#very out of place/out of his time very repressed and very traumatized
edwinisms · 1 month
the reason i read niko as autistic so fucking fast and so fucking hard isn’t even because of the typical autistic character tv cliches (special interests, weird hobbies and/or collections, homebody/introvert, etc), it’s more than anything because of her difficulty reading social cues, tendency for being brutally honest or rude without meaning to be, difficulty fully understanding other peoples’ emotions when they don’t align with her own / when she can’t frame it from her point of view (see: the aftermath of jenny’s fucked up murder date and how niko focuses mostly on how jenny hates her, or avoids her, etc, even though she clearly cares about jenny– she just genuinely doesn’t seem to know how to empathize very well, which is a big autistic mood). and things of the like. i don’t even think she’s an introvert frankly, she just had a situation going on that pushed her into reclusion– once the sprites are out, and she has the support of friends, she’s happy to go places and do things and initiate conversations and so on– it’s just that, when she does so, it becomes more obvious that she’s not great at reading the room, and when she does it’s very simple and seems like stating the obvious (“that got dark”, “that’s sad,” etc), and she seems to genuinely not register when she’s crossing boundaries (see: jenny in general, her interfering with peoples’ relationships, asking uncomfortable questions, bringing up uncomfortable topics (like sex), etc).
and just……..yeah she’d be really good autistic rep imo if she were to be canonized as such, more so than any other character by a long shot
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lady-forest-1142 · 1 month
cannot stop thinking about jean and neil being the same age, like hello narrative foils?? jean is neil if mary hadn't run away with him. riko's pet, given as appeasement to the moriyamas. neil is a traumatized individual but he still retained his sense of self (for the most part) because while mary was harsh the ultimate reasoning behind her actions was his safety and wellbeing. meanwhile, jean was in the hands of a person who did not care if he lived or died, and treated him as such. repressing his humanity was the only way for him to survive. neil could find moments of reprieve on the run, precious minutes of anonymity for him to catch his breath. there was nowhere for jean to run, nowhere for him to hide. his very identity (I am a moreau. I belong to the moriyamas.) was bound up in his torture. mary running away saved neil and condemned jean in the same breath.
and now here they both are, the same age, both relatively safe and secure for the first time in years, but they are in such different places. neil has found life, love and joy and companionship and the promise of a future, while jean is still merely trying to survive, pulling himself together each day and always on the brink of collapse. neil may still be wounded but he knows who he is, knows what he wants - this was everything he wanted, everything he needed, and neil was never letting go - but jean still doesn't know any of that, is trying to build a new identity for himself out of the scraps of his old life, and they have seen so many of the same things but from such different perspectives and both of them are irrevocably changed from it but in such different ways.
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alazystranger · 7 months
zolu fic recommendations? (i can take reading angst now)
Ooh, this is going to be bit of a long post. i have tried to include a mix of both angsty and otherwise.
*cracks knuckles* alright let's get down to it! I have included the summaries as given by the authors below the link.
let thy sword be thy tongue by queerweather. A personal favorite! I go back to this one a lot.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and Zoro is not afraid of Luffy handling his swords; Zoro is afraid of how Luffy handling his swords might unravel him.
Love you by willoffire123. Both angsty and sweet! Kind of like my comfort fic
When Luffy goes overboard one night during a winter storm, Zoro dives after him and the two are separated from their ship. Stranded on a winter island, slowly freezing to death, Luffy and Zoro come to realize their long dormant feelings for each other. Can they say their love in two words or less? Or will the winter island take their lives before they get the chance?
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart. You said you can take angst now, anon? *cackles maniacally* this one has it all- whump luffy, traumatized zoro and what not. It has 13 chapters and it's absolutely worth it
Roronoa Zoro knows he’s loyal to a fault. And maybe that loyalty is only for his Captain and Crew. But realizing his loyalty for Luffy is also something more, something more personal and emotional, was not what Zoro wanted. And he definitely didn’t want the voices in his head to get so loud. But hey, we never get what we want, do we? In which Zoro figures out he’s in love with his captain and is in great denial, all while struggling through emotional repression and a bunch of shit he doesn’t deserve. Go figures.
running just to keep my hands on you by nevermordor. another fic i love to read again and again.
The thing they do is kind of like a game, because Luffy likes games, but it’s also kind of a competition because Zoro can’t not turn anything and everything into a competition. It doesn’t have a name and there are only two rules, because more than two would just be making things boring and overcomplicated. 1. Whoever takes out the most guys in a fight is the winner 2. Whoever is the loser has to do whatever the winner says “Why’s it gotta be a whole game and stuff," Luffy says. "That’s gonna take too long.” “It makes sex more fun," Zoro explains. "You gotta win it, you gotta earn it. Like anything good in life. Like pirate king or greatest swordsman.” Luffy considers this.
A gamble on love by SnailorBee. short and fluffy. had me grinning like an idiot. perfect fic to recover from the angsty ones.
Pre-Time Skip! "We have a bet amongst the crew, minus Chopper. You want in?" "A bet?" Brook repeated, mystified. "About what?" "If those two idiots are dating or not." Nami jerked her chin in the direction of the nap pile behind him. Strawhats and their bets about Luffy and Zoro.
To cut your teeth on love by freckledshoulderblades. basically a series of snippets from their first meeting to just after timeskip but full of zolu feels.
Zoro meets Luffy and gives himself over wholeheartedly the instant Wadō is placed between his teeth again. Luffy meets Zoro and decides in a heartbeat that Zoro is his.
poly philtatos(the most loved by far) by swordsmans. another personal favorite!
He keeps moving forward at a steady pace, resisting the urge to run because how fucking embarrassing would that be, running because he missed them, and as he breaks through the treeline he shouts, “Oi, oi—what took you guys so long? It's been—” And then he freezes, because yes, actually—something is very, very wrong. The Sunny is anchored just off shore, close enough to see the deck but far enough away that the crew has had to take the Mini Merry to make land. Scattered across the beach in various stages of chaos—rolling around, yelling, fighting—are his crew but not his crew, so similar and yet so, so different. They look younger, fresher, and whatthefuck there, on the deck of the Sunny just peering over the railing, he catches a flash of green—his own green hair— “Ah, fuck,” he grunts, and then immediately turns back around because no, actually, he does not want to deal with this.
These are a few of my picks. if you want more/shorter fics/if you were looking for something else, don't hesitate to send me another ask!
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haine-kleine · 2 months
Taking a break from doomposting to once again ponder the meaning of the chapter from a storytelling point of view. It fails to complete any storyline point previously established. Ochako is still repressing her survivor's guilt and covering it up with fake sweet smiles. Deku and Ochako don't really reach any understanding nor comfort each other after this traumatic experience: Ochako still blames herself for Himiko's death, Izuku has seemingly moved on from Shigaraki's death using it as a learning example on his way forward. The party is random and the cheer is forced. Eri mutilating herself with the help of an adult hero goes unaddressed. The old lady is the only character exhibiting any development but it falls flat because we don't have much reason to care about the character who is not Tenko that she saves. It was Shigaraki who needed saving and didn't get it.
The one thing this chapter achieves is destroying any hope the readers had left. The next chapter is not necessary, judging by how meaningless most of the epilogue chapters have been so far.
But looking at this from another angle, the one thing Horikoshi can do, after killing the remaining embers of our hope, is subvert our expectations.
The only logical conclusion from the nameless boy looking so much like Tenko was obvious, but his appearance had very awkward timing if all the purpose this character has is to show the positive changes in society. He would have fit in the framing of chapter 427, which was focused on the society's opinion about Shigaraki Tomura and how they perceive him. It talks repeatedly about the collective fear of the next Shigaraki resurging and what preventive measures they can take. The old lady, whose character purpose was to not save Tenko, even appears in that chapter! If the positive change was the intended message, why cut her narrative into awkward parts and squeeze the second one in place of Ochako's supposed resolution? And once again, why show the boy so early? He appeared in the chapter that started slowly revealing the fates of the villains, and his appearance was immediately followed by Touya's. The logical connection is obvious. Teasing that not-Tenko character to leave the audience guessing for a month, seems like a red herring, and if the nameless boy being saved by a person who could have saged Tenko and didn't, is just there to fool our expectations, it's an unnecessarily cruel move from the author. He knew what he was doing. Despite his death, the epilogue heavily focuses on Shigaraki Tomura and various people's opinions on whether or not he deserved to be saved. Horikoshi killing him and saving a new barely introduced character in his place seems like a negative answer from the author himself.
Then, again
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Shigaraki's death, despite being confirmed by the characters, was not actually shown on screen, with Kurogiri being conveniently close by, very motivated to save him.
So what if the not-Tenko boy is indeed a red herring, whose purpose is to fool the audience for one last time?
Here are some random ideas how this can work:
• not-Tenko is actually Tenko, his memory is just fucked up. The boy's backstory is about being kept imprisoned by his family in the house against his will. Well isn't that awfully convenient, cause you know who else hated being in his house
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• Tenko is not the new boy, but he is alive, out there somewhere. Healing, being taken care of by Kurogiri, possibly trying learn using his new quirk. Watching his name being dragged through the mud on the news everyday.
• Tenko reconstructed himself back from the dust wrong, as it was his first time using the new quirk. Maybe he had accidentally merged himself with Kurogiri. Maybe non-Tenko's memories that he shares are his damaged consciousness' rendition of Tenko's actual backstory. Maybe he decided to leave Japan forever and fucked off to America, who even knows, the author clearly doesn't so go wild with your imaginations
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ewesless · 7 months
Quick little thing! No, I was wrong. It became a Very Long Thing...
We know that Diavolo is operating at an entirely different frequency and level of energy from Barbatos and Lucifer and it isn't just because he's a touch starved extrovert with repressed introverts for parental figures friends.* But he might be 18-21.... As a person from the early 90's this is a traumatic realization. I thought he was an early 30s year old manchild to be quite honest.
*love your takes so so so freaking much RadArchives 😭
Utilizes canon compliant relationship dynamics and Diavolo's Lucifer complex. Luke is aged up to cope with fanservice not facilitate it.
I interpreted it as Diavolo was between 10-13 when Barbatos agreed to be his Butler. OM indicates it was 800 years before Barbatos quit feeling angry at Diavolo for the incident (he was teasing). 10,000 is equal to 10 years, so based off my estimate Diavolo would be 18-21. Unless it was 800 plus years then, since Barbatos had time to cool off which would be much more comfortable to me 😂
The canon chronological ages are vague in order for players to have freedom (dads and mom coded old as dirt option through to bratty youngest brother who seems like an angsty and rebellious teen) so just for reference these are the ages I use:
Solomon - 34 (right there in the middle of adulthood and an older brother age bracket with Diavolo. Asmo is robbing his own cradle!)
Simeon - 40 (peers with Lucifer and they are only a few months apart! Perfect adoptive/group dad age of being mature and comforting without being old-old 😭)
Luke - 16 (Again, comfort level. He's a bratty tween, but I can't tolerate the fanservice with him as a 10 year old at all. 16 is a nice middle ground between emotionally charged, discovering self and independence, "I'm grown!" and the complex realities of the world. Him developing THOSE FRUSTRATING AND CONFUSING NEW FEEEEEEELINNNNNNGS are tolerable as well.)
Barbatos - 42 (the answer to life and everything. I'd place him closer to 60 as a foxy and wicked classy grandma older woman gentleman, but he looks like a pretty, young 30-something so this fits the bill. This also goes into my headcanon that Father made him before the angels and long before humanity.)
Diavolo - 33 (an out of touch with the youth and his peers, but still a youthful soul + gap moe)
Belphie and Beel - 25 (still young enough to do underdeveloped maturity and be doted upon baby brothers, but grown enough that they aren't actually immature and know better they just haven't put the effort into developing impulse control and practicing good judgement)
Asmodeus - 27 (pretty and passes easily for 23 but can hook up with the MILFs and DILFs as well as the young 20s. He's young, but not afraid of becoming older, not just because he's beauty everlasting and that skincare routine is ✨️flawless✨️ but because he sees the beauty and attractiveness of maturity and himself)
Satan - 23 (Personal Favorite + Occultic Number! Even though he's as old as Lucifer I feel like he was born at the age that Lucifer was created for additional headcanon reasons.)
Leviathan - 31 (*scoff* "Look at this old loser with a failure to thrive and manchild tendencies" says an old loser with a failure to thrive and the same tendencies)
Mammon - 32 (okay, this would go on for more than a paragraph or few run on sentences 🤣)
Lucifer - THE BIG 40 (caught up between older than the others brother who had to grow up too fast and never got to be young / middle aged surrogate father figure of a house full of rebellious teenaged adopted kids that never got to have his experimental young adult phase...)
Thirteen is a sensitive, trendy young woman so we DON'T ASK THESE QUESTIONS 35 I like an age gap with my ladies~ Candy is 39 (because 4 is associated with death in Japanese and I have a 4 year age gap with my sister which was a perfect combination of generational difference + ability to rebel from the older sibling, angst about idolization and knowing you aren't the same, but aren't meant to be. There's the possibility of strife caused by disappointment(s)/fallen idol for Thirteen and for Candy the pressure of the expectations of parents as first born and the care, protectiveness and responsibility of older sibling for their younger sibling. They're able to rely on each other even though Thirteen is a wild woman antisocial ambivert with a strong personality and even stronger opinions whereas Candy seems like a serious and violently antisocial introvert who conforms and does what she's expected to in all areas of life. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL US WHAT CAUSED THE SCHISM BETWEEN THEM. WHAT HAPPENED WRITERS? WHAT HAPPENED?)
Mephistopheles - 31/35 (I like the idea of him having an age gap of 2 years with Diavolo either as a more mature junior to senior or a senpai who won't notice him because his eyes are set on a raven haired beauty with eyes like firy rubies that is also a heavily overworked deskworker with difficult teen boys and an involuntarily in a fatherly role for Diavolo too.)
Raphael - 39 (One year the junior of Lucifer and Simeon. Because he never rebelled I thought it had something to do with him being a degree separated from Sime and Lucy to Father, but still being close enough to him to be the devoted, but the most conflicted about it, son.)
Michael - 40 (Either he was created before Simeon and Lucifer or after them. He's got something seriously suspicious going on. I feel that it parallels Diavolo's, but instead of a hopeful vision for the future and further developing what his father started Michael's is in a self-serving manner and his personal agenda is founded on the self-perception that he knows better than his Father.)
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hajihiko · 11 months
Ahhh, I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I'm curious to know what changed Hajime/Izuru's mind in the universe your art takes place in? Like, what made him go from not caring about anything because everything was boring and meaningless, to trying to enjoy life?
I don't really remember what it was in the anime, but it was probably hope. And like, that makes sense if you think about it, considering that's the definition of hope, but hope doesn't usually just happen like that, you know? Especially not to someone who probably had never felt it since the whole Ultimate Hope thing (ironically). In my mind, it's hard to imagine what it could have been, considering nothing ever phased him. I know that whatever gave him hope doesn't have to be that deep, because that's how it is sometimes, but I was wondering what you think it could have been (or more importantly, what you consider it to be in your art)!
Also, this is kinda unrelated, but I find it so cool how much your art makes me really think about the characters. It's amazing how you're able to really see how you've fleshed out the characters through you art, and honestly, you are probably one of my favourite artists because of it.
But anyway, sorry about this long and random rant 😭 Idk why I spend my time analyzing the character and point of view of fictional characters, but I guess sometimes the ADHD brain goes brrrrrr.
Thank you for sharing your art; I hope have a great day or night!
depends on the universe! But I'll assume you mean my general post-game stuff.
I've said it somewhere before so if it's old bread to you bear with me, but basically, it was a genuine dedication to face the big horrible awful feelings that come with trauma and life in general, and also the brain boost of getting to skip the slow growing part even for just a while.
My idea is that Izuru and Hajime are not two separate identities, rather, an amnesiac and horribly traumatized boy was given a moniker he didn't care to accept or deny. It's not like he had any other name to go by. That was Izuru Kamukura.
The brain has these neural pathways of how it responds to things, and his all got burnt out so he could respond with an appropriate talent each time. As a very simplified example, someone might respon to threat with the Flight response, because it worked in a dire situation and the brain decided "that saved us, this is how we will respond from now on".
Hajime, in the game, gets a sudden bump out of those pathways, enabling him to feel things properly and be fully present in his life. Thematically, the big Super Sayian moment is him deciding to not fall into old, but true and tried, brain patterns, and instead taking on the horrific experience of being human, with all the messy Emotions and Failures that comes with it.
When he wakes up from the game, he still struggles, but the artificial boost from his old thinking as well as a conscious, strenuous, painful effort to not repress himself anymore but instead face the things that he did and were done to him, make him able to carve himself into a new Him.
Not the same, in the sense that WHO could say they're the same as they were before a simulated murder game that revealed that you were a killing machine terrorist and so were your friends. But the same as in, he's Hajime Hinata and he decides what exactly that means. To want is an emotion, and he wants to become someone who can experience life fully, and chasing that single feeling of Want opens up the doors to everything else. You might've heard this before but "before you change, you have to want to change".
So in short. What enabled him to get Hopeful so to speak was the combination of a brain kick (you could call that a metaphor for outside help), and a concrete decision to try to do the difficult but right thing. Sounds kind of boring maybe, but everything else comes later - like his interest and care for his friends, an enjoyment of philosophy and the arts, a pleasure from being useful and helpful, a serenity from accepting things as they are, and a thrill that comes with strong genuine emotion (from my own life, sometimes a single moment of !!!! can carry you on for months).
Yes the whole thing is a metaphor for getting better with mental health stuff. It's personal to me okay 😂
(also I like the idea from Miggys fic that his human connections override the apathy and distance so as long as he's around the people he loves he can hold onto what keeps him going)
I love thinking about and building on characters too! Spending tons of time inspecting them like a specimen 🤝 people (and therefore characters) are very interesting to me so I just like rolling them around my brain. Thank you for your interest and kind words!
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101flavoursofweird · 2 months
Layton & Aurora
Desmond seeing Aurora as a daughter is a popular concept but Layton seeing Aurora as a niece/daughter— just their relationship in general— is very underrated, especially when they share so much in common…
In the bonus episode ‘Dreams of a Dying Man’, Aurora describes how she awoke not to destruction but to a bright new world filled with happy faces and friendship. The first human face Aurora saw, and the person who caught her when she emerged from the ice, was Layton. (Even if this is just Des’ dream, it’s still true, and maybe Desmond believes Layton could protect Aurora better than himself.) 
Following this, Layton goes to rescue Aurora from Targent’s airship with Luke, but he ends up letting go of Aurora when they escape. (I’m sure that didn’t stir up any bad memories for Layton, haha…)
In Kodh’s Azran dome, Aurora introduces herself before promptly fainting and Layton catches her again. When they emerge from the dome, Layton warns Aurora that her people are gone and the world is not the same as the one she once knew. He says she owes them nothing but asks for her help in solving the puzzle of the Azran. In return, they will try to help her regain her memories, if she wishes. Layton is very open and honest with Aurora; he doesn’t sugar-coat the reality of her situation but he gives her a clear choice in accompanying them. After the way Targent marched Aurora out of the ice cave at gun point, this must feel like a breath of fresh air.
Fast-forward to Chapter 5 now, when Layton and Co make it to the Nest. They complete the Azran key and Aurora remembers everything; the fall of the Azran civilisation, the true nature of their legacy and ‘who she really is’. As upsetting as the moment is for Aurora, I really love the scene when she’s standing at the edge of Obsidian Tower. Fearing for the fate of the world and her human friends, believing that ruin can be averted only if she were gone, Aurora almost throws herself off the edge of the tower— 
But Layton calls out to her, reaches out, reassures her that’s not true. (And the voice acting… The emotion in Christopher Robin Miller’s voice here…) That events beyond their control are already in motion. That the world is in great peril, and her death will not change that. Once again, Layton doesn’t lie to Aurora— the world is in danger, no matter what, and Targent are a force to be reckoned with— but he reassures her that she isn’t some harbinger of disaster, that she still has a place with them, and that they can secure the Azran legacy together.
Of course Layton would be the one to reach out to Aurora. Layton, who lost his birth family to Targent. Layton, whose life was affected so much by the Azran. Layton, who repressed all those traumatic memories for years. Layton, who opposed his biological father (his ‘creator’?) Layton, who lost so many loved ones (his brother, Randall, Claire) and felt he was to blame. Of course Layton would be the one to pull Aurora back from the edge.
Layton is the first one to realise— or at least, voice— the fact that Aurora isn’t human/Azran, but she’s still Aurora in his mind.
After the Azran Legacy has been unleashed, Layton asks Aurora what they should do. Aurora reveals the device that will stop the golems… and decides that she will step into the light beams along with the others. Layton reaches out to Aurora one more time, but she determinedly turns away from him. (Her death won’t be pointless, this time. She wants to help her friends save humanity. Layton can’t stop her anymore that he can stop Luke or Emmy.)
Except… Aurora can’t enter the light beam. She tries to break through but she gets thrown back. Even when he’s burning to death in his own light beam, Layton calls out to Aurora with concern.
Aurora is forced to listen while Layton and the rest of her friends (her family) cry out in pain, until their lifeless bodies fall to the ground. 
Aurora begs the light of the Azran to bring them all back… and informs them that they can have all the power and the knowledge contained within the ruins. Layton declines this gift, believing that humans will one day develop their own technology to rival the Azran and build their own future…
Unfortunately, this means there isn’t a need for the Azarn sanctuary anymore. Or the Azran emissary…
I’m not suggesting that Layton unknowingly brought about Aurora’s death, but wouldn’t Layton believe that? He quietly mumbles “I’m sorry” as Aurora’s body starts to break down and you know he’s going to blame himself again.
Maybe he blames himself so much that he proclaims the robot villagers of St. Mystere must have something not unlike a human heart. Maybe he gets flashbacks when Flora Reinhold almost falls to her death and he has to save her. Of course he’ll adopt the orphan girl on the spot, though he’ll be so reluctant to let her accompany them on any adventures… 
And maybe in Future London, Layton will wonder if Aurora was wrong about the future of humanity, and wrong for placing her trust in him, if he turns out to be the leader of the Family.
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satelliterayne · 1 year
Eddie is so ‘dad shaped’ as May likes to remind him and he denies it until the day that Hen leaves the station and they have a new probie and the new kid starts and she’s barely 21 and graduated from highschool a year early and has a degree in conservation and biology of all things and Eddie looks at her and immediately picks up on the small rainbow tattooed on her hand. He’s spent 30 years of his life repressed, sue him if he likes knowing that the generations after him are safer to be out and proud about it. He also can see that shes anxiously pulling her long sleeves down as if to cover it and so he goes over and shows her his home screen which is of course him and Buck and Chris at LA pride last year and the watery smile she gives him makes it worth it when he notices at lunch that her sleeves are pulled up to her elbows. After that it just accidentally becomes a ThingTM anytime someone enters the firehouse thats even a little bit gay Eddie just… adopts them (Ravi insists he was the first queer that Eddie adopted but Buck maintains that its just misplaced Stockholm syndrome from when Eddie saved Ravi from a chainsaw wielding Buck). He doesn’t do it on purpose, he just aches sometimes, imagining them coming into the firehouse and not knowing for sure if they will be accepted or just tolerated.
Jay comes into the firehouse just after Cora and they immediately gravitate towards Eddie, soon his weekends off are filled with wine nights at Karen and Hen’s that have grown to include Cora and her girlfriend and Jay complaining about their crush on Dylan who works at the 136 with Lena and then May starts coming and then it just spirals from there. There is a groupchat used to coordinate babysitting for date nights and wine nights and memes. so so so many memes.(Eddie is out of his comfort zone and why the fuck does Cora keep sending raccoon memes that are mildly concerning) 
Jay’s little brother who’s Christophers age hangs out at the firehouse to do his homework ONE TIME and Eddie learns that Jay was “asked to find another place to live” after coming out and that their little brother followed after announcing he was bisexual. Eddie aches for them and on his next 48 off he ropes Buck into making dinner and he invites Jay and Blake over for a family dinner and pretends to not notice when Jay thanks Buck for their first real homecooked meal in years, from that day forward there is a standing invitation for the siblings and Buck teaches them both how to cook.  Cora ends up spending the night on his couch after her first real fight with her girlfriend, he wakes up the following morning to the sound of Chris practicing his speech for his sophomore AP english class and Cora listening so intently and giving such good pointers that it makes Eddie joke about her being the big sister Chris has always wanted before pulling her into a hug before she leaves (he also ends up officiating her wedding and cries. Buck has proof). May comes over before she introduces her girlfriend to Athena and Bobby for the first time and Ravi just comes over whenever he wants to complain about how gay panic inducing it is for hot guys to live in his apartment complex and work out at the same time as him. 
Eddie has moved on from being nicknamed 8-pack and is now dubbed mother duck because “Eddie you adopted us like fucked up trauma ducklings and now we follow you around” said by a very deadpan Jay. (Eddie does NOT cry when Chris and Blake go to senior prom together.) Even farther into the future, when he becomes captain of the 118 he prides himself on having the queerest shift in the LAFD, he keeps a pride flag in his office, next a framed picture of him and Buck on their wedding day, Chris and Blake’s wedding invitations and 7 rubber ducks, all signed by his original crew of adopted ducklings.
Idk man I just really need to see Eddie cope with Chris growing up by adopting traumatized queer firefighters on accident. 
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candyskiez · 4 months
i would love to hear more of ur thoughts about ???%… specifically surrounding teru cause it’s been on my mind lately
OHOHOHOHO you've awoken the beast. I am so sorry. I will specify. I love Teru. I love Teru so much. This makes it sound like I don't like Teru. I really like Teru. I am writing about ???%'s thoughts. I am studying him under a microscope. None of this is how I personally feel about Teru. Do not kill me. Please do not kill me.
I'm admittedly biased towards plural mob because. System. But I did write this with both plural mob and ???% as the repressed parts of Mob, so feel free to read it as metaphorical or Guy In Mobs Brain.
So. I've been thinking a lot lately about how Teru strangling Mob could've easily been the first time he almost died. Like. I don't think he almost died in that incident when they were kids, and I think Reigen would not be nearly as relaxed on jobs if he thought Mob would die. We've seen how he is when Mob's in any amount of what he considers to be serious danger. So I feel like it's very, very important to remember that when talking about how ???% reacts to Teru. ???% does not react to the literal terrorists as much as he reacts to Teru, because Teru was the first and one of the most personal.
I say most personal because well. For the others it wasn't about him, it was about a goal. Teru was just...fighting him, in Mobs eyes. Teru was operating on his own insecurities. It wasn't some big conflict, it wasn't some epic anime fight, it was just about Teru's insecurities and need for Mob to not be a threat to him and to be Better than everyone else. It was just two kids fighting. I think a lot about why ???% holds onto this so so hard, and a few reasons I think he has are
1. The shit listed above
2. The fact that Mob wasn't doing anything to instigate, was in fact actively asking him to stop, doing ALL the "do not stick out, do no harm" shit that made Mob repress ???% so hard in the first place, and Teru still hurt him. Mob repressed him for no fucking reason because people would still hurt him anyway.
3. This very well could've been one of the few times ???% has came out at all in a long time. I'm not sure how often ???% would've gotten to come out since it seems for a while he just came out when Mob needed it/when Mob wasn't around to stop it. So like. First memory in years and it's this guy strangling you. Would leave a pretty big impression.
4. Teru never actually apologized. Like. WE know he's sorry. But Mob and ???%...didn't? Mob was willing to let it slide. But like...those repressed emotions are gonna go somewhere. Mob might not want to think about it, but that event was traumatic for everyone involved. They almost died and Teru had his entire world view torn apart, got thrown into the SKY, and had to piece everything together lol over again. Like. ???% depending on your view point is Mobs repressed emotions or someone that literally formed to hold his repressed memories (save me plural mob, save me). ???% admits in the manga he doesn't trust anyone. How many times did he feel unsafe around him and wasn't able to do anything, because Mob liked him? Because mob cared about him and knew he changed, so it'd be unfair to bring it up, and besides HES the one who really hurt Teru, so it's fine! It's fine. <- Boy who isn't fine. How much was ???% just waiting for Teru to turn around and attack them again?
5. This also leads into my next thought: lack of agency. Some of these points will be less applicable if you don't view him as plural, but I think some of them still definitely work if you think of him as Mob but to the left: he feels like he didn't get a say in whether not they'd be close with Teru, he feels like Teru just Decided they were friends and didn't even acknowledge what happened and now he can't mention it or ask if he's actually changed or if he's even sorry because then he'll be an asshole so he just HAS to be quiet regardless of how he feels about it. He feels like everyone just decided Teru was SO good now and didn't even ask him how HE felt about it. He feels like Teru's moved on and just FINE, like he didn't almost fucking die. Actually I think almost all of this works if you don't view him as plural. Yippee I'm not accidentally alienating anyone here.
6. No seriously. Teru didn't apologize. Did ???% almost come out a few times at being around Teru. Did Mob get scared by Teru reaching towards him and ???% started to surface. How many times.
Okay okay. Now onto confession arc. I'm thinking about why he acted the way he did and like. He wanted to hurt him so bad. And it's so damn raw. Like. Teru is repeating the lesson Mob taught him, genuinely trying to help, but from ???%'s perspective it feels like a fucking joke. Teru almost killed him. Teru acted not even that different for YEARS, and he gets a slap on the wrist. But ???% messes up once and he's punished, for years? But Teru doesn't even have to apologize? Teru doesn't even have to try to get forgiven? But ???% was dutifully silent for four years. And he's still hated. I feel like that was kind of the point where ???% became WAY more destructive which. Very interesting. He went from "I need to see Tsumobi" to "I want to hurt this person." Also I'm thinking about how strongly he reacted to being told it was for his own good, that Tsumobi shouldn't see him like this, to calm down like. Okay. There's no way he hasn't heard all of that a million times. Like obviously I love it from a plural perspective but I'm gonna go into ???% is an allegory for a sec. Being told that you need to mask for your own good, that they just totally have your best interests at heart and that's why they never want to hear you complain or look upset or even slightly lose control of yourself or act even slightly abnormal. Let alone the fact ???% believes HES the real Shigeo. In his eyes being told to calm down and act like Mob again is being told to stop existing. He's being told to calm down the first time in YEARS he's let any of this out. And like. Tsumobi shouldn't see you like this. In his mind that's being told "Tsumobi shouldn't see YOU. People shouldn't see you. You're not desirable. People don't want to look at you. Just go away. Just be normal. Just be quiet. Calm down. Stop making such a scene. Get a clue." And that's obviously not how Teru meant it and ???% is doing serious damage, but like. He's having a breakdown. He seems calm in the mind scape, but he is Not Fucking Calm. He's having a breakdown. He feels so goddamn rejected by everyone and he's chasing the one good memory he got to make as ???%, not Mob. Which like. God from an autism or a plural perspective hits me so fucking hard. I remember being a kid and clinging on way too hard to my only friend because she didn't mind me acting autistic and getting so so terrified when she started drifting away from me. Watching it just feels like watching kid me panic because the only person who doesn't hate him isn't hanging out with him anymore. Being plural and autistic means this show will kill you. Anyways. What I'm saying is Teru basically took a mallet to every single one of ???%'s buttons and he took that Personally.
I'm gonna can it here because if I don't I'll never shut up. But I love Teru and ???%'s dynamic. So much. I love it. I have so many more thoughts on it, plural and non plural. You have no idea how much it's paining me to can it here. This fucking show, man.
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What would happen if the Cullens were trapped in the town of Silent Hill?
If you're unaware, Silent Hill is a tourist town with a dark secret. It has the power to "call" those with darkness in their hearts or unresolved trauma and trap them in a nightmarish Other World. This Other World is a reflection of a person's mind plastered over the town, populated with monsters derived from a person's fears, vices and personal demons.
The only way to escape the Other World is to go on a journey the town creates for you to confront and come to terms with your past.
I'm just thinking, with all the baggage the Cullens have, Silent Hill would have a field day with them. Especially Bella and Edward.
So, who do you think would escape from Silent Hill? My money's on Carlisle and Rosalie, personally. Renesmee, Esme, Jasper and Alice I'm not so sure about. It could go either way. Bella and Edward though? Yeah, probably not.
Emmett, by far being the most grounded and, for lack of a better term, sanest Cullen probably wouldn't be drawn into the Other World. He's just stuck in a tourist town with a panicking Jacob wondering where the hell everyone is.
Interesting question, I haven't played the games nor seen the movie adaptations but I know there's a Pyramid Head.
But I can work with this premise. Alright, let's bullet point the Cullens. Who escapes from Silent Hill?
Alice has no memories of Mary Alice Brandon's traumatic past. It doesn't even seem to be repressed so much as a product of electroshock therapy in the 1920's. Alice also has very little angst about the fact that she's missing her memories and most of her problems are due to Edward's nonsense and are more or less easily solved if she works around him and the Volturi.
What I'm getting at is that Alice is never called.
She's also stuck with Emmett in this dumb tourist town wondering why they decided to vacation in Virginia.
Bella has no idea what the fuck is happening. The thing about Bella is she takes things at such face, literal, value that she would just think this is a town of monsters that has absolutely nothing to do with her. Even when it becomes increasingly obvious this is a metaphor for the choices she made, her own insecurities, and her own fears.
Bella tries to get out and gets increasingly frustrated when no solution presents itself.
She doesn't escape because she doesn't want to confront herself.
Ooh baby, yep, Carlisle's going. Canonically he seems to have unresolved issues with his late father, his witch burning past, the fact that he gave into loneliness and turned the others into vampires (especially when he learns that not all desired to become one and may rather have died) not to mention the whole Twilight saga which destroys his friendship with Aro and gives him increasing existential dread.
I imagine Carlisle has a horrible time in a town full of everything on fire.
However, as you note, I imagine he gets out. Carlisle in canon (for all we don't see much of him) does seem to have done a good job coming to terms with his own history and who he is. He confronts difficult things such as whether or not he should have turned the others and does vocally wonder about them to Bella. He notes that he went through great introspection over whether being a vampire made him evil and Edward notes he has great distress over what he did as a human to people who turned out to be innocent after all.
Carlisle would realize what this place is and that he has to go on this journey to confront the worst part of himself.
(True to hilarious Twilight fashion, I imagine he'd get out of this personal journey hellscape and find himself with his oblivious family who have no idea anything happened to him at all.)
Oh yes, Edward was made for this place. The thing is I think Edward would catch on very fast to what this is, that this is a place of his own personal demons (ah, hello Pyramid Head) but he wouldn't want to admit it or confront it. He would rail against it, he knows what he is and he knows he wants to do anything but confront or accept it. He saw the demon already when he nearly ate Bella in Biology, he has no desire to do so again.
I imagine as he continues to resist more terrible things happen (I am sure a copy of Bella gets eaten somewhere in here) and Edward chooses to embrace madness or the illusion rather than get through and let the monster consume him (as that's what he'd fear the answer is).
Edward doesn't get out.
Yup, never goes.
He has no idea what's happening and where everyone went. He figures they'll show up eventually (hoping the Volturi didn't get them or something.)
Esme... you know, I think she might. Esme would find herself in a very lonely and unpleasant place, it'd take her a while, but I imagine she'd eventually realize this all has to do with her and that she never truly confronted the past or herself. She gave up on life and then immediately was handed everything she'd ever wanted and so had never had to face that.
Esme leaves and has to become a person again.
"Ah, hello darkness, my old friend" Jasper immediately recognizes what this is and what's happening to him. Doesn't matter that it's a surreal nightmarefest, all of it's just somehow so very familiar.
I give Jasper a 50/50 chance. The thing is, Alice threw him a lifeline before and he's still clinging to it with all his might. He was never really saved from who and what he was, he just hopes desperately that Alice and the Cullens will keep him afloat.
This journey would have to show him that that isn't enough and he would have to realize as much and realize that Alice can't save him if he doesn't do his own part as well.
(Which of course, would be terrifying to him, because if Alice can't save him then Jasper sure as hell can't save himself).
What you get is essentially a surreal version of Bleach on the Brain by @therealvinelle.
Renesmee at first is very confused and terrified by all of this. She's separated from her family, this place is filled with strange monsters reminiscent of the Volturi, but slowly Renesmee realizes that these are her fears and insecurities, that she doesn't love Jacob and is terrified of him, and her family are strangers to her and she's not sure any of them love her.
I like to believe Renesmee would get out but it would mean letting go of the illusion of her family, the belief that she must matter to them, and learning to confront the possibility that none of them might care at all.
Yup, she's going there, and like Jasper she immediately realizes what this is for all she's horrified by it. I imagine Rosalie's in a state of panicked terror as she was supposed to be done with this: she'd gotten her revenge, murdered all of them, had put it out of her mind as fast as she could.
Rosalie would really struggle but I imagine eventually pull through. She'd have to recognize that Emmett can't fix everything, that there were some things she never let go, that she's still searching for affection and love she's not sure she'll ever receive (from Edward as well as Alice).
However, Rosalie's a very strong person emotionally who did face something like this once before and pulled through. She wants to get better, to be a better person, so I think she'd make it through.
Edward and Bella are the only one's I'd say definite no towards.
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
Headcanon: Heroes in Another Dimension reopened old wounds for two people
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Kirby and the star alliance went through two adventures. The first one was in the main story where the group went out to stop the Jambastion cult. The second adventure then took place in Heroes in Another Dimension, where the group then went to Another Dimension to save Hyness and the mage sisters from the brink of demise.
There's something worth talking about, though. That the second adventure takes place in Another Dimension. Allow me to talk about my headcanons for how two dream friends handled this adventure:
Magolor and Susie have both been stranded in Another Dimension before, with Magolor having been stuck there for about five months while Susie was stuck there for like more than a damn decade. They both absolutely hated it. Neither of them wanted anything to do with that wretched place ever again after they left in their respective instances. And then... they've had to GO BACK to Another Dimension again during HiAD with Kirby and all the other dream friends!
After the first Star Allies adventure of defeating Void Termina, Kirby then reassembled the group to go to Another Dimension. Magolor and Susie were very hesitant to stay in the group, for obvious reasons.
They've both told Kirby about their Another Dimension experiences in the past before HiAD. It took Kirby a few seconds to remember this when he noticed them both being hesitant to join in on the adventure for HiAD... and he came to understand why. But nevertheless, he insisted they still join with the rest of the group, as he then promised that they won't be there alone this time nor will they have to be there for too long. That, and Taranza would've been sad if they didn't join.
And so Magolor and Susie stayed in the star alliance on the adventure for HiAD, despite their traumatic experiences with Another Dimension. They were not excited for it, though. They were scared that old wounds were going to reopen and it'll really torment their minds.
When HiAD's events went on... oh boy... the feeling of old wounds reopening for both Susie and Magolor was much worse than they anticipated! They had horrific flashbacks of the times they were previously stuck in this hellscape. It got so bad that they struggled to prevent themselves from going frantic at times. Taranza was right alongside them in this adventure, and it made him horrified to see how traumatized these two looked to be going through this place. He had to keep assuring that they'll be okay and they'll get through this.
Taranza, of course, was never stuck in Another Dimension beforehand like Magolor and Susie were. HiAD was his very first time of being in that place, and while they both did tell him about their experiences with this place before... it really hit different when he got to see the place himself and watching these two be so frightened and afraid over it. It was one thing to be told about it, it's on another level for him to actually start knowing what it was like for these two to have been stuck here. It has made him feel all the more heartbroken for them, especially Susie who was stuck here for so much longer.
Taranza had given hugs to both of his fellow wave 3ers during this harrowing adventure, reminding them they're not alone this time, and that he and the others would make sure that they don't get hurt here.
It got really bad when all the other dream friends started noticing Magolor and Susie looking so distraught during HiAD. It got to the point that the group asked them why they were so frightened and upset. The two of them didn't want to say why, but the group insisted out of concern... and eventually, the two reluctantly opened up why.
The thing is that Magolor and Susie have both been repressive about their trauma before this point. Mostly, I mean. They've told a few of their closest friends, but the star alliance at large did not know about their baggage regarding their experiences with Another Dimension.
Magolor only disclosed his Another Dimension experiences with Marx, Taranza and Susie before HiAD, and begged them to not tell anyone with them listening. He's been secretly embarrassed with how much he fell from grace when he was sent to that twisted dimension and didn't want to let it be known to a lot of people. While he of course made his apology when returning to Dream Land (haha, pun!), he didn't explain to most about what actually happened to him before he returned. He wanted to move on from those debilitating horrors.
Before HiAD, anything about Susie's backstory (Another Dimension, her daddy issues, you name it) was literally only known to Kirby, Magolor and Taranza. They were the only ones that she was comfortable enough to open up to, and she pleaded them to keep it all a secret. She's never said a thing about her backstory to anyone else.
For comparison, Taranza is much more open about his trauma, and the entire star alliance knew about his deal with Sectonia before HiAD. But until HiAD, nobody except for Kirby and the other wave 3ers knew anything about Susie's grief because she didn't tell them. She didn't even tell anyone aside from those three that Max Haltmann was her dad to begin with. She's largely kept all her personal business to herself, and has been trying to maintain a 'smart kickass coolgirl' persona and tried hard to not look sad or traumatized to most people.
When Susie was backed in a corner to make a confession during HiAD, she deliberately left out details. She only said "Yeah, I was stuck here before. I was separated from my dad, and I came back to him, but he's dead now. But I'm okay guys, because I've been trying to overcome the grief, and that's why I didn't talk about it to you all before!" and didn't elaborate further. The reality is that she's been struggling more to heal than she wanted most of the dream friends to believe. She just didn't want them all to treat her like some sort of charity case because she considered that to be degrading. She wants to be seen as a coolgirl, m'kay? Magolor also wanted to be seen as cool. Neither of them wanted to be seen as traumatized trainwrecks, but unfortunately their frantic behavior in HiAD just blew their cover.
Taranza decided to help bail out both Susie and Magolor. He told the rest of the star allies that they've been working really hard to recover from their trauma, and told the group to please don't mention those two's trauma anywhere around them because it'd make them both uncomfortable. They were already feeling uncomfortable when they were backed in a corner to explain why they were scared during HiAD!
The group agreed to it, but they were flabbergasted by the revelations nevertheless, especially what Susie disclosed. They had no idea that Susie had gone through something like that. She's usually acted either very cutesy or very logical/formal around them before this. Magolor had acted very silly and cool around the group before the confession. The group thought it was weird to be repressing their trauma like that, but they adhered to the requests of not bothering them about it. The two then thanked Taranza for that!
Also, to be fair, Marx was singlehandedly an additional reason why Susie tried to hide her daddy issues to most. This is because she's watched Marx tell Sectonia jokes to upset Taranza. Unfortunately, after HiAD, Marx then told jokes about Susie's dad that caused her to snap. She already hated Marx beforehand because he was doing really aggravating things such as licking her ice cream and tampering with her robotics!
Susie and Magolor were so relieved when the events of HiAD were finally over. They were really agonized during the adventure. They were the quickest to go home as soon as they were allowed to... with Susie resting for a while before going back to work in order to recover from the overwhelming stress she underwent. Magolor went to go sleep excessively inside the Lor Starcutter when he got back home. Phew!!
Kirby felt bad for having made them go. He actually went to each of their homes and told them that he was sorry. It's okay though... they weren't mad at him. He's still their buddy! HiAD just sucked for them.
That's about all I got for this post. Thank you if you read it! I had this idea for a while, considering both Magolor and Susie have been stuck in Another Dimension, and man there's no way they could've looked forward to having to go back to that place AGAIN during HiAD.
Also, it sucks that Magolor and Susie never met during their times in Another Dimension. It could've helped out so much. If they met, then they would've actually had someone in the lowest point of their lives. But instead, they were both completely alone in that hellscape. :(
See you for the next one, guys.
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16woodsequ · 6 months
your first headcanon is my canon because from agents of shield it sounds like steve lived in the cabin soon after he came out of the ice, and by the time the battle of new york comes around it's already been a year. he must have felt so lost and unwanted and abandoned when they took him to a place like that 😭
steve being stressed out when he meets the avengers because he doesn't want to be forced back to the cabin oh my god. i have to think about this nonstop for the rest of the year i look forward to rejoining society in 2025
the fact that shield/hydra had this cabin as well as that armoured van with supersoldier-sized shackles is so unsettling AAHH
(response to this post)
HEHEHEHE When I tell you I cackled getting this ask, because I love spreading Steve-cabin angst!!
I agree! It does sound like Steve went to the cabin soon after the ice. (Although I headcanon that Avengers was actually very soon after Steve woke up, I know the wake up scene was in a movie released in 2011 and the movies are supposed to happen when they were released, but in some of the deleted scenes for Avengers Steve is confused about wi-fi and he's looking over files of the dead Howling Commandos and his apartment is so bare, and just the way he acts like he hasn't been out for long, I tend to headcanon Avengers is soon after he came out of this ice. But! That doesn't really change the cabin headcanon, besides shoving two traumatic things closer together.)
Either way I think the cabin has a huge impact on Steve in Avengers. I think it's part of why he acts the way he does, and why he's repressing everything so much and playing the role of Captain America Super Soldier. Is it no wonder Steve reactions to Coulson's death the way he does? Tony is visibly upset and lashes out because he thinks Steve is acting like he should brush it off because their soldiers (Is this the first time you've lost a soldier? We're not soldiers) but I think Steve was equally effected, especially since Fury threw the bloody baseball cards in as a further emotional barb. But Steve keeps everything inside. He keeps it all locked down, and I have got to believe it's partially due to his experience with the cabin and whatever kind of twisted mental health screening he got from SHIELD after coming out of the ice.
He's not about to give anyone any more reason to send him back to the cabin to help him adjust to the future. I think that cabin had a profound impact on Steve's willingness to reach out to people and I think it made him reflexively cling to the only other option he was presented with: SHIELD. Which is exactly what SHIELDRA wanted.
Anyway, if you want an in depth look at cabin angst, I just finished a fic about it: Ice and Empty Spaces. Eventually this will lead to a Tony and Steve friendship, but first, angst.
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 6 months
out of all the people you write for in cod watchdogs and strangerthings who is most to least kinky
COD i dont think a lot of these men would be diabolically kinky, like they see enough shit on a daily basis, i think they just want to be loved.
Konig and Ghost are at the top of the list, they're into some weird shit konig moreso they're both into size difference stuff, like,
ghost cant get over how small you feel in his hands, it turns him on so fast. he covers up for it by teasing you or playfully being mean, bullying your cock if its smaller than his, poking fun at how wet your cunt is when he hasn't even touched you yet, stuff like that...
i also think he might be into bullying or degradation, not to him of course, if you try to bully him he gets all fussy but as soon as the tables are turned hes relentless.
konig LOVES your size difference, i wholeheartedly believe this man is a sub-leaning, he can still dom he just needs to be in the mood for it first but thats pretty rare. so if you're tiny and you can still dom someone the size of him hes head over heals swooning for you. if you top him AND dom him hes actually in love.
hes got some other nasty kinks as well, i can feel it
third place is a close tie between soap and price,
price is super into taboo stuff, it just takes a minute to unlock that side of him. he likes being called daddy and sir and LOVES roleplay
soap is an exhibitionist, you can't argue with me on this one. he pulling you to every little nook and cranny he knows of and having at it. there was one point in his life where he couldn't have sex in normal places like he just couldn't get hard at all unless there was a chance you could get caught.
Stranger Things
first place is Johnathan, youu know that saying i think its like the quiet people are always the freakiest.
hes nasty, i can feel it in my bones.
he LOVES taking photos of you and himself, he gets off on knowing you're probably jerking off to one of his pictures.
slight exhibitionist, he likes going to develop his photos in public dark rooms, the thought of someone seeing one gets him all hot and bothered.
hes kind of into cnc, as far as his photos, nothing more than taking pictures of you without you knowing you've already consented before
next in line HAS got to be eddie, theres someone i cant remember the name of who hc's him as a virgin and i whole heartedly believe it, hes had so much time to just sit and think, hes got so many filthy little fantasies and hes so pent up
he likes being edged, hes only thought about it, every time hes tried he ends up getting too desperate and making himself cum anyway, if its by accident or not.
he gets off on being called a pervert, maybe a freak but only if its in an explicitly playful way, theres a fine line and honestly its better to steer clear of degradation unless he states he wants it outright.
he likes being made to say what he wants, he likes to act confident and stuff but as soon as it comes to actually having sex hes so nervous.
i also think he really latches onto nonsexual domination, not like anything aggressive just if you nonchalantly do something that strikes as dominant in your every day life he starts getting hot and bothered like, telling him to do something "answer the phone, I'm busy" or "move i need to get over there" he likes a man who can assert himself without being overly aggressive.
steve and controversially billy have to be the most vanilla,
as much as i want to say steve is a kinky degenerate, hes not. hes a rich white boy with no parents, he probably just wants to be comforted during sex.
but that doesnt mean he wont try things you want to try, hes open to suggestions you have. the kinkiest thing hes ever initiated would probably be heavy making out along with some frottage in a public bathroom.
billy is heavily traumatized and very like self-repressive and oppressive, he hates himself for being gay and he probably won't let you touch him like that for the longest time.
WATCH DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited to get this one, i never get watch dogs asks but i love my babies sm
first on the list is wrench, duh. the guys a fucking degenerate, he wants to try any and everything, no matter what it is.
i think his personal favorites are choking, cameras/filming, wearing women's underwear, and exhibitionism less so in legion
he doesnt like being called or calling you daddy unironically, it gives him the ick if its done seriously.
second is probably jordi. the more i think about it the more i think he might be kinkier than wrench but jori knows what he likes whereas wrench will do anything.
jordis into objectifying, hes not really the kind of guy to turn to a sex worker, i see him as a fuck buddies guy purely because he thinks hes too old/his job is too much to have a real relationship with you but he still acts like your boyfriend and he gets possessive in the way where he stalks you and your socials for more info about that new guy you're hanging out with. he wants to be the only guy you fuck and what he wants he gets.
jordi also favorites rough sex and choking and he likes cumming inside you whether you like it or not.
hes also super into spending money on you but only when it benefits him, he'll whine and complain if you ask him to buy you a charger or something but hes all over buying you like expensive ass lingerie or something
in last place is marcus, im sorry but he doesn't give me kinky vibes, the kiniest hes ever gotten was playing the weekend and turned the leds red while you fucked
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o yea. i saw u reblogged rock & midnight. how r they in ur rewrite ? :3
Glad you asked!
For simple fun things, Midnight is huge because I like the giant badgers. Rock is also gay.
I'll put Midnight in the second post. You've hit Lore Jackpot.
For the more complex things... Let's start with Rock. A bit of Rock's dialog from PO3 intrigued me and I never quite let it go.
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I know it was probably meant as a "ooughh immortality is awful" line but... What if it isn't?
What if he actually was cursed? Why else would a being that feels like this... Feel like this? This isn't an emotionless immortal creature rejecting Jayfeather out of coldness, this is a repressed, traumatized creature rejecting Jayfeather because he is seeing a newborn baby and a rotten corpse at the same time. He doesn't have access to Starclan, he cannot stay friends with Jayfeather after he inevitably dies. It'll only hurt. Also, there are heavy implications if not outright statements that Rock used to be a normal cat! He's even mentioned in Night Whispers to be scarred. (Look I know that the 2007 book that mentions 3 tribes and mentions that Rock's kin used to live around the lake isn't canon anymore but... Who cares. Its better worldbuilding than what we've got now.)
So... What could cause immortality like this?
I began to brainstorm, and decided it was a real tragedy. Something awful happened, something a certain young tom should have learned a lesson from... And didn't.
It was a gloomy day around the lakeside when a young couple, a gray and white tom named Rock who to swim and his new mate, a pure brown tom named Bug who loved to try herbs on wounds, to heal them. The two had been racing each other down the lakeside, laughing and playing, rushing through the autumn leaves and exploding out of the piles the had accumulated.
Bug, the more adventurous of the 2, had found a small opening. The scent of running water had made his curiosity burn. Rock nervously followed him, reminding him that they needed to get home at some point soon. Rock's mother, Falcon, had recently had 3 kits, and he needed to go and watch over them for her and his father, so they could hunt together.
Bug urged him on. "Come on Rocky!" He mewed, his eyes widening when it echoed. "This place is too cool to not explore a LITTLE! What if we can't find it again? Besides, we can bring back something for them all when we leave."
Rock couldn't argue with that! He leapt down after Bug, their tails twined together as they looked around. Rock's thick, fluffy fur was keeping him warm, though Bug, with his short fur, needed to huddle against his mate to keep warmer in the cold tunnels.
The tunnels did not seem to run deep, but soon enough Rock and Bug found themselves navigating using only their whiskers and tentative pawsteps. The tunnel took a sharp turn suddenly, enough that Rock nearly bumped his nose into the wall!
Bug laughed, and the wonderful, soft sound echoed. But... Soon after, another sound would very faintly echo through the tunnels.
"Oh, jeez, I didn't know it would rain. We should probably get back now."
How easy that sounded... The two toms rushed through the tunnels, their hearts beginning to pound as water filled the narrow rocky halls, Rock himself slipped over his own paws, landing into the water, the freezing water soaking into his thick fur immediately and chilling him to the bone.
"Rocky!" Bug had cried, but the water was picking up speed, dragging Rock down, deeper into the tunnel. Above, a hole in the ground had worn away, pouring more rainwater into the tunnels and providing a light.
The last thing Bug saw of Rock was his eyes glazed with terror as he slid away into the darkness, crying out for Bug...
Bug had kept going, managing to find another tunnel that lead straight outside into... Bright sunlight? Bug was soaked to bone, he had heard the crashing thunder just seconds ago...
Falcon stood outside the tunnel entrance, a deep glare on her face. "Where have you been?! It's been 2 days! And where is Rock?!"
"B... Bug? ... Where's Rock...?"
A few days later, Bug gathered himself, and would fling himself into the tunnels once more, the floor of them was as dry and bare as bleached bone. Not a single sign of the rain that had washed his lover away...
Bug searched, deeper and deeper, down the tunnel he could have sworn did not stretch that long.... Into a coldness that he swears he could feel in his very soul.
Down, at the very bottom chamber, lit by a shimmering white mossy rock, is Rock's body. His fur isn't soft anymore, it's cold and wet. His eyes, unblinking, stare into nothing. Bug begins to weep as the mossy rock that isn't a mossy rock sits up, striding over.
"I am sorry for your loss." A large, fluffy, pure white molly speaks. Her glossy fur shimmers, and her eyes, black as night, give nothing away. "It was his time."
"What do you mean 'it was his time'? He had a family! He has little siblings! His mother and father are broken hearted!"
"Everything has a time. It cannot be rewritten. Your time will come. Everything that has happened, is happening, will happen." She spoke without tone, her hollow voice echoing through the chamber. “I am time's keeper. The god of time. I have seen all that there is and has been and was. All is as it should be, as it ever was, as it always will be. Move forward, like time has, and you will be happy once more.”
Bug unsheathes his claws, he stares down at Rock, his sweet Rock, who had never harmed another cat in his life, had only ever been kind... Why him? Why not some other awful cat to drown this way in this awful place? "No." Is all he says, as he leaps at the ethereal molly, slashing her throat. Sparkling blue blood covers Bug, the molly doesn't even so much as flinch.
"You will regret this, little one. Time needs a keeper. It will never be your time. You cannot change what has been written."
The god of Time dies, and Bug finds himself lifted into the air. All at once he sees what has been, could be, should be, will be, and is. His fur begins to streak gray from the stress and strain, his eyes turning pure white. He rushes to Rock, crying out softly for him to wake up, that he has power over time, there must be a way to fix this... To turn back time....
But the molly had told him already. He is the god of Time, not its warden.
He repeats his beloved's name to not lose his mind. He cannot leave the tunnels. Time stretches on and he realizes what the old god had meant. He ages, seasons pass. Heat and ice and rain and young cats and sticks and crying parents and terrible storms and so, so much emptiness.
He repeats Rock's name to remember it. His lover's bones long since crumbled to dust and to nothing. Over and over, and over.
Without seeing him, a tiny gray tabby picks up the stick he guards, the very last one. He senses the cat in front of him, and says hello without fear. The kitten, Jaykitpawfeather states his current name, not yet aware of how it will change. He asks for the name of the god of Time.
In an old, creaking voice, he stammers out the only name he can remember.
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5-7-9 · 3 months
Rereading WFA
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I have never, not once, ever even considered this. I have never even thought about this, never even crossed my mind. Even when I was heavily against Duke being a meta with superpowers.
So here’s the background, the reason why I was against Duke being a meta was because I thought it’d fit his style more through combat, and keep him more in-touch with Gotham’s reality. I didn’t wish for Duke to be kept so far from exploring political concepts directly. Plus, it made him stand out from the Batfam, which takes him away from whatever they’re doing in Gotham, into places like space and the spirit world and time travel.
But I changed my mind, because Black Canary and Poison Ivy (jk but for real), but rewatching Static Shock reminded me of how we can use superpowers in the city, as was the original intention of Superman.
So I never thought about not using mostly safe and predictable superpowers to “fit in” because I thought “Hey 🤔 what’s the best way to make use of these powers to help citizens? The more powerful I am, the better I could help.” I technically have that thought every other day, but it took me awhile to connect that to Duke 😅
Point is, Duke already went through his arc of “fitting in”
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which interestingly enough, did the exact opposite way the WFA did. Instead of repressing his powers and eventually using it to discover himself, he started expressing his powers more to finally feel like he belongs.
In actuality, WFA’s narrative would only ever be conceptualized by this very thought, “Hey, Duke doesn’t fit in the batfam since he’s a meta 🤔”
Which, significantly becomes about “fitting in” the “Wayne Family Adventures” so much more than it was about Duke and his personality. How much Duke “deserves” to be on the team.
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I think it’s better to remember why Duke joined in the first place. After We Are Robin disbanded because the cops ruined their reputation, and Duke found his parents but they were jokerized, Duke was essentially orphaned and homeless. But what really kept Duke going was his experiences in Gotham, how much fighting for his own life included the city’s lives.
I find this new reason too personalized to Batman, Duke has agency in his own right to make decisions based around his life, certainly more than Batman who has not saved him enough- that he resonated with citizens who thought it best to defend themselves (😠)
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Although Batman has caught him multiple times, literally. It’s not fair to assume he’d always do that. Especially since while he saved Duke- he couldn’t save his parents (again? Oof Bruce 💀).
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Duke has never really cared about fitting in, and I think that’s the problem. Duke didn’t join Batman because it was cool, but because he provided resources that made helping others easier.
Who FUXING CARES if you’re different?!!?? Was he ever told his entire life that his powers could destroy the world like Raven? NO. Did he ever experience an event so traumatic, he became reclusive and didn’t believe in himself like Jessica Cruz? NO. Did his newfound abilities cause him to realize he had new limitations like Cyborg? NO. HIS POWERS ARE HARMLESS AND HE DIDN’t HAVE TO SACRIFICE SHXT.
The craziest thing about this though? Is that, he inhereted his light vision from his mother. Whom he admires and respects, loves and cares for. Went through saving Gotham just to find. If anything, he would be proud to have that power.
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Now his shadow powers on the otherhand- having a sicko give you powers is understandably shameful.
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Nico isn't stupid.
Maybe he isn't the best at reading social cues. And maybe he always feels just a tiny bit off kilter whenever he is dragged into a conversation, as if he was always missing something obvious. And maybe he has overall spent more time with the dead than the living. But that doesn't mean that he is stupid. He is a demigod - a child of the big three - and he is alive. Nico knows he is clever, quick on his feet. Very observant.
So he did notice it. Of course he noticed. How could he have missed it? The longing glances. The touches that lingered just a tad longer than strictly necessary. The smile that graced his features whenever he looked at him - smaller than the one he gives when complimenting one of his siblings or praising the younger patients for how brave they were being, but no less sincere for it. Just more private, personal.
He just...didn't think anything of it. Or didn't want to think anything of it (he is the king of ghosts and repression after all). Not that it makes a difference either way, not anymore. He frowns down at the basket filled with bandages resting on his lap. He wasn't surprised when he heard it, obviously not. But he can no longer claim plausible deniability. Not when the man himself just admitted to it (even if unaware of Nico's presence).
And they were just starting to get closer, too. How obnoxious.
He looks outside, sees the sun already low on the horizon. Tomorrow, then. He allows himself a single tired sigh of frustration, one truly worthy of his 80+ years. Then he puts everything away and leaves for his cabin. Will and Kayla's conversation doesn't even stutter.
It doesn't cross his mind not to tell him. Sure, it's annoying to have his comfortable state of deniability forcefully stripped away - again. But Will doesn't deserve it. That feeling that he is missing something crucial in every interaction, the unmistakable sense that he is somehow the butt of a joke. He remembers Percy's face when he told him. Shock, disbelief, confusion. Guilt. Thinks of how much worse it would've been if it had been knowing instead. How humiliating.
Yeah, Will deserves to know that he knows.
"You like me", are Nico's first words. Direct, no unnecessary preamble, no possible misinterpretation. Simple and easy. The world would be a much better place if more people followed his example.
Or maybe not. Will just blinks at him, angling his head like a confused puppy. "What?"
Nico copies him, teasingly, and the other breaks out into a smile. "Do you have a crush on me?". Nico already knows the answer, of course, but maybe Will will appreciate the illusion of choice.
"I mean, yeah", he says. And then shrugs, as if to say 'duh'. Nico blinks at him, hopes he doesn't look like a confused puppy himself. Maybe he is still traumatized by Cupid; or maybe overhearing too much gossip in the infirmary gave him unrealistic expectations; or, he shudders in horror, maybe Persephone had been right when she said that all those romcoms he secretly adored were rotting his brain. Either way, he can't shake the feeling that this just seems very...anticlimactic.
"Why ask me about it now?" Will still seems unnervingly at ease with this whole conversation. Nico pretends not to see the hope shining in his eyes, or the small sincere smile he can't quite contain. Plausible deniability.
"I overheard you and Kayla at the infirmary last evening." Oddly enough, it is only now that Will starts blushing. "I was cutting bandages" he adds, unnecessarily, "you didn't see me."
"Yeah", Will answers, unnecessarily, "we didn't see you." And then both fall silent.
"How long?". Will visibly startles and Nico watches, fascinated, as the blush extends to the tips of his ears. "Since...the first titan war." Mumbled, almost as if he were hoping that Nico wouldn't hear him. This may very well be the first time he's ever seen the unflappable Will Solace feel embarrassment. It is surprisingly endearing.
Nico frowns. "We didn't even know each other back then." "You don't need to know someone to know that a badass army of the undead is fucking cool". Nico nods. Skeletons really are awesome. So fair enough, he supposes. "Cool."
More silence.
This is going nowhere. Nico already accomplished what he came to do. Will is informed. He can just go-
It feels kind of wrong, though. To just leave like that. Like their conversation isn't finished, even though neither he nor Will even attempt to continue it.
"Thanks" is what he finally settles on, hoping it comes out less awkward than it feels. Probably not. Will doesn't answer, rudely enough. Nico supposes he can forgive him this once, considering the circumstances. Then he leaves.
Nico only looks back one time. Will is still standing on the same spot, already staring back at him. The blush is subsiding, no longer reaching his ears. Nico finds it surprisingly difficult to tear his gaze away.
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