#vampire!michael myers
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toxicanonymity · 2 years ago
Hiya honey, could you please do Vampire Michael Myers who finds the reader walking into a castle and gets lost so when she tries to find her way out she bumps into Michael and he traps her against the cold stoned wall inhaling her scent and goes like primal mode or some sort of hunter/prey type deal.. btw I love your writing🖤you're truly appreciated and deserve all the love and support you get <3
Yes, I had no idea I had so many thoughts about Vampire Michael Myers. I’ve never written a vampire before. I added a few HCs at the bottom in summary. And thank you for the kind words 🖤 I appreciate you too! Love you friend. Vampire edit by me lol.
Michael's Castle
3k | Vampire!Michael Myers x Fem!Reader | NSFW 
Warnings: unsafe piv, period stuff / cunnilingus, weird ritualistic stuff, manhandling, dubcon/noncon
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You’re vacationing in Romania, and your hostel isn’t far from a forest.  You go for a hike alone, and there’s a strange feeling in the woods.  Time seems to move differently.  It starts getting dark long before you expect. Your compass stops working and your phone doesn’t have service.  Your period cramps are getting worse.  The forest is dense, but it’s thinning up ahead.  You feel like you’re almost to civilization, so you keep going instead of turning around, thinking you’ll get a cab back to the hostel.  It would be too risky to get lost deep in the forest. 
At the edge of the woods, there’s a path. It’s dusk, there’s no lighting, and you can’t see far. You start walking along the path and it turns into a drawbridge over a canal, where a dense fog is settling.  A large building looms ahead.  As you walk further, you can see it’s a stone castle.  The canal was a moat.  There are two flickering lights.  You quicken your pace and walk toward the lights.  The lights are two gas lamps on either side of a giant, double wooden door. 
You knock and there’s no answer, but it creaks open.  After waiting a few seconds, you step inside.  The air is cool and dry.  Pillar candles sparsely adorn the walls, not nearly enough to illuminate the whole area, but there are a few openings in the ceiling that would provide sunlight if it weren’t dark out.  
The candles are lit, so someone must be home.   You call, “Hello?” but no one answers. 
The large wood door slams shut, startling you along with a few bats, which screech and fly up to the ceiling.  You turn around and see no one.   You follow the candles to a hallway. Your footsteps echo.  The hall is lined with crevasses you can’t see into.  A sense of dread sets over you, and you decide it’s time to leave rather than walk even deeper into this gloomy castle.  
When you’re almost back to the main entrance, you bump into an enormous human shape and your heart goes to your throat. 
You stare straight up at the looming figure.  He might be the largest man you’ve ever seen. 
“I, uh, seem to be lost," you say. "I didn't mean to intrude.  I just need to call a cab back to my hostel.” 
In the flickering candlelight, you see the pale face of a man.  His mouth is obscured by a tall, dark collar, but from the nose up, he looks like notorious escaped killer Michael Myers.  Has he been hiding out here all these years? 
The man sniffs the air like an animal and his nostrils seem to flare.   
You swallow and begin to back up, but he grabs you by the throat.   He slams you up against the cold, stone wall right next to a candle.  His grip on your throat tightens and you squirm.  He raises you up at least a foot off the ground to look at him face-to-face. You cough and gag and he loosens his grip, holding you instead with his hands on your arms. Your breath is visible in the air between you.
There’s no doubt in your mind it’s Michael Myers.  He has the exact same features as Michael’s mask, and a scar on one eye.   Something is off about him, though. He licks his lips.  It’s not a mask.   It’s his actual face, with the exact same features. 
He leans in and you think you see a flicker of beautiful human eyes gazing down from above the collar, but he sniffs you and his eyes darken entirely.  Even the whites of his eyes are black.  Something feels very wrong about him, and yet  something also stirs between your legs. There’s also an air of sensuality about him.  
The stone is cold and rough behind your head.  You’re grateful to be wearing your hiking clothes.  Your sweatshirt allows you some buffer from the stone, but it still doesn’t feel good. Michael releases you and you fall to the ground.  You start to stand up and wonder if he’s going to let you leave him in peace.  
No, he doesn’t.  
He blocks the hallway so you can’t get back to the front door.  He lets you walk the opposite direction, deeper, and darker into the castle, then follows after you.  He’s not walking fast, but his stride is so long that he’s gaining on you as you run down the hall.   You stumble over what feels like uneven cobblestone, unable to see, with Michael lumbering behind you.  You hit a dead end and your only choice is a spiral staircase that only goes down.  
You look back to see how close Michael is and you do a double take.  His collar is enormous, making him look even larger than he is.  He takes up the whole staircase.  The stairs finally end and your stomach drops when you see iron bars in front of you.  You’re in a dungeon.  You scurry around looking for an exit, but there isn’t one.   There are several cells, and each looks worse than the last.  There are also a bunch of big metal hooks hanging from the ceiling.  You don’t know what the equipment is, but it doesn’t look good.  Iron, sharp objects, balls and chains, saws.  
Michael looms patiently, blocking the exit, watching you.  You get the sense he’s waiting for you to choose a cell for yourself.  There’s nowhere for you to run, so you just stand there. Eventually, he forces you into a cell that has an awful looking chair with iron restraints and a cream-colored nightgown hanging from a hook. 
He crowds you up against the wall and pulls a metal lever on the wall, which turns on a gas lamp.   God, he’s huge.  His jumpsuit is black.  He licks his lips again and stretches his jaw.  That’s when you see them – two small, sharp fangs.  His tongue caresses the sharp point of one of them as he bends down and sniffs you, then lifts you up again.  You whimper in horror. He brings his face to your jaw.   His breath is ice cold on your neck.  It sends a shiver down your spine and your nipples pucker.  Blood rushes to your loins.  Your body is confused.  
“Wait, wait, wait,” you plead.  
You urgently unbutton and unzip your pants, dip your finger inside yourself and bring it out so he can see your blood.  “Here,” you say.  “Take all you want.”  You kick off your pants entirely.  Your heart is racing but you pray this works.  
He takes a long, hard sniff, closing his eyes.  He likes what he smells. He puts your fingers in his mouth and sucks, giving you butterflies in the stomach.  Then, he throws you down on the floor.  As you look up at him, you see a bulge swelling in his jumpsuit.  You scramble back into the corner and he prowls toward you.  The scarred, white skin of his face moves as he clenches his jaw and flares his nostrils.
His massive, icy hands spread your knees apart, then he buries his face between your legs, nose first, drawing a long inhale.  He growls, then digs in. His lips and tongue are cold and make you tingle.  He laps every crevice of your folds.  He plunges his tongue inside you and a knot forms in your core with his nose digging into your clit.  He absolutely devours your cunt.  He sucks harder and harder and periodically uses his fingers to pillage you for more blood. His enormous middle finger reaches all the way to your cervix.  You’re throbbing and weak. Your thighs tremble.  A large vein throbs across his forehead.
 He unhinges his jaw and his mouth covers your entire seam like a vacuum.   He sucks with so much pressure it feels like your whole uterus is emptying into his mouth.  The suction does something to you.  You tingle and throb and want more and more.    He continues to suck with his mouth sealed around you, his fangs pressed into your folds, while his tongue violently scrapes your walls clean. The next thing you know, you hear your moan echo through the dungeon as you come in his face.  He doesn’t let up.  You writhe and pulse and your hips roll into his face until you can finally relax. 
When he’s finished, he looks up at you with the lower half of his face covered in blood as you finish coming.   His chest rises and falls. He picks up your underwear and jeans and smells them. He tears off your hoodie, shirt, and bra.  He tosses the thin nightgown at you and takes your clothes with him as he leaves and locks you in the cell.
You shiver and cry on the cold stone floor for what feels like hours.  Your cramps are gone, but you’re freezing and scared.  It’s so dark.  You try opening the cell door, and you can't make it budge.  You try to sleep, but  you can’t get tired. Eventually, you explore the rest of the cell and find a sharp object that allows you to open the lock with some difficulty.  You try to open the door as quietly as possible, but the scrape of metal on stone still echoes. 
There's only one way out – up the spiral staircase and down the hall.  You make it up the staircase, your heart pounding. Then you hear the thud of boots in the distance.  There's nowhere for you to go, so you cower against the wall, making yourself as small as possible as the footsteps get louder.  You dip your fingers into yourself and frantically check for blood, but there’s none.  He took it all.  What you do find is arousal.  You feel a pang of shame, but it’s natural for your body to respond this way to a hot, hulking vampire that oozes sexual energy and already ate you out within an inch of your life.  
The footsteps stop, and you try to creep down the hall silently.  You make it all the way to the front entrance, and as soon as you’re about to step into the large, open space, a massive hand shoots out and grabs you by the throat.  He was waiting for you.  
Once again, he slams you against the cold wall next to a pillar candle.  You thrash and choke, and he releases his grip, catching you with his knee between your legs and his hands on your arms. The flame illuminates his haunting face.  You stare into his black eyes and feel something happening to you.  His nose comes to your neck and you feel the suction of his nostrils as he inhales your scent.  
He grabs the candelabra on the wall and pulls it. The wall behind you begins to lower into the ground, and he throws you over his shoulder.    The lowering stone sounds like a large drawbridge creaking and grinding.  His hand slips between your legs while he waits for the secret door to lower completely into the floor.  A large finger glides against your slippery clit, and you feel like you could pass out.  He steps into the hidden passage and pulls another candelabra on the wall. 
Gas flames flicker to life.  He lumbers down the dimly lit hall.  He's so tall, you feel like you're too close to the ceiling. You're afraid of where he's taking you.  You pray it's not a shortcut to the dungeon.  
Your hip rests against his stiff collar.   Since you're facing backwards, you can't see where you're going, but you can see the walls of the passage are made of bones like an ossuary.  Your heart sinks.   What is he going to do to you?  
He bends his knees to crouch under an archway and comes to a stop.  He  pulls another candelabra and there’s more creaking and grinding.  Then, he throws you down and you brace for impact but your back lands on something soft and velvet that continues to rise a few more inches before coming to a stop.  When the grind of stone-on-stone stops, you hear faint organ music in the distance.   You're lying face up on a padded, velvet altar of sorts.   Your ass is at the edge with your legs hanging off.    You try to sit up and he forces you back down. 
He takes the nightgown off you and spreads your knees,  wedging his enormous form between them.  The altar is the exact height of his inseam.  His pelvis presses into you, and the fabric of his black jumpsuit is silky and smooth against your dripping seam.  His enormous package hardens right between your legs, and your whole body feels weak with arousal.  The bulge is thick and pulses against you.  All your blood rushes to your loins and your hips tilt, reflexively seeking more of him.  He pushes into you harder, rolling his hard, satin-clad member against your naked, slippery clit.  
He looms over you, observing you.    His black eyes glisten and he tilts his head. He has the nicest Adam's apple, too, perfectly framed by his collar.  He adjusts his collar, then begins to unzip his suit.  His pale skin glistens in the flickering light.   He brings the zipper down past where you can see and his monster cock springs out and slaps your clit, sending a rush of pleasure through you.  He nestles the tip at your entrance.  You throb with need and whimper in fear.  
His large hands grab hold of your hips and jerk you toward him at the same time he thrusts forward,  plunging his entire length into you.  Your body screams and so do you as his obscene length splits you in two.  He retreats then pushes in again and you whimper and cry.   He puts his hands on your abdomen and slides them onto your breasts as his hips rock into you.  His icy palms pucker your nipples. He explores your body, and you wince a little less with each thrust. 
He lowers his head to your chest.  Your body is starting to enjoy the feeling of his cock filling you up in short, slow thrusts.  His mouth hovers over your nipple and his icy breath makes it painfully hard.  He brings his face directly over yours and his soft thrusts turn into harder jabs..   Tension builds deep inside you.  
His black eyes penetrate yours with his cock deep inside you.  He opens his mouth and licks his lips.  Your whole body prickles in goosebumps when you see his fangs again.  There's a flash of something behind his eyes, something other than black.  All the lights flicker out at once, but not before you see his collar drop and his jumpsuit fall around his waist.  The faint music sounds louder with the lights out.  
The pitch dark also makes his shaft feel even better as he rams into you.   The cool skin of his chest meets yours, then his lips brush against your mouth.  He slows his hips but continues to fill you to the brim with each rut.  The tension inside you is overwhelming. You’re aching for release and your hips roll into him needily. 
His cool tongue gently breaches your mouth and he kisses you passionately.  His fang pricks you on the lip, then sucks it feverishly, and his already-hard cock swells even bigger and harder inside you as he fucks you and you start twitching on his cock.    
When he’s done with your lip, he stills himself, taking an enormous breath in through his nose and slowing his hips almost to a halt, but not completely.  You don’t want him to stop.  Your hips rise into his and your legs wrap around him.  He brings his lips to your jaw and drags them lightly down your neck, his nose brushing your chin as he moves his lips to the other side. He buries his steely cock inside you at a crawling pace that’s driving you mad. 
He unhinges his jaw and seals his lips in the crook of your neck.  His tongue circles your skin and his cock twitches inside you then slowly retreats and stops, half-in.  His fangs graze you, then sink deep into your delicate neck at the same time his cock slams back into you.  You jolt in pleasure.  He moves his hips as he sucks your blood.  A new life force surges through you and something old spills out.  His cock erupts and so does the tension in your core.  His fangs sink deeper and he sucks with superhuman power.  He pulsates enormously inside you while you contract around him and cool waves of relief wash over your body.  It’s not just physical – his fangs are drawing out all your fears and anxiety.  It’s just fading away.  
When he’s finished, the candles flicker back on.  There are several large veins across his forehead and cheeks that deflate back into his smooth, pale skin as he stands up.  You admire his ripped body and bullet wound scars as he pulls his jumpsuit sleeves back on.    When he turns up his collar, a gust of wind blows out all the flames again and you feel a rush of excitement.  But what’s strange is that somehow, you can still see his pale face.  Not very well, not very much, but the darkness is no longer pitch-black.  
Vampire Michael HCs:
Hybrid 1978/2007. His face IS the mask. It’s smooth like the 1978 flashback in Halloween Kills, but he has veins in his face that bulge in the pattern of the RZ  mask.  Eyes are black, including the sclera.  You rarely think you catch a glimpse of something else.  Hot AF almost 200 cm, muscular, super strength. 
Black jumpsuit, style of mechanic suit but in smooth, vampire uniform material. Enormous collar instead of cape.
Doesn't use electricity.  Super high tech castle considering it's all totally analog. Has an altar that comes up out of the floor with handles each side conveniently placed for leverage as he fucks you. 
And bonus version.of the cobbled together pic lol
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almost forgot my little tag list lol Michael tag list: @ethanhoewke @rebel-blue @wolvesandvampires
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filthyslashertoad · 7 months ago
Slasher First Date Headcannons
Oh yeah guys, guess who’s adding more characters! ME!!!! So…introducing…PETER STRAHM AND… MARK HOFFMAN!!!! (air horn noises)
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Also just to be clear I’m writing for lestat and Louis from the movie NOT THE TV SHOW(It’s just not that good imo)
Peter Strahm
Is a hopeless romantic that 100% believes in love at first sight.
Talks way too much and gets very passionate when sharing his own interests.
Is the type to bring you multiple different flowers because he wasn't sure what you'd like.
Prefers first dates to be at restaurants or cafes.
Mark Hoffman
Is an asshole to you the first time he meets you because he thinks that it counts as flirting?
Quickly becomes absolutely enamored by you and wants to know everything about you.
The day after he definitely finds you walking down the street and blares his sirens to get your attention and say some cheesy pickup line to ask you out on another date.
Michael Myers
The closest you're gonna get to a first date with him is him showing up at your house and eating all of your food while staring at you from a nearby hallway.
Don't expect a first date kiss, but do expect a sentimental staring contest before he leaves.
Amanda Young
Your first date was probably being in a jigsaw trap she either made for you or both of you being in the same trap. (She doesn't have much of a social life)
Quickly becomes attached to you and goes out of her way to make you survive the trap.
Bo Sinclair
Hits on you when you pass through the town and invites you to have a picnic on his lunch break(Which consists of beer, crackers, a few blueberries, beer, and hotdogs)
Tells you all about mechanic stuff and some of the prettier parts of the town.
After lunch, he invites you to go out with him if you're passing through(fixes your car for free).
Vincent Sinclair
Teaches you how to make candles and mini wax figurines. (It's harder than it looks)
Makes a tiny doll version of you and him and gives them to you.
Not much talking happens during the date(obviously) but he makes up for it with hand gestures.
Patrick Bateman
Hears one of his buddies talking about you and how beautiful you are and automatically decides he needs you to be his girlfriend.
Pulls out the nines, I'm talking Dior suit, Givenchy shoes, and he even buys new hair gel before your date so he looks as fresh as possible.
Will most likely talk almost the entire date about his accomplishments while using business jargon.
Lestat(Interview with a Vampire)
Most likely had the intention of seducing you to suck your blood but realized that you had more to you than what seemed.
Invites you to go to the opera with him and Louis but ends up taking you to a much more secluded section of the opera house.
Wants to turn you into a vampire on the first date(I don't even know what base that reaches)
Louis(Interview with a Vampire)
Isn't much of a romantic(anymore) so it's more so a deep conversation shared between the two of you in a beautiful garden.
Asks you what it's like to be human and what you admire about life.
Gives you a bouquet of his favorite roses as a surprise.
Michael Emerson
Wants to really really impress you so he takes you to a bunch of places that are "hidden" and brings a bunch of snacks. (Doesn't mind also going to see a movie)
Definitely tries to kiss you on the first date.
After your date Sam teases him all night about his crush on you.
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thehalloweenhub · 5 months ago
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Happy Haunting!
Here’s what currently streaming to help with your 31 nights of Halloween. 🎃
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slasherboy-brainrot · 2 years ago
you don't understand, i don't think i can fix them; i want them to stab me
you're forgetting i'm mentally ill here
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wyrm-wuud · 3 months ago
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stupid experience i had last night- I was CACKLING
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cassandraillustrates · 1 year ago
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Days 25-31 of Retrosupply’s art challenge
And we are DONE with art challenge 2023!
I did prepare sketches a month ahead so as to not stress about what to draw, but first day of the challenge I scrapped all that and decided to draw these kids as the main focus in these silly scenarios. So I ended up stressing anyway and fell behind a week, but powered through a weekend and caught up.
There are a few that are lackluster from literally having no idea what to draw and wanted to skip the prompt so badly, but I refused to skip any days. 😤
Happy Halloween!
Next year I’ll for sure be more prepared !
Days 1-10
Days 11-16
Days 17- 24
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spookychick78 · 2 years ago
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OG Michael Myers One Shot
Okay so hear me out. Michael Myers X Vampire but make it sexy.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, knife play, blood play, choking, biting, rough sex etc.
Word Count: 3,536
Something seemed off in his home that night. He stood in the foyer, knife in hand as he listened. There was no audible sound to give away the other presence that had hidden itself there, no shaky breath, no heartbeat. Yet, in the silence he knew he wasn't alone. He could feel it. His eyes moved up the stairs as he tilted his head. Though their stealth thus far was impressive, whoever it was couldn't hide forever. This was his home and he knew it better than any trespasser could hope to. Nowhere they chose to hide would keep them safe for long if he decided to come looking, but Michael wasn't one to play games. Unless of course, they were his own. He made the rules, especially here. He would wait, he could be patient. They'd reveal themselves sooner or later be it out of desperation, false sense of security, or just plain boredom. He wouldn't give them a choice. He would make them come to him. Yeah, he would win this game. After all, he always did.
Just as a contented smirk started to pull at his hidden lips, movement came from the shadows beside him. He slowly turned his head to see a woman step out of the darkness. She had an arrogance about her he didn't quite understand. The knife in his hand nor the mask on his face did little to scare away the cocky smile that spread across her face as she studied him.
"Hello Michael," she said softly.
He narrowed his eyes at her under his mask. The air about her suggested she thought she had the upper hand. How silly. He lunged forward and his hand went for her throat, but she caught his fist in her palm before he even had the chance to unravel his fingers. He strained against her, waiting for her arm to break from the pressure he applied, but she stayed unmoving. His strength didn't seem to phase her, she was as still as ever.
"So eager to end our game already?" She asked calmly as her hand gripped tighter around his own, "I thought you liked to play."
He wouldn't give in. He gritted his teeth to hold back the pained groan that threatened to escape his lips, anymore pressure and he was sure she would break bones. Still, he held firm in his stance and pushed back against her. He wasn't unaware of the ice cold feel of her skin either, it left quite a sting. She let out a quiet laugh at his unmatched determination. She knew this would be fun.
"I've been watching you, Michael," she whispered as she craned her neck up to get a glimpse of his eyes through that pale mask, "for quite some time."
Her gaze was so fixed on his eyes it almost made him uncomfortable. No one had ever dared look as long as she was, that is if they ever got close enough. Her wanton curiosity both infuriated and intrigued him at the same time. What knowledge had she gained whilst watching him and more importantly, why had she been watching him? She could tell he was growing curious, which was exactly what she wanted. She let her grip loosen and he took his opportunity to force her across the room into the wall. She had decided to let him win a little, she knew him well enough to know it was something he needed to keep his interest. She felt the tip of his knife at her naval, almost begging to break skin, but he kept it from entering. His other hand gripped her throat dangerously tight, but it mattered not. He could squeeze harder if he wanted to, she had no use for breath.
"Don't be shy," she said as her hands rested over his tight grip on the knife's handle, "do it."
He felt her force the knife forward slowly. Her skin tore around it's sharp tip as she granted it entry. He didn't like that she had taken such control over the situation so he took it back and swiftly. He plunged his knife into her as deep as it could go and what should have been a cry of agony sounded like an expression of pleasure. He tilted his head as he watched her smile when he twisted the blade within her.
"We're not so different, you and I," she started calmly as though the knife in her had no effect, "death means nothing to us and yet, it is the very nature of our existence."
He was growing incredibly frustrated at her elaborate way of aligning herself with him. He pulled his knife out only to plunge it back in again, harder this time. That only seemed to make her laugh.
"You don't seem to understand," she said before she quickly ripped the knife from his hand, "we are not meant to die."
His hand around her throat tightened enough to break bones, but not hers. She grabbed his wrist and without words, requested he release his grip. Naturally, he denied her so she resorted to force. He couldn't fathom that she had the strength to, but she was able to pry his hand from her neck and easily.
"You like death, Michael?" She asked as she brought the blade to her throat, "Then let me introduce her to you."
She dragged the knife sideways slowly along her skin and her blood turned the parts of her visible to him red. For the first time in his life, Michael watched in disbelief. Her throat was open before him and yet she was somehow still alive, looking back at him with a smile. What blew his mind further was that he could tell it wasn't that it didn't hurt her, it did and she liked it. She returned the knife that was now coated in her blood to him.
"You see, we are the same. Only your heart still beats, whereas mine," she said as she took his hand and placed it over her heart.
There was nothing. No unsteady beat to relish in, no quickened breath, just cold skin underneath his palm.
"You defy death in a different way, but we are both death's deliverers," she said as she brought his hand up to her open mouth.
Michael watched with unbridled curiosity as her gums retracted and her incisors grew exponentially. She kept her mouth agape and invited him to explore, just as he had hoped she would. He let his fingers brush over each of them, admiring just how sharp they really were. Just before he pulled away, he cut himself on one. She hummed with pleasure as she tasted his blood on her tongue. He noticed her eyes had changed, they now had an eerie orange glow. His favorite color. She was somehow paler than before, almost ghostly. He could really admire those fangs now that she was smiling again at his taste. She made quite a pretty picture with all that blood still dripping down her. The embodiment of death. Michael didn't realize he was capable of feeling desire, but something about that animalistic hunger in her eyes that his own blood had awakened made him want to explore her further, test her limits. She had no need for a weapon, her own body was that in of itself. He was beyond fascinated, which pleased her. She had him right where she wanted him.
"I've watched you kill and be killed. I've watched you die over and over and yet, your heart keeps beating, your blood keeps pumping. You hunger as I do. I kill to survive, but you," she flashed that eerie smile again as she let out a low laugh, "you don't need blood to live, you simply want it. Well, I want to understand you, Michael, but more than anything, I want to taste an immortal. I want to taste you."
She still held his hand in hers and he could tell the blood that steadily dripped from his finger was driving her to madness. He saw control within his grasp again and he wasn't going to let it go. He pulled his hand away from her and dismay began to spread over her face until he brought it back to her mouth. He ran his finger over her lips, coating them in his blood. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth with her teeth and her eyes rolled back as she tasted him again. Her hands went up to hold his once more and he allowed her to.
"May I?" She asked softly.
He gave her nothing, but his silence was her green light. She dragged her tongue from his palm to the tip of his index finger, leaving no trace of blood behind. She then took it in her mouth. He felt her open the wound further with one of her teeth before she began to drink. He watched her body relax entirely once she tasted him again, more than before. He tasted different, just as she had expected, sweeter. The small amount he had allotted her satisfied her more than any other she had tasted before. Each drop was bliss and he could see it all over her. That pull he felt was strange, but euphoric all at once. It made him feel light, almost weightless. It gave him a rush unlike any other he had felt before and he let his head fall back as the feeling washed over him. Her eyes flickered open to see his neck was exposed to her. It was becoming incredibly difficult to control her hunger, he simply tasted too good. Then again, she wasn't sure she had to control herself. After all, that was why she sought him out. There was no risk of him dying. He was an endless supply of bliss for her, she just needed him to want her as much as she wanted him.
He could feel her growing needier as she sucked harder than before. He looked back down at her and saw she was watching him. Those orange eyes were filled with lust as they stayed glued to his neck. He smirked behind his mask before he pulled his finger away from her. She hissed at the sudden emptiness he left behind and her brow furrowed. He quickly grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back against the wall. It was his turn to explore her.
She laughed again, "You can't break me, Michael."
He pressed his body against hers with enough force to probably crush any normal being. She was so cold, he could feel her icy skin through his boiler suit, but it brought relief to his increasingly raised body heat. She was bringing sensations to the surface he had never felt before and he knew she was more than aware. She could feel it.
"Is that what you want?" She whispered up at him, "would you like to break me, Michael?"
He responded by squeezing her throat as tight as he could. He wanted to more than she knew and he could tell he wasn't alone in his desire. It felt fitting that he would give himself to death, or perhaps it was death who would give herself to him. The thought was enough to make his breath falter. He wanted those teeth in him again and he wanted her against the wall where she belonged with her cold legs wrapped around him.
"Then break me," she said in an almost hypnotizing tone.
With his other hand he ripped his mask off so he could press his lips to hers. It was almost like kissing stone. She was so cold and firm. Unbreakable. If he was going to have a lover, she would have to be, because Michael knew nothing of self control. At least not when it came to killing, he could only imagine sex would be no different. She didn't ask for his self control, she didn't need it. She was perfectly matched to him, made for him. He wasn't quite sure how such a thing had landed in his grasp, but he wasn't about to let it slip. She was his now, whether she had asked to be or not. She was his to do with just as he pleased. She may have been physically unbreakable, but Michael would find other ways to break her, it was what he was good at and she would love every second of it. One thing was already very much in his control. She had given him that leash to hold without even realizing it.
He felt her clamoring to pull his boiler suit back as her lips wandered from his own and down to his neck. He knew what she was doing, he could feel those sharp teeth grazing his exposed skin and he allowed her to continue until he felt her self control slip. Just before she could sink into him he shoved her back against the wall to remind her that his blood was his to give when, and only when, he chose to. He was in control and he had every intention to make her beg. That was her leash and he held that power in his hands as he always did. She lunged forward again and he only pushed her back harder, so hard the wooden walls of the Myers' house behind her broke. She didn't even flinch, instead she smiled in amusement. It only added to his enthusiasm about the situation. He freed his arms from his boiler suit and promptly tore her blood soaked dress from her body. He watched, amused as she took care of the rest of her clothing. Her body was unlike any other he had seen. Flawless, in his eyes and probably anyone else's if they saw. Though, other eyes were no longer a concern, he would be her only admirer. He noticed the stab wound he had dealt her was missing as if it had never happened. She really would be his plaything.
Once she had discarded the last of the cloth covering her, she was on him again. Her lips met his with more force than before. She was intent on showing him just how strong she really was and he was intent on finding out. He felt her nip at his bottom lip as she kissed him and heard her moan when the smallest bit of blood met her tongue. He lifted her up so she could wrap her now bare legs around him and once he was sure she wouldn't fall, he tangled his fingers in her hair. He yanked her head back so her neck was exposed to him this time. He let his lips brush over her icy skin, then his teeth. He was gentle at first as he peppered kisses along her jugular, then he began to experiment. He nipped at her and relished in those pained hisses she let out, though he knew she liked it. If she liked his blade cutting her skin, surely she would enjoy his teeth just the same and he wanted to taste her just as she had him. He bit down and her blood quickly spilled for him. Once he'd had a taste, he pulled back so he could admire the way it poured over her pale skin and the way his bite mark disappeared just so he could leave another in it's place. Despite his tight grip on her hair, she forced her head back down so she could look at him once more. Though it was dark she could make out some of his features. He had dark, curly brown hair, a strong jaw and very serious brows atop dark eyes, but despite his intensity, he had an almost angelic appearance in the shadows. Though, she knew he was no angel. She saw that well enough in his eyes. She saw what he wanted to do to her and it made her body tremble with anticipation. She felt his hands gripping her bare waist so tightly it would have torn mortal flesh. He didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to claim her as his own, body and, if she had one, soul. She slid her legs down and once her feet found the floor below her, she pushed him to the ground. The floorboards bent around him from the force and he went to push himself up, but before he could she was on top of him. He knew that smirk on her face was because she knew this wasn't how things were going to go, at least not for long. He grabbed hold of her thighs and stopped her from taking him. She could do as she pleased other than that. That was something he would give to her when he felt she deserved it. She met his lips again, sloppily this time as she kissed down his body and let her nails drag on his skin above her head as she got lower and lower. He stifled the groans that we're building within him as he felt her cold lips press against the lowest possible part of his naval. She was careful not to give him what he wanted, that was her leash to hold, at least that's what she thought. As if he'd read her mind, he put a stop to that right away. He wasn't one to be teased. He sat up and grabbed her by her throat to put her on the ground. He not only loved that he could hear the sound of the house being utterly destroyed each time he threw her, but that she could take it. He pinned her underneath him where she belonged and threw her legs around his waist so he could align himself with her. He didn't waste another second to drive himself into her. He felt her nails dig into his back as he took what he wanted. He was surprised to find it came naturally to him, he knew exactly what he wanted to do and how he was going to do it. His hand returned to her throat to bring her up to him so she could take what she wanted. He needed her to now, he wanted that rush from before combined with the feeling of how tight she was around him. He wanted her to drink from him and as much as she wanted. He knew she understood, he watched her tongue glide over her sharp fangs before she latched onto his neck. That rush washed over him instantly and he picked up his pace while he held her head in place. He was unable to control the moans that fell from his lips as she drank from him and deeply. She was glad he held her in place because she could barely hold herself up. Each time he pushed into her he hit a spot that made her head spin. He may have been inexperienced, but he was bringing her closer and closer to her climax with every move he made. Her fingers reached down in desperation, she was almost there, she just needed friction on that other sweet spot he had yet to discover. He caught her hand and quickly replaced it with his own, but allowed her to show him what she wanted. He caught on fast and soon enough she could barely focus on drinking him anymore. Though he tasted so good, what he was doing to her was somehow even better. She unlatched her teeth from him and her head fell back as her orgasm washed over her. He watched her face contort in an almost pained expression as her body grew tighter around him. Though he wanted her to continue feeding off of him, watching her face was equally as intoxicating. Watching what he was doing to her, what he was making her feel, it was enough to send him spiraling. Pleasure more intense than any he had ever felt took over, but he didn't stop. She held onto him tight enough to draw blood with her finger nails as he spilled into her. He buried his face in her neck as he rode out his orgasm, letting himself be more vocal than he ever had been in all his life. The sound of him falling apart brought her to the edge once again, which only made him continue. He felt her go limp in his arms as her body reveled in the pleasure he had brought her once again. He removed his face from her neck to look at her. She had her eyes closed and her neck was still craned back as she whispered his name to herself. He wondered if maybe that was all she could take, if maybe he had found her breaking point after all. He started to slow his pace, which only made a smile spread across her face again.
"Did you think we were finished?" She asked cockily.
When she lifted her head to meet his gaze, he smirked. He hadn't broken her yet, so he'd just have to keep trying.
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izzylimon · 7 months ago
source: https://www.instagram.com/childrenofthenight9/
track: John Carpenter - Halloween 1978 (main theme)
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loveandmurders · 2 years ago
Good afternoon mi amor✨ I hope you're having a wonderful Friday.. could you possibly write a fanfic of vampire Michael Myers with a plus size reader who gets caught by him and falls for him.. btw love your blog❤️
Hello beauté <3 And thank you so so much for this wonderful request!!! (I mean Michael as a vampire makes total sense and explains why he doesn't die, he is only active at night, his strenght, and the fact Corey didn't need glasses after he met him and turned him into a murderer (aka into a vampire) but I'm disgressing)
I really hope you'll enjoy this &lt;3
Warnings: no proof reading, plus size female reader, mentions of blood and death, reader is kidnapped, possessive!Michael, coffin.
You heard rumours around town saying that Michael Myers couldn’t be killed, because he was a shape in the darkness, the shadow of death. You weren’t too sure what that meant, but you weren’t really afraid either. You didn’t believe that someone like you could be killed by Michael, because nothing special ever happened to you. Plus, because people weren’t always nice to you - they often bullied you because of your appearance and weight- you preferred to stay on your own most of the time. So really, what were the chances for you to even face Michael?
You were coming back home a little bit later than you had wanted to. It was already dark outside, and even the street lights weren’t comforting you that much. You met almost no one on your way back, and a fresh breeze made you shiver. You tried your best to not be paranoid, but you swore you felt someone was following you. But whenever you would turn around, there was no one. You shook your head. You were being an idiot. You needed to stop believing whatever the journalists and people were saying in town. You still started to walk a little bit faster, happy you had put on comfortable sneakers. You were almost home now, so you relaxed a little, smiling at how silly you could be sometimes.
What happened to you then was like in movies. You turned your head around to check one last time behind you, and when you looked back in front of you, Michael was there. You only had the time to recognise his mask, before he grabbed you and roughly brought you against him. Your bag fell on the ground and your phone too. You were paralysed in fear, you couldn’t even beg for your life. You couldn’t fight back either. He moved his head closer to your neck, removed enough of his mask to free his mouth from it, and suddenly you felt sharp teeth piercing through your skin. You wanted to cry but the fear and the pain made you faint and you collapsed into his arms.
Before you knew it, Michael brought you to his home. He handcuffed you to a bed in his basement, where he usually kept his food alive for an extra few days when he had enjoyed their blood enough for that. And your blood was the most delicious of things he ever tasted. He wasn’t too sure he could find another meal like you, so he was starting to think of keeping you there as long as possible. If he wasn’t too greedy and was feeding you well, he could hope to keep you alive for months, maybe even for years. While you were still unconscious, Michael came back to watch you. You were so pretty he thought, not that he usually cared about what his snacks looked like. And he almost smiled under his mask, thinking that now he would be the only one to ever look at you, because you were all his. Forever his. Well, at least until he would decide to kill you.
You opened your eyes, thinking you were in your bed and that you simply had an awful nightmare. You wanted to move around when you found out your right wrist was chained to a bed frame you didn’t know. You started to panic and you tugged on the handcuff with great strength, to the point you were hurting yourself. Michael didn’t want any of your blood to get to waste so he moved closer to you and placed his hand over yours to make you stop. Your attention was instantly drawn to him and your eyes widened. You didn’t dream. You had been attacked and kidnapped by Michael Myers. Your free hand moved to your neck and you found dry blood on it but no mark. Michael healed you with his blood while you were sleeping. Now his blood was in your system, he could know where you were wherever he was. He didn’t want to lose track of you that easily.
You stared at him, you couldn’t believe that it was happening to you. You watched the mask, hoping it was a copycat but the aura coming from the man made you shiver in fear. You also realised how cold his hand was against your skin. Once he was certain you weren’t going to hurt yourself anymore, he removed his hand and fully stood up in front of you.
Your eyes moved down his body. You had heard a lot of things about Michael. But you never heard he was so good looking. Beneath the dark blue outfit, you could guess the muscles and the strength of the man. You licked at your dry lips. You weren’t afraid. If Michael had wanted you dead, you already were.
“Can I have a glass of water?” you asked in a little voice. You couldn’t see what was going on underneath the mask and it was quite strange to not be able to read his expressions. In a flash, he disappeared and appeared once again in front of you, but with a glass of fresh water in one hand. You blinked. 
“I can’t drink if I’m laying down… I clearly can’t escape you, so maybe you could untie me?” you tried, almost certain it wouldn’t work. But Michael did agree: you were just a little human, you couldn’t escape him. He had tied you up in case you would go insane or he would have to leave you alone in the house. He leaned again and freed you. He impatiently waited for you to sit up before giving you the glass of water.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him. You drank before massaging the wrist you had hurt in your panic. He didn’t like how red and damaged it was so he moved his thumb beneath the mask and punctured his finger before putting the blood on your wrist. You instantly felt better and when you watched at your wrist, it was as if nothing had happened.
Alright, you had tried to pretend that everything was normal but you couldn’t keep doing that. You have watched and read enough movies and books to know everything about vampires. Michael had every “symptom” of one.
But vampires don’t exist, right?
“Hungry?” he asked you. His voice was deep and rich, and helding so much power. You almost felt like you were hypnotised.
“I… Well, yes” you admitted. You were about to go home and cook yourself something. Michael disappeared once again.
You didn’t dare get up from the bed, and you simply looked around. Even if the water helped you feel better, you were still a little bit weak from the blood loss. The room was dark and you guessed you were in his basement, in the Myers house. You wondered when the police would find you.
They were going to find you, right?
After a little moment, Michael came back with food. You didn’t remember the last time you saw such an appetising meal in front of you. You took the plate and started to eat on your lap. You closed your eyes at how amazing it was. Michael never stopped watching you and when you sent him a little glance, he tilted his head to the side in curiosity.
You instantly looked back down at your food. It wasn’t the moment to find your kidnapper cute. 
You finished your meal and shyly gave him back the empty glass and plate. He took everything and left you alone once again. And you realised you hoped he was going to come back soon.
He did come back. He came back every night to feed on you and then to take care of you. He was never saying more than one or two words, generally to ask you if you needed something. You had been very afraid of him the first times he took blood from you, but now you even started to enjoy it. Because he was so good to you. You realised that when you were relaxing yourself and not trying to fight back, it wasn’t hurting that much and he was even a little bit more gentle because he didn’t need to force you. Sometimes he was taking a little too much and you would feel dizzy. Even if he never apologised, he always tried his best to make it up to you in a way or another. It was often with food or by giving you a new book to read or some paper to draw or write on. He even came back one day with a beautiful notebook and a pen made of gold. It looked old and very expensive.
You weren’t allowed to leave the basement most of the time, except to grab a shower. You had the best shampoo and hair conditioner you ever had in your whole existence, same for the soap and the cream you put on your skin. After your shower, he was often having a closer look at your body to make sure you were feeling alright. He didn’t want to damage his most favourite prey. He was always pleased with you. 
You also realised that the more obedient you were, and the “nicer” he was to you. He even started to give you jewels and nice outfits for special occasions. The outfits were always the perfect size and they made you feel good about yourself. During the full moon, you were allowed upstairs and you were listening to music with him, in silence. Sometimes, when you would feel brave enough, you would dance a little for him. At first, you got worried he would find you stupid or… unattractive. But he always seemed to watch you with great interest. One night, he even got up. You instantly stopped dancing, thinking he was fed up with you and wanted you to go back to the basement. But instead, he took one of your hands in his and placed his free hand on your hip, and started to dance with you. He followed your rhythm and tilted his head at how fast your heart was beating in your chest. It was pumping even more blood in your veins, and he clearly couldn’t find you any more desirable than in this moment. You danced with him all night long.
When the morning came, he gave you a choice. He gestured toward the door leading into the basement and then gestured toward another door. You didn’t know where it was leading because you only knew where the kitchen, living room and bathroom were. You bit your lips and finally gestured toward the door you didn’t know. He nodded and grabbed your hand to lead you toward his own room. 
As a conservative vampire, he was sleeping in a coffin during the day. But he enjoyed having a lot of space so it was taking up half of the room and you could easily settle in there by his side. He opened the coffin and waited for you to come in. You hesitated. But at the same time, you were feeling quite safe by his side now. You finally came inside and he followed you before closing the coffin on the two of you. It was really comfy inside.
You didn’t know what to do now though. He put his hand over your eyes.
“Sleep” he ordered you and you nodded. You were afraid to do something wrong but you moved closer to him and you placed your head on his chest. He let you do it. He didn’t wrap his arms around you, because he wasn’t the affectionate kind of man… vampire. But he didn’t push you away and you both slept the day that way.
When you woke up, you were alone in the coffin that was wide open. The empty place next to you made you realise something. Something terrible.
You were in love.
No one ever treated you so well in your whole life. Michael might have kidnapped you and was feeding on your blood, he never hurt you, he was taking care of your physical and mental well being, he made you feel good about yourself with little gifts and by dancing with you all night… He was making you feel special. You didn’t know why he chose to keep you, but you were happy he did. And you hoped to never upset him so he would continue to enjoy you like he seemed to.
And more importantly, you hoped that the police - or anyone else - would never find you.
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fappleant · 2 months ago
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Previously, Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) had to save Mark Hoffman (Saw) from Angel (BTVS) after Angel’s dark persona “Angelus” had emerged.
Still angry about his winning streak coming to an end, Angelus once again emerges during this episode of Fresh. Angelus then ambushes and attacks [BLANK] backstage, solely because they were the first person they encountered…
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kiss-me-im-emo · 1 year ago
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lilith-bathory-collins · 1 year ago
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Scary movies stickers!
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fira54funko · 6 months ago
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Halloween Funko Painting ASMR.
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yuriheartsy0u · 6 months ago
Idk why but I think Michael Myers would be a great vampire...🦇🫀🩸
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2dsadiez · 14 days ago
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Valentines I made for my loved ones ❤️
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