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eldritch-spouse · 4 months ago
Tristalis, weird set up you say? 👀
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One of the weirdest.
It's a very impractical set of genitals by the standards of not just humans but many monsters as well. It's safe to say Tristalis hasn't had many opportunities to have proper sex, between his lackluster social life and a rather unique package.
Although the tip of his cock is flat, the edges of it are spongy and can flatten somewhat under pressure, they can even be flicked safely. That doesn't mean penetrative sex is easy the first few times, as you'll need to get adjusted to the extra length and Tristalis will have to come to terms with the fact that some of his shaft may just never get to be inside you. It's a struggle, but worth it when you manage to fit him.
Oral sex also isn't the most convenient, though he's more than happy to have you mouth at him however you please. In fact, there will likely be a lot of thigh fucking early on in your "relationship".
Tristalis will be a little self-conscious if you point out how bizarre you think his dick is, but it's not enough to deter him from getting you to touch it.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months ago
I feel bad bringing this up because this is my first time visiting your blog (about to indulge in your masterlist though) but is there a reason you write exclusively in small text?
It possibly hasn’t occurred to you, but it’s a bit harder and/or more painful to read (particularly for anyone with visual impairments or who just plain ole need glasses).
Please ignore if this has been answered before or is a bother. Just thought I’d bring it to your attention.
no bother at all! you're right, honestly. the main reason is stylistic--the small text plus the "x / y / z" headers i use are there to make my posts uniform + recognizable in the wild. at least that was the intention when i was starting out. i also kind of liked that it put more text on the screen at a time.
i can see the need to replace it, though. i appreciate you bringing this to my attention!
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moonshine-nightlight · 2 years ago
Are you working on a vacation!!!! ☹️ you owe us nothing. Stress less. Recover!!!! Only write if you’re craving it and you want to.
lol, no working on vacation - but i do enjoy writing
and i lik to write in pretty places so i'd planned to go to some parks for an hour of writing etc while on my trip (technically i planned to have written all of chapter 25 before i left but that did not happen)
i had lots of fun with my friends and went to many cool places and did no work work of any kind which was lovely
home now and with my computer fixed, trying to recalibrate my update plan
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bastardcherub · 2 years ago
Mutual colour black (dunno if you follow my main though, but I’m guilty-pleasure- writings)
!!!! BITES YOU!!!! (I don’t follow Your main bc this is like. my nsfw blog shbdbdhfhd but it’s still ur blog so like. You’re still my mutual hehehhee)
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amoebaforce · 2 years ago
Uncovering my blogs like layers of my personality 😂
a nesting doll of blogs, if you will
but i'm so glad you're here!! :D
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butterbabyflapjack · 1 year ago
WIP w e d n e s d a y
Thanks for the tag @gaeadene! 💖💕 I've got something filthy cooking~
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ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ (ᴊᴏᴇʏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ꜰʀᴀɴᴋ)
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Frank and Joey play with their food.
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tagging: @athanasius-symposium-of-writings @shintin @l0sercat @vaya-mernda @guilty-pleasure-writings @languidcryptid @chromeedwardian @flaggermuser @possumteeths @brimbrimbrimbrim @apraxvalith @whimsyvixen
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vaya-writes · 1 year ago
I shall give ye moar
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
God it’s been like 10 years. But tumblr is where I first started using this pseud. I was into edgy names n stuff back when I was, like 14. So vaya was from a list of demonic names I found online. (A demon of wind and death? Who knows that’s all I remember). And mernda is just a niche name that runs in my family.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
- I’ve started playing DnD again. The group seems consistent and I’m enjoying myself.
- My roster is excellent. I’m working 6 days a fortnight, and 4 of them get me weekend rates.
-TMI but I’ve had some really good sex recently? Consistently? Normally it’s not that consistently good 🤷‍♀️ (lol, sorry just thinking about what’s new in my relationship)
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Oh my god you don’t know what you’ve unleashed. Yes. I have an Australian cattle dog. He is three this month. Please meet Fire Lord Zuko:
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I love him so much and have a ridiculous amount of photos of him in my camera roll.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Most errors need to be consistent and combined with other things to make me click away with any speed.
But I suppose I don’t really give fics that have been fed directly into a translator any chance. If somebody put time and effort into translating it correctly I’d be lenient, but it’s really hard for me to get into poorly translated fics.
Thank you again so much!!! I enjoyed the excuse to talk about myself but mostly just to share dog pics. (It was so hard to choose just 3)
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wermoewe · 3 months ago
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Uhh... So this is kinda the first tag game I really participate in...
No pressure, but if you like to participate: @samwisegamgeeee @vaya-mernda
✨Tag game!✨
Make a holiday icon for yourself using this picrew, and take this quiz and tell me your result!
I'll start:
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No pressure tags: @glossysoap @gazs-blue-hat @writeforfandoms @gemmahale @syoddeye
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months ago
I’m hanging out in the sloth ring, on the phone quietly with a friend or something, nobody is paying me much attention so I don’t mind having a bit of a scandalous conversation in public:
“- look I adore somnophilia, I really do, but in practicality it doesn’t work. I wake up far too easily,”
Conversation moves on to other kinks or related topics, me not paying to much attention to who just overheard me.
[I don't exactly know if you were aiming at anyone here, so I rolled the dice.]
Sloth is a quiet Ring.
The lights are dimmed, sounds are muted, movement comes in bursts then settles, even the sky in this part of Hell appears darker to keep its residents sedated. And, sure enough, even a human like you feels tired, for no apparent reason, in the grounds of the slothful.
Precisely because of how quiet and still everything is, foreigners assume that they're safe, that no one is giving them an ounce of scrutiny and there's hardly a need to watch themselves.
Any good prey knows that the absence of sound is trouble.
Closed eyes and softly rising chests don't mean anything. The streets are lively, you just can't tell.
Absorbed in conversation, you've been walking gradually slower, until you all but halted in the middle of the sidewalk. Sloth expects people to want to lay down just about anywhere, so you had a seat waiting for you.
Little did you know, you were right in front of a demoness' hair salon.
Lucidia takes her time to work, she'll admit it, but the benefit of such is that she can put her professional perfectionism in front of everything, the knowledge of her success helping her through the sludge that is cleaning up after a client. She'd been sweeping snipped hair off the floor when she noticed you out front.
You talk loudly. Foreigners always do. Shamelessly too. The woman subtly evaluates you from top to bottom.
It's impossible to tell, but Luci assumes you're here to visit someone, everything about you screams 'excited to be here'. You're decently dressed, and when you turn your head around a bit, she finds beautiful features on a human complexion. It's a shame that, having such natural beauty, you walk around with such lackluster hair.
The demoness blinks when the topic of your conversation becomes increasingly obscene. She's sure the neighboring businesses are hearing this too.
Somnophilia...? Someone's going to approach you sooner or later. You're dumb.
Did you come here for the experience? Because your surfacer bedfriends can't do it properly? You certainly sound frustrated about it. Lucidia murmurs to herself that this could be a trap, that you're intentionally baiting slothfolk to come onto you because you know they can keep you under, they can make your fantasy a reality.
But even then, you're so ignorant.
What makes you think they'd stop at touching you in your sleep? What makes you think they'd have any reason to let go of you when you're at your most vulnerable? You could never wake up again, if they wanted to feed off you for as long as possible. The number of horrid things that could happen to someone as airheaded as you if you were to fall into opportunistic hands is endless.
Your conversation seems to die out when another demon exits a store from across the street, staring at you knowingly.
Luci doesn't realize she's moving until she's nearly fogging the hair salon window, glowering wordlessly behind you, at the other stranger. Adrenaline irritates her, she likes to avoid it, but the woman definitely feels her heart hammer in her chest at the thought of someone coming over and trying to mess with you.
They seem to get the message, looking between you and her, then hurrying down the street.
Lucidia sighs almost gutturally, and decides you can't be outside for much longer.
The demoness may be tall, yet her footsteps are near soundless. She settles beside you casually on the sidewalk, getting to stare you over again for several moments until you take note of the shadow suddenly cast onto you.
" Hello... " She greets softly and quietly when you appear to startle. " Do you want to sit... Inside? "
While you hesitate to answer, Luci can almost see the sweat starting to form on your forehead.
" ... It'll get dark soon. Things'll... Pick up. "
You don't respond again, some lost 'hum's and 'ha's escaping.
" Your conversation... I heard it. " She doesn't bother to hide a small smile when you pale a couple shades. " So did the whole street... If I had to guess. "
" Oh God- " You murmur under your breath.
" ... Let me style your hair. " She daringly suggests, threading a long-fingered hand through locks of it. " I won't let anyone bother you... "
Anyone but herself, naturally.
If you just so happened to doze off while Lucidia carefully shapes your hair, then who is she not to give you just a little taste of what you so shamelessly crave?
There's no hiding the rumbles of satisfaction when you nod quickly and let her lead you into the hair salon, the chime of a little bell signaling Luci's victory.
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moonshine-nightlight · 2 years ago
63 words
thank you!
Actual Word Count: 157
Humans have such strong pheromones by nature that Gwen’s typical scent is more than enough to convince his mind in this state that she’s ready for mating. His mind is spinning as he digs his claws into the wall as he strains to hold onto the knowledge that he can’t go to her.
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lilkrissmuffet · 2 years ago
So like that story was emotionally draining for me. Don’t get me wrong I was transfixed! Got super invested. I especially loved how much you could see your writing improving as you went on. I loved your informal voice and method of story telling. It was cool how fluently you were able to jump from shoulder to shoulder with the POV. The ending just gave me the sads 😂 like it was a just ending and thematically suited well. I just wasn’t ready for the fun with living strade to end. You absolutely made me tear up. Also your guro was depraved - absolutely amazing and creative and I look forward to reading more of your work once I’ve recovered 😂💕
Omg again, thank you so much for loving and supporting my work, it means the world!! ❤ I realize that the ending is a bit of a sudden one-two gutpunch (pretty sure I almost cried writing it lol) but I really wanted to wrap it up on a tragic, bittersweet, and yes weirdly ROMANTIC note, so I do hope I achieved that!! 😅
I am very much a self-taught writer, it's been a passion of mine since I was little so it makes me happy to hear that you've actually noticed me improving over time :) I've also never written gore before this story so I'm always surprised how well people say I described it lol
I'd love to hear what you think of my other works hehe 😏 (like you said, once you've recovered!!) But this is kind of a long-winded response so I just wanna say thanks again for reading and I super appreciate the feedback 💕💕
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amoebaforce · 11 months ago
10/10 on that new chapter by the way! Spent the past two days binging a reread and thoroughly enjoying myself.
Thank you friend! I saw your comments and all of them had me blushing and kicking my feet fr ☺️
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butterbabyflapjack · 2 years ago
W I P w e d n e s d a y
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Thankyou @gaeadene for tagging me! 🖤 Here's some horny Ghostface garbage.
“Do you always look so scared when someone tells you their name?” he wonders; voice hushed, just for you. And he chuckles when you still don’t respond. When you can’t. Leaning in to where you’re helpless to escape him, an uncomfortable heat shivering down your spine as you hear him breathe you in, heating up your thoughts with his nearness, carving out and stealing things you didn’t think a person could take, and yet he’s taking them. “It’s cute and all,” he breathes, “but...”  Angling the exposed, lower-half of his sculpted face still nearer to yours, his lips brush so close against your own; a whisper that’s not quite a kiss. The cool, white plastic of his tugged-up mask grazing the bridge of your nose, your cheek. When he smiles you can practically feel it. "Well, shit, baby…” breathes his devil’s smirk, endlessly amused by your reactions. “I don’t even have my knife out yet…”
tagging with no pressure! @athanasius-symposium-of-writings @shintin @l0sercat @vaya-mernda @guilty-pleasure-writings @languidcryptid @chromeedwardian @flaggermuser @possumteeths @brimbrimbrimbrim
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vaya-mernda · 3 years ago
Spell of Summon Dog:
Raise hand and recite “what have I got?”
Spell of Banish Dog:
Point finger and recite “what have you got?”
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thebibliosphere · 4 years ago
Hi Joy! Do you have an updated master post of all the ways we can buy Hunger Pangs? I know many of us don’t want to buy from Amazon and I’d love to learn the best places to buy it and the pros and cons for you too (the places that pay you the most, etc). Thank you for your time!
My website www.joydemorra.com has a full list of where things can be bought from. As does the most recent promo post I did for it. In general, if you can’t find the links to something here on Tumblr, my website is the best shout!
In terms of conventional places for people who don’t want to buy from Amazon but do want to help my sales rankings and get me trending in different algorithms (which increases my visibility and hopefully leads to more organic sales), any of the places linked help me out. Apple also pays out the most in terms of royalties, if that matters to anyone.
The exception to this is Gumroad, where I don’t lose any distribution fees—just the small sliver PayPal takes in processing. And while there are a review and star ranking over there, it doesn’t count toward my sales rankings anywhere else online. 
But honestly? Either way helps me! And thank you for asking :)
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pnw-chaplain · 8 years ago
I'd love a reading when you get time? :) thanks lovely
The Star (TWU)
Oooooh, dulce de leche ice cream is really good.
I mean uh
Oooooh, this is good stuff. Things may be in upheaval right now, but the end is in sight. Like, it’s huge and real and beautiful. You will find peace and renewal, I promise. Believe it.
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