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eye-of-mordor · 3 months ago
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In Vedic texts, māyā connotes a "magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present but are not what they seem"; the principle which shows "attributeless Absolute" as having "attributes." Māyā also connotes that which "is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal" (in opposition to the unchanging Ātman), and therefore "conceals the true character of spiritual reality."
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father-of-the-void · 9 months ago
Rejecting those who disregard his worship, Indra victorious lives through many autumns. In every figure he hath been the mode: this is his only form for us to look on. Indra moves multiform by his illusions; for his Bay Steeds are yoked, ten times a hundred. Here Tvastar, yoking to the car the Bay Steeds, hath extended sway. Who will for ever stand upon the foeman's side, even when our princes sit at ease? Gods, we have reached a country void of pasture the land, though spacious, was too small to hold us. Brhaspati, provide in war for cattle; find a path, Indra, for this faithful singer. Day after day far from their seat he drove them, alike, from place to place, those darksome creatures.
— Rig Veda 6.47.17-21
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eagle-longing-for-rostau · 6 months ago
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siryl · 1 year ago
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"Amravati Temple Exterior" and "Interior" by Alexander ThĂŒmler.
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sxorpiomooon · 8 months ago
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astrolook · 15 days ago
Moon in the houses
Moon in the 1st House: Emotions? Yeah, I’m wearing them like a neon sign.
Mood Swings? Who Needs a Weather App? – One minute, you're on cloud nine, ready to conquer the world, and everyone around you is like, "Wow, you're so inspiring!" . The next minute, you're in a full-on emotional hurricane, and people are like, “Uh, is everything okay?” Yep, they can literally see the storm clouds forming.
You’re basically an emotional X-ray for anyone who needs to know how you're feeling. Super helpful in knowing exactly where you stand.
You have the perfect built-in therapist, your mom, who never asks for a copay and always responds with “I love you, sweetie.”
Moon in 1st gives you a youthful young face. If a man, could be a mama boy. On the flip side, mommy could be overbearing.
When you're happy, you radiate positivity like the sun itself. You make everyone around you feel like they’ve just had a shot of espresso
 without the jitters. But when you're in a mood, watch out. It’s like the ocean’s about to swallow up the entire coast. You can go from zero to “I’m emotionally drowning, help!” in 0.3 seconds.
Moon in the 2nd House: The Emotional Shopping Spree - You feel things, and you buy things. Repeat.
When you're feeling happy, it’s like “treat yo' self” day, and suddenly you’ve got 14 new pairs of socks that totally spoke to you in the store. Feeling stressed? Well, it's probably time for a little retail therapy... because nothing says “I’m handling my feelings” like buying a $50 scented candle you’ll never use.
Impulsive purchases. When your emotions take a dive, so does your bank account. "I'm sad, I need a new purse."
When someone asks how you're feeling, your response might just be, "Well, I bought a new jacket, so I’m feeling fabulous."
Your Emotions Are Always on Sale. You're like, “You know what would make me feel even better? A cute new scarf!” Because nothing says “I’m emotionally balanced” like a $15 markdown.
You love investing in things that make you feel good—whether it’s a cozy home, a nice meal, or that perfectly curated playlist you bought (yep, it’s a thing). Your finances are tied to your emotional health like a carefully organized spreadsheet.
Moon in the 3rd House: The Over thinker's Hotline - You think, you feel, you text
 then you overthink it all.
Your emotions are running wild and they need to talk. A LOT. Like, you’ll have a deep emotional moment and then immediately text your bestie about it, but also text your mom for a second opinion, and then maybe send a message to a group chat for a third—just to make sure everyone’s on the same emotional page.
You’re the Emotional Wi-Fi of your social circles—always transmitting and receiving feelings, whether anyone asked or not.
You overanalyze everything. Sent a text at 11:30 PM? Now you’re wondering if that emoji you used in your response was “too much.” Did they think you were crying in that voice message, or just, like, “really emotionally engaged”? You end up spiral-commenting under your own messages. "Wait, I wasn’t mad, I swear!" Cue overthinking every single word.
You’re emotionally open, but also maybe one text away from sending an entire novel about your mood swings. If you have a Moon in Aquarius in 3rd house, you are very much into conspiracy theories.
The overthinking is so strong, even Siri gets nervous. “Did I say that correctly? Does it sound too emotional? Let me try that again, Siri, do you think they’ll understand?"
Moon in the 4th House: Home is Where the Feelings Are - Your emotions? Oh, they're all cozy in your emotional fortress
 with snacks.
If you're ever feeling down, you know exactly where to retreat: the couch, surrounded by blankets, a mountain of snacks, and probably a weirdly specific playlist of “emotional” songs you know no one else understands.
Your vibe says, "Come on in, let me feed you, and here’s a blanket!" You’re basically the human version of a warm cup of tea.
On the flip side, you can get way too attached to your personal space. Don’t even think about messing with your “comfort zone,” because that zone is sacred. You might find yourself overly attached to places, people, and objects in your home that just... feel right.
If someone says something you don’t like, you might retreat into your home and pretend to reorganize your kitchen for the next four hours. Not because it’s necessary... but because it’s emotionally satisfying.
If there’s food involved and your loved ones nearby, you’re ready for some serious heart-to-hearts.
Moon in the 5th House: The Drama Queen of Feelings - Life’s a stage, and you're always in the mood for a performance.
Your feelings take center stage like you’re auditioning for a Broadway show every single day. You’re all about self-expression, fun, and creating joy—because, let’s face it, life’s too short to not have an emotional karaoke session on a Tuesday night.
Moon in 5th bestows with a girl child. Of course, we need to check whether it is associated with any other planets.
Professions like actor or any artistic professions fits you. You can turn any situation into a joyous celebration and make even the most mundane things feel like a special event.
The flip side? When you're down, it's like the curtains close on the show, and you’re the star in a drama you didn’t sign up for. You may exaggerate your emotions a little (okay, a lot)—an offhand comment from a friend turns into a full-blown emotional musical number. Cue the tears, dramatic exits, and possibly a solo performance on why no one understands your very deep feelings.
You’re basically the person who gets emotionally invested in every movie, reality show, and Instagram post you see and also celebrities.
Moon in the 6th House: The Emotional Overachiever - Feelings? I’ll just organize them into a to-do list.
With the Moon in the 6th House, you take your emotions very seriously—like, spreadsheet-level seriously. You're not just feeling your feelings, you're tracking them, analyzing them, and organizing them with the same precision of a perfectly color-coded calendar.
Your home? Probably a Zen-like temple of organization. You could be a productivity guru and an emotional support animal all rolled into one.
You’re probably the person who compulsively checks your horoscope, wellness app, and to-do list while also making sure you're drinking enough water—because, yes, your emotional health must be on track.
Service - oriented professions.
Probably keeps a journal. Your motto - "Productivity meets therapy!"
Moon in the 7th House: Emotional Rollercoaster + Relationship Drama
You Have a PhD in Relationships – You analyze, you nurture, you feel. Basically, you’re the emotional therapist of every relationship/partnership you’re in.
Emotional Dependency? Yup, It's Real – Your partner's mood? It's now your mood. If they’re happy, you're on cloud nine. If they're sad, well, buckle up, emotional crash ahead!
You Can’t Just "Date" Someone—You Feel Them – It's never just a date night. It's a journey. You’ll be emotionally invested before the appetizers even arrive.
If your partner says, “I’m fine,” but their voice cracks, you’re immediately putting on your emotional detective hat. Something’s definitely wrong.
Your partner's mood shifts and you’re already planning a 5-step plan to emotionally heal them. Just call you “Dr. Love.”
Moon in the 8th House: The Emotional Detective with a Dark Twist
If emotions were a rollercoaster, you’d be the one flipping the safety bar off and screaming, "Let’s go faster!"
Family gatherings? More like family mysteries. You can feel the unspoken tension, and you’re practically Sherlock Holmes, trying to figure out what’s being left out. Every holiday dinner has a side of “What aren’t they telling me?"
When you lose your virginity, you could even hide it from your family.
Being vulnerable with you is like peeling an onion—layer after emotional layer until someone’s crying. Sometimes you overshare, sometimes you say, “I’m fine,” but everyone knows you’re not. You can’t help it.
You can turn pain into growth like a magical wizard. Hurt feelings? Great, now you’re ready for transformation. You take all that emotional mess and somehow turn it into deep wisdom—or a really great, tear-filled diary entry. Either way, it’s epic.
Moon in the 9th House: The Emotional Philosopher on a Soul-Searching Road Trip
Your emotions don’t stay local. You feel them on an international level, like, “Why am I feeling so deep right now? Is this about my past life in a distant land or because I watched a documentary on the Amazon?” Your emotions are basically the United Nations of your soul.
Family & Friends Talks Are Like TED Talks – When you try to explain your feelings to family/friends, it’s less “Hey, I’m upset” and more “Here’s a 45-minute monologue on the meaning of life, and also I read a book on existentialism last week.”
One minute you’re high on life, quoting philosophy, and the next, you’re googling “Why does everything feel so overwhelming?” You’ll go from thinking you’re a wise sage to wanting to crawl into bed and watch Netflix documentaries. Your moods are basically a journey, so pack your bags.
You can't just feel something—you need to analyze, interpret, and probably give it a name. "I feel anxious. Is this anxiety or is it just me tapping into the collective consciousness of humanity?
You’re an Emotional Nomad – You can’t sit still. Emotionally, you need to keep moving, exploring, learning, and growing. "Home? Well, I feel emotionally connected to 17 different places.
Moon in the 10th House: The Emotional CEO of Life
Your emotions are always on display like you’re giving a TED Talk about your deepest feelings.
You don’t just work; your career is an emotional journey. “Am I feeling fulfilled at work? If not, should I change my entire career path? Do I need a promotion to feel better about myself?!” Your job? Basically your emotional therapist, but with more PowerPoint presentations.
Public approval is your emotional fuel, and you’re like, “Did I mention I’m emotionally attached to other’s opinion of me?”
Your mood? It directly impacts your work ethic. When you’re emotionally stable, you’re like, “Let’s take over the world.” But when you're upset? You’re still working, but you’re crying in the break room, making dramatic phone calls to your loved ones.
You’re emotionally invested in how the world sees you. You need to be the best at everything, but emotionally—"Did I look too emotional during my presentation? Was my inner turmoil apparent?" It’s a lot of pressure to keep it all together, but hey, it’s worth the “likes”.
Moon in the 11th House: The Emotional Social Butterfly Who Forgets Why They Came to the Party!
People love your warm, nurturing energy, and your squad is basically a second family. Just be careful—you might adopt every stray friend like a lost puppy. You could even get in trouble for helping your friend.
One day, you're the life of the party, the next, you’re ghosting everyone because feelings. People around you should have learned to just roll with it.
If you are feeling bad, you might turn to strangers online for some emotional support.
You’re energized by like-minded people and might thrive in large social circles, community work, or even fan clubs (yes, you might cry over your favorite celebrity’s life updates).
You might bend over backward to fit into a group, even if it means suppressing your own needs. That’s right—you RSVP to events you know you don’t want to go to, then regret it immediately.
Moon in the 12th House: The Emotional Mystic Who Feels Everything & Nothing at Once
congratulations—you’ve unlocked "Feelings: Hardcore Mode." Your emotions live in the deep, mysterious waters of the subconscious, making you an intuitive, dreamy, and sometimes tragically misunderstood soul. You might love solitude but also feel unbearably lonely, sense energies others miss, and randomly cry for no reason (or is there always a reason?).
Your intuition is next-level. You pick up on vibes, unspoken emotions, and even spiritual messages like a human radio antenna. Your relationship with your mother could feel distant, mysterious, or full of unspoken emotions. Either she was deeply spiritual and nurturing or emotionally unavailable and hard to read.
Unlike most, you actually enjoy being alone. Your inner world is rich, and isolation helps you recharge from the chaos of life.
Even in a crowded room, you might feel disconnected. You crave deep emotional bonds but struggle to express your own feelings.
Emotional stress can manifest physically—sleep issues, mysterious body aches, or just always feeling tired for no reason.
You might secretly love someone from afar rather than openly express your feelings. (Just confess already!). You crave deep, spiritual connections but may self-sabotage by isolating yourself. You love soulmate vibes, but fear vulnerability.
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phoenixrisingastro · 30 days ago
This is not your basic astrology post. This is the raw truth, the obsession, the manipulation, the taboo. These are the secrets written in your chart that you don’t want anyone to know. But I see them. And now, so will everyone else.
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đŸ”Ș 1. Scorpio placements don’t “heal,” they just get better at hiding the damage. You’ll never see a Scorpio truly break down. They’ll self-destruct in private and come back looking stronger, colder, untouchable.
💋 2. Venus in Aries needs the thrill of the chase—but once they catch you, they’re already looking for their next target. The fun isn’t in keeping you, it’s in making you obsessed first.
đŸ•· 3. Pluto in the 7th House doesn’t just attract toxic relationships, they ARE the toxic relationship. If you date them, you will never be the same. You might leave, but you won’t escape.
👄 4. People with Mercury square Pluto know exactly what to say to ruin you. One sentence, one whisper, one well-timed truth—and your entire world crumbles. They don’t argue. They just destroy.
đŸ–€ 5. Capricorn moons will mourn you while they’re still in the relationship. They don’t leave when they’re done loving you. They leave when they’ve already grieved your absence in their mind.
đŸ”„ 6. Lilith in the 8th House is a walking fantasy and a living nightmare. You will crave them, you will want to own them, and in the end? You will be consumed by them.
👁 7. People with Neptune in the 1st House don’t lie on purpose—they just don’t know who the fuck they are. Every personality they take on is real in the moment—but it won’t be real forever.
💔 8. Mars in the 12th House doesn’t show their anger—they absorb yours. The more you push them, the more it builds. And when it finally explodes? It’s over for you.
⛓ 9. Venus square Saturn can’t tell if they’re in love or in debt to someone. They’ll stay in relationships out of guilt, obligation, or karma long after the love is gone.
đŸ©ž 10. Pluto in the 1st House was born with a target on their back. People sense their power before they even speak, and they either want to control them, ruin them, or worship them.
💀 11. If you have Sun opposite Pluto, one of your parents wanted to be you, but couldn’t. Instead, they spent your childhood breaking you down so you’d never surpass them.
💋 12. Venus conjunct Mars people are either irresistible or repulsive—there’s no in-between. People either can’t get enough of them, or they feel deeply disturbed by their energy.
đŸ©ž 13. If you have Mars in the 8th House, you know what it’s like to almost kill someone in bed. Enough said.
💀 14. A Moon-Pluto person will love you deeper than anyone else—until they realize you’re not worth it. And when they leave? You’ll never find that depth again.
đŸ•· 15. Chiron in the 7th House attracts lovers who stab them in their weakest spot. Every heartbreak feels like a personal betrayal. They love hard, and they get burned even harder.
💔 16. A Scorpio Venus will NEVER truly let go of you. You will live in the back of their mind, rotting there, forever.
đŸ–€ 17. People with Mars in Scorpio never fight fair. If you’ve pissed them off? You won’t even know they’re coming for you until it’s too late.
👁 18. Neptune in the 5th House makes people addicted to falling in love. They don’t love people—they love the feeling of love itself. The moment the illusion breaks, so does their desire.
🕯 19. Saturn in the 12th House comes into this life already tired. Their soul is carrying exhaustion from past lives, and they don’t even know why.
đŸ©ž 20. Pluto in the 5th House creates artists that make pain beautiful. They take their trauma and turn it into something that haunts others.
đŸ”„ 21. People with Mars in Leo will NEVER forget the one person who rejected them. They could be adored by millions, but the ONE who didn’t bow? That’s the one who haunts them.
đŸ©ž 22. If you have Venus in the 12th House, your love life will always feel like a tragic love story. The person you love most? You’ll never fully have them.
đŸ•· 23. Moon in the 8th House people know things about you that you don’t even know about yourself. They can read your soul, your wounds, your fears. And you’ll never understand how.
💔 24. A South Node in the 7th House was born to learn how to be alone. Every relationship will break them down until they learn to choose themselves first.
💀 25. Saturn in the 5th House people never felt like children, even when they were kids. They were born into responsibility, and life has never truly felt light.
đŸ”„ 26. Lilith in the 1st House women don’t attract attention—they COMMAND it. People will stare, obsess, and fear them, all without knowing why.
💋 27. Pluto conjunct Venus people will either be the best thing that’s ever happened to you, or the worst. They either heal you, or they leave you scarred for life.
đŸ–€ 28. Uranus in the 7th House people attract lovers who come out of nowhere and disappear just as fast. Their love life is a never-ending storm.
💀 29. If someone has Pluto square their Moon, they have an unresolved war with their mother. And it will bleed into every relationship they ever have.
đŸ”„ 30. The darkest part of your chart is where you hold the most power. Until you own it? It will own you.
👁 So? Did I hit you where it hurts?
đŸ”„ Drop your placements. Let’s see who’s brave enough to admit the truth..
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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tarotwithavi · 15 days ago
Saturn and what it delays
Saturn is the planet of discipline, patience, and hard lessons. It doesn’t deny things it just delays them until you are truly ready. Where Saturn is placed in your birth chart shows the area of life where you will face challenges, slow progress, and major life lessons. But once you overcome these struggles, Saturn rewards you with long-term success.
đŸ”č 1st House – Confidence and personal identity. You may feel like life is tough from a young age, struggle with self-worth, or feel like you must work harder to be recognized. But with time, you become wise, responsible, and respected.
đŸ”č 2nd House – Financial stability. You may face money struggles early in life, feel like wealth comes slowly, or have to learn hard lessons about savings and security. This placement can also give delayed speech. But once you master financial discipline, you can build lasting wealth.
đŸ”č 3rd House – Speaking up, expressing yourself, and relationships with siblings. You may feel shy or have difficulty being heard. Writing, public speaking, or learning may take effort, but with time, you become a master communicator.
đŸ”č 4th House – A stable home life. There may be issues with parents, a strict or cold childhood, or delays in feeling emotionally secure. But later in life, you build a strong and lasting foundation for yourself.
đŸ”č 5th House – Love, fun, and creative expression. You may feel blocked in romance or struggle to enjoy life’s pleasures. Dating might feel serious or come later in life, but when love does happen, it's deep and long-lasting.
đŸ”č 6th House – Job stability and health. You may feel overworked, face job challenges, or struggle with routines. Health issues could require discipline. Over time, you become extremely skilled and develop strong, lasting habits.
đŸ”č 7th House – Romantic and business partnerships. Commitment in relationships may be delayed, or you may face serious relationships early in life. Once mature, you attract loyal and stable partners.
đŸ”č 8th House – Inheritances, deep transformation, and intimacy. You may go through major life changes, have trust issues, or experience financial delays in shared assets. Over time, you gain deep emotional and financial wisdom.
đŸ”č 9th House – Education, beliefs, and travel. Higher studies, spiritual growth, or traveling far may be delayed. You may struggle with rigid beliefs early on but later develop strong wisdom and perspective.
đŸ”č 10th House – Career success and public recognition. Achievements come after long effort and hard work. You may feel restricted in career choices, but later in life, you gain respect, authority, and success.
đŸ”č 11th House – Social connections and long-term goals. Friendships may be few but loyal. Achieving dreams takes time and effort, but once you succeed, your rewards are lasting.
đŸ”č 12th House – Letting go, healing, and spiritual growth. You may struggle with fears, isolation, or hidden challenges. Over time, you develop deep wisdom, strong intuition, and inner peace.
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rholsof-film · 2 months ago
If you have any 12H or 8H placements do NOT talk about your goals. Write them down and keep them secret. They will manifest better!
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venus111 · 2 months ago
Astrology observations
đŸȘż Aquarius risings love wearing black clothes
đŸȘż Am a Pisces sun, I’ve noticed the sign that motivates me or I make long-term financial plans with are cancer sun, the one sign that likes to order me around are Scorpios ,the sign that I share similarities with is Aries, and the one sign that I befriend is Taurus
đŸȘż Lilith in the 7th house get cheated on/abused by their partners
đŸȘż Mars/Aries in the 3rd house will insult you whenever they feel like it even if you guys are on good terms, they also have rough hands
đŸȘż Being a Pluto dominant doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll instantly read people
đŸȘż many celebrities that have Aquarius Venus are claimed to be bisexual/gay, But I believe that Aquarius as a sign has a lot to do with the homosexuality
đŸȘż many Scorpio placements people that I know have long downturned nose
đŸȘż Gemini placements often resemble their siblings
đŸȘż mercury/neptune in 2H can create some confusion around personal values and material possessions, including clothing. This placement often influences how you perceive beauty, style, and worth. You might find yourself drawn to eclectic or unique styles that may not always conform to mainstream fashion
đŸȘż Sagittarius placements can get very moody when in love
đŸȘż Virgos are known for their honesty, but they can sometimes be dishonest to protect their image. They may not be habitual liars, but they may hide their mistakes or shortcomings to avoid being seen as imperfect
đŸȘż Aquarius placements hates small talk. They are totally disinterested in petty gossip and frankly could care less about people-please niceties
đŸȘż Aries is likely to be the first sign to say "I love you" because they are driven by their emotions and are quick to act on them
đŸȘż Taureans have a strong inner self-belief, which doesn't need shouting about, and this draws people to them because they can be trusted
đŸȘż Leo placement fear not being appreciated. They enjoy being praised and admired, so feeling unimportant is their worst nightmare
đŸȘż Capricorns are the masters of quiet beauty, elegance, and confidence
đŸȘż if you don’t know your birth time you can search your ephemeris birth year and look at the sidereal time convert it to the time zone of your birth location, it’s a really accurate and easy way to figure it out on your own if you don’t want to pay astrologers for birth rectifications.
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starsandsuch · 4 months ago
Your 8th house and how you handle a breakup
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8th house shows breakups, including divorce. How does your life change after breaking up with someone ? Find out by looking at your 8th house sign.
-“Damn y’all broke up?!”😳
-“Nah, he broke, I’m up”😎
Aries 8H: you work out more, do things independently , embrace solitude and solitary activities , you become more physically active
Taurus 8H: you eat more, consuming favorite foods, make more money, become money motivated, you get richer
Gemini 8H: you become more expressive, you communicate more, you become more active on social media, you make more friends, you work on new skills
Cancer 8H: you become more emotional, you feel vulnerable, stay home more and spend time w family
Leo 8H: you glow up: mentally, physically, you become more authentic, you focus on yourself and your independence, you work more on your health journey, you gain fame, you focus on your creativity
Virgo 8H: you get healthier, you focus on career more, you prioritize routine and changing your habits, you become abstinent , you focus on service
Libra 8H: you get prettier, you prioritize your aesthetics , makeup and fashion, you become more social, you become more romantically magnetic, you get into another relationship in a short amt of time
Scorpio 8H: you completely transform, psychology, spirituality and mentally, you experience spiritual transformation, you do shadow work, you go through energetic rebirth
Sagittarius 8H: you travel, explore new horizons, become more adventurous, you go back to school, you gain knowledge in your spiritual journey,
Capricorn 8H: you focus more on work and career, building for the future, you become more mature
Aquarius 8H: you expand your social networks, you focus on friendships and social connections, you get more active on social media, you participate in humanitarian activities
Pisces 8H: you go on spiritual journey, you become invested in spirituality/ religion, you spend more time in isolation, you go to foreign lands, you connect with the divine + higher power
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eye-of-mordor · 2 months ago
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In one of the most ancient religious texts known to man, the Rig Veda, the fire-priest god Agni is described as having many different forms that consist of fire. One such form is the volcano, and is known as VāឍavāgniÂ à€”à€Ÿà€Ąà€”à€Ÿà€—à„à€šà€ż, which literally translates to 'mare-fire.' Many hymns to him in the Rig laud his great destructive power, such as the following that demonstrates ancient knowledge of water existing beneath volcanoes:
O Agni, thou of Godlike nature, sparest the stones, while carving up the brushwood. Then are they tracks like deserts in the corn-lands. Let us not stir to wrath thy mighty arrow. O’er hills through vales devouring as thou goest, thou partest like an army fain for booty as when a barber shaves a beard, thou shavest earth when the wind blows on thy flame and fans it. Apparent are his lines as he approaches the course is single, but the cars are many, when, Agni, thou, making thine arms resplendent, advances o’er the land spread out beneath thee. Now let thy strength, thy burning flames fly upward, thine energies, O Agni, as thou toilest. Gape widely, bend thee, waxing in thy vigour: let all the Vasus sit this day beside thee. This is the waters’ reservoir, the great abode of gathered streams. — Rig Veda 10.142.3-7
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father-of-the-void · 6 months ago
To what is One, sages give many a title. They call it Agni, Yama, Mātariƛvan.
— Rig Veda 1.164.46
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months ago
Saturn ‎‧₊˚✩ đŸȘâœ©Ëšâ‚Šâ€§in Houses
Saturn in 1st House
You have a serious personal manner and can come across to others as cool and reserved. Generally, you don't speak or act without good reason or intention. You are naturally prudent and careful, with good self-control and self-discipline. Your early life may have been difficult, with hardships or limitations to overcome. Yet, you have the power to achieve positions of prominence and responsibility in life through sheer hard work and perseverance. At times, you can be too serious and given to bouts of discontentment and gloominess. You tend not to suffer fools easily.
Saturn in 2nd House
Financial success and wealth comes through good old-fashioned hard work and effort. You find out from an early age that you get what you work for and that there are no free lunches. As a rule, you tend to be cautious and careful with regard to spending money and investing. Deep down, you have a fear of poverty, especially in later life and will take steps to make yourself as financially secure as possible. At times, you can be frugal and stingy.
Saturn in 3rd House
You are a deep and contemplative thinker, who is capable of profound thought and mental concentration. You have good reasoning powers and may demonstrate the ability for scientific thought or mathematics. However, you may lack intellectual confidence or experience disruptions in your early education. You are a serious person with little interest in idle chatter or light conversation. Relations with siblings or neighbours can be strained at times.
Saturn in 4th House
Your home and family life are very important to you; however there can be difficulties attaining domestic harmony and security. You may experience hardship in your place of birth, which is only alleviated by moving to another locality or country. There could be difficulties in your relationship with one or both of your parents, with the possibility of physical or emotional separation from the father in particular. Also, you may have to take responsibility for an aged parent. Personal wisdom comes with age and maturity.
Saturn in 5th House
Your romantic life has its challenges; there may be delays, disappointments and restricted opportunities in your love life, with experiences of emotional coolness and sexual dissatisfaction. However, attractions to those who are older or more mature can lead to stable and lasting relationships. Difficulties may be experienced in having or relating to children and there may be a tendency to be too strict or formal with them. Creative and social skills are acquired through effort and determination. Financial speculations should be approached cautiously.
Saturn in 6th House
You take your work seriously and are a stickler for correct procedure. You have little tolerance for shirkers in the workplace. At times, there can be difficulties with employment matters. If you are an employer, you may experience problems with staff, such as losses, deception and unreliability. You may experience health problems through inadequacies in your diet, or through worry or overwork
Saturn in 7th House
You view relationships with others seriously and realistically. You have a strong sense of responsibility towards others and desire fairness in your dealings with people. Marriage or significant partnerships tend to be stable and enduring. Equally, however, coolness or emotional remoteness within marriage can lead to difficulties, feelings of loneliness and separation. You may be attracted to others of a wide age difference to you. Possibly, a partner may be obstructive, critical and uncooperative. Opponents or enemies can be persistent and relentless; and legal difficulties may be experienced.
Saturn in 8th House
The financial affairs of your personal or professional partners are likely to be an ongoing source of concern or worry for you. It is possible that a partner may experience problems or struggles with money, or cause you personal financial difficulties. Tax matters or inheritances may be a burden and if mishandled could possibly result in legal action. Loans from banks or lending institutions may not be easily obtained.
Saturn in 9th House
You may develop a serious interest in higher learning, philosophy, law and metaphysical knowledge and diligently apply yourself to their study. You tend to have strong convictions, either for or against, spiritual and religious beliefs. Age and life-experience can bring wisdom, but this is dependent on your attitude and handling of life's challenges. You could experience troubles and loss through legal disputes and difficulties may be encountered during long distance travel.
Saturn in 10th House
Vocational matters are of supreme importance to you, and you'll work hard to achieve your professional ambitions. You may experience obstructions in your career, but these can be overcome with perseverance and endurance. Your desire to attain success and positions of power and authority is strong and realizable. However, the potential for a fall from grace or a reversal in fortune is just as strong, if you abuse your position.
Saturn in 11th House
You can be a bit of a loner and sometimes feel uncomfortable in social situations. You tend not to make friends easily; however you have the ability to cultivate genuine and long lasting friendships through sincere effort and steadfast loyalty. You can gain through the patronage and goodwill of older and experienced benefactors. Take care that you don't fall victim to false or deceitful acquaintances.
Saturn in 12th House
You are an intensely private person, who needs frequent seclusion and time out from the demands and pressures of life. You work at your best behind-the-scenes and can be involved with institutions, such as hospitals, universities or government departments. In general, you tend not to be overly concerned with the need for public recognition, preferring instead a quiet and simple life if possible. You may suffer from inexplicable fears and anxieties, and possibly at the hands of false friends or secret enemies. On occasion, you can literally feel confined or restricted.
For Readings DM
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months ago
Part of fortune in natal chart đŸ’«
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♄ POF in 1st house/Aries :
- Part of Fortune in the 1st House can give you a subtle magnetism that draws opportunities to you, sometimes without conscious effort. Your energy, charisma, or physical presence can create circumstances where good things simply fall into your lap as you move through the world. This can apply to both personal and professional opportunities, and it's more about the vibe you project than any specific action you take.Since the 1st House deals with your physical presence and the way you move through the world, luck can come to you in bursts, often out of nowhere. These shifts might not always come gradually but could be more of a life-changing event type of energy, bringing sudden success or visibility. Also, you could find that your natural flair for speaking, teaching, or entertaining brings both pleasure and rewards. This can include attracting positive attention or gaining recognition without trying too hard. While the Part of Fortune in the 1st House brings charisma and opportunities, it can sometimes inflate the ego or create a false sense of invincibility. You may feel that things will always work out, or that your charm and presence will be enough to win you over in all situations. This overconfidence can lead to overestimating your abilities or neglecting other important factors in decision-making, which could cause setbacks if not kept in check. With the Part of Fortune here, you may find that major periods of personal transformation,like a change in your appearance, identity, or outlook on life bring sudden bursts of good luck or fortune. This could be moving to a new location, changing careers, or embracing a completely different lifestyle, and each reinvention could feel like a fresh start filled with new possibilities.
♄ POF in 2nd house/ Taurus :
-The 2nd House governs financial matters, but with the Part of Fortune here, luck may come through developing self-sufficiency rather than relying on others. your most prosperous times happen when you are working independently or generating your own income, often through practical, steady methods. Resource management and the ability to make the most of what you have can bring you good fortune. While others may struggle with managing finances or accumulating wealth, you might find that you have a natural talent for budgeting, saving, or making the most out of limited resources.you may gain financial stability through physical possessions like real estate or art, or by developing a marketable skill or craft that holds value. The more you invest in your personal abilities, the more you are likely to be rewarded.The Part of Fortune here can sometimes bring unexpected financial gains, especially when you least expect them. These might not always come in the form of a large sum of money, but rather as opportunities that lead to long-term wealth or growth. You might receive a bonus, a inheritance, or even gifts that unexpectedly improve your financial situation.People with this placement often experience good fortune when they detach their self-worth from material possessions and learn that true value lies within. You may experience setbacks or delays if you focus too much on material accumulation, and fortune tends to favor those who find balance between their inner and outer worlds.
♄ POF in 3rd house/ Gemini :
-The 3rd House is all about how you express your thoughts and ideas, and with the Part of Fortune here, you may find that verbal expression or the ability to communicate effectively can bring you good fortune. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or teaching, the way you convey your ideas is a direct channel to success. Your words may have an impact on those around you which automatically opens doors and creates opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise arise.You may also be lucky in how easily you grasp new concepts and ideas.you attract opportunities when you step out of your usual environment, whether it’s business travel, a spontaneous trip, or even frequent travel within your local area. Even seemingly insignificant movements can bring important insights or new connections that impact your life positively.your fortune is strongly tied to your ability to tell stories or express yourself through the written word. Whether you’re a blogger, author, journalist, or someone who enjoys personal journaling, there may be luck and success tied to the act of sharing your thoughts and ideas with others.Try tosatisfy your intellectual curiosity and pursue a range of topics or subjects that spark your interest. This can lead you to uncover new opportunities in unexpected places.Teaching or sharing your knowledge is another area where you may find luck. Whether it’s formal education, mentoring, or casual instruction, you might experience good fortune when you help others learn.
♄ POF in 4th house/cancer :
-People with this placement often find that their greatest source of luck comes from a nurturing home environment. This doesn’t necessarily mean you must come from an affluent background, but rather that having a safe, supportive, and stable home provides a foundation for all other areas of your life to flourish. If you have a strong emotional connection to your home, fortune may flow more freely into your life when you prioritize the comfort and harmony of your living space.Luck could come through inheritances, family business, or ancestral traditions that offer unexpected opportunities or stability. Even if your family doesn’t have monetary wealth, there may be wisdom, support, or connections that you inherit and that bring good fortune. Understanding and honoring your ancestral legacy can help unlock deeper layers of fortune.People with this placement might find that owning or working with property brings good fortune, especially if it’s connected to their roots. Whether it’s investing in property, owning a family home, or returning to your roots (a hometown or country), there’s a potential for prosperity through real estate or land that is deeply connected to your personal history.you may find luck in more introverted, quiet, or private pursuits. Activities that occur behind the scenes, away from the public eye, can bring the greatest rewards. This could involve working from home, engaging in introspection, writing, or pursuing hobbies that allow you to nurture your soul and emotional life. Part of Fortune here might find success or luck in careers or activities related to emotional healing, psychotherapy, or working with others to resolve family trauma or emotional wounds. You might experience challenges or karmic patterns related to family dynamics, but working through these lessons, whether it's about independence, healing, or family unity ,will ultimately bring you greater prosperity.
♄ POF in 5th house/leo:
-One of the most significant manifestations of the Part of Fortune in the 5th House is that creativity and self-expression are powerful conduits for good fortune. You might find that your artistic talents whether in writing, painting, music, or performance are directly tied to your luck. The more freely you express yourself in a creative way, the more likely you are to attract opportunities, recognition, and successyou may find that you are more fortunate when you bring fun and spontaneity into your life. This placement often rewards joyful interaction, so the more you let go and have fun in relationships, the more likely you are to attract positive energy and serendipitous events.The 5th House governs children and parenthood, so the Part of Fortune here suggests that having children or being involved with them can bring significant blessings and good fortune. perhaps you have children who bring unexpected joy and opportunities. Alternatively, if you're not a parent, your involvement with children, such as through teaching, mentoring, or charitable work, could be a source of good fortune and personal growth.good fortune can come when you are free to express yourself authentically and creatively, without restraint or inhibition. The more you align with your true self, whether through your personal style, artistic endeavors, or hobbies, the more likely you are to encounter opportunities. Good luck.
♄ POF in 6th house/Virgo :
- People with this placement often find that they experience good fortune when they are helping or contributing to others well-being, whether through their work, volunteering, or personal relationships. The more selflessly you give, especially in service-oriented roles, the more you may find that opportunities and rewards come your way.good fortune comes when you take care of your health or when you focus on wellness and preventive care. People with this placement often find luck in health-related fields, whether it’s by working in healthcare or simply through adopting a healthy lifestyle. By taking care of your physical body and being mindful of your well-being, you may experience more energy, vitality, and prosperity in other areas of life.Some people with this placement may find good fortune in careers related to holistic healing, natural remedies, or other alternative therapies. Energy work, herbalism, and even mental health counseling may offer paths to both personal fulfillment and external success.you may find that you create opportunities for yourself when you focus on making other people’s lives better. Teaching others how to improve their health, habits, or work efficiency can attract recognition and personal rewards.This placement may also suggest that your work environment plays a crucial role in attracting fortune. You could experience luck through a positive and supportive work atmosphere, where you are able to collaborate well with colleagues and contribute meaningfully to the team.
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♄ POF in 7th house/libra :
-Individuals with this placement often find that they are most successful when they work with others. You not a lone wolf, instead, teamwork and collaboration bring you the most fulfillment. Whether in business or personal life, their fortune is often linked to the people you partner with. This could be in the form of a supportive spouse, a helpful business partner, or even a mentor who helps you achieve your goals.You may find that you naturally gravitate toward individuals who help you grow, succeed, or feel fulfilled. It’s as if the universe aligns you with those who bring out your best qualities and help you thrive, whether in personal relationships or professional networks.If the Part of Fortune is here, it might mean that you have a natural ability to mediate or bring people together in a harmonious way. Your fortune could come from playing the role of a peacemaker, whether in personal relationships, family dynamics, or business negotiations. This ability to create balance and find common ground with others can often bring you opportunities and success.You may find that you are lucky or successful when it comes to contracts, agreements, or any legal matters. This could include things like signing beneficial deals, receiving unexpected support in legal matters, or finding success in professions that deal with law, negotiation, or partnership-building.
♄ POF in 8th house /scorpio:
- 8th house is all about transformation,the kind that comes through major life changes, endings, and new beginnings. People with the Part of Fortune here may find that they get the most luck when they go through personal growth, or even when they face intense life changes. You might notice that whenever you go through a deep, sometimes difficult transformation,whether it’s emotionally, financially, or spiritually,that’s when things really start to fall into place for you. Your fortune could be tied to your ability to rise from the ashes and transform yourself into something new.You may find that your good fortune comes when you tap into your intuition or explore things that are usually kept behind closed doors, like psychology, astrology, or deep research. Trusting your gut can lead you to lucky breaks that others might miss.you have a natural ability to see the hidden motivations of others or a talent for working in fields that require deep psychological insight such as therapy, counseling, or investigative work. Your emotional intelligence and ability to understand what others are really thinking or feeling can bring a lot of opportunity your way.Also, you may find that successful relationships with powerful people, or those who have resources or influence, can bring you a lot of luck. This could be a mentor, a business partner, or someone who can help you level up. Being in the right place at the right time, with the right person, can really push you toward success.With the Part of Fortune here, you could find that your fortune is somehow connected to previous lifetimes or past experiences you’ve had with other people,whether they’re family, close friends, or significant others. You might not even realize it, but these deep, transformative relationships are helping to shape your path to success and bring you good fortune.also, you are lucky when it comes to things like inheritances and shared finances.
♄ POF in 9th house/Sagittarius :
-your luck often comes when you step outside your familiar surroundings. Travel, whether it’s across the world or just going somewhere new and unfamiliar, can bring you good fortune. It’s like the universe rewards you when you go on a journey, whether it’s a physical one or a journey of the mind. You might notice that new opportunities or positive changes come when you explore new cultures, meet new people, or discover new places.The 9th house is also the house of higher education,philosophy, higher learning, and wisdom. People with this placement often find that their fortune comes through learning or gaining deeper knowledge. Maybe you’re someone who’s drawn to going to school, taking advanced courses, or learning something new that challenges your worldview. your luck can come from people who help you see the bigger picture, who introduce you to new ideas or philosophies, or who inspire you to grow and stretch beyond your limits. you might find that your good luck comes when you write, teach, or share your wisdom with others—whether that’s through books, blogs, lectures, or podcasts. You might have a natural gift for communicating ideas that can reach a wide audience, and when you express what you know, it brings rewards and recognition.meditation, spiritual practices, or even just exploring new philosophical ideas can open doors for you. You might notice that the more you connect to something bigger than yourself whether it’s through a spiritual practice, philosophy, or worldview the more your life feels blessed or abundant.
♄ POF in 10th house/Capricorn:
-If your Part of Fortune is in the 10th house, it’s likely that your good fortune will come when you connect with important people or influential figures in your career or public life. Networking, socializing, or even forming partnerships with powerful or high-profile individuals might bring unexpected opportunities your way. The more you engage with the public sphere, the more you will find avenues that lead to good fortune.people with the Part of Fortune in this house often find that their success and fortune grow steadily over time. This isn’t a quick-win placement, it’s about building a solid foundation and working toward something that will pay off in the long run. You could find that your fortune comes through slow, consistent progress in your career or long-term projects that eventually bring significant rewards.The 10th house can also relate to the idea of becoming a master or innovator in your field. The Part of Fortune here suggests that you could find good luck by pushing the boundaries and creating something new or unique in your career. Whether you’re inventing something, leading a groundbreaking project, or simply honing your skills until you become the best in your profession, your fortune may come when you break new ground or achieve mastery in your area of expertise.for some people, the Part of Fortune in this house may suggest that they inherit their fortune, success, or opportunities through family connections or ancestral ties(10th house also relates to your father). This might not be as obvious, but you could find that your family’s history, social standing, or connections play a significant role in the opportunities that come your way.While building a good reputation is important, if you’re too concerned with your public persona, it could take away from the authentic pursuit of your goals. Don’t let your ambition for success or recognition cause you to neglect the inner work needed for real achievement. All the best.
♄ POF in 11th house/Aquarius:
-The 11th house is all about community, but it's not just any community,it’s about being part of a group that has a shared vision or goal. This could be a professional network, a spiritual group, a political movement, or even a hobby group where everyone works toward a common cause. With the Part of Fortune here, you might find that your best opportunities arise when you connect with people who are as passionate about something as you are, and together you create something impactful and rewarding. you may find that your fortune comes from being involved working in tech, or contributing to innovative ideas. Whether it’s through social media, technology startups, or digital communities, your good fortune may lie in embracing the future and connecting with new, forward-thinking industries or trends.you may find that your good fortune grows when others see your efforts and appreciate your role in making the world a better place. Your recognition may not always be immediate, but over time, it brings rewards and fulfillment.People with the Part of Fortune in the 11th house often find that their luck comes from friendships with people who are different, who might be unconventional, progressive, or ahead of their time. These friendships bring growth, ideas, and opportunities that wouldn’t have come through other relationships. You may find that the people you meet along your journey,especially those who have unique or innovative perspectives,play a big role in bringing good fortune into your life.But,You might sometimes be so focused on the bigger picture that you lose sight of practical steps or details. It’s important to balance your dreams with action and grounded decision-making to ensure your fortune comes in a sustainable way.
♄ POF in 12th house/Pisces:
-The 12th house is the house of hidden emotions, fears, and sometimes even past life karma. With the Part of Fortune here, you may find that your luck increases as you work through deep emotional wounds or subconscious patterns.Sometimes your biggest breakthroughs come from dealing with what is hidden beneath the surface.People with the Part of Fortune in the 12th house often have an affinity for the unseen or intangible. Whether it’s working with things like intuition, dreams, or art, your fortune tends to come when you engage with things that can’t be touched or easily explained. You might find success in creative pursuits, in fields like psychology or spiritual counseling, or in any profession where you’re working with ideas or energies that are not immediately obvious to the outside world.You may find that you thrive when you work behind the scenes or in more isolated roles. With the Part of Fortune here, one key to unlocking your good fortune is to confront and release self-sabotaging patterns or beliefs that may be deeply ingrained in your subconscious. This could be a process of undoing limiting beliefs from your past, or even past-life karmic patterns that might be influencing your current life. Once you confront these hidden blocks, you open the door to greater prosperity.The 12th house is about retreat, but it’s important to remember that you also need connections to the outside world. Spending too much time in isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness or disconnection, which might block the flow of your good fortune. Balancing time alone with meaningful social interactions is key to making the most of this placement.
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Thanks for reading đŸ’«
- PIKO 💖
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