#vet tech school
jarotopal · 10 months
Welp tomorrow morning is my Veterinary nursing practical exam, I’m pretty positive about 90% of it but I hope I get my math right.
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“I want to be a vet” is a common childhood dream… but I’m curious just how widespread it is!
Reblogs are appreciated 🐾
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shinobicyrus · 6 days
It doesn't matter to JD Vance - or Trump's supporters - that the 'immigrants eating pets' stories are false. He's admitted as much, and says he will keep repeating them. Because "memes."
It also doesn't matter when it's pointed out to him that the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are in the country legally. He's going to keep calling them "illegal" because their legal status is not the thing about them that he finds objectionable.
It doesn't matter if they're legal immigrants or illegal immigrants. It doesn't matter that immigrants - regardless of legal status - are statistically much less likely to commit crimes than those born in the United States.
None of those things matter, because it's never been about those things.
Trump & JD Vance and all of their supporters hate immigrants. Full stop. The reasons and justifications will always shift and change to fit the present circumstances and political environment; reactionary politics at its finest. Meanwhile, the cold and vile core remains unchanged:
"These non-white people are lesser than us. In fact, they aren't people and we don't want them here."
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zeromorph · 1 year
incomplete list of my favorite things about holding mice
when they wrap their tails around one of your fingers for balance. this is the thing prompting the post. tiny mouse handshake!
my favorite old lady mouse at the school likes to run up my sleeve and hang out on my shoulders. ime mice are mostly not all that affectionate but she likes to be held and I think she likes to look around from up high. photos of the school animals are technically off-limits but I also have treasured contraband photos of her in my hair
shockingly good at being upside-down if they can get good purchase on a sleeve
tiny little feet tiny little claws tiny little scritch-scratch...
sometimes they climb right into a pocket and hang out, which makes me slightly afraid of accidentally walking off with one but is also painfully charming. we should all be so comfy as a mouse in a soft dark lab coat pocket
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 4 months
things may suck but at least there are faggots
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Spent the day at a very annoying in service that included a chiropractor keynote speaker insisting the youth anxiety crisis is due to drinking coffee but one administrator did share her backstory which included getting mauled by a rabid bobcat so that kept the event interesting at least.
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reminem69 · 6 months
it's that time of the week where I think about going to college again
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tinyleavesdream · 1 year
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It's officially spoopy Coty time! 🎃🥀🍁
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lilmaemae · 5 months
gonna cry
my coworkers got me a stethoscope and scrub caps for my goodbye present AAAAAA :,))) they're the sweetest
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vet-student · 1 year
What do you do with vet tech students on a slower day so that they're not bored? 🙈
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askavettech · 1 year
Hey Guys...
I'm very sorry for my lackluster posting over the last *check notes* ouch...essentially two years.
I know I've made this promise before, but I'm going to really try to post regularly. I've got a backlog of asks and cool stuff I'd love to share with everyone. 
As for what the hell I've been doing, here's a quick rundown:
I graduated with my Bachelor's in Animal Science last August; very exciting considering how long it took me to get to this point! I was also able to conduct an independent research project and write an undergraduate thesis. A wonderful experience full of lots of work and stress, but, boy, is it rewarding to say, "I'm technically published."  (If anyone is interested in talking about research, I'd love to chat!)
With degree in hand, I applied to...a lot...of veterinary schools. And they all rejected me - whomp whomp. But, for a first try, I at least got to speak to some of the schools, so not too bad. Yes, I'm a little upset, but not surprised. So we try again! However, at this point, I need to retake some basic prerequisite classes before I can reapply, so I'm heading toward that.  (If you guys have questions about the veterinary school process and how to apply, I'm an open book!)
I have also started working at a new vet clinic! (This is the really fun part!) While I love all creatures under the sun - except ectoparasites, you know what you did - I have some serious knee issues, and wrestling with 150lb dogs isn't so great on the joints. So, last May, I started working at a feline specialty hospital. And I won't lie, I love it so much. My clients, patients, and especially the clinic's live-in blood donor cats are all just wonderful. Because the clinic is feline-oriented, it caters to many feline-specific disease processes - e.g. hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. I can't wait to tell you all more about feline diseases, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments!
Right now, I'm laid up due to knee surgery (like I said, bad knees), so I think I'll have some time to really get going again on this blog. 
I hope to talk to you all soon!
-Jay the Vet Tech
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simplykaren · 1 year
So, 1 of the clients at my work is a divorce lawyer. Lots of pets, takes good care of them, not the point. The point is I'm writing a custody hearing scene in a story rn. Y'all have no idea how loud I was yelling at myself to not ask them about custody hearing procedure when they came in today to pick up prescription food.
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I love and will always be grateful to the on-the-job trained techs who have taught me over the years, but working in my teaching hospital over the past few weeks with such a high proportion of registered veterinary technicians (several of whom have their VTS!) has been absolutely incredible.
RVTs (or LVTs, CVTs, registered vet nurses, whatever your title may be wherever you are), I love you so much and I am so sorry for everything you have to put up with. Your profession is invaluable and deserves the pay and respect owed to nurses.
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lacepockets · 1 year
can i ask what meds your guineapig was put on and what they do? i recently found out my guneapig has an enlarged heart too & i hope i can help him
Oh no, I hope you can help your piggy! 😟 Dilated cardiomyopathy is a fairly common problem for them, and it's terrible. They're such wonderful little creatures, and so delicate, so it's really frightening when something is wrong with them. And cardiac problems in general are scary! I earnestly wish you and your piggy the absolute best!!!
Dolly is on a cocktail of three medicines:
Enalapril once per day. This is an ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor. That enzyme is responsible for narrowing blood vessels, so an inhibitor prevents that enzyme from working, so the blood vessels don't get narrowed and it's easier for blood to travel through them. This is a same medication given to humans with the same condition.
Pimobendan twice a day. This is an inodilator, which in simplest terms, lowers blood pressure. When blood pressure is high, it's easier for it to cause damage to vessels and the heart itself, which in DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) already has a heard enough time pumping. I believe this is a veterinary-only medication, and it's typically given to dogs but works in other animals too.
Furosemide twice a day. This one is a diuretic, which helps clear fluid from places in the body where it shouldn't be, and expels said fluid in urine. When there's fluid around the heart, the heart can't expand and beat properly, so a diuretic helps with that. This is also given to humans.
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trillgutterbug · 1 year
i've just learned of the existence of """fear-free""" veterinarians, implying that all other vets are fear-forward or fear-embracing or at the very least fear-ambivalent, so i'll be giving my kittens, who are scheduled to be neutered in two weeks, a series of prepratory pep talks on the character enhancing properties of trauma and panic 👍
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