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thesketchamateur26 · 9 months ago
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You just don't use the height card on Hiro, Van.
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riftdancing · 4 months ago
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And I suppose that's a wrap!
I'm honestly really impressed with how many pieces I put together this year. I fell off significantly after Dawntrail's release due to learning to use new tools and work with the new graphical update. So there isn't really a singular gpose for every month. But, genuinely I'm very pleased with what I've accomplished in 2024.
I'll probably do another one of these closer to New Years highlighting my absolute favorite pieces from this year, but most of them are already in here. It's funny but I can really see some growth in my use of lighting and after effects! Proud of that~
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gatheredfates · 5 months ago
On the Topic of Plagiarism:
I decided to make my own post rather that co-oping @thefreelanceangel's because, despite having her full and enthusiastic permission to do so, what I'm talking about is somewhat adjacent to her point and entirely inspired BY the fact she tagged @riftdancing—particularly Blink—and I wanted to demonstrate examples of incidence were coincidence and consent do not immediately equate to plagiarism; it's ultimately about intent, and you do not need to tear yourself up on the inside if you find someone with a similar idea to yours, provided neither of you have gone out of your way to copy each other.
First, please meet the troops:
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On the left is Miss Koret Swan. On the right is Miss Blink Vaniro. As I so delicately summed up:
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It would be easy to surmise, based on this alone, that one of us copied the other person. However, both of these are old characters, written in a time and space where neither of us knew each other, and the similarities have always been a cause for laughter and playful teasing rather than competition and spite. I made Koret in WoW as a sister to a wolf and lamb concept, and Pepper made Blink as a character to an overarching D&D campaign set in a sci-fi universe.
What I'm trying to say is that, whilst plagiarism is absolutely a bad thing, as someone with anxiety over this sort of thing, you do not need a wholly 100% original idea in order to write and roleplay publicly, and many ideas share overt similarities to others that deviate the moment you peel back the veneer.
Koret and Blink are both 'pirates'. Koret is a privateer (said with all the sarcasm a privateer entails; a pirate with the proper papers) and Blink is a sky pirate. All of Kor's theming is around the ocean, particularly the deep ocean, and Blink's is all about the sky and the freedom it gives. But they both have wolf motifs. Kor has had a sister, Blink has had a brother.
What makes these characters different is the way that we explore them and how these broad ideas become niche based on the concepts we want to expand on as writers. What makes them different is that neither was written despite (or even in spite) of the other, nor did one of us look at the other and go 'oh, i want to do x with y because i think it'll be better'.
There are dozens of femme fatal concepts out there. There are heaps of bad-ass men. If I had a dollar for every knight character that was in xiv alone, I'd still be a rich woman. Hell, I know for a fact that my star-gazing viera is certainly not the first of her kind, nor will she be the last. I can coexist in spaces with people who have these similar concepts because I know there's enough deviation between those characters, as I have spent the time cultivating a niche story for mine where broad concepts are more set-dressing than the actual meat and potatoes of the character.
If you have the ick about someone copying you, especially if you have a negative history with them or the person is being weird, you're probably right on the money. I have had characters of mine blatantly ripped off for the former. But this is more for the reassurance of people who are like 'I don't want a pink-themed miqo'te because I know one already exists' or 'I don't want to play with a spore druid concept because I know one exists' (i'm using my own miqo'te here as an example, LMAO). You can have a primadonna, pink miqo'te who lives in Ishgard and is clawing her way to the tippy top of the high houses and I wouldn't stress because my primadonna, pink miqo'te is currently knee-deep in a bog because she heard she can find peat mummies there. They're not the same. They share similarities, but they're not the same.
Write it because you think it's fun. Not because you've seen x's concept be popular and you want a slice of it. Not because you want a ship similar to y's and you're going to gush about how much you love it and try to mosey in with a knock-off (no, this has never happened to me, what do you mean?). You're not going to have the same amount of fun!! It won't be the same!!
But also, at the same time, don't rob yourself of an opportunity to play with a concept because someone else is already doing it, especially if it's just a trope. People can tell the difference and they will embrace it if you're earnest.
You may even find someone like I found Pepper. We laughed at it. Then we made an AU and shipped them. They're kissing. They are stabbing. They are kissing and stabbing each other.
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dogboy-br4in · 6 days ago
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they are ALL going through it bruh, not a single one of them has no trauma whatsoever, they are all fighting their own horrors every single damn day, this whole family line is cursed dude 😭 (is the one who made them that way)
i've posted them separately before but here are their names and whatnot lol Zerla (he/him) Vaniro (he/they) Cola (he/him) Cherra (he/him) Orana (she/they)
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kasuyadanai · 2 years ago
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Before we still got VJ and VN as well as VaDan and DJ but now we got Vanitas and Domi dating.
They are all canons.🙏
I need Noèjeanne and VJ and VaniDan and Vaniro. (They are all bi.)
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linksthoughtbrambles · 2 years ago
Not yourself.
Part 14 of Adventure Log+ (sequel to Link's Thought Brambles - it will be better if you read in order. Edited 9/30/23 to tighten language). Warning for strong language an adult themes.
“I see them!” One stroke of luck at least.
They were almost here.
A whole bunch of them, who’s that?  Vernirro? 
“Thank Hylia for this, truly.“
Maybe it’s Varniro.  Or Vaniro.  Something like that.  And Purah.  Not sure about the rest… must be people usually stationed at the lab.  Only a few Sheikah? I’d’ve thought they’d flock here with Zelda in this plain full of monsters.
“Link- Chee!“
“I know, but- I wouldn’t bring her into the middle of this, either.”  She’s probably fine.  Hope they sent her right back to the castle.
“Yes.  Of course… IS ALL WELL?”
Oh no.
No. No, if it was Chee they’d’ve said so already.  Right? Wouldn't they?
…If I was them, and I knew my sister was- dead, or-
…I would not shout it.  I would wait until we could talk face to face.
Yeah, Zelda’s looking at me, of course she is.  Can she tell I’m holding the reins way too tight?  “I just hope-“ don’t say it, don’t be entirely selfish, Link- “we made the right call.”
“Several calls.”
More than several.  Me leaving them all behind while Daile and I went ahead.  Zelda sending Chee onward with Beraya and Margil- who- yeah, they’re both here, and they’re both good people.  They’d each have protected her to their dying breath.  But… there’s always a chance- a stray arrow, a fall from a horse-
And my hands still aren’t shaking.
A lot can change in a day.
In less than a day.
It was after dawn yesterday when we left on the ferry.
Don’t- don’t laugh, Link, what the hell is wrong with you?  Shake this craziness off.
Then of course Zelda, Daile and I moved north rather than riding hard to re-join the others, and then we kept going.  House after house, monster after monster, and no turning back.
I chose my duty over my sister at every turn.
Like Father.
Awfully far for her to have seen my expression. Wonder what gave me away.  “THANKS, BERAYA!”
Easier to hold the reins.  Easier to breathe. There’s blood in my cheeks.
When I see Chee again, what’ll I do?  Hug her tight like always and laugh?  Or just half-smile and remember what a crappy brother I was last night?
She won’t even see it that way.
She’ll tell me I’m lame and hug me anyway. Maybe…
I should do that next time I see father.
He’ll disapprove but- “What?!”  Damn, damn, we sent Chee to the lab, we’re lucky we DIDN’T get her killed!  We- woah, Zelda freaking- “It’s alright- you couldn’t have known!”
“It’s a concerted effort!”
Oh.  Not freaking about Chee, then.  “Yeah.  Looks like.”
“Targeting us?”
Agreed, master.
For once, I’m not surprised.
“Oh for heaven’s- as if that’s what I- IS THE LAB SECURE?!”
“…I suppose if Robbie remained, it mustn’t be too unsafe.”
“Kmph.” I’m allowed to snort at funny things, especially after worrying about-  but- “I don’t know, Robbie has a spine in him.”
“Does he?”
“Remember the guardian fiasco?  He didn’t scatter.  He tried to deactivate the thing.”
“He was perfectly safe beneath it.  He knew as such.”
“Fair, but he didn’t even blink.”
“Link.  Can you honestly say you could tell with those goggles of his?”
“It’s an expression!”
That little smile is nice to see on her.  Considering.
Almost there.  Fresh horses.  “You’ll get a breather, Rionee.  Someone’ll take you back nice and slow.”  Good girl.
They’re not 100%.  The way Margil’s leaning in his saddle.  He’s favoring a leg.  A few of the Sheikah seem jumpy and Beraya’s shoulders are slumped. “SIR DAILE!  REPORT!”
From the red-?
As it should be.  Fewer Sheikah to begin with, lots of them scientists…  “THE LAB- BREACHED?”
“NO, SIR!”
“It may matter little.”
“Wh- Zelda?!”
“Remember.  The ancient technology… a trap.”
“Sh- uch.”  That was way, way too easy to forget.
What do we do with all of it?  Bury it again?
S#$@ what do we do about Purah and Robbie?  They’d both rather chew their own arms off than give up their work.
“The Slate.”
“What about it?”
“…It records your thoughts, Link.”
“Yeah, that’s nothing new.”
What was that voice for?
She won’t look at me?
Purah.  Speeding up.  She sees it, too.
“Princess?!  What is it?!”
She has the Slate in a vice grip.
“Did you touch any of the malice?”
Woah- “Was there malice at the lab?”
“We have MUCH to discuss, Purah.”
That sounded ominous even to me and I know what it’s about.  Spooked looks.
…She’s doing that thing where her shoulders curl in.
Here we all are.  Woah, girl.
No, Purah, it’s not just you, Zelda’s really, really not happy…
“So yeah, there was malice, Princess.  We took some samples and real careful-like after Raiki got burned, or- whatever you want to call it.  It’s like it siphoned some life right out of her.  She’s tired and depressed.”
“… YOU look tired and depressed.”
“Perhaps I am both, Purah, but I touched no malice.”
“That’s… good in one way, Princess...”
Purah, quiet?  Confused?
“Daile told us about the ReDeads.  Both show up in old Sheikah stories.  I already sent word to my sister.  She’s the history expert.”
“Yes, I’m glad.  I would welcome Impa’s insight.”
Wow, Link, what are you doing?  Get off Rionee- you poor thing… you won’t have to carry me or anyone else for a while.  “Everyone, dismount.  Rest the horses while you can.”
THAT’s a look.  From everyone.  Even Zelda.
I understand the others because they have no idea what I’m thinking we’re doing next, but Zelda?
What?!  What the hell did I do wrong?
Why is her look worse than everyone else’s?!
I don’t deserve that- no way.  I’ve never seen her GIVE me a look so dark, how can I possibly have earned THAT without even knowing why-
I do not deserve that dark look.  I do not.  I do NOT.
“Take it this instant.”
“I don’t need it.”
“Link, you are-“
The squeezed-shut eyes, the clenched fist, it’s like she’s furious at me, and for what?  For WHAT?  For restraining myself?  I am RESTRAINING MYSELF.  I don’t need the f#*$ing Moon Pearl to do it.  SHE needs it.  She needs to not hear those damn voices-
“You are…“
-she needs to- to- to- to-
She’s so beautiful.
“You are not yourself.”
Breathe, Link.  Breathe.  Control.
“L- Link.”
Fear?  Why is she frightened?
“Link, you are more the wolf with each passing second.”
“A wolf can still protect you.”
“But you are not. Your. SELF.”
“Neither are YOU when it takes you!”
“It is of little consequence, for I have held the Pearl for days!  DAYS, Link!  Where do you think I shall be if you lose yourself to this Dark World?  If you transform fully and disappear beneath that black canopy?”
“It takes longer than this.”
“Does it?  You are trembling.”
“So are you.”
“You are frightening me.”
“Me?” Not fair.  Not fair.  Not fair NOT FAIR NOT FAIR “I’M frightening you, Princess?!”
“What?  You think I’m going to hurt you?”
“I didn’t-“
“After all this, ALL THIS, you think I’m capable of harming you?!”
“Link, you are NOT. YOUR. SELF!”
“This is all for YOU.  You KNOW that, right?!  I could have left you there to ROT in that dungeon!“
“Link, stop it!”
How can she be scared
“Let go!”
how can she POSSIBLY
when it’s her, it’s her, it’s for her, not me, it’s
“L- Link-“
I wish
If it was- if it was, GODS, I-
Stop pulling, I won’t hurt you-
“Link, let GO!”
So beautiful
Her scent, even in this hellhole, I can smell her.
I wish she knew
“You- you are-“
How hard it is
“-you are n- not-“
How much I want
To feel her.
She wants it, too.
I know she does.
Listen to her breathing like that.
Sh- she-
She’s taking my- hand…
The other one.  Oh- I- I was holding her too hard.  Loosen up, loosen that, Link, she deserves better than that, if you’re going to show her how you feel, don’t do it like this, not like this, you should pull her in soft at the waist, be gentle, it’s love, it’s love, it’s not- it’s not- not- this- animal- thing- this- place- makes- me-
Breathe, Link.  Con- ?
“What-“ in my palm-?
The Moon Pearl. “That…“
“Do- do you feel better?”
Breathe.  Control BREATHE CONTROL “THAT’S what this is about?!”
“The PEARL!”
“We have no hope without it!”
“We’ll survive a few minutes to FINISH THIS.”
“Finish WHAT, Link?!”
Right now right now her waist- wh?! “Where are you going?!”
“To fetch the pearl, of course!”
Oh s#$@ that’s some glare, she’s never, never been so angry with me before-
“How DARE you.”
Her eyes, hardened.  Hardening. No Pearl.
She’s better with the Pearl.  Softer…
Gone.  Under the canopy.
“ir-SIR?” “-ink?!” “oo much-“
-Wh- “What?!”
“Sir?!” “Merciful Goddess…“ “Woah, Link, you okay?”
Wh- where was I?
I was so- my GODdess- what- was I doing?!
Her hand- in mine… She’s not glaring at you now, Link.  Stop seeing those- black trees. Your Zelda is right here with you.  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I think.  “Was I-“ What do the others look like, are they freaked out?  Beraya had her hand on my arm tight, like she was steadying me.  “How long was I like that?”
“Mere moments, Link, but.. long enough to cause concern.”
You experienced an altered state of consciousness for approximately nine seconds, master.
Nine seconds?  That’s- not good.  If that happens with a Moblin spear aimed at my throat I’m dead and everyone’s screwed.
I concur.
“Sir Link?”
“Fi’s talking.  Z- Princess-”
That- wasn’t a happy sou-
I may have contributed to this master, though I had no intention to do so.
I lowered barriers in place in order to ease your suffering when awaiting Mipha’s grace.
“What kind of barriers?”
They dam the memories of distant pasts.
“You said you stored those. Are they coming from you?”
No, master.
“… So they’re my memories.”
They are of past heroes.  My past masters.
“You said as much earlier today.  That I could remember those things.”
I don’t know what to ask her next.  It’s so bizarre, one moment here and the next at the edge of some less-than-dead forest under a crimson sky, seeing myself move hands that aren’t my own…
No.  No, I do know what to ask.  “Can you put them back?  The barriers?”
Not precisely.  It is as though I had eased a door open, then allowed it to swing shut.  It may remain easier to open than it did before.
“Is there a way I can avoid opening it at a critical moment?”
I am uncertain.
Zelda’s stowing it already??  Were we done?
“We must address the immediate situation.  We shall investigate this later.”
Is she angry at me?  “Yes, Princess.”
“Sir Link, please summarize the tactical situation.”
She IS angry at me, isn’t she?  She won’t even look.  Everyone else is, but not her.  I don’t understand.
So quiet.
Link?  Obey your Princess.  “I’ll be brief, everyone.  We can’t stay long.”
Another odd look from Zelda don’t pay attention Link, don’t, just brief them.  “The farmland up north was subject to a large-scale attack.  We- may have met the person who instigated all this or coordinated it.”  Zelda?
Slate crushed to her chest.
Just- keep going.  “We sent survivors southeast, to the loggers’ settlement.  They’re supposed to take the ferry to safety and bring word to the castle, though your messages may reach it first.  More than half of the people in the houses we went to died.  There’s a strong chance more are in danger or dead already.”
“Sir Daile spoke of the living dead.”
Real quiet for Beraya.  “Something’s turning the people who die into monsters.”  That’s the political way to put it, Link.  Good job…
“We shall face far more than that north of here.”
And… why did her saying that mean another very, very dour look my way?
“Before we go—and we ought to make haste—other things are imperative to set in motion.  Purah, I shall ask you to return to the Royal Lab and begin deactivating all of the guardians immediately.”
“PRINCESS?!” “Hh!” “Wh-“
Her face.
“I know it seems incongruent”
Her voice.
“but I require your obedience in this…“
So dark- maybe it wasn’t me she was angry at?  Why does she keep looking at me anyway? 
“regardless of your feelings on the matter.”
Shocked and livid is not a combination I’ve ever seen on Purah.  Now I know what it looks like.  That has to be what it is, right?  Filed away for future reference.
“You.  Can.  Not.  Be.  Serious.”
…No title?
“I can and am.”
“Our WORK-“
“I am well aware of your work, Purah, as it has also been at least partially my own.  We have come to know the ancient technology is likely a trap set to favor the Calamity when it rises.  We cannot allow that.”
“Likely?!  Are you KIDDING Me?“
“Fi estimates a probability-”
I’ve never seen Purah that color before.
“Don’t PURAH me, PRINCess!”
“I am well within my rights to call you by your name.”
“And I’m well within MINE to tell you you’re crazy!”
WOAH “You’re not, actually-“
“I am if I’m a good scientist, a good advisor, and a good friend, and I am ALL of those things, and I have been a lot longer than you or your sword, meathead!”
MEAT-head? No, no- priorities.  “You do not get to call the Princess crazy.  Apologize.”
“Not until you HEAR ME OUT!”
“I-“ “You-!” “The insolence!” “Hh!” “Miss Purah!”
No one else seems to approve, either but Zelda’s hand’s up, so we wait…
“I have NOT worked more than half my life to resurrect all our old tech to see you throw it away because of a PROBABILITY – ESTIMATED – BY – A – SWORD!!!”
You know, when she puts it like that-
“That sword is an ancient entity with far more knowledge than either of us.”
“MORE?!  Maybe.  About the same things?  No.  Does the sword know how to dismantle a guardian stalker?  What about install an ancient core in a scout?  What about translate allllll the ancient Sheikah and ancient Hylian strings stored in the Slate and the Guidance Stones’ operating systems while simultaneously NOT letting the original text be lost?”
I am capable of the third option.
“Fi says she could do the translating part.”
Purah is definitely wiling me to burst into flames.
“Oh she does, does she?”
“But not the others”
“So who knows more about ancient tech?  Me or your fricking sword?”
My knowledge of our ancient enemy is considerably more comprehensive than hers, master.
“I know that.”
“Know what?”
“Er- Purah can’t hear you.”
How astute of you master.
“Oh, for- give me a break here, Fi- Princess, I’m s- I apologize.  Could I request you allow Purah to see the Slate?”
“You may request it, Link, but for the moment I must decline.”
“Then you’ll listen to me, Princess?”
“Apologies Purah.  Truly.  But I cannot.”
S#$& S#$& S#$& Purah’s so so so mad…
“How… how can you say that?  What even was the probability?”
“…That’s all?  You’re willing to throw away all our work over that?”
“I am willing to remove the cores until we know more, yes.”
“The cores.  So…. You want us to what, sit on our thumbs and wait for word we’re allowed to put the batteries back in?”
“Of course not.  I would not bar you from your investigations.  I… Purah, if the relics of our ancestors are to be used against us, then how?  Is there, perhaps, a choice they might lead us to which favors the Calamity?  Is it the technology itself which is flawed?  Is there some weakness to exploit?  Something upon which we depend which shall fail at a critical moment?  Some way in which the technology could be turned against us?  We know none of these things. We have focused so keenly upon making the relics operational we have failed to be skeptical.  Have we not?”
Purah looks less angry now but Zelda… now she seems… I don’t know.  The Slate tight to her chest, her eyes on my knees but not really on them either, and that’s not quite her humiliated face.  It’s… only a little different though..
“With a single exception, of course.  There is one among us who remained skeptical all this time and refused to allow the technology to remain our singular pursuit: my father.”
Oh. Oh no.
Zelda- please don’t take it that way-
“I ought to have listened more keenly.”
The Slate?
The screen.
The glow makes her face look so tired.
Deep shadows. Deeper than when she woke up.
“The Slate, of course, is among those technologies.”
Oh NO.  “Wait- I think it’s too early to-“
“I follow already, Princess, and meathead’s right.  This time.”
I liked ‘Linky’ better.
“We don’t even understand what powers the Slate.  We don’t know how to shut it off.  We can recompile, that’s about it.  Its library of code is so complicated-“
“-And we do not yet understand it.  Yes, I am aware, Purah.  I am therefore inclined not to trust it.  We don’t know enough and if there IS indeed a trap set for us-“
Ganon will not set a trap using this type of device, Princess.
“And why not, Fi?”
I have encountered the evil one in many ages, many incarnations.  He cares nothing for instruments of learning or simple, practical utility.  He seeks power, and power alone.  The Sheikah Slate is remarkable, yes, but it would pass even beneath his nose unnoticed.
“I am not so certain.”
May I ask why, Princess?
“It is reading Link’s thoughts.”
“Oh my Goddess.” That makes a scary amount of sense.  “You’re worried the trap IS to know my thoughts?”
There’s that dark look again.
Maybe it wasn’t about something I actually did.
“If the Calamity may somehow tap into this- may access your thoughts itself- it would be an enormous tactical advantage against you.  And also against anyone else of whose movements you were aware.”
“Okay, so how do we shut it off?  I can just relay important things Fi says.”
“I regret to say I do not know how to disable the feature.  I can stop the Slate from recording words spoken aloud, but not your thoughts.”
That’s totally Zelda’s sheepish face, isn’t it?
She really did lie to me.  Right to my face.  She said she’d shut it off that very first night.  Not only did she not do it, she didn’t know how.
That first night we spent together, she said she’d worried about this.  Thought I might be angry at her.  I wasn’t.  The only difference now is now it might matter for other reasons.  Right?
Right.  “It’s alright, Princess.”
“And yet it is not, for we now have this conundrum.  Unless, of course…”
Do not destroy the Slate, Princess.
“Do you hear my thoughts as well as Link’s?“
Your plan to remove the energy sources from the guardian weapons is prudent.  Those represent  precisely the manner of tools our ancient enemy uses in attempt to achieve his ends.  He sees weapons as power.  He takes them and wields them if he can.  He once claimed a powerfully magical sword which had been used to pierce his own heart for his own and wielded it against my master of twilight.”
He ultimately seeks to recapture something he sees as the most powerful weapon in existence.
“What weapon?”
That, I must not say.
Here we go again.
“You posit that the Slate itself poses no danger?”
It is a negligible threat at worst.  Were the enemy to capture it, it would be problematic.  But the likelihood of the Sheikah Slate itself being a trap is so low as to approach zero.
“…Very well.  I shall… not attempt to deactivate it at this time.”
She would be miserable if she did.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Will you obey my command?”
“…Yes, Princess.  We’ll depower the guardians for now.  We- I mean, if I’m supposed to keep studying them I would want to connect them to the guidance stone, though.”
“That seems acceptable.  They cannot take that power connection with them without ripping the guidance stone from its place.”
“Great.  AND I reserve the right to power up individual components as needed.”
Scientist stare-down.
“Very well.”
“Robbie’s gonna be so pissed off.”
“Indeed, he is.  Relay my regrets to him, please.”
“Oh I will, Princess.”
I don’t think I trust Robbie to-
“Yes, Purah?”
“What about all the other tech?  Not at the lab?  The…”
Oh crap- “The Divine Beasts.”
“In- indeed.”
She’s shaking now.  Worse than the whole time we were fighting monsters on that plain. The pain in her shoulder is nothing to this for her.
“I… do not know… how to de-power a Divine Beast.  Purah?”
“…They really became more your specialty than mine, Princess.”
“…As far as I know, none of them have ever been without energy since their initial connection to their pilot."
“Look.  Link’s statistics-happy sword finds that interesting.”
I find it so because I derive the essential essence of my existence from my master.
“What does that mean?”
Without his spirit, I diminish.  I become next to nothing.  A vessel.  The only thing which has ever been able to sever it entirely was non-existence, and it all but destroyed me.
“Your master’s death?”
No.  His removal from reality itself.  Non-existence.
“She told me about that earlier.  It’s confusing and complicated and probably not worth hashing out right now.”  Not with THAT on the horizon-
“Well… should something so drastic be necessary in order to disconnect the pilots from their beasts, I find it unlikely we shall accomplish it.  Purah… could you please begin work on this problem as soon as possible?”
“On- on disconnecting the pilots?!”
“Heaven forbid—no indeed.  On powering the Divine Beasts down.  The thought of those beasts pilotless, aimless, is disturbing to me in the extreme considering a trap is most likely set.”
“…Alright, Princess.  We’ll do everything we can.”
“Thank you, Purah.  And Sir Link-”
The title again.  I must have done something wrong?  Or… maybe it’s because of the people we don’t know as well?
“I must speak with you in private a moment.”
“Yes, Princess.”
The only privacy we can have around here is to be downwind and far enough we can whisper without being heard.
Tall grass, though.
Tall grass.
It’s a shame.
She’s still barely slept.
I haven’t slept at all.
It would've been nice to rest here together.
“I am sorry, Link, but I had to speak to you that way temporarily.”
“It’s okay.  I thought it might be because of the others.”
“It was partially for their benefit, but it was also because of you.”
Think.  Think think think think think.  “I did something wrong?”
“In a way.”
“I’m sorry already and I don’t even know what it is.”
“I know you are, and I need you to take a breath. Think on what you said before the memory which rooted you to the ground and took your awareness temporarily from you.”
“I… had just dismounted.  I knew we needed to rest the horses.  I told everyone to do that while we still could.  Before we went north.”
“…Are we not heading north?”
“We are.”
FI, help me with this one?
“Link.  You did not even ask me.”
“…Oh.  OH!  Oh my- I am- I am so, so sorry, Zelda, I- just assumed since we’d been trying to help as many people as we could-“
“And your assumption was correct.  But am I not your equal?”
“Zelda, you’re MORE than my equal.”
Her hand was soft yesterday.  Today it’s raw and worn.  She’s sore from wielding that sword.  Fingers scraped.  It would still easily put me to sleep on my cheek like that if we laid in this grass. She's being sneaky, too, checking out my bandage.
“No, Link.  We are equals.  I technically outrank you, it’s true, but you and I are partners in this.  Equal shares in this destiny.”
“I don’t agree.”
“Hmm.  Either way, I believe I have the right to be consulted when we make decisions.”
“You’re…absolutely right.  I was entirely in the wrong.”
“I know you thought you knew what I would say.”
“Yeah.  I did.”
“That eases any sting there would be.  Yet a time may come when your assessment of my mind is incorrect.  We must speak with each other Link.  Or at least, you must listen to me, since I may be privy to your thoughts.”
“Heh.  Yeah.  You might be.”
Please keep touching me.  Don’t stop yet.
“Link… do you need to sleep?  Even twenty minutes—we may not get another chance.“
Just please one more moment with your skin on mine..
Maybe it’s a good thing I saw that memory.
“Your exhaustion is evident.”
I saw my own weakness.
It’s not love.
“I ought to call a brief rest.”
Well, it is, but… that’s not the weakness.
“I could use sleep myself.”
The weakness is how much I want her.
“So could Daile, at the very least, I imagine.”
She’s… probably right about sleeping.
Look at her.  The red sky light makes it worse, it must, but I saw her in the Slate-light too and could already see it. How tired she is.
But the longer we wait, the longer whatever that is in the northwest goes uncontrolled.  Maybe unchallenged at all.
“I shall enquire about the others’ sleep.”
The others.
Right.  “Yes.  We can’t all be a mess when we arrive at whatever that is.”
Her hand.
“Y- eah?”
“What did you see?  When you remembered?”
“I was…” was…. was what?
“I wasn’t me-“ not true.
Can’t lie to her.
Almost lied to myself, though, didn’t I?
‘Not me.’
It was.
“Link?  Why- are your eyes so dark?”
Red, I’d think.  With that evil glow behind you.
The red sky.
Like in that memory.
The memory.
Is it a coincidence?  Or is it just… the red triggered it?  The red along with Zelda’s stare.
“Please answer me, Link.”
Oh.  “I’m sorry, Zelda.”
“…For what?”
For what I know I almost did.
I know.
It really was me.  Me in another lifetime.
Do not blame yourself in this.
Really seems like I should.
You were under enormous pressure.
I am now, too.  Doesn’t mean I should be- manhandling Zelda.
The current situation, while stressful, cannot be compared to the constant flow of evil power inundating your being in that dark realm, Master.
From what?
…From the weapon our enemy seeks.
What is it?
I cannot tell you.
Okay, WHERE is it then?
I must not reveal its location.
You know, and it’s something the Calamity wants, so obviously it’s going to go for it, but you won’t even tell us where it is?  Or what?  That’s… I mean, where do we even begin to secure it, then?
If I could tell you, I would.
Did this past self of mine know?
He did.
Why did he know but I’m not allowed to?!
I did not tell him, master… but circumstances were different.  There would have been no reason not to divulge this to him.
Major advantage, him being allowed to know what the hell was going on.
That Master of mine never flourished.
…So that was him.
And he was me.  You just admitted it.  Twice- no, three times.
In this case, admission was preferable.  My silence was meant to protect you, master, but I cannot allow you to blame yourself for actions millennia upon millennia ago in a far-splintered past, actions over which you had vanishingly little control.  Only your extraordinarily good heart kept you sane.
I almost- for Hylia’s sake, Fi, don’t you realize what I almost did?
I do.  I also know you didn’t.
“Oh- Link-“
Oh.  Wet face.  Oh.  Oh crap, Zelda-
“It’s alright, Link.  I was reading the Slate.”
And now she’s drying my absurd face.
“Your face is not absurd.”
I concur, master.
“Hph.  Thanks…”
She’s not asking what I did.  What then-me did.  Guess she’s not worried about it.  She can always read it later.
“You need sleep, Link.”
“I’d agree if-“
“I shall still ask the others.  But I am confident a short rest all-around shall be welcome.  And when we meet the enemy, we shall be the better for it.”
Breathe, Link.
Be grateful.
And breathe.
And maybe rest in the tall grass.
And be a good brother. Remember to ask where they sent Chee.
And check Rionee's wound.
And Zelda's.
And your own.
And warn them about befouled water- no, wait, Daile knew about that, good, good-
"Rest your mind, too."
"...Yeah. I'll try."
Read Next: The one that blew by.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 4 years ago
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i got commissioned to draw vaniro~
my twitter https://twitter.com/gryffindorkx
my instagram https://www.instagram.com/gryffindorkx/
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hiccanna-tidbits · 4 years ago
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Pagan Holiday Shipping Moodboard Project #3--Ostara Vaniro
So anyways I lowkey forget I was doing this and my dumb ass completely missed actual Ostara (March 20) like a total dweeb, so I did the next best thing and posted 2 days after Easter instead XD
Man, it was honestly such a debate whether to use Vaniro or Sweet Tooth for Ostara. I ultimately decided on Hiro x Vanellope because the cherry blossom motif in San Fransokyo (which bloom right around Ostara, IIRC) and Vanellope’s general sweets and candy motif just have a very early spring kinda vibe, idk. And Bunnymund’s whole “hope and new life” thing and Tooth’s kinda bright, summery personality can work for later spring too, so I’m saving them for mayday!
Also please don’t flay me for shipping this!!! D: I’ve seen Vaniro/Hirellope shippers get a lot of flak so I just wanna emphasize that I ONLY ship them in an AU where Van is aged up a bit and she and Hiro are the same age. Even their canon age gap, as I understand it, is only about 4-5 years (and even then, Vanellope’s age is pretty damn vague because she’s a video game character so who even knows???), which ain’t really a big deal later in life. I understand if you don’t like the ship--it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay, I understand couples with canonically large age gaps can weird some people out. But please just blacklist the ship tags and move on, no need to bash when you can just ignore it.
Idk man I just feel like they’d have such epic chemistry and sass battles if they ever met (and again, this is in an AU where they’re around the same age lol), and I’m never NOT a sucker for those Smart Guy x Energetic Girl pairings (Hiccanna anyone?). That, and Hiro kinda needs someone to keep that ego in check, and Vanellope would never let him get too cocky XD Also I’m pretty sure I read in some BH6 supplementary material that Hiro canonically got bullied for his intelligence when he was in school, so he could relate to Van on the whole bullying thing too.
Also ALSO they could both be a bit autistic-coded imo??? I LOVE the idea of them connecting because of that. Valid if you don’t see it though--I think it’s pretty subtle for both.
Pic credits available upon request!
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andidrawin · 7 years ago
I care more about my ships than my actual love life, is this normal ???
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thesketchamateur26 · 9 months ago
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We all know Vanellope and her clever snarky comebacks (which is non-stop)
But you know what can make her go quiet?
it's either the face of full of adoration or full of resentment from Hiro
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riftdancing · 1 year ago
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I sat with my anger long enough...
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until it told me its real name was grief.
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I'm not a whole person...
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and I don't think I ever will be.
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Parts of me died in the house I grew up in...
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and I visit them in my dreams.
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When you aren't fed love on a silver spoon...
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you learn to lick it off knives.
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falynnthecat64 · 8 years ago
Hiro:Here,pretend-pretend that that's a seed Vanellope:It's a rock. Hiro:Oh I know it's a rock,I know but let's just pretend for a minute that it's a seed alright?we'll just use our imaginations now,now do you see the tree?everything that made that giant tree is already contained inside this tiny little seed all it needs is some time,a little bit of sunshine and rain,and voilá! Vanellope:This rock will be a tree? Hiro:Seed to tree you've gotta work with me here alright?okay now,y-you might not feel like you can do much now,but that's just because well you're not a tree yet you just have to give yourself some time you're still a seed Vanellope:But it's a rock Hiro:I know it's a rock!don't you think I know a rock when I see a rock?I've spent a lot of time around rocks! Vanellope:You're weird,but I like you
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dogboy-br4in · 2 months ago
could you guys imagine though, like Vaniro comes across a stray cat and begins feeding it here or there for funsies bc they feel slightly bad for it but end up leaving in a rush so honestly it never crosses their mind at first to actually adopt the cat or anything. Vaniro has got bigger fish to fry anyways what with being part of the mafia, after all so it makes sense
then the cat constantly just starts showing up, always following him around, purring loudly, pawing at his ankles and rubbing against them. it's gotten to the point where the cat tries to follow them inside the hotel/casino which causes Vaniro to scoop the cat up in his arms so they don't get trampled by the people around them. he kinda just brings it with him to his apartment and lets it chill and hang out.
flash forward to the grocery store when Vaniro is in the pet aisle buying a shit ton of stuff for the cat he finally comes to the realization like "oh...i guess i DO just have a cat now...huh..."
and like, imagine it helping him too, almost somewhat becoming an emotional support animal for him without them even realizing or thinking much of it.
i should give Vaniro a pet cat......
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ranmagender · 8 years ago
someone stop my crossover ship problem, it’s getting out of hand
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fandomlife-confessions · 5 years ago
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themythicdream · 8 years ago
Person A winning a giant stuffed animal for Person B at the fair on one of their first dates. Then Person B keeping the stuffed animal for years , keeping it on their bed where they use it as a pillow while watching movies. Then Person A comes over every now and then and always says something.
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