#vaya speaks
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vaya-writes · 4 days ago
like logically, I know, your demon friend who is also a part time assassin told you they'd be back, they'd follow the stalker and take care of them. logically, yeah, we know, you're safe. but from a reader perspective. are you? am i writing this person with fear of the situation? are they going to make the smart move and lie to the stalker, or are they going to sound as scared as they are and be honest. ugh. dumb dialogue holding me up.
help me reader character. help me.
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vaya-mernda · 1 year ago
Dreamscapes are wack.
Like does the dream need you to be home? Boom. Here’s a house. It’s your home. No don’t look too closely, trust me it’s your home. Oh, you’re going to look closely? You’re going to make us render each doorway and floor and dirty cup? Fine fine fine, it’s your home, no problem. There’s like four doors at the end of this hallway right? That sounds right. Wooden floor boards. Open space room for your dining area. Oh, your dining area isn’t open space? Are you sure. Fuck you, it is now. You want to go outside? I mean, I guess you can do that. Don’t expect any coherency towards which back yard you’re supposed to be standing in. Oh your neighbours? Yeah that’s the neighbour that’s supposed to be there. Trust me. You always had a neighbour on that side, yes that fence and that tree are Supposed to be there.
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vaya-writes · 10 months ago
I wanted to add to this fantastic post with some tips when it comes to line editing your smut, and making sure you get the vibe right. (Also how to write negotiation scenes, and things to keep in mind with dialogue).
Honestly the best way you can do this is to be mindful of your word choices, and what synonyms you might use. 
I get the frustration when you write a sex scene and you read it over and suddenly you notice you’ve used the word ‘moan’ like ten times. And it can be useful to use the find tool and go through and change a handful of these. But the point I want to make is to be mindful of what you change these words to. Because while it might be tempting to use an assortment of other sounds that people use during sex (moan/groan/whimper/gasp/cry/shout/whatever), I think it’s really important to ask a few questions before you do this. 
What is the purpose of the sound, and what does it tell us about the character? What is characteristic of your characters? What is your scene trying to do, other than showcase some fun sexy times? 
I know we like to use the trope ‘porn without plot’ but, you can cram so much character development and even plot into a sex scene, of even the smallest length. And some of the most effective ways to do this is to use the most appropriate synonyms. Doing this can help you stay concise and keep the tension of a scene, while also giving the reader additional context to what’s happening. 
I’m going to drop some examples of what I mean by this. In the first example, I’m going to change out only a word or two to describe how a guy moves his hand in a direction, and what the word choice can imply: 
His hand creeps upwards. (Creep tells us that the motion is soft and slow. It can also be insidious or without permission, and further context could show this.) 
His hand trails upwards. (This one is also soft and slow, however the intentions behind the movement are more neutral.) 
He drags his hand upwards. (Dragging of the hand implies some resistance against skin or clothes. The motion is harder, more intense. Another one that is neutral with the intentions and the speed of the motion.) 
He jerks his hand upwards. (This is a fast movement. More context would be required to get the intention, but it could be a startled movement, or somebody grappling for control). 
Do you see how a single word can change how you visualise a scene unfolds? 
Let’s go back to talking about moans. If we dig into why and how a character is moaning, we can then pick another synonym that fits better. I’m going to drop some sexy vocal noises, and explain what those noises can imply. 
Moan / Groan (These can be sexy sounds, or sounds of discomfort or pain, depending on context. These are valuable in their own way, because they don’t have any connotations of volume or intention or how a voice changes. 
Pant / Gasp / Sigh (These in particular are breathy sounds. They’re probably going to be quieter than moans and groans. A pant is an exerted sound, a gasp is a sudden sound, a sigh can be relaxed or it can be disappointed.) 
Words can show a lack of control – Wail / Mewl / Whimper / Growl – these words all have variety in sound level or intention but they’re all things most people are hesitant to do when in control. 
Words can indicate volume – Gasp / Cry / Shout / Wail. Intention varies on whether or not somebody is in control, but they’re all implied to be loud sounds. 
This is why it’s so important to think about what’s actually going on with the characters. Not just which body part is where and who is doing what, but why. 
Is this the first time your character has had sex in a long time? Are they self conscious around their partner? Could you imply this by having them start out quiet before becoming more vocal as they relax? 
Is your character being performative? Trying to impress a partner with dirty talk or loud sounds? Are their moans fake?  
Are they embarrassed by their reactions? Covering their face or body, or holding back noises? Should you add descriptors to the moans? (Muffled moan, stifled gasps, etc) 
Basically, ask yourself what is the relationship between the characters on the screen, and use the right words to reflect this. Having a large vocabulary is great, sure, but don’t be afraid to look up synonyms and consider a couple. As long as you chose them deliberately, and not randomly. Don’t pick a word if you don’t know what it means, how it sounds, what it implies.  
Another thing I want to talk about is not breaking emersion. Do you ever read smut and then suddenly the words ‘throbbing sausage’ (I’m exaggerating. probably) make you blink and nope out? And if you don’t nope out, you still have to ask yourself ‘why did the author use those words’ before you continue? 
Yeah, this is when the emersion is broken. And if it happens too many times, or too egregiously, then there’s a good chance that readers will stop reading.  
So lets talk about language choices when it comes to genitals and body parts. Yep. Because it needs to be said. 
Now I’m not going to tell you what is and isn’t sexy. Because honestly, this varies from person to person. Instead, I’m going to tell you to lean into the vibe, and consider your word intentions once again. 
Let’s use some examples. Here, we’ll use some dialogue to complement a vagina. And I’ll break down what the different word choices do. 
“What a pretty pussy.” (this is straightforward and simple. A bit honest, a bit flattering. I’d probably consider it a baseline for sexy language.) 
“What a pretty cunt.” (this is way more vulgar. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you want your language choice and your character dialogue to match the vibe of what you’re writing. I’d use this to possibly be teasing, mean, or degrading. It’s also a bit jarring to hear the word ‘cunt’ and you can use this sometimes, like if you’re not expecting a character to talk like that, or you want to shock the reader or the character being complimented) 
“What a pretty flower.” (When you are using fluffy or floral language you always run the risk of breaking emersion. That said, it can still be useful. It might suit a character that uses language like this on the regular. They could be inexperienced, lack the vocabulary, unused to calling things by their proper names, etc) 
“What a pretty vagina.” (This one can also be emersion breaking, as hearing it referred to as a vagina is not particularly sexy. But once more, this could still be viable in some circumstances. Medical play? The talker trying to embarrass the listener? The same reasons somebody would use flowery language? Your choice. Just be mindful.) 
Last point I want to bring up on my own is dialogue. 
Do you ever read a sex scene and lose interest because all the action kind of just blurs together? Is that just me? Idk. But one way to offset this is to use dialogue. 
I also want to fold into this point something I know some people don’t find interesting, but can have a lot of payoff if done well: negotiation. 
Negotiation can be sexy! Negotiation can be fun. Discussing kinks with another person is something that does not have to be boring or long. Here are some ideas on how to engage with this some more: 
When does this conversation (or series of conversations) take place, and what does that say about your characters? When the conversation happens before sex it implies an element of planning, intention to fuck, people who are comfortable with boundaries, or who are afraid of boundaries being crossed. When the conversation happens in the middle of or after sex, it can show poor planning, impulsivity, possible lack of control or respect of boundaries, characters who are comfortable with improv and doing things on the fly, etc. 
The length of the conversation. Unless you are writing some detailed BDSM lifestyle stuff, you probably don’t need to discuss more than a kink or position or two at a time. The first time some characters fuck, honestly you can get away with ‘can I touch’, ‘can I kiss’, ‘is this okay?’ etc. You don’t need to be detailed when setting boundaries.  
“Is there anything I should avoid doing?” Is perfectly respectable and perfectly concise if you don’t want to get bogged down in the details of limits. 
Consider what language is used. When one character asks another if they can touch them. “Can I touch?” is vague. Open ended. Possibly bashful, with a character not wanting to voice the whole thought. “Can I touch your dick?” Is more specific. It takes a less bashful character, or one working up some nerve, or somebody who is comfortable, to use more specific language. 
When one character tells another what they like, how does their personality impact this? Are they self-conscious about their likes? (hiding or shielding body, wording things vaguely, otherwise embarrassed or ashamed) Are they direct and demanding? (understanding of their limits and their body, a bit of confidence). Are you wording things so that there’s a clear difference between a character instructing somebody, making a suggestion, or making a request? (“Do this”, “Can you do this”, “Maybe try this”) 
Basically, if you are bored writing negotiation, there’s the likelihood that the reader will be bored reading it. But that doesn’t mean you have to skip it entirely. Feel free to break it up and use bits and pieces instead of a whole scene of discussion. 
Here are some suggestions and tips for dialogue that don’t relate directly to negotiation: 
A relaxed and comfortable character is probably going to talk more. Whether by peppering little words of appreciation in (‘fuck, god, yes, there,’ etc), or dirty talking, or praising their partner, whatever is typical of them.  
Once again reiterating that everyone finds different things sexy. But there might be such a thing as too much praise/degradation. If you want to lather it on because you’re leaning into the praise/degradation aspect, be sure to use variety and break it up with some actions. Unless your character is really fuck drunk and too stupid to think of new things to say at the time. It can happen.  
If your character is embarrassed, they might not be putting together full or detailed sentences. If your character is exerted or panting, they’re also going to find it hard. 
Pet names are good during sex. This might just be a me thing but do consider if you call your partner’s name during sex, or your endearment for them. This includes kinky titles.  
Banter is always fun, but horny brain can interfere with how clever you sound. Do consider that the further that people get into sex, the less likely they are to sound coherent. Though this would vary from person to person. 
Anyway, these are the points I really wanted to hammer in, that I think I’m good at talking about and going into detail with. 
I did want to add one thing to void’s take’s up above when it comes to writing realistic sex, and that is please consider the relationship between your characters a little and how this impacts what they’re doing. In particular, have they had sex before? 
Are their actions comfortable and sure, or more exploratory? If one character is really good at getting another character off, why? Have they done it before? Have they watched it before? Do they have transferable skills (good at getting other people off). Please have a reason. Sex can be really awkward. Bad sex happens all the time. So if you’re going to write good sex, please consider why it is good. 
Anyway, thanks for letting me indulge with this ramble.  
Void’s Guide to Writing Smut (18+)
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This may be obvious, but have sex and orgasms. If you can’t do one, do the other. Nothing compares to personal experience, and you really need some kind of base knowledge to expand into things of the imagination. Try a variety of things if you can. You know, for the plot.
Pay attention to the limits of your own body, what you’re uniquely able/unable to accomplish, what you like/dislike. All bodies are different, and you may find that typical smut doesn’t line up with how your actual body works. THAT IS GOOD. Write that. There will be people who have the same experience and they will appreciate the representation. Even if they don’t share your experience, the realism will build trust with your readers.
Watch other people cum (not in porn) and pay attention to how their bodies flex, the types of noises, cadence of breathing, areas of trembling, etc. For a lot of people, finishing is a deeply introspective action, and there won’t be “screamed his name” anywhere in the vicinity. Realism is more interesting than cookie cutter smut, because real life offers variation. Lean into imperfection.
Know your character, their backstory, their trauma, and think about how that affects what they enjoy. Think about what they might not be brave enough to ask for, embarrassed about, expecting, proud of, or self conscious about. Let something unexpected happen, force them to communicate or adjust to their partner in a new way.
Have your characters talk during the scene. If dirty talk feels forced, have them talk normally. Have them flirt, confess, beg, argue. Have them stutter, or use the wrong words, or let something slip that they didn’t mean to say. Silent smut is boring smut. Sex is a unique opportunity of vulnerability for your characters, take advantage of it.
Emotional intelligence is what takes smut to the next level. In what way is each character feeling connected? Feeling adored? Feeling understood? Feeling affirmed? Feeling safe? Write the intangible and the messy tangle of thoughts and tiny ways that your lil guys relate to each other. Smut is where (imo) too many writers zoom through the scene without lingering on the details. The details are sexy.
Switch up the expected sequence of events. If you can’t think of any reason X might want to stop mid (act) to do (act) to Y, invent one. Create plot through disruption. Have someone accidentally finish. Have someone be unable to finish. Have the power dynamic flip. Have someone refuse to do (act) in favor of (more kinky act). But always know why X made the choice, and how it made Y feel. Make your characters play while they play.
Be aware of what needs trigger warnings. You can literally write whatever you want (on AO3), but please TW it responsibly. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve been upset at finding unexpected coercion in the middle of a smut because the author doesn’t understand what qualifies as non-con. People live through all different kinds of SA, and more “socially acceptable” breaches of trust can be just as triggering to survivors as overt non-con.
If you’re not confident on your grasp of consent, it’s a great opportunity to educate yourself. Your writing will vastly improve, because understanding consent will solidify your character’s motivations, and allow you to dip into dub-con or non-con intelligently if you so choose.
I like to be specific with my trigger warnings because often times people’s triggers are specific, and it allows readers to make an informed decision. Yes, it can spoil the plot. Make the fic so interesting that they forget what’s going to happen.
If there’s something you don’t like writing, it’s okay to gloss over it. Kissing is hard to write. If you know how to write prolonged, detailed frenching that isn’t gross… I’d pay for that information so hit me up.
Decide what’s important to you as a writer. Explicit consent always? Feeling of safety? Loss of control? Pushing boundaries? Forced enjoyment? Power dynamics? If you’re not sure, think through the spicy scenes you’ve written or want to write. Typically there is some theme that will be present, and that can say a lot about what you as a writer find interesting and important. That’s your niche, so to speak.
Sex is mental. People fuck with their brains. All you have to do is write it.
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thattiredsock · 11 months ago
hey friend, maybe a weird question but you're my only spanish-speaking mutual and I was wondering if you happen to follow any blogs that post in spanish? I wanna expose myself to a bit more spanish in my day-to-day but langblr blogs and stuff are just too teach-y and I just wanna see more regular people blogging about whatever, but in spanish. sending this as an ask so you can either respond privately or share the recs on your blog. if you don't really follow anyone or sth no worries, feel free to ignore this ☺️
oh man, sorry I don't really follow much blogs in Spanish apart from @wearelatinamericanrockers
But I could recomed you some media
there's this one show The Kirlian Frequency, it's about a radio broadcast about a strange little town, where strange things happen.
Frankelda's Book of Spooks, it's one of my favorite shows ever!, should be on hbo Max (not sure if world wide yet, but there's always a way *wink wink*) , it's about a (literal) ghost gritter, telling the viewer her stories, one of those horror for children things, like tales form the crypt (some episodes might hit a little close to home tho, the first one is about a kid that doesn't want to do his homework, the second one is about a girl that wants to fit in, thirds about a boy too insecure about his body image to go swimming with his friends, fourth is about a girl loosing passion for her hobbies, and the last one about a girl who wants to be a writer but her family doesn't approve). It's pretty fun!, they've got songs and all.
And of course 31 minutos. A puppet show parodying news channels (most of its humor is kinda dark, just as a heads up)
Sorry, I know it's not what you asked for, but I hope it helps!
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vaya-writes · 1 year ago
When I was researching nagas for Serving the Serpent I ran into the problem that anything we typically consider a naga in monster fucking (human top half snake bottom) is not actually something called a naga in any mythology. Even in common fantasy things that I looked at - for example a naga in the DND 5E is just a little weird looking snake creature. The closest physical approximate in that canon is one of the lower castes of yuan ti.
So I made everything up. Instead I researched actual snakes. I figured that I’d just base those finer details you’re wondering about on the breed of naga, as we would on the breed of snake.
I looked at different hunting methods and what physiological difference are between different snakes based on their behaviour. For example pit organs for sensing heat I think I recall were more common for snakes that actively sought prey vs ambush predating snakes, which are likely to be bulky and rely on squeezing rather than venom.
When it came to the saucy details I found out that Some snakes and lizards have hemi penes. That they only ever use them separately so that if they have more than one chance to breed they’re primed and ready to go (this means separate testes for each peen. However there’s still a load of variation based on species. So I picked an aspect I wanted and built around it:
I wanted Isen to be venemous. You know, for sexy reasons.
This meant that I built him to be thinner and more active, his mother is a sea snake for the source of venom, and he has a small clutch of siblings. He has pit organs to assist in hunting.
Basically I suggest building a character carefully and picking snake or reptile traits that compliment each other well. Behaviours and habitats would also be based on the type of snake you’re building from.
Thank you for the tag 💕 I feel honoured.
HI. . . UM. . .
So I do commissions for art and AI bots. . .
Someone asked me for a Naga bot but the problem is that I know nothing about any Naga biology, intercourse, habits, living habitats or. . . Anything.
Can I have a rundown on anything you can think of that I might need to know?
Hello!! So, I am an avid consumer of pure filth, so my knowledge of Naga is more limited to that domain. I also don't know what is considered accurate to lore versus what someone created because they liked the sound of it more than the reality. For that reason, I don't think I'm the best to impart knowledge about Nagas.
But I do know of a couple of blogs that may have more information, albeit on the dirty side, if you'd like to do some sleuthing or engage with these wonderfully talented creators:
I'm sorry I can't help you out more, but I hope you find all the information that you need. And good luck with the commission!
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pnuk-r0ck · 1 year ago
Did you guys know that I love Envy Adams so much
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 months ago
writing with only half an hour left because I like to live dangerously or smth idk
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azover · 2 years ago
Acuerdense de tomar 3 sorbos de te de ruda hoy, y pasar 7 inciensos (todos juntos) por toda su casa, y pasar 3 veces por arriba de los inciensos.
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luceracastro · 1 year ago
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors circulate both Enzo and famous singer Aitana, you who is his costar, friend, and also the girl who has the hugest crush on him doesn't take too kindly to the rumors and distances yourself from him and he is beyond clueless as to why his favorite girl doesn't speak to him anymore.
Warnings: Some angst and fluff, little makeout sesh, jealousy on reader's part and Enzo's, slight Blas x reader, no hate towards the beautiful Aitana in this nor to Male (Matia's girlfriend) it's a Spanglish fic!
you must have thought your phone was practically playing tricks on you but it wasn't, there it was in bold letters "¿aitana y enzo?" the huge bold letters and a whole passionate article on the topic were enough to ruin your day.
"Que pasa contigo nena?" Male had asked as she sat down beside you, she and Mati were kind enough to let you stay at their place for a while since you lived in Spain but just found your apartment too saddening and empty especially after filming and being in a full hotel for months and always being around people.
"Nada, la verdad" you smiled with a small look in your eye that she knew way too well "Que pasa?" she asked once more and you flipped your phone down on her leg, she put her cup down to look through it and her eyes widened "Aye linda, por esto estas triste?" her small smile made you frown "Enzo no es nada amor mio, obvio le tengo cariño pero mami tu mereces mejor créeme," she said with a small smile
you chuckled a little and shook your head "Ven vamos por algo de comer," she pulled you up trying to wipe the small frown off your face and it worked, between her and Mati making you laugh and the food set on the table you found yourself laughing and having fun.
however, what you didn't expect was for there to be a knock on the door and for Enzo to walk in like nothing was wrong, and in reality, nothing was wrong because he was clueless about the whole situation "Hola hermosa," he bent down a small hug which you returned uninterested and he furrowed his brows slightly confused but nonetheless thought nothing of it
him and Mati went into the kitchen and he nodded his head towards the table where you and Male spoke "Que pasa con la nena?" Enzo asked as Mati turned to look at you and he did notice your off attitude but he also was a nosy one who listened to you and Male's conversation and he knew all too well why "Piensa por un Minuto Enzo," he said and Enzo tried to think but to no avail "Dime," he pleaded and Mati laughed
"Que?" Enzo asked and Mati shook his head "Nada, Nada vamos," after that Enzo noticed when he asked you something you answered with short uninterested answers, and when he was talking you were fixed on your phone and it was kinda bothering him, he hated being ignored and by you, it's like a kick to the gut. "Oye casi haces que Enzo llora," Mati said with a small smile as he sat beside you and you shrugged "Pues que vaya con la tal Aitana," you said a small snarky remark which you instantly regretted, the poor girl was sweet like sugar and Enzo didn't even know you liked him
"¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo mal que suenas?" Mati asked "Si, Si ya lo se," you shook your head sighing, "Entonces porque no le dices a Enzo lo que sientes," Mati asked and you laughed a bit too loud "No no, eso seria muy vergonzoso," you shook your head and he sighed "Eres una pelotuda la verdad nena, si no te mueves asi" he snapped his fingers "A lo mejor la Aitana te lo gana" he said a small smirk on his lips making you smack his arm as he laughed "Callate Boludo," you however couldn't help but smile at Mati
"Oye vamos por unas cervesas?, esta preguntando el Pipe," Mati asked with phone in hand and you nodded a small smile on your lips "Pero una cosa linda, Enzo va estar eh," he warned and you rolled you eyes "Sólo porque él esté ahí no significa que no quiera estar con mis amigos" you said and he nodded "Bueno, perdon," he left the doorway of the borrowed room he was allowing you to stay in and you got up getting ready for the night
"Lista, aye nena que linda," Male looked at you a smile on her lips as she reached her hand out for yours "Tu mas, bueno vamos vamos," you both laughed the whole way there Mati following close and as soon as you enter the restaurant/bar you are met with the boys and even Enzo which of course you understood he was obviously going to be there but it would be ten times harder to ignore him now
hugs went all around but reaching Enzo all you did was smile a small hello escaping your lips but he didn't let it slide "Y mi abrazo?" he asked a small smirk displayed on his lips, you gave him a quick side hug but everyone noticed the sort of small tension and you moved to sit beside Blas, "Hola bonita," he rested his arm behind the top of your chair "Hola, que ordenaste tu de tomar?' you asked looking through the small menu of many drinks
Enzo however watched from afar, you and Blas were friends but you always sat beside him what was different now? he subtly rolled his eyes drinking his beer and looking anywhere else while sometimes catching glimpses of you touching Blas's curls or just laughing and joking around with him in general until he was full on staring at you both and even growing an attitude with the others.
"Y tu que?" Fran asked looking at Enzo "Se ve que te vas a tragar al Blas vivo," Juani said a small giggle escaping his lips already slightly tipsy "Nada, Nada para que me molestaria que le habla a T/n?" he said taking another long swig of beer and Fran smiled "Nunca dijimos que eso era la razon," and Enzo looked at Fran "Voy al baño" Enzo got up and left the table "Oye linda, habla con Enzito porque esta amargando la noche con su actitud" Pipe said in your ear his breath smelling like beer and tequila "Yo por que?" you asked with a bit of attitude in your voice and a shrug of your shoulders "porque obviamente está enojado porque le estás dando más atención a Blas que a él" Pipe said as you furrowed your brows "Estas loco," you said shaking your head
"Nena andale, quiero disfrutar no cuidar de un enojon y unos borrachos," Male said with a small frown and you sighed hands on the table trying to balance yourself "Bueno Bueno ya voy," you groaned and left the table but not before apologizing to Blas and walking around looking for Enzo, you checked outside the bathrooms and around the restaurant "Perdon has visto un chico alto, pelo negro y con ojos cafes, tambien tiene el pelo medio largito?" you asked a waiter who shook his head "perdon" he said and you sighed looking around and asking but yet no one had seen him
your last resorts were to go and look outside in both front and back but you were closer to the back so you exited through the back door looking around and he was there more farther down the side of the backdoor smoking a cigarette "Oye, que te pasa?" you asked arms crossed since the harsh wind hit you and he looked down at you his face blank but you could tell something was bothering him "nada, Vuelve adentro, hace mucho frío" he said as he turned to look away and blew out a puff of smoke and you put all your weight on one foot rolling your eyes "Vamos, todos estan preguntado por ti," he chuckled bitterly "Vuelve adrento con Blas querida, los dos sabemos que eso prefieres aser," he said and you furrowed your brows a hurt look on your face
"Eres una mierda sabes," he turned to see the tears rimming your eyes and he sighed his eyes closing for a moment and the regret was written all over his face "perdon, perdon," but you shook your head "Y no prefieres estar con la Aitana? o sea eso dicen por ahi" you shot back and he shook his head "Tu crees eso? nomas tuvimos un vuelo y una noche con amigos y conocidos juntos, eso era todo no somos nada," he said but you shook your head "Oh pero yo estoy pasandola bien con un amigo y eso significa que quiero con el no seas pendejo Enzo" you yourself laughed bitterly and he sighed grabbing you
"No soy un pendejo, que quieres que yo piensa cuando le haces esos sonrisas, caricias, y juegas con su pelo eh?" he said he was in your face and you both were only inches apart "Eso no significa nada, yo te hice esos cosas tambien" you shrugged "Si eso es lo que me molesta, Solo hacias esas cosas a mi, no a Fran, Mati, Juani, Pipe, ni a Esteban, nomas a mi!" you looked at him like he was crazy but then again it sunk in your brain that he was jealous, Enzo was jealous, you both looked into each others eyes, then his eyes flickered to your lips but you beat him to it as you pulled his face in for a kiss
you both pulled away after a moment and you both looked at each other before he pulled you in once more, bodies pressed together as you both kissed the other with force and need but it didn't last long "Enzo! T/n! Enzo! T/n!" Juani's voice was heard and you both pulled away quickly and Enzo groaned a face of annoyance "Que!" he yelled out "Donde estan?" Juani asked and you grabbed Enzo's hand pulling him with you "Lo encontre, nos distraimos hablando perdon" you laughed nervously but noticed Juani's red eyes which were also watery "Que paso querido?" you asked and he sighed "Pensé que los perdi, y no quiero perder los" he was drunk and it was evident with his slurred words and the scent of beer radiating off of him
Enzo stifled a laugh as you smacked his arm and wrapped your arm around Juani "No ya, ya no llores, aqui estamos amor ya," he dug his face into the crook of your neck as you smiled and you three entered the bar, Enzo watching you both from the back.
at the end of the night you all made it to a food truck that had the best food (According to Fran) and you all ordered your food and ate little by little but you and Enzo took some stolen glances at one another, "¿Tengo que dar un paseo, Enzo?" he knew that was your way of asking him to come along and he stood up walking closer to you, everyone looked either relieved or gave you teasing smiles before returning to their meal
you two at first walked in pure silence, "Debemos de hablar, de el beso" Enzo said and you turned your head to look at him "No te gusto?" you asked with no emotion yet he caught the almost not visible smile on your face "al contrario, me encanto pero quiero saber que significa eso?" he asked his hands dug into the pockets of his jacket and you stopped in your tracks turning to face him "Significa que me gustas Enzo," you told him straight up and he looked down at you "Me gustas y hasta puedo decir que estoy enamorada de ti pero entiendo si no sientes lo miso" you said and he chuckled "Boluda estuve enamorado de ti desde que te conoci" he told you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you in for a hug as you sighed his chin resting on the top of your head and his arms around you engulfing you entirely "Y porque no me dijiste nada?" you asked and he smiled "Porque cuando te conoci pense que eras muy chica para mi, una niña," he said "Enzo tenia 21 años," you told him
"Y yo los 27" he said and you giggled "Eso no es mucho" you smiled up at him "Bueno, si no te da molestia que voy estar usando un baston antes que ti, quieres ser mi novia?" he asked and you froze "En serio?" you asked and he nodded and you grinned "Me encantaria," and the walk was ended, coming back hand in hand Fran smiled "Salieron de malas y regresan de novios, quien los entienden" Fran laughed as did the others
"Aye callate estupido" you smiled sitting down "Tu boluda" that was the end of the night, all of you enjoying a night out and you going back to Enzo's at the end ;)
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vaya-writes · 1 month ago
Unnamed, pretty please!
The original prompt from @treesecake (which shamefully came in december 2023) (who i swear i knew before they changed their url but alas now i cannot identify them) was this:
Living armor boyfriend who keeps blocking doorways with his halberd. And spouts a different bit each time like, "Halt! No visitors to the kitchen past 8pm, lord's orders" it's your house
As I've written it's become more like. Living armor roommate who realises that their human is deeply bad at work life balance and taking care of themselves. And starts blocking the entry to the office with similar bits like. "halt. the workday has ceased. go to bed." etc.
Here's a little snippet:
There’s a long moment of deliberation when you approach it. You look it over carefully, dubious, unhappy about the intrusion to your home. You get the feeling that if it had eyes, it would be looking you over too. 
“Do you have a name?” 
It is silent for a moment. Then a voice reverberates from within. Muffled and tinny, but otherwise normal. “A name?” 
You try not to let impatience surface. “Yes. What do people call you.” 
It considers for a moment. “Guard. Armour. Panoply. Gothic Plate. Maximilian Armour, Circa 1517.” 
You feel reproach for a moment. Then shame. This thing doesn't even have a real name.  
“Okay...” you let out a long breath. “Would it be okay if I called you... Max?”  
The armour stands still. Too still. It’s living, sure, but there’s no rise and fall to the shoulders. No tilt to the helmet in consideration. No shifting from leg to leg. But finally, there’s a nod. The metal creaks in protest. 
“That will suffice.” 
“What is that.” 
“It’s my car, Max.” 
“A machine.” 
The pair of you stand outside. It had taken almost an hour for you to walk Max to the carpark. Not because of the distance, but because of it’s rubbernecking. It had to stop to inspect every weed growing from cracks in the pavement. Every bird crossing in the sky.  
Needless to say, your patience is growing thin. 
“You want me to get into this contraption.” 
“It’s a vehicle. It transports people. Like a carriage, but mechanical instead of horse powered.” 
“And we cannot walk to your residence.”  
You crinkle your nose and look down at your work clothes. Not exactly easy to move around in.  
“Sorry Max, but I do not have the stamina to walk that far.” 
The next thing you know Max is grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you over it’s shoulder. It’s pauldron digs uncomfortably into your stomach, and the cold metal grip over your back is heavy. 
“You could travel longer distances if I carried you, yes?” 
Winded by it’s display, it takes you a moment to reply. “Down please. Now.” 
Begrudgingly, it lowers you to the ground. 
“I need to take my car with us. Even if we walked home. And please don’t pick anyone up without asking first.” 
“I see.” 
Despite it’s acquiescence, it still takes an obnoxiously long time to get Max into the passenger seat, buckled in, and calm after you start the engine.  
It’s going to be a long few days. 
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altverse-invertverse · 8 months ago
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(I got mediocre writing again so here y’all go, song here btw)
The violent storm raged outside for hours, bringing torrential rain and howling winds. The Lamb had instructed everyone to remain huddled in their tents until the storm subsided. Up on the temple's upper floor, Lamb and Xibalba found themselves alone. In the hushed atmosphere, Xibalba sharpened the blade of his axe on the bed, the rhythmic sound of the sharpening filling the air. Meanwhile, Lamb immersed themselves into the ancient history of the gods, studying the books they had salvaged from Shamuras's library at their desk.
In a moment of frustration, Lamb groaned loudly, breaking the silence as they put their hands to their face. They could barely understand anything in the books. It was all like a riddle or a puzzle, with every point leading to a dead end of even more questions and fewer answers. How would they ever get the hang of their new responsibilities if they couldn’t even make sense of them?
Xibalba glanced at Lamb, setting his axe aside before asking, "You okay over there, Lamby?" with a touch-tone of worry in his voice. Lamb glanced over at him, letting out a soft sigh before answering the Goat.
“ Yes, well- no.. not really. It’s just, these stupid books! “ the Lamb began, removing their hands from their face. “ Nothing makes sense, if it’s not one dead end it’s two, not only that but many of these books are in an entirely different language! How the hell am I supposed to read these, plus the only people who know how to read this text won’t even help-“ The lamb ranted before abruptly being lifted from their chair and held under the goat's arm.
Lamb, caught off guard, squirmed and shouted trying to get free. “ What- Hey! Xibalba, Xibalba put me down! “ the lamb kicked their feet whilst Xibalba hushed them, walking over to the radio and hitting the play button, letting the melody of music fill the room. Despite the Lambs struggling, Xibalba was able to get them to stay still for a moment, starting to dance with them, beginning to sing along with the song.
“ Yo tengo claro todo lo que siento,
que pa' dudarlo no me queda tiempo
Baby, yo me muero, no te supero,
Loco por verte de nuevo~ ”
As the goat sang, he twirled and dipped the Lamb, who couldn't help but burst into laughter, feeling their frustration melting away. As the music reached its end, the two came to a stop, both laughing, before silence filled the room once again.
“ Thank you, I... I really needed that “ the lamb spoke, clearing their throat while looking down at the floor. It had been a long time since they let loose and had some fun. They had been restricting themselves from having any until they could make progress with the books. Xibalba smiled, letting go before patting them on the head.
" Of course, what are friends for? Besides, you need to relax or you'll get burnt out, " he replied, crossing his arms before speaking again. " How about this? I'll help you figure out the books if you start taking proper breaks. Capiche?"
"Really?" the lamb said, excitement written all over their face, their tail wagging slightly.
"Really, I promise."
"Hah! In that case, count me in!
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charlesswife · 2 years ago
Una Noche En Mónaco i
Vaya noche la de anoche. (What a night last night)
unem master list
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, charles continues on with his f1 career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: bad writing, charles is a bit of an asshole at first, is going to be a series. google translate because I do not speak french. teen pregnancy (very cliche, I know. I'm sorry)
a/n: this is based on the idea i posted yesterday, which you all seem to like a lot. i want to clarify that english isn't my first language so please be kind if you see any error, i am trying my best. Also I am very new to formula one, i am binge watching drive to survive and the races. also i hope the timeline is correct lmao. ALSO i am not very great at writing smut so don't expect to see smut until i get better at writing it. enjoy!
word count: 1,771
Just to clarify: If I'm not wrong. In 2018, Charles was 20, turning 21 in that year. Reader is going to have an age gap of two years. So reader is 18 turning 19.
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gif is not mine! i love this gif tho, he looks so good.
March 2018
Everything from last night was a blur. I remember his green eyes on me. And then his lips. And then his skin. And then a bit more. 
The music was louder than my thoughts. Monaco is a beautiful country with even more beautiful people. 
Steph grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bar. "One Jack Daniel's with coke and one Cosmopolitan, please." She told the bartender. 
"Cosmopolitan?" I asked. 
"Oh girl, it's so good. It's vodka with cranberry juice, lemon juice, syrup, and..." She stopped for a second while her eyes drifted to something behind me. "Oh god, he's cute." I was going to turn around and look until she stopped me. "Wait, don't turn yet!"
By that time, the bartender put our drinks in front of us. I thanked him. "Girl, he's looking at you."
"Is he your kind of cute or mine?" 
"I would do it sober, on a Monday." Okay. I have to turn around and see said man. "If he wants anything, he'll come to us." She dragged me to another part of the bar. 
We danced and drank, and slowly I was forgetting about the 'gorgeous' man. I checked my phone. 12:00. 
It has been two hours since we got to the bar. 
When the song ended, we headed to the bar area, I asked the bartender for another drink. "Wait here, I have to run to the bathroom," Steph yelled in my ear and then made a beeline to the bathroom. I took the scenery in. The music was louder than before and everyone was dancing to a song I don't know of. 
The bartender put the drink in front of me, and I thanked him again. I lost count of how many times I have thanked him. 
"This is your fourth drink, is it not?" I heard a male voice next to me. I turned to see the owner of the voice. 
Green eyes. Dimpled smile. His body leaned to mine. 
"You're keeping tabs on me?" I asked.
"Hard not to," he said. He turned to the bartender and said, "Fermer la onglet. apporte-elle de l'eau. Je paierai la facture." (Close the tab, and bring her some water. I will pay for her bill.) The bartender nodded. The man turned to me again. 
"What did you tell him?" I'm not even going to lie. His accent was very sexy. 
"Nothing much. C'mon. Let's dance." he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. 
He pulled me close to his body. Very close. His green eyes and hands were all over me. And I let him.
He leaned closer to my ear and said, "So are you going to tell me your name or will I only know as the beautiful foreign girl?" 
"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked laughing a bit. 
"Everybody in this room thinks you are beautiful," he smiled, "So?" 
"y/n," I told him. He repeated my name again, trying to see how my name feels on his lips. "And you?" I asked him. 
"Charles" I repeated his name and his smile got wider. Deepening his dimples. "Leclerc" 
Somewhere in the room, a phone rang. I was entangled with Charles that I just let it ring. His face is so calm, without worries. 
"I can feel you staring at me, mon cherie," he murmured. "do you always stare at people when you wake up?"
"Not always," I said. "you're the only exception." He smiled at my comment and opened his eyes. 
"Hi," I whispered. 
"Was that your phone or mine?" He asked. 
"I don't know. If it's important, they'll ring again." As soon as the words left my mouth. The phone rang again. I let out a little whine that made Charles laugh. 
"That's your phone, that's not my ringtone." I got out of bed and looked for the phone. 
"I can feel you staring at me, mon cherie" I mocked him. 
"A sight like you should be stared at all the time." I smiled at his comment. I found my phone in between the pile of clothes that was left on the floor. Steph <3 appeared on my screen.
I lay on the bed again with Charles and answered the phone. 
"Hey bitch, I've been calling you all morning" 
"Sorry" I answered "I just woke up" 
"Are you still with the French boy?" Steph asked with a joking tone. I can't remember most of last night. But she knows about Charles and the fact he speaks French.
"I'm Monegasque," He said a bit loud, just for her to hear. 
"He says he's Monegasque" I repeated. 
"Uhhh, native. I like it. Well, text me when you're on your way back" With that, she hangs up. I looked back at Charles. 
"So, another round?" 
At first, Steph was excited for me. She was hoping for Charles to be the next thing to occupy my mind instead of my parents.
She wasn't wrong. The Monegasque lived in my mind rent-free for the past month. Especially after I found out I was pregnant. 
Two pink lines.
"So? What does it say?" Steph asked. I didn't say anything. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Oh god, I need a drink" She disappeared from the bathroom to the kitchen. 
Steph made me take a pregnancy test after several different random cravings that I had. She had enough of me after I ate a burger with extra extra pickles, and then more pickles on the side. For context, I hate pickles, with my life. 
"y/n... what are you gonna do?" I haven't realized that she came back into the room, a glass of wine in her hand. 
"well... what's done it's done. it's my responsibility to take care so it." I answered. 
"Yeah! But so it's his! He has to be responsible too!" she yelled. 
I let the tears run down my face. "And how?! I don't have his number! It's not like I could just send him a text saying 'Hey! remember when we fucked a month ago? well, I'm pregnant now, congrats! be responsible and take care of it" 
Steph stayed quiet for a moment, just staring at me. After a while, she said, "Do you think he is on Instagram? I mean, think about it, almost everyone is on Instagram." she waved her wine at me. 
"And if he's not?" my voice broke for a moment. This is all too much for me. I am overwhelmed and drowning in my own feelings. 
"We can only hope so." She put her wine on top of the dresser and reached for her back pocket for her phone. "What was his name again?" 
"Charles," I said. 
"Love, I'm going to need more than that"
"Umm... His last name was a hard one. It was Lec... Lec-something"
For a moment, she looked at me and then back at her phone. "Leclerc?" She asked, doubt very clear in her voice.
"Yes! Leclerc. Why? Did you find him? You should get a job in the FBI" I commented while fidgeting with my hands. I was very nervous. 
"Is it him?" She turned her phone towards me. The first thing I see was a black and white picture of Charles sitting on top of a counter with an Alfa Romeo jacket. The date was March 4, 2018. Just a few days before we met. 
"Yes," I confirmed, "Wow, you are better than a PI" She slide her finger up a little and I looked at the username. Charles_leclerc with a verified check. "He's verified? Why is he verified?" I felt my heart going eighty miles per hour. 
"You fucked and got pregnant by a Formula One driver," Steph said, in a monotone voice. 
Oh fuck. 
"What do I do now?" I asked her as I made my way to my bed to sit down. 
"Well, you know who he is now. You just gotta find a way to find him and tell him." She said as she sat down and wrapped her arms around me. 
Yeah. Right. Like that's going to be easy. 
May 2018 
"When will the phase of puking stops when pregnant?" I asked Steph as I rubbed my small bump. 
"You're asking the wrong person. I am not Google" She replied. 
"You would be more awesome if you were Google" I joked as I sat at the dinner table.
The aroma of pho and fried dumplings is drugging me right now. Steph is a great chef. So am I, but I hate washing dishes. 
I am glad I have Steph to take care of me. Steph has been my best friend for the longest, she's a year older than me, but she treats me and takes care of me as if I'm her daughter. She was there for me when my parents died. She dropped everything and came with me across the world. And now she's taking care of me while being pregnant. I truly don't know what I would do without her. 
Steph served me chicken pho and eight delicious fried pork dumplings. I waited for her to sit down. 
She glanced at me for a second and then smiled. "You look like a child, waiting for permission to eat." 
I laughed. "Well, I'm sorry I waited for you," I said as I grabbed the spoon and put some of the broth in it, and then took it to my mouth. It is so savory. "This is so good" I grabbed the chopsticks and grabbed a dumpling. I blow a bit into it so I don't burn myself. I took a big bite. "Oh my gosh, this is the best dumpling." 
"You know what's better than a fried dumpling?" she asked while she wiggled her eyebrows. 
"A soup dumpling!" I said. As soon as the words left my mouth, I heard a ting! coming from my phone. I thought my phone was in silence. We both laughed a bit at the timing and sound of the phone. 
I turned my phone, immediately illuminating from the raise to wake mode. My smile dropped. 
+377 123 456 7890 
Hey, this is Charles. I'm in Monaco for a few weeks, mon cherie. Do you want to meet? 😉
I slammed my phone back to the table and looked at Steph. "What?" she asked. I looked back at my phone, making sure it wasn't a hallucination in my head. The text message was still there. 
With shaken hands, I hand her my phone while I eat the other portion of the dumpling. She looked at the text, then at me. "Oh fuck..."
Oh fuck indeed. 
Ahhhhhh!!!!! This is the first chapter of many more to come! Please let me know what you think of it. I would very much appreciate any type of comment, whether it is your opinion or just anything! It would def motive me more to keep going.
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemindd @bosinclairsgff
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pitufitaispunk · 2 months ago
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Velvet Ring
Chapter Six: Te Seguiré
Pairing: Riff x Latina!Reader (West Side Story 2021)
Velvet Ring Masterlist
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June 11, 1957
I wake up the next morning at 7 o'clock with a blistering headache as the sun streams through lace curtains, beaming obnoxiously bright on my face. I sigh softly as I sit up slowly, my thoughts echoing with the words of last night.
"I was thinking we could go to that diner on Bakers Street together tomorrow night. Would you like to?"
"Claro que sí. I'd love to go."
I still can't believe I agreed to that date. I don't like Manuel in that way, it's not fair to him. It's not fair to me. But then again, who else would I date? Manuel is a sweet, hardworking boy. And he's Puerto Rican, which is all that matters to Nardo and Anita. It should be all that matters to me. But then my mind drifts to thoughts of Riff, his hands on my thighs, his lips grazing mine...
I groan softly and turn over onto my stomach, burying my face in my pillow. I really need to stop thinking about him. It's not right, but whenever I see him, every bit of sensibility in my body fades away.
I climb out of bed, sliding my slippers on before shuffling out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Nardo, who was peeling the shell off of some hard boiled eggs he'd made for himself, grins at me, "Buenos días, pollita. You, uh, excited for your date with Manuel today?" He asks as he plates his eggs in a bowl and sits at the dining table.
I give him a tight lipped smile, taking a seat next to him, "Sí, sí, I'm just..."
He quirks a brow at me in concern as I trail off, "Just what?"
I see the slight worry in his eyes and quickly force a smile, "I'm just not sure what I should wear."
He chuckles, "No te preocupes, hermanita. I'm sure Anita can help you pick something."
I nod, smiling softly, "Tienes razón."
Nardo tilts his head curiously at me, "¿Qué te pasa, eh? You seem... distracted. You were like that last night too." He asks before popping a whole egg into his mouth.
I shrug, my face scrunched in slight disgust at his eating habits, "Estoy bien, lo prometo. Solo que no estoy tan segura si esto con Manuel es una buena idea..."
Bernardo's brows furrow in confusion, "Why wouldn't it be a good idea? You like him, don't you?"
I sigh, "Sí, pero-"
Nardo quickly cuts me off again, waving his free hand wildly, "Sí, pero nada. You like him, he likes you, it's perfect."
I nod, my expression solemn, "You're right, sorry."
He pops another egg into his mouth, chewing it thoughtfully before speaking again, "¿Tienes trabajo hoy?"
I shake my head, "Today's my day off. Why? Do you need me to do something?"
He nods, quickly wolfing down another egg, "Mhm, necesito que vayas a Doc's y me traigas gasa, se me acabó. I'll leave you some money." He then looks up at me seriously, "Y/N, por favor, ask someone to go with you, ok? I don't want any of the Jets messing with you."
I laugh nervously, my mind flooding with Riff's face, his voice, his hands...
I quickly stand from the table as I feel my cheeks heating up, "No, we wouldn't want that, I'll ask Braulio or someone to go with me. ¡Me voy a bañar!" I ramble as I quickly rush into the bathroom before Nardo can notice my flushed cheeks. I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror and scoff at my pathetic, flustered state, "Eres una tonta, Y/N."
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
After my shower, I head back towards my room, noticing that both Nardo and Anita had left for work. I close the door and click my tongue as I sit down on my bed, my thoughts still with Riff. I grab my hairbrush off my nightstand and begin combing through my wet locks, gently working out any tangles. I couldn't stop myself from remembering Riff's tender touch and how much it confused me. How much it still confuses me. Could he actually like me? Could I actually like him? Of course, I didn't really mind the way he touched me yesterday, but that doesn't change the fact that everything about this is wrong. It's wrong to feel anything but hatred for him... isn't it?
I sigh in turmoil before standing from my bed and walking over to the small clothing rack in the corner of my room to browse my dresses and skirts. I decide on a simple blue dress and zip it on before grabbing my flats from underneath my bed. As I look at myself in the mirror, I smile softly, admiring myself before putting on some light makeup. You never know who you could run into. I grab my purse off the top of my dresser and walk towards my bedroom door to leave, not before sneaking one last look at myself in the mirror. I purse my lips softly before heading out, grabbing the money Nardo had left for me on the kitchen counter.
As I walk out into the hallway, I greet our neighbors with a polite smile before quickly leaving the apartment to head to Doc's. I ultimately decide against asking someone to accompany me as I walk down the street. Contrary to what my brother believes, I can handle myself.
I soon reach Doc's and walk in, the bell above the front door jingling lightly.
Miraculously, the store is empty, not even Valentina was anywhere in sight. I make my way over to one row of shelves and grab a roll of gauze before making my way to the counter, "¿Valentina, estás aquí?" I call out.
I turn my head at the sound of the little bell, my eyes widening as I'm met with three Jets, Riff and two others. Riff's eyes widen as well as soon as they meet mine, but he quickly plays it cool as he winks at me then strolls over to the opposite side of the store. The other two Jets leer at me as they trail after Riff, bone chilling grins on their faces, "I didn't think Bernardo would ever let you go out without a chaperone, señorita." The lankier Jet of the three comments.
"Balkan, cool it." Riff says calmly as the three of them sit themselves on the neatly lined stools.
"She's a spic, it's alright." Big Deal— the tall, muscular one— comments, "They like that kind of talk, don't you, sweetheart?" He sneers.
I roll my eyes, keeping my back turned to them.
"Come on, knock it off. She didn't do nothin' to any of us." Riff huffs. "Let's just grab some beers and head to the docks."
"Nah, I'm having too much fun chatting with the little PR princess..." Balkan quips, Big Deal chuckles along with him.
Just as I'm about to put back the gauze and leave, Valentina trudges in from the store's basement. She steps behind the counter and smiles at me, immediately putting me at ease, "Hola, Y/N, ¿cómo estás?"
I let out a sigh of relief and return her smile, "Bien, bien, Valentina, ¿y usted?"
"Yo también estoy bien, gracias mija." She takes the gauze from me gently, "Bernardo sent you for this?"
"Sí." I nod, "He ran out and you know he's always coming home with new cuts and bruises."
I sneak a peak as I hear the Jets chortle from behind me, my eyes immediately finding Riff's. Feeling myself blush, I turn my gaze back to Valentina, "Mm, and how is Anita doing lately?" She asks, making small talk as we usually do.
I smile meekly, wanting to leave as soon as possible, "Anita está bien. How much?"
"15 cents." She replies, eyeing the Jets suspiciously.
I fish a few coins out of my purse and hand them to her, "Gracias, Valentina."
She nods, handing me the gauze with a smile, "Por supuesto. Say hi to Bernardo and Anita for me, ok?" I nod, shove the gauze in my purse and quickly head out of Doc's before the Jets can follow me.
My heart stops as I hear the door to Doc's swing open behind me. I pick up the pace, practically running away, before a strong hand places itself gently on my shoulder.
I yelp in surprise, spinning around and instinctively swinging a punch at the culprit. My eyes widen, registering Riff's face as he quickly dodges my punch, "Woah! You've got a killer right hook there, girly girl. Wouldn't have expected that from you." He chuckles, his cheeks slightly flushed.
I quickly pull Riff by the collar of his shirt and into the alley beside Doc's to avoid having anyone see us, "Are you crazy?! You can't just follow after me like that!"
He looks down at me with a lopsided grin, "Why not, doll?"
"You know why not." I huff, crossing my arms in distaste.
He kicks at a small pebble on the ground, his expression almost timid, "Well, I just wanted to talk to ya. I just told the guys I was headed to the docks by myself... unless you wanna come with me?"
I quirk a brow at him, "The docks? What is that?"
He shrugs, grinning softly, "You know, like a boat dock. They're all worn down, though... But, I just wanted to see you again. Last night, was-"
"Riff, we can't." I interrupt him, "This is crazy! Talking to me is just asking for my brother to kill you." I huff, making Riff laugh.
"Will you go to the docks with me or not? You can say no, you know? I'm a big boy, I can handle it." He leans down slightly, his face level with mine, making my knees weak. "Whaddya say, doll?"
I purse my lips in uncertainty as I consider his offer. My head was screaming, telling me to say no, telling me to slap him and hurry home... but there was also a part of me that felt curious, a part of me that was drawn to Riff and all of his charms, "Alright, fine. I'll go, but only for a little while and then I have to get home."
He smiles softly, quirking his head towards the alley's exit, "Follow me. But from a distance, ok?"
My brows pinch in confusion, "Why?"
He chuckles, "Well, I thought you were the paranoid one? If we're walking together, it would possibly turn heads." He clarifies.
"Oh..." I say softly, nodding slowly, "Yes, you're right. That's smart."
Riff smirks, "Well, what can I say? I'm more than just a pretty face." I laugh softly, making Riff beam, "So, you can smile?"
I roll my eyes, my smile growing slightly, "Just start walking before I change my mind."
Riff laughs, his smile gleaming, "As you wish."
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Next Chapter
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sgiandubh · 5 months ago
8Am is very early morning? Mayve for you, not Sam. He's posted workouts when not onset at 7Am.
Dear Very Early Anon,
'Mayve' it would be a good thing for you to stop playing Statler & Waldorf? I'd like to think my page is not exactly The Muppet Show.
8 AM is not very early for me, either. However, posting something about 'that costar who can't stand him' first thing in the morning (admittedly after coffee, workout, etc) rather speaks volumes, don't you think?
But it has always been your side's MO to dilute the message and crap on other people's joy, with irrelevant nitpicking. That much we know.
Vaya payaso hispanohablante.
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centinelaprime · 6 months ago
Hola, buenas, Headcons de Tfone Sentinel Prime que tengo.
Headcons de Transformers One, Sentinel Prime.
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• Estoy segura de que Sentinel conoció a Starscream, Shockwave y Soundwave por la familiaridad con la que le habla a Starscream cuando lo tiene prisionero.
• Sentinel y Arachind (creo que así se escribe) de seguro tuvieron una noche de pasión o tienen cierta relación tipo "amigos con beneficios", por que por favor, esas miradas que se lanzaban y la confianza que tenia Sentinel en ella, junto a como ella sonríe cuando tortura a D-16.
• Es dominatrix, no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas, por que vaya que disfruta torturando o insultando, y creo que iría bien con su personalidad y el segundo headecon.
• ¿Soy la única que vio la forma coqueta en la que se mueve?, por que estoy casi segura de que movía mucho las caderas.
• ... Me maldigo por ser fan de ships tóxicos (casi siempre), pero Dios cuanta tensión había entre Megatron y Sentinel. Es que si había admiración por parte de Megatron antes de que supiera toda la verdad, pero cuando Sentinel toco su mano luego de la carrera, su sonrisa era enorme.
• Puedo apostar a que Sentinel se acosto o tuvo una noche con alguno de los Prime, sin pruebas o dudas.
• Sentinel 100% sumiso dominante, si, creo que a este tipo le gusta que se la metan pero le encanta tener el control en todo momento.
• De seguro pasa horas arreglandose, solo para verse bonito.
• Un actor muy impresionante, y mentiroso, no cualquiera pondría engañar a toda su especie con tanta naturalidad.
Y esos son los Headecons que tengo de Sentinel Prime, lo que pasó por mi mente luego de terminar de ver la Película.
Versión inglés.
• I'm sure Sentinel knew Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave because of the familiarity with which he speaks to Starscream when he's holding him prisoner.
• Sentinel and Arachind (I think that's how it's spelled) surely had a night of passion or have a certain "friends with benefits" relationship, why please, those looks they gave each other and the trust Sentinel had in her, along with how she smiles when she tortures D-16.
• She is a dominatrix, I have no proof but I have no doubts either, because she enjoys torturing or insulting, and I think it would go well with her personality and the second headecon.
• Am I the only one who saw the flirtatious way she moves? Because I'm almost sure she moved her hips a lot.
• ...I curse myself for being a fan of toxic ships (almost always), but God, how much tension there was between Megatron and Sentinel. There was admiration on Megatron's part before he knew the whole truth, but when Sentinel touched his hand after the race, his smile was huge
• I can bet that Sentinel slept or had a night with one of the Primes, without proof or doubt.
• Sentinel 100% dominant submissive, yes, I think this guy likes to be screwed but he loves to be in control at all times.
• You probably spend hours getting ready, just to look pretty.
• A very impressive actor, and a liar, not everyone would deceive his entire species so naturally.
And those are the Headecons I have of Sentinel Prime, what crossed my mind after finishing watching the Movie.
Bye 😉
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gothicflowers · 1 year ago
Alejandro x Reader
“You speak Spanish?”
SFW Fluff
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Warnings: Fluff
It was just a crush at first. I mean he’s tall, dark, handsome and a voice that will make your knees weak. You felt like a teen again blushing every time you were around him. It’s been six months since you stepped off that plane and were greeted by Alejandro. He quickly picked out an affectionate nickname for you. Unknowingly to you he loved seeing you blush whenever he called you it.
He admires your eyes, your laugh, the way you fidget with your clothes when he talks to you. But most of all how caring you were. You always checked in on everyone after missions. You had a way of speaking and showing love and compassion in everything you do. He wants to give you the world. He wants a necklace around your neck with both your names engraved. He realized it all when he found you lounging on the old couch in the garage wrapped up in his blanket reading book.
“What is that book your reading about”
“It’s a love story”
“You read love stories, I didn’t take you as a reader”
“Most people read to escape a reality to go to one they want to be in”
“Is that what you desire”
“Love, and romance. That is what you want.”
“I guess so”
“Do you not have that waiting for you at home”
“No, I don’t think there is a man who understands this job and could meet my needs who would be willing to love me. Do you have someone?”
“I have my family but not someone to come home to”
Being in tf141 made it almost impossible to have a relationship. How each of your teammates had spouses was something you couldn’t figure out. You had given up on dating or any idea of a future relationship. But over these past months you’ve grown extremely close with Ale. He would bring you books, small trinkets that reminded him of you. Flowers would randomly appear on your table whenever he got back from scouting. Always having your coffee made when you walked into the meeting room. Things that where small but so important to you.
The mission was done. A small celebration was held with everyone involved in the operation. The night was finally unwinding and most had turned into their beds for the night. But something had caught your attention. Alejandro’s office door was cracked open and his was talking to Rudy, you’re not one for ease dropping but you could play it off like you where going to grab something from your bed so why not listen in momentarily.
“Me he enamorado de ella pero no quiero alejarla. Ella es todo lo que quiero, todo lo que jamás podría soñar. No quiero que t/n se vaya sin que yo diga lo que tengo que decir.” (I have fallen in love with her but I won’t want to pull her away. She is everything I want, all I could ever dream of. I don’t want y/n to leave without me saying what I need to say) his voice was desperate and full for worry. It was clear in Rudy’s body language from what you could see that this wasn’t the first time Alejandro was talking about you this way.
Entonces ve y dile cómo te sientes hermano. (Then go and tell her brother) Rudy was practically begging and laughing at the same time for Ale to confess to you.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He felt the same way about you. Slowly backing away from the door you practically skipped like a child to outside to your recent lounge spot. What do you do now?
It was well past midnight when you heard footsteps coming up from behind.
“Seen you out here so I thought maybe you’d like some company” Alejandro’s deep voice said.
“I always enjoy your company” you shyly say to him with your cheeks blush covered by the night sky.
He sat next to you on the bench for two. The crickets chirping and the breeze was a soothing silence. You needed to tell him, just get it off your chest. The mission was over. So if this conversation doesn’t go well you will be heading back to base in two days anyways and you could forget about him.
“You know all you have to do is ask”
“What do you mean mi amor” his eyes staring deep into yours.
“Pídeme que me quede contigo y lo haré. Te escuché hablar con Rudy y he estado tratando de encontrar una manera de decirte lo mismo” (Ask me to stay for you and I will. I overheard you talking with Rudy and I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you the same thing.)
Ale looked at you in shock. Partly in shock that you just said that all in fluent Spanish but that you’re asking him to take you.
A brief second of panic sets in when he continues to say nothing. Then his lips are crashing into yours. His lips are soft and are in perfect sync with your lips moving against his.
“Stay with me. We can build a life together.”
“I will stay for you Alejandro”
He pulled you in for another passionate kiss. After what felt like eternity you both pulled apart for air. Foreheads still touching. His eyes blown full of joy and love for you.
“You didn’t tell me you spoke Spanish”
“You asked if I knew enough to get by, not if I was fluent”
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