nyc3 · 12 hours
It's a shame Nine was mostly ignored by the fandom, but it's understandable considering HR was released during the time MVA was at it's peak of hype and everyone treated it like the 2nd coming of Christ.
Also if you're a movie character isn't like people is going to remember you very much, expect for Rody Soul, while the others like Melissa or the Shimano kids have a little niche of fans but that's it.
But it's funny how years later there was a resurgence in the talks of how the main villain should have been and Nine got a lot more of appreciation recently, cause compared to Shigaraki and AFO his characterization feels way more solid despite he having much less content.
Also people generally accepts Nine showed to be a better fighter and more skilled user of the properties of AFO (the quirk). To add to the irony.
You know? It's kinda of funny how LOV fans treat the whole "I want to be a hero for villains" of Shigaraki as something groundbreaking, when the same concept was already introduced in the series (and was done better) with Nine.
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Unlike Shigaraki, Nine literally meet his team members when he saved their lives. In Chimera's case it was when a bunch of racists were about to execute him just for being a mutant.
Nine also was a hero for them in a more thematic level, as he not only save their lives but actually give his team mates a reason for live and fight. He offered them the chance to fight for create a better world. For me it's quite remarkable how Nine despite being a homeless and chronically ill person, go for save people he view as equally oppressed by the world.
He was selfless enough to sacrifice his own health using his quirk to save Chimera despite it was destroying his body, and without expecting nothing in exchange for share a dream Nine a hand to people at their lowest point.
That's much more of an "All Might for the villains" or whatever Horikoshi tried to make Shigaraki in the final moments. Or hell Nine even acts better as a foil to Deku in the sense both are selfless individuals who fight despite their bodies are crumbling, just for the save of the persons who are important to them.
How ironic is that Nine, the original movie villain that was supposed to be just a prototype for the "final villain" of MHA, ended executing the same themes way better than Shigaraki.
Hi @nyc3 👋
A main reason as to why people treat shigaraki's I want to be a hero for the villains ideology better than nine's is simply because I assume a lot of people forgot the plot of the 2nd movie or haven't read the one shot manga chapter mha leauge of villains undercover. All of this is a shame because I heavily agree that nine's version of I want to be a hero and hope for the villains is executed and built up 10000x times better than shigarakis and nine had a fraction of the screentime that shigaraki got which is saying a lot.
Actually rewatching the film and rereading the manga one-shot has showed me that nine and shigarakis arcs are pretty similar with nine's having a better execution and shigaraki having more wasted potential.
The movie sets it clear that nine and shigaraki are supposed to be foils for one another so it makes sense that they would share parallels. However, you would expect that by the time nine is defeated that shigaraki would naraatively prove to us that he is ultimately the better character but in truth he doesn't and nine's downfall by shigaraki ends up being quite disappointing to me.
Another problem within the narrative is also the lack of interactions that nine and shigaraki have. I think that nine is essential to helping shigaraki and start to infulence him to realise that he is just a puppet and should develop a goal outside of just destruction. If shigarakis goal stays as destruction then the destruction of what? Everything? And how would that benefit anyone including him?
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Nine like you said meets his teammates and saves them. He sees his teammates suffer like him and chooses to help them and they choose to help him. There is a clear relationship being developed and all the characters come together for the same goal, with similar backgrounds and varying styles yet they work.
When nines team see him in distress they run to help him and vice versa. The team has trust and overall everything that a lot of the leauges dynamics and development lacks.
Nine seeks destruction but his path is clear. He seeks to liberate and let nature flow its course with the strong overtaking the weak and finally being leaders instead of feared and abused because they don't fit into the small little box that is the mha's status quo. Nine plans to get stronger while being fully conscious and knowing the consequences. He makes a logical and heroic decision where we see him realise that he is trading his own autonomy and agency in becoming a lab rat all in exchange for power and a slim chance at achieving his goal.
This is all contrasted with shigaraki and his actions. We don't see his goal of destruction develop into a much more consistent and precise idea like destroying the giver and status quo. We don't see shigaraki fully conscious to come to the conclusion that yes the doctor is evil but he needs power. We lack everything from shigaraki and the information of chapter 419 just makes his character worse as shigaraki was a lab rat through and through.
Horikoshi tries to make shigaraki the better character but nine outclassed him in every way possible from the traumatic beginnings, to the developed flawed goal and to the final bitter end where we see nine crumble due to various factors 1)shigarakis decay and 2) his illness whereas shigaraki dies due to afo still being a lab rat that fulfills his purpose.
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All of this reminds me of the ask that said mha's manga ending is a sloppy edited 2nd movie ending (except I was only looking at it from a hero perspective but it even applies to the villains)
Nine deserved better!
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nyc3 · 14 days
AFO art study
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This was manly to help myself get used to drawing his adult design, but I’m probably going to need to practice more to get more used to it.
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nyc3 · 2 months
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(Where Dabi takes Geten out of his Meta Liberation Army bubble so he can observe some normal people)
Geten: Is the Meta Liberation Army handbook short on stock?
Clerk: Sorry, that's all we have... *sigh*
Geten: Get a larger stock and they will sell!
Clerk: Thank you for your suggestion.
Geten: There's still time to be patient until that glorious day comes.
It can't be helped; I must refrain from using my meta ability in public. (To Dabi) What did you buy?
Dabi: It's a secret.
Geten: Stop following me!
Dabi: It's a babysitting job. Give me the pocket money the bald CEO gave you.
Geten: Don't call him bald!
Dabi: Let's get something to eat.
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Geten: We'll go to the restaurant run by PLA soldiers and frequented by government officials that offers free all-you-can-eat meals to senior officials.
Dabi: That's so shitty.
(Dabi takes Geten to a popular fast-food burger joint instead)
Geten: -Looks messy
(Sign says 'Wo's Burgers')
Dabi: How can we talk about the future of society without knowing what's popular with our current society?
Worker: Welcome to Wo's. Can I take your order!
Random Girl: Hello, mom? The closing ceremony is over. Big brother is here too.
Random Older Boy: Which one is good?
Random Voice on Phone: Yes, I went to pick you up. I'll be back after lunch.
Random Younger Boy: No way.
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Boy: The red one!
Older Brother: Seriously?!?!?! It's spicy!
Boy: Yeah! Ta-bo is an adult at school.
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Dabi: Hey.
Geten: Ah... Ah, leave it to me.
Dabi: If you don't like it, burn it.
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Geten: Don't just kill future soldiers without permission.
Don't hold me back with haphazard slaughter. If you get in his way, I'll put an end to your life right here.
(Geten gets more worked up)
Geten: When the time comes, as much as you want to, just kill them if they need killing. Right now, you're definitely the one holding me back.
(Where Geten reveals how he can't connect with regular people from being sheltered and isolated by MLA ideology.....hints at affection for Dabi maybe)
Geten: It's possible to become attached to a single ant,
When they gather together, they're no different from the buildings that grow everywhere.
It's an unrealistic view, like watching them from the other side of a television or a window.
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Geten: ReDestro is passionate about society, which includes the general public.
Even if I think so, maybe I-I need to have a real, tangible experience of it.
Even if a large number of people were killed in front of you, you probably wouldn't feel any particular sympathy.
I think it puts a river between us.
The reason I stopped earlier was simply because that's what Re-Destro still wants.
Blue Flame, who are you?
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Dabi: You're so talkative. Are you an adolescent?
Everyone has a river around them, right?
So, let's build a bridge for the same cause or dream... No matter how many weird arguments you make, no matter how disgusting the logic.
You're just gonna fly off like a brain dead idiot anyway, so don't ask me.
Geten: It's impossible..
Dabi: If you cross, I'll give you a kiss.
Geten: What are you talking about?
Dabi: The story of the ice man who drowned miserably in the Sanzu River.
Geten: Every single time since a while ago.....!
Dabi: It's fine, kids should just act like kids and have a happy meal.
Geten: Stop treating me like a child!
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Geten: I don't approve, I don't approve....
*cough* *munch, munch, munch* *cough* *munch*
(Manages with mouth full) This simple food is the diet of the masses.
*breaks into a paroxysm of choking and coughing from food getting caught in his throat. It was so good he ate it too fast)
Dabi: (amused spewing vinegar) I don't understand hamster language. You are eating your hair. Wow, you look sloppy. Sheez....
*slaps him*
Did it hit you strange?
Geten: !?
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Geten at a high point observing Dabi speaking to another person.
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Geten: (creeping on Dabi in a dark alley) If we understood each other, there would have been a way for us to live together.
Are you pretending to be a self-sacrificing hero?
"You said things like 'light and shadow', 'we live in different worlds', 'fly freely', even though you were the one who made it impossible for me to fly.
That is.....
Is this your kind of love, Blue Flame?
Dabi: He talks so much. He won't stop talking. What a brat.
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Geten: Should I get Trumpet to look into finding a good plastic surgeon?
If you can live without using fire, you don't need me. But you do need me, right?
The two of us could retreat to the countryside.
I wish I could live modestly and peacefully.
Dabi: Get wet
Geten: Dry it yourself.
Dabi: Impossible.
Geten: (thinking) Our relationship continues to develop. What a sad man.
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Geten: (whispers an unintelligible endearment)
Dabi: Don't call me that, I'll kill you.
Geten: Is this name reserved for Hawks? Sorry about that.
Dabi: What, you don't even know your name? (Meaning the endearment is for Geten).
You're living a truly wonderful life, poor thing.
Geten: ? (Too dense to get it)
Huh? You're kidding!! How the hell do you know that!!!
Dabi: Pfff.....Let's go.
Geten: (confused, maybe because he doesn't actually know his real name, and Dabi claimed the endearment was his actual name).
Hey! There's more like this!
(Dabi pretends not to listen while Geten rants)
Re-Destro's.......apparently it was discovered in the notes he left behind! And then...! Anyway, there are even more touching scenes!
This is the worst! I don't believe it! Hey!
Dabi: *sighs*
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Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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nyc3 · 2 months
Geten as the 5th sibling feels correct.
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nyc3 · 3 months
I thinking about the shenanigans of Shindo and Cider 'fighting' over who claims Deku's love after the war (non serious promise, these two are just idiots in love for the same brocoli).
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I bet their unofficial triple dates will go like this:
Shindo: Hey Zuku! I brought your favorite for the dinner (he ordered katsudon)
Deku: Yo that's so nice! (his eyes bright and his cheeks had a soft pink tone)
Cider: Izu! I rented the entire AM golden era movie compilation, we can have our movie night (he used Endeavor's credit car taken from Shoto to rent the movies).
Deku: Really?! Guys... you don't have to all this for me... (his blush intensifies)
Shindo and Cider feel their faces hot after that both exclaim "NO!!!" at the same time, promising Izuku they're happy to spend some good time with him. They proceed to eat the dinner, while Deku is totally ignorant of the small tension between his two 'friends'.
Later they're sitting on the couch with a movie playing on the tv, but aside of Izuku the others aren't really paying attention to the movies.
Shindo got an idea an he extend his arm over Izuku shoulder, getting him closer to his chest.
Yo: Great night don't you think? (ask to Izuku while giving Cider a smirk)
Deku: Oh... yes (a bit nervious because of being to close to Shindo's muscular chest)
Cider stars feeling angry but he looks at Shindo as if was saying "b*tch please" and then suddenly he drops his head on Deku's lap for the surprise of the others.
Cider: Izu can you pat my hair please? (he put big innocent puppy eyes)
Deku: Of course! (His smile is equally bright)
Izuku loves how fluffy and soft Cider hair is, as he press and tangles his fingers on the light blue locks for the pleasure of Cider.
Shindo was about to get annoyed, but he feels how Izuku started cuddle against his chest, as he wanted to stay as close as possible to the two boys he's secretly in love with.
Izuku is just so happy to have both of them for him that even he forgets about the movies to enjoy the warm and softness of Shindo and Cider.
The tension between them also goes away pretty quick, as in the end they just want their beloved Izuku to be happy.
P.S: Cider also shaved a side of his head for match hairstyles with Izuku. Yes these boys are that silly for their brocoli.
HELP THIS IS SO FUNNYKJSDJKSDKJ I think this might be the second throuple I get since Kirishhima, Kaminari and Sero, so shoutout to you!!!
I love the idea of them "fighting" for Izuku's attention, they are so committed to surpassing the other that they don't even realize Izuku has been setting up dates with both of them in the hopes they will get along better and it just turns that they are months into this dynamic and don't know they are all kind of dating kjdfjkfd
It's so funny imagining all 3 of them with the fuckass lesbian haircut just to match Izuku and make him feel a little better <33
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nyc3 · 3 months
From my rare pair hell: the leader of Cider House (name unknown) x Deku.
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So random, but I was imagining Deku being the first to respond to the report of the Cider House gang attacking the a nearest area so he goes there while they're robbing a restaurant.
His eyes are quickly directed to the attractive guy who seems to be the leader and wears a blue tank top, which makes Deku blush without even realize. He hear the leader claim of stealing the money and get some food; for some reason he looks pretty familiar to Deku.
The leader is quickly captured by a black whip and he faces a really creepy looking dark hero, and his gang members run away out of fear.
The dark hero seem to be preparing his fist to attack and the leader scared thinks his end is coming but... the dark hero just is holding a box of bento on his hand and he can feel a nice smile under the mask.
Deku: you know... you don't have to steal food I you want a meal.
Leader: Uh... okay... (for some reason he got a small blush because of the dark hero offering).
*the scene cut to them on a roof just eating the lunch together and being pretty close even if they don't realize**
Deku is keeping his objective of try understand why villains ended up like that and save them in or way or another, and he hears Cider story with interest, even commenting on how awesome Cider water quirk is.
At some point Deku holds the leader hand and promise to give him a chance to change for better, they both have an intense blush but the leader accepts the offer with a smile.
P.S: Imagine Bakugou reaction if he knew Izuku is getting along with the same villain he captured months ago, he's going to lose it for real lol.
Here you really are being a visionary, I gotta be real, I don't even remember seeing this guyjkjfdkj BUT from aesthetics only I like the match, the darker green - mint green looks good together
But also the guy is really pretty and attractive so no wonder Izuku would be eyeing him... And something about Deku being compassionate to villains that commit small crimes because he has the mind to understand that not everyone is doing this because they're some evil edgelord but because the world is unfair. I do think this could turn into a good relationship
And now i'm mad at you because this sounds really good in my head right now and i can't get content from it JSDKJKJDF is this the life rarepairs shippers choose....
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nyc3 · 3 months
I think I'm in love with Giulio Gandini already
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nyc3 · 4 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NINE!! You insane quirk experiment(affectionate).
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nyc3 · 5 months
Cider House gang leader.
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How a minor villain with a few chapters of screen time have such an awesome design and power?
I really need more Cider content now 🌊🩵
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nyc3 · 5 months
Nine and his crew cameo in TUM chapter 9.2.
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Wish the whole chapter was just about them, so we could see more of their life together. Unlike the movie here we can see them in casual clothes.
Also this chapter shows again how much Chimera, Slice and Mummy care about Nine.
I really miss them.
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nyc3 · 5 months
I just want them to get back together in some way or another
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nyc3 · 10 months
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look at this adorable fan art my heart can’t take it ughhh twins w/ twins so cute!! 🥹
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nyc3 · 10 months
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Demons carrying their human lovers
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nyc3 · 10 months
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nyc3 · 1 year
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His hair blowing by the wind...
Nine is too gorgeous.
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nyc3 · 1 year
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This man is going to be the death of me one of these days, I swear
So one of my autistic special interests is finding headcanon singing voices for my favorite characters. One night I was talking with my friend @thatvixenchick about a voice for Chisaki, and ended on Andy's voice! So, I absolutely had to draw Chisaki in the same pose as one of Andy's promo shots for The Shadow Side!!
References: Pose and outfit: Andy Biersack Phoenix tattoo: Baradim Tattoo Dragon tattoo: joe_scartletrose on instagram
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nyc3 · 1 year
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Sketches of Nine's armor. This design goes hard.
I wish we could see more of him in the movie with just the full armor without the suit over it (though is still looks cool af).
Also notice how in the sketch there's seems to be a sticky substance under the armor plates, that detail is absent in the movie.
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