, you’re so cute!”
Eunha kneels down to his level and offers her hand towards him. Taking the invitation, Yokai approaches her with cautious yet curious steps, his eyes dilated and ready. After a seemingly tense moment, his pupils soften as he presses his small face into her palms, accepting her enthusiastic pets.
“I can’t believe you never told me about your cat!” she playfully berates you. “What’s its name?”
“His name is Yokai,” you answer, collapsing haphazardly onto the couch. “Found him on the street when I first moved here.”
She raises an eyebrow at you. “You named your cat after Japanese demons?”
You shrug. “It seemed fitting at the time.”
Eunha chuckles, giving him one last pet before placing the bag on the table. “I brought you some cold meds, green tea, and a can of chicken soup. Is it alright if I use your kitchen to heat up the soup?”
You wave her off. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.”
She rolls her eyes at you, grabbing the can and walking over to the kitchen in defiance. “If I didn’t want to do this, I would’ve just dropped it off and left.”
With barely any energy left to argue, you resign yourself to resting your head against the armrest, listening to the clanging of metal and the creaking of wood as Eunha searches your cabinets for a pot. Three flickers followed by the gentle poof of the stovetop bring you back to simpler times when your mother would cook meals for you as a kid. That comforting feeling of knowing that everything would end up okay even if the current times are tough. 
A feeling you haven’t felt in a long time.
Hope isn’t something you like to cling onto; you know at this point that hoping for something as supposedly inevitable as sleep is a waste of time. Some nights you’ll get lucky, the stars will align and you’ll fade into bliss as soon as your head hits the pillow, but those nights are so few and far between that they might as well be nothing but coincidences. It was much harder during the earlier days. Countless checkups, thousands of desperate Google searches and Reddit posts, downing melatonin like the next gummy could solve all your problems.
And yet, as the savory scent of chicken soup lingers closer, you can feel your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Eunha says, nudging you gently. “The soup is gonna get cold if you don’t eat it now.”
“Right.” You sit up, finding yourself mere inches from her bright smile, the steam from the soup wafting in between you two. She brings a spoonful of the warming liquid to your lips, blowing on it first to cool it down.
“Open wide,” she says.
“I can feed myself.”
She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Humor me for a sec. Besides, when’s the next time a pretty girl like me is gonna spoon feed you soup?”
You stifle a chuckle at her shamelessness, reluctantly parting your lips. The saltiness washes over your tastebuds, warming your entire body as the liquid slides down your throat. It’s the same cheap chicken soup you’ve eaten before when money was scarce, yet something about it feels different; like it’s healing your heart, not your stomach. Perhaps your illness is messing with your tastebuds, but whatever the reason, it tastes way better than it normally would.
“See, was that so hard?” Eunha teases. A buzz from her pocket interrupts her from giving you a second spoonful. “Sorry, I need to take this real quick, it’s my boyfriend.”
So she does have a boyfriend. 
“Yeah, go ahead,” you say, retrieving the bowl from her. She gives you an appreciative grin before walking over to the kitchen and answering the call.
Whatever goes on in Eunha’s personal life is her business, not yours. Yet, you can’t exactly stop your ears from catching onto glimpses of words, attempting to decipher some kind of meaning through the fog. None of it is coherent, but her disappointed sighs and harsh whispers don’t exactly paint a pretty picture—certainly not one you expect from a loving couple.
After a brief moment, Eunha walks back into the living room, her expression noticeably darker than before. The smile that she usually dons is jarringly absent and her eyes are glossy, as if she’s on the brink of tears.
“Sorry, um… I have to go,” she mutters, unable to meet your eyes. “I have to pick up my boyfriend, he’s, uh… been drinking again.”
You can’t help but feel worried at her sudden downtrodden look, unfamiliar on her face. “That’s alright. Will you be okay?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll be fine.” She tries to put on a reassuring smile, but the look of dread dripping from her eyes and the lack of soul in her expression only leaves you more anxious than before. “He gets like this sometimes. It’s… nothing, really.”
An unfamiliar feeling grows in the pit of your stomach, an urge to provide some ounce of comfort. But this isn’t your place to intervene; that’s what you keep telling yourself, at least.
“I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow then? Or whenever you feel better.” Eunha quickly gathers her things and heads towards the door, but Yokai jumps in front of her.
“Bye, Yokai. I hope this isn’t the only time I see you,” she says, offering him a few gentle pets. Right before she disappears behind the door, Eunha looks back at you, holding an expression you can’t quite read. The door shuts with an audible click, and the vast emptiness of your apartment envelopes you once again.
Suffice to say, you don’t get much sleep that night.
“So…” Eunha tilts her head to give you a better look. “What do you think?”
You shrug. “It’s… pink.”
Her lips curl into a pout, unsatisfied with your answer. “This is the first time you’ve seen me dye my hair and that’s all you can say?”
It’s another quiet night at the store, somehow quieter than usual. These late night chats with Eunha have become a sort of tradition between you two, a tradition you’ve grown decently fond of these past few weeks. Nowadays, she doesn’t even bother with the alcohol, instead simply asking you if you want to watch the stars with her. The chilly nights are still a bit bothersome, but the company more than makes up for it at this point. 
Conversations mostly consist of listening to her talk about things in her personal life, her school, her friends, and occasionally, her boyfriend. Sometimes she’ll ask questions about your own life. You try your best to answer, but frankly, you don’t consider there to be anything worth noting. She’ll pry a bit, but respects your choice to be quiet about these things. A gesture that you’ve come to appreciate.
“What am I supposed to say?” you ask her.
“Anything,” she says. “Whatever’s on your mind. I just wanna know what your opinion is.”
“But it’s your hair, why should my opinion matter?”
“Maybe it doesn’t, but that doesn’t make me any less curious.” She shifts herself towards you, giving you a good view of her new look. “So, tell me. What do you think?”
A loaded question for sure. You know better than to be too honest about these kinds of things, but you also know that she won’t be satisfied unless you put effort towards a real, honest answer. You lean in to better analyze her features, tracing every single detail of not just her hair but the visage that it crowns.
She’s cute, you think. You know. The bright pink of her hair brings out the porcelain of her skin, giving her the appearance of a doll, well crafted and loved by its creator. Every single feature is perfectly and meticulously placed, down to the spacing of her eyelashes and the angle of her nose. It’s no surprise the amount of stories she has about getting hit on in random places. Maybe if you had a bit more confidence and a bit less sense, you would’ve ended up like one of those stories. But you know better than to indulge those kinds of thoughts, especially one about a coworker.
“It looks… nice,” you utter after a moment of thinking.
Eunha softly chuckles to herself. “I guess that’s about as good of an answer I’m gonna get from you.” She leans back against her palms, releasing a deep breath into the night. “You’re pretty fun to talk to.”
You raise an eyebrow at her. 99% of your conversations consist of her talking while you listen and offer the occasional nod. She might as well be speaking to a brick wall with a conscience.
“I’m serious,” she says, laughing at your expression. “Y’know, a lot of girls like a guy that can listen as well as you do.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
Her lips quiver in hesitation before speaking again. “Do you… have a girlfriend?”
You shake your head no.
“Boyfriend? Partner? I don’t judge.”
No again.
“Hmm…” She nods, her mind falling into deep thought. “That’s surprising.”
“Is it?” you argue. “If I remember correctly, you said I was ‘the least charming person you’ve ever met’.”
“That was a joke!” she exclaims. “I’m sure there’s someone out there that thinks you’re charming.”
You shrug, letting your gaze float to the stars in contemplation. You’ve had your fair share of relationships in the past, good and bad. You thought you would spend the rest of your life with the last girl, but as fate would have it, that just wasn’t in the cards for either of you. The days spent lazing in each other’s arms suddenly turned into nights where being in the same room was unbearable, and the minor quirks you once adored became the topic of all your shouting matches that punctuated the end of your relationship.
So now you’re here, working at a convenience store during the ungodly hours of the night and going home to a cat that likely wants you dead.
“That’s a possibility,” you say, not wanting to sound too nihilistic.
“Come on, give yourself some credit.” Eunha pats your shoulder supportively. “I’ve seen how some of the female customers look at you.”
You can’t help but grimace at her words. “They’re not really… my type.”
“Then what is your type?” she asks, eyes wide with intrigue.
Another loaded question, one that you honestly don’t know the answer to. Or perhaps, an answer that you don’t want to materialize, for fear of the can of worms it would open, so you take the easy way out.
“I don’t know. I’m not really interested in dating right now.”
“That’s lame, dating is… Well, it should be fun,” she says. A glimpse of something hides beneath her expression, nigh imperceptible if it wasn’t for that brief glint in her eyes. “I’m going to a club with my friends this weekend for my birthday, you should come! Maybe I can set you up with one of them.”
“No, absolutely not,” you adamantly refuse. A club is the last place you would ever want to go to on a weekend. Bumping against sweaty strangers in a cramped space while bass boosted garbage spews from the speakers isn’t your idea of fun.
“Please, it’s for my birthday!” she begs. “It’ll be fun, I swear!”
She clasps her hands together, pouting her lip and flashing you those large puppy eyes. “Please~”
You don’t consider yourself to be spineless or a pushover; the exact opposite, in fact. The less you do for others, the less issues you’ll have going forward.
But it is really, really difficult to say no whenever she gives you that face.
You sigh, averting your gaze to hide the blush creeping against your cheeks. “...What does your friend look like?”
Eunha squeals in delight, fishing her phone from her pocket. “Here.”
She hands you her phone, displaying a photo of a woman around your age. Long, wavy hair cascades perfectly down her shoulders, framing her delicate features, while a dress made of fiery purples and reds clings to her slim frame, giving her an air of class and maturity. A woman that’s, to put it bluntly, way out of your league.
“Her name is Yuju,” Eunha explains. “She’s really into music, and she takes pole dancing classes on the weekends. Pretty hot, eh?” 
“I suppose,” you say. “You think she’ll find me ‘charming’?”
“Ye—Hmm… I guess we’ll find out.”
Not reassuring in the slightest. You’ve gone and doomed yourself to a weekend of brushing backsides with the worst people you can imagine, people who have no regard for personal space or public perception, all for a woman you don’t know.
Well, not a woman you don’t know. It’s for Eunha’s birthday, after all. Her and those damn eyes.
Eunha is good company. You like having her around, even if you’ll never admit that to her. She’s good—decent at her job, and in between the stench of hot dogs and the occasional rude customer, there’s comfort in knowing that there’s someone like her on this godforsaken planet.
You can’t say the same about her friends.
“OMG, you’re so tall!”
“Eunha, your friend is so handsome!”
Skip the pleasantries entirely, you’d rather be anywhere but here right now. They don’t even try to hide their early signs of intoxication as they sway to the muffled beats leaking through the walls of the club and onto the streets outside. Eunha, seemingly sensing your discomfort, stays by your side.
“They can be a handful at times, but they’re nice,” Eunha says.
“Eh… What about her?” You discreetly gesture towards one of her friends that’s been sending you death threats through a not-so-subtle glare the second you arrived.
“Oh, that’s SinB. She’s, uh… She’s friendly once you get to know her.” Eunha gives you a small yet reassuring grin, which honestly does little to comfort you. You appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
The line creeps ever closer towards the entrance of the club, signified by the trashy music growing louder with each step. Just a peek through the door and you’re already grimacing at the thought of having to spend a single second in this wretched haven of hedonism.
“Which one is Yuju?” you ask, trying to get your mind off of the impending dread building in your stomach.
“She’s running a little late, stuck in traffic.” Eunha smirks at you, waggling her eyebrows. “You excited to meet her in person?”
You shrug. “I don’t know. I guess?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Word of advice, try not to be too much of an emotionless robot in front of her.”
You open your mouth to argue, but the bass blasting from the speakers drowns out anything you try to say. Not like you can even think of a proper argument with how overwhelming everything is. 
As you follow Eunha deeper into the club, you instantly regret not making up some lame excuse at the last minute and bolting. You can barely take two steps without bumping into anyone, a task made more difficult with the lack of proper lighting and the disorienting stench of some unknown substance floating around. The smell emanating from the hot dog machine at work is more favorable to this.
“Here you go, girl!” one of Eunha’s friends exclaims, gesturing towards a seating area sectioned off with velvet rope. On the table sits a light up centerpiece reading “Happy Birthday, Eunha!” surrounded by an abundance of expensive-looking alcohol. Her friend must be loaded because there’s no way Eunha could afford any of this with a convenience store salary. Consequently, your present for her pales in comparison to this kind of extravagance.
“Oh my god!” Eunha squeals, hopping with excitement, “Thank you so much, this is insane!”
The way her face lights up with happiness almost makes coming here worth it. So, you do your best to endure, downing shot after shot with everyone else while trashy music bleeds into your brain. Eunha steals glances at you from the far end of the booth, offering an apologetic look as her rowdier friends bombard you with incoherent words and shot glasses overflowing with poison. You meet each look with a smile and a simple wave, yet it’s becoming an increasingly herculean task to not let the lingering burn of alcohol in your throat manifest itself onto your visage.
A woman with long wavy hair approaches Eunha, and the two pull each other into a giddy embrace, exchanging words and excited giggles. You can’t quite make out their conversation—not like you’re trying to eavesdrop—but with the way Eunha is pointing at you and the vaguely familiar silhouette of the other woman, you’d have to guess that she’s probably Yuju.
“Hello!” she hollers, her voice straining against the distorted thump of the speakers. “Are you Eunha’s friend?”
Yuju extends her hand towards you, sporting a polite grin. “It’s nice to meet you.”
In any other scenario, maybe you could’ve had a decent conversation with her. Hell, maybe you could’ve even fallen in love with her. You’re not blind; she’s certainly an attractive woman. But in a place like this, where you’re constantly fighting the urge to up and leave, it’s impossible to try and form any kind of connection. And you genuinely try. More for Eunha’s sake than yours, but the attempt is still there.
Halfway through the barely discernible wall of words, you feel a pressure on your thigh. It creeps upwards slowly, inch by inch, stopping just shy of your crotch. Yuju bites her lip at you, her eyes half-lidded and heavy with seduction, leaning in until you can feel the heat from her breath against your ear. Thus far, you’ve been guessing her words and trying to formulate a response based on what you could lip read. But what she whispers into your ear rings true, like the whole world went silent just so you could hear her.
“Let’s cut the bullshit already and get to the fun part. I haven’t had dick in so long, I just need to feel you inside me.”
The rush of adrenaline sparked from her words alone leaves you reeling as you feel yourself being tugged around by this woman you just met, struggling to keep balance in the sea of faceless strangers. The sounds, the sights, the fucking everything about this place melts reality like goo seeping through your fingers, where the only constant is the fire in your windpipe and the sign for the women’s bathroom growing larger with each step.
This kind of spontaneity is probably good for someone like you. These days, you barely make an effort to make friends as it is, the thought of going out and actively trying to date didn’t even cross your mind until recently.  It’s not like the thought of having sex with Yuju doesn’t excite you a little, you are human after all. With all the bleak memories you have from your last relationship, maybe it’s time that you let it go and let something good happen to you for once.
But is this good? You’re about to have sex with a woman you just met, in the bathroom of a club of all places. Exciting, sure, but good? You don’t even have a condom on your person, and judging by her current state, it doesn’t seem like Yuju has one either. All you have is your wallet and Eunha’s gift.
By some act of divine intervention or your own instincts, your eyes snap to the middle of the dance floor. Through the sea of drunken silhouettes, you see Eunha, frozen against the continuous wave of moving bodies. Her smile is gone. There’s a man there, slowly encroaching on her. Maybe they’re just talking. Her friends are around, surely they can protect her if she’s in any danger.
But they’re not there. Most are still at the booth, inhaling bottle after bottle without a second thought, while one pulls you towards the bathroom, too horny to consider the consequences of her own actions. 
The man touches Eunha’s shoulder. She tries to swat him away, but he’s bigger than her. Much bigger. Like a vicious wolf cornering a poor rabbit.
Without another moment of hesitation, you break free from Yuju’s grasp, shoving your way through the crowd with complete disregard for everyone except Eunha. Most people will think you’re the biggest idiot for throwing away an opportunity with a woman like Yuju, but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you choose meaningless sex over the safety of your only friend.
You grab the man’s wrist, pulling Eunha behind you. “Get away from her,” you growl.
“Fuck off.” He tries to shove you aside, but you stand firm, refusing to budge in the slightest. You’re probably—no, definitely—a fool for trying to stand up to a guy built like a fridge. The scrawny guy at the store is nothing compared to this giant meathead. But as you feel Eunha cling onto the back of your jacket, her hands trembling in fear, you know that you’ll stand before the wolf time and time again to protect the poor rabbit.
Before things can get even more heated, you grab Eunha and make a dash towards the exit, knocking over a few people in the process. Even so, you don’t stop running until the cool air of the outside bites at your cheeks.
“Shit,” you pant, leaning against the wall of a neighboring building to catch your breath. “Are you ok—”
Eunha wraps her arms around you, pressing her face into your chest. Every breath she takes quivers like the last leaf on a dying tree, desecrated by a furious storm. All you can do is hold her, trying to provide some ounce of comfort as she sobs in your arms.
The world is cruel to you, a fact you came to terms with long ago. It’s stolen many of the things you held dear, leaving you to cling to the pieces left behind and try to rebuild your life out of nothing. You built walls, avoided people entirely, did everything you could do so you never have to feel that kind of pain again. And after all that, you’re left to simply exist. Survive. Not ‘live’ in the way people somehow wake up with the sun and breathe in the dawn of a new day with hope in their hearts. Just be.
And then Eunha came into your life, walking into the doors of the convenience store with her bubbly smile and boundless energy. All the time you’ve worked alongside her, listening to her greet every single customer with such enthusiasm, enduring her brutally honest criticisms of your personality, succumbing to her demands every time she flashes those damn eyes at you, she’s made you look at life differently, whether you liked it or not. She didn’t even have to chip away at your walls at all—you tore them down yourself and built a grand entrance into your soul just for her. Because you wanted to. Because you like the way she smiles like nothing bad could ever happen, you like how she manages to find the good in everything and everyone, and you like that she still wants to talk to you despite your brick wall of a personality.
To see her like this, breaking down in your arms, on her birthday of all days, is nothing short of soul crushing.
“Thank you for that,” Eunha murmurs, her voice tiny and fragile. “Um, can we go?”
“Sure,” you reply in a calming tone. “Where to?”
“Anywhere but here.”
The two of you wander the streets in silence, nothing but the muffled hum of faraway chatter and the occasional car passing by to keep you company. She stays deathly quiet, a state you’ve never seen her in. With everything that just happened, you don’t blame her, but you can’t help but feel chills at her solemn expression. It’s like the sun’s gone dark, leaving the whole world in a forever winter.
You pass by a 7/11, not thinking much of it, but Eunha stops underneath its glowing sign. “...You wanna drink?” she asks, giving you a small yet hopeful smile.
Alcohol is probably the last thing either of you need at the moment, yet you find yourself nodding anyway. It’s hard saying no to that face.
Time ticks by at a pace more glacial than the frigid winds buffeting you as Eunha chugs down her second can of cheap beer, crumpling it in her hands as if to release all her pent up emotions inside. On a normal day, you would’ve found it a little funny, maybe even cute, to think that the living embodiment of a summer day has inner turmoil that she can only externalize through the crushing of an aluminum can. But on tonight of all nights, the shrill crunch becomes a harsh reminder that life’s cruelty shows no mercy.
“Are you okay?” you utter, unable to move your gaze from the ground. Of course it’s a stupid question—who would be okay after almost getting assaulted?—but, it’s a start, if anything.
“Um… I don’t know.” Her despondent voice is punctuated by the metallic crash of aluminum against concrete. “Do you want the short version or the long version?”
“I have time.”
Eunha inhales deeply, letting the chilling winds of the night fill her lungs, before breathing it back out into the elements. “No. I’m not okay, and I haven’t been for a long time. I know, it sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s just…” she sighs, “It’s just how I feel.”
“I don’t think you’re being dramatic at all,” you reassure her, earning an appreciative grin in response.
“Um… God, I really don’t know where to start with this,” she says, her face falling into her hands. “School has been kicking my ass lately, which isn’t that big of an issue in the shitstorm that is my life, but it’s there. Last week, one of my professors chewed me out for accidentally submitting the wrong file for an assignment, so I spent the entire day just crying in bed.” A small laugh leaves her nose at the fact, void of any humor.
“And then my friends. They’re great and I love them with all my heart, but they can be such a handful.” With each word, she sinks deeper and deeper into herself as the burden she’s been silently carrying threatens to end her. “Sowon—the tall one that paid for the table—she has a reputation for sleeping around campus, which is fine, I’m not gonna tell her what she can and can’t do with her own body. But her life is filled with so much drama, and I end up having to play therapist for her, and it just gets so exhausting.”
You nod in understanding, keeping silent as she spills out her grievances. It’s not a pleasant sight, but pain rarely is. This image that she’s built up for herself as this happy-go-lucky fairy of a person, the image that you’ve consumed without question because doing otherwise would be like the sky falling around you, tears itself down to reveal the ugly truth underneath: That she’s human. And all humans suffer, even the ones that you wish didn’t.
“You remember the night I came into work with my hair dyed?” she asks after a long pause, her gaze fixated on the crumpled can below. “I broke up with my boyfriend that morning. I just… couldn’t handle all the hurt and neglect anymore, so I left.”
The revelation comes as a shock to you, even if all the signs were there in hindsight. “I’m sorry to hear that,” you offer, nervously fidgeting with the tiny box in your pocket.
“Y’know, he always hated when I dyed my hair. Said I looked like a slut whenever I did it.” The word sounds so crass against her gentle voice, like a grisly wound on unblemished skin. You feel an unfamiliar anger boiling inside of you at the notion that someone would even think to hurt her.
“And with how things turned out tonight, maybe he was right—”
“Hey,” you lightly interject. “I don’t think you look like… that at all.”
Her dejection cracks a little, giving way to a small smile accompanied by the faint hum of a chuckle. “Thanks. Maybe if that other guy thought the same as you, I wouldn’t feel like this.”
With a deep breath, you retrieve the small box from your pocket and hand it to her. “Here.”
“What’s this?” Eunha takes the box from your hand, her brow raised in curiosity.
“Your birthday present. It’s not much, but… yeah. It’s not much.”
Tentatively, she opens it up, revealing a necklace with a rabbit pendant hanging from it. Her face lights up, and for a moment, you forget that she was ever sad in the first place. A newfound sense of determination wells within you, and something that you’ve kept hidden deep inside finally comes to light: you would do anything to protect that smile.
“This is so cute, I love it!” she remarks, fiddling with the chain as she tries and fails to put it on. “Uh, a little help?”
“Sure.” You take the necklace from her, and as she pulls up her hair to reveal the delicate skin of her neck, your hands begin to tremor nervously, making it nearly impossible to secure the necklace.
“Is everything alright back there?” she teases. “I can feel you shaking.”
“Y-yeah, no, it’s fine.” The stutter in your voice dashes any attempts at trying to sound natural. It’s a simple act, putting a necklace around your friend, but something about it feels so intimate, like the first hint of warmth after a long and arduous storm. Once you finally secure the clasp in place, a breath you didn’t know you were holding empties from your lungs.
“Thanks,” she says, admiring the rabbit pendant. “Thanks for everything, really.”
“I didn’t do much.”
“But you did something,” she reasons, her voice lilting with an air of melancholy, “You did a lot more than anyone else ever did for me.”
Eunha’s eyes wander upwards to the stars, the same ones you’ve spent nearly every night under, listening to her talk about everything and nothing all at once. Tiny blips of light a billion miles away, the only witnesses to your midnight conversations about the mundanities of life. To them, your little exchange of words seems small and meaningless, but to you, these talks with her mean everything.
“I’ll make sure to pay you back one day,” Eunha utters.
There’s no need. Your existence is more than enough.
In a past life, you used to curse how consistently time seems to move without regard for anything else. After one of the worst nights of your life, how dare the sun have the audacity to rise up in the morning like your whole world hasn’t just collapsed? The lights peaking through your blinds felt like a big “fuck you” from the world. Everyone struggles, get over yourself, you lazy prick. Before you realized it, the negativity took up every corner of your mind, constant noise rattling around your head every second of your existence, bleeding into the nights that seemed endless as you could do nothing but stare at the ceiling.
But nowadays, those thoughts seem so long ago, like a vague memory. Maybe it hasn’t gotten easier to sleep, but it’s quieter now. Peaceful, even. It barely even occurred to you how much time has passed since then until a certain coworker of yours decides to remind you.
“Happy birthday!” Eunha pops up from behind the counter, donning a dingy party hat and holding a cupcake with a single lit candle embedded in it.
“H-huh? W-what—”
“Make a wish!” She pushes the cupcake in your face, a potential fire hazard if your hair was just an inch longer. Confused by the sudden onslaught, all you can do is stand there like an idiot, eyes tracing over the silly hat adorning her rosy head. It’s cute though.
“It’s your birthday, right?” Eunha pouts, reading your confused expression. “Or did the calendar lie to me?”
You pause for a moment, running the numbers in your head as you try to remember how much time has passed. “Right,” you utter, not quite meeting her eyes. “Yeah, it’s my birthday.” Without another word, you grab a broom and begin sweeping as a couple approaches the store, hoping their impending presence will get your mind off the topic. With how life has been going these past few years, it’s getting harder and harder to find a reason to celebrate.
The gentle chime of the entrance rings throughout the store, yet Eunha’s cheerful greeting that usually follows is hauntingly absent, you nearly greet the customers yourself just to fill the unusual silence. Before you can check to see if she’s alright, you’re interrupted by a male voice.
“Hey, you know where the beers are?” the guy asks. You silently gesture towards the fridges, taking the opportunity to eye the couple. The girl seems generally unremarkable, not unlike the usual customer at this hour, but something about the guy feels oddly familiar, despite his face not matching anyone in your recent memory. Something about the way he drapes his arm carelessly over the girl like she’s an accessory rather than a person, or the way he doesn’t even bother to look through the tiny store for more than two seconds before asking for the answer just pisses you off. 
“Thanks, pal,” he says, clapping your shoulder in a way that feels anything but friendly as he passes by. Out of all the expletives, middle fingers, and death threats that have been thrown your way by people far worse than this guy, none of them have managed to strike such an anger-inducing chord with you as that simple pat on your shoulder. But why?
You look over at the counter to check on Eunha, only to find a lone cupcake and a party hat peeking out from behind it. “Are you alright?” you ask, brows furrowed as you peer over the counter at her. All you receive in response is a panicked look and a harsh “Shhh!”.
“Hey pal, can you ring me— Eunha?” The two of them lock eyes in some weird staring contest, while you and his girlfriend or whoever she is are left completely out of the loop. You glance back and forth between them, trying to gain some semblance of understanding in their eyes for what feels like an eternity, until it finally clicks in your head.
The hint of familiarity despite never meeting him and the abundance of bad vibes he exudes all make sense — he’s Eunha’s ex-boyfriend.
You hastily scan his pack of beers and his box of condoms. “$20.55.”
“Why don’t you go wait outside for me, babe?” you hear him whisper to his new girl, unashamedly staring at her backside as she saunters out of the store. Eunha sighs, standing up from her hiding spot and leaving the party hat to dangle sadly in between her fingertips.
“So,” he continues, not even sparing you a single glance, “You’re still working in this shit hole?”
“Yup,” she replies, gaze glued to the floor. “Gotta pay rent somehow.”
He scoffs. “If you just come back to me—”
“I’m sorry, what the fuck?” You freeze at her sudden outburst, not used to this side of her. “Are you seriously asking me to come crawling back to you after everything you fucking did!?”
“Look, babe—”
“Don’t fucking ‘babe’ me, you asshole!” Her breath starts to get heavier as tears well up in her eyes and her fingers turn white around the dainty string of the party hat. “And don’t you have a new girlfriend anyway!? What the hell is wrong with you!?”
“What, you mean her?” His head flings back in a guttural laugh at the insinuation that he would find himself in a committed relationship with his “new girl”. Hell, if things weren’t so tense, you would be laughing at that idea too. “She’s just who I’m banging for tonight since you fucking left!”
“For fuck’s sake,” she groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Just pay for your shit and leave. Please.”
He scoffs. “Quit being a fucking bitch and—”
“If you leave now, I’ll let you have everything for free,” you interject, each breath heavy and quivering with anger. For the first time since this whole altercation, he acknowledges your presence and simply scoffs, eyeing the two of you back and forth. With a smirk, he grabs his things off the counter and backs away, chuckling to himself like there’s some kind of inside joke that neither you nor Eunha are a part of. As the door chime rings to signal his exit, you hear the huff of a harsh syllable underneath his breath that turns the next few moments into a vague blur.
You’ve never considered yourself to be particularly athletic—average at best, but still decent enough to not be picked last during childhood games. Yet, as you grab the cupcake from the counter and haphazardly chuck it through the air, you swear that Shohei Ohtani himself would’ve been impressed at the accuracy of your pitch as it arcs perfectly and splatters against the back of that asshole’s head. You freeze in disbelief of your own actions, barely registering the pink frosting-covered look of rage stomping towards you.
Eunha pulls you out of the doorway and quickly locks the door before pulling you into the break room, away from the view of the windows. Banging glass and muffled expletives are soon replaced by the monotonous whir of the fluorescents as she shuts the door behind her.
“Oh my god, are you insane?!” Eunha exclaims, trying and failing to suppress a grin.
“I-I, uh… I don’t know. Probably.” A breathy chuckle escapes your lips. And then another one. Soon, you’re keeling over the floor in laughter, replaying the impact of the cupcake over and over in your head.
A second chorus of laughter mixes with yours in a symphony of hysterics as Eunha joins you on the floor. Your head starts to ache and your stomach grows sore, but the first bout of genuine joy you feel after years of nothing but cold isolation overpowers any kind of pain. 
Being here, in this moment with her, is the best birthday gift you’ve ever received.
Even after the clock passes midnight and your birthday officially ends, Eunha still insists on doing something to celebrate. That sweet piece of payback against her ex was more than enough for you, but as always, it’s hard to say no when her eyes light up with so much excitement.
You wait in the solitude of your living room, with nothing but Yokai to pass the time. He purrs contently on your lap, being oddly well-behaved for once. Maybe he knows Eunha is coming and is in a better mood than usual. Are black cats telepathic?
As if on cue, he jumps off your lap and scurries towards the front door, a millisecond before a barrage of knocks and a muffled “Ayo!” sound off from the other side. It doesn’t take a genius to know who the owner of that voice is.
“Surprise!” Eunha exclaims, balancing a store-bought cake and a champagne bottle in her arms. 
“I’m not sure if it counts as a surprise if I know that you’re coming,” you joke, taking the contents from her arms.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, birthday boy.” Yokai impatiently nuzzles his head against Eunha’s leg, practically begging for her attention. “Well, hello again, cutie! Did you miss me?”
He purrs in response to getting showered by Eunha’s affection. You place the cake on the dining table and peer curiously at the champagne bottle, only to find the words “Sparkling Apple Cider” written in fancy gold lettering.
“Apple Cider?” you question.
“Yeah,” Eunha responds. “Did you want actual champagne or…?”
“No no, this is great.” You flash her a reassuring grin, which she returns in kind, punctuated by the cute swell of her cheeks.
“Phew, I’m glad. I thought I read you wrong for a second.” She plops comfortably onto your couch like she’s been to your apartment a thousand times before, Yokai swiftly taking his place onto her lap. “So, what do you usually do for your birthday?”
“Nothing, really,” you sheepishly admit. “If it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t have remembered it was today.”
“Whaaat? That’s no fun.”
“Yeah, well…”
You trail off as the ghosts of your past come back to haunt you. Each year, the faces around the table seemed to become fewer and fewer until it was just you and the cat. Eventually, you just stopped bothering with it. It’s just another day, indiscernible from every other one. Sure, you could go on about why no one bothered to contact you, but It’s not like you’re completely blameless—why didn’t you reach out? Every night spent with your eyes forcibly pried open, you basically had all the time in the world to one, single message to anyone. And yet, you didn’t.
It’s your fault alone that things ended up this way.
You feel a soft pair of hands suddenly wrap around yours, forcibly pulling you out of the black hole in your mind that threatened to envelop you.
“Why don’t we make this one extra special then?” Without waiting for you to answer, Eunha pulls you towards the kitchen and pushes you down into a chair.
“What are you doing?” you ask, confused yet charmed by her usual antics.
“Just wait a sec,” she says, rummaging through your cupboards like a mouse looking for cheese. You watch in amused silence as she searches through every nook and cranny for… whatever it is that she needs. You can’t quite wrap your head around why she’s going through all of this effort, in the dead of night, for you of all people. You’re just her coworker in a dingy little convenience store.
Although, it’s hard not to feel insanely lucky when she turns to you with that impossibly bright smile that only you get the luxury of seeing.
“Okay, here we go!” Eunha exclaims, taking the plastic lid off of the cake and fiddling with a single match.
You tilt your head curiously. “Is that a—”
“I forgot to get candles and this is all that you have, alright?” she playfully snaps at you. Finally, once the match is lit, she places it gingerly in the center of the cake. “Make a wish, birthday boy!”
As you gaze into the small, singular flame before you, it dawns on you that you have no idea what to wish for. Money? A bigger house? The ability to have a good night’s sleep? Blowing out a silly little candle isn’t going to magically change your life overnight, no matter what the occasion is.
But as you look past the flame, you see Eunha gleaming back at you, waiting with bated breath for you to make that wish. The passion, the excitement, the hope swirling around in just her eyes alone sends a wave of warmth throughout your body that seeps deep into the fibers of your bones. A wish finally forms inside of your head.
You blow out the match, extinguishing the flame and letting your wish float into the air along with the smoke.
“Woohoo!” Eunha cheers. “What did you wish for?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you suddenly feel sheepish under her gaze. “I-I, uh—”
“Wait, don’t tell me!” she frantically interjects. “I forgot, if you say your wish out loud, it won’t come true!”
A chuckle brushes past your lips. If there’s even a tiny chance that what she said is true, then you’ll gladly take a vow of silence just to keep your wish close to your heart.
Eunha cuts two generous slices of cakes for the both of you while you pour the sparkling cider into mismatched mugs - the only drinkware you have that even comes remotely close to fitting the occasion. Your apartment becomes enveloped in a comfortable silence, save for Yokai’s content purring on the couch and an occasional “Mmm” from Eunha in-between mouthfuls.
As you peer to the side, you notice a small glob of frosting on the corner of her lips. “You have a little something here,” you chuckle, gesturing to the area. She tries to wipe it off, but somehow completely misses the mark.
“No, it’s still there,” you say, unable to hold back a smirk at her failed attempt. Without thinking, you reach out and gently wipe the frosting from the corner of her mouth with your thumb. The soft warmth of her cheek sends a jolt through your body, and only then do you realize just how close you are. Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, but she doesn’t pull away. For a moment, time seems to stand still as you gaze into the deep obsidian of her irises, your thumb still lingering on her lips.
Eunha’s cheeks flush a rosy pink that mimics her hair, and you quickly retract your hand, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Um, got it,” you mutter, avoiding her gaze.
“Thanks,” she says softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
The air between you feels charged, as if closing the distance even a little bit would shock you. You steal a glance at her and find her doing the same, quickly turning away after a mere whisper of eye contact. For that split second, you notice her eyes shimmering with an emotion that you can’t quite place. The silence stretches on, growing heavier with unspoken words.
Eunha breaks the tension first with a soft chuckle. “So, uh, how was your birthday? Sorry I couldn’t do much more than this.”
“N-no, it’s fine. I thought it was great, actually,” you admit, a small grin tugging at your lips.
“Yeah?” she says, beaming at you. “I’m glad.”
“Me too.”
She stands up and begins to gather her things. “I should probably head home now. It’s getting—well, I guess it’s already late.”
A pang of disappointment hits your chest. “Right.”
Each step feels like you’re wearing cinder blocks as you walk her to the front door. Yokai perks up from his spot at the couch, mimicking your own feelings of panic as Eunha nears the exit. Why are you acting like this? You’ll see her at work tomorrow. Despite your attempts at rationalizing, the growing urge to stop her is becoming harder and harder to ignore.
As she takes a step outside of your apartment, she turns to you. For a moment, she simply gazes into your eyes. You can’t quite read them—it’s hard when you’re too distracted by how unbelievably pretty they are—but it feels like she’s waiting. Waiting for you to say something, maybe? With the thumping of your heart growing louder in your ears, the ability to focus suddenly becomes an uphill battle.
“I, uh, I had fun tonight.”
You take a breath. “Y-yeah, me too.”
“I guess I’ll see you at work then?” Her voice lilts up, as if she’s asking a question. A loaded question, even. An answer sits on the tip of your tongue, desperately waiting to be heard by her ears. Just a couple words, and yet it feels like overlooking a cliff with no end in sight. A free fall into new, terrifying territory.
But, as you’ve learned time and time again, it’s hard saying no to that face.
“A-actually,” you begin, your voice almost getting caught in your throat, “it’s late and it might be unsafe tonight, so… I was wondering… do you want to stay the night?”
If you had more than just pure adrenaline pushing you forward, you could’ve probably used a better choice of words. Something smoother and less uncertain. Something more charming, as Eunha would put it. But all of these thoughts sink to the back of your mind when you’re suddenly attacked by the softest lips you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Like muscle memory, your hands wrap around Eunha’s delicate waist, gently pushing her into the door until it shuts with an audible click. 
All the second guessing, the worrying, the negativity, everything is completely thrown out the window as you sink into her lips. You let yourself get lost in her touch, pulling her close to you like she’s your matching puzzle piece. In the midst of needy touching and sharp breaths, a wave of calmness washes over you. Like all of this is meant to be.
“W-wait…” Eunha gently pushes you off of her, worry filling her expression.
“What’s wrong?” you ask. “Do you not want thi—”
“I do want this. I want you, more than you could ever imagine, but I just…” she sighs, her grip on your shoulders weakening slightly. “I really like working at the store and talking to you every night and feeling like my life isn’t a constant trainwreck. I need that consistency in my life. If we do this, no matter what happens tonight, I need you to promise me that nothing will change between us.”
She looks up at you with desperate, pleading eyes. You know, probably more than anyone, just how much pain she holds inside, invisible to the outside world. The two of you are alike in that way. The only difference is that she kept on trying to live despite her scars, while you stopped trying because of them.
“I’m not a perfect person by any means,” you start softly, gently caressing her cheek. “Before I met you, I felt like I was barely even human. I was just a body without a soul, wandering aimlessly. But then, I met you and everything changed.”
Eunha sinks her face into your hand, peering at you with those damn eyes. You’ve seen them light up like fireworks during her highest highs and pour like a perilous storm during her lowest lows, but you’ve never once seen them completely empty, void of any emotion. For once, you feel hope that things can get better, and she is the living, breathing reason why.
“Whenever I’m with you, nights don’t feel as cold and the stars seem to shine brighter than I thought was possible,” you continue. “Breathing becomes easier and I laugh harder than I ever have before. Life doesn’t just become bearable—it becomes enjoyable. And that’s all because of you.”
As your words linger in the gap between lips, you feel the haze that clouded your mind for so long finally lift, making way for light to shine through. A pure, warming light with pink hair and porcelain skin and cheeks like puffed up marshmallows.
“I take back everything I said before,” Eunha says with a smirk. “That was the most charming thing I’ve ever heard.”
Before you even have time to roll your eyes, she’s kissing you again with a newfound passion. You’re quick to follow her lead, running your hands over the curves she’s been hiding underneath her work uniform and taking mental notes of the spots that produce a cute moan. Each sensation feels like a spark of lightning being shot through your veins, driving your every movement. You want—no, need to please this woman, show her exactly just how much she means to you.
With all the adrenaline in your system, you end up pinning Eunha against the front door with an audible thud. “Someone’s eager to get things going,” she teases, short-breathed and rosy-cheeked.
“How can I not be when you’re so—”
“MRRAAOOOUWWWW!!!” Yokai cries out, his yellow eyes full of judgement as he looks at your crude display of affection from the couch. Attention whore.
Eunha chuckles. “Maybe we should—”
You take her hand and practically drag her to the privacy of your bedroom, her excited giggles trailing behind you. As soon as the door shuts behind you, Eunha is already laying on your bed, resting comfortably as if it were her own.
“Got room for one more?” you quip.
“If it’s you, definitely.”
With an easy smile, you make your way towards her, fingers grazing up her thighs to her toned stomach and around the sensuous curve of her bosom before resting right next to her head. The moonlight peaking through the window illuminates her eyes, allowing you to see the passion and the neediness aimed directly at you.
“You’re so beautif—mmf!“
Eunha suddenly claps her hand over your mouth. “Listen, you’re very cute, but I desperately need you to take my clothes off. Now please.”
You waste no more time, diving into the crook of her neck and producing a yelp from her throat as you pepper it with kisses. Excitedly, your hands slip under her shirt to massage her full breasts. You’d be lying if you said you never imagined it would be like to cup her breasts, but actually getting to feel them in your hand is a different sensation entirely. So soft yet so firm, and perfectly bouncy. By the noises she’s making, it’s safe to assume that she’s enjoying this just as much as you are.
Eunha reaches down and strokes the outline of your cock through your jeans, her movements fueled by a primal lust. “Oh my god, I can already tell you’re so much bigger than my ex. Please, I need you inside me right fucking now,” she begs, already fidgeting with your belt.
You chuckle, not used to her lovely voice spewing out such heinous demands. Whatever the princess wants, she’ll get.
Loose clothing begins to decorate your room while a symphony of pleasurable cries and wrinkling fabric accompanies the scene. Moonlight casts shadows on your walls, depicting the beautiful act of debauchery taking place. This room, which only harbors memories of dreadfully sleepless nights, becomes a haven for you and Eunha to begin something new and wonderful.
“Can’t believe I almost let Yuju have all of this for herself,” she giggles, eyeing your length as it nears her dripping sweetness. 
You lean down to briefly take her lips in yours, running your hands over her now unclothed body, bare in all its glory. “I don’t wanna think about any woman other than you right now,” you say in a low, growly tone.
“Mmm, good answer.” Eunha abruptly wraps her legs around your waist. “Now fuck me, birthday boy.”
Your cock drags against her folds, lubricating it with her juices. You feel her shiver underneath you as you lightly graze against her clit. She’s so beautiful. Completely exposed and vulnerable, all for you. With a single movement of your hips, you enter her honeypot, the two of you sharing a moan as the tip slides in. 
“Shit,” you groan, drawing in a heavy breath, “We forgot a condom—”
“We work at a convenience store, we can just get a Plan B tomorrow!!” Eunha snaps before donning an apologetic look. “Sorry, I just mean—”
You interrupt her with a peck on the lips, smirking at her. “I know what you meant. I’ll shut up now.”
Pure instinct takes over as you begin to buck your hips into her, years of pent up energy and the desire to make her feel loved fueling each thrust. The crescendo of her voice every time your bodies meet is a tune like no other, and you do everything in your power just to hear that noise again and again and again and again. Sink your fingers into the meaty flesh of her thighs, lap at her perky tits, pin her arms over her head so her only choice is to succumb to the overwhelming sensation of lust.
“Perfect” doesn’t even begin to properly describe Eunha. From her bubblegum optimism that managed to melt your cold heart to the velvety tightness of her pussy as she takes you in so fucking well, there aren’t enough words in existence to explain just how much she means to you. So instead, you do your best to deliver the message through every movement. The fire in your pelvis as you fuck her heat, the soreness of your tongue as you worship every inch of her body, everything you do is testament into making sure she knows just how much you mean to her.
Love her in a way that her ex could never do.
Love her until all the pain and suffering she went through is forgotten.
Love her the way you’ve been unknowingly aching for her since the moment you laid eyes on her. Repay her for all that she’s done just by existing.
“K-keep going! Just like that!” she groans, the grip of her pussy tightening with each second. You do as she says, fucking her at the pace that she likes and hitting every spot that produces that oh-so-pretty noise from her lips. With how amazing she feels, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the building feeling in the pit of your stomach.
She grabs your face, forcing you to look at hers. “Inside me, baby. Please. I need to feel you. I want to feel you.” She peers at you with those eyes, glimmering with the light of a full moon, and pleads for you to stay inside her. How silly. Why would you beg when I would give you the whole world at the drop of a hat?
In one final thrust, you climax in her arms, wave after wave of pleasure rushing through you. Eunha shoves her face into the crook of your neck, a guttural moan escaping her lips as she experiences her own orgasm. Months of working alongside her and getting to know her, culminating into a beautiful moment of release for the both of you—and this is only the beginning.
“H-holy… shit…” Eunha pants, tracing lazy circles on your shoulder. “That was… better than I could have ever imagined.”
“Are you saying you’ve imagined this before?” you tease.
“What, you think I’m gonna work with someone that’s as sweet and as awkwardly-cute as you and not occasionally think about fucking him?” she retorts with a smirk. 
The both of you share a laugh in each other’s arms, bathed in the moonlight and sweat of passion. Before long, the exhaustion of today’s events gets to the both of you, and you feel your eyes grow heavier and heavier—a sensation you haven’t felt in a long time. A final kiss marks the beginning of many more nights to come. Nights where the shadows are still and the morning become a moment to look forward to.
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highhhfiveee · 1 year ago
melodic stoner thotz
i’ve ALSO been having this silly thought about stoner!mike (who we haven’t seen in so long, i’m so sorrrrry). pls enjoy these unedited, unproofread thoughts that i typed instead of doing my work.
i listened to brie larson’s version of black sheep the other day (plus roomie and i watched the new scott pilgrim show, 8/10) and i started thinking about popstar!reader. hear me out;
you’re in a girl group, one that i currently have no name for, and you’re starting to gain traction in the states after releasing your debut album; you make high energy pop bops that emphasize on being true to yourself and standing up for what’s right with three other girls you’d met in the hallway at auditions. you’re grateful for the opportunity of course, but it’s not exactly what you’d wanted for your music career.
you have little creative control, and you’re told to sing and dance and dress a certain way; it’s a dream and a nightmare in one, and sometimes it has you wanting to leave the group all together, starting from scratch with music you actually loved.
you’re thinking about marching to the execs with your grievances when your manager sends a message to the group chat: WE’RE OPENING FOR [unnamed band that’s as big as say…the 1975 lmao] ON THEIR FALL TOUR!!!
you loved [unnamed band] and to support them on the North American leg of their tour is something you know you’d be idiotic to walk away from.
the city mike and abby live close to is stop 4 out of 10, and you’d been doing good with keeping up your charade of happiness. you sing and dance your ass off every night, knowing that you’re here and you can’t waste a moment of it; millions of aspiring musicians had wanted this but you’d finally made it to the stage.
you rarely ever fumbled during performances, a perfectionist at heart, but during the verse of one of your mid tempo songs, your eyes somehow gaze past the blinding stage lights and focus on abby (who you don’t know as abby of course lol), shouting every single word back to you with silly shimmies and head bobs.
you laugh, consumed with butterflies at the fact that she was enjoying your set so much. you’re enthralled by her energy, and it causes you to miss your cue for the prechorus. you giggle it off though you’re flustered, singing, “we have a lot of songs, my badddddd” to the melody of the music.
it makes the crowd explode with laughter, and you use that to propel you through the rest of your set, still looking towards abby as you present the outro during your final song. “thank you all so much, we love you! [bandmate 1] and i will be by the merch table once we’re off stage, and we hope to see you some of your faces there! are you all ready to see [unnamed band]????”
the crowd roars, and you watch as abby and the guy next to her disappear through the throng of people.
abby rushes straight for you once you’re sat at the merch stand, her cheeks flushed as she holds out her t-shirt for you. it’s one from your group’s first small tour, one where you’d gone to small cities throughout the country for as much exposure as possible. it was a size to big for her, draping down to her thighs. “y/n, i love you!!! can you please sign my shirt?”
“of course, cutie. i saw you dancing to [song name], is that one of your favorites?” abby nods excitedly as you scribble her name on your shirt, accenting it with a heart. you glance up at mike, who just stands behind her observing your interaction. he’s high as shit of course; he’d been a blob next to abby, really, bleary eyes and stationary, but seeing him this close revealed to you the stoner boy of your dreams.
“i take it you’re a big fan too?” you point the end of your marker at this chest. he’s wearing the same old tour shirt as abby, but his fits him well. he can’t believe your focus has moved to him now, and even though he should feel cool and calm off the edible he took before your set, your enticing gaze has him grasping for straws inside his mind.
“uh well, i…i really do it all for her, but you guys do have some solid songs. got some on your album that make me feel all powerful and sexy when i listen to them.” you both chuckle, and you motion for him to give you your hand.
you scribble your number onto his hand in red ink, musing, “well, i always love to hear what people think about our stuff. maybe…when i’m done with tour, you could tell me more over a joint or something?”
mike’s mouth goes dry, drier than it already was, but he’s nodding all languidly, leaving you with a small smirk when you give him his hand back. “yeah, yeah. sounds like a plan.”
this is kind of messy but do you all see the vision????? a full fic would be wayyyyy more structured and detailed, but i just NEEDED to get this idea out and i wanna know what you all think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 (it would be like safety net with more smut and a tinge more angst, but definitely fluffy as hell too. like you confide in mike about the reality of your situation and he encourages you to fight for what you believe in, like one of your group’s songs ;-; still there’s lots of drama between you and the other members and the LABEL and so many entertainment people——me thinks it would go kind of nuts)
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ouroboobos · 2 years ago
i need a new fucking job lmfao. ITEMIZED LIST OF GRIEVANCES AS OF RIGHT NOW
its customer service
i make less as a manager than the starting wage at mcdonalds
theres at least two grown men with sexual harrassment complaints against them because they cant stop hitting on teenage girls
the two guys got in zero trouble and continue to be treated like perfect hardware store angels
one of them gave me a rose on valentines day and kept trying to give me rides
theres a completely seperate third man in his 60s who continually makes comments about my body and touches me and tried to give me a massage in the break room one time
everyone loves him and hes been working here for like 8 years so even if it got bad enough to report him theres no way my boss would give a shit and no one would ever believe me and im worried abt retaliation
i havent told him to fuck off because im scaredcore so idk if he even knows hes making me uncomfortable
i get routinely sexually harrassed by customers and when i asked my boss abt how to handle it he basically said other girls have quit over it and "the real problem is when they dont call a manager up" so he definitely does not udnerstand what its actually like to deal with that and that its usually too subtle to do anything abt it
since i got promoted i almost never get my 10 minute breaks which maybe doesnt seem like a big deal but it is wearing me the fuck out
im surrounded by proud vocal conservatives
EXCEPT for my boss who is one of those people who doesnt think hes a bigot (hes very proud of being one of the chill open-minded Christians) but definitely is
also i couldnt make this up even if i wanted to, but hes 36 years old and a cpuple days ago he made me stand there and listen to him rant about hes not homophobic but why did they make Good Omens gay not everything has to be gay 😡😡😡 hes 36. hes fucking 36
we're almost always understaffed and they dont want to pay anyone so they dont start hiring more people until we're already in our busiest season and then we have to train a bunch of 15 year olds between dealing with 36 billion kajillion fucking customers
truly abysmal fucking communication. i didnt even know i was getting promoted to management until i was in the middle of supervisor training (which they never bothered to finish so i got like... tiny disjointed snippets of training over a period of a few weeks and then i was a manager)
i was functionally head cashier for months and they never gave me the title or the raise because i was "being trained for the position" when actually they allotted less than a day of training from the FORMER head cashier on her last day even though they knew she was retiring for months and then i just figured it out by myself and was already doing all of it
im finally going back to school and next semester when im better settled i want to transition to full time classes, so i met with my boss to give him a heads up and told him i wanted to start training a couple people on some of my basic responsibilities in case i have to cut down my hours, and he basically brushed me off and said we can talk about it in a few months.
and then he talked about his time in college for like twenty minutes and said i shouldnt overwhelm myself by working full time and going to school full time, which made it seem like he was on the same page
but then he kind of was like "well its good you want to get an education but if you go part time in the spring that kind of screws us over" so im not really sure what the fuck is happening in his brain but it almost sounds like he expects me to stay part time in school and keep working full time and doesnt want to prepare for anything else
also he didnt tell me i inherited the key department in addition to the front end until i was like hey whos ordering keys now? and he was like ummmm you? 🤨 ok thanks for the heads up man
its one of those places that looks pretty nice but theres like 20 things breaking throughout the store that theyre too cheap to fix
^recent example: the receipt printers arent working for duplicates (which we need for returns, special orders, etc) so now you to walk across the room to the actual printer and they dont want to fix it because "the printer paper is cheaper than the receipt paper". im not even that irritated about having to use the big printer but that is so fucking cheap for such a massive successful company that now im genuinely pissed off about it.
my boss is one of those guys who seems super nice and friendly and great at first, and pretty much everyone thinks he is, but the more time you spend with him the more you're like. hey buddy is something a little bit fucking wrong with you? and every day i resent him just a tiny bit more
they want us to follow homeless people around the store like fucking spies until we find an excuse to kick them out
theres a guy that comes in every now and again and harrasses female cashiers, walks around casually dropping hate speech, and once literally told one of our teenage boys about his rape fantasy and they wont do anything about him because he's rich and he spends a lot of money
we all have like 4 jobs with barely the pay of 1
i hates it
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dragonmasterhiccup · 6 months ago
Ash chittered, letting him stroke her, happily nuzzling further into his warm chest, taking in ll the comfort that she could get.
"Oh yeah, it's been a fantastic change." Sven nodded. "A very very good change."
He thought about this momentarily, then hummed. "I mean, at first, people weren't a fan of the idea. They'd grown up fighting dragons for years. I was in the dragon killing rings since I was young. I lost my leg to dragons when I was barely twenty. All of this, everyone elses pain and grievances with them, just proved to us at the moment that they were evil."
Sven chuckled, "But the moment Angar proposed the idea of stopping, of neutral and peaceful means, there was a riot originally. People hated the idea. But it was the youth who managed to turn things around in the end. Russet had already, even when we were still fighting them, gone out to feed the Terrors, these little guys."
"The young ones refused to fight or kill and eventually the elders and warriors started seeing that the dragons were responding as well. They saw that the youth weren't fighting and they stopped too. And then, slowly but surely, the fight leaked out of everyone, and now we use the neutral tactics to remove dragons from where they're not supposed to be."
He smiled, stroking Ember still, looking back to Hiccup with a fatherly pride. "You are amazing, you know that? You've done so much good, for so many people, at such a young age. Anyone would be so immensely proud to have you as their son."
Hiccup unwrapped his cloak, covering the little dragon with it to further help Ash warm up.
Listening as Sven explained, he nodded, understanding. "My tribe, they didn't take too kindly to it at first, either. But, it all happened very suddenly, actually."
He explained that while getting to know and fly with Toothless took some time, everything afterwards happened within a day.
"The next thing I know, my father wants nothing to do with me, he has Toothless chained to a boat leading him and an army to the nest, and there I was, knowing it was all my fault."
Explaining further, he mentioned how his peers came to his aid, and how they all rode dragons to try and stop the massacre his people were headed to.
"It wasn't until Toothless dove after me in the flames, saving my life, that not only my father, but my whole tribe changed their minds. Seeing dragons live peacefully with us...it's incredible, really."
He wasn't sure how to take Sven's compliment, and he stayed focused on the Terrible Terror that was curled up against him before finally responding. "I just saw that they were just like us, and I wanted to help." Meeting Sven's eyes he said, "Thank you. That's something I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing.. "
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bitchassbucky · 4 years ago
Word Count: 2k
Warning/s: toxic/abusive relationship dynamics, gaslighting and manipulation, abduction, injuries were mentioned, stalking, dark!bucky x dark!reader, emotionally/mentally unstable!reader, dismemberment (not gore-y but still), three very special character mentions, shady corporate stuff, career sabotage?, food mention, sedation/drugging, f-words.
A/N: oh my god, this is the final chapter of CTRL. to all who read from the start, thank y'all so fucking much - from the bottom of my big-ass heart, thank you so much for coming along with this journey. this is my first FINISHED series, oh my god. to @babyboibucky (CTRL's number one fan), @sarge-barnes-sir, and @borikenlove thank you so much for indulging my inner degenerate GHJSDFG and for screaming (affectionately) at me when i first let y'all read the finished draft.
BUT THIS IS NOT THE END (just yet), i will be uploading TWO epilogues very soon: the explicit version and the not-so-explicit version. stay tuned!
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
.eps (explicit)
.eps (cut)
CTRL playlist CTRL moodboard
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Your demeanor, character, even tone, changed.
Calculated, cold, unnerving.
But you sat there like a housewife in front of her husband, eating spaghetti and meatballs. Acting all dandy like there isn’t a man strapped onto the chair four feet away from you.
“C’mon, darling, eat! I made your favorite,” your eyes twinkled as Bucky helplessly tugged on his restraints, “oh, sorry, you’re tied up.”
Hm, sick in the head, bad for the heart.
“What do you want?” Oh, wow, even talking hurts for him. His throat is all dried up, he tasted something bitter under his tongue.
You chuckled, moving half a meatball around your mostly empty plate, “for you to stop treating me like I’m stupid.” You spear the meat with your fork, swirling it in the sauce, “I know you’ve been… checking in on me, Bucky.”
Oh, fuck.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I was-- I mean, look at you--” He’s making it worse. You’re mad. You’re angry because he was being a good friend.
He only did that because you were lonely and he’s right: you are lonely.
So lonely that you’re willing to kidnap a grown man to keep you company, “I’m so sad for you.”
“You’re aware you’re the one’s been tied up, right?” You’re curt as you should be, scooting over near Bucky to feed him.
“I can’t eat that—” If he wasn’t sitting down and tied, Bucky would’ve vaulted over you and called the neighbors, she’s fucking crazy!
You giggled, rolling your eyes as if he had the freedom to make a choice right now, “if you’re thinking of screaming… More than half of my neighbors are felons or on parole, I doubt that they’ll call 911.”
Jutting forward the fork, you let the prongs gently touch Bucky’s lips, “now, eat! We have so much to talk about.”
“No. I don’t-- I’m not hungry.” He shakes his head, the fork hitting his chin and clanking down the floor.
“Just eat the fucking food, Steve!”
Bucky flinched at your sudden outburst. The words—the name—seeping in a moment later. Steve? Who the hell is Steve? Was he your husband? Boyfriend? His head throbbed again, his mouth filling with saliva like he’s about to throw up.
You kneel down, pulling a napkin from the table to wipe the meat and the sauce from the floor.
“This better not stain.”
He promised thrice.
Once over pasta and meatballs, once over dessert, and once when you were clearing the table.
You relented, of course. Half because you love him and half because it’s getting annoying.
“As long as you don’t leave me, okay?”
“Yes, I promise. I won’t leave you.”
Bucky’s still seating on the dinner chair, slightly slumped without the ropes holding him up, “look, I’m really sorry about the anesthetic, I went overboard with it.” You look over to him—at least he’s regaining his fingers and arms again.
“It’s okay, babe, I wouldn’t trust me either.” If he could stand up, he’d go over and hug you. Helping with the dishes, peppering you with sweet kisses.
A genuine laugh slips out of your lips, “ugh, still… I’m really sorry.”
The last of the plates were neatly stacked, cups and cutleries were placed gently on a drying rack. It was getting late, you could tell.
“I’m not mad, by the way.” You muse, prompting Bucky to lean forward, listening to you.
“What do you mean?” He takes your hand into his, ever so gently.
“You did that,” you squeeze his hand back, gazing into his soulful eyes, “because you love me.”
Did you know that some people could read microexpressions well? Bucky went through a whole lot of them before answering, “of course, I do.”
Contemplating whether you call him out on it or not, you hum, placing a gentle hand on his jaw, “it’s okay, you’ll learn how to love me.”
He has to. He has no other choice.
Bucky clears his throat, “have you seen my phone?” His tone was hopeful, upbeat, maybe he can reach out to someone, anyone, before you can do any more damage.
“Yeah, ‘s on the couch.”
He tried to move, he really did. Bucky’s fairly strong, he can bench an easy 140 on a good day. But even the beefiest motherfuckers have no match for Propofol.
“Don’t worry about your friends, they’re not worried about you, Buck.” The coolness of your tone sends Bucky into a panic—again. “D’you wanna check your messages though? There’s a lot of ‘em.”
Grabbing his phone, you asked Siri to read him his latest notifications.
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
From Joaquin: Where are you, man?
From John W.: Do you have copies?
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
Urgent: Gross Misconduct
From Joaquin: Bucky, what the fuck?
From Samuel Wilson: Pick up the phone, Barnes. You’re fired.
17 missed calls from an unknown number
From John W.: I knew you were a freak but holy shit, dude!
72 text messages from an unknown number
Bucky never really liked horror movies. It made him jumpy and anxious. Too paranoid, even. But now? Now he’s sure that people have never experienced sheer fright before.
His toes cramped inside his boots, his feet were cold, sweating. The little hairs on his legs stood up, goosebumps littering the entirety of his body. If he held his breath, he’s sure he could hear his heart hammering out of his chest. The blood rushes past his ears and onto the base of his skull—he’s gonna be sick.
“What,” he gulped back the saliva pooling in his mouth, “what did you do?”
You’re irritatingly calm, “well, I mean… We’re already together, what do you need those for, right?”
Putting a warm hand over his forehead, you cooed, “poor thing, you look sick.”
Bucky thinks it’s well past midnight when the anesthetic wore off.
His limbs were heavy, he had to lean on the wall every couple of steps to regain his balance. Helpless. He’s helpless and you both know it. As if it’s a bear trap, Bucky carefully took his phone from the coffee table.
Why would you leave it unattended?
The screen lights up as soon as he picked up, his lock screen littered with ‘fuck yous’, ‘sicko’, and his personal favorite, ‘motherfucker.’
Ignoring the glaring messages, he went straight for the emergency dialler and—you took out his SIM card, snapping it into two neat pieces, placing it beside the phone.
The golden surface of the card was scratched too, he can’t do anything, use it as a toothpick, maybe? His phone was just as good as a paperweight.
He looks out of the window, limping towards it. Even if he could climb over, it would take him forever to get onto the street. Your neighbors would probably think that he’s just on a bad trip.
“It’s bolted shut. Perks of living alone as a single female.” Your voice made him flinch back, like a kid whose hand was halfway down the cookie jar.
Bucky plays it off with a cough, he can’t be weak now, “no, babe, I was checking out a noise. You ready for bed?”
You smiled softly, taking his hand and draping his arm on your shoulders as you prop him against you, “almost, big guy. Gotta get you settled in bed first. Are you tired?”
Nodding, Bucky kisses your temple, “yeah.” He just needs to play with your sick little games until he regains his strength.
Where would he go? His reputation and his job are besmirched, his apartment is probably crawling with forensics too.
“You fell down and banged your head earlier. Nasty cut on your head too. I told you to not tire yourself much.”
You hit and drugged me but I digress, “Yes, darling. ‘M sorry.”
“You scared me, Buck. I thought you were dead.” Are these tears forming in your eyes?
“I’m not leaving you, not by any chance. I promise.”
He promises a fourth time.
Your bedroom was bigger than he thought. But of course, he only saw your desk and your bed through the webcam.
Save from the Ted Bundy-esque corkboard you have in front of your workspace, he feels weirdly at home. You tucked him in, reminding him to wake up every two hours for the painkillers.
“You’re not going to bed?” He muses from behind you, all cocooned in your blankets.
“Just need to take this phone call real quick, babe.” Your back was turned from him as you work on your company laptop. He noticed that the webcam is covered with white tape.
The sound of an incoming call filled the room before you quickly answer it, your voice turning hoarse and raspy as if you’ve been crying.
Hi, Mr. Wilson. I’m so sorry for the late call. Do I- do I need to come in tomorrow? I just... I don’t feel comfortable facing everyone—I used all my home hours this week and—
Miss L/N, I’m glad you reached out to me. Is it okay if I record this call for security purposes? It’s just for you, me, and the HR department.
You turned to Bucky, your face is stone-cold but your voice belonged to someone so utterly helpless.
No, you don’t have to call into work tomorrow… Or any other day.
A dainty gasp and a fucking sob comes out of your mouth, your eyes were telling a different story.
Am I fired?
God, no. Please, Miss L/N, don’t worry about that. We want you with us through this entire debacle. We want you to take some time off—paid. We’ll also grant you… a grievance package.
You could almost hear what he would say next.
As long as you don’t talk to any members of the press or any journalists until our friends in the PR department can clean this up.
A triumphant smile creeps on your bare features, putting a finger in front of your lips, you mimic a ‘shh’ gesture to Bucky.
You round up another mirthless sob as the CEO drones on about the bureaucracy of this whole thing.
He was really nice to me, you know? He took me out on dinners and lunches. He even brought me to his place and I– nothing happened but I can’t stop thinking about it.
I’m really sorry, Miss L/N. I thought he was…
A good guy? I really thought so too.
Please stay offline for a bit, just for the weekend, alright? Someone from the HR department will be in touch with you for the process. We don’t wanna be a hassle more than what Barnes is. On our behalf, please accept our deepest apologies.
Jesus, this guy had the PR department cook up an apology letter.
Thank you—thank you so much, Mr. Wilson. I’ll keep in touch.
You burst out in laughter a second after the call ended. Hearty laughter, the one where you can feel your belly tightening.
“Did you hear how good I was, baby? Oh my god, we had them fooled.”
We? Fuck your ‘we.’
You slide over the covers, propping up yourself with your elbow as you turn to face Bucky, “don’t worry, you don’t need them anymore. You have me, yeah? We have each other.”
Out of the most bizarre things that happened to him last week, finding dismembered fingers in the fridge was the least of his concerns.
“Honey!” Bucky calls out, holding the ziplock bag with a pair of tongs.
You bound down the stairs, your laptop in hand as you squint, “what am I looking at?”
Bucky hesitated, maybe he’s going insane too, “fingers. Dismembered fingers—are these yours?”
Setting down the laptop onto the table, you peck him on the cheek, smiling as if him holding a baggie with human remains is just your Sunday normal, “god, I hope not. I need my hands to do things.”
As soon as you look back at him, you dropped the facade: “those are Steve’s. Well, used to be.”
Bucky’s afraid to ask the question where’s the rest of him?
“You know the term pinky promise, right? Well, it has a dark origin.”
Just as fast as a bustling train, Bucky rakes his brain for all the times he promised you something. Hoping that he won’t end up with a stump for a hand.
One vividly bright memory is seared into his brain though, the days blurred together with sharp edges and mismatched colors: we love how we were taught to love.
So, who taught you how to love like this?
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botheredbuck · 4 years ago
hi hello my name is leo and here’s the post that literally no one asked for about how three by sleeping at last is written for one evan buckley (with lyric references!)
maybe i’ve done enough  and your golden child grew up 
listen this is literally about the buckley parents. he spent so long trying to be the perfect son for his parents, trying to solve whatever he’d done to them, trying desperately to just be enough for them and breaking himself in the process. he literally tore himself apart trying to be just something to them. he talks to maddie when he visits her in the hospital (in buck begins) about them thinking he’s a loser and literally begs her to believe him when he says he’s going to be something one day. that’s the effect his parents had on him. and when his parents come back in what’s your grievance/buck begins and he finally gets to tell them how they made him feel his whole life, and that convo with them at the end of buck begins, i think that’s the beginning of him kind of being able to say i’ve grown up now, and yeah what you did will always hurt me but i can move past it now, because i have my own family, i’ve found somewhere where i actually belong. and with the 118, he doesn’t have to be that golden child 
(sure, there’s the protective, kinda mentoring instinct between him and bobby that we see a lot through the early parts of season one especially, but even with that there’s never this expectation that buck’s gotta be perfect - gotta be the golden child. bobby’s trying to help him be a better firefighter and grow as a person but there’s never that pressure that there was with his parents. 
oh and hey maybe that’s why the lawsuit happens because the whole thing about bobby holding him back feels too much like his parents underestimating him, never believing in him (they think i’m a total loser maddie, and i’m not, i’m not okay- i’m gonna be something, i just- don’t know what yet) and it’s hard beause bobby has never made him feel like that but it’s just a little too close)
maybe this trophy isn’t real love 
this lyric. i do not give it enough appreciation but holy fuck. okay but, its like- it fits well with this whole idea that buck grew up with that he always had to deserve love, yanno? like his parents’ neglect basically taught him that he had to be putting himself in danger and hurting himself to be worth even attention. and it’s like- with the 118, he’s finally getting to realise that maybe that’s not how love is supposed to work. he’s been brought up with the idea that he needs to work for this love because otherwise if he’s not good enough people will leave. and this doesn’t even finish with his parents. this goes all the way through to abby, to ali. he has this deep rooted fear that if he’s not good enough then people will leave him, because that’s all he’s really had. and then this lyric- it’s like, him realising that this version of love that his parents fed him isn’t real love, isn’t how parents should love their kids, or how families should care for each other. and it’s just buck’s realisation that this tokenistic love isn’t something that he has to settle for, because it’s not real love. 
and with or without it i’m good enough maybe i’ve done enough 
this kinda carries on from the first point but it’s like, buck finally getting to realise that he doesn’t need his parents love to be worth shit. like his whole childhood he was just trying to be what his parents wanted in the desperate hope that they would see him. and now he’s found this place he really belongs and in the 118 he’s found these people he really belongs with, and it’s like- suddenly he doesn’t need to try- doesn’t need to work to be loved. and it’s like, he’s realising that he doesn’t need to change himself to be worth shit. 
a mess of a story i’m ashamed to tell  but i’m slowly learning how to break this spell 
this- it’s just- the whole thing about buck getting therapy in s4. for so long he’s not really talked to anyone about the shit he’s been through, like even we see in what’s your grievance that the 118 basically know nothing about the buckleys. because buck doesn’t even talk about his past to them really, because he’s so ashamed of it. but him finally being able to go to therapy and work on it, it’s like- he’s slowly learning how to undo all this shit that his parents drilled into him, like about him never being good enough and about him having to work for their love and attention and change himself. and he’s finally learning, with therapy and with the 118 reteaching him all this shit about love (and not even romantic, like buddie is a whole other thing don’t even get me started, like familial love), how to get past his parents and realise that he is worthy of love, regardless of anything else. 
and i finally see myself  through the eyes of no one else 
oh shit but this is important and all right. like. it’s just a little thing but it’s like, buck trying to move on from letting what other people thought of him control him. i think this is something that he’s working on, and something that comes with time, because i think it’s something we see a lot throughout the show. i think it kinda contributes to the whole buck 1.0 thing, like sure a lot of why he wants to move on from ‘buck 1.0′ is about moving on and being a better man and stuff but i think it’s also this thought of being embarrassed of himself, almost? idk but look he has a lot of issues with seeing himself as good enough without the influence of others and i think this lyric links a lot to that. 
now i only want what’s real to let my heart feel what it feels 
again this fits with the whole therapy thing as well but it’s like- throughout the show he’s always been a very heart-on-his-sleeve kinda guy. like that’s just who he is. but like this- to let my heart feel what it feels - its like about him being allowed to be proud of how far he’s come and everything he’s been through with his parents and even after that. and its about him allowing himself to love unashamedly and without fear of people abandoning him, and not like letting that fear stop him from loving. and like yeah im gonna touch on buddie here bc like, it’s like after all this shit, everything that the two of them have been through, it’s like, that line is like him letting himself feel that for eddie, whatever it is. because for so long he’s not let himself get that connection after abby because she hurt him like that and he’s not let himself have this connection with eddie out of fear that it’s not going to be reciprocated or tat he’s a terrible person for falling in love with his best friend or some shit but it’s like- that line is like him allowing himself to feel that, and like that just being okay? like he’s finally getting to accept that he’s fallen in love with this increibleman and his incredible son and the life that he’s built with them, and like it’s about buck falling in love with that life and trusting that it’s not going to disappear from under his feet. and that takes buck a lot of courage because he’s only ever had people that left. and so he’s finally letting his heart feel , and letting his heart guide him, because he deserves it. 
and like even out of a buddie context, with the rest of the 118, it still applies. this shit about letting his heart feel what it feels, it’s like- letting himself believe that this life is something that he can have, that he can settle into, that he can keep. it’s like- he can love these people, and not have to see them leave. and that’s a revolutionary thing for buck, but it’s so freeing. 
and leave my greatest failures on display  with an asterisk  worthy of love anyway
holy fuck this is like, my favourite lyric ever okay but again it’s this idea that he has to work to be loved. he has to fight for attention and for appreciation and for love and like this lyric, it’s about him being able to move on from that and realise that he’s worthy of love at his rawest, without all this work and putting himself at risk. and sure im going back on my buddie bullshit for this but like- it’s eddie that makes him realise this. sure it’s the influence of the whole 118 and maddie and shit but it’s eddie most of all. eddie, who has dealt with his bullshit first hand (the whole jealousy thing in 2x01) and come through it by his side, still wanting to be his friend. eddie, who appreciates him and helps him and supports him and trusts him with his son. eddie, who forgives him, even when, yeah, sometimes he doesn’t need forgiving but then it’s eddie that tells him that (the post-tsunami stuff at the end of 3x03) and reassures him that he’s worthy. eddie, who fights by him and for him and desperately, constantly, tries to make him realise he’s so much more than what his parents deem him to be. eddie, who tells him that he doesn’t have to apologise just for existing and expecting the bare minimum of love from his parents (the boxing scene in - i think? - 4x04). eddie, who fights to get back to him. eddie, who trusts him so much with christopher that he’ll change his will for him. eddie, that loves him. right at his rawest, without all that work, with all his greatest failiures on display. because it’s eddie who’s seen most of that shit, and it’s eddie who’s stayed. who’s made him realise he’s worthy of love, anyway. 
thank you for coming to my ted talk listen to three by sleeping at last and tell me that there is at least some sense in this pls im driving myself up the wall istg
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always-on-tatooine · 4 years ago
MaulxReader part 8: The Escape
Finally getting to this part of the story (this has been rolling around in my head since winter break). At the same time, I’m happy I gave this story the time it’s needed to develop. Also, I’m so happy for all the friends I’ve met on here so far. I really appreciate everyone’s support.
Unfortunately, school is really ramping up so big sections like this will be coming out much slowly. I’ll still be working on this story but until break I will probably only be posting small blurbs. Also, I’m thinking of trying some other side projects too. (yes, most of them will consist of our favorite grumpy red Zabrack)
Also thinking of making an ao3 account too. I’ll keep you all updates if I do so.
Warning: Mentions of violence/wounds to reader, action sense, explosions, and strong emotions. As always, let me know if I missed anything
Masterlist link: https://always-on-tatooine.tumblr.com/post/640968824459526144/shooting-stars-maulxreader-masterlist
3.8k word count. Enjoy :)
@justalittlecloud @a-dorin @hornystarwarsbisexual @mother-0f-monsters @lovelyzabrak-meadow @pinkiemme @maulieber @joslynuniverse @dollar-tree-witchcraft @lalalandbutbetter @zabrak-show @secretmaul @jedi-bitch @helloladyvanilla @enchantress666
            Waves of questions and confusion were overwhelming, as (y/n) took in her surroundings. In what was less than a minute of holding her head down, the room once full of mob guards was now littered with dead bodies. The only one left standing held a strange glowing red weapon as it plummeted into the man who almost killed her. Who was the single survivor of this outmatched battle? She knew his name was Maul, and that she had provided housing for him over this past week. Yet here and now, (y/n) realized how little she knew about the man who just saved her life.
             One of the glowing beams of Maul’s weapon retracted, releasing its hold on Lysscol’s body. Leaving the former mob boss motionless on his throne, Maul walked over to (y/n). “Hold still,” his command was soft as one swoop of the remaining end of his weapon cut through her cuffs. Reaching a black gloved hand towards the freed captive he asked, “Are you ok?” (Y/n) did not know how to respond. So many questions ran through her head, yet none were able to find their way out, “What…? How…?”
            Helping her off the ground Maul looked her over, “Are you able to move on your own?” (Y/n) looked deeply into his tattooed face. Who was this man? “Yes, but…”
            Maul retracted the other end of his weapon, “Then we have to hurry. We may have killed their leader, but they will still come for us.” Pulling his hood back over his head, he grabbed (y/n)’s hand and led her out of the throne room.
            In the hallways, more guards laid on the floor. Rushing past them, the farmer was only able to get a glimpse of their condition; large slash wounds had cut though the guards chest plates, inflicting a deadly blow. Before, (y/n) could process the scene, the two were already past the alley way and rushing into the streets.
             The pair moved fast, yet stayed within the crowd, maneuvering through the groups of people as not to be seen. Still holding Maul’s hand, she did her best to keep up with him as he led her though the streets. Finally gaining the nerves, (y/n) asked, “How did you know where to find me?”
            “Only an organized syndicate would be able to push the number of weapons you were selling. So, I looked for their usual hiding places until I found the right one.”
            His remark did not satisfy (y/n)’s scrutiny. Remembering back, Victor Lysscol had seemed so familiar with Maul. As if they knew each other.  “You said you had given them orders. Are you a part of the syndicate?”
            “Something like that…”
            “Then what was that weapon you killed him with? Those blades you were using. I thought those were Jedi swords.” She could feel his hand tighten at the name of the legendary space monks. “Jedi are not the only ones who know how to use a lightsaber…” the words rolled off his lips with anger, yet his unpleasant facial expression would be left to the imagination as it was hidden by his hood.
            “Then how did you…?” (y/n) wanted to continue her interrogations, but Maul cut her off. “I will answer your question later. Right now, we need to get out of this town. You are now marked by the Crymorah’s. That means if they ever see you again, then they will kill you without a second thought.” The tone of urgency in his voice was enough to make her stop.  Taking her saviors advice, she focused on keeping up with him as they headed back to the shop.
            Quick on their feet, the two arrived back to the shop shortly after their conversation ended. Madam Rekstall now stood under the awning of the vegetable stand, as she had agreed to watch the shop while Maul had gone to retrieve (y/n). “Thank the maker you’re ok,” the psychic embraced her old friend in a big embrace, “I told you I foresaw one of your deals going wrong if you kept doing business with those mobsters.” Brushing some hair out of the farmer’s hair, she could see the bruise that was forming, gifted on her cheek by the late Lysscol, “It looks like they did a number on you, but it could have been a lot worse…”
            (Y/n) ignored the pain on her face. Still in shock, she was trying to piece everything together. “Is that how Maul knew to find me? You saw it in one of your visions?” Madam Rekstall shook her head, “Oh no my dear, he was quite capable of sensing your danger without my help. I just simply took over the shop when he ran over to go save you.” (Y/n) looked over at her savior, who was now starting to pack what few vegetable crates were left. He was the once who sensed she was in danger? But how?
            Still holding the farmer in her arms, the psychic began to speak again. Yet her words would fall on deaf ears as (y/n) was still compartmentalizing everything she had just witnessed. She watched as her old friend’s mouth moved, yet she could not hear a sound. Even the sounds of Maul hastily gathering the shop, the bustle coming from the open road beside her, and all the other overwhelming sounds of the city, all became an incoherent hum. Out of all the noses that surrounded her, the only thing she could make out was the sound of a radio. Specifically, a small radio that sat on the counter of another nearby shop stand. Looking over, she could see two men standing under the awning, listening to the broadcast as well.
            ‘We're here to interrupt this program with breaking news. The war is over now! The Separatists have all been defeated by the Republic Army. Counselor Palpatine, who’s leadership has recently been extended under jurisdiction of war, has announced that with the war over, The Council will now declare a new kind of republic. One that will unite the entire galaxy under one Empire.’
            “Did you hear that?” (y/n) hear the man standing behind the shop counter ask, “the war is over now!” “Thank the maker,” the other man chimed in, “maybe this new empire will do something to clean up this slum planet.”
            Watching the scene unfold, (y/n) wanted to join the men in their enthusiasm. The end of this drawn-out war between the Republic and the Separatists should be a good thing, right? Despite how good it sounded, something inside said otherwise. She could feel her insides start to twist as shivers ran down her spine. Something deep inside told her this was wrong. Then she remembered what Victor Lysscol had said in the throne room. ‘New governments mean new business,’ could this have been what he was referring to? Either way, the unsettlement she felt within was enough to tell her the end of this war would not bring anything good…
            (Y/n) was only broken by this strange state she found herself in, by the feeling of Maul’s hand on her shoulder. During her trance-like state, Madam Rekstall must have walked away, as her hooded friend was the only one standing near her now. How long was she out?
             “We can’t stay any longer. If we do not leave this town, it will only be a matter of time until they find us.” The sharpness in his voice reminded her of the paramount of the situation they were in. Grounding back into reality, she realized he was right. Nodding her head in agreement to the Zabrak, (y/n) headed over to the wagon to help pack what was left.
            Madam Rekstall now watched as the two quickly finished gathering their things. Folding one of her sets of arms, she started, “Do you have a plan on how to defend yourselves if they come for you out there on the plains?” (Y/n) was already mounting her jumper, getting ready to make their escape. Shaking off the eerie feeling of what she just experienced, she tried to compose back to her usual self.
            “You know I have one of the best security systems on this planet. Lysscol’s men know it too. If they even have the Reek balls to try to take us on, then they won’t make it back in one peace.” Rekstall rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to Maul who had taken his place among the few crates that were left in the wagon. “Please take care of her out there. I haven’t seen any harm coming your guy’s way. Please don’t prove me wrong.”
            Maul looked over at (y/n) who was now starting the jumper. She would have died if he had not interfered. Yet now that the Crymorah Syndicate knew that she was connected to him, their grievance with the young farmer may only get worse. It was clear to him now, that in his current situation, he would be incapable of controlling the different crime families. If they were willing to betray him and disobey his orders, then his association with (y/n) meant they would stop at nothing to kill them both. ‘It’s her fault for getting herself into this mess,’ he thought to himself. Yet despite how much he tried to pass on the responsibility in his head, he could not deny the fact that she had been the only person to help him since he crashed on this planet. The causation to the state they found themselves seemed irrelevant as he felt it was his duty to protect her now. Over the sounds of the jumper engine starting, he insured, “I promise, no harm will come to her.”
            The farmer pulled the jumper and attached wagon out of their parking space. Looking over at the psychic, (y/n) called over, “Thank you for watching over the shop! I owe you one.” As the jumper began to pull away, Madam Rekstall called back, “Just be safe out there,” she waved an arm, “and may the force be with you!”
            The force? Her bike was already too far away to ask why her old friend had given her such a strange farewell. Weaving through the populated streets, (y/n) made her way out of the city. After some much careful driving between the hordes people, the pair had made it out. As tall clay buildings turned into flat grasslands, (y/n) felt that they had made their getaway. With the city behind them, she was able to pick up some speed on the open road. With fewer crates than they had that morning, they were able to move faster than before. It would not be long until the two would be home, and safe.
            Unknown to (y/n) and Maul, only moments after they left, two men on speeders arrived at the shop stand they had been selling at. They wore mixed armor like the guards in the throne den had, yet more time had been put into their garb to attempt to make it look coherent. They did not say for long; once it was obvious that their targets had escaped, they got back on their bikes and headed toward the city outskirts. Madam Rekstall could only watch the scene unfold without gaining the attention of the armed men. Sitting in her fabricated chair, she smoked her pipe, attempting to not show interest in the guard’s inquisition. Only after the men left, did the psychic feel that it was safe to mutter to herself, “May the force keep them safe.”
            Only when they were out in the fields of grasslands was (y/n) able to gather herself. As long blades of pale blue grass were pushed away from the velocity of her speeder, the last hour that had unfolded replayed in her mind. The farmer understood that arms dealing with the Orkaron Mafia was a dangerous job. Just getting her hands on the various bits of blasters and armor had almost cost her life a few times. Yet out on a small planet such as this one, she could only sell as many vegetables as there were mouths to feed. She was always just one bad growing season from not being able to make a sustainable income.  Her immoral and hazardous situation was not blind to her, but the need to eat and stay warm at night was overwhelming on a planet such as this.
             Glancing over her shoulder, she could see Maul was alert as he sat in the back of the wagon. ‘Strange’ has been a term she had used to describe her new housemate over this past week. Now she was now beginning to see there was much more to him. It felt almost haunting now, to have had someone stay with her for a week and know so little about them. Yet right when she was about to be executed, he came in and took on a whole syndicate base, all by himself.
             Executed… it really was a close call. Too close to (y/n)’s liking. It had been a long time since she had been in a situation where she had so little control. Danger was something she was used to. Yet each encounter she had out on this lawless planet, she always managed to have the upper hand. Yet today she was rendered powerless and was almost put down like an old Fathier. Helpless, it made her feel helpless. Tears that formed in her eyes were pushed to the sides of her face by the air that brushed against her vehicle. She had built this life of independence so that she would not need anyone’s help. Yet she would be dead now if it were not for Maul. It was not that she wasn't grateful to him, she just hated the feeling. ‘Helpless,’ the word repeated in her head again. A dreadful feeling, she had not felt in a long time. Not since she…
             “Incoming,” Maul roared, waking her out of her thoughts. Over her shoulders, (y/n) could see two speeders behind them and getting closer by the second. The wagon was already slowing them down enough as it was, but as the bikes got rapidly closer, it became apparent that their speeders had been altered, allowing them to move even faster for occasions such as this. Once they were in firing distance, blaster shots started flying past the escaping pair, nearly hitting.
            Maul was now standing in the back of the wagon, red sabers in hand he deflected the blasts as they came towards them. His deflections were flawless, yet the riders exhibited their maneuvering abilities; dodging each bullet that flew back. As they moved out of the way of the returning shots, Maul took the opportunity and turned to warn (y/n), “They're gaining on us! If we don’t do something soon, they may get close enough to crash the speeder!”
             (Y/n) looked around the empty lands. There had to be something that could help them. That is when she saw it, off in the distance she could see her farm coming into view. They were almost to safety, she just had to make it there before their new ‘friends’ could catch them. “Hang on!” she called, as she pushed full throttle toward the hut.
             The sounds of an overworked engine filled the space around them. With a slight jerk, the speeder gained speed, using all its power to carry their weight and the wagon with it. Despite their increase in speed, the riders managed to still get closer. Maul kept his balance as he continued to block the basters coming at them. “(Y/n), we need to do something fast! It’s too easy for them to overpower us at this rate!”
             (Y/n) called back to them between shots, “Can your saber cut though the wagon hitch?” “Of course!” Maul called back. “Good, I need you to get on the back of my bake, and when I tell you, cut the wagon.”
             In between the breaks of defecting shots, Maul took a glance towards the front of the speeder. The farm he had come to know was now in view. A few kilometers in front of it, he could see the familiar blinking lights hidden in the grass. (Y/n)’s plan was starting to make sense. Without hesitation he made his way to the speeder.
             If Maul were anything like the legendary Jedi she had heard about, she figured that he would have no problem getting from the wagon to the attached speeder at these speeds. What she did not expect was for Maul to do so while still managing to stand. Just as he did in the wagon, he was now balancing on the back seat of the speeder, waving both ends of his saber around as he continued to block blast as they came their way.
             There was no time to question how he was capable of any of this. The faint blinking posts were coming close at a rapid speed. (Y/n) knuckles grew lighter over the throttle as every bit of energy the engine could handle was headed right to it. It was only a few meters away when she changed her trajectory. Dropping all speed, she took a hard turn to the left. As the speeder spun around, she now faced the riders, who used to be right behind them, coming at them at full speed.
             “Now!” she called. Just as effortless as Maul had cut her cuffs back in the throne room, it only took one sweep to release the wagon from its confines. As (y/n) continued to spin, the velocity sent the wagon flying in off in a distance, away from the chaos. Free from the weight of the wagon, the speeder had almost completed a full spin.
            In sync with (y/n)’s unspoken plan, Maul maneuvered himself to a sitting position for what was about to happen next. With full speed, (y/n) now took off to the right, as the riders were almost in grabbing distance from them. Yet at their speed, they were unable to recorrect in time to follow. As their speeders continued to drive forward, the two grads went straight into the mine fields.
            The last that would be seen of the riders was a series of explosions that only consumed a small section of the vast planes. Dust and flames filled the area where they had detonated one of the many hidden landmines. Even on hovering speeders, the pressure from the anti-gravity converters was enough to set them off. (Y/n) stopped and turned the bike so they could watch the spectacle. Though Maul was used to this kind of excitement, here on this humble planet, it seemed so out of place. As for (y/n), she was just relieved that her home security came in handy when they needed it.
            When the flames died down, (y/n) drove over to the control pad she had used earlier that morning. Stopping the bike, the farmer got off the speeder and hit the switch. Buurrrrr the sound rang around them. Maul took the opportunity to stand up and address the young woman after such an encounter. “Very impressive strategy,” Maul complemented, “these traps really are excellently placed. I can now see how you’ve been able to take on so many…”
            (Y/n) was faced away from him, but Maul could sense something was wrong. “(Y/n)?” The young farmer turned towards him; arms wrapped around herself as she was beginning to cry. Maul was shocked. Usually, she was so composed. So cocky. Yet here in this moment she was… vulnerable. Had today been too much for her?
            Too much it was indeed. Waves of emotions flowed over (y/n) like an overwhelming sea. She did everything in her power to keep herself together, but after everything that had happened today. Being captured, almost dying, Maul saving her, and now this chase; it became too much to contain as tears began to fall from her face.
            She did not want to be seen like this, especially not by Maul. He had already seen her chained to the floor and beaten, and then this? Clenching her eyes shut, she wanted to disappear into the tall grasses. ‘Helpless,’ the words flooded her mind as the dreaded feeling crept in again.
            Yet, before the feeling could travel in her any farther, a warm sensation surrounded her. Opening her eyes, black cloth surrounded her as Maul began to hold her in his arms. His body felt slightly awkward, as if he had never given anyone a hug before. However, his arms around her were enough to make her start to cry even more. Barring herself further into the layers of black fabric, she released the feelings that had been overflowing inside.
            With everything that had happened, one thing in particular came to mind. Something that, for unknown reasons, (y/n) felt crucial to tell Maul. Between sobs she spoke, “In the market… there was a radio broadcast…” Maul pulled his head back a bit so that he could look at (y/n). Her face was a mess, as her (y/hc) was glued to her face and her (y/ec) eyes shimmered behind tears. “On the station. They said the war was over… that the counselor was declaring an empire…”
            Maul’s facial expressions showed how shocked he was by her statement. As much as she wanted to enquiry on his thoughts on the matter, her feelings only continued to come out even more. Crying harder now, she continued, “I don’t know why, but when I heard the news… with everything else happening… it’s supposed to be good news, but all I can feel is fear and dread when…”
            (Y/n)’s words became more incoherent as she began to cry more. ‘The force must be very strong with her,’ Maul though, ‘if she was able to see through Sidiou’s plans; even if she did not understand what she was sensing.’ The young farmer was now uncontrollably weeping in his arms. Maul was honestly a little envious at (y/n). He could feel how difficult this was for her, but to openly cry the way she was, took a kind of strength he felt he did not have.
            Seeing as she was barely able to hold herself up, Maul picked up the smaller woman and carried her in his arms towards the farm. If she wanted to fight him on the matter, but she was too exhausted to do so. As he continued to carry her, (y/n) tears started to subside as she was starting to fall asleep in his arms. “Rest,” Maul gave the gentle command. The sun was beginning to set in the horizon, revealing the two moons that were now hovering over the farm he walked towards. “Close your eyes for now, for there is so much for you to learn.”
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sw4tch · 3 years ago
In a complete ironic twist of destiny, the “redditor vibes” guy in my office might have a crush on me.
Once more, my complete magnetic and raw they/them charm has backfired on me
layers of irony aside, it really does fucking Suck. I haven’t been able to write down my thoughts about it because the first moment I realized it, it actually pissed me off a lot lmfao
like, don’t fucking even DARE look at me dude lol. lmao. lol. how DARE YOU interpret me with your incorrect idea of me and get a crush on that. lol.
Ok, so, here comes my tale of woes and grievances.
First off, to be completely fair (and balanced)- He. He is okay i guess. He’s an okay guy. A bit loud and annoying but he’s not. I guess actively an Asshole.
Which really, that’s gotta count for something.
Also when he’s trying to be friendly, well, he is indeed friendly and fun to listen talk to. He buys me sweet bread sometimes.
That’s it.
But he’s also the kind of guy that says “ugh sjws always ruin shit” and sometimes lets slide a “casual” rape joke escape from his mouth
and also sometimes tells me that “oh women could just report anyone about inappropriate behaviors” when he tries to hug me? Like. Like the implication here is that you think i’m gonna report you just for shits and giggles and, after such a “normal” interaction too so like. wtf? Are you threatening me? WHY do you feel the need to let that comment out of your mouth. what the hell.
Anyway, those little behaviors of his have made me lowkey, kinda, uhhhh, unnerved by him as a person.
Must clarify that must of the time, he’s an okay guy ok??? He’s fine and also apparently might have autism (he’s said so himself) so maybe those weird behaviors might be you know, smth smth missing social clues or whatever. I’m trying to sound apologetic over my description of him bcus for real, he’s just a common Guy(tm).
I cannot tell you how much he’s just loud and annoying but ultimately he’s fine, I believe. Like, the bar is on hell so he could be worse but he’s not and he’s good intentioned most of the time so, u get what i’m trying to say?
My worksona is a cis-woman who’s quiet but positive and very friendly most of the time. So, really, i’m trying to be smiley and “”“cute””” and not a downer while working at the office.
Because that’s what professionals do, make worksonas (lol).
So, it turns out this guy loves to talk (I would call it mansplain but I feel in this case it’s a mean-spirited reading of him). But most people, i feel, lowkey find him annoying and try to shut him up.
But when he talks to me to make casual conversation, well, I just listen and let him talk and sometimes make relevant comments. And then I try to leave because man does he like to talk and I have work to do.
And since we tend to be one of the first few people to arrive at the office, that’s when we tend to talk.
And I guess he appreciated that someone would actually listen to him and not try to shut him down.
He started calling me “cute” and “sweet”.
And he started hugging me more, even though I do not like it (in his defense, I have not told him I don’t like it when HE specifically hugs me, but, ehhhhhh, i dont wanna have that conversation).
And that’s what it boils down to basically.
I don’t wanna reject him and tell him outright I don’t like his affections towards me. Because I don’t want him to possibly turn aggressive on me, or just u know, make things awkward in the office.
But anyway. That’s not my biggest beef with this whole thing.
The thing that really PISSED ME OFF is that he dared get a crush on the fucking stupid worksona I created. He loves a cis-woman who’s meek and will listen to him talk and that’s it. DOES HE EVEN KNOW ME??? HE DOES NOT.
He likes the idea of the me that exists on his head and I despise That. Besides, what the hell am I supposed to do now??? How THE FUCK do you reject someone that technically hasn’t told you anything, and also technically you’re on friendly terms with???
I just.
Thanks! I hate it! We can’t even have normal dnd conversations because you have insisted on having your character have a crush on my character!!! Stop that!!! And yet.
Here’s the real kicker folks. The real irony of the whole thing.
He might be the only one in the office that enjoys talking to me, and actively tries to talk to me. (Besides my roomie bestie, of course). So like, what do I even do with that. I guess that’s why I also don’t want to reject him. He’s the one person actively trying to interact with me. I like making silly comics about our dnd characters interacting, because his character is the only one that actually interacts with mine. I like talking about my character too.
I like having a new friend I know I’m not annoying to, i guess.
Isn’t that pathetic folks. I’m lonely and I want to be liked by everyone. I just don’t want him to hate me but then again.
Am I not disrespecting myself by ignoring my own boundaries and needs?
What do you need, snaily? I need for him to BACK OFF and stop hugging me.
No matter how attention starved you are, you need to realize this trainwreck is not stopping because you’re the conductor. You’re still on the rails. Stop it before it crashes and burns. Grow up! Grow a spine! Have difficult conversations! Respect yourself, man! You have to stop being a people pleaser! You will never be free like that! Sigh. My only mental comfort right now? Saeran would have kicked his ass already.
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spiltscribbles · 4 years ago
Oooh! Prompts! Remus and Sirius moving in together please! 💛
Notes: Thank you SO SO much gorgeous<3 I’m like kinda embarrassed that this is kinda shit, especially because you’re writing is so fucking gorgeous, so I’m sorry.
A Reblog Is Worth A Thousand Stars  |  Send Me A Prompt 
With a start that almost makes him drop the vase in his hands, Sirius turns around to find his surly looking  boyfriend glaring daggers straight at him, lips pursed and nose wrinkled ever so fetchingly. “Me?”
“ Is this a Muggle game of semantics or something Moons, because for the life of me I’m not following.”
Remus’s glower only deepens, radiating a distinct sort of disapproval that could only ever be  honed in by years of prefectness. “You thief!” He squawks, hands perched on his hips, and mouth twisted up mutinously.
“Is this the part where you say I stole your heart?” Sirius goads with a cocked brow, resuming their unpacking.  “Because love, that line gets old after the millionth recital, but I do appreciate the spirit.”
“Wha? Na—no that is not what I was going to say you egotistical prick!” Remus scoffs— just a bit flustered with a dusting of pink touching the tops of his sharp cheekbones. “You ate the last spring role!” He accuses emphatically, almost tripping over the over a dozen boxes that are strewn across their newly furnished living room. Sirius can’t help but be endeared by Remus and his everythingness. 
“Yes, yes I did Wise Guy,” He confirms distractedly. “I also dipped it into some spicy mustard and drank a bottle of water while I was at it… Your point being?”
“My point you utter berk is that it was mine! I called dibs!”
“I remember no such thing,” Sirius sniffs haughtily, moving to rearrange the photographs  on their mantel. (And yeah, it’s still fucking insane to him that he’s become so domestic that he’s got a mantel over the fireplace that the man he loves more than any other had insisted was absolutely crucial to have if they were to move in together—probably for really romantical love making sessions in front  of it’s flames with the bliss of  no worries of anyone barging in on them, or griping  if they were being to loud—Which by the way, James honestly  had no right in complaining about considering his track record with his and Lily’s on again, off again mating ritual.
“Liar!" Sirius honestly  wouldn’t be surprised if Remus started stomping his feet right about now, and pouting up a storm if the childishly  cross expression    on his pretty face is anything to go by. (And honestly how could one man be so adorable and sexy all at once.)  “You were finishing up the shrimp tempura— because you are a posh idiot without any tastebuds— , and I said that I’ll be right back to get some of the boxes in the spare room, and to save it for me! And then I come here, and I find this! This breach of all we’ve built together!”
Sirius barely conceals his snort. “Is that right? The foundations of our whole, entire bloody relationship? And right after this afternoon, when I made you—“
Two spots of color blotch high on Remus’s cheeks and he cuts him off before Sirius can completely recount the frankly remarkable romp they had just finished with before deciding they needed some nourishment before getting back to unpacking. “Don’t you try to change the subject you stealing stealer who steals!”
“That insult leaves something to be desired Moonbeam.”
“You’re a prick.”
“And you wound me!” Sirius mock sobs, slamming his fist against his chest and swinging back his arm against his forehead. “A plague on you, and your family! And another on your family’s cow.”
Remus’s face morphs into his painfully unimpressed expression, (Hint, it’s very, very flat). “I’ll take your intentional dodge as an admission,” He scoffs, arms crossed tight against his chest.
“I admit nothing!” Sirius shouts in an overdone accent that would better fit the set of Downton Abbey. “Nothing Lupin!”
Remus rolls his eyes at Sirius’s hyperbolic attitude, and okay. Yes. Perhaps Sirius remembers a similar conversation akin to what Remus had described  occurring only ten minutes prior. But to be quite honest, Sirius was hardly listening. Remus’s got on one of Sirius’s oversized t-shirts, a pair of boxer-briefs,  and nothing else. So yeah, he should definitely not be expected to be paying anything any mind while his beyond gorgeous boyfriend is sitting there, impossibly long legs put out for display, and one perfectly alabaster   shoulder bare where the shirt has slipped right off, effectively derailing  Sirius's thoughts to how he’d teasingly kissed across his collar bone just earlier that night, nibbling on the hinge of his jaw while Remus had been  writhing beneath him. so   Really and truly, he should’ve never been expected to remember anything— let alone something as trivial as dibs—  if his utterly perfect partner is right there for the taking, a determined dent between his brows, and intermittently rinsing his hand through his disheveled locks of hair like  spun gold, excited  over the prospect of fixing up this flat that is now their home.
Dear Merlin above   does Sirius love this bloke with every fiber of his being.
“Well,” he relents, swaggering up closer to Remus so that they’re standing only inches apart.  “Even if I did remember that such a discussion had taken place how you’ve described it—“
“It did, and you know it Black!” He harrumphs, using Sirius’s  surname just to get a rise out of him.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now love, is There?.”
Sirius’s sure that he’s won the argument and they could just move on, until he catches the glint in Remus’s impossibly luminous eyes—a glint that always means trouble, a glint that’s never failed to make each one of Sirius’s nerve endings go ablaze.
“Is that right?”
“I reckon it is Moonbeam,” he leers, is momentarily distracted by the downright angelic smile Remus casts his way right then, but suddenly, an onslaught of fingers are piercing into his ribs, wiggling and tickling him into submission.
“Say you’re sorry!” Remus demands, an effortless grin of his own swept across his lovely face, brighter than the morning sun. And yeah, maybe Sirius should just admit that it was his bad, apologize a thousand times over in the form of lingering kisses and caressing hands.… But the thing is, Sirius’s  stubbornness  has always been too rigid for his own good, and he’s always loved prodding at Remus till He just went off like the world’s most darling firecrackers.
“Never you absolute wanker!”
“I won’t relent till you profess an apology to my satisfaction,” Remus scoffs— a playful giggle lilting his overly formal words.
“And I won’t surrender!” He parries with a leer. Sirius tickles back  harder, and Remus  shimmies around so much that He ends up jabbing him in the eye,  ramming straight into his chest, and  effectively sprawling them—all long limbs and crooked angles—onto the wooden floorboards.
“Just say you’re sorry!” He insists, strangled laughter starting to gargle his words while Sirius just gazes down at him, mercilessly besotted.
“”S not my fault you didn’t take it with you Lupin, i’ve committed no grievance.”
“Oh come off it pretty boy.”
“Oy! I’m ruggedly handsome you arse!”
“Testy, testy.”
 “You’re the pretty one.”
“Oh suck my cock.”
“Been there done that.”
Remus seems to be fighting down another laugh before he knees him lightly in the abdomen enough that Sirius tenses, giving Remus the chance to  switch their positions once again, so that  He’s back  on top. 
“My have the tables turned,” He taunts with one of his most dazzling smiles, dimples in full effect, and crinkles around his pretty sea glass eyes.
“I like how you think I’m at all opposed to this position,” Sirius says with a pixilated gleam, arching back enough so that their cotton clad dicks buck up against each other.
“Perv!” Remus scolds, smacking his chest playfully. “Now admit that I won!”
 Somehow, amidst all the thrashing bodies and choked peals of laughter, Sirius flips him over— slight body beneath his own, with Remus’s wrists pinned over his head and his legs wrapped around Sirius’s waste.
“Now, now Monsieur Moony, I reckon that spring has rolled into winter for you,” Sirius most definitely does not laugh raucously    at his own pun.
“That’s not even the direction that the seasons go in,” Remus frowns, nose wrinkled indelicately, a tell Sirius’s picked up on whenever He’s mad over an outcome.
“You still lost though,” Sirius barbs with no real bite, pecking a quick kiss to his lips in solace.
“You’re awful, and I’m breaking up with you,” Remus sniffs in turn—wiggling underneath him to try and get loose.
“Oh, you love me really.” Sirius preens like the cat who’s caught the canary— the world’s most beautiful and brilliant and ruffled canary that is.
“Lies and slander!” Remus waggles his tongue between his teeth, and Sirius dips down to bite it teasingly. 
“Hmm, now isn’t this cute,” the pair scramble away from each other, utterly stunned once spotting Lily of all people, gaze twinkling and lips set into a firm smirk, eyeing them while leisurely lounging against the door frame. 
“You two really can’t keep yr sodding hands off of each other, can you?”
Remus completely reddens, totally flustered, while Sirius only follies back a smug sort of grin at the force of nature  that is Lily Evans, his practical sister-in-law, remus’s best friend, and all around genius.
“How long have you been watching Red dearest,” Sirius asks wryly, making it so now Lily’s the one who’s flushing..
“I hate you Black.” She says shortly, and Sirius’s beam doesn’t falter. “Re, as your spiritual older sister—“
“You’re barely a month older Lils,” Remus interjects, but Lily just goes on as if he hadn’t.
 “I think it’s my job to remind you that he’s not the only bloke in London with a decent shoulder to waste ratio and nice hair. We can snag you someone with a bit of brains even.”
Sirius tosses her a V shaped salute, and Lily sticks her tongue out in retaliation,  but for his part, Remus only tries to cut through the tension with one of his friendlier grins, though it just comes out as an awkward grimace. “I forgot that you’re dropping off the boxes tonight.”
“Evidently Ace,” she snorts, strutting further into the apartment and setting down the box of photos Remus had asked her to bring over from their old place. “Far too busy snogging with the boy who single handedly received the most detentions in Hogwarts history, while also, somehow— by the grace of God— threatened our stances as top of the class.”
“Oy Evans, can’t take all the credit for myself. Jem was my better half, till he moved on to the likes of you.”
Lily ignores him, save for the way her pretty face gets a bit scrunched out of irritation. “Ace, I ask you, what would McGonagall say if she saw her favorite prefect gallivanting around with such a delinquent.
Remus lets out one of his rare and beautiful laughs, something that feels buoyant and is really more breath than sound, but is still so vibrant and splendid and it never fails to thrust Sirius back to the Hogwarts Express, where he and Remus had first met as a couple of wide eyed eleven year olds, and all the contradicting emotions Remus had provoked upon first sight. Wonder, and confusion. Intrigue, and diffidence. Wanting, and fear. It’s an attribute of Remus's that Sirius will never not be amazed by.
“Ah, Minnie my love, how I do miss her so, now where were we Moonbeam?”
“I’m still standing here Black,” Lily reproves with a scoff.
“I think it was about here,” Sirius continues, dipping down to kiss at Remus’s protruding  collar bones.
“Settle down mutt,” Remus rebukes with no real heat, a gentle hand carding through Sirius’s hair.
“God, you two are already an old married couple.”
“You really do know the best moments to interrupt sweetheart.” Sirius snipes with a playful roll to his eyes, his hand discretely resting over the small of Remus’s back.
“And you have no decency, corrupting   Remus the way that you do.”
“Okay first, I take fucking offense, you know better than me that Moony here was the mastermind behind most of our delightful pranks.”
“You mean your childish inconveniences you plagued on the unsuspecting public?”
“And secondly, we didn’t even get to the fun, currupting   part because of your oh so lovely interruption.” Sirius retorts moodily, though he soon suspects the joke was a wrong play to make  when Lily’s smile suddenly goes predatory and sHe flips back a lock of her wind blown curls, ready to pounce. 
“Well perhaps I just stopped by to make sure you weren’t further defiling   my dear Remus. But I guess that giant love bite on your neck proves that I’m too late.”
Sirius can’t help the chuckle that pours out of his lips at her needled observation, smacking a hand to conceal the hickey sHe’s taunting him about, knowing exactly where it is, it’s been a topic of teasing all morning long from a smug Sirius to a properly indignant Remus.
“He-he just marks easily,” Remus pipes out, cheeks completely infused red and worrying on his bottom lip. Sirius suspects that Lily just knew that the one chink in his armor is prodding at Remus’s less than poised acts. 
Lily rolls her eyes in a way that convinces Sirius that sHe doesn’t believe it for a second. “Whatever you say oh Saint Remus,” sHe smirks with no more argument. “but pray tell, are you guys about done swapping spit around me? Or is that going to forever be a regular occurrence in the Remus and Sirius show?”
“Now I’d reckon that’ll get a sold out crowd every night, don’t you?” Sirius asks, directing his question at the pair of  of them while taking Remus’s hand, and pushing him even closer— just always preferring to have some sort of contact with him.
“Oh put a sock in it,” Remus harrumphs, finally starting to return to his normal coloring in the midst of Lily’s unrestrained cackles.
“Aw, don’t be shy love, it’s only the truth.”
Remus presses the pads of his fingers to Sirius’s lips and glares at him for good measure, “Some things are better left for private.”
“Hah,” Lily scoffs, weight slung to her left hip. “As if I don’t get a front row seat every time  you two are within even in a ten foot radius of each other—OH hey, I know that look Ace! The one eyed squint, and the teeth. Well your “I’m about to kill my gorgeous best friend,” look has no place here, i’ll see my way out now. Just promise not to christen every room in this place, kay? We’d all like to visit without the residual specs haunting us! And I know how moody you get without your daily dose of my scintillating company.”
Sirius thinks that Remus’s trying to skewer a whole in the spot where Lily was just standing, if the terribly cross look on his face says anything. It’s precious, Sirius can’t help but snicker.
“Don’t laugh at me! I’m your boyfriend for Merlin’s sake! You’re s’pose to be on my side!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you Moons,” he kisses the fingers Remus has still got on his mouth, mock consolatory.  “Just incredibly turned on.”
That dent between Remus’s brows is back again for a moment, but then his beauteous features smoothen out and He just pecks a quick kiss to Sirius’s lips before rifling through the box Lily brought over, muttering a light,”Whatever,” as He does so.
There’s a quick wrapping to the window, and Sirius glances over to find his owl— Odysseus— with a bundle of letters attached to his left leg. By rote, Sirius feeds him some of the pellets they keep  there for convenience, and unwinds the bundle of parchments, beginning to shuffle through them.
There’s a copy of the Nightly prophet with the murder of another Muggle family splattered all over the front cover in a sickeningly gauche manner, a free trial subscription to the Quibbler with a reading for Scorpios in the month of October, a letter from Peter about his mum and sisters driving him up the rails, an invitation from Marlene for he and Remus to come out to dinner with them for Dorcas’s Birthday, and a ominous letter from James of all paper that simply says a gift for Moony.
Bewildered to why he hadn’t just sent it along with Lily, Sirius tares off the attached photograph only to find something truly, horrendously vile. a photograph of himself. One that was definitely taken fifth year— Sirius’s worst year where he absolutely could not stand being around his family for a moment longer, and James was getting more settled with his studies, an Remus was dating that prefect prick from Ravenclaw and was exceedingly elusive from Marauders nights out.  This was so obviously taken on one of those aforementioned nights out that it’s comical.  Sirius’s hair is as long as it’s ever been— touching the tops of his shoulders— and he’s chugging down a fruity, pink concoction— the type  that Rosmerta was always cooking up for them— hand over fist, and he’s got on puppy ears and a fake nose. In layman’s terms he looks like a complete and total pillock. Drunk off his ass so much so that you can see the stars in his eyes even through the clunky glasses he had stolen from James— convinced that he was sporting them for purely esthetic reasons and not because the knob is actually as blind as a bloody bat— and his finger is pointed and mouth is open in the way it always is when he’s ranting about something or the other.
It’s perhaps the only photograph in history where Sirius isn’t looking his typical, jaw dropping gorgeous self.
There’s about a thousand different retorts he wants to scribble on a spare parchment and  shoot right back to James— ranging from nasty to downright despicable— but then he catches the familiar peal of laughter coming from behind him. He’s not surprised when he sees Remus—beautiful, ingenuous, perfect Remus who’s physically incapable of taking a photograph less than effortlessly lovely, even while pissed— peering over his shoulder in utter amusement.
“Oh My God I need to ask James to send me one of the hundreds of copies he surely has.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Sirius retorts darkly.
“I’ll use an enlarging charm and hang it up above the mantel, for prosperity. The one time Sirius looks the way he acts,” he moves his hand over an invisible marquee and looks so damn smug that Sirius could kiss him, and in fact, that’s exactly what he does.
“I hate him,” is all he says afterwards, once he’s pulled away.
“I can’t believe that’s you!” Remus continues with eyes full of mirth.
“I want to banish him, no. No I want to banish all of them. All of our friends, we can make knew ones Moons. I mean look at us! We’re a catch!” He tosses the letters onto the newly acquired sofa as if they have personally affronted  him and all he stands for.
“ Oh brilliant idea love.”
“That sounds like your sarcastic voice Moons.”
“No, you’ve got my full support. this’s our castle Pads, we can banish whom ever we like,” Remus balances on his tiptoes,  and smacks an exasperated kiss onto his cheek. Sirius can barely contain the glee that’s dancing in his eyes at the thought of this being their own personal castle— a fortress just for the pair of them to escape within—  causing another swell of fondness to pound in his chest.
“Well maybe we can give’m another chance,” he relents, melting into how Remus’s locked his arms around his neck, and is smiling up at him with all the love in the world shining unadulteratedly in his lovely eyes. “I mean they did help us move all those boxes and all.”
Remus hums his agreement while he presses his forehead against his own, endlessly endeared.
“What a generous king,” He goads, words hugged with fondness. 
“Ooo, I like that, call me that in bed and I might bless you with my royal sector.”
Remus thumps his nose, “Your more tolerable when you don’t speak and just stand there being pretty.”
“Aw, you think I’m pretty Moonykins?”
Remus shakes his head ruefully, the smile on his face one that Sirius knows well— one that means he’s reluctantly endeared. “Dork.”
There lips meet for another kiss and it feels like all the resplendence in the galaxy being distilled between just the two of them.
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of-faunsandyellowflowers · 4 years ago
Hello! I saw that you posted about working with Cernunnos, and I'm interested in working with him honestly, but there's one problem. I'm Chronically Ill, and have been bed bound almost all day, so I'm worried about how good of a devotee I can be when fatigued or depressed. Do you think Cernunnos would be alright with a Chronically Ill follower, and how he might even be able to help? And do you have any ideas for how to worship him while having little energy? Thanks so much, I appreciate it!
Hi! I get this question a lot from people actually. I'll post this one publically so ppl can see. This is going to be long! I apologize for that.
First and foremost: disabilities/chronic illness are NOT an issue for most deities/spirits that help guide is. There are some who are very old and quite unwilling to interact with humans due to past grievances or trauma that these souls have endured, but it's not a disability thing.
This is something that many many many of us here on earth experience (myself included, I am autistic with adhd, major depressive disorder, PTSD and major anxiety alongside IBS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). I get this question a lot, and I've had this question myself.
Cernunnos (link to my long post about it which also mentions this) actually has a soft spot for chronically ill people and adores helping comfort them and bringing them guidance. You do not need to worry about this being a burden within your work. Theres SO many ways to practice magick, ritual, meditation and be a devotee to a god even when this way. I'm a dark forest/green witch (non wiccan) and I'm also a kitchen witch. These forms of magick bring me the most comfort and work best for me. Find the types you are drawn to, and incorporate them into your day. It doesnt need to be big. Divination, for example, is a good way to communicate with your gods when you are unable to meditate. Little things are just as impactful as the large ones and require minimal effort. Make tea with certain ingredients and enchant a spell for it....etc.
The first piece of advice I can give you is to get yourself into the mindset that you are, and shall always be good enough for a god to help guide you. This will not only raise your vibrations but will also set you on the path that you need to be. I fall back on this sometimes. This doesnt mean become conceited. We still need to show respect to these divine beings and when they offer guidance, be nice. DO NOT demand things.
Second, meditation is INCREDIBLE. it does NOT need to be some in depth 'find your soul' type meditation. With adhd, I have an awful time trying to concentrate. One thing Cernunnos has told me is that I must take my own time, and be patient. Even 5 min a day helps. Meditation opens you up to spirit more, grounds you, and makes it easier to do spirit work the more you do it and the longer tou do it. It is also VERY good way to cope with disabilities as it calms our mind down as well as body.
Third, grounding is 100% needed. This is why I mention meditation, through this you can learn to ground. Grounding is an exercise which literally 'grounds' your soul into your body, calming you and giving you a better base for when you start doing more magick. It's very easy to learn and takes minimal effort.
4th, learn divination. This can be tarot, oracle, pendulum...whatever YOU feel is best. This is the way I normally talk to Cernunnos when my hearing is blocked.
5th, learn how to put up wards. This is mentioned in my Cernunnos post that I put up. A lot of people on here will state you do not need them. Heres the thing, you do. It's not because Gods cant protect us, it's because Gods have SO many people that they work with and theres so much that we as humans? We dont know about. As someone whose been attacked BY a malicious spirit, I can concur you do need wards when you do magick. They also are essential because they teach you defensive magick which Gods would want you to know anyway when you get to the point of travelling in the astral, but that's more advance magick. Anyway how to wards is in that link!
6th, in my link I shared it talks about a lot of ways to get in contact with Cernunnos but I'd like to mention some ways I do it as a chronically Ill person myself. I'll also list ways I personally offer him things.
Meditation outside (not during winter)
Dancing (he adores dancing)
Listening to irish/celtic music
Cooking with his favorite foods
Telling him about my day out loud
Telling him I love him, thanking him for his guidance
Wearing his pendant.
Singing in irish
I'd also like to note that Cernunnos has such a soft spot for his disabled devotees, he will literally yell at you sometimes if you are pushing yourself too hard or being disrespectful to your body in anyway. And some warnings: if you choose to work with him you HAVE to be respectful to nature. This doesnt mean be vegan. Cernunnos adores meat, you just need to honor it. Always give an offering or ask a plant prior to picking. Make friends with your local fae (just offer them things to keep the peace), talk with your trees. Be kind to the earth. That is his #1 rule when working with him. I've seen him get furious over trees be cut down too soon. He hates how corrupt our world has become.
He loves us, but he wants us to respect ourselves, our home, and so forth.
Again I hope this helps and you guys are always welcome to reach out to me about him!
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years ago
I'm making this post the disclose my current opinions on the Dndads discourse and how frivolous its become.
I would like to preface with one thing;
This post contains content of grooming and manipulation, as this has been the main discussion in this fandom and the issues. I am speaking from my own personal experience, as a former victim of grooming who only recently escaped my abuser. I will not say their name, those who I feel comfortable knowing further information on this already know.
this is my trauma, and I am speaking from my experiences. This is one of the hardest possible topics I could touch on, and I beg anyone who still cares to listen, whether I change your mind or not. Listen.
I've wrestled with my support of this podcast for eleven weeks now. Maybe longer. Since before the discourse became a major thing. I've wrestled with this since episode 34 was released, and I need you understand that.
I need you to understand that I believe the hosts have done what they can to fix these issues. And I genuinely do not see what people still want from them. I will address each topic one at a time, and if I touch on things lesser than others, please understand that this discourse triggers a trauma that I underwent less than a year ago. a trauma I am still processing.
1. Grant, and his over sexualization.
The jokes revolving Grant and his sexual orientation or exploration were sometimes in very poor taste, I am not that blind. I will not defend them or say they weren't as bad as they are. But here'd what people have to think about when we talk about this; Those jokes are already in the episode. They cannot be removed, and the best the hosts can do about that is avoid that humor in the future. Humans are not perfect, and humor is ever growing part of a person, its always a tossup of if a joke will land or not. These did not, and they have not made these jokes since they got called on it.
On the Discord claims about them discussing his porn history, I can say nothing on that. I've seen no sources or proof that that happened. I won't make any opinions or comments on that until I've seen concrete proof that these conversations happened.
2. The Unsafe Discord.
They're Discord is no longer unsafe. Blanket statement, no discussion open. Here's the thing and here's where I'm going into my personal experience; Discords minor precautions arent up to par either. The DnDads hosts have made their 18+ channels, they've made the Discord clear to not be a totally kid friendly place and has tried to separate adults and minors. But they genuinely can only do so much. Minors can easily bypass these guidelines, and that is where we get to the whole grooming argument.
As a grooming victim, this is not the slippery slope people make it out to be. And adult fans,,this is where I'm telling you to sit down and shut up for a minute. Listen, for just a moment. I know I'm "just a kid" but, I've lived the possible outcomes you've thrown out. I lived that experience, and I lived. I survived, and the way you talk about it is so invalidating to me its absolutely disgusting.
I'm prefacing this with this may sound ineloquent, and not as "pleasant" as I usually like to sound. Because with this I expect people to listen. Its not in the public ass Discord server where you should watch out for the child. Its if you see an 18+ individual actively DMing that person, and this minor speaking about this person as if they're a major part of their life.
I need you to understand that I was genuinely wary of one of our own community members when I first began speaking with them, because of this trauma. I wary of ALL of our community members. I didn't share my other socials with people in this community unless I knew their content first. There have been multiple times I've stopped myself from messaging who I will call "My Annus" because of this trauma I've endured.
And I'm sorry, but Waterdeep genuinely has no precautions set in place to separate adults and minors that the DnDads Patreon does not. You cannot act like saints and villainize them, when they adjusted and became you. Then either both of you are saints or both of you are demons.
Children interacting with adults is always a bit set back at first. But I've been groomed. Twice. And you people act like its obvious, like it can happen so easily. And it does, it happens easily. First its them texting you so much you feel overwhelmed, then its them becoming someone you rely on. Someone who makes you pity them.
And its not gonna be people who are SIGNIFCANTLY older. (i.e, I feel much less worry interacting with 30 year olds than I do 18-22 year olds.) Because the adult people that feel 'more understandable' to be friends with cause their just barely adults? they tend to pry harder. They can get away with it. Thats just fact. The people who say "Oh I'm eighteen, but I just turned eighteen" I'm always the wariest of. Not because I'm convinced they're bad people or whatever, but because both times; my abuser was one of those people. This was two different people as well.
And thats what the adults of this fandom won't address. That its not the slope they've made it out to be. Because then they have to retract statements they made, and a lot of people, minors and adults, just don't have the humility to do that.
The only advice I can give to people in the server, who are worried for the minors. These are the only signs I can give you, and this is from my experience or the experience of other survivors I've spoken to, and I'm by no means saying this is concrete.
Abusers tend to be /just/ enough of an adult to be considered on, but not so old that it'll be considered weird for them to befriend a minor. The age gaps I see most often are 14/19 or in that kind of range. They'll go for the lonelier or newer folks, the ones who haven't built their group in the community and are just entering. The ones looking for their place in the hierarchy. If you want to help protect us, you watch like a mother bear when a new minor joins.
A lot of us don't realize its happening until its too late, and by the time we realize the situation we've fallen into its too late for us to get ourselves out. The majority of us have weak wills and a fear of conflict.
3. What the Hosts have done in response.
I honestly, genuinely think the hosts have done a lot of steps in the right direction. And in recent episodes? man, they've tagged their shit better than the McElroys, and no I'm not reaching there.
Honestly, they kind of did before to, on topics they knew were really rough for some people.
When they warned for the Willy Stapler stuff, I was grateful. They warned me I may be triggered by Ron and Willy's dynamic before I was forced with it. The McElroys had a scene with grooming in Grad, and I wasn't warned. I couldn't mentally prepare myself and I had a minor reaction to it. And thats not at all to shit on the McElroys, anyone who knows me know I love that family more than anything. That they saved me. Thats just a statement I need you all to understand.
The Hosts aren't "ignoring us" they're listening to us. They genuinely are. They saw we wanted content warnings, and they gave us some of the best content warnings I've seen. They've content warned episodes I didnt see reason for content warnings.
4. The Transcripts.
Look, this is beating a dead horse at this point. I, personally, have debated beginning to transcribe episode. I know they said they will, and I trust their word. But thats all we can really do, right?
I've transcribed things myself before, guys, and thats hard. and it takes time. and knowing them, they'll want to get all the current episodes up at once, and thats gonna take a hot minute to get down. And we can go into "Well why didnt they transcribe from the beginning?" and well, that's because transcribing just wasn't a thing until recently? Like again, going back to MBMBAM and McElroys, they don't even have all of TAZ transcribed last I checked (I believe their transcriptions go from Grad-Stolen Century, and anything before Stolen Century doesn't have one yet. I may be wrong on that.)
I will not speak on the other grievances and issues people have brought up in the show. The topics I covered are the only ones I feel comfortable speaking on on a public platform, where my words can sway opinions.
There is no TL;DR, because as I said in the beginning; if you can't read this, you aren't listening well enough nor willing to actually discuss the issues you have. You're looking for something to be mad about. Period, end of discussion.
I don't say that to act like I'm some authority on this, or some higher being above all of you for "being forgiving." Because, frankly I don't forgive them. I will continue to support them for making steps in the right direction, and upping their game. But, I won't forgive them for their jokes or the brief lack of precaution in the server. But, I will move on and I will support them. Because, as a victim of the problems people brought up in those situations, the steps the took are the best ones they could have. And I am grateful for that.
If other survivors read this and disagree, you're perfectly valid in that. We all went something, and it effects each of us differently. My heart goes out to you, as well, I know how isolating and genuinely terrifying those experiences and situations can be.
To those who aren't survivors and have read this; I beg you to think about this.
I am open to discussion further on this, but to an extent. There are some opinions I hold in this message that I will flat out tell you to not debate me on, not because of anything other than what I said in this post was hard enough to me to say.
Thank you for your time. EDIT: I implore anyone reading to the read the notes on this post, more information and discussion can be found and all of it is just as important. 
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ererokii · 5 years ago
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Tamaki Amajiki x Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff, suggestive themes, angst, violence and major character death
Word Count: 6939
Synopsis: The renowned shy but brave hero, Suneater passes and his life is celebrated by his family and close friends.
Italics mean flashback
Tag list; @kingtamakimurder, @tamasoft, @shoutosplaything
It was funny how the world worked. How time worked. How every little second could be a traumatic change or an insignificant change in someone’s life. Time was an endless loop of change, whether one was ready or not. 
The gust of cold wind descended upon you, regardless of wearing a jacket you could still feel it’s rough clutches against your skin, making your body scream at you for being there. 
Underneath your umbrella, you meekly looked up towards the grey sky, watching the rain hit against the sheer protection, each hit harder than the last. 
The rain seemed to distract you from everyone around you. By yourself, you stood by a big tree. No one seemed to approach you. Giving you the time you deserved by yourself. To let yourself fall in your hole of grievance. 
Heavy footsteps approached from behind as a big yet gentle hand was placed on your shoulder. “Y/N” the voice said. Mirio. 
You whipped your head around quickly to meet his glossy eyes that threatened to spill his tears. Beside him stood Neijre, who was gripping her umbrella with both hands, and in between those hands was one simple red rose. 
Tamaki loved red roses. 
A sad smile graced your features as you felt your tears spill. “I can’t thank you guys enough for coming..”
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world Y/N-Chan,” Neijre said softly, walking up to you and wrapped an arm around you, careful not to squish the delicate flower in her hand. 
Mirio watched both of you with saddened eyes. He couldn’t believe what was going on. The tension in the air was too thick. It felt like it was suffocating him whole. 
“We should get going inside yeah?” Mirio asked, looking off somewhere, gripping the black fabric of his pants. 
“Yes..” you said shakily and took a deep breath. “We should get going..it should be starting soon”
The pair stood on either side of you, linking their arms with yours as you all made it inside for the celebration.
Celebration. Wasn’t that a funny word to celebrate the life of a loved one? Celebrate what they had to offer as a person to those around them. You loathed the word starting now. You didn’t want to celebrate. 
You just wanted Tamaki Amajiki back. 
As you made your way closer to the front, your feet felt heavy as if you felt like you were being dragged. Your eyes locked on the black casket that was surrounded by dozens of pretty flowers, each having their special meaning. A photo of the person was standing beside the casket.
The casket that held the body.
The casket that held the dead love of your life, Tamaki Amajiki. 
You started shaking your head as you dug your heel into the ground, refusing to move. “I can’t do it. I can’t face him. I can’t” you chanted ‘I can’t’ over and over like a mantra. 
Mirio’s grip on your arm tightens. “Yes, you can. You have too. This is your closure. For you. For all of us.”
“I can’t!” You cried and covered your mouth to muffle the sobs attempting to escape. Others who were invited glanced in your direction, pity evident in their eyes. Out of everyone you were hit hardest. 
“I can’t look at him again knowing he won’t come home! I can’t look at him again knowing he won’t be saying I love you! I can’t Mirio! I lost him!”
“No, we lost him!” He snapped and gripped both of your arms, making you face him. “It was my fault! It’s my fault he’s gone! How can I be named Lemillion if I can’t save one person?! I’m supposed to save millions of people! But I couldn’t even save Tamaki! My best friend! It should be me in that casket and not Tamaki!” He yelled through his tears, not caring if he looked like a mess. 
“Mirio.,” you whispered shakily and clasped your hands together tightly, holding them to your chest.
“I’m sorry!” He sobbed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. “I’m sorry Y/N! If only I was quick enough! Strong enough! If only I didn’t distract him! If I was those things Tamaki would still be here!” He cried in agony. 
“Mirio please stop! Don’t blame yourself! Tamaki wouldn’t think this is your fault. Please stop begging yourself” you begged him with desperation, reaching forward and engulfing his bigger hands into your smaller ones. “Please don't..” you whispered 
He looked up at you. His eyes were screaming pain and agony. He was digging his hole and he was falling deeper and deeper. 
“I’m sorry” was all he said and wiped his eyes, forcing a smile on his face. “I know it’s hard. Come on. He’s waiting for us” 
You stared at him unsure before nodding your head, gripping the black skirt you had on. 
A soft hand wrapped around your arm and began tugging you. “Come on Y/N. It’s going to begin soon.” Neijre spoke up softly.
A celebration. That’s all it was. A sad disturbing celebration. 
You ran your hand on the open casket. Your bottom lip trembled as you reached forward, grabbing onto Tamaki’s cold calloused hand into your warm one. 
“Hi Tama..it’s me..” you whispered. “You look so peaceful, honey… you’re safe now..”
“Y/N.” A voice said from behind as you looked over your shoulder. 
Taishiro and Eijirou stood there, a look of regret and sorrow displayed on their face. You couldn’t trust yourself to speak. You gave a curt nod and a sad smile. Your eyes spoke more than words. 
You couldn’t care less who arrived or who didn’t. It shows who cared most. Who cares about Tamaki the most. Everyone seemed to file in one by one, each wearing an emotional mask. You couldn’t tell if it was a lie or truth.
It was sad. 
It was terrible.
Yet why did you feel like no one here cared besides a few?
You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about those horrible thoughts. 
“Today we celebrate the life of Suneater or to his friends and family, Tamaki Amajiki..”
You blanked out. You couldn’t listen. You refused to let go of his cold hand. You were afraid when you let go he would disappear from you forever. You didn’t want to celebrate his years of life.
You just wanted him back in your arms. Alive. Warm. 
Not dead. Cold. 
Numerous speakers went up. Taishiro, Mirio, Neijre, and Tamaki’s parents. 
“Can we please have our last speaker, Y/LN Y/N come up and speak on behalf of Tamaki Amajiki?”
Your head perked up at the sound of your name as you took a deep breath, leaning over and kissed the knuckles of Tamaki’s hand, lingering your lips on it. “I’ll be back my love…” you whispered against the skin.
Neijre reached over and grabbed your spare hand, Mirio placing his over hers as they both gave you a comforting nod. 
You nodded in return and stood up tall, moving past everyone as you made your way up to the podium surrounded by the beautiful arrangement of flowers. Under different circumstances, you would have enjoyed the variety. 
You walked up the steps, hands running over the smooth wood of the podium. Millions of eyes kept their gaze fixated on your trembling form as you reached in your pocket, pulling the folded paper out. 
You couldn’t remember how you found yourself here. It was all a blur. “I uh..thank you for everyone that came. It means a lot to me and I know that.. it means a lot to Tamaki as well” you started and unfolded the paper, staring at the black ink of your writing. 
You took a deep breath and flattened the paper down. You opened your eyes and glanced at the resting body. Finally at peace. 
Your mouth opened to speak but no words came out, only incoherent noises. Your group of friends consisting of, Neijre, Mirio, Eijirou, and Taishiro all stared at you with worry. From the looks of it, it looked like Neijre was about to get up and stand up there with you but Mirio held her down. 
A simple movement of your hand pushing a lock of hair behind your ear to calm your nerves. It might not have helped but it was something. 
You spoke up, “Tamaki Amajiki wasn’t the most confident man out there. Like every other human he had his doubts, but he was far by worse. His anxiety always got the best of him. However, he was like no other. He was sweet. He was kind, compassionate, and selfless. He always made sure others' needs were in front of his. He was careful. He was passionate. A perfectionist one would say. In the eyes of another, Tamaki was far from perfect. In my eyes.. he was an angel. His perfect imperfections. His flaws. How could I not love him?”
A sad smile made its way to your face as you clasped your hands together tightly. “His favorite thing in the world was Butterflies. It was a delicate love for them. Every time he would see one he would go on and on about their species. It warmed my heart to see it firsthand. I remember our first date consisted of butterfly watching. I will admit I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but seeing his smile was the best win for me.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Tamaki was a passionate lover no doubt. He had his ups and downs with himself but that didn’t stop him from trying to be the best boyfriend.
The birds outside chirped softly. The sunlight peeking out from behind your curtains into your shared room, draping across your bed where the two of you laid.
A calloused but gentle hand traced lazy circles onto your arm. His soft eyes watched as your body rose and fell slowly with each breath you took. His gaze fell to your neck, face getting hot when he saw the marks he had given you the night prior. 
An angel is what he would say. The way your hair sprawled underneath you, your angelic form as you slept, the soft snores you let out. The soft light of the sun outlining your perfect imperfections. He adored you. Every single part of you. 
He leaned up on his elbow and traced the outline of your lips with the pad of his finger ever so softly, with a feathery like touch. 
A small smile graced his lips when he noticed you stirring in your sleep before opening your eyes slowly, adjusting from your slumber. 
This was the best part of your morning. Receiving the best present you could ever ask for. Tamaki by your side. You drank in his appearance. His messy indigo locks that somehow looked perfect. His tired yet bright eyes boring into your own. 
Your gaze fell to his marked-up collarbones and chest, memories of your intimate moment with him flooding your mind immediately. 
The feeling of him on top of you, holding you close and driving you closer to the edge as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Words of love exchanged between the two of you as you became one. 
“Morning Tama..” you whispered tiredly and reached up, cupping his cheek with one hand. A gentle stroke to his cheek with your thumb had him close his eyes in satisfaction. 
“M-morning bunny” was his reply as he opened his eyes again, fully getting on top of you, one of his hands resting beside your head.
“Mmm, you want more Tama?” You teased and lazily wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with his locks in the back. “But it’s so early”
“Yeah and? That hasn’t stopped us in the past has it?” He questioned and lowered his head to your chest, nipping the soft skin above your breast as you let out a shaky breath. 
“N-no I suppose it hasn’t” you whispered and ran your hand through his messy locks, enjoying the way he shuddered when your hand grazed against the tip of his ear. 
He let out a purr like noise as he laid his head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your torso to keep you close to him. 
These were the moments you cherished. Him and you basking in each other’s warmth, each other’s company, and the silence. The way your legs would entangle, feeling his soft skin on yours. 
His soft breathing started to even out slowly, hit your bare chest. “Falling asleep on me already huh?”
He weakly shook his head and tighten his grip on you. “Course not… j-just enjoying you bunny.” He said in his soft voice, grabbing your left hand that rested on his head, bringing it to his lips as he kissed the circlet that delicately rested on your finger. “I still can’t believe you said yes..”
“Huh? Course I would say yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
He grew quiet as his pointed ears drooped a bit. “Because I’m not special at all. I always thought I was a bad lover. You’re so good and I’m nothing like you...I feel like you deserve better than me.”
Your heart ached at his confession. You always knew his self-esteem wasn’t the best. No matter how hard you tried reassuring him he couldn’t listen. As much as he wanted to listen it was too hard for him. 
“Tama..” you whispered and placed a finger underneath his chin, tilting his head up to meet your eyes. 
His eyes were glossy as a single tear went down his cheek. You leaned forward and kissed the tear away, ignoring the slight salty taste in your mouth. 
“You’re special to me and me only Tama..” you started. “You aren’t a bad boyfriend you’re the best I’ve had in my life. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me... and in fact, it was me who thought you deserved better. You showed me what love is. When you asked me to marry you I was so ecstatic. I still am. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” you finished with a small smile, cradling his cheeks in your hands. 
“I-I’m sorry for doubting bunny...I wish I was stronger for you”
“But you’re already so strong, isn’t that right Suneater?” You teased lightly, using his hero name. The tips of his ear went red as he quickly buried his head in your breasts. That was his favorite hiding spot as he told you weeks ago. 
“Y-you can’t just say things like that bunny..” his words came out muffled. You began to stroke his hair again. “But I only do it because I like getting reactions out of you is all.”
You let out a small yelp when you felt him nip at your skin again, harder than the last. “K-keep talking like that and I’ll be getting reactions out of you.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it Tama.”
He meekly looked up at you, a blush adorning his features as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. A hand of his gently pushed you down on the bed as he hovered over you, leaning down and capturing your lips with his. 
It was a sweet gentle kiss. But this felt needier. The way he pressed himself up against you, feeling your body as if you would disappear. The way his lips were desperately moving against yours. 
He pulled away suddenly and dipped his head down, placing desperate kisses along the crook of your neck. 
You let out a low mewl. “T-Tama what's gotten into you?” You whispered.
He lifted his head quickly. “I just love you bunny” he confessed, sounding somewhat confident. “And I just want to cherish you.”
If you didn’t grow soft you swore your heart did. You teared slightly up at his confession. “I love you too Tamaki.”
Before he could continue with his actions his phone went off. He let out a low groan and rolled over on the bed, reaching for his phone. Without even looking he answered. “Hello?”
You couldn’t hear who it was so for the meantime while you waited, you played with the ring that sat on your hand beautifully. 
It was a delicate thing. A rose gold band with a simple diamond rose sitting at the top. Simple and beautiful. Just the way you imagined it. The perfect one. 
“Right now?” Tamaki’s voice startled you from your thoughts. “Yes, but I thought today wasn’t till later n-no..?” He let out a frustrated sigh. “O-okay I’m coming now then..” 
“Who was that love?”
“Fatgum. Says he needs me to start patrolling now even though I don’t start till later”
A pout formed on your lips. “Now? Let me talk to him and I’ll change his mind”
A small chuckle left his lips as he gave you another quick but yet gentle kiss to which you happily returned. “I appreciate it b-bunny but there’s no arguing with him.”
You watched as Tamaki grabbed a small blanket, wrapping it around his lower half as he got off the bed, the bed dipping for a slight second. 
Watching Tamaki get ready was amazing to you. You didn’t know why. Maybe it was the way he would carefully put his folded clothes back in their respected drawer or the way he carefully put on his clothes. 
Or the fact that he was in the moment with you. 
“At least let me make you something to eat” 
A shake of his head as he started getting dressed. “I-it’s okay bunny. I can just b-buy something out on the street” 
A pout formed on your lips as you sat up, holding the sheet to your chest. “Are you sure? I don’t mind”
“I’m sure. You get rest since your patrol is later”
Yes, you were Pro-Hero (Y/HN). Your quirk was called Smoke Plume. You were able to convert the oxygen you inhaled into scorching gas that can either be exhaled through your mouth or pores. The more oxygen you inhale, the higher the temperature gets. Due to this, you were used to extreme heat. 
You let out a small sigh and watched him put on the gold plating on his arms and shoulders once he had put on the black suit.
You blindly reached over the bed in search of his shirt he had on last night. Once finding it you put it on yourself, enjoying the way it was loose around your smaller frame. The shirt reached down and covered the curve of your ass. 
Walking over to him, you laid your head on his back as you reached for his hands. “You’re amazing Tamaki..every single day you amaze me to no end. You’re so cool Tama.” 
A smile tugged at his lips as he brought your hand to his mouth, kissing the knuckle gently. “T-thank you bunny..you’re so amazing”
A giggle passed through your lips. “I know”
Once Tamaki finished getting dressed you followed him to the door, quickly grabbing his white cape. “W-Wait”
He turned around, a concerned look displayed on his face. “B-Bunny? What’s wrong?”
You bit your lip and clenched the cape tighter. “I just..I don’t know..it doesn’t feel good today..”
He tilted his head to the side faintly and placed his hands on your hips, bringing you closer. “What do you mean?” He whispered. 
“Just be safe out there okay?”
He nodded in agreement and kissed your forehead, keeping his lips there before pulling away. “I will”
“I love you, Tamaki. So much”
“And I… l-love you more bunny” a smile tugged at your lips. Still, after these years, Tamaki had trouble using his words. You stood up on your tiptoes and kissed him gently. 
He pulled away a couple of seconds later and cradled your cheek, kissing your forehead once more before detaching himself from you. “I’ll s-see you in a couple of hours, bunny.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Tamaki couldn’t help but cover his face more by pulling his hood lower. It wasn’t that he hated his fans, he was nervous whenever a small child would come up to him or a group of people from across the street waved at him. 
“Y/N always knows how to interact with them..” he mumbled to himself and felt the cold concrete against his bare feet as he patrolled the area. Fatgum said there was a bit more activity in the area lately and called him earlier than he needed too.
It’s been at least 5 hours into his patrol. He had his fair share of Takoyaki Balls, maybe a bit more than he normally does but he didn’t care. 
As he kept patrolling he kept a good leisure pace. Like usual, he was stuck in his thoughts. Wonder what Y/N is doing right now.. he thought and turned a corner. 
Maybe you were watching your favorite show on TV or possibly making something to eat before you patrolled. Maybe making dinner for both of you when you would return home together. 
A loud explosion from the other side of the area interrupted his thoughts. With a gasp and he looked up and quickly manifested his hand into a clamshell, protecting his body from the falling debris. 
A domino effect seemed to have happened. One building after the other. His eyes widened in horror as he saw a building come crashing down immediately. Screams of innocent civilians filled his ears. 
“It can’t be the league..” he whispered and uncovered himself, taking off in the direction of the chaos. 
He panted softly as he stopped in front of a burning building. 
“M-Mommy!” A little girl no older than 6 sobbed as she knelt in front of a rather large building piece that was smothering the body of the child’s mother. Her upper half was exposed to the outside as the lower and covered. 
“Y-you have to get up!” She sobbed and tugged on the bloody hand, not aware that something was about to collapse on top of her small body. 
Tamaki quickly manifested his fingers into tentacles and wrapped a tentacle around the young girl, yanking her to him. 
The young girl panted heavily and clenched her fingers around his cape. “Y-you have to help my mommy! She’s stuck! She needs you!”
It felt as if the words weren’t able to come out. His mouth suddenly felt dry as he stared down at the frail girl. “I…”
He looked up quickly and mentally sighed in relief at the person who was running towards him
“I’ll take care of her! We already have a station for civilians!” Mirio said in urgency, taking the girl from Tamaki’s arms and held her close to his chest. 
“This is big. We need backup now.”
Tamaki nodded in agreement and fully stood up. “Did he already?”
Mirio nodded his head. “Not even 5 minutes ago he called her. She’s on her way.”
Tamaki let out a shaky breath. “A-alright..stay safe.”
“You too” 
Tamaki didn’t waste time and ran off in the opposite direction. 
Mirio glanced over his shoulder, feeling a slight tug in his outfit. 
“E-excuse me mister..is everything going to be okay?” The girl whispered, shaking in his arms.
Mirio’s heart ached but still nodded regardless. “You bet! You saw that man right now? He’s amazing! He’ll put a stop to it no doubt!” He flashed one of his famous smiles and patted the top of her head.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After you saw what happened on the news, not even 3 minutes later you got a call from Fatgum. 
Of course, you picked up and found out they needed your help. That’s how you found yourself here. Running through the streets as you inhaled as much oxygen as you possibly could for your quirk to work. 
Looking both ways you ran across the alleyway into a Main Street. All around you were burning buildings and the bodies of dead civilians. Hero’s lower in the ranking than you were helping those trapped under debris or on the verge of death, hoping there was still hope for them.
You caught a peak at Fatgum and let out a sigh of relief, running over to him. “Are you okay?! Is Tamaki okay?!”
Fatgum nodded tiredly in reply and tied up the villain, tightening the restraints on their wrists. “Yes, he’s fine. Just meet up with him. And be careful” he ordered and stood up. 
You nodded and fixed your black mask, running off again. 
From where you stood you saw a body flying in the air as it collided with the wall, falling with a grunt. “Who the fuck is that freak..” he weakly mumbled before standing up quickly, making eye contact with you. 
A wicked grin tugged on his lips as he suddenly ran at you at full speed. A gasp left your mouth as you dodged his hit, grabbing him by the of his arm and slammed him into the wall. 
“You may be smart (Y/HN) but you can’t outsmart me!” he yelled as one of his hands detached from his body, grabbing you by your hair and tugged you down, kicking your face once you were level. 
Blood spewed from your mouth as you landed on the ground with a hard thud, a groan emitting from your mouth. Your body came in contact with a sharp object. The object stabbed into your side but nothing vital. You laid there like a fish out of water, small puffs of gas emitting from your mouth but not enough to do any damage. “Poor poor girl.,” he said lowly and attached his hand back to his wrist. “You are strong. But not for me. Don’t worry. Someone will be joining you very very soon...Now die!” he yelled and grabbed a knife from his pocket, running at you. 
You inhaled as much oxygen as your weak body could as he got closer with each step. Have to time this right!
Once he was in the distance of you, you opened your mouth and let everything out. You could only hold it for so long before you got light-headed. The man coughed and waved the gas out of there before making choking noises as he inhaled. His eyes widened as his skin began to form boils, his hand dropping the knife as he clawed at his throat. 
Your eyes widened at the voice as you covered your body. 
A talon appeared through the orange gas as it held the body down, a tentacle wrapping around his legs. Tamaki panted softly as he stared at you. “Back up is coming (Y/HN),” he said before his eyes narrowed down on the red spot forming on your white bodysuit. His tentacle tightened around the passed out body. 
“W-what happened?! Y-you’re bleeding! You need to get help now!”
You weakly got up and leaned against the wall for support. “I’m okay Tama..” You said lowly and flashed him a weak smile. “I’ll be okay”
He still didn’t look convinced.  “But bunny..”
“Tamaki! One got away! We need you and (Y/N) to come with!” Mirio said from far away as he jogged to meet the both of you, weary of his surroundings. “The police are coming right now to take him. We don’t know what this guy’s quirk is so we have to be extra care- Woah! (Y/N) you’re bleeding!”
“Yeah I figured that out already..” you grunted once you felt Mirio at your side, immediately wrapping a bandage around your wound. Where did he get the bandage? You had no idea. 
The police arrived and immediately arrested the villain. After speaking with you, Tamaki pulled you aside and placed his hands on your shoulders, indigo eyes boring into your own. “Are you sure you're okay bunny…? We can go to the hospital right now”
“Tama..” you started with a sigh and placed a hand on top of his that was resting on your shoulder. “I’m okay. I’m okay. We still have one more villain to catch. You guys still need my help.”
“I know that but I don’t want you to hurt yourself more than you already did.”
“Do you not trust my abilities?”
“W-what?! I trust you so much bunny! I just can’t lose you..” the last came out in a whisper as he suddenly wrapped his arms around you but not tight to hurt you and brought you to his chest. “I love you too much..”
You inhaled his scent that was disappearing with the sweat and the smell of ash and debris from the explosion earlier. “I love you too Tama..but I’ll be okay. I promise you. After all, you’re stuck with me forever, remember?” you teased to lighten the mood, lifting your head so your chin rested on his chest as you stared up at him 
His cheeks darkened at the remembrance of his proposal. “Y-yeah of course I remember bunny” he stuttered and looked elsewhere but you. 
A chuckle escaped your lips as you made him look at you, leaning in and capturing his lips in your one. Your lips moved in harmony as you felt him lightly nip your lower lip. Your hands clenched at the straps of his outfit before pulling away, a light string of saliva which was a token of your kiss. 
“Aww, you guys are so cute together! Just wait till Neijre finds out about you guys kissing on the job!” A happy Mirio chirped from behind you two. Tamaki let out a squeak as he covered his face with his hood as you rubbed your arm in embarrassment. Mirio always knew who to interrupt you two. 
“Yeah, whatever! We still have to find someone!” You said flustered and tried ignoring the heat on the nape of your neck from embarrassment. “You said you don’t know his quirk, do you know what he looks like?”
Mirio shook his head in disappointment. “No, we don’t. Least not for long. Only a glimpse of him. One of them fessed up saying there was one more out there.”
You scratched your chin in thought. “Camouflage quirk? Invisibility? Maybe shapeshifter?”
“That could be it..” Tamaki mumbled under his breath. “We should get going though. We shouldn’t stay in the same spot. Mirio you go on ahead before us. I’ll stay with Y-“
“No, you won’t. You go on with Mirio. I’ll be fine. Both of you are at your strongest right now. It’ll make sense for both of you to go together.”
Tamaki stared at you for which you just nodded simply. “Go. We’re wasting time.”
“Tamaki come on” Mirio urged and grabbed Tamaki by his wrist. “Faster we move, the faster we can leave.”
Tamaki nodded slowly and followed him, shooting a glance over at you. “Stay safe.”
“You too Tama. And you as well Mirio.”
“Aw, she cares about me!” He laughed and walked down the street before turning the corner with Tamaki. 
There was an unsettling feeling in your gut that you couldn’t shake the feeling from. Something was going to happen. But you didn’t know what. 
“So Tamaki soon huh?” Mirio said, trying to break the silence as they looked for the last villain. 
“Soon what? What do you mean?”
“You’re getting married! Duh! Don’t tell me you forgot already!”
Tamaki gulped faintly and looked down at his bruised up bare feet. “Y-yeah it’s soon..”
“Are you excited?”
“What k-kind of question is that?”
“A valid one Tamaki!”
“Of course I’m excited to get married to her..just nervous as always. She’s been stressing about the small details. The wedding isn’t even for another 2 months.”
“Well, it’s Y/N. She wants to make sure every little thing is right. Maybe that’s why both of you are good for each other huh?” The blond teased his friend, nudging him with his shoulder.
A pleased smile made its way onto Tamaki’s face as he stared up at the night sky. “Yeah... I guess that’s why”
Mirio glanced over at his friend’s pleased state before looking back forward. 
“Have lots of kids”
Tamaki choked on his saliva and looked at him thinking he was crazy. “Why did you say that?! Don’t say it like that!”
“Oh come on Tamaki! I wanna be the cool uncle! Uncle Mirio! That’s me!” He said proudly and jabbed his thumb into his chest, a smug look on his face. 
“Y-Yeah but you shouldn't ta-“
His words got cut off as he choked on air, eyes widening. 
Mirio quickly turned to face him as his eyes widened in horror.
There Tamaki stood, a blade sticking out in the middle of his chest. He gasped for air as his back arched, falling on his knees as blood began to seep out from the wound. 
A scream of terror was heard across the street. Y/N, Mirio thought as he made himself permeable, going underneath and came from behind the villain, grabbing the sword that was formed from his palm. 
Footsteps from the other side emerged louder with each heavy step. 
It all happened slowly. Mirio was able to immobilize the villain. You quickly made your way to Tamaki, stumbling as you fell on your knees. 
Tamaki laid there, unable to move. Paralyzed. He gasped for air as he blindly searched for your hand to comfort him. “Y-Y/N..”
“Tama I’m right here! I’m right here Tamaki!” You sobbed and grabbed his hand, enclosing it in both of yours. “Tamaki it’ll be okay! Keep your eyes open! Focus on my voice!”
Tamaki looked up at you and squeezed your hand as much as he could. Your figure looked blurry to him. He blinked away the fresh tears and felt them go down his face. “Bunny..” 
“K-keep your eyes open! You’re so strong Tamaki! Please! The medics are almost here!”
He started coughing and coughed up blood. Some blood splattered onto your face. You cringed at the feeling of the warm substance on your face. 
Tamaki gagged on his blood and spit it out weakly on the side of him, feeling the red substance dribble out of his mouth.
“Butterfly please..it hurts..”
You cried out and held his hand to your mouth, kissing his knuckles.
And over
From behind you stood Mirio, his expression indescribable. Tamaki couldn’t be dying. He just couldn’t. He was strong. This wasn’t Tamaki Amajiki. It couldn’t.
“I k-know baby!” You said through your tears, your vision getting blurrier and blurrier by the second. “You’re so strong Tamaki! I want to be just as strong as you Suneater!”
A weak chuckle passed by his lips. “I told you not to say that bunny..you know what it does to me..”
You forced a smile as you leaned closer. “We’re getting married remember?! A-And we’re going to see the butterfly sanctuary that is opening soon! Remember Tama?! Fight for me, baby! Please!”
“Butterfly...I love you so much..”
You shook your head and kissed him quickly, ignoring the taste of metallic hitting your lips. Your tears fell onto his cheeks, mixing with his own. 
Your love is represented in the kiss. A feeling of desperation. A feeling of a small hope that he could make it. His kisses still left you breathless. Even like this, he still made you feel in cloud 9 with a kiss as simple as this. 
As a bystander, this was the most tragic thing to witness. The death of a hero. No one wanted to see that. Especially the death of a hero, dying in the arms of their lover. 
Many people crowded around on the other side of the street as the area was closed off by police cars. The faint noise of the sirens from afar. 
Tamaki weakly kissed back, his hand cradling your cheek as he brought you in deeper. 
You choked on a sob in the kiss. You quickly pulled away and noticed his breathing evening out. “No no, Tamaki! I can’t lose you! Not now! Not ever! I love you!!”
“Butterfly…” he got out and made eye contact with you. “Fly high for me butterfly..” he whispered as his chest stopped moving. His hand that was cradling your cheek, fell limp on the floor. However, his eyes were still open, barely. The life inside his beautiful eyes was now gone.
A scream resonated throughout the area. Your scream. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You stared down at the engagement ring that stayed sitting on your hand. You gulped and let the tears flow. You looked up at everyone and gripped the podium. 
“T-Tamaki wasn’t weak! Never at all! He was so strong! I wanted to be just like him! He was my inspiration for getting out there and saving people! I wanted to be just like him! I admired him!” You sobbed and covered your mouth with a hand as your shoulders shook, eyes squeezing shut. 
“Tamaki showed me what love truly was! He was my sun! He was..he was my Suneater. He was.. he is my world. I love that man so much..” you whispered the last part and bowed your head.
“I thanked Tamaki everyday… Tamaki. My love..thank you for being there for me..f-for always being on my side. For making my day shine with your presence..”
You looked up at your friends. Mirio has his head down in respect as Neijre had a tissue on her mouth, her figure trembling as she kept her sons in. Taishiro had his eyes closed, silent tears flowy as Eijirou was openly sobbing. 
“Mr and Mrs.Amajiki..” you spoke up and looked up, making eye contact with his parents.
“Thank you for bringing the most... beautiful person into this world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You repeated and bowed your head once again with respect for them. 
You finished it off and got off the podium, walking around to the open casket that held your beloved. 
“Tamaki..” you whispered and leaned down, kissing his hand, relishing the way his cold skin met your warm lips. “It’s time to get you home..”
You stayed in that position for a second more before leaning up and held your hand out for Mirio to take. He complied as Neijre grabbed his other hand. The 3 of you walked out, heads bowed. 
The burial went smoothly as possible, just like you hoped. You watched intently as they buried your beloved. You had your hands close to your chest, Mirio’s arm resting around your shoulders as Neijre had an arm wrapped around your waist, resting her head on your shoulder. 
“He’s home..” you whispered to no one in particular. Neijre weakly nodded and grabbed your hand. “He’s home..and he’s safe Y/N-Chan” 
The 3 of you stayed behind in that position. Many people came over to say their condolences to you, which you said a sweet thank you to the person. 
“I hope you guys don’t mind but..can I have some alone time with him real quick..?”
“No, not at all. Take your time. Come on Neijre” Mirio spoke up for the both of them, turning on his heels as he walked off somewhere else, the periwinkle haired girl following him close behind. 
You let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through your hair. “Hey, my love..god it feels weird talking to you like this. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it but one day I’ll have to huh?” You chimed and sat on the bench that was next to his grave. 
“You looked so peaceful over there earlier… I wish I looked that peaceful when I fall asleep now..but I can’t. Because all I think about is you…that’s all I want. I want you back baby. I want you back in my arms again..but I know that can’t happen” you spoke and clasped your hands together, setting them in your lap. 
Something small caught your attention from the corner of your eye. You glanced over and saw a purple butterfly land on top of his gravestone. 
You let out a small gasp. “Purple Emperor..those are your favorite Tama.,” you whispered and shakily stuck a finger out. The purple emperor majestically flew over to you and landed on your finger. 
You stared down at it as tears welled up in your eyes. “Tamaki…” you whispered. At the sound of the name, the butterfly fluttered its wings as if it was responding to you. 
“Oh, Tama… you’re so beautiful… a purple emperor. My little emperor… who would have known that you loved butterflies so much you would become one… so beautiful..” you trailed off and admired the beautiful shade of purple with grey gradients and the dash of white markings.
You shook your head lightly and stood up, taking 2 steps until you were standing in front of his grave. 
“Keep going Tamaki..fly high for me butterfly” you recalled his words that he told you moments before he passed and gently let the butterfly go, watching it fly off to start its new adventure. 
“This isn’t goodbye my love..I’ll see you soon. Wait for me” you whispered and brought your fingers to your lips, kissing them softly and placed it on the cold head of the gravestone. 
You nodded internally and lifted your foot off the ground, taking a step towards your friends and continued onward. Their gentle smiles of encouragement kept you going. With your friends and family by your side, you could accomplish anything. 
Tamaki’s death not only broke a part of you, but it made you a stronger individual. Acceptance. You were finally ready to accept it. With or without Tamaki, you were finally ready to continue to the next chapter of your life.
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newsies-of-corona · 5 years ago
@cinn-a-mom here’s my part of the trade!! I hope you enjoy it!! (And thank you again for that beautiful Letter to the Refuge animatic!)
Broken Pieces
“Hairstripe! Hurry up, you slow poke!”
Hugo runs through Old Corona village, Varian trailing behind him carrying as much glassware as he possible can.
He tediously walks, one step at a time, trying his hardest not to drop any.
“Well...may-maybe you could give me a hand instead of, you know, yelling at me!” The glassware pile says from behind Hugo.
Oh wait, that’s Varian.
The beakers and vials begin to teeter over in the alchemist’s hands and almost hit the ground before Hugo swoops in and grabs half of the pile.
“Oh. There you are Hairstripe! You’re so short I couldn’t even see you behind all this stuff!” Hugo jokes with a smug smile.
Varian rolls his eyes, “Shut up, heh.”
He looks at the situation they had gotten themselves into with a small frown.
“Heh. Note to self...next-next time we definitely have to bring dad’s wheelbarrow when we buy glassware, heh.”
He almost drops a vial but steadies himself and continues walking.
“Yeah, no kidding. Though we wouldn’t need so much if someone didn’t blow everything up every two minutes,” Hugo remarks snidely.
“Hey! The last time was with your compound!” Varian fires back.
Hugo opens his mouth briefly, but remembers Varian is indeed correct.
“Touché...” he grumbles.
The two continue walking until they finally pass the marketplace. It’s only a couple more blocks to their house. They can make it without breaking any beakers, right?
Suddenly, a loud crash resulting from a broken flask causes Varian to whip his head around to face Hugo.
“Heh, now who’s-“
The alchemist immediately cuts himself off when he sees the boys’ biggest nemeses walking towards them: Hunter and Curtis.
Hunter is taller than Varian, but a lot shorter than Hugo. His brunette bangs swoop in front of his eyes on the left side of his face, covering one of his hazel eyes. Hunter’s father is a close friend of Quirin, and Varian has known the boy since they were kids. Only recently did he team up with Curtis when Varian exploded the town yet again. Curtis, a fiery red-head with a temper to match acts as the brains of the team while Hunter acts as the brawn. The two have been tormenting the brothers for about a month now, practically every time they leave the house.
“Right on cue...” Hugo whispers as he kicks away the glass.
Hunter is the cause of broken flask, and he stands there blocking the Hugo’s path along with his partner in crime.
“If it isn’t the Old Corona Menace and his assistant...” Curtis mocks, moving to block Varian’s path directly.
Hugo isn’t one for conflict, but he doesn’t like anyone insulting Varian either. And he especially hates that nickname that the village generously bestowed on his brother. He’d gladly take the fall for that one. He shakily delivers a snide comment.
“Oh, come-come on, fellas! You really need to step up your game on the insulting nicknames! I mean, Hairstripe may not look like much at first glance but he’s no assistant-“
Hunter laughs cynically and steps closer to Hugo. The brunette boy is significantly shorter than the blond, but he still intimidates Hugo enough to make him back up.
“You’re the assistant.”
Hugo stiffens slightly and gulps as Hunter gives him a shove, shaking him up and causing another test tube to crash to the ground.
Varian narrows his eyes at Hunter and grits his teeth. He’s heard the “Old Corona Menace” nickname multiple times before. He deserves it, but Hugo? Hugo should be allowed to have a better reputation.
“Sorry, what-what did you say to him?” Varian asks slowly.
Hunter starts to walk away from Hugo but Curtis stops him, enclosing in further on Varian.
“You heard him. That weakling orphan you call a ‘brother’ is just adding to our problem.”
“Yeah and that’s you Vari-jerk!” Hunter speaks up.
Hugo rolls his eyes and scoffs.
“Oh come on, that’s not even clever,” he voices under his breath.
“Shut it, Huge-o!” Hunter yells, trying to regain his ego.
Hugo resists the urge to roll his eyes again in fear of being beat up. Hunter may be shorter than him, but he and Curtis together can do a lot of damage. Especially considering the heaps of fragile and dangerous glassware that the alchemists were carrying.
“Listen, guys, we have a lot on our hands right now, literally,” Hugo puns. “So, maybe we can move our weekly bullying session over a day?”
He starts sweating nervously and backs up more when Hunter smirks at him, drawing even closer than before.
“Uh, or-or a month?”
A cynical laugh on Varian’s side causes Hugo to shift his focus away from Hunter.
“No this is a great time,” Curtis replies mockingly as he snatches up one of the flasks on top of Varian’s pile.
“Heh, uh, please don’t touch that...” Varian asks, trying to bottle up and distract from the anger he feels.
Curtis looks it over and tosses it back in forth in his hands.
“What is this anyway? Some kind of jar for your magical spells?”
Varian corrects him, just like he does everyone else. Even if this time it’s a little more strained.
“Heh..technically it’s not magic, it’s alchemy, and-and that’s actually a-“
Curtis drops the flask on the ground before Varian can finish, and it shatters into a million pieces.
“Ugh you’re such a nerd. Both of you. Let me let you in on something: no one cares about your sorcery-“
“Alchemy.” Hugo speaks up under his breath, but unfortunately Hunter hears him. He rolls up his sleeve, jumps up, and punches Hugo straight in the face.
The blow is so unexpected and so forceful that it causes him to stagger back. He drops all the glassware and it shatters around his feet. Hugo holds his injured cheek which most likely contains a bruise.
“Just another one for the collection...” he whispers, trying to stay strong.
“Maybe that’ll teach you to keep your mouth shut, Huge-o. You should have just stayed an orphan. You’re more of a nothing now than you were before.”
Hugo tries to keep in his tears, but Curtis’s words cut deep. He simply looks up at the boy with hurt and angry eyes.
“Awe. You gonna cry?” Hunter taunts, glancing kicking some of the glass in Hugo’s direction.
Varian stays silent through this whole exchange...but livid. His eye begins to twitch as his grip on the glassware tightens, causing some of the beakers he’s holding start to crack from the pressure.
“Whatever you call it, we’re tired of you morons blowing up our town! And if we get all your magic stuff out of the way...” Hunter moves over to Varian and grabs two test tubes from his pile, smashing them both to the ground.
Curtis crosses over to Hugo who’s still holding his injured cheek. The red-head threateningly stalks closer and hits the inside of his hand with his fist.
Varian can’t hold it in anymore and he throws down all of the glassware he’s holding. The sound of the glass shattering causes both bullies to stare straight at him.
“Don’t you dare touch my brother again,” he warns between gritted teeth.
Curtis and Hunter glance at each other nervously for a moment. After all, this is the kid who blew up their entire village only a month prior. Both of their houses were damaged in the explosion. There’s no telling what the “dangerous wizard” could do to them.
“Hairstripe, don’t-“
The desperation in Hugo’s voice seems to push Curtis on, even though he’s still wary of Varian.
“Wha-what are you gonna do? Explode us?” Curtis asks with a nervous laugh.
His comment gives Varian an idea and he readies a smoke bomb from his pocket.
He glances to Hugo behind him and backs up.
“Come on, Vari-jerk! Show us what you got!” Hunter chimes in.
Curtis shoots him a look. As far as they knew, Varian could kill them if they weren’t careful. However, this doesn’t stop the bullies from cornering the alchemy brothers anyway, their fists dangerously close to the alchemists’ faces.
At the last second, Varian gives Hugo a short nod and throws his purple smoke bomb on the ground. Before it hits, the brothers sprint away as fast as they can, leaving their attackers coughing and surrounded in smoke.
The two run all the way back to their house, stopping right outside of the farm to catch their breaths.
“Varian...the glassware-“
The alchemist cuts him off, still angry at the bullies.
“Hugo, I could care less about the glassware. We can buy more...eventually...”
He trails off, knowing it won’t be any time soon. They were in danger every time they left their house. He sighs and continues voicing his grievances.
“But Curtis and Hunter have-have been tormenting us for too long. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing!”
Hugo rubs his cheek, his fingers hitting an old bruise next to his fresh one. Varian sees him wince in pain, and furrows his own eyebrows.
“We-we’re telling dad what happened.” He states matter-of-factly as he marches towards the house. “He’s the village leader, for Demanitus sake! He-he can do something-“
Hugo catches up with Varian and stands in front of him. The last thing he wants right now is to cause more problems for his family...
“No, Hairstripe. I’ll just say it was another acid burn...if he asks.”
“But Hugo-“
The blond calmly cuts him off again.
“There’s no reason to get them into more trouble. I mean we already destroyed their houses, which they won’t let us live down...”
Varian starts to raise his voice, not understanding why Hugo doesn’t agree with him on this.
“Hugo, that-that was my invention. You had nothing to do with it. But Hunter hit you! Twice in the last week! And the things Curtis said were...were inexcusable! Don’t-don’t you think they deserve some form of punishment?”
Hugo notes Varian’s tone; he sounds actually...angry. And when Varian was angry, the only smart thing to do is to listen. Hugo carefully considers his brother’s words. Even though Quirin adopted him years ago, it still feels weird to have people standing up for him. Almost as if he didn’t deserve it.
“Maybe...” he trails off.
But what would happen after the boys were punished? The bullying wouldn’t stop, that’s for sure. Everyone in the town already hates them. If Curtis and Hunter were taken down, there would surely be others to take their place, most likely targeting Varian. Hugo couldn’t take that chance. He could deal with a couple dumb bullies for his brother’s sake.
Hugo takes a breath and shrugs, standing up straighter to show he’s okay.
“But it’s just a bruise! Plus Hunter’s punches are wimpy anyway. Same with his nicknames,” the blond jokes.
Varian’s intense glare softens and he chuckles slightly.
“Yeah those nicknames are pretty dumb, heh. I mean ‘Huge-o?’ Really?”
Hugo smiles, glad that he successfully changed the subject.
“And ‘Vari-jerk?’ That’s Vari-insulting to many other Vari-interesting words that flow seamlessly with your name.”
Varian rolls his eyes but ends up laughing. He can always count on Hugo to cheer him up. Even if it’s with dumb puns. But that doesn’t erase that matter at hand.
“Are you sure, though? About keeping it a secret again?” The alchemist asks, hoping for a different response.
Hugo’s face falls, Varian isn’t going to let this go so easily, but he can still try to avoid the subject as long as possible.
“Yeah. I’m sure.” Hugo stays serious for a moment before his tone flips back to joking.
“Plus I’m sure you already scared them silly with that smoke bomb stunt.” He elbows Varian in camaraderie and the alchemist returns the gesture.
“Well they literally asked for it! And you can’t say they didn’t deserve it, heh.”
Hugo shrugs in agreement and the two walk a bit further to the door. Varian starts to walk in when Hugo stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Hairstripe...Varian. I don’t say this enough but...thank you for sticking up for me. It means a lot,” he tells his brother sincerely with a slight smile between the pain of his bruise.
Varian is slightly surprised at this out of the blue gratitude from Hugo, but smiles back and shrugs nonchalantly.
“Of course, Hugo. That’s what brothers are for, you know? We stick together,” he tells him, bumping him on the arm.
Hugo rolls his eyes but still maintains his smile. This is getting a bit too sappy for him, even though he secretly enjoys the affection. He tries to change the subject again.
“Ha, yeah. So much so that I’m apparently your ‘assistant.’”
He smirks, elbowing Varian again.
“I thought that was Cassie’s job!”
Varian immediately turns red and elbows Hugo.
“GAH! H-hey-shut up!” He retorts.
Their little episode at the expo is not one to forget. And Hugo will never let him live down the “Cassandrium” incident. Luckily, they both know he’s joking. Hugo’s comments aren’t painful or cutting like Curtis’s, just mildly annoying. But Varian wouldn’t change it for the world.
The two stand in an awkward silence for a while in front of the door, when Varian decides to go for it. He suddenly wraps Hugo in a hug, causing the taller boy to tense.
After the initial shock, Hugo’s wary at first, but he hugs him back. Like it or not, he really needs this.
“I-I just wanted to say, even though you’re adopted, I still love you as my real brother, Hugo,” Varian tells him genuinely. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”
Hugo blushes nervously, but the corners of his mouth start to turn up in a smile.
He sighs, and finally gives in to the “sappy” moment.
“I love you too, Hairstripe.”
And he means it. Their glassware might be broken, and even their reputation is shattered into pieces, but they have each other and that’s all that really matters.
I hope you all enjoyed this one! It hurt me to write those bullies...haha, but I actually loved writing the story!! Thank you so much Mom for asking for this!!! 💙
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choose-your-own-pronouns · 4 years ago
CYOP: On The Road: Part 2
Part 1
He/him type pronouns: he/him/his/himself “he was”
[insert gender here] (IE: “nonbinary” “a man” “a woman” “genderless”  ect)
“Hey guys, say hi to our new digger, [Name]! [He] just moved here from past Clade’s Edge, and [he] came all this way just to work on the Great Machine with us, so I know you’ll all give [him] a very warm welcome, isn’t that right, Lern?”
One of the people scattered around the fire in the middle of the camp threw their arms into the air and protested, “I didn’t even do anything yet!”
“Exactly!” Kvalic slashed a wing through the air for emphasis. “Keep it that way!”
[Name] wasn’t sure whether to be alarmed or amused. Kvalic hadn’t mentioned anything about a troublestarter on the walk over. [He] wasn’t sure how seriously [he] was supposed to be taking this interaction. Did Lern actually do something wrong with past workers, or was this just some sort of inside joke?
“Uh, should I be worried?” [He] asked hesitantly, keeping [his] voice low so only Kvalic could hear.
But instead of giving a serious answer like [he] hoped, Kvalic just laughed loudly, and lightly slapped [his] shoulder with a wing, cackling, “Only if you like fish!”
This caused a scattering of laughter from some of the other workers, except for Lern, who continued to protest their innocence in what sounded like genuine grievance.
[Name] was glad [he] was wearing a mask to keep out the dust and night insects, because it meant [he] didn’t have to keep the annoyed scowl off [his] face.
If these people were going to be this annoying the whole time [he] was working with them, [he] had the feeling [he] wouldn’t be working here long.
Kvalic abruptly turned and left without any further conversation or warning, apparently deciding that that was enough of an introduction that zis job here was done, leaving [Name] standing awkwardly at the edge of the circle, with no idea what to do next.
There were at least three different species of people here, none of whom were even the same species as Kvalic, and [Name] had no idea what kind of etiquette they would expect from [him].
Fortunately, one of them decided to take pity on [his] clear confusion, and came over to greet [him] properly, stepping over other people’s assorted legs and tails and lounging bodies to join [him] at the edge of the circle while the rest of them went back to talking amongst themselves.
They were another quadruped, but unlike [him], they had two pairs of arms, not just one. Their legs were in the middle of their body, with the front pair hending backwards, and the back pair bending forwards, with a matching set of arms in front of and behind them.
From what [he] could tell just by looking, they appeared to have hard, chitin like armour like an insect, instead of fur, feathers, scales, bark, or skin.
Most of their body was orange, with thick, lighter yellow stripes on the back of their thorax, and smaller light yellow spots on their abdomen. Their top parts of their arms and legs were grey-brown, and their hands, lower legs, and feet were bright yellow, reflecting back the light of the fire whenever they moved. Their head sat at the front of their body on a short neck, and was shaped like an oval, with a single orange eye at the front, two depressions that might have been ears or a nose on the sides, and mandibles for a mouth.
“Hello,” They said, sitting down in front of [him] and holding out both of their front hands in a familiar greeting. [He] copied them gratefully, sitting down in the tough grass and reaching forward with [his] fronds.
Theirs were smaller than [his], with three appendages tipped with long, hard claws, in sharp contrast to [his] six flexible tendrils. Since [his] fronds were softer, [he] placed [his] on top of theirs, and they touched them together for a moment before pulling back.
Nothing exciting happened, which [he]’d been expecting, but surprisingly, there was a slight tingle on the tips of [his] tendrils, indicating that at least some sort of transference had happened, just not enough to tell anything by, at least on [his] end.
“My name’s [Name].” [He] said, not sure how much information they’d gotten out of that, “I’m [insert gender here], and I go by [he],[him],[his], and [himself]. What about you? I’m sorry, our chemicals aren���t compatible enough for me to have gotten any information.”
They opened their mandibles wide in what [he] recognized easily as a friendly smile. “My name is Oleili Tevisi, and you can call me Oleili, it’s my personal name. I am liavnu, and I go by li, lia, lias, and liaself. It’s nice to meet you, [Name]. I’m sorry Kvalic seems to have abandoned you, ze does that with everyone. Ze seems to think that being dropped into a situation without help is the best way to learn, which is why it’s a very good thing ze isn’t in charge of anything except giving new hires the tour.”
“And just for the record!” A voice called out from the circle that [Name] recognized as Lern’s, “I’m not going to eat you, no matter what Kvalic else says! Ze’s just joking, and don’t know how to convey it!”
“No,” Another voice piped up, “Dy’m pretty sure at this point ze just refuses to learn.. Dy’ve been here since the start and Dy tried to teach zim when Dy first met zim, and no matter how many times Dy explain it to zim, ze never listens. Ze doesn’t want to learn, ze thinks we should all just be able to magically tell when ze’s joking and when ze’s being serious.”
Yeah, that fit with what [Name] had seen of Kvalic so far. [He] shook [his] head in exasperation. “Doesn’t ze know how hard it is to read the tone and body language of an unfamiliar species?”
“Yes,” Oleili said, “But ze doesn’t care. Ze thinks its everyone else’s problem. There have been many complains to zis superiors, but no one ever does anything. We have a theory that ze’s a favorite sibling of one of the council members, but no one knows for sure.” Li stood, gesturing with lia head towards the crowded circle. “Enough about out annoying boss. Come sit with us, we can all properly introduce ourselves, and you can get something to eat. You get your first rations on the first full day you work, so you’ll get yours tomorrow, but we always pool ours, and there are plenty to go around.”
Li lead the way, and [he] followed, grateful that the other workers were considerate enough this time to pull their legs and tails and other appendages out of the way so [he] could walk past them without worrying about stepping on anyone.
They’d all arranged themselves in circles around the stove in the middle of the clearing, with smaller people close to the fire and larger people in the back, though it didn’t seem to be a universal rule. Some people were sitting on the dirt or grass itself, some were sitting on blankets, and a few had cushions.
Oleili led [him] to an open space in the middle where li had been sitting on a dark green blanket, and someone threw a cushion so that it landed right in front of [Name]. [He] jumped in surprise, then called in the general direction it had come from, “Thanks!” right as another cushion flew through the air and slammed into [his] face.
It was heavy enough to knock him to the ground, and the shock of it left [him] dazed for a few seconds, trying to figure out what had happened and why [his] face and shoulder suddenly hurt.
The camp was humming with thunderous vibrations, but [he] couldn’t figure out what anyone was saying past the dull throb in the side of [his] head where it had hit the dirt.
[He] pushed [himself] upright, lifting a frond to [his] face to make sure [he] wasn’t bleeding, and found [himself] staring into Oleili’s single large eye, wide with concern, less than a few inches from [his] face. [He] jerked back instinctively, and felt the fragile metal of [his] hearing-aid dislodge even further.
Oleili backed up a bit to give [him] more space, and lia mandibles opened and closed, but [he] couldn’t make sense of it. Li didn’t have lips for [him] to read, and even if li did, [he] didn’t speak the language, and without [his] hearing-aid, [he] couldn’t hear or understand what anyone was trying to say.
[He] guessed that li was asking if [he] was okay, and lifted both [his] fronds to reassure li, and did [his] best to say clearly, “I’m okay, my hearing-aid just got knocked loose, I can’t understand you, I have to fix it first.” [He] could feel it inside [his] ear, the two main pieces knocked out of the base. They were all connected with tiny wires that were rooted in [his] skull, so there wasn’t any danger of them falling out of [his] ear entirely, but [he] had to fix them before [he] would be able to hear or understand anyone that didn’t speak sign-language.
Most of the other workers had gotten to their feet and gathered around [Name], as well as another person further back in the crowd that [he] couldn’t see past the gathered people, probably the person who’d thrown the second cushion. [Name] was giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming that hitting [him] in the face had been an accident.
Oleili was trying to talk to [him] again, moving lia mandibles and gesturing with lia hands in a way that meant nothing that [he] could understand.
But there should be nothing stopping lia from understanding or hearing [him], so [he] said again, enunciating as best [he] could when [he] couldn’t hear the sounds [he] was making, “I’m not hurt, but my hearing-aid was knocked loose, and I have to get my friend to fix it for me. Can you show me the way back to the main entrance? They’re not a worker, they’re camped outside. I’ll know my way from there, I just don’t remember how to get back to the entrance. Can you show me?”
Trying to speak out loud when [he] couldn’t hear what [he] was saying was always hit or miss. [He] couldn’t tell if [he] was speaking too loudly, or not loudly enough.
Oleili seemed confused, but after a moment li deliberately nodded lia head, then glanced over lia shoulder to say something to the rest of the crowd.
Li turned back to [Name] and gestured for [him] to turn around, so [he] did so, heading back towards the spot where Kvalic had left [him] at the entrance to the clearing as the crowd parted to let [him] pass without issue, many of them looking concerned.
[He] resisted the urge to sigh as Oleili moved past [him] to lead [him] down the correct path. The annoyance wasn’t directed at lia though.
This was a frequent issue with [his] hearing-aid, and finding a solution was one of the major reasons [he]’d decided to come all this way to Bricklayer and work on the Great Machine.
The main reason was that the surgeons in Bricklayer were probably the only people within a year’s journey that could perform the surgeries that Aryl and Xaurec needed.
The other reason was that Kanta was looking for mates for the first time, and wanted the good luck that came with pairing with people who lived far away. Especially if xe could convince some of them to return with them when they went back to their territory, and bring their luck with them.
Hopefully some of that luck would rub off on [Name] so that [he] could find someone besides Xaurec who could fix [his] hearing-aid for [him]. Or so that [he] would be able to find someone who could permanently stabilize it sooner rather than later. Or maybe just someone who was smart enough to build an entirely new one from scratch.
The scientist who had created it for [him] had disappeared just as abruptly as he had appeared, dashing all over the territory with his companion like a kaliba that had broken into the stores of fermenting fruit. [Name] didn’t even know his name, he’d just called himself a doctor without elaborating further. [Name] didn’t know where he was from, who he was related to, or where [he] could find him again.
Maybe he would be here, working on the Great Machine, but he had disappeared so quickly that [Name] wasn’t going to get [his] hopes up. Maybe [he] would never see him again, and would just have to hope that [he] could find someone else who knew how to work the hearing-aid enough to fix it.
It obviously hadn’t been designed for twoqi use, unless whoever had designed it wanted it to be so obnoxious and inconvenient that at times [Name] was tempted to rip it out and throw it into the creek.
And oh, how convenient. There was a creek that ran parallel to the path Oleili was leading [him] down now, lia orange markings seeming to glow in the darkness. [He] could rip the darn thing out of [his] ear and chuck it in to be swept away if [he] wanted to.
But…[he] wasn’t quite that annoyed with it just yet.
Xaurec could fix it for [him] tonight, and tomorrow, well tomorrow was [his] first day of labor, so [he] would have to wait and see what exactly that entailed before making any final decisions.
Until then, [he] followed Oleili into the deepening night, hoping things would be better in the morning.
She/her type pronouns: she/her/hers/herself “she was”
[insert gender here] (IE: “nonbinary” “a man” “a woman” “genderless”  ect)
“Hey guys, say hi to our new digger, [Name]! [She] just moved here from past Clade’s Edge, and [she] came all this way just to work on the Great Machine with us, so I know you’ll all give [her] a very warm welcome, isn’t that right, Lern?”
One of the people scattered around the fire in the middle of the camp threw their arms into the air and protested, “I didn’t even do anything yet!”
“Exactly!” Kvalic slashed a wing through the air for emphasis. “Keep it that way!” 
[Name] wasn’t sure whether to be alarmed or amused. Kvalic hadn’t mentioned anything about a troublestarter on the walk over. [She] wasn’t sure how seriously [she] was supposed to be taking this interaction. Did Lern actually do something wrong with past workers, or was this just some sort of inside joke?
“Uh, should I be worried?” [She] asked hesitantly, keeping [her] voice low so only Kvalic could hear. 
But instead of giving a serious answer like [she] hoped, Kvalic just laughed loudly, and lightly slapped [her] shoulder with a wing, cackling, “Only if you like fish!”
This caused a scattering of laughter from some of the other workers, except for Lern, who continued to protest their innocence in what sounded like genuine grievance.
[Name] was glad [she] was wearing a mask to keep out the dust and night insects, because it meant [she] didn’t have to keep the annoyed scowl off [her] face.
If these people were going to be this annoying the whole time [she] was working with them, [she] had the feeling [she] wouldn’t be working here long.
Kvalic abruptly turned and left without any further conversation or warning, apparently deciding that that was enough of an introduction that zis job here was done, leaving [Name] standing awkwardly at the edge of the circle, with no idea what to do next.
There were at least three different species of people here, none of whom were even the same species as Kvalic, and [Name] had no idea what kind of etiquette they would expect from [her].
Fortunately, one of them decided to take pity on [her] clear confusion, and came over to greet [her] properly, stepping over other people’s assorted legs and tails and lounging bodies to join [her] at the edge of the circle while the rest of them went back to talking amongst themselves.
They were another quadruped, but unlike [her], they had two pairs of arms, not just one. Their legs were in the middle of their body, with the front pair hending backwards, and the back pair bending forwards, with a matching set of arms in front of and behind them.
From what [she] could tell just by looking, they appeared to have hard, chitin like armour like an insect, instead of fur, feathers, scales, bark, or skin.
Most of their body was orange, with thick, lighter yellow stripes on the back of their thorax, and smaller light yellow spots on their abdomen. Their top parts of their arms and legs were grey-brown, and their hands, lower legs, and feet were bright yellow, reflecting back the light of the fire whenever they moved. Their head sat at the front of their body on a short neck, and was shaped like an oval, with a single orange eye at the front, two depressions that might have been ears or a nose on the sides, and mandibles for a mouth. 
“Hello,” They said, sitting down in front of [her] and holding out both of their front hands in a familiar greeting. [She] copied them gratefully, sitting down in the tough grass and reaching forward with [her] fronds.
Theirs were smaller than [hers], with three appendages tipped with long, hard claws, in sharp contrast to [her] six flexible tendrils. Since [her] fronds were softer, [she] placed [hers] on top of theirs, and they touched them together for a moment before pulling back.
Nothing exciting happened, which [she]’d been expecting, but surprisingly, there was a slight tingle on the tips of [her] tendrils, indicating that at least some sort of transference had happened, just not enough to tell anything by, at least on [her] end.
“My name’s [Name].” [She] said, not sure how much information they’d gotten out of that, “I’m [insert gender here], and I go by [she],[her],[hers], and [herself]. What about you? I’m sorry, our chemicals aren’t compatible enough for me to have gotten any information.”
They opened their mandibles wide in what [she] recognized easily as a friendly smile. “My name is Oleili Tevisi, and you can call me Oleili, it’s my personal name. I am liavnu, and I go by li, lia, lias, and liaself. It’s nice to meet you, [Name]. I’m sorry Kvalic seems to have abandoned you, ze does that with everyone. Ze seems to think that being dropped into a situation without help is the best way to learn, which is why it’s a very good thing ze isn’t in charge of anything except giving new hires the tour.”
“And just for the record!” A voice called out from the circle that [Name] recognized as Lern’s, “I’m not going to eat you, no matter what Kvalic else says! Ze’s just joking, and don’t know how to convey it!”
“No,” Another voice piped up, “Dy’m pretty sure at this point ze just refuses to learn. Dy’ve been here since the start and Dy tried to teach zim when Dy first met zim, and no matter how many times Dy explain it to zim, ze never listens. Ze doesn’t want to learn, ze thinks we should all just be able to magically tell when ze’s joking and when ze’s being serious.”
Yeah, that fit with what [Name] had seen of Kvalic so far. [She] shook [her] head in exasperation. “Doesn’t ze know how hard it is to read the tone and body language of an unfamiliar species?”
“Yes,” Oleili said, “But ze doesn’t care. Ze thinks its everyone else’s problem. There have been many complains to zis superiors, but no one ever does anything. We have a theory that ze’s a favorite sibling of one of the council members, but no one knows for sure.” Li stood, gesturing with lia head towards the crowded circle. “Enough about our annoying boss. Come sit with us, we can all properly introduce ourselves, and you can get something to eat. You get your first rations on the first full day you work, so you’ll get yours tomorrow, but we always pool ours, and there are plenty to go around.”
Li lead the way, and [Name] followed, grateful that the other workers were considerate enough this time to pull their legs and tails and other appendages out of the way so [she] could walk past them without worrying about stepping on anyone.
They’d all arranged themselves in circles around the stove in the middle of the clearing, with smaller people close to the fire and larger people in the back, though it didn’t seem to be a universal rule. Some people were sitting on the dirt or grass itself, some were sitting on blankets, and a few had cushions.
Oleili led [her] to an open space in the middle where li had been sitting on a dark green blanket, and someone threw a cushion so that it landed right in front of [Name]. [She] jumped in surprise, then called in the general direction it had come from, “Thanks!” right as another cushion flew through the air and slammed into [her] face.
It was heavy enough to knock [her] to the ground, and the shock of it left [her] dazed for a few seconds, trying to figure out what had happened and why [her] face and shoulder suddenly hurt.
The camp was suddenly humming with thunderous vibrations, but [she] couldn’t figure out what anyone was saying past the dull throb in the side of [her] head where it had hit the dirt.
[She] pushed [herself] upright, lifting a frond to [her] face to make sure [she] wasn’t bleeding, and found [herself] staring into Oleili’s single large eye, wide with concern, less than a few inches from [her] face. [She] jerked back instinctively, and felt the fragile metal of [her] hearing-aid dislodge even further.
Oleili backed up a bit to give [her] more space, and lia mandibles opened and closed, but [she] couldn’t make sense of it. Li didn’t have lips for [her] to read, and even if li did, [she] didn’t speak the language, and without [her] hearing-aid, [she] couldn’t hear or understand what anyone was trying to say.
[She] guessed that li was asking if [she] was okay, and lifted both [her] fronds to reassure lia, and did [her] best to say clearly, “I’m okay, my hearing-aid just got knocked loose, I can’t understand you, I have to fix it first.” [She] could feel it inside [her] ear, the two main pieces knocked out of the base. They were all connected with tiny wires that were rooted in [her] skull, so there wasn’t any danger of them falling out of [her] ear entirely, but [she] had to fix them before [she] would be able to hear or understand anyone that didn’t speak [her] territory’s sign-language.
Most of the other workers had gotten to their feet and gathered around [Name], as well as another person further back in the crowd that [she] couldn’t see past the gathered people, probably the person who’d thrown the second cushion. [Name] was giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming that hitting [her] in the face had been an accident.
Oleili was trying to talk to [her] again, moving lia mandibles and gesturing with lia hands in a way that meant nothing that [she] could understand.
But there should be nothing stopping lia from understanding or hearing [her], so [she] said again, enunciating as best [she] could when [she] couldn’t hear the sounds [she] was making, “I’m not hurt, but my hearing-aid was knocked loose, and I have to get my friend to fix it for me. Can you show me the way back to the main entrance? They’re not a worker, they’re camped outside. I’ll know my way from there, I just don’t remember how to get back to the entrance. Can you show me?”
Trying to speak out loud when [she] couldn’t hear what [she] was saying was always hit or miss. [She] couldn’t tell if [she] was speaking too loudly, or not loudly enough.
Oleili seemed confused, but after a moment li deliberately nodded lia head, then glanced over lia shoulder to say something to the rest of the crowd.
Li turned back to [Name] and gestured for [her] to turn around, so [she] did so, heading back towards the spot where Kvalic had left [her] at the entrance to the clearing as the crowd parted to let [her] pass without issue, many of them looking concerned.
[She] resisted the urge to sigh as Oleili moved past [her] to lead [her] down the correct path. The annoyance wasn’t directed at lia though.
This was a frequent issue with [her] hearing-aid, and finding a solution was one of the major reasons [she]’d decided to come all this way to Bricklayer and work on the Great Machine.
The main reason was that the surgeons in Bricklayer were probably the only people within a year’s journey that could perform the surgeries that Aryl and Xaurec needed.
The other reason was that Kanta was looking for mates for the first time, and wanted the good luck that came with pairing with people who lived far away. Especially if xe could convince some of them to return with them when they went back to their territory, and bring their luck with them.
Hopefully some of that luck would rub off on [Name] so that [she] could find someone besides Xaurec who could fix [her] hearing-aid for [her]. Or so that [she] would be able to find someone who could permanently stabilize it sooner rather than later. Or maybe just someone who was smart enough to build an entirely new one from scratch.
The scientist who had created it for [her] had disappeared just as abruptly as he had appeared, dashing all over the territory with his companion like a kaliba that had broken into the stores of fermenting fruit. [Name] didn’t even know his name, he’d just called himself a doctor without elaborating further. [Name] didn’t know where he was from, who he was related to, or where [she] could find him again.
Maybe he would be here, working on the Great Machine, but he had disappeared so quickly that [Name] wasn’t going to get [her] hopes up. Maybe [she] would never see him again, and would just have to hope that [she] could find someone else who knew how to work the hearing-aid enough to fix it.
It obviously hadn’t been designed for twoqi use, unless whoever had designed it wanted it to be so obnoxious and inconvenient that at times [Name] was tempted to rip it out and throw it into the creek.
And oh, how convenient. There was a creek that ran parallel to the path Oleili was leading [her] down now, lia orange markings seeming to glow in the darkness. [She] could rip the darn thing out of [her] ear and chuck it in to be swept away if [she] wanted to.
But…[she] wasn’t quite that annoyed with it just yet.
Xaurec could fix it for [her] tonight, and tomorrow, well tomorrow was [her] first day of labor, so [she] would have to wait and see what exactly that entailed before making any final decisions.
Until then, [she] followed Oleili into the deepening night, hoping things would be better in the morning.
They/them type pronouns: they/them/their/theirs/themselves “they were”
[insert gender here] (IE: “nonbinary” “a man” “a woman” “genderless”  ect)
“Hey guys, say hi to our new digger, [Name]! [They] just moved here from past Clade’s Edge, and [they] came all this way just to work on the Great Machine with us, so I know you’ll all give [them] a very warm welcome, isn’t that right, Lern?”
One of the people scattered around the fire in the middle of the camp threw their arms into the air and protested, “I didn’t even do anything yet!”
“Exactly!” Kvalic slashed a wing through the air for emphasis. “Keep it that way!” 
[Name] wasn’t sure whether to be alarmed or amused. Kvalic hadn’t mentioned anything about a troublestarter on the walk over. [They] weren’t sure how seriously [they] were supposed to be taking this interaction. Did Lern actually do something wrong with past workers, or was this just some sort of inside joke?
“Uh, should I be worried?” [They] asked hesitantly, keeping [their] voice low so only Kvalic could hear. 
But instead of giving a serious answer like [they] hoped, Kvalic just laughed loudly, and lightly slapped [them] shoulder with a wing, cackling, “Only if you like fish!”
This caused a scattering of laughter from some of the other workers, except for Lern, who continued to protest their innocence in what sounded like genuine grievance.
[Name] was glad [they] were wearing a mask to keep out the dust and night insects, because it meant [they] didn’t have to keep the annoyed scowl off [their] face.
If these people were going to be this annoying the whole time [they] were working with them, [they] had the feeling [they] wouldn’t be working here long.
Kvalic abruptly turned and left without any further conversation or warning, apparently deciding that that was enough of an introduction that zis job here was done, leaving [Name] standing awkwardly at the edge of the circle, with no idea what to do next.
There were at least three different species of people here, none of whom were even the same species as Kvalic, and [Name] had no idea what kind of etiquette they would expect from [them].
Fortunately, one of them decided to take pity on [their] clear confusion, and came over to greet [them] properly, stepping over other people’s assorted legs and tails and lounging bodies to join [them] at the edge of the circle while the rest of them went back to talking amongst themselves.
They were another quadruped, but unlike [them], they had two pairs of arms, not just one. Their legs were in the middle of their body, with the front pair hending backwards, and the back pair bending forwards, with a matching set of arms in front of and behind them.
From what [they] could tell just by looking, they appeared to have hard, chitin like armour like an insect, instead of fur, feathers, scales, bark, or skin.
Most of their body was orange, with thick, lighter yellow stripes on the back of their thorax, and smaller light yellow spots on their abdomen. Their top parts of their arms and legs were grey-brown, and their hands, lower legs, and feet were bright yellow, reflecting back the light of the fire whenever they moved. Their head sat at the front of their body on a short neck, and was shaped like an oval, with a single orange eye at the front, two depressions that might have been ears or a nose on the sides, and mandibles for a mouth. 
“Hello,” They said, sitting down in front of [them] and holding out both of their front hands in a familiar greeting. [They] copied them gratefully, sitting down in the tough grass and reaching forward with [their] fronds.
Theirs were smaller than [theirs], with three appendages tipped with long, hard claws, in sharp contrast to [their] six flexible tendrils. Since [their] fronds were softer, [they] placed [theirs] on top of theirs, and they touched them together for a moment before pulling back.
Nothing exciting happened, which [they]’d been expecting, but surprisingly, there was a slight tingle on the tips of [their] tendrils, indicating that at least some sort of transference had happened, just not enough to tell anything by, at least on [their] end.
“My name’s [Name].” [They] said, not sure how much information they’d gotten out of that, “I’m [insert gender here], and I go by [they],[them], [theirs], and [themselves]. What about you? I’m sorry, our chemicals aren’t compatible enough for me to have gotten any information.”
They opened their mandibles wide in what [they] recognized easily as a friendly smile. “My name is Oleili Tevisi, and you can call me Oleili, it’s my personal name. I am liavnu, and I go by li, lia, lias, and liaself. It’s nice to meet you, [Name]. I’m sorry Kvalic seems to have abandoned you, ze does that with everyone. Ze seems to think that being dropped into a situation without help is the best way to learn, which is why it’s a very good thing ze isn’t in charge of anything except giving new hires the tour.”
“And just for the record!” A voice called out from the circle that [Name] recognized as Lern’s, “I’m not going to eat you, no matter what Kvalic else says! Ze’s just joking, and don’t know how to convey it!”
“No,” Another voice piped up, “Dy’m pretty sure at this point ze just refuses to learn. Dy’ve been here since the start and Dy tried to teach zim when Dy first met zim, and no matter how many times Dy explain it to zim, ze never listens. Ze doesn’t want to learn, ze thinks we should all just be able to magically tell when ze’s joking and when ze’s being serious.”
Yeah, that fit with what [Name] had seen of Kvalic so far. [They] shook [their] head in exasperation. “Doesn’t ze know how hard it is to read the tone and body language of an unfamiliar species?”
“Yes,” Oleili said, “But ze doesn’t care. Ze thinks its everyone else’s problem. There have been many complains to zis superiors, but no one ever does anything. We have a theory that ze’s a favorite sibling of one of the council members, but no one knows for sure.” Li stood, gesturing with lia head towards the crowded circle. “Enough about our annoying boss. Come sit with us, we can all properly introduce ourselves, and you can get something to eat. You get your first rations on the first full day you work, so you’ll get yours tomorrow, but we always pool ours, and there are plenty to go around.”
Li lead the way, and [Name] followed, grateful that the other workers were considerate enough this time to pull their legs and tails and other appendages out of the way so [they] could walk past them without worrying about stepping on anyone.
They’d all arranged themselves in circles around the stove in the middle of the clearing, with smaller people close to the fire and larger people in the back, though it didn’t seem to be a universal rule. Some people were sitting on the dirt or grass itself, some were sitting on blankets, and a few had cushions.
Oleili led [them] to an open space in the middle where li had been sitting on a dark green blanket, and someone threw a cushion so that it landed right in front of [Name]. [They] jumped in surprise, then called in the general direction it had come from, “Thanks!” right as another cushion flew through the air and slammed into [their] face.
It was heavy enough to knock [them] to the ground, and the shock of it left [them] dazed for a few seconds, trying to figure out what had happened and why [their] face and shoulder suddenly hurt.
The camp was suddenly humming with thunderous vibrations, but [they] couldn’t figure out what anyone was saying past the dull throb in the side of [their] head where it had hit the dirt.
[They] pushed [themselves] upright, lifting a frond to [their] face to make sure [they] wasn’t bleeding, and found [themselves] staring into Oleili’s single large eye, wide with concern, less than a few inches from [their] face. [They] jerked back instinctively, and felt the fragile metal of [their] hearing-aid dislodge even further.
Oleili backed up a bit to give [them] more space, and lia mandibles opened and closed, but [they] couldn’t make sense of it. Li didn’t have lips for [them] to read, and even if li did, [they] didn’t speak the language, and without [their] hearing-aid, [they] couldn’t hear or understand what anyone was trying to say.
[They] guessed that li was asking if [they] were okay, and lifted both [their] fronds to reassure lia, and did [their] best to say clearly, “I’m okay, my hearing-aid just got knocked loose, I can’t understand you, I have to fix it first.” [They] could feel it inside [their] ear, the two main pieces knocked out of the base. They were all connected with tiny wires that were rooted in [their] skull, so there wasn’t any danger of them falling out of [their] ear entirely, but [they] had to fix them before [they] would be able to hear or understand anyone that didn’t speak [their] territory’s sign-language.
Most of the other workers had gotten to their feet and gathered around [Name], as well as another person further back in the crowd that [they] couldn’t see past the gathered people, probably the person who’d thrown the second cushion. [Name] was giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming that hitting [them] in the face had been an accident.
Oleili was trying to talk to [them] again, moving lia mandibles and gesturing with lia hands in a way that meant nothing that [they] could understand.
But there should be nothing stopping lia from understanding or hearing [them], so [they] said again, enunciating as best [they] could when [they] couldn’t hear the sounds [they] was making, “I’m not hurt, but my hearing-aid was knocked loose, and I have to get my friend to fix it for me. Can you show me the way back to the main entrance? They’re not a worker, they’re camped outside. I’ll know my way from there, I just don’t remember how to get back to the entrance. Can you show me?”
Trying to speak out loud when [they] couldn’t hear what [they] were saying was always hit or miss. [They] couldn’t tell if [they] were speaking too loudly, or not loudly enough.
Oleili seemed confused, but after a moment li deliberately nodded lia head, then glanced over lia shoulder to say something to the rest of the crowd.
Li turned back to [Name] and gestured for [them] to turn around, so [they] did so, heading back towards the spot where Kvalic had left [them] at the entrance to the clearing as the crowd parted to let [them] pass without issue, many of them looking concerned.
[They] resisted the urge to sigh as Oleili moved past [them] to lead [them] down the correct path. The annoyance wasn’t directed at lia though.
This was a frequent issue with [their] hearing-aid, and finding a solution was one of the major reasons [they]’d decided to come all this way to Bricklayer and work on the Great Machine.
The main reason was that the surgeons in Bricklayer were probably the only people within a year’s journey that could perform the surgeries that Aryl and Xaurec needed.
The other reason was that Kanta was looking for mates for the first time, and wanted the good luck that came with pairing with people who lived far away. Especially if xe could convince some of them to return with them when they went back to their territory, and bring their luck with them.
Hopefully some of that luck would rub off on [Name] so that [they] could find someone besides Xaurec who could fix [their] hearing-aid for [them]. Or so that [they] would be able to find someone who could permanently stabilize it sooner rather than later. Or maybe just someone who was smart enough to build an entirely new one from scratch.
The scientist who had created it for [them] had disappeared just as abruptly as he had appeared, dashing all over the territory with his companion like a kaliba that had broken into the stores of fermenting fruit. [Name] didn’t even know his name, he’d just called himself a doctor without elaborating further. [Name] didn’t know where he was from, who he was related to, or where [they] could find him again.
Maybe he would be here, working on the Great Machine, but he had disappeared so quickly that [Name] wasn’t going to get [their] hopes up. Maybe [they] would never see him again, and would just have to hope that [they] could find someone else who knew how to work the hearing-aid enough to fix it.
It obviously hadn’t been designed for twoqi use, unless whoever had designed it wanted it to be so obnoxious and inconvenient that at times [Name] was tempted to rip it out and throw it into the creek.
And oh, how convenient. There was a creek that ran parallel to the path Oleili was leading [them] down now, lia orange markings seeming to glow in the darkness. [They] could rip the darn thing out of [them] ear and chuck it in to be swept away if [they] wanted to.
But…[they] weren’t quite that annoyed with it just yet.
Xaurec could fix it for [them] tonight, and tomorrow, well tomorrow was [their] first day of labor, so [they] would have to wait and see what exactly that entailed before making any final decisions.
Until then, [they] followed Oleili into the deepening night, hoping things would be better in the morning.
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years ago
Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 4- My Thoughts
Okay.  I have no idea what to expect now.  As always, spoilers under the cut.
This episode shook things up by starting off with a flashback, involving the time Bucky spent in Wakanda after the events of Civil War. It’s the moment where Shuri managed to remove the Winter Soldier programing from Bucky’s brain, and Ayo is personally performing a test to make sure the procedure was truly successful.  As many people have already discussed, this whole scene was masterfully done.  As Ayo is reciting the Winter Soldier Activation Words, Bucky’s utter fear of relapsing is tangible in his face and voice.  But as the test continues, the fear in Bucky’s face slowly is replaced by disbelief and elation.  Because he’s realizing the Winter Soldier Activation Words aren’t affecting him anymore.  But it’s not until Ayo directly tells him that he’s finally free that he fully lets himself believe it, and he breaks down crying from the joyful relief.  Anyone who tries to claim that Sebastian Stan isn’t a phenomenal actor has clearly never watched this scene.
Of course, this flashback ends up being immediately contrasted to the present day scene, where Ayo is confronting Bucky in Latvia over the issue of him helping break Zemo out of prison.  We saw in the flashback that Ayo was the one who personally tested Bucky to ensure he was freed from the Winter Soldier programing, which suggests they had a personal bond.  But now, that bond has been damaged because of the whole issue with Zemo.  I fully understand why Ayo is angry about this.  After all, she’s not only part of the Dora Milaje, but she’s the second in command of that band of elite warriors.  As such, her first priority will always be to Wakanda and it’s throne.  And we all remember that Zemo was directly responsible for the death of the late King T’Chaka, so it’s natural that he’d be considered their enemy.  Plus, while it’s been a while since I saw Civil War, I think it was Ayo who was supposed to be protecting King T’Chaka at the time of the UN bombing.  If it was, that would further explain why she’s so miffed, because she must feel like she’d failed in her duty to protect him because of Zemo’s actions. (And, in a way, Zemo’s actions in Civil War probably also led to the events of Black Panther.  Because without King T’Chaka’s death, there might not have been that power struggle between T'Challa and Killmonger.)   But now, Bucky assisted Zemo’s escape from prison.  The same Bucky who the people of Wakanda had taken in, cared for and helped get his life, identity and autonomy back.  Yeah, I can see why Ayo would take this personally.  Bucky  really should have checked in with them before doing what he did.  Granted it was a spur of the moment decision and he probably didn’t have the time to contact them in order to give them a heads up about it, but the point still stands.  Still, when Bucky explains he needs Zemo to finish his current mission in stopping the Flag Smashers, Ayo reluctantly agrees to give Bucky a mercy period of eight hours.  At which point the Dora Milaje will return in order to take Zemo into their custody.
After Ayo leaves, Bucky rejoins Sam and Zemo, and they begin discussing the issue of Karli and the Flag Smashers.  Sam says that he wants to try reasoning with Karli in order to come up with a peaceful solution.  Because he understands where she’s coming from in regards to how she clearly feels the world is not listening to her people and properly addressing their needs.  But he doesn’t agree with her methods of fighting.  Zemo, however, doesn’t think it’s possible to reason with Karli because of her taking the Super Soldier Serum.  His argument seems to be that everyone who has ever taken the Super Soldier Serum gets corrupted in some way.  The only exception to that rule was Steve Rogers, but Zemo points out there has never been another Steve.  (Interestingly, when he says this, the camera seems to focus on Sam.  I wonder if that was an intentional decision or just a lucky accident.)  And yes, they also don’t really acknowledge the fact that Bucky didn’t become a Super Soldier voluntarily.  Unlike Steve and the Flag Smashers, he wasn’t given a choice in the matter.  But I guess that’s beside the point.
To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what Zemo’s goal is right here.  Because he does seem to be sticking around with Sam and Bucky, even though he had a few chances to give them the slip.  But at the same time, this is still Zemo.  And he seems to have a major grievance against Super Soldiers and all enhanced individuals.  Which probably explains why he’s sticking around, considering the mission involves the Flag Smashers, who all injected themselves with the Super Soldier Serum.  But is he eventually planning to try and take down Bucky, too?  
In any event, the trio decide their best chance of getting Sam his opportunity of sitting down and talking with Karli is at the funeral of that woman who we saw die in the last episode.  Because this woman was apparently well-loved by the community.  (Side note, I shared Bucky’s confusion when Sam begin talking about his TT.  I have never heard that particular slang word for aunt before.  Is this a regional/cultural thing?)  They do manage to determine the location of this funeral thanks to Zemo, who manages to gain the trust of this one little girl by offering her some Turkish Delight. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe vibes aside, that was a pretty good idea.  I don’t even remotely like this guy, but I can admit he’s smart.  But them, when they’re on the way to the funeral, John Walker pops up, being his usual likable self.  He argues with Sam for a bit over Sam’s intention to try talking with Karli in the hopes of coming to a peaceful resolution, which contradicts with Walker’s plan of just apprehending her.  Thankfully, Lemar Hoskins is able to convince Walker to at least try giving Sam a chance.
After the funeral, Sam approaches Karli and begins to talk with her, utilizing his skills as a councilor and therapist of war vets.  And he’s actually starting to get through to her.  But then, Walker botches it all up.  Because he just couldn’t give Sam the ten minutes he requested and barges in to arrest her.  Which results in Karli thinking that the whole thing was just a setup and throwing all of Sam’s progress with her out the window.  Karli and the other Flag Smashers end up getting away, but in the process, Karli had a brief run-in with Zemo.  And their confrontation resulted in Karli accidently dropping the vials of Super Serum she’d been carrying around in her fanny pack.  Zemo, going along with his whole shtick of enhanced individuals must go, starts to destroy the vials.  But while he’s doing so, Walker comes up and knocks him out with the Shield.  And that’s when Walker sees that there’s only one vial of Super Serum remaining.  Unbeknownst to Sam and Bucky, he secretly ends up pocketing the vial before they arrive on the scene. 
Sometime later, they’re all back at that apartment(?) where Bucky, Sam and Zemo have been crashing in Latvia.  Walker decides enough is enough, and he’s going to return Zemo to his cell in Germany.  But that’s when Ayo and the other Dora Milaje appear. It seems that the eight hours that Ayo gave Bucky are up, and they’ve also come for Zemo.  Of course, Walker, being the arrogant moron he is, is rather dismissive towards the Dora Milaje, trying to claim that they don’t have jurisdiction there.  Which leads to Ayo stating her epic line, of how the Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever they are.
When Walker proceeds to neglect to show the proper respect towards Ayo and the rest of the Dora Milaje, despite Sam’s urging to not start anything with them, Ayo proceeds to put him in his place by giving him the beatdown he deserves.  And I really like how Bucky seemed content to just sit back and watch it happen, embodying the viewing audience in the process.  (His ‘looking strong, John’ was just so wonderfully snarky.)  Eventually though, Sam gets Bucky to step in.
Of course, that leads me to the part where Ayo reveals she can detach Bucky’s vibranium arm with just two moves. Which seems to be a pretty polarizing moment in this episode.  Okay, I acknowledge that this whole situation is extremely complicated.  And as I stated earlier, I fully appreciate that Ayo is feeling particularly betrayed by Bucky’s actions in assisting Zemo’s escape from prison without discussing it with the Wakandans first.  That being said?  DUDE!  I know it’s easy to forget sometimes, but the fact remains that Bucky is an amputee.  A man with a physical disability.  You don’t up and remove a disabled man’s prosthetic limb without his consent!  What’s wrong with you?  It’s the same as going up to a deaf person and ripping out their hearing aid, or taking away someone’s wheelchair!
Also, it’s possible I missed something about this scene, but the way it was set up doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I didn’t see anything to suggest that Bucky and Sam were attempting to prevent the Dora Milaje from leaving with Zemo.  If Walker hadn’t started trying to throw his weight around, they probably would have allowed it without an argument.  Bucky only intervened in the ensuing fight in order to dissolve the situation.  And when he stepped in, it almost looked as if Ayo was preparing to make a killing blow.  Which is way extreme because, while Walker is an arrogant, smug prat and deserved to get knocked down a few pegs, at this point, he hadn’t really done anything to warrant getting impaled by a spear.  Yeah, I get Ayo and the other Dora Milaje are undoubtedly super angry right now because of the whole Zemo thing and tempers are running high.  But at the same time, that fact alone means they really shouldn’t be acting rashly. Oh, at it gets better.  Because while everyone was distracted by all the fighting, Zemo slips into the bathroom and manages to escape by moving the bathtub aside and slithering away down the drain like the snake he is.  (Exactly how big are the pipes in Latvia?)  So because of all this fighting, Zemo is now roaming around free somewhere, and the Dora Milaje have to leave without him.  I repeat, I fully get this is a complicated, complex situation, and I understand where they’re coming from.  But perhaps if the Dora Milaje didn’t start fighting with Bucky and Sam when they stepped in to interfere with Walker’s well-deserved beatdown, maybe Zemo wouldn’t have gotten away.  Just saying, they were doing a pretty good job of keeping Zemo on a leash up until now.
So anyway, in the aftermath of this fight, you see Walker starting to have a mental breakdown.  Because he is completely flabbergasted that he was effortlessly taken down by the Dora Milaje.  Because while they are unquestionably highly skilled and trained warriors, they are still completely ordinary people.  Not a single one of them have been injected with the Super Serum. So how is he supposed to manage going up against the Flag Smashers, who are Super Soldiers?  (It’s also possible that Walker’s despondency over this is partially fueled by him having sexist and xenophobic viewpoints, considering the Dora Milaje are all African women, but that’s open to interpretation.) While he and Hoskins are sitting at a diner somewhere, Walker, clearly thinking about the fact that he has the last vial of Super Serum, asks Hoskins if he would take the Super Serum if he had the chance.  Hoskins states he would take it.  Which is clearly meant to parallel an earlier scene, where Zemo asked Sam if he would take it if it was ever offered.  Because Sam stated he wouldn’t without hesitation.  Which once again further cements the fact that Steve made the right choice in choosing Sam as his successor.  (It’s also evident by the fact that Sam is the one trying to find a peaceful resolution with the Flag Smashers, while Walker is simply trying to charge in and simply take them out.)
Things come to a head when Karli actually calls up Sam’s sister, Sarah, and directly threatens her and her kids in order to give Sam an incentive to meet with her again.  So Sam, with Bucky accompanying him, suits up as Falcon in order to confront her.  Karli attempts to try and convince Sam to join up with her, but Sam still insists that, while her goal is honorable, there’s a better way to fight without resorting to violence (such as blowing up buildings with innocent people inside).  But once again, Walker mucks it all up.  Because, Sam is then contacted by Sharon Carter.  Who seems to be able to track Walker via satellite?  Which seems to contradict something she said earlier about not having access to satellites, unless I misheard that line.  Yeah, Sharon is kinda shady in this episode.  If the fan theory that she’s actually the Power Broker turns out to be right, I won’t be that shocked.  In any event, it seems that either Walker and Hoskins ended up going after the Flag Smashers again or Karli’s meeting with Sam was just a diversion to keep Sam and Bucky out of the way while the Flag Smashers tried to go after Walker in order to kill him.  I’m not sure which it was.  But regardless, Sam and Bucky immediately go off to try and find Walker before it’s too late, with Karli also running off to join the fight.
Here, it’s one big action sequence, with Bucky, Sam and Walker fighting against Karli and the Flag Smashers.  Hoskins eventually joins in the fight as well (he was absent from the start of the fight because he was jumped by some of the Flag Smashers and was briefly tied up in a bathroom somewhere until he managed to free himself).  But in the mist of the battle, Karli ends up either kicking or punching Hoskins into a stone pillar with full Super Soldier strength.  And the impact apparently snaps Hoskin’s spine, killing him instantly.  
Okay!  I was seriously not expecting them to kill Hoskins off like that!  And it’s a shame, too.  Because while I barely knew Hoskins, he still seemed like an okay guy.  At least he was the one who, however briefly, convinced Walker to at least try to give Sam a chance to talk to Karli. Which indicated he wasn’t as gung-ho and impulsive as Walker is.  Unfortunately, it seems that Hoskin’s death was the breaking point for Walker, because he immediately snaps.  And while Bucky and Sam go after Karli when she makes a break for it, Walker goes right for the other Flag Smashers.  He quickly corners the Flag Smasher called Nico, who I think was Karli’s right-hand man, in the middle of a crowded square.  And, in full view of everyone, mercilessly murders Nico with the Shield.  And he is showing no reaction to the fact that the onlookers are all staring at him in shock and horror, or even that some people were filming him with their camera phones.   He simply straps the Shield, which is now covered with blood, onto his arm.  And that’s where the episode ends.
Well, crap!  That’s a rather dark note to end the episode on.  Clearly, Walker is unstable.  And I have no idea what the final two episodes of this show will be like.  The even more chilling aspect is that, while it’s not explicitly stated, it’s implied that Walker might have already taken the Super Serum!  And this show of rage and aggression was the result of it.  After all, as Dr. Erskine had said way back when, the Serum elevates everything.  Good becomes great, but bad becomes worse.  And Walker was clearly undergoing a phycological breakdown to begin with.  So if he’s taken the Super Serum (like we were probably supposed to assume he did when he effortlessly bent a metal pole like a pretzel during the last battle scene with the Flag Smashers), then he must be REALLY unstable now!  And now, the Shield, the very symbol of Captain America (which is tied to Steve Roger’s legacy), is now tainted by a bloodstain. Again, I have no idea where the show plans to go from here on in.
Speaking of the Shield?  On a closing note, I do have to address the fact that Bucky once again scolded Sam for giving away the Shield in the first place.  *Sigh*  Okay.  Bucky?  I love you, man.  You’re my favorite character in the MCU so far (apart from Goose, of course).  But you really need to stop blaming Sam for this.  Because Sam didn’t give the Shield away like you’re suggesting.  That’s not what happened.  Sam donated the Shield to the Smithsonian, with the understanding that it would be kept there, as a monument to everything Steve Rogers did and stood for.  It was the US Government who went behind Sam’s back and took back the Shield in order to hand it over to Walker.  Sam didn’t know they were going to do that until after the fact.  Yes, Bucky has every right to be mad about what happened.  His feelings are justified and valid.  (Particularly if they end up revealing what I think they’re going to reveal.)   But he’s taking it out on the wrong person.  And he really does owe Sam an apology.
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