pc7ooo · 13 days
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Датамайнер CS2 высмеял слова Гейба Ньюэлла про «величие» The International 2024 по Dota 2
Датамайнер CS2 под ником Thour отреагировал на приветственную речь главы Valve Гейб Ньюэлла наThe International 2024по Dota 2. Пост опубликован ...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/14/311-datamayner-cs2-vysmeyal-slova-geyba-nyuella-pro-velichie-the-international-2024-po-dota-2-grss-341024619.html
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
The Bulgarian Parliament has rejected Rosen Zhelyazkov's nomination for Prime Minister after more than three hours of debate. The proposed GERB government, with Zhelyazkov at the helm, was turned down.
The vote saw 98 deputies in favor, primarily from GERB and DPS. However, the DPS group was notably divided, with 14 voting against and one abstaining. Delyan Peevski commented on the outcome, noting that "there are 30 Euro-Atlantic MPs in the DPS, and they will remain DPS MPs."
A total of 138 deputies voted against the nomination, including representatives from "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB), "Revival" (Vazrazhdane), Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), "There Is Such a People" (TISP), "Greatness" (Velichie), and independent MP Kaloyan Metodiev. Two deputies chose to abstain.
Despite anticipations of potential tactics to secure a minority cabinet, the political forces refrained from employing any such maneuvers.
Speaking to journalists after the vote, Peevski said that Bulgaria had missed the chance to have a government. It was clear from his words that DPS is unlikely to try to form a cabinet with the second mandate. "Russia wins today," he concluded.
WCC-DB Co-Chairman Asen Vassilev defined the failed attempt to form a GERB government as a waste of time. "In order for a government to be approved, in such a difficult situation, it is necessary to have a preliminary discussion of a program in detail, a preliminary discussion of policies, of a legislative program, and only then can one proceed to form a Council of Ministers and seek support. This an attempt we saw, sorry, but it was just wasting of time," he pointed out.
"It is obvious that the political crisis continues and its solution requires not only putting personal and party interests aside, but also adequacy". This was stated by President Rumen Radev on the sidelines of the Parliament, immediately after the deputies did not support the nomination of Rosen Zhelyazkov for Prime Minister. "What we saw today in the parliamentary debate is that somehow personal attacks dominated the political theses. And the focus was on the past rather than on the present and the future. All of us, especially in times of crisis must be strictly guided by the law. Therefore, I will strictly follow the constitutional procedure from now on," the head of state stressed. Rumen Radev did not want to say when he will hand over the second mandate to form a government.
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mariacallous · 4 months
European and domestic parliamentary elections in Bulgaria on Sunday marked the next step in the political comeback of populist ex-prime minister Boyko Borissov, leader of the centre-right GERB party.
Turnout was an all-time low for Bulgaria. Only 32.5 per cent of voters took part in the general elections and 33.4 per cent in the European Parliamentary race according to Alpha Research agency.
The Central Election Committee’s preliminary results, based on 50.9 per cent of ballots processed, placed GERB/United Democratic Forces first in the parliamentary elections, with 23.5 per cent.
Who came second remained unclear. The reformist duo of We Continue the Change and Democratic Bulgaria won 15.4 per cent and, despite a major drop in voter support, won in Sofia, highlighting where their main support lies.
GERB’s partners in the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, MRF, won 15.1 while the pro-Russia far-right Revival won 14.5 per cent. Another faction aligned with Russia, the once mighty Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, won 6.9 per cent and the nationalist There’s Such a People stand won 6.5 per cent.
A recently founded party, Greatness, made it selection debut with some 5.1 per cent. Greatness (Velichie) has been investigated as be a Ponzi scheme by the local Capital weekly newspaper and has been connected with paramilitary trainings. The party, with no clear positioning on the right/left spectrum but leaning towards nationalist, pro-Russian, Eurosceptic and conspiratorial ideas, ran a campaign largely relying on YouTube, TikTok and Telegram content.
Although some see Greatness as modelled on Revival, the two parties have been hostile towards each other. At a post-election press conference, Greatness co-founder Ivelin Mihaylov clarified that “the biggest difference between us and Revival is that they want Bulgaria to be on Russia’s side, while we’re promoting neutrality.” He denied hosting paramilitary trainings or running a financial pyramid scheme.
The outcome of the general elections means that around 25-30 per cent of voters chose pro-Russian forces.
According to the same preliminary results, GERB also came first in the European Parliament elections with 22.9 per cent of the votes, ahead of WW/DB on 15.7 per cent, Revival on 14.9 per cent, MRF on 11.1 per cent, BSP on 7.1 and There’s Such a People on 6.6 per cent.
The general elections, the sixth in three years, overlapped with the European Parliament elections following the dissolution of the uneasy coalition between GERB/UDF and WCC/DB.
Croatia’s governing centre-right wins comfortably
In Croatia, the ruling centre-right Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, convincingly won the elections for the European Parliament, taking six of the 12 seats that Croatia holds in Brussels.
The centre-left Social Democratic Party, SDP, won four seats while the far-right Homeland Movement and the left-green Mozemo! (We Can!) won one each.
The HDZ took 34.6 percent of the votes cast, the list of SDP and its partners won 25.96 percent and the Homeland Movement came third with 8.82 percent. Mozemo! came fourth with 5.92 percent.
However, the turnout was a dismal 21.32 per cent, 8.53 per cent less than in the elections for the European parliament in 2019.
In terms of preferential votes, PM Andrej Plenkovic, who will not go to the EU parliament but will remain Prime Minister, won 101,721 while Biljana Borzan, first on the SDP list, came second with 83,551. The far-right Homeland Movement candidate Stephen Nikola Bartulica had 35,239 preferential votes.
Plenkovic, in his victory speech on Sunday night, blamed the low turnout on voter fatigue. “Obviously, there was saturation after the parliamentary elections, ”he said, referring to the parliamentary elections held last month.
But he added: “We won as many as six mandates, two mandates more than [in the last European parliamentary polls in] 2019. It’s a great success.”
In the wake of the HDZ victory, SDP president Pedja Grbin announced on Monday that he will not continue as leader of the party and that he will not run for any position in the upcoming internal party elections, but that he will stay on as leader until the members of the SDP elect a replacement.
Grbin recalled that before the parliamentary elections last month, he said that if the SDP did not form a government, he would step down. “I am a man of my word,” he told reporters.
In Greece, ruling party leads but far-right also rises
The European parliamentary elections in Greece were marked by a low turnout – over 60 per cent of voters did not cast ballots – and the election of four far-right MEPs. With 99.98 per cent of the votes counted, the governing centre-right New Democracy party, ND, came first with 28.31 per cent, taking seven seats.
It did not do as well as in the 2023 general elections, when it won over 40 per cent of the vote.
The left-wing SYRIZA party came second with 14.92 per cent and four seats, while the left-wing PASOK came third with 12.79 per cent and three seats.
EllinikiLysi (Greek Solution) came next with 9.30 per cent and two seats, the Greek Communist party, KKE, won 9.25 per cent and two seats, and another far-right party, Niki, won 4.37 per cent and one seat. PleussiEleftherias won 3.4 per cent and one seat and a third far-right party, FoniLogikis, won 3.04 per cent and one seat.
Among the ND’s seven elected MEPs is the ethnic Greek mayor-elect of Himara in Albania, Fredi Beleri, who was sentenced to two years in prison in Albania for vote-buying in the mayoral election. His conviction has caused a diplomatic dispute between Albania and Greece. Beleri, who is still in jail, said that his success in the European election was “unimaginable for a country [Albania] that wants to become a member of the European family”.
Among minority parties in Greece, the Party of Friendship, Equality and Peace, which advocates for the “Turks of Western Thrace” came first in the Rhodope and Xanthi regions. Greece does not recognise the existence of a Turkish minority in Thrace, only a “Muslim minority”, which also includes Pomaks (Bulgarian-speaking Muslims) and Muslim Roma.
Governing parties come first in Romania
Romania had no official results for Sunday’s European Parliament polls by Monday morning but exit polls suggested that the centre-left Social Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party came first with some 53 per cent of the votes cast.
According to these calculations, the government coalition will send 14 representatives to Brussels out of 33 seats reserved for Romania in the European legislature.
According to the same results, the right-wing populist Alliance for the Union of Romanians, AUR, came second on 15 per cent, the centre-right United Right Alliance came third on 11 per cent, followed by the Democratic Union of the Hungarians in Romania, UDMR.
PSD leader and PM Marcel Ciolacu announced on Sunday night after the polling stations closed that the Social Democratic Party had “won the elections”. He said the vote had confirmed that the PSD had “governed well in a complicated period”.
With most votes cast abroad counted, the PSD-PNL Alliance won 21.33 per cent, followed by the United Right Alliance, AUR and SOS Romania. The United Right Alliance followed on 16.3 per cent, and the right-wing AUR on 14.54 per cent.
The Romanian diaspora, a significant factor in the election, comprises over 5.4 million citizens. Over 56,000 Romanians from Moldova voted, a record in comparison with previous polls organised by Romania in Moldova. In Moldova, out of 2.6 million people, over one million are Romanian citizens, and voters from Moldova constituted about 25 per cent of the total number of 209,000 Romanian voters abroad. Romania opened 52 polling stations in the country.
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
                . * ・✧⤛⧽ velichie liked for a starter
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                It was no way for anyone to die. To be gathered together like farm animals and slaughtered in the night. It was her domain, and she had heard the shots even as far as the Thrice-Tenth Kingdom, echoing through the dark outside her house. She had watched them all put the bodies in the truck, drive them to the first sight to desecrate their bodies, to bury them and dig them up and bury them again, only to take them back to the road as a final insult. When morning broke, they had left, and so had she until the following night, standing at the mess of mud and dirt in her black fur coat, a lantern-skull on a stick stuck into the ground next to her for light, and her mortar and pestle idly drifting on her other side.                 ”I warned you, Kolya, you should’ve fled when you had the chance,” she said, taking a drag from a cigarette. There was work to be done before she went to Buyan to meet the new bride. Under the cover of darkness she could do her work without spies, dead or otherewise, or so she thought.                 “Don’t dither about in the dark like a coward, Ivan, I know you’re there,” she spoke, turning back cast a glare over her shoulder. “Are you leave me to do the heavy lifting, comrade?"
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anyalenkaya-blog · 6 years
@velichie // continued.
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          ‘  no, i was —– ’         does it matter?    ‘  don’t worry, i’m not any sort of an official. ’ oh, he is never too subtle anymore — but weren’t sophistication and small talk things they have been so determined to root out in their NEW REALITY?   ‘ but you have to trust me on one thing: if you don’t come with me, someone else will come for you, and i wouldn’t be able to help. now, for a limited time, i am and i intend to. ’   years ago he’d failed her countless of times. not again. ‘ ..are you coming — anya? ’
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trust is earned,  not given.  but she is awfully hungry,  starving even,  and cold,  and well...  no one else has offered any help.  it seems,  for the time being,  that he is her only shot at getting somewhere         but kindness from strangers is a rare thing to come by these days,  so she cannot help but enquire.   ‘ why do you want to help me?  i have no money.  i cannot pay you. ’
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hemoveswithaswagger · 6 years
' My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet. I have no one to meet, and the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming. '
        Though Anatole hated to call himself stupid or unintelligent, such moments as this did leave him uncertain at least as to his level of intellect. “Have you tried wine and a good night’s sleep?” The suggestion came e a s y to him — ‘twas precisely what Anatole did any time he felt poorly. And he was fairly sure that poor-feeling was what this strange man was getting at. Of course, Anatole’s suggestion failed to tell the whole story, as his bad days ended in absolute drunkenness and at least one sexual encounter, not just 'wine and sleep’.         “Alternatively, you can certainly try me. I help with feeling, I have wine, money, friends, and my body.” Encouragement and hope danced in his eyes.
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severnayastolitsa · 6 years
💭 !
Alexei adores Ivan. Really, he does. He loves him as a family member and a mentor. As a child, he practically worshiped the older man. He still wants very much to impress him, to live up to whatever expectations he thinks Ivan has of him, and often feels like Ivan must be disappointed in him for some reason or another. At times, he can’t help but feel a twinge of envy and resentment, for in many ways, Ivan is the archetypal strong, stoic Russian man that Alexei is not. He worries that Ivan sees him as delusional, a failure, a has-been, and an invalid who can’t take care of himself. 
Still, Ivan is family, and Alexei loves him dearly. While he’s immensely hesitant about telling anyone about his deeply personal feelings and problems, he knows that if there’s anyone he can trust to listen, it’s Ivan. If there’s anyone he can call at 3 in the morning drunk and without a ride, it’s Ivan. Bottom line is that he feels comfortable and safe around Ivan. 
send a ‘💭’ to learn what my muse thinks of yours / accepting
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fairestfall · 6 years
@velichie cont. from here
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        The woman seems to have more akin with a marble statue than a human woman. Her stance is stalwart and a crease in the illusion only appears when an amused smile blooms. “Oh, please. I would think that an immortal would have a bit more maturity. I am not greedy nor am I averse to spending the night with a stranger.” 
She gracefully lowers herself on a log near her recently built fire and gestures to the spot beside her. “Sit. Rest. You can always fight me in the morning once you’ve regained your strength. However, I warn you, I am far stronger than I look.” 
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chvxnov-blog · 7 years
@velichie // Starter Call
It was mid-October and the letter that he kept folding and unfolding was not his. Soon tired of his action he threw it into the small blazing fire to join with the rest of the German-tongued letters. He watched the weak flames lick holes through it, raising his chin to look up when the shaking building rained more loose concrete on them.
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Across the Volga the night sky laid lit a bright red. He lit Kraut letters on fire while their Luftwaffe lit fire to their city. Sitting idly their, waiting...watching...
"Bastards are still making progress. At this rate, we are going to end up trapped like rats in this narrow zones. " Chvanov didn't peel his eyes away from the scenery, far yet close. "Reinforcements are late, aren't they ? "And with that he turned back to the small fire, making sure it had build enough to start brewing the coffee while the battle continued in the distance.
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pc7ooo · 4 months
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Nikobaby: «Возвращаюсь, чтобы вернуть величие Alliance, но не в качестве игрока»
Бывший киберспортсмен в дисциплине Dota 2 Николай Nikobaby Николов заявил, что вернётся к работе вAlliance. Об этом он написал в X. При этом он ...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/08/873-nikobaby-vozvraschayus-chtoby-vernut-velichie-alliance-no-ne-v-kachestve-igroka-grss-314772951.html
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
The "Greatness" (Velichie) party, led by Nikolay Markov, has declined an invitation from GERB for cabinet negotiations, insisting instead on a meeting directly with their leader, Boyko Borissov. Denitsa Sacheva, a member of GERB's negotiating team, confirmed that the scheduled meeting at 3 p.m. would not proceed as "such a meeting will not take place." Markov and his party have expressed reluctance to engage with GERB's negotiating team, preferring direct dialogue with Borissov himself, whom they view as the party's leader rather than the negotiators.
In response to the snub from "Greatness," GERB has concluded the initial phase of talks regarding future governance without specifying how the negotiation process will proceed from here.
Earlier today, following an hour-long meeting with "There Is Such a People" (TISP), GERB's negotiation team described the discussions as constructive. Denitsa Sacheva reported that both parties focused on specific policy areas such as energy, education, and judicial reform.
"We are open to further discussions specifically on policy matters," she emphasized. Sacheva clarified that there were no talks during the meeting regarding the composition or structure of the cabinet. She dispelled rumors about an already agreed-upon cabinet involving GERB, DPS, and TISP stating, "There is no such news... Neither colleagues from DPS nor from TISP have confirmed their participation in such a government," explained Sacheva.
Sacheva also indicated that immediately before the commencement of the 50th Parliament's first session, GERB's parliamentary group would convene to announce its nomination for Speaker of the Parliament. "We will observe the developments tomorrow and based on that, decide on our future course of action," she underscored.
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star--travelru · 3 months
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Изучайте красоту и загадки Уральских гор - увлекательный путеводитель по величественным природным пейзажам России. Отдых а России star--travel.ru _России
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eldtunga · 7 years
“Pay attention!”
Attention Meme
With a roll of his eyes, Feykir slammed the book he was reading shut and then set it back down onto the table. Obviously, he was trying to over exaggerate his actions, simply out of frustration. “There, happy? You have all my attention.” While Feykir knew it was pretty rude of him to read a book and not speak with him, he still wasn’t happy with the tone used against him. 
Turning his entire body towards the other, he moved the book far away. “Sorry for that, go on ahead. You can talk to me about whatever you want. No book anymore.”
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He [Alfred] was so brave, he only died when The Entirety of Russia kissed him
El @velichie, 2k17
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
In the recent election, the Central Election Commission (CEC) reported over 58,000 invalid votes, with 2,211,648 valid votes counted. Paper ballots in the ballot box totaled just over 1,454,000, and machine votes were nearly 815,300. Additionally, 63,913 voters chose the option "I'm not supporting anyone."
The CEC data for the National Assembly election revealed that GERB received 530,658 votes, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) garnered just over 366,000, and "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) obtained nearly 307,800.
Voter turnout was 34.41% for the national parliament election and 33.78% for the Euro vote. Mandate distribution showed GERB securing the most deputies, with five each from Varna and the 23rd Multi-Mandate Constituency (MMC) in Sofia. In Kardzhali, all five mandates went to DPS. WCC-DB had the most mandates in the 23rd MMC Sofia, with seven.
The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) did not secure a single mandate in 12 regions, including Vidin, Smolyan, Haskovo, and Targovishte. "There Is Such a People" (TISP) obtained two MPs from Varna, while "Revival" and WCC-DB each secured three from the same constituency. The "Greatness" (Velichie) party received one mandate each in the three Sofia MMCs.
WCC-DB will not have representatives from 10 regions, including Yambol, Silistra, Lovech, Montana, and Smolyan. DPS did not secure mandates in Pernik, Plovdiv-city, and the 24th and 25th MMCs in Sofia. Apart from Kardzhali, "Revival" failed to secure mandates in Razgrad, Smolyan, and Targovishte.
The CEC has announced the deputies elected in two multi-mandate districts. These deputies have until the end of the working day to decide where they will enter the 50th National Assembly.
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star--travelru · 3 months
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Погрузитесь в величие природы России с ее великолепными горами, предлагающими уникальные курортные возможности для отдыха и приключений. Отдых а России star--travel.ru
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