#video from Bridgerton season 2 episode 1
cloud-sitting · 4 days
“You can always tell when a suitor is serious about courtship just by how he looks when a young lady dances with another.”
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Uhhhh yeah… I’d say he’s pretty serious.
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bridgertonnteas · 16 days
So groups of fatphobic & homophobic people have been review bombing & giving bad ratings to Bridgerton S3 on RT & IMDB
I wish I was shocked honestly, but I'm not. that doesn't stop me from feeling disgusted by everything regarding this and disappointed that some people in the fandom are like that too It is honestly upsetting to see all that hate the cast and show are subjected to
So, I came here to ask something from Bridgerton fans who like the show and want to show support for the cast & the crew few things that won't take much time to do but will help greatly!!
1-Leave good supportive comments under the cast members insta posts comments, just leave nice supportive comments or even leave heart emojis
2- Leave extra supportive comments under Masali Baduza (Michaela), Hannah Dodd (Fran), Nicola Coughlan (Pen) & Luke Newton (Colin). Masali & Hannah were getting spammed by homophobic comments and Nic & Luke were getting from body shaming to appearance mocking comments. at the moment I have seen people on twitter see the bad comments and also asked people to leave nice comments which I do see now more than this morning, but it still would be really nice and helpful to leave a lot of nice supportive comments because the gross people won't stop and might try to leave nasty comments on every post of theirs for a while
3- If you could please report the bad comments on insta & bad tiktoks you see regarding this because there are ones that are violently homophobic or body shaming ones that have lots of likes which is disgusting but with more reports those videos could be removed
4-As for IMDB & RT ( Rotten Tomatoes) sites, if you could report the weird reviews that its purpose clearly body shaming, homophobia, racism, and appearance shaming, then report those reviews because I have personally seen & reported some body shaming and homophobic ones
5-If you could give higher ratings and write normal reviews on IMDB & RT, it would also be appreciated because the ratings before that were fine then in less than 4 hours the ratings for the episodes on imdb & the season on rt went down which means that the season is getting review and rating bombing by groups of homophobes sadly like it was planned ( some ppl on FB & tiktok openly talked about making fake accounts to leave bad rating on imdb)
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copiouscouples · 1 month
Bridgerton - A Dissertation
Chemistry is subjective and that's why I love Bridgerton. If one couple isn't your bag, then there are others to choose from.
Personally, I've enjoyed all the seasons. I just love to see love unfold.
Season 1 was such a new animal. It was the novelty of it all. Nothing had been done like this before. You either had the adulterous, explicit, and/or violent sex scenes of Outlander or Game of Thrones or you had chaste Austen (which j'adore but still). There is no other show (even though there have been attempts) that combines the sweet romantic side of love with sexy times. And on top of that you have the costumes and the humor and the diversity.
Simon and Daphne's love story for me was so beautiful watching it simply because it was like they'd turned the historical romances I love reading so much into a tv show.
Season 2 I was so pumped for. The first 4 episodes were delicious. The looks, the stares, the verbal sparring, the passionate declarations, and almost kisses. Be still my heart. The wedding episode was a giant buzzkill. It ground all that momentum to a halt. Edwina deciding not to marry Anthony should've been a 5 minute scene max. That episode took up time when we could've seen them make progress on their relationship. After that, the plot did bounce back. Then, we got their love scene in the garden. I think the most apt description I've seen of that is that it was like a hot music video. It was fine and all, but I was wanting more. It wasn't rewatchable like the Simon and Daphne scenes.
Then Queen Charlotte came along and wowzers did I love that show on so many levels. It was gorgeously done, funny, sweet, heartbreaking, and sexy. George and Charlotte were a good couple but knowing their ending wasn't so happy definitely put an asterisk next to it.
Season 3 came along and at first I was a little indifferent about it for multiple reasons.
1) I hadn't been fully sold on Luke and Nicola's chemistry. It seemed too friend-like (which I know is the point but still). On top of that, there's their real life age gap. Luke N. is super attractive but I was envisioning someone older and more mature (because I know the books have Pen and Colin as older).
2) Friends to lovers isn't a favorite trope of mine.
3) I really wanted Eloise or Benedict's season to be next.
But oh my word, guys, I am really digging this season. Probably more so than even Queen Charlotte.
Things I Love:
Colin being the pursuer and driver of the relationship instead of Daphne in season 1 or Daphne/Edwina/circumstances in season 2. It's delicious to see Colin chasing Penelope. And yeah, she did ask him to kiss her but home skillet didn't ask him to show up at her house for a late night rendezvous. That was all him.
A less angry/bitter male lead. Colin likely has daddy issues too, but he is just more emotionally in-tune (when he allows himself to be) and doesn't take it out on others. He's sweet and lovable and a perfect cinnamon roll when he's not posing.
The Sexy times are back! That carriage scene was 10/10 - no notes. And it was sexy because of the feelings component. And we're getting more! I'm gonna pass out!
Even though I wish they'd hurry a bit and get them back to being friends, I do enjoy seeing the Eloise and Penelope friendship aftermath. I love seeing how much they care about each other despite being angry/hurt by one another.
That height difference, tho!
I feel like we can all take enjoyment from different couples and different seasons. We're all different and different tropes resonate with us. There is something to be enjoyed by all with Bridgerton.
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bm-blog01 · 2 months
I have been continuing to look into the promotion of Bridgerton by @netflix for my continued series, and I believe that there are more questions than answers for some things.
This video was to announce the beginning of filming for season 3, and at the time many noted that Simone Ashley (Kate Bridgerton) was missing from it, at the time the excuse made was she was probably not on set the day it was filmed, which is most likely, however, I also believe that the day the majority of cast were filmed for it Jonathan Bailey most likely wasn't on set either, which means they filmed him separately to the rest of the cast - and if they could film him separately why couldn't they film Simone Ashley separately?
The reason I believe Jonathan Bailey wasn't on set at this time is due to the most likely location this was filmed, and the episode 1 spoilers. So don't read any further if you have not heard the spoilers.
This video, for the majority of the cast, was most likely filmed at the Osterley Park shoot from the styling we see on Nicola. Osterley Park was the location for a ball that occurs in episode 2.
The leaks from episode 1 suggest that neither Kate nor Anthony are in the season from episode 2 onwards - at least not for part 1 - which means that neither of them would be at the ball.
If neither Kate nor Anthony were at the ball, thus neither Simone nor Jonathan were at the location shoot, then this means that Shondaland/Netflix filmed Jonathan Bailey separate to the rest of the cast and edited it in, thereby debunking those who stated that it was only Simone who wasn't on set that day.
So, if this is the case, then that means that Shondaland, Netflix, Jess Brownell, or all three, made a deliberate decision to exclude Simone Ashley from this promotion. It also suggests that @netflix have made a conscious decision not to promote Simone Ashley as an important member of the cast, despite the fact she is portraying the Viscountess Bridgerton, the co-head of the family alongside Anthony.
This further creates a negative perception of Netflix and Shondaland and their promotions team, which then creates a negative perception of the production.
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more-than-a-princess · 9 months
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I haven't done one of these in awhile! A munday post: new month (and one of the best of the year), so why not?
My queue is currently empty and my to-write list is currently at five replies, which is...more than I'd like to tackle all at once. Between the usual medication side effects and the unusual uptick in how busy I am at work (though I'm hoping this might change soon, or at least some of my duties will get redistributed), I'm exhausted pretty often. Add in preparing for a convention at the end of October, trying to remodel two rooms in my house, and general adult responsibilities, and my writing energy isn't what it used to be.
That said, I'm trying to get on top of what I currently owe and I'd really like some new threads/interactions going so I don't get burned out on my current threads. All I ask is that you understand that turnaround time will be a bit slower on my end: interspersing aesthetic, art, and meme content with replies and posting IC content every other day has been a good system so far, so I'll be keeping with that. Additionally, sometimes I just need to turn on my do not disturb on discord so I can focus on replies to writing partners. With limited time, I often need to choose between chatting OOC and getting any IC writing done most days.
That said, so this isn't all asking for patience with replies, here's a little of what I wore at Dragon Con last month! I brought nine costumes and ended up wearing eight of them, which is a pretty good record for me. This was a five day convention (instead of many anime/game conventions, which are three or four days), which is the only reason why I could fit that many in. And while there are anime and video game panels, costumes, etc. at this event, they are definitely in the minority: it really is a pop culture convention run by fans, for fans.
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This is one of my Nesta Archeron costumes from the book series A Court of Thorns and Roses! I love romantasy fiction and the SJM universe especially. This was just after the big Sarah J. Maas universe photoshoot, where there was probably 75-100 attendees! We needed a bigger shoot location.
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And here is my Penelope Featherington costume from Season 2 Episode 1 of Bridgerton. I love her tacky star dress and while it's hard to see in this photo, this dress has hundreds of tiny rhinestones applied to the golden yellow lace. I did this by hand and it took about two weeks to do, off and on.
This is my reminder that I need to get out my rhinestone applicator tool to touch up some rhinestones on a gown for my next anime convention...sigh.
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Oh boy.
Bridgerton, how did you do it? How is it possible to cram in that many more side-stories?
There were at least NINE this season.
That's ridiculous. And it took away from Penelope and Colin imo. Colin had all of 1 episode to go through the emotions of finding out your wife's been writing gossip about you and your family and then forgive her. Eloise and Penelope had like, a scene or 2 to mend their friendship after being icy for some time. And Penelope and her family dynamic weren't given justice either.
I actually like the first 4 episodes, just feel like there was a serious traffic jam trying to tie all these things up (did they?) before the end.
To be generous, they could keep Francesca, Eloise, the Featherington-Solicitor business and Benedict. FOUR. Solid and clean. Violet didn't need a love interest this season, the Will stuff could've waited, Lady Danbury's beef with her brother was weird and the Anthony and Kate stuff could've been 2-3 quick episode appearances (no more than 10-15 mins on them unless in service of furthering along Polin). The Cressida herself stuff was interesting and I'd love to see them try to give her a little spin-off story of her own like Queen Charlotte - I liked what they were doing with her until the end where they were just like, "Meh f* it - back to 2D you go!"
And on top of that, I saw a YouTube video where someone went in on the fashion this season and I agree with that too. Just...what is going on? Get it together!
Penelope and Colin deserved better.
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I just saw yet another video of someone saying they’re such a fan of the bridgerton tv series and they’ve read all the books but they hate that they’re skipping over book 3 for “fucking colin”.
Okay. First of all I’m so sick of these videos popping up. You’re entitled to your opinions and things (just like I’m super happy they’re skipping book 3 for right now because it’s up there as my least favorite) but like don’t shit on the characters.
Also important to note:
1. They’ve been building up polin since season 1 episode 1. Even if it were Benedict’s season they’d still be building it up and you’d be complaining because it’s taking away from Benedict (or any other bridgerton)’s story. One would think you’d be happy they’re getting it done with now because
2. Each bridgerton sibling has a book and a story that is being told regardless. Can’t say I’m 100% super excited to see all of them but I’m actually a fan of the show so I’m sure I’ll like it all the same.
3. If you’re a big fan of the show you can’t just then turn around and be like “I absolutely hate that they’re doing this and I won’t watch. I don’t want to see it.” Because (see #2 and) if you’re a fan you’re watching irregardless. I’ve not agreed or disliked so many shows and the story choices but most of the time I kept watching because I loved the show genuinely and if I didn’t love it anymore I stopped watching it. Without comment.
All this long winded rant to say that if you don’t want to watch season 3 then don’t. What’s unnecessary is taking to social media and constantly berating the show and characters and saying these things. Just don’t watch the show and move on.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Sorry for it but I was feeling super punchy and defensive tonight.
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unimportant-ramblings · 4 months
Ramblings watches Halo
Season 2, Episode 1: Sanctuary (or quem patronum rogaturus)
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Have you family Spartan? Have you faith?
In which I try to recall what happened in season 1, our characters are reintroduced (this time with more character), John MasterChief goes to the saddest brothel of all time while he and the show deal with the impossibility of serving two masters.
In 2022, I waded unknown water for my internet best friend @sonofcarnelian who had done the same for me with the likes of Frank Herbert's Dune and Bridgerton season 1 (two properties often paired). Readers of my posts will remember that I have absolutely no experience with Halo, aside from it's place in pop culture.
Therefore, we represented the core audiences they were looking to appeal to in season; big fans and no nothings. 
I enjoyed Halo season 1 a great deal, probably because I had no expectations beyond bonding with my friend. Even more surprisingly, I got both of my parents invested in it, and they liked it even more than me. Less surprisingly, both my beloved mutual and my brother, fans of the franchise already, were less impressed. 
Due to this, season 2 is in the same position as last season, but this time in reverse. Last season I wrote about how decisions were made to appeal to a wider audience; taking off that helmet, female characters and characters of color introduced (not that I know there are none in the games, I do not, I just know they almost always have them helmets ON), romance, we see JMC’s ass a couple times, human characters in the covenant etc. This season we are telling the established audience of video game fans that yes others are here, but we have not forgotten you. And I can not speak to the effectiveness of this maneuver, that is for my cohort, but I can speak to how they are attempting this balance. So far, the attempt is clumsy, but I have seen it done worse.
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The first season began with Kwan as our POV character, a young woman from the planet Madrigal which was about to be overtaken with the Covenant, who are ugly cgi creatures, until she was rescued by John MasterChief and the UNSC took over Madrigal. I think. 
Season 2, aside from a cold open, which we'll get to, is this situation inside out. JMC and silver team (who consist of Kai, who has a little crush on JMC, but also got a very suggestive haircut in season 2 so we'll see and the other two who last season Did Not Matter) are on babysitting duty after the dramatic end of last season (they went rogue, John MasterChief had sex, his gf returned to being evil and died, it was a whole thing). We are then introduced to a group of religious people who do not want to leave this planet which is about to be glassed. Glassing is not a thing that happened last season, there was a ground battle on Madrigal, but after conferring with my brother who knows the games, this is much more in the fashion of what usually happens. Here we begin the three pronged status quo change which was deeply jarring to me but we're supposed to believe the show has always been like this:
The Covenant are the main threat: last season was about John MasterChief and his awakening as a full person, realizing that the people he served lied and manipulated him. While the covenant was present; Makee (ex gif) was covenant and they killed people, this was not the driving tension of last season.
Religion: again, the covenant were religious and Kwan had a family tradition, this season has religion as a central piece. Beyond connecting us to Earth (when that one foot soldier said he was a Baptist I was SHOCKED like baptist-baptists? Papist, we let baptist go to space?) I do not yet no the purpose of this, but it is interesting texture.
Secondary characters matter now: Last year the following characters mattered: JMC, Kwan, Halsey, Kai, Miranda, Makee, Soren and that is IT. And aside from those first three, their connections to John MasterChief mattered more than anything about them. Here we have bonding between Kai and Vannak (he has removed his pellet and has been very interested in animal planet, which is nice!) and as we go, our pool of characters continues to grow, as does their connections to each other. Hooray!
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When questioned if JMC has family or faith he recommits to his team, both silver team and general ground troops. He goes off to see hey why the fuck are comms out and uh-oh sister, the convenant is here! prowling about, taking out their comms. Already, to me, the fight seems better but as we found out last year I don't know what makes an action scene good. The covenant at least look less uncanny valley. JMC teams up with Perez, the last of her unit, and just as JMC and Perez are overwhelmed and surely doomed, they back away, FOR SHIPPING REASONS MAYBE? because that is my girl Makee in the fog for real let's go Reylos let's go. He's hearing her voice in the shower girls!
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We get another shot of JMC half dressed but it is not hot, he is way too ripped and it's like buddy! are you okay. We also saw him like this in the cold open where they ripped out Cortana and both John MasterChief and the audience are feeling her absence. We are also introduced to our new Halsey, His name is Ackerson and he gives Silver team the "I'm not trying to replace your mom" spiel, we can only hope that means he too is fucking Keyes.
Last season, I detailed a lot of ex Spartan Soren, his high camp wife and little son and oof it's not going great for them, and it's really boring. Soren, after being a good guy and helping Kwan, has lost favour with the pirates and ultimately gets super betrayed by his crew and a space cop who he should have clocked immediately because he talks like Samwise Gangee. Also Kwan is at Soren's house now and is scaring his kid in a cave. So that's fun.
Meanwhile Ackerson is trying to gaslight (glasslight? is this anything?) by step-dadding the hell out him with false concerns over his mental health and allusions to his lost gfs (Cortana, Makee and Halsey, who of course is also his mom love that). The party line is that JMC did not see the Covenant and is crazy. Silver team is out of commission and Cobalt team is being sent out like there is nothing going on. This makes JMC naturally very anxious so he GOES TO A DIGITAL BROTHEL TO HANG OUT WITH FAKE CORTANA I LOVE THIS SHOW. Love how the AI is insecure. Love he wears a hoodie. Love that we're giving Reach, and the population of Reach City some color with a Red/Blue light district. Good stuff
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Time will tell whether the balancing of two audiences will work; my biggest apprehensions are about the quality of the character writing and balancing our subplots, but tbh? I will forgive all plot holes if they keep giving me high camp.
But what will my cultured friend say? I'm very excited to see!
In the mean time:
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Shows with poignant endings that are actually satisfying
Since season 3 ended on such a pathetic note, here are shows I think that actually do what Ted Lasso was trying to do with its ending, but in a way that doesn’t rob its audience or gaslight them about what they showed us in literally everything else leading up to it 
1. The Newsroom - written by Aaron Sorkin, watch on HBOmax
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2. Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story - written by Shonda Rhimes, watch on Netflix
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3. Derry Girls - written by Lisa McGee, watch on Netflix
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4. Fleabag - written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, watch on Prime Video
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5. M*A*S*H - many writers, watch on Hulu
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Notice I didn’t say happy endings, because none of these shows have an ending that’s neatly tied up and everyone’s hunk dory. You don’t need that to have your ending be satisfying and well-written. You can have a gut punch goodbye without destroying everything you built. Feel free to drop more recs in the comments.
spoilers under the cut for explanations
The Newsroom ends with the death of Charlie Skinner, Will McAvoy’s mentor and dear friend. The message of the final episode is about how life will go on without him, but the characters are consistent, and while some things are open-ended (like where Jim and Maggie stand with her moving to DC), we aren’t left feeling empty. They give the viewers some fucking credit here. 
Queen Charlotte may seem like a silly historical romance series on the surface, but it has more depth than its parent show, Bridgerton, especially with the end. It shows us that George will never be cured, not even with Charlotte’s love, and she is choosing him anyway. The whole show preaches that those with mental illness will always be that way, and they are still deserving of love and respect. We can meet them where they are. And life will not be easy at George’s side, but Charlotte wants to be there anyway. That is the real power of love. 
Derry Girls has what I’d consider the happiest ending out of all these, but the questions at the end leave the audience hopeful but with that seed of doubt. As each of these young women place their vote, and decide how they want to live their lives after the Troubles, it’s moving in a surprising way. It’s the end of their childhood, the end of an era, and yet with that comes this exciting new world. The final shot of Granda Joe and Erin’s little sister walking hand in hand perfectly shows the old life and the new coming together. 
Fleabag has probably the most devastating of all endings here, but it’s probably closest to what Ted Lasso wanted to accomplish by showing how one person can come into you life and change it forever, but that doesn’t mean they’re meant to stay. But what makes Fleabag’s ending effective is not only the dialogue, both characters actually voicing their feelings for each other and stating why they can’t be together, but Fleabag finally looks at the camera and shakes her head before walking away. She doesn’t need the audience anymore. And we aren’t left loving her or Hot Priest any less. 
M*A*S*H is along the same lines as Fleabag. All these doctors came together because of the war, and they were the epitome of found family while they were all so far away from home. At the end, as they all part ways, they let each other know through words and gestures what the experience meant to them. And there isn’t some weird sequence showing what everyone’s up to now, they let the audience fill in those gaps themselves, so we can’t be disappointed by things missing (Ted at Beard’s wedding *coughcough*). 
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petalsmooth · 2 days
I haven't been following any interviews from the Shonda/showrunners in last few weeks because significantly upset with them, and because most of them were done awhile ago timed for release.
I WOULD be curious if having seen the response to part 2 they've realized how badly they screwed up and WHY the audience is unhappy. A part of me thinks someone must understand because the main Netflix/Bridgerton accounts after quiet a bit or ignoring them to talk other characters (presumably under arrogance the response would be positive following part 1 reception) have taken back to majorly pimping Polin romantic moments and Nik/Luke interactions. Which is what the fans wanted all along and feel short changed on.
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This was a carefully chosen edit...particularly the wedding pics given how strained the episode was. At least someone imo shows signs they realize this audience is unhappy and is trying to do something about it. It's also why they released the unedited dance with Polin or promos we hadn't seen before or BTS videos trying to recoup some good spirit imo.
Honestly though given how excited people were by Luke/Nic and Polin part 1 I don't think ANYONE can hold reception of part 2 on them. They proved fans would watch for them and cared about them as actors and characters. Part 2 is entirely an indictment on Shonda, on Jess, on the writer's and in small part on Netflix for breaking in half. And I have to feel there have been discussions about audience reception to their ideas being so negative. The Gender flip with Michaela or maybe even Benedict's sexuality I feel they anticipated and didn't care about because you know you will get that element of audience mad. But I don't think they expected to anger Polin, Luke/Nic fans the way they did. I also think they didn't anticipate how badly the Cressida/Eloise relationship would go down or that audiences negative response to Benedict wouldn't be him with a man but that it's more emotionally detached sex on his part people are fed up with.
Now you have two year's before a new season because somehow you can't do your jobs better/faster with this overall bad vibe in the air surrounding everything and if I'm the showrunners I would be second guessing EVERYTHING written so far for season 4 before committing to film because you are already going to struggle to re-engage an audience that will have been sitting on these feelings for 2 year's. Fans already didn't like how handled season 2 but you had an inbuilt fanbase with Polin still giving you positive hype. You've lost that. AND Luke T and Claudia don't do social media. Not sure how you plan to fix the hole you've dug honestly.
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kolbisneat · 2 days
Halfway through the year! More daylight means less media consumption but I'm okay with that. Here's what I experienced in the month of June.
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Back to the Future & Back to the Future Part II (1985 & 1989) It's been a while since I've watched these but I was immediately stricken by how much Avengers: Endgame owes to Part II. Both move at such a breezy clip that it makes total sense Part III would ditch most of the sci fi stuff for a western.
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Bridgerton (Episode 3.01 to 3.02) Having not watched seasons 1 or 2, I'm impressed by how well the first couple eps set the stage for newcomers. Plus it makes all the previous seasons feel like lore! So far I'm digging this gossip girl.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Episode 1.07 to 1.08) Really great season of television that ties so much up I was genuinely surprised by how complete it felt. I know season 2 is confirmed but I think this show got in, said what it wanted to say (wholly), and got it and hot dang do I respect that. Big fan.
Delicious in Dungeon (Episode 1.23 to 1.24) Great cap to the season and lovely to end not with a bombastic fight but a contemplative and hopeful discussion. Such an excellent adaptation.
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The Death of Movie Theatres - Beyond the Black Void by Red Letter Media It's really interesting to think of the movie-going experience as something that could become more niche: something akin to listening to records or going to see a play. VIDEO
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Simple Rules for Better Sandwiches | Techniquely with Lan Lam by America's Test Kitchen I really appreciate the culinary arts but have only ever felt confident in the kitchen when following a recipe. Videos like this have really opened up my mind to concepts and building blocks for making better food. VIDEO
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Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie (Complete) I'm not usually one for short stories (tougher to connect and keep track of the characters, especially if reading a few in a night) but I'll admit I liked most of these. Varied with really only one or two that left me feeling confused. Heck I even solved a couple before the end!
Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett (Complete) The previous book (reading in publication order) didn't click for me but this was a return to form. Maybe it's cause I love the witches, maybe it's cause I love vampires, but this was a joy. Some of the body humour felt dated, which is strange for the generally timeless humour of Pratchett's work, but fortunately it was only a small part. Big fan and excited to get back into Discworld.
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The Vision by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Mike Del Mundo, & Michael Walsh (Complete) The concept character writing is so good in this; the Visions really do read like androids attempting to be human. I really wanted a slower burn out of this and wish we got a little more "trying to fit in" before it all goes wrong. Maybe it'll sit better with me on a reread but it was still a fun time with a comic book.
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I Hate This Place Volumes 1 & 2 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, and Lee Loughridge (Complete) Picked these up from the library on a whim and it's all oozing with so much style. Doesn't quite live up to expectations (I was imagining more serialized stories instead of one very fast-paced story) but the artwork is so gnarly. Really cool premise that I wish had more room to breathe.
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No Hands by Joey Valence & Brae (2024) I want to like this album, but its 90's influences just don't grab me. They do a great job of capturing the spirit of the style, but I preferred when that style was more early Beastie Boys. Those are 80s/90s influences I can get behind.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Tuesday crew has defeated the elves and made a Liche ally! But their current quest is collecting all the pirate bones they scattered back during their very first Neverlandian session! Anyway you can read all about it here!
Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The Mof1 crew's magic item investigation has lead them to a wealthy family holding a private event and their plan is to get in through the power of wrestling fandom. I'm excited to see how that goes.
And that's it. See you in July!
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bm-blog01 · 8 months
My Favourite Anthony Looks Review #2-#10
This week I will be looking at my number one Anthony look, so ahead of the reveal here is a review of my favourite looks from 10 counting down to 2.  
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10:  Coming in at number 10 is the season 2 meet cute.  This shows us Anthony in the darker colours he was dressed in for season 2, but it also is the initial signal that Kate and Anthony's journey will be taken together, and will coordinate, as we see in this scene that Anthony's look very closely matches Kate's. 
9:  At number 9 is the season 1 Tulips scene between Anthony and Violet.  There are two aspects of this look I like, the first is that Anthony's sleeves are rolled up, the second is the colours in his waistcoat.  Whilst most likely a coincidence, Anthony's waistcoat reflects a number of the colours that Kate will wear in season 2, something that links this scene with Anthony's season along with the Tulips reference.  
8: Anthony's look on the hunt in season 2 comes in at number 8.  In this scene we again see Anthony's look complementing Kate's with his jacket complementing Kate's Spencer, but also in the design and style of the hats they are wearing.  
7: The Wedding Aftermath is number 7 on my list of favourite Anthony Looks.  At this point we see Anthony reverting back to the much darker colours of earlier in the season, but extending this look beyond his clothes, what we see here is Anthony unshaven reflecting his emotional turmoil.  
6: At Number 6 in my list is the season 1 Stovegate scene between Anthony and Daphne. I like Anthony's very casual and laid back look in this scene, and how it showed how he would relax his look (and his demeanour) with his family. This scene also showed the bond between Daphne and Anthony which we saw continue in season 2. 
5: Making the number 5 spot is Anthony and his brothers fencing. I like to see Anthony in a more sporty look, and again in white. Unlike his brothers Anthony is wearing a gilet, which may be in order to make him stand out as the season 2 lead, or it may be to show that Anthony is a master in fencing. 
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4: In at number 4 is a look that we don't see in the show, but rather it is used in the short promotional videos for season 2. In this look we see Anthony and Kate again matching, as Anthony's waistcoat and cravat lean more towards being bluish/green, to tone in with Kate's dress. This was a deliberate move to signal that Kate and Anthony were meant to be together, despite the promotion of a triangle. 
3: Bridgerton Blue makes number 3 on my list. This is from the tea scene at the beginning of episode 4 in season 2. We see Anthony in a blue patterned waistcoat that matches with the dress Kate is wearing in the same scene. 
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2: In at number 2 is Anthony's season 2 epilogue look. In the epilogue we see Anthony wearing the lightest coloured waistcoat we had seen Anthony wearing all season, as he is in a light blue waistcoat. What is different with this look is how it is different to that of Kate's look, a departure to what we had seen through the season, though their looks remain connected through the embroidered patterns on their clothing. 
So what do you think will be my number 1 favourite Anthony look? 
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barcodelascl · 2 years
Body of lies movie reddit
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Sure, he’s hot, but he’s also way too obsessed with fish.įor the first 80 minutes of this film, it seems like a perfectly normal horror film with a sci-fi, Lovecraftian monster vibe. Originally released on-demand in December 2020, What Lies Below stars Ema Horvath as a teenage girl named Libby, who is growing more and more suspicious of her mom’s weird new boyfriend. 3 on Netflix’s “Top 10 in the U.S.” list. Duemmler, What Lies Below was one of the most popular films on Netflix over Easter weekend, and currently sits at No. The 2020 horror sci-fi thriller What Lies Below recently began streaming on Netflix, and subscribers wasted no time in checking it out. It may be spring, but Netflix knows it’s always a good time to watch a weird horror movie. Warning: This article contains spoilers for the What Lies Below ending. ‘The Weekend Away’ Ending Explained: Leighton Meester’s Thriller Ends With a Major Twist Pamela Anderson Teams Up With Netflix For Upcoming Tell-All Documentary Sebastian Stan Opens Up About the 'Pam & Tommy' Finale 'Pam & Tommy' Ending Explained: What Happened Next to Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee? 'Pam And Tommy' Episode 8 Recap: "Seattle" 'The Ultimatum': New Netflix Dating Show Challenges Couples To Marry - Or Move On 'Love Is Blind's Shake Chatterjee Slams "Impartial Host" Nick Lachey Following Explosive Season 2 Reunion 'Love Is Blind's Shake Is In Damage Control Mode, Finally Apologizes To Deepti 'Love Is Blind' Star Shake Chatterjee Suffers From A Case of Self-Hatred Towards His Own Culture 'Raised by Wolves' Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Lifeforms 'Raised By Wolves' Just Turned a Major Character into a Tree?!? 'Raised by Wolves' Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: A Tree Grows on Keppler-22b 'Raised By Wolves's Campion and Murder Bot Vrille are the Weirdest, Cutest Couple on HBO Max ‘Outlander’ Season 6 Episode Guide: How Many Episodes in The New Season? When Will 'Outlander' Season 6 Be on Netflix? ‘Outlander’ Season 7: Everything We Know So Far Snag Starz For Only $2.99/Month For Four Months 'The Gilded Age' Episode 6 Recap: "Heads Have Rolled For Less" 'The Gilded Age': Aunt Agnes is Right About Tom Raikes, Peggy Scott, and Literally Everything Else 'The Gilded Age' Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Turner The Hooch Stream It Or Skip It: 'Theodosia' On HBO Max, About About A 14-Year-Old Archaeologist Fighting The Forces Of Dark Magic Where to Buy a ‘Turning Red’ Plush and Other Toys
Where Does the Disney Movie ‘Turning Red’ Take Place? Stream It Or Skip It: 'Turning Red' on Disney+, Pixar's Red Panda Party Stream It Or Skip It: 'Moby Doc' on Hulu, A Whale Of An Autobiographical Tale From The Musician And Activist 'Stone Temple Pilots: Alive in the Windy City' Is Majestic Reminder Of Alt Rock Tragedy Stream It Or Skip It: 'Savage Rhythm' on Netflix, A Reggaeton Dance Drama From Colombia 'Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy' Is The 'Citizen Kane' Of Hip Hop Documentaries Stream It Or Skip It: 'Gaming Wall Street' on HBO Max, A Look At The Parties Involved In The 2021 GameStop Short Squeeze Stream It Or Skip It: 'Surviving Paradise' on Netflix, A Nature Doc Narrated By 'Bridgerton' Star Rege-Jean Page Stream It Or Skip It: 'Lucy and Desi' on Amazon Prime Video, Amy Poehler's Documentary About the Iconic Couple Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Andy Warhol Diaries' On Netflix, A Ryan Murphy-Produced Docuseries Look At The Enigmatic Pop Artist's Life Joaquin Phoenix Fans React to First Photos as Napoleon Bonaparte: "History At Its Finest" Netflix's 'Metal Lords' Movie Trailer Is Here to Bangs Heads at High School
Prime Video Scores First Weekly Nielsen TV Ratings Win With ‘Reacher’ Jackson Plays A Dementia-Suffering Man Who Gets All Of His Memories Back Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Last Days Of Ptolemy Grey' On Apple TV+, Where Samuel L. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Taylor Tomlinson: Look At You' On Netflix, In Which The Comedian Takes A Hard Look At Herself First Stream It Or Skip It: 'India Sweets and Spices' on Hulu, A Warm Comedy About A Well-To-Do Indian Family Stream It Or Skip It: 'Chappelle's Home Team - Earthquake: Legendary' On Netflix, A Comedian More Than Ready For His Close-Up Stream It Or Skip It: ‘The Adam Project’ on Netflix, a Sci-fi Comedy in Which Ryan Reynolds Time-Travels to Meet His Younger, Wisecracking Self Stream It Or Skip It: 'UFO' on Netflix, a Turkish Melodrama That Spices Its Youthful Romance With Motorcycle Races Stream It Or Skip It: 'Meskina' On Netflix, A Dutch Comedy Where A Recently Single Thirty-Something Tries To Rebuild Her Life Stream It Or Skip It: 'Redeeming Love' On Peacock, Where A Christian Farmer Falls For a Hooker with a Heart of Gold New Movies On Demand: 'Marry Me,' 'The Exorcism of God,' 'Her Socialist Smile,' + More
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Molly!! What are you main thoughts on the season?? Other than incoherently screaming about how amazing Jonny and Simone were??
Okay, OKAY
I don't even have time to get into the fact that I was not prepared for this season. I wasn't. I'm still so-
I can barely put my thoughts into order and if you wanna know how rough it was to have to put up with my unbridled thoughts @jeanvanjer and I did our first watch together and... She had to put up with a lot
I'm considering doing episode by episode videos if anyone wants to see that
Their first meeting! Oh my god! Anthony was simping from the off, and Kate definitely thought he was cute. The look on her face when she pointed out that she knew him. And she said he was Handsome. Oh she really liked you babe, she followed you outside to talk to you. And Oh my god. Anthony. When I heard what he was saying about his future wife, I was absolutely not surprised that Kate read him to filth. Fucking drag him babe, he deserves it.
I really feel like all the Bridgertons got time to shine this season. Even Greg and Hyacinth. Anthony talking about child bearing hips in front of Greg had me cackling
I really liked the idea that Kate had been so desperate to provide for Edwina and Mary that she contacted people that would never accept her. And the idea that as long as Mary and Edwina are happy and cared for, she would be content to live alone, seperate from them, as though she never saw herself as a member of their family at all. The first time Kate called Mary Mama I gasped.
Newton, my beloved. Greggy barked in greeting the first time he saw Newton and-
Philippa and Mr Finch have my whole heart. Mr and Mrs Cheese forever.
The Ascot scene made me cackle, very Ten Things I Hate About You of Anthony, to use Dorset like that. But Dorset, baby, come through
Eloise was a huge mood this morning, 100% me when my Mum takes me to parties.
Think one of my biggest complaints this season is that a lot of the content that should have been Mary's went to Lady Danbury. I had heard that mary was a little unfeeling towards Kate and I didn';t find that to be the case. In the scene where mary is harshest to kate, After Anthony basically just interrupted his wedding to help Kate, she was 1) taken by surprise 2) faced with the impossible situation of needing to comfort both daughters. The scene between Mary and Kate in episode 8 had me in tears. Mary telling her she doesn't have to earn her love at all. And the tears in Kate's eyes and the way she cried when she said He does not love me Mama like, Simone Ashley give me some space to BREATHE
Let's discuss Edwina. I loved her. I think a little too much of her growth was tied to Anthony in a way but I liked it anyway. Let me just say: I am a younger sister too and if I hd just been publicly embarrassed, lied to months, years, about why we were even there in the first place, and then found out my sister was in love with my fiancé I would be upset as well. I would be mad and a little petty. Edwina is human. And as for her calling Kate her half-sister babe, you could not have made a more sister move right then. My sister told me I was adopted like every day for 6 years. And I love her to death. And as soon as she realised that Kate tried to fight this, that it wasn't just an infatuation, it was real love, She was supportive. Charithra was incredible in that scene. A born fucking star.
PALL MALL i loved the changes they made to it. Anthony getting upset near Edmund's grave gave such understanding between them. And it was beautiful. Also the way the Kate's hair started falling out of its pins literally as she was playing. Loosening up, falling in love with him. The symbolism.
I have been really critical of Violet's relationship with Anthony, but this season. My god, this season. The way she slowly opened to him and he to her, that scene with Gregory wrecked me.
Prudence Featherington was hilarious. Get that girl a spinoff. Jack and Portia: I continue not to care for the Featherington Drama at all.
Every single flashback to Edmund was the most painful thing I have ever witnessed. The scene of Violet giving birth to Hyacinth, I had tears running down my face and now I want a parallel scene of Kate giving birth to Edmund next season, because Anthony will be so scared, so worried.
Every single time Kate and Anthony were alone together I was breathless, I cannot handle the way they danced. The scene in the library afterwards. Their lips didn't even touch and my heart was pounding. The way he spiralled because he found out she wasn't staying, and he wasn't ready to say why but he couldn't help himself
The fact that it's implied Kate hasn't married because she was focused on raising Edwina so they could be provided for. Break my heart six ways to sunday.
The Sheffields can eat glass. Giles from Buffy I am so disappointed in you. But MARY come through with protecting Kate. Anthony as well.
Holy god, that scene where Anthony practically begs Kate to see that he can't marry Edwina because he would never stop thinking about her. You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. Do you even know all the ways a woman can be seduced? I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT ANTHONY
I have no idea what people were talking about when they said this season wasn't as Sexy. The last four episodes I barely fucking breathed. Their Dance scene were more intimate than most of mainstream media.
Kate begging Anthony to marry Edwina broke me. It broke me. The way you know he's going through with it because Kate asked him to. Oh Kate, You Stupid Walrus (Affectionate)
I was stressed the whole of episode 6. When Anthony imagined Kate as his bride I couldn't breathe, the look on Kate's face this entire episode. My God. When he bent to get her bangle. And I think this is the moment Edwina realised because this was the first time she couldn't pretend he was looking at her instead.
THAT KISS. THAT FUCKING KISS! My cheeks were warm. I was blushing in my living room like a fucking idiot.
I think it was obvious that, Mary just didn't know what to do, what to say to Kate about Anthony, especially because Kate wouldn't talk about it.
The Was I truly so blind?! scene made me cackle. Anthony just staring at the tiddies right in front of his jilted fiancée and both their mother's. I never thought they'd actually bring up the LILIES WHEN I SAY I SCREAMED
The way it was obvious that Anthony wanted Kate and he didn't care, but she kept pushing him back.
The way Anthony wrapped his arm around Kate's waist at the end of that Dance. Without even thinking. Just watch those moments after they danced together again. Beautiful.
Penelope wrecked her only friend. And calling Kate a beast? Yeah. Next.
Okay THAT scene. Holy Fuck. That one scene > Season . Anthony telling Kate all he thinks about is her. Kate admitting it's the same for her. The way he said Go Inside and she stood her ground knowing what would happen. What did I tell you about you and your orders?! THE WAY HE GRABBED HER AND RUCKED UP HER SKIRT the way he whispered I will stop again and again, trying to convince himself that he could. The way she held him so close and told him not to even try. FUCKING KILL ME. The way He told her he wanted to do filthy things to her and the very first thing he did was get on his knees. SIR. The smiles, The vulnerability in both their eyes.
The smile on his face when he woke up and reached out for her. The way I know he wakes up every morning with that exact smile on his face.
I will never recover from the look on Kate's face when she asked if Anthony had come to see her. And she thought he didn't love her, she knew that that night, but she wanted to feel what it would be like to be his wife. Even just once. Even just for one night. She wanted to be his. (And if you're only ever gonna have one fuck, that looked like a good one tbh I need an AU where Kate does leave England and takes a baby Neddy with her)
Oh Anthony, that proposal hurt me. How scared she was, How hurt he was.
I loved Kate and Edwina not giving a fuck what anyone else thought. Dancing together despite what people would thing. Edwina telling Kate to shine by herself now I LOVE THEM
That wrecking Ball dance. HOLY SHIT. I WAS FERAL. FERAL. just look at me. no one else matters HOLY FUCK the way their eyes locked together fuck me uppppppppppp
ANTHONY's confession HOLY FUCKING CHRIST. NO THOUGHTS JUST I WILL HUMBLE MYSELF BEFORE YOU The pay off of them both finally admitting they felt it too, that they wanted to be together, despite what anyone thought. Holy Fuck.
Loved Eloise finding out about Penelope. Neither of them held back there.
The idea that they went travelling for six moths, did somethign for themselves, happy and stupid and in love. The way Anthony said Viscountess had me weak. Stop flirting about how often you fuck, I can't handle it. They're so Happy and in love and Fuck me
Final thoughts.
I loved this season. The changes were great, and made the pay off better.
Simone Ashley's Kate Sharma is masterful. The vulnerability in her eyes at moments was more than I could handle, I don't even know how to describe it. Holy Shit. I knew she was going to be good and I wasn't ready.
Jonathan Bailey understands Anthony so well and we're so lucky to have these actors who understand their characters so well. His interactions with Violet and Daphne (loved her this season) and his family. I wasn't ready.
This season was so beautiful. Give them a spin off show.
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ashleemccann · 3 years
Goodbye Julie and The Phantoms ( First, off I asked my mum this morning to cancel, our Netflix subscription I'm that distraught over this.) Rant About to happen, (please no negative commenting) I’m so upset 😰heartbroken right now to find the right words to say but I’ll try. A few things first I’m outraged at #Netflix for not renewing the JATP It really is terrible and so close to Christmas. How can Netflix make us wait a whole year just say nope sorry no renewal? I personally think they don’t care about the viewing audience, otherwise, they would have cared enough to at least make the announcement earlier. The show ended on a cliffhanger so what we don’t get answers that sucks. There are so many unanswered questions on the show we have unfinished business, 1, Are the guys still ghosts2, Did they cross over3, what’s going to happen to Nick 4, what’s Caleb’s plan inside Nick 5, Is Willie ok 6, Reggie’s family7, Alex’s Family8, Luke Family9, Julie’s family will Ray find out about the band10, Will Julie and Luke get together11, Can Alex & Willie reunite 12, Will Trevor confronts the band13, Can Carrie and Julie makeup and be friends.14, Can Carlos meet the band now So many questions it’s not fair we deserve more as an audience who devotes our time to viewing. It’s a huge disrespect to Kenny and Cast who were made to wait a year as well to find out.  Please don’t be mad at the cast or Kenny this was all #Netflix’s choice we blame this is on them. Also why the heck are so many other shows renewed on #Netflix listed below                      Bridgerton (Season 2, 3 & 4)* Centaur world (Season 2)* Chicago Party Aunt (Part 2)* Cobra Kai (Season 5)* Dead to Me (Season 3)* Disenchantment (Part 4)* Dream Home Makeover (Season 3)* Data : Dragon’s Blood (Book 2)* Fate: A Winx Saga (Season 2)* Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives (Season 2)* Firefly Lane (Season 2)* Floor Is Lava (Seasons 2 & 3)* Formula 1: Drive to Survive (Season 4)* Get Organised with The Home Edit (Season 2)* Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 (Season 2)* Ginny & Georgia (Season 2)* Grace & Frankie (Season 7 – Remaining Episodes)* Green Eggs and Ham (Season 2)* High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America (Season 2)* History 101 (Season 2)* Johnny Test (Season 7)* Kid Cosmic (Season 3)* Last Chance U: Basketball (Season 2)* Locke & Key (Season 3)* Love, Death & Robots (Season 3)* Malibu Rescue: The Series (Season 2)* Masters of the Universe: Revelation (Season 1 – Part 2)* My Unorthodox Life (Season 2)* Octonauts: Above & Beyond (Season 2)* Ozark (Season 4 – Parts 1 & 2)* Pacific Rim: The Black (Season 2)* Queer Eye (Season 6)* Raising Dion (Season 2)* Ratched (Season 2)* Real Rob (Season 3)* Rhythm + Flow (Season 2) What makes them different to Julie and The Phantoms, they might be more popular but I think JATP has a huge audience. If Netflix gave shows like JATP a chance they would see how amazingly fast in popularity it would grow. The next thing Netflix will do is take JATP off the platform all together so people will forget about it and can't watch it. I’m sorry to say the fans won’t forget about it this one show will recreate an uproar like anything we will #standtall. Netflix has cancelled so many good shows on the platform below, I’m surprised anyone is still watching it. JulieAndThePhantomsAnneWithAnELostAndFoundSpinning OutSabrinaGreen House Academy Ashley Gracia Country Comfort These shows and more got cancelled also online it says that #NETFLIX did not give a reason why.As a customer services platform that is just truly awful for not even letting us know why I can guess a few reasons. 1, COVID stops massive amounts of people from getting together (actors can’t get places to film) 2, views of the show 3, They just don’t care at all about it I felt like I had to say something I want to make a video but I just keep crying about it. To #netlfix, it’s just another show but to us, it’s a lifeline that we need to hang onto. Besides, it sucks they did it around Christmas time couldn’t wait. So too Kenny, Cast I’m deeply sorry that you all won’t be able to go back to do the show my heart is broken. We won’t ever leave you because true fans are with you till the end no matter what this show won't ever leave. Song "If you could only know I'd never let you goAnd the words I most regret, are the ones I never meant to leaveUnsaid JATP" #standtallforjatp
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Money Heist: What to Watch Next
So you’ve finished “A Family Tradition” – the concluding episode of Netflix’s global blockbuster series Money Heist. It’s like finally getting off the wildest rollercoaster ride ever, right? So many twists and turns, so many powerful scenes that put our hearts in our throats, so many feels…and now it’s over.  
From the very start, no one knew where this show was going to go. The original Spanish TV series La Casa de Papel (The House of Paper) would have disappeared into obscurity when it was cancelled had not Netflix picked it up. But there, the gang stole the hearts of the world, was one of Netflix’s most popular foreign language titles, and became an international symbol for resistance movements. Tokyo (Úrsula Corberó) said it best in her ultimate narration, “When this story began, nobody could’ve imagined…”
The final fifth season was broken into two parts over 2021. Part 1 was released last September. The final five episodes came out on December 3. By the next day, Money Heist was back in the #1 slot for Netflix again.  
Although the cast and crew have definitively said this was the final season, Money Heist’s “life is going on.” If you’re a fan of the show, here’s where you can get your fix of the gang.
Money Heist: From Berlin to Tokyo Volume 2
Where to Watch: Netflix
Just like with season 5 part 1, Netflix released another behind-the-scenes documentary concurrent to the release part 2. When you finish the finale, Netflix’s ‘next episode’ function automatically directs you here. It’s a fitting denouement with the stars and showrunners sharing their feelings and insights about ending the beloved series. 
DO NOT WATCH THIS BEFORE FINISHING THE SERIES. Just like in volume 1, it’s packed full of spoilers and meant to be watched afterwards. 
La Casa de Papel: El Legado (the Legacy)
Where to Watch: YouTube
On November 3, a fan event celebrated the end of the series at Palacio de Vista Alegre in Madrid, Spain. It was a star-studded gala with the cast trading their red jumpsuits in for stunning red carpet attire and answering questions from the audience and fans around the world. Cecilia Krull opened the show with a live rendition Money Heist’s opening theme song “My Life is Going On” and there were a few surprise announcements about upcoming Money-Verse projects (to be discussed next). There’s even a quirky parody video by Ed Sheeran, a skit about how he would audition for a British redux of Money Heist. 
The two-hour “Final Event” was live-streamed on YouTube and is still available there on the Money Heist channel. It’s in Spanish but an English translation is available through a link provided by the channel.
Money Heist Korea
Where to Watch: Netflix (but not yet)
Amongst the surprise moments at El Legado came from a video message from Park Hae-soo. Park discussed the upcoming Korean adaptation of Money Heist.  This ‘K-Heist’ redux was announced back in November 2020 for Netflix Korea. Park Hae-soo will be playing the Korean version of Berlin. In the video, he thanks Pedro Alonso, who originated the role of Berlin, for sending him an iconic Money Heist Salvador Dali mask. Park says that the Korean series has a different mask and he’s looking forward to returning the favor to Alonso by sending him one when it is revealed in the redux premiere. 
Netflix subscribers will recognize Park from his role as Cho Sang-woo, the investment broker in Squid Game. Ironically, Squid Game has been accused of poaching their iconic mask and red jumpsuit from Money Heist. Last September, Squid Game dethroned Bridgerton to become the most watched Netflix series to date (Money Heist currently ranks at #7). And we thought the Money Heist gang were the thieves. 
Other cast members of Money Heist Korea include Yoo Ji-Tae (OldBoy) as the Professor, Jeon Jong-seo (Burning) as Tokyo, and Park Myung (Parasite) as a hostage. Given his notoriety and the roles that Park typically plays, he’s a likely candidate for the Korean Arturo.  
Season 1 of Money Heist Korea will have 12 episodes and is slated to premiere in 2022.
Where to Watch: Netflix (but not yet)
Even more exciting was the El Legado announcement of a prequel spin-off series Berlín. Berlin was one of the main masterminds behind the heists, but he didn’t survive the first one. He was suffering from a terminal illness and sacrificed himself  so that the others could live. However, he appears throughout the second heist in flashbacks. 
The teaser trailer was just clips from Money Heist so little is known about this new project, except for that it is scheduled for 2023. Although the showrunners often claim that they are writing Money Heist at the last minute, Berlín feels like an orchestrated play akin to one of the Professor’s back up plans. Season 5 delved into Berlin’s backstory in depth. It introduced Tatiana (Diana Gómez), one of Berlin’s 5 ex-wives, and Rafael (Patrick Criado). And given that The Professor is Berlin’s brother, we can only hope that Álvaro Morte will reprise his role for this. 
Money Heist: The Experience
If you’re lucky enough to live near the right host city, Money Heist: The Experience is an immersive installation show touring the world. Participants engage in a 60-75 minute experience with costumes, actors, and a plot to carry out a heist like the gang. Afterwards, participants can hang out in a themed bar with appetizers, custom cocktails, and of course, merchandise. The installation began in Paris in July 2021, and has been staged in London, Miami, Mexico City, and New York City. Future city hosts (or ‘under future threat’ as their publicity says) include Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Lisbon, Los Angeles, Rome, Sao Paulo, and Singapore. 
Where to See More of the Gang
Snake Eyes
Where to Watch: Available for rental or purchase on the usual suspects (Amazon, Google Play, etc.)
Úrsula Corberó plays The Baroness in this 2021 ninja spinoff of the G.I. Joe franchise. Although she plays a side character in this film, she vamps it up in a black leather catsuit and severe stiletto heels and steals the show like the thief she is. And the end of the film sets her up as a major character if a sequel is ever greenlit. 
The Wheel of Time
Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video
Álvaro Morte appears as Logain Ablar a.k.a. ‘The False Dragon’ in Amazon Prime’s new adaptation of Robert Jordan’s epic fantasy novel series. Ablar is a powerful channeler of magic who commands an army of followers bent on conquest. He first appears at the very end of episode 3 “A Place of Safety” and his character is in four of the nine episodes of season 1. The show is led by Oscar nominated actress Rosamund Pike and is currently Amazon Prime’s number one show. 
The Tree of Blood (El Árbol de la Sangre)
Where to Watch: Netflix
This artsy 2018 Spanish film stars both Úrsula Corberó as Rebeca (the lead character) and Najwa Nimri (Inspector Sierra) as Macarena. It’s a complicated story of a young couple writing their intertwined life stories together that jumps back and forth through time in a poetic tale of sex, madness, murder, suicide, love and the Costa Nostra. 
The Tree of Blood is a tour de force for Corberó, who delivers a terrific performance that is layered and authentic. It comes as no surprise to Money Heist fans that Corberó is a powerful actress and one to watch. It is currently available on Netflix. 
Sky Rojo
Where to Watch: Netflix
Sky Rojo doesn’t star any of the cast of Money Heist, but it is another project by Álex Pina and Esther Martínez Lobato, the creators of Money Heist. The show is reminiscent of Thelma & Louise, but instead of a waitress and housewife on the run, it’s three prostitutes who killed their pimp. It has some of the same style of Money Heist with its over-the-top sensibilities and emotionally corroding characters, but it’s far more gratuitous with graphic sex and violence. Sky Rojo is a gritty crime spree under a thin guise of a sexy neon veneer. 
The first two 8 episode seasons of Sky Rojo are available on Netflix with the third final season on the way. 
Spanish TV and Film
Given that the gang are Spanish speakers, much of their recent roles are on Spanish TV and film. Najwa Nimri has a lead role in another Álex Pina and Esther Martínez Lobato series Vis a Vis: El Oasis. Morte appears 4 episode mini-series Boundless (Sin Límites). Raquel Murillo (Lisbon) is the lead in the first season of Intimidad. Jaime Lorente (Denver) played the legendary Spanish swordsman in a TV series on El Cid. Miguel Herrán (Rio) led the crime thriller film, Sky High (Hasta el Cielo). And coincidentally Paco Tous (Moscow) will be in a series about Salvador Dali’s chef Esperando a Dali. 
Long Live Money Heist… and Viva la Resistencia! 
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The Final Season of Money Heist available on Netflix now. 
The post Money Heist: What to Watch Next appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3IsXsoo
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