#verse: amata
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The Mary/Chapuys thesis has to do with the fact that they met when she was barely a pubescent and she relied on him most when she was in her late teens. She's the same age as his son, right? Super fucked up. But history doesn't wait for anyone, so of course their relationship doesn’t end there, with her dying before her mid twenties and allowing him to keep her in his mind as this distant idol of frustrated desire. That would be too easy. Once Mary regains her status and reaches adulthood, she remains an unwed young lady (gasp) throughout all of the contention of the next decade, and she’s a princess again. She’s got power and energy and friends again. So her psychological dependence on Chapuys fractures, and his paternal protectiveness over her is subverted. Suddenly, she’s the one who’s got social dominance over him. Freaks!!!
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She's real lucky that Sol can't touch her without disaster occurring.
#dash commentary#She's watching you Amata#Always; The Black Swan Moves On The Lake || IC#Where Every Paradox Means Wonder || Fae Court Verse#thelittlestdemon#shatteredwastes#Let Sol Have Her Strawberries || Supernatural Girl's Night
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Hiii Mickey! B4 I request smt I just wanna congratulate you on 500 (u deserve sm more) your writing is literally heaven. Shakespeare who? 🤔 Anyway, b4 I completely forget what I came to request and start yapping on about how ur a literature god, may I pls req jealously hc on SitH characters?

Synopsis: Headcanons about how some of the SitH boys act when they are jealous.
Event Masterlist
Pairing: Colt x Reader, Friedrich x Reader, Hadrian x Reader, Marek x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: 3/4 of these characters are ocs from a specific fic i wrote so that ig?? also friedrich is a menace but what's new
A/N: you're too sweet anon AHAH thank you so much!! i can't believe you like sith sm that you want to request for it...that's actually so crazy to me but means sm thank you again!! i wasn't sure which characters you wanted so i just did my favs hehe
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
Colt Grice
i think he would be the pouty type of jealous if that makes sense
like he's not going to say anything outright but he lowkey acts like a child
becomes super clingy in the moment
afterwards is all like "why don't you love me anymore 🙁"
"what does he have that i don't 🙁🙁🙁”
he's cute about it though like you can't even be mad at him because he's genuinely so worried that you like this other person more
definitely would try not to make it your problem though like he recognizes that it's his own issue to deal with so he's not going to get upset with you just for talking to someone
will probably refer to himself as your boyfriend in front of whoever he's jealous of just so that they know their place and he WILL be petty about it
he's a pretty chill guy overall so i don't think he would be too horrible but he definitely has his moments of insecurity and doubt
would not hesitate to fight a man if you expressed that you were majorly uncomfortable though. he literally goes to the gym JUST to be able to beat a man up if necessary
otherwise though he trusts you to handle it
just be prepared for him to be extra affectionate afterwards
Friedrich Visser
unlike his best friend he turns into a supervillain if he's jealous
like friedrich 99% of the time is this sweet, adoring boyfriend (setting aside how sassy he is and how much he definitely teases you)
he jokes around a lot and is relatively unserious most of the time so you literally get whiplash when a guy starts flirting with you and all of a sudden your goofy bf is replaced with his evil twin
he's very tall and he will use that to full effect
modern au friedrich is a boxer so he gets bonus intimidation points for that and canon friedrich is a warrior candidate so at that point any guy might as well give up LMAOAO
he's also creepy looking (STILL HANDSOME GUYS I PROMISE HE'S HANDSOME HE JUST HAS A CREEPY VIBE TO HIM THAT FREAKS PEOPLE OUT) and normally he wishes he was more approachable but now?? it's exactly what he needs
he'll start whispering quietly in a foreign language and the person thinks he's cursing their bloodline (he's literally just reciting the irregular verbs in the preterite tense in spanish)
a glarer. he has a crazy death stare and he will take advantage of it
creates such an inhospitable atmosphere that the person literally just runs away out of fear
then he's back to his regular self and asks if you want a sweet treat or something
he's paying ofc because he's the best boyfriend in the world and you could never dream of wanting someone else. right??? 🤨🤨🤨
Hadrian Amata
to be honest i cannot see him being jealous or at least acting like he is
he is far and away the most emotionally mature person on this list (and probably in the entire sith-verse tbh)
like if someone is hitting on you he'll literally agree with them and tell them he thinks you’re pretty too
he might hold your hand or hug you or something in front of them just so that they leave you alone, but that's about the extent of it i think
he’s not a pushover though. if someone isn't taking a hint he will tell them to leave and then escort you away himself because he doesn't want you to have to deal with that kind of bs
he was raised with a sister so he knows better than to be possessive or controlling
he wouldn't want someone treating xanthe like that so he's not about to treat you like that yk??
major green flag but that was to be expected from him
Marek Birdwhistle
this depends on what universe we're looking at
if it's a modern au where he doesn't get scarred or pre-athyae then he's funny and lighthearted about it
he is canonically the best looking character in the story (besides y/n) pre-athyae incident so if we're talking about a world where he doesn't get tortured and whatnot then honestly just the sight of him near you will be enough for people to back off
like no wayyy are they flirting with you when MAREK BIRDWHISTLE is right there
honestly you might be the one who gets jealous i bet he gets mad bitches 😭
but he pretty much ignores all of them...he only really has eyes for you so although he's friendly to anyone he'll (very politely) reject anyone who makes serious moves
if someone does have the guts to approach you he'll lowkey judge them
he's going to be subtle about it but he won't hesitate to point out their flaws and ruin their self-confidence
now if this is in canon, especially post-athyae...i don't think he gets jealous necessarily because he literally just hates himself so much that it would only make sense if you want someone else
i’m not going to describe his injuries in this because they're pretty horrific and you’ve all read the chapter but yeah. he genuinely does not believe that you love him when he looks like that
he went from constantly being praised for being handsome to people being horrified by half of his face (which is generally kept bandaged but still) so it is a HUGE change for him
he would require reassurance that you are with him for more than just his appearance and that you don't find him hideous at all
omg pls be nice to him fr he deserves better i think the only characters who can claim to be treated as poorly by the narrative as him are the haas twins 😔
#colt grice#friedrich visser#hadrian amata#marek birdwhistle#ship in the harbor#reader insert#headcanon#m1ckeyb3rry milestone#m1ckeyb3rry writes
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1 What was the original thought that led to the creation of this character?
I'll answer this for all of the ones I listed! Also I thought it might be fun to include early looks at the characters so I included also some of my first drawings of each of them, as well as their current looks/more recent artworks to compare!

(July 2018 → January 2023)
I was replaying through FFXIV's msq again after already going through it with a Lominsan pirate character (Glassi, my roegadyn) and so I had the insight of already being very attached to Yugiri and Raubahn after playing through msq up through 3.0 once already. So, I made Leigh as someone living in Ul'dah, but I wanted him to have Doman features so I ended up making him half-Doman and half-Ala Mhigan to fit both those things. I like characters with light hair and several other Ala Mhigans already had blonde hair, such as Minfilia and Yda, but my main OC at the time (Cam) was also a blonde so I thought, what else can I do? Thus the bubblegum pink! With Leigh being a thaumaturge, it led to this concept of him being pastel goth too, to contrast with how the rest of the guildmasters look!

(December 2009 → September 2022)
I was playing through fallout 3 trying to stick to the canon story of the lone wanderer, but I am a big fan of fallout 1 and 2 so I liked the idea of him maybe not being a vault dweller in the end, but being from the NCR! (this was before new vegas came out, you can imagine the field day I had playing Cam in new vegas too haha, Ulysses like "we both know what happened in California" and I was just pointing at my screen like wow this is For Me Specifically 👀) I still liked the little bits of dialog with Amata in the intro as well as the Trouble on the Homefront quest (as I had already played a bit of fallout 3 on another character by this point and was aware of it) so I wanted to keep that energy, and instead made my OC Nerissa to fulfil that same role as Amata, but as someone he had failed and left behind in the NCR! His main trait of being a cannibal for survival ended up coming about because I was playing him to try and create an evil karma character, but I have such a hard time sticking to evil choices, and found that was a good way to keep his karma down while he also helped people here and there in the wastes! I think it made him a more complex character, where he's killing and doing some unspeakable things but also like, he does still have this moral compass deep down despite how badly he has been warped by his time in the wasteland.

(November 2009 → June 2024)
I wanted to add more characters to Cam's entourage, which at that time consisted of everyone's favorite sardonic ghoul Charon, my ex's OC who was a jet-addicted lowlife (not trying to be disparaging, this is... this is just who he was lol she also described him as being a piece of shit lol TO BE CLEAR!!) and Cam's then-love interest, and my ex's other OC who was another ghoul and was very It's Complicated with Cam as he had had history with his father too. I thought having another kind of ditzy, clueless character who needed his hand held (like the jet addict guy, but a character who wasn't so self-centered) would be nice, so I made Mallory. At that time, he was a sheltered teenager who was already gargantuanly tall and had been living in the mountains of WV with an old man and had survival skills but little practical experience with dealing with other people in the wasteland. One of those characters that just bumbles through life on luck alone, and amazingly had yet to be jaded by the world yet.
(side note, it's so weird to think about Mal in fallout now even though that was his original verse! Even my partner was like, "why was he hanging out with Cam if they're from different canons??" 😂)
(pictured on the left May 2021 → May 2022)
We wanted to have a character in our wols' story that was something of a mix between what Charlemend already was to Carvallain in canon, and Tywin Lannister LMAO so he's something like, a more intense and harsher take on Charlemend, or at least at the start that was the plan for him! The way his character ended up in the end was more like Fourchenault, but we made Ilsoux first so actually, square enix owes my partner and I some royalties for endwalker!! 😂
Character Asks!
#ask meme answers#replies#my ocs#oc: leigh#oc: cam#oc: mallory#oc: ilsoux#I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ANSWERING THIS AAAAAAAAA#procrastination station today!!
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all these solos have had a reference or two (or more lmao) to past songs/lyrics they’ve sung and there’s a very obvious one in terminus when kuukou goes ‘futaiten no kokoro’ or ‘the heart’s conviction’
the one that had me head in hands losing my shit lmao was actually this one tho. kuukou says ‘nani ga mieru?? amata no ketsui’ and it’s a play on words that’s meant to callback to kuukou’s verse from sougyaran bam💥 where he goes ‘nani ga mieru? omae no ketsu’
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Sicilia - la mia isola. Alcune foto sono di Samueles
La mia terra è un’isola e mi è madre ed amante, culla, talamo, banchetto e bara. Nei suoi tratti tra luce ed ombra io trovo i miei pregi e difetti, perché ogni singola goccia della mia anima mediterranea da lei è nato, in lei vive e se l’amo e l’odio è perché, amandola troppo la vorrei perfetta, motivo del mio perfetto amore. La mia terra invece è anche tutti i suoi figli loro la distruggono e la creano come mantidi egoiste ed api laboriose dandole ora abbracci di sangue ora estasi d’amore. Ma nella mia terra resta il mio unico e solo bene il mio male cannibale sua la lingua con cui il cuore mi parla suo il cibo di cui è fatto il mio corpo sue le favole che dipingono la vita suoi i dolori che l’hanno forgiata, e per quanto abbia viaggiato e parli e intenda altre lingue io resto un suo seme un suo verso affidato al mondo. Viaggiando e conoscendo ora so che ognuno porta in se questo prezioso amore assoluto ognuno è le parole antiche imparate dalla sua terra. Ognuno di voi che mi ascoltate ha querce immense negli occhi o vive di monti, spiagge infinite dove il vento della vita fa danzare l’arida sabbia dell’egoismo o fiori colorati della pietà. Ognuno di voi vive intensamente la propria unica madre terra quella che vi fa dire e capire, e soprattutto amare. Perché la vostra terra è la padrona dei vostri ricordi è la misura di quel tempo che lento vi consuma lei è tutto quello che ha nutrito ha reso unica l’anima vostra finché un giorno capirete che non esiste la mia o la vostra amata terra madre ma solo una madre, che è tutta la terra.
My land is an island, and it is my mother and lover, cradle, bed, banquet and coffin. In her features between light and shadow, I find my strengths and weaknesses, because every single drop of my Mediterranean soul was born from her, lives in her, and if I love her and hate her, it is because, loving her too much I would like it perfect, reason for my perfect love. My land, on the other hand, is also all her children, they destroy it and create it like selfish mantises and hard-working bees, now giving it embraces of blood, now ecstasy of love. But in my land my one and only good remains my cannibal evil, her is the language with which my heart speaks to me, her is the food my body is made of, her are the fairy tales that paint life, her are the pains that forged it, and however much I have traveled and speak and understand other languages, I remain one of her seeds, one of her verses entrusted to the world. Traveling and knowing now I know that everyone carries within himself this precious absolute love, everyone is the ancient words, learned from his land. Each of you who listen to me has immense oaks in his eyes, or he lives on mountains, endless beaches where the wind of life makes you dance the dry sand of selfishness or colorful flowers of pity. Each of you lives intensely, your only mother earth, the one that makes you speak and understand, and above all love. Because your land is the owner of your memories, it is the measure of that time that slowly consumes you, it is all that it has nourished, it has made your soul unique, until one day you will understand, that mine or yours does not exist. your beloved mother earth, but only one mother, which is the whole earth.
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I don't think I posted this doodle of my Lone Wanderer Cheyenne, so here ya go, plus a new doodle of her and Sarah (unfortunately clothing is still often one size fits all which it does not)
And yea colors are funky in the first, my old tablet wasn't very color calibrated, not that my new one is either but it's better
Anyways if you wanna know some info on her read below~
Full name: Cheyenne Amenaghawon (an Edo/West African name meaning "the water you shall drink")
Nickname: Chey (pronounced like 'shay')(yes I know it would be pronounced more like 'shy' but my brain said ✨no that's not how we're saying it✨)
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/her
Catherine was Nigerian and James is west Asian - they took on Catherine's last name after she died (plus it's just so fitting with aqua pura n stuff)
Lesbian, dated Amata until Trouble on the Homefront quest when Amata decides to stay in the Vault.
Struggles with being raised Christian (or whatever Christianity in a vault in the year 2277 is) for quite a few reasons (mainly sexuality wise)
Ohno she's quoting the Bible at someone again help (either confuses people or pisses them off, can def be mistaken as a follower of atom if she mentions Adam)
Wears a locket with 21:6 engraved on it and the verse inside it
Whether it's from lack of UV exposure or genetics, her hair photo-bleaches easily, but since her hair is black it turns brassy and with more orange undertones
A bit of a resting bitch face and if not a resting bitch face then a resting sad face
Sometimes too helpful/good natured for her own good
Not very agile, cue America's funniest home videos music to clips of her tripping and falling or dropping stuff
Did her best to learn about the pre-war world and it's history - expand her knowledge and stuff... whether or not it's helpful in the wasteland is 50/50 but the Brotherhood appreciates it.
Lockpick 100 - dad thought he could lock up the liquor lol too bad when you're in a vault you need something to do including snoop around
Very mad at James for leaving her behind, it's not a totally happy reunion - more like a 'wtf is wrong with you how could you do this' reunion.
After Trouble on the Homefront when Butch joins her, they sleep together for stress relief and Chey vows to never see a dick again and Butch comes out to her as bisexual (not that the sex was bad, just further confirmed her lesbianism)
When you're so gay for a woman you join the Brotherhood but it's fine because it's the Lyons Pride (eventually becomes a paladin)
Immediately insanely gay for Sarah Lyons when she sees her in that power armor and laser rifle (like 🥵)
Hates wearing power armor, finds it too restricting and tight. The struggle of being plus size did not end in the vault unfortunately.
Maxson doesn't like her especially when he starts to get a little older and realizes what's going on with Chey and Sarah, then he really fucking hates her and disagrees with everything she says just to spite her bc he still has a childish crush on Sarah
If they ever meet in the Commonwealth - she's fucking decking Maxson in her power armor that she refuses to wear
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OC Pride Parade (9/12)
Danburite "Danny" Skinner
Who would've thought Danny's happy ending would've been in a Fallout 3 fanfic that reads like a rejected season of Supernatural?
Some fun facts about him:
Okay, so, he's going through it. Possessed and tormented by the demon prince, Paimon (thx mom) as well as getting the pleasure of hearing the voice of his sister (who's stuck in a mirror dimension) taunt him.
Even worse he's had a crush on Butch DeLoria for the past... forever.
Oh and also has a smaller crush on Amata.
I mean eventually through a series of even more unfortunate and wacky events the three of them end up in a polycule but that is a story for like another post that also features a chart and at least three musical numbers
Maxed out an offbrand version of Just Dance with Amata when they were younger (to the point that they started making up weird challenges because it was either that or play baseball)
As is my nature, my Fallout 3 fanfic is half told in jukebox musical format (including and I'm not joking, literally singing a line from "Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf" during one of the tutorial scenes because I thought that I was gonna have to make up some scenario to shoehorn in the second verse of "Unrequited Love and He Who Sleeps Beneath" and apparently no thats just in the actual game if i ignore what everyone is saying which is easy since Danny's perception is canonically a 3 and then i opened my mouth and it was a very similar worded line from a song about infidelity)
Oh and also at least one Crazy Ex Girlfriend song (but more accurately it's probably five)
And a song about Security Breach: Ruin and like half of MARINA's discography. Anyways.
Oh yeah he also blew up Megaton because Paimon made him and said sister trapped in the mirror dimension tried to kill him when they were kids (this is why she's in the mirror dimension long story)
thanks to the demon possession, his strength is an 8 and charisma is a 1. His intelligence being a 10 is caused by everything else (literally i wrote a scene where butch is bleeding out long story and one of danny's many thoughts is "I remember my dad telling me in middle school that the human body has about five liters of blood in it when I helped him with the yearly blood drive." cool danny. very normal)
Has a sledgehammer that he found back in the grayditch subway that he named "Clarisse."
And some fun facts about his creation:
So much of Danny's life in the Vault is just me projecting my time in private school onto him. And also changing things because dammit I would've much rather have played Just Dance than play kickball again I fucking hate kickball and its been nearly a decade since I last played kickball but that resentment is still buried deep inside my psyche. (Funny enough I actually like baseball).
He was originally made as ttrpg character for a sequel campaign (his mom was a reverse psychologist and also a catgirl). One of our party members had a cousin named Leonid which our dm made the mistake of using Butch as the face claim for him. And i have been utterly smitten for the fucking t-bird reject ever since.
Danny's whole thing was originally thought reading and this is the only version of him that can't do that (funny enough this is the version my friends hate the least).
From the very beginning hes been a bi oriented ace, though this is the only version that actually gets some sort of a happy ending
The glasses he wears are fakes and always have been (the ttrpg was set in a magic world and both of his original parents were magic doctors and my dm said there was no reason for him to have bad eyesight but I wanted him to have glasses so I just said that they were fakes. And now it's a quintessential part of his character!)
Butch canonically dyed his hair for this picture
#azurdly's oc pride parade#pride month#asexual#bisexual#danny skinner#fallout 3#long post#art zurdly wisterious
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With the advent of Emma D’Arcy as Mary, she would pair nicely with Tim Roth as Chapuys, who has the big nose/tiny mouth combo on lock and has always been good at looking like a high strung little freak

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@amata-hawke Thank you, darling!! 😘 Pre-Trespasser Angst for @dadrunkwriting ❤️
His heart didn't ache today, as it did nearly all the time. No: in the last dim light of the slipping sun's grasping fingers, in the haze and empty warmth of the last of summer's sunsets, no, it didn't ache. The insects, he thought, seemed to be screaming. Begging and pleading, along with the evening birds, for more time before the fall of autumn. That scream—that begging, pleading, beastial howl—that sound, mingled with a twinge of regret and amplified by unrelenting guilt...that was the consummate screaming agony that his heart rang out with every beat. Damn the Inquisitor. Damn that he should have ever laid eyes on her. Damn that they should have ever met at all.
He stood alone and unbothered on the edge of a bluff, hands clasped behind him, glaring at the encroaching night as though, if he wished it hard enough, it would swallow him whole. The sounds of laughter and orange glow of firelight drifted over from his camp. Fen'Harel's Army, a sea of canvas of mislead hopefuls. His thoughts were far away, his mind an unwanted braiding dance of memories, whirling and weaving around and around.
The brink of autumn just two years before, the sky had been the same soft blur of colors, the same warm air teasing the senses just so. Ambassador Josephine had insisted they attend an Orlesian soiree to show the Inquisition's "diplomatic receptivity". The night had been expected to be dull at best, and vastly unpleasant at worst—and general expectations favored the latter. No one had anticipated Halesta to dazzle the Val Royeaux nobility quite so effortlessly. Her easy charm was where Josephine's hope had lay; the Inquisitor's temper was certainly a concern, and being an elf would make it no easier for her. Imagine their surprise when she swept in, all smiles and curtsies and cheeky humor had the party in raptures over her by night's end.
The most astounding of all was the grace and patience she maintained while enduring comments on her Dalish heritage. She had merely smiled conspiratorially and made cunning jokes, playing along, indulging their ignorance. She had teased and entranced her way into the heart of everyone in attendance that night—himself included, though he'd denied it at the time. The Ambassador couldn't have been more relieved or pleased, and the Inquisitor received no less than three marriage proposal letters in the following days. But beyond all of that, the memory of that night painted most clearly in his mind was a quiet, fleeting moment when he stumbled across her alone in the garden.
She had been standing there in her unfashionably plain dress and a glass of wine in her hand, eyes closed and smiling softly with her face tipped toward the sky. She had heard him approach, of course, but didn't turn to greet him. Instead, she inhaled deeply and her lashes fluttered open, gaze distant among the stars. He had hesitated a moment, wondering if he should leave her be, but before he could back away, she pinned him with a brilliant smile.
"Can you smell it, Solas?"
"What is that, Inquisitor?"
She closed her eyes and inhaled again, "Autumn. It's so close."
He had sniffed the air to humor her, claiming he could only smell powder and strong perfumes from the party. She hummed dubiously, smirking, glancing at him sidelong.
"The insects can smell it, anyway. That's why they sing," She had sighed a little sadly before rolling her eyes, drawling sarcastically, "Well, I'd best get back to my adoring fans."
He hadn't watched her walk inside, but he recalled the soft swish of her dress over the pavestones fading away into the din of the party. He had stayed outside, standing and staring into the night, just as he did now. But now, he listened to the sounds of nightfall and took a deep breath, and he could smell it. Autumn falling. It smelled, he thought, like spice and heartbreak.
#dadwc#dadrunkwriting#amata hawke#vague prompt#filled prompt#solas#solas fanfic#solavellan fic#solavellan angst#my writing#my ocs#halesta lavellan#filled prompts: halesta#tracking the wolf verse
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hii mira !!
i have a question - how do u come up with or find inspiration for events that happen during a war-themed arc (like athyae)? asking cause im having a lot of trouble trying to formulate events during a war arc and im not rlly sure how to go about it in terms of pacing 🤕
(my mc is a nurse in the military and im trying to brainstorm how i can expand upon this but im not rlly sure where to go as of rn and this arc will last a little while, so im also not sure how to pace it)
hihi ray!! omg i’m so honored that you asked hehe i will do my best to help out!! i’m going to use SitH as an example because you mentioned it but if you want any clarification or anything on a finer point then you can ofc lmk 🫡
okayyy so with athyae i knew some basic things going into it since it canonically happens (kind of?? like it’s briefly mentioned in-verse) which helped me build from there. athyae is the only other place where the wine idea was utilized and i knew that i wanted y/n to be the one who came up with it because it would come back to haunt her. i also wanted y/n to battle with the propaganda/brainwashing that we know from canon is used by marley, which is where the idea for the amatas was conceived, and i always knew xanthe was going to die. at first, xanthe’s death was meant to show y/n that marley isn’t all that, but i changed it to be her fault to kickstart her mental deterioration into being fine with suggesting genocide. that is to say — i had a character, and i knew i needed her to eventually do some crazy shit, so i needed to come up with a plausible sequence of events to get her to that point. from there, it was all about guiding her to what i needed from her!!
it’s jarring for readers as well as characters if you thrust them into things with zero warning. that doesn’t mean that you can’t play with tonal shifts and whatnot, but it should be subtle, especially if you’re going from a more lighthearted setting into war. with athyae, i accomplished that via the declaration of war and general magath’s scare tactics abt what the athyaens would do to them if they were captured, as well as the newspaper that friedrich and colt read about the hanged scout. that part of the arc is still mostly lighter (friedrich’s infamous “call him daddy and mean it”, y/n describing how beautiful athyae is, the introduction of cordelia and the little jealousy subplot), but there are inklings of what’s to come being sprinkled in. that’s why, when you get hit with the baby scene, it still feels like things have taken a dramatic turn, but also not in a random way that’s just for shock value?? idk if that makes sense lol
so to sum up the last two points i would say a) know WHY you’re writing a story set in a war. why does your character specifically have to work in the military?? could they be a nurse anywhere else?? if you can firmly say that your story/plot would be completely different if there wasn’t a war happening you’re on a good track. from there, have an idea of one or two key things that you NEED to happen in the arc and that pretty much define it. then go through and think about how you can get your character into a situation where those key events feel plausible, and structure your story so that the buildup feels natural instead of out of the blue.
in terms of coming up with specific events (in athyae: the baby scene, the burning of the village, marek’s torture, etc etc), there really is no greater inspiration than history. now obviously it won’t be word for word — it’s not like there were titans and spinal fluid in wwii, which is mostly what i researched for athyae given the time period, but looking at past examples of wars gives you a feel for how many atrocities humans are capable of, which is much more relevant. there’s no event in history that i could see directly aligns with the fall of the athyaen capital, but assimilating my knowledge of the show with various tidbits about past conflicts helped me come up with something that felt authentic. the same goes for marek’s torture, which tbf we only find out abt post-war but since your character is a nurse they will probably encounter more marek’s than not — i researched various torture methods until i settled on a few that made sense given the attitudes towards eldians and the technology of the time, as well as what they were trying to gain from him. you’ll probably have to put “historical” in front of “torture methods” otherwise you’ll mostly get government websites talking about how torture is no longer legal. also, scrolling through the geneva convention and seeing some of the things that are outlawed in it should also provide ideas (depending on how dark you’re wanting to go).
in terms of pacing, i would suggest splitting a war arc into smaller arcs!! athyae was two, and the mid-east arc (which i never wrote but did plan) was seven, with each smaller arc only lasting about 5 chapters (i average about 5-7k words per chapter, so that puts each smaller arc at roughly 25-35k words each, give or take, ymmv). for athyae, i split it into ‘war on athyae’ and ‘defeat of athyae’. the separation allowed me to focus on the particular goal of the smaller arc super well and made the overall athyae arc feel more cohesive, as each portion of the war was given due attention. each mini arc gets an ‘inciting event’ that it’s named for (with ‘defeat of athyae’ it was the wine idea) and that the rest of the chapters are built around; this event can be at any moment in during the mini arc, but it should really be the focal point that dramatically changes the way the arc goes. for ‘defeat of athyae’ it was the wine idea; for ‘war on athyae’ it was y/n staying with the amatas. by boiling a larger arc down into these very rough mini arcs with focal points, you can ensure you give yourself enough space to handle the events that NEED to happen while also having the freedom to ad-lib as you go along and change things up if your story insists on going in a different direction
i hope this was a little bit helpful!! hehe i think a lot of the times too i’ve looked an outline and been like “yeah this’ll be 3k words max” and then it ends up being twice or thrice that length because i always underestimate how much ‘chapter space’ things like internal monologues and descriptions take up. so honestly pacing might come more naturally than you expect!! but anyways pls lmk if this was what you needed or if you have any other questions you’d like me to answer, i will do my best 💖
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Could we get 🍧✏️ 🎀 for Summer?
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
the only thing she has from her childhood is a locket from her father with a picture of them inside as well as a picture of her and Amata. it has the bible verse number from fallout 3 engraved on the back. if she lost it I think she would lowkey go off the deep end as its the only thing she has left of her dad (and amata but she doesnt like to think about that lol)
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
I strongly associate Young and Menace - Fall Out Boy with Summer!
"And I lived so much life, lived so much life I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice Kill me twice like my name was Nikki Sixx I woke up in my shoes again, but somewhere you exist singing"
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
I think Summer could fit into most AUs tbh! Nothing comes to mind of something she wouldn't be able to blend into. Modern AU is one of my favs for Summer tho! The idea of her being a popstar idol or superhero is fun lol
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NOTO - Piccoli particolari
Di te mi restano ancora tanti particolari, tanti semplici ordinari dettagli, racchiusi dentro versi rimasti appesi ai rami dei giorni ormai morti, dentro le pieghe dei sogni più belli, nel solaio del cuore ubbriaco d’amore, nella mente confusa tra storie appassite e fredda ragione. Particolari che tu non sai o ricordi, perché dettagli che il bisogno di te ha trovato nella rete del suo cercarti. Sono il senso perduto dei giorni passati, tesoro invidiabile di chi non ha nulla. Sono ricordi piccoli ed inutili, portati addosso come ombre dei giorni lontani che noi uomini, pur volendolo non sappiamo abbandonare, forse perché i nostri domani sono fatti dei loro desideri mai saziati, delle passioni mai vissute o che non si ha mai avuto il coraggio di vivere. Per questo di te ricordo solo piccoli particolari, piccole emozioni che non sai di avermi lasciato, fiori abbandonati che io solo ho abbeverato. Solo piccoli particolari, che sono il tempo in cui ho vissuto, sono il miele nato dai tuoi sorrisi, sono il vino maturato nelle botti della tua tenerezza, la luce dell’alba apparsa nei miei occhi quando ti sei sentita amata per quanto il tuo cuore voleva essere amato. Vago così nella città con il tuo nome, raccogliendo particolari mai considerati, scoprendo che sono loro la parte più bella e sincera di questa immensa città in cui ti sto ritrovando.
I still have so many details of you, so many simple ordinary details, enclosed in verses left hanging from the branches of the dead days, inside the folds of the most beautiful dreams, in the attic of the heart drunk with love, in the mind confused between withered and the cold reason of my mind. Details that you do not know or remember, because details that the need of you has found in the fishing net of its looking for you. They are the lost sense of the past days, the enviable treasure of those who have nothing. They are small and useless memories, carried on us like shadows of distant days that we men, even if we would like to do, we do not know how to abandon, perhaps because our tomorrows are made up of their desires never satisfied, of their passions never lived or that we never had the courage to to live. This is why I only remember small details about you, small emotions that, you don't know, you left me, abandoned flowers that I alone have watered. Only small details, which are the time in which I lived, I am the honey born from your smiles, I am the wine matured in the barrels of your tenderness, the light of dawn appeared in my eyes when you felt loved as much as your heart wanted to be loved. I wander around the city with your name, collecting details never considered, discovering that they are the most beautiful and sincere part of this immense city where I am finding again you.
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@bambola-amata {Continued from Here}
“You have a smidge life left in you, mostly dead.”
“Tch. Then explain the halo that’s floating above my head? Another piece of evidence that I’m in this mostly dead state? Hmm?”
#bambola-amata#a Doll that became a Puppeteer (Naomi Salvatici)#Don't Let this Halo Fool You (Otherworld Verse)
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Chapter 2 - Resfeber - Part 4
She had to find Amata and she had to get out this godforsaken Vault as soon as possible.
As she ascended the stairs that lead to the Atrium, Freya hesitated, knowing the only way to the Overseer’s office was by passing by the clinic.
Her Father’s clinic.
When she reached the top step, she heard Andy, the resident Vault Mister Handy, shouting from down the hallway. By the time she’d rounded the corner, the confined space was ablaze. Andy was laughing and chasing small balls of fire as they squealed.

A few perplexed blinks as she approached, and the roaches’ charred remains fell to the floor at the doors of the clinic.
“Ah, young madame! Very good to see you again. I do suppose you’re looking for your father the doctor.” The robot waved one of his mechanical arms at her and proceeded to drift into the open doors. “Tsk tsk tsk. I’m afraid you’ve missed him. I believe he’s gone topside for a spot of fresh air! Should be back any moment I’d imagine.”
At first, Freya followed nervously, not quite sure what was safe to say. It was only when she saw what remained of her father’s workspace was she truly struck dumb. All it reminded her of was that time when Butch thought she’d stole his Tunnel Snake Jacket and completely ransacked her room, except this was so much worse.
Not a single stone was left unturned. Every piece of equipment, every file, every terminal was trashed and scattered all over. It was difficult to comprehend that just last night everything had been fine.
Across the room, her father’s office appeared to be locked. At almost the exact moment that she made this observation, the doors separated abruptly and Stanley the handyman walked out with his tools in hand.
Both parties jumped slightly at the sight of the other. It would have been comedic if it wasn’t such a dire situation.
Freya had her baseball bat in hand, her eyes still swollen and red from the tears. Stanley gave her the same sad smile that Officer Gomez did, the one that was full of pity and almost regret.
“You’re the one everybody’s looking for, right? Well it’s none of my business. Your dad always took good care of us.” He waved his hand before turning his attention back to Andy.

“Y-you’re not going to turn me in to the Overseer?” Freya questioned cautiously. Stanley didn’t turn to look at her at all.
“This Vault’s been going to pot ever since that young Alphonse took over.” He pulled out his screwdriver and began fiddling. “You oughtn’t be wandering around down here alone. It isn’t safe, you know.”
Freya watched nervously as Andy complained. “Thanks Stanley. Is...Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Just hold still. Your left stabilizer’s been knocked loose.” He didn’t respond and continued working as if she wasn’t there. Freya took the hint well enough. He was quite literally acting as if he hadn’t seen her. It was probably safer for both their sakes.
“I am holding still. It's your old, palsied hands that are shaking!” Andy protested.
“If you keep turning like that I’m going to crack your casing!”
“Don’t blame me for your incompetence. Why, I remember George used to have the lightest touch. Those were the days…” The old robot almost sounded whimsical.
Stanley grit his teeth. “I’ve almost got it.”
“That is not the servo-motor switch. To the left... left, I said! Ouch! Do you have any idea what you're doing back there? I think I'd rather just stay broken than submit to any further indignity.”
“Don’t be such an old woman. Just a few more adjustments and you’ll be good as new.”
“I don't believe you. I expect we'll be here for hours.”
Freya couldn’t help but chuckle at the banter. It almost felt like nothing was wrong when she was caught up watching them. It was only the glance at her father’s office that broke the dream.
With deep regret, she pulled away from the two and made her way to the back, irrational trepidation building in the pit of her stomach for what was lay in store for her.
As expected, every single inch of her father’s office had been overturned and destroyed - A deserted battleground of his life’s work was all that remained. The only things left unscathed were her old teddy bear and a silly medicine toy that she got him for his birthday a few years ago, both sat neatly on his desk. As Freya placed the bobblehead in her bag and embraced the plush creature, tears burned in their ducts and tumbled down her cheeks onto its sandy fur.
After several moments of silent sobs, the small girl examined the room one final time before deciding to depart for the Atrium, knowing it would likely be the last time she would ever have the chance. Her large brown eyes flickered over the framed bible verse behind her father’s desk and noticed it was askew.
That verse was her mother’s favourite, its perfectly curled scripture was one of her earliest memories. Seeing it, of all things, treated with such disrespect made her feel particularly disgruntled.

Without another moment’s hesitation, she put the bear back down on the desk and went to retrieve it from the wall. If she was going to have to leave her entire life behind to escape, then she was at least taking this. Those framed words meant everything to her mother and her father and there was no way she was leaving it here. It wasn’t much, but she could at least salvage one small thing from the nightmare that this day had become.
Upon lifting the small frame, Freya noticed something odd. There were metal ridges poking out of a safe slotted into the wall behind it. With her heart hammering she examined the lock, knowing without a shadow of a doubt what combination her father had used for it.
07 13 58 - Her Birthday.
With a satisfying click, the lock gave way and the door of the safe swung open on its hinges. To her great disappointment, there wasn’t much inside that would be of any help to her now - Just a small holotape and some schematics for a weapon that sounded absolutely absurd and dangerous, beneath them a large Vault-Tec lunch box with the words “Caps - For Emergencies” written in marker on the underneath.
With a frown she placed them all in her bag, realising she had no choice but to examine them later.
For a girl who had the whole vault out for her blood, she’d been stood here idly for far too long.
#Fallout 3#fallout#freya#freya the wanderer#freya daniels#fallout oc#lone wanderer#vault 101#female lone wanderer#lone wanderer oc#fallout fic
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Mohini, the female form of Vishnu, holding the pot of amrita which she distributes amongst all the devas, leaving the asuras without. Darasuram, Tamil Nadu, India

Amrita (Sanskrit: अमृत, IAST: amṛta), Amrit or Amata (also called Sudha, Amiy, Ami) is a word that literally means "immortality" and is often referred to in ancient Indian texts as nectar. "Amṛta" is etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia[1] and carries the same meaning.[2] Its first occurrence is in the Rigveda, where it is considered one of several synonyms for soma, the drink of the devas.
Amrit has varying significance in different Indian religions. The word Amrit is also a common first name for Sikhs and Hindus, while its feminine form is Amritā. The traditional masculine name is Amrith with the feminine name being Amritha.
Amrita is repeatedly referred to as the drink of the devas, which grants them immortality. Despite this, the nectar does not actually offer true immortality. Instead, by partaking it, the devas were able to attain a higher level of knowledge and power, which they had lost due to the curse of Sage Durvasa, as described in the samudra manthana legend. It tells how the devas, after the curse, begin to lose their immortality. Assisted by their rivals, the asuras, the devas begin to churn the ocean, releasing (among other extraordinary objects and beings) the amrita.[3]
Amrita is sometimes said to miraculously form on, or flow from, statues of Hindu gods. The substance is consumed by worshippers and is alleged to be sweet-tasting and not at all similar to honey or sugar water. Amrita was the last of the fourteen treasures that emerged from the churning of the ocean and contained in a pot borne by Dhanvantari, the physician of the devas.
In Sikhism, amrit (Punjabi: ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ) is the name of the holy water used in Amrit Sanchar, a ceremony which resembles baptism. This ceremony is observed to initiate the Sikhs into the Khalsa and requires drinking amrit. This is created by mixing a number of soluble ingredients, including sugar, and is then rolled with a khanda with the accompaniment of scriptural recitation of five sacred verses.
Metaphorically, God's name is also referred to as a nectar:
ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਸਬਦੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਹਰਿ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ Amrit sabad amrit har baṇi. The Shabda is Amrit; the Lord's bani is Amrit. ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਸੇਵਿਐ ਰਿਦੈ ਸਮਾਣੀ ॥ Satgur seviai ridai samāṇi. Serving the True Guru, it permeates the heart. ਨਾਨਕ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਦਾ ਸੁਖਦਾਤਾ ਪੀ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਸਭ ਭੁਖ ਲਹਿ ਜਾਵਣਿਆ Nānak amrit nām sadā sukhdāta pi amrit sabh bhukh lėh jāvaṇia. O Nanak, the Ambrosial Naam is forever the Giver of peace; drinking in this Amrit, all hunger is satisfied.[4]
Theravada Buddhism
According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu, "the deathless" refers to the deathless dimension of the mind which is dwelled in permanently after nibbana.[5]
In the Amata Sutta, the Buddha advises monks to stay with the four Satipatthana: "Monks, remain with your minds well-established in these four establishings of mindfulness. Don't let the deathless be lost to you."[6]
In the questions for Nagasena, King Milinda asks for evidence that the Buddha once lived, wherein Nagasena describes evidence of the Dhamma in a simile:
"Revered Nagasena, what is the nectar shop of the Buddha, the Blessed One?"
"Nectar, sire, has been pointed out by the Blessed One. With this nectar the Blessed One sprinkles the world with the devas; when the devas and the humans have been sprinkled with this nectar, they are set free from birth, aging, disease, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair. What is this nectar? It is mindfulness occupied with the body. And this too, sire, was said by the Blessed One: 'Monks, they partake of nectar (the deathless) who partake of mindfulness that is occupied with the body.' This, sire, is called the Blessed One's nectar shop."
— Miln 335[7]
Vajrayana Buddhism
Amrita (Wylie: bdud rtsi, THL: dütsi) also plays a significant role in Vajrayana Buddhism as a sacramental drink which is consumed at the beginning of all important rituals such as the abhisheka, ganachakra, and homa. In the Tibetan tradition, dütsi is made during drubchens - lengthy ceremonies involving many high lamas. It usually takes the form of small, dark-brown grains that are taken with water, or dissolved in very weak solutions of alcohol and is said to improve physical and spiritual well-being.[8]
The foundational text of traditional Tibetan medicine, the Four Tantras, is also known by the name The Heart of Amrita (Wylie: snying po bsdus pa).
The Immaculate Crystal Garland (Wylie: dri med zhal phreng) describes the origin of amrita in a version of the samudra manthana legend retold in Buddhist terms. In this Vajrayana version, the monster Rahu steals the amrita and is blasted by Vajrapani's thunderbolt. As Rahu has already drunk the amrita he cannot die, but his blood, dripping onto the surface of this earth, causes all kinds of medicinal plants to grow. At the behest of all the Buddhas, Vajrapani reassembles Rahu who eventually becomes a protector of Buddhism according to the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Inner Offering (Wylie: Nang chod, Chinese: 内供) is the most symbolic amrita offering assembly, and the Inner Offering Nectar Pill (Wylie: Nang chod bdud rtsi rilbu, Chinese: 内供甘露丸) is a precious and secret medicine of Tibetan Buddhism, which are only used internally for higher ranking monks in Nyingma school. Its ingredients including Five Amrita and Five Meat, which represents five buddha, and five elements respectively. According to Tantras of Chakravarti, and Tantras of Vajravārāhī, a ceremony needs to be hold for melting and blessing the Inner Offering Nectar. Five Nectar needs to be arranged in four directions: yellow excrement in the east, green bone marrow in the north, white semen in the west and red blood in the south, blue urine is placed in the center. Four Nectar should come from wise monks and the ova should be collected from the first menstruation of a blessed woman. The Five Meats are arranged similarly, meat of black bull in the southeast, the meat of the blue dog in the southwest, the meat of the white elephant in the northwest, the meat of the green horse in the northeast, and the meat of a red human corpse in the center. After the ceremony, these ingredients will transform into an one taste (ekarasa) elixir, which bestows bliss, vitality, immortality and wisdom. Actual modern practitioner will take a 'synthesized essence' of the Nectar Pill and combined it with black tea or alcohol, but mostly the "Nectar Pill" are derived from plants.[9]
Chinese Buddhism describes Amrita (Chinese: 甘露; pinyin: gānlù) as blessed water, food, or other consumable objects often produced through merits of chanting mantras.
See also
Mata Amritanandamayi
Peaches of Immortality
Traditional Tibetan medicine
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