#vampire myth
aikoiya · 1 year
DP HC - Hemovores Can't Stomach Ectoplasm
I feel like ectoplasm would just be uniquely toxic to hemovores & Pillar Men. Just uniquely so.
I don't think it'd have the same effect on them as, say, sunlight or Reiki or Hamon would. As in burning & purification.
More so, it'd be more like acid to them.
The reason being that while ectoplasm is technically "ghost blood," it isn't literal blood. Or, I suppose that another way to put it is that it's the blood of the dead whereas hemovores persist off the blood of the living.
Supernatural even says that one way of harming a vampire is with "dead man's blood." And you can't get much deader than a ghost, now can you?
That, plus the fact that ectoplasm is radioactive makes it even more dangerous to them.
Though, I feel like halfa blood would at least be consumable for hemovores, but still deadly. Like, instead of acting like acid, it'd act like poison.
I think only those like Vlad are able to sustain themselves off of ectoplasm & that's largely because I hc him as half-lugat, half-ghost rather than half-human, half-ghost like Danny.
As such, he requires a balanced diet of human food, living blood, & core-plasm. However, the blood from an actual corpse would still affect him negatively.
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fieldsofwax · 1 year
Why TVD is the most meaningful vampire story & Delena cures the curse of vampirism
I believe all of TVD's lore goes back to the fear off loss of loved ones- Elena has guilt that her primal/dark nature (vampiric) caused the loss of her loved ones (her parents died after picking her up from a rowdy house party), causing her to pursue vampirism (she says she liked how Stefan would 'never die,' like her parents did) which means eternal unchanging love. She fears all that has come with her vampirism because she fears abandonment. Damon felt his humanity caused the loss of his love Katherine (in trusting Stefan with her secret), and pushes away love & his humanity out of fear of abandonment. But, he eventually chooses to become human to be able to love Elena fully. they both sacrifice the promise of eternal and unchanging love despite their fears of loss. their love taught them to accept change as the truest form of love-and that the eternal and unchanging is a false kind of love. To love one another even as they both change, for all that they are, and change one another. Therein, their love imo broke the doppelganger/original vampire spell that started with Silas and Amara (its intention was to preserve their love forever) as the doppelgängers of them did not choose one another (Stefan & Elena) and they chose to love through acceptance of death and letting go of the desire to preserve it. I see them being endgame as symbolically curing vampirism, and this is also why I think their children will have the cure in their blood, carried on through them. This is such a deeper message than people realize, a spiritual take on love- it doesn't fetishize immortality but celebrates humanity (unlike twilight).
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wildnya · 3 months
nya: real questions from us
how do vampires wipe with those long ass nails without getting poop stuck under them or scratching themselves? or is that a common thing?
wild: do they only urinate? at least the ones who only drink blood
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kayascodelorio · 1 month
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cheesy-cryptid · 3 months
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tw // blood, body horror
“Not now, Benito! We've just uncovered—-“
Tropical gothic my beloved i am SO back 🩸 decided to make a fake book cover about filipino monster hunters solving mysteries together
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
You'll spend the night sitting and talking by the fire with a vampire girl. And she'll be much older then the vampires you've useally met. She's seen things that nobody else remembers. And she'll look so calm and small, sitting there in a little black suit, though you both know she could kill you.
And you'll offer her some of your blood for some wisdom. And she'll just sit there sipping it for a bit, peacefully, seeming so content with the world.
And she'll tell you things nobody else knows. Events from history no other source could confirm. Things only she knows about the figures of the deep past. She'll tell you what civilizations history barely knows were like. She tells you myths from cultures that never got a chance to write them down, whose only sources are half remembered tales from people who had stoped believing in those gods long ago. And she tells you which of her kind cannot be trusted, and where to go if you need safety nomatter what happens.
She keeps watch over your camp while you sleep. You pet her head before you drift off. And she won't be there in the morning. And you hope whoever hears about what you were like long after you're gone enjoys your story.
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thegothicalice · 19 days
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Casual in red & black 🥀 Earrings painted by me, pendant by The Moonlight Myth, everything else secondhand.
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2000s-angell · 1 year
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credits(from left to right):
Persephone by Purrcelot(Twitter)
Hades and Persephone by Nixeu(Facebook)
Hades and Persephone by Annie Stegg
Hades and Persephone by jodeee.
Thanks to @vanellq77 ❤️❤️
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fuccboitroy · 4 months
I hope that if vampires are real, and I’m ever turned into one, that the garlic thing is a myth. Because I add like a metric ton of garlic to almost everything I eat.
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fang-and-feather · 6 months
Planning for March... What Polyamory ships would you want to see? Most of what I have for now is Isaac x Arthur x Reader/OC, and as tempting as it is to make a whole month of just them, I think some variety is good for inspiration. So, what kind of ships do you guys like? (Whatever I don't use I will save for other opportunities)
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winguontheweb · 5 months
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Had a dream I turned into a vampire and immediately started abusing my power and toying with people. Note the lack of eye glow given I'm undead.
"Basically me and a bunch of others (a new cast of blorbos that my dream designed) visited a castle/mansion sorta thing. We were all locked inside during the day and forced to spend the night.
During this night I guess I'm the one who succumbed to power, the lighting in the castle goes red and I'm a vampire now
There's some kind of fix, antidote in the castle too, I'm keeping myself secret for a time and I'm not hurting anyone but I eventually get revealed. I reject the antidote and want to remain, and only a couple of people are by my side defending me
The rest of the group wants to cure me or, hell, even kill me at this point
But, I use my vampiric abilities to resist their attempts to do that and I'm able to fight back. There's a basement and stuff I go hide in or take the others down there, I guess I'm not killing them but. Idk?
And that's the end of my story because I forget how it ends
But now I'm thinking about being a vampire and I might like this as much as being a werewolf"
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detectivenyx · 11 months
"twilight was a deeply anti-indigenous text with an abusive power-imbalance masquerading as a romance story written by a mormon and it was weird when white people tried to rehabilitate it" and "a lot of contemporary criticism of twilight boiled down to homophobia and misogyny and wanting to keep some kind of purity in a constantly-changing vampire mythos" coexist.
also donation link to the Quileute Move To Higher Ground initiative
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fyeahmyths · 1 year
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Blood drinking creatures.
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hawktims · 1 year
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modern mythical creatures | vampires | 2023 remake (original)
A vampire is a mythical being who subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures. In folkloric tales, undead vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive.
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lucilassie · 4 months
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You only come out at night 🦇🎵
Models: @mmmayro (Kado Thorne), @instantoctopus (Driftwalker)
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