#verse v
lunaxriax · 1 year
continued from this ⇨ @unfinishedjulyrain
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One question after the other spilled from her and he was sure there were even more occupying her thoughts, questions she hadn't said aloud. Questions he was asking himself but didn't have an answer to, at least not yet anyway. Was there something wrong? No, not at all and he shook his head absently in response to her first question. But why was he holding her face? At some point during their conversation, Jaehwan had gotten distracted by staring at her, probably for longer than had been necessary. Which caused him to indulge in his sudden curiosity as he had reached out to gently hold her chin, his fingertips lightly brushing against her skin. "Sorry, I got really distracted by your beautiful face. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He questioned while he took notice of her flushed cheeks, his eyes scanning her features. However, he still hadn't let go of her. "You look cute when you're blushing, though."
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constarlations · 4 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Battle Legend Lyra 🍒🍂
One of the two Johto-Kanto champions, Lyra is best known for her bright and cheery down to earth attitude both on and off the battle field! She likes to travel ALOT you can find her in coffee shops in Kalos or surfing the waves in Alola or just about anywhere with her Fiancé, Silver by her side and never turns down a challenge to a good battle (even if she accidentally sweeps the other person’s team whoops) Her favorite drink is boba tea, her birthday is March 4th, she has a crippling gatcha AND otome addiction, and is 165 cm tall but that’s all for text no one is gonna read aaaaaa-
Drew out my timeskip Lyra due to me wanting to update a few things in regards to her design (can’t believe it’s been almost two years since my timeskip designs HELP) but I hope you enjoy!
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usaigi · 1 year
Miles is what I wanted in a Latino hero. Not a hero who happens to be Latino like Moon Knight, or like Namor who is from Latin American but is indigenous and not actually Latino. But an actual Latino hero. One who speaks Spanglish and gets annoyed when call him an immigrant because PR is part of the US and gets his cake from a Mexican bakery and loves his parents even if he feels like he can’t talk to them and calls Miguel tío
I love him so much
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
Bet upon meeting noir hobie flickers into black and white newspaper cut-outs briefly to mimic noir and both of them get blushy about it
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tall dark and handsome?? he don’t stand a chance
plus an earlier draft i still think looks nice
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chiscribbs · 6 months
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Whoop- looks like April's joining the fight! Don't question where she got the bat.
Continuation of this @tmntaucompetition thread! Feat. @noval1t @shiveagit
Grown Apart AU: [Premise/Concept Art] [General tag]
Thread: START /<<Pt. 3 / Pt. 5 / Pt. 6>>
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the-swift-tricker · 1 year
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xluciifer · 7 months
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{ 𓆩 x 𓆪 }
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 6 months
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Hold on tight to this time, this place,
‘cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head,
and that is where you’ll be when you are dead
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
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cuppanova · 1 year
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@sleepyeule and I talked about our sillies, our wet cats and babygirls,, there were so many doodle ideas i had and there are still more auuuu
nyx/lyner/mir belong to her, cassie/serif belong to me! 🫡
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goldenbeastkeeper · 3 months
Valor didn't realize such huge creatures existed here. Most of what they'd seen was on the small side compared to what he was used to, but this creature was huge even for the Isles.
But Valor was all for learning about new creatures, so he paused their glow bug chasing to follow in the bushes.
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Humanoid, was the first thing Valor noticed. And was that . . . a dress? Was this species sapient? Humans were the only obviously sapient species he'd seen here so far - it was called the human realm for a reason - but if there were more . . .
Not only was she huge, she was also bright. He had a difficult time actually looking at her to see any features, especially since it was night. Her clothes and the general shape of her head was all he could make out, though he was sure he'd be able to see something of the face as well had they not been behind her.
It sounded like she was singing.
They'd have to be careful. Small as they were compared to such a giant creature, they'd be easy prey. Either that, or crushed beneath her feet.
Flicker nudged Valor and pointed much closer to the ground, near her feet. "There's a little one."
Valor directed his attention to where they were pointing, and sure enough, there was a much smaller one, about the same size as witches and humans. He wondered what that was about. Friends of different species? Sexual dimorphism? Different roles in the social group? A symbiotic relationship? Whoever this smaller one was, they seemed to be very attentive to the big one.
He kept watching them, this time much more focused on the smaller one.
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dementedspeedster · 5 months
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I realized I've never compiled all of my Twin Verse images into one place, so I'm doing that now. (The last one is a new addition.)
Twin Verse Summary:
Twin Verse: A universe in which Thad accepted Max’s offer to live with him, Helen, and Bart and learns to become a hero, though not without difficulties. Thad and Bart share the role of Kid Flash / Flash in this universe.
General History:
The history/events within this verse follow the events of Impulse and basically Bart’s life. Thad lives with Max and Bart in Manchester, Alabama during the events of Impulse. He begins to learn about becoming a hero under Max’s tutelage and very slowly develops a bond and rivalry with Bart. They’re not immediately brothers, but just learning how to live with each other and both of them want to make Max proud the best way they can though they still but heads with each other. When Max’s body is taken over by the Rival he moves in with Jay and Joan along with Bart. Max’s disappearance is what solidifies a bond between them. They’re the ones who are concerned and care about Max. Who refuse to let him be forgotten and for some time try to find him. Max is important to both of them and through their mutual love of Max as a parental-like figure they bond and stick together as each other’s most trusted person in their life because they know what the other is going through. When they grow older they both take up the role of Flash. (Which is quite helpful for their personal lives, but also keeping their identity hidden as they can use the other to keep the idea that the Flash and their civilian identity are separate. Ex: They’ve both been seen with the Flash on separate occasions, therefore neither of them could be the Flash!)
Additional Notes:
'Two Flashes?' I hear you ask? Yes, two Flashes working at the same time. Now as for why (other than the fact I think it's a fun idea)?
1. Because as I mentioned it's incredibly helpful in keeping up the illusion that neither Bart nor Thad is the Flash when it is initial assumed that there's only one Flash.
2. I like the idea of how it messes with villains outside of Keystone or Central City. I think the Rogues and local villains would definitely know/figure
3. I didn't want them to fight over the mantle. They both deserve the mantle in a scenario where they wanted to take on the mantle of Flash and give it their own spin rather than it being a contentious point between them and their growth.
4. It could keep up an even more solid illusion of the Flash can be everywhere at once.
I also think the local public would either know that there are two of them or have theories. When the Flash is out though you just don't know who you're getting. It makes for the potential for them to have different fighting styles, strategies, and how they deal with villains. But also the similarities between them. They might handle press different. Other heroes differently. Have different relations with other heroes and villains, etc.
Ex: Neither Bart nor Thad pulls their punches, but Thad is definitely softer on younger villains and tries to steer them toward reform/just steer them in a direction that doesn't lead them to a life he had in his youth.
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lunaxriax · 1 year
i can help you. i'd really like to help you. ( Adelaide to Jaehwan )
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This had to have been one of the worst moments to run into her, but Jaehwan simply couln't just turn the other way and leave her there either. Not even if that's what his mind was screaming at him to do. He'd been way too careless lately, not thinking of the consequences of not feeding regularly. Simply because of the fact that his mind had been occupied with her instead or taking every moment of free time he had to spend with her. He was always happy to see her, ecstatic even. But in this very moment, he was almost desperate to get away from her. Her scent both alluring to him and driving him insane at the same time. He didn't want to do anything that he would regret for the rest of his life. "Ade, please... There's nothing you can do." He didn't want to be rude to her, unable to bring himself to do that to her. But he couldn't hide the strained tone, his words almost pleading. Leaning in towards her, he pulled her into a light hug and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. The worst possible thing he could have done. It drove his mind even more insane having her that close, all of his senses being overwhelmed by what he was craving. At this point he was just tormenting himself. Both wanting to have her close yet needing to keep his distance from her. "There's nothing you can do, pretty girl." His voice was barely above a whisper and he had to force himself to let her go, taking a step away from her. He couldn't even look at her but he could almost imagine the confused expression on her face. "I just need to..." Jaehwan suddenly stopped talking and clenched his fists, looking around with a bewildered gaze. There were too many people around, he needed to get out of there before he completely lost his mind or any little restraint he still possessed. "I need to get out of here. I'm sorry... I just, I can't be here. You need to go!" He blurted out his words, taking some more steps away from her. Having every intention to leave but he stopped in his tracks, waiting for her to go first.
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melit0n · 22 days
"Let the tides carry you back to me." has always been among one of my favourite lines in Telomeres, and so, having listened to it again recently, a little idea popped into my head. Let me explain:
While ocean tides/currents is a very common metaphor, there's an underlying meaning to it. The ocean is a beautiful, but somewhat cruel place: tides can leave you stranded on a sandbank, or sweap you away before you even know it.
To put it in short, no object or creature that goes into the ocean comes out the same. For the tides to carry something back to you, something you've lost, it will be and always will be changed: eroded.
The cliffside will fall, the cave will crumble, etc etc.
With this in mind, we're yet again greeted with another example of Vessel asking for something he can't truly have. The person he wants will not be the same as they were before; they "collapse" into him, breaking apart, but still, to him, it's "the start of something."
His memory is warped, they are warped, and it'll stay that way.
However, what I would like to add is that, in DYWTYLM, it's theorised that instead of Vessel speaking to a second person, he's instead talking to himself.
Of course, this makes the song itself much more emotional (to me). Finding love for yourself is one of the hardest things you can do, but it has to be done to find love in others.
With that idea (stay with me here), the lyrics "Do you roll with the waves? Or do you duck into deep blue safety?" match up (generally) with Telomeres, which is mostly interpretated as being towards someone else.
So, what if some lines in Telemores are directed to himself as well?
Keep in mind, the tides don't just erode and carry objects (sediment), they also reflect. The Atlantic is one big mirror, and Vessel is staring into it's "deep blue safety" wondering what, or, rather, who, he was before he was Vessel.
Overall, the album name, "This Place Will Become Your Tomb", either being directed at Vessel or Vessel to Sleep (and being a Halo quote lmao), is more metaphorical than literal.
Who he was before Vessel sits in that coffin, not his physical body.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Going to make sure my MCs were the most sluttiest yet practical gear when they go hiking with V. V prayed for an angel but God gave them a devil instead.
Those water breaks are going to be torture.
the sun was a pale disc in a milky sky, casting a diffusing, almost celestial glow over the forest. the air was heavy with the smell of pine and earth, each breath a blend of freshness and decay, as though the very air were steeped in the steps of everyone who walked here before you.
V led the way, their steps sure and steady, navigating the rocky trail with the kind of practiced ease that spoke of someone who had spent a lifetime in the wilderness. their back was straight, their shoulders squared against the weight of the small, rugged backpack that seemed almost an extension of their body. the forest had always been their sanctuary, a place where the tangled underbrush and towering trees offered a kind of solace they found nowhere else.
you followed just a few steps behind, your figure contrasting against the muted greens and browns of the forest. your outfit, while practical enough for hiking—sturdy boots, fitted cargo pants, a lightweight jacket tied around your waist—was also undeniably provocative. the top you wore clung to your skin, accentuating every curve and line with a casual sensuality that seemed almost out of place amidst this wild corner of nature. the fabric was thin, clinging to you in the heat, and V couldn’t help but notice the way it shifted with each movement, catching the light in ways that made their breath hitch, just for a moment, before they forced their eyes forward once more.
it was impossible to ignore, try as V might. the rough terrain did little to distract them, each step only serving to heighten their awareness of you right behind them, your proximity comforting but also maddening. V could feel their resolve slipping, their grip on the silver cross around their neck tightening with every passing moment. the chain felt cold against their flushed skin, a stark contrast to the heat that had settled in their chest, burning away any remnants of rational thought they could muster.
the trail steepened, the forest closing in around them, and V could hear your breath quickening just behind them, could almost feel the warmth of their presence brushing against their back. you reached a small clearing, a break in the trees where a fallen log offered a makeshift bench.
“need a break?” your voice cut through the heavy silence, casual and almost playful, as if you weren’t entirely aware of the strange heat brewing in V’s chest. or maybe you were, and that made it worse. the devil, after all, had a habit of wearing a familiar face, didn’t they?
“yes,” V said, the word coming out more breathless than intended. they cleared their throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure, as they nodded toward a shaded area up ahead. “water break sounds good.”
you smiled—a lazy, knowing thing—and made your way to the spot, pulling out a bottle of water from your bag as you settled onto the fallen log. V followed suit, but with none of your ease. they sat beside you, keeping a careful distance as they took a slow sip of water, hoping it would cool the fire that was threatening to consume them from the inside out. but then you shifted closer, the movement so subtle yet so deliberate, it felt like a test. a test of how much you could push them before they broke.
“V?” you asked, voice soft and laced with concern, but also with a hint of subtle amusement . “are you okay?”
V swallowed hard, right hand reaching to grab the cross around their neck as they tried to focus on anything but the way your hand had brushed against theirs.
“i’m fine,” they managed, though it sounded more strained than they wanted.
your gaze lingered on them, and for a moment, they thought you might press the issue. but instead, you leaned back, stretching out with a contented sigh, oblivious—or maybe just uncaring—of the effect you were having on them. and as your shirt lifted slightly, revealing a sliver of skin, V’s fingers tightened around their cross, knuckles going white.
‘lord, shield me from temptation, protect me from these sinful thoughts,’ they recited in their head. ‘purify my heart, o god, and make me whole. let not desire lead me astray, for i am weak, and i need your strength. i seek refuge in your grace, that i may not falter in the face of temptation. guide me, lord, keep me pure, and grant me the will to resist. in your mercy, i place my trust, and in your name, i find my salvation. amen.’
you threw a smirk over at them, as if you could hear the prayer in their head. as if you knew that no amount of devotion, no amount of faith could exorcise how you had taken root in their thoughts, twisting them in ways they never wanted to admit.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
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Thinking about Miguel and the kinks he likes to indulge in | 18+, MINORS DNI
Content tags: primal play [chase but make it foreplay]
“I’m coming to get you”
It’s those five words that have Miguel swiftly climbing up the building, claws sinking into the metal and bending it to his will as he attempts to escape whoever’s chasing him.
Sweat trickles down his spine, goosebump rises across his skin and he feels his stomach churn as he attempts to escape whoever is chasing him.
However it’s not fear that has his body reacting in this way, no it’s lust.
There’s a pressure on his chest that he isn’t willing to address. There’s a certain lightness he feels in his head that dulls his sharp senses in the possible way. And his cock is hard and weeping, straining against the suit he’s wearing.
Suddenly a hand grabs onto his ankle. His eyes widen in surprise, heart dropping to his stomach as adrenaline kicks in and he quickly pulls his foot away from the unknown person’s grasp.
He hears the fabric of his suit rip, feels the cold wind caress his bare skin, and feels the stinging from where the nails grazed him.
Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy is what he thinks as he pushes his tongue against his cheek.
Despite the grunt he lets out, and the pain he feels from the sting, he can’t help but enjoy the feeling.
Sick, sick, sick is the word that rings through his ears, as he forces himself to keep climbing the building.
He dares look back for just a second, only to see no one behind him. It’s a thrill as much as it’s a relief because Miguel isn’t foolish.
He has played this game enough times to know that someone is lurking in the shadows, and the slight movement he picks up from the corner of his eye confirms his suspicions.
Quick, quick, be quick is all he thinks as his pulse roars in his ears, adrenaline shooting through his body as his reflexes force him to start moving again.
He’s going at an inhumane speed, wind pelting against his skin, metal screeching as it tries to accommodate to his weight and his punishing grip. Despite the speed he’s going at, he hears the unknown person catching up. The sound of soles and palms hitting walls grows closer and for a second Miguel feels himself lose momentum, too consumed with the thought of what would happen if the person were to actually catch him.
He almost has the mind to stop running, to let the person catch him and do whatever they want with him. His dick twitches at the thought of it, and he feels himself slow down.
Too easy, too easy, it would be too easy is what he hears in his ears and that’s enough to snap him back into reality. Although his lungs are burning and his body’s aching , he forces himself to keep climbing up the building.
He makes the swift decision to kick down the window in front of him and jumps through it.
Shards of glass brush against his skin, ripping more of the suit he's wearing and he grunts and groans as he rolls onto the floor.
He doesn’t have any time to recover before he feels his hands get pinned to the sides of his head and someone straddling his waist.
The person’s got a bruising grip on his wrists, knees digging punishingly into the sides of his ribs.
Adrenaline’s pumping through his veins, pulse roaring in his ears and body twitching in place as every instinct in him is telling him to flee, flee, flee.
His eyes desperately search the predator’s face, trying to make out any sorts of familiar features on their face but it’s far too dark to see anything.
He really should do something to escape, he knows it. If this had been anyone else, he’d surely be as good as dead.
However this is not just anyone looking to have his head on a plate. This is you and this is just a game the two of you like to play and you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, at least not unless he asked you to do it. The thought in itself increases the lightness in his head, the pressure on his chest has him gasping for breath and he feels his cock twitch and weep inside of his suit.
You pant in his ear, hot breath washing over his skin as you adjust yourself so your knee is directly resting on his dick.
As you move your knee, the fabric drags agonizingly slow along his shaft, tugging and taunting at sensitive skin that leaves Miguel hissing and whimpering. And just for a second since you started this chase he allows himself to give into the pleasure he’s feeling.
“Ready to give up yet O’Hara?”
His eyes fly open at those words, and within seconds he’s flipping the two of you over with him now on top “not yet” he says with a taunting smile on his face before he completely escapes your grasp and runs away.
“Fuck!” You shout behind him, one hand reaching out to grab him, but he’s far too quick and you only manage to cause another rip in the suit he’s wearing.
He makes a run for the stairs, his laugh echoing with each step that he takes. It’s not amusement that has him laughing like this. It’s the thrill of the chase. It’s the little glances he throws behind him as he makes a sharp turn around the ledge. It’s the tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach when he hears another pair of feet getting closer to him. It’s the fact that his cock is weeping and twitching, begging for any sort of relief and he has no time to do anything about it unless he wants you to catch him.
Finally he gets to the door that leads to the rooftop, grabs ahold of the handle and shoves it open.
Just as he does so, he’s quickly attacked and overpowered. Within seconds he’s stripped off of his weapons, hands tied behind his back and forced to kneel on the floor.
“Got you, little arachnid “
One of the most powerful spider people has been rendered helpless and forced into such a vulnerable position. He knows he should feel embarrassed, but he doesn't. Matter of fact he loves it and the dark spot where his cock presses against his suit proves it, along with the way he pathetically ruts his hips in the air.
When his eyes land on you he sees that your suit’s ripped in multiple places and that you’ve garnered some scratches and bruises. It’s clear that he’s managed to do some damage in this chase. When his eyes wander over to his reflection in the glass surrounding the rooftop he sees that he is in no better state. His lip is busted open and bleeding, small bruises are forming on his cheeks, scratches littering his skin and suit almost peeling from his body.
It’s then when he finally realizes just how exhausted is. You’ve been going at this for hours, (the downsides of having superpowers) without getting any sort of relief.
If his hands weren’t tied behind his back, he’d probably have them on his cock right now. But that’s most likely why you’d tied him up. You know just the way to rile him up.
Despite how much he loves when you tease him, he still needs some sort of relief. You’ve been going at it for hours and he’s almost on the verge of bursting at the seams.
He squeezes his thighs together, saliva dripping from his chin and on the verge of pleading for you to do something. However before he can say or do anything, you grab onto his head, strands of brown and gray wrapping around your fingers as you yank him closer by his hair.
Whatever he was about to say is gone with the wind as he looks at you with his mouth agape and panting, eyelids hanging low and desire swirling in his iris.
You can’t help but chuckle at his reaction, before you shove his face straight onto your crotch.
“This is what you wanted, right little arachnid?”
He doesn’t say anything as he eagerly mouths at the fabric and you yank at his hair in warning.
“Answer me,”
“Yes, yes, yes” he cries out in desperation, a mix of saliva and blood smearing across your suit as he nuzzles further into your crotch.
You smile as you hear his response before you use your free hand to rip away whatever left of the fabric that’s covering your lower half.
“Keep those fangs in check, yeah?” is all you say before you shove his head between your legs.
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threeshadesoflime · 1 year
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