#veggie tells
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the-vegetarian-artist · 1 year ago
the PJO fandom working their butts off to find two italian babies in the background only to realize the Easter egg is Nico calling for Bianca around the 12:3 mark.
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veggies-aesthetics · 2 years ago
Notice I've got a few asks lol, I will get to them soon! (One of which is the fact that I need to watch the new season and I keep holding off cause I wanna watch it with @goldendaydna 😖) thank you for the requests tho!
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vfernarts · 8 days ago
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recent episode was depressing so here's mama mel and her guinea pigs (drawover of this post by remygumbs on instagram!)
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ilikedetectives · 4 months ago
Random Neve x Bellara headcanons
The reason Neve hasn't had scurvy despite not having veggies for gods know how long is because Bel starts making sneaky veggies recipes. Neve can tell it's veggies (~50-60% accuracy) but eats it anyway (who can resist those big puppy eyes?). Probably threatens anyone on the team who dares telling Bel about the fact that she knows the bread dip has veggies in it.
Bel accidentally invents new poisoning methods while trying to find ways to sneak more veggies into Neve's meals. She doesn't realize she is now on both house Dellamorte and house de Riva' persons of interest list (Neve notices, but can't decipher why, yet).
Bel learns to triple the ingredients whenever they cook together, because while Bel is busy putting an extra kachapuri in an insulated container for Neve's desk, a certain cook assistant takes "a few" bites when the cheese bread is fresh out of the oven.
Bel documents the cases they solve together in a dedicated journal, probably writes it in the style of the serials she likes to read.
Neve starts inviting Bel on Shadow Dragon missions, in which Bel often hides behind Neve because of social anxiety (Dock Town is too crowded).
Bel invites Neve on her field experiments, to which Neve immediately joins because this hyper elf girl might bring the Lighthouse down (there have been close calls).
Neve begins to be more aware of how crazy her sleep schedule is, because Bel gets tired more easily, but still insists on helping. "Alright Bel we need to take a break", which will be met with Bel's high pitch groan about how close they are to solving the case (they are not). Now ironically Neve is the one keeping track of rest schedule and enforcing it.
Neve accidentally finds how hyper Bel gets with coffee after leaving her cup unattended (Bel is so focused on her research she doesn't see what cup she grabs and eventually crashes on Neve's desk.)
The first time Neve hears Bel swears, followed with an angry growl, gritted teeth, and murder stare is when the detective trips mid battle and almost loses her staff (don't worry Bel retrieves it).
The wisps "misplace" Bel's smut with Neve's spicy doodles and both awkwardly pretend they didn't see a thing.
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the-vegetarian-artist · 7 months ago
the way I forgot the first part and thought he was just showing off a skillet.... that is indeed chocolate
breakfast’s ready
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the-vegetarian-artist · 1 year ago
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The Gang Meets Mondo Gecko- Sept. 14 1991
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macaritaville · 2 years ago
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More alt outfit ideas- this time for Celia!!
She was a lot harder than Lumina to think of fits for because I feel like her OG design is already VERY good- but I knew I wanted her in overalls and crocs 😌
Large pix under cut!
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coolpointsetta · 1 year ago
jamie: i am sneaking broccoli into the mac and cheese so the children don’t know that they’re eating vegetables.
jamie: that’s what parenting is all about. helping your children through lies
roy: well, not just the children
jamie: huh
roy: i’ve been speaking vegetables into your waffles for years now, since way before we were married.
jamie: what
roy: haven’t you ever wondered why your syrup has seeds in it?
jamie: you said those were maple seeds
roy: yeah, there’s no such thing
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the-vegetarian-artist · 1 year ago
Doesnt help that a chunk of our generation was left at home alone from a very young age, because our parents either worked all day or we just hella absent. Especially when I recall almost immediately my parents telling me "DO NOT answer the door when you are home alone and if someone knocks, hide from the windows."
Like the internet is one thing FOR SURE, but let's not forget our enemy Capitalism caused my parents to leave me alone at home from the age of 5 cause we couldnt afford a babysitter or had no family to watch us right away. My dad worked from 6am to nearly midnight some nights and when my mom went back to work, our summers became me watching my younger siblings all day from the age of 8. Like sometimes we werent even allowed to play in the yard or be seen by neighbors because people would immediately get concerned cause there were no cars in the driveway and that meant my parents werent home- or at least that's what my parents would tell us. Like kids whose parents were living paycheck to paycheck really got scared of strangers FAST. Sometimes I feel like that's the main reason I turned to the internet for socialization in the first place.
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toxicroyjamie · 6 months ago
If Phoebe's making Potions™️ in Roy's backyard you know Jamie's 100% joining in like "you added leaves yet?"
"No I still have to forage for them."
"Mint, I'm on it"
And jamie collects leaves in one of his little cross-body bags. Then they collect the potion in a jar and try to get roy to drink it
YES OMG Phoebe is such a little weirdo I just know she loves playing potions haha
Jamie babysitting Phoebe is such a great concept because they really would just be hanging out like this. Best friends <3
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albatris · 6 months ago
Snippet Sunday!
this week we'll have some Quinn attempting to be sweet and nice
God, what to make? They weren’t a cook. They especially weren’t a cook next to someone like Nat. Why had they offered? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Quinn dug around in their fridge, hoping it would be the thought that counted. Maybe a stir-fry…?
They threw some fake chicken into a wok, alongside some carrots, onion and broccoli, and turned the heat to high. High meant it would cook faster, right? They didn’t want to keep him waiting too long.
They dug around in their pantry for some spices. What went in a stir-fry? Ginger, cumin… cinnamon? No garlic. Chili. Paprika? Quinn didn’t know what any of these were used for. And none of that would make a sauce. What went into a stir-fry that made it a sauce?
Oh, hell, the vegetables were burning. Quinn flitted back over to the wok and turned down the heat. Should they have put some oil in? They splashed in some avocado oil, and then a bit more. Maybe the oil and spices made the sauce? They chucked the spices in and mixed them around. Quinn tasted. Nope, not right.
In a sudden stroke of genius, Quinn typed ‘easy stir-fry recipe’ into their internet search bar with their free hand. Soy sauce. They needed soy sauce. Quinn poured in a generous dash, swirled it about. If that didn’t fix things, nothing would. They were too nervous to taste test it a second time.
He’d like it. He’d like it, wouldn’t he? At the very least, he’d be polite enough to pretend he liked it.
They let the stir-fry simmer for a few minutes, then dished some up into a bowl. To their dismay, their pulse was racing and they felt a little woozy. They slapped themself in the cheeks a few times, cursing themself for being so anxious. What the hell did they have to be anxious about?
They ventured down the hall to Nat’s room, only to find that he was passed out asleep already. Their bubbling nerves immediately turned to irritation, and Quinn quashed the feeling. This was probably for the best, and they were more than a little relieved, too. Their stir-fry most definitely sucked.
Quinn bumped into Alex back out in the living room, freshly clean and free of gore. It had taken its braids out and thoroughly washed its hair.
“Here,” Quinn said, holding out the bowl. “You can have this.” In its current condition, Alex probably wouldn’t be able to taste the difference between stir-fry and dirt anyway. At least it wouldn’t go to waste.
“Thank you?” Alex said, a question. “Did you cook this for Nat?”
“No,” Quinn said, their lip curled. “I just felt like cooking.”
“I’m heading out,” Quinn said. “I’m going to Nat’s stupid apartment to feed his stupid cat.”
Alex took a bite of stir-fry. “Don’t do anything reckless,” it said around its mouthful. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“No relaxing, got it.”
Alex rolled its eyes at them.
“Try and rest,” Quinn said. “I'll help you with your hair later on tonight.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I don’t need help with it.”
“Would you like help with it? And doesn’t a scalp massage sound nice?”
Alex considered this. “Hm. Maybe.”
“The word you’re looking for is yes,” Quinn said. “Just let me look after you a bit, alright?”
“Alright,” Alex said. “This stir fry is awful, by the way. Even to my uncooperative tastebuds.”
“I didn't hear that.” Quinn hopped over to give Alex a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon!”
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wallbeatjournal · 9 months ago
Pour one out for Reggie, always second choice for the Lodges after Archie
SECOND CHOICE FOR EVERYONE. like literally it is so hard to evaluate reggie (especially w/r/t the lodges) without bringing in The Tragedy Of The Side Character Rival-Foil who exists in the narrative to experience B-plot versions of the A-plot in miniature
riverdale-the-metanarrative is so blatantly full of guys who are different versions of archie and where his character could go in the story if he didn't have to be the protagonist-hero - munroe as the jaded star fighter with the same nickname hiram originally used on archie as an endearment, who could get out of this damn town if he commits to sports. eric jackson as the disabled vet with unmanaged ptsd who betrayed his unit for a manipulative man in authority who just gets to be a respectable figure in society while his groomed victims suffer (and he could speak up and get justice if he's willing to handle the social impacts of being labeled a survivor). kevin as the openly-gay damagingly-impulsive, validation-seeking, people-pleasing, insecure joiner with a nice-but-emotionally-distant dad who keeps trying to find happiness through in-group conformism. julian s7 as literal understudy, and the guy who died in war (also got targeted and negged by s7 reboot hiram lodge in the s7 reboot version of wrestling. dramatic monologues).
reggie is like. the most powerful and tragic of all of these archie analogs bc he's sometimes a rival, too. so his jealousy and inferiority complex towards archie exists both inside and outside of the narrative! all of those other archie reflections aren't also competing with him and comparing themselves to him and constantly getting handed his leftovers and cast-offs and feeling that that is what's happening. but reggie is :\
anyway. so tragic. love u reggie
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the-vegetarian-artist · 1 year ago
Pretty sure I've done this before but let's see if anything has changed LMAO ~☆
Eggs: sunny side up with a side of soft toast.
Steak: *Gestures to username*
Milk: almond, like I'll drink cow milk (it has to be whole no 1% bs), but it's not my preferred milk.
Alchohol: the fruitier the better. clear alcohol only.
Warm drink: cinnamon tea or hot ponyo just depends on if I've got milk lmao
Imma tag a few peeps-- some at random, but I dont blame ya if you wanna respond to the post with less of a chain or not at all:
@auroranwolf @batpeep @sassybagle @that-one-dude-from-that-thing @novastar134 @slightlyresponsibledog @clearlyetc @phobian-deimoses
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meownotgood · 1 year ago
aki talking to you: have you eaten anything good for you today? sweetheart... if you don't eat well, you could get sick or give yourself a stomach ache. c'mon, I'll make you something, what would you like? maybe some soup, that'd be easy on your stomach. and next time, if you've only got snacks at home, just call me and I'll come over for dinner, okay?
aki talking to denji & power: eat your fucking vegetables
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countmothra · 5 months ago
Guys, be so honest with me. Do you think the papas fuck with Veggie Tales? Like, do you think they gather around for silly songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry sings a silly song?
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raviollies · 1 year ago
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With that being said - here are 9 weeks of my meal prep! Been putting a lot of care and time into it and am very proud of the results
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