#vigilante shigaraki
I've been thinking bout the world All Smite exists in would look like 🤔
Enij Todoroki would still be a bad father if All Might was All Smite.... Dare I say, even worse.
Ok so Endeavor's whole thing about his abusive behavior was that he wanted to surpass all might, and so he "trained" both Toyia and Shoto right? If All Smite existed then Endeavor would have an even bigger obstacle + he'd probably get the idea in his head that "it's for the greater good" as a way for him to justify the torment he's putting his children through.
Enji Todoroki as the #1 would likely realize that he can't beat it even restrain All Smite on his own. So what does he do? Not only would he get Natsuo and Fuyumi in on the training, Toyia would have never would have gone into those woods.... If his father is giving equal amounts of "attention" to all of his kids Toyia wouldn't have had to prove himself. After all, 4 children to fight beside would dramatically up his odds of success. Not only that but 4 hero children would likely be a boost in the public eye/ a beginning of generations of heros like the Iida family.
Oh but don't be disappointed Dabi lovers, I think by the time Shoto is ready for UA, Toyia would have already faked his death. He likely wouldn't become the Dabi you know, more focused on getting his siblings out of the abuse than revenge. Toyia also would have a strong bond with Shoto because they both showed the most "promise". On the topic of UA, I think that Midoriya would still attend, with OFA.
Let me explain, in my mind All Smite is a hyper violent vigilante/ Stain if he did an extensive amount of research on his victims/ protector of civilians (I'll explain more later). All Smite is a good guy deep down, and supports Midoriya's dream of becoming a hero with all his heart. Dad Smite basically. Also I think that anyone inspired by All might (excluding Izuku) in canon follows all smites path of "Villainy" ex: Sir Nighteye, Cathleen Bate/ Star and Stripe.
Midoriya eventually confesses to his friends about the good that All Smite does from the shadows
taking down trigger distributers
controlling illegal weapons
defending citizens
squashing any dangerous organizations
helping the quirkless
helping abused and orphaned children find good homes
everything the Hero Public Safety Commission doesn't do
Good things that All might can't do while being restricted by the HPSC
So that covers a lot, so I'll quickly run through a couple of characters that would be changed by these things and why
Keigo Takami- would have been saved by All Smite when he was 6-7 instead of Endeavor. All Smite being a villain would have known about how abusive Keigo's father was sooner than Endeavor
Tomura Shigaraki- would have been found by one of All Smites underlings before AFO
Twice - actually becomes one of All smites underlings shortly after his trauma
Dabi- dabi went out looking for smite to fight, ended up joining him
Himiko Toga- found dirty and alone by Sir and was brought in
Eri- Sir and Smite raid the Shie Hassaikai slightly sooner than canon, right as the bullets were being produced. Smite originally did it to crack down on the bullets, but then saved Eri (with Izuku's help) and found her a home with Eraserhead
Shinsou- poor baby was abused in foster care for his Villainous quirk, his latest foster parents decided to try and sell him off, but luckily Smite got a hold of him. Shinsou is going to UA with Midoriya and lives with Eri and Eraserhead.
Present Mic - Mic, Eraserhead, Sir Nighteye, and Nezu all secretly work with Smite to keep Japan's underworld from becoming it's over world. Present Mic is only slightly different from canon, only now does he have an old scar on his lip from being muzzled from when he was in the foster system.
Eraserhead- the same as canon and as mentioned above, but his scar from the Nomu fight doesn't exist, but instead it's on his eyelid from a knife fight against a villain on trigger.
Hmm what else, oh yeah!
Midoriya and Shoto are secretly vigilantes and work with all Smite, Natsouo and Fuyumi are both badass ice heros, while Fuyumi still tries to keep peace, the men in the house are constantly at odds. Rey isn't in a hospital, but presumed dead. ( She's not shes has been rescued by Smite, it was Shoto's idea)
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yokai-girlie · 3 months
Kurogiri’s final line in the manga being “Give Tomura Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him.” is BEYOND fucked up actually. Do you know who’s waiting for YOU Kurogiri??? Your friends!
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nightshadow1607 · 1 year
Aizawa: Let me see what you have
Vigilante Izuku: A KNIFE! :D
Aizawa: NO!
Kurogiri: If you kill a killer, the number of killers will stay the same
Himiko: Kill two
Hizashi, shining a flashlight under the bed: Shouta, are you ready to come out yet and interact with people?
Aizawa: *angry hissing noises*
Hizashi: Understandable, have a nice day
All for One: I’m here to kill you
Izuku: Hold on, let me ask All Might
All for One: That’s not how it works!
Izuku: He said no, and he’s coming over
Kaminari: *sneezes*
Nedzu, from the vents: Bless you!
Kaminari: God?
Vigilante Izuku: It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught!
Vigilante Shinsou: We’re literally being chased by the Eraserhead right now! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!
Shigaraki: I invited both of you into the woods because I crave the most dangerous game
Vigilantes Izuku and Shinsou, nodding: Knife Monopoly
Shigaraki: I was actually going to hunt both of you for sport but now I’m in interested in whatever the fuck knife monopoly is
Aizawa: This is our son, Hitoshi
Hizashi: Yes, I’m aware
Aizawa: This is my other son you never met, Izuku
Aizawa: And this is my lovely unicorn daugther, Eri
Hizashi: You can’t just adopt kids like stray cats!
Aizawa: Watch. Me.
Aizawa: Hizashi and I are having a baby
Shinsou: That’s gre-
Aizawa: *slams down adoption papers* It’s you. Sign here
Aizawa: I hope you three have an explanation for this
Todoroki: Actually...
Izuku: We have three!
Bakugou: Pick your favorite
Sero, setting down a card: Ace of Spades!
Kirishima, pulling out an Uno card: +4!
Kaminari, pullling out a Pokémon card: Pikachu, I choose you!
Bakugou, trembling: What are we playing?!
Uraraka: I think we are missing something
Izuku: Teamwork?
Iida: Cohesion?
Todoroki: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Izuku: *Gently taps table*
Bakugou: *Taps back*
Uraraka: What are they doing?
Tsu and Tokoyami: Morse code
Izuku: * Agressively taps table*
Bakugou: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK--
Izuku to Shinsou after he moved to class 1-A: I made you a friendship bracelet
Shinsou: I’m not really a jewellery person
Izuku: Oh, it’s okay. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t wan--
Shinsou: No, I’m wearing it forever. Back off
incorrect quotes because why not (part 7)
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
I'm thinking. I'm thinking. it would be cool if all of my dislike and criticism of Deku's actions in this final war arc (and maybe before) was actually supposed to be the intended feeling. That he was supposed to be read as an arrogant little shit with no plan and failed at saving Shigaraki all along. Saving Shigaraki was his ego talking - him wanting to save that Crying Child, because it makes him feel good to be a Hero... in the easiest way possible. He pried open Shigaraki's lid with no regard for how questionable such an act is. He never understood Shigaraki at all.
Deku has the potential to be a great hero. When Yoichi and Kudou talked about his great qualities, it was because they can sense the seed of it at his heart. But it hadn't been cultivated. He does have a drive to save, but it was too early to call it that. He does believe everyone has the same heart, but he hasn't actually come to that conclusion himself. That's why they needed to speak about his own feelings for him. He's 16 years old and thrown into a war. How can anyone have proper development and meta-cognition in such a scenario?
I'm thinking. It was Stain who spared Shigaraki and told him he sensed the seed of a warped conviction inside of him, when all readers saw at the time was an erratic manchild. But Stain was right. Shigaraki's conviction grew and developed and became such a noble desire, but 'twisted' - A Hero, but for the Villains.
Deku just had the high of his life. What if he's about to enter the lowest? He failed to save someone. Society is getting rebuilt and where it goes from now on is absolutely crucial. He's "quirkless" again - that personality is gone so who is he now?
I'm thinking. There's a reason why his agreement with Overhaul hasn't been resolved yet. I'm thinking Compress and his vigilante ancestor's dream of reform can't be just ditched like that. I'm thinking how Deku can fail so incredibly at not realizing why Shigaraki stayed the leader of the League all through the end, and how Shigaraki tells him 'ganbare'.
I'm thinking about Shigaraki, and how he's a fair guy. But he's a Villain. He sensed Deku's intention, understood just how sincere it was, and can respect that. And the guy did just helped heal his childhood trauma. And thus, he's holding Deku responsible for making sure his destruction is permanent, and leaves with a semi-sardonic 'do your best'. I think that's actually just like him.
I'm thinking about Uraraka and Shouto getting two sad looking panels in this semi-celebratory chapter where All Might calls Bakugou and Deku the greatest Heroes. They were the two who actually considered the suffering their Villain went through. They acknowledged the whole of their Villain, their agency and desires, and they supposedly saved them. But there's no celebration for them. Maybe it's because they've seen the truth and can't be unaffected.
I'm thinking about Spinner, who saved Deku from a teammate at the camp raid because he believed in Stain who believed in Deku to be a true Hero. And then Spinner became Shigaraki's most devoted friend and Shigaraki left a message to him, via Deku.
I'm thinking maybe Horikoshi got out all the battle shonen stuff they wanted out of him and now he can do his own thing. He sucks at fight scenes and great at character writing and darker material.
The issue to this thinking is that this hope is sooooo dangerous. I had a similar thought that Endeavor, after the Touya reveal, was going to get some brutal atonement. I thought post-Jaku would be a really cool chance to examine the issues of Hero Society, and that Tartarus being recognized as a human-rights violations would end up somewhere. I loved what I felt was the subtly realistic built-up of the Heteromorph arc, and I still love it, but then it ended up the way it did. I thought AFO's tragic backstory getting revealed could be awesome. I've clowned myself again and again. I guess this is the latest clowning.
And none of this actually saves Shigaraki or brings him back. Rather, his death and last words is pretty much required for this brutal realization and haunting on Deku and the story.
Worse, this all has the potential to make me think Deku is interesting. What am I doing to myself. 🤡
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fabled-lady-twilla · 5 months
Hi, I'm Twilla and I'm currently in the process of writing a ShigaDeku Dystopia/Soulmate AU fic that no one, and I mean literally NO ONE, asked for! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why do I always join fandoms late and why do I always somehow end up loving/shipping the rarepairs in fandoms that barely anyone likes or wants to read about lmao? 🥺👉👈
I just finished reading the latest manga chapter, watched all six seasons, and binged all three movies. I am absolutely BURSTING with ideas of where I want this story to go. I want to at least post the first chapter by the time ShigaDeku Week 2024 is here next month. :)
In my fic timeline, the MHA canon story line doesn't happen until Class 1-A's third year, and since my story is set six years after their graduation, most of the main characters are in their mid to late twenties. My story starts after the Quirk Affliction, a strange illness that begins killing off Quirk-users all around to world, resulting in a massive a death toll that causes civilized society to collapse.
Anyways, here's the general synopsis:
The Final War was over before it had even begun. With the onset of the Quirk Affliction, a mysterious illness that disproportionately targeted the Quirks of heroes over the Quirks of villains, the world was left defenseless as it plunged into a new era of chaos and devastation.
It’s been six years since the onset of the Affliction and the death of All Might. Six years since the world’s heroes, and the society they desperately fought to protect, have crumbled into dust in Shigaraki Tomura’s hands.
From the ashes of this destruction, Japan’s new regime was born. The country was split into three territories, each with its own Grand Commander, united in nothing save for one singular rule: life for those who submit, and death for those who do not.
As Grand Commander of the largest and most plentiful of Japan’s territories, Shigaraki has lived the last six years reaping the fruits of his labors and taking pride in helping his Sensei accomplish his dream. But as of late, Tomura has been having strange dreams of his own: hazy memories of an abandoned park, of blooming wisteria trees, of laughter and freckles and forest green eyes.
Midoriya Izuku, now Quirkless due to the Affliction, has not stopped his pursuit of helping others, despite the world — and everything in it — turning itself upside down. Izuku dreams of a brighter future, and strangely enough, dreams of his long-lost childhood friend, Shimura Tenko.
The same Tenko that Izuku had unknowingly befriended as a young boy. The same Tenko who’d stopped him from jumping off the rooftop all those years ago. The same Tenko that, Izuku realized with horror, was now the monster known as Shigaraki Tomura.
Unfortunately, Izuku learns all too late that having a Soulbond with the King of Villains comes with a heavy cost. Shigaraki seems hell-bent on keeping Izuku as close to him as possible, believing Izuku to be his Soulmate, and thus, Shigaraki’s only true weakness, stirring up an ill-fated romance that neither has prepared themselves for.
As a new calamity encroaches upon them in the form of a mad man attempting to become a god, the heroes and villains must find a way to work together and solve the mystery of the Affliction before it destroys the world and everything they hold dear.
✨ P l e a s e ✨ let me know if you're interested in hearing about this by either, liking, reblogging, or sending me a PM. I'm working really hard to get the first chapter of this out by ShigaDeku Week 2024 in May!
Thank you so much for reading. 💚💚💚
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ace-touya · 6 months
I’m back on my vigilantes BS. Spoilers for the school days arc
These were a group of kids that Oboro and Shouta met during their work study. The work study that Oboro died during. Shouta ended up saving all these kids alone, and losing his best friend, all in one battle.
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These kids are, like, probably the same age as Tenko since he was like 5-6 when Oboro died. And that’s like an entire can of worms on its own, because his final act as himself was protecting a group of children, and All For One turned him into a monster that existed for the sole purpose of doing that again and again and again for Tenko. Protecting him but never able to truly save him from AFO, the one person who Tenko truly desperately needed protection from.
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But on a happier note, I’d like to imagine at least one of these kids going to UA in the future, around the time Aizawa starts working there, and they meet him and know instantly - that’s the hero who saved my life when he was just a kid. He’s the reason I’m here, both here at UA so that I can save people like he saved me, but also here, alive, in general. He’s not active in the media so they haven’t heard much about him in a while, but they knew as soon as they saw him because, well…
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How could they forget?
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delawaredetroit · 3 months
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"My master showed me his picture once."
All for One: Tomura look, it's your quirk donor!
He might have just been showing Shigaraki pictures of all his business rivals. But knowing All for One the goal could have been making Shigaraki keep tabs on Overhaul the way he made Number Six obsess over the hero O'Clock (whose quirk he was given and then tried to become)
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arjengelly · 6 months
So it looks like Deku’s rewinding
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And we’re gonna get to see the babies bond in what little time they have left 🥺
Omg wait….
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
Since you drew En playing the electric guitar do you have any headcannons for an OFA band AU? Like what user plays/does what?
I love the OFA logo that's on electric guitarist En's shirt btw! 💓
Not only am I going to give you a list of who's doing what, I'm going to give you 1.4k of a ficlet from Bruce's POV because I've been doing everything but my final papers!
Yoichi: Lead vocalist, ex-bass guitar
Kudou: Drummer
Bruce: Band manager, does travel and concert arrangements; ex-electric guitar
Shinomori: Equipment manager, helps with logistics; ex-electric guitar
Banjo: Electric guitar 1, ex-keyboardist, percussionist when necessary
En: Electric guitar 2 + Smoke effects
Nana: Bass guitar, female vocalist when necessary
Toshinori: Nana’s ward, roadie, learning bass guitar
+ Sorahiko: Full-time roadie, electric guitar when necessary
Izuku: Not here yet, but he's probably part of a One for All revival era
OFA Band AU in my hands still has Quirks, and the majority of the group practices vigilantism when they're not playing music. AFO is less demon of the underworld evil, and more capitalist/the guy funding industry plants evil. He's a music executive. He and Yoichi used to play music together, but when AFO went to college to be a business major, Yoichi doubled down on music and was recruited by Kudou and Bruce. OFA developed from there.
Pairings are Trio Holders, FourthFifth, and who knows what's going with Sorahiko. (This is a no Husbando Shimura/no Kotarou AU.)
Read the ficlet below!
“Banjo,” Shinomori says with a tone more indulgent than scolding, “stop bullying En with Blackwhip. He’s going to trip and fall on his face mid-performance, and then where will you be?”
“Laughing, probably,” Bruce cuts in before Banjo can say something flirtatious. He needs their equipment manager present and sharp-eyed. Shimura’s friend does a passable job at rounding up stray amps and cords, but only when he’s not herding Toshinori away from chatting up the crowds who want to stalk One for All members backstage. “Pack the instruments in the bus, would you? We’re cutting it close.”
Banjo winks at Shinomori and strums a quick, humorous cue anyway. “Yeah, no problem, Sandaime. We going out after?”
“Depends on Kudou.”
“Ah, gotcha. See you in a bit.” Banjo tips his chin up and obligingly, Shinomori bends his neck and plants a chaste kiss to the carefully maintained stubble on the electric guitarist’s cheek. The roguish grin softens. Bruce manfully restrains himself from being a hypocrite about PDA, and goes to find Shimura.
She’s a little further backstage, and her bass guitar is already locked away. Set beside her bedazzled monstrosity of a case is En’s unassuming one. When Bruce chances upon them, Shimura is in the middle of fussing with her cousin’s jacket. She straightens the high collar, notices Bruce, and says a cheerful hello.
En echoes her, but he adds a respectful, “Sandaime.”
God. Bruce is going to strangle Banjo for starting that up, especially as it’s been picked up by not just the band but also the media. The more impressionable members of the band—En and Toshinori—treat the titles with more respect than a bad joke should get, and the journalists have started using them in place of their names.
“Everyone packed? Where’s Torino and Toshinori?”
“Sorahiko had a phone call,” En volunteers. “I think Toshinori headed back to the bus early because he had homework to finish.”
“What? Did he tell you that? It’s a week to the deadline!” Shimura scoops up her case and En’s, inclines her head at Bruce, and starts booking it. Her decision to apprentice Toshinori still strikes Bruce as a shortsighted one, but it remains one of the few times Bruce actually remembers her performing some kind of paperwork magic to ensure the application was filled to perfection. Usually, Shimura procrastinates to the point of Torino needing to swoop in and forge her signature.
En peers up at Bruce like he’s expecting something.
“What,” says Bruce. The junior electric guitar player shrugs in deliberate carelessness.
“Are we heading out after?”
“Have you been talking to Banjo?” Bruce asks, dry, and shakes his head. “It depends on Kudou. Where’s our illustrious leader?”
“Necking with Nidaime in the dressing room.”
Wordlessly, Bruce digs into his pocket and hands over the carton of candy cigarettes. En isn’t actually capable of eating tobacco, much less real cigarettes, but he has a sweet tooth and a sly sense of humor. Moreover, he is amenable to being bribed.
Clever fingers pop open the carton and slide one white chalky stick of sugar out. En sticks it into his mouth with a pleased hum and chirps a half-garbled, “I’ll get Banjo-senpai to the bus. Is Yondaime driving?”
“Torino knows the city streets better. He’ll get us to the inn, and after that, we’ll figure out carpools back.” Bruce rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Hey. You did good with the bridge for ‘Residual Mayhem’ tonight. Make sure to do the hand exercises later.”
“Okay!” Thusly flattered, spoiled with sweets, and charged with malicious intent to put a (temporary) damper on Banjo’s evening, En darts off to pester his senior into hurrying the hell up. For his part, Bruce double-checks the area for stray litter, then ventures to the dressing rooms.
He finds a nondescript black sock slipped onto the doorknob. Bruce raps his knuckles against the wood, ignores the muffled “OCCUPIED!”, and uses the skeleton key to break in.
The door gets closed immediately behind him.
“We’re going to be late,” he manages to snap, before his brain fully processes the sight of Kudou’s legs hooked ‘round Yoichi’s skinny hips. The dressing room is equipped with a single chaise longue, and Yoichi has Kudou pressed down against the entire length of the single-armed sofa. Thank god, they’re both still in jeans.
“Mrrmph,” Kudou says, and Yoichi chimes in, “Hi, Bruce!”
“The set wasn’t that horny,” Bruce says, nonplussed.
Yoichi grins. “Well, I know tonight’s a fight night, so I thought I’d give Kudou incentive to not make you guys stay out so late.”
“Really effective,” Kudou reports, sounding dazed. He has clearly been kissed stupid. Is it irresponsible of Bruce to want to trade places with Kudou? For a brief moment, Bruce thinks about Kudou taking the role of band manager. In that projection of an alternate universe, One for All loses all access to professional recording studios, and not only are their songs recorded with a shitty boombox, but their concerts are held at last-minute reservations.
Also, in that universe, Kudou is cursed to never find a replacement drummer he approves of for more than three months. Yes. This is the right timeline.
Bruce approaches the sofa as Yoichi sits up and pulls Kudou upright with him. “You don’t think I need any?”
“You’re way more responsible,” Yoichi asserts, but makes a ‘come here’ gesture with his long slender fingers. Obligingly, Bruce bends at the waist. Yoichi cradles Bruce’s jaw with one hand and kisses him squarely on the mouth, nips his bottom lip, and breaks it off first. He smiles as he says, “Thanks for coming to get us.”
Kudou slips two fingers down the collar of Bruce’s shirt and tugs him in for his own kiss. That too is brief, and sharp, and it’s possible Bruce is going a little kiss-stupid as well, especially when he can hear the rumble of Kudou’s groan building at the base of his throat.
“Wait,” he gasps, “wait, time, time. Our inn’s not taking late check-ins, and Shimura’s going to murder one of us if her ward sleeps overnight in the bus again.”
“Toshinori-kun thinks it’s cool to sleep in the bus,” Yoichi protests. “Did Shimura-kun say that?”
“She implied it,” Bruce says.
“Up we go then,” Kudou says, and manhandles Yoichi off his lap. Bruce straightens up and does a cursory once-over at the dressing room. Any hairbrushes? Hair ties? Stray math homework sheets that Toshinori will swear he lost to Torino’s cutthroat corrections? Distracted, Bruce helps Yoichi to his feet, then Kudou.
“Shinomori got your drumset loaded,” he tells Kudou. “Yoichi, did you take your guitar out for an impromptu vibes session with Toshinori?”
“Still in the bus,” Yoichi answers, and before Bruce can fend him off, Yoichi is fussing with the folds of his headband. Kudou is too busy shrugging into his windbreaker and shaking out the wrinkles in Yoichi’s. “Ah, Bruce, you should really think about hemming this…”
“Ragged edges are punk,” Bruce says blankly.
There’s a knock at the door. It creaks open, because even though Bruce kicked it shut the instant he saw his boyfriends making out, he forgot to lock it. Torino pokes his head in warily. “Bus is loaded up,” he reports, eyes cast to the ceiling. “En said I’m driving?”
“Yup,” says Kudou. Finished with his doting, Yoichi gratefully accepts his windbreaker and zips it right up to the top. He combs his bangs back and ties his distinctive white hair into a low ponytail; Kudou fetches a cap and plops it on Yoichi’s head before tugging the hood over. “I’m your co-pilot. Bruce, where’s your jacket?”
“The bus. Torino, we’ll be right out.”
“Gotcha.” The door clicks shut.
“Hey, is the sock on the door yours or Yoichi’s?”
“One of mine,” Yoichi confirms. He hooks his hand at the crook of Bruce’s elbow, leans into him. “Bruce, stop worrying, we haven’t left anything. Kudou, you’d better run ahead before Toshinori-kun gets the idea that he can sit co-pilot again.”
“That kid,” Kudou curses, and bolts out. It’s a reasonable response.
The last time Toshinori had wheedled his way to the front, Shinomori had been at the wheel, and between the both of them—Shinomori, possessed of a sick sense of humor that included entertaining the whims of a preteen, and Toshinori, too proud to admit that he couldn’t understand the traffic navigation app—One for All had wandered off-route and wasted three-quarters of the gas tank just to arrive at a three-star aquarium. Not that Torino would get them lost. 
No, it’s more likely that Torino would reach the limits of his Toshinori Tolerance and put pedal to the metal, and then get caught speeding (in a bus) by a cop.
Yoichi hums the opening lyrics to ‘Daisy Days’, and it sounds too sad on its own, so Bruce obligingly provides the guitar riff as they follow after Kudou.
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autumnmobile12 · 20 days
Ambush Simulation: Final War
I have not actually written anything for Final War in the Ambush Sim au, and I would absolutely love to play with the finale and the Vanguard’s part in it, but here are some notes and vibes for now.
Shimura: You know, I’m realizing Ambush Sim Tenko really draws the short straw compared to his canon counterpart. The death toll of people he loses…
His entire family, which he does feel guilty about
Twice and Magne
Sir Nighteye, basically an uncle to him
Star, probably someone he never met in person but cared about her as part of his surrogate family anyway
He shares All Might’s tendency to take on everything/take care of everyone…this is gonna be rough.
Toga: After already losing Magne and Twice, currently watching Touya fall apart, and seeing how hard Shimura is trying to keep it together for them, she’s actively nervous about losing everyone in this.
Touya: Weirdly enough, I think the most emotional goodbye he has before the fighting starts and they all move into position is him crouching down to say goodbye to all his students clustered around him. The students he frequently jokes about being afraid of him all anxiously asking if he’s coming back and him knowing he’s destroyed his body to the point where he knows Final War might finish the job.
“You’ll be back, right? You’re gonna teach us again?”
Spinner: Stationed at the hospital with Shoji and Koda. Not thrilled about Chimera, who has by now messed all of them up pretty badly, leading a riot as a giant wolf monster.
“…this is fine.”
Compress: Honestly, I didn’t really know where to place him. Given how badly he hurt himself in Jaku City, showing up for the fight was pretty last minute and probably ill-advised, but no way was he missing this. He gets stationed on Okuta Island with Toga, Uraraka, and Asui, and ultimately finds himself watching out for all three of the girls who are roughly the same age he was when he lost his whole family.
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gece-misin-nesin · 27 days
bnha au except the league is a theatre troupe. they all have the same backstories as canon.
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nobody-is-here01 · 1 year
Shigaraki, to vigilante Dabi : One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Vigilante deku : Hey, that’s not very nice-
Vigilante Dabi : There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Vigilante deku, forgetting about Shigaraki : VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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Haven't doodled bnha in a while
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nightshadow1607 · 1 year
Kirishima: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Sero: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Mina: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Kaminari: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Iida: You need to stop with this jaywalking
Bakugou: Miss me with that gay shit
Iida: What 'gay shit'? THE LAW??
Vigilante Shinsou: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Informant Kaminari: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Vigilante Izuku: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Vigilante/Villain Izuku: It goes against my moral compass
Shinsou: Your moral compass is a FUCKING ROULETTE WHEEL
Kendo: Do you know where Monoma is?
Shiozaki: Off somewhere. Disappointing God
Villains: You're violent
Vigilante Izuku: Yeah, but I'm short so it's cute
Tsukauchi: You have the right to remain silent
Villain Izuku: But do I have the ability
Vigilante Izuku: Don't worry, I have a couple knives up my sleeve
Aizawa, concerned: You mean cards
Vigilante Izuku: Nope
Bakugou: How's the biggest asshole in the world doing?
Shinsou, not looking from his cellphone: I don't know, Bakugou. How are you today?
Bakugou: Fuck you, Eye-bags
Izuku: Do not tell Aizawa-sensei about this
Todoroki: You want me to LIE to Aizawa-sensei?
Izuku: It- It's okay! You don't have to-
Todoroki "ride or die" Shouto: Oh, no, I'm going to
Kurogiri: have a good day
Shigaraki: don't tell me what to do
Young Dabi: Dear diary
Young Dabi: My teen angst bullshit now has a bodycount
Eri: I made a marshmallow Aizawa-san. His arms are crossed because the other marshmallow make him annoyed. Do you like it?
Aizawa, choking up: It's fine
Aizawa to Class 1-A (+ Shinsou): If I'd ever had a child, I imagine they might have been something like you... which is perhaps why I've never had kids
Bakugou: And how do you think you can stop me?
Izuku: I'll tell All Might
Bakugou: You sick bastard
incorrect quotes because why not? (part 8)
sorry for the delay ;-;
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plusultraetc · 6 months
okay okay but. no one helping Shigaraki when he was a child because they'd all been conditioned to think that a hero would help him vs Aizawa "an ordinary person's only got so much power" Shouta not feeling capable enough to even save a cat left out in the rain EXCEPT. Aizawa left the cat his umbrella and walked the rest of the way to school without it.
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linkspooky · 2 years
Do you think that Batman could empathize with Tomura and successfully reach out? They are both orphans with a dark side. The difference being is that Bruce was able to work through his darkness to be healthy(er) while Tomura had all his pain cultivated for 15-16 years.
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Yes. 100% yes. That’s not even a question for me. I’ve been dying for someone to send me a question like this, because it’s something I’ve noticed in the general fandom response to the pro-heroes and the hero kids. The thing is, the heroes in My Hero Academia don’t really act like good wholesome heroes. They certainly act like marvel movie heroes... in the fact that they have strong superheroes and fight a bad guy and have such a clear delineation between good and evil that many viewers take them to have propagandistic qualities. Like, there’s a reason that marvel movies have degraded to what they are today currently, and besides all the other factors it’s because these comic book heroes are really getting sanded down into a set of superpowers, a costume and a bad guy to beat with no ideals or themes behind their characters. My Hero Academia heroes aren’t really that heroic, they don’t really have any ideals they stand for except the extremely vague notion of defeat the bad guy. Yeah, Deku has “Save people” but Deku is noted several times to be an oddity among heroes. 
The Pro-Heroes and the Hero Kids in My Hero Academia have this weird paradox to them where the story itself, and also in world hero propaganda sells the idea that heroes are incredibly wholesome, always selfless, people who go above and beyond to save and protect. Yet, the heroes in MHA are actually extremely cynical, and pragmatic, and they also really have no guiding principals beyond “Might makes Right.”
You can put all heroes on the scale of Spiderman <---------> Punisher. 
To define them by whether they are a superhero focused on saving innocents, or a violent vigilante who is focused on punishing the guilty, the heroes in MHA are far more on the punisher scale of things than anyone either in setting or the fandom would like to admit. This is a universe where heroes like Hawks and Lady Nagant regularly commit state sponsored executions. This is a setting where Enji Todoroki is revealed to be a heinous abuser of his family and everyone in the superhero community is like... fine with it for the most part. They either don’t bring it up, or they think Enji does such a good job it justifies his position. 
I mean, here to justify my accusation that heroes in MHA are far more on the punisher side of the scale. To compare to another manga, Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia have a similiar circumstance where a villain, Mahito and Dr. Garaki respectively are able to transform unwilling victims into mindless attack dogs by twisting their bodies into unseemly and horrifying shapes. Mahito’s altered humans, and Dr. Garaki’s nomus respectively seem to retain some sense of humanity and are in a state of pain. Nanami Kento, Shoko and Yuji all come to the harsh reality that there is nothing they can really do for the humans that Mahito has twisted, except for a swift mercy killing, and yet a lot of time is still given to the fact that killing something that is a human being is wrong and a heavy task even though it’s their only option, and two that the decision to kill someone is an extremely heavy burden to bear not made lightly. Nanami straight up loses all focus in a fight, and stops to wipe the tear of a former human when he realizes what they are fighting against. 
Compare this to the way every hero responds to the Nomus in My Hero Academia. Enji without knowing whether or not they are truly sentient or even capable of being turned back into what they were, roasts one alive right away it’s his first action with them. Enji then later on meets a Nomu who is capable of intelligence and communication, and roasts it alive even harder specifically because the way the Nomu Acts, reminds Enji of a darker part of himself, and killing that enemy is perfectly satisfying to Enji because it allowed him to take out those personal frustrations. When Mirko learns that the Nomu are former human bsings she has no hesitation at all at bashing their brains in, in fact she’s almost delighted because she doesn’t have to hold back and that makes it easier than fighting regular villains. If the enemy is sufficiently dehumanized than heroes in my Hero Academia very easily resort to murderous methods, and it’s not just heroes like Enji, Mirko does it, heck Present Mic expresses the sentiment that Oboro would be better off dead then continuing his existence as Kurogiri. 
The heroes in My Hero Academia are dark, almost myopic. I’m not saying you can’t enjoy them, but they are very different from the way heroes act in western comic books and I think a lot of people don’t know this because a lot of manga fans don’t really pick up comic books, and their biggest experience with western heroes therefore comes from movies. 
So when I say BATMAN WOULD NEVER dehumanize a villain to the extent the My Hero Academia heroes do on a regular basis, I’m not saying that as a batman fan, I am saying that because Batman is probably THE MOST IDEALISTIC DC HERO. Yes, even moreso than superman. Batman is Clark’s hero. His inspiration. His good time boy. 
Bruce would have noticed there was something off about Tomura right away in the early stages, if not the very first attack he waged on UA. I’m going to use two examples to prove my argument, one the fact that heroes also noticed that Shigaraki was extremely mentally unwell and just decided not to really care about it, and two Batman was actually faced with an extremely similiar situation in BTAS and his reaction is pretty much the opposite of All Might’s. 
1. There’s Something Wrong with That Kid
To those who were paying attention to Shigaraki’s character from the beginning, even before we got to dig further into his backstory in My Villain Academia arc, or even be shown a more sympathetic and human side to his personality in the Overhaul arc, from his introduction Shigaraki shows signs of extreme mental distress. He is constantly exocriating himself, which is a form of self-harm that manifests under circustmances of extreme psychological stress. Shigaraki has a full on skin disorder that many people have because he is so poor at managing his stress he relentlessly picks and scratches at himself. 
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When he starts to lose in the middle of the fight, he essentially throws a tantrum, and not only does he immediately want to give up and go home, but he also lashes out at his own ally to try to vent that anger. 
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When All Might removes the hand from his face he has a momentary break from reality, and talks to the hand a physical object like it’s a person calling it “father” and apologizing to it. 
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Shigaraki also shows a clear grudge against both heroes, the failure of heroes, and the violence that heroes show (no kidding he’s a victim of violent abuse and the cycle of abuse in his family has an origin in his grandmother’s complete and total failure as a mother) that he clearly states in front of All Might once, and then Deku later the idea that heroes do not save people with their violence, and the implication that there are people that All Might have not saved and both times he is essentially brushed off by both of them. 
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Shigaraki’s mental distress is so obvious that even the heroes of My Hero Academia, who’s general response to villains is lock them up and throw away the key, noticed it. The heroes notice several of the symptoms I listed above about Shigaraki, but then decide to dismiss him as a man-child and then go on to say that he represents a kind of “pure evil” that villains may find attractive. The enertain the idea for like half a second that there might be more to Shigaraki that makes him different from the regular street villains heroes usually fight, and then they just dismiss the thought. Once again a common theme, the second All Might realizes he is Nana’s grandson he wants to go after Shigaraki to attempt to find him and reason with him only for once again Gran Torino to dismiss him as the kind of villain who’s beyond redemption and All Might to immediately give up on trying any other tactic than beating him down. 
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Now why do I say Batman would have immediately gone after Shigaraki and tried to reason with him and get him the help he needs? Do I have proof of him acting similarly? Batman in fact, comes across a similiar enough situation in one of the most famous episodes of Batman the Animated Series. 
2. Man-Child meet Woman Child 
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Baby-Doll Batman the Animated Series season 3, episode 4 is one of the most popular episodes, and it shows most clearly the way Bruce’s brand of heroics is ultimately based on saving and empathy for his villains rather than just putting them down for the greater good. I could have gone with a lot of batman villains with much more clear and tragic origins, Mr. Freeze isn’t even trying to achieve anything villainous he wants to save his wife. Two-Face started out as not only Batman’s best friend, but a good guy and an ally of justice who was driven to insanity by a horrifying and sudden tragedy. Harley Quinn is a victim of grooming and abuse similiar to Shigaraki who has her entire sense of self warped and controlled by an abusive narcissist who quite literally turns her into a crude relfection of himself, to act as a pawn in his own evil schemes. I could use a lot of batman villains, but no Baby Doll, we’re going with Baby-Doll. 
Mary Dahl is a washed up child actress with a physical condition that prevents her from growing up past a child, she’s sort of like Claudia from Interview with a Vampire, an adult mind inside a child’s body. Not only will she always be treated and regarded as a child for her physical appearance, due to her child as a former child star who’s show was cancelled and had no success in acting when she tried to do anything outside of playing the cutsey and innocent “baby-doll” on the sitcom “Love that Baby” she has ended up emotionally stunted and stuck in the past. 
Mary Dahl’s fall to villainry is a bit less tragic than Shigaraki’s, she wasn’t like kidnapped and groomed since childhood by a villainous mastermind and turned into his own pet “make your own supervillain” project. She’s not getting work, but she’s not poor or destitute, there are former child stars who lose out on their childhoods and have no money to show for it, but she seems to have enough money to at least have an extremely competent agent and money to blow on her elaborate schemes. Her backstory is not nearly as tragic as Shigaraki’s, yet she shows several symptoms in common with Shigaraki, being a former child star like many child stars she shows severe dysfunction as an adult because it ate up her entire childhood. Child labor is bad people. Children who are not given room to grow up and develop as kids, have problems late into their adulthood.
She is also someone who feels rejected and left behind by society as a whole, it’s clear her only way of connecting to other people was the attention she received as a child star and the connections she had with cast members. She also experiences severe body dysmorphia I would say on level with Shigaraki’s, Shigaraki’s body dysmporphia is so bad he constantly picks at his own skin, his quirk soemtimes even causes physical damage to him and he feels extreme nausea at a near constant basis b/c of his emotional unrest. Baby-Doll literally experiences a same incompatability with her body, she has an adult mind, she craves to be a fully grown normal body, and a lot of her mental breaks from reality seem to come from how easily people mistake her for and treat her like a child. 
Mary Dahl also shows severe dysfunction when it comes to regulating her own emotions. As tragic as Mary Dahl’s fall from fame is, and as much as it mirrors what happens to a lot of child stars in reality, Mary Dahl kind of also dug her own grave by her actions. Everyone on the cast thought she was notoriously difficult to work with, her show wasn’t cancelled on her, she left because the directors added in a new character she didn’t like and took attention away from her because of plummeting ratings. She left the show to try to take a more serious turn as an actor, once again to get attention and because she was on an ego-trip, then tried to get the show running again when it didn’t work for her but by that point it was too late. She’s also someone who just does not treat people well, she’s manipulative, she never engages people as her true self Baby-Doll is a role she is essentially playing, to both allow herself to violently lash out, but also to evade any responsibility for her own actions. It’s also ambiguous how much of the Baby-Doll persona is a genuine psychotic break (I don’t use the word psychotic lightly, I’m also not saying LOL look at her she’s so crazy, but there are genuine moments where Mary seems to mistake what happened on her TV show for reality which indicates that she’s not just trying to reclaim her former glory, that she is full on having delusions) there are also moments where “Baby-Doll” is a deliberate act she’s putting on, and Mary seems aware of what she is doing. 
Mary Dahl is at the same time, delusional enough to believe she can kidnap everyone on her former show, and force them to just pretend to be the characters they were on her show, and playing dollhouse with this pretend family will somehow fix her problems. She is also, lucid enough to carefully plot and execute the kidnapping of several people, control a minion in her agent, and then evade capture from Batman several times. She is both a victim (she’s genuinely mentally unwell) and a villain (but not unwell enough she’s not aware her actions are wrong, she’s deliberately hurting people she just thinks her tragedy makes her entitled to that revenge). Mary Dahl thinks the world has wronged her and left her behind, that her show being cancelled was some great injustice done to her, and something she deserves the chance to rectify, even though as I just explained in detail that Mary was equally as responsible for the cancellation of her show. She is a person not willing to take any responsibility for her actions or see fault in herself. 
You could even argue because of these quality Mary is way less sympathetic than Shigaraki, Shigaraki at least seems to have genuine critques about his society, and feels that he and the people around him have been rejected in an unjust fashion. Mary Dahl is upset her TV Show got cancelled and decided to make it everyone else’s problem. Mary Dahl’s problems are a lot more selfish, and smaller in comparison to Shigaraki’s, and yet the story itself does not downplay Mary’s distress because it is genuine to her. 
In one extent, Mary is a danger to others, but she’s also a danger to heserlf. Like I said, it’s ambiguous how much but she’s clearly a mentally unwell woman. When someone is experiencing delusions on that level it’s a brain chemistry problem, and it’s also not something where it’s fair to go “Well, she has no reason to be mentally ill, it’s not like she was beaten, she’s just having an emotional breakdown because she’s not famous anymore.” I mean, what does it matter the reason whether she’s having a breakdown is a good enough reason or not, she’s clearly in extreme distress. 
Number two, I think society as a whole tends to downplay the suffering of celebrities or child stars and make them seem like they are just entitled or spoiled for acting out, because they’re rich and famous and living a life most people would die for so who cares. But, HollyWood, the spotlight, and public scrutiny has a really bad psychological effect on people. Most people would not do well under such harsh public scrutiny all the time, and also when you make your entire personality around being a star and having the spotlight, also because in Baby Doll’s case there’s really no other career avaiable for her because of her condition then losing that is a pretty huge loss. Like, child stars who cannot either adapt to adulthood, cannot get work as adult actors, or just cannot even function as adults is a pretty common societal problem. 
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On top of kidnapping people, holding them hostage, she’s also someone who clearly needs help, like Baby-Doll is not just doing these things because she’s a selfish, entitled brat throwing a tantrum because she’s not famous anymore, she’s experiencing clear mental breaks from reality where she confuses her tv show for reality, she’s mentally sick and in need of treatment. 
Baby-Doll is presented to us as a manipulative child star desperate for the spot light, endangering her cast because she herself cannot let go of the past for most of the episode, people around Bruce are pretty unsymapthetic to her, her attempts to get a more serious career is played off as a joke, the cast members do not like Baby-Doll and found her to be extremely high maintennance and difficult to work with even when she was on the show, Baby-Doll’s clearly not after the cast because of nostlagia, friendship or happy memories she has with her former cast members, but rather because she wants to pretend to be the the sitcom character who was surrounded by family who loved her. People constantly remark how crazy she is for thinking a tv show is reality. Even Robin says that he absolutely despised the “Baby-Doll” show, and it’s dismissed as kind of a cheesy sitcom with no real merit. 
However, the last five minutes turn all of that on its head. Bruce Wayne, my darling, is presented to us as a man of few words. We don’t actually see Bruce’s reaction to what Baby-Doll is doing for most of the episode, we see Dick’s who clearly thinks she’s just crazy, Bruce the whole time is focused on just resolving the incident first, finding the kidnapped people, rescuing them from Baby-Doll’s grip. So Bruce’s absolute first priority is just to stop the villain from doing the bad thing, he stops the bad behavior and makes Baby-Doll unable to hurt others. 
Bruce, the living embodiment of the term “Gap Moe”, because he is so closed off and not reacting to Baby Doll in any way, does not seem to be going out of his way to sympathize with her. That however, changes once the the threat Baby-Doll represents to others is neutralized. Baby-Doll then flees from Bruce with a Tommy Gun out into the middle of the night. The tables have turned and Baby-Doll has gone from a cackling villain, pretending often to be a scared little girl in order to manipulate people, to a genuinely scared and desperate person. Even the image Baby-Doll evokes fleeing from Bruce, is a sympathetic one, Baby-Doll despite being an adult woman still looks like a child, and acts several times like a woman-Child and she is fleeing from an adult man who picked his costume to terrify crimminals into submission. 
Baby-Doll flees into a carnival ground filled with children, she has a Tommy-Gun on her, she’s still pretty much a direct threat to others, but the way Bruce approaches her does a complete 180. Bruce is calling out after her to stop fleeing, when she disappears into a tunnel, he’s telling her to stop not because he wants to arrest her, but because she’s going to hurt herself at this point. Baby-Doll is no longer a danger to others, she’s a danger to herself because she’s scared desperate, and fleeing, and instead of pursuing her to put her down Bruce is trying to stop her from getting hurt as she flees. This is also behavior he has shown to repeat, in Harley’s Holiday he pursues Harley the whole episode not to stop her because she’s on a crime spree, but because she’s freaking out and he doesn’t want her to be sent to Arkham and lose all the progress she made in her recovery. 
Bruce pursues her into a mirror maze and this is where we get the most famous scene in the episode, Baby-Doll is still dead set on killing Bruce (this is also where Bruce shines, Baby-Doll is actively firing a gun at him and he is still calling out at her to stop because she might get hurt). 
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Baby Doll fires at the mirrors over and over again, until one of the funhouse mirrors shows her what she might look like as an adult, at which point not only does Baby-Doll come to a complete stop, but she talks not in her Baby Doll voice, but as Mary-Dahl. 
Mary Dahl: Look. That’s me in there. The real me.  Mary Dahl: There I am... BUt it’s not really real, is it?  Mary Dahl: Just made up and pretend like my family, and my life and everything else.  Mary Dahl: Why couldn’t you just let me Make believe? 
She then grows angry at realizing that she is trapped on the other side of the mirror and will never exist in that adult body, she starts firing at every mirror around her trying to get batman who stalks her once again as an unspeaking shadow, until she gets impatient enough to destroy even the idealized image of herself represented in the funhouse mirror. At which point the gun itself runs out of ammo, and Mary breaks downc rying. At that point Batman could say that Mary is just throwing a tantrum, that being a washed up child star doesn’t entitle her to hurt others, he could say  that her tears aren’t even real because Mary Dahl has pretended to be a child in order to manipulate other people and merit sympathy literally this whole episode. Bruce does not do any of that. Bruce’s only action after following her this whole time, is to remove the gun from her hands so  she’s no longer capable of hurting someone, and then when she  hugs him, to return her hug and comfort her. 
Mary Dahl: I didn’t mean to... 
Because, utlimately she’s a human being who needs help. It’s not Bruce’s job to pick and choose who deserves that help, it’s his job to help people who need it. 
So yes, Bruce would have noticed right away that Shigarki wasn’t just a violent child, but a child who is clearly suffering from distress and lashing out. He wouldn’t just dismiss Shigaraki as an entitled man-child because as I’ve just demosntrated, Bruce had a situation where he frankly could have just dismissed Baby-Doll as a selfish an entitled vain womanchild and yet he didn’t do that. He saw a crying person in front of him, and he helped them, and he was even trying to help her before she started crying and asking for comfort like a more standard victim TM. Letting a child who shows clear signs of abuse like Shigaraki has go unhelped is not only out of character for Bruce, it basically is against everything he stands for as a hero. 
And if you still don’t believe me on that, here’s a quote from the director of the final installment of the popular Arkham Series, “Arkham Knight”, a game that features a character Jason Todd who was similiarly groomed over a long period of time by batman’s arch enemy into an enemy for batman to fight. 
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