#kingsley yaelokre
nharelysan · 10 hours
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so excited to see songs of origin coming out soon!!!
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theleverethiding · 2 months
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𓈒༢ Kingsley & Perrine Graphics / requested
rb & credit if using - dividers nf2u⠀⠀⠀ ···
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; they are so family ,, 🫎🌳
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like-icarus-ifly · 2 months
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is this funny? idk but its all i could think abt. two versions bc would these children curse? probably not.
(not meant to be interpreted as a ship or anything inappropriate. They're just kids being silly. That is my interpretation of this and how it should be viewed thx.)
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thisnoah · 26 days
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I don't understand much, but what was I supposed to do? Not make fan art?
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
The Larks and Being Sick
Will still try to push themself to perform, but even they have their limits
Conks the hell out when they’re sick, and they’ll sleep for hours (Perrine thought they died once)
Loses their voice. Thinks they’ll never be able to sing again.
Hand tremors won’t let them play their instrument
Gets flustered easily with a lot of affection and care (like if they have to be spoon fed because they’re too weak to hold a bowl themself)
Tries to deter cuddles because they don’t want to get anyone else sick
Emetophobic, and ends up making themself more sick by stressing out over possibly throwing up
Super cuddly when they’re sick (usually SOMEONE gets sick after them because they were cuddling)
Mainly because they get really bad chills, so they just want to snuggle up to someone to keep warm
Quiet and mumbly
However, they will ramble deliriously when their fever gets too high
PILED with blankets (which Perrine will have to confiscate so they don’t get overheated, much to their dismay)
A big whiny baby when he’s sick
SUPER overdramatic
“I’M DYING!!!” “You have a cold.”
There’s sometimes a little bit of a “boy who cried wolf” situation with him, where he dramatizes how sick he is, but the others would never leave him to fend for himself, even after all the stuff he pulls for fun
When he has to be spoon fed because he’s too weak from the sickness, he’ll somehow find the strength to make a joke like “chop, chop, peasant!” (Perrine once considered pouring the water she was helping him drink over him)
When he’s really sick, he’s super lethargic, and it’s jarring to see him so worn out when he’s usually the most energetic in the group
Likes to lay his head into the lap of one of the others so they’ll play with his hair, soothing him
Will sometimes force himself into the lap of one of the others (mainly Perrine because she’s the big sibling of the group)
Hates being taken care of, so she will act like she’s perfectly fine (she’s not)
Will refuse any and all help until she physically can’t move anymore—and even then, she’ll be stubborn
Pulls out the “but I’m the oldest!” card whenever anyone tries to take care of her
“You’re sick.” “No, I’m not.” “You’re burning up.” “I’m naturally warm.” “You’re shaking.” “It’s just a little cold.” “You literally just threw up.” “I meant to do that.”
She worries about the others when she’s sick in bed. What if something happens? What if they burn the house down while cooking?
Cuddly when she’s ill, but she doesn’t go out of her way to ask for any affection. However, she certainly won’t refuse any…
Easily becomes a little stir crazy from laying in bed. She also gets bored fast. She’s wasting so much time just laying around!
Wears her mask 24/7 to hide how pale and flushed she is from fever (the mask is making her sweat bullets)
Once threw up on stage and then passed out mid-performance because she underestimated how bad she felt (everyone was in a state of shock. she had to be dragged offstage by Cole and Clementine while Kingsley distracted the crowd)
Another time she was making breakfast for the group and fainted, and when she woke up, she was covered in oatmeal from managing to bring the bowl down with her
Would rather starve or die of dehydration than have one of the others spoon feed her
One time, ALL of the kids were sick at once, but Perrine pushed through it to take care of the others (she felt like death after, but anything for her friends)
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perrine-enthusiast · 24 days
Outfit swap doodle? Idk if anyone’s done this before (this took me way too long in comparison to the finished product)
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Lmk if I should do this again w/ the rest of The Lark
(Oh boy I sure do hope tumblr doesn’t significantly decrease the image quality as it’s done so many time before!)
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mmdvor · 20 days
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telling bedtime stories
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scrolpencer · 2 months
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Drew more of The Lark! I feel like Kingsley and Clémentine will be the kind of people to find a small creature and then keep it as a pet. They will try to hide it from Perrine though. Emphasis on TRY.
Also a bonus rabbit ear Cole at the end cause its adorable
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dohlaya-koshka · 1 month
🌾animated kids!! love them c:
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pinkdiamond0714 · 1 month
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I had this idea a bit ago, but really got inspired after this post! The style of @yaelokre reminds me of one of my favorite games, Sky Children Of The Light, so I styled the Larks like Sky Spirits!
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vegaly-art · 2 months
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I have been infatuated recently with the @yaelokre project. The music is superb, the characters and art are so nice to look at, and I just HAD to draw the Lark. I love their designs so much, and the colours are pretty different from what I usually do with that green lean but it was fun to experiment with <3 <3. I even set up a whole new lineart colour set that I plan to use in the future :).
I love them so bad, they are the kids ever. Though Clementine must get a spotlight because they have my favourite outfit. All those ruffles and the bloomers and the jester-like vibe in terms of colours and shape speak to me on a very deep level. But the rest are just as good. I just like ruffles :333.
I hope to see more of them in the future and maybe make more art myself if the mood strikes me. <3
The music is absolutely inspiring my own story work and DnD campaign too so that is a huge plus. Also if anyone is wondering my favourite song is And The Hound. Harpy Hare is a CLOSE second.
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finnstati0n · 2 months
A little Kingsley doodle for your serotonin dose today
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morelegos4youu · 2 months
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xoxo-icarus · 2 months
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I couldn't get this idea out, so I drew it !! Characters belong to the lovely @yaelokre !! They've consumed the entirety of my brain, help.
Ignore the fact I spelled Kingley instead of Kingsley, I just noticed that.
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saturday-byte · 2 months
Finally aware of what the fuzz is all about
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Pen doodles about it
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
The Larks and Swimming
There’s a river that they all like to hang out at
Kingsley once jumped into the water and thee resurfaced with an entire turtle (“what do i do with him” “PUT HIM BACK!!!”)
Cole is a surprisingly good swimmer!
But they WILL freak out if something even slightly slimy brushes their toes
Perrine can swim enough to not die
But she’s not very good at treading water
She will also freak out if something touches her feet
Kingsley likes to grab their feet underwater to scare them
Clementine is just straight vibing
They ABSOLUTELY play mermaids, are you kidding me?
Kingsley makes the most overpowered mermaid and upsets Cole because “no, that’s not fair to everyone else!” (i just know Cole takes pretend way too seriously)
Perrine is always very wary and a little shy about playing pretend due to how she grew up, but she ALWAYS gets into it the most
The others are happy to see her acting so carefree and joyful
They play Marco Polo, but Kingsley cheats by just getting out of the water
Chicken fights, right?
Perrine has accepted that she’ll always be on the bottom
But then Clementine is like “i gotchu, sib”
Perrine and Clementine? terrifying duo
Kingsley gets fucking DECKED by Perrine
She plays to win
Kingsley gets Cole on his shoulders, but he’s short, so he just drowns if he goes too deep
Y’all know how penguins will bring rocks to their mates? That’s Clementine and Cole
Clementine brings Cole all the pretty rocks they find in the water and shore
Cole ends up going home with like twenty rocks (they keep all of them in a special antique box in their room)
Kingsley starts mud fights where he just slings giant globs of mud at everyone (this always pisses Perrine off)
Cole, without fail, gets sunburned every single time, no matter how much sunscreen they put on (or whatever the whimsy forest version of sunscreen is)
Clementine constantly reminds everyone to drink water
Perrine always forgets
Kingsley swims with his eyes open underwater and then complains about his eyes hurting
One time, the kids were traversing some rocks in the water, and Perrine slipped and busted her ass on said rock, cracking her tailbone in the process
The other kids were all like 😟😬
She was fighting back tears while saying she was fine (she couldn’t sit down without being in agony for two weeks) (yes this is a projection what of it)
Kingsley pretends to drown to see if anyone would notice
There’s this rock in the river that they can climb up and jump off of
Catch Clementine out here swan diving
Cole gets football tackled off of it by Kingsley (Kingsley then gets scolded for it after because Cole almost had a heart attack)
Kingsley purposely aims for other people when he jumps off
Perrine is so ungraceful trying to simply climb up to the top of it
Knees wobbling, hands slipping
It’s a workout
Clementine catches a frog and brings it to the top of the rock
All the kids hail it as King Frog
The frog jumps off
They start screaming in dismay
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