#vermouth arc
seraheart · 5 months
Yearning for that Vermouth arc era sense of dread and stakes
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zimtphilosoph · 5 days
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masterdetectivexx · 1 year
Hello !
Does Conan know that the serial killer he and Ran saved in New York was actually Vermouth. I was going through Vermouth arc episodes and Conan never explicitly said he knows it was Sharon. He knows erasing fingerprints before committing suicide does not seem to add up which happened in that case.
Also Yukiko remembered Conan told him that Vermouth is protecting him because she has seen his childhood photographs and knows Conan is Shinichi , Sharon's friend's son. So does Conan does not know why Vermouth is protective of him and Ran?
He does not know. He only thinks Vermouth tried to keep him out of danger after finding out about his shrinking because she is Sharon Vineyard, Yukiko's friend (File 434).
Conan also thinks there is a reason, tied to her ordering Itakura's software, for why she has not revealed his and Sherry's shrinking (File 823).
As for her being protective of Ran, Conan doesn't know that she is, since he doesn't know Ran got involved and protected Haibara in File 434.
Finally, Conan hasn't figured out who the killer of the serial killer is that orchestrated the suicide, and the last thing he suspected was that it was Akai (File 380), but that of course got debunked.
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gisachi · 2 years
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Detective Conan OP 56 ~ Sparkle by Maki Ohguro
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dreams-of-void · 11 months
Gin and his "well, perhaps I didn't tell my colleagues about the bombs"
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imurasakaw · 2 years
would this be a good time to ask where the idea that vermouth hates miyano elena and in turn also hates haibara come from? i had always thought that she is dead set on killing haibara not because of personal hatred but to ensure that haibara cannot continue the aptx/silver bullet research, so i interpreted her antagonism as being towards the development of the drug and not towards the miyanos. but i see that it’s mostly taken as fact that vermouth harbors a personal grievance against miyano elena, with many theorizing that it stems from the miyano version of the aptx/silver bullet prototype. is it simply from the “an angel has never smiled upon me, not once” line that sharon said in new york, or is there something else i’m missing?
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hoegender · 2 months
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BREAKING: the most toxic duo is currently rotting your brain and you need to see more of them NOW!
keep reading for my very incoherent thoughts about these two
i'm crying idk why i'm so attached to ginkir suddenly but they are currently my guilty pleasure brainrot. i know gin is so so so toxic to kir (and to everyone else. what's new) but i don't ship them in the "i want them to fall in love and kiss" way i need them in the "gin is strangely and inexplicably obsessed with kir and the series will end with kir killing him with his own gun" way (incoming spoilers for movies 20 and 26 + the kir arc/the shuichi akai special collection)
i'm probably reaching with this but bear with me. gin is an impulsive, violent man. his first instinct when faced with anything is to take out his gun and shoot. he's shot kir multiple times - in the darkest nightmare, when she and bourbon were chained to a pole for being on the NOC list, then in black iron submarine, when she was standing in between gin and the eur•p•l agent he wanted dead. OKAY. but he's never shot her with the intent of killing her AND I KNOW THAT'S A LOW BAR BUT BEAR WITH ME.
gin kills as a safeguard!! he killed akemi because of her relationship with an fb! agent and she'd become a liability. he wants to kill haibara because she escaped and is a liability. but after kir gets literally captured by the fb! AND is suspected to be a NOC, gin doesn't...gaf?? gin goes through so much trouble to get her back alive when he could've just blown up all the fbi vans and gotten rid of not only kir, who may have become a liability at this point, but also a bunch of fb! agents to snipe their manpower?? ok gin
"she's an absolute beast when she's cornered" ok gin. ok. is it also because she's the only woman apart from vermouth who dares to manhandle you. is that it. ok gin. i'm nowhere near done with this quote yet i fear i've truly lost my mind. gin is so clearly impressed by the lie she told him about brutally murdering the c!a agents but from what he actually sees of her firsthand he knows she's doesn't like to kill. he literally has to keep telling her "don't hesitate". gin's not dumb! he should have caught on to her lie by now! he should already know in his BONES that kir is a NOC! AND SHE'S STILL ALIVE?? ok gin
the close-up shot of kir's hand on gin's in black iron submarine as she stops him from pulling the lever. people d!ed (me). on a side note i feel like i understand gin on a whole new level after these revelations. i mean have you seen kir
to conclude i think gin is really, really strangely tolerant of kir and i love thinking about him having some sort of weird confused one-sided obsession with her that he doesn't know how to express apart from doing what he always does and holding her at gunpoint. i want this series to end with kir shooting him dead because YES i know gin's true long-established rival (cough 恋人 cough) and the one who will probably actually do him in is shuichi but shuichi's not the one who's been subjected to gin's impulsive bloodthirsty whims as part of his little evil squad ok. rena deserves this just as much as shuichi does
ok about the actual art. sorry i probably could've translated all of my ginkir thoughts into a much better more intense and analytical comic but then i started giggling like a crazy person and this happened. sorry i made gin too babygirl. i need kir to kiss me
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dctable · 2 months
"Truth to be told, Amuro wasn't from the Public Safety (PS) when he made his debut. He was actually a very bad guy. But when I was drawing the conclusion part of his debut episode I thought that he was a cool guy, that I wanted him to be one of the good guys. So I suddenly changed that mid-way and turned him a PS guy. Since I was thinking of making a PS character appear. I wanted to make the case be something Amuro had set up to lure Kogorō out into the open but I gave up on that, too"
Aoyama Gosho
Ok wow so that explains EVERYTHING
Why Amuro's method is more pragmatic and cruel than Hidemi who is depicted as sympathetic right from the start (the fact that Bourbon is willing to hand over Sherry to the BO despite having PSB backing feels like a leftover of his initial role)
Why the Bourbon role ends up similar to Kir
Why RUM's role is similar to Bourbon
Once he decided on this path and then it turns out Furuya became INSANELY popular with fans he kinda took over what's supposed to be Hidemi's role as informant and confidant and Gosho made RUM to continue the story that's supposed to be Bourbon's arc: Investigating Kogoro
Though honestly, the Bourbon we got IS infinitely more interesting than if he's just RUM, because of his relationship with Akai, the Miyano family and the Doomed Academy Squad
If he became the RUM of the story, then he'd be almost no different than Gin
Well, maybe he'd be more like a combination of Vermouth and Gin, intimidating, very smart, very attractive, and want to kill Akai (something that Gin also want to do if he knows Akai is still alive)
I've also been enjoying Rum as the elderly, more experience, big boss type of character of the BO since we never actually got that before (Gin is more like an assassin than boss type)
The missed opportunity here is Kir who shows up only to give a call unless there's a big mission where she has to be included, and then she'll disappear from the plot again with the rest of the BO
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hungryfictions · 11 months
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this book is truly insane, here are the cocktails for some of my favorite girlies ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Saint Joan of Arc
Maiden’s Blush 2 oz. gin 1/2 tsp. triple sec 1/2 tsp. grenadine 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass.
French 75 1 1/2 oz. gin 1/2 oz. lemon juice 2 tsp. simple syrup 5 oz. brut champagne lemon twist Pour gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a champagne flute/tulip and top with champagne. Garnish with lemon.
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Love in an Elevator 1 oz. gin 1/2 oz. green curaçao liqueur 2 1/2 oz. ginger ale (chilled) Pour gin and curaçao into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass and add ginger ale.
Saint Lucy
Santa Lucia Martini 2 oz. gin 1 dash vermouth 2 olives Pour all ingredients except olives into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass. Transfix the two olives with a cocktail sword so that the pimentos are positioned like eyeballs, and place them horizontally on the glass rim.
Lucie Cocktail 3/4 oz. lime juice 3/4 oz. light rum 3/4 oz. Grand Marnier 1/4 oz. orange curaçao Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Stain into a cocktail glass rimmed with sugar.
Saint Maria Goretti
Sweet Maria 1 1/2 oz. cream 3/4 oz. amaretto 3/4 oz. vodka Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Mary Magdalene
Madelaine Cocktail 1 oz. cognac 3/4 oz. Drambuie 3/4 oz. dry vermouth Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Saint Rose of Lima
Inca Cocktail 3/4 oz. gin 3/4 oz. sherry 1/2 oz. dry vermouth 1/2 oz. sweet vermouth 1 dash orgeat or almond syrup 1 dash orange or Angostura bitters Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Pisco Sour (Original Peruvian Version) 2 oz. Peruvian pisco brandy 1 oz. lemon or lime juice 3/4 oz. simple syrup 1 egg white 1 dash Angostura bitters Pour all ingredients except bitters into a shaker filled with ice and shake forty times. Strain into an old fashioned glass (without ice) and sprinkle bitters on the foamy top of the drink.
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writing-in-sin · 10 months
KaiShin scene fic idea: Kyoto arc
I dunno if it'll just be a part of a fic or a fic itself based on the idea of Kaito being there in Kyoto too simply to keep his reckless Tantei-kun safe but I just want Kaito to be there in Kyoto
Shinichi doesn't want to admit it, but he's happy and excited to have KID around not unlike when he mistakenly thought Vermouth was Kaito
It could be a willing favour he takes up when Haibara and Hakase told him about the school field trip (in this fic idea, they've come to a truce after the Bell Tree Express). While they dont know his identity yet, they do know Kaito hangs out at Blue Parrot since Jii is a friend of Hakase's
Anyways, since I headcanon that Kaito is a year older than Shinichi, Shinichi has a habit of calling Kaito 'senpai' or 'Kai' in private moments. While he has all the clues for KID's identity, Shinichi keeps it to himself as a sign of trust until KID himself does the reveal
Which Kaito does when he waits by his motorcycle at the hotel's entrance, phone in hand
"Hello?" Shinichi answers, standing with the rest of his class as they wait for their teacher's instruction and feeling a little confused at the unknown number
A familiar voice chuckles, dark and smooth with dangerous mischief. "A little Ojou-chan told me that you're doin' something reckless without me. Which, unfair, so I'd thought of joining you."
"What's wrong, Shinichi?" Ran asks
But Shinichi can't hear anything besides the thumping of his heart, anticipation and excitement coursing through him. "Are you--?"
"Look up, Tantei-kun."
And he does, eyes finding KID on instinct across from him and without realizing it, a beaming smile blooms across his face not unlike the sunflowers KID likes to give him
"Senpai!" a breathy laugh tumbles out, disbelief and excitement mixing as Shinichi jogs up to KID
KID pushes away from his bike, wearing his preferred style of clothing that he rarely wears around Ekoda to avoid questions about his more powerful physique because of his life as a phantom thief
Noting this, Shinichi takes in KID under the sunlight for the first time. The pitch black hair. The gold eyes that darkens into indigo-violet when they reach his pupils. The blue jeans and black leather jacket over a white v-neck that hides absolutely nothing of the powerful body underneath
But its the familiar roguish grin on a dangerously handsome face, the dark glint dancing in those summer night eyes that will always gives KID away
Shinichi reaches out, hand on cool leather above a beating heart and chuckles when it doesn't fade away into an illusion. "You're here. Under the sunlight."
"Thought it was about time that Kuroba Kaito gets to spend time with you too, Tantei-kun." Kaito smiles, soft and private when shocked blue eyes snap up at him as he tucks a sunflower behind Shinichi's ear. "Not like you didn't already know who I am though, hm, Meitantei?"
Shinichi blinks before returning the smile and lightly punches a sturdy shoulder. "Wanted you to tell me when you were ready, barou."
Kaito snickers
They break apart when a teacher calls out. "Would you be Kuroba-kun by any chance? The volunteer for the tour?"
"That's me." Giving a showman's bow, Kaito smiles with cool politeness and offers a rose to the woman. "At your service."
Amused at the flustered teacher, Shinichi raises a brow at the magician. "Volunteer?"
"I spend a lot of my time here because of a family friend." Kaito grins, sneaking an arm around Shinichi's waist to pull the detective close. His grin widens when Shinichi merely rolls his eyes before settling into his side, used to his antics by now. "So who better than me to offer a tour for this ancient capital?"
Shinichi huffs. "A local?"
"Ah, but knowing me, does that answer still stand?"
Knowing by now that KI- Kaito can most likely impersonate a local from decades past, Shinichi shakes his head. "Fine, fine."
They share a laugh, making their way to where the rest of Teitan are
That's all I've got for now. If you've read this up until the end, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed it
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lupizora · 5 months
The insanity that is the Kudou Yuusaku's Detective Show case 😆
Like I'm not sure how to process that Vermouth managed to capture KID's mannerisms towards Conan almost perfectly (the fact the line "tsundere brat" came from Vermouth, while it was so on point for KID, is kinda hilarious) or Conan letting his guard down because he thought she was KID, therefore harmless to let her in the Kudou manor, when idk Haibara is staying next door.
Shinichi, I know you trust KID with a lot of things, but seriously... He isn't the only master in disguise you are acquainted with, please?! (the fact Vermouth learned these techniques from the first Kaitou KID a.k.a current KID's dad, and no one is any wiser about this is killing me) 😩
Honestly, when and where did Vermouth acquire the knowledge of how KID and Shinichi act with each other outside of the public eye in the first place? Was this the case of playing it by ear from how Shinichi acts in general when he isn't pretending to be a child? Did Vermouth figure out it was KID who appeared as Sherry to save Haibara back during the Mystery Train arc? I have so many questions 😵‍💫
(If KID wasn't a criminal in the eyes of the law though, he could start suing for libel with so many impostors of him appearing all the time LMAO 🤣)
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zimtphilosoph · 1 year
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masterdetectivexx · 1 year
Hi MTX, big fan of your work.
I was wondering if you have any thoughts about the recent case, especially with the 17 year old case being fully revealed. Plus how do you think all of this will lead to the climax of the Rum arc? Also, do you feel we may get the full flashback with Tsutomu and Wakasa from chapter 1099 soon or towards the climax of the arc?
File 1106-1109 Review/Discussion
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These last 4 chapters of the chess tournament case, that effectively revealed everything about the day of the Kohji case 17 years ago, will go down as one of the best flashback stories in Detective Conan history. It left me personally speechless and overwhelmed in such a satisfying way, and although it felt like the end of an era within Rum arc (The Kohji case mystery), it propelled us forward to new potential storylines, as well as potentially leaving some bread crumbs of the Kohji case, for us to get excited about.
Kuroda Hyoue
Right from the cliffhanger of File 1105, we started off File 1106 with Kuroda revealing how Kuroda became a witness in the Kohji case. We got the official confirmation that he used to work in the same division as Furuya Rei in the NPA, Security Bureau's Security Planning Division. He had then revealed in File 1107 that he was gonna have a preliminary meeting with Amanda Hughes, which was later explained by Amanda to be about trying to take down the Black Organization, and Karasuma Renya along with it.
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From the context clues given in this case, it doesn't seem like Kuroda was given any information ahead of time (like Amanda's suspected identities behind the black organization), which made Kuroda function well as a protagonist that we follow along to discover what had happened in the 17 year old case. The biggest reveal when it comes to Kuroda's character was that his mysterious accident that put him in a 10-year-long coma happened the day of the Kohji case, 17 years ago. This indirectly revealed that his teased work history with Iori (File 1090) would have only taken place max 3 years before Iori left the Public Security. This is because Iori and Rei had never met back then and Rei's earliest known activity with the NPA is 4 years ago (when he met Masumi in the train platform), while Kuroda woke up from his coma 7 years ago.
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Haneda Kohji
As expected, Haneda Kohji got properly introduced to us, and he was revealed to be the same age as Shuukichi currently (28). Kohji had a very eccentric personality, that appealed to me a lot. He was goofy, but also at the same time very intelligent and level-headed under pressure. It was very nice to see those two sides contrasted well with each other, where he goes from crushing over Asaka (File 1106), to calmly assessing a situation and facing danger with a pokerface (File 1107). Due to stubbornly sticking to his motto ("stick to one's orginal plan"), he was willing to sacrifice his life for a stranger he just met (Asaka).
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As for Kohji's dying message, it is now officially debunked that there was other additional messages apart from the hand-mirror message "CARASUMA", since we got the reveal that Kohji had given his bishop shogi piece to Asaka before facing Rum (File 1107), and Kuroda didn't find any other suspicious details in the crime scene (File 1108). Kohji's object imprint in the middle of his right palm from File 948 does therefore indicate an inconsistency, that might stem from Gosho changing his plans regarding how Asaka got the shogi piece (taking it from Kohji's corpse vs Kohji giving it to her).
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How Kohji shocked Rum and effectively earned Rum's praise twice was the best part of Kohji's story. When Kohji revealed that he had seen Rum in an old article from 47 years ago, where Rum acted as spokesman for Karasuma Renya, it stopped Rum in the middle of his tracks and ultimately saved Asaka (File 1107). It was a very gripping way to reveal how Kohji knew that his killers were tied to Karasuma for his dying message, while also highlighting more similarities between him and Shuukichi, through their shared good memory, which would further explain why Haneda family would want to adopt Shuukichi to inherit Kohji's will.
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Another interesting fact that had me lightly speculating was that Kohji revealed that he has a playmate that has transient amaurosis like Asaka (File 1106). Since we later got the easter egg that Kohji had faced Katsumata Chikara in his 4th title shogi match, it is possible that the playmate he was referring to was Chikara. While not a relevant fact in the grand scheme of things, since Chikara has been a recurring shogi player, Gosho could be fleshing him out like this as Shuukichi's current rival.
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Rachel Asaka
This case had the most important development for Wakasa Rumi, as it officially revealed her whole backstory up to 17 years ago and the entirety of her relationship with Amanda. File 1106 revealed that her full name was Rachel Asaka, who became a bodyguard to Amanda following her father's footsteps and essentially had a mother-and-daughter relationship with Amanda. This history became a key factor in the confrontation between Amanda and Rum that followed. Wakasa's vision issue was also explained, as we found out that she had transient amaurosis, that causes temporary blindness.
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Wakasa's glare towards Kuroda during Tent case (File 987-988) and her hidden scars (File 1005) were also officially explained. Wakasa had mistook Kuroda to be one of the BO members responsible for Kohji's and Amanda's death, and she had gotten the scars from the same accident that put Kuroda into a coma (File 1109).
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This case also debunked the theory that Wakasa/Asaka is Vermouth in disguise, since we saw Asaka grieve over Amanda's death in File 1108, despite Vermouth having played a role in entrapping Amanda by calling off Amanda's SWAT team support after impersonating her (File 1107). This turn of events does however resurface the mystery behind Wakasa's BO affiliation and knowledge.
My current speculation behind Wakasa's current connection to the BO is that around 17 years ago, Asaka joined the CIA. There are a couple hints and easter eggs that has propelled me to this direction.
Amanda was revealed to have ties to both the FBI and CIA in File 948. Gosho had name-dropped both of these plot-relevant intelligence agencies in association with Amanda, and has just utilized Amanda's connection to the FBI director in this backstory to call for SWAT team. There is a high possibility that he has planned on also using Amanda's CIA ties in a similar way, but since Amanda is already dead, the only one who could use Amanda's CIA connection is her daughter, Rachel Asaka.
Rachel is a US citizen, which makes her eligible to join the CIA, and with her martial arts and weapon handling background she would have had a head-start competence to enter their training program with the help of Amanda's CIA contact. It's also in Rachel's interest to choose the CIA, since they handle foreign affairs, which would include where her mother's killers originate from (Japan). Since Asaka was shown to have an idea of who Amanda's killers were based on their previous attacks (File 1107), it is highly likely that Amanda revealed her suspicions to Asaka that they were tied to the japanese group Karasuma, as Rum feared. Even if she wasn't given any details from Amanda, she did hear Rum's voice as he spoke japanese (File 1108), which gives her an idea of where the enemy could be based. There is also Rachel's unresolved meeting with Amanda's other friend, Akai Tsutomu 17 years ago (File 1109). Since Tsutomu's wife Mary already investigated Karasuma Group in the past for her brother-in-law Miyano Atsushi (File 1011), we already have evidence to Karasuma Group being in Akai family's radar, so even if Amanda didn't share anything with Tsutomu, it wouldn't take Tsutomu and his promised intellect much effort to piece together Haneda Kohji's dying message that the culprit was Karasuma. In other words, at the very latest, Rachel could have found out about Amanda's killers' originating from Japan with Tsutomu's help, who she could trust.
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Wakasa/Rachel being a CIA agent would explain how she got the latest update of the APTX4869 victim list where Kudo Shinichi is labeled as "dead" (File 1005), since the CIA has Kir as their mole in the BO who could share those sensistive BO intel. It would also explain how Wakasa found out about the latest events within the organization, like Sherry's betrayal, as well as Hell angel's research that gave birth to the poison that killed her mother (Amanda). There was even a parallel between Asaka and Kir in File 1108, where just like Kir in File 603, Asaka was also iconically transported unconscious in a car that is being chased by the Black Organization. This could have been an intentional setup by Gosho to hint to Asaka's current CIA affiliation.
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Another character that Wakasa/Rachel has had multiple parallels with is Subaru/Akai Shuuichi. Both have been the main red-herring of being the main antagonist in their respective arcs, both saved Ayumi from the culprit in a similar way and both were suspected by Conan/Haibara while the other liked them. I have referenced them often in the past in association with the theory that Wakasa could be someone already established in disguise just like Subaru, but these parallels could also be indicating that Wakasa/Rachel is basically a female version of Subaru/Akai. Both lost their parent to the BO, both potentially joined American intelligence agencies (FBI & CIA) to investigate the BO and both are potentially star agents within their agencies who have made high-ranked BO members (Gin & Rum) as their archnemesis. Even this latest case had a resolution (File 1109) similar to the resolution of Black impact (File 504), where Asaka outsmarted the BO by shooting at them just like Akai.
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Amanda Hughes
Amanda Hughes' focus and confrontation with Rum was probably my favorite part of this whole case. She was revealed to be even more important and powerful than originally established, since she was also running for president in an upcoming election (File 1106). Amanda has become one of the best backstory characters. She is a very kind and loving woman who sacrificed her life to save her own daughter. It was so satisfying to see her go out in her own terms by forcefully biting Rum's hand to ingest the APTX poison he had merely planned to lure Asaka with (Amanda's weakness) in order to capture her so he can have control over Amanda's power (File 1107). This could be viewed as another parallel between Asaka and Kir, since both their parent (Amanda & Ethan) commited suicide to save their daughter.
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Among the most important revealing part in her dialogue with Rum was her history with Karasuma Renya. She revealed that she has met Rum when he was a child 67 years ago during Karasuma Renya's birthday party (File 1106). Amanda also got to learn about Rum's left eye's photographic memory, and how he has been using it to blackmail powerful people into doing the BO's bidding (File 1107).
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This became relevant later to Amanda's dying message, as she used her lipstick-smeared wristwatch dial to indicate "watch out", and smeared the knight piece's eyes with lipstick in order to warn about the culprit's dangeorus eye ability (File 1109). The way she utilized the wristwatch in such a puny way reminded me of Policewomen murder case's dying message, where the victim used a "no parking" sign by itself in a puny way to hint to the culprit (File 1017). Chiba questioned whether the victim would use an object that way for a message, and while Conan agreed it seemed questionable, he reasoned that it would make sense to use it that way if the victim had nothing else to use.
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Amanda's dying message does however leave you with oddities. Considering how thoroughly she used the wristwatch alone to indicate a message, it doesn't explain why she opened up the chessboard while creating the dying message. Compared to Kohji's dying message, Amanda's dying message is the one that leaves more questions to be answered. Just like how Amanda used the wristwatch in a puny way for a message, it's very likely that Amanda used the knight piece and the chessboard in a similar manner. Here is my current analysis on Amanda's dying message:
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All the information we had gotten on Rum in this case was setup to have significance in it, like how we learned that his right eye also used to have the photographic memory ability (File 1107), only to later find out Rum has been planning on regaining that ability through the APTX research (File 1109).
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When Rum revealed to Amanda, after feeding her APTX4869 poison, that "Rum" was a codename that he had inherited from his father, who had worked under the boss for many years (File 1107), it's highly likely that this was also setting up something very significant. If Amanda pieced together from those parting words Rum's real name, then it would immediately fit with my Amanda dying message analysis that the knight piece & chessboard are together spelling out MUGA (as in Rum actually being Muga in disguise).
My current Rum theory based on this codename inheritance revelation is that the Rum Amanda met 67 years ago as a child, who grew up to be a spokesman for Karasuma Renya 47 years ago in the international economic forum, is actually the father of Rum from 17 years ago. This would mean that current Rum who killed Amanda and Kohji 17 years ago is the second generation of Rum, who not only inherited his father's codename but has also been disguising as him for at least 17 years after being taught by Vermouth, who was revealed to have joined the BO back then (File 1107). In short, the Rum we have been seeing active until now, who lost his eye ability in his right eye, was Muga disguising as his father, after inheriting his father's codename "Rum".
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If Amanda had learned through her influential position that Rum had a son named Muga, and that for example Rum's father wasn't someone special who had worked under Karasuma Renya for a long time, then she would have enough context clues to realize that her killer is not the Rum she knew, but his son Muga, the new Rum, in disguise. Since Amanda was told by Rum that a young woman with abilities to disguise and imitate voices joined the organization, it wouldn't be hard for Amanda to make the leap that the son could be using that woman's help to disguise as his father. As I mentioned previously, Rum's face since 17 years ago being a disguise would explain why he hasn't aged much in 17 years. Something that Muga shares in common with Rum is also those light eyebrows, which could be a genetic trait that passed on from father to son.
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This case also hinted towards the explanation behind Rum's investigation of Kudo Shinichi's death. It's very likely that Rum has been interested in the research since 17 years ago, since he implied that he was testing APTX4869 on Amanda and Kohji to check whether it killed or not (File 1108). It's possible that Rum wanted to regain his photographic memory ability in his right eye since back then. Now, in the current time however, after Kudo Shinichi was exposed to the public in File 1005 (as well as after Rum potentially already confirming Shinichi's survival as Muga), he would have evidence to believe that Sherry's APTX doesn't always kill. If Rum also got ahold of Sherry's research papers that documented the de-aging result in one mouse (File 179), then it would explain why Rum is suspecting that de-aging is possible through APTX4869, that could "turn back the clock on his right eye".
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This case was a huge stepping stone for Conan, as he has now officially found out Wakasa's true identity, the history behind Kuroda's accident, the existence of Amanda's dying message, and a clue to Rum's past eye ability (File 1109). It's refreshing to see him talk it all through with Akai, but what's also refreshing is the fact that he finally got information on Tsutomu from Akai (File 1109), after failing to gain info since the start of the Kohji case mystery (File 949). It was also nice getting to see the complete Akai family 17 years ago and a tease of Tsutomu-Mary romance. Akai's explanation that Haneda Yasuharu (Kohji's father) couldn't rely on the japanese police and had asked his friend Tsutomu for help is further cementing the likely truth that Vader (mysterious respirator elder), who thought that the police are fools, is actually Haneda Yasuharu.
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As for what we can expect next, I think based on Gosho trackrecord with Rum developments (where they have taken place every 5-volumes since Volume 85), the next big Rum development (that is likely the climax of Rum arc) is gonna happen in 3-4 cases (within volume 105), so even if we take a breather in the next case, I think it will still have crucial main plot development that will be setting up the climax. We could be saving Wakasa-Tsutomu-Rum flashback and Kuroda-Muga flashback for the climax, but what we should be getting soon is what Gosho teased in Let's Talk Day 2023: that something big will come into contact with Amuro.
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wormwoodwine · 5 months
The 10th year anniversary of Vineyard
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It’s been 10 years since 08/02/2014 when I uploaded my first fanfic, Vineyard, on fanfiction.net. It was unpolished, riddled with grammatical errors and basic mistakes. Still, it was so much fun. I hope and wish that my stories bring you as much joy as they do me.
To celebrate the 10th year anniversary, I would like to share some my favorite moments in Vineyard. All these moments weren’t planned in the original story line. They just came to be.
First, Gin and Akai shared a quiet smoke on the rooftop of a hospital (chapter 18).
The entire hospital arc was and is the hardest to write that took me months of agonizing and struggling though every word. It’s easy to fall into the soppy troupe of pleading and crying which would have been completely out of character for both Akai and Gin. Instead, it was a quiet and somber moment of solidarity between two men who by all means should hate each other. A silent understanding and shared empathy that could not be put into words.
Lost in thoughts, smoke mingled between the two men in silence.
Second, Vermouth said “I’m free” under the moonlight with Gin and Katie (chapter 19).
With her storms weathered and demons slayed, Vermouth relaxed under the moonlight in the company of the people she loved. No organization dictated her actions. No drugs coursed through her veins. Her life was her own at long last. She left her past behind and never looked back. She was free and she was at peace.
Vermouth simply smiled, much to his frustration. “Gin.”
“What?” He narrowed his eyes, frowning. Something was different. Was it her tone? Her word? He didn’t know.
“I’m free.”
Bonus, Mary and her sass.
She quickly became one of my favorites to write. What a surprise! I didn’t put much thought into her character. She, in a sense, evolved as the story went.
In chapter 45, Mary hinted at the identity of Katie’s mother the entire lunch with Bourbon while having a dig at Vermouth’s expense just for the heck of it. I love her.
Bourbon smiled through his gritted teeth. Then, he continued with renewed enthusiasm. “Say, have we met?” The girl’s slightly wavy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and overwhelming confidence awoke a sense of striking familiarity deep within his memory that he couldn’t quite place yet.
To Akai and Akemi’s horror, Mary merrily hosed the fire with gasoline. “Doesn’t she look like some wannabe actress?”
PS: Thank you, sleepyhead4951 from Wattpad for reminding me. I sort of … forgot that it had been 10 years.
Also, I’ll try to handle Akemi better in the future. She’s always just along for the ride and the necessity of the plot without much character.
PS: my writing’s buddy
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drstonetrivia · 8 months
Chapter 202 Trivia (Part 1)
I missed the food-focused chapters… 🤤
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The brand parody here is Coosur, which is made in the Jaén province of southern Spain (=nowhere near Barcelona). The brand is quite popular, and is also international.
Additionally, Spain produces around half of the world's olive oil, the most of any country!
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If you've forgotten the Age of Exploration arc, "desire is noble" is both the name of Francois' debut chapter and their motto!
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The tagline for this chapter is "olive in floriography means wisdom (知恵) and victory (勝利)", however all the sources I found said that olive meant peace rather than victory.
Ryusui's holding a dirty martini, a drink known for the unique garnish of an olive. To make it, you need gin, vermouth, and a splash of olive brine.
The brooch he's wearing seems to be a dragon's wing and a flower that I can't identify (it's not related to Spain or olives).
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Barcelona is one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea and 5th most populated city in the EU. It has two rivers running through it that have survived the 3700+ years, and a mountain range to the west.
The stone world seems to have given it new islands though!
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Most Spanish olives are harvested from the south, but Catalonia still accounts for ~5% of all olives produced in Spain. It is a bit of a trek to get to the olive growing regions from Barcelona though!
The olive harvest is normally from November to March, across the winter.
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The modern way to harvest olives is by shaking the tree so that all of the olives fall into a net. Ryusui is shown using the traditional way where you knock the fruit off with a pole (Hyoga would have been great for this).
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The olives are then cleaned, crushed into a paste, and spun in a horizontal centrifuge like the one Kaseki made to separate the oil from the solids. Do this a few times to make sure everything is properly separated and you get olive oil!
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There's couple joke sound effects this chapter, first is Kohaku's "grrlla" (it literally says "gōrira", so "gorilla" with a slightly longer 'o' sound), then Suika's "mlllk" (literally "gyunyu", the word "milk" in Japanese is pronounced "gyūnyū").
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Ajillo is an olive-oil-based sauce that is flavoured by frying garlic ("ajo") and guajillos chillis in it. Other things can be added as well, such as salt, pepper, lime juice or wine.
Ajillo dishes are simply things that have been cooked in this sauce.
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Since Francois stayed on Isla Martin Garcia rather than at Araxá, they had the opportunity to learn Spanish.
As usual, Francois' foresight of what will be needed is incredible.
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Chelsea has also expanded her language repertoire by learning Japanese. Hers is more slang-filled, as she takes Chrome's "baaad", Gen's pig latin and Ryusui's usage of "desire".
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Ukyo must have taught Chrome to use a bow and arrow at some point, possibly during the Age of Exploration?
That, or Chrome is just pretending to know how to use it.
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(Next part)
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fanfictionadvocate · 2 months
Last Day Again by Phantoms_Echo
Summery: No series summery/ look into the specific parts for the individual Summeries
Fandom: Detective Conan; Magic Kaito
Relationship/-s: pre-Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid; Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid
Characters: Kuruba Kaito | Kaitou Kid; Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan; Kaitou Kid task force; Nakamori Aoko; Hakuba Suguru; Nakamori Ginzou; Koizumi Akako; Haibara Ai; Original Male Character (small part); Black Organisation (as a character); Mouri Ran; Vermouth (Meitantei Conan); Jodie Starling; Akai Shuichi; Amoru Tooru | Furuya Rei; Vodka (Meitantei Conan); Hidemi Hondou | Kir | Mizunashi Rena; Suzuki Sonoko; Hattori Heiji; Satou Miwako; Takagi Wataru; Kudou Yuusaku; Kudou Yukiko; Kuroba Chikage; Shounen Tantei-dan; Yoshida Ayumi; Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko; Kojima Genta
Tags: Major Character Death; No Archive Warnings apply; Graphic descriptions of violence; Alternate Universe - Magic; Does it count as AU if Akako is a sorceress?; Time Loop; Desperate Kaito; Suicidal Thoughts; Suicide; But with Time Loop; he lives; Kaito needs a hug; Badly; Don't go touching magical stones!; No Smut; Series; Author's sure she's forgetting tags; but she can't think of anything else; Conan doesn't play significant role in this one; but will play major role in following updates; Author knew she was forgetting something; Alternate Universe - Time Loop; Kaito is not stalking Conan; He's just following him to find out where he lives and what he does during the day; Kaito is slowly going insane; Apotoxin 4869; Haibara and Kaito make a deal; Kaito is a one man army against the Black Organization; Kaito really needs a hug; Canon-Typical Violence; Non-typical Kaito Violence; I mentioned he's slowly going insane right?; Cause he definitely is; Mentions of Attempted Suicide; Human Experimentation; Accidental Murder; lots of death; Insanity; Kaito's going insane; We're along for the ride; Shinichi gives him one; Antidote for APTX; Conan becomes Shinichi; Graphic Description; Implied/Referenced Suicide; Kaito went insane; Kaito and Shinichi - a two man army against the Black Organization; Time Loop Ends; Ending arc; Happy Ending; The closest I will ever get to Smut; The feels!; Author is super proud of herself for finishing this; Shinichi's POV; Kaito's gone insane; He needs some Shinichi hugs; Shinichi decides to give them to him; Drama; Mentions of Suicide; Suicide Attempts; Kaito's fine though; That's the power of Time Loops for you; Time Loop Break; Aftermath of Time Loop; Recovery; Kaito gets the hugs he wanted; Shinichi and Kaito being fluffy dorks; Shounen Tantei-dan is not someone you want to get interrogated by; Smart Mitsuhiko; Angry Hattori; Author is finally done with the series; At least author hopes so...; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSDFrom Time Loop (specific kind of trauma)
Rating: Teen and up
Status: Finished
Words: 40.713
Parts: 6
Please note that this is a series and that not all Tags go for every part!!!
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