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satinea · 2 years ago
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Peu auront su regarder la terre sur laquelle ils vivaient et la tutoyer en baissant les yeux.
Terre d'oubli, terre prochaine, dont on s'éprend avec effroi.
Et l'effroi est passé...
À chacun son sablier pour en finir avec le sablier.
Continuer à ruisseler dans l'aveuglement.
Qui délivrera le message n'aura pas d'identité.
Il n'oppressera pas.
Un outil dont notre main prrivée de mémoire découvrirait à tout instant le bienfait, n'envieillirait pas, conserverait intacte la main.
"Ce bleu n'est pas le nôtre"
René Char
[ La Porte noire ~ Vesontio ~ Besançon ]
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xasha777 · 9 months ago
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In the year 2468, the sands of time have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the ebb and flow of oceans, and the birth of new species. Among them, a rare breed of sentient swine, evolved from the domestic pigs of Earth, have become renowned throughout the galaxy for their extraordinary musical talents.
The most celebrated of these porcine virtuosos was Elliora, the Violinist of Venus. Her spellbinding melodies could soothe the most savage of beasts and mend the most war-torn of spirits. She was known to don her ancient sequined gown—a relic of a bygone era—and play upon the shorelines of Venus, which had been terraformed into a paradise of lilac skies and silver seas.
But a shadow loomed over the serenity of the Solar System. The formidable Battle of Vesontio, the 68th clash in the series of interstellar wars, was on the horizon. The humans, who had once been the custodians of Earth, now sought to reclaim their ancestral home from the Confederation of Planets, a diverse coalition that had flourished in humanity's decline.
The eve before the battle was to commence, Elliora received a plea from the President of the Confederation, a centenarian who had heard tales of her enchanting music. "Your art," he said, "has the power to move the stars themselves. Play for us, Elliora, and perhaps we can avoid this needless conflict."
With the gravity of a million suns upon her heart, Elliora agreed. She stood upon the ancient beaches of Vesontio, an antique cello cradled in her hooves. The armies of the Confederation and the human fleets hovering in the skies paused as her bow touched the strings. The first note quivered through the air, pure and clear as the birth of a new star.
Elliora's music wove through the soldiers and pilots, a tapestry of sound that told of loss, hope, and the relentless march of time. It reminded them of Earth's legacy, of the peace that once reigned, and of the unity that could be theirs again. As the melody rose to the heavens, the combatants lowered their weapons, a silent truce forming amidst the celestial audience.
The music did not stop the battle, but it transformed it. The Battle of Vesontio (68) would not be remembered for the bloodshed it could have wrought but for the concert that echoed across space and time. The conflict became a discussion, negotiations fueled by the common thread of Elliora's music.
Elliora, the pig who played the violin, became more than a musician; she became a symbol of harmony in a universe that so often knew only discord. And as the years passed, the legend of her performance at Vesontio grew, a reminder that sometimes, the greatest victories come not from the might of armies but from the strings of a violin and the heart of an artist.
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norfolkbuttonboy · 2 years ago
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Roman Civil War Silver Denarius Revolt against Nero. Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis. Denarius, March-May 68 A.D. Vienne. Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm; SALVS GENERIS HVMANI. Rv. S.P.Q.R. in oak wreath. RIC 72, BMC 34. Gaius Julius Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, raised the standard of revolt against Nero in the Spring of 68 A.D. He sought the support of other provincial governors, but none responded except Servius Sulpicius Galba, governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, whose claims to the throne he promised to support. The city of Vienne in Nargbonensis declared for him, but the colony of Roman veterans at Lugdunum refused him admittance. As a result Vindex had no Roman troops under his command, so was forced to rely on native Gauls, local notables and their clients. His forces were crushed and Vindex was killed at Vesontio by the army of Verginius Rufus, governor of Upper Germany. A few weeks later Nero committed suicide and shortly thereafter Galba was formally declared emperor by the Senate of Rome. Found Metal Detecting In UK 🇬🇧 #roman #treasurehunting #treasure #metaldetecting #metaldetectingfinds #history #metaldetector #treasurehunter #treasurehunt #relics #coins #ww #sondeln #dirtfishing #detecting #xpdeus #relichunting #coin #vintage #metaldetectorist #hobby #silver #detectorist #treasures #garrett #metaldetectors #photooftheday #metalldetektor #spqr #norfolkbuttonboy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2VdAIrf8I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kevlo75 · 4 years ago
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The Black Gate of Besançon is a Gallo-Roman triumphal #arch built in the 2nd century #caesar #roman #architecture #besançon #vesontio #blackgate (à Porte Noire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQquw6EgaoH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carnet-spirales · 5 years ago
Peur sur la ville
Peur sur la ville
  La nuit tombe lentement sur le quartier De pâles réverbères aux lampes fatiguées Tentent désespérément d’éclairer les rues Que les badauds abandonnent le soir venu
C’est l’heure des scooters Des voyous, des dealers
Le tram déserté à cette heure tardive Chemine tel une chenille qui s’active Quelque part, au loin, résonnent Dans la cité, des cris , des klaxons
C’est l’heure des scooters Des…
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onenparle · 4 years ago
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jeje70 · 5 years ago
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#besançon #franchecomte #vesontio #nuit #musee #museedesbeauxarts #museedesbeauxartsdebesancon (à Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3iZkj7Ih585CRVlBtJ-HK4fFOUa4NGuvOf3I80/?igshid=1emq7n7napfll
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gtmenace-fandomposts · 5 years ago
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Here's an extra image so you can see his mask and transformation
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comparativeoracle · 3 years ago
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The Shapeshifter. Art by Nataša Ilinčić, from A Compendium of Witches.
“In the middle of the poplar wood stood the oldest tree. They called it the 'White Grandmother', due to the colour of its trunk that, where it began to branch, turned a brilliant silver. It was here that I would sit wrapped in a warm wolf pelt, and watch the sky. I would lose myself in the hectic dance of the leaves which followed the slow swinging of the branches; sinuous like river-weed. My heart would soften, gradually slowing to meet the rhythm of the earth below me.
My eyelids became heavier, and heavier... Leaving my human skin there at the foot of the tree, I would let the wolf skin grow on me. I let it devour me whole, I let it invade me like roots on fertile soil.”
Here's the portrait of Viduca, the Gaulish shapeshifter witch that is going to be featured in A Compendium of Witches. She was born not far from Vesontio, in 40BCE.
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dererumgestarum · 4 years ago
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LA PORTE NOIRE in Besançon (Latin: Vesontio, later Besontio) is a triumphal arch constructed around AD 175 to commemorate the victories of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus over the Parthians in AD 164/65 and the victories of Marcus Aurelius over various Germanic tribes in AD 171/78.
Called the Arch of Mars in antiquity, the structure was originally free-standing. It was incorporated into the city walls in the Middle Ages and remained engulfed in a bastion until the mid 19th century. The arch ceased to be noire after the restoration of 2011 removed layers of dark soot and debris.
The surviving portion of the unusually rich sculptural decoration depicts the capture of Ctesiphon and scenes of mythogical battles. The reliefs on the other side, now lost, depicted barbarian conquests. The finely-grained, locally-quarried pierre de Vergenne is ideal for detailed carving, but also vulnerable to erosion.
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francaistoutsimplement · 3 years ago
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Source : Feitscherg — Travail personnel  Provinces romaines et les peuples proto-basques, celtes et germanique à la fin du Ier siècle av. J-C.
Les Séquanes sont un peuple gaulois établi à l'est de la Gaule, sur le versant ouest du Jura, particulièrement connu à travers les écrits de Jules César. Leur nom viendrait de l'hydronyme Sequana, celui-ci étant le nom celtique de la Seine. Ce fleuve ne s'écoulant pas en territoire séquane, il peut également être la marque d'un déplacement ancien de ce peuple.
Leur oppidum principal au moment de la conquête romaine est l'oppidum de Vesontio, à l'origine de la ville actuelle de Besançon. Durant la guerre des Gaules, après avoir soutenu Jules César, vainqueur d'Arioviste, ils soutiennent l'action de Vercingétorix en -52. Après la soumission à la République romaine, le territoire des Séquanes est intégré à la province de Gaule Belgique.
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satinea · 6 years ago
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Voilà, je suis là, j’écoute, je laisse le temps, dans sa fuite me courir après, je sais que de moi - à la fin - il ne restera qu’un signe discret, lointain. Ca suffira. Roberto Veracini #vesontio #besac (à Besançon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp3wrC5h7t-B8Yq7dj_14XwZwAzzt90W5xAlLI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17e0hfiym0ny1
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vesontio photo - rémyRevel
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fontainebleau22 · 6 years ago
WIP meme
Here’s something fun. Open your current WIP and post your favorite line/excerpt. Then tag as many people as you want.
In this one I was tagged by the very talented @adigeon: thank you!
This is from Necropolis chapter 5, which I’ve been writing and rewriting and restructuring for months now: I still don’t really like any of it except the very beginning:
A child’s games are the same everywhere: games of throw and catch, of skipping stones and turning ropes, feet bare in the dust.  Even in Vesontio the children of the city ran to join their playfellows among the market trestles, dared one another to creep within a mansion courtyard, crouched under a wall marshalling armies of stone and potsherd in the dust.
Lark’s favourite was always the game they played in the garden behind the fane, where the dead leaves and encroaching ivy could be brushed away to reveal a broad avenue of cracked mosaic tiles, the aisle of an earlier temple long fallen to ruin. The yellowed squares stretched in a dense and complex pattern of colours and symbols: stars and leaves, shells and acorns, lilies and roses, in watery blues and faded purples, dull reds and pale greens; the challenge, to flip the counter just so, quick and accurate, to the blue leaf or the white rose, and plot a course a child’s steps could follow, blue shell to red leaf, white star to green rose, all the way to the great bird at the path’s end.
Too easy to choose the wrong branch, take one wrong step and be halted, staring at dead ends all round. Lark had been skilled at it, standing amid the tiles with a pebble in her hand, paths coiling around her feet alive with potential: the pattern would come clear in her mind, and she would send her stone bouncing and set her feet without hesitation, her way already determined and the prize within her grasp.
I’ve printed out the whole fic to date for a read-through to see if it can set my feet on the right path again; I really want to get the chapter done by the 31st.
This time I’ll tag anyone who’d like to do this: I’d love to see your favourite line/extract!
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kevlo75 · 4 years ago
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Former #court of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor #heritage #habsburg #besançon #vesontio (à Palais Granvelle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqZenJg_Dq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carnet-spirales · 5 years ago
Pluie d'automne
Pluie d’automne
(Texte sur Besançon)
Il pleut sur ma ville, je marche tranquille Autour de moi la foule caracole Dans les échoppes, dans les rues Sur les trottoirs c’est  la cohue
Les gens, sous leurs parapluies Déambulent dans la nuit Rue piétonne, les dalles scintillent Les vitrines s’illuminent
Place du huit septembre, le vieux manège Tourne joyeusement au son des arpèges Avec regret, je quitte l’église et son…
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