#vehs world
Summer Solstice 2024: The Ultimate Viewing Guide on Veh's World w/Nevaeh Cable.
This Friday on Veh's World her new video on Summer Solstice. The summer solstice happens between June 20 and June 22, depending on the year and your time zone.
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haydenigmatic · 9 months
Lady Verena (veh-REH-na) Sarpe (/sɑːrp/)
Introducing Lady Verena, the captivating scion of one of the eight kingdoms' powerful families. Renowned for her beauty and political acumen, she weaves a complex tapestry of seduction and strategy to navigate the intricate web of courtly affairs. What twists await her?
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As for a face claim there are a few: Katie McGrath as Morgana Le Fay, possibly Eva Green, even Alicia Agneson and of course she reminds me of Morrigan, all of them are a mix of what I picture her.
Now for her voice I think; Kathleen Turner the voice of Jessica Rabbit, I love her no matter what her health condition has done to her voice.
Main Family Dynamics:
Duke Veneger - The Spymaster:
Her father, is the spymaster serving the king. His absence from home due to his court duties creates a void in her life, contributing to her independence and self-reliance.
Duchess Jyne - The Ailing Mother:
Her mother, was once a significant influence in her life. However, her illness has made her unable to interact, creating a longing for the nurturing connection they once shared.
Veredus - The Heir with Reservations:
Her elder brother and the heir to the family, harbours reservations about his sister's unconventional ways. He views her with scepticism, wishing for a more traditional sister who would conform to societal expectations.
Vardan - The Second Son:
Her other elder brother, He has a knack for exploration and is often away on journeys to distant lands. Despite the physical distance, Verena and Vardan share a bond forged through occasional letters and updates, maintaining a connection despite the miles between them. He is more of a silent observer in the family dynamics. He neither openly opposes nor supports Verena's choices, maintaining a neutral stance.
Here are some random details about her:
Memorable Quote: "In this world, one's reputation is a weapon as sharp as any dagger."
Is an excellent horsewoman and loves nothing more than taking a spirited stallion out for a ride in the countryside.
Has a secret love for sweets and often indulges in them when no one is watching.
She is obsessed with collecting rare and exotic perfumes from all over the world.
Wears tight, low-cut dresses exclusively designed by a renowned tailor who understands her unique style.
Developed immunity to poisons, both a strength and a vulnerability. While it grants her a certain invincibility, it has also become a dangerous addiction.
love for the theatre isn't just limited to being an audience member. She actively participates in local productions, taking on various roles that allow her to explore different facets of herself.
Her white ferret companion is named Kavi. Originally intended as a meal for a serpent she had, changed her mind and kept the ferret as a pet. Becoming a constant, sneaking companion, often resting on her shoulder or within the folds of her elaborate dresses during social gatherings.
The illness that befell her mother left her unable to interact, creating a void that she struggled to fill, until Countess Roderick took her under her wing, she viewed her as a mother figure.
Countess Roderick became a surrogate parent, filling the void left by Verena's ailing mother and absent father. Visiting every day or extending invitations to her estate, the Countess became both mentor and confidante. However, her teachings went beyond the conventional, delving into the realm of feminine power and manipulation. Countess Roderick believed in arming her with the tools she'd need to navigate the treacherous world she was born into.
Fuelled by a mix of rage and political calculation, her father orchestrated the demise of Countess Roderick and her husband. This act, intended to protect the family's honour, irreparably fractured her trust in familial bonds and propelled her into a world where power and cunning were her only constants.
Her Network of Informants: "The Eyes of the Snake" maintains an extensive network of informants across the Eight Kingdoms. Information flows seamlessly through their channels, allowing her to stay well-informed about potential threats or opportunities.
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makeallthingsyours · 1 year
I have made another piece of Vulcan calligraphy. This time, it is a translation of 'Conscientious objector' by Edna St.Vincent Millay.
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Vulcan text
[Literal translation]
Frame: Ahkhan klee'fah-su
[Warfare refuser]
1)  Dungau tev-tor nash-veh, hi nam-tor veh ek if dungi-than nash-veh na'Tevakh.
[I shall die, but that is all, which I will do for death.
2)  Zhu-tor nash-veh ish-veh fugal-tor-ik jarel t'ish-veh.
[I hear them leading their jarel. (horselike animal)]
3)  Zhu-tor nash-veh ralash fi'lan-tol t'aushfa-kel. Nam-tor ish-veh toranik.
[I hear the noise of the hoofs on the floor. They are busy.]
4)  Ma ar'kada svi'Cuba, svi'Balkans, ma wehk haishaya nash-asal.
[(they) Have tasks in Cuba, in Balkans, many demands this morning.]
5)  Hi ri'dungi-meskarau nash-veh elsaku, lu dator ish-veh aushfa.
[But I will not hold (their) tether {there is no Vulcan word meaning specifically a bridle, so I thought 'tether' an appropriate word}, when (they) prepare the animal. ]
6)  Heh lau ish-veh fi'dvun mamuk-fam, ri'dungau abru'gla-tor nash-veh.
[And they may move on {not as a phrasal verb, but rather meaning 'mount'} by themselves, I shall not help them up.]
7)  Kwul-tor pla-dor t'nash-veh, hi ri'dungau var-tor ki'sahr-tor vil-tei wilat.
[(they) Strike my shoulders, but I shall not tell where the vil'tei has run to.]
8)  K'felu t'ish-veh f'tuf t'nash-veh, ri'dungi sahr-tor ip-sut kan wilat s'alem-flash.
[With their hoof on my chest, I will not (tell) where in the mangrove forest the hiding child ran.]
9)  Dungau tev-tor nash-veh, hi nam-tor veh ek if than na'Tevakh. Ri'nam-tor dvinsu t'ish-veh.
[I shall die, but that is all, which au will do for death. I am not their servant.]
10) Ri'dungau var-tor nash-veh shul t't'hyle il t'nemutlar.
[I shall not tell the location of my friends nor my enemies.]
11) Nam-tor ugayalar t'ish-veh is-fam, ri'dungi-gluvau nash-veh yut na'ha-kel t'fan-veh.
[Their promises are useless, I will not show them the way to anyone’s home.]
12) Nam-tor nash-veh zamasu svi'panu t'sular - utvau na'tefuik sutra svi'Tevakh ha?
[Am I a spy in the world of people - reason for leading people to death? {Questions are asked differently in Vulcan. Essentially, in case of yes/no question, it is a statement followed by 'ha?'. So something along the lines of 'I am a spy in the land of living, and this is a reason for leading people to death, yes?}]
13) Pi-maat, nam-tor shar-kiht heh besan t'Kahr t'etek shar'tor k'nash-veh.
[Relative (Clan mate?), the safety codes and the plans of our city are safe with me.]
14) Worla fna'nash-veh dungau dular vash.
[Never through me shall you be destroyed. {I struggled with the adjective here, since I couldn’t find a word for 'damaged' or 'destroyed' and didn't want to substitute it with 'unmade'. I settled on using the core of the word destroy, but I'm not certain whether it was the best decision.}]
Original text:
I shall die, but
that is all that I shall do for Death.
I hear him leading his horse out of the stall;
I hear the clatter on the barn-floor.
He is in haste; he has business in Cuba,
business in the Balkans, many calls to make this morning.
But I will not hold the bridle
while he clinches the girth.
And he may mount by himself:
I will not give him a leg up.
Though he flick my shoulders with his whip,
I will not tell him which way the fox ran.
With his hoof on my breast, I will not tell him where
the black boy hides in the swamp.
I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death;
I am not on his pay-roll.
I will not tell him the whereabout of my friends
nor of my enemies either.
Though he promise me much,
I will not map him the route to any man's door.
Am I a spy in the land of the living,
that I should deliver men to Death?
Brother, the password and the plans of our city
are safe with me; never through me Shall you be overcome.
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
The Israeli military carried out airstrikes on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza on 29 August, killing five employees of the transport company working with the US-based aid group that organized it, The Guardian reported on 30 August.
The convoy was organized by the NGO Anera. It was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah, a city on the Gaza–Egypt border.
Its route had been coordinated in advance with the Israeli military under a deconfliction process intended to prevent aid vehicles from being bombed.
Anera’s Palestine country director, Sandra Rasheed, told The Guardian, “This is a shocking incident. The convoy, which was coordinated by Anera and approved by Israeli authorities, included an Anera employee who was fortunately unharmed.”
“Tragically, several individuals, all employed by the transportation company we work with, were killed in the attack. They were in the first vehicle of the convoy,” Rasheed added.
The Israeli military confirmed the route had been coordinated but claimed its forces struck armed men seeking to hijack the convoy.
Just hours before the airstrike, Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle clearly marked with UN insignia. Israeli forces fired 10 bullets into the windows of the vehicle as it approached an army checkpoint in the Wadi Gaza area.
Because the vehicle was armored with reinforced glass, none of the passengers were killed or injured.
Cindy McCain, the head of the WFP, called the shooting “totally unacceptable.”
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gleemill-games · 2 months
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We start of our Tumblr adventure with one of the main characters of our game CARnage. This is the Handler, he will give you pep talks between races and make sure you are at your best throughout the game. But does he have a darker plan for you in the end? Carnage will be released on Steam later this year, we're aiming for a demo for the start of the fall and we will also participate in Steam Next Fest for the October event! I will post regularly until the release with news and updates on the development process. Tumbler will be a bit of a game-dev blog for me (Glenn of GleeMill) So expect more pixel art and some music coming this way.
And checkout our steam page to wishlist the game if it sounds tasty! Cheerioz!
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tarnishedxknight · 3 months
OC Muse: Soryn Vedrai
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[Bio and other information below the cut!]
Type of Character & Fandom/Source Material: OC muse, Soryn (SOAR-in veh-DRY), from the FFXII fandom.
Full Name: Soryn Vedrai
FC: William Tyler
Alignment: Lawful Good with Neutral Good tendencies
Race: Hume (human)
Age: Anywhere from early to late 30s, usually, depending on verse. Early 40s for the Fortress verse. For context with some other FFXII characters, from the time of the prologue all the way through to the epilogue of the game, Soryn is between ages 30-33, Ashelia is 17-20, Basch is 34-37, and Vossler is 37-39 (only because he died before the end of the game, otherwise he would've reached 40, heh).
Gender: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual/hetero-romantic
Family: Parents (deceased); older brother (deceased); younger sister (deceased)
Occupation: Soldier; Knight of the Order of Dalmasca (verse-dependent); Judge Magister of the Archadian Empire (verse-dependent); Avenger (verse-dependent)
Potentially Triggering Material in Threads: war; PTSD; nightmares; violence; injury; death; manipulation; assassination; politics
Positive Personality Traits: He's kind, chivalrous, respectful, polite, helpful, brave, and hard-working. He's great with kids, has a great sense of humor, loves animals... Okay why is this sounding like a bad dating profile? XD
Negative Personality Traits: He is a bit emotionally closed-off sometimes, so he can unintentionally seem cold or distant. He can become quickly frustrated by people who refuse to help themselves and would rather wallow in their own self-pity. Hmm... I'm actually struggling to think of negative traits, he's a very decent guy, heh. I'll add more as I develop him, I guess.
BACKGROUND: (This is loooong, I know, heh, but I felt it was important to be as detailed as possible here. Soryn fills a very precarious social, political, and emotional role in the story. His existence has the potential to change canon completely in several ways, and so to make him realistic to the world and to integrate him as seamlessly as possible into the plot, I needed to really explain his mindset, the role he fills, and how he came to be in that position. Otherwise it just seems like I'm ramming him in there without any basis for him doing what he does or for the other characters to entertain the notion of working with him in any way. You don't have to read all of this if you don't want to, but it's here for anyone who wants to understand him a little better and to get a sense of the unique role he plays in the story. This also may change a little bit or become more detailed over time as I develop him, since he is a very new OC.)
Soryn grew up the middle child of the noble Dalmascan House of Vedrai. His father and grandfather were members of the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca, and Soryn followed in their footsteps. His older brother became a soldier as well, fighting with the Dalmascan chocobo-mounted cavalry. His younger sister, talented with minor magicks, was a potion crafter.
His childhood was a privileged one, to be sure. House Vedrai had more wealth than they knew what to do with, and anything he or his brother wanted to do was supported by their father. Unfortunately, the patriarchal nature of the Crown of Dalmasca trickled down into the noble Houses, and Soryn’s little sister was somewhat stifled and sheltered, prevented from following many of her dreams. Although she was permitted to work, it was heavily implied that her duty was to marry and have children. Unfortunately, she never got the chance.
Soryn lost his sister to the plague that ravaged Rabanastre. Despite their wealth and access to healing and potions, she chose to live among and take care of the poor in Lowtown when the plague spread out of control, and as a result, she fell ill and died, far removed from her family’s privilege that might have saved her. After her death, Soryn’s mother fell into a deep depression from which she never recovered. His father believed she died of a broken heart.
After losing his mother and sister, Soryn then lost his father and brother to war. His brother, already a soldier, fell in battle against Archadian forces, fighting alongside Nabradian soldiers. His father, who had been retired from knighthood due to age, felt compelled to come back out of retirement because the need for soldiers in Dalmasca was great. Unfortunately, his age played a role in his demise, and he was also struck down in battle. As the last surviving member of his House, Soryn still strove to uphold the code of morality, honor, and bravery that the Order stood for, as he'd been attempting to do since he first joined the military...
Soryn joined the Dalmascan military when he came of age at sixteen. He started out as a humble city guard in Rabanastre, and worked his way into the palace, joining the Royal Guard. He’d always had knighthood in his sights, not only because it was something of a legacy for Vedrai men to become knights, but also because he believed in the code and in conducting himself with honor and kindness. That’s the person he wanted to be, and with a mentor like Ser Coren Merek, the Knight Captain at the time, and friends like Basch, he had good examples to follow and live up to.
Soryn respected Ser Merek greatly, and when the old knight retired, Soryn then supported his appointed replacement, Basch. He had a great deal of respect for Basch as well, and the two became friends, but because Soryn spent far more of his time at the battlefronts, encampments, and forts of the war rather than in Rabanastre, he unfortunately didn’t have a lot of chances to interact much with Basch. Basch did regularly visit battlefronts and fight in pivotal battles, but he also had many duties at home in Dalmasca that kept him and Soryn apart. Nevertheless, Basch was Soryn's captain, and whenever the two men were around each other, they got along well.
To some extent, Knights of the Order went where their king, or at the very least, their captain, ordered them to. But they were given some freedom to request certain types of work over others. Soryn chose to remain at battlefronts and semi-permanent war encampments instead of remaining in Rabanastre because the city, as much as he loved it, came to remind him of all the family members he’d lost, and of a courtship when he was in his twenties that didn’t work out. He’d fallen in love with a woman who ultimately chose another over him, and he was very brokenhearted about that. So overall, Rabanstre became a bit of a painful place for him, so he preferred to be elsewhere.
Not that battlefronts were great places to be, but he had purpose and camaraderie there, and supporting younger soldiers and being that beacon of authority, hope, and morale for them was something that made him feel good. It was one thing for a battalion of soldiers to have a general with them or commanding officers, but the Knights of the Order carried with them a certain honor and positively-charged morale that uplifted the ranks. So Soryn didn’t mind being the one to charge out in front and gave the soldiers at his back that bit of courage they needed to push on with him. In fact, it was something he loved to be to them, because he knew how hard war can be, and how hard it could be to keep hope alive in battle.
As far as his fellow knights were concerned, Soryn… tolerated Vossler. Their fathers were not friends, by any means, but they were on good working terms. And Soryn’s father was well aware of how close Vossler’s father was to King Raminas. House Vedrai, while in good standing with the Crown, was not specially favored by it as was House Azelas. For this reason, House Vedrai attempted to maintain a good relationship with House Azelas so as not to earn the ire of the king. Having said that, Soryn thought Vossler made for an embarrassing and shameful knight. He thought he devalued the rest of the Order and the significance of the Code of Conduct by thinking himself better than the poor and middle class, treating and speaking of the poor disrespectfully, treating women with disrespect, and frequently running his mouth at Basch and others whom he ought to have respected as well. But Soryn was in no position to diplomatically comment on Vossler’s conduct, save for offering his opinion any time Ser Merek or Basch asked for it.
Soryn loved Dalmasca with all his heart, but he did see that it had problems. Their aging king was clinging to traditions and ideologies that were antiquated, misogynistic, and isolationist. Although not as bad on any of these points as the King of Nabradia, King Raminas was an immoveable icon of the past who refused to bend and resisted change to an unwise degree, Soryn thought. Nepotism, corruption, laziness, and conflicts of interest were also rampant among the ranks, from Raminas favoring Vossler as the son of his friend, to the aging war generals being happy to let men like Basch and Soryn do their work for them while they remained in Rabanastre and coddled the king, and finally Dalmasca being increasingly beholden to Nabradia’s rigid king due to Princess Ashe’s betrothal to Prince Rasler. The way in which both countries and kings were holding fast to ways of life that just didn’t work anymore, that ought to be left in the past, compounded the danger and political precariousness of their positions in the war between the Archadian and Rozarrian Empires.
With regard to his stance on the war, Soryn falls somewhere in between Vossler and Basch’s sentiments. Vossler, believing himself the only one who knew how to properly save Dalmasca from obliteration with nethicite, thought surrendering to Archadia was the answer. Not only would they not use nethicite to destroy Rabanastre as they have Landis and Nabudis in the past, but they would actively protect Dalmasca from hostile outside forces (like Rozarria, for example) because it would no longer be a sovereign kingdom, but a protectorate of the Archadian Empire.
Basch, however, believed that Dalmasca had a right to its sovereignty and that it is worth fighting for, but that such fighting needed to be done prudently and wisely. There was a threat from Vayne regarding the use of nethicite and danger of Dalmasca and the entire peninsula becoming a battleground for the two raging Archadian and Rozarrian Empires. Dalmasca should remain its own kingdom if it wants, but that should not be at the expense of innocent lives or done too hastily or foolishly.
Soryn’s beliefs lay in the middle of these two mindsets, and this is where his life takes a totally drastic and unexpected turn. He believes that sovereignty and autonomy for Dalmasca is possible, but the road will be long, tricky, and absolutely must include compromise and change. Surrendering to the Archadian Empire and to Vayne only puts a temporary bandage on an actively hemorrhaging wound, he feels. Continuing to ally with Nabradia only digs Dalmasca’s heels deeper into their own flawed traditions and culture which needs to be updated and brought into the future. Nabradia will keep Dalmasca stagnant and unchanging when it actually needs to evolve to survive. And continuing to fight for Dalmascan sovereignty while standing alone in the world is foolish for a small, geographically vulnerable kingdom that is completely outnumbered in military, outmatched in ground weaponry and strategy, and outcompeted in airship combat.
The key to Dalmasca’s future and survival, Soryn thought, would hinge upon its ability to negotiate and work with one of the warring empires. Remaining neutral and clinging to old traditions would be Dalmasca's undoing, and Nabradia’s king being killed and their capital being destroyed by nethicite was only confirmation of this in Soryn’s mind. Since Archadia was at Dalmasca’s borders already and Rozarria decidedly had far less of a foothold within the peninsula, especially after the fall of Nabradia, Soryn believed Dalmasca’s only chance was to negotiate with Archadia.
But it’s not as simple as all that. The Archadian government was not a monolith with a single mindset for how the war should procede. Emperor Gramis’ two eldest sons had already been executed for attempting to overthrow their father, and whispers had it that Vayne was poised to attempt the same. The split within House Solidor was clear, but so too was the in-fighting among the Judge Magisters, the Archadian equivalent (at least in military rank, if not real power) of the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca. Some of the Judge Magisters supported Vayne, some supported Emperor Gramis, and still others wanted to obtain the throne for themselves (via the supposed elections that actually chose Archadia’s emperors).
These factions threatened to destabilize the Empire and to result in Vayne becoming emperor himself someday, through nefarious means. If that happened, the power-hungry despot would certainly use nethicite more often. All of Ivalice could fall if that were permitted. So not only was Dalmasca’s future at stake, but all of Ivalice’s was as well, Soryn thought, if the Archadian Empire were to fall into chaos. The answer, then, was not only to negotiate with Archadia, but to negotiate specifically with those factions that opposed a continuance of the war and placing Vayne in power. That meant negotiating with Emperor Gramis and Judge Magisters like Gabranth and Drace who supported him and opposed Vayne.
Soryn had these ideas but lacked the power and opportunity to act on them. He also felt he ought to defer to his king on what should be done, not strike out alone. Knights served kings and queens, they did not rule. But when he was gravely wounded at the Battle of Nalbina Fortress (the very same in which the rest of the Order fell except for Basch and Vossler, and Prince Rasler fell as well), he was captured by Archadian forces and held in the dungeon imperial forces took over underneath the fortress. He was interrogated for information by Judge Magister Gabranth, and from there… everything changed.
The rest of Soryn’s timeline is very fluid because it breaks from canon entirely and may result in the changing of other major events in the game, such as Raminas’ assassination, Ashe going into hiding, Basch’s conviction and imprisonment, Gramis’ assassination, and Drace’s execution. So I’m going to leave it somewhat open as to which of those events and others might still happen or not based on the timing of rp threads and what their specific plots might be. Before this point, Soryn kindof fits into canon and can just be in the background of it all, easily added here and there. But after this point, he has the power to change many things.
(Side note: Soryn's interrogations had barely begun before the plan to assassinate King Raminas and frame Basch for it was already set into motion, although... there may be room for an AU in which Gabranth pushes back against Vayne on the plan because he's getting information from Soryn that could change the whole game, and if that point Vayne decides to go ahead with it himself, say with Vossler as the assassin instead, then that potentially changes Basch's fate. Also, Soryn would be more willing to work with Gabranth if he didn't, you know, murder his king, heh. But the details of this usually won't come up in threads, I don't think, and if they do and it matters, we can always discuss how things went down beforehand. There are just a lot of options here because of how Soryn has the potential to change a lot of things early on in the story.)
Over the course of interrogating Soryn, Gabranth comes to feel that he could potentially be a great asset to the empire. More so than Vossler, who increasingly was becoming unpredictable and self-serving in his actions (such as wanting Ashelia for himself, and shifting his allegiance from Vayne to Judge Ghis when it suited him). Although Gabranth thought that blind honor was foolish, Soryn’s honor was not blind. He wasn’t a white knight who stuck to his code even when it was foolish to do so. Although Soryn believes in honor, he also has a very realistic view of the world, and although he wanted Dalmsacan sovereignty, it was an unselfish desire and one that he was willing to approach intelligently and with compromise. Soryn’s Lawful alignment made it possible for real conversations to happen between him and Gabranth, and eventually between him and Emperor Gramis that resulted in an exchange of information and plans for advancement of both Dalmasca’s and Archadia’s mutual interests in stabilizing Ivalice and ending the war.
Over the course of two years, Soryn built mutual respect and trust with Emperor Gramis and Judge Magisters Gabranth and Drace. The information he was able to provide to them aided them greatly in not only protecting Dalmasca for their own interests, but heading Vayne off at several points in his own plans. Emperor Gramis eventually made the decision to name Soryn a Judge Magister, formally and publicly showing his trust in him, but also tipping the scales in his favor as far as how many Judge Magisters supported him over Vayne or their own personal interests.
There was little need for him to rise through the ranks to prove himself militarily, since he’d already done so as a knight. Although he had less power as a knight of a very small kingdom, his military skill both in strategy and fighting ability was undeniable. He was also skilled at both piloting and captaining airships of different types. All he needed was training regarding how to be an actual legal judge and how to run a Bureau. He was well-acquainted with Dalmascan law, however, and so handling legal matters pertaining to the small kingdom were not as much of a leap for him as they might have been for an Archadian. Because of all this, and the dire need for Dalmasca to be handled properly in the greater context of the war, Gramis decided that giving Soryn a position of power (albeit under close surveillance) was more beneficial than it was a liability. Judges Gabranth, Drace, and Zargabaath supported his appointment, while Ghis and Bergan thought it absolutely absurd and made their dissent known.
Nevertheless, despite dissent from the two Judge Magisters and Vayne as well, Soryn became Judge Magister Vedrai, and his Bureau, an additional fourteenth, was to be in charge of Dalmascan affairs. However, this was done with the understanding that, at least until the war could be definitively ended, Soryn would work closely with Gramis, Gabranth, and whoever else necessary regarding all major decisions involving Dalmasca. Dalmasca would be a protectorate of Archadia until such time as the war could be ended. Then, sovereignty would be considered provided certain stipulations were met by the throne of Dalmasca.
This decision to name him a Judge Magister did not happen overnight. It took nearly all of the two years between the prologue and Soryn's capture and the main events of the game for Soryn and Gramis/Gabranth to build trust with each other, and for there to be a mutually beneficial relationship decided upon. If Soryn was serious about working with the empire, then he would be willing to work for the empire, so Soryn's willingness to become a legitimate member of Archadian society and of the Imperial Army to see everything through to its end was a major sign of trust to Gramis. It showed that he was truly negotiating with Archadia in good faith that he would give up his knighthood in Dalmasca to fill a role that would ultimately change the kingdom and drive the direction of the war towards a more peaceful conclusion.
Soryn agreed to these terms, and for his part, he wanted assurance that Dalmasca’s throne and autonomy would be restored once the war was ended. Although it was too late to save King Raminas, he made it very clear that any plans involving the assassination of Princess Ashelia would not be supported by him in the slightest. In fact, if he found that such plans were in motion, he would no longer lend his support to the empire. Gramis agreed to Soryn’s terms, and a solid agreement was made between them.
An additional negotiation was that Soryn become consul of Dalmasca. Soryn knew this would put him at odds with Vayne, but the Archadians could and would not proceed with negotiations and protecting Dalmasca from Rozarria and even Vayne without assurance that someone they appointed would be in charge, and Gramis did not want Vayne to be that person. This was part of Soryn's duties, to balance the greater needs of the Archadian Empire and all of Ivalice with those of Dalmasca. Placing someone with interests in both the survival of the empire and Dalmasca in charge of the smaller kingdom ensured a better outcome than permitting it to remain Vayne's pet project.
When Ashelia resurfaces after being in hiding and thought dead, both she and Basch think Soryn has completely defected to Archadia, and Vossler sees him as a wrench in his own plans for what his own ambitions dictate. Gramis encourages Soryn to bargain with Ashe, and Soryn promises her the throne of Dalmasca if she agrees to some terms. She takes a while to come around to these negotiations, because she doesn't want Dalmasca to be a protectorate of Archadia, but Soryn tries to instill in her that this is necessary, at least for the time being.
Firstly, he argues, showing Archadia they are acting in good faith with the empire is of paramount importance to building trust. Second, it could derail some of Vayne's plans to have power over Dalmasca placed in Soryn's hands, and by proxy, Ashelia's. Thirdly, it would show Archadia and the rest of Ivalice that they are serious about wanting to stabilize Ivalice and end the war, and that peace for all is a goal to which the throne of Dalmasca subscribes. And lastly, under formal Archadian ownership, Dalmascan skies would be patrolled and protected from becoming a battleground. Dalmasca would be considered Archadian territory, and therefore Archadia would be less inclined to fight things out with Rozarrian in Dalmascan skies, because they would want to protect their own interests.
After hearing Soryn's surprisingly pragmatic, non-selfish, and peace-driven arguments, Basch encourages Ashelia to agree, but she's hesitant. She doesn't believe the "surrender" will truly be temporary or in Dalmasca's best interest. From here, the plot could go a number of ways depends on your muse and what path you want a thread to take. Ashelia could agree or not agree to work with Soryn or the Empire, and Larsa could get involved to help this process one way or another.
One thing Soryn would definitely do, though, is to pitch to Gramis that Ashelia be named heir to the Dalmascan throne. Soryn would push for Ashelia to eventually be fully recognized as Queen of Dalmasca. This is not only something he thinks should have been her birthright from the start, but it's part of moving Dalmasca into the future and beginning to change some of the traditions and laws that are holding the kingdom back. The sexism, the lack of female heirs and queens, and forbidding women to join the military are things Soryn things need to be eradicated/overturned if Dalmasca is going to survive as a healthy kingdom. In doing that, they ensure that a sustained and beneficial relationship between Dalmasca and the Archadian Empire could be achieved following the end of the war.
Fun Facts & Other Notes:
Obviously Soryn has the potential to change much of canon with the path his life takes, but all of these changes don't necessarily need to occur or have already occurred in threads. He could start along this path but not succeed. He could become a Judge Magister but be hampered by those who oppose him. Or maybe he stays imprisoned longer if his interrogation doesn't go well or Gabranth isn't impressed enough to bring the matter to Gramis. So the path he takes through canon can be malleable in rp threads to some extent. My goal with him is to explore these different options and possibilities that a character with his mindset brings to the story, so I am definitely up for AUs of all kinds!
The middle picture in the header of a rather elaborate suit of armor is the closest example to what I'd like his Judge Magister's armor to look like. Each Judge Magister's armor is unique and somehow personal to them in style and/or design. Being Dalmascan by blood and with his Bureau dealing with Dalmascan political matters, Soryn's armor reflects that he was once a knight of a desert kingdom. It has gold trim and accents and there are design elements of the helm, spaulders, and arms that look like radiating sun rays. I'm not sure the design in that picture is the exact one I want, but it's the best inspiration I have at the moment.
Soryn is actually a very sensitive person, but that isn't always apparent. He can come across as aloof, but this is a consequence of the compartmentalization he's had to engage in, separating his personal life from that of a soldier. He's very good at setting aside emotions for later, pushing through things like pain, fear, and panic, and being supportive of others even when he himself is not okay. But that means he then sometimes has trouble tapping into and fully engaging with his own emotions because he's so used to shelving them for later. Sometimes later never comes and he just keeps bottling, which isn't always healthy.
Having said that, Soryn's mental health is probably among the best of all my muses on this blog, heh. He's... a pretty solid guy. I'm not saying he's never been traumatized by anything, certainly being a soldier for as long as he has doesn't come without its mental scars, but he's never been tortured, abused, oppressed, etc. like some other characters on this blog have been. Even when he is imprisoned, because he was far more cooperative than Basch, he was not held for nearly as long.
The biggest and most notable thing he wrestles with is PTSD, and for a very specific reason. Soryn was present at the fall of Nabudis, the capital of Nabradia that was obliterated by nethicite. So he saw firsthand the devastation and suffering and just total chaos of what a catastrophic detonation of the power contained within a piece of nethicite can inflict on a city and population. It really both terrified and upset him. After that, there was a marked reduction in morale among both Nabradian and Dalmascan forces that hit him hard, because it felt to them like they were up against impossible odds and clearly losing. Soryn had some heart-to-heart conversations with Basch about it in the days to follow, with Basch bringing his own experiences from Landis and Soryn discussing what he'd seen in Nabudis.
It was the above experience that became the crux of Soryn's motivation to unify Ivalice and end the war for everyone, not only Dalmasca. Seeing how quickly the use of nethicite can escalate, especially when in the wrong hands or ordered by power-hungry despots, changed him as a person forever.
Potential Starter Ideas:
During the "prologue" part of the timeline, Soryn is a Knight of Dalmasca, so your muse could meet him in Rabanastre, the royal palace, or out at a battlefront. Maybe your muse lives in Rabanstre, or maybe they would be helping the war effort at an encampment near a battlefront.
Between the prologue and the main game, Soryn will be wounded at the Battle of Nalbina Fortress and captured by Archadia. Maybe your muse helped capture him, or they're in the dungeon with him, Maybe they visit him in prison, curious about him. Maybe they help him escape, or put in a good word about him to Emperor Gramis or the Judge Magisters.
During the events of the main game, Soryn can be pretty much anywhere on the Ivalician map, doing anything, as a Judge Magister of Archadia. So depending on who your muse is, things are wide open as to where they could meet him and why. I'm open to plotting in messages to help figure some things out before we start.
During the "epilogue" portion of the game, Soryn could be helping Basch to fill Gabranth's shoes in Archadia, or maybe Basch went back to Dalmasca with Ashelia in this AU, and it's Soryn who stays with Larsa to make sure he's protected. Regardless, if you muse lives in Archadia, especially within the palace, they could interact with him there. OR... Basch could stay in Archadia to impersonate Gabranth and Soryn could be the one to return to Dalmasca and assist Ashelia. Your muse could go with him from Archadia to help further, or if they already live in Dalmasca, could encounter him there.
He'll have an MCU verse, so... you guys are familiar with that by now, heh. Same deal, either a magical mishap or a mischievous Occuria brought him to present day. He would be cleared for field work fairly quickly, so he'd be going on missions and all that.
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ditto-knits · 8 months
Food for Thought
Poached with Chilled Celery Root and Green Apple Velouté. 
“What is veh-loo-tay?” the girl whispered to her mother. 
“Ask the waiter,” her mother picked up her napkin and delicately wiped her mouth with the corner, “he will know.”
“Excuse me Mr. Robot Waiter sir, what is, um, veh-loo-tay?” the girl turned around to face the waiter, making sure to enunciate each syllable of the mystery word carefully. 
Walter stepped out from the corner of the room. He was programmed to stand away from the tables while the customers ate unless his service was needed. Walter stared down at the little girl, napkin tucked into her pressed and ironed blouse, feet wiggling beneath the table. 
“Velouté,” Walter said, “is French for ‘velvety.’ It is one of France’s 5 mother sauces, the others being béchamel, espagnole, tomato, and hollandaise. It is a white sauce, started from a stock of chicken, veal, or fish, and thickened with a roux, a butter and flour mixture.” 
The girl nodded respectfully, turned back to the dish in front of her, and was about to lift her spoon to try a taste of the now demystified velouté, when she frowned a bit and turned back to the all-knowing waiter. 
“Um, Mr. Robot Waiter, what does velouté taste like? Is it good?” 
Walter paused for a moment. According to his database of tastes, the velouté in this dish had a light, slightly tart flavor from the apples. The sauce was creamy, velvety, as the name would suggest, and very agreeable to most palates, especially a young child’s. Walter told this to the little girl. 
Convinced that the dish in front of her would be delicious, the girl dipped her spoon into the pale green velouté, and tasted. 
Walter stepped back into his corner, mechanical eyes still watching the girl as she ate. 
He wondered if the velouté really did taste good. 
Robots can’t taste anything. 
Even Walter, who was programmed to know all the tastes and flavors in the world, who could expertly describe any dish or pair the perfect wine with any entree, had never actually tasted anything for himself. Walter could smell things, in a way. Rather, his air filter could detect scent producing molecules, but this was only so Walter could detect the first wisps of smoke from a fire. Perhaps it was more accurate to say that Walter could identify smells rather than “smell” smells. Ethyl butyrate notified him of the likely presence of strawberries, while isoamyl acetate was indicative of bananas. 
Every night, Walter stood in his re-charging station and plugged himself into the generator. He powered himself off, and turned back on automatically once his battery was full in the morning. That was his source of sustenance. He had no stomach to fill, no reason to feel hunger, nothing to taste with, no means at all by which to desire food like the patrons of the restaurant where he served. They always arrived so hungry, no table manners could disguise how much they desired to be stuffed full, to dig in without restraint. Was it because they were hungry, or did food really taste that good? And what did “good” even mean? 
I wonder, Walter thought one night as he stepped into his charging station, if the electricity tastes like anything. It’s basically my food. This time, instead of turning himself off, Walter concentrated hard on the feeling of the electricity coursing through his wiry veins. A crackle in his fingertips, the lightest buzz on his tongue. Something was permeating through his mouth, something not so pleasant, a burning, acrid… taste? 
Is this the only flavor I am destined to experience? Walter lamented, the stinging, sparking, smoking taste of my power source?
Unable to handle the acid on his tongue much longer, Walter powered himself off and dreamt of delicious things he had never tasted before. 
One day at the restaurant, one of the customers turned a beef dish away -- roasted with smoked beets and onion relish, rich, savory, and tender-- since she was a vegetarian. Walter took her untouched plate and walked back to the kitchen. Walter could smell the steak, could detect the flavor compounds produced by the maillard reaction that resulted from the perfect sear, but he did not hunger. 
Walter approached the tunnel between the dining area and the kitchen, which housed all the utensils, plates, and an emergency charger. Walter was alone. 
No one would know if I took a bite, Walter thought, I can just try chewing it. 
Walter had never used a fork and knife before, but the information was all there in his database. He had helped countless customers before with their table manners, after all. Knife in his right hand, and fork in his left, Walter stabbed into the steak and pressed down with his knife. 
The steak is tender, and it’s juicy. The red liquid is not blood, it’s myoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen through blood. 
Walter lifted the fork to his mouth, and his jaw lowered. He carefully placed the fork tines speared with steak on his shiny tongue. The metal of the fork scraped against his titanium lips. Since Walter had no teeth to chew with, the steak moved languidly around his mouth, spreading its juices as Walter moved his mandible up and down. 
It’s savory. The beef is medium-rare, and the onion relish is sweet and tangy. 
Walter might as well have chewed an eraser. At least the textural experience was less… rubbery. 
After a few seconds of chewing, Walter tried to swallow, but remembered he had no esophagus, and no stomach for it to lead down to. He reached for a napkin, allowed the steak to drop from his lips, and used the corner of the cloth to wipe out the juices from his mouth. 
Maybe if I try it again I’ll taste it for real. 
Walter was about to reach for his fork again, to take another bite, just one more bite. Maybe if he just thought a little harder, he could taste the salt on his tongue, the earthiness of the beets… 
Walter’s vision went red, and he walked over to the nearest charging station, conveniently right in the tunnel. He plugged himself in, staring wistfully at the steak sitting mockingly in front of him. 
Walter was doomed to continue serving humans until they let him retire, which wouldn’t be for an awfully long time. Until then, he’d be forced to watch countless customers eat not knowing how lucky they were to say the words, “how delicious!” and mean it. 
Overwhelmed by a desire to taste something, anything no matter how terrible it was, Walter concentrated again on the tingling sensation of electricity coursing through his tongue. Bitter, acrid, and pungent, the intensely unpleasant aroma filled his mouth and senses, but Walter held on to this disgusting flavor, the only taste he would ever know, ever really know for himself. 
The napkin with the steak was becoming soggy in his hand. He clenched his fist a bit tighter. 
The scent producing particles from the beef lingered in the air. His air filter captured the thiophenes and pyrazines wafting from the steak, formulated to make the mouth of any human water. The only liquid in Walter’s mouth was the leftover juices from the steak. He would have to wipe the liquid away or his metal tongue would corrode and rust. 
The chemicals of the maillard reaction found no receptacle with which  to bind on Walter’s tongue. He could not taste them, but knew they tasted good. 
Walter was hungry. 
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Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no man has gone before.
Stukh. Kim-shah ek'zehl. Nam-tor aifa halan-lar t'yel-hali Enterprise. T'ish-veh kaukuh tevun-lar skrol: skothon-tor flekh uzh-panu-lar, na'glazhau uzh-mene eh uzh-sutenivaya-lar, heh vakh hal-tor wilat vesht hal-tor rai sasu.
-a rudimentary translation of the space speech into Modern Golic Vulcan by me, a nerd with too much time on their hands and access to an archived version of the VLI.
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Hello! What are characters MBTI types?
I'm not too good at this sooooo
Ashley: I couldn't decide between those two for Ashley.
ESTP: Out-going and dramatic, they enjoy spending time with others and focusing on the here-and-now.
ESFP: Outgoing and spontaneous, they enjoy taking center stage.
ESFJ: Soft-hearted and outgoing, they tend to believe the best about other people.
INFP : Idealistic with high values, they strive to make the world a better place.
ENFP : Charismatic and energetic, they enjoy situations where they can put their creativity to work. 
ENTJ : Outspoken and confident, they are great at making plans and organizing projects.
ESTJ : Assertive and rule-oriented, they have high principles and a tendency to take charge.
ISTJ : Reserved and practical, they tend to be loyal, orderly, and traditional.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7SuPY-5mP8&t=103s Pollution and Effects, Episode 1 #pollution #pollutionandeffects #savetheworld
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xroboticschickx · 2 years
Here’s my very first Original: Lucid Nox! Here are the lyrics for it:
Vivid Day
Dark as Night
A canvas bright as dark
A sea dim as the light
Painted in reality
As far as eyes can see
A world where dreams come true
A world that's worse than hell
A fading parallel sight
As Lucid as the night
Dull Lumos
Lucid Nox
An ocean of stars
A crimson red sky
A barrier of night
Hides a realm of eternal light
A world unlike my own
A world where I am home
I hate it on my own
Eternally alone
They call me a freak
But I'm really just unique
A Hybrid of Dull Light
Born between two worlds
I am not the best with words
So let my music say it all
My heart
My soul
My home
My life
Two worlds
Dull Lumos
Lucid Nox
Light and Dark
Heads and Tails
Two worlds tied together
Yet entirely untouched
I am born from Light and Dark
Two parallel realites
Dull Lumos
A Hybrid of Impure Light
Lucid Nox
Demi-Demon of The Night
Dull Lumos
Vivere disce (Pronounced: vee-veh-reh dee-sheh)
Lucid Nox
cogita mori (Pronounced: koh-gee-tah-mo-ree)
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years
how do u keep being so based!! k@vetham is the bane of my existence like sorry ppl like k@veh with a guy who hates him…he deserves the world actually
listen im just a little hater with based opinions in a big world full of people with bad ones B)
i'm truly happy i'm not alone here 😭
legit i could barely sit thru the ending of alhthm's story quest... he was just so so SO fucking rude and mean and idk????? i felt so bad for kaveh, as you said he literally deserves the world .... ;-;
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guiderichess · 1 month
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torqueyou · 1 month
XUV 400: Redefining Compact SUVs with Style and Performance
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The automotive industry is constantly evolving, with new models and innovations capturing the attention of consumers worldwide. Among the latest offerings in the compact SUV segment is the XUV 400, a vehicle that has quickly made its mark with a blend of style, performance, and cutting-edge technology. This blog will explore what sets the XUV 400 apart and why it's becoming a preferred choice for SUV enthusiasts.
A Bold Design That Commands Attention
The XUV 400 is designed to turn heads. With its bold and aggressive stance, this compact SUV exudes confidence on the road. The front fascia features a sleek grille flanked by sharp LED headlights, giving the XUV 400 a distinctive look that is both modern and commanding. The muscular wheel arches, sculpted lines, and stylish alloy wheels further enhance its appeal, making it a perfect blend of elegance and ruggedness.
Performance That Excites
Under the hood, the XUV 400 is powered by an efficient yet powerful engine that offers an exhilarating driving experience. Whether you're navigating city streets or exploring off-road trails, the XUV 400 delivers responsive acceleration and smooth handling. Its advanced suspension system ensures a comfortable ride even on rough terrains, while the precise steering offers excellent control, making every drive a pleasure.
The XUV 400's performance is complemented by its fuel efficiency, making it an economical choice for both daily commuting and long-distance travel. With its well-balanced powertrain, the XUV 400 is engineered to provide a dynamic driving experience without compromising on efficiency.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Connectivity
In today's connected world, the XUV 400 offers a suite of advanced technology features that enhance both convenience and safety. The SUV comes equipped with a state-of-the-art infotainment system, featuring a large touchscreen display, smartphone integration, and voice command capabilities. Whether you're streaming your favorite music, navigating with GPS, or making hands-free calls, the XUV 400 keeps you connected and entertained on the go.
Safety is a top priority in the XUV 400, with a range of driver-assistance features designed to protect you and your passengers. From adaptive cruise control to lane departure warning and automatic emergency braking, the XUV 400 is packed with technology that provides peace of mind on every journey.
Spacious and Comfortable Interior
Step inside the XUV 400, and you'll be greeted by a spacious and well-appointed interior that offers both comfort and versatility. The seats are designed with premium materials, providing support and comfort for long drives. The cabin is thoughtfully laid out, with ample legroom and headroom for both front and rear passengers, ensuring that everyone travels in comfort.
The XUV 400 also boasts a generous cargo space, making it ideal for families, adventurers, and anyone who needs extra room for their gear. The rear seats can be easily folded down to expand the cargo area, providing flexibility for carrying larger items.
Versatility for Every Lifestyle
One of the standout features of the XUV 400 is its versatility. Whether you're using it for daily commuting, weekend getaways, or off-road adventures, the XUV 400 is designed to adapt to your lifestyle. Its compact size makes it easy to maneuver in urban environments, while its robust build and off-road capabilities allow you to explore beyond the beaten path.
Eco-Friendly Options
In response to the growing demand for eco-friendly vehicles, the XUV 400 also offers a hybrid variant. This option combines the performance of a traditional engine with the efficiency of an electric motor, reducing emissions and offering a greener driving experience. The hybrid XUV 400 is an excellent choice for environmentally conscious drivers who don't want to sacrifice performance or style.
The XUV 400 is more than just a compact SUV; it's a vehicle that redefines what an SUV can be. With its bold design, exciting performance, advanced technology, and versatile interior, the XUV 400 offers a complete package for modern drivers. Whether you're looking for a stylish city cruiser, a capable off-roader, or an eco-friendly option, the XUV 400 has something to offer.
In a competitive market, the XUV 400 stands out as a vehicle that delivers on every front. Its combination of style, performance, and versatility makes it a top choice for those seeking a compact SUV that truly meets their needs. If you're in the market for a new SUV, the XUV 400 is definitely worth considering.
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guyhudson98 · 2 months
Ceramic Pro Pune vs. Traditional Coatings: What Sets It Apart?
In the bustling world of automotive care, the choice between Ceramic Pro Pune and traditional coatings is a hot topic. As vehicle owners seek the best protection for their investments, understanding the distinct advantages of Ceramic Pro Pune can help make an informed decision. This article dives into the key differences between Ceramic Pro Pune and traditional coatings, shedding light on why Ceramic Pro Pune stands out.
What is Ceramic Pro Pune?
Ceramic Pro Pune is a state-of-the-art paint protection solution that has revolutionized the industry. Unlike traditional coatings, Ceramic Pro Pune offers a unique blend of durability, ease of maintenance, and superior protection. This advanced coating forms a strong, hydrophobic layer on your vehicle's surface, effectively shielding it from various environmental contaminants.
How Does Ceramic Pro Pune Compare to Traditional Coatings?
1. Durability and Longevity
One of the standout features of Ceramic Pro Pune is its exceptional durability. Ceramic Pro Pune coatings are known for their long-lasting protection, often extending beyond five years with proper maintenance. Traditional coatings, on the other hand, typically require reapplication every few months to maintain their effectiveness. This long-term durability of Ceramic Pro Pune makes it a cost-effective choice for many car owners.
2. Protection Against Environmental Hazards
Ceramic Pro Pune excels in providing robust protection against environmental hazards. Its hydrophobic properties repel water, preventing the accumulation of dirt and grime. This coating also offers resistance to UV rays, acid rain, and oxidation. Traditional coatings may not provide the same level of protection, leaving your vehicle more vulnerable to damage from these elements.
3. Ease of Maintenance
Maintaining a vehicle with Ceramic Pro Pune is remarkably easy compared to traditional coatings. The hydrophobic nature of Ceramic Pro Pune means that dirt and contaminants are less likely to adhere to the surface. This makes washing your car quicker and more efficient. Traditional coatings, in contrast, may require frequent washing and special cleaning products to keep the surface looking pristine.
Why Choose Ceramic Pro Pune Over Traditional Coatings?
1. Advanced Technology
Ceramic Pro Pune leverages advanced nanotechnology to provide superior protection. The microscopic particles in Ceramic Pro Pune create a protective shield that bonds with the vehicle’s paint. This technology enhances the coating’s ability to resist scratches, chemicals, and harsh weather conditions, setting it apart from traditional options.
2. Enhanced Gloss and Shine
Aesthetically, Ceramic Pro Pune delivers an unparalleled level of gloss and shine. The coating enhances the depth and clarity of your vehicle’s paint, giving it a showroom-quality finish. Traditional coatings may offer a glossy finish initially, but they often fade over time, whereas Ceramic Pro Pune maintains its shine for years.
3. Increased Resale Value
Investing in Ceramic Pro Pune can significantly boost your vehicle's resale value. The enhanced protection and enduring shine of Ceramic Pro Pune make your car more appealing to potential buyers. Traditional coatings may not have the same impact on resale value due to their shorter lifespan and less effective protection.
Choosing the Right Provider
When opting for Ceramic Pro Pune, selecting a reputable provider is crucial. Leeway Detailing is a leading name in the industry, renowned for its expertise in Ceramic Pro Pune applications. Their experience and commitment to quality ensure that you receive the best possible service. For more information on their services, visit their Ceramic Coating in Pune page.
Common Myths About Ceramic Pro Pune
1. Ceramic Pro Pune is Only for New Cars
A common misconception is that Ceramic Pro Pune is only suitable for new cars. In reality, Ceramic Pro Pune can be applied to vehicles of any age. Whether you have a new car or a well-loved one, Ceramic Pro Pune can rejuvenate its appearance and provide robust protection.
2. Ceramic Pro Pune is a One-Time Investment
While Ceramic Pro Pune offers long-lasting protection, it is not a completely maintenance-free solution. Regular care and occasional inspections are still necessary to ensure the coating remains in top condition. However, the effort required is minimal compared to maintaining traditional coatings.
Final Thoughts
Ceramic Pro Pune represents a significant advancement in automotive paint protection. Its superior durability, exceptional protection, and ease of maintenance make it a standout choice compared to traditional coatings. Investing in Ceramic Pro Pune not only enhances your vehicle's appearance but also offers long-term benefits that are hard to match with conventional options.
For top-notch Ceramic Pro Pune services, Leeway Detailing is a trusted choice. With their expertise and dedication to quality, they ensure that your vehicle receives the best possible care. Explore their Ceramic Coating in Pune services to experience the difference for yourself.
Choosing Ceramic Pro Pune over traditional coatings is a decision that pays off in the long run. With its advanced technology and exceptional protection, Ceramic Pro Pune offers a level of care that traditional coatings simply cannot match. Protect your vehicle and enhance its appearance with the cutting-edge solution that is Ceramic Pro Pune.
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transportaplooza · 2 months
The 1982 DeLorean DMC-12: A Timeless Icon of Automotive History
The 1982 DeLorean DMC-12 is not just a car; it is a cultural icon that has captivated the hearts and minds of enthusiasts for decades.
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Its unique design, storied history, and prominent role in popular culture have cemented its status as one of the most beloved vehicles of all time.
Let's explore what makes the DeLorean DMC-12 so special and delve into its fascinating history.
A Visionary's Dream
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The DeLorean DMC-12 was the brainchild of John DeLorean, a maverick automotive engineer and executive who had previously made his mark at General Motors. DeLorean's vision was to create a car that would break away from the conventional designs of the time and embody the future of automotive engineering. With its sleek, stainless steel body and gull-wing doors, the DMC-12 was unlike anything on the road when it was unveiled in 1981.
Design and Innovation
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One of the most striking features of the DeLorean DMC-12 is its stainless steel body. This unpainted, brushed metal finish gives the car a futuristic and timeless appearance. The gull-wing doors, which open upwards rather than outwards, add to the vehicle's unique aesthetic and have become one of its defining characteristics. The design was the work of Italian designer Giorgetto Giugiaro, whose vision for the DMC-12 was to create a car that looked like it was from another era.
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The DMC-12 was powered by a 2.85-liter V6 engine, developed in partnership with Peugeot, Renault, and Volvo. While not a powerhouse by modern standards, the engine provided adequate performance for its time and contributed to the car's distinctive driving experience.
The Rise and Fall of DeLorean Motor Company
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The story of the DeLorean DMC-12 is closely tied to the tumultuous history of the DeLorean Motor Company (DMC). Founded in 1975, DMC faced numerous challenges, including financial difficulties and production delays. Despite these obstacles, the company managed to produce approximately 9,000 DMC-12s between 1981 and 1983.
However, financial woes and a high-profile legal scandal involving John DeLorean ultimately led to the company's bankruptcy in 1982. Despite the company's short-lived existence, the DMC-12 had already made a lasting impact on the automotive world.
Cultural Icon and Enduring Legacy
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The DeLorean DMC-12's status as a cultural icon was solidified by its starring role in the "Back to the Future" film trilogy. In the movies, the DMC-12 was transformed into a time machine by the eccentric inventor Doc Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd. The car's futuristic design and pivotal role in the films endeared it to a whole new generation of fans and ensured its place in pop culture history.
Beyond its cinematic fame, the DeLorean DMC-12 has remained a symbol of 1980s nostalgia and automotive innovation. Its distinctive design and limited production numbers have made it a sought-after collector's item. Enthusiast clubs and organizations dedicated to preserving and celebrating the DMC-12 can be found around the world, ensuring that the legacy of this unique vehicle continues to thrive.
The 1982 DeLorean DMC-12 is more than just a car; it is a testament to the vision and ambition of its creator, John DeLorean. Its innovative design, storied history, and enduring appeal have made it a beloved icon in both the automotive world and popular culture. Whether you admire it for its striking appearance, its role in cinematic history, or its place in the annals of automotive innovation, the DeLorean DMC-12 is a vehicle that continues to captivate and inspire.
Find it at:
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