#victory of death
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jameslmartello ¡ 11 months ago
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Blessed Solemnity of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia!
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z-oot ¡ 6 months ago
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Jigsaw falling into place, so there is nothing to explain
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starlightseraph ¡ 11 months ago
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“Everybody Lies” (2004) // “Everybody Dies” (2012)
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onenicebugperday ¡ 9 months ago
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Victory jumping spider, Phidippus nikites, Salticidae
This species is found west of the Rocky Mountains and displays a wide range of coloration from white and bright yellow to bright red, with adult coloration usually in combination with black.
Photos 1-2 by nature4lzw, 3-4 by reptipods, 5 by silversea_starsong, 6 by ianmwright86, 7 by brian_wright, 8-9 by mhedin, and 10 (for scale) by llellin
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lesbianralzarek ¡ 6 months ago
wyll's #1 sexual fantasy: being loved for who he is and assured that hes enough, even without his blade of frontiers persona
wyll's #2 sexual fantasy: being choked out by a minotaur
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convex-solos ¡ 1 year ago
mors tua vita mea
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inkstainedhandswithrings ¡ 3 months ago
literally, no idea what in the hell Ahsoka was thinking when she told Rex her brilliant plan to get off the Venetor was to have him tell a lie
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ashwii ¡ 10 days ago
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god-of-this-new-blog ¡ 2 years ago
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“‘Cause if it gets you through the night. Well then hey, hey it’s your night, and that’s your right, it ain’t my business” — The Paper Chase
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kiyomitakada ¡ 4 months ago
"This isn't what I meant by 'bonding activities,'" Misa says.
L has his entire arm, up to the elbow, stuffed into the Jenga tower box. Light silently prays for his hand to get stuck. "Did you not say you wanted company, Amane-san?"
"Yeah, but I didn't mean with you," Misa retorts. "I said I was lonely without Light around!"
"Yes, and Light-kun is attached to me," L explains patiently. He successfully withdraws from the box; the missing Jenga piece dangles between his thumb and index finger. Damn it. "Many couples play tabletop games together."
"I don't want to be in a couple with this creep," Misa says. "You don't either, right, Light?"
Light sighs. "Misa, you're a suspect in a murder investigation. It doesn't really matter if you want to or not."
"What?! What about consent?"
Since when have you cared about consent? Light does not say aloud. Instead he says, "Whatever," because he's a nice person. "Let's just get this over with."
"Beh," Misa mumbles, but she settles down on the sofa to peer at the Jenga tower pieces L has dumped onto the table. Light and L sit opposite her; L, with uncharacteristic grace, places the last wood block on top of the pile.
"You know," Light remarks, "I'm pretty sure the pieces are already arranged as a tower when you first buy them. You didn't have to scatter them all out."
"Oops," L says without a hint of remorse.
No one moves. Eventually Light, with another sigh, leans over and starts stacking the tower up himself.
Light has played Jenga before, obviously. With friends during recess when it was raining outside, yeah, but more often with Sayu and Mom over the holidays. Mom is brilliant at it; Sayu's alright, but takes too many risks. Light's no strategic master, but he's also never lost, as far as he can remember — he just plays it safe and goes for the loose blocks in the middle.
Suffice it to say that this round is going to kill him.
"This should not be standing," he says in a desperate plea to the rules of physics.
Misa grins. She's only been taking blocks from the left side of the tower (and putting them on the right side, to be fair, but that should not nearly be enough to balance this structure). Even one piece in the base level is gone. "But it is!"
"Ryuzaki," Light says, gesturing at their inadvertent creation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa's inferior cousin, "how is — how?"
"Amane-san is quite a good opponent," L muses, neatly dodging his question. He leans forward with a smile, pressing his thumb into his lip. "I am honored to be playing against her."
Misa brightens. "Hey, Ryuzaki, you're not so bad!"
"I'm here too," Light mutters.
"Hmm." L tilts his head, thumb digging deeper. Light watches the way the strands of his hair fall out of and into place. "Let's see…"
Five seconds pass. Then ten.
Light, all of a sudden, realizes he's been staring at the way L's hair curls just slightly when it brushes against the nape of his neck for far too long. He drops his gaze immediately; it lands on the chain between them instead.
The chain. The chain connected to L's hand. He could end this hell with just one tug —
No, too suspicious. If he cheats at Jenga, L will surely jail him (again) for mass murder.
"Can you hurry up?" Misa crosses her arms, leaning forward. "It's only supposed to take a minute, you know."
"Not all of us have your reality-manipulating powers, Amane-san," L murmurs. His thumb has not left his lip.
"Or maybe I'm just better than you."
L's gaze flickers upward. "Did you often play Jenga in the past?"
"Not really." Misa shrugs. "My friends weren't all that into it."
"Then I find that rather unlikely." L glances back down to the pieces he's considering; Light lets himself exhale.
"No, it just means I'm a natural talent!"
Instead of responding, L reaches and plucks a piece away. It happens so fast Light has no time to blink, exactly the same way L eats sweets.
The tower wobbles and —
No. Still standing.
"Jeez," Light mutters.
"Unhappy I'm winning, Light-kun?" L puts his piece down on the top level. He puts it down vertically. (He's already placed five other pieces this way, packed together in a geometry that is apparently conducive to structural support. Light wishes he could strangle him.)
"Who says you're winning?" Light and Misa say simultaneously.
They blink at each other. Then Misa beams, putting her hand up for a high-five. Light meets it hesitantly.
"I do," L says, unconcerned. He tugs the chain. "It's your turn, Light-kun."
"I know that." Light leans forward, narrowing his eyes. Despite everything, this shouldn't be difficult. All he has to do is find a loose block, and then this tortuous game will continue on as usual.
He briefly considers collapsing the tower on purpose.
No. Light Yagami does not lose. He taps at one of the pieces; nope, load-bearing. Another one. Nope. Another —
Suddenly he's falling — wind whistles in his ears — and then he hits something bony and angular with a thump.
Light stares. He'll deny this later but he stares and stares and stares, until he finally registers that he is lying in the lap of quite possibly the second worst man alive and jolts back upright, pushing him away. "What the fuck, Ryuzaki!"
L's laugh is low and slow and amused. "I only moved my hand a little," he says. "I didn't know Light-kun could tip over so easily."
"You are cheating," Light accuses. "You wanted me to lose!"
"The tower is perfectly intact," L says. "No evidence, no crime."
Light tears his glare away from L to check. Yes, the accursed tower is still standing. Damn it all.
"That's the whole problem, isn't it," L continues. "No evidence…"
Misa slams her hands down on the table, making the tower judder. Light startles; he'd almost forgotten she was there. "You locked us up for two months and didn't even have evidence?!"
"There is plenty of evidence in your case, Amane-san." L turns to look at her. The loss of his gaze feels a bit like a punch, but a mild one that Light is not affected by whatsoever. "And besides, I was referring to Jenga."
"Well, what about my boyfriend? He never—"
"Just drop it, Misa," Light says. "He's not changing his mind."
For a split second, Misa glares at him. Light almost flinches — and then it's gone again, replaced with a pout. "But he's insufferable!"
"You'll only have to suffer me until we catch Kira," L says dryly. "So I suppose we'd best do that as soon as possible."
(Aizawa, muttering from the control room: "Oh, really.")
"Yeah, well, we will," Misa says. "And I bet Light's going to beat you to it, 'cause he's so much smarter than you. Right, Light?"
"It's still my turn," Light says. "If you pull me again, I'll break your nose."
"Hmm. Ten percent."
Light steadies both feet on the ground, clenches his chained hand into a fist, and reaches for the tower again.
He taps. And keeps tapping. With growing horror, he realizes that there are no loose pieces. Every level is made of just the middle block and the right block now, and none of them are pullable. They’re just not enough on their own.
Light takes a long inhale and holds it, just in case a breath would disturb the structure. He squeezes his eyes shut, then open. He reaches for the level 75% of the way up.
Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Light uses his thumb and index finger to maneuver the middle piece into a diagonal —
There! The right piece slips out easier than butter.
Light does not indulge his first instinct, which is to yell FUCK YES!!!!!. Instead he leans back, exhales, inhales, and then puts the piece back on the top layer.
The tower does not fall.
"Your turn, Misa," Light says, attempting to school his smile from "deranged" to "enthusiastic."
Misa claps in delight. "That was amazing!"
"Interesting," L muses. "Interesting."
"I was under the impression that moving a piece other than the one played was a rules violation," L says.
"Wh—" Light nobly does not punch him. He weighs the possibility of claiming he had never done that, but the middle block is indeed at a distinctly unnatural slant now. "That's not true. You made that up."
L leans over the side of the sofa and plucks the manual out, flipping through it carefully. "'Any blocks moved but not played should be replaced'—"
"—'unless doing so would make the tower fall,'" Light reads over his shoulder. "And it would!" The middle piece is clearly the only one holding up the entire layer. "Take that, Ryuzaki!"
L frowns. "You, Light Yagami, are a sore loser."
"I think you're the sore loser here, to be honest," Light says, faintly giddy. He could kiss someone right now.
"Your turn!" Misa says triumphantly.
They both turn to look at her. Misa has removed the other side of the base layer. The tower is now standing entirely on one block, wavering uncertainly in the faint air-con breeze.
"What the fuck," Light manages.
Misa grins. "Good luck, Ryuzaki!"
[ @deathnotetober day 21: games ]
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ladyblackbirdart ¡ 4 months ago
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Abby Anderson as
The Angel of Death Victorious
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INKTOBER DAY 20: Mythology
Drawing this was a spiritual experience. I recently saw a stunning picture of the infamous Angel of Death Victorious statue by Herman Matzen and was awestruck. It was clear what I needed to do for this prompt. Drawing Abby as the Haserot Angel was so interesting, this piece practically oozes with symbolism. I know the sculpture includes an inverted torch but I felt called to a battle axe for some reason. Thanks for looking and sticking around. Every comment, share, etc has been wonderful. I’m truly so grateful, happy to share my (he)art ♥️ with you all.
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theofficialpresidentofmars ¡ 5 months ago
started watching Death Note yesterday and have come to the conclusion that if Hamlet had access to a death note, literally nothing in the play would change or happen differently in the slightest
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cpattersonevans ¡ 10 days ago
Solas as the Vehicle for Flemythal's Reckoning?
One thing that I keep coming back to after playing through the Dragon Age games again is the lovely speech we get from Flemeth in Inquisition. She mentions that Mythal came to her for a reckoning and proclaims that she, Flemeth, will see Mythal avenged. Then in that very same game, Solas kills her and takes her power. Why would a game that has someone make such a show about their planned vengence, kill that very same person essentially a few moments later? Well because her vengeance has finally been set in motion.
I am in the vein of thought that Flemeth expected him. We see her sending a fragment of herself through the eluvian, which is the fragment that Morrigan absorbs allowing her to obtain Mythal's memories. Flemeth could very easily stop this weakened version of Solas, but she doesn't. She let's him take her power.
I think that she has been absorbing the power of the Evanuris over the years, waiting for Solas to wake from his slumber. Waiting for the moment when she can use him as her weapon once again. Solas would be able to do more with that power because he is 'whole' versus fragmented.
And for her vengeance? That could be a few things. Vengeance for the Evanuris killing Mythal. Vengeance for Solas' 'betrayal' when he started his rebellion. I think the initial vengeance of Mythal was twisted and amplified by Flemeth's own desire for vengeance which is why it's phrased "I (Flemeth) will see her (Mythal) avenged."
We learned in Veilguard that the fragments of Mythal can be different depending on the experiences they've had. This is perhaps why the fragment stuck in the Crossroads seems more complacent about the Evanuris and Solas and needs to be convinced to help. You actually have to tell her that she deserves justice for what they did to her, which isn't even enough on it's own to obtain her help. She also differentiates herself from the fragment inside of the "swamp witch" and seems to be annoyed that Solas wept over killing Flemeth. She was angry at one point about her betrayals because we see that the Dread Wolf heads have been lovingly removed from their statues, but this changed over time.
Her attitude just reads to me more as why should she spare them another thought rather than enraged with vengeance. Whereas the initial angsty vengeful fragment that went to Flemeth was kept aflame over the years, continuously stoked by Flemeth herself.
I don't necessarily think Solas is aware of his role in Flemeth's vengeance. He is too warped and consumed by his own goals. He says it himself "everything you do, whether you know it or not, will be for her." Solas regrets this moment as well, as we see in his memory murals. And it is his memory of what happened, which would differ from Flemeth's and neither would be the absolute truth of that moment. It may be implying more significance to this moment than just "he regrets killing her."
I don't even think Flemeth agreed with Solas' goal of destroying the Veil, just that his mission would allow hers to succeed. Which I do think she does get her vengeance, the remaining Evanuris are gone and Solas, if he was a part of that vengeance, is either atoning or trapped.
This isn't fully fleshed out and there may be lots of holes in this theory and I might add more to it when I take a deeper dive into game events again. I just think Veilguard makes a big deal about the fragments of Mythal being different parts of her that change depending on the lives they've lived. So, too me, Flemeth's story would not necessarily be the same as the Crossroad Mythal's and both would be different than Morrigythal's.
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chandralia ¡ 9 months ago
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acediscowlng ¡ 3 months ago
honestly very obsessed with the idea that matt reeves may actually managed to create a movie that is the perfect encapsulation of robin's thematic importance to the batman mythos accidentally.
like. he just did that entire movie. and did not realize he was actually talking about robin. made a whole entire movie showing batman as a protector of children and the need for a symbol of hope alongside the symbol of fear. and apparently did all of that while not thinking of robin the entire time. like. he was just "yeah the batman does need something to balance the violence with his genuine and sincere desire to do good" and somehow missed the eighty year old character that answers the question he poses at the end of the movie.
just. what an unhinged way to approach batman. my disappointment for a lack of robin is currently overpowered by the sheer fascination of the idea of matt reeves seemingly understanding and agreeing with the importance of robin but like. only on a theoretical level. because he also does not think robin is important enough to be part of the story.
i want to study this man like a bug.
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notyoujamie ¡ 2 years ago
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