#vegan tag
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lemonlimebleach · 6 months ago
Love this cycle of humans deliberately removing all a species natural predators or introducing them to an area where they won't have any so they can more easily be hunted for sport and then going "ooooooh nooooo whatasurprise we have to hunt them for sport".
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imnotsetsuna · 2 years ago
it's truly fascinating how so much of vegan discourse is "but it's so expensive :((((((" when so many of these ppl either order food a third of the time or eat lamb/pork/chicken/beef/cheese/milk/eggs at every meal. like you're not even trying. you're not making the teeniest tiniest effort to even REDUCE your consumption. but sure, veganism is extreme.
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portokali · 1 year ago
some very inspired and original numbers for your wrapped: 4, 20, 69
that's why i fuck w you <3
4. paprika - japanese breakfast. this has to be one of my favorite songs of all time!!! in fact, let's see what i had to say abt it this time last year:
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from then to now the only thing that's changed is that it's now #4. i also just love the instrumentals, it feels like drinking starlight, purple and golden wheeew! vegan get into jbrekkie have you listened to jbrekkie when will you listen to jbrekkie... VEGAN are you LISTENING?
20. already answered (and yes. it was townie.) so here's
21. Turning Wheel - SPELLLING. this song is gorgeous! i listened to it on repeat because it's so crispy and addictive! you want to set up for the city's turning wheel but i want to stay up on the hill! i love how the tempo and instrumental makes it sound like stomping up a hill itself. songs that make me think of steadily climbing steepy hills always inspire resilience and hope in me <3
69. Sisyphus - Andrew Bird. hehe this song i have already recced to you. anyway let the rock roll! let it roll! let it crash down low! there's a house down there but i lost it long ago! ironically that song is abt the complete opposite of what i mused abt in the previous song. climbing a steep hill all the way to the top? fuck that. let a boulder roll all the way down.
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tinkwrites316 · 2 years ago
Okay so like. Jewish veganism is my literal job. Can we TALK about the God eating animals thing because oh boy do I have a lot to say about that
Hello! I hope you're doing well,
I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but in the show, Aziraphale says 'They're all God's creatures, great and small' at one point. Then, how does he eat sushi? What I mean is, how is he okay with consuming meat, other living beings? Or does he? I just figured that an angle must be vegan or vegetarian, specifically an angel who found joy in doing 'human things to keep up appearances', aka eating because it's pleasurable.
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On the other hand, as we know, other angels (mentioned: Gabriel) do not see the point in eating anything, and thus miss Aziraphale's gist about eating something just bc it tastes good (that ig, is because they don't live on earth, but still, I have a feeling that even they did, they wouldn't eat).
is it related to God ? Because God partook in eating flesh, so it must be fine. Maybe, god created the animals specifically for consumption by humans? That doesn't really answer the why we eat chickens but not rats. Guess her plan really is ineffable ;)
Ps: I cannot waitttt for season 2 💜 Happy pridee!! 🏳‍🌈 🩷🩵🤍
I think that eating once-living vegetables is, in Angelic terms, just as bad as eating animals or fish or all the bacteria in yoghurt. And Aziraphale eats human food, much of which started out alive.
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pumpkinofthedale · 2 years ago
Went to Donna Jean vegan cafe in San Diego today and the food was so fucking good
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obsob · 1 year ago
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the accolade ( the...the cat-olade...)
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latenightsundayblues · 1 year ago
Chainshipping yuri as an apology for not posting any art for over two weeks teehee🥹🥹
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Lorraine Gordon and Eve Faulkner the two loser lesbians of the decade
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lemonlimebleach · 11 months ago
My poll concluded. 82.1% of humans surveyed would choose not to be "ethically farmed".
If you were given the opportunity to live through childhood in absolute luxury, having all your physical and psychological needs met and exceeded, on the condition that you would unavoidably die on your 18th birthday, would you take it?
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lemonlimebleach · 5 months ago
Thinking about the climate crisis. Thinking about "lol microplastics".
Thinking about how middle class northerners can only understand a global emergency that causes people in the rest of the world to be baked, starved and flooded out of their homes every day as a wellness industry style purity panic about "toxins".
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embroidely · 11 months ago
i am complaining here instead of in the Instagram comments because... non-anonymous social media are the absolute worst. Unfortunately, it bears repeating:
Vegan and sustainable are NOT synonymous!!!!!
Plastic shoes are never going to be more sustainable than real leather shoes!! Plastic clothes shedding micro plastic fibers are not more sustainable than wool!!! And by the way, wool!! is!!! amazing!!
Yes, eating less meat reduces your environmental impact. But you know what reduces your environmental impact even more?
Not wearing plastic as clothes.
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wirefoxedterrier · 7 months ago
My biggest frustrations with the anti-vegan posts that garner thousands of notes on this app are they tend to always be points actively discussed in vegan spaces since their creation.
Veganism varies by circles and isn’t a protected word, so is absolutely used by Instagram dieters and misanthropes who have never considered the oppression of humans, but veganism has also has (and has had for decades) active discussion about the requirement to support human and social liberation alongside that of non-human animals. All leftist vegans I know firmly agree that non-human liberation of the environment and other animals is not going to happen and is futile without just as much focus on all the other injustices in a capitalist society. That includes a holistic boycott whenever possible of products and enterprises that harm humans alongside avoiding animal produce .
Of course like, the tumblr users making these posts probably haven’t seen these vegan circles or discussions because they’re not in them, and the health dieters and non-intersectional single issue focused activists are pretty vocal and infuriating, but still. It’s so infuriating to see people bringing these up as a gotcha towards veganism based off things that vegans have greatly in depth discussions, prioritising the voices of those whom are minorities, for so long.
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hearthoof · 1 year ago
A "quick, clean, painless death" is not possible for a slaughtered animal. The death is messy, extremely painful, and it drags on. If you've seen any slaughterhouse footage, then you'd know this.
But it isn't just the traumatizing death that concerns me. It's the loss of life. The stealing of another being's existence.
As a hypothetical, say I went to someone and shot them in the head while they were asleep. Some would say their death was "quick and painless".. maybe not the clean part. But the way the person died isn't the only thing people would be upset about. It is the loss of their life. Even if I said I was using that person's body for products or food for myself, it wouldn't be okay. We all understand that taking a life is horrible because it deprived that person from their right to live.
I apply this same idea to animals. It's not hard to understand
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lastoneout · 8 months ago
There's an estimated 8.7 billion types of living organisms on this planet almost all of which consume other living organisms in one way or another to stay alive and yet somehow humans are out here constantly try to convince ourselves that eating is evil.
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pumpkinofthedale · 2 years ago
Went to Donna Jean vegan cafe in San Diego today and the food was so fucking good
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estraven-ai-2022 · 1 year ago
Not someone making a completely unfactchecked post against veganism and then disabling reblogs and replies when 2 people say "that's not true btw", and they throw up their hands and post "the vegans SOMEHOW found this post"
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oediex · 9 months ago
did you know dandelion honey is soooooo bad for the environment? due to vegan demand there is enormous environmental destruction caused by dandelions being picked everywhere before they're allowed to bloom and spread their seeds, and also there are less dandelions to eat for rabbits and deer, only further devastating the ecosystem, didn't you know that??? no i don't have any sources just trust me okay
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