#askavettech personal
askavettech · 11 months
Hey Guys...
I'm very sorry for my lackluster posting over the last *check notes* ouch...essentially two years.
I know I've made this promise before, but I'm going to really try to post regularly. I've got a backlog of asks and cool stuff I'd love to share with everyone. 
As for what the hell I've been doing, here's a quick rundown:
I graduated with my Bachelor's in Animal Science last August; very exciting considering how long it took me to get to this point! I was also able to conduct an independent research project and write an undergraduate thesis. A wonderful experience full of lots of work and stress, but, boy, is it rewarding to say, "I'm technically published."  (If anyone is interested in talking about research, I'd love to chat!)
With degree in hand, I applied to...a lot...of veterinary schools. And they all rejected me - whomp whomp. But, for a first try, I at least got to speak to some of the schools, so not too bad. Yes, I'm a little upset, but not surprised. So we try again! However, at this point, I need to retake some basic prerequisite classes before I can reapply, so I'm heading toward that.  (If you guys have questions about the veterinary school process and how to apply, I'm an open book!)
I have also started working at a new vet clinic! (This is the really fun part!) While I love all creatures under the sun - except ectoparasites, you know what you did - I have some serious knee issues, and wrestling with 150lb dogs isn't so great on the joints. So, last May, I started working at a feline specialty hospital. And I won't lie, I love it so much. My clients, patients, and especially the clinic's live-in blood donor cats are all just wonderful. Because the clinic is feline-oriented, it caters to many feline-specific disease processes - e.g. hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. I can't wait to tell you all more about feline diseases, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments!
Right now, I'm laid up due to knee surgery (like I said, bad knees), so I think I'll have some time to really get going again on this blog. 
I hope to talk to you all soon!
-Jay the Vet Tech
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askavettech · 3 years
HOLY MOLEY! Welcome new friends!
I got up today to nearly 15 new followers. I...wow gang! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support and interest. 
But I don’t want to disappoint anyone, so I gotta be honest with everyone. I am not very active here, and I don't really plan to change that. 
I'm FINALLY nearly the end of my undergraduate degree, which is exciting! But it also means that I'm busy constantly. I also haven't been working in a veterinary clinic for a little over a year; a combination of focusing more on school and COVID had me leave my last clinic.
This year I am going to be applying for veterinary school. If you guys would like, I can try and post about that. But I don't want to promise anything and not adhere to it. 
So that you all for being here, but I don't know how much you will actually hear from me. Feel free to ask questions about school, technician work, or things along those lines. Remember, I'm not a doctor and cannot diagnose. But otherwise, I will try to answer your questions. 
Thank you for sticking around with me through this! It's been a wild few years behind the scenes, and I appreciate you all being so patient with me. 
-- Your ever-lurking, but hardly posting friendly neighborhood vet tech
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