#vigilante imgaines
tinalbion · 3 years
A  R E A L  H E R O   |  o n e
A/N: I needed to do this for myself because I HAD to write for my new favorite best boy, Vigilante/ Adrian Chase. He's been on my mind a LOT lately, so I'm using the prompts from this list here. 
➵ “Can I kiss you?”
➵ “You’ve got that look again.” “what look?” “that look when I kiss you. when you get all flustered on me.”
Pairing: Vigilante x f!Reader - 
Rating: Explicit
Length: 5.6k
p a r t  1   |  a  w a r m  w e l c o m e 
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It had only been a few weeks since you had first entered the Fennel Fields restaurant for a bit of breakfast, and since everything was still new to you, you had to try out all the local digs so you knew where you could frequent later on. Trying out different places to eat was important for you when you were in a new living situation, and so far several people in town had mentioned this place. 
'It's not exactly a five-star place,' they'd say, 'but the cook knows what he's doing and the staff isn't bad.' 
That was all you really needed, honestly, so you decided the day after you settled in, you'd wake up fairly early -for you anyway- and ordered a nice plate of French toast at Fennel Fields. 
You had to agree, the waitstaff was nice and the food was pretty decent for the likes of the restaurant, but there was one person on the staff who caught your attention; the busboy. 
He was incredibly cute, large glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he looked down at the tub in his hands while throwing the dirty plates inside. He walked past you and then stopped to do a double take. There were plenty of cute men and women around this place, sure, but you were new and you didn't have that dim aura about you from living here for so long. You looked hopeful, you were glowing, it was exciting to see someone new. 
You looked up from your phone as you felt someone staring at you, and there he was, the cute busboy, staring at you with his jaw dropped slightly. 
You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment and looked around for a moment. "Hi uh, do I have something on my face? Eggs in my teeth?"
The young man stuttered and cleared his throat; he was flustered and it was extremely obvious. "Oh uh, sorry, I was just uh, trying to figure out if I knew you from somewhere or if you were new around here." 
"Oh, well you have a good eye, just moved in yesterday. Inherited my grandparent's place a few blocks from here."
"Oh! You mean Mr. And Mrs. Y/L/N? They were nice folks, was a shame to hear about them."
You gave him a smile. "You knew my grandparents?" 
"Oh sure, they were super nice. Plus, ya know, it's a small town, you kinda get to know everyone if you're here long enough."
You laughed and nodded your head in agreement. "Yeah, that's how they were. Bunch of social butterflies. But I apologize, haven't introduced myself, I'm Y/N," you beamed as you held out your hand for him. 
The man seemed shocked for a moment and slowly reached out to take your hand in return. Your hands were soft but they had some wear to them, so you used your hands often, good to know. 
"I'm Adrian," he replied coyly. "A pleasure to meet you." He pulled his hand away quickly and continued to begin his walk about the floor. "I'll let you eat in peace, but it was uh, lovely to meet you." 
"Same here!" You called out, but he shuffled off before he could probably get yelled at for chatting, but you settled back into your seat and hummed with satisfaction. 
So far, your move here wasn't anything horrific, you were surrounded by pretty decent people here in Evergreen, so you decided to make the best of it as you brought your phone out again and began to make a to-do list for everything you needed to work on. After how long you sat there in the booth, you felt like you overstayed your welcome and tried to gather everything so you could let them clear out for the lunch rush, and you left a very generous tip for the trouble. 
When you looked around the dining area, you had hoped to catch one last glimpse of Adrian before you took off, but he was probably busy, so you slung your bag over your shoulder and headed for the door. You had suddenly heard your name being called, but only for a brief second until it was cut off, and you turned to see Adrian standing there at his station, contemplating whether or not to say anything to you. He seemed embarrassed as his eyes met yours, and you couldn’t help but laugh at it; he was a sweet guy, very charming in his own awkward way, but it was more endearing than anything. You gave him a friendly wave and an even friendlier smile.
“Bye, Adrian!” you called out to him and then left.
He watched as you walked away, his hand still in the air as he waved at no one. The shift manager on duty yelped for him to continue cleaning and he was pulled from his stupor, then began to get things ready for the lunch rush. 
You had gone through everything that belonged to your grandparents and had separated the things that they wanted to be donated, the things they wanted to be distributed out to the remaining family, and the things you got to keep. It had been a long week but you finally finished and you collapsed in the plush chair. Your eyes glanced around the room and made a mental note of all the things you’d still need to get done, but thankfully you had some vacation time reserved for an occasion like this, though you wished it was under better circumstances. 
It was still early for you even though the sun was setting, but you still needed to grab some more groceries for the place before you could retire for the night, so with a groan, you snatched your keys from the counter and headed out. As you drove into the parking lot and shuffled out from the car until you had been greeted by some greasy-looking guy with a friend, who was equally greasy, and they instantly gave you unfriendly vibes. 
“Hey babe,” the first one greeted nonchalantly, “you look lost, you from around here?”
You frowned and slipped your keys into your bag and left without a word, but you figured they wouldn’t let you get too far. 
“My friend was talkin’ to you, princess,” the second man snapped.
You turned your head slightly to keep an eye out. “Yeah I heard, I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling.”
The disinterest only pissed them off, you figured it would, but you could have given less of a fuck about it. All you wanted to do was get some food for the next couple of weeks and go back home, but you felt that they would continue to hassle you if you stuck around. What you didn’t expect was the first guy to lunge at you and yank your arm back, which pulled you back toward him. 
You yelped out in surprise and pulled away immediately. “Back the fuck up!” You said with a raised voice, which caught him off guard for a moment. “If I said no, then I said NO.”
The friend stalked up and went for your arm as well, but you had slid your hand in your pocket and pulled out a decently sized blade. “Aww come on, we just wanted to have a chat, see if you had any money or somethin’, damn,” he grumbled.
“Please leave me alone,” you said again, getting the point across as clearly as possible all while keeping your voice raised so you could draw attention to yourself if needed. 
The first man had been slowly walking around you to get behind you, and he almost would have had you if it weren’t for the knife in your hand, so before he got a good grip on your wrist again, you slashed at his arm. He snatched his arm away from you and you bolted toward the store, hoping that anyone could help you get away from these assholes. There weren’t many people around for a Friday evening, but you continued to run anyway and you hoped they would get annoyed and leave, but the sounds that began to come from behind you signaled that it was the furthest from the truth. 
You shouldn’t have looked just in case they were right on your heels, but you were too curious as to why you heard shouting and scuffling sounds, but it turned out that the guys had been getting their asses beat by someone in a superhero costume. He was easily dodging their fists and had given the first guy a speedy kick of his own, the blow landed in his gut and he doubled over as he yelled out in pain. The other mugger was already trying his best to wrap his arm around the hero’s neck to get him into a chokehold, but if you blinked you would have missed it; the hero had reached behind his back and whipped out two large knives and slashed at the second mugger, which took him down easily as he screamed out in pain. 
You weren’t shy when it came to blood and gore but the fact that this was happening just a few feet away caused your entire body to shake, probably was the adrenaline. You stopped and watched as he bloodied them up until they stopped moving, even their twitching had stopped after a bit, and all you could do was stand there completely stunned.
The hero had spotted you and sheathed his weapons as he held up his hands in surrender, showing you he meant no harm. “Hey! Hi uh, the name’s Vigilante, you okay miss?”
You nodded wordlessly and stared at the red visor that covered his face, curious as to who could be under there. “Yeah, thank you.”
“It was no problem! Guys like that need to really leave people the hell alone, ya know? Just go about their business, but always gotta be those people who fuck it up, huh? You sure you’re okay?”
“Are they…dead?” You nodded your head toward them and then looked back at him, your face still giving away the fear you felt. 
Vigilante turned to look at the pile of blood that grew with each passing moment and chuckled nervously. “Uh yeah, just a bit, sorry you had to see that, never a pretty sight.” 
You smiled up at him, still thankful that he was there to help. “Thank you again, Vigilante, yeah? You’re a lifesaver.” 
He grinned behind his mask and felt his cheeks grow hot. “Hey, anytime for a pretty citizen such as yourself, heh.” He rubbed the back of his neck through the suit and bit back the groan he would have let out, damn he was an idiot.
Truth be told, he watched you ever since you got into town, he kept tabs on you to make sure no one would have messed with you. You had given him a lasting impression ever since your run-in with him at the restaurant, it was the least he could have done to make sure you stayed as long as you could here in Evergreen. With his friend and idol serving 30 years in prison and his brother so distant, he didn't have much going on in order to keep himself distracted. Things in his life weren't great, but you'd never guess with the way he acted so nonchalantly about everything. But that was another secret he had, he was lonely and craved companionship even though he felt it wasn't a necessity. 
You wanted to continue with your night and forget about everything you'd witnessed, you wanted to grab your groceries and eat an unhealthy amount of snack foods, but you weren't sure how to process all this. So you stood in the parking lot with your knife in your hand, your eyes blank as you stared off at the unmoving bodies. The cops would be there soon, maybe you should leave… 
A gentle hand was placed on yours as Vigilante took the knife and folded it back and slipped it in your jacket pocket. "Don't need the cops to see that," he said as he nodded his head in satisfaction. "But seriously, you gonna be okay? Want me to walk with you, make sure you can get your shit without anyone messing with you?"
You blinked and shook your head, wanting to accept the offer but you politely declined, although your expression betrayed you. "I couldn't ask you to do that, Vigilante, you've already saved me, I don't think-"
"Oh, nonsense! Come on, I'll protect you, promise." He placed his hand on the small of your back as he guided you along, and you didn't protest, instead, you moved along with him and laughed at the predicament you had found yourself in.
Vigilante did as he promised to do and helped you grocery shop, walked you to your car, and helped you put all your bags in the trunk. What a gentleman. 
You both shared in some interesting conversation and learned a little about your savior, and he learned about you too. 
"So uh, you gotta get home, and I gotta get out of here, but you sure you're gonna be okay?" 
"Um yeah, I think I'll be fine? Probably gonna pop open this bottle and see if I can numb my brain a little," you joked, which is what you did in events like these. 
Vigilante laughed with you and nodded along, not wanting to leave you just yet. "Did you want me to make sure you got home safely?" Why the hell did he offer that? That was a creep move, damn.
"Actually, I wouldn't mind if you came over, I am kinda new here and I wouldn't mind the company if you're not busy beating up more lowlives around here…" Why the hell would you invite a stranger into your home, you've been here a week! Christ.
He hadn't expected that yet there he was helping you into the car and he closed the door for you. "I'll follow behind you then, got my own car back there somewhere, that way no one can trace me to it. Secret identity and all." 
You laughed and nodded as you turned the engine over. "Then I suppose I'll meet you at my place, huh?"
"You bet."
The entire drive you became incredibly flustered. Why would you just blurt something out like that?! This man killed two people in front of your very eyes and now you were inviting him over for a drink? You were ridiculous, honestly, you even surprised yourself sometimes. But you couldn't lie to yourself, something about watching him beat the living shit out of those assholes made you feel something you never felt before, the adrenaline rush still coursed through you, and you tried so desperately to ignore the growing dampness between your legs. 
You pulled up, parked, grabbed all the bags from your trunk, and hoisted them up to the door only to have Vigilante scare you and grab a handful of them from your grip. You welcomed him inside and had him place everything in the kitchen as he began his own little tour of the place. 
Many of the old photos of your grandparents were still sitting on the shelves, and he couldn't help but now notice the little girl in some of them. That must have been you, he could see it now, funny that you had probably visited so much and never got to see you till now. 
"Hey, want something to drink?"
He craved his head to look toward the kitchen and shouted back to you. "I could go for a glass of whatever you were going to indulge in earlier!" 
He continued his self guided tour until you stepped into the room holding two glasses of brown-colored liquor. You watched him as he spun around in surprise and held up his hands. 
"I promise I didn't touch anything!"
You scoffed as you brought the drink to your lips and held his out toward him. "Not like it bothers me, you saved my life and I don't expect you to rob me, I still have my knife."
"Ooh, don't threaten me with a good time," Vigilante joked as he grabbed the glass from your hand. 
Your face felt hot again as you cleared your throat. "So uh, what kind of stuff do you like to do for fun when you're not, you know, beating the shit out of people."
Vigilante turned around and pulled the bottom half of his mask up and took a sip of his drink, then he placed it back down and turned back to face you, and you couldn't help but let out a hysterical laugh. He looked at you and tilted his head. 
"You think I'm gonna tell on you for your identity? Don't worry, Vij, your secret is safe with me. Besides, I'm new here, I know literally no one." You casually sipped your drink and walked around toward the sofa and plopped down onto it. "Come on, sit down, make yourself comfortable."
"Why are you being so...welcoming to me?" Vigilante asked. "Not that I'm ungrateful about it, I'm just- people don't usually welcome me in their place for a drink after murdering two guys in front of them. Just weird is all."
You scoffed and waved your hand dismissively. "Trust me, I don't normally do this sort of thing, I just… I don't know, you seem like-" 
"If you say different, I swear-" 
You cut him off with another bark of laughter. "Well, I suppose that is rather cliché isn't it? You're right. You do seem different though. I'm assuming you kill bad guys only?" 
"Absolutely, come on, rapists, murderers, all of 'em go to jail and are back on the streets in no time. I take care of it where they can't kill again, they can't damage anyone ever again." He seemed to trail off, deep in thought. "I don't feel bad about it if you're wondering." 
You nodded along, and you couldn't help but agree with him. It did pose an issue in the eyes of the law and it could end with him in prison for life, but it was a grayed area and not many people would have the same opinion as you. 
"You make a valid point, I actually agree with you, you're kinda doing Evergreen a favor."
Now this shocked Vigilante, he was never going to get used to someone agreeing with his viewpoints. So he took a moment to collect his thoughts, and he couldn't help but laugh. 
"You're a surprise, you know that?" He finally said, amusement in his voice. "A wonderful surprise."
You smiled and looked down at your drink, your finger pad smoothed around the edge of your glass. "You're flattering me, Vij," you pointed out, your tone smooth. "I like when you flatter me."
Vigilante began to sweat beneath his suit, he hid his trembling hand as he tried to steady the one that held the drink. He had been around women sure, he's had sex as his normal counterpart although it wasn't the best of experiences, something about right now had him feeling as if his throat was so dry that he could barely speak. 
You continued to sit there on the sofa and watched him intently, you'd been thinking of what he looked like under that suit, how good he must have felt against your skin, and under the influence, you bet he still could get you feeling warm. He noticed that you bit your bottom lip, he watched you as you sipped the chilled drink in your hand and he swallowed, his throat suddenly felt dry. Fuck, he could feel his erection pushing rather uncomfortably against his pants. Vigilante shifted and cleared his throat and took that seat beside you, scooting to the end to have enough space between you both. 
The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable, but after the evening you had and the drink you partook in, you were not feeling entirely yourself. You looked away and took another sip, but you stopped mid-drink as you watched the man slowly lift the bottom half of his mask to take a large drink. Your eyes widened as you got to see his lips for the first time, they looked pretty kissable right now, and you must have given some sort of look indicating that you had other things on your mind. Vigilante turned his head slightly, mask still half raised, and he smiled. 
“I see you sneakin’ a peek, you shouldn’t commit these to memory you know, you could find me in a police line up and I definitely don’t want that.” 
You scoffed at that. “You’re ridiculous, but in a very charming way, I gotta admit.” 
“Oh so now you think I’m charming? If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me, Y/N,” he laughed and slid his mask back into place. 
“So what if I am?” You felt bold, you wanted more tonight, that was for certain, but you couldn’t push yourself, you couldn’t push him into it, not unless he was willing. But fuck, you definitely were willing.  
The question that tumbled from his mouth was so quiet and so quick that you almost missed it. “Can I kiss you?”
You looked back at him and sat in silence, thinking. It was hard to do right now with the alcohol going straight to your head. “What?”
“I asked if I could kiss you, and yeah your consent is important obviously, I just wanted to ask before I just did it-” He always rambled on and on like this and you found it endearing. “-but I don’t know if I misread this entire thing and I’m making an ass of myself or if there’s something here because-”
“Vij,” you echoed, and suddenly the man stopped speaking. 
It was like he was placed in a trance and sat as he awaited your instructions, so when you took his drink from his hand and placed both glasses on the coffee table, and then you slid onto his lap with your legs on either side of him. Immediately you felt him rub against you and you had to really fight back the sound that almost came from you, except you steadied yourself and your hands were placed on either side of his mask.
He tensed under your touch. “Don’t-”
“I promise I won’t…” you assured him, the smile you offered eased him and he allowed you to continue and then rolled up his mask as he had earlier, only revealing his mouth. “Can I?”
The fucking smile he gave you would have made your knees weak if you weren’t already sitting on his lap. “Yeah.” 
You leaned forward and finally felt his lips on yours, the softness of them caressed yours and you allowed a low hum of satisfaction to slip, which caused Vigilante to smile against you, his arms now wrapped around your back, pulling you into him. Fuck, he was so hard already and all he wanted was to get you out of your clothes, but something about you made him feel like you deserved more than a quick fuck, you deserved to get the best time you could imagine. He was here to deliver.
His kisses grew more and more hungry as he deepened them, his tongue slid across your bottom lip and you didn't hesitate to allow him access. Once you felt him swipe it against your own, your moan grew louder as it vibrated against his mouth. Something about it made his whole body buzz with excitement, so he trailed off from kissing you to then nipping at the skin on your neck, another moan followed, which only made him bite just a little harder. 
"God, Vij, you really know how to make me feel so fucking good," you huffed out. 
"I'm not even there yet, just you wait." A promise that he would deliver on. 
His lips came back up and he kissed you hard while your hands slid across the back of his mask, wishing you could bury your hands in his hair, well, if he had any. You were so curious but now you didn't care as much, you just needed him so badly. While you were busy grinding your hips against him, Vigilante's hands slid around to your ass and he grabbed on tight as he pushed himself against you, the feeling of your warmth and wetness already getting him worked up as he stimulated himself through his suit. 
His head fell back and he sucked his teeth, holding in that sweet sound he almost let slip. If you didn't ride him soon he would probably explode. You must have read his mind because your hands worked at the utility belt around his waist, but you hesitated. 
You pulled back to look at him, getting that silent confirmation, and he nodded. What he couldn't say was just how hot you looked as you stared at him. A sheen of sweat covered your face as your stray hairs cling to your skin, the look in your eyes was hazy, lustful, focused. Your mouth was parted slightly and your tongue darted out to moisten your lips, you were hungry for him. 
Vigilante nodded as his hand was brought up and he traced the apple of your cheek with the pad of his thumb, then he moved the damp hairs away from your eyes. You rolled your hips again and that made his breath catch. 
"Fuuuuck, Y/N, you're killing me," he breathed out. He placed his forehead against yours and just took a moment until he watched as you stood from his lap. 
Your pants were abandoned, then your shirt followed, and you were there in just your undergarments. The alcohol made things feel fuzzy as your hands reached out to finally undo the belt, then you tugged aggressively on his pants, he lifted himself to make it easier, and there he was sitting in half his suit and a pair of boxer briefs. When your hands finally freed him, fuck, it wasn't what you expected at all, but you were happily surprised, to say the least. You wrapped your hand around him and your thumb brushed away the precum that was already there, using it to stroke him gently and slowly, to which he groaned in frustration. He wanted more than that, he'd been so worked up that he needed more now, but he couldn't say that to you, not when you looked so good holding his cock like that. 
"Damn, your hand feels so good, can't even imagine how good you feel when I'm fucking you." This confidence when he wore the suit was infinite, and that wasn't about to change now. 
"Let's find out then," you replied, then you abandoned your underwear and kicked it off to the side. 
Vigilante sucked in a breath and quickly discarded both gloves just to be able to feel you. His hands grabbed your hips and pulled you close, then he slid them gently down your sides until his two fingers suddenly slipped in between your thighs, and that caused you to throw your head back and moan. Your entire body felt on edge as you let a stranger finger fuck you in the house you inherited, what a fucking unique situation you were in. His thumb rubbed your clit on sloppy circles as his fingers worked your soaked folds, you saw stars behind your closed eyes.
It had been a while since you’ve felt this good.
"Oh my God, Vij, please," you begged, "this feels great but-but I need you."
You needed him. He'd replay that over and over until he couldn't speak anymore, it got to him bad, so bad that he removed his fingers from you and coated his cock with your slick, slowly pumping himself until he was ready. His hands grabbed onto your hips and pulled you into his lap, the tip already teasing at your throbbing cunt as he shifted to make himself comfortable. 
He looked at you and waited for you to make your move, so you reached down and grabbed him, slowly sliding him inside of you. The sounds you both made resembled growling, it was almost animalistic. Vigilante enjoyed taking his time with you, he really enjoyed how worked up you'd been and already loved to see your body shake and tense with every thrust he made into you. His fingers on your hips were bruising with how hard he held onto you, but you wouldn't give a damn, not when he was making you feel this fucking good. 
He leaned forward and placed little kisses around your breasts as he grabbed onto it, he ran his tongue around the supple flesh until he bit down gently on it, and you'd gotten louder. He reached around your back and unzipped your bra with ease, so you shrugged out of it and was now completely bare to him. 
"No fair if I can't touch your chest," you pouted. 
He scoffed and leaned back to rip the top of the suit from his body, leaving him completely bare for you in return, all except for the mask. It was important for him to keep it there, so you wouldn't argue so long as you got to kiss him. 
You closed the gap between you both and clung to him while he fucked up into you, his arms wrapped around your back as your hands were grabbing either side of his shoulders, your kisses were sloppy and needy. You had both forgotten the consequences of this evening, but it didn't matter how close you were to reaching your end.
"Vij, fuck- I'm gonna cum soon," you sighed beside his ear.
He smiled and nipped at your jaw playfully. "Good, please fucking cum on me, oh my god-" the feeling of your hands all over him, your mouth on his hot skin, fuck he was loving every minute of this. You made him feel like even as his normal counterpart that someone would like him, you were something else. 
You both reached your climax and the loud sounds drowned out everything else, but you both sat there still cradled against one another, your hands resting on his chest. You both sat there for a moment and collected your thoughts, but when you pulled away, you couldn't help but smile and lean forward to plant a content kiss on Vigilante's lips. 
"I don't know about you but that was-"
He rolled his head to the side and already expected the disappointment. "I know, I'm not exactly the best or the biggest, but I thought-" 
You scoffed and placed your finger on his mouth to silence him. "I was going to say that was incredible, and I wouldn't be opposed to it happening again. I mean, if you were up for it…" Why did you grow so timid all of a sudden? Was it the realization of the situation sinking in, you weren't sure, but now you kind of feared the harsh reality of this man rejecting you? Wouldn't be the first time and probably wouldn't be the last, but this time it felt different. 
Vigilante fell silent and you couldn't help but sigh with relief at the smile that spread across his face. "Uh, yeah, fuck yes, are you kidding?"
"Wow, getting really excited are we?" You teased as you slipped off his lap and began to grab at the scattered garments on the floor to start dressing. 
He scoffed and got to his feet slowly, his legs had felt weak and he needed to take a minute. You kindly handed him his suit pieces and held onto his underwear as you stood there, giving him a feigned innocent look. He laughed and snatched them from your hand and hopped on one foot as he slid back into them. “Well, I don’t see why I wouldn’t be? Got to kick some ass, show off my fighting skills to a hot woman, had sex with said woman, and she wants more sometime soon, uh yeah! I think I got room to brag and be a little excited!”
You shook your head as you pulled up your pants and shimmied your shirt down, but you had stepped toward Vigilante again and grabbed the sides of his mask that was still pulled up. He tensed a bit, it was obvious, but you only laughed and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 
You pulled away and his tongue darted across his bottom lip. You giggled and shook your head. 
“You’ve got that look again.”
 “What look?” 
“That look when I kiss you. when you get all flustered on me.” You assisted in pulling down his mask and tucked it back under the hem of his armor. 
“You can tell?”
You both began to laugh after a moment’s pause and watched as he got completely dressed and back into his superhero attire. That’s when you held up his belt and reached around his waist to click it back into place. He muttered a bashful “thanks” and double-checked for all of his weapons.
“So uh, I guess I’ll get going, I figured you got some stuff to do. I also gotta make sure to patrol the area, you know, keepin’ Evergreen safe and all.”
He was about to head toward the door with you trailing behind him and grabbed his wrist, his head turned back to meet your gaze. “Wait, can I give you my number? Ya know, just in case.”
You couldn’t see it beneath his mask, but he grinned wide and maybe even felt a blush creep across his face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
A/N: So first time writing for Adrian/ Vigilante and I am SO proud of this! I would love to know if you think I should do more? Like make this a long running thing, I really do love this guy. Thanks for reading!
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Omg. I was reading this HC about the reason why Clark Kent always leaves the scene whenever Superman appears because he (Clark Kent) HATES Superman. Like, he keeps on making convoluted reasons as to why.
It goes even as far as Clark writing a cynical think piece about Superman and vigilantism and Lex Luthor coming across it and absolutely loving it.
Here’s the original post:
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And, all of you know I have a prompt/oneshot which includes an OC who works for Lex Luthor (and knows all the Supervillian bullshit he pulls cause there technically from an alternate world where all the DC characters are just characters lmao).
Anyways, in said prompt Lia also lives next to Clark Kent because I find it beyond funny that she is essentially the right hand to her next door neighbors arch nemesis.
And like, I imgained that one day, Luthor brings up the fact he really likes this one writer from the Daily Planet. Lia, who is understandably curious, asks her employer who that writer is.
Luthor says, with a straight face: “Clark Kent.”
For a moment Lia just stares at Luthor, fighting off a smile, while her shoulders shake like it’s a 9 point O earthquake on the Ricther Magnitude scale. Luthor shoots her a look, but Lia turns away, slapping her hand her mouth trying not to brust out laughing. After a little bit she does, but when she turns around, Luthor gives her another look and she knows she has to come up with a good excuse.
Her brain short circuits and she blurts out, “I think he’s my next door neighbor.” And immediately she regrets ever existing. She wants her entire being to cease to exist, from the very last atom.
A flash of surprise goes through Luthor’s face, as he asks her, “Oh? Is that so?”
“I mean, I think,” Lia adds smoothly, her brain on overdrive. “They share the same name but I’ve never seen a picture of Clark Kent from the Daily Planet, so, I can’t be sure that my neighbor and the one from the Daily Planet are the same person.” She said, lying straight through her teeth. She knows that Clark Kent her Neighbor and Clark Kent a reporter from the Daily Planet, are in fact, the same person. But Luthor does not need to know that.
Fortunately, Luthor drops the topic and asks Lia about some other shit. Internally, it feels as if the weight of the sky itself was lifted off her shoulders.
Unfortunately, a couple weeks later, at a Gala were Lia is with Luthor, a familiar, mop of black hair (just slightly curled at the end), striking (almost alien) blue eyes and the iconic thick, black times glasses make their way towards them. Lia, of course, only notices too late because the universe despises her and Clark, introduces himself, while recognizing that his next door neighbor is next too his arch nemesis.
Him (Clark) not noticing the growing panic and despair on his neighbors face, immediately calls out to her saying, “Lia?” in a surprised voice.
Lia, knowing how throughly fucked she is, knowing she can’t BS her way out of his, and that her lips never wait for her brain to catch says, “Clark??”
(Pretend that in this version of the prompt/oneshot Clark never found out that his next door neighbor is esstentially the right hand to his arch nemesis).
Cue a very awkward and tense conversation (at least for Lia) between the trio. Luthor being pleasantly surprised and a bit suspicious but he brushes it off, leaving it later to ponder. Clark, is absolutely floored but he has his job too do, so he does it. He’s lowkey kinda betrayed but can’t blame Lia because she’s just 23 and this sort of job is a dream come true for most and he (assumes) that Lia does not know anything abt the whole Lex Luthor is a Raging Supervillian and Also Superman’s (which is Me) Arch Nemesis. Lia, throughout the convo, recovers (externally), and answers Clark’s questions with ease. Internally, she’s slowly dying in the inside, mentally preparing herself for the questions Luthor with undoubtedly ask later. Lia wants the Rapture itself to commence so she could just avoid all of this bull shit. She does not avoid all of this bull shit. 
Anyways, after that whole debacle, Luthor leaves with a greater respect for the man (he found him very competent and also very pleasing to the eye). Clark is... conflicted but he does what he does and maintains his rep of hating Supes. Lia is just. Done and Dying. She can’t. She honestly can’t. But she muscles through and awaits for Luthor to do whatever Luthor does best. She’s surprised when she sees her employer (whose a Supervillian and hates Superman) look at Clark with a look in his eyes (it isn’t annoyance, indifference, or anything like that... it’s... holy shit, is Luthor checking Clark’s ass out???? Oh. My. God. This is. Honest to God, the best and worst thing I’ve ever seen. Oh my god. I want to cry. And laugh. Holy fuck. What the shit is even happening anymore?). Safe to say, from then on, Clark gets sent to LexCorp to take interviews for Luthor and stuff. Luthor, grows to develop a deeper interest for Clark (all in the view for Lia).
Hell, at one point he admits it. And asks Lia what Clark’s favorite type of flower is. Lia, is floored. She wants to laugh. And cry. She manages to say, with a straight face and even voice, “I’m not sure, Mr. Luthor.” She has to bite her lip at the true and unbridled irony of the whole situation. Oh my god. Enemies to Lovers. Slow burn. One sided pinning. Denial. Oh my god. Oh. My. God. I’m watching fanfic play out right before my eyes. Holy shit.
Like, I can’t stop laughing at the irony of the situation. Imgaine for a sec being in Lia’s shoe. Like. Your the EA to a very powerful person, who happens to be a raging Supervillian. You know this cause reasons. You also happen to live next door to your boss’s arch nemesis. Then due to a series of events, your boss slowly starts to fall for his arch nemesis’s civilian identity. You’re watching this shit. In real time. Fucking imgaine that yo. Absolute fucking gold. Like. Holy shit.
Also, this still could work (without my OC present). Like, in a world where everything is the same aside from the HC that Clark is known to not like Superman and Lex immediately takes a liking to Clark. Say Clark goes to a gala and meets Luthor. Now he has to keep up the rep that he Does Not Like Superman (while he Is Superman). Luthor becomes interested after Clark interviews him. He also checks out Clark’s ass because yeah. Then, Clark does more interviews for LexCorp. Luthor develops a deeper interest in Clark. He even asked Clark out on a date. Imgaine being Clark. Your arch fucking nemesis (whose a raging Supervillian) just asked you out (without knowing you’re the same person they hate). Enemies to Lovers but it’s one sided in the sense that one of them doesn’t know that the other is their arch nemesis jaksjsjsksksksoskks
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Ft. Exploring prompt idea, BNHA/Batman Crossover, Quirkless!Izuku, Izuku Being A Smol Green Bean, Bruce Wayne And His Adoption Problem, Me Rambling On (But It’s Very Short), and More!
Everyone knows about Maribat AKA Miraculous Ladybug + Batman. Like, very popular within some sections of the fandom but like. Where’s my BNHA + Batfam fics at????
Like, where Izuku gets transported into the DC world and ends up with the Batfam (maybe without his Quirk because, hell yeah, you don’t need powers to kickass major ass). Or, where one of the Batfam end up in the BNHA world. Like, where tf are my fics. I know there are a couple on AO3 but I’ve only ever found a few and I am Very Sad. My Weebs, my Comic Nerds, and a lot of people in it for the fun ride, y’all are missing out in the sheer potential of everything.
Fics where Izuku ends up with the Batfam, before he ever met All Might, before ever even training his body. Like, this scrawny ass middle schooler, who has books upon books of analysis of Pro Hero’s. Like, Tim, get ready to meet your match of fanboyness. And imgaine Izuku either slowly figuring out their vigilante identities because he’s got a very analytical mind (or if they told him from the get go that’s be pretty cool too). Like, him navigating this whole new world, with superhero’s, powers and non powers alike. He’d probably start training with the Batfam as well (like in canon because He Is Dedicated). Bruce gets Clowned because it’s very obvious that he might straight up adopt Izuku (sans the blue eyes and black hair. He might as well be a Bat).
Anyways, lots of potential for Izuku to grow and become a hero in his own right, even without a Quirk. A prompt for any writer to do a cha after study on Izuku as well as writing a kick ass fanfic.
Anyways, if one of the Batfam ended up in the BNHA world? Well then, let’s see how that goes...
Personally, I like to think of Tim or Damian or both Tim and Damian ending up within the world. I just like these two very much and I like when they both end up in different worlds because It’s My Thing. But, if it was Tim by himself, he’d try and figure what to do and definitely get himself situated with housing at least within a day or two (the dude is SMART). If it was Damian by himself, honestly I’m not sure but he’d definitely try and find a suitable place to live in before proceeding onward. If it’s both Tim and Damian, then yea, they would get housing pretty soon.
If it was one of the Batfam who ended up in this super powered world, with no powers themselves, they’d definitely try and find out who could help them. If they can’t return (either they find out or somehow else), then maybe they would become one of the first Quirkless Pro Hero’s (even though, where they are from, it’s very common). Definitely would be interesting to read. I have a fic where Tim ends up in the BNHA world and becomes one of the first Quirkless hero’s but there’s only one chapters and I have over 380+ tabs open ;-;
Anyways, Maribat as been milked and will be milked (it has great story potential) but where’s my DekuBat damnit. I want this shit. Anyone who’s interested, go ahead and use this prompt but, tag me. I want to read this shit and I barely remember anything from BNHA and I’m Very Lazy 😔✊.
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