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stiri-noi · 2 years ago
Kremlinul declară că Republica Moldova ''îşi limitează deliberat'' suveranitatea. ”Vedem o tendinţă în sensul absorbţiei de către România”
Dmitri Peskov / FOTO: ID1974 / Shutterstock.com Într-o conferinţă de presă, lui Peskov i s-a solicitat să comenteze o postare a vicepreşedintelui Consiliului Securităţii Rusiei, Dmitri Medvedev, consacrată Republicii Moldova, în care acesta afirma că “o astfel de ţară nu mai există”, întrucât “şefii locali au vândut-o României, devenind trădători ai patriei lor”. Peskov a fost întrebat dacă…
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alexvacice · 5 months ago
Miluju miluju miluju českou lásku k přírodě. Čundry, výlety, houbaření jsou typický aktivity, kterejch se každej z nás určitě zúčastnil. Miluju domácí knedlíky s divokejma borůvkama. Miluju lesní školky, zvířátka s kaštanů a tvoření herbáře. Miluju Méďové a Vydrýska. Miluju školy v přírodě. Miluju chalupaření a vodu.
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endless----love · 2 months ago
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mihai-florescu · 1 year ago
Morally im opposed to international fast food chains taking over and pushing out local ones, but as a fan of advertising and human behavior im obsessed with how mcdonalds has inserted itself in local pop culture internationally and how every country seems to have a nickname for it (mcdo in france, mec in romania, maccas in australia etcetc. Im actually curious to hear more if you want to share what your country calls it)
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asistenta-virtuala · 7 months ago
Cele Mai Bune Aparate de Aer Condiționat pentru O Vară Răcoroasă
text Vara este deja prezentă, iar zilele toride se resimt pe deplin pentru a ne fac să visăm doar la un refugiu răcoros. Dar nu trebuie să te stresezi, pentru că avem soluția perfectă: un aparat de aer condiționat de top. Indiferent dacă locuiești într-un apartament mic sau într-o casă mare, am selectat cele mai bune aparate de aer condiționat care să te ajute să te simți confortabil în lunile…
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dinupopescu · 10 months ago
Ne vedem într-o joi, pe la 5 sau la 6?La localul din colț, îmbâcsit de tutun.Ne vedem să-nviem amintiri printre vase;Doi copii plini de riduri și sărutul de scrum. Ne vedem într-o marți, ne vedem doar o oră?O plimbare prin parc și sărutul frugal.Ne vedem într-o luni, un poet te adoră,Sta-vom îmbrățișați pe nisip, pe vreun mal. Ne vedem într-o miercuri, la un film, știi locația,Cinemaul…
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calandrinon · 1 year ago
Hi, it's the curse again
Ich will ehrlich zu dir sein
Ne anavezan nemet un niver bennak a yezhoù
Que je peux parler un minimum
Y empiezo a agotarse
Ma la maledizione deve continuare
Odi te - (Afectuos)
fins que ens tornem a trobar - Anon the curse
cât de mult de limbi tu știi?
eu nu mint, you nearly had me with the breton but i know enough to muddle through with french wiktionary. iată un stingător, ai scris "un niver bennak" și pantalonii a luat foc
sper că blestemul ar continua <3
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 4 months ago
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(i hope you hope you'll never see me again...🎶)
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 2 months ago
Hi Bucharest and Ilfov (and other close by locations) based Romanians!
People are planning everyday protests against Călin Georgescu from 19:00 at Universitate.
If you can, go.
The police has been civil and cooperative as far as I've heard, even removing somebody who showed up with a Bible.
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Update 2:
"‼️Mesaj de maxima importanta‼️
Se apropie ora 19:00, ne vedem din nou la TNB‼️
S-au vehiculat informatii cum ca nu se mai tine manifestul, acestea sunt eronate!! Ne vom strange in fiecare zi pana la alegeri, see you there‼️
Acesta NU este un protest, este un manifest pentru democrație, un manifest pentru informarea cetatenilor despre cat de nociv pentru societate este un regim fascist!
1. PASNIC! Tot ce vrem este sa ne spunem nemultumirile, exista toleranta 0 pentru orice fel de agresiune!
2. FARA ORGANIZATOR! Nu avem pe cineva care ne repezinta, asta spuneti de cate ori vorbiti cu politia sau presa, oamneii pur si simplu au iesit in strada.
3. CARE NU ATACA O PERSOANA ANUME! Nu suntem acolo ca sa defaimam pe cineva, luptam impotriva unei ideologii politice pentru o societate democratica si ATAT!
- "nu exista organizator" oricand vb cu presa sau politie
- if police violence, fie ne strangem toți armloc, fie dispersare daca dau cu gaze, but fyi they were really nice, they work by order and the order is to protect us din ce pare.
-nu-i lasam sa ne disloce. (worst case scenario)
- for extra safety puteti purta masti daca nu vreti sa va apara fata
- legat de legionari care sa se tina dupa noi, sa comita acte de violenta: avem niste contacte ig working on it
- incercati sa lay low inainte si dupa, pancarte insemne ca sa nu fiti usor de reperat and stick to places cu jandarmi and most importantly impreuna.
- be aware of ur surroundings, nu lsati oameni sa mearga singuri cu politia, filmati daca e ceva.
- again "theres no organiser", "s-a spus la protest sa venim azi"
- daca vreti sa reprezentati studenti si sa fie asta un statement puteti sa va organizati niste pancarte si sa stick together as a group.
- being aware of ur surroundings also means sa verificati cat de cat oamenii din jur, daca chantuiesc, cum se comporta, cum arata mici simboluri whatever sau semne care fac sa para ca cineva nu e de acord cu ce se jntampla/ vrea sa disturbe protestul.
- daca vedeti ceva dubios sau se intampla langa voi anuntati jandarmeria/people u trust
Pentru cine doreste sa participe astazi la manifestare acestea sunt reguli bune de urmat pentru a fi in siguranță si scopul manifestării"
Please refer to this document for a list of chants during the protest:
Would appreciate if people reblog this version instead
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littlelesbinonny · 8 days ago
The Devil's Den
Chapter 50: In Which Devil's Come Out To Play Pt. 3
::UNDER 18? DO NOT INTERACT. This chapter contains material NOT SUITED for you::
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Cassandra had dropped off another outfit for you this morning while you were in the shower. Alcina answered the door half ready and smiled down at her daughter with a bit of amusement.
"Da, fiica?" (Yes, daughter?)
Handing the article to her mother, Cassandra dead-panned, "aici. Pentru iubita ta." (here. For your girlfriend.)
Alcina took it and her smirk only grew wider, an eyebrow arching incredibly high, "ti-ai luat asupra ta să o îmbraci în toate evenimentele acum? (have you taken it upon yourself to dress her for all events now?)
"Ei bine, cu siguranță faci o treabă proastă. Dragostea ta este oarbă, nimeni altcineva." (Well you're certainly doing a poor job. Your love is blind, no one else is.)
She tsked, "haide, hainele ei nu sunt chiar așa de rele." (come now, her clothes aren't that bad.)
Cassandra huffed and folded her arms, "nuuuuu, dar nu funcționează pentru curriculumul vampirilor." (noooo, but they don't work for vampire curriculum.)
"Ei bine, apreciez interesul tău intens de a te asigura că ea este îmbrăcată conform standardelor noastre atunci... Dar, de asemenea, cred că îți place puțin și mă bucur să văd că te încingi cu ea." (Well I appreciate your intensive interest in making sure she is dressed to our standards then... But I also think you enjoy it a little, and I'm pleased to see you warming up to her.)
"Da, ok, la revedere - ne vedem când suntem gata să plecăm." Cassandra rattled off with a flick of her wrist and a heavy rolling of her eyes. (Yeah ok whatever bye - see you when we're ready to leave.)
Alcina chuckled under her breath as she left and closed the door.
She held out the article to see what kind of pleasant distraction you'd be wearing this time, and realized it was one of Cassandra's favorite dresses.; long and pitch black, the neckline made a large upside-down spade of cards shape on the wearers neck and chest; long, nearly sheer lantern sleeves; a sheath waist; and a cascading free flowing bottom half. This was going to do you so many favors Alcina licked her lips in anticipation for you to put it on.
And yes, it fit you just as perfectly as she had anticipated.
Admiring your reflection as you were fixing your hair at Alcina's vanity, you caught her from the mirror waltzing out of her closet in the same style dress as her white one, only this time it was black.
Goddamn. You didn't know which color looked better.
Her makeup was also much darker today. Lips as black as her gown and eyeshadow that gave her a menacing, albeit stunning, otherworldly grim reaper vibe. A nice cool shudder made its way down your spine.
You turned and crossed your leg, eying her with a grin, "a black one too, hm?"
Alcina caught your glance and smiled, returning the pleased expression, "black is always worn for anything involving the vampire court," she explained while fastening the back of her earing, "Donna had this made for me when I became Matriarch. I've always favored my white gown; I considered having it made in every color but, sometimes less is more." She winked.
Rising off the bench you approached her with the inside of your bottom lip between your teeth, a heat rushing through you as memories of last night, er, day, replayed in your mind.
The dark goddess at your fingertips had your head floating in airy, hazy white clouds as she did exactly as you asked of her. She laid back on the chez lounge and let you drink the sight of her in; the length of her languid but perfectly poised body, the shadows playing in the room from the far off fireplace the only light to be had, making every line, curve, valley and peak of her a mouth-watering contrast of magnificence in an otherwise blank canvas of the room. All you could see was her. 
You'd dressed down to nothing but a satin robe by now, and Alcina's teeth ached at the sight of how perfectly complex and simple you were all at the same time. The hunger in your eyes, the devotion, the loyalty, the love. Things she's not really taken the time to ever appreciate in her long life in any light or darkness of her existence. You were so perfect she still could not grasp it. But here you were, slowly inching towards her, every drop of uncertainty she'd ever known rolling off her feathers as her utter trust in you allowed her to drop walls and barriers that had been in place since she could remember. What pure and perfect surrender to safety you'd given her.
The smile of satisfaction took over and you climbed on her lap, straddling her hips as you were now impossibly close. You pressed into her and listened to the hitch in her breath, locking your eyes in the depths of her slate oceans; the spark of gold began to crackle and you leaned to her lips and kissed them soft and gentle. Your deft fingers began to trace delicate patters on her neck, trailing to her collarbones, the neckline of her dress; tracing; memorizing; teasing. The pads of your fingers ghosted along the plump roundness of her breasts that were held so expertly by the white fabric, feeling the prickles that were left in trails you smiled and moved your lips to her cheekbone, smoothly searching for her ear.
"You're the dream come true I never knew I wished for," you whispered, pecking her lobe, "I want to give you everything."
Alcina's hands had planted on your hips and she gripped you tightly, her eyes snapping shut at your admission, pulling you closer to her as the desire and fire in her heart spurred into a rolling heatwave, "you took the very words from my mouth, dragoste." She whispered back.
You hummed and slipped your hands from her buxom chest up and to the back of her head, combing your fingers through her thick black curls at the base of her neck. You tugged, gently but firmly pulling her head back to look into her eyes, enjoying the beam of gold and dripping lust that was now much more prominent, slowly inching your lips back to hers and claiming them with passion. Her moan lit you up inside and you flicked your tongue, requesting a dance that she was more than happy to oblige.
She was aching for you painfully but she was pleased to let you take the reigns, tease her, play with her, enjoy her on your terms and she knew this would only make the pleasure so much more rewarding. Alcina whimpered into your mouth and tongue as her thighs began to quiver, raking her nails firmly down your back as you rocked your hips and core into the rhythm you both set. Oh how alive she felt for and because of you.
When you couldn't take it any longer, you broke the closeness and sucked in a much needed breath through your swollen lips, feeling the crackling of her desires all around you, you took the eclipsed moons of her eyes as urgency to please continue.
Leaning back your eyes went back to her form; the heave of her chest spurring you to place open mouthed kisses to the exposed flesh, your hands greedily kneading the clothed and confined nipples that you could still feel harden at your touch. She groaned and you continued to paw and kiss, lick and nip, drag your fingers up and down her sides, refusing her the direct contact she craved but knowing this was somehow just perfect the way it was. A pent up growl escaped her throat as one of your grabbing hands went for her hip and pulled at the fabric of her dress; an unspoken 'yes', and plea to progress.
Expertly lifting yourself from her lap, gliding down her body to kneel at her feet, kissing your way down her dress leaving the heat of your mouth in the wake, you finally peered back up to her, matching the darkness of her eyes with your own, watching her visibly shudder at your eagerness. 
Her breath hitched once more as your hands, so delicately precise, slipped under the hem of her dress, inching it up her long legs that were tense with anticipation, eyes locked as the most simple yet excruciatingly intimate action made her feel the need to fall apart within the second. You pushed the fabric to her hips, fingers immediately gripping to the lace of her underwear, jerking it once, over and under her, down her thighs and tossed away. Immediately reaching back under the soft material, you wrapped your demanding hands around her backside and pulled her to you, her hot, soaked core pressing against your stomach as you watched her parted lips quiver with the release of her breath.
God, she was so stunning.
Keeping one hand gripped to the crease of her hip, your other reached for the back of her neck and pulled her in for another searing kiss, moaning yourself as she shoved her tongue inside your mouth.
Alcina whimpered, every nerve gone haywire as the need for your touch and ardor took her over, "I'm yours," she husked, "take it."
Oh how that rattled your core.
"Yes, my lady." 
You responded with a darkness she'd never heard before, causing another twitch inside of her she wanted to feel more of.
She let you push her back into the chez and watched your lips descend again to her clothed breast, the heat not enough and too much, feeling you but not feeling you, the ghosting of it making her crawl with need.
Your hands mapped their way back down her body, memorizing the softness of her dress, the new curves and valleys it gave her, when finally you had knelt again at her feet.
Parting her legs with purpose, you pressed heavy kisses to the inside of her knee, further, further, inching your way with painfully slow accuracy until you had reached her throbbing core.
Your lips ghosted a kiss to her sex, your fingers gripping firmly to the inside of her shivering thighs before slipping your tongue passed her threshold and lapping with slow, agonizingly soft strokes.
Alcina moaned without meaning too, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, a needful pant overtaking the control she thought she had. She didn't care. You felt so good, too good, a gentleness she had no idea was possible.
Wrapping your arms under her thighs and holding to her quivering hips, you hunkered down and pressed harder with your tongue, searching, probing, lapping harder and harder, only to release and suckle her pulsing clit, taking the time to feel the twitch as you allowed only the tip of your tongue to trace the tiniest circle around it, lavishing the the choked whines and growing whimpers from the goddess in your clutches.
Her stomach muscles clenched and twitched, fingers digging into the cushions of the lounge, drinking and gulping down air to fuel her moans of approval of how tender and precise your tongue fucked her, needing and wanting so much more yet wordless demanding this torture continue. It was so intense for being so soft, Alcina's thoughts became a barrage of smeared paint on canvas and she was forced to relinquish all control to you, a perfectly willing thing in her heart and body as the pleasure continued to rake her over the hot coals of pending release.
You watched her from between her legs, over the bunched up skirt of her dress, chest heaving, dark crimson lips parted spilling her tangled 'oh's' and 'uh's', admiring the beauty that was coming undone as your tongue kept the slow and feather soft pace; the soaked, puckered, swollen flesh of her cunt telling you even without her vocal reassurance that you were doing everything she needed. Releasing one hand from your grip of her thigh, you trailed it to her midsection and gripped her dress, holding her firmly and she too placed a desperate hand over yours and held fast.
Alcina could feel the pressure and tingle of her climax aching so deep for such a surface-level bliss that she forced her eyes open and searched for you in the dim light, wanting to see your beautiful face as she tumbled down the slope to remember and brand it to her memory just how much this orgasm was going to ruin her. She reached her free shaking hand to your head, sinking her fingers into your silken locks as she felt the twig of release snap with a sharpness inside of her.
Her golden eyes stitched to yours as she nearly cried out her whimpers of utter satisfaction, the feel of her hips desperately trying to buck at the release but instead quaking with need, your tongue refused to give up on the ministrations that brought her here, locking her into a loop of one; two; and three painfully perfect orgasms that finally ended with her tossing her head back into the chez with a cry of defeat.
It was only then that you all but stopped, carefully and expertly taking her down to a low purr as your tongued coaxed the last bit of her orgasms to a lull, lapping up every bit of her that you could muster.
Oh, oh yes. This is how you worshipped a goddess dressed in a white gown of power.
You hummed again with a satisfaction as you returned to the present, "yeah... something about this style really does make you look like a towering pillar of exquisite power and beauty... my lady." You smiled as you snaked your arms around her waist, leaning up to kiss her.
She chuckled happily with a smile of mischief through your lips, "intimidation has always been my strong suit."
"It's hot," you replied, "very, very hot."
Alcina sighed and pulled you into her, "multumesc, iubirea mea. I'm so very pleased you think so." (thank you, my love.)
Watching her as she revered you, you melted into her fingers as they traced the outline of your face, down your neck, and to the neckline of your dress. Her slate colored eyes beamed at you and her smile made you weak in the knees as usual.
"And you, my darling fae," she spoke with such gentleness, "I'm in awe of you with every new day. Sometimes the gravity of it all crashes on me in unintended moments, makes my world spin, my balance teeter, and somehow your face pulls me back into this living dream over and over," Alcina's eyes grew even deeper, admiring the darkness of your make-up also, the pop it gave your features almost convincing her you belonged here in the underworld with her all along, "the pace at which all of this has happened still freezes me at times... but I couldn't be more grateful for you... everything you are..." she pulled you into her embrace and closed her eyes hard, whispering her next statement, "the love and hope you've given me can never be repaid. I wish I could make you understand."
Squeezing her, nuzzling your face into her, you sighed, "I still don't think you understand how you've also flipped my world upside down, giving me the same love and hope, so don't think for a second I don't feel the same way."
Alcina smiled, "never."
The girls were at the ready in the foyer as you and Alcina finally made your exit from the bedroom. They were also drenched in all black, dresses a little similar to yours, but much more fitting and with plunging necklines that almost made you blush. They certainly could pull off the look. 
Daniela met her mother with a glass of blood-wine and a great big smile.
"Oh, nu am nevoie de niciunul, dar mulțumesc dragă." Alcina smiled back, rubbing her daughters cheek with a gloved thumb and a hinting look in her eye. (Oh, I don't need any, but thank you darling.)
Daniela took a second to process what her mother was meaning, then seeing you at her side, the light-bulb immediately dinged, "oh, ahh... duh." She blurted, put the glass to her own lips and downed it in one gulp.
Alcina grinned, "well, you all look wonderful. Are we ready for this grueling trial to begin?"
"I'm always down for justice." Cassandra beamed menacingly.
"You mean death and blood," Bela nudged her sister, "and yes mother, we are."
"Excellent. Shall we then?"
There was a slight aura of ominousness as the five of you walked to City Hall. The city itself and its inhabitants seemed quieter than normal. Bela could sense your notice and quietly explained on the journey that vampires being put on trial was big ordeal, and one of this magnitude, even now that things had slightly mellowed, still had everyone unsettled. The vampires and lycans wanted more answers, and they wanted blood. Revenge under the guise of justice, in a way. Ethan, Mia, and Salvatore were the only ones currently known and alive close to Mother Miranda through this and they would face consequences; Alcina and the council would be sure of that.
This trial was to take place in the same great hall where the showdown between you, Mother Miranda, and Alcina had happened. It looked drastically different now with fire-lit torches hung on the walls and around each pillar; the new ambience giving the space heaviness. The blood splatters and stains on the walls, pillars, and sunken floor from that very same battle were still on full display. You assumed this was not just for dramatic embellishment. Alcina liked to make a point, and a scene if necessary. 
The hall was packed with vampires from the city. All dressed in black, mingling in a hush as the moment passed. As your eyes continued to pan about, you then noticed there were nine black gothic spire chairs lined at the back of the hall on the steps that overlooked the empty floor, the largest and most ornate directly in the middle.
Bela once again leaned to your ear, "the big chair is for mother, the other seven are for the clan leaders."
You recounted, "that only makes eight, who is the ninth for?" You whispered back.
"You." Alcina replied, looking over her shoulder at you.
Oh hell.
Your nerves shifted gears. You didn't know how to sit on a council trial, not in the human world and sure as hell not in the land of vampires.
Alcina let you catch up to her strides and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "don't worry, draga. You won't need to do anything tedious. You'll be right by my side - "
Dmitri's loud booming voice broke Alcina's words apart as he announced her arrival. The conglomeration turned in her direction and began to bow respectfully. Alcina straightened her posture, broadly nodding graciously in return as you all approached the chairs.
The girls and Alcina exchanged nods of their own and they fluttered to the back of the wall out of the way. The door directly adjacent to where you stood now, where you remember entering with Alcina to fight Miranda, opened and out poured the rest of the clan leaders. Dmitri introduced them one by one by name and title, and with the guidance of Alcina, you all took your seats.
You hoped your heartbeat wasn't giving away your tension, but the quick and generous squeeze Alcina gave your hand before fully situating helped ease the turbulence inside you.
Your eyes meticulously scanned the scene before you; Donna, Angie, Dmitri, and the other vampire leaders from this cities faction were gathered to the right, though you noticed there were no lycans present. Karl, Sybil, and Mitch, were all missing and you wondered silently why. 
Alcina cleared her throat and the utter slice that put through the already palpable haze of whatever climate the room possessed caused your breath to hitch. Every sense you had was becoming increasingly aware and alert.
"Today, three shall stand trial before us - Mother Miranda's servants, Ethan and Mia - and our own Salvatore Moreau of the Shadowed Dominion." Alcina stated a little bitterly, "I expect silence. And I expect order." She turned her attention to Dmitri, nodded the large brim of her hat, and he headed to the neighboring door.
The clanging of chains echoed in as the three in question were lead in by military escort, familiar blue glowing collars bound their necks and heavy chains  bound their wrists. Ethan and Mia were surprisingly docile from how you remember them previously, and Salvatore could not have been meeker or smaller. You almost pitied him.
Alcina did not.
You heard the twisting of leather from your left and you saw Alcina's hand balling into a tight fist, her lips had turned thinner as she pursed them together upon the sight of these three.
She'd not seen Ethan or Mia since the fateful day in the town square just out front. Somehow she'd almost forgotten the hatred she bore these two the most, while the withering Salvatore just simply annoyed her. Lifting her chin, Alcina peered down her nose as they were brought into the center of the floor beneath her, relaxing her features just slightly as she took one more steadying breath.
"Let the trial proceed."
  Donna, Dmitri, and Angie of all people, took turns presenting evidence. It took a good half hour of back and forth between jury and presenters to get to the actual questioning of the defendants in question. Salvatore would have crawled under the stones of the floor below him if he could have; it seemed with every passing minute his shame and guilt drove his already hunched posture into a doubled over, clothed, breathing boulder at this point. Ethan and Mia seemed dismissive of their accusations and you could tell all too easily how their arrogance was twisting Alcina's patience.
"Ethan," Alcina enunciated with all but a shout, gaining his attention for what seemed to be the first time tonight, "and... Mia... with the accusations and evidence brought forth by the council, how do either of you plead to these allegations?"
A pitiful exchange of looks between the two finally gave way to a deep breath taken by Ethan, he craned his neck under the weight of his shackle and opened his mouth to respond. 
Instead of his response the sound of the great hall doors bursting open flooded the room, shattering the intensity of the silence and creating a new, followed by hasty shouting; "Lady Dimitrescu! My lady Dimitrescu!" 
Out of the shadows came Matteo and Mitch, both displaying a look of chaotic urgency.
The commotion ruffled Alcina's feathers in the least appealing way possible and her visage torqued, "have you lost your minds, we're in the middle of -"
"We know," Mitch interrupted, "we know, and we apologize but it can't wait; you need to come with us to Miranda's property in Connecticut immediately. This cannot wait."
The pit in Alcina's stomach grew ice cold and her eyes narrowed.
She gritted her teeth, looking from Mitch to the three at her feet, to Dmitri and Donna, each now baring a reflection of Mitch and Matteo's urgency.
Alcina rose and tsked loudly, "take them back to the dungeons," she barked, "everyone is dismissed until further notice. Clan leaders, with me." Her final command starch and cold.
You barely had time to keep up as she swooped down the step to meet her men on the other side. Verona hooked her arm with yours and helped you weave through the crowd, much to your relief, and soon you two were right behind Alcina as she followed Mitch and Matteo's lead.
Donna also caught up to the group but Alcina requested she stay behind and keep things in order until her return, she relented but did as commanded. Dmitri took her place as the entourage hastily made their way to the new tunnel underneath that was the most direct route back to Miranda's territory.
This was not good. Whatever it was.
"Mitch?" Alcina questioned, "are you planning to keep me in suspense or are you going to explain yourself?"
The lycan shook his head, "this is something you have to see for yourself, please don't make me describe it."
Everyone heard him but kept their questions silent, gnashing curiosity be damned as they sped on.
While it took about three to four hours to get to Miranda's manor by the regular tunnels, the new one she had dug from her hide-out only took about an hour and a half. You noticed Mitch looking behind and back at everyone frequently throughout the journey, unsure why, but feeling his unease even though he tried very well to hide it. The nervousness inside of you only getting worse the closer you all got.
The mouth brought everyone to a crypt that Alcina, nor anyone else for that matter, had ever seen of Miranda's abode. It was blessedly empty and their footsteps seemed so loud as they followed Mitch up a vast set of stairs, through a confusing path of halls and corridors and into yet another area no one knew existed. 
It may have well been stolen from an evil scientists lair straight from a movie. Only severely more twisted.
The 'experimentation room' they had discovered next door to their own city was anything but.
The vastness of this room, lit by a sickening ochre, held the left-overs, or perhaps one could say the beginnings of Miranda's genetic modifications. Dozens upon dozens of bodies of vampires, some mutated beyond recognition, were bottled up in body-sized tubes filled with a sienna colored liquid. Their glass, watery coffins lined the walls, the eerie sound of cycling water and bubbles through them the only permeable sound amongst the stiffening silence of every person in attendance. How could anyone catch a breath with such an excruciatingly somber scene. 
You could feel the color drain from your face as the coldness of this shock overran your system. You didn't want to look but you couldn't not; the vampire closest to you stopped you in your tracks and you looked upon its face. It was contorted. Broken. Its body, twisted. The skin had lost nearly all of its color, you could only fathom how long it had been there, and in its translucence you could see the blackness of the many veins under the pale flesh, flesh that was bulging and sprouting bulbous lesions and growths; masses of pockets that looked as if they might burst at any second. You could not tell if you were still breathing, the harrowing loudness of your thought of the terror this person must have endured at the hands of this utterly mad woman, the lingering remains of what once was a living breathing human now discarded and on display like some science project. You felt ill, but had no time to dwell in it.
Alcina stood in the middle of the horror. Her stark eyes scanning, imprinting the scene in the depts of her mind in a more ravenous way than you. Not a breath from her lungs as the tension in her muscles began to eat at the rest of her sanity. The billowing heat she felt in the depths of her core. The hatred. The dread and gnashing urge to scream in fury. For how many long centuries had they all lived under the rule of a complete psychopath, not a one of them aware of the atrocities being done to their fellow vampire. Not a clue. Not even a hint.
Her blackening slate-colored eyes landed on a tube. The body floating there within, a woman, the only solidifying trait was half her naked body was still in tact; the rest was bulging and broken and looked as if an alien had been born and ripped from inside out of her left side, leaving her to some excruciating death, Alcina was sure.
This could have been her.
This could have been Donna, or Angie.
This could have been her daughters.
Alcina was spinning in a way she almost did not think she was going to come back from.
Mitch was leery to break the Matriarch's concentration, but he carefully stepped closer, eyeing everyone around, "my lady, come with me... there is more."
All eyes turned to the lycan in disbelief and strangled hesitance. But without a word, everyone followed.
Alcina's jaw had grown painfully tight as she turned the corner and followed him through a doorway into the neighboring room. Karl and his men, along with a few vampire military ranks, were standing around a large table with piles and piles of what appeared to be photographs and paper documents. The walls in this room were covered in the same manner as Miranda's room at the hide-out; pictures, scribbled notes, red lines drawn from one side to the next, a visual conceptualization of the twisted territory of her mind.   Karl's eyes shot up as Alcina and everyone else entered. You could feel the suspense triple as everyone gathered and watched as the calculation of their next moves seemed to play out like a silent chess move. Something didn't feel right, as miniscule as it almost appeared.
He took a deep breath, "come in, everyone." Karl motioned hastily, watching as Matteo closed the door behind, "the uhm - the next room - " he pointed haphazardly to his left to a black door, clearing his throat searching for Alcina's eyes, "that's where it is, the cadou, the thing that made all of - all of these vampires like this," his jaw tightening as he said it, locking his sights now with her, "but that's not all that's in there."
Karl was acting stranger than she could ever recall and Alcina felt her spine prickle, narrowing her eyes as he seemed to be desperately trying to tell her something without any words, unsure how to proceed yet doing her best to feign the gameplay.
"Cadou?" She asked cautiously.
"The parasite - that's what it is - Miranda called it a cadou. It's what she used to create her army," he said a bit more calmly, watching as Dmitri approached the table to join Anjelica and his crew, "it's one of the ugliest and creepiest fucking things I've ever seen... but..."
"But?" Alcina pressed, trying to understand what the fuck he was at.
You watched on with every sense in your body electrified as something was clearly about to happen.
It was then you realized Dmitri was the first to figure out whatever it was. He reached for something on the table that Anjelica had so expertly guided him to. A photograph. He plucked it from the pile and gazed at it with his best poker-face, swallowing softly as he naturally made his way around the table, scanning the other items with interest, to finally come to Alcina's side and gently hand it off to her.
Her back was to everyone so you could not see, even from your vantage somewhat off to the side, as to what was there, but the wall of the tension dam was on the tipping point of bursting.
There before Alcina in a black and white polaroid was Mother Miranda with a dead subject, pointing to a specific lesion on said subjects stomach. But that was not the issue with the subject matter of this picture, the issue was the person standing at her side in the same lab coat attire; that person was Auguste Winter.
Her eyes spun around in the same blink of the eye as Auguste had dashed to another neighboring door, burst through it and out of the room.
"That leads into the manor and to a quick exit!" Karl spat, "after him!"
Alcina threw her hat and was off faster than a gunshot.
She had one thing on her mind and it was to kill.
Her thoughts were all rage as she followed his scent through the hallways, his smell getting stronger and stronger as she flitted, "RUNNING WILL GET YOU NOWHERE!" She bellowed.
Alcina took a sharp left down the hall, a familiar hall, one she knew, and knew exactly which exit he was heading for. Only, she was violently close-lined by Auguste's arm to her sternum as she tried to fly passed a dark doorway.
Her body slammed to the floor with a thud, gasping for breath as Auguste launched from inside the dark room and pounced, taking advantage of her shock socking her in the face several times. 
She did not hold back once she got a grip. Thrashing her claws with force, she caught him three times; twice across the face and down his arm. However, the backhand with the butt of a heavy gun stunted her reaction time bluntly.
Taking the new window of opportunity from his blow, Auguste reached around and gathered a huge chunk of her hair in his hand, yanked her up, flipping her over, landing her on her knees and pulling her back into his chest and pressing the barrel of said gun to her temple.
"This is your little lycan puppets weapon," he huffed, "if I pull this trigger I will paint the wall with your brain, blood, and fragments of skull and that will be the end of it."
Hissing in pain as he yanked on her hair once more, Alcina licked her blood off her lips and stilled her desire to fight him, knowing very well she would not survive this gunshot, not even with the help of your blood. The situation suddenly got a lot more dire.
"Good choice, you indignant bitch." Auguste bit, his thick Dutch accent very present in her ear, "you've never been able to leave things alone, you've never been able to just do as you're told and leave it at that, no, and even after all of that, Mother Miranda was still going to make you her queen - did you know that?" He asked, jerking her head once more, pressing the barrel harder into the side of her head, "not me a king, no, you - her queen. How you remained her favorite I will never know - I was at her side, I did what I was told, above the expectations! But yooooouuu... always you."
By now everyone had arrived on the scene and Auguste met all the eyes now upon him.
"NOBODY MOVE OR I BLOW HER HEAD OFF!" He hollered, smiling as he saw everyone take a giant pause, "that's right - not even that little human can save you now," he uttered, a visible shake now coating his words, "if Mother Miranda can't have her glory, then really why should you -"
There was nothing in your tangible cognizance that could have prepared you for the jump to action your powers demanded.
You'd seen your Alcina in such a similar predicament once before that the overwhelming fear and anger that sprung through your blood had your vision tunneling to her and only her. Seeing the blood smeared from her lips to her cheek, Auguste with the gun to her head, knowing without all doubt this situation was worse than Miranda, you didn't have a conscious thought in the action.
With a glacially smooth slip between Verona and Pablo who were in front of you, your palms outturned and the need to protect and attack sought the intended target and latched on. Violently.
Auguste's words died in his throat with a crack and churn of his windpipe. His body contorted so strong and so fast the gun fell from his grip, the searing pressure in his head and behind his eyes finally broke free with a wail as his eyes exploded from their sockets, blood pouring from the holes as he chokingly screamed all the way down to the floor with a thud.
When your vision returned from the abyss of blinking black, the lightheadedness overtook you and Verona was the first to grab your arm and steady you. Alcina was looking at you with severity but you had to close your eyes and try to gulp down some air and a semblance of composure.
Alcina was off the floor with grace and agility, turning to the broken man still wailing on the floor, the need to take his life now slipping away as she somehow liked this so much better. But with actions come consequence and she grabbed him by the scruff of the neck by her claws and threw him into the arms of Dmitri and Anjelica, "take this piece of fucking shit to the city! Jail him! If he makes it that far." She commanded, those fierce eyes searching for you in the madness.
Verona and Pablo had leaned you to the wall, Karl was behind you with his hand on your shoulder, everyone else wide-eyed and completely unsure what to do next.
"Mitch, get everyone back to where we were... we'll be right behind you," Alcina ordered respectfully, nodding at him, "thank you."
You were still spinning. And almost a little nauseous. You weren't sure from the obscene burst of power or the sight of what you'd done to Auguste. Your body began to quiver uncontrollably as the sight replayed over and over. Alcina was safe and that was the only comfort you currently had at the moment; you damn near had no control over what you'd just done and that scared the ever loving fuck out of you. 
Verona finally brought you out of your spiral, her cool hand on your much warmer cheek causing you to look at something other than the floor.
"Dolce ragazza, respira, respira... sei buona," she cooed, looking into your hazed eyes, "you're alright," Verona repeated, cupping your face still, "breathe." (Sweet girl, breathe, breathe, you're alright,)
Karl was the next to chime in, squeezing your shoulder firmly, "yep, c'mon back down to earth fae-bae. That was fucking awesome, and please remind me to never piss you off. I wanna keep my eyeballs!"
In normal Karl fashion he was trying to lighten the mood but you could also sense the gravity of the narrow escape Alcina just made in his tone, it still didn't make you feel much better.
Alcina was finally in front of you and you sucked your breath back in as she reached for you.
"Thank you," she said to Verona, nodding to Pablo and Karl, "please go back with the others, we need a moment."
There of course was no argument and as the seconds flew by you were alone in the hallway.
You didn't like the way she was looking at you.
"You hurt yourself, didn't you," Alcina stated quietly looking you over, rubbing your arms ever so gently, "are you alright? You look very pale. Do you want me to take you back to the city?" She asked with concern, finally catching your gaze that had been wandering.
"N-no," you uttered, studying her carefully, "no, I'm ok."
"You're not," Alcina said a little too quickly, "my gods draga, please, what do you need? Let me help you."
That lightheadedness you'd fought off came back with a punch and you felt yourself tipping over, but she caught you, of course she caught you, and you simply collapsed in her arms.
Holding you in the silence, she could hear the erratic beating of your heart and the fear she'd felt previously for herself took on the fear for you instead "oh, my love," she whispered, "you've saved me once again, and I don't know how to help you, please tell me what I can do... please draga, tell me what to do."
With the little strength that was returning you gripped to her and closed your eyes, "I don't know," you admitted, "I think I just need... a minute to regroup is all. I'm... I feel really sick."
Alcina winced at your words, "we will take as much time as we need. I will hold you until it passes, whatever it is you think will help, I will do it."
You smiled softly, "this works," you sighed, ignoring the rest of your thoughts and fears, knowing there was no time for that right now, "thank you."
Without caring what it would look like if anyone came back to check on the two of you, Alcina slid down to the floor with you in her arms, leaning up against the wall and keeping you close while she took some steadying breaths herself. 
My fucking gods, what else could possibly go sideways at this point, she thought, swallowing some left over blood down her throat.
"Are you ok?" You finally asked in the silence.
Alcina scoffed and pressed her lips to the top of your head, "draga mea I am the last of my worries, and should be the last of yours right now."
"Mm, yeah, ok, as if that's ever going to be the case for either of us ever."
Alcina was almost taken aback by your spicey response, but then she started to chuckle, "you are awfully saucy for someone who was just about to pass out, miss."
Thank god, some normalcy in banter. You smiled and giggled shortly, "answer the damn question," you prodded, "I want to make sure blowing someone's eyes out of their head wasn't in vain."
She closed her eyes hard and squeezed you a little tighter, "yes, dragoste... I'm fine, thanks to you."
"Good, because that was horrifying."
"But impressive, nonetheless."
You shook your head. 
Karl's patience was wearing very fucking thin by the time Alcina and you finally made it back into the room about ten minutes later. The incessant nagging and questions and comments and tsking from that French bitch about had him coming apart at the seams. He knew he had to keep his shit together. He knew he had to behave. He knew he needed to be the bigger lycan but she was so infuriating! 
"How many goddamn times have I told you!" He snapped, "I'm not answering SHIT until OUR Matriarch is BACK IN THE ROOM because I am NOT repeating myself OR getting put on the burner for FILLING YOUR NOSEY MOTHER FUCKING ASS IN before the one person that ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTERS!!"
Well. That was certainly not what you were both expecting to walk in on as you stepped through the threshold.
Alcina was the first to chime in, of course, "my goodness, does it really take less than 10 minutes of my absence for this kind of contention to unravel?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow as she waltzed to the table where everyone was gathered, you in tow.
Karl's eyes about bugged from his head, "my fuse is short, you know that - and this bitch tests it at every given opportunity!"
She turned her gaze to the redhead who was perfectly content with herself and Alcina's lips twisted, "can you please just not be yourself for 10 minutes?"
Marguerite's face soured, "you demand a lot of respect for someone whom I'm not entirely convinced deserves it."
Oh boy, here we go.
She took her time staring at Alcina, almost waiting for her to back down, but insisted on continuing, "it is just a thought, but, perhaps the crown of power has been misplaced?" Marguerite mused a little too happily as she tossed a look to you and back, "it seems this fae has come to your rescue more often than not; maybe you're not as strong or as dangero - "
Alcina had had it. She turned on a dime and clocked Marguerite square in the mouth, sending her flying back and into the brick wall with a deafening thwack.
No one said a word, but you know you heard Karl choke on his own tongue while everyone watched Marguerite slump to the floor completely unconscious.
Not misplacing a second, and ignoring the pursed lips of Pablo trying to stifle his laughter, Verona's forced deadpan face, Belinda's wide eyes though blessedly free expression otherwise, Emiliano's slow blink, Ishaan's raised brows, your thin-pressed lips and stifled expression of 'welp', and everyone else's great relief yet stuffed display of it, Alcina replaced her attention back to Karl.
"Now, where were we."
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goodevilgirlintentions-blog · 4 months ago
Daddy's rules 😈 ~1~
1. Când ne vedem, porți doar rochița/fustiță FĂRĂ LENJERIE
2. Pussy pic zilnic
3. O zi pe săptămână să mergi cu buttplugul la muncă/facultate
4. Când vin la tine, să te găsesc goală, masturbandu-te, așteptând să intru în tine
5. O sugi oricând și oriunde am chef
6. Nu comentezi când vreau să te ling în locuri publice
7. Porți mereu vibratorul lush în tine, si o pot controla oricand, de oriunde
8. Nu te poti termina fara acordul lui daddy
9. De fiecare data cand te masturbezi, il intrebi pe daddy daca te lasa sa te atingi in locurile tale de printesa.
10. De fiecare data cand te masturbezi, daddy trebuie sa vada
11. Esti mereu la dispozitie cand daddy are chef de sextalk, facetime
12. Corpul tau este un "free-use" pentru daddy. Oricand te poate atinge, se poate juca cu tine, chiar si in somn daca vrea.
13. Orgasmul tau e proprietatea lui Daddy.
14. Daca il superi pe Daddy, te vei duce la colt, vei sta in genunchi cu limba scoasa
15. Daca Daddy decide ca ai fost obraznica, te va pune pe burtă la el in brate, iti va da chilotii jos si te va disciplina cu palme peste fund pana iti ceri scuze
16. Când Daddy îşi scoate centura, te pui doggy şi aştepți loviturile pe fund.
17. Când Daddy te penetrează în poziția misionarului, te uiți mereu în ochii lui, eye contact mereu!
18. Îl satisfaci vizual cu poze în lenjerii sexy cât mai des posibil.
19. Sugi orice îți pune Daddy în gură, indiferent că sunt degete, jucării sexuale sau pulă.
20. Dacă Daddy vrea să te plimbe în lesă prin casă, te pui în patru labe şi aştepți până îți dă comanda.
21. Îl vei trezi pe Daddy în fiecare dimineață cu un sloppy-toppy blowjob.
22. Înghiți, MEREU!
23. Daddy are acces la FIECARE gaură.
24. Îl laşi pe Daddy să filmeze cât de disperată şi udă eşti pentru el.
25. Te îmbraci în costume sexy ca să îl surprinzi pe Daddy.
26. Nu exista "nu" în vocabularul tău. Ce spune Daddy e sfânt.
27. Dacă Daddy te pune în genunchi, nu te ridici fără permisiunea lui.
28. Daddy îți alege ținutele!
29. In preajma lui Daddy, vei purta pe buze doar ruj roșu 💄!
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modalitate · 6 months ago
siutationship iau pelerina de ploaie și ies afară la joacă e o prietenie din parc ce durează de la trei și-un sfert la șapte fiecare își ia jucăriile și pleacă acasă nu ne mai vedem niciodată.
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alex-andra196 · 5 months ago
~Nu vedem lucrurile așa cum sunt ele. Le vedem așa cum suntem noi~
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oldmacykerenew · 9 months ago
Allitolag qva jol vezetek. Ferfiak is ezt mondjak, akik ultek mellettem, a volt oktatom is ezt mondta…sose volt meg balesetem, sot mindig en vedem ki, hogy masok ne basszak szet az en autom - na meg ne oljenek meg…
De az a qva parhuzamos parkolas!! 😅 meg ha szuk a hely, akkor kiallni seggel valahonnan… ahhh halalom! Pedig ezen a kocsin MINDEN van. De igy is felek tole mindig. (Volt egy ilyen kocsi megkarcolasom) es szerintem pont amiatt, mar az elso kormanyzasnal osszeugrik a gyomrom. Ilyen szakado esoben, meg szarabb vagy 100x ez. 🥺 Akik latjak meg csak azt mondjak magukban, hogy “kellett ennek is egy ilyen kocsi, azt hasznalni sem tudja” 😔😔😔 Pedig de. :(
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arhitectul · 6 months ago
noi când ne mai vedem? parcă mi-e dor să fii a mea, femeie.
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Îmi place cum nenea Alex se atacă in numele instituțiilor de învățământ obligatoriu cu elevi minori, de parcă David Alessio e ăla care suferă din cauza fustei lui Andrei Nae. Nu-ți face griji ca incluziunea exista oricum sub umbrela de combaterea discriminării (ce include religie, etnie, afecțiuni etc). Mă îndoiesc ca se alarmează în halul asta când David Alessio își arată organele genitale colegilor și se masturbeaza de la grădiniță (a văzut mami pe grupul de mămici necenzurate ca este ok), batjocorește sau efectiv bate un alt copil pe motiv de gusturi diferite, hărțuiește fetele sau îl face pe alt coleg homalau din cauza ca nu îi place fata lui. Pe Sophia Anastasia o lăsam în pace. Știm ca domnul Alex o să spună ca ea e o curva mică imediat ce intervine o problemă cu orice agresor.
Anyway, atat timp cat studenții lui Andrei Nae nu au depus până acum plângeri referitoare la un comportament nepotrivit sau lipsit de etică, nu înțeleg ce se tot ataca toți triștii. Nu mai au subiect de discuție la țigară și cafeluță?
Țin minte acum câțiva ani. A intrat televiziunea peste o învățătoare (era ceva o verificare în școală și nu avea legătură cu ea). Perioada era friguroasă, în școală era clar ca nu era cald. Femeia purta blugi, un pulover și o vestă. Comentariile nu erau la adresa problemei dezbătute în reportaj. Nu. Toate erau despre cum a îndrăznit nenorocita aia ordinară în vina în blugi, pulover și vestă la școală. Să fie dată afară! Băi, știu ca pe la americani nu e voie cu blugi, iar eu mi-am mai luat priviri care mai de care pentru blugii cu tăieturi în dreptul genunchilor, dar hai să ne vedem de limitele noastre. Atat timp cat tu nu îți îmbraci copilul în uniformă și vii în bustiera la ședința cu părinții, eu zic să cânți la altă masă.
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