#vampire!bucky x human!reader
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fanfictiongirlie · 5 months ago
Marvel: Bloodlust
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Description: Bucky finds her in a cell after Tony 'saved' her, she's a vampire and she's hot.. So naturally he lets her out, gives her the tour of the Avengers Compound and then they fuck. Hard. They're definitely in love after saying one sentence to each other.
(Hi I suck at summaries, I'm real proud of this fic, I adore it, so I'd really like it if you read it, and told me you liked it too ;)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Blood, Vampire cutting their own wrist, Blood drinking from both vampire and human, bloodplay, smut, oral, idiots in love
Words: 8,898
One Shot - But one day I may carry this on
Read on ao3
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I was 'saved'... Saved wasn't really the right word, 'taken'? Yeah that feels better. I was taken from Hydra, my home, I mean I did hate it, Hydra were monsters, but I was taken by the all popular, amazing Tony Stark.. Dickhead. I was taken from Hydra and thrown in a cell, Tony called me a monster, a creature.. He wasn't wrong, but he didn't have to be a dickhead... I bared my fangs at him, my red eyes not moving away from him, not trusting his movements, he could kill me.. He probably would.. He watches me from outside the glass cell I was in, the lights were off so I was partially hidden in the shadows. Another person walked into the room outside the cell, he didn't look at me. 
"Thanks for coming Barnes" Stark spoke, I watched this second man, ready for his cruel words, his eyes met mine and I felt my lips curling up slightly. He was cute, enjoyable to look at...There was something similar about him.. 
"Are they speaking?" Barnes asks. 
"Not to me, a lot of hissing and that's about it" Stark spoke, throwing another glare my way. 
"The Blood Soldier? That's their name?" Barnes asked, his head shaking slightly, I growled, that was not my name. That was Hydra's stupid name for me. 
"Looks like it, I thought I was saving a random girl... She's plays the sweet act too well" Stark spoke. I rolled my eyes, I was sweet... just not to dickheads. "She's completely insane" He adds. I hiss at his words. 
"You don't know what kind of shit she went through at Hydra Tony.. Give her a break" Barnes spoke, his voice smooth and calm. I smile a little, but then bare my fangs at Stark again, another hiss leaving my lips. 
"See! This is what I'm talking about!" Stark yells, I roll my eyes, a small smile on my lips as I watched Barnes, he watched me, his eyes curious. It clicked why I thought he looked familiar. He stepped forward nearly pressing himself against the cell. 
"How are you feeling?" Barnes asks, his voice calm and caring, unlike Stark's. 
"Thirsty" I answer, glaring at Stark. My throat burned, I needed blood, preferably his.. 
"I'll go get you water" Barnes speaks, smiling a little at me. 
"I don't need water" I hissed.
"What do you need?" Barnes asks, I was happy for him to do the talking instead of Stark. 
"Blood" I answered politely to Barnes. He takes a deep breath and then turns to Stark, asking him to leave, Stark seemed put out but left, throwing one last glare at me. I wave sarcastically as he leaves. Barnes chuckles a little, he stood facing me, his body opposite mine. I watch him curiously, I've never had someone act...kind to me before. I glare at him, my red eyes a strong contrast to his blue eyes. 
"That glare you have on your face, it's cute" He teases, I arch my eyebrow, confused.
"Cute...not a word that has been used to describe me.. I know your name though" I tease back, smirking. 
"What makes you think so?" He asks, his lips form a little frown. 
"Because I know you are the Winter Soldier" 
"Not quite.. Not anymore, I usually go by Bucky now" He grins, his eyes sadder than his lips. 
"We were never unfrozen at the same time.. But I remember seeing you in your cryostasis chamber" I say. He leans forward, his eyes swimming with curiosity. 
"Is that so?" 
"Yeah, I thought you looked so cute" I smirk "Think I can come out of this cell?" I ask, my tongue licking over my fangs. 
"Are you going to be on your best behavior?" Bucky asks, his face shouting serious. 
"For you? Yes" I smirk. 
"Good answer" He smirks, stepping over to the control panel, he presses a few buttons and the cell door flies open. I smirk and stalk out of the cell, I step towards him, standing in front of him, just far away enough to not be touching. He was smirking at me, his eyes laced with caution and curiosity. 
"You don't even know what I am.. Yet you trust me enough to allow me out of the cell" I speak, my voice sounding unlike myself, I had never had someone trust me before, it was a fun feeling. 
"True, but I have a feeling you won't try to escape" He answers, his voice husky, but soft. Bucky's eyes were trailing over my face, stopping when he sees my fangs. He didn't look scared, more fascinated. 
"Oh yeah? Why are you so sure of that?" I ask. 
"Because you look more cute than hostile.. I like your fangs" He smiles, his eyes not moving from my fangs. 
"Thanks cutie, I like em' too" I smirked, baring them to him so he could really have a look. His cheeks blush slightly. 
"Do you do anything else other than being cute and having fangs?" He asks, I smirk, it was a little cheesy, but I liked it. 
"Oh you're a charmer, aren't ya?" I asked. 
"I could say the same about you" He chuckles, his eyes looking me up and down. 
"Baby..." I smirk "I'm really thirsty" I looked up at him through my eye lashes, hoping he'd let me go find someone to drink from.
"Thirsty for what exactly?" He asks, I chuckle a little, men could be so dumb sometimes. Even the cute ones. 
"You haven't worked out what I am, have you?" I ask, smirking, taking a step closer to him.
His eyes moved over my body, stopping at my red eyes, and then to my fangs. I didn't know how many vampires were in the world, not many, and we didn't mingle with humans, not unless we needed a drink. But overall vampires were myth and legends. 
"You're a vampire aren't you?" He asks. 
I nod "Yeah, doesn't that scare you?" 
He paused, looking thoughtful for a second, I smirked, he didn't look scared, he hadn't looked at me in fear the entire time we'd been talking. 
"Nope, not one bit"
"Hmm weird"
"Weird how?" He asks.
"Usually people are scared" I answer, his blue eyes looking into mine, I blinked a little, feeling like I could definitely get lost in them. 
"I don't find you scary" Bucky smirks, taking a step closer to me. He wasn't much taller than me, but I still had to look up through my eyelashes to stare at his perfect eyes. 
"Aren't you cute...look Bucky, I'm real thirsty" I say, my throat and the smell of his blood driving me insane. My fangs ached with want. 
"Thirsty for blood, I'm guessing"
"Yeah" I grin. He chuckled "You can use me for blood"
"Oh.. shit.. really? You sure?" I ask, humans were never willing to let a vampire drink from them. 
"Yeah doll, I don't mind, bite me" He smirks, his eyes darkening. I smirk and move closer to him, my body pressed against his now, I take his jaw in my hand, my long black fingernails lightly pressing into his skin, I moved his head to lean, showing his neck to me. From the corner of my eye I could see Bucky blushing. I lean forward pressing my lips to his neck.
"Just so you know, this is gonna feel real good for you" I smirk, pressing another kiss to his neck. Humans willing to let vampires drink from them would feel euphoric from the bite. 
"I'll look forward to it" He whispers, his throat humming with every kiss I press to his skin. I finally sink my teeth into his skin, his sweet blood filling my mouth, my hands move to his collar pulling him close to me, Bucky moaned, his body rutting against mine, he held onto my hips, holding me tight. I drank more, hoping no one would walk in. Bucky continued to let out quiet moans, his legs shaking slightly against me, probably feeling weak. I stopped drinking and started licking the wound to close and heal it. 
"It's alright baby, you hold onto me" I smirk as his body slumps against mine, his arms wrapped around me, holding onto me tightly as his legs wobbled. He looked at me and smiled, his eyes glossed over. 
"Y..Yeah that definitely felt good"
"I can make you feel better baby, you just gotta trust me" I whisper, my lips dangerously close to his. 
"I trust you" He whimpers, his legs buckling slightly, I lift my wrist and use my nail to nick the skin letting my blood trickle down my arm, I hold my wrist to Bucky's lips. "Drink a little" 
Bucky's eyes widen but he does as told, opening his lips to lap at the blood seeping from my wound on my wrist.
"Good boy" I whisper, knowing my blood would be healing him, making him feel so much better. He drank more, his eyes closing as he drank from me, I could see the colour come back to his face as he did, the wound on my wrist healed up so I pulled away, I look to his neck seeing the wound was completely healed over, a scar of my teeth etched into his skin making me smirk and feel warm in my stomach. 
"That feels much better" He smiles. 
"You've got a scar on your neck from me, hope that's okay" I smirk. 
"I love that" He grins, I cock my head looking at him confused, he was something else. 
"Stark's gonna make you put me back in that cell yaknow" I frown. 
"Yeah I know.. He was very reluctant to let you out" He chuckles, wrapping his arms around mine again, pulling me closer to his body. 
"You won't let him, will you baby?" I ask, leaning forward to press my lips to his cheek. 
"Not a chance. You're staying with me and I don't care what Tony has to say." He answers firmly. 
I giggle "That's what I wanted to hear" 
Bucky chuckled, moving closer to nuzzle his cheek against mine "You don't have to worry about being put back in that cell, I will fight Tony if I have too"
"How about you give me the tour of the famous Avengers Compound?" I ask, wanting to be far away from the cell. He smirked at me and took my hand in his. He began to lead me out from the room. 
"I'll give you the tour doll, but you have to behave" His eyes twinkling at me. 
"Like I said, for you, I will, unless you ask me to behave" I smirk. 
"Now there's a thought" He grins, I giggle pulling his hand close to my body as we walked through the building. He lead me down a hallway and I could hear voices somewhere close. 
"You know something? You're really cute. It's actually making it difficult to focus on the tour" He grins, pulling me flush to the side of his body. 
"Do I get to meet the Avengers cutie?" I ask. Bucky chuckled at my question, he stopped walking and faced me. 
"I can introduce you, but like I said, you gotta be on your best behaviour" He smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. He reached up to give me a light tap on the nose as he speaks. 
"I'll be good" I smile. 
He took my hand again and pulled me down the hallway into a huge room with a large group of people, I smiled a little, trying not to show my fangs as I did, I held Bucky's hand a little tighter, I licked my lips subconsciously, worried Bucky's blood would still be on my lips, it was. My eyes darkened as I saw Stark, anger fueling me, I didn't let go of Bucky's hand and lunge for him like I wanted too. 
"You're letting her wander the compound Barnes?" Stark snapped, his eyes on mine, not Bucky's. I hiss a little, my fangs baring at him.
"Relax Stark, she's not going to hurt anyone, she told me she'd behave" Bucky answered, stepping slightly in front of me. 
"Yeah Stark" I sneer. 
"We can't trust her word alone" Stark snapped. Another man stood, Captain America, that's who it was, I had seen him before, he smiled gently to me, confusing me a little. 
"Calm down Tony, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about, and I trust Bucky's word, therefore I trust her" Captain America spoke. I smiled a little at his words. Bucky's hand tightened around mine.
"She's a vampire!!" Stark snapped, so he had guessed it "We can't just 'trust' her with free reign of the compound"
I lean forward, closer to Bucky, my lips brushing against his ear as I spoke "Bucky...Stark's making it real hard to behave" I felt Bucky shiver as I spoke, he chuckled a little and spoke quietly so only I could hear him "I know, but don't let him get to you, just ignore him"
"I'll try baby" I whisper, my lips kissing his ear as I glare at Tony. Bucky turned away from Stark, looking at me, he pointed out everyone in the room and told me their name, the person smiling nervously, or saying hello to me as Bucky spoke their name. 
"And this punk here is my best friend, Steve" Bucky grins, slapping Steve on the back. I noticed a few scared looks, it was expected, I was the scary vampire, I could kill them all. 
"Okay now introductions are done, I'll continue with the tour" Bucky smiled sweetly at me. It made me feel dizzy inside, I had never felt like this about a human, especially one I had just met. Bucky began to lead us away when Stark stepped forward in front of him. 
"Hold it.. Barnes, can I speak with you, alone?" Stark asked, I rolled my eyes, glaring at him. 
"It's okay, you go talk" I smile, sitting down next to Steve. Bucky gave me a soft smile and walked away with Tony, stepping out of the room, shutting the door. 
"Hey don't mind Tony, he can be a bit much" Steve speaks, smiling at me. I shrugged "Wonder what they're talking about?" I smirked, knowing full well what they were talking about. 
"Probably telling Bucky to put you back in that cell" Steve answers, a small frown on his lips. 
"Probably" I giggle "Think I'll go listen" I smirk skipping over to the door, hearing exactly what they were saying. 
Tony and Bucky continued to chat in the hallway, I listened carefully to their words. 
"I'm telling you, I do not want that vampire roaming the halls of my compound" Tony spat. 
"She's not dangerous Tony, just give her a chance" Bucky spoke, I smiled at his words. 
"She is dangerous, don't think I didn't spot the scar on your neck!" Tony snapped 
"That is none of your business Stark!" Bucky growled. 
"Oh come on.. How much blood did she take?" 
"She took a fair bit of my blood Tony, so what? I let her" Bucky answered. I licked my lips thinking of his blood on my tongue. I heard Stark groan when Bucky mentioned me drinking his blood. 
"Fuck Barnes! How can you be so careless? Didn't you think of the risk, letting her drink your blood? What if she took too much?" 
"You're exaggerating, she's not a bloodthirsty monster, she stopped before I felt too weak, she near when to stop!" Bucky snapped. 
""She's a vampire! Her instincts are going to kick in sooner or later and she'll cause a problem, you wait" Tony sneered. 
"Tony! Stop being so paranoid, she's not going to cause issues, I trust her" Bucky spoke, I smiled at his words, deciding I was bored of listening, I open the door seeing both men look at me. 
"Bucky" I smile, he holds his hand out for me, I take it allowing him to lead me away. "Did you know I have super hearing" I smirk, admitting I had heard their entire conversation. 
"Wait, you were listening to us?" He asked. 
"Yeah, sorry baby" I smirk.
"Guess I gotta start being careful about what I discuss with people around you" He chuckles, his hand squeezing mine. 
"Carrying on with the tour?" I ask, he nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, I grinned leaning over to press a kiss to the blood scar I had left on his neck. 
"Tony really hates me, doesn't he?" I asked. 
"Yeah he definitely does, he thinks you're dangerous"
I smirk when he says that, I am definitely dangerous, the best kind of fun is dangerous, I pull his hand swinging him around to press him against the wall, I smirk, my face close to him, I show my fangs. 
"Do you think I'm dangerous?" I ask, my hands on his shoulders. Bucky's frosty eyes were on my crimson eyes, a smirk on his lips.
"What are you doing?" He asks. 
"Asking you if you think I'm dangerous" I smirk, moving my arm to push against his chest, holding him against the wall. He pushed forward against my arm, he looked flush and oh so pretty. 
"You can definitely be dangerous, when you want to be. But I don't think you're a danger to me, that's for sure" He answers. I chuckle and move forward, my lips ghosted across his. I felt him shiver and watched as his eyes darkened, smirking I did what I wanted to do, I stepped away. "On with the tour then?"
I watched his face look a little disappointed when I stepped away, his usual smirk returned to his face once more "Yeah, we should continue the tour" I watched him as he showed me different parts of the compound, he looked dazed, like he couldn't believe I had pinned him to the wall, I giggled softly, I definitely had affected him more than he was letting on. 
"Where to now?" I ask. He blinked a few times and looked at me, as if I had broken his trance, I smirked. 
"Hm? Oh, right. Uhh...there's actually something else I'd like to show you, It's a special place that I like to go for some peace and quiet" 
"Sounds like fun"
Bucky smiled slightly, he led me through a few different hallways, a few staircases until we finally came to an empty rom, with large floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the forest behind the building. "Here we are"
As I stepped into the room I noticed the moon was the only thing lighting up the room, I walked over to the windows and looked out, seeing the dark sky, trees and the moon. "It's beautiful" I whisper. 
"Yeah it is, but I think you're the most beautiful thing in this room" Bucky spoke. 
"Sweet talker" I giggled, feeling the moon shine over my face was something I had always loved, I imagined it was the same as the sun hitting someone's face. It felt special. I could feel Bucky move through the room, coming up behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder and his hands moving to hold my hips. 
"Can you blame me? I'm just telling the truth" 
"What's going to happen to me Bucky? Tony wants me back in that cell, Hydra won't stop until I'm back with them?" I asked, feeling overwhelmed with the stressful thoughts, I wanted to push them down and never speak of them, but talking with Bucky felt safe. Bucky's hand tightened on my hips, he pulled me flush against his front, holding me close. 
"I don't know what's gonna happen. But I'm not letting anyone take you back to that cell, and I will protect you from Hydra" He spoke in a reassuring tone. 
"So you're saying, I get to stay with you from now on?" I smirk. He chuckled lightly, clear amused by me, he nuzzled his face against my neck.
"Yeah, you get to stay with me, you're not going anywhere" 
"Don't remind me" I say, not thinking before talking. I wouldn't mind staying with Bucky, but there were to many things that could happen to me. 
"I didn't mean it like that doll" Bucky spoke, his lips peppering kissing along my neck, if I were human I would of signed into this hug, it was lovely. "What are you thinking?"
"I haven't had many hugs in my life, this is nice" I say, my eyes focused on the moon outside. 
"Well then, I'll just have to make up for all the hugs that you missed out on then" He speaks, his voice soft, quiet, gentle. 
"You sweet talker, you" I whisper, my head moving slightly backwards as he kisses my skin. I step away from him, walking closer to the window, resting my head against the glass, I looked up at the moon, the light shining over my face. I smiled sadly as the light hit my face. 
"Hey...are you okay?" Bucky asks.
"Yeah.. it's just.... I've never been free" 
Bucky looked at me, sympathy written over his features as he steps closer to me, he reaches up, his metal hand touching my back, rubbing it up and down in a soothing motion. 
"I'm sorry you've never been free before.. But you're free now doll" 
"I can't go out, not really, the sunlight kills me, and if I were to go out Hydra would take me, but I also can't see Stark allowing me to stay here... I want to be free, but that's not in my future" 
"Hey.. listen to me, you don't need Tony's permission to stay here. I'm not gonna let him send you anywhere, I want you near me, that's all that matters"
"Thanks Bucky" I smile, saying my words quietly. He leant closer to me, I could feel his breath on my neck, his hand still rubbing my back. 
"Of course doll, just remember, you don't have to worry about anything, I'll take care of you" He smiles. I smile softly, my face still being lit up by the moonlight, I closed my eyes and imagined feeling the moon whilst being outside. 
"You're so damn beautiful" Bucky whispers, his eyes not on the beautiful view outside, but on me, watching my face intently. I looked at him, the moon was shining over his face, his perfect blue eyes sparkling. 
"So are you" I whisper. 
Bucky looked at me, his smile and blush making me giggle. He reached his flesh hand up to rest on the side of my face, his thumb caressing my cheek. He spoke in a soft tone, his voice barely above a whisper, as he spoke to me, looking into my eyes "Not as beautiful as you, doll"
"Why did you decide to be kind to me?" I ask "You saw me in that cell, Stark was calling me a monster...What made you trust me?" I ask, leaning into his touch, my eyes laced with confusion. 
I watched as Bucky's eyes watched mine, his thoughts obviously racing behind those perfect eyes of his. "I can't explain why... But when I saw you in that cell, I just knew you weren't a monster, you looked scared, despite trying to look all angry, you looked innocent, I just wanted to help you" He explained. If I was human I'm sure I would of melted into a puddle of blushes. 
"Sweet man" I whispered. Bucky chuckled softly, his thumb still caressing my cheek. 
"I'm not that sweet, doll" He said in a playful tone. 
"No, not really, I can be quite rough sometimes" He smirked, stepping closer to me, his hips now flush against mine. 
"Don't worry baby, I like it rough" I giggle, my playful tone matching his. 
"Oh really? You like it rough, do you?" He asks, he surprises me by pushing me against the wall, next to the windows. 
"Bucky" I giggled. He looked like he was enjoying this, he leaned a bit closer to me, his face a few inches from mine as he spoke in a low tone, his voice holding a hint of mischief "What's the matter doll? Can't handle me right now?"
"Can you handle me?" I ask, flipping us around, pinning him against the wall. His eyes widen at my movements, his cocky demeanor faltered for a moment obviously surprised that I was now the one trapping him. 
"I think I can handle you, you don't scare me doll" 
"No?" I ask, reaching up tracing my nail gently down the side of his face. Bucky shuddered, his smirk wavered for a moment, his breath hitched in his throat and his eyes shut slightly. I smirked, enjoying the effect I had on him. He breathed in deep, before responding to my question, his voice slightly strained. "No you don't scare me at all"
"Really?" I asked, baring my fangs, letting the venom in my mouth dripping from the tips of my fangs onto my tongue. He gasped slightly as his eyes watched my mouth, there was no fear in his eyes though. 
"Uhh, maybe you scare me a little" He answers, a sly smirk on his lips. 
"Mmm good boy" I whisper, moving slightly closer to him, pinning my body against his, I could feel his breath on my lips. I felt him shiver as I got closer, he took in a shaky breath and spoke in a hoarse voice, barely above a whisper. "Yeah..I'm a good boy, I'll be so obedient for you"
"Fuck" I whisper "That shouldn't of affected me as much as it did" I whisper. 
"Oh, but doll, why shouldn't it affect you? You have me completely at your mercy right now. I am completely obedient right now, in completely under your control. You could do anything you want to me if you wanted to." Bucky spoke, a cocky smirk on his lips. 
"Such a sweet talker" I whisper. Bucky chuckled, his eyes bright, enjoying this as much as I was.
"Is it working?" He asks. I nodded, and moved forward, my nose bumping into his. 
"How much do I affect you, doll?" 
"More than I'd like to admit" 
"Oh yeah? You like having me at your mercy like this, don't you? Me, completely obedient and under your control. How exactly do I affect you right now, doll?" He smirked. 
"Fuck Bucky..yes.. we've only just met mister!" I smirked, pretending to be annoyed, I wasn't. Bucky smirked at my words, chuckling slightly, he had a smug look over his face. 
"What can I say? I'm just naturally charming like that, doll. And judging by the way you've got me pinned to the wall, I'd say you're having some effects on me too, miss." He spoke to me in a low tone, his voice holding a hint of amusement and mischief in it.
"Anyone could walk in yaknow" 
"Yeah, they could. But who cares right now? Let them see you having me pinned to the wall like this. Let them see how much of an effect you have on me right now. It doesn't bother me, doll."
"Fuck..baby we just met, are you sure you want this?" I ask, my eyes looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes. 
"Doll, right now, I don't care about anything except how much I want you, I've never been so sure of anything in my life" He says, looking at me, his eyes not moving from mine, my weird freakish eyes, the dark red they were, and he didn't look scared, he looked at me like I was everything. 
"Fuck" I whispered, moving forward, my lips ghosting his. I felt Bucky shiver, his breath hitched slightly. 
"Your lips are so close...please...doll...just...just kiss me" His voice was hoarse as he spoke to me, his eyes flickering down to my lips. 
"Aw baby, you want me to kiss you?" My lips ever so slightly touching his as I spoke. I watched as he looked into my eyes, pleading silently. 
"Yes, please...please just kiss me doll...I'm begging you...I need you so bad" He begged. I smirked and looked down to his lips, his beard was well groomed, didn't cover his lips at all, I moved forward and pressed my lips against his, feeling his soft perfect lips against mine, made me feel dizzy. Bucky groaned at the touch, he kissed me passionately, deepening the kiss, his hands moving to hold my waist, pulling me closer to him, if that were possible. He let out a small moan as I moved my fingers to his hair, lacing my fingers through his wavy locks. I moaned softly against his mouth, licking his lips with my tongue, moving my hands to hold either side of his jaw. 
Bucky moaned at the feeling of my tongue, his lips opening for me, I slide my tongue into his mouth exploring. His hands held onto my hips harder, his tongue moved against mine hungrily, I was careful not to nick his tongue with my fangs. 
"Fuck" I mumble against his lips. 
Bucky let out another soft moan, his breath hitching softly.
"Please... don't stop, doll. I need more..." He spoke, his voice low and almost begging. 
"You can have more baby" I whispered, my voice quiet. His hands were grasping at my back, trying to pull me closer, despite being flush against his body, his lips were on my collarbone, kissing, licking my skin. 
"Please... I need more. I need you doll, I need you so bad right now" He spoke pleading with me. 
"I'm here baby, have what you need" I answer him. 
"Please..I...need to touch you" He practically whines. I smirked and kneeled down, my hands travelling his body as I go down to rest on my knees. 
"Trust me?" I ask, looking up at him. His eyes widen at my movements, his breath was shaky and needy. 
"Yeah...yeah, I trust you doll"
"Even with my scary fangs?" I ask, my fingers fumbling with his belt. He took a moment to respond, his breath still ragged and slightly uneven, but he responds in a soft tone. "Yeah..even with your fangs, I trust you doll, I need you, please"I smirked at his answer, I threw his belt behind me, and undid his jeans. I pull them down, leaving him in just boxers, he was hard, I swore under my breath when I saw the outline of his cock. I move forward pressing kisses on his hips, my hands on his thighs keeping him against the wall. 
"Oh god, doll...your lips feel so good" He whimpered. I grazed his hips with my fangs, letting the tiniest amount of blood trickle out, I lapped it up and moved my fingers to the waistband of his boxers. He moaned loudly as I made him bleed, making me think he had a blood kink this entire time, I smirk thinking I'd ask him about it later. I pulled his boxers down as I made little cuts all over his hips. 
"Oh god...doll...please" He begs looking down at me, his perfect eyes still shining in the moonlight as he looks at me, I pull his boxers down, keeping eye contact the entire time, his cock flops out of his boxers and hits his stomach with a loud slap. My mouth watered at the slight, fuck, he was big.. Thick, so fucking thick. Bucky's eyes were full of desire as he watched me. 
"Doll... I can't...I can't take this much longer" He groans. 
"Aw baby, you want me to stop?" I asked, smirking. Bucky shivered at my words, his breath shaky and uneven. 
"No..No, please, don't stop, I don't think I could handle it if you stopped right now, I need you so badly, doll.. Please just... just keep going" He begs, his voice dripping with desperation. I giggled, and took his cock into my hand, I squeezed the base a little, making Bucky roll his head backwards, his upper back rested against the wall whilst his hips were slightly away from the wall towards me, I used my tongue on him, licking a stripe up his cock from his balls to his tip, sucking the tip when I reached it. I opened my mouth taking him fully inside, perks of being a vampire, I didn't need breath, I sucked him hard, moving my head backwards and forwards, he moaned loudly. 
"Oh god...doll...that feels so good...but you've got to slow down" He whimpered, his voice breathless. I listened, understanding why he wanted me to slow down, I slowly sucked his tip, slowly spreading my tongue over his length. His hand came to grip my shoulder. He spoke softly, his voice still shaky.
"Oh...good girl...that's so good baby...just like that doll... just like that..." 
I carried on the same movement, my hands resting on his hips, holding him tightly against the wall as I shut my eyes and enjoyed myself, my mouth sucking, tightening around his cock as I moved up and down. 
"Yes.. Yes... just like that, doll. You're doing so good. God, it feels so good, but I'm not going to be able to hold on much longer if you keep this up..."
I pulled away from his mouth "Where do you wanna finish baby? My mouth? You can give you want" I smirked, moving my mouth back onto him, sucking him letting him fuck my throat. His breath hitched, he trembled and groaned. 
"Damn doll...I...I want...I want to finish in your mouth, if that's...it that's okay with you?" He asks, his voice ragged and a bit desperate. I moved away again, licking his tip. 
"Of course baby" I giggle taking him back in my mouth. His hands gripped harder onto my shoulder, he let out a low moan that almost sounded like a whimper.
"God...that feels...so good...doll" 
I moved my hand away from his hip taking his hand in mine, I placed his hand on the back of my head, he got what I meant because he held the back of my head hard and started moving his hips fucking my mouth hard as I sucked him, trying to be incredibly careful of my fangs. 
"Doll..I'm..." He spoke, I sucked harder as he fucked my mouth, Bucky grippy my hair harder, his hand bunching my hair in his fist holding me tight. He let out a loud groan as he finished in my mouth, his come filling my thoat. I moved away swallowing smiling lazily up to him. Bucky's breathing came in ragged gasps as he looked down at me, his eyes a little hazy and unfocused. 
"Oh god...doll..that was...that was...damn" 
"I'm glad you liked it" I giggled, standing up, he reached out grabbing my hip pulling me against him, holding me tight. 
"Like it? Doll, liking it isn't the word. It's more like... I feel like melting from how good that was. You... you're something else."
"Can I kiss you?" I ask sweetly, the taste of him still in my mouth. Bucky was looking at me, his eyes roaming over my face with a mix of desire and amazement. 
"Yeah doll, you can kiss me, fuck, you can do whatever you want" He answers, his voice shaky. I moved forward pressing my lips against his, Bucky sighed into the kiss, his body feeling completely relaxed against mine. I melted into the kiss, relaxing my own body, allowing him to swap us, with me against the wall now. 
Bucky was in control now, his knee was in between my legs, spreading my legs slightly, he continued to kiss me, his tongue tracing my lips hungrily. I moaned into the kiss, opening my legs further. His hands roamed restlessly over my body, like he couldn't get enough. I moved my lips away from his, and tilted my head backwards, resting it against the wall. 
"Fuck, Bucky... touch me" 
Bucky's breath hitched as I spoke "Doll...you have no idea...how badly I want to...how badly I need to touch you right now" He spoke in a ragged tone, his breath hot against my skin as in spoke in my ear.
"Make me feel good baby" I beg. His body pressed against his a little harder, his tongue sticking out to lick the shell of my ear. 
"Doll...I'm going to make you feel damn good, just you wait" I giggled a little, moving so my forehead rested against his. "Can't wait sugar"
I could hear Bucky's heart race if I concentrated, he shut his eyes, trying to  catch his breath. 
"Trust me doll.. you won't have to wait long. I'm not going to rest until I have you feeling so good, until I have you writhing underneath me" 
"Promises, promises" I smirked, Bucky gruntly softly, his eyes opening to look directly into mine. 
"Oh no doll...Those aren't promises, those are guarantees, I plan to make good on every word" He spoke slowly, his hand slowly moving down to my trousers, his fingers undoing the buttons. 
"I'm going to touch every inch of you doll...I'm going to feel every inch of your perfect skin, I'm going to taste you and I'm going to make you feel so damn good you'll forgot your own name" His voice slow, and husky. 
"Fuck, I really want that baby" I whispered, not trusting my voice, sounding more whimpering than I wanted to. Bucky's breath was shaky.
"God, you have no idea how much I want that doll, I just want to have you right here...You make me feel so...needy" He groans, his fingers pushing my jeans down past my hips. 
"Yeah baby? You're needy for me?" I asked, smirking. A low moan escaped from Bucky's throat as I spoke, he nodded his head his face rubbing against mine. 
"God yeah doll, I'm so damn needy for you" He whispers, his lips touching my face tracing my features. I smirked and pushed my jeans off, leaving my lower half in just my blood red lacy panties. Bucky's breath hitched as he looked down, his breath shaky from the view of my panties. 
"Oh...god...doll. You look so damn good, I can't think straight" He whimpered. I smirked, loving the effect I was having on him, I grabbed my top and pulled it over my lead, my bra matched my panties. 
"God...doll...I've never seen anything as beautiful as you standing there right now.. I swear I could just stand and look at you, for hours... You're just...perfect"
"You could stare at me for hours... or you could touch me for hours" I smirked, pressing my lips to his cheek. His breath hitched and his hands held onto my hips tighter. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was trying to regain some control over himself, but then he opened them again, his gaze strikingly beautiful as he looked at me. 
"God...I swear if I touch you right now, I'm not going to want to stop doll. Once I get my hands on you, I don't think I'll be able to keep myself from going feral on you" He whispers, kissing my face as he speaks. 
"Touch me... I can handle feral" I grinned, reaching up to hold his collar pulling him close to me. Bucky's eyes darkened, those beautiful blue orbs staring intently at me. 
"Oh doll...you're asking for it now...you won't be able to handle how wild I'm gonna get with you, I'm going to devour you" He whispers, his lips finding my neck, biting and kissing me. 
"Please baby" I begged, enjoying his words, but I needed him so badly. His lips opened, sucking my neck hard, it felt nice, so good. 
"Damn..doll...you're asking for it and I'm gonna give you what you want, I'm gonna make you scream for me" His lips sucking my skin harder. 
"I'm usually the one sucking the necks... your lips feel so good Bucky" I whimper. Bucky let out a loud moan as he continued to kiss and nibble my neck, his body pressed against mine, his hands on my hips trying to pull me closer. 
"Doll... you can suck on my neck anytime you want...but right now, I just want to mark up this pretty skin of yours, make sure everyone knows you're mine"
"Sweetheart" I say frowning. "You can't mark me.. Humans can't mark vampires" I whimper as he licks a stripe along my neck. Vampires could mark other vampires, and vampires could mark humans, but sadly humans cannot mark vampires. Bucky's mouth stop at my words, he pulled back to look at me, his eyes burning with a mixture of desire and need, but also a hint of disappointment. His metal fingers traced along my jaw as he spoke. 
"Damn doll... I didn't realise. I just...I just want to mark you up, and claim you as mine... I don't want any other man to even look at you, let alone touch you" 
"I'm sorry cutie, I don't make the vampire rules" I giggled, my lips moving to kiss his jawline. Bucky tilted his neck slightly, giving me more access, my lips moved from his jaw, along his neck, letting my fangs gently graze across the scar I left from earlier. 
"I know doll..I know it's not your fault...Doesn't stop me from wanting to claim you, mark you as mine... I want you to be mine" He whispers. 
"We'll get a pen later and write your name" I giggled, my tone playful. Bucky let out a soft chuckle, his head tilting even more. 
"Oh doll, you're just too damn cute...And I'm not just gonna write my name, I'm gonna write 'property of Bucky' as well, make sure everyone knows, you're all mine" I whimper at his words, wanting deeply to be his, I was a little stressed he was only saying these words in the heat of the moment, but I wished so much he really meant it. 
"You can mark me...in other ways" I grin, moving my hand to his hip, brushing over his hard cock. Bucky's eyes narrowed onto mine, his fingers tracing over the skin of my hips. "I'm yours Bucky, if you want me, I'm so fucking yours" I whimper, his fingers slowly dancing along the waistline of my panties. 
"Of course I want you... Of course I want you to be mine, I'm not going to think about anything else until I have you so damned claimed and satisfied that you won't think about anyone else... You're mine" He spoke his fingers finally moving into my panties, his fingertips ghosting my clit, teasing me deliciously. Bucky moaned softly as his fingers dipped into the wetness of my pussy, his fingers sliding in between my folds and down to my hole, dipping his fingers into me, I moaned loudly, holding onto his collar to keep myself from falling to the ground. 
"God...doll...you're so damn perfect...and you're all mine" He whispers, his fingers dipping deep into my tight hole. 
"Fuck" I whispered. 
"Oh god...the sounds you make...it's driving me so damn crazy, I need you so badly" He groaned, his fingers stretching my hole, the wetness dripping out of me. My legs buckle, and I hold tighter onto his shoulders, my head resting in the crook of his neck, I pressed my lips against his skin, my fangs grazing his skin. I wanted to bite him so bad, but I wouldn't, not after already having drunk from him today. He added a third finger into me, thrusting them in and out fast. 
"You know.... having a vampire drink your blood during sex...apparently it's one of the best highs ever" I whispered, my lips tracing his neck as I spoke. I had never had sex with a human, but I knew it would feel good for him. 
"Oh god" His breath hitches "You don't even know how much I want that, doll"
"Not tonight, I've already drank from you today" I say my fangs gently grazing that perfect little scar I made, his fingers fucked me hard, I was whimpering in need, wanting more of him. "You know, you can get addicted to vampires" I smirk, sucking a love bite onto his neck, careful not to nick him with my fangs. Bucky lets out a shaky moan.
"Doll...I think I'm already addicted to you, I don't think I'll ever be able to get enough of you...of your touch" He groans. 
"I have a fun idea" I smirked, his fingers stopped for a moment. 
"What's your idea?" He asked, his hand now up by his lips, sucking the fingers that were just inside me. 
"You fuck me against that window, the moonlight illuminating our bodies as we lose ourselves to one another" I smirk, my eyes watching his mesmerising blue eyes. 
"Oh god...that's an incredible idea baby, I need you...right now" He speaks, his breath heavy. 
"Take me baby, I'm yours" I whisper, pressing my lips to him. I kiss him for a few moments before pushing him off me, I step away from him and took Bucky's hand in mine, I pull him over to the stand in front of me as I stood in front of the window. Not moving my eyes away from his I slowly took my bra off dropping it on the ground, Bucky watched me, his eyes watching my every movement, his hands were clenching by his sides, his fingers probably itching to get his hands on me. I slid my panties down my legs stepping out from them, I smirk as Bucky as his eyes raked over my body, I blew him a kiss and then turned round, pressing my hands against the window, the moon shined bright over my body, I stuck my arse out for him, waiting for him to come touch me. I heard Bucky step closer to me, his hands moving to my hips and down to squeeze my arse, his groaned as he did. 
"You.. you're so goddamn beautiful... like a goddess.. and you're all mine" He whispers, leaning down to press his lips to the arch of my back. 
"I'm yours for the taking baby" I whisper, my voice laced with need, not wanting to wait anymore. I felt his metal hand grip my hip tight, holding me still, his other hand held onto his hard cock, he slipped the tip into my pussy folds, moving up and down, covering his cock in my wetness, and then finally he pressed the tip of his cock into my pussy, stretching me so good. I moaned loudly as his entire length slid into me, he kept moving until he was fully in me, his hips were against my skin, he stopped moving, allowing me to adjust to the sheer width of his cock. 
"Jesus fuck Bucky" I whisper, my head fell forward to rest on the window. His hands were holding onto my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh. 
"Oh...doll...you feel so good...I don't think I can be gentle with you right now...I need you so badly" He groaned his hips moving slowly, his cock moving ever so slightly within me. 
"Don't be gentle, fucking ruin me, please" I beg, my nails scraping the window slightly, I looked up seeing the moon at her highest point, her light shining on both of us. I heard Bucky's breath hitched, his hips began moving fast, fucking me hard, a low growl left his throat as he fucked me hard and raw. 
"Oh doll, you're begging for it, aren't you? I'll ruin you, I'll make you squirm and moan and scream for me" He rambled, his hips hitting my arse hard as he thrusted into me. 
"Fuck" I moaned as Bucky's hips met mine, the sound of our skin slapping together echoing throughout the room, his hands holding onto me tight as he leans forward, his lips finding my shoulder as he kisses my skin before biting down hard into my skin. 
"Fuck...Bucky...God fuck, I'm yours baby, all yours" I moaned, my pussy tightening around him, pushing me close to my edge. 
Bucky lets out a loud growl as I speak, my words making his hips move faster, his lips nipping and sucking my shoulder, and my neck, anywhere he can reach. 
"Oh...you're all mine...you're all mine doll...and I'm going to make you scream it, make you beg me to take you...god...I need you so bad baby, I need all of you" 
"Take me, I'm yours...please...I need to come, make me come baby, please" I whimper, my voice begging him as my legs started to shake, my vision started to go blurry as I felt his hips hit against my skin, his cock stretching my pussy. Bucky's hands dug even harder into my hips as I spoke. 
"You're gonna come for me sweet girl, begging me so beautifully, I'm gonna make you come for me, gonna make you scream my name" He rambled his words getting lost in his lust. When I felt his hand snake around my body his fingers pressing against my clit I squealed loudly, my body shaking as I came hard, my pussy clenching around his cock. 
"Fuck...Bucky...fuck..tell me you feel good, fuck please" I begged, the overwhelming sensation washing throughout my body. 
"Fuck baby, you feel so damn good, I can feel you tightening around me, such a good girl, I need you to come again baby, can you do that for me?" He asks, I whimper as I nod, his cock thrusting into me fast and hard. 
"I'd do anything for you, absolutely anything, you ask, I'm yours fuck Bucky" I whimper. 
"Anything doll?" Bucky whispers, his lips tracing along the skin of my back "I'm gonna hold you to that...you're gonna be my good girl, come again for me doll, I need to feel you baby"
"I'm all yours, just yours" I whimpered, my body convulsing again as I reach my peak, I came hard, my body shaking as Bucky held me up with one arm. Bucky's breath hitched at my words, he fucked into me hard. 
"That's my girl, you're so good, so fucking good for me doll, you look so fucking beautiful, the moon shining on you, fuck" He rambles, he sounded closer to his edge, his hips thrusting messily into me, his fingers digging into my skin. 
"You close baby?" I ask, my hands slipping down the window, I look over my shoulder at him, he looked feral, his eyes were shut, whilst his head was thrown back, his mouth opened as he fucked harder into me, it was fucking beautiful, he looked breathtaking. 
"So close baby" He groaned "You're driving me wild, your voice...your words...It's taking everything in me to no lose control" 
"Lose control, let go" I whispered, my voice laced with how desperate I was for him to finish in me. Bucky's leg shook, he groaned loudly his hips halting against my body as he came loudly, filling my pussy. His body convulsed and his cock twitched inside of me, filling me completely. He held onto me tight, his body falling onto mine, his chest pressed against my back.
"Fuck baby" He whispered, his lips moving against my skin as he spoke. 
"You're right...fuck baby" I whispered, repeating his words "We're good together" 
Bucky's breathing came in short ragged gasps "We're more than good, doll...we're...we're perfect...I...I don't want you with anyone else but me, no one should see you like this but me darling, no one else should touch you but me.." He whispered, rambling. 
"You mean it?" I asked quietly. I felt him leave my body, the absence of his cock making my pussy feel empty, I could feel it clenching around nothingness. He wrapped his arm around my waist turning me around to face him, he pressed his lips to mine, his hand reaches up to touch my cheek, caressing me gently. 
"Of course I mean it doll" He whispers, his perfect icy blue eyes on mine "I meant every word, you're mine now baby, only mine, no one else can have you, touch you, kiss you, except for me...You're all mine and and I mean that" He rambles. He moves his leg to rest in between mine, the mix of our come dripping down from my pussy onto his leg. 
"I want that too Bucky" I spoke "I don't care that we only met today, I'm yours...and you're mine"
Bucky's breath hitches slightly, his body moving to press against mine.
"That's right doll, I'm all yours, and you're all mine...We may have just met, but I already know that I'm not going to let you go, not ever...You're mine, and I'm going to make sure you never forget it"
(I do not consent my works to be posted anywhere else, by anyone other than myself.)
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inlovewhithafairytale · 1 year ago
Teen Wolf
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She looked at me as if there was something worth seeing in me(Theo R.)
I think we lost her(Theo R.)
Because I love you you little piece of shit(Theo R.)
I think we lost her II(Theo Raeken)
Morning Love(smut(Theo R.))
Friends Dont look at friends that way(Malia H.)
You belong with me(Stiles S.)
You're beautiful just the way you are(Stiles S.)
First time you ever listen to me( Sister reader)
You got the devil on your team(Void Stiles)
Maze Runner
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He was only 17(Newt)
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Keep your head up soldier(The Winter Soldier)
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Elijah Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
Yandere Klaus Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
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I don't want to forget
A letter from Y/n to reader
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POV series wich include a mini stories of Winchester little sister reader.
Why and how this is going to go...
part 1
part 2
⛥⛧Flashback series
" flash news. you have a little sister"
"promise you wont leave"
POV: The Winchesters have a little sister 1 2 3
Supernatural masterlist.
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I'm right here (Billy Hargrove)
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Of Flowers and Coffee(Jason Todd) ☆Chapter 1 (It started with Hi) ☆Chapter 2 (Has the temper of the devil but with me he's such an angel) ☆Chapter 3 (Now we're kissing under the stars)
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294 notes · View notes
elixirfromthestars · 4 months ago
Sink Your Teeth In Me
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Neighbor!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are supposed to attend Sam's party on Halloween. However, when you show up to his place looking like temptation itself—he gets other ideas on how to spend the night with you.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warning(s): spooky fun vibes / smut / fluff / female reader / mutual pining / love bites / dirty talk / unprotected sex / pet names / 18+ mdni / sprinkles (who am I kidding it might be a little more than just sprinkles) of possessive Bucky / breast play / a tiny moment of drinking / smut with little plot
Prompt(s): human (vampire costume) / treat (fluff, smut) / neighbor / “Why are you looking at me like that?” + “Spread them. Further.” + “You’re pretty like that.” + “There you go. Doing so good for me.” ཐི❤︎ཋྀ
a/n: uhhhhh this is what happens when you let me write while on medication post surgery lol please ignore how late this is, your girl was going through it 😭 This is for @buck-star ‘s Trick or Treat fun 🎃🧡 Also based on this ask she sent me, so this is for you Sydney 🤭🧡. I hope you all enjoy!! Likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated!! ❤️🦇❤️
vampire divider ♡ // main masterlist ♡ // bucky masterlist ♡
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You’ve heard all the superstitions about the full moon before. The way it seemingly makes people act strangely—far from themselves. The word lunatic and lunacy are tied to the moon as well, having been believed to incite mania in people. An unrecognizable version of themselves whose impulses bordered on primal. Tonight was no exception to such superstitions as the full moon hung high in the sky on Halloween. Promising to pull the sentiments from the deepest depths of each person out into the open. 
However, in this instance, an argument could be made that the moon was not at fault for how your pulse quickened or how your heart hammered in your chest. No, not even if the moon’s glow reflected in Bucky’s eyes so beautifully that they resembled a pair of sapphires staring right back at you. Freezing you to your spot right outside his door. 
The moon was also certainly not telling you to push Bucky into his home and crash your lips onto his until your lungs begged for air. No, oh no, that was all you. 
“You here to drive a stake through my heart, doll?” Bucky’s playful tone broke you from your trance, biting his bottom lip as he held back a smug grin. A flicker of something bewitching crosses his eyes as they search yours for an answer. 
You shifted on your feet, mortification prickling your skin as you collected yourself. “I might if you don’t keep those fangs to yourself,” you quip, tapping his chest with the fake wooden stake in your hand, trying to disperse the attention away from the way you had ogled Bucky. You wouldn’t say you had a thing for vampires, but his costume was giving him this mystic allure that was fueling an unspoken desire you had been harboring for him since you met half a year ago.
Bucky’s vampire costume was far from the cheesy kind you could find at any corner pop-up Halloween store—it was quite the opposite. Bucky dawned on a crisp white dress shirt underneath a black vest that wrapped around his torso—emphasizing his broad build. A few buttons on the shirt were undone, revealing just enough skin to make your eyes wander. His black trousers fit his legs as if they had been tailored perfectly to their length. His velvet cape was an onyx color with a deep crimson lining that swayed behind him at every movement. To top it off, a pair of fangs poked out from his smile that sent a shiver down your spine from their playful danger. 
He certainly looked the part of a vampire—dreamily menacing in the best way. 
A deep chuckle leaves his lips, his eyes glinting mischievously as he winks at you, “Don't worry, doll. I won’t bite unless you ask me nicely.” His words bore a hint of a promise that caused your heart to skip a beat. Flirting with him wasn’t unusual—you’ve been doing it since you became neighbors—despite that, tonight, it felt different.
You let out a sound between a snort and a laugh—pushing away the heat that wants to spark itself into a flame, “I’ll pass on the biting, thanks, but I would appreciate a drink before we head out.” Your words are punctuated with an expression he can never say no to. 
When Bucky is met with your soft eyes and sweet smile, that appeals to him like no other—there’s no way he can say no. He opens the door wider for you to step inside, welcoming you into his home with a passing comment that he could use a drink too. You walk in with a familiarity as if the home were your own. Which—if you asked Bucky—it might as well be. You spend so much time here he’d go so far as to say this was more your place than his.
He didn’t mind that. On the contrary, this place hadn’t felt like home until you came into his life. Since you started coming around, these four walls transformed with your presence—traces of you woven into every corner. The stray hair ties that lay scattered throughout the rooms, a few of your sweaters in his closest in exchange for stealing some of his, the cat mug you claimed as yours, and your latest read left unfinished on his coffee table to be picked up and continued while he cooked dinner for you two on his nights off. All these little things and more made his house warmer, fuller, and undeniably a home. Turning this space into something he longed to come back to every night. 
You close his front door and follow him to his kitchen, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach not going away. Not that they ever did in his presence, but on some days it was easier to ignore the fluttering. 
Today would not be that kind of day. 
He reaches up into his cupboards, taking out two crystal glasses while idly chatting about the Halloween party Sam was throwing. You weren’t listening, mind elsewhere as you attempted to distract the inappropriate thoughts away, simply watching as he promptly poured out two servings of wine. He handed one to you, his hand brushing against yours at the motion—sending a jolt of electricity through it. You grip the glass a little tighter than you should and hastily take a sip. 
You would definitely need more than one drink. 
“Are you even listening, doll?” Bucky was staring at you with an amused expression, wine glass hovering at his lips as he called out your inattentiveness. Your attention gets brought back to his mouth which no longer hosts the fake fangs. He had removed them so as to not stain them with the wine. 
When had he done that? How long had the passage of time escaped you?
A warmth found its way to your face, trying to hide behind the crystal glass in your hand. Bucky knew you weren’t listening to him and his only theory as to why was clued in by the fact that your gaze continued to drift to his lips. 
“Huh? Oh, I was—it’s just…” you trail off trying to find an excuse, but when you can’t find one—or at least one you can tell him—you concede. “Sorry, what did you say?” He leans against the counter at your question, a smirk dancing on his lips. His eyes darken ever so slightly, as he ponders how far he can take the flirting tonight. 
“I said you look good, doll. I really like your costume,” he repeats his unheard compliment, shamelessly raking his eyes over your form. You gulp the rest of the wine in your cup—the spark of tension reigniting. Bucky couldn’t tear his eyes away from how the black lacy gothic corset top hugged your breasts perfectly, and the matching leather pants clung to you like a second skin—leaving nothing to the imagination. And to Bucky’s added torture, you decided to strap a leather harness to your thighs that he had to resist the urge to grasp by the straps and pull you flush against his frame so you could feel how hard you made his—
Bucky stopped himself from letting his mind wander to places that would cause all of his blood to rush south. 
You looked down at your costume, not thinking much of it when putting it together. When Bucky told you he was dressing up as a vampire you thought it would be fitting to dress up as a vampire hunter. You were on a budget though, so between your closet and thrifting you came up with the outfit you’re wearing now. 
“Thanks, Bucky. You definitely did a better job though,” you compliment him, thinking that if anyone deserved praise for their costume—it was him. Bucky shakes his head, taking another sip of his wine, “Not me. Sam. He’s dressing up as a twenties mobster, so he let me borrow his costume from last year. Apparently, he goes all out every Halloween.” 
“Does he? Can’t wait to see how the party turned out then,” you comment, your nerves over meeting his friends for the first time bubbling its way into your system. Bucky gives you a small smile, the sight easing your anxieties ever so slightly, “Speaking of which—we should probably head out now. The party starts soon and Sam’s due to blow up my phone any second now,” he grumbles, finishing off the rest of his wine. A single deep red droplet runs down the corner of his mouth. Your fingers itch to wipe it off, but instead his tongue darts out to catch it—licking his lips in the process. A soft intake of breath was heard from you, an instinctive response to what he had done. The subtle sound revealing more than words ever could. 
There’s a shift in the air—it’s inevitable—you both feel it. 
The space between you is now charged, the kitchen feeling smaller and yet the space between you two, too far apart. Bucky’s eyes shine with a gentle intensity as he saunters over to you. Delicately towing at the lines you both wish to cross tonight. 
Your eyes search his for his intentions the closer he gets. Trying to decipher what you can as his left arm reaches out behind you to grab his keys—momentarily caging you. Your lower back presses against the counter, heart stuttering in your chest as the scent of cedar and spice from his cologne encases you.
“Yeah we should…” you swallow hard, voice barely audible as your eyes lock on his lips, the wine having stained them a deep crimson color. Resembling that of a vampire’s after they’ve feasted on the blood of another. A rich shiver makes its way down your spine—one he easily catches. This emboldens him, his own eyes travel down your face and then further down to observe the way your breasts strain against the corset.
Bucky was tempted to sink his teeth, and something else, into you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you found your voice somewhere between the longing that plagued you and the urge to pull him closer.
“Like what, doll?” 
“Like you’re seconds away from changing everything between us.” 
When those words leave your lips, Bucky knows there’s no point in denying it. “Maybe because I am,” he responds in a low murmur, before wasting not another second and crashing his lips against yours. His hands finding purchase at your hips and giving a light squeeze. Your lips part in a soft gasp at the sensation, his touch kindling the craving you’ve had for him from the moment you stepped foot into his house. Your hands find their way to his robe, the velvet soft underneath your fingertips as you pull him closer, wanting to leave no space for air between you. 
Bucky’s on the verge of losing his mind with your body pressed so close to his. His tongue prods gently at your mouth seeking entrance—something you eagerly give. When your tongues tangle you let out a soft moan that teeters on a whimper and it stirs something deep in his gut. He so desperately wants to pull more sounds out of you, but he needs to know you want this as much as he does. 
He pulls away from the kiss momentarily, resting his forehead against yours to catch his breath. Your hands relax and let go of his robe to rest against his chest instead. Savoring the way oxygen finds its way into your lungs again. 
“Tell me to stop and I will…” Bucky swallows hard as he says this. His mind reeling as he tries to calm the tightness in his pants. You shake your head, “I won’t. I want this, Bucky. I want you,” to assure him of your words, you pull him in by the loops of his dress pants, rolling your hips slowly against his bulge causing him to hiss at the pleasure. 
“Fuck, doll. The things you do to me.” 
“Show me.”
Your plea makes Bucky throw all hesitation out the window. Grabbing onto the straps of the harness at your thighs to press you into him and grind against you—groaning at the friction. You reach up and card your fingers through his hair to pull him down for another searing kiss. Your mouths moving with a sense of urgency and purpose. Needing to make up for all those days you only let yourselves flirt and never truly gave in to what you really wanted. 
The spark of desire bursts into embers as the intensity of the kisses increases—tongues dancing, teeth clashing, and your breaths entwined as you lose yourselves to the taste of one another. Every inch of your skin titilating in anticipation for Bucky’s touch. It’s evident you both need more, so Bucky snakes his hands down to cup your ass, hiking you up and around his waist to carry you over to the nearest surface. 
“You’re. So. Goddamn. Beautiful,” Bucky punctuates every word with nips to your jawline as he places you on the granite island. Your fingers brush past the edge of something plastic as you steady yourself on the cool surface. Your eyes reflexively look over and see the fake fangs Bucky had on earlier. Your remember the way they looked on him and your mind wanders to what his own teeth can do.
“Bite me,” the words slip out before you register how demanding they may sound. A deep rumble resonates from Bucky as he laughs at the way you said it. He removes himself from your jawline to get a good look at you—his cock twitching at the sight of you. 
Your chest heaved with exertion from all the air Bucky stole from you, your breasts threatening to spill out from your corset—lips swollen and pupils blown wide with desire. Knowing that this was your reaction to his kisses, to his touch, to him before you’ve even gotten to the main part—Bucky had to stop himself from coming undone then and there knowing he had such an effect on you. 
“Didn’t I say you had to ask nicely, doll?” he mocks playfully, eliciting a needy whine from you. The sound goes straight to his dick as it painfully aches to be inside you. He doesn’t think he can hold out much longer, as much as he’s enjoying the kisses. 
“Spread them. Further,” Bucky mutters the command into your lips, his hands sliding up your legs. You oblige his request, giving him more space to settle between your thighs. Your fingers thread through his hair as he trails open-mouthed kisses down to your pulse point—nipping and sucking hard enough to leave marks.
Bucky relishes in the soft whines and whimpers that leave you whenever he bites down just enough to hit the bliss point between pain and pleasure—soothing any remaining sting with his tongue. He catches the way your nipples harden underneath your corset—pressing against the fabric—making him crave a taste. 
“Gonna mark you up pretty girl—everywhere,” the low murmur of a promise is sealed into your skin, teeth grazing your neck delicately as he holds off on marking you there for the time being. His fingers hastily unhook the clasps of your corset, your breasts spilling out. He cups them in his hands, kneading the soft flesh while you moan copiously. Bucky greedily swallows every single one. 
His head dips down to pepper kisses across the valley of your breasts before dragging his tongue across one hardened nipple—teasing you as your breathing grew ragged. Your chest arches into him, moaning out his name as he moves to the other breast. Taking the unkissed bud into his mouth and sucking on it with a hunger that borders on savage.
“I know I said bite me, but watch those teeth.” 
“I’ll be good, doll. I’ll be real good to you.” 
He chuckles against your breast, causing delicious vibrations that send shivers down your spine. He moves over to the other nipple, giving it a playful nip that causes you to hiss out a watch it. He laughs again, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he continues to worship your breasts. The pleasure shoots straight to the throbbing between your legs, your underwear dampening. 
Nimble fingers find their way to his dress shirt and vest where you do your best to unbutton as much as you can, needing to see and touch more of him. You run your fingers down the hard planes of his chest and abs—your touch leaving heat in its wake. Bucky continues to lavish attention to your sensitive buds, his lips swirling and sucking the peaks insatiably. 
When his lungs burn for air he reluctantly releases your nipple with a wet pop—pulling away to see the evidence he’s left on your skin. “Mmm, you’re pretty like that doll—all marked up by me,” his fingers trailing and tracing over the marks he’s left on your neck, your collarbone, and your breasts. His thumb brushing over them with feather-like touches as an almost affectionate gesture. Your body shudders at the possessive gleam in his eyes—one that only intensifies the more his gaze lingers on your skin. 
You’ve never seen him look at you like this before—and you didn’t mind it. Not one bit.
“Bucky…please…I need more of you.”
“I know, baby. I’ll give you what you need.” 
As if the word baby wasn’t enough to have your heart leap out of your chest—Bucky’s fingers toying with the harness at your thighs, and the button of your pants certainly did. Swiftly, he proceeds to undo it all and the zipper. You eagerly help him slip it all off, and when his gaze meets the soaked front of your seamless cotton panties, a husky growl reverberates in his chest. His fingers hook at the edges while his teeth graze along the front of the fabric. The action takes your breath away, your heart racing a mile a minute. His hooded eyes bore into yours as he takes the fabric between his teeth and drags it down your body, baring your slick folds to him—he groans at the sight. 
“Fuck, doll, so ready for me.”
Bucky takes your panties and pockets them. Just as you're about to give him shit for it, he springs up to kiss your lips fervently. Hands at your thighs massaging the soft flesh, his thumbs brushing ever so slightly where you need him most. All prior thoughts are forgotten as you reach for Bucky's belt, desperately removing all obstacles until you can easily slide your hand into his pants. You palm over the bulge in his boxers, stroking him through the fabric. Your eyes widen at the feel of his size causing him to grin at you wolfishly.
“Something the matter, doll?” 
“Nothing I can’t handle.” 
Your confident tone provokes a deep rumble in Bucky’s throat. His hips jerk forward involuntarily, seeking more of your arousing touch. He pulls his pants and boxers down and off, freeing his cock. It springs forth, long and thick, the tip already glistening with precum. "Got me all worked up, baby. Just look at it—fuck," his voice is thick with lust, guiding your hand to wrap around his shaft. Your hand glides against him, causing him to let out a low grunt followed by the neediest moans. His nose brushes against yours as he tries not to entirely lose himself to the sheer pleasure that courses through him at your touch. 
Almost desperately, he leans in to capture your mouth again, kissing you deeply, his hips rocking into your hand at the rhythm of your movements. His flesh hand grabs the back of your neck to keep you close as he devours you, while his metal one trails up between your thighs—the coolness teasing the delicate skin—contrasting the heat that builds with the kiss. You moan into it, reveling in the feel of Bucky’s length in your hand as you stroke him slowly, becoming familiar with it. 
Bucky groans into your mouth, a resonant growl of pure want. His fingers go higher up your thighs until the cool metal grazes against your center, drawing out a whimper from you. Your thighs part further in response causing him to smirk against your lips. A smirk that falls into a ravenous hiss as his fingers brush your folds, the sick arousal coating them as he dips to circle your entrance teasingly—your hips bucking in response. 
“Bucky…” his name falls from your mouth with a carnal yearning that snaps Bucky's control entirely. His hands grip your hips to pull you closer to him—balancing you on the edge of the counter. He takes hold of his cock, positioning himself at your entrance, the head brushing against your cunt. Your patience is nonexistent at this point. 
“Bucky, if you tell me to ask nicely I swear to ah—” Bucky cuts off your whiny gripe with one swift thrust, burying himself inside you until he fills you completely. “What was that?” his cheeky question does little to hide he’s just as overwhelmed with how good it feels as you are. Yet, with the cockiest grin, he drinks up your hazy expression as you adjust to his thickness. 
Something shifts inside him when you look at him with soft adoring eyes, filling his heart with a thing that can only be called love. It causes him to pepper kisses—gentle and tender—all over your face to help ease the achy stretch. You melt into them, so contrastingly soft to the prior ones that your heart does a little flip. The deeper feelings behind them not lost on you. Even more so when he whispers the sweetest words of devotion at every kiss. How beautiful you are, how good you feel, how good he wants to make you feel, how he’s dreamed of this, and so much more. All the meanwhile, his thumbs massage comforting circles into your hips. 
“There you go. Doing so good for me, doll,” he praises you when he starts to feel your hips slowly move against him—pleasure replacing the ache. He reciprocates your desire, rocking into you slowly, letting you feel every inch until he goes as deep as possible once more—both of you calling out each other’s name by the time you’ve fully adjusted. 
It’s like this at first—slow and deep—dragging out each thrust to savor the sensation of intimacy. Breathy kisses with exchanged whispers blend with one another, your hands wrapped around his shoulders to keep him close. Fingers gently tugging on his brown locks at the nape of his neck, which only serves to drive him crazier. Making it hard for him to keep his restraint in check.
“Been dying to have you, baby. Fuck, you feel incredible,” he groans out, continuing to bury himself deep into your welcoming heat. But it’s not enough—not for either of you. Not when it does little to help fully unleash all the pent-up hunger that has built up over the course of months. You feel it in the way Bucky grips your hips tight enough to leave bruises to ground himself, and he can feel it in the way your legs wrap around his hips and lock behind him—pushing him in impossibly deeper.
One of you is bound to break soon—and it won’t be you. 
You cup his face in your hands, eyes glazed over and needy as you tell him, “Bucky, don’t hold back. It’s okay. You don’t need to hold back,” you assure him, his pace faltering slightly. Bucky’s blue eyes search yours for a reason not to give in. “I don’t want to hurt you, Y/n. I don’t know if I can trust myself,” the vulnerability in his voice tugs at your heartstrings, your thumbs gently caressing his face to soothe him. He instantly leans into your touch, the comfort it offers addicting. 
You shake your head, planting a soft kiss on his forehead, “You won’t. I trust you, Bucky. I told you—I can handle it, baby—please, baby,” at the term of endearment the rope of restraint inside Bucky snaps. You had never called him baby before, but now that you had Bucky wanted to know what else he had to do—or not do—to keep making you call him baby like that. 
“Keep calling me baby and you’ll get everything you want, beautiful,” Bucky nips at your bottom lip—eyes darkening—turning his pretty blues into a storm. One that’s ready to consume you. He grips your hips harder, picking up his pace until he’s pounding into you with reckless abandon, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your core. You meet his powerful thrusts with equal fervor, a stream of curses and sobs of his name falling from your lips. The counter beneath you shakes and for a moment you’re worried he’s going to break it, but the worry washes away instantly as it feels too good to give a damn. 
“Gonna keep marking you up, doll. Want everyone to see my pretty girl all marked up,” he growls, head dipping down to nip and suck on your neck. Bruising kisses strewn along the delicate skin of your collarbone until his teeth graze your shoulder. Your cunt throbs in time with the relentless onslaught of his cock—bodies synced in pure desire. Every touch, every thrust, every kiss, and every word is a brutal assault on your senses. All filled with his overwhelming want of you. 
“Bucky, s-so good, please…” you plead breathlessly for who knows what. Mind fuzzy and gone, only focusing on the searing pleasure in your veins. Bucky lets out a deep chuckle, lips finding their way to yours, metal hand snaking to palm your breast while his other keeps a tight grip on your hips.“Atta girl—taking me so well,” he grunts out, cunt fluttering at his praise, causing him to let out a half moan half chuckle. You’re close to finishing and he can feel it. 
“Cum for me, doll. Be a good girl and cum for me, baby,” Bucky commands, pounding into you with renewed vigor as he works to get you both to your releases. “Baby…I’m gonna…I’m close,” you whimper out and Bucky's response to you is immediate, his hips snapping forward even faster, harder. His metal hand lowers between your legs to apply pressure and circles to your clit. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing through the kitchen—the room forevermore ingrained with the actions of tonight. 
Your body bows off the counter as you scream out his name, your orgasm crashing over you with a hot intensity. Bucky keeps you close and steady, your inner muscles clamping around him like a vice—triggering his climax. Bucky lets out a guttural growl of your name, biting down on your shoulder as his release pours out, burying himself to the hilt as he fills you. The intense contractions milking his shaft for all he’s worth. 
You collapse back onto the counter, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath—body trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Bucky shudders from the force of his climax, cock twitching and pulsing as the last of his cum drips out. His upper body collapses on top of you, holding you close as his face buries into the crook of your neck, both of you trembling with the aftermath of your coupling. He trails loving kisses from your neck to your shoulder, not wanting to be apart from you. 
“You did so good, doll—my doll,” he mutters into your shoulder, kissing the area he had previously bitten, nuzzling the marks he left. You can only muster a breathless whimper as he gradually pulls out of you, your combined arousal spreading along the inner skin of your thighs and down onto the counter. He raises his head just enough to admire his handiwork—you, flushed and disheveled, with multiple bite marks and hickeys proudly displayed across your skin.
"I could get used to this—seeing you like this," Bucky says with a satisfied smirk, his gaze roaming over your figure appreciatively. You let out a breathless laugh, “Yeah? I think I could too, baby…” You can feel the way his cock threatens to harden again, the look in his eyes warning you to not push it. He lowers his mouth onto yours again in a hopeless attempt to silence you. 
“Doll, you can’t say it like that. I won’t be responsible for what happens next.”
“What about the party, baby?”
That about does it for Bucky. 
“Screw the party. I’d rather show my pretty girl, my baby—a good time here,” he mumbles against your lips, his breath hot and uneven as he picks you up from the counter. You giggle out a gasp as he carries you over to his bedroom where he does indeed show you a good time—a great time, in fact, all night long. 
Happy Halloween to you. 
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navybrat817 · 8 months ago
Bucky Barnes Masterlist - 2
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Welcome to my 2nd Bucky Barnes Masterlist, lovelies, and I hope you enjoy! Here you will find some of my darker fics. These may include triggers such as noncon, dubcon, violence, dark themes, etc. Please heed the warnings. Header and banner by @sgt-seabass​ and dividers by @firefly-graphics​. Check them out! ​
Main Masterlist | 1st Bucky Barnes Masterlist
I have discontinued my tag list. Please follow my sideblog @navybrat817-sideblog and turn on notifications to see new fics! I will only post fics, writing ideas and updates there.
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🔥 smut 💓 fluff 💔 angst 💞 AU 🛑 dark content 💙 Navy's faves
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Mini-Series and Universes
Soldat and Sparrow Universe (Ongoing)
Your fire burns for the Winter Soldier. And one day, you’ll be free. Both of you.
Winter and Fire  🔥💙
Summary: You didn’t choose to be with Hydra. Neither did the Winter Soldier. 
War and Peace 🔥
Summary: Your first mission together brings inner war...peace.
Soldat and Sparrow  
Summary: No one touches his Sparrow.
Night and Day  🔥
Summary: Will you be another one of the Soldat’s lost memories?
Dark and Light
Summary: You learn the real reason why Hydra wants to keep you.
Black and White
Moon and Sun
Past and Future
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The Pakhan and the Printsessa - Mob Newlyweds Universe (Ongoing) 💞
You’re married to Bucky Barnes, one of the most powerful men in the world. And all he wants is you.
Harmonious  🔥
Summary: You may think you’re a pawn in Bucky’s life, but you are his queen.
Hollow  🔥
Summary: Bucky touches on memories from the past and wants to start a new tradition with you.
Husband and Wife  🔥💙
Summary: Bucky has to have you before you get to your wedding reception.
Honeymoon Suite 🔥
Summary: Bucky takes a call during your honeymoon, but you should know that you always come first.
Home Again  🔥
Summary: Your husband opens up to you about his past as you fall more in love.
Honesty and Lies
Honor and Obey
Hope, Faith and Love
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Vampire Mob AU (Ongoing)
Power and money mean nothing to the powerful vampire ruler if you’re aren’t by his side.
Around Your Throat  🔥
Summary:  Bucky has the perfect accessory to go around your throat.
Lay Me Down  🔥💙
Summary: You look to the past and future on your last night as a human.
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Disturbia - Dark Suburbia AU
You have a beautiful home and a loving partner. So, why does it feel like something is wrong with your neighborhood?
A Plum a Day  🔥🛑
Summary: You wake up beside Bucky, but you don't know how you got there.
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Winter and Kisa - Mob AU 💞
The mobster doesn't care that you're an agent. He wants you to be his.
Give Me a Name
Summary: Someone put their hands on you and Bucky can't let it go.
Almost Like Home
Summary: Bucky told you his place would be your home one day. You see it firsthand with his closet.
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Dark Club AU (Tagged as Turn It Up AU)
Hold You Tight  🔥🛑💞
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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There's Something in the Water - Coming Soon
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One Shots and Imagines (over 1k) *Some fics may get additional parts
Run Like Hell  🔥🛑
Summary:  You weren’t supposed to see the Winter Soldier that day. So you ran. The Soldat loves a good chase though…and you’re not getting away from him that easily.
First and Last  🔥🛑 💞 (a/b/o)💙
Summary:  Masquerading as Beta was an easy choice. Too bad Bucky Barnes had other plans for you.
You’re My Obsession  🔥🛑💙
Summary: You’re the light in Bucky’s darkness. And he doesn’t want to share you with anyone, including Steve.
Best Man 🛑
Summary: Bucky found the girl of his dreams and Steve couldn’t be happier.
Remind Me  🔥💙
Summary: The apocalyptic world is crumbling around you and you need a reminder of who you belong to.
Push and Pull  (features Nick Fowler x Reader)🔥🛑💙💞 (Club)
Summary: Nick wants what Bucky has.
Prized Possession  🔥🛑 💞 (Librarian)
Summary: You’re Bucky’s rare treasure, his most prized possession.
A Debt to Pay  🔥💙💞 (Mob)
Summary: Bucky isn’t a man to be crossed.
What Goes Around  🔥💙 💞 (DBF/BFD)
Summary:  Bucky is your friend's dad and your dad's friend and nothing more. Until he isn't.
Send Me an Angel  🔥🛑 💞 (Bartender)
Summary: Bucky thinks you’re an angel.
Follow You Home (Stalker)
Summary: Bucky just wants to see you smile when he visits you at the flower shop.
Two Sides of the Same Coin🔥 (Bucky and the Winter Soldier)
Summary: A night of passion awakens something beneath the surface of the man you love.
What Happens in Vegas  🔥🛑 💞 (Fae)
Summary: You get more than you bargained for when you decide to get married in Vegas.
Within You  🔥🛑
Summary: Bucky shows a different side of himself when you venture into a corn maze.
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Ficlets (under 1k)
Read Between the Lines ~ (threat not by Bucky) 
Summary: Things are left unsaid with Bucky during your recent mission.
Loyalty  🔥 (features Dark!Andy Barber x Reader)  
Summary: Loyalty is something you’ve learned to both loathe and appreciate.
Collateral Damage  🔥🛑
Summary: You pay the price when the Avengers try to undo the snap.
Long Night
Summary: Bucky is waiting for you when you come back from a night out.
A Hero’s Reward  🔥 🛑
Summary: Bucky is a hero and every hero deserves a reward.
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100 Word Drabbles
Secret Admirer Secret Admirer - Part 2 Secret Admirer - Part 3 Secret Admirer - Part 4 Forced Bond 🔥🛑 Last Call  🔥🛑 His Sparrow  🔥🛑 Stalked
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527 notes · View notes
kitkatpadywaks · 6 months ago
Recommended Fics
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Fics/One-shots I liked.
Key: 🔥Smut - 💢Angst - ❤️Fluff - 💀Dark Themes - 💕Slow Burn - ❤️‍🩹Hurt/Comfort - ✔️Complete(Series) - ❌Incomplete(Series)
Last Updated: 10th December 2024
Bucky Barnes fic recs | Daryl Dixon fic recs | Arcane fic recs
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❤️‍🩹🔥Kinks and All by @babblydrabbly - (Harley Quinn x f!reader x Rick Flag)
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💀💢🔥LOVE HURTS by @coweye - (Rick Flag x Reader)
💢❤️Already Married by @darling-i-read-it - (Rick Flag x fem!reader)
❤️💢💀🔥free ground by @foli-vora - (Rick Flag x medicf!reader)
🔥danger! high voltage by @foli-vora - (Rick Flag x metahumanf!reader)
🔥HOT TO GO by @seancekitsch - (Adrian Chase x Reader x Rick Flag)
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❌💀🔥💕 when you become untouchable by @starforgedthor - (Meta-Human!Villian!Reader x Adrian Chase)
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✔️💢💕 today i bury you in me by - @the-darklings
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✔️💢He's cold-blooded so it takes more time to bleed by @kaznejis - (Erik Lehnsherr x Reader)
❌🔥💢Your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you by @kaznejis - (Erik Lehnsherr x Reader)
we're hanging on by a heartbeat by @kaznejis - (Erik Lehnsherr x Reader)
❤️‍🩹Comfort in the Darkness by @awkward-walking-potato - (Erik Lehnsherr x Reader)
❤️magnetic field by @flowersforbucky (erik lehnsherr x reader)
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🔥❤️Healing Touch by @librababe99 (Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader)
🔥Teacher's Pet by @comicbookslut (Charles Xavier x Reader)
🔥Kinktober Day One (Clothed Sex) by @comicbookslut (Young!Charles Xavier x Reader)
🔥❤️Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? by @lokidjarin-7567 (Erik Lehnsherr x Reader x Charles Xavier)
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❤️🔥New Tricks by @thevillainswhore (Virgin!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader)
🔥Revenge Sweeter Than Honey by @thevillainswhore (College!Bucky Barnes x MILF!Reader)
🔥❤️change of pace by @nickfowlerrr (beefy!bucky barnes x curvy!reader)
🔥Kinktober 2024: Day 5 by @rootedinrevisions (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
❤️Almost Kisses by @aquaticmercy (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
❤️Beautiful Mess by @aquaticmercy (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
In Another Life by @aquaticmercy (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
❤️Of Black Ink and White Lilies by @aquaticmercy (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
❤️Of Heroes and Heartstrings by @aquaticmercy (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
❤️How I Met Your Father by @brunchable (Bucky Barnes x f!reader)
❌💀❤️🔥💢Winter King by @brunchable (King AU Bucky Barnes x Out of place Queen Reader)
💀🔥Captivate Me by @brunchable (Stalker!Bucky Barnes x f!reader)
🔥Fri(end)s by @buckymorelikefuckme (bucky barnes x fem reader)
🔥Bucky's Second First Time by @eufezco (Bucky x fem!reader)
🔥Silent In the Library by @soelstress (Bucky Barnes x female!reader)
🔥❤️love language by @flowersforbucky (bucky x avenger!reader)
❤️Every Part of You by @anonymityisfunwriter (Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader)
❤️can you watch my boyfriend for me? by @jiarkives
🔥Water Proof by @vivwritesfics
❤️🔥Stay by @jobean12-blog (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
🔥the night trilogy by @thyme-in-a-bubble (bodyguard!bucky barnes x reader
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🔥the abandoned tie by @thyme-in-a-bubble (matt murdock x secretary!reader)
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❤️💢Peace and Quiet by @aquaticmercy (Carol Danvers x f!reader)
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❤️‍🩹🔥Don't bet on it by @hollybell51 - (Castiel x AFAB!fem!Reader)
❤️rest your eyes by @perseephoneee - (castiel x reader)
✔️🔥"If you will have me, I am yours." by @gilverrwrites - (Human!Castiel x Fem!Reader)
✔️🔥Takeout Tuesday by @gilverrwrites - (Human!Castiel x Fem!Reader)
🔥Salt n' Lick by APerfectGrace (AO3 - Castiel x Reader)
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🔥close call by @wife-of-all-dilfs - (bellamy blake x reader)
❤️bioluminescence by @wife-of-all-dilfs - (bellamy blake x reader)
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💢🔥Unravel Me by @thoughtsofedin - (Diego Hargreeves x Hargreeves!Reader)
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❤️smile by @specialagentlokitty (Patrick Jane x reader)
treat you right by @specialagentlokitty (Patrick Jane x reader)
💀🔥Honey and the Hatchet by @cambria-writes (Patrick Jane x Original Female Character)
🔥Redemption by @the-horned-witch (Patrick Jane x Named!Reader)
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🔥The Rock N' Roll Got Harder and Softer by @dilf-docs (eddie brock x younger fem!reader)
🔥keep a secret by @val-made-a-mistake
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🔥Chocolate and Cream by @angel-of-the-moons (Eddie x Venom x Curvy!Fem!Reader)
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🔥riding dexter in his iconic killer fit by @hisbuni (fem reader)
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A New Moon by @happy74827 [Dexter Morgan x Female!Reader]
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💀You are who you eat by @minawritesfanfic
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intrepidacious · 4 months ago
about that night (the bugs and the dirt)
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summary: You never talk about that night, and Bucky never asks. Even though he can't help but suspect something is wrong.
pairing: bucky barnes x witch!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: past character death and vague mentions of blood (yk, spooky stuff); there's no actual dialogue in this and the characters are worse for it 💛 please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: it only took me three years but i finally managed to finish a fic in time for halloween 😌🎃 i genuinely don't know how to describe the vibes of this except buffy the vampire slayer season six meets "if lisa frankenstein was a drama" meets hozier's like real people do. have fun 🫶🏼
masterlist | read on ao3
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Something’s wrong.
Something’s been wrong for a while, but Bucky can’t quite put his finger on it. It’s a fragile thing, this knowledge, this certainty, lingering at the back of his mind like the dim light of a forgotten lamp, shimmering, seeping through the cracks.
Whenever he asks you, you tell him that everything is fine, and he wants to believe you, desperately. You wouldn’t lie to him, you with your luminous eyes and your soft smile. Deceptions would taste foul on your lips.
But something’s wrong.
It’s all wrong.
He’s always been too smart for his own good, and he’s going to find out, you know he will, but that’s precisely why you can’t let him. He’s going to know how far you’ve fallen, and he’s going to despise you for it.
So he forgets.
Sometimes, when he wakes up, his tongue is heavy with bile and dirt, his eyes crusted shut with something worse than bad dreams. Sometimes, when he listens closely, he can hear the air humming with lost hymns that are not from this earth.
Maybe he should’ve gotten used to that, by now; your walls have always had ears and mouths and eyes, after all. That’s the price for loving a witch, you’d say, back in the days when your smiles came easy. Wherever you are, you’re never alone.
It’s different than he remembers, though, even through the cracked and blurry pictures of his memories, his foggy mind, but he can’t put his finger on why. Darker. Colder. Damp. It’s like something has left.
Doubt follows his every waking hour, even more so when he tries to think of that night.
That night.
Oh, that night.
The taste of blood on your lips when you kissed him, desperately, like you hadn’t seen him in months. The muddy streaks on your arms when he looked at you in the pale moonlight, the scrape of dirt underneath your fingernails. It had been raining. You smelt like pain.
What had you been digging?
He needs to forget about that night and what it actually was you’d dug up, then. You’d told him you’d had to bury an animal that had gotten lost and died in the garden, and it was a half-truth even by the most generous account.
Dark, evil things happened that night, and no matter their intent, you were the sum of them.
You’d sacrificed a lamb to dig up a wolf.
He doesn’t remember your answer now, but it must’ve been enough for him, then. It must have been.
So he doesn’t ask again, no matter how hard uncertainty tugs on his lungs.
On that old, familiar path, he follows you home and feels like a stranger.
The blood itself was the easiest to wash off, and maybe that was the worst part. In the human world, crime rarely disappeared without a trace, but magic always left its mark.
You remember tumbling on your way back, almost tripping over your doorstep, a sudden pulse of energy pulling the breath from your lungs. These were your own four walls, the ones you’d blessed yourself, tended to and looked after for years, and they seemed to recoil.
Bucky caught your arm without even looking, catching you like he always had, and you crossed the threshold together. You looked at him, then, for the first time since the graveyard. You could feel his pulse under your grip, his heartbeat strong and loud enough to be mistaken for your own, but his gaze so uncertain, like he wasn’t sure he actually belonged here.
With you.
You made up your mind right then and there. He could never know.
You stir your tea as you always do, and you’ve set out his cup on the kitchen table. Alpine paws at it before he can pick it up, a fierce growl accompanying the sound of smashing porcelain.
She’s been angry with both of you, and he doesn’t know why. She keeps hissing at him, and she refuses to sit on your lap when you study your books next to the fireplace like she always used to. Like she’s punishing you in whatever little way she can for a crime he doesn’t understand.
You sigh, and you repair the cup with a flick of your wrist, and then you don’t reach out to pet that spot behind Alpine’s ears.
It’s little things like that.
And it’s your tired eyes.
Of course, no one else can know either; it’s not a risk you’re willing to take.
If Bucky notices the phone’s been unplugged all this time, he’s never said a word. He’s never been much for talking, anyway, but he does it even less so these days. You’ve both turned quiet around each other, but the only thing that matters is that you’re both still here.
Even now, you can feel the dark powers humming through your veins, just like you could that night. You hear the whispers calling out your name and see the shadows at the very periphery of your vision. They follow you into your dreams until you give up on them, slipping out of the warm embrace of your bed to hunch over the tome again, again, just a little more.
Perhaps you should worry about repercussions, but what for? After all, everything you did that night, you did out of love.
Everything you’ve done, you’ve done for him.
Sometimes, he doesn’t notice them for a very long time, and then it hits him all over again just how exhausted you look. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, your side of the bed is empty and the roof of his mouth tastes like ash and decay. In those moments, he thinks he might still be dreaming; his bones are heavy and cold and unyielding, and he lies there like something forgotten, and all of his thoughts revolve around you.
He’s so worried about you.
He wants to ask if it’s something he’s done. He wants to know if he can make it better, make you smile again like you always did at the sight of him, every time. But he’s afraid of the answer.
You’ve not been yourself and you know it, but at this point, you feel unable to stop it. It’s too late, anyway. The dead already walk to earth, and you’re the one to blame. You’re the one to thank.
Sometimes, the thought does hit you that there’s something a little wrong with you these days. But then he looks at you and he smiles, and you’re young and foolish and in love all over again, that weight of all those weeks of screaming and crying lifted with every glance, every touch, every kiss.
This, the uncertainty, is the worst part of it. It becomes his closest companion, and it only lifts slightly when you return to him, if only for a moment. When you do smile, when you put your hands around his neck and kiss him and he can feel real again, feel like himself again.
He barely notices that you will only look him in the eye when it’s dark, when he can lose himself in your touch, foreheads pressed together, breaths heavy and mingling, the only real creatures in the world. The sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.
Maybe you are wrong. Maybe you are wicked and evil and rotten to the core, and maybe there’ll be hell to pay for it yet.
But you’re not sorry.
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hearing hozier perform "like real people do" as a duet with victoria canal changed lives y'all
thank you for reading!! if you want to see more of my writing, check out my masterlist or follow @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications!! also, comments are trick or treats that last all year long. just saying 💛
oh, before we leave, here's an extra shoutout to @brandycranby for telling me this was fun and the perfect length. i accidentally made it longer again. love u 🫶🏼
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buckrecs · 2 years ago
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 3
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - completed
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Galavano by @ichorai
Bucky x Reader
a series that follows the hero galvano through the events of the mcu!
2. Time (D)rift by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Dark!Bucky x Reader Apocalypse AU
The end has come and gone as you keep waiting for your own.
3. Uncontrollable by @fictional-affairs
Bucky x Widow!Reader
The year is 1992. The Winter Soldier is under HYDRA’s control, and the Red Widow is under Dreykov’s control, but when they find out their organizations are working together to have them kill each other, they decide to make a deal.
4. The Lake House by @rustytricycle
Dark!Bucky x Dark!Reader
You decide to spend the summer before Freshman year of college with two of your girlfriends at one of their parents’ lake house. It turns out that Captain America and his two best friends are staying next door. Bucky thinks you might be his perfect girl. But are you too perfect?
5. turn a blind eye by @sergeantxrogers
Bucky x Reader
The Winter Soldier was cold. Brutal. Unflinching. A machine formulated to comply. Bucky Barnes was the sun warming your skin, your happy pill. Loving him was like bittersweet liquor, sickeningly sweet when you sip, harsh and burning when you swallow.
6. Rooftop Sessions by @forever-rogue
Bucky x Therapist!Reader
Y/N is a therapist that works with war veterans that ends up meeting a mysterious stranger who asks for her help.
7. it’s all fun and games, until you catch feelings by @prettyyoungtragedy
Bucky x Reader
You’re pining after Steve and Bucky is pining after Nat, what better way to distract yourself from those two perfect humans than to distract yourselves with each other?! Fuck buddies it is then.
8. oh my delightful heart by @prettyyoungtragedy
Sequel to it’s all fun and games
Bucky Barnes is the sweetest dumbest most adoring boyfriend any girl could ever ask for... 
9. Follow My Lead by @ciarawritesmarvel ✨
Bucky x Reader
You and your new friend Wanda are enjoying a day together at the Avengers Tower, her giving you a tour around the place when you both run into the infamous Bucky Barnes. Moments later, he’s introducing you to Sam as his girlfriend and placing a kiss on your temple and you’re not sure you’ve ever been so confused in your life.
10. The Maid of Mr. Barnes by @disasterofastory
Mob!Bucky x Reader
You get a job as Mr. Barnes's maid. You heard about the notorious gangster, but since you desperately need money and a place to live, you are not in a position to be picky.
11. Guiding Light by @wkemeup ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra. While you struggle to stay alive and hold your sanity, Bucky begins to lose himself to a darkness and gives into the soldier because he doesn’t know how to breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can.
12. Home | Better by @softlyspector ✨
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
13. Mad For You by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Nat hosts a costume masquerade. Bucky meets the Alice to his Hatter. Shenanigans ensue. 
14. Sanguis Sanguinis Mei by @captainscanadian
Vampire!Bucky x Vampire!Reader
It took Bucky Barnes two centuries with the blood of his blood to realize how much he loved her. This is their story. 
15. Another World by @sinner-as-saint
Alien!Bucky x Reader
In a futuristic world - a millennium from now, you and your team rescue and care for stranded and hurt otherworldly beings; who are held captive and kept on Earth against their wills. You save them from the bad guys who exploit them. You help them adjust to your planet’s life, and give them their freedom back. Then one day, while on a rescue mission, you come across a human-like extraterrestrial being; in a cryogenic chamber, with a missing arm. And nothing is ever the same again…
16. Picking Up The Pieces by @gogolucky13
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky chooses to stay in his tumultuous relationship knowing you’ll be there to pick up the pieces, until finally you’re not.
17. Knight In Rusty Armor by @revengingbarnes ✨
Knight!Alpha!Bucky x Queen!Omega!Reader
For the sake of politics and to get rid of you, their omega daughter, the King and Queen of England marry you off to the King of France. Settling into an unfamiliar monarchy is a tedious process all by itself, but a new problem arises soon after your arrival at your new home. One of the Knights turns out to be your true mate. Your Alpha. The one you are meant to be with. But you’re mated to someone else. And that someone else is the King of France.
18. The Escaped Bride by @marvelouslytrekking
Pirate!Bucky x Reader
Being forced to marry someone was not something you wanted, but when it turns out that it is to your best friend, who you secretly loved, things weren’t so bad. Unfortunately, good things don’t seem to last and when the worst happens, you refuse to sit around and be miserable. Will you find true love again, or will your life be turned upside down?
19. Plot Twist by @winterarmyy
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
20. The Road Goes Ever On and On by @rocketrhap3000 ✨
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
Life as a single mother of a three year old certainly has its struggles. But when a sweet stranger makes his way into you and your little boy’s life, a one of a kind connection sparks.
21. you’re my desire by @marvelouslizzie & @notafunkiller
40s!Bucky x Reader
Your best friend drags you out on a double date. You were supposed to be Steve Rogers’ date but plans change pretty quickly and you end up in Bucky Barnes’ arms.
22. Death Do Us Part by @sgtjbuccky ✨
God Of Death!Bucky x Mortal!Reader
For centuries, the God of Death had known two things about mortals. One, they were his job, his to collect when their days came to an end, and two, they were obnoxiously odd beings. Their purpose ceased to make sense to him. Never did he understand why they created a life for themselves, why they loved, why they loved other mortals when they knew that none of it would last forever. It was nothing but sheer stupidity, but that was until he met you. A mortal unlike any other. A mortal that would make him question everything. A mortal that would teach the God of Death how to live.
23. Lost In Each Other by @majestyeverlasting ✨
Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
For Bucky, one of the best things to come home to is family. Especially after a day at work. So he's pleasantly surprised when you want to show him a new dress after dinner one night. And it just so happens that little Eden and Jamie find a way to work themselves into the equation. But it all makes for good fun and memories you will never forget.
24. Fight For Me by @littleseasiren
Bucky x Reader
After years in an abusive relationship, you finally get out. When the Avengers decide to raise awareness for your Battered Women's Home, you bump into Bucky Barnes, the hottest, most complicated man you've ever met. He thinks you're too good for him, but when your abusive ex reappears, Bucky knows he has to keep you safe - by any means necessary.
25. call me baby by @cherryrogers ✨
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
26. Static Verse by @theconstantsidekick ✨
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Tony Stark's sister's a fucking badass, codename—Static. Here's her story through the MCU.
27. Bygone by @borntobewondering
Bucky x Reader
You and Peter get sent back in time, and you fall in love with someone unexpected.
28. Clockwork by @aries-writingblog ✨
Bucky x Reader
Bucky has moved on. He’s found a place in the new world of the 21st Century. Found peace. But the past is always half a step behind him, waiting to snatch him backwards- like clockwork.
29. Deny the truth, set the world on fire by @lizatill
Bucky x Reader, Dark!Winter Soldier x Reader
He knew that she was having an affair...she denies, but the love marks on her body are still there. She can't tell him the truth, it will break him - the Winter Soldier is indeed inside of him, fucking her at night and Bucky doesn't remember.
30. Carnations by @viollettes
Bucky x Reader College AU
It’s a simple concept: Students can buy flowers for each other at the carnation sale. Red flowers are for love, pink flowers are for friendship, and white flowers are for expressing secret admiration. A carnation fundraiser, an iota of possibility, and a longtime secret crush on your hot best friend - what could go wrong?
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imtryingbuck · 9 months ago
The red means I love you
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!fem!Reader
Summary: you’re a human who fell in love with a vampire named Bucky
Word count: 1,811
Warnings: angst? fluff. an injured fox. brief mention of mercy killing an animal. mentions of blood. swearing.
A/N: thankyou for the request @loki-laufeyson68, I hope you like it❤️ and thank you @buckys-wintersoldier for proofreading for me❤️
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When Bucky told you that he was a vampire you burst out laughing. There was no such thing as vampires or werewolves. Witches, yes, but vampires absolutely not. He sat there with an amused expression on his face, his left eyebrow raised waiting for you to stop laughing, once your laughter died down he showed you his fangs, you watched as his eyes turned black and that convinced you, honestly.
He promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, told you that he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you and that he only told you the truth because he couldn’t keep lying to you about who he really was. “I understand if you want to leave Y/n.”
That was nine years ago, and here you were still by his side.
Bucky never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, you never helped him find food nor did you ever watch him feed, he protected you from the other vampires. Bucky was always so sweet and kind to you, always driving you to work and was always there ten minutes before your shift ended to take you home, when the weather was nice you’d both take a long walk arm in arm and he’d tell you what buildings use to be what when he was young and human. Every Monday you’d wake up to find a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers on your bedside table, date night every Friday - he made forced your manger to give you the day off. He was always so caring, loving and generous when it came to you.
He had lived such a long life and within that life he had loved before but none of them compared to the love he had for you, not even in the slightest. He loved absolutely everything about you, even when you were on your period and you was being a grouchy monster - as he so affectionately called you. Bucky knew that he would happily move heaven and earth if you asked, he would move mountains just to see you smile, he would take the biggest brightest star from the dark sky and give it to you.
Despite him being so madly in love with you and knowing you felt the same for him there was always a painful tug in his heart every year on your birthday. You were human. Humans die. Which meant you were going to leave him one day. Bucky wouldn’t turn you into what he was because you never expressed an interest, you never asked him to turn you, so he didn’t even though he knew he’d lose you one day, and he knew that when that day comes his soul would be broken.
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“Doll?” He had just got back from dealing with some rogue vampires who were causing chaos in the city with Steve by his side. A fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand as he searched the house for you.
“Buck? I’m in the garden!” His tired face lit up at hearing your voice.
Making his way to where you were he couldn’t help but laugh at seeing you on your hands and knees with your face pressed up to the hole in the side of the wooden shed. “What are you doing pretty girl?”
“I think there’s a fox in there but I don’t want to open the door just yet incase it runs out.”
“There’s definitely something in there, I can hear its heartbeat.”
“Do you think it’s a fox? Is it nice?”
“I can’t tell baby” he puts the flowers down on the table and moves over to where you were and gets down on his knees. “I know it’s scared though.”
“No, no little fox don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” Bucky had to bite his lip when you put your face back to the hole and spoke to the creature inside.
“Baby I… I don’t think it understands you.”
“It will, it will know I’m friendly.” Leaning on your knees you use Bucky’s shoulder to help you stand. “I’m going in. If I scream, well… I love you.”
-Always so dramatic- he thought to himself but nodded and winked at you. “You’ve got this doll, I love you too.”
Unlocking the shed you took a deep breath in and opened the door, eyes instantly locking eyes with a terrified little fox. Moving so slowly with your hands up you spoke to the little thing, telling it that you wasn’t going to hurt it. The little creature let you stroke it and eventually let you pick it up.
“Buck, it’s got an injured leg.” You whispered knowing that he could hear you due to his enhanced hearing. “We need to take it to the vet.”
“Baby, they would just put him down.” He could hear the sob that tried to suppress. “B-but we can look after it ourselves.”
“C-can we?”
“Of course my doll, bring the little one out and we’ll get it into the house.”
Bucky couldn’t actually believe that he was holding a fox in his hands as you wrapped a bandage around its leg after cleaning up the wound, before you if he ever came across a badly injured animal he would kill it out of mercy, he hated seeing an animal suffer. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it to this poor little one not with the way you were looking and treating it.
“Buck, Bushy’s fell asleep in your arms.”
“Have you named it?”
“Yeah, everyone needs a name.” The smile you had on your face had him smiling too.
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A week later Bushys leg was healing nicely and would follow you and Bucky around where ever you’d go around the house. Bucky couldn’t lie if asked if he had grown attached to Bushy, he was going to be sad when it was time to release him back outside.
Bucky gave you a long passionate kiss and stroked Bushys head before he left the house, rogue vampires were back and it was Steve and his job to get rid of them.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, wanna watch a film?”
Curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and Bushy you put on your favourite show, obviously telling the little fox all about the characters and which ones were your favourites - not like the little guy understood a single word you were saying. You were startled awake when a bang came from the panty, not seeing the young fox near by you assumed it was him getting into the snacks, stopping in your tracks when you heard a groan.
“Bushy?” You called out breathing a breath of relief when he came running towards you.
You screamed when you went around the corner, seeing Bucky leaning heavily against the fridge he kept in the pantry - where he stored blood bags. He was covered in blood. “B-Bucky?”
“D-didn’t mean t-to wake you doll.”
“What happened?”
“N-no blood left.”
“Okay? But what happened to you?” You tried to move forward towards him but he held his hand up.
“I-I… baby I need blood an-and I don’t have-“
“Have mine.” Gulping when he snapped his head up, looking you in the eyes. His own turning darker. “Y-you can drink some of my blood Bucky.”
You could see the struggle he was having, on one hand he really needed to feed so he could heal but on the other hand he couldn’t do that to you regardless of how many times he wondered how you tasted. Shaking his head he knew he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, I trust you Buck. You need to eat and there’s no-“
“I can’t doll. I-I won’t.” He stutters, shaking his head even more.
“You can and you will. Please Buck!”
It took nearly half an hour to convince Bucky to drink from you, leading him into the living room and onto the couch you tried to get your heart rate to slow down knowing he could hear it. He kept asking if you were sure, you silenced him by raising your arm for him to take it in his mouth.
Now you know why people always screamed in the movies when they get bit by a vampire, because fuck it hurts so badly!
The longer he had his fangs dug into your flesh the more it hurt, and it didn’t help that you started to feel lightheaded. You looked towards Bushy who was watching the scene infront of him looking nervously between you and Bucky, then everything went black.
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Every part of your body ached as you came around, before you opened your eyes you felt his fingers run through your hair, and all you could hear is Bucky’s soft voice singing.
‘Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you
“Doll? Oh thank goodness, just take it slow baby.” He helps you sit up and that’s when you realise that you’re in bed.
“Wh-what happened?”
“I- baby I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to b-but you were-I killed you an-and you nearly died because I didn’t stop-“
“It’s okay Buck, it’s okay I promise.” You cut his ramble off and hold his hand.
“No doll you don’t understand, you-you’re a vampire now.”
You sighed and nodded, it wasn’t what you wanted but at least you could be with Bucky forever now, just like he always promised you. “I know Buck and that’s okay.”
“I just couldn’t let you die, I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to be without you doll.”
Bucky couldn’t get the image of you slumping over, your skin going paler than your usual complexion, you not responding. He could hear your once lively heart beat fade and he panicked, he apologised over and over before piercing your neck with his fangs. For the first time since he was turned into a vampire he prayed, praying that you would forgive him but most importantly that you would wake up.
“Buck?” You say his name as you watch as he twists the ring on your finger, the same one he brought you a year into your relationship - he was just walking down the street when a shiny silver ring caught his eye, he paid for it instantly and when you asked why, he told you that he saw it and thought of you so he brought it.
“Yes doll.”
“Was you singing to me?”
“No…” He scoffed shaking his head.
“Yes you was.” You sing to him, Bucky smiled shyly nodding.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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imawreck · 8 months ago
Authors note: Hello, and welcome to my collection of chaos. This is where all my fics will be located and linked. Some of my fics might have separate master lists depending on how many parts I publish for them! I tend to write multi-part fics, but if I can hold myself back enough to get out a one-shot, this is where those will be linked! Thanks for visiting :)
💕Fluff | ❤️‍🔥Smut | 💔 Angst
Who I will write for:
Deacon Kay
Dominique Luca
Jim Street
Tactical Hearts
(Series, On Hiatus)
💕/💔/ ❤️‍🔥 (Future)
Pairing: David "Deacon" Kay x Original Character
Summary: Based in Season 2, S.W.A.T. is bringing in both old and new recruits as they recover from budget cuts. Among those new recruits, is Lily Blake. With her training and experience, she poses potential for the team. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to overlook her spontaneous nature, or untraditional joining to S.W.A.T. Over time, feelings emerge and friendships are forged... and maybe something more.
Author's note: This is a slow burn romance, so it takes some time to pick up into the actual romance part. Sort of enemies to lovers, and a lot of chaotic behavior, as well as canon violence and such.
Recruit (Part 1)
Marvel Universe
Who I write for/Will write for:
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Spider-Man (Tom or Andrew)
Bucky Barnes
Project G.H.O.S.T.
(Series, On Going)
💔/ 💕
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Original Character
Summary: Bucky assumed he was the last Super Soldier left. But what happens when he finds out that there might still be more like him, that there might be something Hydra cooked up that's worse than him?
Author's Note: This is an older fic I wrote for myself that I ended up carrying on for several parts. If it goes over well here I'll continue it, but for now I'll be posting what is written until there's requests for more or I just feel inspired to continue it.
Unknown (Part 1), Cargo (Part 2), Holding Cell (Part 3), Interrogation (Part 4), Experiments (Part 5), Pancakes (Part 6), Shopping Trip (Part 7), Poetry (Part 8), Perfect Soldier (Part 9), Amends (Part 10)
More in the Masterlist!!!
Project G.H.O.S.T. Masterlist
New Beginning Masterlist
Bucky x Max (OC) One-Shot Masterlist
Heaven Scent (Brooklyn Devil)- A Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader (Part 1 in Series)
Summary: A modern supernatural twist on the Marvel Universe where Bucky and Steve are still super soldiers, but their enemy isn’t Hydra. It’s every supernatural lurking on earth. SHIELD is now the organization created to maintain peace and balance between humans and supernaturals, and the Avengers are the elite force of agents sent to take down the most terrible of monsters. What happens when one of their own is turned?
Brooklyn Devil Masterlist
His- A Winter Soldier x reader (One-Shot) Darkness- A Winter Soldier x Reader (One Shot, Part Two to His)
Sun Up- A Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Reader (One Shot, Final Part to His, In Progress)
❤️‍🔥 (Straight Up)
Summary: You and Bucky broke up a few months ago against your wishes, and you’d been trying to move on. When Bucky sees you flirting with another member of the team, he leaves for the next mission to avoid getting in your way. Unfortunately, the mission goes bad, and Bucky isn’t himself when he comes back. He also has a lot to say…
Lean On Me- Bucky Barnes x Reader (One-Shot, Requested)
Summary: Reader deals with depression and hasn’t told anyone in fear that they’d think differently of her or treat her differently. Bucky sweeps in to prove she’s wrong.
💔/💕 (Hurt/Comfort)
Moments Stolen- Bucky Barnes x Reader (One-Shot)
Summary: You take some time to spend with your favorite person.
Thor Odinson
Voice from the Stars- Thor Odinson x Reader (One-Shot, In progress)
Summary: You speak to the stars in quiet hopes that your voice will be heard, and one day it is. A little hurt/comfort, angsty/fluffy Soulmate AU based after Thor: Ragnarök.
💔/ 💕 (Angst/Fluff)
Who I will write for:
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The Walking Dead
Who I will write for:
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon
Girl in the Woods (Nightshade)- Daryl Dixon x Original Character (Series, In Progress)
Summary: “Who knew a herbalist in her mid twenties would survive the downfall of the world? I sure didn’t.”
The story of September, a herbalist before the fall, that begins in Season 4 of The Walking Dead. She takes a liking to our beloved group of survivors, especially a certain hunter…
💔/💕/❤️‍🔥 (slow burn with eventual smut)
Nightshade Masterlist
Scars- Age gap Daryl Dixon x Reader (One-Shot, In Progress)
Summary: While on a run, Daryl gets injured and holed up with (Y/N). They decide to wait til daybreak to return to the group, and things get intimate.
💔/💕 (Hurt/Comfort & fluff)
Love Me or Hate Me?- Daryl Dixon x Reader (One-Shot, Requested, In Progress)
Summary: Requested from Prompt List with “You think I’m going to leave you here?” “Who made you the leader?” And “We shouldn’t be doing this.” Enemies to lovers vibes!
Who I will write for:
Rhydian Morris
Vampire Diaries
Who I will write for:
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Who I will write for:
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Inhuman (Life of Lies)- Jacob Black x Original Character (Series, In progress)
Summary: Haunted by the memory of her parents strange death at a young age, Olivia Weathers is thrown into the foster care system. She moved from Forks at the age of 8, and hadn’t looked back since. But when her therapist recommends going back to her hometown for her senior year of high school, Livy is thrown into a whole new set of problems she wasn’t expecting. Suspicions are confirmed and even more mysteries come to light.
Life of Lies Series Masterlist
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@winchestert101 / @savannahrilee-blog
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krirebr · 1 year ago
I Can't Sleep, Cause My Bed's On Fire
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Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Dark!Female Reader x Dark!Steve Rogers, established Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, past Ransom Drysdale x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~3.3k
Summary: In Germany, you and Ransom run into someone from his past. Part of the Psycho Killer AU
Warnings: Horror elements, feeding off people, references to mind control, explicit language, group sex (mmf), light degradation, a little past (and present) heartache, a lot of smut- All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Divider by @saradika-graphics
A/N: Ahahahaha! Oh god, what have I done????
A HUGE thanks, as always, to @paperweight91 who let me flail all over her about this idea and read so, so much of it and talked me through the panic attack I always have when it's time to write smut.
Please come screech with me about this Steve. I'm so obsessed with him.
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Ransom led you through the crowd by your hand. You lagged behind him as you tried to take in everything around you. People were dancing in cages, their eyes glossed over. There were humans laid out on tables as vampires fed on them. You saw no fewer than five couples fucking. This place was a wonderland. 
While you were still in France, Ransom had heard rumors of a vampires-only club in Germany, so now, after chasing down leads, you were in Berlin. You hadn’t known what to expect from Valkyrie, but this was more than you could have dreamed. No one was hiding here, pretending to be human, pretending to be weak. Here things were in their natural order. Here, even after only a few minutes, you really felt at the top of the food chain. Your fangs dropped in excitement and you let them stay. You were with your people now.
Ransom took you to the bar, pulling you in front of him and resting his chin on your shoulder. “What do you have on tap?” he yelled above the din to one of the bartenders. They placed a narrow menu in front of you, then moved on to help someone else. You looked at the selection of blood, all different types, ages, and diets. Your eyes wandered down to the bottom of the menu. “Hey,” you said over your shoulder to Ransom, “what do you think the Captain’s Special is?”
He went completely still. “What’d you say?” he asked, deadly serious. Without waiting for an answer he sniffed deeply. “Oh shit. We have to get out of here. Right fucking now,” he said as he started pulling you away.
You stood your ground. “What? Ran, no! I wanna st–”
A chuckle over his shoulder interrupted you. “Of all the gin joints in all the world, huh, Ransom?” 
He turned around very slowly to face an impossibly broad man, an inch or two taller than him with golden blonde hair and boy next door good looks. This new man looked about ten years younger than Ransom, but you knew better than to take that at face value. He reeked of power and experience.
“Steve,” Ransom said, cooly. “I thought you were still in Brooklyn.”
Steve shook his head, grinning. “Not for a few decades. It was time for a change.” He gave Ransom an obvious once-over. “You look good.”
Ransom scowled. “Where’s Bucky?”
Steve laughed and shrugged. “No idea. You know how Buck is.”
“I don’t actually.” Ransom said, and you weren’t sure you’d ever heard his voice be so cold. “I only met him at the end there.”
The grin didn’t leave Steve’s face. “Come on, you aren’t still upset about all that? You knew the score going in, Pup.” 
“There were lots of things I didn’t know going in, Steve.”
Steve sighed. “You always were so stubborn,” he said, reaching a hand out to stroke Ransom’s cheek, and Ransom, right in front of your eyes, fucking leaned into it.
Without realizing it, a growl built up in your throat. Steve’s eyes cut to you for the first time. “Oh! And who’s this pretty little thing?”
At that, Ransom seemed to come back to himself. “None of your fucking business.”
Steve wasn’t deterred. His eyes bore into you. You’d never been looked at like that before. It was like he was looking inside you. You felt like he could see everything you’d ever done, everything you’d ever thought. It made you want to cower, but it also pulled you to him.
“Oh,” he said with a slight moan, “she is brand new. What’d you bring me, puppy?”
“I didn’t bring you anything.” Ransom growled. “She’s mine.”
Steve looked back at Ransom at that. “Yours? As in…”
He looked at you critically. “Very interesting.” He held out a hand to you. “Steve Rogers. Welcome to my club.”
You took it and said your name. He brought your hand up to his lips and laid a soft kiss on your knuckles, then, as he released it, gave you a smile that you could only describe as predatory. “An absolute pleasure,” he said. He took a breath as if to say more when he was interrupted by someone in a club uniform whispering in his ear. He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Ransom. “I have to take care of this. But you should come back tomorrow night. I have a private room in the back. We’ll be able to catch up.” He glanced at you and licked his lips, then grabbed Ransom by the back of the neck and leaned in to give him one of the filthiest kisses you’d ever seen. Open-mouthed and wet. You could tell, even from the outside, how in control of it he was. It both made your knees weak and your blood boil. You were furious at Ransom for submitting to it. When he was done, he rested his forehead against Ransom’s and whispered, “I’ve missed you, Ran. Come back tomorrow.” When Steve pulled away, he winked at you. Then, over your head to the bartenders behind you, “Whatever they want is on me,” before disappearing back into the crowd.
Ransom grabbed your hand and tugged. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he growled. 
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Once you were on the street outside, you pulled Ransom to a halt. “Who the fuck was that?” you shouted.
“That,” Ransom snarled, “was the fucking Captain!” At your blank look, he let out a heavy sigh. “Christ, you’re still so new. He’s a big fucking deal in our circles, ok? He’s a name. He’s known.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “He’s a famous vampire?”
“He’s a powerful vampire!”
“Well, I could obviously see that! It radiates off of him! What I’m asking is, who is he to you?”
Ransom backed himself up against the nearest building and leaned his head against the wall. He closed his eyes and sighed again. “He’s the one who turned me.”
“What?” was all you were able to say. You’d known, of course you’d known, that Ransom hadn’t always been a vampire, that he’d been turned at some point. But he’d never said a word about the circumstances and you honestly hadn’t given it much thought. Him being a vampire was just so natural to you, you couldn’t imagine him any other way.
And then you remembered how you'd felt when you'd first woken up when you'd opened your eyes and seen Ransom standing above you – everything you'd felt about him, the man who'd given you this incredible gift. The idea of Ransom feeling that way about someone else – about Steve – filled you with a fire so intense you wanted to spread it through this entire city, burn down absolutely fucking everything. “How long were you together?” You asked and you could feel how your voice shook.
“Less than a decade,” he said like he was trying to dismiss the whole thing. 
You scoffed. “You say that like it isn't a long time!”
“It isn't! Not to him, not to someone that old. He fought in the Revolutionary War, ok? I was a one-night stand to him.”
“But he wasn’t that to you,” you hissed.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, then, finally, “No. He wasn’t.”
You’d never felt like this before, not even before, when you’d found out everything Andy had been up to. You’d never felt this all-consuming fire, this hate and despair and lust all swirling together. You wanted to put your fist through the brick wall next to you. You wanted to put Ransom through it. You wanted to fuck him right there on the street. It was only the fact that you equally wanted to do all three things at once that kept you from doing any of them.
Like he always could, Ransom read everything on your face, in your body. “I hate him, ok?” he said, reaching out and softly laying his palm against your cheek. “I hate him so much.” He was placating you but you still leaned into it. 
“You want him,” you whined. It was obvious in the way he’d melted into Steve’s touch, Steve’s kiss.
“I do,” Ransom nodded and you growled. He stroked his thumb along your cheekbone to soothe you. “I’ll always want him, just like you’ll always want me and I’ll always want you. There’s something about that bond – when you turn someone. I don’t know, but no matter how much I hate him, I’ll always want him.”
“And he’ll always want you,” you snarled.
Ransom gave you a rueful smile. “That, I’m not so sure. He’s a couple hundred years old and I don’t think even he knows how many progeny he has. Plus he’s been in love with the same man since he was human. When Bucky came back, I was shown the door.”
You were finally starting to let go of your anger. You moved fully into Ransom’s space, placing one hand on his chest. “Fuck him, then,” you said. “Let’s go back in there, drink him out of house and home and then get the fuck out of Germany.”
Ransom rested his forehead against yours, in a mirror of what Steve had done to him, and sighed. “We can’t. We have to come back tomorrow night.”
“We don’t.”
“We do. He’s fixated on you now.”
You took a step back at that and looked at him, confused. “He barely looked at me!”
“Trust me, if we leave now, it’ll become an obsession, and he’ll come after us just to show us that he can. We don’t want that.”
For the first time that night, you felt a frisson of fear. “Does he want to hurt me?”
Ransom snorted and you had the shortest moment to be offended before he said, “He wants to fuck you. Both of us, probably.”
“What?” you asked, surprised. “What would be the point of that for him?”
He snorted again, “Besides orgasms?” he said and then sobered. “It’s a power play. You have to know that every single thing he does is a power play. Ok? You must remember that when we see him again.” 
“Ok,” you nodded, a little frightened by his seriousness. But only for a moment, because quickly your thoughts were overtaken by a broad chest, thick thighs, and a perfect ass. 
You looked up to see Ransom smirking at you. “Yeah,” he said, “whatever you’re imagining, it’s going to be so much better. It’s the best thing about him.” 
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You returned to the club the next night. Ransom had insisted on dressing you both – you in a form-fitting, off-the-shoulder dress that barely covered your ass and left your neck and chest exposed, him in a burgundy silk button-down, strategically unbuttoned, and tight black pants that made his ass pop. You were sure that if you could have looked at yourselves together in a mirror, it would have been a sight to behold.
Someone was called to the door when you got there and you were led directly to Steve’s private rooms in the back. You entered into a sort of sitting room, plush seating scattered throughout, arranged over lush rugs and under low lighting. Everything was dark wood and deep reds and blues. It communicated comfort, luxury, and, more than anything else, power.
Steve was already there, sitting in a large, wing-backed leather armchair. He looked, as ever, clean-cut, professional, and in charge. At his feet kneeled a dark-haired young woman, clad only in an expensive-looking slip made of silk and lace. You could smell the humanity on her. It took everything in you to not let your fangs drop right there. Steve slowly, gently, pet her head, like she were his dog. He gave a satisfied smile when he looked up at you both. “Good boy,” he said to Ransom. “I knew you’d come.”
Ransom huffed and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He layed a possessive arm across your stomach. “Of course. Who would dare ignore a summons from The Captain?” he said dryly.
Steve rolled his eyes but kept his smile. “Nothing as dramatic as all that. Am I not allowed to want to catch up with an old friend and his new lover?” Ransom scoffed but didn’t say anything, so Steve continued, gesturing to the woman at his feet. “I took the liberty of having something brought up from my private reserves for us to share. I remembered how you prefer the earthy ones, Ran. This one’s full-bodied and oaky, with the subtlest hint of vanilla. You’ll like it, I’m sure.” He stopped petting her, instead taking her hair in a harsh grip and moving her head to expose her neck.
At that, you couldn’t control yourself anymore, your fangs dropped with a hiss and you lunged forward. Ransom caught you, both arms around your middle and you let out a desperate whine. “I’m afraid we’ll have to decline,” he said. “My little rabbit still hasn’t quite mastered self-control and I would hate for there to be an accident with one of your favorites.”
Steve scoffed. “Of course, she doesn’t have any control with you being the one to teach her.” 
You felt Ransom stiffen behind you, and you were able to pull yourself together enough to stop fighting to get loose. You sank back into him, partly to comfort and partly to apologize. You’d embarrassed him. You tipped your head back to try to whisper an apology, maybe, but Ransom just subtly shook his head and ran a comforting hand down your side.
“Well,” Steve said, patting the woman on the arm and then snapping at the door behind him, “can’t be helped, I guess. Pity.” He pulled out his phone and typed a message as she got up and left the room. “They’ll bring us something from the bar.”
“Excellent,” Ransom said, still running his hand up and down your side. “We haven’t eaten anything yet tonight.”
“Well,” Steve said with a smirk as there was a knock on the door and someone in the club’s uniform came in with a tray of drinks, “I promise you’ll both be very satisfied.” He passed a tumbler to each of you. “What should we cheers to?” he asked. Then his eyes narrowed in on you. “To new friendships,” he said, with a quirk of his lips.
You raised your glass, then took a sip and moaned. It was delicious, even though you missed the little cries and whimpers that usually accompanied a feeding. 
You were so absorbed in your glass that you were surprised by Steve’s fingers circling your wrist. “You like it?” he asked, his voice low and husky, standing much closer to you than you’d realized. This close, he was completely intoxicating. His scent, the coldness of his touch, his power.
“I do,” you breathed, “it’s delicious.” Ransom’s arm wrapped across your body again, pulling you tight into him. 
Steve ignored the display from Ransom, softly running his thumb over what had been your pulse point when you were human. “I’m glad,” he said. “I’m here to please.”  He began to pull you away by your wrist and Ransom let out a short but obvious growl. Steve took his attention off you but left his hand and tsked. “You always were so possessive. I’d hoped you’d have grown out of that by now, but you’re still so young, aren’t you, pup?”
Ransom scowled. “I always hated it when you called me that.”
“No,” Steve said. He leaned forward and placed a soft but leading kiss on Ransom’s lips, squishing you between the two men. Your whole body was thrumming with need now. Steve pulled away, and Ransom moved his head to chase after him. “You loved it,” Steve whispered.
He grabbed your free wrist with his other hand and pulled you with him as he walked over to the nearest couch, perching on the arm. “Come here, little one. Let’s talk, just you and me.” He pulled you so you straddled his knee, and you could tell that you were soaking his pants leg through the tiny excuse for underwear you were wearing. “Oh, you are a needy thing, aren’t you? Maybe you should stay with me, hmm? I’m much more experienced and have so much more to teach you.”
You could feel Ransom’s hackles rising, even from a few feet away. You turned your head to look at him, still standing by the door, and his eyes were locked on you, just you. You bit your lip to hold back the moan at how he watched. You turned back to Steve and smiled seductively as you said, “And what would happen to me when Bucky comes back?”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. His eyes cut to Ransom as he said, “Jealous little thing!” He jerked his knee up, rubbing hard on your cunt and you gasped. “Yes, I’m sure he’s told you all about how I spurned him. Took advantage of his naivety. As if he ever had any. Is that what he told you? Am I the big bad?” You couldn’t answer him, could barely think, as his knee continued to grind against you. “Oh, little one, you are drenched. How does he handle you by himself? Ransom,” he called over your shoulder. “Come help your desperate thing.”
In an instant, you felt Ransom’s hands on your hips, and you couldn’t help the cry that tumbled out of you. He had your dress off before you could even register what he was doing. Steve groaned at the sight of the black lace that adorned your body. “You wrapped her up exactly how I like. Such a good puppy.”
You couldn’t hold back any longer. You tore through Steve’s shirt, sending buttons flying across the room. He lunged forward, kissing you, finally, demanding and aggressive, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, making you keep up with him. You felt Ransom’s own mouth on your neck, his hands on your breasts. Your hands fumbled their way down Steve’s abs and into his pants, freeing his cock—long, fat, and so, so hard for you. One of them, you weren’t sure which, tore away your underwear, the sting of the elastic snapping pushing you ever closer to the edge. In your periphery, you vaguely noticed Steve’s arm snaking around you and heard Ransom gasp. You wrapped a firm hand around Steve’s cock and stroked furiously, as Ransom’s fingers (you’d always know Ransom’s fingers) slid between your folds, his thumb quickly finding your clit while two fingers slipped inside you. You keened as he touched you exactly where he knew you needed it and sent you hurtling over the cliff of your orgasm. Your whole body shook with it, only managing to stay upright thanks to being sandwiched between these two men. It felt endless, but as the aftershocks ran their course, and you slowly came back down to earth, you registered Steve’s breaths growing more erratic and Ransom’s groans picking up behind you. You tightened your grip on Steve and increased the pace of your strokes to an inhuman speed until he bucked uncontrollably with a guttural moan and painted his spend all over your front. Seconds later, you felt Ransom’s own release on the small of your back. They both continued to jerk against you, gradually slowing down until the three of you were just one tangle of limbs, collectively trying to catch your breaths. You rested your head against Steve’s shoulder as Ransom collapsed against your back.
Steve looked over you both to the clock on the wall. “Well,” he said, his voice full of smug satisfaction, “we have about six hours til sunrise, and there’s a bed in the next room. Think we’ll be able to find a way to fill the time?”
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@stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @bval-1 @km-ffluv @texmexdarling @ladyvenera @she-wolf09231982
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arcane-vagabond · 5 months ago
Trapped in Silk: Prologue
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The world has been turned on its head ever since news spread that vampires are not only very real, but many have walked the earth undetected for centuries. You keep to yourself, head down and out of everyone's way. That is, until you bump into a stranger while avoiding a group of men chasing after you. You think you've seen the last of this stranger, only to run into him once more. Your life is turned upside down as he envelopes you into his life and into his riches. Are you a passing fancy, or are you the latest addition to his treasure trove? Only time will tell. (Vampire!AU)
Content Warning: Lots of talk of blood, Excessive prose, Vampires, self depracation. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 1.2k
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When considering all things sacred, blood is perhaps the one thing more precious than gold.
Blood not only keeps people alive, it carries their memories through their veins, cycling through them like the seasons that pass as time creeps on. Blood is sacred in that oaths are sworn upon it, one’s life tied to another in a promise so great that another’s life was staked upon it. Brotherhoods are formed in blood, cuts slashed into skin to allow the intermingling of one’s self with another.
The taking of blood was a great sin, condemning those who commit the act to an eternity of damnation, vying for salvation in any form they could find it. Cain stole Abel’s blood at the dawn of time, unleashing blood that was not his to give upon the earth and dooming all those that would follow in his path.
Humanity’s greatest monsters were those that ripped through flesh and stole blood from unwilling victims, rivers of blood like red silk against porcelain skin. Demons who once called themselves humans now drank their fill, casting themselves into darkness in fear of the shame the light of day would cast upon them.
These creatures had many names given to them over the centuries. Known as shtriga in Albania, vrykolakas in Greek, and strigoi in Romanian, most people knew them in modern times simply as vampires. Humanity had lost their fear of these creatures, writing them off as fairytales conjured up by ignorant, village folk who needed a reason for every bump in the night and a reason to keep their children in line.
Mutilations that were once the obvious work of the blood sucking dead, were now attributed to fellow human beings if not the odd wild animal attack. Humanity had strayed from the knowledge of their ancestors to favor the logic of the modern era. There couldn’t possibly be creatures that sustain themselves off the blood of other living beings, not ones that take the shape of a human, anyway. Of course you had insect species and small mammals that did so, but what evolutionary purpose would it serve a humanoid to sustain on nothing but blood?
How naïve they all had been.
No one was quite sure what to make of the press conferences at first, some believing them to be some kind of mass prank or some elaborate movie advertisement. It wasn’t long after that their kind started coming out in waves, no longer content to hide in the darkness that had once been their sanctuary.
The world had been in shock as droves of these creatures made themselves known, neighbors showing their true nature and some even advocating for the full integration of their kind with humans. Of course, there had been just as much pushback. People demanding that vampire kind leave, to where, they didn’t care. Just so long as they wouldn’t be forced to mingle and play nice with something they didn’t understand.
Vampire advocates had smiled placatingly each time, assuring the general masses that they had nothing to fear, reminding them that vampires had been there the whole time. Most people accepted this, most somewhat begrudgingly. After all, with their presence out in the open, at least there could be consequences and regulations, right?
Those in charge assured everyone that by working together, a new status quo could be created, the call for blood donors going out. While open feeding was not outlawed, it was highly discouraged—the powers that be wanting to maintain some semblance of control. A surprising number of people jumped at the opportunity to donate blood, whether it was through the hope that doing so would keep them from being attacked in the future or simply out of sheer curiosity and enthusiasm. It was the younger generations that seemed more at ease with the sudden development, a sense of cautious excitement ringing in the air in those first few weeks after the initial announcements. You had been finishing up some documents for a report to hand into your boss at the end of the day when Madison had stopped at your desk, a mischievous smile to compliment the spark in her eye.
“Can you believe that Dave from accounting has been a vampire all this time?” She whispered, though you don’t know why she bothered when her voice carried the way it did. You arched a brow at her, hands not stopping in their work as you waited for her to continue.
“I mean,” she scoffed, “who would have thought Dave of all people to be a vampire? He’s so…boring.”
“Vampires are just people, Mads,” you supplied, noting how strange the words felt on your tongue. It was true, of course, but three weeks ago, you’d never imagine having this conversation.
“Yeah, I guess,” she pouted, twirling a finger in her blonde curls. “I dunno, I just thought vampires were supposed to be these natural seducers or whatever. Hot and mysterious. Dave is…well, actually he’s not that bad now that I think about it a little more.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you snorted, a smile tugging at your lips as you paused in your typing to look at her. The grin was back on her face as she waggled her eyebrows.
“You love me,” she declared with a shrug. “Besides, you’re going to tell me you’ve never thought about what it would be like to do it with one of them?”
“No, Mads,” you rolled your eyes. “The thought of never crossed my mind of what it would be like to ‘do it’ with them. They’re the same people they’ve always been, just like I’m the same person I was three weeks ago. Not much has changed, not really.”
“You’re such a bummer sometimes, you know?” Madison giggled with a shake of her head. “You can fool everyone else, but you can’t fool me, babe. I know you’ve got a wild side in you somewhere. We just have to find it!”
She didn’t wait for your response before she turned on her heels and walked away. You loved Madison dearly, really you did. You’d been friends since high school, and you knew she meant well, but you also knew that her words were more than just words. You’d find out what she was up to eventually, and you knew you wouldn’t like it.
You glanced at the clock—almost quitting time. You leaned back in your chair with a grunt, stretching out your back and shoulders before slumping forward. You knew you weren’t the most exciting person, that had always been Madison. Where she was the life of the party, you were content to hug the walls, watching the party go on around you in mild fascination. Madison had no problem going out and meeting people, the string of boyfriends and girlfriends she left behind her a testament of that. You hadn’t had a date in ages, vaguely recalling the first date with some random guy Madison had set you up with. He was a decent guy, Randy or Ricky or Rocky or whatever his name had been, but the spark just hadn’t been there. You supposed you were getting too old to believe in the possibility of true love or love at first sight. You’d have to settle like most anyone else.
With a sigh, you began closing out of the different programs you’d had open on your desktop, making sure that you had all the components for the report for your boss before slinging your purse over your shoulder. Yes, vampires may be real, but a fairytale romance surely was not.
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A/N: Okay, yeah lol We're trying something new. We're branching out into uncharted territory. What of it?
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. I no longer do taglists, so if you would like to be notified on when I post, please follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications! You can find me and my works on AO3 under the username arcane_vagabond. Until next time!
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stargirlfics · 5 months ago
This was so fun, thank you very much for the tag @saradika 💓 seeing everyone’s covers is so neat I am obsessed with all the ones I’m seeing and I love how my own came out!
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The Gentleman (Alfred Pennyworth x Dancer!Reader)
So Much Goddamn Talkin’ (Joel Miller)
Slip Into Your Skin (Alfred Pennyworth)
Bitten By Fate (Vampire!Steve + Bucky x Human!Reader)
Call Out My Name (Battinson!Bruce Wayne)
Pretty When You Cry (Lloyd Hansen)
template can be found here - no pressure tags to anyone who sees this and wants to participate!!!
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sashaisready · 1 year ago
The Blood Pact (completed)
Bucky Barnes Vampire AU x Female Reader
Reeling from a bad break-up, you're desperately trying to find a new place to live but the Brooklyn rental market is a complete nightmare. You take a chance on an intriguing newspaper ad and enquire about a room in a shared house, where you'd be living with two mysterious men. The catch is that they want something other than your money for you to pay the rent...the one thing they don't have
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Hello! This is a vampire AU set in present day in Brooklyn. Just a heads up that vampire Bucky is kinda an asshole in this one, not always as nice to reader as he should be - so prepare for some angst! He does soften up, though. Maybe a little enemies to lovers sprinkled in there, my fave.
Peter Quill is also reader's terrible ex, so he's not his usual charming self! Apologies if he's your fave. But Steve is very sweet and offsets the meanness somewhat, thankfully.
Warnings: Smut and sexual references, violence, detailed descriptions of vampires biting/drinking blood, swearing, insecurity and low self esteem for reader, hints at an emotionally abusive past relationship, references to past cheating, alcohol use, some bad treatment of reader by Bucky, injury/near death, potentially dubcon as it could be argued the vampire/human dynamic is on shaky ground in that sense - but reader is an enthusiastic participant. These warnings are not exhaustive so please proceed at your own risk.
In my head this Bucky is Civil War era Bucky - beefy with longer hair, but of course you are free to picture your favourite Bucky incarnation - that's the beauty of fic! Reader is fem, generally undescribed but has hair long enough to be in her face.
And yeah it’s purely self indulgent sexy vampire shit. Apologies.
If you enjoyed this series and would like to buy me a coffee, here's my Ko-Fi link 💐
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
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astoryisaloveaffair · 11 months ago
Fix You - Chapter 16 - Genesis
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Fem!Reader
Fic Masterlist
Read on A03
Spotify Playlist
Chapter Summary: 🤷‍♀️
Word Count: 4K
Rating: Explicit
Chapter Warnings: cussing, graphic violence, mentions of sex. I'm not giving more warnings than that, sorry.
A/N: Hey all. First I want to say I'm sorry. I literally had no time or motivation to write this. I'm gonna be honest, this is a really tough chapter, and it was hard to get in this headspace. Suffering a recent heartbreak, things in this chapter are things I have thought also, and so it was really hard for me to voluntarily want to address that. I also started working in veterinary medicine, i do not have the spare time that I used to. We also recently adopted a puppy who we named Bucky! And if you read my earlier posts, you know that I was SA'd last January. All that to say, sorry I couldn't do this faster.
Also want to wish a happy birthday to @musings-of-a-rose, my beloved, my bestie, and my constant support. This is for you. Sorry it's not a happier chapter....
* If a character is speaking fully in Spanish, I will put “[ ]” around the dialogue. I speak pretty decent Spanish but not good enough for this
Suggested Songs: "Exile" Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver, "I Love You" Billie Eilish, "Vampire" and "Logical" by Olivia Rodrigo, "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron and Phoebe Bridgers, "Genesis" by Grimes
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You didn’t even flinch at the landing, which was rough, so that’s saying a lot. When the janky cargo door (which looked like at any time during the flight would be ripped right off) opens, you barely even lift your eyes from the floor. You felt heavy and hollow, somewhere suspended in between shock and just not giving a fuck anymore. The only thing you could still fell was the pinching in your heart. It was still broken.
At some point during the journey, the co-pilot had taken pity on you and untied your arms from behind your back and bound them in front of you instead. You hadn’t struggled. There was no point. Where would you go? Jump in the ocean? You weren’t that great of a swimmer and you loved sharks and everything but the open ocean is not where you are supposed to be.
You have no sense of space and time, so you have no actual clue where you are other than not the mainland. You’re dehydrated as fuck, groggy, your vision’s blurry and you’d figured out the sticky moisture on your face was your own blood. 
Because when you had suddenly blacked out it was because they’d hit you, and had absolutely no hesitation doing so. They did not care about you, they did not see you as a human being, they didn’t even bother strapping you into a seat so you had been sliding around the cargo bay the entire flight, bumping into everything. You were in deep danger, any hope that you would have some ransom protection had pretty much disintegrated. You had hoped that the boys wouldn’t come for you at first. Then you had hoped that they would, because if you’re ransom, even if at the very least you’d be alive until then, right? But “alive” doesn’t mean unharmed.
A shadow looms over you and it finally makes you look up, squinting to adjust your eyes to something so close, as well as the brightness of the sun. It feels like it takes you 10 whole minutes to process that you were being spoken to in English.
“Eh!” The man leaning over you snips, and when you simply blink in confusion and don’t answer, he slaps you lightly on both cheeks. You’re stunned enough to finally look at him, his oval face, beady eyes and unique sideburns seeming so familiar to you but quite frankly you wouldn’t trust yourself with recognizing even your dad at the moment, so you push that thought aside.
He kneels down in front of you. “You listen to me. We don’t want you. We want the money. This means if you don’t fucking piss me off, I might be nice and not kill you, you understand? Be a smart little girl, eh?.”
You nod, you probably should be feeling some sort of panic setting in but you don’t. Whatever. Who even cares anymore.
He takes your silence as submission. “Bueno.” He whispers, leaning down and grabbing you by the arm, lifting you until you are back on your feet. He tilts his head and steps to the side, revealing 5 additional men with AKs pointed straight at you. From behind, you feel the sharp tip of another poking your back, urging you forward and down the precarious ramp. The pilots.
You didn’t trust that they wouldn’t hurt you, but you knew you had no other choice. Trying to fight was asking for it, and once you step out of the hold and realize you were in the fucking jungle, there would be no sensical place to go even if you did get away.
You step out of the plane onto a rickety steel ramp that bounces as the footpad of your sandals touches it and shuffle slowly down it. You feel suffocated sandwiched between four men, your hands chafe where they are tied and you have been in the same positions for so long your whole body is sore. Every touch and movement hurt.
You stumble as the ramp ends but one of the men grabs your arm and yanks you so you don’t fall. It wasn’t kindness. It was a way to hurt you that he could get away with. The tiny dirt landing strip is almost canopied completely by the jungle trees, leaving large patches here and there where the plane flew through, not noticeable from far above. It looks like you’re walking to nothing, just a dirt road that ends right into the thick middle of the jungle, but you don’t stop at the edge. You push through.
It’s hot as shit and you felt sweat buildup in every crevice of your body, your thighs are rubbing raw from your asinine decision to wear short shorts to the fair, and you could feel a heat rash growing under your tits that you couldn’t even scratch because your hands are bound.
You walk for forever. You walk until the friction rash on your inner thighs turn to lesions. You haven't drank water in almost 48 hours and it feels like 150 degrees out, with full humidity. You’ve had to stop twice already to vomit from heat exhaustion and you still occasionally gag even though there’s nothing in your stomach to come up anymore. All the years that you did not appeal to insects are making up for it now, they’re all over you and you can’t walk 3 steps without one getting in your eye.  The jungle gets tighter and you can’t breathe because it’s pushing in on you almost as tight as the hands on your shoulders pushing you forward..
You start crying. At least, that is what you tell yourself as you whimper and sob as quietly as you can. You know you’re strong, but this is just beyond reason that any normal person could take. And when you think about how this is probably what life was all the time in Delta for the boys, you cry even harder because you feel guilty, that you have no right to complain.
Finally, after what feels like forever, the tightness of the jungle seems to loosen. More open. You notice some of the trees look more oddly arranged than others. As you get closer you realize they aren’t trees at all, but tents and dilapidated buildings built into the shadows of the trees.  The huge roots and overhanging canopy of the jungle transformed a bustling camp into what looks like a little village. At the entrance, a line of guards in jungle fatigues that were impossible to detect until you got right up to them. You hear someone speak above you, alerting you to a man up in the trees on a platform tucked between the branches. There was another in the tree on the opposite side. He calls to the man with the sideburns, saying something in Spanish you can’t interpret fast enough, but it’s jovial and they laugh, and it makes you feel like you’re going to go mentally insane. 
It’s like it’s not even serious to them. And it’s so serious to you.
You are pushed through the camp quickly, but not quick enough that you don’t see the insane amount of cocaine packages piled up in the makeshift buildings, sheds, and tents toward the back. Men were milling about checking them, moving them and glaring at you as you walked past.
You continue past the main camp, crossing over a bustling creek whose bridge was literally just planks of wood, but you noticed there were tire marks across them so you felt at least safe it could handle a car’s weight. Across the creek, an old stonework manor stood. You can tell at one time it must have been glorious, but the white stone-worked walls were dirty and crumbling in many places, the fountains out front had dried crusty palm fronds and dirt in them and looked like they hadn’t sprayed water since the 1980s.
It was still oddly beautiful. You thought about how this house came to be, what it might have looked like when it had been first built. A beautiful Caribbean sea mansion. A jungle that hadn’t closed in on it yet. Fountains spraying and colorful birds resting on the rooftops. But then you  realize that this place has probably always been used for what it is now. Someone like Carl Lehder probably lived here and ran an entire cartel within this very jungle. Maybe it was the same one, just run by someone else.
There was a shabbily made shack to the left of the manor with padlocks, piles of debris piled next to the door. You assume that’s where you would be taken, but you were instead led up the stairs to the manor proper. And as your eyes focus in on the ground while you were being guided to the mansion instead, you realize the heap of matter by the shack that you thought was some dying plantation was actually a crumpled human body. A boy looking not much older than 17, shot execution style in the head and left to rot.
Then smell hits you, your knees buckle and you vomit on the stonework stairs, a scream of shock and realization pierces the jungle, making the nearby tropical birds explode from the treetops. When the sicarios pick you up and carry you through the mansion door, you’re still screaming.
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Eventually whoever was carrying you became fed up, and simply dropped you at the bottom of the stairs and dragged you up backwards by the armpits instead. You didn’t even feel the step edges hitting the small of your back all the way up, but you would later. 
You were tossed stricken and shivering on a disgusting, top-sheeted mattress on the floor in the corner of a room, your feet still bound together and your rope-bound hands looped through a radiator that was long enough only for you to lie down or shuffle over to a bucket for your business. Everything stank and you still had vomit on your chin so you curled up in a ball and slammed your eyes closed, hoping that in time the voices and smells and fear would give way to just simple numbness. You didn’t hear a female voice speaking to you for several seconds.
Your eyes snap open, skin pulled taut from dried unwiped tears,and you jolt upright to look in the direction of the voice. A woman who wasn’t even tied up was propped up against the adjoining wall, and as you take in her condition you could understand why they hadn’t even bothered. She wouldn’t have been able to run.
Her legs look..wrong, splaying at angles that shouldn’t be possible. They look like they could be broken, but you can’t tell for sure because she was wearing jeans that cover up most of her skin. The jeans were ripped in some places and stained with dark blood spots, the color turning brighter wherever her skin shows through the tears in the fabric. She’s missing several fingers on her left hand that had been burnt at the ends to cauterize, and her face was black and blue, swollen and smeared with more blood that seemed to be coming from her scalp somewhere. Her lips are pale and cracking and her eyes are glazed over and barely open. When she speaks, she already sounds like she is dead. 
She swallows and winces slightly in pain, then licks her cracked pale lips.“Is…my…her–my brother. Did you see him? Out there?” 
Your face scrunches in confusion, which actually hurts a little and you’re not sure from what specifically. Perhaps you look just as bad as the other girl. “Your–I—I don’t understand.”
She’s too exhausted to even be annoyed with you. “My brother. They took him from me days ago. They do not talk to me anymore. They don’t—need me anymore.” A single tear falls down her swollen cheek and you suddenly feel so much connection with this woman and how  incredibly fucking strong she is. Her eyes roll over to you, meeting yours for the first time. There are burst blood vessels in them. 
“I think that they killed him.”
Your lips part and you utter a shuddering breath as you connect the dots. There’s no point in sugar-coating it. You nod slowly. “I think so. But it’s not…recent.” You look away as her eyes slowly close, the additional tears she was holding back finally spilling over and cascading down her cheeks. 
“Bueno.” She says. “Then at least he is not suffering like me.” 
You both fall quiet and you look over her again. Her pants aren’t completely done up and her t shirt is ripped at the neckline, exposing a gashed shoulder. Almost like…
You start crying again, and you feel even worse about it this time because you have in front of you a woman who has been through much worse and is somehow NOT crying. You curl tighter into yourself to try and hide. 
But she simply asks. “Who are you?”
You swallow, raising your head up off your arms, quickly wiping the access tears off on your sleeve. It’s incredible how adrenaline and fear can sometimes make you the most clear-headed you’ve ever been. Your thoughts are swirling but you knew one thing for damn sure, if they didn’t know your name yet, you weren’t going to say it now. 
If I look forward I am lost. Focus on right now. Nothing else. It’s my best chance.
You know enough about trauma that compartmentalizing this moment is your best chance. You can’t think what will happen if you don’t escape, if you aren’t found, if they never come for you. You need to stay focused. You need to keep hope alive. You need to stay coherent, because if a chance pops up, you need to be able to think quickly.
“I’m no one.” You mumble. “Just happened to be dating the wrong person.”
She sniffs and looks away, but it’s muffled because her nose sounds congested. You don’t miss her tone though. “Mmmm. His new one then.”
You blink. “What?”
Her glazed over, discolored eyes snap back to yours. “Pope.” She spits. “Your man. Santia—”
“NO!” You cut her off with a shout, you know there is a guy who is in the area and you still don’t know how much these men do or do not know. “Don’t. Don’t give them names if they don’t already know it.”
“I don’t give a shit about Agent Garcia, or his friends, or anyone else, it’s their fault I am here and it’s their fault my brother is dead and..” She finally, finally starts to cry. “I told him I didn’t want to do it. They said they would let us go if we gave them what they wanted.”
“It was you.” You exhale with a shuddering breath. “They found us cause of you. You told them.” You shake your head, and for some reason you feel betrayed by this woman even though you’ve never met her.  “How could you?” 
“Because all I care about is my brother, do you understand?! I wish I’d never met him, Garcia, we would have just snuck away and no one would never seen us, but no, instead we listened to him and helped them steal from fucking Lorea, and now they found us and I knew they would, and YES, I gave them EVERYTHING because they said they’d let us go so long as they found you and–”
“Eh!” A voice trails in with a watchman you knew was hanging out somewhere in the hallway beyond. He slips through the doorway, a smaller man you were not expecting from that voice, and leans against the deteriorating door frame. He crosses his arms and his legs and it makes the handgun on his hip jut out prominently from his skinny hips. “No talking to each other.” His voice is silky and the words all slide together so it sounds like ‘no talkintoeeachother.’
You shrink back into the dirty wall behind you as your associate spits a bloody phlegm ball in the man’s direction. “FUCK you!” She snarls, a tirade of cuss words in Spanish flying from her lips. 
A loud pop almost bursts your eardrums and your heart and you exclaim in terror as your associate is shot point blank in the head, her back slumping against the wall and her head hitting with a bang, pieces of blood and brain tissue spraying over the back wall with pieces flying in your direction.  
The man remains completely motionless with his arms still raised before huffing a laugh to himself, putting the gun back on his hip, and looking at you with the such an unaffected gaze it leaves you feeling dizzy and you scream and scream and scream yourself hoarse, crumpling onto your mattress in a terrified heap, arms over your head, sobbing hysterically.
A gentle but firm palm wraps around your forearm, yanking you back up to a seated position. You look away, but the man’s other hand takes you gently by the jaw and makes you look at him. And just behind him, the woman slumped in a pool of blood and brain matter. You try to wriggle out of his grip but he tightens ever so slightly, and you can’t help but notice how different it is when Frankie would grab you like that versus this man. Frankie held you the same, sometimes harder, but you had trusted his domination and his care of you and because of that, it made it arousing. That same motion with this man has you more scared than you ever have been in your life. 
“Bebita.” He coos, thumb lightly caressing your jaw. He wipes at a small speck of blood you don’t know is even there. You can feel yourself shaking and breathing so fast you can see his half waxed back tousled locks that hang past his temples are blowing in its breeze. You can’t answer him. “Look at me.”
You do. His eyes are a dark, almost black chocolate brown, shape mismatched, a scruffy beard and goatee and thin lips. In another world you would find him devastatingly attractive and the fact that you do makes you feel absolutely violated and disgusted with yourself. 
“Do not cry.” He continues. “You have no reason to if you behave, si? You be good and you listen and I will keep you safe you understand? Well, at least for now.” He shifts closer to you, you can smell his breath. It smells like orange and cloves. “There are a lot of men here Bebita. I am sure you understand what this means, si? Answer me.”
“Yes.” A final fat tear spills from one of your eyes, and it stings as it mixes with your sweat and the raw skin around your eyes. 
He juts his head in the other woman’s direction. “This one, she fight the whole time. I like a easy job. Make my job easy, I make sure you always deal with me. Do not make me call in the other guys, they are not as nice. Understand?”
“Good.” He releases your chin and you scoot back quickly as he saunters over to the other woman’s bloody body, grabs it by the arm, and casually drags her as dismissively as possible out the door and out of your sight, leaving a bloody trail behind.
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At first you just sit there in a slump staring at the opposite wall,, you don’t know for how long. Probably hours. Maybe days. The man, whose name you figured out from when he spoke to someone else in the hall, is Angel. Sometimes he would sit up and watch you, as if figuring you out, your body and the way you shift and switch positions when you are uncomfortable, what it looked like when you were crying and trying to keep quiet and unnoticed. But most of the time he ignored you. Occasionally others would come into the room and either speak to him or approach you, but upon noticing Angel watching them they would hiss or spit a curse and slink off.
The room reminded you of those old houses from the 70s that had those drafty unfinished basements that were simply concrete floors, painted stucco or white brick. To the sicarios, it served as an overflow area, there was a rotting desk along the side wall with a metal folding chair and piles of scattered papers and random household tools on them. Against the opposite side wall was a pretty nice tv, considering, which was always playing soccer. Angel seemed to make that his home base, his lithe frame sprawled across a grandma-fabric sofa, head resting on one of the puffy arm rests. He binge-smoked cigarettes and his right hand was always stretched over his head resting against his forehead in the direction of to an end table with an massive overflowing porcelain ashtray on it. You didn’t used to mind the smell of cigarettes too much but now it makes you feel sick.
You’re ashamed of how little you actually think about your current situation and like the hopeless romantic idiot you are, mostly all you can think about is Frankie. The things he said–you knew he said mean things when he was mad, or things he didn’t mean, but isn’t there always some truth to things that are said in the heat of the moment? That was enough for you to silently spiral. You thought about every memory you had of him and how it could be viewed through the lens that Frankie just wanted to fuck you. Your self confidence was low enough it was believable, and your mind races through every instance of an older man being in a relationship with someone much younger and how of course it was predatory, and how could you not see it, that you didn’t have anything in common? It’s a tale as old as time. He just wanted to fuck you, he wanted to fuck you and dominate you, his dark desires seducing you into feeling so wanted you can’t believe you thought he loved you and didn’t see right through it. 
And his friends, well, they were all in on it weren’t they, because why would they want to hang out with someone like you either? Why would men such as that actually want to be friends with you when you have never experienced half of what they have.
Fuck him. Fuck him and his lying ass, he was a fucking loser addict and you’re pissed at yourself for even considering him. Like how lonely were you?? To choose an old man with a kid who served in an institution that represented everything you hated about this country? To be so easily blinded by pretty words and love bombs to immediately take your clothes off. Because how, if he actually loved you or even like you, could he possibly have lied about something so big?! Or bought you something nice with all that fucking drug money he stole. Not that you’d want it or expected it, but why wouldn’t you want to treat someone you love as much as he claimed to? 
How could he sit there and make up what happened to Tom like that, when you were being so coddling and trying to be a caring ear. And Benny…Pope...if they were your friends they should have told you, that’s what real friends do…
But they weren’t your friends. They were never your friends. 
And if you went the other way, and considered that it was all true, that he did love you, that they were all your friends, and that he lied to you and threw stones to hurt you and push you away, how was that any better? You couldn't even think about a future not being with him, but obviously he could. He could watch you cry and question him and not even look at you, completely ignore you, then not even think about you again. No texts, no calls. No “I’m sorry, please come back.” Silence. 
How could it be so easy for him? How can he just go about his life like you never happened? Why did you still care?
Why did you still want him? 
Why did you still love him so so much. Part of you wishes they’d get on with it and just kill you. At least then you wouldn’t have to feel this excruciating pain. You wouldn’t have to see him show up to rescue you because he has to, to have to see his fucking face and every line, crinkle, scar, the bald patch in his beard and the tousled little curls that pop out of his hat…only for him to save you and then leave again, or die and then you have the guilt of killing a man who no longer loved you.
Yea. You think you’d rather die.
You feel like you’re going to throw up again. You’d let him force his cock in your mouth as far as it could go, let him tie you up and fuck you hard enough to leave bruises you had thought of as a badge of honor. You’d let him cum on your face. You’d let him fucking cum inside you! He’d gaslit you so you actually wanted him to tie you up with zip ties—-
Your heart almost stops. You can picture how his face looked exactly when he said it.
Sometimes rope can give over time.
That’s why we always used zip ties.
You look down at your bound hands.
They’re bound with rope.
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waiting4inspiration · 2 days ago
Blood is Thicker Preview (Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Reader)
Summary: A little preview on something I am working on. Please read the note at the bottom.
Word Count: 513
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When you think of an apocalypse, you’d normally think of some nuclear fallout that levels cities or some virus outbreak that turns people into brain-eating zombies. You’d never think that vampires would be involved in this apocalypse. Sure, one could kind of classify vampires and zombies, seeing as they are undead, they feed on humans, and their bite can turn a human into one of them. 
You blame the Avengers for this vampire apocalypse. If they hadn’t been snooping around the HYDRA base, they wouldn’t have found the experimental chambers where you were being held. They wouldn’t have fought against the HYDRA ‘scientists’ that were there and wouldn’t have accidentally opened up the cells that were holding those monsters that were created from you.
Maybe you should blame HYDRA for this vampire apocalypse. If they hadn’t captured and experimented on you, they wouldn’t have created these monsters from you. Their plan was to create more like you. Exactly like you. A vampire that can take orders and hold a conversation. All they got from you is monster-like creatures that crawl on all fours. They drool all over the place, fangs out for everyone to see what they are, and eyes shot red like the blood they crave. HYDRA found out that one bite from them will turn a human in under 4 hours, like a virus transmitted by saliva. 
Or maybe you should blame yourself for this vampire apocalypse. If you hadn’t let your guard down, you wouldn’t have been captured in the first place. You should have been on guard all the time, always looking over your shoulder. But you got comfortable. Surely no one would know what you are, you thought. You had always been careful up till that point, moving to a new city before people grew suspicious of your eternal youth, making sure not to grow any attachments on purpose so that you could start a new life anywhere and anytime you wanted. Surely, no one suspected a thing about you. It was your comfort that gave you away. 
No. You should blame the one that turned you into this…thing. All those centuries ago, when you were an innocent Victorian lady, he attacked you in the middle of the night. He came through your window, and you woke the moment his fangs pierced your neck. You tried to fight him off, fearing for your life at the unknown monster above you. Then he stopped feeding from your artery and stared into your eyes for a moment before he opened up his own artery. Blood fell into your mouth as he whispered that he liked you. “Come find me,” he said, placing his hands on either side of your face before breaking your neck to kill you. You wake up the next morning feeling different.
Not once have you thought about killing the man who turned you into a vampire. But with the human population starting to suffer from the growing population of dhampirs, you know that might be the only way to stop it all.
Note: This idea has been in my head for such a long time now and after smoking some of the devil's lettuce (this is a safe space but I am not encouraging drugs) the words come out of me. So, this is going to be my little project in between things. Let's see where it goes, let me know what you think!!
xXx Jess
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mintyys-blog · 1 month ago
if you want to see more characters click here
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—> undead! steve rogers x wife! reader x bucky barnes
—> slasher! steve rogers x reader
—> steve rogers x model! reader
—> spin off fic
GARDEN— smut
—> steve rogers x villain! reader
Steve Rogers and a powerful villainess share a forbidden, intense romance, torn between duty and desire as their connection deepens, even while she’s imprisoned.
—> preserum! steve rogers x reader
in which you and steve spend a night together, teaching him how to properly please a woman
TUMBLR SMUT— romance
DESIGNERS LOVE— fluff/romance/smut
—> steve rogers x fashion designer! reader
—> part two
—> part three
—> part four
—> part five
—> part six
—> part seven
—> part eight
—> part nine
GUESS GAME— fluff.
—> bucky barnes x super soldier! reader x steve rogers
—> valentines day special
Steve and Y/N share a thrilling, high-speed ride, blending fear with excitement. (super soldier! reader)
—> vampire! steve rogers x reader
MELODY— fluff
Steve and Y/N go undercover as performers, but their staged chemistry feels real. (popstar! reader)
EMBERS AND ICE— romance/ fluff.
—> steve rogers x mutant! reader
HUMANITY— romance/angst
—> zombie! steve rogers x necromancer! reader
QUICK— thriller
After secretly taking the serum, Y/N uses her speed and agility to evade Steve and Bucky. Bucky catches her, suspicious, while Steve approaches with concern. Unsure who to trust, Y/N admits her fear, sensing Steve might be safe. (Bucky Barnes x reader)
FOZEN TEMPTATION— thriller/ dark romance
a possessive succubus watches over Steve Rogers during his frozen years. When he’s unfrozen, she reveals herself, and Steve must confront his feelings and her dark influence. (Succubus! Reader)
LOST & FOUND— hurt/comfort
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