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les-degustations-ugo · 2 years ago
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, Connaissez-vous l'appellation Corse Porto Vecchio ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Corse Porto-Vecchio rosé 2022 cuvée Monika du domaine Granajolo🍇🍷:
🍇 :
Elevage : 3 mois en cuve inox.Sulfitage à faibles doses. Cuvée produite en petite quantité (3000 bouteilles).
17,40€ / bouteille
👁️ :
Un robe de couleur rose saumonée soutenue
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits rouges, épices.
💋 :
En bouche on a un vin léger et fruité. Une belle minéralité. Sur des arômes de fraise, groseille, griotte, Grenadine. Une belle longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes acidulé style bonbon Arlequin et les agrumes qui apporte une belle fraîcheur en fin de bouche.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un beau rosé Corse frais, léger et savoureux. Un avant-goût de vacances qui appelle le soleil et la détente. Un vin adapté à la canicule. Très heureux d'avoir pu déguster cette cuvée produite en quantités limit��es.
🧆Dégusté sur des Pâtes à la ricotta 🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Papillotes de saumon à la tomate, Pizza, Salade de poulpes, Tataki de thon rouge....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Le vignoble a été planté en 1974 par Monika et André Boucher. D’une superficie de 20 hectares, il a toujours été conduit en agriculture biologique, une conviction d’André Boucher (1ère certification en 1987).
Monika et AndréIl est situé sur des coteaux d’arène granitique à l’extrême sud est de l’île à Sainte-Lucie de Porto-Vecchio. Il se compose essentiellement de cépages corses qui sont principalement le Niellucciu, le Sciaccarellu et le Vermentinu.
André Boucher livra dans un premier temps ses raisins en caves coopératives avant de trouver une cave qui accepta de vinifier son vin en prestation de service avec les contraintes liées au bio.
Après avoir obtenu son diplôme d’œnologue et avoir acquis de l’expérience en vinifiant en France et en Australie, Gwenaële, leur fille, rentra sur le domaine en 2000. C’est avec sa mère Monika, qu’elle monta un projet de cave sur l’exploitation et que le vin 2003 vit le jour dans cette nouvelle cave.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, Do you know the Corsica Porto Vecchio appellation ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷AOP Corsica Porto-Vecchio rosé 2022 cuvée Monika from the Granajolo estate 🍇🍷:
Ageing: 3 months in stainless steel vats. Low doses of sulphiting. Cuvée produced in small quantities (3000 bottles).
€17.40 / bottle
A deep salmon pink color
A nose with notes of red fruits, spices.
On the palate we have a light and fruity wine. A nice minerality. With aromas of strawberry, currant, Morello cherry, Grenadine. A nice length in the mouth with a finish on tangy Arlequin candy-like notes and citrus fruits which brings a nice freshness on the finish.
📜In summary📜:
A beautiful, fresh, light and tasty Corsican rosé. A taste of vacation that calls for sun and relaxation. A wine adapted to the heat wave. Very happy to have been able to taste this cuvée produced in limited quantities.
🧆Tasted on ricotta pasta 🧆.
🍷 Some food and wine pairings possible with this cuvée 🍷: Tomato salmon papillote, Pizza, Octopus salad, Red tuna tataki....
📌 Don't forget, drinking a cannon is saving a winemaker. Go see the domain's website to see all the vintages and promotions of the moment 📌.
🔞 "Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation"🔞 Most of the wines have been tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
The vineyard was planted in 1974 by Monika and André Boucher. Covering an area of ​​20 hectares, it has always been conducted in organic farming, a conviction of André Boucher (1st certification in 1987).
Monika et AndréIt is located on granite arena slopes in the extreme south east of the island in Sainte-Lucie de Porto-Vecchio. It is essentially composed of Corsican grape varieties which are mainly Niellucciu, Sciaccarellu and Vermentinu.
André Boucher initially delivered his grapes to cooperative cellars before finding a cellar that agreed to vinify his wine as a service with the constraints linked to organic.
After graduating as an oenologist and gaining experience by making wine in France and Australia, Gwenaële, their daughter, returned to the estate in 2000. It was with her mother Monika that she set up a cellar project on the farm and that the 2003 wine was born in this new cellar.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E tu, conosci la denominazione Corsica Porto Vecchio❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷AOP Corsica Porto-Vecchio rosé 2022 cuvée Monika della tenuta Granajolo 🍇🍷:
Affinamento: 3 mesi in vasche di acciaio inox Basse dosi di solfitazione. Cuvée prodotte in piccole quantità (3000 bottiglie).
€ 17,40 / bottiglia
Colore rosa salmone intenso
Un naso con note di frutti rossi, spezie.
Al palato abbiamo un vino leggero e fruttato. Una bella mineralità. Con aromi di fragola, ribes, marasca, granatina. Una bella lunghezza in bocca con un finale su note piccanti simili a caramelle Arlequin e agrumi che apportano una bella freschezza sul finale.
📜In sintesi📜:
Un rosato corso bello, fresco, leggero e gustoso. Un assaggio di vacanza che richiede sole e relax. Un vino adatto all'ondata di caldo. Molto felice di aver potuto assaggiare questa cuvée prodotta in quantità limitate.
🧆Assaggiato su pasta di ricotta 🧆.
🍷 Alcuni abbinamenti enogastronomici possibili con questa cuvée 🍷: Papillote di salmone al pomodoro, Pizza, Insalata di polpo, Tataki di tonno rosso....
📌 Non dimenticare, bere un cannone è salvare un enologo. Vai a vedere il sito del dominio per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento 📌.
🔞 "L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione"🔞 La maggior parte dei vini è stata assaggiata e sputata. Degustazione non pagata.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Il vigneto è stato piantato nel 1974 da Monika e André Boucher. Su una superficie di 20 ettari, è sempre stato condotto in agricoltura biologica, convinzione di André Boucher (1a certificazione nel 1987).
Monika et AndréSi trova sulle pendici dell'arena granitica nell'estremo sud-est dell'isola a Sainte-Lucie de Porto-Vecchio. È composto essenzialmente da vitigni corsi che sono principalmente Niellucciu, Sciaccarellu e Vermentinu.
André Boucher ha inizialmente consegnato le sue uve alle cantine cooperative prima di trovare una cantina che ha accettato di vinificare il suo vino come servizio con i vincoli legati al biologico.
Dopo essersi diplomata come enologa e aver fatto esperienza vinificando in Francia e in Australia, Gwenaële, la loro figlia, è tornata in azienda nel 2000. È stato con sua madre Monika che ha avviato un progetto di cantina in azienda e che il vino 2003 è nato in questa nuova cantina.
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hellobyeokgo · 2 years ago
Murphy’s  Wine Tasting -- Central Coast
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這次活動主題是 Central Coast 的酒 依據 American Viticultural Area (AVA) ,這個區域在舊金山以南以及 Santa Barbara 以北。
Murphy’s 的 Wine Tasting 餐跟酒是分開的。 酒是當天活動配好的。食物則是照餐廳的菜單單點。
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搭配第一支 Vermentinu 品種的白酒 聞起來酸、果香、清爽的梨子、一點點蜂蜜 嚐起來口感偏水 味道發展到中間就嘎然而止 尾韻一點點酒精熱感 一點水梨味回甘
這是一款不過濾的酒 酒體偏濁 整體酸偏甜 有趣 有股自然酒的發酵味
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Burrata Bruschetta 看菜名我以為是一小塊麵包上面擺放起司 沒想到是這樣一大塊 味道滿不錯的 有類似南瓜泥塗在麵包上很甜 Burrata 起司是清爽 旁邊的 watercress 滑滑的
搭配酒是 chardonnay 味道很香 細緻 有鹹奶油的味道 嚐起來濃郁、酸 尾韻偏長
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我的主菜是烤 springer mountain chicken 份量很多!是半隻雞了吧 點這份主菜是為了搭配 pinot noir
可惜這款酒酒體稀薄 聞起來有胡椒味,同時很清澈 新鮮的水果香、微酸 放棄這款酒 直接吃雞!
雞肉滑嫩 雞汁裹著肉 很香 有油脂 但不會膩口
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這是我室友點的烤��� brisket
下一款酒是 Rhone 聞起來 濃郁、深沉的香味 香料、胡椒感 但是味道可以更濃縮
最後一款酒是 CS 味道很香、濃郁 有梅子、蜜餞的氣味 菸草、微苦 酒體厚重 飽滿
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最後我室友點了一塊大蛋糕 我吃不下了 走去旁邊的店面挑酒 XD
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latreilledor · 3 years ago
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[BLANCS PROVENCE & CORSE] Arrivés cette semaine : □ les blancs Tradition du @closornasca (attention quantités limitées...) en #aop #ajaccio #vindecorse , 100% #vermentinu □ la Cuvée Auguste blanc du @chateaulafoux en #aop #coteauxvaroisenprovence , 80% #rolle et 20 % #clairette vieilles vignes Vos repas n'attendent que ça : la fraîcheur et l'élégance sont au rendez-vous ! #latreilledor #caviste #paris14 #cavisteindependant #fierdetrecaviste #maitrecaviste #vindecorse #vindeprovence #vinbiologique (à La Treille d'Or) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd0JT8DN84e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adonisd1956 · 4 years ago
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Railback Soeur Vermentinu Another really good wine from @railsbackfreres @erailsba & @lylerailsback #californiawine #santaynez #santaynez #wine #whitewine #vermentinu (at Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRfn_UiLxnp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sylvainlazureen · 5 years ago
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Appellation: IGP île de beauté Domaine: Yves Leccia @yvesleccia Cuvée: YL Année / Year: 2019 Cépage / Grape: 60% Vermentinu (Rolle) 40% Biancu Gentile 🍇 🍇 Discovering an unknown grape variety is always something I love to do. Biancu Gentile is a Corsican grape variety. I am also in love with Rolle, so discovering this wine was essential for me. On the nose we have citrus and floral notes In the mouth we have a beautiful freshness and elegance. It is often said that the Rolle lacks acidity and there you have this tangy side which gives a lively side. When you start this wine it is hard to stop. A great success that combines freshness and elegance. 🍇 🍇 Découvrir un cépage inconnu c'est toujours quelque chose que j'aime faire. Le Biancu Gentile est un cépages Corse. En plus je suis amoureux du Rolle, donc découvrir ce vin était indispensable pour moi. Au nez on a des notes d'agrumes et des notes florales En bouche on a une belle fraicheur toute en élégance. On dit souvent que le Rolle manque d'acidité et bien là vous avez ce coté acidulé qui donne un coté vif. Quand vous commencez ce vin il est dur d'arrêter. Une très belle réussite qui combine fraîcheur et élégance. 🍇 🍇 #yvesleccia #corsicanwine #rolle #biancugentile #vermentinu #sylvainlazureen #unlimiteduncorked #frenchwine #whitewine #youcansipwithus #corsica #corse (à Yves Leccia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnbM5NiE4a/?igshid=aynkhf6ehvmf
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ampagne3854 · 3 years ago
italian wine
Deep red with blue rim. Forest culmination, rose, detritus, stewed orange peel and blueberry on the nose. Layered and finely poised with penetrating pink culmination, sport and cherry liqueur.     italian wine   Pitch ideal acidity and graphite tannin provide the framework.
Rich plum and darkish chocolate flavours with quality tannins. Spicy wine from the Clare Valley, extraordinary fee.
With a completely unique Stella Bella persona, Stella Bella Chardonnay has a balance of strength, generosity and mineral expression. Sourced from our five southern Margaret River vineyards it is an super instance of the present day fashion without the excesses.
Generous flavours of peach, lemon and lime drives duration and tension through the palate. The fresh mineral acidity, created by the summer sea breezes blowing thru our vineyards, captures an element of saltiness and a spring water liveliness, which leaves you questioning where the bottle went.
66% Cabernet Sauvignon, 32% Merlot, 2% Petit Verdot. The second wine of Domaine A. Deep ruby coloration. A mouth filling & harmonious expression of florals, Asiatic spice & whispers of mint. A darkish berry center layered with cassis is supported by using first-class, velvet tannin shape & natural natural acidity.
By the Andes, altitude 4000 feet. Soils of alluvial foundation, loose and extraordinarily permeable shape. Special pruning, irrigation and canopy management to obtain a balanced winery that offers excessive nice grapes.
Tasting Notes: Violet tones, with severe fruit aromas, cherry, blackberries and fresh plums, mixed with highly spiced and floral notes. Sweet and spherical tannins increase the feeling of fruitiness and balance. Good depth, attention and patience.
The residual sugar here is 90 g/l; the most for this cuvée has a tendency to be about a hundred g/l, otherwise Florent feels it may lack freshness. Sweet pear flesh with a matchsticky overlay on the nostril. It has a touch honeyed apricot, but at the entire the fashion is light and open. The palate indicates a completely appealing attention, with white peach, white pear flesh, a delightfully healthy-sticky freshness and additionally a fantastically bright acidity. For an access-level cuvée this has very exceptional fruit and tension, but additionally a scrumptious minerally frame for all of it. Very appropriate indeed. - The Wine Doctor
This cuvee is named for a adolescence pal of Napoleon Bonaparte, who served below the Empire and spent numerous years as a diplomat in Naples. He turned into devoted to the quit, and fought at Napoleon's facet inside the Battle of Waterloo.
Made from a mix of Vermentinu, Rossola Bianca, Biancu Gentile, Genevose and Brustiano in descending order of percentage of the combination all planted within the early Sixties in granite based soils. Vinified in tank and elderly in older 600 litre demi-muid barrels.
2020 is a high-quality 12 months for the Ché¢teau de Pizay. Dress: pink, the pulpy purple of the lips of the singers.
Nose: candy and heat, the floral fragrances take over, counterbalanced through black end result.
The palate is bursting with freshness, a lovely floral hint of elderberry and vegetation. Surprising assault, followed by means of an excellent extent. Abundant substance however wrapped in a greedy fluidity, sustained through the tonalities to come back.
Long and voluble end, revealing all the richness of Gamay.
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autourdu20 · 3 years ago
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Dégustation de Vermentinu et de Biancu Gentile (à Autour du 20) https://www.instagram.com/p/CccsM6TM8Lr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beckustator · 4 years ago
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Domaine Yves Leccia, Corse J'ai été impressionné par le niveau des vins de @yvesleccia ! Quelle belle découverte et quelle authenticité. Une compte-rendu détaillé sera prochainement publié sur yvesbeck.wine #wine #vin #corse #winelover #winetasting #winecritic #instawine #winegram #winepic #winelife #winejournalist #wineoftheday #winetime #yvesbeck #beckustator #winelovers #yvesleccia #vermentino #nielluciu #grenache #vermentinu #muscat https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSgNQzrVyl/?igshid=1j8byxluu6x1
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cavesbardou · 5 years ago
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Le nouveau millésime du Clos Sonnenta est disponible ! 😁 Ces vins sont Issus de coteaux argilo-calcaires dominant la côte Corse et d'une vigne cultivée sans désherbant, ni engrais, ni labour. Le Clos Sonnenta rosé est composé d'un assemblage de Niellucciu (50%) Vermentinu (20%) et Syrah (30%). Les frères Allegret ont créé en 2007 le Clos Sonnenta, issu de la propriété familiale située sur la côte orientale, dans la région de Bravone. #vinsbio #vinsrosé #rosé #paris10 #garedelest #garedunord #marchesaintquentin #marchestquentin #ruedufaubourgsaintdenis #faubourgsaintdenis #faubourgstdenis #canalsaintmartin #canalstmartin #paris17 #ternes #pereire #promenadepereire #ruelaugier #boulevardpereire #neuillysurseine #levalloisperret #portedechamperret #cavesbardou #cavebardou #bardou #cavisteparis https://www.instagram.com/p/CAW3H_PHD7b/?igshid=ojdcrrgk0uhr
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dellamonica · 5 years ago
Vinhos Brancos
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Os vinhos brancos são feitos para as mulheres e os tintos para os homens. Esta afirmação, além de machista, é também equivocada, infeliz e demonstra falta de conhecimento e gosto. Pobre de espírito é o homem que nunca se deixou deliciar pelos aromas e características singulares dos vinhos brancos. Sem dúvida alguma, deixou de beber verdadeiras maravilhas. Sabemos que os vinhos podem ser feitos a partir de uma única variedade de uva (varietal) ou então de uma fórmula, mistura de algumas variedades (corte, assemblage). No caso dos varietais, existem sete variedades de uvas com gostos e aromas inconfundíveis e memoráveis o suficiente para determinar categorias internacionais de vinhos, sendo que, cinco delas produzem vinhos brancos. São elas: Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Muscat e Sauvignon Blanc. O vinho branco deve ser tomado resfriado (em torno de 12 ºC), acompanha muito bem entradas, saladas, peixes e frutos do mar, bem como, algumas aves e carnes mais leves. Dependendo da uva e região, o vinho branco possui capacidade de envelhecimento e guarda, ganhando em complexidade. Principais Regiões, Denominações e Castas Encontramos vinho branco em todas as regiões vinícolas. Os métodos são variados, podendo fermentar ou não em carvalho, estagiar ou não em madeira, serem secos ou até extremamente doces, jovens ou longevos. As principais regiões produtoras do Velho Mundo são: França Região Principais Castas Brancas Alsácia Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Sylvaner. Bordeaux Muscadelle, Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon Blanc. Bourgogne Aligoté, Chardonnay. Córsega Vermentinu, Muscat a Petit Grains. Champagne Chardonnay. Languedoc/Roussillon Bourboulenc, Clairette, Grenache Blanc, Macabeu, Muscat. Provance Clairette, Ugni Blanc. Val de Loire Chenin Blanc, Folle Blanche, Muscadet, Pineau d’Aunis, Sauvignon Blanc. Vallée du Rhône Clairette, Grenache Blanc, Marsanne, Rousanne, Viognier. Itália Região Principais Castas Brancas Campânia Fiano, Greco di Tufo, Moscato. Friulli Chardonnay, Picolit, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Tocai Friuliano, Verduzzo. Lombardia Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio. Piemont Arneis, Chardonnay, Cortese, Moscatto. Sardenha Malvasia, Nuragus, Torbato, Vernacchia. Sicilia Catarrato, Chardonnay, Grillo, Inzolia, Moscatto, Trebbiano. Toscana Chardonnay, Malvasia, Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Trebbiano, Vernaccia. Trentino – Alto Adige Chardonnay, Moscatto, Nosiola, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Traminer. Vêneto Garganega, Prosecco, Trebbiano. Espanha Região Principais Castas Brancas Andaluzia Airén, Chardonnay, Macabeo, Moscatel, Palomino Fino, Pedro Ximénez, Sauvignon Blanc, Zalema. Aragão Alcañón, Chardonnay, Garnacha Blanca, Gewürztraminer, Macabeo, Malvasia, Moscatel, Parellada. Castilla y Leon Albilo, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Godello, Malvasia, Moscatel, Palomino, Sauvignon Blanc, Verdejo, Viura. Cataluña Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Garnacha Blanca, Macabeo, Malvasia, Marselan, Moscatel, Parellada, Pedro Ximénez, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Xarel-Lo. Galícia Albariño, Godello, Loureira Blanca, Macabeo, Palomino, Torrontés, Treixadura, Verdello. La Mancha Airén, Albillo, Chardonnay, Macabeo, Moscatel, Parellada, Sauvignon Blanc, Torrontés, Verdejo. Navarra Chardonnay, Garnacha Blanca, Moscatel, Viura. Rioja Garnacha Blanca, Malvasia, Viura. Portugal Região Principais Castas Brancas Alentejo Antão Vaz, Arinto, Chardonnay, Fernão Pires, Malvasia, Sauvignon Blanc. Bairrada Arinto, Bical, Cerceal, Gouveio, Maria Gomes. Dão Arinto, Bical, Cerceal, Encruzado, Maria Gomes. Douro Esgana-Cão, Gouveio, Malvasia Fina, Rabigato, Viosinho. Lisboa (Estremadura) Arinto, Chardonnay, Fernão Pires, Malvasia. Madeira Boal, Malvasia, Malvasia Fina, Cerceal, Verdelho. Minho Alvarinho, Gouveio, Loureiro, Trajadura, Viosinho. Tejo (Ribatejo) Arinto, Cerceal, Chardonnay, Fernão Pires. Alemanha Região Principais Castas Brancas Ahr Riesling, Müller-Thurgau. Mosel Riesling, Müller-Thurgau. Nahe Riesling. Rheingau Riesling. Palatinado Riesling, Müller-Thurgau, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Blanc. Áustria Região Principais Castas Brancas Burgenland Grüner Veltliner, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Welschriesling. Niederösterreich Grüner Veltliner, Riesling. Steierland Riesling, Müller-Thurgau. Hungria Região Principais Castas Brancas Eger e Mátra Leányka, Hárslevelü, Olasz Riesling, Chardonnay. Kunság e Csongrád Olasz Riesling, Ezerjó. Tokaj Furmint, Hárslevelü, Muscat. Villány e Szekszárd Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc. Grécia Região Principais Castas Brancas Peloponeso Assyrtiko, Lalagousia, Roditis, Chardonnay. Thessalia Assyrtiko, Roditis. Macedônia / Trácia Assyrtiko, Malagousia. Ilhas do Egeu Assyrtiko, Moschato Alexandrias. Creta Assyrtiko. Vinhos degustados pela Confraria dos Prazeres Océanique Limoux AOC – Safra 2011 (França/Languedoc) Produtor: Toques & Clochers Uva: Chardonnay. Tipo: Branco seco (FeM – 10M/F) Valor de referência: R$ 181,00 Ronan by Clinet Blanc AOC – Safra 2013 (França/Bordeaux) Produtor: Château Clinet Uvas: Sauvignon Blanc 80%, Sémillon 20%. Tipo: Branco seco (FeM – S/M – SL) Valor de referência: R$ 149,00 Chablis 1er Cru – Safra 2013 (França/Borgonha) Produtor: Domaine Pierre Andre Uvas: Chardonnay. Tipo: Branco seco. Valor de referência: R$ 290,00 Saint-Croix du Mont AOX – Safra 2011 (França/Bordeaux) Produtor: Château Grand Lousteau Uvas:  Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscadelle. Tipo: Branco de Sobremesa. Valor de referência: R$ 97,00 Degustação realizada em 15 de fevereiro de 2016. Texto de: André Monteiro. Editado e publicado por: Maicon F. Santos.   O conteúdo Vinhos Brancos aparece primeiro em Guia do Vinho. Read the full article
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mastcomm · 5 years ago
Yesterday’s Bread, Today’s Lush Fatteh
LONDON — In the process of making sure that bread, one of the most popular but also most perishable staples, doesn’t end up in the trash heap, cuisines the world over have used every tool at their disposal to find delicious recycling options.
The famous British love of desserts, to mention an example close to my heart, has given us bread-and-butter pudding (a pillow of warmth and steamy comfort), apple charlotte and summer pudding (semispheres of sweet soaked bread enveloping cooked seasonal fruit) and treacle tart (a tart filled with molasses and bread crumbs). For Brits, dairy, fruit and a spoonful of sugar help a slice of white bread go down in a particularly delightful way, especially when there’s an extra jug of fresh custard in the vicinity.
In southern Europe, on the other hand, yesterday’s bread doesn’t come into its own bloated with sweetened milk or cream but, rather, upon sucking up considerable amounts of olive oil, vinegar and the juice of a fresh tomato … or three. Spanish pan con tomate (bread rubbed with tomato, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled of salt) and Italian pappa al pomodoro (a Tuscan soup) and panzanella (a chopped salad) are the more recognizable dishes among many.
In the Middle East, the equivalent of panzanella is fattoush, a salad peppered with fried pieces of flatbread called khubz. The name “fattoush” comes from the Arabic verb “fatt,” which means to break up or crush, referring to the pieces of broken bread in the salad. The word is also the origin of an even more exciting Arabic dish using stale flatbread, and that is fatteh.
Fatteh is difficult to define because there are countless regional versions. What they all have in common, though, is the layering of distinct elements, one of which is bread, onto a platter. In vegetarian variations like mine, the lamb is left out. I also chose to go a little less traditional and place the bread on top, rather than on the bottom, to keep it more crispy.
Other traditional versions might include yogurt or tahini. Fattet djaj, for instance, has bread in it, shredded chicken, whole chickpeas, broth, a layer of yogurt sauce and a topping of pine nuts. In Gaza, a thin flatbread called saj or makouk is dipped in stock, which is often loaded with garlic, lemon and chiles, and topped with freshly cooked white rice and toasted nuts. It is then finished off with cooked chicken or other meats.
The list of ingredients that could go into a fatteh — from eggplant, to broad beans, to tomatoes, to different pulses, meat or fish — can be as lengthy as your imagination allows. Just as long as there’s enough delicious juice to soak up, an old piece of bread could be the best excuse you’ll ever have for a little rummage around your kitchen cupboard or fridge in pursuit of a seriously multilayered feast.
Recipe: Chickpea and Herb Fatteh
And to Drink …
With these pungent, tangy flavors you will want an incisive white that refreshes but does not intrude. That means lively acidity and freshness, which leaves many choices. If you’d like a sauvignon blanc, I’d steer toward a lean and herbal style rather than tropical fruity. Grüner veltliner from Austria would work well, though the same advice holds. Unoaked chardonnays from Burgundy could be delicious, like those from the Mâconnais or village-level Chablis. You can range far with these wines. Assyrtiko from Santorini or vermentinu from Corsica would both go well. If you don’t mind rosé in cold weather, it would be great, as long as it’s dry. If you like regional pairings, try a white or rosé from Lebanon or Israel. Prefer a red? Beaujolais often works with dishes suited for white wines. ERIC ASIMOV
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/yesterdays-bread-todays-lush-fatteh/
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corsicacom · 9 years ago
La Réserve du Président
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autourdu20 · 5 years ago
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Clos Sarone, merci à Jean Feracci pour cette primeur ! Vermentinu 2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkIHl7D0Sd/?igshid=1d4opeh9qzkzm
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autourdu20 · 5 years ago
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Vendanges au domaine Jean-Baptiste Arena. Le vermentinu de la mythique parcelle de Carco est d'une qualité irréprochable. Très Beau millésime en perspective https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWwOlLjeXu/?igshid=nduf0p5uume9
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autourdu20 · 7 years ago
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Le Jeudi 19 Octobre à partir de 19h dans les salons du Sud Hôtel. Vous aurez l’occasion de découvrir ou d’affiner vos connaissances sur le monde du vin, à travers l’expression d’un grand cépage insulaire sur les différents terroirs de Corse, et partager le plaisir de déguster à travers une approche intuitive à la fois ludique et insolite, la dégustation à l’aveugle. Cette approche de dégustation est la plus objective dans le sens où c’est le vin seul qui s’exprime et non l���étiquette. Vos sens seront d’autant plus en éveil et concentrés sur la couleur de la robe, l’odorat, le goût, la longueur en bouche… Au programme de cet AfterWork, 5 Vermentinu issus de notre sélection à déguster à l’aveugle sous les conseils éclairés d’un maître sommelier dévoué, Raphael Pierre-Bianchetti et du maître des lieux passionné d’œnologie, Joseph. Un moment de détente assuré autour de bonnes quilles et dans la bonne humeur, destiné à la fois aux novices comme aux œnophiles avertis. Tarifs & Réservations : Forfait de 39 euros TTC par personne (Tapas d’apéritif & Dégustation compris) Planches du terroir à partager à partir de 9 euros…. Infos & Réservation Obligatoire par téléphone au 04 95 30 20 61
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