#velaryon brothers
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iydiamartinx · 8 months ago
(Jaecerys, Lucerys, & Joffrey)
joffery fancast: harry gilby
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daeneryscel · 9 months ago
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i am telling all of you right here right now they’re getting married this season trust 🙏🏻
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allyriadayne · 8 months ago
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Jace and Joffrey Velaryon: Seasons 1 & 2
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existential-queeer · 8 months ago
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geniemillies · 6 months ago
doodled high lord tarquin and some.. soon to be high lord vanserras question mark????
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there are actually no buttons in prythian. i confiscated all buttons all laces. all shirts.
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aliferousdreamer · 1 year ago
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imasexypotato · 8 months ago
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Yeaaaaaah......a "rumor"......👀
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The enmity between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra was passed on to their sons, and the queen’s three boys, the Princes Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron, grew to be bitter rivals of their Velaryon nephews, resentful of them for having stolen what they regarded as their birthright: the Iron Throne itself. Though all six boys attended the same feasts, balls, and revels, and sometimes trained together in the yard under the same master-at-arms and studied under the same maesters, this enforced closeness only served to feed their mutual mislike, rather than binding them together as brothers.
'bitter rivals' and 'mutual mislike' is so funny to me because yeah Jace and Daeron were the same age but Aemond and Aegon how are you rivals with little kids half your age?
Like this is pre-Driftmark (120 ac). This is before the royal family split. At Driftmark their ages are 13 (Aegon), 10 (Aemond), 6 (Daeron & Jace), 5 (Luke), 3 (Joffrey).
Like when Aegon was, say, 11, was he bitter rivals with a 4 year old Jace? That is a wider age gap than Joffrey Baratheon and Tommen. That's not rivalry that's a big kid bullying a little kid.
"poor Aemond it was 3 against 1!" - the 3 in question being an actual toddler and two little kids half his age.
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godofstory · 6 months ago
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last tweet's source: this post
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poppinspops · 11 months ago
Dear older brother
Part 1, Part 2
Lucerys velaryon as your brother (platonic) the beginning of your relationship to the end of it..
Fem reader! Sorry, it's just easier to write for girls as a girl myself. I do hope you understand
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Lucerys is your older brother as you were born a year after Luke was born a bastard, just like your two older brothers having dark hair and dark eyes
Though your mother Rhaenyra doesn't like it when you call yourself that neither do your two brothers but alas you still do when upset with yourself
Lucerys HATES being called Lukey by everyone that's not you, and you hate when others (besides joffery, jace, and your mother) call him lukey
You and jace mainly use it when you are teasing him, and sometimes Rhaenyra joins in
You two where sat next to each other at dinner, always whispering about something or someone you always did strive to make your older brother laugh
Luke is more open with you because you would come into his chambers and let your brother rant to you or vice versa
But it was more often that he came into your chambers and spoke his mind with no fear of judgment from you
Often, big events ended in him in your arms crying after something stressful happened in his chambers, though you didn't mind
You're usually the one consoling him if your mother hadn't beat you to it
You are the definition of a brothers girl
You are usually seen next to Luke or walking beside him. Wherever Luke went, you weren't far behind him
Though if Lucerys isn't off with jacerys doing something most likely practicing sword fighting, you'd be seen with your mother Rhaenyra
During important dinners or really any social event your mother planned or was invited to, you'd always would be seen standing next to luke or sitting with him whispering to Luke
Most likely, just you gossiping to him about something another Lord told you or how disgusting one of the lords where with you
You bumped Lucerys gently with your elbow whispering to your older brothers "so.. how are you 'enjoying' this beautiful banquet older brother?" Giggling as you saw his quick roll of the eyes before he replied back in a hushed tone
"Oh, I see how it is.. how was dancing with almost every lord tonight?" Luke said with a sly smirk on his pale face. Now it was your turn to roll your eyes giving him a good elbow in the side making him grumble as he rubbed his side. Your feet hurt like hell from all of the dancing you had to do tonight it was almost as bad as your name day.. "delightful." You replied in a strained voice. Luke had laughed at that, making you smile and laugh with your brother, elbowing him harder in the side this time, making him yelp out in pain.
You two quickly composed yourselves when your older brother turned his head over to the two of you making you straighten your back and look away from his gaze not seeing the small smile on his face from seeing his two younger siblings seemingly having fun teasing one another.
Luke is the calmer one between the both of you which was funny as your mother thought that her having a girl after her two boys would mean the two older boys where going to be the ones protecting their younger sister from others when it turned out to be the complete opposite, not that Rhaenyra minded at all she was proud that her first daughter could defend herself
Daemon had once told his wife you acted like her when she was younger, and Rhaenyra agreed as you did
Though she did wish that you would hold your tongue at times as you would go head first into arguments no matter if you or your brothers were in the right or wrong
One of your brothers could have been the one that got the facts wrong, but you would have still defended them with your life, that made you get into physical altercations with many lords and some lady's aswell
Though Rhaenyra was proud of that, it was like she had given birth to a second jacerys. Just this time, you could punch harder than jacerys could..
You were a natural when it came to learning High Valyrian much like Lucerys is
When you got the news of your mother being pregnant, it left you overjoyed. You so dearly wanted to know if you had a little sister coming. Look. It's hard being the only girl in a family of mainly men.
When your baby brother joffery was born, you adored him from the moment you first got a glimpse of him
You always volunteered to watch over little joffery, to teach him how to walk and how to say his first words, begging your mother
Though this did leave Lucerys a bit envious of his little brother joffery and how he seemed to take up all your time and attention now ever since he was born.
It caused Luke to start giving you a bit of the cold shoulder rolling his eyes when your little brother was brought up
When you had figured out why Luke was giving you the cold shoulder for a few weeks, you laughed and teased him for it as it was silly and lucerys knew that
You and Jace started teasing Luke about it for months on end
You had started spending all your free time teaching your younger brother how to speak and what names each color had much to Luke's dismay, you where often seen in Jofferys' room reading to him, as you had always wanted a younger sibling and you had finally gotten one a well mannered one at that.
You were a tad bit upset that he wasn't a girl, though you had quickly gotten over that once you held him in your arms as he tried to say your name
When you were younger, you used to follow Luke around, just like what little joffery does with you now
It was funny to Rhaenyra that joffery acts so much like his older sister
though she was glade that unlike his older sister, joffery didn't go and dig up holes in the ground, looking for worms much to her mothers dismay when finding her daughter outside, digging up bugs from the ground..
You were never too fond of Daemon, your stepfather. Though he seemed to be fond of you quite a lot being as he has daughters of his own (girl dad daemon), so he understood you on a level your brothers just didn't.
Daemon was the first to defend you, or he'd just appear by your side randomly at times. You thought you had been the one intimidating people, but it was really daemon standing behind you that intimidated those people and scaring them off
once you had punched him out of shock, as he had scared you as you didn't know he was standing behind you once though he just smiled as your punch didn't do much.... that day hurt your pride and ego very much, though you were just happy you didn't get punched back.
You and your mother Rhaenyra got along swell she gets you the most since your the only two girls in a house with four boys
You being Rhaenyras' first daughter and all means you have a special place in her heart as you weren't going to get a fancy title like you had always hopped for as you were sadly born a woman. And your brothers men.
You and lucerys safe place was always near the water
Least to say, after his death, it was no longer your safe space it was a place of fear, death, and great mourning when you sat near the water.
You had gotten news of your elder brother lucerys death when you were getting ready for bed. The news brought you to your knees in tears, your mothers soft voice trying to calm you down as she herself was a reck, but she tried to hold it together for you
It took hours for you to stop crying. Your eyes had a red rim around them with tear stained cheeks and a wobbly lip
You wouldn't come out of your room and barely talked much for almost half a month
The funeral couldn't even be called one as all you had of your brother was clothes and personal belongings to burn. They couldn't find lucerys body now lost at sea, and that made the anger in that you boil up, making you snappy at people
You had sympathy for aemond before he killed your brother, you did feel a bit bad for his eye being stabbed out by your older brother feeling guilty everytime you saw him with that eyepatch he was a child like yourself afterall..
You never did hate aemond you two would well 'talk' well it was more of exchanging a few words when you had too though, Jace always seemed to come in and swoop you away you where always greatful for that as your exchanges of words where rather awkward. It was more staring than talking if you were honest.
Aemond took every chance he could to remind you of how your brother took his eye
You didn't know what kind of reaction the older boy wanted to gauge from you, but he never seemed quite happy with the reactions you would give him
He only seemed pleased when you would apologize for your older brother saying how he shouldn't have done that and things along those lines for some odd reason unbeknownst to you, a weird almost delighted smile would appear on the aemonds face it was odd.
Though you always found aemond to be a bit weird, so you brushed it off as aemond being aemond
After your brothers death and having to be at his make shift funeral, your heart held no sympathy for the older boy.
when you thought of the one-eyed boy, all you could think about was taking his other eye from him and forcing him to live the rest of his pathetic life blind.
You could no longer see the ocean as safe and calm. You saw the true nature of what the ocean could truly be. Its waves were angry as it took the lives of people you held so very dearly into its depths to never be seen again, or maybe that's just how you saw it in your many hours of grieving
After half a month, you were slowly healing your relationship with the sea, knowing that at least your brother died both as a targaryen and as a velaryon and he wasn't alone in death he had his beloved dragon both dead but dead together.
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months ago
hoping I’ll find
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a glimpse of us
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wolf-saint · 8 months ago
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After Abel, Dante Émile // Nora Sakavic, The Sunshine Court //  Natalie Díaz, When My Brother Was an Aztec // Andrew Kozma, Song of the Insensible // Anne Carson, Antigonick
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saltandfire-blog · 3 months ago
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Team Black Brothers ⚽️AU
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"Each of them handsome, wise...and Strong." 😉
Lucerys Velaryon - center midfielder for the KL Dragons
inspired by Sergej Milinkovic-Savic, an incredibly tall footballer who's very talented and just so happens provided the perfect thigh flash pose to use. 💎
Jacaerys Velaryon - the Prince of Dragonstone who broke everyone's heart when he left to play for Braavos.
Obviously the Braavos jersey is Barcelona influenced ❤️💙 sponsored by the Faceless Men of course 😜
Jace is always the hot tempered one who argues with the ref and is the first to bounce back up when a foul isn't called! And yes, he is the big brother who got outgrown by all his younger siblings and hates taking pictures next to them.
Andddd last but not least -
Joffrey Velaryon - a Keeper who plays for Queen Alyssa University
resembling a baby Ryan Corr and also inspired by Sergej's brother Vanja Milinkovic-Savic, another footballer who could just as easily be a Breakbones JR in rl. The neck tattoos were also taken from Neymar and given a little asoiaf twist!
all characters are from a HOTD ⚽️ AU shortfic Transitions.
@lonelymagpies really outdid herself with this one 👌
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ibuprofenjuliet · 10 months ago
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“The death of her first son left Rhaenyra filled with grief and pain, her second left her with hatred and vengeance, and her third, the youngest of his Velaryon brothers, brought silent tears from her now empty eyes”
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ginny-anime · 1 year ago
I really hope they show jacaerys anger and grief over lucerys. That was his brother and they were so close. They loved each other so much and for him to just lose his brother must have been so hard for him because jacaerys is the oldest. He must be feeling guilty as in he couldn’t protect his little brother. And I’m sure lucerys death is gonna make him even more protective over his younger bothers Joffrey, aegon iii, and viserys ii.
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oxfordsnotr0gues · 7 months ago
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This weeks episode
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