#very happy about kingsleys flat nose
scrolpencer · 2 months
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Drew more of The Lark! I feel like Kingsley and Clémentine will be the kind of people to find a small creature and then keep it as a pet. They will try to hide it from Perrine though. Emphasis on TRY.
Also a bonus rabbit ear Cole at the end cause its adorable
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lost-andfound · 7 years
Here’s my Dean/Seamus fake wedding date au for @provocative-envy‘s birthday :) This was really fun to write, and I hope you like it!
“I can’t believe you talked me into doing this,” Seamus grumbles, trying valiantly to magic his tie into something less of a catastrophe.
“Hey, it’s just for a night,” Dean reminds him. “I don’t want Ginny thinking I’m alone—she’ll feel guilty, it’ll ruin her night—and with you living here, everyone already thinks we’re together. Why not just… go along with it?”
“How do you have a better opinion of your ex-girlfriend than I do?” Seamus asks incredulously. “Remember, I was the one who had to sit through your endless why-won’t-Ginny-love-me monologues at all hours of the night in sixth year—”
“Hey!” Dean hits him lightly on the arm, offended.
“It’s true!” protests Seamus. “And now she’s getting married, and… nothing? I have to be the one mournfully condemning the tragedy of love lost while you caper about, drinking and eating yourself sick on that fucking amazing singing mousse? I refuse.”
“Then swallow your pride and have fun at the wedding with me, you wanker,” Dean retorts affectionately, and knocks Seamus’s wand aside to fix his tie with his hands. “There.”
They take a moment to admire themselves in the mirror, and Seamus’s glance drifts over to Dean, tall and handsome in his dark blue suit. He’s painfully aware of the close proximity of their hands, knuckles almost brushing.
Seamus clears his throat, jokingly offering Dean his arm. “Our carriage awaits, my liege.”
“By carriage, I take it you mean our Portkey,” says Dean, smiling and summoning the Portkey from the kitchen, where it lay next to the colorful invitation. “And by ‘my liege,’ I hope you meant ‘temporary boyfriend,’ because that’s your role for the next six hours.”
“Six hours?” Seamus says disbelievingly, but the Portkey sweeps them away into a whirlwind of sound and color before Dean can do anything but laugh.
The venue turns out to be the area behind the Lovegoods’ house.  It actually looks quite nice, for a wedding half-planned by Luna Lovegood. Dirigible Plum trees line the aisle, luminous fairy lights twinkling from the branches. The tents look to be handpainted (”Luna,” Dean tells Seamus fondly) in a medley of vivid hues that mimic the sunset. 
“Dean! Seamus!” Hermione Granger hurries up to them, clad in a rather sensible dark blue sheath dress with matching bows to keep her curly brown hair in check. She gives them each a quick hug, mind already spinning in a different direction. “So lovely to see you! It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? I’m sorry we haven’t seen more of each other–the Ministry’s in absolute shambles and there aren’t many competent wizards to deal with it, so they’ve called in some of us former DA members to fill empty slots. These last three years have been a shitshow, to be frank, but we’ve been clearing it up as best we can. Kingsley’s doing wonderfully as Minister, of course, but there’s still corruption to weed out! I’ve hardly been getting my usual 5 hours, there’s so much to do. Anyway, how are things? I haven’t heard a word from you since–was it the May reunion?”
Dean shoots an amused look at Seamus. Good old Hermione. “We’ve been good,” he begins, “Settling in and living as normally as we can. Seamus has been working at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, helping George out. I’ve been pursuing a career as an artist–”
“Oh,” Hermione whispers, cutting them a guilty look. “It’s starting–better go.  Sorry to stop you there, Dean; magical artistry is fascinating. See you at the reception!” She gives Seamus’s arm a quick squeeze, then moves towards the front to stand with the rest of the bridesmaids. 
Though there aren’t any chairs, there are wooden benches reminiscent of the Great Hall, and Seamus and Dean slide in next to– “Is that Pansy Parkinson?” mutters Dean. Seamus squints and oh fuck yes it is, but she shoots them a poisonous look out of the corner of her eye as if anticipating a nasty remark, and Seamus just accepts that things have changed since the war, things have changed so drastically that Pansy Parkinson is attending the wedding of two notorious war heroes at which Harry Potter himself happens to be. But he can still hear the echo of her shrill, accusing voice, and scoots a little closer to Dean, who looks over and seems to immediately understand, his hand settling just once, just briefly, on Seamus’s thigh, a warm weight that both startles and comforts him. But before he can really think about why his stomach suddenly feels fairly invaded with butterflies, the music starts and he has to choke down a laugh (because it’s fucking pan flutes accompanied by a singer warbling in a Scottish brogue–of course it is) and the two women walk down the aisle, accompanied by their fathers. Arthur Weasley beams proudly, fairly bursting with joy, and Ginny looks radiant, smiling widely at everyone and gliding gracefully in a gold-trimmed lace gown that clings to every contour and brings out the shine in her sleek red hair. Luna’s pretty much floating on thin air, a dreamy, happy smile on her face and Xenophilius aside her, in matching light blue. They stop when they reach the minister, a small man who seems to officiate every magical wedding. Their vows are fucking poetic, honestly, and Seamus sneaks a glance at Dean and Dean’s tearing up, which in turn makes him get choked up, because sometimes he remembers just how good and kind of a person Dean is and it fucking overwhelms him.
“And you may now… er, you both may now kiss the bride!” proclaims the minister, and Luna kisses Ginny on the nose, which makes Ginny laugh and pull her into a passionate kiss. 
The reception takes place in the painted tents. Plates laden with food so delicious it could only have come from Molly Weasley’s kitchen float by, hovering by each guest as if urging them to take something. They head towards the crowd surrounding Ginny and Luna, and Dean takes Seamus’s hand as the mass of people thickens. Seamus’s shoulders stiffen and there’s those butterflies in his stomach again, which is stupid, since they’ve been holding hands since first year of Hogwarts. And it hasn’t been like, gay, or anything–well, until now, Seamus guesses. Fuck. Shit. But before he can really, truly panic, they reach the happy couple, who look… well, the same, except more lovey-dovey and fancier than usual.
“Hey,” Ginny says, grinning at them. “Glad you could make it.”
Dean hugs Luna first, a long, tight embrace that has Seamus feeling irrationally jealous, then guilty for being jealous, because sometimes he forgets that Luna had been the closest thing Dean had to a best friend during the War, while they were separated. He shakes hands a little awkwardly with Ginny, who rolls her eyes and pulls him into a hug. 
“Have fun tonight,” Ginny says quietly against his neck, and how exactly does she make everything sound like a threat? 
Seamus only smiles warily before he’s passed on to Luna, who kisses her fingers and taps them to his forehead, then nods once and says “Thank you ever so for coming, Seamus. It means very much to Dean.”
“Oh,” Seamus says, nonplussed. He also sometimes forgets that Luna’s one of the most straightforward people he’s ever met. “Er, congratulations!”
She smiles serenely at him, and Dean taps him on the shoulder, a look of poorly disguised exuberance on his face.
“We’re sitting by Viktor Krum,” Dean tells him delightedly.
Krum, it turns out, is an excellent drinker. He downs firewhiskeys like water, and it’s fucking amazing to watch, which Dean and Seamus do for like… longer than they would actually admit.
“Quidditch season starts in September,” Krum informs them, eyes mostly on Dean. “Perhaps you would like tickets to our game against Italy, no?”
“How do I say fuck yes in Bulgarian?” Dean merely answers, and Krum snorts, moving a little closer to them.
“Then I will owl them to you,” Krum says with a decisive nod, and he smirks a little at Dean, and oh fuck he’s flirting, Viktor goddamn Krum is flirting with Dean, and how the fuck is Seamus supposed to compete with a world-famous Quidditch star?
Dean smiles roguishly at Krum, and Seamus feels something tighten in his chest at the flash of white teeth and the friendly crinkles around Dean’s eyes. He has to do something about this, whatever this is turning into.
“Yeah, you can owl them to our flat,” Seamus cuts in loudly, grabbing Dean’s hand possessively. 
Krum just sighs and knocks back another shot, then gets up from the bar and stalks away, muttering resignedly in Bulgarian. Dean looks at his retreating back, then at Seamus, eyes quizzical. 
“Okay… want to tell me what that was about?” Dean asks, letting go of Seamus’s hand. 
Seamus grimaces. “C’mon, you know what that was about.” He refuses to meet Dean’s eyes.
Dean just groans and grabs Seamus’s jaw with one hand, forcing their eyes to meet. “Listen. I’m not trolling for a boyfriend at my ex-girlfriend’s wedding, that’s a bit tacky,” Dean tells him. “You don’t have to be ridiculous.”
Something like relief flashes through Seamus, and he almost laughs. “Sorry, mate. Just… something about weddings.”
“I know,” Dean says, and he’s still so close, their noses are barely touching, and Seamus pulls away, stands up. 
“You want to dance?” Seamus asks, and there’s a joke behind the words, of course, but there’s something else too, something new and fragile that he can’t figure out.
Dean merely grins and gets to his feet, and for a moment it’s normal, like their friendship has been ever since Seamus introduced himself on the very first day of Hogwarts with a cheerful “Name’s Seamus Finnigan. Want t’ be friends?” And they had, just like that: best friends, forever and ever. And it’s been easy, it’s been so goddamn easy, up until now. For a moment, Seamus feels them slipping back into their old comradery, but as soon as he recognizes it, it’s shifted back into this weird tension that’s been following them all day.
Seamus’s hand settles on Dean’s waist, and their hands clasp. He almost forgets to breathe. Dean smiles down at him, and it’s a different smile from the one he flashed at the waitress. Softer. More intimate. Seamus smiles reflexively back, tightening his grip on Dean’s hand. Their fingers lace, and his heart beats a little faster. The band is playing something slow and nostalgic that he vaguely remembers from the Yule Ball all those years ago, and the lights dim to a soft gold, and Seamus’s head falls to Dean’s shoulder. Romantic, a little voice says in his brain, and for once he doesn’t fight it. Just… lets it be.
“Hey,” says Dean, quietly, and Seamus looks up. 
“Hey,” he responds, and suddenly they’re kissing, a fucking explosion of pent-up tension and Seamus’s heart is beating so hard it could burst and Dean’s arms are loose around Seamus’s neck, fingers tangling in his hair—
“Want to get out of here?” Dean whispers, and Seamus is too breathless to respond. He just nods and smiles, and they make their way through the crowd, saying distracted goodbyes and holding hands and flashing each other secret smiles.
“We played right into their hands, didn’t we,” says Seamus when they’re a bit outside the mass of tents. 
Dean just shrugs and they Apparate home.
What happens next is nobody’s business but their own.
Later, when they’re lying under Seamus’s sheets, tangled around each other, Dean confesses that “this was, er, kind of my plan all along?“
“You scheming motherf–”
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babyblackxprincess · 6 years
AU: Run to You Drabble 006
“Siri just texted that Cissy is staying with him tonight and neither of us have classes or any other responsibilities,” Andie said as she took her mug of tea and set it on the coffee table. “I think we’re safe for the evening.” Beaming at Ted, she sat down beside him and reached for her book - a pleasure reading book, not something for school. Ted, the ever responsible one, had his nose buried in a textbook but Andie thought she could afford a night off. She had just slouched down to rest her head on his shoulder when the peaceful evening was interrupted by a loud banging at their door, followed by a familiar, shrill screech.
“Andromeda Eirene, open the door this instant!”
Ted’s head snapped up in alarm - Bella could sound an awful lot like their Aunt Walburga, really the only relation who still protested his presence in their lives. But Andie waved him down and moved to the door. Bella burst through almost before there was enough space, and Andie jerked out of the way. 
“Meda, I’m so sorry.” Rod called, covering the last few feet to the door in a half-jog. “She was out the car before I could even park it.”
Shutting the door behind him, Andie took a steadying breath. She didn’t realize they were coming back already, and she had planned to give Bella an explanation before she caught sight of Cissy but apparently it was too late for that. 
“Bella -”
“Oh, don’t you Bella me, Andromeda. What the hell is wrong with Cissy?” Underneath the rage that was clear in her expression, Bella was clearly alarmed - she hadn’t been this upset in a very long time. Possibly not since she found out that Andie was seeing Ted. But, as always with their sister, it came from a place of love. Bella had always been overprotective and resorted to excessive means to keep Andie and Cissy safe. 
“I don’t think -”
“I swear to God, Andromeda, if you finish that with it’s any of your business, Bella, you will regret it. It is my business, when she’s been drinking my good whisky and vomiting in my bathroom and crying on my couch and she let fucking Sirius take her away without so much as a word of explanation!”
Rod stepped forward, putting a hand on Bella’s shoulder before he added, in a far more reasonable tone, “We’re both very worried. She looked awful when we got in, and hardly spoke to either of us, and then Sirius turned up out of the blue. We know about Fawley - is this all due to him?”
Andie glanced at Ted but he was no help; he rarely got involved in family debates, when he was still so clearly considered an outsider by most of the Blacks - a welcome outsider, usually, but still an outsider. So he just held his book up and resumed reading. But Andie knew what he thought she should do. He would tell her to explain everything to Bella and Rod, that they had the right to know. And he was probably correct.
“It’s not just due to him,” she finally said, moving to the couch and waving Bella and Rod toward the two mismatched chairs - this was Ted’s flat, and he was quite determined not to let her simply buy him all new furniture. “A lot of it is. I think she’s far more traumatized than she would tell anyone and - she keeps saying it was consensual but -”
“It clearly wasn’t.” Bella’s face darkened. “I’m going to kill -”
“We aren’t killing anyone. But I’ll be sure Cissy knows not to pull anything like that again.” Rod’s hand moved from Bella’s knee to her shoulder as he glanced at her. When it was clear she had calmed down again, he turned back to Andie. “Tell us what it is. We don’t need to rehash anything with Fawley right now.”
Cissa would hate her for this, but Bella and Rod were right. They deserved the truth. Andie rubbed her hands over her face, trying to decide the simplest way to go about this conversation. “You remember that she started talking to Reggie again? And you remember how close they were when they were kids? Inseparable, really. Well, they were like that after he came back. You two were so busy with work, I’m not sure you realized but she stayed with him for a week or something. And then he had to go away on business and told Cissy he’d be back in a few days. Well he was late and she . . . panicked.” 
Understanding began to dawn in Bella’s eyes but Rod still looked confused. “You know she never got emotionally attached to anyone? It’s different with Reggie.” He still didn’t understand, although Bella clearly did and she interrupted before Andie could explain further.
“She’s sleeping with him, Rod. She and Reggie.” There was a moment of silence as Bella and Rod processed - he seemed to have more difficulty but Bella was very accepting of Cissy’s choices - which was unfair, when Bella had been so opposed to Ted but that wasn’t the point at the moment. “So they slept together and she . . . has feelings for him?”
“Yes. And he left so she slept with Fawley because you know how she gets. And when he came back and found out, he left her again. Siri promised me that it’s a misunderstanding and he’s working on Reggie -”
“What do you mean, working on? Because if you tell me that you think it’s a good idea to let him even see Cissy again -”
“I think it’s not our choice, Bella. It’s Cissy’s and you didn’t see how happy she was with him. If they can’t handle a little misunderstanding -”
“Andie, a little misunderstanding is when Rod got me tulips instead of roses for our anniversary. That little bastard fucking off and leaving her when she’s in that state isn’t a misunderstanding. That’s him being a fucker who doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as Cissy and I swear to God if he so much as shows his face -” Bella cut off as Rod rested his hand on her shoulder gently.
“Bella, I think she really loves him and it’s her choice who she lets into her life. If she thought we were interfering, you know she’d be upset. Anyway, Lucius responded the same way when he found out. He’s off in Switzerland and I’m sure you won’t cut him out of her life.” Actually, judging by the murderous expression on Bella’s face, she would happily cut Lucius out. This time, however, Rod was the one interjecting. 
“That’s different. Lucius has been in love with her for years and seeing her in that state was hard on him. Not to mention I’m sure he realized that Cissy has feelings for Regulus at this point, and he’s been waiting for years -”
“What a douche.”
Everyone went silent, turning to Ted. It was the first time, in Andie’s memory, that he had ever expressed a true opinion in any sort of family gathering. Usually he stuck to small talk and only the blandest of that as well. He glanced up when the silence continued, cheeks flushing. 
“Well, it’s true. If I found out you loved some other bloke, I wouldn’t be fucking off to Switzerland - I can’t afford to fuck off to Switzerland - but I wouldn’t do that. Especially if you were hurt like Narcissa is. If he loves her, then he ought to be here supporting her.”
“I might end up liking you after all, Ted Tonks.” Bella’s voice was thoughtful, and surprisingly devoid of the usual disdain or rage she directed at Ted. Which was, Andie thought, a very nice change, if it could keep up.
“I think we really should leave the decision of how much Reggie is in Cissy’s life now up to her,” she said, looking from Bella to Rod. They both agreed, although Bella was very reluctant. “Siri said he’s taking Cissy home in the morning - I think she has to start rehearsals again soon so she needs the practice room. I’ll tell Reggie that she’s there, or tell Siri to -”
“No.” Bella’s tone left no room for argument - not outright furious, but very clear. “I want to see him before he gets to see Cissy, and make sure he understands just what is expected of him if he wants to be in her life again.”
“Bella, that seems a little extreme, even for you. Rod, tell her to be sensible.”
But when Andie looked at Rod, she was surprised at how serious he seemed. “Actually, Andie, I agree with Bella. I want to see him as well, and I think he needs to hear just how much he affected Cissy. I’ll be sure she doesn’t do too much to him.” 
Ted’s hand moved to Andie’s back, rubbing small circles as she sighed. There was no arguing with the two of them, and she was sure that even if she didn’t do as they wanted, they’d somehow find a way to be at the manor before Reggie got to see Cissa anyway. “All right, fine. I’ll make sure Siri knows not to pass that along.”
Bella and Rod only stayed a few more minutes - long enough to ensure that Andie did relay the message to Siri, and give the highlights of their trip to France. There weren’t many, not surprising given that they were undoubtedly locked in a bedroom for most of it. But everyone had early mornings and Bella had a look in her eyes that Andie tried very hard not to think about, so they said goodnight and Andie returned to her spot by Ted. 
“That went remarkably well,” she said, turning to him with a smile. 
“Well, your sister didn’t want to murder me so I think it was great. You think Narcissa will be okay?”
Andie hesitated; Cissy had been in a very bad place - understandably so. But she was resilient, and with the number of people she had for support, that should make a difference. “I think she will. I’m going to see if I can get Kingsley to go talk to her because she’s not listening to anyone but he’s hard to get hold of. But she’s got all of us in the meantime.”
He nodded and reached for his textbook again, but Andie took his hand. “I have a better way to pass the rest of the night, love.”
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