celeb-stalkerr · 8 months
कॉमेडी रोल करने वाले इन कलाकारों ने विलेन बनकर चौंकाया
बॉलीवुड में कई ऐसे कलाकार हैं जिन्हें हम हमेशा कॉमेडी रोल में ही देखते हैं। उनकी कॉमेडी इतनी जबरदस्त होती है कि हम उनसे हंसते-हंसते लोटपोट हो जाते हैं। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि इन कलाकारों ने कई बार विलेन के रोल भी निभाए हैं? और इन विलेन के रोल में भी उन्होंने अपनी एक्टिंग से सबको चौंका दिया है।आज हम आपको ऐसे ही कुछ कलाकारों के बारे में बताएंगे जिन्होंने कॉमेडी रोल करने के बाद विलेन के रोल में…
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schorschidk · 2 years
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Verkaufe - Georgina Masson - Italienische Villen und Paläste - Droemersche Verlagsanstalt. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Nora Timofiewitsch, erschienen 1959. Das Buch ist in einem guten gebrauchten Zustand, die Seiten sind sauber und sehr gut lesbar. Die von Haus aus in den verschiedenen Farben gedruckten Seiten werten es zusätzlich auf und sind schön anzusehen. Aus dem Inhalt: Geleitwort von Peter Hamm, Vorwort, Einleitung, Ligurien und Piemont, Lombardei, Venetien, Emilia - Marken - Toskana, Latium - Königreich Neapel, Bibliographie, Register Den Link zu meinen Verkaufsangeboten findet Ihr im Profil. #georginamasson #italien #villen #paläste #venetien #toskana #neapel #ebay #schorschidk #zuverkaufen #sofortkauf www.min-lotto.dk (hier: Silke's Fundgrube) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZPdDROKp30/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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void-hoodie · 9 months
OKAY! bear with me on this ramble
Also idk if anyone done it before BUT this is my observation
SO after reading this fic for at least ten times I've come to a realization about trolls' hair and i'm surprised it's not used often!!
so we all know all troll species have hair and they all use it for different purposes if not for the same thing. and theres not one troll type that doesn't possess hair EVEN the techno trolls.
it's literally a vital part of them, specifically for pop trolls!. they use it to carry their eggs and their young. it can change color, shap, length. they can stretch it, climb, grap and literally EVERYTHING.
their hair its particularly their other limp! and i haven't watch the shows fully but in the few episodes i watched they treat their injured hair like a broken arm or leg and even feel pain from it!
which got me thinking whats cutting hair is like to a troll? and when i read that fic that i linked i came to a conclusion/headcanon that cutting a troll's is similar to declawing a cat!
because if they can feel immense pain from similar to a broken body part then cutting it is the same as declawing just without the surgical process which would leave a troll in an unimaginable pain and to spice things up it could also bleed .
and the most affected by this this would be pop trolls because the environment they live in requires for their hair for survival, camouflage and swinging from tree to tree! it's also their most strongest part if not more stronger than their own body.
so cutting it specifically when they're already using it, is a death sentence itself because when they lose it what else could they do? i know they don't use it as much in trolls 3 than they did in the first movie but my point is they can run but without hair how do they escape? how can they reach places so high without it?
I mean this is stright up best angst fanfic material! I'd love to see more people use this idea!
so yeah my whole point of this is cutting trolls hair=decalwing a cat just more twisted and horribly bad because they do literally everything of their day to day stuff with it!
and a little angst thing of Branch having his hair cut unprompted idk 😶
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wheelercore · 7 months
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been thinking about prisoners again lol
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dedoholistic · 4 months
Wunderschönes Italien: Besuch der venezianischen Villen mit Maria Cristina Buoso
von Maria Teresa De Donato
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elinspos · 1 year
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This is a sideblog for character inspo. Feel free to spam like/reblog, I don't mind. 18+ and no triggers are tagged. If you have any questions about my little guys, I'd be delighted to answer them!
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ithisatanytime · 2 months
(Villen (@wya_villen))
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oioend · 4 months
still fondly thinking about villen in his human form holding his daughter as he talks to ger..alt and she’s just. digging her tiny widdle sharp claws into his arms the entire time.
villen, as he starts to bleed:
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bo44villenzurmiete · 11 months
Die Suche nach Ihrem Traumhaus in Dänemark: Villa- und Apartmentvermietung
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach dem idealen Zuhause in Dänemark sind, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Bei Bo44.dk sind wir Ihr verlässlicher Partner für die Vermietung und den Verkauf von Immobilien im gesamten Land. Mit vielen Jahren Erfahrung auf dem Immobilienmarkt widmen wir uns mit Expertise und Hingabe der Erfüllung Ihrer Wohnbedürfnisse.
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Villen zur Miete in Dänemark
Eine Villa zur Miete in Dänemark zu finden, kann eine aufregende und lohnende Erfahrung sein. Dänemark bietet eine reiche Vielfalt an Villen, die für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget geeignet sind. Ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer Villa in der Nähe der malerischen dänischen Küste oder in einem der charmanten Vororte von Kopenhagen sind, wir stehen Ihnen bei jedem Schritt zur Seite. Unsere Experten sind bestens vertraut mit dem dänischen Immobilienmarkt und können Ihnen bei der Auswahl Ihrer Traumvilla helfen.
Villen zur Miete in Kopenhagen
Kopenhagen, die pulsierende Hauptstadt Dänemarks, ist ein beliebtes Ziel für Menschen, die in einer Villa leben möchten. Mit seiner reichen Kultur, lebendigen Kunstszene und vielen Freizeitmöglichkeiten bietet Kopenhagen den perfekten Rahmen für ein luxuriöses Leben. Wir bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette von Villen in Kopenhagen, von klassisch bis modern, von großzügigem Platzangebot bis hin zu malerischen Anwesen. Egal, ob Sie in der Innenstadt von Kopenhagen oder in einer ruhigeren Gegend wie Frederiksberg oder Gentofte leben möchten, wir haben die richtige Villa für Sie.
Wohnungen zur Miete in Dänemark
Wenn Sie nach einer Wohnung zur Miete in Dänemark suchen, haben Sie ebenfalls eine Fülle von Optionen. Dänemark verfügt über eine breite Palette von Apartments, die sich für Singles, Paare und Familien eignen. In Städten wie Aarhus, Odense und Aalborg gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, in modernen Apartments zu leben. Unsere Experten können Ihnen bei der Auswahl einer Wohnung helfen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Ihrem Lebensstil am besten entspricht.
Wohnungen zur Miete in Kopenhagen
Kopenhagen, eine der begehrtesten Städte in Europa, bietet eine Vielzahl von Apartments zur Miete. Von den charmanten Gassen von Nyhavn bis zu den trendigen Vierteln von Nørrebro und Vesterbro gibt es für jeden etwas Passendes. Unser Team bei Bo44.dk kann Ihnen bei der Suche nach der perfekten Wohnung in Kopenhagen helfen, sei es im Herzen der Stadt oder in einer der ruhigeren Nachbarschaften.
Lokale in København
Wenn Sie nach Geschäftsflächen oder Lokalen in Kopenhagen suchen, sind wir auch Ihr Ansprechpartner. Wir verstehen die Bedeutung des Standorts für Ihr Unternehmen und können Ihnen dabei helfen, den perfekten Ort in Kopenhagen zu finden, egal ob es sich um ein Restaurant, ein Einzelhandelsgeschäft oder ein Büro handelt.
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Bei Bo44.dk sind wir stolz darauf, unseren Kunden einen umfassenden Service in der Immobilienbranche zu bieten. Wir verstehen, dass die Suche nach dem perfekten Zuhause oder Geschäftsraum in einem fremden Land eine Herausforderung darstellen kann. Deshalb sind wir hier, um Ihnen bei jedem Schritt des Prozesses zu helfen.
Unsere Experten sind mit dem dänischen Immobilienmarkt bestens vertraut und können Ihnen wertvolle Einblicke und Ratschläge bieten. Wir nehmen uns die Zeit, Ihre Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen zu verstehen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir die Immobilie finden, die am besten zu Ihnen passt.
Zusätzlich bieten wir Unterstützung bei rechtlichen Angelegenheiten, Vertragsverhandlungen und anderen Aspekten des Miet- oder Kaufprozesses. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass Ihr Umzug nach Dänemark so reibungslos wie möglich verläuft.
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer Villa, einer Wohnung oder einem Geschäftsraum in Dänemark sind, ist Bo44.dk Ihr verlässlicher Partner. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und unserem Engagement für exzellenten Kundenservice sind wir bereit, Ihre Wohnträume in die Realität umzusetzen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, und lassen Sie uns Ihnen bei der Suche nach Ihrem idealen Zuhause in Dänemark behilflich sein.
Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören und Ihnen bei Ihrem Immobilienabenteuer in Dänemark zu helfen.
Greve Strandvej 44, 2670 Greve
+45 20 23 33 33
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schorschidk · 2 years
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Verkaufe - Georgina Masson - Italienische Villen und Paläste - Droemersche Verlagsanstalt. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Nora Timofiewitsch, erschienen 1959. Das Buch ist in einem guten gebrauchten Zustand, die Seiten sind sauber und sehr gut lesbar. Die von Haus aus in den verschiedenen Farben gedruckten Seiten werten es zusätzlich auf und sind schön anzusehen. Aus dem Inhalt: Geleitwort von Peter Hamm, Vorwort, Einleitung, Ligurien und Piemont, Lombardei, Venetien, Emilia - Marken - Toskana, Latium - Königreich Neapel, Bibliographie, Register Den Link zu meinen Verkaufsangeboten findet Ihr im Profil. #georginamasson #italien #villen #paläste #venetien #toskana #neapel #ebay #schorschidk #zuverkaufen #sofortkauf www.min-lotto.dk (hier: Silke's Fundgrube) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZPdDROKp30/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lemonade-squid · 2 years
Btw I'm rewatching all the Disney animation films again and here's currently how I'm enjoying snow white (one of my favorite movies of all time btw)
Me during the movie: *on phone or splatoon*
Evil queen on screen: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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dyslexic-mess · 8 months
I buy that Alistor is on Liliths leash. How he got there, no idea, but I'd believe the real reosen he's hanging around Charlie is under orders considering how vaugh he's been about his motivation.
BUT. What I don't buy is Lilith being the big villen. I've seen a lot of people theorise that she's been missing because she's screwing around with heaven or she left because she saw Lucifer as weak or something, but I'm sorry. I just don't see it. Like.
This Lilith???
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Your gonna argue THIS woman just up and left her family??? No. Just- no. I don't believe it for a second.
So where IS Lilith, then? If she's not the big bad, pulling strings from behind the sceans, then where is hells queen? Well, this is where I get into speculation territory:
I think she's been kidnapped by Roo.
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dolinathirok · 28 days
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✨ Плюшкі ✨
~Stitch AU~
Автор коміксу: @stitchau
Клін робив: 💫Villen🌟 (Tik Tok)
Наш ютуб канал з озвучками: Долина Зірок
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tmrwds · 5 months
Sinkkumies lyrics + English translation
Siit on aikaa kun oon taas single man Ruokavalio Olvi ja king kebab Mä oon tikissä ku Till Lindemann Vapailla markkinoilla keeping my head up Olin kiinni suhteessa josta jäi henkiset mustelmat Nousin siivilleni uudestaan
On taksit pihalla ja nyt on aikaa baarei kiertää Pääl parhainta parfyymii koska ei voi haista hieltä Vielä jaksaa vaik oon jo toista viikkoo putkeen tien pääl Mutta minne tie viekään sitä ei voi tietää
Nyt nautin hetkestä Kun en oo nyxä vaan exä Ei ole väliä mistä herään Tai kenen vierestä On aika nostaa purjetta Ja antaa tuulen kuljettaa
Sinkkumies sinkkumies Liitelee linnun lailla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
Siit on aikaa kun oon taas single man (???) Ku oon ulkona muutaman dillen kaa Pasin, Karin ja Villen kaa Mul on himassa tunnelmaa Voin mitä vaan kattoo ja kuunnella Mä elän sinkun suurinta unelmaa
On moottoritie niin kuuma Ja se kiehtoo miestä Nuo kauniit neidot hameissaan vie katseen tiestä Vielä jaksaa vaik oon jo toista viikkoo putkeen tien pääl Mutta minne tie viekään sitä ei voi tietää
Nyt nautin hetkestä Kun en oo nyxä vaan exä Ei ole väliä mistä herään Tai kenen vierestä On aika nostaa purjetta Ja antaa tuulen kuljettaa
Sinkkumies sinkkumies Liitelee linnun lailla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
(??) Kun sinkkumies täysin huolta vailla juhlii Ilman että toinen puolisko kaipaa mustii sukkii
Liitelee linnun lailla tuo sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
Been a while since I was a single man My diet is Olvi and king kebab I'm fit like Till Lindeman In the free market keeping my head up I was tied in a relationship that left me emotionally bruised I've risen on my wings again
The taxi is at the yard and now I have time to roam the bars Wearing the best perfume because can't smell like sweat Still keeping up even thought it's my second week straight on the road But where the road takes me, there's no knowing
Now I'm enjoying the moment As I'm not the current but the ex It doesn't matter where I wake up from Or next to who It's time to set sail And let the wind carry me
Single man single man Flying like a bird, that man Single man single man In the free market, that man Single man single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
It's been a while since I was a single man (???) When I'm out with a few fools With Pasi, Kari and Ville I have a [good] atmosphere at home I can watch and listen to anything I'm living single's biggest dream
The highway is so hot And it fascinates the man Those beautiful ladies in their skirts take my eyes off the road Still keeping up even thought it's my second week straight on the road But where the road takes me, there's no knowing
Now I'm enjoying the moment As I'm not the current but the ex It doesn't matter where I wake up from Or next to who It's time to set sail And let the wind carry me
Single man single man Flying like a bird, that man Single man single man In the free market, that man Single man single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
(???) When the single man parties without any worries Without the other half needing to be jealous
Flying like a bird, that single man In the free market, that single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
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mr-e-gallery · 3 months
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Paul Klee Florentine Villas (Florentinisches Villen Viertel), 1926
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indignantlemur · 6 months
Before I start I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your works, 'Emigre' as well as 'The Stars keep watch' and I am really grateful for you giving us all such amazing and detailed views of the andorian culture.
I've read almost all of them, so I'm pretty sure that you didn't answer this question before, but in case you did, just ignore this ask :)
How excactly do andorian names work in your opinion. I get the whole clan thing etc. but is there an aspect that is present in all names e.g. that it starts with certain letters? Or is there a certain way a name is supposed to sound like to be andorian?
After all there is a vast difference between the names "Kevin" and "Vilashral 'Shral' of Clan Hrisvalar".
If there's not an answer to the question, it's fine too. I'm just curious if there's like a rule when you create your names? If you understand what I mean?
Hi there! And my goodness, thank you! I'm always so happy to meet new readers!
So my Andorian name process usually starts by checking over canon names. When naming a new character, I want to follow the hallmarks of canon Andorian names without copying them exactly.
For example, these are a mix of female and male canon names:
Ghee P'trell
Jennifer Sh'reyan
Thy'lek Shran
Shras Endilev
Va'Al Trask
Va'Kel Shon
Val Shon
There are more, of course, but even with a small sample we can see a few things. Names beginning with the letter T are very popular, but the given names also tend to be two-to-three syllable long names. Beyond that, there's a mix of different types of vowels (short and long) and most of the consonants tend to be softer ones, though not exclusively.
For my headcanons and naming purposes, I have a couple of considerations to look at from this point. The first headcanon is that Andorians do not generally give non-Andorians their full names, because Andorii is a very sibilant language with a lot of soft sounds and drawn out vowels in rapid succession. Outsiders generally don't get their names right, so it's easier to go by shortened by-name than have to cringe every time your commanding officer calls you a salad by mistake.
The second headcanon builds on the first, in that full given names are broken into fragments. There are the face-name fragments that you give to strangers and off-worlders, and then there's the full name. Some individuals make use of a third fragment, which is a name used by close friends and loved ones, but it's less common. Not everyone abides by these rules, as there are always exceptions to every rule, but it's generally a good rule of thumb - especially with a culture where it's entirely too easy to find yourself in a duel to the death.
Taking all of that into account, I actually find name generators (I like this one, personally) for Andorian names to be a great starting point for creating a new name. A lot of the generated suggestions are meh, but if I can get a starting point, then I can fiddle with it until I have a name that feels right.
So, for example, I just generated ten female names:
Sevo Zh'viahliq Villen Sh'tiveq Ethrivia Zh'shrihres Esilaa Sh'vhiathrarh Aseraa Sh'kitrit Jhalli Sh'okialrarh Ipythosh Zh'rhethit Shryssa Zh'rolrirh Threra Zh'rhikress Vamaa Zh'ataakross
These are all kind of same-samey and a bit... jumbled, to look at. I want a name that a reader can look at without their eyes glazing over. So, what happens now is I take the likeliest lads (ladies in this case) of the lot and workshop them.
Let's say I want to do something with Shryssa Zh'rolrirh, Aseraa Sh'kitrit, and Vamaa Zh'ktaakross.
Shryssa Zh'rolrirh - a good starting foundation, but I already have a character called Shryss and they've reversed the capitalization of the rank and Clan name. In this case, I'll cannibalize one of the other names. The Clan name doesn't quite feel right to me, so I'll grab one of the other pre-generated ones and modify it.
Aseraa Sh'kitrit - I'm generally happy with this name, though I think the Clan name is a little meh, but it feels like I took "Sarah", dropped the H, added a vowel, and called it done. So, let's see if we can't make it sound more properly alien and maybe swap the Clan name for something else.
Vamaa Zh'ktaakross - this is the one I want to change the least, actually, but Vamaa still seems more like a face-name than a full name, so we'll adapt it a little.
Therefore, we get:
Shryssa Zh'rolrirh -> Jhalleshryssa "Shryssa" zh'Tiivekh -> Shryssa
Aseraa Sh'kitrit -> Ipseseraa "Seraa" sh'Shras -> Seraa
Vamaa Zh'ktaakross -> Ulavamaal "Vamaa" zh'Kraakross -> Vamaa
It's not a perfect system, and sometimes names just come to me on the spot rather than requiring help from a generator or other sources.
So let's look at Ambassador Thoris. Thoris is his face-name, but his full name is Anlenthoris th'Kor. In official documents, he is referred to by his full name, Clan, and rank, but in his day-to-day working life he is Thoris. In his personal life, his spouses call him Anlen. Under no circumstances would it ever be appropriate for someone like Dagmar or Shral to call him Anlen - the inference of having an intimate relationship with a married man of his rank and position would be considered a duelling offense.
Thanks for the ask! Hopefully I've managed to answer your questions, but I always welcome more if I haven't!
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