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dicasdochefreceitas · 1 month ago
Como fazer um bom Vatapá Baiano
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Se tem uma receita que representa bem a Bahia, essa receita é o vatapá. Um prato cheio de personalidade, potente e cremoso com uma combinação de sabores de dar água na boca! E o melhor? Não é tão complicado quanto parece. Vamos aprender esta receita deliciosa? A receita de vatapá baiano é feita com leite de coco, camarão seco, amendoim, castanha de caju, cebola, alho e coentro. Depois, essa mistura é refogada no azeite de dendê e temperada com sal e pimenta. Para fazer um bom vatapá, você deve escolher ingredientes frescos e de boa qualidade para fazer esta receita.
Receita de vatapá
- Tempo de preparo: 35 minutos - Tempo de cozimento: 40 minutos
Ingredientes para preparar o vatapá
- 600 ml de leite de coco - 1 cebola grande (cortada em pedaços grandes) - 1 pedaço de gengibre (aproximadamente o tamanho de um dedão) - 2 pimentas Cambuci ou pimenta de cheiro (se disponível, senão use outra pimenta suave) - 1 pimenta malagueta (opcional, para um sabor mais picante) - 2 dentes de alho - 1 tomate (inteiro, com semente) - Coentro (usado no final, para decorar e dar sabor) - 80 g de castanha de caju - 80 g de amendoim - 200 g de camarão seco (sem cabeça, com casca) - 1/2 xícara de azeite de dendê (para dar cor e sabor) - Farinha de mandioca (para engrossar, cerca de 1/4 de xícara ou o suficiente) - Sal (ajustado no final, após o ponto do vatapá)
Como fazer vatapá
- Coloque o leite de coco, cebola, gengibre, pimentas, alho, tomate e um pouco de coentro (não muito) no liquidificador. Bata até obter uma mistura homogênea. - No liquidificador, adicione as castanhas de caju, o amendoim e o camarão seco (sem cabeça, com casca). Bata novamente para incorporar tudo, mas sempre com o liquidificador ligado para ajudar a processar. - Coloque 1/2 xícara de azeite de dendê para dar sabor e cor à mistura. Misture bem. - Comece a adicionar a farinha de mandioca aos poucos para engrossar a mistura até o ponto desejado. Mexa bem para evitar que embolote. A farinha de mandioca pode ser amarela ou branca, de preferência fina, para ficar mais próximo da receita original. - Cozinhe em fogo médio, mexendo sempre, até a mistura desgrudar do fundo da panela (semelhante ao ponto de brigadeiro). Se necessário, ajuste o sal no final, já que o camarão seco pode deixar o prato salgado. - Quando o vatapá atingir o ponto cremoso, retire do fogo e coloque em um recipiente bonito. Decore com coentro fresco e sirva com arroz de coco ou dentro do acarajé, como na receita baiana tradicional. Seja o primeiro a receber as nossas receitas deliciosas, faça parte da nossa comunidade no WhatsApp!
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sandwichtribunal · 2 years ago
Brazilian Acarajé
"One bite here contains multitudes--the crisply brown fried exterior of the fritter; the thick vatapá, redolent of coconut and shrimp funk; the stolidly savory caruru; the brightness of the Vinagrete; the firm juicy snap of the shrimp." Brazilian Acarajé
When we published our usual roundup post at the beginning of January stating which sandwiches the Tribunal would be tackling this month, we received this comment: Acarajé and accompanying vatapá and caruru is an eye opening experience. If you can find Brazilian friends who make them I recommend being very nice to them. Adam Haus, friend of the site My initial reaction was something along the…
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souurcitrus · 7 months ago
Eu acho que comida de festa junina resolveria muitos dos meus problemas agora...
Ou ajudaria eu a esquecer por enquanto.
Vatapá.... pé de moleque... bolo de milho... bolo de cenoura com chocolate... pipoca...
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saudeecozinha · 2 years ago
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requinoesis · 10 months ago
I know this is a weird question, but what exactly do the bigger sharks eat in your world? I know Rocky is a Great Hammerhead and they (as a species) are known to be other shark eaters, so is there like an alternative meat that they eat, or do they just stick to stingrays and bony fish?
That's a curious question, and I was quite inspired when I thought about how to answer it!✨
In the past, they used to hunt wild fish, but with the advent of the modern age, they stopped fishing and adapted entirely to the practice of pisciculture. 🐟✨
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In a hypothetical future on this Earth, fish are incredibly larger and more abundant. Some have been domesticated, just as we humans used to do, and are treated with deep respect.
In order not to cover too much, I've focused only on the fish that have been domesticated for consumption in the region where my main characters live, called 'Aguazu'.🏝️✨
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They are the descendants of species we know, such as Arapaima, Tuna, Tilapia, Sardines, Anchovies, Salmon, Cod, Octopus, Squid, Crab and Shrimp.
These are some of the typical dishes of the Aguazu region, most of which are variations on recipes handed down from the ancient human presence that marked this region a thousand years ago. Lots of seafood-based dishes with a spicy touch! 🌶️✨
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Some of these dishes were inspired by real recipes from my country such as: Casquinha de Siri, Tuna Poke, Vatapá, Bobó de Camarão, Moqueca de Peixe, Octopus Rice, Acarajé, Cod Baked in Olive Oil, Cod Croquettes and the sweet dessert called Manjar, which is a coconut pudding with plum syrup!
Things like corn, wheat and other fruits, vegetables and animals domesticated by humans disappeared millions of years ago. So I wondered what other options they could find to use as the main ingredients.
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Algae Flour, Palm Oil, Palm Butter, Coconut Milk, Palm Sugar, Domesticated Snake Eggs, Sea Salt. In the Santa Maré region, palm is widely used as the main ingredient, while other regions may prefer ingredients based on algae, for example.
Some domesticated fruits and vegetables are only used to season and enhance the flavor of dishes, but they don't make much difference to their bodies.
There was a time in the past when small and medium-sized sharks feared 'Niuhi', the name for large sharks that could devour smaller sharks such as the great white shark, great hammerhead shark, tiger shark and others.
However, this fear was unjustified, as when a smaller shark fell victim to a wild predator, the Niuhi were the first to be suspected. Fortunately, this has changed over time, although some small displays of prejudice still persist.
They eat several meals a day, and food is plentiful in this civilization, so the great sharks wouldn't need to devour their friends to satisfy their hunger, hehe.
And speaking of Roberto, my big hammerhead shark, if he gets really hungry, a Tuna Poke is enough to make him very happy and satiated! 🍣✨
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idollete · 10 months ago
diva infelizmente eles não podem comer a gente então quais comidas do brasil cada um deles iam gostar mais?
agustín: adoraria as comidas do norte e nordeste (e isso é meio óbvio pq o divo já foi pro rn e EU ADORO ESSA TOUR DELE AQUI NO BR AFFFFFFFFFF), ele adoraria uma caranguejada ou um vatapá, ia comer até lamber os dedos
matías: um pratão de feijoada e uma coquinha bem gelada depois (eu sei que coca não é br mas esse é um grande combo)
esteban: galinha caipira e mugunzá (e eu não preciso nem explicar, ele é igual a menino do interior meio tapado meio lesado)
fran: coxinha, açaí, brigadeiro ou alguma coisa que vai em outro extremo, tipo pato no tucupi
santi: pão de queijo
simón: acarajé e biscoito de polvilho beeem carioquinha
fernando: arroz carreteiro
pipe: churrasco bem br, no espeto, com farofa e vinagrete (plus: ele ia ficar tão apaixonado que ia falar com a boca cheia, cuspindo farofa pra tudo que é canto KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK)
não faço ideia do que o enzo comeria, gente, mas vou dizer que qualquer versão vegana de pratos do norte/nordeste também
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poesia · 1 month ago
O poeta, esse “figura” da linguagem - Um poema para aprender figuras de linguagem de maneira divertida
Poeta já nasce metáfora: nem é homem, é bruma
Detesta comparação: sua carne é tal como purpurina
Casa antíteses, juiz de paz de terra e céu
Dispara metonímias lendo Drummond e Gullar
Mata catacreses ao dar nome ao que não o tem:
Braço de sofá vira espuvelo, assim, na caraça
Celebra paradoxos, esses desconstrutores criativos:
Como encher de vazio um balão vazio?
Faz tudo dialogar em prosopopeias, a caneta chora, o chapéu gargalha
É bicho todo trabalhado na sinestesia: degusta a paisagem, ouve seus aromas
Radical, rima o rumo dos versos em aliteração
É um babaquara da assonância, um papa-vatapá
Desafios opera o poeta em hipérbatos
Faz rir nas onomatopeias, feito garnizé cocoricó
Desce pra baixo do mar molhado em seu submarino, o pleonasmo
É polissíndeto: É alegre e loquaz e terno e carmim
Mas tem lá seus momentos assíndetos: solitário, introvertido, fujão
Viaja em anáforas: se eu voasse, se eu pudesse, se eu sonhasse, se...
“Quero morrer de tanto versejar”, vocifera, hiperbólico
“Ou bater as botas de mui cantar”, solfeja em eufemismo e preciosismo
Dias há em que escreve com a delicadeza de uma mula (opa, contém ironia!)
Outros em que lança os versos pela janela com um lacônico “Que tédio!” em apóstrofe
Nesse jogo de encanta e cansa, o bardo executa sua dança
E nos diverte com sua graça, humano que é, esse figuraça...
Sammis Reachers
Criei este poema para ajudar estudantes – do aluno do Fundamental ao concurseiro – a aprender se divertindo e, claro, para ajudar também a professores. Se você curtiu, compartilhe o poema para que ele possa divertir a mais necessitados!
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ursocongelado · 14 days ago
Lembrei-me de um natal na casa da minha vó. Um catador de latinhas surgiu de madrugada dizendo que estava com fome e detonou uns 4 prataços de pernil, arroz, maionese e vatapá. Aí ficou bebendo cerveja com a gente e lá pelas 5 da manhã voltou a sentir fome e comeu minha tia no banheiro.
Diego Moraes
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997 · 1 year ago
fav local dish? ly
theres this dish u can personalize here called “pratinho típico” where i usually pick shrimp vatapá +white rice + paçoca + carne do sol
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agentstarkid · 2 months ago
m e e t . . . vittoria sousa
(the joker & the queen's character moodboard & hc's)
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☀ Vittoria Micaela Sousa Lopes — March 8, 1997
☀ Vitto is the heart of sunshine, warmth, and endless good vibes from São José dos Campos, Brazil. With her Pisces soul, she moves through life with a dreamy quality, always smiling, always ready for a good time, and never far from a laugh.
☀ As a dancer and model, she’s got that natural grace. When Vitto joined Y/N’s first tour as a dancer nearly a decade ago, she had no idea it’d also be the start of their lifelong friendship. Now, they’re inseparable, and Vitto’s made herself a fixture in everyone’s lives, her positivity and laid-back attitude grounding the group in the best way.
☀ Vitto’s not only got moves on the dance floor—she’s also an incredible painter. Her house is full of vibrant canvases that reflect her creativity and passion, though few people know she’s a secret powerhouse singer too.
☀ She had Izabele at 24—totally unplanned but not unwanted—and prides herself on being a “cool mom,” letting Iza grow up surrounded by love, laughter, and creativity.
☀ She doesn’t take life too seriously and believes in embracing every moment, always saying things like “If it’s meant to be, it’ll be” with that easygoing smile.
☀ This woman is as nurturing as she is spirited—a natural caretaker who makes everyone feel at home the moment they’re with her. She’s the friend who’ll listen to your worries and give you the warmest hug, with a heart as vast as her imagination.
☀ If you’re feeling down, Vitto’s got you covered with a cozy blanket, some feijoada, and one of her all-encompassing hugs that instantly makes you feel lighter. And if she really wants to spoil you, she might whip up some Vatapá, her go-to comfort dish straight from Brazil, because she’s convinced there’s nothing that can’t be solved by good food and good company.
☀ Also when it comes to cheering people up, she’s got a foolproof method: spontaneous dance parties. Vitto will turn any moment into a mini carnival if it means getting a laugh or a smile out of someone.
☀ She’s absolutely obsessed with Guaraná Antarctica—it’s practically her fuel, and she’s got a mini stash of cans everywhere: her car, her bag, and even stashed at her friends’ places “just in case.” Whenever they’re out and she’s got her hands on one, she’ll jokingly say it’s “a taste of home” before downing it with a content sigh.
☀ Surfing is her favorite escape, and she gets a certain sparkle in her eye whenever she’s out catching waves.
☀ Most weekends, she’s got some DIY project going on at home, whether it’s painting murals in her living room or learning to make jewelry out of beach glass. Her place is like a treasure trove of her quirky collections, from vintage postcards to unique rocks she’s picked up on her travels.
☀ As the tallest in the group, Vitto jokingly refers to herself as the “designated human lamppost,” always reaching for things on high shelves and playfully resting her arm on one of the girls' heads.
☀ She has a tendency to mix up sayings, particularly in English. She’ll earnestly say something like “It’s water under the fridge,” or “Don’t count your eggs before they swim,” leaving her friends in stitches and Vitto herself slightly confused before cracking up, too.
☀ Her Brazilian accent gets stronger the more excited she is, so they know when she’s really thrilled or passionate about something by the way her words tumble out in Portuguese with barely a pause for air.
☀ With Andrew, she’s found her match. She took her time opening up to him—not because of hesitation, but because she values genuine connection. Now, seeing them together is like witnessing pure harmony; there’s an unspoken tenderness between them, a warmth that spills over to anyone around them. In their home, love is abundant, grounding, and comforting, creating a sanctuary of joy for all who enter.
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fio's moodboard — danna's moodboard
╰┈➤ card symbols divider by cafekitsune -`♡´-
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marlesbian · 2 years ago
How i perceive Mary Mcdonald
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Maria Rita Moreira McDonald 
she/her (either cis or trans idc) 
born on august 8th, 1960 
Brazilian and Black
Bisexual and Demiromantic 
Life, family
Both her parents are brazilian, her mother is from Salvador and her dad is from Amazonas. The family lived in Salvador until Mary was 4 then they moved to São Paulo because of her dad’s job. The family left Br for exile in the UK, since her father was an activist and journalist and her mother a musician during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) and both were being persecuted by the government. They left in 1969. Since her family was being persecuted the family changed their last name to Mcdonald and made all their names 'british' and easier to pronounce.
She is, of course, fluent in Portuguese and anytime she was mad she swore in front of the entire school because nobody understood. She also called her friends many pet names in Portuguese.
She plays football and loves watching it, it's her favorite sport. She is very very proud of the TRI (at the time) and fights Marlene about football all the time.
She loves Brazilian music and is actually a very good singer. her favorite artists are Gal Costa, Maria Betânia, Gilberto Gil, Elis Regina, and Belchior. She plays cavaquinho and guitar.
She can't samba, she only dances funk and learned to dance forró because her dad taught her.
She has an older sister (4 years older) and two younger sisters (2 and 5 years apart)
Her favorite food is, of course, bahian cousine, especially the Caruru (as in the event) Her favorite holiday is the day of São Cosme e Damião (September 27th), because it’s celebrated with the Caruru de Cosme. it’s very traditional for the people in her hometown (Salvador) to make a huge party on this day, her grandmother always made a feast where she fed the poorest children in their neighborhood, and every child left the party full of candy and sweets. The feast consists of all the traditional baiana foods, so vatapá, caruru, acarajé, fried plantains, cabbage and crab fritada, farofa de dendê, and rice. It's one of her favorite days of the year and she always wanted to spend it with her family (though for seven years she didn't). But, in her 6th and 7th years, she gave all the first and 2nd years lots of candy on this day to honor her culture.
Her comfort food was brigadeiro, she always made it when she felt sad or she missed home. she also brought to her friends the tradition of eating brigadeiro and gossiping on a sleepover, which made her feel at home.
In their first year, she promoted a football game at Hogwarts between the first years so everyone could get to know each other, the muggle borns teaching the purebloods, it was so much fun.
She cries every time she listens to "Como nossos pais” (Elis Regina version)
She only realized she had a crush on Marlene after marls started dating Dorcas.  She and Marlene never really worked out, they never got the timing right, and they died loving each other wondering what could have been
She missed drinking green coconut at the beach and banho de lua
Emmeline Vance was the love of her life
She moved back to Brazil after the first wizarding war
How i perceive her:
Physical appearence:
Black (light skin) midsize, kinda short around 1,60m.
Her hair was very curly and soft, she usually kept it kinda long and she usually wore it natural or with braids She had a belly button piercing
She never really cared abt what ppl said about her hair, she was always styling it differently, using flowers, gemstones, elastics, and all kinds of things to decorate it.
She is very feminine, very stereotypical girly girl that loves makeup, pink, skirts, dresses, jewelry and every traditional girly thing very afropaty (as we call in Brazil). She loved flowers and a red lipstick that she wore all the time. She just exubes feminine energy.
Color palette: bright happy colors, such as yellow, red, orange and pink.
She loved thigh-high boots and bell bottoms
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Her favorite season is summer and she loves the sea. She feels a profound connection to Yemanjá and she always skips the first wave when she goes in the water. On February 2nd she always tried going to the beach to leave Yemanjá oferendas, like roses and soap (she wasn't very religious but this was just in her blood). She found UKs water extremely cold and uncomfortable but got used to it after a while.
She loved to dance. Mary so sweet and strong, she was fierce and always spoke her mind, nobody made a fool of her
Mary was the friend everyone came to for advice, she was a great listener but also loved talking. She was an open book and very extroverted, loved being around people and parties and crowded places. She loved drinking ice-cold beer in the summer. 
Mary was warm and loved hugging people. Her love language was touch and acts of service. She always invited the girls to stay at her house in the summer.
She was a very talented witch, her favorite subject was transfiguration and divination, she loved the mysteries of the world.
She was an artist.
She did not take anybody's shit, (não comia reg de ninguém)
she had a very easy time making new friends and was very social
Her patronous was a jaguar (onça pintada)
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doumadono · 1 year ago
Never had made any request before buuuuut...
I never read anything like, Geto or Gojo having an brazilian s/o and they asking reader to teach them some classic words like "I love you" (eu te amo) or "kiss me" (me beija) oooooor just going to meet they parents and tasting different foods like Coxinha, Brigadeiro, Feijoada, Acarajé, Vatapá aaaaaa i was in Brazil last week and they have sooooo much great food 😍 just pure fluff 💗 oOoOOh and I almost forget, not Rio or Sao Paulo, I met Salvador, it's an incredible and energetic place 🥰
Dear Nonnie, if you took a moment to review my rules, you'd find that:
1. My requests are currently closed.
2. I don't write for specific readers, and this includes nationality.
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maluyoongi · 1 year ago
te chamo pra minha casa almoçar cmg um arroz bem soltinho com vatapá e um estrogonofe de carne delicioso com MUITA batata palha 😋 e ainda te faço um mucunzá delícia se vc fizer uma capenha do Namjoon 🧚🏻🧚🏻
MEU DEUS EU PRECISO DISSO (strogonoff de carne o maior de todos perfeito)
vou fazer capa do meu maridinho por vc🤧
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miscigenacaonobrasila · 2 years ago
Cultura africana no Brasil
O candomblé, religião afro-brasileira baseada no culto aos orixás, da qual surge a umbanda; a capoeira, uma dança-luta praticada pelos antigos escravos criada no Brasil; a culinária, com vários temperos e pratos típicos, como o vatapá, o caruru e o acarajé.
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miscigenacaonobrasilb · 2 years ago
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O candomblé, religião afro-brasileira baseada no culto aos orixás, da qual surge a umbanda; a capoeira, uma dança-luta praticada pelos antigos escravos criada no Brasil; a culinária como por exemplo a feijoada,vários temperos e pratos típicos, como o vatapá, o caruru e o acarajé.
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fernando-lopes-duca · 1 year ago
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Sextou e o almoço de sexta é tradição abastecer de dendê!
- Acarajé &
- Caruru &
- Vatapá &
- Salada &
- Camarão
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