#vervada stormrider
doctorgerth · 4 years
the time has come. Sabo, for nsfw with the letters A O and Z!~ WELCOME BACK MY LOVELY FRIEND
Yessss I will gladly write some naughty Sabo for you, my love! And thanks for the warm welcome. 💘 Hope you enjoy 🔥
Sabo NSFW Alphabet (A, O, Z)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
- Sabo is instantly a cuddle bear as soon as the sex is over. he makes sure to help clean you off of course, but after that, he’s not going to let you go for a while (if time allows). post-sex cuddles are probably the best cuddles you’ll get from Sabo. he doesn’t care about your sweaty bodies, he just wants to cling to you before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
- there may be times, depending on the hour, when he’ll draw a bath for the both of you. it’s pretty much understood that you’ll be bathing together, he gets a lil pouty if you try to shower without him lol but the bath/shower is very relaxing as he helps wash your hair and body, littering you with even more sweet kisses. it doesn’t always happen, but Sabo’s been known to go another round with you in the bath/shower, if you both have the energy. 
- he’s very considerate after sex. as mentioned he won’t hesitate to help clean you off and draw you a bath if you ask. he’ll also fetch you two some water and maybe a snack or two afterward. another habit of his is tossing you his shirt for you to wear while you two get ready for bed. what can he say? he really likes the way you look in his clothes! 
- he’s pretty talkative for the first few minutes after sex. he likes to talk about anything, how good the sex was, how your day went, what you have planned for tomorrow, another story about his lil brother Luffy....it’s dorky and random and he can’t really explain it. but this random burst of energy is always followed by a hard crash as he suddenly falls asleep lol 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- Sabo has quite the skill with oral and he knows it. the way he can make you so weak and needy for him with just his mouth and tongue is really addictive to him. and he’ll never say no to going down on you. he knows how to treat you and knows just how you like it. sit on his face and he will go to town till you’re screaming his name!
- receiving is simply a different kind of addiction to him. he’s a guy so I mean of course he’s absolutely weak for having his cock sucked. so, I think receiving is probably his preference, just because it’s too damn good. a nice blowjob after a long day’s work or maybe to even motivate him to get back to work is just what he needs sometimes. under the desk blowjobs? he could never get enough of that.
- now incorporating some 69 action is a total win-win because you’re both getting pleased. and he loves nothing more than pleasing you. but be careful because the overwhelming stimulation of your pleasure and his own can make him reach his limit a lil too early at times.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwords)
- once he comes down from his sex high, Sabo absolutely crashes. especially if it’s late at night. if he has to go back to work or focus on a task afterwards he’s gonna be a bit sluggish, but he’ll manage. he typically gives his all in every love-making session and that’s almost always gonna wear him out.
- but, he’ll stay up with you as much as he can. engaging in pillow talk or just holding each other. if you play with his hair or rub his shoulders afterward then he’s out like a light. he likes to claim he’s the last one to fall asleep but it’s definitely not true lol
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sableu · 5 years
Real question time. Do you think Dragon actually taught Sabo all those cool dragon moves? OR is it possible Sabo is that much of a dragon nerd that he really went out and named of his techniques after dragon abilities? I'm personally stuck because i love both ideas
this is something i go back and forth on too tbh haha. i definitely think dragon taught sabo a lot of what he knows- that much is basically canon- but i kinda like to think he just taught him the basics (a la rayleigh teaching luffy), like he taught him observation haki and advanced armament haki, maybe even specifically how to make powerful use of his hands….
…..BUUUT it was sabo himself who came up with the ideas for the moves themselves and their names, out of a combination of personal love of dragons + respect for dragon the person + loyalty to the rev army whose symbol is the dragon. i think oda likes to use characters’ moves and their names as a way to represent characters’ personal fighting styles and personalities, so i’d be surprised if those techniques weren’t uniquely sabo’s own! love this dragon nerd.
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aces-disaster-wife · 4 years
You know who i ship you with already XD
Ace and Marco as you have spammed me with plenary XD
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madlymiho · 5 years
I am so conflicted with all the characters who can turn into cool things like dinos, dragons and other reptiles but are also kind of the bad guys? bc i am SO IN LOVE WITH REPTILES, they are so misunderstood and it breaks my heart? I need some good hearted characters that are badass but reptile related. Like Sabo kinda counts bc we see him as a dragon nerd but, i guess the whole reptiles = bad just hurts me bc i see so many ppl give them a bad rap thanks to religion.
Hey Vervada! ❤️ I totally feel you, I love this too, especially the dragons thing, I think it's really epic and I always loved stories implying mystic beasts!
Well, Sabo can count indeed, especially since his mentor is Dragon, and he's fighting using dragon's technics, but, I agree, we don't see reptiles a lot.
Don't know if it's only a religion problem, I wouldn't go on that way, but perhaps reptiles are feared by humans because of their abilities to hurt people 🤷🏻‍♀️ Snakes are poisonous, crocodiles can eat you alive, ... it's enough to grow a bad reputation unfortunately 🐊
Anyway, I totally feel you on that point! Hopefully, let's hope that X-Drake won't be a total dick and we would have our first nice dino guy ! 😅💚
Thanks for sharing this, sweetie! ~
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touchmycoat · 5 years
hey~ Ask and I will always be willing to send you a prompt XD But how about SaboAce with “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
thank you thank you thank you
from the Pirates of the Caribbean AU. SaboAce, rated T for gratuitous swearing and violence.
((send me a ship and a number and i’ll write you a drabble))
This was shaping up to be, by far, the worst party of Sabo’s entirelife.
“Fuck.” He’dlost his sword in the fight with the big masked bastard. Not that theguy got the upper hand on him or anything. It had been pure luck—agust of wind and a speck of dust well-landed, Sabo cringing andgetting the sword smacked out of his grip, the door slamming shutjust before Sabo could reach through and grab hold of his weapon oncemore.
(Sabo probablycould’ve made it with a bruised wrist, had it not been the wristthat wore Ace’s compass; a hundred masked bastards could stab Sabothrough the chest and still Sabo wouldn’t risk damage coming tothat compass.)
So there he was,sprinting through the back gardens that were not open to the guestsyet, a cackling madman chasing after him keen on murder. There weredetours Sabo could’ve taken, subpar swords not of his own making hecould’ve yanked out from the sets of armor lining the inner castlewalls, but he had a timetableto keep, dammit. There was a Single Super Important Don’t You DareBe Late Sabo key in his possession and Koala was waiting; he didn’thave the time to properly fight and dispose of his assailant.
“Doublefuck,” Sabo spat, because of course the southeast servant’sentrance was locked. He and Koala had calculated roughly a 20% chanceof this happening on the night of the revolution and had came up withcontingencies, but neither of them had calculated for the actualbloodthirsty pirate on Sabo’s tail.
“Listen,I don’t even know who you are,” the masked man cackled as Saboveered off into an alley that, likely, both of them knew was a deadend. “All I know is that it’ll be awful fun to kill you.”
Brightbrass music was playing from inside the main building, and Sabowasn’t even wearing his nice cravat. Triple fuck.
Buta dead end was a dead end, so Sabo had no other choice but to shimmyhis way up the nearest tree as stealthily as possible and vault hisway through the nearest window.
...Onlyto slam face-first into Ace’s chest. Ace stumbled back with an oof,but caught Sabo by the shoulders before either of them had to hit theground.
“Welllook who it is,” Ace laughed. Sabo forced himself to peel his faceoff the front of Ace’s regal coat, sure that the shiny gold buttonshad left unsavory indents along his cheek. “Where’d you comefrom?”
“Thetree,” Sabo answered immediately, gesturing with his thumb at thewindow. Faintly, he could hear the lumbering steps of the murderouspirate-creep-shitstain traversing the grounds outside. Quadrupleinfinity fuck. “I um, fainted.”
“You…fainted. Straight into my arms.” See Sabo would’ve been justfine, had the Duke of Baterilla been just a nice guy with solidpolitics and economic policies that actually supported the peasantry.He would’ve been just fine, had Ace just been cheery and supportiveof Sabo’s little blacksmithing gig. But no, Ace had to be fuckingbeautiful as well,with all that sun-blessed brown skin and eyes that lit up withdelightedirony at all of Sabo’s jokes and in moments like this. Sabocouldn’t afford to be compromised right now, dammit—but it’snot like he could do anything but be helplessly slack in Ace’s arms(absurdly buff for a theoretically useless member of the gentry) asAce grinned.
“Ifyou wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Sabowanted to swoon. Sabo wanted to laugh hysterically. Oh he’d showAce extremes, whetheror not he actually wanted to. There was a key in Sabo’s pocket anda murderer right outside the window; shit was about to hit the fanand here he was making moon eyes and being perfectly useless at Ace—
“YourGrace.” A light frown line appeared on Ace’s brow at the title,but he allowed Sabo to guide him by the elbow down the hall, awayfrom the window-slash-ticking time bomb. “Listen, you… You toldme once that you consider me a friend. Is that true?”
NowAce pulled away, looking fully offended.
“Ofcourse it is. The only thing in question has only ever been whetheror not you consider mea friend.” And how it hurt to hear Ace snap at him like this, butSabo knew he fully deserved it. This wasn’t even the worse thingthat was about to take place at this party tonight. Far from it.“I’ve asked you time and time again to call me by my na—”
Koala.Mothershitting fuck lord—
Sabowheeled around just in time to catch the musket Koala flung his way.She’d shed her maid’soutfit, now that the infiltration has begun. Stompingforward, Koala barely paused at the sight of Ace. Shejust thrust her hand out and waited for the key.
“Wegot word of a pirate invasion from—”
“Thesouthern docks, I know,” Sabo finished. Before Koala’s eyes couldnarrow, there was the loudsound cracking wood, like a door being smashed open from the outside.People were screaming.
“That’snot one of ours,” Koala declared, probably actually for Ace’sbenefit.
“Iknow. A pirate followed me here.”
Itwas truly amazing how witha single paused breath and aspecifically paced blink, Koala could convey awhole nuanced sentiment: this is so not the time or placebut be sure I’m gonna get on your ass about how you managed to makesuch a foolish mistake on one of the most important nights of ourjoint careers. Koalatook her key, shot one more glance at Ace, then started jogging away.
“We’restill on track for the time table Sabo,” was her parting warning.“You know what’s atstake.”
Really—morethan anything, Sabo knew the stakes. Couldfeel the stakes, a pair of betrayed eyes stabbing into his back.
Aceslapped his outstretched hand away.
“Sabowhat the fuck.”
Whatwas more than the already-existing infinity of fucks? Sabotook a deep breath.
“I’ma Revolutionary.”
“Yeah,”Ace scoffed, sounding much more hurt about being deceived thanderisive. “I kind of pieced that together. Alsokind of pieced together that the coup is tonight—as in, rightnow. Gonnastring me up and out Sabo? Makean example of me and my family for your Revolution?”
Witha wince, Sabo took a step back from the wrists Ace thrust out at him,daring him to bondage.
“Youagreed with me,” Sabo said warily. “Inever hid my politics from you Ace, andevery time we talked—”
“Thisisn’t about your politicsSabo, it’s the fact thatyou lied to me—”
“Aha,there he is, the little blue boy!”
Themasked pirate back again. Except this time, Sabo had a musket and Aceto watch out for. He didn’t even bother letting the manapproach—just shouldered his way in front of Ace, cocked the gun,and shot the pirate dead.
Acehad one hand clawing hard into Sabo’s shoulder, and even then Sabowas grateful for that reengaged point of contact.
“—whenI’ve expressly asked, and then vouchedfor you when you said you weren’t doing anything sketchy!” Acefinished, like the little interlude with the gun and the murder neverhappened. Sabo had to givehim credit—whatever peopleliked to say about faint-hearted and useless royals, Ace was notthat. In fact, Ace wasstrong, and Sabo wassure there would be a bruise on his arm tomorrow.
Downstairsin the main hall, the musicpetered off to an ungraceful stop. There wasn’t any screaming,which probably meant it was Dragon’sdoing, not the pirates. Good.That meant Sabo could stillafford the time to explain.
“You’reright.” Lowering the gun, Sabo turned and let himself standchest-to-chest with Ace. Hewas just the bit taller like this, and tookquiet, fond pleasure at the pinking of Ace’sears when Ace realized. “Ilied, and I’m sorry, I really am. ButI swear I was going to tell you tonight.”
“Beforeor after you overthrew me and my family?”
It’s not evenabout you, Sabo wanted toprotest, but that was more ofa we-have-an-entire-afternoon-to-debate-this sort of argument, not athere-are-two-separate-attacks-being-mounted-against-you-and-your-guests-so-can-we-please-move-along-already-no-matter-how-much-you-hate-me-I-need-to-get-you-to-safetysort. So Sabo didn’t say it. Instead,he forced himself to stand still and keep his expression open,letting Ace see all the barrel-bottomhonesty Sabo was still capable of.
Ace’s fingers grazed the compass still strapped to Sabo’s wrist, and his glare began to falter.
“Ace,”Sabo said, dropping his voice low, “look—”
“Ooh,that smarts. You little bitch.”
Aceand Sabo’s head snapped toward the corpse—or, what should’vebeen a corpse—in twin,dread-filled tandem as themasked pirate sat up. Bullets, bentand blood-stained, scattered to the floor.
“Seenow I’m gonna kill your little friend too,” the piratecackled, fully and impossibly alive despite his centerof mass riddled with bullet holes.
Downstairsand not-so-distantly, the partygoers began to scream.
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ask-flame-emperor · 5 years
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“T-They are soft! I swear! No need to touch them! “ they are sensitive @vervada-stormrider
Winter event: Snow Fox! Sabo (2/5)
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justapalspal · 5 years
Happy Birthday pal!~
Thank you Jay!!!!!!
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ittybittydragons · 6 years
so, does joey ever let red eyes come visit for play dates?
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Of course! She and Gandora are just two peas in a pod.
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mieudiary · 6 years
Senpai, i think i speak for us all when i humbly request a collage post of Gideon.
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doctorgerth · 4 years
how about Sabo n Coby for ask game? pick one if two is to much though
I’ll do Sabo for you right now. Might do Coby later if I’m in the mood, which I might cuz u know I love him 🥺🥺 Thanks for this Jay 💕
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| Favorite thing about them |
His love for his brothers and how he said fuck nobles I wanna travel the world and write a book about my adventures. People think of him as super gentlemanly and yeah he definitely has more manners than the other two, but he’s got a short fuse and this feral energy like he’s constantly mere seconds away from going ham on everyone around him and I dig it. Not to mention I absolutely love what he stands and fights for, his freedom-loving spirit is very admirable. And though he can literally crush skulls with his hands, he is a big and dorky softie who will gush over Luffy every second of every day and he’s just adorable. He’s also just got the cutest design with the wavy blonde hair and those big ol eyes! I luv him lots wow
| Least favorite thing about them |
That god awful outfit of his in Stampede like oh no baby what is u doinggg. Also, I would probs be annoyed much like Koala if he just randomly hangs up the phone on me lol
| Favorite line |
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my feels man 🥺🥺🥺
| brOTP |
Literally ASL, can’t get any better. The best bros around
| OTP |
Sabo x Koala is super heckin cute and I feel like it’ll end up canon. But Sabo x Jay is better imo and should be canon instead 👀❤️
| nOTP |
| Random headcanon |
Sabo actually curses like a sailor, especially when he’s really mad. He’ll drop the f bomb like no one’s business.
| Unpopular opinion |
I’ve seen where a lot of people look at Sabo as a cheap replacement for Ace and I just can’t agree with that. Probably not an unpopular opinion, but.
| Song I associate with them |
Ok I know I’ve already tied this song to Killer but:
Young - Hollywood Undead (MAJOR revolutionary army vibes)
Lullabies - All Time Low (I tie this song to both Sabo and Luffy over the death of Ace...it gets me so emotional, and the song is plenty emotional by itself)
I KNOW there are more songs but my mind is drawing a blank right now 😩
| Favorite picture of them |
Jay you always send me some good Sabo fanart and it’s just so hard to choose a single favorite!!
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mauvelalouve · 4 years
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YEEEEY, I’ve finished it!
@vervada-stormrider I promised you that I would draw dragon Sabo AND I DID IT AND EVEN DREW DRAGON ACE NEXT TO HIM
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aces-disaster-wife · 5 years
Sabo with Fem S/o
For @vervada-stormrider
I will also admit that Jay’s is very specific to her and Sabo because I know their shared intrest
It’s 2:30 am. I’m awake for some reason. Here’s some content
5: Island Exploration
This man somehow manages to find an island FULL of Dragons
You’re both going whether you have time off or not
You’re island adventure starts in the early evening
Finding the safest/best spots possible to sleep/break
Sabo is excitedly pointing out every little dragon he sees
Probably pointing out the big ones too
Definiely not planning on stealing on for your kid
No way
Not him
He’s lying if course
With his Devil Fruit you guys can actually get away with exploring the place in the dead of night
If you see any Sea Dragons you’re gonna have to make sure he doesn’t run into the ocean
He still forgets about the whole “no swimming” rule
Sabo wants the first “Dragon” he sees in the new year to be a real one and not his boss
He also wants the first person he gets to see this new year to be you
Eventually you both set up to have a simple dinner on your date
Neither of you is keen on eating a dragon
Sabo finally admits he prepared ahead a bit
He only explored the coast a bit
That’s all!!
Everything else is brand new for the both of you
He set up a storage container full of fishing supplies
Hope you like seafood
Sabo gets eaten at least once
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madlymiho · 5 years
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Hello @vervada-stormrider ! Thank you for your request! I'm more than happy to get one from you ~ hahaha yes you made it!!
Since I've listed the scenarios I'd do, I'm turning your request into a headcanon! I hope you'll enjoy it!
I don't know if you wanted something steamy or not, but without precision, I went full SFW for this one!
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Sabo :
• Sabo is always respectful, he knows when you are heading to shower, or changing in your bedroom, and he doesn't want to bump in you as you might get uncomfortable
• It's not like Sabo would get absolutely flustered to see you naked ; since you two already had your steamy moments ; but he grants a lots of importance to your privacy
• He has also noticed that his underwears are sometimes a bit messy, but he's completely clueless about your little ritual
• They day he bumps in your bedroom without telling you he needs to come in is only because of an emergency, and he's sure that you're not around
• You gasp, surprised to see the door being almost broke down, covering your intimate parts with your hands, your eyes wide open
• Sabo immediately apologies, almost hiding his eyes with a sort of shy reflexe, but since he recognizes his dark underwear, he freezes and observes you without saying a word
• You feel his stare lasting on your legs and you can't help to shout loud and desperate apologies, trying your best to explain your point of you, even if it comes a bit mixed-up and confused
• Yet, Sabo starts to laugh, brightly, his face nothing but genuinely happy and amused by the situation while he waves his hand, looking at you with tender eyes
• "It's fine, Name! You don't need to be sorry, okay?" He reassures, coming closer to drag you against his chest, his thumbs gently rubbing your shoulders "If you feel better with this, then suit yourself!"
• To mark his point, Sabo softly cups your jaw, and puts a little kiss on your lips, even if you're still numb after this awkward conversation and unsure about his real feelings ; even if it's only in your mind
• "I think... it's more comfortable than my panties..." You mumble, looking down, feeling his hands brushing your cheeks while he keeps you close
• "I can't lie," Sabo whispers with a low voice, his stare finally meeting yours. "I think you look beautiful with this, Name."
• Sabo is already late, but he takes the time to make you understand that he's perfectly comfortable with the idea to have you wearing his underwears, joking about the fact that it would be a bit more difficult for the laundry days
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touchmycoat · 5 years
Hey!~ How about number 9 with MAS for the kiss prompt? I told you just ask and I will send prompts! XD
((send me a ship and a number and i will write a kiss))
yaaaaahhh it’s the Chinese lantern festival today!!! have some Romance, which is apparently good labor, aggressively un-romantic biological manifestations, and the dissolution of class boundaries in Ancient China
MAS, rated G
#9, in Public
Sabo snagged a sprigof spring onion from the planter box outside the window on his wayout.
“Young Master—”
The fig tree outsideSabo’s room has only ever grown wider, and it took only twovaulting steps for Sabo to reach the secondary trunk made of aerialprop roots. Well-worn footholds held as he shimmied up, crossed thetiled roof of the courtyard wall, and was gone.
He’d timed it, ofcourse, so that by the time he reached the village at the foot of themountain dusk would’ve taken over. The night was cold, amid-afternoon heatwave drawing in the cold front with a blanket ofseaside fog. The water vapor diffused all the golden lantern lightlining the streets, and Sabo with a scarf barely draped over hisdistinctive scar could hum and walk boldly through.
Ace’s stall was,of course, completely packed. Mothers and fathers and grandparentsand toddlers and teenagers. His was just one of maybe ten waxsalespeople, but everybody knew Fire Fist Ace’s name and that hiswares were the best: what he sold burned hot but steady, with noimpurities that could suddenly crackle and make a child cry, no cheapfiller that left a lantern too weighted and cold to fly.
“—the smallsize? But da-ge, I got the sixteen here are yousure you need— aiya okayokay, let me unpack it—”
Saboslipped out like a shadow from the crowd, reachedinto Ace’s wagon parked behind his stall, and hauled out theappropriate crate. It wasalready fairly light, meaning Ace was well on his way to selling outdespite the time being so early in the evening. Justas he set it on the ground and priedopen the lid, he felt Ace’s knees gently bump into his back ingreeting.
“Hey,look who snuck out.” As ifSabo could resist the beckon of that warm tone. He peaked frombehind the scarf, and asalways, Ace looked deliciouslygolden in firelight, all tanskin and wide smiles. “Isthe YoungMaster here to romance somebody tonight?”
Liftinga whole plate of the small wax dishes, Sabo held it up above his headfor Ace to take.
“Why?Is there occasion to romance?” he replied ironically with a grin ofhis own. Ace took the plateand bent down to smack a kiss to the top of Sabo’s head.
“There’snot even occasion to piss,” Ace complained. They parted—Ace forthe stall front and Sabo to fetch another rapidly depleting stock ofwax dishes—then reconvened again, like willow branches swimmingthrough the wind. “I swearto Heaven I’ll burst by the end of the night.”
“That’snice,” Sabo said loudly. “Gopee, what the hell.”
“Yeahbut the outhouse is outthere—”
“Andwe can cover you in here,” came a deep and familiar voice behindSabo. Sabo didn’t even turnaround, just walked forward shoulder-checking Ace until Acerelinquished his position atthe front of the stall. Ace’s mouth was open, but any protest diedaway when Marco—the muchmore publicly beloved Young Master withthe blue robes and goldenembroidery, the lazy smile anda doctor’s bedside manners—immediately started handling thesales.
“Yeah,we’re here,” Sabo said,quieter now that they had their own little pocket of shadow to workwith. “Take a break. Bringsome drinks back.”
“Mmh.”Keeping eye contact with Sabo, Ace slowlyreached his hand into the fold of Sabo’s shirt. Hispatting motions weren’t suggestive, but they certainly weren’t…collegial, either.Sabo let him, fighting hard not to smirk when Ace’s fingers clampedaround his coin purse and tugged it out.
Alongwith the springonion.
Aceburst out laughing when he saw it, andlooked over Sabo’s shoulder.
“Yo,Marco! Is the Newgate Houseready for a marriage tonight?”
Thespring onion went flying through the air like this was a farmer’sstall, and Marco, in the middle of taking an order from a young girlaround five years old, straightened to catch it. Saboshould’ve snagged his coin purse back from Ace at that point, butinstead, he caught a glimpseof something in Ace’s sleeve and reached—
Itwas a fistful of watercress, roots still muddy by the looks of it,which meant Ace probably did actually steal it, per tradition. Sabosnickered, “oh you’re a romantic,”as Ace tried to snatch it back.
Thewatercress ended up being thrown at Marco too, who shotthem both a flat look for, presumably,not only leaving him with all the busy work, but also flingingvegetables at his head.
“Howabout two?” Sabo said to Marco, now involved in a minor wrestlingmatch with Ace as he tried to prevent Ace from leaving for theouthouse. The bastard could pee in his pants for all Sabo cared; it’swhat he deserved. “It’snot like your father can’tafford you two spouses,right? Wanta harem, Young Master?”
“Please,”Marco muttered, tossing both the watercress and spring onion back atthem with a grimace, “stop giving them ideas.”
Themwas the three, now four olderwomen crowding at the front of the stall, allof I have a lovely daughterage. Their attentions weren’ton the display of wax dishes for use inside the floating lanternstonight, but on the shinyclothes of the shiny, richnobleman behind it whoapparently wanted a harem.
Acecaught the onion and Sabo the watercress. They exchanged a lookbefore approachingMarco in twin determined steps. On either side of him they paused.Each placed a hand on Marco’s shoulder.
Agust of wind swept in,momentarily diminishing all of the flames lighting Ace’s stall.Frosty fog pecked at all their cheeks.
Aceand Sabo, too, both leaned in andeach pressed a kiss to Marco’s face.
Theflames steadied, and lit thestall in full gold again. All three of them were grinning and lookingahead (except perhaps Marco’ssmile was tinged ever so lightly with pleased embarrassment).The green onion andwatercress were bundled andtucked into the front of his robes.
Theolder women all saw this, and shuffleddisappointedly back into line for their lantern fires.
“See,”Ace laughed quietly, “we take care of you too.”
“Willyou hurry up,” Sabo sighed in exasperation, wrapping up an order offour for a gentleman in the back, “and go empty your bladderalready?”
AsAce finally wentscrambling off, Sabo andMarco worked side by side for a while, no words exchanged between thetwo of them. As Saboreached behind Marco’s head to cut some candles from a hangingbundle though, he felt Marco suddenly turn. Fingers on his wrist.
Lipson his knuckles. Idiotprobably thought he was so smooth or something, stealing so small akiss, in such an innocuousplace, before turning back around again. Toobad he hadn’t met Sabo’s eyes, or he would’ve seen Sabo’sutterly unimpressed expression.
(Ormaybe he would’ve seen Sabo’s utterlyincriminating blush, but since Marco didn’t look, that was a mootpoint.)
Marco’scharacters were better than Sabo’s, much less Ace’s. He’sthe one designated to calligraphy duty then, when all the wax disheshad sold and Ace officially closed down the stall. The night wasstill young, and beautifulbubbles of paper-dressed flames went gliding into the far skies abovethem. Their own lantern stoodbefore Marco’s brush.
“Whatare you writing then?” Ace asked, securing away the last of hisempty crates. He’d made apretty penny tonight, and glowed with the pleasure of a day’s hardwork done. Sabo leaned around Marco to ask for another kiss. Got it.
“Mushyshit,” Sabo answered.
“Marriageproposals,” Marco snickered.
“Mushyshit,” Sabo said again, this time sighing in a long-beleagueredway. “Why is he like this?”
“Youtwo brought the vegetables,”Marco pointed out, gesturing at the bundleof green on the table besidehim. Sabo picked up thewatercress, and took a bite.
“Okay,”he said, chewing deliberately loudly, “so now we’re marriedright?”
“Oh.And you didn’t even wash that.”
“Areyou calling your fiances dirty? Here Ace, have a—”
Pickingup the spring onion, Ace too took a bite. The moment he did, Sabo andMarco exchanged looks.
“Ohno,” Sabo mourned, as the strong scent of green onion scatteredthrough the air. Ducking a grin, Marco went back to his preciselettering. “I can’t believe nobody’s going to kiss Ace on ourwedding night.”
“What!”Ace squawked in indignation. “What do you— It’s not thatbad—”
“Ican smell it from here Ace,” Marco murmured, finishing the lastcharacter of the couplet with flourish. Strong and full ofvitality, Sabo’s calligraphy teacher might’ve said aboutMarco’s characters. “Green onion breath… Well it’s hardlyromantic, is it?”
Blinkingonce at them both, Ace scowled, then crammed the entire spring onioninto his mouth, chewing with vicious abandon. Sabo straightened andimmediately began to back away. Marco wasn’t so lucky; Ace had sunka hand into his arm, keeping him within reach.
“Comehere then,” Ace said, breathing heavily until Marco’s nosewrinkled with the overwhelming scent. “Give us a kiss now and I’llshow you romance…”
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rainbowstar · 4 years
Winners Announcement!!!
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First Prize: @vervada-stormrider
Second Prize: @asknicorobean
Third Prize: @bluewolfstudios
Inbox me for your prize!
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ittybittydragons · 6 years
awwww im glad they are besties.
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AAa, thank you!! Red's turning out to be a sweetheart, and suprisingly fun to draw!
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