#vi's making jokes!!!!
thephoenixcave · 2 months
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Where we learn how the king met his untimely (but much deserved) end. 💀 RIP Edgar
Much time has passed since the game’s end, and Edgar is still gonna Edgar, but Terra has figured out how to deal with THAT 👊
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a-wondering-thought · 7 months
"Oh they only self-harm for attention"
Ok first of all fuck off, its none of your business why anyone self-harms, second of all So what if they do sh for attention? Is that not incredibly concerning to you? Like do you think if they are sh-ing for attention then maybe they are struggling just as much as anyone else who self-harms? Like is that still somehow not really worrying that they are sh-ing at all?
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smolmilkling · 1 month
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Another commission for @wellyourefivefootabitch of Little Ziyi having her doomed mecha anime pilot moment, thus tricking me into learning how to draw machinery.
Bonus meme version and Ziyi-less cockpit:
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jimmyspades · 1 month
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THE BLACKLIST 1.10 "Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion"
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citrusinicake · 3 months
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Vitalasubzam Week 2024 Day 2: AU / Roleswap
for this day i decided to make a roleswap of my tourney au (name tbc)
this is supposed to be the scene where the runaway prince turned pirate zam's crew (captained by ro) take vitalasy and zam as hostage but instead decide to keep them in order to use vitalasy's knowledge to find some ancient and powerful artifacts
in this version vitalasy takes over subz' role as protector, zam takes vitalasy's role as leader, and subz takes zam's role as rebel
and rather than the cast returning to old experiences they instead have new ones: vitalasy goes from a shut-in wizard who's less a defender and more an advisor to the closest thing to a knight a shapeshifting wizard can be, zam goes from spoiled prince who basically never gets into any real danger even when hunting to a seasoned adventurer capable of fending for himself, subz goes from a guy whos only alliance was a friendly yet ultimately transactional partnership with reddoons and woogie to intensely caring for two ppl that at first were nothing but burdens to him that he was only really helping out of pity
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toasteaa · 23 days
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There was a Statue of the Seven literally 10 feet away...
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nirvanaida · 4 months
code geass is underrated for so many reasons but i just wanna say it’s INSANE that there aren’t more people pointing out how good the fucking score soundtrack is. not just the ops and eds!!! genuinely nakagawa should have been given fifty bajillion awards for the shit he cooked for the backing tracks because they add so so so much to the series. stream eternal seperation and zero
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hopelesslovebug · 1 year
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wat ar tey doin tho ?
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hellscythearts · 1 year
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Ah, my fav ship and my fav rarepair and my fav ot3 all in one post <3
(Adding on for context: These three are the ones that I write with the wife on our RP blogs: @overx [X and Vile] and @thegatesofinfinitespace [Zero])
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wowifinallywatched · 6 months
Hoffman's really out here showing us his secret Pa-Strahm-i recipe
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 year
So what do DC fans do when they are six-feet down frustrated with DC's decisions..they make fix-it headcanons and fanarts! (Only Wayne Family Adventures can save us, apparently...huhuhu, I was so hopeful for DC Dawn but it has to happen)
Sooooo, here's a suggestion, one major problem of DC is the Robin Mantle.
We have Tim Drake, who with the ambiguous ending of his Robin run '(2022) Tim Drake: Robin', he said he doesn't want to be Batman, nor Robin?? So is this a call out of his possible new path? But come on, he is still very active in Batman donning his Robin Suit, so maybe it's just the usual 'finding your own path' narrative of a Robin while still doing the status quo.
Aand Damian Wayne has just finished his Lazarus Tournament Arc phase on the '(2021) Robin' series, and has made up with Batman (in Lazarus Planet Event), and has rightfullly refused the offer of both his mother and father to follow their footsteps.
So now having known what we know...it is simple. DC should just hammered in the difference of the two, coz they are very very different strengths and flaws NOW. (It has always been, but their skillsets were practically interchangeable, with Tim having the edge of experience, wholistically-trained with a cool head but is insecure, and Dami having talent for the job but is overconfident and has a temper and trust issues).
But now, Dami has been hinted heavily to have 'magic' in his blood. This should be a big deal.
I mean, what is stopping DC in making Damian the Robin who focuses on the magical and voodoo cases of Gotham?
It would not only let the two Robins continue to operate with Batman, it would make them have separate jurisdiction on Batman's case files, with Tim helping Batman on his usual detective work, and Damian learning more of his powers, building immunity (coz how many times has been that he was used by demons, devils, and dark forces of the multiverses, like srsl? Batman, this is a literal threat to everyone and this is not even a discussion in your training book?). Also different specialization makes it easier for the two to find and ground themselves again. Like, it has been high-time to have one resident-batfam who focuses mainly on THAT, aside from Azrael. And with Azrael being the Angel of Death, and Dami being the grandson of the Demon Head, the tandem and potential is there?? Hopefully, it is still Michael Lane, coz having an underground trained-to-be-Batman's-replacement who eventually got insance and became Bat-Devil only to convert into a lliteral incarnation of an Angel....the parallel>>>to DAMI? So good. The resurrection and salvation bit for the two would be so nice to put in comics.
Hecck, Dami training under Constantine and Zatanna woould be sick.
And it doesn't have to make Damian more OP with magic on his arsenal. It could simply just his magical powers are limited to immunity from the dark arts (coz he trained the fuck out of it, *intro, training montage). So he is still a badass mini-Batman but just highly trained against the supernatural. (IF this happened, please don't let this be his whole personality coz it'll boxed Dami in a one-trick pony, that's why it should be just immunity/dispell skills...or a one-off channeling of his superpowers when he resurrected before...the possibilities are nice to play with. Just give him a flaw...like he can study on academic levels the magics but he cannot sense them the way a magically-gifted person could).
And this is only until Tim Drake finds his own superhero-persona. Coz 'til now, there's no organic way for Tim to move forward to.
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So we have the colorful Robin, and the monochromed Robin. I say, let's return Red Robin to Tim, and make Damian the White Robin...
...or Dark Robin, or Bat Robin...but they all sound like the DC Metalverse Robin Versions, so I still lean in to 'White Robin' coz they are rare and is good call-out when he got resurrected and was in all white clothes.
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Also when Damian first appeared, he was in a black and white overall which could easilly be interpreted how he is blanced on the weighing scale on good and bad. Now, he is good, just that, he does not let his father, or anyone at that matter, dictate the colors he would wear...he is still figuring it out, after all.
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
All these fics about Kabbu and Leif sharing a bed for "shipping reasons" or whatever are a fool's move. Give us the bee! Acknowledge Team Snakemouth's canonical inn arrangements of "all three of them sleep in the same bed" you coward! We aren't here for "romance" or "pairing the boys together because they're the stock standard Shippable Men", we're here for bed sharing!
Team Snakemouth consists of three bugs, and they absolutely should get fic with inconvenient and uncomfortable sleeping arrangements where Vi somehow monopolizes 90% of the bed despite being physically smaller than everyone else, Leif is banished to the very edge of the bed for being Cold, and Kabbu dumps both of his teammates on the floor on accident when he wakes up from a nightmare. The bed sharing fic that we deserve as a fandom should be rooted in deep inconvenience and it should contain at least one instance of someone getting kicked in the ribs, and that's our firm opinion.
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sukibenders · 2 days
Aegon may have despised Viserys, and rightfully so, but it's so fascinating that, even if for such a short time, his parenting mirrored his father's. Like it just goes to show that, no matter how much he tries, he'll never truly be far from him in some way.
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imperfectcourt · 1 year
Me, rabid fan of Neil with a prosthetic leg, eating my ice cream, minding my own business, suddenly smacked in the face by
BOTH of them each having a prosthetic leg, opposite legs, and splitting pairs of shoes between themselves bc it's economic
And fuck if Andrew is ever going to say no to Neil getting his favorite orange sneaker.... he is resigned to his fate of never letting Neil know how much he hates those fucking monstrosities
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Girl In Red 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼 ⁉️ Nah, more like
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Girl It’s Red ❤️… and Blue Lesbians 💙‼️
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kingcunny · 3 months
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yall know what im gonna say
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