#vegan taipei
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Amazing vegan food, these dishes really blew my mind...
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missing my fall semester study setup, missing taiwanese vegan desserts, missing taipei
#studyblr#langblr#chinese#中文#mine#taiwan#coconut sago soup with taro rice balls😭#the barbiecore video wheeze#cityscape#sunset#travel#台灣#台北#臺灣#my photography#the rainmeter skin is monterey if you’re interested!#wallpaper is by tofupixel
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We have 2 days off on Thurs/Fri so I'm going to the 🎶pink pony club!🎶 But not actually... I'm going to a humourless vegan feminist venue in Taipei that closes at ✨9:30pm✨ because I want to see a band and receive attention from femmes. I'm keen though!!
#Emery 2k24#I asked my roommate if they had heard of this club and they said 'yes.' in a very guarded tone and gave no further input.
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Aliments à favoriser avant de dormir pour un sommeil optimal ?
Pour bien dormir, il est indispensable de disposer en premier lieu d’une bonne literie – c’est la raison pour laquelle il est recommandé de shopper sommier et matelas chez un spécialiste type Hypnia. Il est tout aussi important d’adopter une bonne hygiène de vie, en évitant par exemple les diners trop lourds. La bonne idée, c’est de mettre au menu des aliments favorisant le sommeil. Le lait et les produits laitiers Le lait est une source naturelle de tryptophane, un acide aminé qui joue un rôle dans la production de sérotonine et de mélatonine, deux neurotransmetteurs impliqués dans la régulation du sommeil. En cas de difficultés pour trouver le sommeil, misez sur un remède de grand-mère : le lait chaud, agrémenté d’une cuillère de miel. En cas d’intolérance au lactose ou de régime vegan, optez pour le lait de soja – une autre source riche en tryptophane. La banane La banane compte parmi les aliments riches en tryptophane. Elle contient en outre de la vitamine B6, qui favorise la conversion du tryptophane en sérotonine. La banane est aussi riche en potassium et en magnésium. Ces minéraux contribuent à détendre les muscles et à réduire le stress et l’anxiété, qui sont à l’origine (ou qui aggravent !) la plupart des troubles du sommeil. Le kiwi En 2017, une étude de la Taïwan Taipei Medical University a démontré un résultat surprenant : manger 2 kiwis une heure avant d’aller se coucher facilite l’endormissement et favorise une nuit plus longue. Le secret du kiwi ? Il contient de la sérotonine. Et en plus, il est riche en antioxydants et en fibres. Il préviendrait donc aussi les risques de troubles digestifs, en boostant la perte de poids, et réduirait les risques de cancer et de maladies cardio-vasculaires. Les fruits de saison Pour finir le repas sur une note sucrée et bien dormir, craquez pour un fruit de saison. La cerise est une source naturelle de mélatonine. Pour lutter contre les insomnies, les spécialistes recommandent même un verre de jus de cerise matin et soir : un traitement gourmand qui remplace avantageusement les somnifères ! La pomme fait elle aussi partie des aliments favorisant le sommeil, car elle contient du brome. Cette substance sédative détend le système nerveux : top pour les personnes sujettes au stress ! La pomme a aussi la particularité d’entretenir la santé bucco-dentaire et de prévenir les risques d’AVC. A lire également : Tout sur les fleurs de lavande, leurs propriétés et leurs bienfaits Les noix et les graines Les noix et les graines de tournesol et graines de chia, sont riches en magnésium et en tryptophane. Elles comptent donc parmi les aliments à inclure au diner – de préférence en petite quantité, car elles sont riches en calories. Si vous ressentez un petit creux au moment d’aller dormir, vous pouvez craquer pour quelques amandes, noix ou noisettes, éventuellement avec un yaourt nature. Les poissons gras Les poissons gras, tels que le saumon, la truite, le maquereau et les sardines, font partie des aliments favorisant le sommeil. Ils sont riches en acides gras oméga-3 qui contribuent à réduire l'inflammation dans le corps et à booster la production de mélatonine, et en vitamine D. Ces deux nutriments participent à la régulation de la sérotonine, vous assurant ainsi un cycle de sommeil plus régulier. Les aliments riches en calcium Le calcium fait partie des minéraux indispensables à la production de mélatonine. Les aliments qui en contiennent favorisent donc le sommeil. Outre les produits laitiers, de nombreux autres aliments sont riches en calcium. Parmi eux : le tofu, les légumes verts comme le brocoli et les épinards, les sardines, les haricots ou encore les fruits frais. Read the full article
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Å vere sjuk i Taiwan og Miljøkrisa i Norge
Eg sit på rommet mitt. I leilegheita eg leiger. I Taipei. I Taiwan. Eg er sjuk, men blir snart frisk. Eg var mest sjuk i går. Leilegheita eg leiger ligg rett ved ein av dei store vegane i byen. Ved strekningen utanfor er det fire køyrefelt i kvar retning, åtte felt totalt. Det dundrar trafikk omtrent heile døgnet rundt. Det er slitsamt å vere på rommet mitt på grunn av denne trafikken. Det er òg slitsamt av andre grunnar. Men dei vil eg ikkje snakke om.
Det sug å vere sjuk. Det er som om du blir motvillig haldt tilbake. Verden dundrar på med alle planar og mål. Men du blir sittande heime, medan du kikkar på ein serie eller søv vekk dagane. Eg vil ikkje vere sjuk. Eg hatar å ligge som ein slapp fisk. Varm og kald samstundes. Med mykje vilje og mange ynskjer, men inga kraft. Og så skal eg vere sjuk i Taiwan òg. Av alle plassar eg skal vere sjuk så er det på rommet mitt i Taiwan. Rommet kvar eg ikkje orkar å sove utan ei pute over hovudet, for å dempe den forbanna trafikken som ikkje klarar å ta pause. Av alle tider eg skal bli sjuk så er det sjølvsagt i den helga kvar eg skulle på valvake for presidentvalet i Taiwan, på ekskursjon med taiwanske vener, og så på konsert som prikken over i-en. Eg hatar å vere sjuk. Òg eg hatar å vere sjuk i Taiwan.
Eg skal liksom oppleve så mykje i Taiwan. Eg er her tross alt berre i 9 månader. Eg skal meistre språket. Eg skal forstå kulturen. Eg skal bli ein ekspert. Men her ligg eg. Sjuk. Hadde det ikkje vore for dei støydempande hovudtelefonane mine hadde eg blitt drevet til vanvit av trafikken òg.
Eg vil gjere meir. Eg vil verkeleg føle eg meistrar språk og kultur i Taiwan. Eg vil meistre livet her. Vere nokon som kan sei at dei veit. Vere ein kjelde til informasjon og forståing. Men eg klarar jo ikkje å oppnå det når eg er sjuk. Når eg går glipp av ting eg ville gjere. I staden for var eg heime og sveitta senga våt medan eg såg på Bård Tufte Johansen utforske korleis det sto til med naturen i Norge i serien «Oppsynsmannen». Det var ein utruleg bra serie. Ein eg meiner alle i Norge har godt av å sjå. For Norge utviklar seg i ein grå og dyster retning. Me går feil framtid i møte.
Men klarar eg ikkje å oppnå forståing om Taiwan når eg er sjuk? Er det sant? Eller er eg eigentleg berre lat når eg ser på Bård traske rundt i Norge, når eg kunne sitt på noko på Mandarin. Kanskje Bård kan lære seg mandarin. Eg kjenner på denne tvilen. Eg kjente på det i Norge når eg tok ein bachelor i Kinesisk- med Kina-studium òg. Kvifor dukkar eg ikkje djupare inn i kulturen, i språket? Kvifor ser eg på denne norske filmen, kvifor les eg denne engelske boka? Eg må jo betre kinesisken min. Eg må vere på og jobbe heile tida. Eg hatar den tankegangen. Men eg slit med å bli kvitt den.
Mange snakkar om at det ikkje er godt med for mykje av noko. Alt i moderasjon. Det er bra å vere engasjert og på, berre ikkje gravlegg deg i negativ sjølvomtale om det pausar opp. Det er bra med økonomisk vekst og fleire vegar. Større vegar. Breiare vegar. Pisspreik. Du treng faen meg ikkje enda fleire monstervegar som brøytar seg igjennom alt me nordmenn likar med Norge. Politikarar og utbyggarar lev med tunellsyn. Det viktigaste er vekst. For vekst betyr auka velstand. På kva faens områder treng nordmenn auka velstand? Me er eit av dei mest velståande landa i verda. Me har velstand.
Ein er blitt blind av pengar. Me lev i eit pengegalt samfunn. Det er viktig med pengar seier ein. Pengar skapar moglegheiter for arbeidsplassar. Har ein fleire arbeidsplassar så kan fleire dele i velstanden. Då kan fleire gå på hytta. Fleire kan ta helgeferie i marka. Fleire kan reisa på bytur i ferien. Hadde me ikkje det for 20-30 pluss år si? Var det ikkje mogleg for folk å bu fint og flott, utan at ein skulle sprenge Lågendeltaet i to for å bråke av gårde med firefelts motorveg?
Sjukdommen siv ut av meg. Men trafikken blir. Eg er forbanna på meg og min eigen kropp for å bli sjuk når det var så mykje spennande som skulle skje. Eg vil oppleve så mykje meir. Eg vil bli smart på alt eg omringast av i dette ukjente landet. Men det går bra. Eg klarar meg overraskande bra, sjølv om eg har vore sjuk ei helg. Kanskje eg blir litt sakka ned mot målet mitt. Men det står ikkje på liv og død. Og på same måte som at det går fint for meg. For deg. Å bli sjuk ein gang i blant. Å ta ein pause frå køyret og presset frå samfunnet ein gang i blant. Så går det fint å ikkje alltid måtte bygge ut nye motorvegar og industriparkar og alt anna grått. Kanskje me kan ta ein pause i bygginga og kikke på litt andre meir berekraftige løysningar. Løysningar som ikkje krev at me riv grøn natur sundt for å bygge ‘grøn’ industri. Det er eit paradoks. Eit unødvendig paradoks.
Eg håpar fleire folk sluttar å tenke som i Stanley Jakobsen sin kjende song, «I morgon, i morgon, men ikkje i dag». Det hjelp ikkje med evig utsetting. Naturen ventar ikkje. Den døyr ein sakte død.
Inspirasjon for denne gangs skrivesus:
Å vere sjuk i Taiwan
Bård Tufte Johansen sin nye serie i NRK, Oppsynsmannen. https://tv.nrk.no/serie/oppsynsmannen
NRK sin avsløring om kor mykje natur som har blitt øydelagt i Norge sidan 2017. https://www.nrk.no/dokumentar/xl/nrk-avslorer_-44.000-inngrep-i-norsk-natur-pa-fem-ar-1.16573560
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Oh! I remember some of it now. I think that most of all of Taipei as I’ve just described my point of view of its total place, would make an excellent capitol for Metavore Cuisine, Markets and Dining; along with most Asian islands along the coastland of Mainland China. Now, I would have meant to say Veganish World Capitol or more accurately Vegan World Capitol: however I’m almost serious about my other opinion that calling Taipei a Capitol for vegan dining and meaning that included its well selected but not overly executed meats and animal fleshes — would probably shutdown Taipei dining instead if I had my way; almost proving if I could prove that, what I mean by the fetish insanity of some foodie movements.
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Flight to Vietnam (6/29-7/1) || Connie Tran (UCI)
Today’s the day! It didn’t settle in for me that we were headed for Vietnam soon until my older sister Amy had dropped off me and Elaine at Ontario Airport. It was a surreal experience seeing different faces, familiar and unfamiliar, from different chapters altogether in one place. Once everyone was present, we took our very first group photo together outside the entrance and headed in for check-in, which went much smoother than I thought. We eventually found the waiting area for our designated gate and killed time by exploring the shops around the airport and playing games with each other. The most memorable moment for me during that time was finding a machine that made frozen yogurt. Rakesh decided to try it and ordered a $6.50 froyo with oreo toppings…except all he got were pepper flakes (miniscule oreo crumbs, probably the machine ran out of the topping). It was a very tragic moment. I also learned how to play the “Spot it!” game that Calvin brought and my brain could not keep up with everyone’s quick plays. We then boarded the plane to Taiwan, which was a very long 13 hour flight of sleeping, eating, and playing games. The vegan plane food was honestly much better than the last time I had it when I went to Vietnam 7 years ago. Although there was no wifi on the plane, I was able to find a chat function on the plane’s chair screen where we could input a seat number we wanted to start a chat with. Calvin was my neighbor for the flight so we entertained ourselves by messaging different 14gers that we knew the seat number for. Unfortunately, my screen froze at some point, but I was still able to view Calvin’s chat, where they somehow formed a groupchat to make comments about the airplane food. I also was able to test my family’s old digital camera that I revived and decided to bring along for the trip. Once we got to Taiwan, we rode a metro to our waiting area. We also took advantage of the 2-hour layover to explore the airport and find the Starbucks there. I ordered some drinks along with some other 14gers and it was really good. The airport itself was also really cute and had many different rooms and artwork across different boarding waiting areas. There was also a screen where we could turn our selfies into fish. I sat with Jeffrey and Rakesh on the plane to Vietnam this time from Taiwan. Compared to the 13-hour flight earlier, the 3-hour flight to Vietnam was lightwork and we finally arrived at our destination. We were met instantly with hot weather and humidity despite barely stepping into the airport. I was immediately reminded of the last time I was in Vietnam. While waiting in line, my little & future UCI sponsorship chair, Nina, appeared out of nowhere! She was already in Vietnam with her family for vacation before we came, and I wasn’t aware that Elaine let her know that we arrived in Vietnam. Her aunt had some connection with one of the visa officers and Nina picked me along with some other 14gers to bypass the line and enter the area for baggage pick-up quicker. It was a little stressful looking for all of the MEMO boxes and luggage, but eventually we were able to get everyone together and got picked up by the bus. To the hotel we go!
Above: Rakesh with his froyo and microscopic Oreo topping at the Ontario (ONT) airport.
Above: Calvin and I sitting together for our flight from Ontario (ONT) to Taipei (TPE)!
Above: Calvin’s romantic chat with Sarthak on the ONT to TPE flight.
Above: Link of a video of Vivian’s Fish Selfie at the TPE airport.
Above: Landing in Saigon, Vietnam.
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Snack Catalog #544
Sesame and Silver Wood Ear Spread / 無量壽福
Vegan / From S
This is like a pudding cup! But it's made with wood ear (a type of jelly-like fungus) and sesame.
We were not sure about this, but it ended up being delicious! We ate them with rice cake.
I like it because it's not too sweet.
This is a new product from the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. I think it's a success!
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Maternatura è un brand italiano biocertificato, vegan (la maggior parte dei prodotti) e nickel tested. Maternatura è il primo brand eco bio specializzato in linee capelli che garantisce lo stesso effetto seta del silicone, ma senza silicone! @maternatura.it è un’azienda familiare Italiana che nasce nel 2014 e da allora è presente in oltre 10 paesi all’estero tra cui Mosca, Monaco, Londra e Taipei. Frutto dell’esperienza ventennale nel settore cosmetico Eco Bio (la famiglia produce Cosmetici Biologici dal 1989 distribuiti esclusivamente nel settore dell’estetica professionale) e della passione per l’ambiente, l’azienda si pone l’intento di offrire prodotti cosmetici floreali in armonia con la natura. Grazie all’esperienza, alla continua ricerca interna e allo sviluppo di inedite formulazioni all’avanguardia, Maternatura è riuscita ad ottenere effetti straordinari sui capelli delle clienti, come l’effetto seta solitamente creato dal silicone, ma con prodotti completamente privi di questo ingrediente. L’azienda inoltre privilegia l’uso di piante provenienti da coltivazioni biodinamiche, biologiche e selvatiche poiché questo tipo di coltura rispetta la crescita naturale della pianta e le permette di integrare la massima vitalità e le proprietà indispensabili per la sua funzione. Maternatura non fa uso di coloranti, ma di liposomi vegetali e conservanti naturali quali: vitamine A, E, C , oli essenziali. Si avvale del più grande e specializzato laboratorio cosmetico bio-naturale in Europa, il quale collabora con diverse Università Italiane. Tutti i cosmetici inoltre sono di alta qualità, eco-biologicamente certificati AIAB e VEGAN OK. Per questo motivo tutti i prodotti Maternatura non contengono: parabeni, paraffina, oli minerali, OGM, SLS e SLES e DEA; non sono testati su animali (cruelty free) ma sono dermatologicamente testati (nickel tested < 0.0001%) per il benessere di tutti i tipi di pelle, anche le più sensibili. Scopri l’ampia gamma di prodotti sul nostro sito! Link in bio 🌐 #benessere #bellezza #cosmeticabio #madeinitaly #salute #cosmeticanatural #beautrient https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQjF0TKAzp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Didn’t take long before I went back for more 🙈 I couldn’t resist getting a few of these creamy cheese potato breads 🍞🧀🥔
Yiihotang Da-an District - Taipei - Taiwan
Travelling to Taiwan? Check out MyTaiwanTour for incredible tours and experiences 💕
#vegan#veganism#taipei travel#vegan taipei#taipei#taiwan travel#taiwanese desserts#vegan taiwan#taiwanese#yiihotang#vegan baked goods#vegan bakery#bakery#bread#potato#vegan life#vegan food porn#vegan feast#bread bun#vegan bread#food porn#foodblogger#travel#vegan traveller#vegan travel#vegancommunity#happycow#comfort food#vegan comfort food
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Vegan Options at Night Market in Taipei, Taiwan~
#taipei#taiwan#vegan taiwan#vegan taipei#taipei food#vegan travel#night market#taiwan night market#taiwanese food#asian food#vegan#vegan food#vegan option#vegan friendly#vegan in taiwan#vegan in taipei#taipei vegan food#stinky tofu#eat#eating#delicious#plant based#yummy#food#foodie#vlog#vlogger#台北#台灣#美食
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one of my bestie’s erin and I were in the philippines and decided to hop on a $35 air asia flight over to taiwan for a few of days. taipei has a bustling vegan scene and we were surprised how much choice there was for plant based restaurants. here’s a list of the places we ate all the veggie noms.
after exploring the national chiang kai-shek memorial hall in the morning we headed to canteen by plants for lunch. it’s in a cute little laneway at the back of an organic & eco-friendly beauty store named 10/10 hope. the space is beautiful, open and clean with wooden furniture, food inspo quotes on the wall, and vegan books on the table. there is cabinet filled with a rainbow of choices from raw desserts, kimchi, salads, soups, hummus & kombucha.we were too excited and bought all of the things: golden spiced latte, spirulina detox smoothie, açai bowl, roasted zucchini & oyster mushroom salad, sprouted hummus, sauerkraut and a pumpkin & lentil stew. everything tasted so fresh and delicious and the staff were so friendly and helpful. prices are reasonable with drinks between 80 taiwan dollars for an espresso to 220 for a smoothie {$3.50 to $9.50 AUD}. food is from 80 ($3.50) for salad to 330 ($14) for an açai bowl.there’s little waste too with everything being served in something reusable like metal straws, proper cutlery, cups and plates. they also sell conscious products like mason jars, nutritional yeast, gluten free oats and more. I got a mason jar for all my takeaway smoothies and I bring this jar everywhere with me now. details address: 1f, no. 5-1, lane 3, chifeng street, datong district, taipei city 103 mrt station: zhongshan open: wednesday to monday’s (closed tuesday’s) social: instagram + facebook
the next morning after visiting taipei 101 & the national palace museum we headed to missgreen for lunch. their motto is that they serve fast slow food. inside is a nice open space with pallets, exposed brick and hanging plants from the walls and ceiling.
they have a brunch/lunch deal where you can get with your main dish either a salad and tea, fries and tea, or soup and tea. I was saying to erin how I was craving a burrito so I got super excited to see they had them on the menu. I ordered the amazing avocado wrap however it wasn’t a burrito but instead just a salad wrap so I was super bummed! we tried the coconut curry & rice, sweet potato fries, side of soup, and kombucha.
drink prices are between 130 ($5.50) for kombucha to 250 ($10) for a cocktail. prices for food are between 99 ($4) for sweet potato fries to 260 ($11) for a wrap. they also throw a 10% service charge on top. the food was good but could be tastier. service was great though, we thought our waiter was absolutely adorable and just wanted to give him a hug.
they serve everything in reusable wares too and also sell eco conscious products like tote bags, recipe books, teas, dog food, and body wash.
details address: no. 28, lane 63, sec. 2, dunhua s. road, da’an district, taipei city mrt station: xinyi anhe open: everyday 11am-4pm & 5pm-10pm social: instagram + facebook
after miss green we were craving dessert so headed over to nice cream. it’s a very cute, instagram-able spot with white walls, pink flowers and pineapples. the family have been making gelato in italy since 1921 and they are the first plant based creamery in taiwan.some of their flavours include chocolate, soy milk, matcha, lemon, banana, coconut, strawberry and black sesame. they have mix-ins too that you add on top either in a cone or a cup. I went for the strawberry with cookies on top in a waffle cone and goodness was it delicious. it had a real nice creaminess to it which I always really crave with a vegan ice cream. prices go from 100 ($4.40) for a single scoop to 210 ($9) for three scoops.
details address: no. 6, alley 40, lane 181, section 4, zhongxiao east road, datong district, taipei city mrt station: zhongxiao dunhua open: everyday 12pm-10pm social: instagram + facebook
after walking up elephant mountain to watch the sunset we headed to blossom rena vegan cafe. again, another beautifully decorated space with cool wall tiling, reclaimed wood and retro furniture. the menu is entirely in chinese but the owner sophie was so nice explaining every menu item with us.
I loved the kimchi and tofu bowl. it was so darn tasty and the tofu was silky smooth. I was also drooling over the fried eggplant. we got a risotto and salad bowl too. they also serve nice cream’s ice cream which is awesome to see the support that goes on between local businesses. sophie gave us some cookies to take home too which was so nice. prices range from 230-380 ($10-17) for a main meal.
details address: no. 26-1, section 3, zhongshan north road, zhongshan district, taipei city mrt station: minquan w. rd. station open: tuesday to sunday’s 11:30am-9pm (closed monday’s) social: instagram + facebook
on the last morning we discovered right near where we were staying at dandy hotel daan parkwas nakedfood, a contemporary raw & vegan restaurant. the front of the restaurant is so lush and inviting and inside is just as green with a gorgeous feature wall.
we started with the fermented watermelon salad (80/$3.50) served with jalapeno, tomato, cucumber and cashew sour crème which was light & refreshing but had a bite to it. we got the raw chive dumplings (400/$17.50) made with walnut meat, zucchini black sesame wrappers and brined purple cabbage salad. to finish we got the raw pizza(500/$22) made with walnuts, zucchini, flax meal, chimchurri, asparagus, mushroom, caramelised onion, tree-nut cheese and basil . juices and smoothies range from 150-220 ($6.50-$9.50). it was all super filling and delicious.
it’s more on the pricey side but the quality is amazing and it’s a finer dining experience. the menu also suggests wine to pair every dish with and the staff are very knowledgable. they sell products there too like granola, tree-nut cheese, sweets, and jars of kim-chi.
details address: no. 22-1, lane 160, section 1 xinsheng south road, zhongzheng district, taipei city mrt station: dongmen station open: wednesday to friday’s 12pm-9pm & saturay to sunday’s 11am-9pm (closed monday & tuesday’s) social: instagram + facebook + twitter
#ground bloom flourish#vegan taipei#vegan restaurants#eco#eco friendly#green living#sustainable#plant based#conscious living#canteen by plants#miss green#nice cream taipei#blossom rena vegan cafe#nakedfood
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#vegan#cream puff#hip pun#crispy puff#chocolate cream#vanilla cream#dark chocolate#vegan bakery#taipei
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Aliments à favoriser avant de dormir pour un sommeil optimal ?
Pour bien dormir, il est indispensable de disposer en premier lieu d’une bonne literie – c’est la raison pour laquelle il est recommandé de shopper sommier et matelas chez un spécialiste type Hypnia. Il est tout aussi important d’adopter une bonne hygiène de vie, en évitant par exemple les diners trop lourds. La bonne idée, c’est de mettre au menu des aliments favorisant le sommeil. Le lait et les produits laitiers Le lait est une source naturelle de tryptophane, un acide aminé qui joue un rôle dans la production de sérotonine et de mélatonine, deux neurotransmetteurs impliqués dans la régulation du sommeil. En cas de difficultés pour trouver le sommeil, misez sur un remède de grand-mère : le lait chaud, agrémenté d’une cuillère de miel. En cas d’intolérance au lactose ou de régime vegan, optez pour le lait de soja – une autre source riche en tryptophane. La banane La banane compte parmi les aliments riches en tryptophane. Elle contient en outre de la vitamine B6, qui favorise la conversion du tryptophane en sérotonine. La banane est aussi riche en potassium et en magnésium. Ces minéraux contribuent à détendre les muscles et à réduire le stress et l’anxiété, qui sont à l’origine (ou qui aggravent !) la plupart des troubles du sommeil. Le kiwi En 2017, une étude de la Taïwan Taipei Medical University a démontré un résultat surprenant : manger 2 kiwis une heure avant d’aller se coucher facilite l’endormissement et favorise une nuit plus longue. Le secret du kiwi ? Il contient de la sérotonine. Et en plus, il est riche en antioxydants et en fibres. Il préviendrait donc aussi les risques de troubles digestifs, en boostant la perte de poids, et réduirait les risques de cancer et de maladies cardio-vasculaires. Les fruits de saison Pour finir le repas sur une note sucrée et bien dormir, craquez pour un fruit de saison. La cerise est une source naturelle de mélatonine. Pour lutter contre les insomnies, les spécialistes recommandent même un verre de jus de cerise matin et soir : un traitement gourmand qui remplace avantageusement les somnifères ! La pomme fait elle aussi partie des aliments favorisant le sommeil, car elle contient du brome. Cette substance sédative détend le système nerveux : top pour les personnes sujettes au stress ! La pomme a aussi la particularité d’entretenir la santé bucco-dentaire et de prévenir les risques d’AVC. A lire également : Tout sur les fleurs de lavande, leurs propriétés et leurs bienfaits Les noix et les graines Les noix et les graines de tournesol et graines de chia, sont riches en magnésium et en tryptophane. Elles comptent donc parmi les aliments à inclure au diner – de préférence en petite quantité, car elles sont riches en calories. Si vous ressentez un petit creux au moment d’aller dormir, vous pouvez craquer pour quelques amandes, noix ou noisettes, éventuellement avec un yaourt nature. Les poissons gras Les poissons gras, tels que le saumon, la truite, le maquereau et les sardines, font partie des aliments favorisant le sommeil. Ils sont riches en acides gras oméga-3 qui contribuent à réduire l'inflammation dans le corps et à booster la production de mélatonine, et en vitamine D. Ces deux nutriments participent à la régulation de la sérotonine, vous assurant ainsi un cycle de sommeil plus régulier. Les aliments riches en calcium Le calcium fait partie des minéraux indispensables à la production de mélatonine. Les aliments qui en contiennent favorisent donc le sommeil. Outre les produits laitiers, de nombreux autres aliments sont riches en calcium. Parmi eux : le tofu, les légumes verts comme le brocoli et les épinards, les sardines, les haricots ou encore les fruits frais. Read the full article
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Beitou Thermal Valley (北投地熱谷)
Taipei - Taiwan (2019)
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