#victor internet
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 1 year ago
Summary: The secession of Atlantis from Earth and its reformation as a city state is told through thirty-six unreliable narrators, in a mix of excerpts from academic books, interviews, poetry and so on, and a connecting straight narrative. (Summary from Fanlore)
Author: @cesperanza
Note from submitter: Despite only landing in novella territory at 52k words, Victors is one of the few fics that I think reaches the quality of a published novel while being totally inextricable from its fic roots. An insanely ambitious effort, completely worth the level of acclaim it's enjoyed in SGA fandom. It's THE McShep fic. Even if you're not a SGA fan, the way it plays with format is compelling on its own. 
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arconinternet · 10 months ago
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster (Windows, Amazing Media, 1995)
Starring Tim Curry as the scientist - and you as the monster! You can download it pre-packaged to run on modern versions of Windows here.
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estherlehnsherr · 3 months ago
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cartoonsforlife · 5 months ago
I still can't believe they dubbed this episode in my country! 😭💖 Unfortunately it is impossible to find the full episode dubbed in this language! I managed to find a few clips before CN FR removed them from their YouTube channel!
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aestheticsoftheinternet · 7 months ago
Aesop Carl & Victor Grantz Moodboard
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Requested by: Anon! <3
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perhaps-in-anotherdream · 1 year ago
[Comic] If Victor turned into a cat
Artist: 橘芝士 (ju zhi shi)
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡ || Sub-masterlist
⌚ Please do not repost ⌚
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If ‘Titans’ was in made in the 90s (fan cast by me)
Dick Grayson (Robin + Nightwing)
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Johnny Depp (aged 27)
Koriand’r (StarFire)
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Sharon Stone (aged 32)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
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Winona Ryder (aged 19)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)
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Jason Priestley (aged 21)
Victor Stone (Cyborg)
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Shemar Moore (aged 20)
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musicmoviefangirl · 5 months ago
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manichewitz · 3 months ago
getting into yuri on ice in 2024 is so funny because there is just soooo much lore to unpack. like. what do you mean there's a secret stage drama where victor does naked yoga on a roof. what do you mean
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potatobugz · 2 years ago
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THIS IS A VILE, NASTY MAN. I think am going to animate him
(here's like one frame.)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 7 months ago
Summary: Alfea is great - as magical and frightening and beautiful as she imagined. The only downside is, it's not all that different from Earth. People didn't like Bloom asking so many questions there, either. In which Bloom decides to take matters into her own hands, and earns herself a couple of Super Secret Study Buddies.
Author: @dragonflyxparodies
Note from submitter: This fic is the start of a LONG series deconstructing the winx club universe/government in general. It has some CRAZY good worldbuilding and while it definitely takes a darker tone of the whole thing it feels very well thought out and not grim dark for grim dark's sake. Highly recommend for anyone who loved the series I think their Bloom is so cool!!!
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ladymoonstardust · 8 months ago
I saw someone say they want a four hour musicak of les mis including things from the book like the waterloo chapters, the handkerchief incident etc. Im bored and haven’t slept well because of the heat so I wrote the lyrics for the song of the handkerchief incident as waterloo obviously should just be ABBA
“A piece of cloth yet my world turned upside down
A piece of cloth and I can picture you in a gown
One as white as your pale face
Carved from marble in god’s place
The smell of it flaring my nostrils
Let us love eachother till we’re fossils
U.F my Ursula surely you are
Ursula, brighter than any star
Oh how I wish to find you
Look into your eyes ever so true
My heart full of love
Aches for a being above
Ursula my dear
We shan’t ever meet again I fear
Ursula my dear,
I’ll keep your handerchief near”
this is the version of how romantic Marius found it. Now on the other hand
A piece of cloth left on the street
Fallen from a pocket to the concrete
No sign it should be hers, yet you picked it up
Up and brought it to your face as of a cup
Have you no shame? What of bacterias?
Have you any idea that cloth went to certain areas
It is a handkerchief for fuck’s sake
Not the girl for whom you ache
Quit acting like a creep please I beg
No! Do not look at the tag
Ursula my ass, that’s not the only name
Dear Marius why do your nostrils flame
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owls-den · 2 years ago
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Victor ended up being the party's Fated Ally and they just recruited him! I love my edgy psychopathic son !
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rmu-vincent · 1 year ago
Hellllooo Vincent! I am absolutely totally not Anybody you may know in real life. :} I am going to leave a fish here. Look after him
🐠 <- the fish.
Who are you trying to fool, Krueger? Your childish demeanour and typing quirks are enough to let the cat out of the bag. Or should I say "fish" in this case? Given the amount of pointless things you do on a daily basis, I am starting to suspect that you might have chosen an imaginary major—there is just too much free time on your hands for an actual student.
With that said, I did not ask for the fish, nor am I interested in taking care of it. Moreover, from now on, I explicitly request that you do not get me involved in any of your fishy business. The best possible solution I could offer in case you are desperate to get rid of this fish is to inquire if @rmu-victor would like to keep it. However, I insist on not being in close proximity to any of your pets or belongings whatsoever.
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obscurecharactershowdown · 2 years ago
Group E Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Zinn, a creature made of a mass of dark tendrils and many eyes. the second image is of Victor Spooky, a noir detective wearing a red and purple fedora and purple trench coat, that dissolves into red and purple smoke around him. end ID]
(Note: The author mostly uses it/its pronouns to refer to Zinn but have used 'he' and 'they' a couple times.) Zinn is a creature called a Monstrum who is a type of alien from a world made out of light. Due to unknown circumstances their universe was breeched by enemies who devoured their peaceful existence. In turn, the Monstrum were exiled and stripped of their forms. Somehow, Zinn ended up in a Steampunk adjacent world and came to be lovers with a powerful human women called the Shaman Empress. Their relationship, while described as tender, may have been one sided. Zinn loved her dearly, only referring to her as "The Beloved' but it is implied that she used it for her own deeds/gaining knowledge and power. Monstrum drain energy from anything they touch so they are incompatible with the mortal realm. Zinn inhabits the Shaman Empress's bloodline and is passed down through generations to minimize(?) damages. Eventually Zinn gets passed down to the main character who. in simple terms, as not to get sidetracked, is a Girlboss, capital G. She is a descendant of the Shaman Empress, technically making them blood family. Which is kind of hillarious. Imagine this tentacle creature being like "Hello. Yes I am your great-grandfather. Let us kill and consume flesh". They pick up a rag tack bunch of other characters( not limited to a necromancer cat, a psychic kitsune child, a brooding guy with crow wings, gay furry tiger pirates) and they are so found family… image link Zinn, despite not being too well-versed in human culture cares for them all the same. It has so many funny interactions with the cast, particularly the Kitsune girl, Kippa (as it does not understand her cheerful and positive attitude). Examples: -https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab33f45b9506033cdec6a6a2a9d55655/baa027673994792a-2d/s1280x1920/fb57ea6a550181e49d588a60473f050fac30300d.pnj -https://64.media.tumblr.com/41f0c01fa1e8c4e9e7dda5bcb589f24d/38ba370cd51ca323-59/s1280x1920/c96e0a11d0c0ab8b92b14cbebccd276c0e2c3c8a.jpg -https://64.media.tumblr.com/4cc511e4b365359842c0a9825dc416d5/e4f6cb4faa1aa13d-8e/s1280x1920/9f0ca9abdb590fdaca5c7a93e230a79bfe32fd2d.jpg -https://64.media.tumblr.com/c32edb01ada4ebf159bbb70b5a00c36c/3bca30f2ba708ae4-c3/s1280x1920/6f04c20b2fe1e47c0898b513e71772f99581ea13.jpg Zinn also has that tragic sibling swag, accidentally killing its sibling. It has so much trauma, but for a space-alien-god is very withdrawn and weary of the world. Although it tends to act cryptic and not reveal too much. It seems like it used to be elitist but with time has come to appreciate the mortal world although it would never admit it outloud. ANYWAY. VOTE FOR THIS PATHETIC HORROR OF GUY. Monsterfuckers and monsterfriends assemble! (and go read Monstress! There are many queer characters and the lead is sapphic! also cool monsters, cool worldbuilding, and real world cultural references) TLDR: Its an eldritch god who misses its dead wife :( / There is something very wrong with them (affectionate)
Detective Victor Spooky
Spooky's game still only has a demo, so there isn't much for me to say at the moment, but he's still a very interesting character. At some point in his life, he died of unknown causes leading him to become a ghost. Despite that, he still continues his detective work, though in the game he gets a supernatural case. He's acts serious, but without his clothing, his appearance is actually just a typical simple ghost design. He talks like your typical, charismatic, noir protagonist, but the fact that he's a ghost paired with the worldbuilding and concept makes him pretty unique.
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years ago
Umbrella Academy Losers
Bill takes a deep breath, twists the cap off the urn, and dumps the ashes out. They fall into an inelegant heap. It would have hated that.
“M-might have been b-b-better with some wind,” he mutters. Everyone stays silent.
Finally, Richie breaks the silence. “Did anyone else ever expect him to turn into some weird alien…clown…spider…thing?”
No one replies, until Bill toes the ashes. “Yeah.”
“Well,” Richie says, lighting a cigarette, “good to know I’m not completely crazy.”
“I don't think that Bill being on your side points to your favor,” Eddie replies.
Bill frowns down at the small pile by his feet. “I used t-t-to th-think he was i-i-immortal. I g-guess I s-st-still thought th-that.”
“He was always good at making us think he was the biggest threat we’d ever face,” Mike says.
“He was wrong,” Bev replies, and glances at the ashes one last time before light flashes and she’s gone.
Richie’s sitting upside down on the couch, much to Eddie’s chagrin. Sucks for him, but there’s plenty of couches to choose from. He didn’t have to sit next to him. He pulls a joint out of his pocket and lights it. Hopefully having lungs upwards for a change doesn’t make him choke.
Bill sighs. “Richie.”
“Sorry, Big Bill, but if you think I’m going to be sober enough to chance seeing It’s ghost, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
They all wince in sympathy.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, “but can you at least not smoke with the asthmatic in the room?”
Richie squints, trying to make sense of Eddie’s upside-down face. “Do you have asthma? I don’t remember you having asthma.”
“Were you there for most of our childhood?”
“Physically or mentally?” He asks, but gets up and moves to the bar. Close enough to hear, far enough to not aggravate Eddie’s lungs. Bev and Ben follow him.
“Got a smoke?” Bev asks, leaning against the bar, and Ben falters, accidentally turning his two fingers of whiskey into three.
“You—you’re thirteen,” he says, at the same time Richie asks, “Aren’t you an infant now?”
“I’m forty years old,” she says, fixing them with the second most deadpan stare he’s ever seen. “I’m in the body of my thirteen year old self, which is enough torture. Besides, these lungs are already ruined. Give me a damn cigarette.”
Can’t argue with that. He gives her a damn cigarette.
Ben sighs and adds another finger.
“Richie,” Bill calls, because he has some kind of Big Brother instinct that Richie secretly thinks of as his second power, “you better not be giving drugs to the baby.”
“Fuck you, Bill,” Bev snorts, and Richie follows up with, “Yeah, fuck you! The ‘baby’ gave me cigarettes first.”
“Why’d you stay, Mikey?” Bill asks. “You hated it here more than any of us.”
“Actually I think that was Richie.”
“Hell yeah it was!” Richie calls.
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