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kochimaru-blog · 5 years ago
Apertura de @mrtofumid tu super vegano 🐔🐟🐮🐷🌎❤♻ @mixi_pacheco Grettel @danogonzalezangeles @tiaredzib @arsicmakeup vayan a la tienda a conocer todos sus productos👌el miércoles tendré en review con lo más raro y delicioso de la tienda ✔ . . . . . . . . . . #veganismo #productosveganos #vegan #todovegano #KochiElVegan #veganmerida #veganmind #sinbolsa #libredecrueldad #veganpower https://www.instagram.com/p/B33QzWXCo6N/?igshid=1f95tjk21cylj
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holisticvegancoaching · 5 years ago
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I'm about to take my eyes away from the screen and take some time to meditate. Who's going to join me?! Meditation has been shown to have so many benefits, both for physical and health! Studies are showing a direct effect on an array of conditions such as ibs, psoriasis, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder! There are theories this may be partly due to the regulating of bodily hormones triggered by stress. It also may assist you to make better choices for youself throughout the day, therefore less stress, better body chemistry and easier healthy food choices! 💜 Check out our website for more info holistic Vegan health and discounts for our upcoming program! #veganmind #holisticvegan #holistichealth #meditationscience #meditatewithme #vegannutrition #plantbaseddiet #holisticnutrition #vegancoaching #veganfitness #veganuk #vegannz #veganyogi #plantbasedhealth #vegandiet #veganweightloss #veganbeginner #wholefoodsmadesimple #veganmadeeasy #veganmadesimple #plantbasedmadeeasy #veganlifehacks #veganhealthhack #holisticveganhealth #veganism #veganismmadeeasy #plantbasedweightloss https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_mIK8IS6n/?igshid=kqbjkb1hrzy6
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radicalveganshop-blog · 6 years ago
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Tote! Tote! Tote! Tote-totes! Everrrrrrybody!!! . #vegancalifornia #vegangirl #vegangirls #veganmind #yoga #yogagirls #spiritual #veganshares #veganstrong #veganaf #veganmom #vegancalifornia #vegana #veganfeed #veganbag #veganshopping #vegangroceries #vegangroceryhaul #vegetarian https://www.instagram.com/p/B09Wpe2BU9p/?igshid=i6tvprcffpsl
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bossbabelifestyles-blog · 6 years ago
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I use to do this I use to let my emotions control my everyday move at times. “Do you remember when you were a child and you didn’t think, you just took action, you had no fear, even if you got hurt, even if you failed over and over again. You can overcome all the obstacles to growing up. Painting, Growing a business, reading books 📚, having a child and watching my son grow, starting an amazon store, learning how to care for plants 🌱 and how Crystals form has made me have that realization in the pass few years. Grow! a Verb also Grew, grown, grow·ing, growth . to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance. To become mature or experienced enough to increase in influence or effect. 🌴 “Those definitely hit home with me! It takes time to grow. It definitely doesn’t happen and over night you have to put your all into it to increase your growth processes. When I say all I mean the blood, sweat and most definitely tears! 😭 Kinda like growing a baby and dealing with the obstacles you have to overcome through the process. 🧠 Trust facts over your fears and trust the process of growth and you will do marvelous things in your life. ________________________________________ • • • #monat #motivation #bossbabe #momlife #mom #grow #plantbased #openmindset #growthmindset #beyourownboss #green #10x10challenge #happy #decalcified #woke #veganmind Those who inspired me @growwithjd @christhunder @tiffanievalentino @rebel.britney (at Bayshore Beautiful) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0okrRhlt2Z/?igshid=1cgtyactcx0e6
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autiesimblr · 7 years ago
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10 reasons to go vegan 🌱 El consumo de productos de origen animal no sólo es inmoral por la exclavitud y los asesinatos, sino que también perjudicamos al planeta y a nosotros mismos, siendo una dieta 100% vegetal más sana y más sostenible. Si queréis más info podéis ver documentales del estilo de @cowspiracy @earthlingsfilm @whatthe.health etc... 🎥 . . . #10reasonstogovegan #alllivesmatternotjusthumanlives #friendsnotfood #wakeup #PETA #govegan #veganism #veganmind #medioambiente #animalrights #crueltyfree #veganheart #vegancommunity #earthlings #cowspiracy #whatthehealth #compassionovercruelty
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yellowchyna · 8 years ago
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Saturday Macros. #veganism #weightlossjourney #macrosmatter #macrosarelife #macrogirl #macros #veganism #veganmind #myweightlossjourney #health2017 #healthinspo #eatvegan #govegan
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solkiki · 4 years ago
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And other article in The Independent from a few weeks ago! We’re just catching up. Swipe right to see what they said. . . . #solkiki #solkikitheindependent #bestveganchocolatebar #bestveganchocolatebars #veganeaster #veganinthemedia #veganrecommendations #vegantips #veganchocolatebars #dairyfreechocolate #sustainablechocolate #solkikieaster #easter2021 #veganeaster #vegangift #veganpresent #veganmarch #vegansofig #veganlife #veganlifestyle #lovelife #veganmindfulness #eatbetterveganfood #eatbetterveganchocolate #eatbetterchocolate #eatbetterfood #bestofthebest #bestchocolate #vegancraftchocolate #veganbeantobar #beantobaruk https://www.instagram.com/p/CL2cxJHD_u2/?igshid=1tl22c72uf0ue
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proverbcwisdom · 7 years ago
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Take this Day to Day and let it manifest clearly God is Good challenges build’s character so embrace it all! #Veganminded #Eat2Live
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iolaele · 8 years ago
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/ ▫️▪️🐓🐓🌿✔️ . . . #twitter #sundaymood #twitterupdate #twittersunday #veganminded #sundayroast #italianstyle #wisdomandlove #mumanditime #thingsilove #italybound #roots #septemberbaby #septemberissue #italylove
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pilram16-blog · 8 years ago
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Repost from @veganminded using @RepostRegramApp - Thank you to everyone for all your love and support🙏. Let's all share each others page with all of our friends and grow together in the name of the Animals, the Insects, the plants 🌱, Mother Nature, the Planet and the Universe🙏. Together we can change the world 🌎 for the better🙏 #ibelieveinyou #govegan #veganminded #peaceonearth #youcandoit #compassiondoesntkill. #vegan #humanity #animallovers #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #lovelife
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kochimaru-blog · 5 years ago
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MR. TOFU en Mérida ❤ @mrtofumid ya les espera con las puertas abiertas ,estuvimos en la apertura hace unos días,hay muchos productos ,también pueden encontrar ; vitamina b12, superfoods y muchísimas cosas más y apartir del martes podrán encontrar la revista de Mercy for animals completamente gratis 👌@mixi_pacheco grettel @tiaredzib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #veganismo #mrtofu #veganmind #kochielvegan #veganpower #veganos #govegan🌱 #TodoVegano #sinbolsa #sincrueldad #porlosanimales https://www.instagram.com/p/B4F_PKpBBvi/?igshid=jb7eb87lzuy5
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sacredchow-vegan-cooking · 6 years ago
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Did you know that we bake whole wheat 🥖 & biscuits? Always fresh, always w/ #wholeplantfoods , always for your health & safety, our 🌎’s, our fellow beings. From ❤️ to ❤️w/ ❤️ & 🧠fullness. Here for 👉, always! #veganmind #veganheart #veganlove #veganbread #veganfood #vegannoms
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radicalveganshop-blog · 6 years ago
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“Vegana” shirt dropped today in our store. Check it out in our online shop. . #vegancalifornia #vegangirl #vegangirls #veganmind #yoga #yogagirls #spiritual #veganshares #veganstrong #veganaf #veganmom #vegancalifornia #vegana #veganfeed (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ljHsEJJgZ/?igshid=17931xoawsrtx
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @vegan_by_nature - Use the force. Go vegan 🙏🏼 . #govegan #yodawasvegan #veganyoda #veganmaster #veganjedi #veganbynature #veganmeme #theveganforce #veganhumor #veganhumour #vegan #veganism #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #igvegan #veganfood #veganlogic #loseyourexcuses #itsnevertoolatetogovegan #veganforce #veganismistheanswer #evolvegovegan #veganmind #veganmindset #veganforlife #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheenvironment #veganforsurvival #meatismurder #dairyisscary
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vegamina · 7 years ago
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Bio. Fair. Vegan. Dein Style 💚 www.vegamina.de #bio #fair #vegan #stylisch #nachhaltig #fairtrade #mode #stil #veganlifestyle #greenlifestyle #ecofashion #fairfashion #slowfashion #veganer #vegans #veganleben #veganessen #vegandeutschland #veganhamburg #veganberlin #veganmünchen #veganfrankfurt #veganköln #vegandüsseldorf #veganstuttgart #veganwien #veganösterreich #veganschweiz #veganluxembourg #dutchvegan #veganfitness #vegansport #veganmind #tierschutz #animalfriendly #ökologisch #bioladen #veganiststylisch #veganitaly #veganfrance #veganespaña #veganuk
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yellowchyna · 8 years ago
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I love seaweed 🌱🌱💚#veganfit #seweedsnacks #seaweed #veganmind #veganism #weightlossjourney #seaweedlover
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