#very strange thing to try and insult ME with
kerryweaverlesbian · 1 month
Twice now people have tried to insult me by calling me a misha fan (derogatory) which does makes me laugh so it's fine but I just wanted to come out and clarify that I am in fact not a misha fan, I am a castiel fan. I do not give a fuck about any of those bozos in any direction.
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arts-and-drafts · 2 months
I decided to start compiling speech patterns and such for the Hermits I watch the most, because being a fic writer is hard sometimes 😭 then I thought “why not share it here?”
so here’s my very rough analysis of my most viewed Hermits, this is just what I’ve managed to gather so please don’t call me out for what I’m missing
Rarely stutters in normal speech. Maybe pauses if he’s started a sentence and doesn’t know where it’s going, but he doesn’t tend to trail off unless something interrupts his train of thought
Stutters a LOT when he’s startled. Also makes ‘hoo!’ noises repeatedly before he finds his words
Lays on the charm THICK when he’s trying to convince someone over literally anything; compliments their looks, their handiwork, and then pitches his proposition in smooth segue. Not one to entertain haggling though (however he DOES do a ‘look if you’ll pay full price I’ll throw in xyz’ thing). King of upselling even the most mundane things.
His tone is cheerful most of the time, no matter what he’s saying. He’ll actually often say very disturbing things with a light voice (ex. when discussing how to retaliate ie “what should we do about him?” “we could kill him! :)”)
Builds and locations somehow are always capitalized in his voice?? Like he says them differently. I can’t really explain it (when he talks about Aqua Town or Scarland or The Big Dig)
Literally has an evil laugh when he thinks of a way to prank someone or mess with people
Hums in thought quite often, and uses “huh!” quite often when confused or finding out something new (Mostly with redstone)
His farewell is almost always “Byeeee, have a great time!” even if the conversation he left was not a pleasant one. I’m almost certain he does this in tense situations just to get under other people’s skin and really push how unbothered he is
Doesn’t tend to insult people, the farthest he’ll take it is backhanded compliments
That said he is not afraid to outright threaten (“I will murder them.”)
References media a lot, both for concepts for builds and in speech (ie his greeting “Well hello there!” is from Star Wars)
Number one exclamation is “Sweet Baby Jellie!”
(More under the cut!)
Cold opens, both in videos and conversations (rarely says “hello, how are you, etc” when encountering someone, but he does say farewells/‘thank you’s)
Likes to sneak up on people and scare them if he realizes they haven’t noticed him yet, usually does so by getting real close and then yelling (“HEY!”/“HI!”/“WHAT’S THAT?”)
Uses the name of whoever he’s talking to pretty often while speaking to them (“Well, Mumbo, you never know”/“So, Scar, as you can see here-“), same goes for often addressing his audience (“you all”/“you lot”/“you guys”)
Usually pretty focused (when he wants to be) but oftentimes takes a minute to laugh at things he notices in the natural environment (An accidental face in a build, a mob in a strange place, etc)
Takes the lead in a conversation if nobody is the clear leader, but generally only speaks when spoken to if someone else has risen to that spot
Clarifies instructions after something is explained, both to his viewers and to anyone he’s grouped up with (most often seen in the Life Series)
Uses “Pardon?!”/“Beg your pardon?!” most often when surprised or startled (he’s very British), also sometimes uses “Sorry??”
Things are way more funny to him when he’s tired
Deadpans a lot in conversation ie “why not do xyz?” “Well because we’ll horrifically die 😑“
This man is allergic to committing to the bit unless he’s the one that initiated it
Not one to sugarcoat (“how is it?” “well to be honest it’s miserable”)
Number one exclamation is “WHAT?!” (though he often uses “oh my GOODNESS” quite a bit)
The start of nearly every episode is almost a pitch, does the same when bringing up an idea to others (“I have this idea”/“I was thinking”/“I noticed” etc)
Often laughs a little at himself when he speaks
Also often brings up how inexperienced/unqualified he thinks he is with literally any task he’s doing
Gets very distracted with the smallest things
Uses similes a lot when trying to describe a concept (“I’m thinking a this-type thing”/“Something like a [xyz]”/“Imagine like a [thing]”)
His voice gets higher when he’s startled or panicking
A very vocal thinker, which makes sense because he’s a MC Youtuber, but he also just. Seems to think out loud regardless
Comments a lot on the feel of things (“Oh this feels menacing”/“This looks like it’d mess you up”/“This makes it feel very intimidating”), often with building
Extremely modest. However will celebrate when he does something right in redstone/building (“YES! Oh my days, that took forever”)
Once and a while will have a rare banter moment with people he’s comfortable with (ie teasing and making fun)
Related to above, he gets very giggly when he’s hanging out with people he’s familiar with (Grian and Scar most often, but also Iskall)
Number one exclamation is “What on earth?!”
Greets people most often with “How you doing [name]?”/“How are ya [name]?”
He’s very northern. He often leaves out words in his sentences bc that’s just the way his dialect is (“What you doin’?” vs “What are you doing?”)
Says his th’s like f’s (“somefing”/“nofing”/“finking”) ((Stress also does this))
His jokes/teasing are very deadpan (“I made you this extra thing, because you’re trash at this”)
Actually gives gifts of resources very often, and always leaves it with a little note and signs his name
His voice gets higher pitched when he’s defensive/being extremely cheeky but other than that his tone rarely changes
This man. Flirts so much. If any other person initiates even the slightest of flirty banter he takes that and dials it to eleven I cannot believe this is a straight married man sometimes
Joel commits to the bit 100% of the time (slightly related to above), unless of course it’s jokes about his height
Makes a point to compliment himself if he gets the chance (words most often used are “handsome” “strong” and “humble”, as well as comments about his muscles and physique)
Insults his enemies diminutively (“look at you down there, tiny idiot”/“You’re wrong and also weak”) ((seen most often in Empires SMP)
His most often used insult is “idiot”
When he’s flustered/frustrated he uses “bloody” a lot (ie “bloody heck” or “this bloody thing” (loves to toe the PG line), also uses “blooming” (“bloomin’ heck”)
Most often used exclamation is also “WHAT?!”
Opens videos very jovially, talks almost like a radio host
Breaks down his builds down to the block, spends a lot of time discussing his block pallet choices and giving tips while he builds
Uses the affirmation “sure enough” a lot, and often addresses himself as “Ol’ Bdubs”
Talks affectionately about other hermits often (“[name], the absolute sweetheart, left me some materials”, “[name], you angel!”)
Adding to above, “angel” or “sweet angel” seems to be his most often used affectionate terms
Switches on a dime, though, if he gets offended (which of course causes others to poke fun at him even more)
Calls mobs “stupid” a lot when they don’t do what he wants (but takes it back if he says it to one of his horses ex. “Come here, stupid—wonderful, I mean, beautiful”)
THIS MAN IS THE #1 HORSE ENJOYER. He gets a horse first thing every season and rides it everywhere, and they’re always a focal point of his theme or builds in some regard
Pauses whatever he’s doing to sleep as soon as it’s possible, and gets very antsy if he can’t do it for some reason (“One moment, time to shreep!”)
Related to above, EVERYONE messes with him if he’s trying to sleep in their presence ie breaking his bed over and over, and he gets increasingly more frustrated when it happens
Rarely is soft spoken or quiet, he projects his voice and uses a lot of emphasis in his tone
Either straight up screams (and peaks the mic 😭) if he’s startled or scared, or yells “oh my GOODNESS!!”
Number one exclamation is “HEY!”
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lifetimeoftired · 29 days
Thought more on the 'Batfam in Danny's world' stuff.
Red Robin: What is this? -holds up a clunky early 2000s device he found in Danny's room between his pinched fingers, like it might bite him- Danny: Oh, my PDA? Tucker insisted on buying it for me but honestly I'm not really that great with tech so I don't use it much. He usually follows me around trying to manage my schedule with it. Red Robin: Concerning but, more concerning, this thing... Works? Danny: It's the latest model, so it should? Red Robin: Latest... -trying not to cringe- How do you connect to the internet on it? Or take pictures? Danny, with genuine excitement: Your PDA can do that!? Man, that sounds way cooler than the plastic that lets you see all the stuff inside! Red Robin: I'm In Hell.
Spoiler: Having villains for parents is the worst right? Danny: I mean, my mom accidentally brings the food to life and it tries to bite us. But the keyword is 'accidentally'. They're mostly harmless. Spoiler: They literally just shot at you??? Danny: They shot at Phantom. They don't know it's actually me you know? Also I don't even worry about it. They don't have very good aim since I'm not a danger to them and Dad only gets badass when mom is in danger. Mom's always a badass but it's good dodging practice. Besides, I'd be more worried about them dissecting me, what with the whole, I'm technically an entirely different species that they've been studying their whole life and don't think I'm sentient anymore. But y'know it's whatever. They're not actually all that bad and I know they love me deep down. Spoiler: I'm not sure whether to borrow Hood's guns and shoot you myself or kidnap you away from here and force Batman to adopt you. Danny: Wha-
Danny: Alright a few more adjustments aaaaand there! Signal: Oh wow! Thanks! It's nuce to be able to see again without getting black spots on my vision. There's so many ghosts around it can be hard to see. Danny, biting his lip trying not to laugh: No problem. Signa;: .... What? Danny: Nothing! You look great dude! Signal: ....... Danny: ....... Signal: What did you put on my face!? Danny: Sun glasses! Signal: -skids to a halt in front of mirror and sure enough they're sun glasses. But they're triangular and the hooks go aaaall the way up to hook around the bat-ear points and look completely ridiculous- Danny Why :( Danny: -trying to say 'sorry' through his giggles, but he's not really sorry-
Danny: Uuuuh Red Hood I can't see your face, but I'm kinda worried about how many guns you're loading right now. Red Hood: I just want your 15th birthday party to be safe, okay? Danny: I'll be fine? It'd be nice if the other ghosts gave me a day off sure, but fighting them seems safer. I don't really want my mom to bake a cake anyway. Knowing her it'd just come alive so if they forget this year it's fine. I'm just, those are real guns man. They're dangerous. Red Hood: They are. -cocks gun- For Them.
Robin: >:( Danny: It was a nice try. Robin: Do not patronize me Fenton! Danny: I don't know why or how, but that sounds even more insulting than when Dash does it... Robin: This is an indignity! Fighting immortals entities that cannot be harmed by blade is one thing- but I will not accept being spoken to like a child! Skulker will return and taste my fury! Danny: Hey calm down alright? Robin: Do not test my patience! Danny: I heard you like animals. Wanna meet my purple back gorilla friend? She's really nice and is easy to talk to. Robin: .... The gorilla... doesn't speak does she? Danny: Haha no of course not! I learned her language instead. Robin: ... You are a strange man. However I will accept your proposal for now and I insist you teach me every form of communication with her.
Orphan: :( Danny, who's always been able to understand Cass perfectly, much to the mystery of the batfam and her delight: Aw Cass, I love you guys too. It's been great having your family around- and really I'm flattered! But I can't be your new brother, I'm sorry, but we do live in different realities. Besides, I think I've had enough of people trying to adopt me. Orphan: ? Danny: Yeah my godfather is a total fruitloop. Always trying to kill my dad and marry my mom who hates his guts and get me to call him father instead. Like, he even tried to clone me and copy my brain into a new body right? Or that time he rigged the election to become mayor just to mess with me. And hiring actually competent ghost hunters so I'd quit (kinda wish I could quit actually but it's fine). His obsession with me can get out of hand sometimes you see. Orphan: >:( -cracks knuckles- Danny: What? No! I don't need protecting really! I can handle him just fine. Now that I'm thinking about it though, I dunno what he'd do with Jazz. He never seems to actually talk about her beyond that one time he tried to get her to attack me- huh? Orphan: -disappeared- Danny: ...... That probably won't come back to haunt me.
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yuujispinkhair · 8 days
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🏒❤️ A Hockey Romance feat. modern!Sukuna
Pairing: HockeyPlayer!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: College AU, Hockey AU, fluff + smut Playlist: I wanna be your Endgame Word Count: 5k Warnings: 18+, smut. This is a very smutty chapter. Lots of locker room sex with our favorite hockey player. Fuckbuddies to lovers. Reader is a creative writing student. Sukuna is an ice hockey player + history student. This story will have approximately 10 chapters. Minors don't interact. Header by me. Divider @/benkeibear
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You have no idea how you became such a hockey fan. You try to tell yourself that you are just here because ice hockey is a fascinating sport. And the Tigers are your college's pride, so attending the games and cheering for the team is almost obligatory.
And cheer you do. Maybe a little too enthusiastic, anytime Sukuna scores a goal, or when he slams an opponent brutally into the boards, or when he skates as fast as lightning over the rink with that mad grin on his face.
There's a little voice in your head that whispers to you that maybe you aren't so much a hockey girl but rather a Sukuna girl. But this is a thought you try to push into the furthest back of your mind.
And after all, in your defense, Sukuna is the star player of the Tigers, and the whole arena cheers for him!
After the game, Sukuna skates past you and lifts a hand in greeting, smirking at you through the plexiglass and yelling over the loud noises of the arena,
"Good job today, my lucky charm!"
And you laugh and smile broadly at Sukuna, yelling back at him that he played really well. He flashes you a smile, and his cat-like eyes trail slowly over you with a smug expression.
You give him a little wave when Yuuji and Todo skate up to him and take him in the middle to do another round across the rink for the cheering fans in the stands. And your treacherous eyes follow Sukuna the whole time he is on the ice until he finally skates over to the player's bench to collect his stuff.
That's when you remember that you still have Sukuna's hoodie. The hoodie which feels so soft and warm and, which, to your utter embarrassment, you didn't take off for several days. But it's time to return it, or things will look strange. So you washed it and brought it along to the game. Even though you have this irrational fear that Sukuna can somehow read your mind and will know exactly what you did with his hoodie. You don't ever want him to find out. Even though you would love to know if Sukuna finds the thought of you wearing his clothes just as exciting as you do.
You follow Nobara into the lobby but touch her forearm lightly to make her turn around and look at you. You hold up the hoodie, informing her,
"I have to give that back to Sukuna. Can we wait for the players to come out?"
Nobara gives you an amused look, far too knowing for your taste. She huffs and crosses her arms in front of her chest,
"I won't waste my precious time waiting for some hockey boys."
She says the words hockey boys as if it is an insult. You sigh and are about to complain when she grins at you and adds,
"I have to hurry up, so I can take a shower before Maki comes over. But you can stay here and wait for your loverboy to come out!"
"Sukuna isn't my loverboy!"
"We'll see about that. Anyways. Have fun! I have to go!"
She waves at you and leaves you standing there while your heart is beating too fast and your face feels too hot at the implication that Sukuna and you could be lovers.
You sigh, looking around the lobby, trying to decide the best place to wait for Sukuna. You settle on making a left turn to walk down the corridor that leads toward the locker rooms. At least you can be sure you won't miss Sukuna this way.
The door to the men's locker room comes into view, and you slow down.
Suddenly, unbidden images of a shirtless Sukuna flood your mind. Sukuna changing, Sukuna half-naked, all buff muscles and tattooed skin. Sukuna in the shower. You feel a bit dizzy all of a sudden, and you shake your head as if it can help you get rid of those images.
Maybe it was a stupid idea to come here. Your mind keeps betraying you those last few days. Dirty thoughts about Sukuna haunt you night and day. Why does he have to be so sexy?
You lean against the wall, clutching Sukuna's hoodie to your chest as you wait. The minutes tick by, and you feel your nervousness grow. You are almost ready to bolt when you hear loud voices coming from the direction of the locker room, but before you can do so, the door gets pushed open, and you decide it would look weird if you run now, so you force yourself to stay, trying to look nonchalant as you turn your head to check if Sukuna is among the guys coming out of the locker room.
You spot pink hair and your heart jumps to your throat, but you realize a second later that it's Yuuji. The guys walk past you, casting curious glances at you, and you nod at them in greeting, smiling sheepishly as you mumble, "Good game."
The others walk past you, but Yuuji stops in front of you with a big smile on his face, greeting you as if the two of you are old friends.
It's kind of strange to look at Yuuji, seeing all the things that look exactly like Sukuna, the same tall and muscular build, the matching pink hair dye, the same face shape, the same way of cocking their heads. And at the same time, the twins look so different.
Sure, the face tattoos contribute a lot to the difference in appearance. But it's not just that. Sukuna and Yuuji give off completely opposite vibes. Their whole facial expression is different. While Yuuji smiles a bright sunshine smile that lights up every room, Sukuna walks around with that smug smirk on his face, always making you feel as if he is mocking everyone around him and thinking they are annoying little insects and nothing more.
While Yuuj's eyes have an almost golden glow and seem warm like honey, Sukuna's are that rich, deep maroon that seems so mysterious and almost devilish sometimes. His eyes always seem to be narrowed as if he is watching you closely, reading you like a book while he keeps his own soul carefully hidden, while Yuuji's eyes are big and open, and you feel like you can read every emotion he feels openly in his eyes.
Right now, those warm, brown eyes beam at you with a happy sparkle in them,
"You're waiting for my brother, right? You can go in! Sukuna is still in there."
Yuuji smiles his sunshine smile and jerks his head towards the door of the locker room. And you almost choke on your spit as you are quick to shake your head and splutter,
"Um... uh, thanks, but no. I will just wait here. I can't just go into the men's locker room."
Yuuji laughs, his eyes sparkling amusedly at you, and he shakes his head,
"No, it's okay! Trust me! Everyone else already left. It's only Sukuna in there. And he told me to send you to him."
You stare at Yuuji with wide eyes.
"How did he know I would be here?"
Yuuji shrugs and scratches the back of his head a bit sheepishly,
"Kuna just knows things, I guess."
You blink at him but choose not to inquire any further. But your mind registers the nickname Yuuji uses for his brother. Kuna. It makes your stomach do a little flip for whatever reason.
You thank Yuuji and slowly make your way toward the locker room door, feeling as if you are in a daze.
You try to tell yourself you are only doing this because Yuuji is so nice, and you don't want to seem ungrateful, but deep down, you know that a part of you has longed to walk through that door ever since you came here. That part of you that keeps having dirty fantasies about Sukuna and is drooling over the thought of him coming out of the shower, wet and sexy and... You exhale sharply, forbidding yourself to think any further.
You stop in front of the door and cast one last glance over your shoulder at Yuuji, who nods encouragingly at you, and then you grab the door handle and push the heavy door open.
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Steam greets you. Warm, humid air and a mix of sweat and various scented shower gels.
You gulp, feeling your heartbeat in your throat as the door closes behind you with a soft thud. You carefully take a few steps toward the lockers. The room looks pretty neat, probably because the team has already left. There is only one sports bag standing on the long bench, only one pair of grey sweatpants lying around, and a familiar pair of black and red Nikes waiting for their owner.
But there is no sight of him. Where is Sukuna? For a moment, you think you have fallen victim to some dumb prank, but then you hear it. The sound of running water.
Is he serious? He is still in the shower but tells me to come in here?
You feel so nervous all of a sudden, your head spinning with the thought of a very naked and very sexy Sukuna under the shower only a few meters away from you. It makes you turn on your heel, about to flee the locker room. But you get stopped by a familiar velvety voice that sounds far too smug,
"Already leaving, princess?"
You involuntarily jump, stopping in your tracks with your hand hovering just a few centimeters away from the door handle.
You gulp and slowly turn around again, pulse fluttering nervously as your gaze lands on Sukuna. He walks out of the locker room showers with only a white towel slung dangerously low around his narrow hips. His hair is still wet, looking dark pink instead of the usual light pink pastel tone. The wet strands hang into Sukuna's face, dripping water onto his broad, muscular chest, making small rivulets run down his firm pecs and abs.
He looks even better than in your fantasy. Tall and broad, with all those gorgeous muscles and sexy tattoos unashamedly on display. You can't stop yourself from letting your gaze follow some water droplets down his perfect body, over his buff pecs and taut abs and those two black lines that he has tatted onto his abdomen that disappear so tantalizingly in the low sitting towel, right next to his defined v-line.
You feel weak in the knees, your face burning, your heart hammering much too fast in your chest as you force yourself to tear your eyes away from Sukuna's naked chest and abs and instead lift your head to look into his amused maroon eyes.
"I... I have your hoodie."
You lift your hand that's holding the soft white sweater, and Sukuna's lips lift in that sexy smirk.
"Then why don't you bring it over to me?"
You don't even stop to think but automatically walk towards him as if he is pulling you toward him by some invisible string. As if you are caught in his web, but you don't even want to escape but want him to catch you and devour you.
You stop in front of him, your chest heaving heavily with your nervous breaths.
Sukuna is so tall, especially when you stand so close to him. You have to tilt your head back to look at his tattooed face, and it only adds to the excited tingle you feel buzzing in your veins. He is gorgeous. Tall and broad and sexy. And he knows it.
He smirks at you, a knowing glint in his beautiful maroon eyes as he takes the hoodie from you, his large, warm hand brushing over yours, cupping your hand a little too long.
And then he does something that makes you spin completely out of control.
He leans down to whisper in your ear, in that sexy bedroom voice,
"Good girl."
And his lips brush over your earlobe and then over your burning cheek. He is standing so close to you that you can feel his body heat emanating from him and smell his shower gel, sexy, fresh, and masculine.
When he pulls away, you are left staring at him with a dazed look and a wet patch in your panties.
Sukuna strolls casually over to his locker, slowly sitting down on the bench in front of it, and his maroon eyes never leave yours.
You feel trapped, unsure of what to do. You did what you came here for. You returned his hoodie. There is no reason for you to stay longer here in this locker room where you clearly shouldn't be, especially not when a fresh-out-of-the-shower hockey player is sitting here, about to get changed.
But there is another voice in your mind telling you that you are right where you should be. It's that voice that makes you take a tentative step toward Sukuna.
He is rubbing his hair with a second towel, ruffling the pink strands in the process, and you can't help but bite your lip at how attractive Sukuna looks. His thick tattooed biceps are flexed, his abs taut.
And then he spreads his thighs, making the towel split in the middle, revealing his muscular thighs, and you finally get a good look at the pair of tattooed bands high up on those gorgeous thighs, so sexy that it takes all in you, not to moan out loud. You want to curse yourself for the thoughts that run through your mind. The fantasy of being on your knees between those muscular thighs, licking and kissing those sexy tattoos, your mouth slowly trailing up higher.
You tear your gaze away, looking at Sukuna's face, not even trying to hide how affected you are by his half-naked body and the thick, steamy air in here that only adds to the atmosphere that's dripping with sexual tension.
Burning maroon eyes meet yours,
"Come here, princess."
Sukuna pats his thigh, leaving no doubt about what he means by "here."
You walk over to him without any hesitation this time, dropping your bag on the floor as you slip onto Sukuna's lap, straddling those muscular thighs as if this is the place you belong.
You are barely sitting on him when Sukuna's lips are already on yours, claiming them in a heated kiss that makes you gasp into his warm mouth. His large, strong hands are on your body, slipping around your waist and under your sweater, holding you, caressing your skin, and making your head spin. And Sukuna's tongue pushes hungrily into your mouth, flicking against your tongue in sexy caresses that make your pussy twitch.
Your hands tangle in his still-damp pink hair, tugging on it while you open your mouth eagerly and lick against Sukuna's skilled tongue, kissing him just as hungrily as he is kissing you, as if you want to devour each other.
Sukuna's large hands wander from your waist to your ass, kneading it firmly through your leggings, making you moan into the kiss and buck against him, gasping them you feel his hard cock press against you and hear his soft growl.
Your hands are wandering too, groping Sukuna's broad shoulders, caressing his buff pecs, digging your fingernails into his buff muscles, scratching them slightly, smiling when you hear Sukuna make a sexy little noise in the back of his throat, like a low purr.
You are grinding against each other desperatedlyy, your harsh breaths filling the locker room, making things even more humid and steamy. You don't even care that someone could walk in again. All you know right now are Sukuna's lips on yours, his tongue in your mouth, and the feeling of his muscles under your fingers while his calloused hands are wandering over your body.
Sukuna is bold, letting one hand slip between your legs and rubbing you through your leggings and panties. You push eagerly against his hand, seeking more friction, not caring about how horny and needy you must seem, like a cat in heat.
Your panties and leggings are soaked through as Sukuna rubs his thumb over your clit, making you whine into his mouth. Maybe you should be embarrsed by how wet you are for him, but you don't care. Your hands are on his abs, exploring his body, feeling dizzy when you feel his firm muscles flex under your hands. You are hungry, hungry for more, hungry for him.
Your fingers wander lower, making Sukuna groan into your mouth when you trace the tattoos on his abs down to where they disappear in the towel. You open the towel impatiently pushing it to the side, exposing all of Sukuna's naked body to your greedy touch.
Your hips jerk when you feel the velvety heat of Sukuna's thick cockhead brush against your hand. It drives you crazy with the need to touch him.
Sukuna hums against your lips when your small hand wraps around his thick long cock and slowly strokes up and down his whole hard length. He feels so good in your hand, hot and velvety, rock-hard muscle and smooth skin. Your mind is hazy, driven by pure need and desire. Driven by one thought alone: You want him inside you.
Sukuna seems to have the same train of thought because he is tearing at your leggings, breaking your passionate kiss to trail his lips over your neck and practically growl,
"Get those damn trousers off."
You help him with them, hastily pushing them down, followed by your completely soaked panties, only slipping out of one leg in your haste to get that gorgeous cock inside you.
Sukuna pulls you back onto his lap, just as impatient as you, making you sit on him again, your thighs spread widely, your naked dripping pussy rubbing against his hot cock. Sukuna bucks his hips slowly, watching you with those sexy maroon eyes as he teases your swollen clit with his thick cockhead, making you shiver and mewl loudly as you dig your nails into his broad neck and look down to see the hot and nasty sight of Sukuna's mushroom head caressing your clit, coating himself in your juices.
"Do you want it like that, princess? Or do you want more?"
"More! Oh fuck, Sukuna, I want more, please!"
Sukuna lets out a sound that will be on your mind forever, a mix of a laugh and a moan, so sexy and low that it makes your pussy clench around nothing.
"Then come and get it."
He looks at you with a challenging, sexy glint in his eyes, licking his lips. His large hand is wrapped around his gorgeous thick cock, pumping it slowly, rubbing a few drops of pearly pre-cum out of the swollen dark pink tip before his hand comes to rest around the thick base of his cock, as if he is presenting himself to you unashamedly. Proudly.
And yes, he can be proud of that cock. He is so thick and long and fucking gorgeous with that fat mushroom head that has such a pretty dark pink color, just like Sukuna's hair right now when it is still wet from the shower.
And he is so hard. It makes you moan softly, seeing how bad Sukuna wants you. Just as hard for you as you are wet for him.
Sukuna's broad, muscular chest is heaving while some stray water droplets slowly run down his smooth, tattooed skin, and he smirks that sexy smirk at you while holding his cock for you, offering it to you.
You feel like you have a fever when you place your hands on Sukuna's broad shoulders and position yourself over his gorgeous thick cock, while you feel your wild heartbeat in your chest and in your pussy.
Sukuna's breath is heavy, too, ghosting over your neck as he guides his mushroom head to your dripping hole, rubbing slow, teasing circles around it that make you mewl desperately.
You push down onto Sukuna's fat swollen cockhead, your eyes closing as you feel it split you open, so thick and hot.
You gasp when you sink down on him, feeling the burn of the stretch. Even though you are so wet and ready for him, it is still a foreign feeling to take such a thick cock. Your pussy automatically clenches around him, making Sukuna curse under his breath.
His lips are on your neck again, kissing and licking hungrily, while his large hands wrap around your waist, and you sink down further on him. A loud breathless moan falls from your lips when you finally sit all the way down, the back of your thighs resting completely on Sukuna's thighs, your pussy stuffed to the brim with his whole fat length, his heavy balls resting against your ass.
Sukuna's voice is low, dripping with sex,
"Fuck, yeah. Such a good girl, taking all of me. Come on, princess, fuck me. I played so well today. I deserve a little reward."
His words drive you crazy, making you moan and twitch, and you start moving on him, pushing yourself up and down on his thick cock, gasping at how full you feel.
Sukuna's calloused hands are on your ass again, kneading it and helping you ride him, lifting you up and down on his girthy length easily. His movements change the angle slightly, and you sob loudly when his mushroom head pushes against that sweet spot inside you that makes you tremble from how good it feels.
Sukuna laughs breathlessly against your neck,
"Aww, so cute. I found it, huh?"
Your hands tighten on his broad neck while you nod and whimper while desperately bouncing on Sukuna's cock, seeking more of that ecstatic feeling, not caring how needy you look.
But you aren't the only one who is getting lost in pleasure. Sukuna is groaning against your skin, too, sounding so sexy, making you ride him even harder. He bucks his hips fucking into you, making you giggle and whine at the delirious feeling of having Sukuna's dick inside you, hitting all the right spots.
You are both in a sex haze, your bodies moving greedily against each other while the obscene noises of uninhibited sex fill the locker room. Breathy moans and low growls, and the loud, wet slapping of skin against skin.
You are riding Sukuna wildly, all inhibitions gone, chasing your orgasm, sobbing because it feels so good. You know that it will happen, that Sukuna will make you cum with his cock alone. It's something no other guy ever managed before. But you can already feel your orgasm building inside you. You press your face against Sukuna's tattooed neck, leaving heated kisses on his sweaty skin. Your sobs turn into muffled squeals as you feel his fat mushroom head fuck you closer to ultimate bliss.
When it happens, you scream his name. Your pussy tightens around Sukuna, squeezing his cock, making you delirious with how taut your body gets, how your heart races, and your vision blackens. You shudder around Sukuna's thick cock, feeling tears run down your cheeks from how incredibly good it feels. You keep bouncing on him desperately, drawing the blissful feeling out, sobbing and crying as you ride out your whole orgasm on Sukuna's gorgeous cock.
"Fuck, princess!"
Sukuna's large hands tighten on your waist, and he pulls you up, lifting you off his cock as he hisses loudly, barely making it in time before he cums too.
He lets his head fall back, a low sexy groan falling from his lips as his eyes close and his broad body shudders, his buff muscles tensing up as he cums all over your belly and his abs, shooting his hot white cum all over both of you. You look at him with your mouth hanging open, moaning softly. Watching Sukuna cum is the hottest thing you have ever seen. He looks so beautiful, so sexy, with the way his eyes close and those sexy low groans fall from his parted lips.
You sit back on Sukuna's thighs, breathing heavily as you trail your gaze down to his lap, where Sukuna's tattooed hand is wrapped around his twitching cock, pumping it slowly, rubbing his whole orgasm out of his dick.
You can't stop yourself and reach out, joining him, wrapping your smaller hand around his hard length, too, so Sukuna and you stroke his cock together, milking his thick warm seed out of his twitching mushroom head. The locker room is filled with both of your breathy moans and your muttered, "Oh damn, this is so hot," when you feel Sukuna's warm cum run down your hand.
Sukuna laughs, a sexy low rumble, and you manage to tear your gaze away from his cock and his cum on your hand and look at his face instead. He is smiling lazily at you, maroon eyes almost black with how dilated his pupils are.
Sukuna grabs your hand and pulls it off his spent cock and brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it, grinning at you as he flicks his tongue over a small trickle of his cum.
Your head is spinning as you stare at him. He is so nasty, and it drives you crazy, makes you want to kiss him and fuck him until the sun rises!
But you are gradually coming down from your post-orgasmic bliss, becoming too aware of your current position, half naked on Sukuna's lap with your wet pussy drooling over his muscular thighs, the sticky feeling of his cum on your belly, where your sweater rode up while riding him. You feel too exposed suddenly and scramble hastily to get off Sukuna's lap, almost slipping down, but strong hands catch you.
Sukuna helps you climb off his lap, surprisingly gentle, steadying you with his large hands and only letting go when he sees you are able to stand on your trembling legs.
You feel your face burn again as you take the towel Sukuna hands you to wipe his cum off your belly before you pull your sweater down again. There's an awkward silence when you step into the left leg of your panties and leggings again and jump a bit to pull them up while Sukuna is behind you, rummaging around in his locker.
Luckily, he is already in his sweatpants and is shrugging into his t-shirt when you turn around. You almost can't look at him, feeling so embarrassed by what the two of you just did. That unrestrained, primal fucking right here in the middle of the locker room, where anyone could have walked in at any moment.
You wring your fingers nervously, slowly backing away towards the door. But Sukuna's low voice stops you,
"Don't forget your hoodie."
You frown at him in confusion,
"What? That is your hoodie. I gave it back to you..."
But Sukuna just smirks that infuriatingly attractive smirk and cocks his head, maroon eyes sparkling with mischief,
"I never said I wanted it back, did I? Keep it. I have enough other team hoodies. And I like the way it looks on you."
"Oh... okay... thanks."
You barely have time to bring up your hands to catch the soft white hoodie that Sukuna is throwing in your direction as he laughs softly. He joins you a moment later, having finished getting dressed and slinging his sports bag over his broad shoulder.
You feel flustered just from looking at him right now. But contrary to you, Sukuna is all unbothered and confident, completely unashamed about how you fucked each other's brains out just a few minutes ago.
He holds the door open for you with a wide grin on his handsome face, all gentlemanly, letting you walk through the door before he falls in step beside you, so tall and big next to you that it makes your pulse flutter, especially now that you know how he looks naked and how he feels under your touch, how he feels inside you.
You barely resist the urge to bury your burning face in your hands.
Sukuna pulls a battered pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his jacket and casually lights a cigarette behind his large hand, taking a deep drag and sighing contentedly as he turns to you with a grin, blowing the smoke out in your direction.
"That was a nice victory fuck, princess. You are really a top-tier lucky charm."
And you still splutter and stumble over your words when Sukuna is already lightly jogging towards the street corner leading to his and Yuuji's apartment. The last thing you see of him is a wink and another sexy smirk.
You take forever to walk home, taking a detour through the park and around the baseball pitch because you need to calm down and clear your thoughts before you face your roommate.
Pictures of Sukuna's muscles and tattoos flash before your eyes, the sounds of his low groans, the feeling of his cock stretching you out. You gulp hard. You can still feel him. Hell, you will probably still feel the slight burn of his thick cock for the whole next day! It makes you press your legs together, which only makes your face heat up more when you feel the uncomfortable sensation of your soaked panties. You think you never were that wet for a guy before.
You groan in annoyance even as a giggle bubbles out of your mouth, and you shake your head in total disbelief at what you did today.
When you finally step into your apartment, you get greeted by a glaring Nobara with her hands on her hips.
"Where were you all this time?"
And you slip out of your shoes, grinning from ear to ear, barely able to keep yourself from laughing hysterically,
"In the men's locker room. With Sukuna."
You can't suppress your laughter anymore as you quickly run to the bathroom, locking yourself in there while Nobara screams outside the door,
"You were WHAT!!??"
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I hope you enjoyed your little trip to the locker room ;) I was losing my mind the whole time while writing this!!
Thank you so much for all the lovely feedback on the story so far!! It means a lot to me that you like Hockey Player!Sukuna ❤️❤️
Reblogs and comments would be very sweet!
In Chapter 5, Sukuna and Reader decide to become fuckbuddies.
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aklaustaleteller · 5 months
Might Fancy You
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Y/n went from fearing Klaus, to studying in his studio, to then throwing Shakespeare insults at him while chasing after him to put paint on him; he'd started it. But what happens when she ignores his one warning and he has her cornered in a flash?
Warnings - few mentions of blood and some kissing. Word Count - 1.8k
I told you I'll have part two out in two days and here it is! You can read part one here, and well, I hope you enjoy both the parts!
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“And you are?” Elijah asked the girl standing in the doorway of the mansion, clutching onto so many things that he worried all of it was going to fall out of her trembling hands any time now. 
“Um, I’m here to meet Klaus?” She said, an awkward smile pulling up the corners of her mouth. “He’s helping me with an art project,” she continued when the original didn’t say anything.
But he did raise an eyebrow at that, making her even more nervous and bunch up her shoulders in a defensive shrug. “You know what? I’ll just leave,” her voice made a few tumbles as she turned around and began walking out the door she’d just come in. Her guard was high up because she had no reason to believe that this vampire wasn’t going to drain her of blood then and there for stepping onto his property without any permission. 
“Y/n!” She heard a voice call out and she flinched, her heart trying to make up for the missed beat and speeding up as a result. 
“Y- yes?” She stuttered, slowly turning to face him, fearing what’s to come. How stupid had she been to ask a goddamn original to help her out with some- some school work! 
“What did you say to her, Elijah?” Klaus glared at his brother on seeing his new friend so shaken up.
Elijah only turned towards him in a slight confused daze. “I simply asked her who she was,” he said, walking away from the scene to probably his reading chair, leaving as nonchalantly as he could’ve killed her. 
A smile creeped up on Klaus’ mouth, a chuckle rumbling inside his chest at how easily she’d been frightened. It was almost bordering on endearing. 
“C’mon love, follow me,” he urged her as he walked up the stairs, coming to halt when he didn’t hear her move. “Y/n?” he called her, looking back at her from midway up the stairs. and coming to a realisation that she might genuinely be scared of him. 
“I think I’ll go,” she said, looking very close to passing out. “Forget I asked you for anything.” She didn’t even look him in the eyes and turned back around to leave and get away from this mansion as fast as she could.
But of course, Klaus stood in front of her just as she turned, almost sending her heart flying out of her mouth. It was strange, to witness this completely new side of the girl who ferociously bit right back at him the most creative insults he’d ever heard in his long life.
“Why are you so suddenly terrified of me?” Klaus asked, his face creasing in confusion as his eyes showed her specks of hurt that could very well just be the mossy-green of his eyes deceiving her. “What happened?”
“I- I don’t know maybe the sense that you’re an original who could rip me to shreds or drain me of all my blood right here,” she stopped herself like she’d done something insanely stupid and – ”finally knocked at my brain,” she trailed off very softly, almost as if cautious of making him angry.
“Y/n- love, you know I’d never do that,” he mumbled, cupping her face and almost flinching when she went stiff. “I mean I could do that but I never would!” he reframed his sentence when she narrowed her eyes, for some reason, desperate that she understood him.  
“What do I have to believe you wouldn’t?” 
“Because I do not have any reason to,” Klaus reassured her, not saying that maybe because he fancied her a little, just because this wasn’t the ideal moment for a confession like that. 
Y/n didn’t say anything at that. Standing still and looking into his eyes, searching his face for any signs of underlying betrayal but she didn’t find any – not that she expected to, he is a thousand years old after all, surely he’d know how to disguise his motives.
And yet, when Klaus grasped her arm and led her up the stairs, she let him. 
“I see you brought all of your stuff,” Klaus chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood as he took a million things out of her hold, placing it all on the rug and smiling when he saw her setting up the canvas for him. He could get used to this very easily. 
“I did, it’s my work you are doing after all,” she said softly, slowly coming out of her shell. “I didn’t want you to waste your supplies on it,” she continued. 
“I wouldn’t say this is wasting anything,” Klaus proposed, thinking that maybe this would be the topic for their discussion today, slight banter even? 
“I wouldn’t either,” she agreed with him, catching him a little off guard. “But the school people will tear this apart and throw it in the trash before I could ever get to it.”
Klaus shook his head at that, preparing the paints and the brushes. “And why would you want to get to it?”
Y/n had managed to make herself comfortable on the floor a couple feet away from him, her papers already scattered on the floor of his studio,  and Klaus only hoped that they could do this more often after this day.
“Well, I wouldn’t want it go to waste… you see? Maybe hang it somewhere in my house when it’s purpose in school is served,” she shrugged nonchalantly, taking the cap off of a pen by her mouth and Klaus wanted nothing more than to rush over to her and cup her face to kiss her. 
Which reminded him that she was quite fastly transitioning back to her usual self around him. He smiled at that, the scary thrill in his heart that had come at the thought of her fearing him slowly fading away. 
Neither of them said anything after that, getting to their individual works in silence. The soft sounds of Klaus’ brush against the canvas, mixing colours on his palette and rinsing the brush rid of the previous colours filled the room along with sounds of Y/n flipping her book, turning the pages in notebooks and changing pens. 
The sun peeked in through the windows, the lighting constantly changing as the clouds drifted calmly through the sky. 
While painting, Klaus began to worry about this girl who was so engrossed in her homework that she hadn’t moved once. He worried that she’d gotten so serious and quaint that she might just tumble into sadness. All that to say, he missed her laugh a little as well.
He tuned to just look at her while he was sure that she was unaware. Her hair was tied up, circular glasses that had a coppery rim slipping lower and lower on the bridge of her nose until she had to fix them. She looked cute, Klaus caught himself thinking.
Her lips were resting in a faint pout as she focused, her fingers picking at them while she jottled down something in her notebook with her free hand. His hand ached to trace its fingers over the highs and the lows of her face. The little frown that had formed inbetween her eyebrows made her look all the more cute and Klaus found himself walking over to her, his feet functioning on a mind of their own. 
He bent down to come face-to-face with her as she was sitting, and he almost cooed at the fact that she still hadn't quite registered the close proximity at which he was in front of her. Raising up his hand, he booped her nose – getting the very reaction he was hoping for.
She looked up at that, slightly startled, only to catch Klaus’ eyes widening a little themselves. 
“Why did you do that?”
“Uh, because there was something…” he panicked, his eyes frozen on the spot he had gotten yellow paint on her nose. “I removed it though, don’t you fret,” he smiled, brushing over his pants as he began to stand up straight. 
But she passed him a glare then, clutching the bottom of his henley to stop him. “Klaus,” she began. “Did you remove something or put something there?”
He shrugged at that, focusing back on the canvas and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw her getting up. 
“Klaus.” She said his name with an underlying warning. She brushed her own finger over the very spot he had touched, and saw the paint.
“Everyone’s entitled to act stupid once a while, but you really abuse the privilege,” she was walking closer to him and Klaus knew exactly what was about to commence, making him cover his head with his arms when she pressed her hand against the paint on the palette. 
He howled with laughter when she dragged her hands across his neck, twisting and turning to get away from her. Still laughing at the insult she threw at him because it was a bloody good one, Klaus swiped his finger across her collarbone, earning a whine from her as she began chasing him around the studio. 
Stopping to catch her breath, she began shouting at him – “thou crusty batch of nature!” But laughter slipped past both of their mouths before they could even contemplate what she’d just said. 
“No way you just threw a Shakespearree insult at me,” Klaus laughed, standing on the complete other side of the room, opposite to her.
He feigned a growl when she began walking towards him, red paint almost drying on her palms. “Take another step, and I can’t be held responsible for my actions,” Klaus whispered loud enough for her to hear. 
And she ignored his warning, just like he was hoping she would. Watching her creep up closer and closer to him, Klaus felt a smirk pull up a corner of his lips. 
In a flash, Klaus had her pinned against a wall, her wrists held above her head in his hands. His face tilted to the side lightly, his eyes focused on her mouth as he felt her gaze on him heating up her skin. She tipped her chin forward, her lips not quite meeting his’, making him close the gap between them and connect their lips. 
Lips moving in a perfect sync, Klaus brought one of his hands down to snake it around her waist, her mouth opening with a gasp at the sensation and giving him the chance to kiss her further. The back of her head met with the wall behind her as they kissed with a passion that felt too heated. 
Detaching their mouths, both of them took in heaves of breath, Klaus pecking her lips once more before releasing her wrists. She was looking into his eyes, searching them for something and Klaus couldn’t help but smile at her, her lips very lightly swollen, looking like they’d just been kissed. 
“Think I might fancy you a tad,” he grinned, laughing out loud when she grabbed his face to kiss him again, making him lose his balance only for a second before he was cupping her face ever so gently.
"Never realised I wanted to hear you say it so much,” she let slip a breathy chuckle, looking into his eyes before kissing his lips once more. Lord, it was addictive – he was addictive. 
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worldume · 3 months
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“wait! didn’t you hear..? ume-chan’s in a really bad mood..!”
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“haah..?” sakura’s lip curled in an ugly expression— you know, that one he usually makes when he’s annoyed or not pleased by something? suo told him that if he makes it enough, it’ll get stuck and he won’t have to worry about making such expressions anymore. “why. but what does it even matter?”
“it’s just a bit odd to see, right..?” nirei whispered, leaning over with a look of curiosity on his face as he reaches for the little carton of white milk at the table. “i wonder what’s going on..”
“umemiya is typically so outgoing that it’s almost kind of sickening.” suo’s voice is as soothing as ever, offering a closed eyed smile as if he didn’t say something that could be considered mildly insulting— sugishita was asleep a couple desks behind luckily enough. “i’m sure whatever it is might be pretty serious.”
“oh! ume-chan and (name) are fighting.” kiryu chimes in, his white earbud now in hand. “you didn’t see in the group chat? it’s all the talk this morning~ ♪”
“really? figures we didn’t see! sakura overslept this morning and we had to shake him awake.” nirei said in a matter of fact kind of tone— suo nodded with a smile.
“don’t blame me!” sakura barks, looking away with the nastiest little pout on his face. “i’m here, aren’t i?”
“trouble in paradise, hm? ume seems experienced enough to handle a bump or two.. but maybe he did something to really make (name) mad? i can’t imagine what though, they’re both like rays of sunshine.”
“sakura..? why are you blushing?”
“shut the hell up!”
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hiragi knew something was off that morning when umemiya walked onto the rooftop later than he usually does. he’s usually there earlier before anyone else. and today his radiant smile nowhere to be found and instead of his typical exuberant, over-the-top greetings, he offered a half-hearted nod before quickly taking a seat at one of the benches under the awning. weird, hiragi thought. very weird, and even more so that he hadn’t checked on his garden before doing anything else. hiragi notices the little things about his friend like how ume’s eyes seemed dim, as if weighed down by a burden— unusually into his phone. ume looked up and asked him for a favor.
when lunchtime came it was tsubakino who knew something was off when umemiya barely touched his lunch. he was normally the life of the party— ushering others to get their fill all while stuff his own face with mini sausages and spoonfuls of omurice. but umemiya’s silence was deafening at the table and it was painfully obvious that others were trying to overcompensate for the silence that’s usually filled in. umemiya’s absentmindedly pushing food around his plate, he’ll take a bite here and there— but again, he’s oddly engrossed in his phone. the rest of the members exchanged worried glances, this wasn’t like ume-chan at all.
poor sugishita. he’s stressed out— no, on the verge of having a complete meltdown by the time bofurin meets for an afternoon assembly. ume-chan has barely even said a hundred words today and he knows because he’s counted! sugi noticed how reserved ume seemed when he asked sugishita to take care of his gardening that day. he would have done that anyway, but the occasion just seemed.. strange. but ume never liked to assume anyone would anyone favors without being asked. hiragi’s making all the announcements at the assembly today, sugi noticed— and ume stood off to the side, arms crossed over his chest with a hardened but distant look on his face.
that evening sakura really got a taste of it for himself when he went looking for ume and couldn’t find at his usual spots. irritation is what sakura felt. not because he couldn’t find him, but because sakura was actually.. feeling.. some sort of.. interest or excitement about talking with ume! his brow twitched in agitation, fists balled up with a furious blush on his nose bridge and cheeks when he asked around. no one’s seen ume but sakura ends up stumbling upon him when entering a quiet little cafe he likes to go to at the end of town.
“ah. i said today, didn’t i.” ume knows, but it just completely slipped his mind. he told sakura he wantedto speak to him today. “i’m sorry, sakura. i’ve been thinking about a lot.”
“..whatever, don’t apologize..” sakura looked away, brows furrowed into a frown as he tried his best to hide the pink tint on his cheeks— a few seconds go by and he gets a glance in. oh yeah, this guy’s really fucked up about something. come to think out it, he looks like he didn’t sleep last night.
“what would you do if someone you loved didn’t want to speak to you?” the question is so sudden and catches the sweet boy beside him completely off guard.
“i forgot you’re shy about these things.” a halfhearted chuckle escaped ume’s lips. “(name) and i.. we had a.. disagreement last night— she’s upset with me to say the least.”
“i don’t know much about.. girls or whatever but i do know when girls say they’re ‘fine’ or they ‘don’t want to talk to you’— means the opposite.” sakura mumbles— he’s talking but he’s busying himself with anything to try to avoid ume’s eyes, so he’s taken a sudden interest in the sugar holder. “she probably just wants to spend more time with you.. someone who cares a lot about someone else wouldn’t just say don’t talk to them unless they’re tryin’ to run ‘nd hide from the issue.”
so, that’s exactly what ume did when he found himself at your door step an hour later with all your favorite things: flowers, sweets, and a some hot takeout. when you opened the door you were greeted with his warm smile— an apologetic expression on his pretty features.
and when he asked to come in, you said yes.
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© all content belongs to worldume 2024. do not, translate, modify or repost to any other platforms.
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shiny-jr · 4 months
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not my world [ prologue ]
– Summary: One day you wake in a foreign world with nothing to your name except the clothes on your back. A talking cat named Grim, gives you your only lead to return home. Seek out the seven gods and pray they answer your plea.
– Warning: Yes, this series is a yandere thing, although this post really isn't. Gender-neutral reader.
– Characters: Grim.
– Note: Think of this like a test, just to see how it's received. Yes, this is based off that outlander post I made a while ago. I was thinking I could make this a long-lasting series. However, it really depends how y'all like it. There's not too much going on here, because I'm trying to set the scene and I wrote it all fairly quickly. However, it's just a small taste. So, let me know what y'all think.
– Pages: 11
“So… you’re saying that you woke up here on this beach with no explanation, but you’re from another world so you have no idea where you are? You fell asleep in your own bed, in your own home, and now you’re here, with no way to go back?” 
As far fetched as it sounded, you could only grimly nod. A dream, this should’ve just been a nightmare. But that was confirmed to be false when you pinched yourself multiple times and tried to splash yourself with the nearby ocean water. Everything felt so real, from the sand between your toes to the breeze in the air and the sunlight drying the water off the surface of your flesh. You wanted it to be nothing but a dream, especially when you found a talking cat with a forked tail and blue fire in his ears. 
This was your third attempt trying to explain things to this impish but rather harmless little furball, and each time he seemed more puzzled than the last. His little black nose twitched as he sat in front of you, his paws digging into the sand as those strange eyes of his studied you closely. His voice was grating, high-pitched, speaking with a tone of doubt. “You don’t look like you’re from any of the seven nations. No pointed ears, no beast features, not even a magestone to your name! Well, it makes sense. A nobody like you obviously wouldn’t have a magestone anyways.” 
That was probably meant to be an insult, but considering you didn’t even know what a magestone was, you didn’t really take any offense at all. Pointed ears, beast features, magestones, annoying talking cats– you really didn’t care about any of that. “Because I’m not from whatever seven nations there are. I already told you where I’m from.” 
“Yeah, well I never heard of wherever it was you said. So get lost, would you, human? I’ve claimed this beach alrea–” 
A low growl rang in the air. Swiftly you scanned your surroundings, fearful that you were about to be attacked by some mythical beast. However, when you looked back to the feline who now looked quite ashamed, you realized the noise came from his stomach. Actually, the little fellow seemed pretty scrawny, and you could just barely make out the shape of his ribs poking out of his sides. 
Standing up, you brushed off the sand clinging to the oversized t-shirt you fell asleep in. Thankfully, you at least had sandals, which was better than waking up here barefoot. With one look around, there didn’t appear to be anyone for miles, and no sign of civilization here. Leaving the cat as your only option to turn to, as jarring as it was to be speaking to a cat. “Er… Look, if you could at least help me find people, a shelter, a city, something– then I’ll see about getting you something to eat. Deal?” 
“I don’t need your help! But… I’m curious, so I’ll follow anyway.” 
“Great…” You sigh, as you decide to follow a path that leads away from the shoreline and into woodlands. At the very least, you were not completely alone. This would be much more terrifying if you had woken up and there was absolutely no one around. “So, do you have a name or are you, like, feral?” 
“I’m not feral!” It hissed as it walked in tandem beside you, keeping up with your steady pace. “Since I am so great, I will allow you to know my name. I am the all-mighty Grim! One-of-a-kind and destined to one day become strong, powerful enough to defeat even the seven gods!” 
“Seven gods…?” Was this some sort of fantasy setting? It had to be. First he mentioned pointed ears and beast-people, and you were having a conversation with a talking cat! Maybe seven gods were the least outlandish thing you’ve heard today. “Well, I’m (Y/n).” 
“You’ve never heard of The Seven? How stupid could you be?” 
You frowned at his toothy little grin as he ridiculed you for your knowledge on a place you just ended up in. “Well excuse me for not knowing anything about this place I just ended up in!” Tearing your gaze away, you saw a cabin up ahead. It appeared abandoned, so there wasn’t any hope of seeing another person yet. Still, there may be something useful inside, so you approach. 
Trying the knob, you found the lock jammed. The wood of the front door was rotting, some of it in splitters and the windows were shattered. With a few strong kicks, the door became dislodged and finally gave way beneath the pressure. 
“You’re excused– hey! Tuna!” You didn’t even bother stopping the feline when he rushed into the abandoned cabin, sprinting after the few cans of tuna he spotted on an old table. At least he would get to eat. 
You didn’t particularly care for canned fish that’s been sitting there for who knows how long. In practically a blink of the eye he had devoured three whole cans of the stuff and licked the remnants off of his whiskers. 
“Okay, okay, since I feel so bad for you, and because you found these tuna cans, I’ll be your guide. That way, I don’t owe you nothin’ after this! Maybe one day, if you’re still around, you’ll see me ascend to the ranks among the archons and you can brag like I knew him! Isn’t Grim so cool and praise worthy? I might even remember you and accept your prayers! You can thank me now.” 
At his smug expression, you squinted incredulously as he began walking down the path in the middle of the woods once more. Following hesitantly, thankful there was daylight and this seemed like a particularly nice forest, save for the very depths of it further away from the road that were dark due to the cover of leaves and branches above. However, the trees closest to you weren’t so dense, and the sunlight filtered through the thin foliage. The dirt road was wide, but slightly covered with scattered blades of grass and underbrush, as if no one had used it in a long while. Squirrel-like critters darted about in trees, strange fruits hung on low-branches, and foreign flowers sprouted alongside little ponds. 
“I’ll thank you after an explanation and a little help. So, what’s this about gods?” 
“Let’s see… I’ll put it so simple that even a baby can understand! There are seven nations, and each one has a god. These gods are super-powerful! I’m talking crazy-strong, like they can level mountains and raise the sea type of miracles!” 
As he strolled beside you, his forked-tail swished back and forth. For now it seemed like he knew where he was going, so hopefully that was a good sign. Right now, you had no idea what to do or how to get home. However, if magic existed in this realm, then surely there would be some way to get back. There had to be, for your own peace of mind. 
“Maybe if you pray to one, you’ll get an answer. But the chances of that are pretty much zero, because only idiots rely on the gods since they almost never answer. You’d have a better chance trying to actually meet one of them and try to talk to them in person, but good luck with that!” 
As the road neared a cliff, you caught a glimpse of the scenery. It was a kingdom, a whole city that began right at the edge of a vast meadow. The rolling valley ended at a river, across a wide stone bridge where the city began. Miles and miles of cobblestone roads lined with two to three-story buildings, and rising above it all was a white palace with red conical roofs that pierced the very sky. It looked fantastical, like something straight out of a peculiar little story book, especially considering how unnaturally bright the flowers were and how there was the occasional mushroom as tall as a tree. 
Never before in your entire life had you ever seen a single place like this. Some stupid naive little part of yourself had hoped that perhaps you were still in your world, but this was simply proof that tore that little shred of hope to bits. “What is this place…?” 
He paused to scratch a spot behind his ear. “That’s the capital city of Heartslabyul. You see that big palace all the way over there? That’s where the god of fire lives. One day, I’m gonna live in a place even bigger, grander, than that! My worshippers will build, brick by brick, a towering temple that reaches the very heavens! It’ll make that palace look puny in comparison!” 
Dumbfounded, you nearly get left behind in your stupor once the feline begins to walk down a rocky slope again. You follow, as Grim yammered on and on, “Fire is harsh, just like that place. Trust me, I tried staking a claim there, but I was kicked out! Can you believe it? Me! They just threw me out as if I were nothing! Anyways, I already forgot what you were looking for, but whatever it is, you’ll probably find something there––” 
“A way home?” You reminded him, a tiny bit irked that he seemed to forget so easily. For such a haughty little beast with nothing to his name, he was very conceited. 
“Ooh yeah, right. That. Gods have all this magic and wisdom from their years and stuff, so they gotta know something. But if I were a god, I wouldn’t answer you, to be honest.” 
Grumpily you point out the obvious. This cat-like creature was far from the divine that you were currently picturing. “You’re not a god.” 
Yowling in response, Grim shot back with irritation, “Yet! Not a god yet!” When he spat, a small puff of smoke and a spark of flames he tried to aim at the dirt caused his blue ear flames to flicker stronger until one stray flame popped like a hot scorching coal. It went flying directly at your face, and all you could do was react quickly enough to try and step back while your arms and hands covered your face. 
However, no pain ever came. “How are you doing that?!” 
“Doing what? And you need to watch it with––” When you began to lower your arms, you saw it. When you had shielded yourself, your knuckles had been against your cheek and so your palm was facing outward. Floating in your open palm, was that small spark that came from his ears and nearly burned you. Immediately your eyes widened, and the surprise didn’t end there. As if fluctuating with your shock, the fire became a small yet harsh monetary crackling burst that caused both you and the feline to yelp and stumble back in disbelief until your palms were normal once again. 
“You big fat liar! You do know magic! Where’s your magestone?” 
Seeing his gray fur stand on edge, you quickly answered, seemingly just as confused as he currently was. “I-I don’t, I swear! I don’t even have a wizardstone! That has never happened to me before! This, magic, stuff like that, talking cats, huge mushrooms, none of this is supposed to be real!” 
“Magestone! Not wizardstone! M-A-G-E!” 
“Same difference, what do I care?” You had to double-check your hands, wanting to trick yourself again into believing it was something that could be easily explained. Yet this didn't seem like that. This was something else entirely that didn’t make sense, it couldn't be explained. Not while you were still reeling and staring at your own two hands in utter disbelief. “What the hell was that…?” 
Sniffing the air around you, Grim paced slowly around you as his whiskers twitched with each sniff. After several rounds circling you, he plopped down in front of you and peered up at you quizzically. “I really don’t smell a magestone on you… but you used my fire! It was blue! Everyone knows you can’t use magic without one! Wait a moment… this is perfect!” Immediately brightening up, the little creature gave a toothy grin as he declared, “From now on, you will be my servant! One day when I am a god, I will make you a demi-god! Everyone knows the great gods have divine or mystic servants of some kind! So you will be my henchman! Count yourself blessed, human.” 
“What…?” For now you didn’t even want to touch anything, especially yourself. What if you just tapped something and it was set ablaze? Although you felt fine physically, you were not completely okay. Mentally your mind was scrambled with trying to comprehend everything going on and being said, and now you had the additional burden of accidentally burning everything you touched. 
“Maybe it has to do with the fact that you aren’t from here, so this world’s rules don’t even apply to you… yeah, that’s it! This is great! Does this mean you can wield other elements? We should try! If it storms tonight, we’ll stand at the highest cliff and wait for lightning to strike!” 
“Definitely not!” You screech in reply, currently trying to prevent yourself from panicking and having a destructive mental breakdown all at the same time. Keeping your arms away from your body and fingers spread apart, you tentatively try grabbing stones and sticks and blades of grass to test the ability and see if anything would be set ablaze. And yet, nothing happened, so you slowly began to relax, as much as was possible in that moment. 
Grim watched with great intrigue, hoping, wishing, to see you burn something straight with your hands. However, when he saw not a single spark or sign of smoke, he sighed, “Don’t you realize the possibilities! A small chosen few can wield magic like that, and even then, it’s only one element! This means that you might be able to do more! We’ll be legendary, beating every foe we come across!” 
“Woah, woah, woah, who said anything about beating foes?” Cutting off that idea right now before it would get out of hand. It had only been a few minutes, not even an hour, and even you could see that Grim was a handful. “I am no fighter. If I magically somehow have these weird abilities now, doesn’t mean I want to fight with them. Are you insane? The most I’ll do is like… instantly heat up my food or make a light in the dark. That’s it. Actually, that first one sounds pretty useful…” 
Angrily throwing his paws up in exasperation while falling back on some patches of grass, he groaned, “Ugh, but that’s so boringggg! Where’s your creativity? You could become a god among gods!” 
Choosing to ignore his less than enthusiastic response, you proceeded, drawing his attention back to something he recently mentioned. Awkwardly you grip your hands, twisting your wrist between your fingers, yet nothing hurts. Everything felt normal, as if you hadn’t just wielding fire a minute ago. “You said a god of fire resided over there in that city, right?” 
“Yeah, you’ll fit right in with all those hot-headed fire-breathers now that you have a bit of magic.” 
As the two of you neared the bottom of the cliff and approached a smaller section of the forest that would lead directly to the road that branched off into either a vast meadow or the gates of the kingdom, the world seemed to stop when a loud rumbling rang through the air. The birds ceased their singing songs and the squirrelish creatures paused their chittering chattering. The ground shook and in the far distance, miles and miles behind the palace where there looked to be nothing but untamed wilderness, balls of fire spewed forth from what you had thought were mountains but were actually volcanoes. Seeing the smoke pour out from the peak, you debated running right back to the beach which was in the opposite direction of the rupture in the earth. 
While initially startled, Grim quickly relaxed and began his walking again just as the sounds of nature resumed their tune. As if by some miraculous work of magic, the volcano stopped its rumbling just as quickly as it began, and the smoke receded as well. Like a pot popping on a stovetop and simmering over with water, but its vapor and contents contained by a top, that’s how rapidly it started and ended. Grim proceeded to walk in front of you to lead the way. Sensing your question before you even voiced it, he called out over his shoulder, 
“Don’t look so panicked, we’re not gonna die. That happens like once a week. It used to be more sparse but… well, like I said, all the humans in the kingdom are a buncha hotheads. Especially their king! Everyone knows the god of pyro has the worst temper of all the seven, that’s why the volcanoes go off when he’s all angry! All you gotta do is gather up the courage to ask him what you want to know, and pray that he doesn’t incinerate you where you stand.”
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undiscovered-horizon · 11 months
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[Old love never rusts. Shanks has to face that truth when he meets again the husband of the girl he almost had.]
Shanks's version | Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
Shanks knows he has no right to ask this question. Not when he's the one that up and left in the middle of the night, without even a word of warning that could soothe your aching heart. Nevertheless, he can't help but indulge his yearning:
"How is she?"
Mihawk raises his eyebrows barely noticeably. He seems surprised that after Shanks's disappearing act and a decade of dead silence, he's still interested in you, even if motivated by pure courtesy. But before Mihawk answers the question, he notices something strange in the red-haired captain's eyes, a sensation he's rarely seen in them before - sadness.
Interesting, how some things never quite change.
"Well," Mihawk answers laconically. Instead of indulging Shanks's lovesick longing, he wishes the man would finally accept his utter failure and move on. You're married to Dracule and this isn't going to change anytime soon. If ever.
"Wells tend to be cold and musty," Shanks jokes but his tone is far from lighthearted. In fact, his voice sounds strained like he's holding back tears. "I hope she fared better with you."
The Red-Hair pirates laugh at their captain's joke but quickly turn quiet again. Something about the tense confrontation makes their good humour virtually nonexistent. Especially when Mihawk gives them a curt, cold glare. He doesn't find his past rivalry with Shank to be funny in any way.
"She has everything she could ask for," he says with a sense of finality to his words. Mihawk feels himself growing irritated.
"Good, good..." Shanks nods, lost in thought for a moment. He clenches his hand, giving away the unpleasant tension inside his chest. The captain has promised himself to let go of you. Alas, here we are. "Is she happy?" he suddenly asks.
Mihawk furrows his thick eyebrows in an angry frown. It's almost insulting for Shanks to have any doubts regarding your well-being under the Warlord's care. "What sort of question is this?"
"A 'yes or no' sort."
"Then yes," he drones his words.
Shanks forces a wide, playful smile. There's agony hiding in his eyes and as though Mihawk is a blind man, he's trying to play it cool and appear unaffected. The truth is, the red-haired man is holding on by a thread.
"I bet she talks about me all the time," Shanks says in faux amusement. His voice almost doesn't shake. "We both know I've always been her favourite."
"And you'd lose." Mihawk begins to feel an insidious satisfaction from the distress of the other man. "In fact, I doubt she thinks about you at all."
"You keep telling yourself that, hawk-eyes."
"This misguided flattery is much unwarranted," Mihawk warns him. "No one bets on losing dogs."
But she would, Shanks thinks to himself. She always did.
Short fingernails leave bruising marks on the inside of Shanks's palm as he's clenching his fist. Once again he's reminded that when it mattered, he was a coward and fled from the overwhelming, crippling love he feels for you. Only know there's no hope, there's no ifs - you belong to another man.
Afternoon sunlight reflects off of Mihawk's gold ring. Shanks glares at it for a moment too long to pass off his intense stare as circumstantial. He can almost hear the mocking laughter of the universe as the consequence of the amalgamation of his bad choices is merely two meters away from him. There is nothing he wouldn't give up to turn back the time and make sure that things go differently, that he never became afraid of being too deep in love.
But time, like the seas, has no master.
I was so torn about this one, I couldn't decide until the very end, so if you want to read a version where the scenario is flipped and Shanks is the 'lucky guy', just hit me up.
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books-and-catears · 11 months
Solomon: I have been having a strange feeling lately...
MC: What feels strange?
Solomon: For the past few days, people have been nicer than usual lately, even Barbatos is quiet rather than insulting to my face like usual.
MC: Is that so?
Solomon: Yes even Lucifer and the others seemed less irritable when I asked if you could take a few days off from working at HOL, usually they make such a fuss!
MC: That's great news, isn't it? Finally they are treating you with the respect you deserve. Now you relax your head while I get dinner started.
Solomon: *staring at MC* How odd....
Luke: Solomon, psst! Solomon!
Solomon: Luke? What are you doing at the window? At this hour??
Simeon: No worries I'm with him.
Solomon: Simeon too? Goodness...what is going on?
Luke: MC got angry is what happened! They cast a spell on the entirety of HOL, RAD and even the Demon Lord's Castle!
Solomon: What? But I didn't detect any malicious magic in any of those places.
Simeon: Yes well...that's because the spell is meant to affect anyone else but you.
Luke: MC cursed anyone who dares to badmouth you to lose their voice for 3 days. And if they still try to communicate something bad about you, they will immediately get a sharp stinging pain within their throat.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: *blushes and bursts out laughing* MC! Ahahhaah!
MC: *annoyed* Have things gotten so bad at HOL lately that the angels have come to rat me out?
Simeon: MC please you have to lift the curse. Luke, Raphael, Asmo and I are the only ones who can talk in the house.
MC: Wait even Beel?
Simeon: No he still has his voice, he's just silent to be in solidarity with Belphie.
Luke: And every time anyone else needs something, it turns into a game of charades!
Luke: Yes! Only yesterday it took us an hour to figure out that Mammon was asking us to hide him from Lucifer and not a huge five horned monster with large nails and teeth!
Simeon: And Asmo who is actually faster at understanding his brothers asks them to do his errands in exchange for help. It's an utter mess.
Solomon: Pfft-
Luke: And the other day we accidentally gave Satan salt instead of sugar for morning pancakes and he destroyed the kitchen so we could only eat takeout!
MC: *smiling triumphantly*
Simeon: And uh...we also have a letter from Diavolo who is currently in detention. Apparently he has been misinterpreting Barbatos's orders of finishing his work on purpose and sneaking out of the castle!
Luke: Please MC, living in a house with 7 demons is already hard enough!
MC: ... alright very well. I'll go dispell the curse tomorrow morning. You can eat here today, I'm making dinner.
Luke: Yaay! No more instant ramen!
Solomon: *leaning on the kitchen door watching MC work*
MC: *humming happily*
Solomon: Hey MC
MC: Yes Solomon, from outside the kitchen please.
Solomon: ...I love you too.
MC: *blushes and looks away*
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judasgot-it · 6 months
hello, hello :) i like drama so... could i request a mean girl trying to flirt with hunting dogs and insulting their s/o?
I won't lie I've rewritten this like multiple times?? I don't know why this was so hard for me other than I hate conflict, so I struggled hard bro.
Scenario: Mean girl insulting their s/o while trying to flirt (Tecchou, Jouno)
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“You can do better, you know?”
Tecchou blinked at the girl in front of him, the one who was staring at him dead in the face with eyes that looked like a predator.
It was an unsettling gaze. He felt challenged, as if the two were in a cage, ready to throw down.
She didn't look like an assassin, but Tecchou met abilities that were far more dangerous than physical capabilities alone.
“Excuse me?”
”You heard me. Ditch the cabbage patch bitch, come here and get a barbie. I think you're worth that.“
The woman leaned in closer, her long hair almost brushing against his arms.
Tecchou took a step back, regaining his personal space. He breathed as he felt his sword tied to his body, certainly within reach.
She was a civilian, but she could very well be a threat.
”I don't know what cabbage patches have to do with my girlfriend.”
The woman squinted at him, almost in offense. She was the one offering him a doll in the first place, like some sort of man in a white van offering kids candy.
It was a strange situation.
“I'm saying she's ugly. What? You don't think you deserve someone hot like me?”
She was almost aggresive with her words, her long acrylic nail nearly jabbing at his chest - this was aggression, but it was pointed towards someone else.
It was targeted towards you. That's very crass, isn't it?
”I don't think you're attractive.“
Tecchou had a hard line to toe. He didn't want to deal with a hysterical woman, but he also knew that you most certainly heard this conversation, listening from somewhere off in the park while he had gone to order you both lunch.
He hated to imagine the look on your face from hearing those words. You were rather sensitive compared to him when it came to these things, and he hated to imagine you crying.
It was one of the worst things that he had ever seen, that and wasting food. Maybe his bones poking out from underneath his skin were a close second, but he could handle physical pain pretty well. He didn't really know how to handle you crying, and it was damn near as painful.
”Excuse me?“
Tecchou had to take another step back, the woman not understanding the concept of personal space and respecting boundaries. It was agitating, watching as she tried to encroach onto his personal boundaries again, her hand reaching towards his chest area.
Slapping her hand away, he glared at her, looking between her and the offending hand between them.
“Don't touch me.”
There was an anger building up inside of him, watching the woman as she stared at him in confusion. What the hell did she have to be confused about? She was the one who had insulted his girlfriend.
"Who the hell do you think you are-"
"Don't insult people you don't know."
He didn't bother to look back at the woman, instead rushing to get his food.
He and his girlfriend's food.
Because that's who really mattered. Not some woman who didn't even know how personal boundaries worked. Or notice the fact that he was carrying a lethal weapon.
Tecchou wasn't the kind of man to harm a civilian. But once and a while he was reminded of why he was different from them.
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"You know, for a blind guy you're really cute."
Jouno hated having his downtime disturbed, and of course, when he tried to be a good boyfriend and get a package for you, he was interrupted by a woman who he did not care to hear from.
Certainly not his girlfriend, nor Teruko, nor anyone he respected.
The only distress he smelled was in her pants, and frankly, he wanted no part. He just wanted to go home and bring you back whatever stupid shirt you ordered.
"My girlfriend says that to me all the time."
He emphasized the words, hoping she would feel embarrassed and leave him alone. There were others in the mailroom, surely she would take the hint and know not to hit on a man wearing fire-red Hello Kitty pajamas.
At least, that's what you had told him. He was against wearing tacky outfits, but you liked to match and he wasn't going to say no when you were thoughtful enough to buy something so considerate to his senses.
Maybe they looked stupid. He didn't care to see them, anyway, since he only wore them at home. And in the mailroom.
Where he was currently being hit on.
"Well, do you think she appreciates it?"
Already starting to walk away from the woman, he found himself being followed by her into the stairwell. He would rather take an elevator, but being stuck in a locked room with her seemed rather unpleasant at the moment.
"You know..."
Not caring for her life, the woman grabbed his arm, hugging it close to her chest. He cringed as he tried to push her off, feeling as she pressed her entire body weight against him.
It felt like someone had thrown a piano at him.
"I think I can show you a way better time than she can. Just stand here-"
Cringing, Jouno pushed her off, listening as she stumbled against the railings.
"You're not deaf, are you? I'm in a relationship, psycho."
He dusted himself off, trying to clean away the dirty particles that was her mere existence on his clothes. At this rate, he was going to have to bleach them.
"With an ugly bitch! I know you can't see it, but-"
"I haven't seen your face but I already know a pig was your mother."
Smirking, he felt for the fire alarm on the wall, pulling it.
Jouno knew he was just out of line for the sprinklers, and it was satisfying to listen as the woman shouted as the cold water shocked her system. It was worth the screaming in his ears - he knew that she most likely looked like shit now.
With the woman off of him, he took the dryest path up the stairs, smiling as he listened to her screams of indignation.
Possibly humiliation. He sure hoped so, for being unable to listen to a simple rejection.
"I hope you have your phone on you. I'm not leaving the door open for you, ugly bitch."
He waved goodbye to her with your package, smirking as she banged on the now closed doors of the stairwell.
The fire department can deal with her. That wasn't his problem.
There was a package he had to deliver to his lovely girlfriend, who he knew would be sitting in a shared apartment wondering why the fire alarm went off.
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Honestly I struggled mad hard with this one. So much so it took me nearly a year to write (haha...haaaaaaa). But also hope you enjoyed it cause damn...I've never been in a mean girls scenario so i had to make it up
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satorusugurugurl · 6 months
The Princess and her Knight
Pairing: Knight Geto Suguru x FAB Princess Reader
Word Count: 3,383
Warning: Fingering, cursing, making out? Talking of royal politics, voyeurism,
A/N: This gave me the brain worms. I love fantasy. Plus Geto as a knight in leather?! 🫠🥴 yummy!!
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“What a waste! I pity anyone who gets stuck marrying her! I've never been insulted! Good luck marrying her off!” Geto smiled, tilting his head as your latest suitor stormed out of the gardens.
That makes ten suitors so far. All of which have left either furious, like this one, or very disappointed. “He’s gone, Y/N,” Suguru called out with a chuckle.
Upon his words, you poked your head out from behind the large willow tree in the garden. You grinned, stepping out of your hiding place, happily humming as you smooth out your long lavender gown before standing before your knight. Geto Suguru shook his head, offering you his arm.
“Your parents are not going to be happy.”
“Well, I'm not happy!” you stuck out your bottom lip, looking up at your guardian. “Suguru, they want to sell me off like cattle! I’m a person, not a thing! Don't my feelings count?”
“They should, but you’re of age. It comes with the territory of being a princess.” Suguru’s stoic voice had you rolling your eyes. “You should try to get to know some of them, Y/N.”
You didn't want to get to know these strange men! You just wanted to know Suguru on a more intimate level. Peel back the layers of leather, steel, and cloth. What was your dark-haired knight hiding under professionalism and attitude? He certainly wasn't a fan of these strange men coming to see you. You had seen the look each time one of them took your hand. It was a subtle twitch of the eye, nothing any other person would notice. But you, you knew him like the back of your hand. Your knight was jealous.
Suguru would never make the first move because of two things. One, he was your knight, and two, he was of common birth. You couldn't care less about that! If he would continue to observe without acting, you had to take matters into your own hands.
“Why bother? Every single one of them is disappointed with my naivety. They say there’s no point in getting to know someone if I don't know how to kiss properly.”
Suguru stopped in his tracks, dark eyes snapping in your direction. “What did you just say?” Perfect, he was taking the bait.
“I said, all these suitors are running off because they said I don't know how to kiss.” You sighed, shrugging your shoulders. “That's the problem with royal families; they simply tell you to produce an heir. They don't teach you about your body and how to seduce others. I suppose my family name will die out.” You could feel every muscle in Suguru’s body tighten with your words. “All because no one taught me how to kiss.”
“I-I see—!” This is the only thing Suguru had to say in response to your very open invitation. How much more of a hint could you drop!?
Drastic times called for drastic measures.
Suguru groaned, looking down as you hugged his arm. Your perfect breasts were brushing against him. “Suguru, do you know how to kiss?” The sparkle in your eyes and faint flush that dusted your cheeks had Suguru fighting against himself.
“I do,” seeing your excitement, he flicked your forehead, “do not even ask.”
Despite being a young adult, you whined like a child. You were hugging his arm tighter, pressing yourself harder against him. You were not backing down! Not this time! If your parents wanted to sell you off for procreation, you were going to have fun!
“Isn't it your duty to protect me? To protect the crown?”
“Yes, but kissing you is not in my job description.”
“Suguru.” When he looked down at you, he was met with teary eyes. A sight he had not anticipated seeing. “Please.” Inhaling sharply, Suguru watched as those big tears streamed down your cheeks. “It's bad enough I have to marry someone I don't love. All of my firsts are being sold off to the highest bidder. Is it that bad that I want to give my first kiss to whomever I choose?”
“Y/N, don't.”
You released his arm, pressing your hands on his chest, staring into his eyes. He was everything to you: your protector, friend, and first love. Geto Suguru is the man you would choose to be your everything—husband, king, lover.
You wanted to be everything to him as well.
“Suguru, please, I want it to be you.” You stood on your tiptoes, closing the distance between you. “Will you please teach me?” You glanced at his lips through your lashes before leaning in closer. His heavy breathing mingled with yours. An unfamiliar sensation began to flutter in your lower stomach. “Sugu—”
A millisecond before your lips touched, Suguru’s hand shot up, covering his mouth. His reaction felt like a dagger to the heart. He didn't want it. Meaning he must not want you.
You thought what the two of you had was more. That your relationship wasn't merely knight and princess, friends, that maybe deep down beneath the vows he'd taken, he felt more than his duty. All the laughs you shared, the late-night strolls, afternoon naps in the garden. It wasn't; it wasn't just a lie, unrequited love.
But how could it be more if he reacted like this?
Embarrassment washed over the desire you had felt seconds before. Leaving you feeling numb and empty. “I-I have to go,” you whispered, turning on your heels for the palace.
You didn't have a chance to move. Your wrist was grabbed as Suguru began dragging you towards the hedge maze. Suguru didn't say a word as he pulled you deeper and deeper inside. His vigilant eyes searched every corner for any sign of life. He was always watchful, but now, more than ever.
Once he had you as far away from the palace and servants, he turned to glare down at you. Bracing yourself for a lecture, you shut your eyes tight. You didn't have the courage to face him. You didn't want those hopes to be over just yet!
“Don't!” Hands flew up, pushing against his chest. “Please don't break my heart. Let me hang on to the thoughts of us just a little while longer, please! They're the only thoughts that make me happy!”
Suguru’s harsh words never came. Instead, his hands reached down, gently holding yours. “You're not that bright sometimes, are you.” His soft tone had your gaze snapping towards his face. “But then again, that's one of the things I like about you.” Suguru brought your hands to his mouth. “Oblivious and passionate.” Lips, his lips brushed against your knuckles, sending your heart slamming against your ribcage.
“B-But I-I don't understand. You covered your mouth!”
“Because you choose a spot in the wide open to come onto me.” Shaking his head, Suguru gently released your hands. “Just how would you explain this to any prying eyes?”
“Huh, this? What do you mean thi—”
Suguru’s hands cupped your face, pulling you into a deep and passionate kiss. They were soft, softer than you ever dreamed they'd be. You melted into him, kissing him back with the same gentle tempo. Feeling your lips against his, Suguru groaned, his eyebrows furrowing as one hand moved to the back of your head, deepening the kiss.
Your hands gripped his shirt, hanging onto him tight as you matched his movements as best as possible. This had to be the best first kiss anyone had ever experienced. It was passionate and sweet, like the pastries you would sneak from the kitchens. The entire world had stopped around the two of you.
You were the first to break the kiss; the both of you panted, mouths practically still against each other. “That was, wow.” Suguru chuckled as your words murmured into his mouth.
“Yeah, wow.”
“Again.” Was the only thing you said before crashing your lips against his. He stumbled back, falling onto the grass. “Mmm,” You moaned, eyes shut, eyebrows knitting in concentration.
He tasted sweet, like the strawberries you two had shared before you had to meet with the baron. Sweet and tangy, a taste you craved more with each kiss. Suguru’s hands gently gripped against your hips as he leaned back against one of the hedge walls. Feeling his hands, those strong, calloused hands on your body in a way no one had touched you before, had that faint fluttering sensation returning to your stomach.
Suguru felt the way you twitched under his touch, eyes slowly opening to watch your reactions. You were flushed, eyes shut tight, as you kissed him back. It was utterly adorable. He watched you, trying to figure out what you liked and how you were supposed to move. The gods were so good to him. Giving him a chance to not only protect you but also to touch you in ways you'd never been touched.
You pulled back, gasping for air. Suguru could see the hunger in your eyes, the desire for him. So he decided to give his darling princess a hand. Grabbing your hips, Suguru repositioned you so that you were straddling him. Following his lead, you pulled your skirts up a bit, allowing your legs to rest on either side of his body. Your bodies were so close to each other, only your undergarments and his pants separating you.
“Are you okay?” Suguru’s voice was hoarse, lips swollen from the intense kisses.
“I-I feel strange, like my body is on fire.” You knew all about sex and what came along with it. You had read plenty of books, ones your tutors would never approve of. But experiencing it firsthand, words failed in comparison to actually feeling another's hands on you. “I don't know what to do; this isn't covered in my lessons.”
Tensions grew between you, thick and heavy, as Suguru hummed. Half of his dark hair cascaded down his back, while the rest was tied in a bun, allowing you to see his flushed ears. It seemed as though you weren’t the only one feeling the growing heat simmering between you. You knew he wanted this as bad as you did. But to what extent was he willing to go?
Clearing his throat, Suguru gently squeezed your hips. “That's the problem with royals. They always tell you to be obedient and take care of your partner's needs.” rough handles slid down to your thighs. “They never explain your body to you. Or how to please your partner.” Dark eyes seared through you. “Luckily for you, I know how to take care of you, how to make you feel good.” Words trailed off as his blush darkened. “Could I try?” Your face turned red.
“Y-Yes, please.”
Suguru slid his hands up, gently grabbing and massaging your breasts in his hands. “Gods, you feel so good.”
“Oh my god.” You gasped out, arching, pressing yourself closer into his palms. “Your hand is so big.”
“Oh Princess,” Suguru purred, his head leaning in, trailing kisses down your neck, “You sound so fucking pretty.” Fingers began rubbing circles over your hardening nipples.
That hot foreign feeling in the pit of your stomach spread, settling between your legs. “Suguru~ oh Suguru, it feels so good.” Fingers gently ran through his hair, tangling in the dark strands of silky hair.
Encouraged by your sounds, Suguru kissed down your neck, over your collarbone, before he gently tugged the front of your dress down. You'd opted out of a corset today, thank the gods, making it easier for Suguru to pull the brassiere down. Your perfect breasts bounced. With a glance around, making sure the coast was clear, Suguru hummed before taking your nipple in his mouth.
“Oh, gods! You clasped a hand over your mouth, I
In an attempt to silence yourself. “Nngh S-Sugu, that feels weird but good at the same time.”
“Do you like how it feels?” Suguru’s mouth turned to your other breast, giving it the same loving treatment. Tongue swirling around the sensitive bud, making you whimper in turn.
You gripped his shoulders, pressing your chest further into his face. “I-I do! I, oh gods, I had no idea I was capable of feeling like this.” It felt like every nerve in your body was on fire. Every touch, every lap of his tongue, had you craving more. You wanted more, but not for yourself. The desperation of making Suguru feel as good as you did had you feeling confident. “Can I make you feel good too?” Suguru’s eyes widened before unlatching himself from your breasts.
“Y/N, you have no idea what this is doing to me.” When you could finally look into his eyes, you noticed how heavily he was breathing. He looked so out of it like he had gone off the deep end. “I need more of this; don't worry about me.” behind the lust and the need, you could also see the love and adoration. He shifted under you, pressing his hardening bulge against your core before massaging your breasts once more.
Feeling it had you tilting your head back, eyes widening. “Oh fuck~!” Your curse had Suguru groaning, fighting the urge to rock up against you. “S-Suguru~ feels so good, but I uhm—” You felt wet, sticky, and warm between your legs. The foreign feeling had your cheeks burning.
Upon hearing the hesitation in your tone, Suguru pulled away instantly. “Feel what? Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?” His genuine concern had you falling for him even harder.
“No! Not in the slightest! I, well, I feel wet between my legs?” Your answer was formed more like a question. You were unsure how an average couple would mention this. Instead of continuing to speak, you leaned back slightly, lifting your skirts. “Do we, do we need to stop?”
Suguru hissed through his teeth. The sight of your lacey underwear had his pants growing tighter. But it was the dampness forming on them, your arousal glinting in the rays of sunlight, that had him throbbing. His sweet, innocent princess had left a wet spot on his pants. Fuck, he didn't think he needed anyone as bad as he needed you. You gifted, feeling hot under his gaze as he licked his lips, eyes glued to your dripping sex.
“N-No, gods no, that's supposed to happen when you're feeling good and aroused.” His voice was deep, cracking with need. “Do you want to stop? We can.”
“No! I don't want to stop.”
“Ok, just lean back a bit.” Following his instructions, you put both hands behind you, resting them on his knees. With shallow breaths, you watched as he slid his hand between your legs, his finger slowly pressing against your covered core. “Oh my gods,” Suguru growled, biting his lip. He curled his finger under the fabric separating the two of you before dipping his finger between your folds.
“Ah!” You squeaked out, covering your mouth. “Oh gods, oh gods, Sugu.”
“You're so wet, Y/N.” Gentle fingers moved up and down, feeling your folds before they traced around your entrance. “Who knew my princess was so,” he smirked, leaning forward, nipping at your earlobe, “sensitive?” The second that last word left his mouth, he pushed a finger inside of you.
Your entire body lurched; Suguru’s free grabbed your hip, helping steady you. Your mouth was wide open as so many sensations hit you at once. Shock, pleasure, and desire, the feeling of Suguru’s finger pumping in and out of you slowly, god, it was better than kissing.
“Feel good,” you kissed his forehead, “feels good Sugu.”
The pretty sounds from your mouth made Suguru’s throat dry. Swallowing hard, he began pumping his finger in and out of your tight cunt. Your walls hugged him so tight, trying to prevent him from moving. But Geto Suguru wasn't going to let that stop him. Not when you breathed out his name like it was a prayer to the gods. He pumped his finger faster, curling it in before he slid another finger into your heat.
“Oh fuck.” A tightening sensation formed in your lower abdomen. “Oh fuck, Suguru, Sugu~!”
Your knight closed the distance, kissing you deeply. “Shhh, Y/N, don't be so loud. What would people say if they saw you like this?” His fingers curled inside of you.
“They’d say lucky princess!” you moaned against his lips.
“Yeah?” Suguru scoffed against your swollen lips. “You're honest, I'll give you that.” He tilted his head, thumb brushing against your clit. “I think your honesty deserves a reward.” His thick fingers pushed deeper, rubbing against a spot inside of you that had you seeing sparks. Knowing the reaction you would have, Suguru kissed you to swallow the moan that ripped through your throat.
The pleasure felt so good; you wanted to be loud, to let the whole kingdom know how good your knight made you feel. Suguru was right. You had to be quiet, at least until you two could sneak off to his quarters. You would rather die than allow this to be a one-time thing. For now, you kissed him to muffle your whimpers and cries.
When Suguru felt your pussy twitching, contracting around his fingers, he smirked. How lucky was he? Not only was he your first kiss, but he would also get to be the first one to make you cum. And if he was lucky, and the gods were gracious enough, he'd be the only one to do so.
A broken “Sugu” was the only final confirmation he needed that you were going to cum. His hand sped up, fingers fucking into you as your hips rolled, chasing the strange feeling that was fluttering inside of you. You rocked and rolled up, and the coil inside of you snapped. You screamed into Suguru’s mouth as you gushed around his fingers. Your first orgasm had your toes curling, your heart racing, and you trembling in your knight's lap.
“Holy fuck.” Suguru moaned out against your lips. Watching you squirm on his lap had his cock throbbing. “Fuck Y/N.” Shuddering sighs shook your entire being as you pressed your forehead against his, Y/E/C boring into dark eyes. Licking your lips, feeling more confident than ever, your hands reached down, cupping his erection. “Nngh!”
“Suguru, let me help you.”
Just as you learned away, Suguru’s eyes began to follow your other hand, trailing over his shoulder, when a shape caught his eye. He moved, throwing you off his lap and putting you behind him as he drew out his sword. The shape stepped closer, and Suguru clenched his teeth.
“Stop, right fuckin’ there. Don't move a muscle.”
The sudden shock wore off, and you quickly readjusted yourself before scooting back against the hedge. Your heart was thundering again, this time not because of lust or excitement but because of fear. Shaking, you and Suguru watched as the shape stepped out of the darkness and into the glimmering rays of sunlight.
“Relax, I was just enjoying the show.” your eyes trailed over fine clothes of dark blue, embodied with silver threads. “I was surprised to see Princess Y/N, the so-called naive and stuck-up princess, getting finger fucked.”
“Stop!” Suguru commanded, taking a step back towards you. “Don't move any closer, and state what business you have here at the palace.”
“My family dragged me here.” The stranger didn't heed Suguru’s warning and stepped further into the light. “They keep dragging me to meet stupid princesses. They’re so insistent I find a bride and father an heir. After hearing all the rumors about your princess, I hid here before meeting. But by the gods themselves, who would have imagined I found the princess here? And she's not as naive as the rumors stated.” Another step closer towards you.
“Who are you?” You asked, standing up, peeking from behind Suguru.
The stranger chuckled, stepping entirely out into the light. Cerulean blue eyes glittered behind white eyelashes that narrowed as he smirked. “Gojo Satoru, Prince of the kingdom of Fontaine.” Both you and Suguru’s hearts dropped into your stomachs as the prince chuckled. “And I think I just found myself a bride,” his eyes focused on Suguru, “and a husband. The gods are good!”
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Any ideas for Phantom's number 1 fan? I'm so excited to see Tim and Danny run into each other and figure out OH, so this is what's going on. And also being gay cuz would either of them mind too much about being married? Hey- wait- what's this about a child-
Cut to the watchtower just freaking out full panic. Oh God, the world is gonna end. How do we fix this so the ghost king doesn't kill us all???
John Constantine would go bald from how much stress hair-pulling he was doing. They have been searching for a solid week and have yet to find out where Batman's third son went.
He left a very tiny trail across Europe, seemingly as an art thief and hired assassin. It broke Batman's eldest son's heart whenever a new clue was phoned into the Watchtower, which did not make John feel better about placing a bounty on the kid's head.
It was a neceasery but with each passing day it became clear that no one truly understod the Young Justice Robin. He seemed to always be one step ahead of everyone, and covered his tracks so well that it would have taken them months, maybe even years to follow if they hadn't been looking.
But oh, were they bloody looking.
The entire league had come together to trace Young Justice Robin's path, turning two of the main conference rooms into the center hub for comparing and connecting clues.
It looks like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream in there.
Colored yarn strung around the room, screens displaying messages and photos of cities, and multiple tired-looking league members scrambling to make heads or tails of the new personality that YJ Robin had created in every new country.
Frankl, John was slightly impressed by how much work the kid was giving them. Even the tracking spells that should have pointed in his general direction failed because his soul was not being picked up on a global search whenever they cast it.
It was almost as if the kid had left their world. John wanted to hope that it meant he went to a different planet, but he never betted on a horse with a broken leg.
YJ Robin was trying to kill the Ghost King's fiancee, and despite the guards they placed around known stationed natural portals, he managed to slip through.
It was the only thing that made sense, but it also meant they were running out of time. His contacts on the other side had caught multiple whispers that the Ghost King's army was gathering and would be ready for combat any day now.
At this point, he wasn't even sure the King would listen, even if they did manage to stop YJ Robin. Higher beings took a insult far more serious then humans did.
"Well?" He asks just to be a ass when Batman son teleports in. He gone to speak to some Ghost hunter specilists. Not that John put much stock in thier ecto-research. He perfected magic through hard work and numours deals. The thought the scientist thought they could us maths to build similar defenses were laughable.
But the league was desperate for any form of defense against the army in case they could not please the King in time.
Nightwing—even in the Batman suit, John could only see the young man in Blue struggling to keep everything together—pulled a face. "The Fenton's technology is impressive but....they seemed to really empthis that they no longer build weapons. That it wouldn't work."
"I could you that. At the most, they could detect a ghost but that's only a few second before a deadful shiver ran down your spin anyway." John huffs rolling his eyes.
"No. I think they were lying. They seemed really determined to make me believe they had no real means of harming a ghost. And get this: The Fentons dismantled the ghost portal they claimed allowed them to enter a death dimension only two days before we arrived."
Nightwing says with a tone that would have sounded strange in his blue suit. On Batman, it's just the right amount of emotionless that John has to bite his lip to stop him from reaching out and yanking the kid into a hug.
The world was too unfair to the kind-hearted folk like Nightwing.
The boy dressed as a Bat continues, blissfully unaware of how much he breaks John's heart. "They claimed it never worked and were embarrassed they kept it up for so long. I asked Oracle to check their online presence, and they read a lot of articles that speculated what the Justice League was up to days before they tore it down."
Now, John frowned in thought instead of disapproval. He highly doubted those hacks had made an actual portal to the Infinite Realms but they had boasted about it for three full years on their website.
It was the reason the Justice League even bothered to approach them. So why now, did they suddenly tear it down?
"They're trying to cover something up." John concludes watching the other nod in agreement.
The other man's jaw tightens for just a second before he adds "Or they are coving for someone."
"Kid made it to the ghost zone, didn't he?" John swears feeling his heart drop down to his knees.
"We can gather that Young Justice Robin has made his way to the Realms and is now an active threat to humankind's survival. He needs to be taken down by any means possible," Batman declares, his voice like breaking glass. It's sharp and cutting, like the shreds of whatever heart was left in Richard Grayson.
John wonders if Bruce knows his son has broken from wherever his soul rests.
"That would explain the army that has gathered under the Ghost King banner," John grumbles, hands twitching for nicotine. "My sources said they are all gathered and practically ready to march."
"Do you know how long we have before they are here?" Batman asks walking into the conference room and grabbing the attention of every gathered hero with one hand motion.
Everyone tenses in a way that could make the weakest of them choke. They know what it means.
A level ten threat will arrive.
They failed to stop the Third Robin. He managed to spend months doing whatever he pleased, and now that the League was paying attention, it was far too late.
Many of them would not survive the upcoming battle. Many of them who did would lose so many loved ones that it would be hard to decide if they should spend the last few hours on the battlefield or in the arms of their families.
Life, as they know, may come to an end. They could become the next Krypton. Somewhere in the crowd, Kara falls to her knees, sobbing and babbling to Roa, begging for her not to live through her planet's destruction again.
A few of the youngest members start to sob along side her.
Wonder Woman, who was standing next to Superman and Martian man hunter, clears her throat. Her eyes are as hard as steel, her stance unwavering under the pressure of hundreds of pairs of eyes that land on her, and when she speaks, it's like the banging of a drum.
"Warriors prepare for combat. We are at War."
Tim doesn't think when he lands.
He scrambles to his feet, and rushes away from the portal as fast as he can, hoping to put as much distance as possible between himself and the Yetis.
His feet fall into the mud, splashing and nearly tripping him over. It darkens out, and there are no cars in sight, but the smell is familiar, and the feeling of the air is welcome.
Before Gotham stands in all her grey dangerous glory, just over a few hills. He is far from the city, on the outside of Crime Alley, he thinks, but he can see the Bat symbol flowing proudly in the sky, can make out Wayne Headquarters, his Nest, and Babs' Clocktower, and it's so amazing to finally be home.
He pushes his legs to go faster, climbing up the hills into the highway. The streetlight flicker as he rushes by, unafriad of coming trafic. No one goes this way anymore. Not since they turned it into a dead end long before Bruce's parents died.
There are patches of broken road pieces where grass and weeds are growing through, his feet slap against the multiple holes, ruining his momentum but Tim can hardly care.
Tim knows how to find Bruce now.
He can help bring him back from the timeline through the various clues his father figure has been able to leave over his adventures. Tim is so close now, he can actually see the finish line.
He just needs to get to the Cave- when Jason and the Demon are not there, preferably. Maybe Alfred would let him in. The old man had always had a soft spot for Tim- and he could build the machine he needed.
That's if he doesn't build it in his Nest.
Tim runs faster, feeling his lungs and legs burn. He doesn't pay it any mind. The time with the Yeti has made him stronger, likely due to the hours of soaking in some private reserve of Lazarus Pit, so he is going at a faster speed.
One that he had never been able to reach before. He was nothing like a speedster or even on his Red Bird, but damn if it isn't exciting to think he may be able to outpace Jason now.
As he approaches, the city becomes more prominent, shimmering in a faint green glow, as if welcoming him home. Tim's face breaks into a smile when he enters Crime Alley, passing the city limits. In Bruce's city, he is safe from Ra because even without Batman, the city has always shielded them from the Ghuls.
Bruce will be back tomorrow, here in the shadows of Gotham's darkness, protecting everyone, and Tim will finally be able to rest. Months of invading the Justice League, working with the League of Assiasn, the Spiders, and his own doubts were finally going to be behind him.
So close. So very close he could taste it.
A scream cuts through the air.
Tim slides to a stop, feet splashing against the puddles of dirty water he hadn't noticed, swinging his head in the direction it came from. Every part of him wants to ignore it because he has to focus on getting Bruce. He does, but the fear in that woman's voice is too thick to ignore.
He glances back to his Nest, torn between his duty and his heart, biting his lip, but a young whimper- a child likely- makes the choice for him. Tim changes directions, going into the alley and coming across a family of three in the middle of being mugged.
It's quick work to get behind the man waving the gun, silent as the shadows, he blends in to mask his presense. He stricks just as the fool pulls the triger, the loud bang echoing in the small space.
The woman screams again, this time louder, with far more fright in her voice, as the boy bursts into tears.
Thankfully, Tim had knocked off his aim, and the bullet bounced off the brick near the man- likely the father- who was standing in front of a frightened woman and small child in what could only be an attempt to protect them.
The brick shatters to peices as Tim reels back his fists, bringing them down in three swift but brutal punches and the gunman hits the ground with a loud thump.
He hadn't even had time to scream.
Tim huffs above him, and the large amount of running finally catches up to him. It's been a long time since he was so out of breath, though sprinting at full force for a solid nearly fifty minutes was a good enough reason.
"Is everyone alright?" Tim pants out, shaking out his hand in a showy way. After all, he wasn't wearing a mask, and right now, this needed to look like Timothy Drake got a lucky burst of adrenaline.
"Yes." The man breathes, sounding shocked. "Yes, we're fine. Thanks to you. Thank you so much, you saved our lives."
"Don't mention it. I'm glad I was in the right place at the right time." Tim looks up at him, twisting his face into the perfect meek civilian persona Timothy Drake is known for, and then feels all the blood drain from his face.
At that moment, he realizes two things.
One, Gotham was many shades of depressing but it was never green. Espcailly glowing green but while he had been runing he had swon he saw it shifted to sit behind a filter that made it appear as such.
And Two, Bruce looked a aweful lot like his father.
"Oh my boy." Thomas Wayne says, wrapping his arm around Martha and little Bruce Wayne's. He sends Tim another grateful warm smile. "I don't think you understand just what you've done here."
No, Tim thinks faintly I really don't think I do.
Somewhere in the far future, Danny Fenton wonders why his portal-making skill has stopped working. He used it regularly as his search and rescue means but ever since Robin fell into his arms half dead he had not been able to activeate it.
It was almost like it was stolen from him.
If only his parents hadn't dismantled the portal. He could ask Frostbite to check him over.
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Summary: Miguel will stop at nothing to have you at his side. And you know that but who says you can't make him struggle just a little.
word count:3.5k+
A/n: Thank you guys for loving Pt.1 to this story so much I hope this second part meets your expectations! Im thinking of making a pt.3 where the spider society meets the reader let me know what you guys think!xx
Parts: I II^ III
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(Gif credits to the creator ofc!^)
Walking into your lawyers office made Miguel's blood boil.
He had already ripped up the divorce papers but he wanted to send a message before he returned them to their sender considering you ignored his thousands of calls.
“Mr.O’hara it's nice to finally meet you although clients usually communicate lawyer to law-” he was quickly cut off by the loud sound of the shredded paper being tossed onto his desk.
“ I   thought this would be quicker for the both of us,​​ Tell your client that her HUSBAND said no. And that  I‘ll be seeing her very soon. Thanks.” Miguel said, having that last bit dripping with sarcasm.
“Should  I   be concerned for my clients' well-being Mr.O’hara?” your lawyer said standing up.
Turning to face him once more Miguel snickered, “On the contrary Mr.?” he said looking for a name tag.
“Murdock. It's on the building Nelson and Murdock.” he said, smiling back at him.
“Big man, Congratulations. My wife is safe with me, just let her know I'll be seeing her soon, have a nice day Murdock.” With a nod from your lawyer he took it as his time to leave but not without whispering some insults in spanish under his breath.
Who did he think he was questioning your safety around Miguel? You were the safest at his side and his side only.
And no one was taking that from him, not even you.
Quickly after he left your Lawyer wasted no time in contacting you.
Two rings passed before you picked up.
To tell the truth your heart was pounding. It felt so soon for him to have already turned in the papers.
“Hello?” you didn't mean to sound as quiet and defeated as you did but who were you trying to fool this had been and was going to be a very tough moment in your life.
“Mrs.O’Hara how are you?” he answered calmly.
Confused by the surname you stopped walking in the middle of the busy airport.
“I'm fine, did you receive the papers?” you asked eager to find out exactly what happened.
“Yes,  I   did but they're not signed or intact for that matter. It seems like he gave them to a cat to have as a toy."He said holding up the paper realizing what he thought were rips were actually done by claws, strange.
“Ay Miguel.” You said, you knew he never took any news well but you never thought he’d pull something like this.
“He also left a message for you.” he said, setting the paper aside.
“And that was?” you said curious as to what he could possibly have to say.
“Tell your client that her husband said no, and that he will be seeing you very soon, he put a big emphasis on the word husband.” he said pausing.
Waiting for a response from you he added on, “Ms. O’Hara if i'm being honest here this doesn't sound like a man who wanted a divorce.” he said reconsidering the course of the situation.
“At this point I'm not really sure what he wants anymore,  I   don't think  I   ever actually knew to begin with.” you said, beginning to question your judgment.
“Well if you’d like to continue with the one sided divorce process we can do that otherwise  I   think you should speak to Mr.O’Hara and sort things out.” He said.
Now you had a lot to think about, A shiver went up your spine as you realized exactly what was happening.
“Y/n? Is everything okay? Do you need help?” Your lawyer asked on the other side. He always knew a little more than he was led to believe which meant he had to be cautious with how much he involved himself.
“Oh yeah, yes  I   am fine just considering my options, can  I get back to you on that?” You asked quickly beginning to exit the airport.
“Yes, of course whatever you need, give me a call.” he said, he could hear your breath picking up and your heart beat gaining speed.
“Thank you, Mr. Murdock.” and with that you hung up the phone and found your driver.
If there was one thing Miguel didn't like it was not having you by his side and to make matters worse not knowing where you were.
You didn't doubt for a second Miguel had already found you; it was just a matter of time before he got to you.
Angry would be the understatement of the year.
Taking a deep breath you tried to relax remembering why you were in this situation in the first place.
It was his fault you left, and if he wanted to bring you back then he’d have to travel across the world and do it face to face.
After all, you did book a flight to Barcelona thinking it would be far enough to not ever be able to go back to him no matter how strong the urge.
Your phone rang again, thinking it was your lawyer, you answered.
“Was there something you forgot to mention earlier?” you asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Hiring a man as your lawyer, you always know where to hit me so it hurts mi amor.” chills ran down your spine at the sound of that raspy voice.
“Miguel, what do you want?” you said trying to put up a front.
“You. Back in our house, at my side.” he said with a demanding tone.
The audacity of this man, you'd been distraught and in tears practically the entire journey here but now? All you felt was anger.
“No.” was all you said, the front was gone, these were your genuine emotions now.
“No? Como que no? You're mine, don't you forget that.” he said, beginning to raise his voice.
“  I   didn't forget that, you did Miguel so it's either you start remembering or  I   start forgetting too. Ya no voy a estar de gata a tus pies. I'm worth more than that.” you said trying to hold back the shakiness in your voice.
It was helpless because he already heard it.
“Mi amor,  I   never thought that of you please, come home and let's talk. I'm begging you don't do this to us.  I   need you.” He said hoping he could sway you in his direction.
“This is the longest you've spoken to me in over a month Miguel, you realize that right? And all for what, because  I  disobeyed you?” you asked, hoping he'd deny it but all you got was silence.
Chuckling you smiled, at least that part of him never changed.
“Baby, plea-” he tried.
“No, Sign the papers or I'm moving in a different direction Miguel.  I   let my love for you stand in the way for too long and you don't even have the decency to tell me you don't love me anymore. I'm done.” you said as he began to speak over you trying to stop you.
No one had ever tested Miguel's patience this much.
You not letting him get a sentence out was only bringing him closer to the edge.
“Y/n  I   swear if you make me-” dead tone. You hung up.
“HIJO DE PUTA!” he said as he punched the back of the passenger seat in front of him.
“Everything alright sir?” his driver asked mostly only concerned for his own safety.
No one liked seeing Miguel upset ten times out of nine everyone else ended up in whatever mood he was in.
“Yes, Just get me to the jet please.” he said, rubbing his temples gently.
Miguel fell in love with your sense of leadership when he had first met you, god was he paying for it now.
He tried to calm himself before boarding the plane. He needed to think of what he could say to get you back at his side.
He knew he needed to change, it's his best bet at making you remember just how much he loves you.
Just as the plane was taking off his gizmo showed a hologram of Jess.
“So, did you get your girl back?” She asked with a slight smirk on her face.
Miguel froze, he kept his business out of the spider society just in case anyone ever turned on them.
Keeping you safe was his number one priority.
“Lyla spilled Miguel, she's worried about you and says she's never seen you this bad before.” she said with a slight tone of concern. She knew better than to show Miguel she was worried, he would just push her away and tell her he was fine.
“Everything will be fine, I'll be gone two days tops think you can handle that?” he asked with a small smile on his face.
He knew Jess could do more than handle it; he just needed a distraction from the chaos he’d brought to his marriage.
“Yeah well when you bring her back, and you will,  I  ‘d like to meet the person who tolerates your broodiness, hell  i  ‘ll probably ask for some tips while i'm at it.” she said, making him chuckle.
No one could do what you did for him.
“Keep me updated on the canon events and keep Hobie out of my office.” he said remembering the last time he snuck in.
“You got it boss, don't forget we're all rooting for you.” she said before hanging up.
We? Who's we? He was gonna have a long talk with Lyla about confidentiality when he got back.
It has now been just about two days since you last spoke to Miguel and since then you’ve received one flower arrangement every hour with a message from Miguel and your bill at every place you visited covered by, you guessed it, Miguel.
And still you had to be graced by the presence of the man himself.
Barcelona was your chance to really find out if the grass was greener on the other side and that meant no giving in to Miguel's romantic gestures.
It was hard when every single flower warmed your heart just a little more every time.
It reminded you of when he’d cut flowers from random gardens on his way to your house.
They were never this fancy or even wrapped in paper for that matter, but you loved them more than anything else because he gave them to you out of love.
He gave these to you seeking forgiveness, something he wouldn't be doing if you hadn't been pushed over the edge.
Sighing, you set them aside with the rest of the arrangements and decided to go for a coffee.
Finding a little shop you sat on the patio after ordering your Latte with a croissant to accompany it.
Basking in the sun your mind couldn't help but wonder where he was, if he was already watching you from a distance waiting to catch you off guard.
You weren't too far off.
He was watching you, from a safe distance just to make sure you were safe, and that no other man was coming near you but mostly to make sure you were safe.
He thought that if he gave you space it’d make you miss him.
The flowers and paying for you were just in case you did miss him. Or at least that's what he made them out to be.
Miguel was trying his best to not let his possessive ways take over him and just carry you on the plane and take you home but he oh so wanted this to be over already.
But he too decided to turn a new leaf in Barcelona, one that would promise to never let you forget just how much he loved you, no matter how shitty of a day he had at work.
Miguel was brought out of his thoughts when he saw you leaving the cafe not because you were leaving but because some man was following you.
His body tensed as the man tapped on your shoulder and handed you something.
Before he knew it he was walking towards you and pulling you into him by the waist.
“¿Ya terminaste amor?( you finished here love?)” he said, smiling down at you before turning to look at the idiot who touched you.
Who did he think he was touching you when you belonged to Miguel?
Smiling a thank you to the stranger you met mere minutes ago you begin walking without answering Miguel's question.
“Who the hell was that guy?” he said following you down the street.
“ I   have no idea Miguel, what  I   do know is that you've been watching me for the past two days.” you said trying to hide your smirk.
Miguel stopped, you had outsmarted him.
“Only because you won't speak to me.” he said trying to hide the smile on his face.
He was a proud husband but now was not the time.
“Sucks doesn't it? Being ignored by your spouse when you just wanted to give them all your love.” you said opening the door to your new home.
“Y/n mi amor  I   get it, I'm an asshole and  I deserve whatever it is you throw my way but please come home and you can throw it at me there.” he said trying to get close to you but all it did was make you take a step back.
“Baby please, just come here.” he said as he took another step towards you.
He was quick but you were quicker getting out of the way.
“No Miguel, you treated me like some toy that you used when you were bored. And when you got tired of me you tossed me to the side and pretended that  I   wasn't there. Do you know how it feels to be treated like an item? A disposable item?” you asked your voice barely above a whisper but that didn't stop you.
“For the last ten years of our relationship there wasn't one day that you didn't tell me you loved me. Even when we were fighting. Tell me Miguel, when was the last time you told me you loved me? As a matter of fact, When was the last time we even slept in the same bed? You can't tell me can you?” you asked, waiting for a response from him but all you got was silence.
Your words finally began to actually sink in to Miguel and for once he didn't know what to do.
Balancing the literal multiverse on his shoulders distracted him so much he hadn't realized the damage he was doing to your marriage.
But you’d had more than enough time to realize what it did to you.
Shaking your head you looked away as tears brimmed your eyes.
You wanted so badly to be strong for yourself but seeing the end to what you thought was your forever was making it really difficult.
“Fuck.” was all Miguel could muster up at the moment, he needed to find a way to fix this.
Letting out a shaky breath, “Y/n,  I   know that  I  ‘ve changed but there's just been so much pressure on me to fix things and they really need me right now, this is the only way  I   can keep everyone safe, keep you safe.” he said hoping you’d understand.
Nodding you looked out the window and admired the view.
“ I   understand, the multiverse is important to you. But  I   can't sit around waiting for the day you decide to consider me too. And  I   know that sounds selfish but  I   can't help it. I'm jealous of Miguel. Jealous of the people who see you more than  I   do. Jealous of the office you spend time in. Jealous of the Lyla.” you actually had to laugh after that.
“ I   sound crazy, Jealous of a damn AI all because it gets your attention more than me.” you said tears finally falling.
“Well guess what Miguel,  I   won't do it anymore,  I   hate this feeling.  I   understand protecting the multiverse is important so go, go be a hero it's who you are and it's amazing.  I   could never stand in the way of that no matter how much it’d hurt me.” you said leaning back on the kitchen counter.
You’d hoped that’d be enough to get him to go.
In a second Miguel had his arms around you and his head buried in your shoulder.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you realized he was crying.
“Miguel?” you asked gently, slightly confused by the reaction.
“I'm so sorry baby please,  I   need you. Without you I'm just the shell of the man   I   should be.   I   can't live a life without you, it's pointless. Just please come home and we can fix this together.  I  ‘ll do whatever you want.  I  ‘ll get on my knees and beg if that's what it takes.” he said as he began to get down on his knees.
“Miguel no-” you whispered as you tried pulling him back up.
“Then what baby you tell me and  I  ‘ll do it please tell me how to fix this. ¡Estoy loco por ti y lo sabes!( I'm crazy for you and you know it!)” he yelled, he was mere seconds away from a panic attack his breathes were shortening quickly and you noticed it.
“Miguel? Baby slow down, you need to breathe.” you said lowering yourself to meet his face.
“ I   can’t-  I   can-” he said as he tried regaining his breath.
He hadn't had one of these since he became spiderman so an inhaler was not an option. So you did the next best thing, you kissed him.
Deeply, passionate to make sure he slowed down his breathing completely.
Slowly it began to work so you pulled away to allow him to catch his breath.
Analyzing his face you’d only hoped it worked, “Better?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Not yet.” he said as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back in for another kiss this time much deeper.
Miguel began kissing you like a man who’d been starved as he pulled you closer wrapping your legs around his waist in the process.
And just like that you were lost in him all over again.
Whatever speech you gave yourself about the grass being greener was gone in the wind.
Quickly Miguel began undressing you while you pulled his clothes off in return.
“No sabes cuanto te e necesitado mi amor. (you don't know how much i've needed you my love.)” he said as left a trail of kisses down your neck.
“Callate y hazme el amor Miguel.(shut up and make love to me.”you said breathlessly as he flipped you over on the kitchen floor placing his tip at your entrance.
Slipping into you slowly he clenched his jaw at the feeling of your tightness around him. Oh how he missed this feeling.
Gasping you tried to adjust to his size again , no matter how many times you’d had sex in the past it's like this man got bigger and bigger every time.
Hearing your soft moans encouraged Miguel to keep going until he was fully buried in you, “dios mio.” was all he could manage to say as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.
“Miguel-” you moaned, signaling him to move.
“ I   know baby  I   know.” he said as he pulled himself out completely before thrusting back in and finding his pace making you arch your back in the process.
Slowly he began building up his speed until all he could hear was the beautiful sound of your voice moaning his name endlessly.
This was his heaven.
Watching you as your face contorted in full euphoria at the pleasure he was giving you.
Taking your hand in his he gave it a squeeze that you returned as you used your other hand to pull him in for a breathless kiss.
“Miguel ya” you said, getting closer to your climax.
“Wait for me mami i'm almost there.” he said as he sped up making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
This man would be the end of you.
By this point you were a moaning mess holding on to the last strands of sanity you had left waiting for Miguel.
Once you felt Miguel twitch inside of you it was clear he was close, you pulled him close and began kissing your way up to his ear.
“Miguel baby, I need you hazme tuya mi amor.” you moaned, and with that you felt his fangs dig into your shoulder as he filled you with his seed allowing you to cum with him.
You could've passed out from the immense amount of pleasure  you were feeling, or the reaction to his spider venom,  but missing a moment of this was not an option.
After Miguel recovered he realized what he’d done, “Shit, I'm sorry  I   didn’t think-” he said, beginning to slightly panic.
He’d always been able to control himself in bed.
Smiling, you pulled him in for another kiss, “It’s okay,  I   liked it.” you said earning yourself a look of surprise from him.
Laying his head back down on your chest you sighed in content.
“Eres la luz de mi vida, el sol para mi luna. (you are the light of my life, the sun to my moon.)” he said smiling.
Laughing you massaged the back of his neck as you ran your hands through his hair.
“ The light of your life would like to get off this hard floor.” you said as you wiggled to ease the soreness of your back.
Miguel wasted no time in picking you up and taking you to the bedroom.
“ This looks like a much more suitable place to spend the week.” he said, laying you down gently.
“Week? Isn't there a canon event that needs your rescuing?” you asked, to tell the truth your heart was overjoyed at the thought of him staying here with you.
“You, you're my cannon event and it's gonna take all of me to rescue you.” he said as he kissed your forehead.
“My hero.” you said as you laid your head on his chest admiring his relaxed features.
“Te amo mi cielo.” he whispered.
“Y yo a ti cariño.” you said, closing your eyes as you fell asleep alongside the love of your life.
The road to forever looked a lot brighter now
tagslist: @cooch1ecruncher​    @hoseokslefteyebrow​  @marcswife21 @whatdudtheysay​  @foxglove-spidey​  @smyfmj​  @mushy-mushroom04​   @flooftoof  @aepinkoutsold @scoliobean @elliaze
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
A day to remember
Inumaki x gn!reader
this is a request!! thank u so much for requesting💗anyways time for jujutsu tech prom hehe😌 (lets pretend prom is a thing in japan and that there's actually enough students to do a cute thing like this lmaoo)
also since this is a prom fic, the second years are now third years and the first years are second years
@noomon one tag for uuuuu
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The atmosphere was oddly lovey-dovey at Jujutsu Tech recently. Prom was just around the corner, so it wasn't exactly odd that spirits were high, but considering the usually grim faces that you see in the halls of the school, it does feel strange to see everyone so excited.
Then again, you suppose it is better to make the most of every day as a sorcerer and little joys like this are precisely what make all the death and injury worth it.
But, on the topic of prom... You don't know who to go with! You might just end up skipping out or going alone if you must (Gojo will probably force you to go). After all, prom isn't all about dancing with a guy and romantic stuff, it's about having fun with your friends and laughing at the memories you made as students of this school.
Or, well, for this kind of school, maybe some of the memories are better forgotten.
"Hey, senpai!" you heard a familiar voice behind you. It was Yuuji and Nobara! They often come to talk to you about random things so you aren't at all surprised to see them.
"Hello." you greet them, wondering what crazy story they'll tell you today.
"Do you already have a date for prom?" Yuuji and Nobara beamed.
"Do I- No, no I don't." that's the question you were expecting the least. Why are they asking you this anyways?
"Great." Nobara huffed, very satisfied with your answer. Yuuji seemed even more excited than before. You had little question marks floating above your head.
"Why are you happy about me being single? Are you two trying to tell me something?" your eyebrows furrowed slighly. But then again, Nobara and Yuuji are idiots (affectionately), so you don't think they're seriously trying to insult you.
"Oh, actually, it's because-"
Nobara slapped a hand over Yuuji's mouth before he could continue his sentence. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." she smiled at you, dragging Yuuji away and muttering something you couldn't quite catch.
Huh. How strange.
But now that you think about it, there is one person you'd really like to go to prom with.
The next day, Panda approaches you after class.
"Hey, you should like, totally follow after me right now. I have something to show you." Panda suggested cheerfully. And why not? Knowing Panda, he probably just has something funny or stupid to show you, which is always a pleasure.
As you followed him, a strange feeling started rising up inside you. You felt oddly fidgety and excited. Maybe it was the whole prom thing. I mean, with the strange conversation you had with the second years just yesterday is it that much of a stretch to assume that you're about to get confessed to via a prom invitation?
Nah, you shouldn't get ahead of yourself. If anything, Panda's going to let you in on someone else's promposal plan so you can help them out. Not that that's a bad thing, you just really get your hopes up sometimes.
You were being lead down a dimly lit hallway in one of the more secluded areas of the school. There was even candles here and there, to set the mood, you assume. Wow, this is really a last minute invitation. They're asking you to help out at the last possible moment, huh?
You soon found yourself in front of a group of students, all lined up to make a little walkway for you and Panda. Panda stops right at the end of the line, motioning for you to continue walking. All the other third years lined up were smiling knowingly at you. What in the world is going on?
You walked down the line of students a bit hesitantly, taking the flowers each of them handed you along the way. Oh wow, this is impressive. And also definitely means that this promposal is meant for you. You can feel your heart start beating faster with excitement when taking each rose into your hands.
Who orchestrated a confession so grand? Please be him...
Nobara handed you a rose when you walked by her, smiling proudly at you. Now the question from yesterday makes perfect sense.
At the end of the line of students, you saw a few of your classmates holding up signs that said "I know I'm not a man of many words, but I really need you to kelp me out here. It's almost prom night and you're still not together with me (which is criminal in my opinion). This isn't just a prom invitation, by the way. Will you go out with me tunaight?"
There's only one person that could have written those signs. Not just because of the familiar handwriting, but also because of the words he chose. And sure enough, Inumaki Toge was proudly holding up the middle sign, looking at you.
You clutched the makeshift boquet of roses in your hand. It was him after all.
In all three years of your schooling at JJT, you've found Inumaki Toge to be especially charming. You had a bit of trouble talking to him at first, but you quickly got along after you bridged the whole "onigiri ingredient" gap. Honestly, you don't know how long it's been since you felt... a special way about him.
It took you a while to realise, but you definitely like him. More than a friend.
And knowing it's mutual...
He looked at you with such hope in his eyes that it made you want to hug him and kiss him all over. And so you did.
The sign he was holding fell to the ground as you embraced him tightly and he immediately hugged you back, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to him. As if that is the place where you belong.
"Yes, yes, I'll go to prom with you!" you yelled happily, leading everyone around you to cheer. You didn't really notice it because you were busy kissing Inumaki's cheeks, but all the other third years looked satisfied, knowing their ship has sailed at long last.
"But bad onigiri ingredient puns, really? I'm feeling the second hand embarrasment real hard right now." your face scrunched up slightly, cringing.
He simply giggled quietly in response, squeezing you again.
You can't deny, that is so him.
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mcflymemes · 5 months
PROMPTS FROM GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary. who ya gonna call?
i want you to concentrate.
you can't see these, can you?
i'm getting a little tired of this!
what are you trying to prove here, anyway?
will you excuse me for a second?
we're close on this one. i can feel it.
you are a legitimate phenomenon.
this is big, [name], this is very big. there is definitely something here.
that would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.
i hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly.
back off, man. i'm a scientist.
listen! do you smell something?
this happened to you before?
could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?
one of us should actually try to speak to it.
i'm gonna take back some of the things i've said about you.
the possibilities are limitless!
this is preposterous. i demand an explanation.
your methods are sloppy and your conclusions are highly questionable.
you don't know what it's like out there.
for whatever reasons... call it fate, call it luck, call it karma, i believe that everything happens for a reason.
where are we going to get the money?
i think this building should be condemned.
hey, does this pole still work?
wow, this place is great. when can we move in?
you gotta try this pole.
hey, we should stay here tonight! sleep here! you know, try it out!
you wanna come in for a mineral water or something?
are you troubled by strange noises in the night?
have you or any of your family ever seen a spook, specter, or ghost?
we're ready to believe you!
you can't park that here!
i bet you like to read a lot, too.
i collect spores, mold, and fungus.
i'd like to talk to someone, please.
what i'm about to say may sound a little unusual.
i'm sorry, i don't believe in any of those things.
if something's gonna happen here, i want it to happen to me first.
you don't act like a scientist.
i'm gonna go for broke. i am madly in love with you.
i bet you're going to be thinking about me after i'm gone.
hey, anybody seen a ghost?
did you ever report it to anyone?
i hope we can take care of this quietly.
well, no sense worrying about it now.
i think we'd better split up.
don't move. it won't hurt you.
i feel so funky.
there's something very important i forgot to tell you.
wait wait wait! i've always wanted to do this.
well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?
we came! we saw! we kicked its ass!
you're a big celebrity now.
so who the hell was that?
i'm not at liberty to say.
i want to know more about what you do here.
that's a big twinkie.
do you have any excedrin or extra strength tylenol?
listen, maybe if we start dancing, other people will join in.
that's a different look for you, isn't it?
do you want this body?
i want you inside me.
you said before you were waiting for a sign. what sign are you waiting for?
i have a terrible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you.
i think that would be extraordinarily dangerous.
how about a little music?
you had your chance to cooperate, but you thought it'd be more fun to insult me. well, now it's my turn, wise ass.
i'm not interested in your opinion.
if he does that again, you can shoot him.
i am going to get you a nice fruit basket.
i was in no way prepared for that.
you wanna play rough?
are you a god?
let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!
i couldn't help it. it just popped in there.
well, that's something you don't see every day.
sorry, [name]. i'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
i feel like the floor of a taxi cab.
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lavenderprose · 1 month
"Would you love me if I was a crab?"
The responses are immediate and exactly what Ed should have expected: Stede's eyes go big, he offers a wide smile and his voice goes high and indulging as he says, "Of course! I would make a special little tank for you--"
Izzy, on his other side, rolls his eyes and says nothing at all.
There are a few crabs scuttling along this stretch of beach, washed ashore by a storm last night. They're still trying to get their bearings and make their way back to sea, presumably. Ed has counted four of them as they walk. He doesn't know if they're the kind of crabs you eat. He doesn't know if there's such a thing as crabs you can't eat.
Stede is still talking.
"Of course, we would have to make sure that the water is of the right salinity, and it might be hard to communicate, but perhaps we could invent some form of semaphore involving pincers--" Here he forms his hands into two approximations of claws and snaps his thumbs against his fingers repeatedly. "Snap snap. Something like that."
"No way to live," Izzy says then, and when Ed looks at him it seems like even he's surprised he spoke. He looks uneasy with it, like the thought had escaped rather than being released. He's been walking somewhat separate, his pace matching that of Ed and Stede but several feet further up the beach where the sand isn't so damp. Stede has had his arm looped through Ed's and they've been walking in lockstep, murmuring to each other about the lovely bright morning sun and the crisp smell of the ocean, and about Stede's newly-bought swim-cover he's wearing and about lunch. Come to think, this is the first time Ed has heard Izzy speak all morning.
"What's that, dear?" Stede asks, still distracted by his own hands. He mutters something to himself that sounds like And this could mean I'm hungry as he pokes his pinched hands towards his stomach.
"In a tank," says Izzy. His arms are folded against his body, he's turned towards Ed and Stede and the calm surf washing up the beach. The sun hits his eyes and makes them look brighter, green like seaglass. "If you were a...crab."
"Say I wanted to live in a tank?" Ed mutters, feeling weirdly defensive. "If Stede wanted to put me in a tank and keep me safe--"
"No way to live," Izzy says, shrugging. "Might be nice for a little while, but you'd get bored in a tank. You'd start trying to escape, try to wedge your pincers through the lid of--" He moves his hands for a moment, almost as though to pantomime like Stede, then scowls at himself at stops. Shrugs again. "We couldn't keep you."
"Would we know it was you?" Stede asks then, like this is crucial information. Ed doesn't know why the conversation has taken this turn, even though he was the one to ask, but he feels like his heart might break a little if they can't come to a consensus about what to do with Crab-Ed.
"Yeah," says Ed, "You'd know it was me because it would be like...a sea-witch curse or something."
"Oh! Well then we would just find a way to break the curse." Stede nods, smiling sagely and confident in his wisdom.
"You can't," Ed says, hurriedly and suddenly nervous. "It's permanent. Can't break it, I'm gonna be a crab forever."
"Would you still think like you?" Stede asks. Izzy, utterly quiet, stares towards the horizon like if he glares hard enough, the sun will descend from the sky and end the conversation.
"Yeah, yeah. Ed Teach brain, tiny crab body."
"Well that complicates it--"
"Why are we talking about this again?" Izzy mutters, still squinting towards the sun like it's personally insulted him. "If Edward were a crab, he'd have to do crab things. We'd do human things. End of."
Stede frowns. "Well the question wasn't about what we would do with our Ed-crab. It was would we love him."
Izzy snorts, and Ed feels a strange spike of dread right up until Izzy mutters, "Of course," in a way that says he thinks the answer is very obvious, and the question very redundant. When he realizes that Ed and Stede are both staring at him, he shifts his stance and cards a hand through his hair. Slowly, with obvious difficulty, he says, "I couldn't keep him in a tank. Wouldn't be fair. Of all people, I should know that." His eyes flick to Ed for a snap moment. Ed doesn't know what his face does, but whatever it is it's enough to relax the line between Izzy's eyebrows. "He'd have to go. But I'd remember him. I'd hope he was...happy. Doing crab things. I'd love him."
From somewhere next to Ed, the inelegant sound of Stede's sniffles breaks the moment they might have been about to have.
"That's such a sweet sentiment, Izzy," Stede says, wiping under an eye. "I was going to say that we could ask the sea-witch to turn us into crabs as well. That way we could all do crab things together."
"There's an idea," Ed says enthusiastically. "We could make a crab house and eat crab food and have crab se--"
"I'm not turning into a crab," Izzy says, and turns back to face the direction they'd come. "Are we done with this? I'm fucking starving."
He marches off, leaving Stede and Ed to walk in his now-determined wake. Obviously trying to escape the sentimentality of his own words. Ed exchanges a knowing, saccharine expression with Stede as they follow.
"Izzy?" Stede calls up to him, paces ahead and legs pumping. Izzy barks out a vague response. "Would you love me if I was a crab?"
Izzy stops and turns completely around. There is a smirk on his face and hidden laughter in his eyes.
"If you were a crab," Izzy says, "I would have a crab fucking boil, Stede Bonnet."
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