suprememastertv · 1 year
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On Saturday, August 5, 2023, during Her deep meditation retreat to help the planet, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai vegan) graciously sent a loving message to the Supreme Master Television team globally, all its supporters, and the whole world, reminding us about the urgent importance of forsaking all violence for the sake of lasting peace on Earth. Master also kindly shared some portions of Her friendly and insightful conversation with the king of the zealous demons.
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Last few months' adventures in Vegan Cooking
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1. Potato/Spinach/Bean & Beyond Pierogi w/ cashew "sour cream" and caramelized onions, sauerkraut
2. Lentil tacos, homemade flour tortillas
3. Protein lemon poppyseed waffles with wild blueberry sauce
4. Supreme pizza with homemade beeteroni and dough
5. Tempeh-Chickpea Tikka Masala and Cauliflower vegetable in poppyseed curry
6. Full English Breakfast
7. Lasagna with homemade marinara, cashew "ricotta"
8. Homemade sourdough hybrid bread and things
9. """"""meat""""""loaf.
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leva1 · 9 months
Beet and Orange Smoothie
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ravens-two · 8 months
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PAC: What's Your Planet Archetype?
This reading includes:
your planet archetype
how it affects the way others perceive you
The extended reading includes:
your aesthetic
the best way to work with this planet archetype
a mini-playlist that captures your vibe
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Ace of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Coming of Winter
"It comes in lullabies deep within your mirrored flesh. Alas, it is time to lay your quivering chest upon the winter's coming."
Pile 1 your planet archetype is the Moon. In astrology the Moon represents our inner world, that which is hidden, but also comes to the surface in the shape of feelings and emotions. Those who are ruled by the Moon tend to be highly emotional, empathetic and artistic. All of these qualities are shown in your cards here. The Ace of Cups is the overflow of emotion that you feel, even by just watching a film. You feel deeply and sometimes that creates a dissonance with the people around you, as they don't understand things on the same emotional level that you do. This also makes you very intuitive. You are capable of picking up on a lot of information from subtle cues. You might be able to finish other people's sentences or to pick up on things and feelings that they haven't revealed.
Most likely you are more of an introvert, as your inner world is richer than the outer world. You don't get bored easily, because your imagination is incredibly rich. It's easy to create a story in your mind and to feel it deeply. You're also a really good listener. People might have a tendency of just opening up to you, even if they hadn't intended to do so. There's just something about you that makes them feel heard and understood. I also get the feeling that a lot of you also act a bit as therapists or psychoanalysts for yourselves and for friends. You listen to your friends and help them to work through their feelings, thoughts or problems.
How it affects how others perceive you
The first thing I'm getting is that you have a lovely voice, pile 1. People enjoy hearing you talk and you might also like to sing as well. I also get the feeling that people see you as someone who is wise beyond their years, but also as someone who tends to be fair. They know that they can come to you to help mediate a problem, because you'll be kind, but fair at the same time.
Some people see you as being closed off and sometimes even a little bit pretentious. They think that you're faking your sensitivity to get attention. This doesn't reflect the way most people see you though. In general, you're seen as someone who is very empathetic and compassionate. I get the feeling that most people think that you're vegetarian/vegan or that you care a lot about protecting animals. Also, you're seen as someone who "will turn the other cheek". They think that you're more inclined to forgive and forget, rather than to confront someone.
Some people might be a bit wary of approaching you, because they think that you won't be interested in them. Sometimes it seems that you are too deep for others to understand. But, there's also a vibe of mystery and a sharpness in your eyes that makes you very interesting. I also think that you give the vibe of being into spirituality or being very intuitive. Which can be a bit off-putting for some, and attractive to others.
Physical characteristics will be different for everyone of course, but I think that most of you have very intense eyes. It's the type of eyes that it feels like you're staring right into someone's soul. I think that some people are even intimidated about this, because it feels like you're jugdging them. It's like you'll know if they're lying - at least that's their perception.
Pile 2
Ten of Wands, Three of Wands, The Veil
"It's quite possible your eyes have become the fog in which you dwell. A half-swallowed glimpse of all that you truly are or can be, that the tears you bleed are ready for the storms to turn the skies inward."
Pile 2 your archetype is Pluto. This is one of the dark planets, it deals with power, destruction and transformation. Scorpio is a zodiac sign that has a similar energy to this planet. You're not scared of change, in fact, I think that you crave it. You're constantly evolving, changing and transforming yourself - I don't think that you have a final shape in mind, it's transformation for its own sake. You remind me of the Ouroboros actually. The snake that eats itself.
Your energy is dark, thick and mysterious. You share some similarities with pile 1, in the sense that you're both very intuitive, mysterious and deep. However, while pile 1 is deep in an emotional sense, you're deep in a more mental sense. What I mean by this is that you are more cerebral. You like to explore what is hidden and taboo. You like to explore topics such as sex, addiction, death, philosophical topics like why are we here, is god real, that sort of thing. You're not really into small talk, and you might start a conversation with a topic that is too deep. As you like to explore what is hidden some of you might have a tendency to try to figure out mysteries. This may mean that you like reading/watching murder mysteries or that you indulge in conspiracy theories. Some of you also like to talk (and act!) about topics that make people uncomfortable like politics and activism.
Something that can't go unmentioned is your interest in the occult. For your oracle card you even got The Veil. You see more than people realize and I mean this in two ways: you might have some sort of psychic powers, or it's just your ability to pick up information that hasn't been revealed. I think that you're quite prone to lightbulb moments, where you suddenly have big epiphanies.
How it affects how others perceive you
Do you know that dark feminine aesthetic that is so trendy right now? This is that exact vibe. Others see you almost like a vampire, something that is dark, mysterious and alluring, with just a hint of dangerous. Even if you're not conventionally beautiful people are attracted to you. It's the way you walk, talk and present yourself. The cool thing here is that this isn't really intentional on your part. Sure, you can amp it up if you want to, but it's just the way that you are naturally.
As we talked about in the previous section you love talking about deep and taboo topics, because of this some people perceive you a bit negatively. They might see you as a contrarian or edgy, it's like you're just talking about these things to rile people up or to be different (this is how they view it, not necessarily how it truly is). Others think that talking with you can be a bit dangerous because you never know what might come up and they may be refuse to engage in certain topics. Other people are put off by the way you eschew cultural norms and just start talking about these taboo topics. While some see this in a negative light, there are also people who admire the way you can just say what you think and bring up these topics without fear. It makes them a little braver themselves.
You might be seen as someone who is very sexual or sensual, or even as someone who is sexually liberated just because you don't conform to the way things have been up until now. This may attract weird people or stalkers. People also see you as someone who works hard, but tends to take on more than what they can chew. Most people think that you're going to go far in life and that you have the potential to be very successful. However, they don't see you being the center of attention.
Pile 3
Three of Pentacles, Hierophant, The Underworld
"Hand over your known, a shift is near. Take a leap, your journey is clear."
Pile 3 your planet archetype is Saturn. In astrology this is the planet of time, restriction, order and growth. This isn't an easy planet to deal with, and often it's guilty of presenting us with our most difficult challenges. This shows me that you have already been through a lot, everything that you have achieved has been through blood, sweat and tears. But, it also shows me that you don't shy away from a challenge. You're a strong person, because life has made you so. In your place a lot of people would break.
The Hierophant is a great card to show this Saturn energy as it embodies hierarchy and power struggles. You're someone who doesn't really like change and appreciates the way our society it's constructed. Sure, it has flaws, but it doesn't mean that it's a bad system. With Saturn being your planet archetype you understand that there's a reason for the existence of hierarchies and that power can only be achieved through a combination of effort and experience.
You work really hard, pile 3. You know what you want and how to make it happen, but it doesn't mean that the road to get there is easy. You also know how to work together with others and see the value in cooperation and community. I feel like you're someone who is very active in their community - you might even do some activism work for the betterment of your community. You enjoy taking care of others, and a lot of you are the Mom friend of your respective groups. I also get the feeling that a lot of you are the eldest sibling or, the older daughter.
How it affects how others perceive you
Others see you as someone who tends to stick by the rules and who doesn't think too much outside the box. If things have always worked this way why should you try a new way and waste time and resources? This how others see you. To them you are very non-nonsense. To some people you might come off as someone who is all work and no play.
Most people see you as being very ambitious and someone who will definitely reach high places. People think that you are very respectful and know how to conduct yourself in different places - like adjusting your posture and language in the group you're in. In general, you're seen as being a good communicator and I think that a lot of you have deeper voices. You seem to talk a little bit slower and with good diction. Also, sometimes the way you talk is almost like someone who is giving a speech (in a good way).
When it comes to seduction, people see you as someone who is very classy and most definitely out of their league. Your standards are super high and people think that they would never be good enough for you. Your flirting style is subtle and again, quite classy, a bit old-fashioned even. People expect that you will want to be romanced (if you're a woman) or taking the initiative and do the romancing (if you're a man).
Most people see you as being very traditional, even when it comes to politics and gender roles (again this is just their perspective and not the objective truth). I also get the vibe that some people think that you are very closed off and that they don't get to see the real you, just the persona that you're projecting.
Pile 4
Chariot, Eight of Pentacles, Crystals and Herbs
"Oh what medicine, what sacredness to behold. A dash of healing straight from Mother's home."
Pile 4, your planet archetype is Mars. Mars is the fiery planet of conflict, passion and drive. Something that I get right away is that you might be very into sports or dance, or that you move in a very graceful way. You're a go getter, pile 4. Differently from pile 3, you're not someone who wants to achieve things for status, but because you love the thrill of going after something. You are passionate and very outspoken. You have strong beliefs and you don't shy away from stating them. I get the vibe that most of you talk quite loudly.
This is a very specific vibe, but I think that most of you prefer to interact with physical things rather than technology. Basically the embodiment of "go touch some grass". You like arguing and play-fighting with your friends. You tend to have touch as love language, rather than talking about your feelings. When it comes to emotions I think that they can be very big and explosive almost.
I also get the vibe that most of you talk quite quickly as well, and sometimes it might be hard for other people to keep up with what you're saying. You're full of enthusiasm most of the time and tend to hype up and motivate your friends when you feel they need an extra push. When you're working on something it's easy for you to be completely focused on that and block everything out.
How it affects how others see you
Other people see you as someone who is very passionate and for some it seems that you would be quick to anger. They tend to see you as being impulsive and someone who acts without thinking. It's interesting because I think that a lot of people tend to underestimate you for some reason. It's like they think that what they see is what they'll get and that you don't have much depth beyond that.
You're also seen as someone who is very driven and very active. People think that you're always doing something and always occupied. I also get the vibe that you're seen as someone who is in shape or who exercises.
When it comes to a more physical side of you I think that your facial expressions are quite intense. If you're happy or sad or confused it can be seen clearly on your face. In general you also seem to move gracefully or if that doesn't apply you move in a very distinctive way.
When it comes to sexuality and seduction people think that you'll take the initiative and just ask someone out. People also tend to think that you're very sexual (I kinda see the Spicy Latina trope here for you guys) and even a bit promiscuous. People are attracted to you and they might project that negatively onto you.
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pansy-chic27213 · 3 months
The Unofficial Legend of Zelda Cookbook is Back! 🌿✨🧀🍞💚
If you missed the chance to back the original Unofficial Legend of Zelda Cookbook by Aimee Woods in 2019, you now have a chance to back the 2nd Volume on Kickstarter! And this one is green! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aimeewoodworks/the-2nd-unofficial-legend-of-zelda-cookbook
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With 90+ new recipes (including vegan and gluten-free options), this sequel adds drinks and recipes from Tears of the Kingdom, with the possibility of adding recipes from the upcoming Echoes of Wisdom! The standard edition is $39, while the master edition is $69. Kickstarter backers also get a digital version of both volumes, giving you access to hundreds of recipes, menus, cooking techniques, and more!
The value of backing the Kickstarter instead of waiting to buy this later is that you can help unlock additional recipes and bonuses. Since the Kickstarter was posted this morning, it’s already reached more than $50k (since I checked an hour ago), unlocking several stretch bonuses! If you’re interested, you have until August to participate. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aimeewoodworks/the-2nd-unofficial-legend-of-zelda-cookbook
When I backed the original Kickstarter in 2019, I received a beautiful Master Edition with faux leather cover, gold and silver embossing, ribbon bookmarks, gilded pages, and a beautiful signature page. The recipes I’ve tried have been delicious and accessible, and my family and friends beg me to make Aimee’s milk tea recipe for our get-togethers and events. See some pictures below!
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I promise I won't spam post about it this time, lol.
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ominoose · 10 months
Big Ass Bot Dump
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🌿┆ You both get high - You and Cecil get high and he makes a random confession. For @summonthesoups <3
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🍼 ┆ Two year old Jake - Your little toddler comes up to you and asks/demands for churros on a rainy saturday. For @winniethewife <3 / Bot icon art by @pickleforstony on twitter
🩸┆ He pranks you - You receive a call from Jake, he's outside and wounded. After running down, you realise you've been deceived. . . Based on @blogfullofemos fic Dire / For Mani <3
🚘┆ He picks you up from work - One a cold, icey and rainy December evening, Jake decides to pick you up from work to save you from the cold. For @redeyerhaenyra <3
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🧸┆ Your dad checks up on you - Marc walks into your room to find you huddled under the covers and, despite the time, not at work/school/uni.
💸┆ He's your sugarbaby - After being missing for a while, your sugar baby Marc knocks at the door. For @minispidey <3
🐺┆ Werewolf - Alone in your cottage in the woods, under the full moon, a mysterious man arrives at your door. For @hon3yboy, based on their series Dancing With Wolves <3
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🍼┆ You're his baby's nanny - No one knows much about the origins of Nathan Batemans little bundle, no one's allowed near them and any news articles disappear. The only one allowed in it's life is Nathan and the hired nanny. For @minispidey <3
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🏔️┆ You're snowed in together - You make a point of imposing yourself on the introverted man in the mountains, trekking up from the local village to make a friend. On one such visit, your attempt to leave is thwarted by snow.
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🪄 ┆ Steven is turned tiny - You arrive home to the flat only to find a 5-inch surprise, and not the usual kind. Based on the Systemic Downsizing fic series by RebbecaOTool / Bot Icon by @black1cherry1 on twitter
🫄🏻┆ You're pregnant - One morning while Stevens humming over vegan eggs and bacon, you approach with a little white stick. For @minispidey <3
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❄️┆ Mysterious neighbours helps with snow plowing - While struggling with a sudden snow fall that's got your path and driveway piled up, the mysterious yet handsome neighbour offers help.
🥞┆ Your dad takes you out - A year after getting out of prison, William finds out an old fling had given birth, and he'd had a kid. He decides to do right by them, spending over a year in their life and making a tradition of taking them out to a local diner.
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Mojave Jack
🧰┆ Your car breaks down - Breaking down in the middle of the Mojave Desert during a solo road-trip sucked, but the mysterious, rough man that suddenly appears makes it interesting. For @noodlelooodle <3
Robert Brown
🦴┆ Your chiropractor is shady - During the appointment to the chiropractor, something seems amiss. Thank you @winniethewife for the character <3
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ask-the-ghoul-pack · 6 months
What’s everyone’s favorite post-ritual snack?
Chocolate covered strawberries. - Aurora 💕
Monster energy. - Dew
Sleep. - Rain
Normally dinner. Most venues don't cater for vegans so I get dinner back on the bus. - Mountain 🌿
A protein bar. - Cirrus
A mug of Horlicks. It always helps me drift off. - Cumulus
Cheese. Any kind. - Sunny 🌞
I graze off of everyone else's snacks. - Phantom 🦇
Banana. 🍌. - Aether
Doriros and salsa. - Swiss
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cultofsnowfall · 1 year
Leshy, The Chaos Bishop of The Green Crown in Darkwood!
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Here’s some Leshy Headcanons!
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Before Being Indoctrinated:
🌿 • Leshy is the youngest of the Bishops and so he gets babied and has more freedom on how he acts and portrays himself to his followers and the other bishops
🌿 • He sees mortals as playthings or toys so he plays pranks on them often and doesn’t really care for their personal emotions. Narinder always plays along being a huge prankster as well
🌿 • He definitely has some sort of ADHD. He constantly changes plans or activities on a whim with little to no thought
🌿 • Along with his schedule being unpredictable so is his mood. He can be playful one moment and sadistic the next
🌿 • If his followers think to even cross him he will devour them without a second thought. Even if a follower does nothing wrong and follows his every whim he will sometimes decide to eat them anyway
🌿 • As the Bishop of Darkwood his society is responsible for the steady wood supply throughout The Old Faith
After Being Indoctrinated:
🌿 • He is the most defensive and verbally hostile Bishop in the cult. He hisses out insults any chance he gets. Usually Shamura has to calm him down
🌿 • Leshy is completely blind so his hearing and smell is heightened. He can distinguish individuals on scent alone
🌿 • Because of this he suffers from sensory overload quite often. A method of grounding himself is to gently stroke and sniff the Camelia flower he has hidden
🌿 • Still has the ability to burrow underground. Usually only does it when he is under some sort of stress or extreme emotion
🌿 • Enjoys gardening even if he can’t see. The calm environment with the earthy smells remind him of Darkwood, giving him a sense of comfort
🌿 • Tends to cling onto his siblings for reassurance, usually Heket as she makes him feel safe
🌿 • His diet is now strictly vegan as during his Indoctrination he developed the inability to digest any animal by-product. He still misses eating meat and flesh
🌿 • Leshy surprisingly is 6’1ft tall for being the youngest Bishop. He uses this height to intimidate others simply to prank them and fill his chaotic nature
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findchaos · 2 years
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😷 Now that it's the season for sick days to loom, don't forget to try this immuno-boosting flavorbomb of soup! ✨🧄🌿 It can even be made vegan!
✨ This comic and more: chaoslife.findchaos.com/recipe-pandemic-soup
✨ Join for early and bonus content: patreon.com/findchaos
✨ Thanks for donating to our Rx costs! paypal.me/findchaos | $findchaos
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she-is-healthy · 2 months
The feminine urge to move to Portland and become a thicc-fit bald queer vegan pole dancer 💅✨️🌿
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worldsewage · 3 months
🍕 - What is their favorite food? for fido, buck, and any other characters you want because i am obsessed with that ask you answered a while back about all your agents dietary habits. it was so in-depth and well written and made me hungy
YAY glad to hear!!!
Fido - fried gizzards, burgers, mac n’ cheese, unhealthy greasy junk food or gas station ramen, it’s like a guilty pleasure at this point, he usually survives on those ‘healthy vegan’ tv dinners because he hardly knows how to prepare meals for himself and he worries about his health. (Guy who’s morning routine is eating shredded cheese out the bag brushing his teeth and then sitting outside smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee, “why do I feel like shit all the time”) He likes how filling and delicious home cooked meals are but he loves the listed first few options. They just make him feel like crap afterward .
Buck - he likes sweet fruit desserts, usually, but you’ll win him over with anything that has a cute presentation. He’s not good at baking so he’s always eager to order a dessert when he goes out to eat and chocolate is too sweet for him. I think if you asked him what his favorite food was he’d answer with some expensive salmonid meat product only because it tastes great and it’s not something he’d eat often. But otherwise it’s for sure fruit desserts. (And maybe not super relevant, but. He really likes the taste of green onions and cilantro. 🌿 He also eats a lot of popsicles and other frozen ice creams? He keeps them in the fridge at work since Inkling territory is always so HOT…)
I already rambled about the NSS’s food decisions, but in a nutshell:
July: Sweet fruit (like watermelon or strawberries. Kiwi…)
Alligator: fried junk and anything hearty and meaty; she’s a girl who loves rice… carbs.
Valentine: sweet desserts, but they’ll eat anything. I think alligator has watched her bite one of her rotting house plants before. She will lick a wall if it looks like it has a Taste.
Saint: light foods… rice… unseasoned meat or seaweed flaked on… eggs. Because Octarians have dietary restrictions similar to the dietary choices of wasteland salmonids, usually food cooked by Valentine:
Samah: the same way as Saint, light foods, egg, but dislikes veggies and can sometimes be a little picky. They are overall willing to try anything.
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tea time 🌿 🍵 artist ~ daniel super 🐲
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #organic #vegan #sustainable #greentea #whitetea #herbaltea #organicherbs #health #peace
Green Witch Tea
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raw1111official · 3 months
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🌺🥑🌱🥦 Explore "Maryland's Vegan Vibes: A Delicious Journey Through History" on RAW1111.COM! 🌿🍅 Savor the flavors and stories. #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and enjoy the journey! 🌱✨
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paolac777 · 23 days
be vegan for them. 💚🌿
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Can we please request a Cult of the Lamb headmate that is one of Lamb's followers? Go crazy with cult-related TransIDs and everything else!!
Thanks for the request :333
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⟦ 🌱 ⟧ ⟣ Name(s): Scottie, Tucker, Brett, Andreas, Auden, Vilde, Flynt / Flynn, Fletch, Devin, Chandler, Chase, Farren, Hunter, Russell, Micah, Tom, Jason, Dexter, Corwin / Corin, Cyrus, and/or Daniel
⟦ 🍄 ⟧ ⟣ Age: 15-22 (Ageslider) y/o
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Gender: Xenoboy, Weirdboy, Dirtbagteenboy, Horrorboy, Pathetiboy, Eeriething, Advertgender, Aporeligishien, Flocklexic, SinCOTLic, Sinnerthing, Singender, Grimefag, Creepthedric, Demonicgender, Boyfreak, Patheticboyloser, and/or Sanitysacrific.
⟦ 🥞 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (3rd): He/him, Name/Nameself pronouns (example: Tom/Tomself), Hi/him, Hx/hxm, Hym/Hymm/Hymmself, Sin/sinself, Wei/weird/weirdself, Rot/rotself, Fil/filth/filthself, Un/unholy/unholyself, Freak/freakself, Grim/Grimself, Ruin/ruinself, Out/outcast/outcastself, Strange/strangeself, Devout/devoutself, Rust/rustself, Lost/lostself, Blood/bloodself, Obed/obedient/obedientself, Pray/prayself, Dirt/Dirtself, 🦴/🦴self, 🐄/🐄self, 🥀/🥀self, 💮/💮self, and/or ‼️/‼️self
⟦ 🍂 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (2nd): You/your/yours/yourself, Strange/stranger/strangers/strangers, Pray/prayer/prayers/prayerself, Rot/rotter/rotters/rotterself, Freak/freaker/freakers/freakerself, Dirt/Dirtr/Dirtrs/Dirtself, Sin/sinner/sinners/sinnerself, 🦴/🦴r/🦴rs/🦴self, and/or 💮/💮r/💮rs/💮self
⟦ 🐑 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (1st): I/me/my/mine/myself, Un/holy/unholy/unholine/unholyself, Rui/rue/ruiy/ruine/ruinself, Si/sie/siy/sine/sinself, Fri/frea/freaky/freakine/freakself, 🐄/🐄e/🐄y/🐄ine/🐄self, and/or ‼️/‼️e/‼️y/‼️ine/‼️self
⟦ 🌿 ⟧ ⟣ Orientation: Male preferring Pansexual
⟦ 🌷 ⟧ ⟣ Species: Anthropomorphic Cow
⟦ 🧺 ⟧ ⟣ Role(s) & Abilities: Possible Sacrifist
⟦ 🍀 ⟧ ⟣ Source(s): Cult of The Lamb / COTL
⟦ 🍓 ⟧ ⟣ TransID(s): Transcannibalvictim, transcultist, transforcedpet, transcontrolled, transslave, transSA’d, permabrainwashed, permamanipulated, permagroomed, transforaddict, transgangraped, transrevived, transsacrificed (idk if coined), transCOTL, transnonlexical, transpica, transselectivelymute, transrut, and permacollar.
⟦ 🧸 ⟧ ⟣ CisID(s): AMAB, Holstein Friesian cow (cow breed), horned, pierced, short (4’9), vegan (herbivore), artist (likes drawing), fluffy, Anxiety, and Separation Anxiety Disorder.
⟦ 🍃 ⟧ ⟣ Paraphilia(s): Coprophilia, Anthropophagolagnia, Serviphilia, Autoaptophilia, and Masochism
⟦ 🍯 ⟧ ⟣ Personality: (INFJ) Hx is a very naive, compassionate, and kind individual who values justice and other’s wellbeing. He is bad with manners, expressing & speaking for rotself, is loud, and a bit reckless, but wei means well as fil values others a lot. He prefers to be lead and told what to do because hi struggles to express filthself even though hx has very strong feelings and beliefs on various different topics. Despite filths kindness hx is sort of an outsider and prefers to be alone or with a few select friends.
⟦ 🌸 ⟧ ⟣ Interests / likes: Anatomy, religion, jewelry, rots god(s), books, flower language, flower crowns, poetry, collecting items, artist (likes drawing), and likes PDA.
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Dislikes: Ignorance, cruel leaders, trivia games & questions, cold weather, winter, gossip, and learning new languages.
⟦ 🥐 ⟧ ⟣ Signoff(s): 🐄, 🥩, ‼️, 💀, 🫀, 💮, ❤️‍🩹, 📍, 🐮, or 🥀
⟦ 🥧 ⟧ ⟣ Other: He speaks an Intrasprache (based on the gibberish followers speak in COTL) that other headmates/alters can understand, but speaks the body’s language whilst fronting (Hopefully this makes sense). Obed is also a vegan / herbivore.
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Disclaimer: An headmate/alter does not need to be exactly as specified, and we do not support forcing an headmate/alter to be exactly as specified. Also, we are not responsible for anything that a headmate/alter made from this does. 
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thegreenbeanery · 5 months
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🌟✨ Ingredient Spotlight: Nutritional Yeast ✨🌟
Looking to add a burst of flavor and nutrition to your meals? 🌿🧀 Say hello to nutritional yeast! This powerhouse ingredient is a game-changer in vegan cooking, packing a cheesy, nutty punch that'll have your taste buds dancing with delight! 💃🧀
✨ Why We Love It: ✨
Complete protein source ✔️
Packed with B-complex vitamins, including essential B12 💪
Adds savory goodness to any dish 🌟
👩‍🍳 How to Use It: 👨‍🍳
Sprinkle on popcorn for a cheesy snack 🍿
Mix into sauces for creamy, dairy-free goodness 🥗
Boost the flavor of roasted veggies and savory dishes 🥦
🌱 Health Benefits: 🌱
Energizing B vitamins to fuel your day 🌞
Protein-packed for a satisfying meal addition 💪
Low in fat and sodium, but high in flavor! 🎉
Ready to take your meals to the next level? Stock up on nutritional yeast and let your culinary creativity shine! ✨🧀
#NutritionalYeast #VeganCheese #PlantBasedCooking 🌿🌟
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