168 posts
Fan de Sentinel Prime, no me funen. Se que es una perra, pero una perra hermosa y totalmente utilizable como prostituta, y no me lo nieguen que fancfics e encontrado.
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centinelaprime · 4 months ago
my husband
my king
my love💘
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centinelaprime · 4 months ago
La diferencia de tamaño entre Xirce y Sentinel./The size difference between Xirce and Sentinel.
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El rostro de Xirce sin la máscara de batalla./Xirce's face without the battle mask.
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centinelaprime · 4 months ago
La imagen de Referencia sobre la apariencia de Xirce no es de mi autoria, crédito a su respectivo creador. / The Reference image about Xirce's appearance is not my author, credit to its respective creator.
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Continuidad: Animated.
Nombre: Xirce.
Edad: Desconocida.
Personalidad: [En proceso]
Datos: [Clasificado]
Spark: [Sentinel Prime].
CyberSpark: Es el término que Xirce le explicó a Sentinel. Pues significa que tanto el titán como el cybertroniano comparten chispa, y el titan puede huzar a su CyberSpark para comunicarse, lo más parecido sería algo así como "posesión" y ambos comparten un vínculo muy parecido al que tienen los hermanos.
Solo el CyberSpark puede manejar, calmar o controlar al titán, si se llegan a separar o su vínculo es roto el Titan entrará en modo ataque, buscando a la amenaza.
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Sentinel manejando a Xirce, desde la zona en la que un Cybertroniano normal tendría su Spark.
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Xirce, usando el cuerpo de Sentinel.
Continuity: Animated.
Name: Xirce.
Age: Unknown.
Personality: [In progress]
Data: [Classified]
Spark: [Sentinel Prime]
CyberSpark: This is the term Xirce explained to Sentinel. Well, it means that both the Titan and the Cybertronian share a spark, and the Titan can use his CyberSpark to communicate, the closest thing would be something like "possession" and both share a bond very similar to the one that brothers have.
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Sentinel driving Xirce, from the area where a normal Cybertronian would have his Spark.
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Xirce, using Sentinel's body.
Inspiración /Inspiration:
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centinelaprime · 4 months ago
Información valiosa
I think the strangest part of Predacons Rising is Bumblebee frist instinct when Warp started attacking him was not to hide behind Optimus who he knew for almost three seasons but to hid behind Sentinel who so far been nothing but a jerk towards him:
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It not like Sentinel was the closest either since bumblebee was standing in the middle between Optimus and Sentinel. Bumblebee could of easily run over to Optimus and hid behind him when wrap started attacking
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Before you say it because Sentinel have a Shield which is why Bumblebee choose to hide behind him.
Here the thing: Optimus can blocked wasp's attacks with his axe ( because of course he fucking can, what can this Optimus not do?).
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Bumblebee could of easily run over to Optimus and hid behind him but he didn't instead he choose to hid behind Sentinel.
I think the best part is Sentinel reaction when Bumblebee hid behind him
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Speaking of Sentinel I find it interesting that he let Bumblebee hid behind him when he could easily dismissed the little guy and tell him to hide behind Optimus instead.
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But no Sentinel doesn't say anything and let Bumblebee stay behind him until Warp run off.
I don't know I just find it interesting despite Sentinel being a jerk towards him, Bumblebee feel safe enough around Sentinel to hid behind him when there is danger and Sentinel who not exactly the biggest fan of Bumblebee still let him hid behind him for safety.
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centinelaprime · 4 months ago
Observen, al... ¡Harem de Sentinel!/Observe, at... Sentinel Harem!. 🛐🛐
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering, but... uh...
Could you make harem-themed drawings like Sentinel?
who feels like he has enough characters he can be paired with, check out:
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Not to mention others, why is my cute idiot shipable?!
Well anyway, only if you like the idea, but I loved your way of drawing, and you added a new ship to my Sentinel x all list💖
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Everyone wants a piece of Sentinel🫣🫢😈
Thank you for sending the ask! Honestly YES Sentinel is so shipable!!!!!!
I love to see Sentinel ended up in places he didn't expect! So far these characters are the one ship with Sentinel which I find acceptable!
Thank you for enjoying my drawings too!💕😍🙏
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Jejeje esta bueno
Los ángeles morados🤡🎹🎵🎶💜
(sé que los instrumentos están mal y Megs toca cuando no pero ya ni modo, ni siquiera sé por qué hice ésto)
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Sentinel x Jazz
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First requests are coming!
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Sexy man.
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we are so fucking back
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Headcons de Sentinel Prime y Arachind.
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• Sentinel y Arachind son como Adam y Lute de Hazbin Hotel.
• Posiblemente luego de la puerte de Sentinel, ella solo vio esto como un plan que no funcionó.
• Tienen confienza entre ellos, pero no tanta como para pensar que el otro no los traicionaria en algún momento.
• Dominante: Arachind y Sumiso: Sentinel.
• Las alas de Sentinel son sensibles por lo que Arachind tiene cuidado de no lastimarlas mucho.
• Ella ya sabia sobre el plan de Sentinel y ella se encargo de derigir a la Guardia a otro lugar.
• Sentinel and Arachind are like Adam and Lute from Hazbin Hotel.
• Possibly after Sentinel's death, she just saw this as a plan that didn't work.
• They trust each other, but not enough to think that the other would not betray them at some point.
• Dominant: Arachind and Submissive: Sentinel.
• Sentinel's wings are sensitive so Arachind is careful not to hurt them too much.
• She already knew about Sentinel's plan and she took charge of directing the Guard to another location.
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Tienes más head canons de Transformers Uno de Sentinel y Airachnid?
Si tengo algunos, quieres alguno en especifico?. 😀
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
What would TFA have been like if Elita had not become Blackarachnia?
I think that if the three had left Aracha Seven, Elita would stay and support Optimus, since in the program it is seen that there was an interest in him, instead of Sentinel.
And because of this Sentinel would end up being demoted to minor and Optimus expelled, but I think Elita would go with him, which would give Sentinel a very big feeling of betrayal, would you add anything else?.
¿Cómo habría sido TFA si Elita no se hubiera convertido en Blackarachnia?
Creo que si los tres hubieran salido de Aracha Seven, Elita se quedaría y apoyaría a Optimus, ya que en el programa se ve que había interés en él, en lugar de Sentinel.
Y por esto Sentinel terminaría siendo degradado a Minor y Optimus expulsado, pero creo que Elita se iría con él, lo que le daría a Sentinel un sentimiento de traición muy grande, ¿agregarías algo más?.
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Un pequeño au que inventé. Ustedes que dicen, ¿lo desarrollo más?
Hello, could you make me some small headcons of what Sentinel would be like, having these small drones as its minicons.
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1. Trecke
Personality: Fashion fanatic and a bit temperamental.
Characteristics: He likes helping Sentinel touch up his paint and cares a lot about appearance. He is very sensitive to someone dirtying his or Sentinel's paint, which can lead to defensive or angry behaviors.
2. Aeris
Personality: Intelligent, proud and stubborn, she is the leader of the three drones.
Characteristics: She is more cunning than Sentinel and tends to be distrustful of new bots. She is somewhat critical and does not hesitate to complain when someone speaks badly of her work.
Personality: Playful, affectionate and somewhat mischievous. Characteristics: Enjoys making jokes with other bots and loves receiving praise.
Oh cool!
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
X: en ningun momento ellos tres estan cerca como para que tengan química./At no time are the three of them close enough for them to have chemistry.
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Gossip - Sub español y lyrics | Alastor bailando
I imagined a very drunk Sentinel singing this song, and I think it would be perfect for TF ONE.
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
My vision of this ship./Mi vision de este ship.
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I really like the dynamics of the jerk Sentinel and the sycophant Sunstorm
Maybe every seeker can be with Sentinel, if find access to him hmmm…
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
He decidido que estos tienen que ser un trío... y nadie me puede convencer de lo contrario.
Me encanta estos tres ships, pero no decido si los quiero como trio o no.
Lo malo de ser una multishiper.❤💙🤍
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Las imágenes no son mías, crédito a sus respectivos artistas.
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centinelaprime · 5 months ago
Jazz has to protect his Primes from a spider./Jazz tiene que proteger a sus Primes de una araña.
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I love these three couples, don't judge me. /Amo a estas tres parejas, no me juzguen.
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