#varian redemption
rhmis-user-2020 · 1 year
Varian's redemption
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mayogee · 1 year
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sad varian. he’s not having a very good time atm
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nightowl1556 · 5 months
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boyfromcorona · 8 months
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i may be stupid but i just realized cass is wearing the cassandrium necklace that varian made for her in “plus est en vous” ;-;
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fly-you-dam-fools · 10 months
Does anyone ever think about how they basically called the entire army of Corona to fight this one kid and a steampunk robot? No, just me? Okay
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acotar-taylorsversion · 7 months
Thoughts and Takes As I Re-Read the ACOTAR Series
This is extremely long and I have been typing it for weeks now. These are just my thoughts and I am typing them as I go. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it and maybe we can agree on most things. I would really love to hear everyone else's thoughts, too! 🙂
I don't feel like people blame papa archeron nearly as much as they should. It should not have been any of the sisters' responsibility to do what Feyre did. And after reading Nesta's POV, I don't blame Nesta for being so cold and hateful towards her father.
Lucien annoyed me so much in ACOTAR so much so that it was hard to like him in ACOMAF but I really tried to like him and give him a chance when Sarah made him Elain's mate and I realized that he could have a big role in ACOWAR.
I believe Tamlin had his redemption arc in ACOWAR when he saved Feyre and Az when they were rescuing Elain and then again when he saved Rhys. But I don't think Sarah will explore his story and she might be keeping him alive right now so that he can die at the right time.
After what Tamlin did to her and then allying with Hybern, I don't blame Feyre for ruining his court. He deserved it.
I don't think Ianthe suffered enough and I think that Nesta or Elain should have been the ones to have killed her.
Elain and Az were obvious to me in ACOMAF, just like Nesta and Cassian were and I was truly truly shocked when sarah made Lucien Elain's mate. I believe that there is so much more to that night than we know about and we'll learn about it when we get to Elain & Az's POVs. I believe that the bloodbane in Az's blood was killing him and nullified any bond that could have been there even before Elain was turned. Az was shot with the arrow before they went up to the throne room and that is why Lucien showed signs of mate behavior once Elain showed up. I believe the cauldron was wrong.
That being said, I tried to give Lucien a chance in ACOWAR and he just gave me the ick when talking about Elain. It didn't feel right to hear him say that he wanted to "see if she was worth it." Like she should already be worth it. Don't hesitate. I just did not see it at all.
I think that LoA will be the one to kill Beron. Don't know why, but I just feel that she will lose it and run to Helion.
Sarah had every opportunity to set Elucien up and she didn't. I believe she set them up for failure from the get-go. She instead focused on Elain and Az. I could do an entirely separate post about Elain, Lucien, and Az.
I believe Mor and Eris are mates, especially after what was said in ACOSF. I believe that he knows that she prefers females and wanted to save her from a loveless, unsatisfying marriage. I do think that he handled it wrong. Like that whole situation could have been handled so much better.
I think the whole Mor, Az, and Cassian situation was extremely weird. And now that Cassian is with Nesta and Az could possibly be with Elain, maybe Mor can finally move on and be free and not hide anything anymore. I wish that Mor would have talked to Nesta in ACOSF and explained and apologized for everything. Maybe she'll sit both the sisters down and talk about it one day.
I think Amren and Varian are cute together, but I think Amren should have stayed dead. Sarah is notorious for killing and then unkilling her characters and I think that gets old. I believe that sarah brought her back as a way to keep the summer court involved with the night court and to have a "know it all" character.
I think that Feyre and Rhys have a true, soul mate, true love, fairytale mating bond and I think Nesta and Cassian have a more realistic one. Feyre and Rhys fell in love before the bond was accepted and Nesta and Cassian were just beginning to fall in love before the bond was accepted. Lust and attraction and the pull of the bond is what truly brought them together but they quickly fell in love with each other.
I hate all the hate that Nessian is getting. People who say that Nesta should get with Eris literally make me sick and I want to throw ACOSF at them. They obviously need a to read it again. People need to realize that Nesta was in the wrong in HOFAS and Rhys had every right to freak out like he did and Nesta needed to be yelled at for that. I don't blame Cassian for not stepping in. And people forget how sarcastic Nesta is and they actually take her seriously when she said that Rhys debated executing her. Like do yall really think Cassian and Feyre would allow that or that Rhys would do that to his brother and his mate?? Like come on now.
Speaking of Rhys, I don't think he was wrong for keeping the danger of feyre's pregnancy from her. As a mother of 3 myself, I would be terrified every single day if I knew that my pregnancy could end with the death of myself and/or my baby. Like I would not want to know. Pregnancy is stressful enough as it is, even with healthy ones. And this is why I don't think he was wrong for freaking out on Nesta. I mean, he almost lost his mate, his son, and his life like what, 6 months before that? Like I can't imagine how scared Rhys is every day knowing that he almost lost everything and then Nesta gave a STRANGER a MADE OBJECT from the trove and could have LOST IT to the ASTERI who could have come to their world and DESTROYED them all. GIVE RHYS A BREAK YOU GUYS!!!!! I love Nesta, love her to death, but she was wrong for that.
I have my thoughts on Gwyn. I think she's a lightsinger. I think that is what Az's shadows react to, just like Nesta reacts to her. I don't think her and Az are mates. I don't think she's attracted to Az at all. I think she wants to prove herself to him because he did see her on the most traumatic night of her life. I think she wants to prove to him and everyone around her that she is and can be strong. That's it. There is nothing more to her and Az other than trainer and trainee. I also think that Merrill is the one manipulating everything and everyone, including Gwyn who might not know that she's a lightsinger. I think Merrill is working with Koschei.
Even after all the books, I still believe that Elriel will happen. There's just too many canon moments for me to ignore to see the possibility of Elucien. I only say elucien because gwynriel isn't a canon couple. They are not canon at all. The only thing that elucien has going for them is their bond.
I think Lucien will reject the bond for Elain. Lucien isn't a bad guy. I don't think he'll fight for Elain when he knows that she does not want him or their bond. He won't let Elain become his mother. I think he will find happiness with Vassa and they will be like Elide and Lorcan.
I believe people who support elucien only care about Lucien. I mean, how could you think that Elain wants to be with him after reading the books?
Based on the story of Koschei, it's not crazy to assume it will be 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Sarah is a very predictable writer and this is what most of the fandom has expected since ACOMAF and Koschei being the last big bad confirms that. Especially when you add in Vassa and Lucien into the mix. Just read the story of Koschei and tell me I'm wrong.
I believe that Az is experiencing the effects of a mating bond with Elain. He acts more like her mate than Lucien does and there's canon proof of this.
I believe the only reason Rhys stopped Az and Elain that night was because 1. he was convinced he would die with Feyre when she gave birth and didn't want his court to be in this war with the autumn court and 2. he is a political figure and he is using elain's bond as leverage with lucien. I believe that if Elain expresses to him how she wants to reject the bond, he would support it and accept Elain and Az.
I hate how everyone focuses on Gwyn and forgets about Emerie. I don't understand why people think Gwyn would be involved with the Illyrians. She is not Ilyrian and even though she finished the blood rite, she has said she does not want that illyrian warrior title. After what she went through during the rite, I don't see her being involved with them in any way. I do believe we will hear about Emerie doing something more like that. She could be an inspiration to Ilyrian females. Speaking of the Valkyries, I don't think they should have won the blood rite. It was very unbelievable. It would have been more believable if they had hid the entire time and waited for Cassian to come find them when the week was over.
Speaking Gwyn again, I think most of her fans overhype her too much. I like Gwyn and I'm glad that Nesta has her as a friend because she needed that. But I don't think we'll ever get her POV. I mean, we heard her story. We know what happened to her and we know pretty much everything about her. We know that she doesn't want that warrior title and she went back to the library not even sure about going to Nesta's mating ceremony. I think her fans forget this. I think they see her as a self insert character. I think they over sexualize her way too much. I'm not saying that SA survivors can't have a sex life so don't come at me. I just don't think she's going to want to be tied up with ribbons while Az holds her down and "ravages" her. The same male who seen what she went through that night. That just makes me uncomfortable. I think Gwyn would be embarrassed by the majority of her fans.
I will another post about that bonus chapter because there is so much to discuss.
I hate the amount of hate Elain gets and the side of the fandom that hates her does not deserve her. There is so much to learn about her and her powers and what goes on in her mind and I can't wait for her book.
I also think that papa archeron unknowingly traded Elain and/or Feyre and Nesta in his deal with Koschei for Vassa's temporary release.
I don't understand how people could hate feysand or any other members of the inner circle. In my opinion, if you hate them then why are you reading the series?? Why are you still here?
I don't think that sarah will make Nesta or Elain an actual queen or high lady. I think that Rhys and Feyre will always be more powerful than them and I think they will be High King and High Queen when the series is over. I can't see sarah making the sisters having the same amount of power or say as much as Feyre. She has always been above them. That has been obvious since the beginning because she's always protected them and taken care of them.
If you guys remember my other posts, then you will know my thoughts on how I think the rest of the series will go. Like elriel, vassien, koschei, the queens, the prison, the dusk court, the trove, all that. Elain and Nesta are the keys and Vassa should be the one to destroy Koschei. Rhys and Feyre will be High King and High Queen with nessian and elriel at their sides and everyone lives happily ever after.
What do you guys think?
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Who is the best turncoat character? (Round 2)
A tournament for characters who change allegiances and/or have a redemption or corruption arc during their stories
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Taranza- None submitted
Varian- Varian- Varian starts off as a friendly but slightly unhinged inventor. He becomes more unhinged through the first season, and is one of the main villains through S2 as his inventions terrorize Rapunzel's kingdom. But at last he sees the light (see what I did there?) teaming up with Rapunzel and Eugene again in S3.
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4i3sun · 9 months
You have no idea how much I love the idea that Varian really wants to protect his friends from making the same mistakes.
Imagine at Varian's uncle's house, Hugo feels left out, frustrated by all the feelings he has, I'm not just talking about liking Varian, no, no, no, but also about the feeling of belonging he has on the team, seeing Yong as his little brother, Nuru as his friend, the feeling of guilt for being a double agent.
Frustrated, he takes the diary of Varian's mother, wants to escape with it and put an end to all those Frustrated, he takes the diary of Varian's mother, wants to escape with it and put an end to all those feelings, Back to the normal of working alone and with no one but a mechanical rat, he tries to run away one night but.... Oh, Hugo underestimated Varian, the fandom underestimates Varian, he's smart and he finds out.
Maybe just an excuse for me to put out a song like 'The history has its eyes on you' that is actually a reprise to ready as I'll never be, but without a big villain to face, the melody is quieter, it's just Varian and his past regrets, he is angry with Hugo, yes, after all he is about to steal his mother's diary but he gives Hugo a second chance at redemption, in the song he reveals him to be the alchemist of Corona, an ex-criminal, an ex-Traitor... But why did I mention a Hamilton song?...
These lyrics:
'I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me
And even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me'
Let's imagine that Varian says something similar to it, as happened with cass.
A way to say Don't be a villain, don't be me, don't make my same mistakes.
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
for a boring headcanon, Eugene hates fish and seafood but he pretends to like it because Corona is an ocean country so seafood is beloved there and he doesn’t want to seem out of place, and seafood is fine dining and he wants to seem wealthy. No one else likes seafood except for Rapunzel.
Okay but Eugene faking enjoying seafood is so funny. I’m imaging his disgusted face trying to muster up eating a shrimp. He poked pathetically at his lobster and- oh my gosh I think I saw it move!!!! For real though he has champagne taste, and even after his redemption, he still needs to prove himself as a classy high society member (esp since now he is a high society member)
I think Lance canonically likes caviar, and he seems like someone who would like seafood. Varian to me will eat just about anything as long as it’s technically edible. Cass I can see her liking fish for the vitamins, and Rapunzel, I can’t explain it but she hates seafood. Can’t stand it. Give her chicken nuggets instead. (Sorry I kinda inversed the last part of your headcanon lmao)
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newts-frogs-toads · 9 months
Things I hate about my fandoms
(I will probably make posts about each of them later going more in depth)
⚠️These DO NOT apply to ALL members of these fandoms⚠️
Miraculous: mischaracterisation of Kagami as a bad person who just want to ruin the love square. But at the same time they love luka because he's just a sweet little baby boy 🥺👉👈
The owl house: Hunter and Ed interacted once and people started shipping them while they complain about Hunter and Willow for having a 1 year age gap. Also people acting like everyone is siblings
Amphibia: they care about the main trio too much to care about any other character at all
Gravity falls: where do i even start
Steven universe: The Su!c!de incident (dont worry she survived)
The ghost and molly mcgee: they hate Ollie for no reason even after his redemption arc for getting in the way of Molly x Libby or Andrea. They say he and molly look like siblings but their eye colors, skin colors and hair colors are different. (Tbh they cant take it when both characters in a pairing are Asian).
Dwampyverse: Too many NSFW art of children
Ducktales: I like them. Nothing bad about them other than they just ignore canon sometimes but hey, so do I.
Hilda: same as the Dwampyverse
Tangled: pretty chill but please dont ship Varian who's 16 with Cass who's 25.
Infinity train: Saying Lake, Ryan and Min aren't queer coded. Like are you blind? Its fine if you don't ship Rymin or use She/her for Lake but remember cartoon network Stopped the creator from putting those in.
Lego monkie kid: pretty ok fandom. Nothing bad to say about them.
She ra: im pretty late to this fandom so I haven't seen anything bad but as a DT megafan the fandom doesn't give them enough attention to them lol
Dead end: too small
Kipo: WAY too small
Live action movies:
Heathers: (see Musicals)
Undertale: the needle cookie incident (they're ok now don't worry. Dont take food from strangers kids)
Stardew Valley: Toxic arguing over the Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Acting like Haley and Alex are some irredeemable monsters. like, have you tried befriending them?
Heathers: Acting like Heather McNamara is some sweet little angel. Like no. She is sad and deserves better but that doesn't mean shes nice. (In other words: she is damaged, far to damaged, but that does not make her wise)
Hamilton: the HIV incident (just search Hamilton HIV to know the context). Also harassing anyone who isn't the OG cast.
Ride the cyclone: Acting like the characters are so pure and innocent. Like, im against NSFW of the kids too, but the whole point of Ricky is that hes not so sweet and innocent as a disabled person. Or the whole point of Noel is that he wants to be "fucked up". The tiktok fandom is also super biased to the original cast (meanwhile tumblr loves it)
Six: Saying Jane isn't a powerful woman because she wants to get married and have kids
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nightowl1556 · 5 months
Zuko: ...What the fuck is that?
Catra: *holding Cursed Cat Alastor* What's wrong with it?
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Taylor Swift songs + TTS and Vat7K (part 1)
So this is just going to be a bunch of Taylor Swift songs I connect to TTS and Vat7K, starting with Varian!
Varian: "Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?" from The Tortured Poets Department
Majority of this song is about how the songwriter was basically screwed over by the world around them, which is exactly what happened to Varian in Season 1! There are also some lyrics that could signify people trying to tell the songwriter to move on from the trauma or say they’re sorry, such as, “You don’t get to tell me you feel bad.” To me this line alone really connects to Varian because the people who were once completely against his existence due to his crimes are now showing him sympathy - while good-natured, as a whole that’s pretty condescending and insensitive. 
Some other lines that I connect to Varian in this song are:
“Is it a wonder I broke? Let’s hear one more joke”: Varian was not looked upon highly in Old Corona before becoming the Royal Engineer or even before meeting Rapunzel, and after the blizzard he “broke,” since the world, including Rapunzel, wasn’t willing to help him. Even following his redemption arc in Season 3, public opinion around him was, at best, split. 
“I was tame, I was gentle ‘til the circus life made me mean”: Runs along the same lines as the last quote, but in this context, Varian was not only ridiculed by the people around him, but also basically crapped on by it. Even Rapunzel, who he thought was his friend, turned down his plea for help. His villain arc was created by the cruel world around him. 
Part 2 will be Hugo!
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sketchesandcoolart · 11 days
Who else thinks that this is a good redemption song for Varian?
“Live Again” by Jeremy Jordan (It’s a Broadwaysted Life (Podcast))
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polaroid-sorcery · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel and Tangled the series parallels
・Charlie / Rapunzel
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Both Charlie and Rapunzel have a generally very positive attitude. They are friendly and always try to see the good in people. For Charlie, she’s all about second chances and redemption. For Rapunzel, she always tries to help everyone. Also, Charlie and Rapunzel aren’t one to back down from a fight. They are brave and go against injustice.
Personalities aside, both of them are princesses. Charlie is the daughter of Lucifer and the princess Hell. Rapunzel is the daughter of the King and Queen, which makes her the princess of Corona.
Beside their titles, we cannot deny the similarities in appearance. They both have long blonde hair and wear it in almost exactly the same way. Only Charlie’s hair isn’t as long as Rapunzel’s when it’s not put together in the braid-hairstyle-thingy.
・Vaggie / Cassandra
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Personally, I think the biggest similarity between Vaggie and Cassandra is the secret-keeping part of their story.
Vaggie is revealed to be an angel who has fallen from grace.
Cassandra is revealed to be the daughter of Gothel.
Though their secrets have nothing in common, it’s not so much about the actual secret than it is about the way they handle the secret. Vaggie never told Charlie about the fact that she was an angel and part of the exterminations. Cassandra didn’t know she was Gothel’s daughter for the majority of her life and after she does find out she doesn’t tell Rapunzel. She keeps it a secret until the final moment when she takes charge of her own destiny.
So yes, the secrets are different, the reveal of the secrets is different too, but the fact they both keep a secret from their blonde (girl)friend stays the same.
・Lucifer / Varian
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The most obvious similarity is, of course, the voice actor. Lucifer and Varian are both voiced by the talented Jeremy Jordan.
One of the easy to spot parallels is the character introduction. Both characters are introduced in a suspenseful way. Meant to intimidate the viewer, only for it to show the actual character a few seconds later, which turns out to be a dorky inventor.
When we are introduced to Lucifer, the music is a tad menacing and the whole shot tries to be dark and mysterious, like the all-powerful Lucifer, only to show him being proud of his rubber duckie, completely shattering expectations for this dark entity. Varian is introduced in a very similar way. He is presented as this threatening figure, only to reveal he’s just a 14-year-old who cares about science (alchemy, specifically)
On top of that, Lucifer and Varian are both inventors. Lucifer spends his time creating rubber duckies. Anyone who knows Varian, knows inventions aren’t his main thing. He’s all about the science of things, alchemy is his speciality. Still, Varian did recreate the automatons and made other machines across the series.
・Ready For This / Ready As I’ll Ever Be / Through It All
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All three songs have the same core: a song to get ready for battle, but all three go about it differently. Ready For This and Through It All match the most. Both songs are upbeat songs meant to rally the troops. At this point in the story the characters are getting ready to face a threat and spreading motivation.
Charlie is actively gathering souls to fight with her against the Extermination, whereas Rapunzel is trying to lift everyone’s spirits before they leave to go to the castle.
Ready As I’ll Ever Be still matches in terms of its core: prepare for battle, but goes about it in a different way. Both Ready For This and Through It All are songs sung by the protagonist with a large ensemble to back them up as the song progresses. Ready As I’ll Ever Be is sung from different perspectives from different characters: Varian, Cassandra, Rapunzel, King Frederic. Only towards the end everyone harmonises because they all have one thing in common: they are ready as they’ll ever be to face whatever the opponent throws at them. But still, each character has a different motivation to fight. Honestly, I could go on and on about how great of a song this is, but then this post would get way too long.
A big part of the plot of Tangled the series revolves around destiny, especially in the second and third season it discusses Rapunzel’s destiny a lot. For most of season three the plot is all about destiny. Cassandra’s turn to the dark side, Zhan Tiri being brought back to life, the final battle. It’s all connected to the concept of destiny and how Rapunzel has to be the one to end it.
Hazbin Hotel doesn’t have the same focus on destiny like Tangled the series. Instead, it is only referenced in passing and not part of any discussion (if I remember correctly)
Here are some examples of talk about destiny in Hazbin Hotel songs:
Mentioned in Happy Day In Hell:
“Uh no thank you, I’m just gonna fulfill my destiny!”
Mentioned in Ready For This:
“I can come into my own, and I think I’ve always known my destiny could never be postponed”
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tangledbea · 7 months
Not sure if you care about atla, but if you do, what characters do you think Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, and Cassandra would quickly connect with or take a liking to?
I do care about ATLA! It is the gold standard to which I hold all other cartoons! (Not to say it's flawless, but it's been almost 20 years and I have yet to see another series - animated or live action - have such a carefully planned and expertly executed plot.)
Anyway, Rapunzel and Aang are bffs right away, no questions asked. Suspended childhood and too much responsibility on their shoulders while they just want to run around and play? Check! Love animals and fun and adventure? Check! Loves/wants to fly? Check! Have people hate them and want them dead just because of who they are? Check! Not to say that she wouldn't get along with literally all the protagonists, because that's how Rapunzel be. But I think she'd form the fastest, deepest connection with Aang.
Eugene and Sokka are going to sit in the corner and be the meat and sarcasm guys together. I mean, come on, those two are so alike. They're both kind of weirded out by the magic (or "magic") that exists in their world. They consider themselves the keeper of the leader of the group. They mask pain with humor. They consider themselves a ladies man (or did, once upon a time). Let's face it, Sokka is Eugene eleven years ago, if he never got into thieving.
Cassandra and Toph would get along smashingly, I think. They're both entertained by violence, they hold their emotions close to their vest, they pride themselves on being tough, competent and independent, and they don't feel the need to talk constantly. Toph and Cassandra would sit quietly by the fire and laugh when Sokka or Eugene inevitably hurt themself somehow.
Interestingly, while it's not quite so easy a match, I think Varian would get along well with Zuko. Ex-villain with a redemption that makes them a major part of the team. Father issues. Childhood trauma. It all checks out.
And you do my boy Lance dirty by not even asking about him, but I'm going to include him anyway, because I love Lance and I'm not going to allow him to be overlooked. Lance would pal around with Iroh. He'd happily take advice on how to be a better father figure, and share his own life experiences with someone who would laugh at his anecdotes and appreciate that he's found a new, honest path in life, one that's true to himself. And Iroh would be tickled that Lance would regularly try recipes on him. He'd always know exactly what tea would go best with the proffered meal.
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theturncoattournament · 2 months
Who is the best turncoat character? (Round 1)
A tournament for characters who change allegiances or had a redemption/corruption arc during their stories
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Willow Rosenberg- None submitted
Varian- Varian starts off as a friendly but slightly unhinged inventor. He becomes more unhinged through the first season, and is one of the main villains through S2 as his inventions terrorize Rapunzel's kingdom. But at last he sees the light (see what I did there?) teaming up with Rapunzel and Eugene again in S3.
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