ox-priincess · 2 years
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// Welp. I’m deciding to put this blog on indefinite hiatus. I’m not really doing much with it anyways, and while I loved RPing.... it’s just another hobby I’m pretty much neglecting in the end.
It’s been real! The memories are golden. Especially ye olden days of 2016, that era was the very best. To this very day I greatly miss the crack threads at 2 am, the lovely interactions with ChiChi and her children, the GoChi threads..... I’ll treasure those always. And I’ll keep this and my previous blog as archives to look back on.
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Ja ne.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Ever thought of an AU where Chi Chi became queen with or without Goku becoming king in the process? Just a random idea.
Haven't thought about it, no. I feel like I'm way too unfamiliar with how that would work to attempt it, too.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
// Hey, frens...... Not that I’ve been very active anyways, but if you’re expecting a response from me, please give me at least a few days. I just received some very distressing news, and I’m going to be grieving for a while.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
munday asks!!!
at what age did you start RPing?
do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr?
on what platform did you start RPing?
what made you choose this muse?
is there any other muse in this fandom you RP?
is there any other muse in this fandom you’d like to RP?
is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life? 
did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
would you be interested into playing a crossover? if yes, do you have any limits?
would you be interested into playing with doubles? 
what do you think about AUs?
what do you think about OCs?
what do you think about roleplaying with personals?
what do you think about roleplaying with anons?
what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
what was your first muse?
did you ever play a muse for more than a year?
do you have ship bias?
what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
what do you think of your muse’s canon ship, if they have one?
would you play a OC x canon ship?
would you play a crossover ship?
do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?
are you multiship?
are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?
is your muse canon divergent in any way?
what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
do you regularly play crack?
do you regularly do dash commentaries?
what are your thoughts on dash commentary?
what are your thoughts on reblog karma?
if you aren’t a native english speaker, do you play in your first language too?
do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
do you feel different to your muse in any way?
what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
[ OBLIGATORY FREE SPACE!!! Ask anything you’d like! ]
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Reblog if your ask box is always open for anything
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Send ☁️ for a childhood memory! | open She always loved riding on Papa's shoulder. Papa was a very large and tall man, and up here she could see things from up high! He didn't get tired of carrying her, either, because he was strong! ChiChi couldn't imagine anyone stronger than Papa! (It probably also helped that she was so tiny in comparison to him... but still!) She loved being able see over the tops of things and discover even familiar things from a different point of view.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
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“As if I would know about that…!! What about the AST!? What about other people!? If they reject you! Then more than all of them combined! I will accept you!”
Indie Itsuka Shido from Date A Live. Semi-selective. Multiship.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Speaking of Date A Live, I have a Shido blog: @itsuka-shiido
Cross-fandom RP welcome! Multiship as well.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
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I’m listening to Payphone (clean version)
I typically defer this song to being about my OTP from Date A Live cuz spoilery reasons (Tohka x Shido 4eva!), but listening to it tonight I almost feel like it could fit some of Chi’s thoughts and feelings during the 7 years Goku was dead
I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby, it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two
If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this And all those fairytales are full of it One more stupid love song I'll be sick
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Truthfully, I miss what I consider to be the golden days of the DB RPC on tumblr
2016. I spent literally all my free time RPing, it was so fun. I even made a couple lasting friendships. There was always something going on, and it wasn’t hard to find other DB RPers. We had the best crack threads, the best dash commentaries, lots of participation. It was a grand time and I miss it dearly.
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Send ☁️ for a childhood memory!
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ox-priincess · 2 years
hiya friends,      let’s talk about rp burnout,      because it’s a real thing and at some point i think we all experience it.   ⸺  rp burnout. aka you’re tired of this place, this culture, some of the people, the way things are treated, the drama, everything really, but ( like so many of us ) you don’t necessarily want to give up and give in and stop writing because you love it. so what do you do? well lo and behold, friends, i am not an expert. but i do have some advice that i’ve found to work,
step away. it doesn’t necessarily have to be a formal “hiatus” but if you’re not here, and you’re not writing or you don’t find yourself wanting to be here, don’t be here. you don’t owe anyone replies. you don’t owe anyone anything. you owe yourself everything.
go hang out outside for a little while listen to music or a podcast and go for a walk / run.
do some of those chores around the house that you’ve been neglecting, cease the endless dash scrolling and the obsessive ‘i need to keep up with every trend and bit of news’
step back. step away. take a breather. 
reconnect with what you love about your muse or rp in general. you like making blogs? make a blog, you don’t have to promo it or write on it or anything, if you just like the process of setting something up, have a space for you to do that.
be selective with your replies and your threads. is there something you like writing right now? write it. fuck the whole system. write what you want with who you want.
stop stressing about appearances and the whole ‘is what i’m doing going to irritate someone’ because you know what? it shouldn’t matter and it doesn’t matter if susie from susieland doesn’t like that you’re writing this or posting too much on the dash. it has literally zero impact on susie’s life. susie can unfollow.
this. is. a. website. it has zero power over you. it doesn’t have to have power over you. do not give it the power over you.
it’s super easy to be addicted to tumblr, believe me, i know, cuz i am. but once you take some time to ground yourself in things that you actually enjoy, and that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you, you can get back to a place where you can actually enjoy being here. 
do the things that you enjoy ! because you enjoy them ! because that’s what you’re here for ! that’s what you deserve ! 
this is a hobby. remember that this is supposed to be a hobby. 
⸺ and if you have things that you’ve found to work that you want to add, please add ! 
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ox-priincess · 2 years
Send a number to find my muse doing something...
Accidentally sexy!
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ox-priincess · 2 years
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Is DB RPC dying, or am I not following the right people?
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ox-priincess · 2 years
practices the rpc needs to Collectively Get Back Into:
commenting on peoples’ posts, threads, art, graphics, etc. just telling them that you see it and that it looks good / is entertaining / etc.  –  because content creators can’t read your mind and  as nice as it’d be for us to always serve ourselves with our work  …  realistically we will lose motivation to continue creating without some kind of support.  if you like something then say so !!
sending each other’s muses messages about muses they’re talking to or characters from their canon and just generally getting actively involved in the narratives other people create  &  encouraging those people to discuss them
asking people random questions about their characters without fear that it’s too outlandish, provided the question isn’t invasive or rude
sending honest, heartfelt notes of positivity and making loveposts about other creators and the work they do.  not chainmail, not lazy generic shit, but real kindness, in our Own Words
drawing people fanart of their characters / ships / OCs !!  please !!  really !!  i don’t know when that  EVER  became something people grew too nervous to do !!  most people  ADORE  it.  even if it’s just fucking stick figures, man, i  PROMISE  you that taking the time and putting in the effort to show someone that the work they do inspired the work you do will make their whole fucking day
telling !!  each other !!  that !!  we’re !!  doing !!  good !!  jobs !!
being  NICE  to each other  OPENLY  and  FOR NO REASON  with  NO PROMPTING
making sure other people feel included in discord servers, roleplay groups, groupchats, multi-way threads, art trades, events, and just.  like.   overall
acknowledging !!  each other’s !!  art !!  metas !!  threads !!  worldbuilding !!  and !!  style !!  PLEASE !!  PEOPLE !!  DONT !!  KNOW !!  YOU !!  LIKE !!  THEM  !!  IF !!  YOU !!  SAY !!  NOTHING !!
and  NOBODY  with  ANY  goddamn sense is  EVER  going to react negatively to you Just Being Fucking Nice so stop worrying about doing that !!   PLEASE !!!!!
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ox-priincess · 2 years
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I’m on vacation right now, and I have a fabulous amount of free time on my hands
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ox-priincess · 2 years
“Ok, jes tea then.” She went to prepare it straight away, working as they talked.
“Oh, I’m jes.... jes hangin’ in there like I always do....” She trailed off, biting her lip as she placed the water on the stove to set it to boil. It had been quite stressful lately, and Goku and the Gohan of this timeline were probably still in that strange time room he had mentioned. Right after Goku had just recovered from that deadly virus. It worried her, but when the man really set his mind on something she couldn’t stop him. “Yer ma ain’t no weakling.”
“It... sounds like you’ve had a time of it yerself.” Was she even alive in his timeline? She brushed the thought aside. Not important right now.
“You’ve been takin’ care of yerself, I hope?” He definitely looked worse for wear, and she tried not to think too hard about what kind of trauma must have been involved. It was hard. Gohan was his father’s son, in the sense that she couldn’t easily expect him to stay out of life or death battles. Gohan cared too much, and it pained her. She almost wished he was a bit more selfish, then at least, he’d be safer. But she left those words unsaid, instead swallowing the lump in her throat.
In a moment, startled by a crash of ceramic. “Oh no, that was the good china....” At least it was only one teacup. Still.... were her hands that shaky?
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