he-goes-down · 6 months
The Blood That Moves The Body:
-irl friend req
Pairing: Vamp! Izzy x reader x Were! Slash
- quick moment of silence for me not finding a gif-
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Warnings: smut (with plot), threesome, vampires, werewolf, fingering, unprotected p in v, oral! M receiving, slight oral!F receiving. Blood
Second person pov:
A low animalistic growl echoed through the trees as you walked through the dark foggy forest. Standing dead still, your senses peaked with anxiety. Your eyes scattering from one dark corner to another, swearing that each shadow was out to get you. Your eyes landed to in-front of you. In the distance, orange-yellowish eyes glowed out of the darkness. The eyes position closer to the ground, like a wolf staggering and bending down as it stalked it’s prey. With one fast growl and leap your live flashed before your eyes. You were paralysed in fear. Couldn’t move. Only put your hands and arms in-front of you, squeezing your eyes shut. Ready to embrace quick death.
Breathing hard, that was the only thing you heard. Your breath. And silence, the sound of charging towards you on the soft forest floor was gone. Another hard breath. Not yours. A warm blow on your hand, your one eye peered open. The beast. Now in-front of you, the moonlight shining on it’s dark brown fur, had all the features of a wolf except it was huge. It’s head tilted like a puppy as it sniffed the hand that was still frozen in-front of you. After a few nerve racking sniffs it began to lick ur hand, getting more playful after each one. It’s tongue nearly bigger than your hand itself. But you began to relax seeing it was friendly and for now harmless. Taking a big sigh as your other hand went to the side of its furry head, scratching through it like you would to a dog. It seemed to enjoy it, you pulled your hand away from it’s tongue and began scratching the other side of it’s face. It’s eyes closing and mouth open panting as your scratched in all the right places.
‘It’s like a puppy.’ You thought to yourself. ‘Just an abnormally large and kinda freakish one.’ You added to your inner dialogue.
“Oh, he’s no puppy.” You heard a voice behind you, you turned around. Not just behind, but above, in the trees. You looked up to the tall towering trees. A shadow figure standing on one of the big branches that formed the canopy above. It walked forward onto the air, a fast accelerating drop but as the figure was inches above the ground it stopped in the air, taking a step down to the forest floor. And another accelerated charge, in humane speed. The figure stopped to right in-front of you. Some of the leaves on the forest floor fell back down again as the figures speed triggered it to lift from the ground.
A very pale, dark haired handsome man. His nose straight, his eyes a dark hazel. God he was quite fine, the comedic relief in your brain added to your monologue. His eyes flashed red, a weird feeling came and gone from you, almost unnoticeable. “You really think I’m handsome?” He asked, smugly raising an eyebrow. As he spoke you noticed his fangs. A vampire. Of course he knew what you were thinking, he could read minds. Before your sputter out a fearful exclamation you felt a nudge on the middle of your back. The animal was still there, wanting attention. “Slash you can stop it now, stop using people to scratch your nasty flee invested fur.” The vampire crossed his eyes, talking to the animal. With one dog like whine, the beast, apparently named Slash turned from an animal to a human. A werewolf. Some animal parts still attached but fading; ears, fur - now body hair, but not everywhere - a tail that seemed to be retracting back into his body. He had gorgeous abs, soft brown skin and luscious curly hair that covered his face a bit. And with your eyes scanning his body you noticed no clothes and immediately looked away. “I don’t have- sorry-“ Slash protested but then apologised to you, “ I don’t have fleas you nocturnal prick.” He continued his protest. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cover up mutt.” The vampire rolled his eyes and tossed Slash a pair of underwear and pants. He quickly put them on and turned to you. “Sorry for scaring you in the beginning. I thought you were Izzy.” He said as he put his hands on your shoulders. The vampire’s name was Izzy. “What are you doing out here anyway?” Izzy butted in. “Yeah it’s dangerous, there are other creatures out here that aren’t that friendly.” Slash said.
You had explained to them that you were chased from your small heavily religious and traditional town that was close by, because they thought you were some sort of witch or demon, for many silly and miscommunicated reasons. You ran to the forest knowing no one would follow you in. Slash and Izzy were nice enough to be sympathetic to your story and allow you to stay at their place. An abandoned cottage, you were thinking more of a manor or castle as there are many stories about vampires living in such places.
As you got more comfortable in being with magical strangers you were encouraged by them to ask questions on what the towns people think is real about them. It was a real laugh but some a bit more dark, Izzy did drink blood, Slash does prey on animals like a wolf and once or twice a human that annoyed him. But assured you they had their fill today. You then asked about the cottage and why they don’t live in an abandoned manor, and adding that question of rivalry between the two groups. They explained that they were a bit exiled as well, they became friends when they were young and saw no problem of the two groups mingling but each clan kicked them out and now hate them.
You slept in Izzys bed that night as he slept through out the day, Slash slept in his bed which was next to Izzys, but in the middle of the night turned Were and slept by your feet taking in some of your human body heat.
The next morning you discussed with them about finding a nearby town to settle back down in, but they insisted that you stayed with then for a while as it was the start of a complicated season of moon for both Werewolfs and Vampires alike, and if other members of the clans found you in their forest it wouldn’t end well.
About 3 weeks into the season, and you were comfortable with Izzy and Slash, not seeing them any different your average human, sure they were different but it didn’t freak you out as much as when you first met them. You liked them. Sure they had their annoying moments like; Izzy reading your mind and giggling at you when ever he pleased, or Slash which took most of the bed space when you allowed him to lie down by you. But again you liked them, maybe a bit too much, you tried to get your sinful thoughts of them out your head before Izzy had the chance to randomly infiltrate your mind and see your deepest feelings. The thoughts became worse when they dropped an small flirt here and there. You didn’t know what to do and it was getting you nervous as now was the blood moon week and meaning they both stay inside 24/7.
Evening fell and a red ball which was the moon rose to the sky. All of you sat on the couch watching the window from a far. Izzy began to sweat, trying to hold something in, picking at his lace collar, holding it from his skin to get cool air in, especially on the bite marks on his neck. Slash began to scratch, but hard. Itching everywhere, taking his one hand and transforming it into a claw just to try scratch it right. You were worried for them, asking them if they were okay and what was happening. “Just go upstairs…” Izzy stuttered out as he scratched his bite marks. “But-“ “Go.” His tone changed to irritation and anger, eyes flashed a red warning. You didn’t retaliate and went upstairs swiftly. Closing the door and sitting on Izzy’s bed, knees up, your chin on them, gazing out the red scenery of the misty forest. Now 30 minutes later of lazy boredom your mind wandered to Izzys change of tone, dark laced with anger. Making your heartbeat faster thinking about it, and your thoughts going down a darker lustful root, thinking of him calling you horrific names while he- and your thoughts continued, soon also turning to Slash, thinking of his pleading eyes, as he wanted you to touch him, sick dirty thoughts infiltrated you head again. You never thought of them this heatedly, you were slightly embarrassed. Looking back out to the moon again. That might be a reason for your change as-well.
Soon you heard the door creak open slowly, your gaze traveling along the wooden floor to the door, as the door opened by itself, revealing Slash and Izzy.
Izzys shirt was half way unbuttoned, scratch marks and sweat dripping down his chest, the same with Slash but it seemed like he grew another foot tall, maybe double the size of Izzy, making his pants tighter against his legs, which made your eyes travel and reveal an aching hard on. That just made you soaked to the core. “I saw some… interesting things that came to mind, wouldn’t you say so too?” Izzy chimed. Fuck. Izzys senses where heightened to the max this week, meaning he could read minds of people in other rooms. You blushed hard, embarrassed. You swallowed hard, both of then inching closer to you. “We can make those dreams a reality.” Slash told you as he came behind you sitting on the bed, his now larger body engulfing you as his hands held your hips. Kissing your neck as he spoke in lust. Izzy sat in-front of you, his eyes glowing another red flash. Infiltrating your mind, but now you could feel his emotions. A fiery lust, an animalistic need. But a hard desire and want. For you. To fuck you. To eat you. Suck all the life from your veins. Your mind became foggy from his long search through your private thoughts. You were now filled with the same lust and desire that they were feelings. You felt a tingling sensation on your skin, wanting to rip it out. An even stronger feeling was making your pussy soaked. Slash’s big hand began to wander to your shorts. Landing on your thighs, giving a rough squeeze, his fingers on your inner thighs, dangerously close to your core. Your knees still up, Izzy put his head on your knees, looking at you from under his brows. His eyes flashing another red, reading your sinful thoughts, mostly about what you wanted Slash’s hand to do to you.
“Mmm… Slash, I think she wants something from you.” Izzy said smugly, and with one look yours were roughly spread open by an invisible force. Slash’s hand grazed your clothed pussy, his whole hand was now bigger than your crotch and it made you weak thinking if the unspeakable things his large fingers could do. A sharp claw like nail tract from his previous shorter nails. With one swift movement your shorts were split ripped off, and ripped to shreds, the fabric scattering on the bed. Now the sharp nail resting on your panties, digging a small hole in the fabric, you could feel it against your wet folds. Another quick motion and your panties were off and in pieces, and not one nick on your pussy. He retracted the nail and his fingers now exploring your soaking cunt. Izzy on the other hand began to take your shirt off for you, not in a traditional way. His eyes flashed another red and like a lit match to paper your shirt disintegrated, not one fluff of fabric was left. But he gently let his invisible powers unclasp your bra and let it fall to the side. “ My precious moon…” Slash whispered as he sloppy kissed your neck, his canines making brief contact with your skin making you shiver. His one finger began to enter your pleading pussy. It was big, almost not enough space to add another, but soon after you settled on his finger he added another one, stretching you out. You moaned, falling back onto Slash’s chest. Izzy taking the opportunity to crawl between your legs and kiss you from your tits to your neck. A low groan cane from his lips as they grazed over your neck, just wanting to dig his fangs into you and leave you whining his name as he sucked your life away.
“Sunshine… can I?” He groaned against your exposed neck. You nodded hesitantly, waiting for the stinging injection. The sharp tips of his fangs pierced your skin, making you hiss, soon it dug all the way through your veins and his mouth was no situated on your skin, skin and grunting as he tasted your sweet blood. Slash was pumping his fingers in and out of you as you moaned both their names through pain and pleasure. You felt yourself draw closer to your orgasm as both Izzy and Slash worked on your pussy, Slash fingering you and Izzy playing with your clit. Tears began to stream down your face from the pleasure and the howling pain you were feeling as Izzys sharp fangs were still lodged in the side of your neck. Slash whined like a dog as you felt his hard on on your lower back, his hips bucking against you to get friction. You thought about how his big cock probably wouldn’t even fit you, but god it made the pits of your stomach burn with desire. Blood dripped down your collarbone to your tits and then to your stomach and thighs, gushing out of the two bite marks like a waterfall. You were getting light headed, from loss of blood and of your orgasm coming near. Slash did a few more slams against your g spot, feeling you clench around him and finally cumming all over his big fingers. You sighed as you came down from your electrical high. Izzy taking his fangs out of you the same time Slash took out his fingers. Slash took his fingers and licked them softly groaning to himself as he tasted your cum. “Fuck… you taste so good.” He sighed.
Izzy’s mouth dripped with your blood, quickly wiping of the excess he had to get another kind of taste of you. You moaned and your hands flung to his dark head of hair, tugging as he licked through your folds. Groaning as he tasted you on his tongue, both your blood and cum. He cleaned up your wetness, devouring ever single drop, whilst you moaned out at his actions and how his fangs were so close to cutting you. “So fucking good…” Izzy agreed with Slash as his mouth detached to your aching pussy. You whined at the loss of friction and pleasure. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll fill you up real good…” Slash said lowly in your ear, feeling his big cock against your back. You mind wandered to the endless things he could do to you with his now bigger stronger body. “I see… only thinking of the little mutt are we? Well thats not fair is it… I’m the one that marked you as mine.” Izzy spoke, his last line directed at the two fang marks on your neck. You were willing to do anything for him, you being his or not. “Do what you’re thinking of sunshine.” Izzy said with a smirk, his hard on getting more visible as he read your thoughts. He sat back on the bed in front of you, his elbows perching him up as he laid back. You lead forward, now away from Slash’s torso, leaning down and arching your ass in the air like a cat. Your hands going over his clothed thighs, soon unbuttoning his jeans, his hard on now deliciously close to your mouth, under his boxers, you took them off too and watched as his dick sprung out of its retrains. Dripping with precum. You looked him in the eyes as you licked up and took his tip in your mouth. He groaned, his head flung back in ecstasy.
You felt a something press against you ass while you were taking Izzy’s big dick in your mouth. Your eyes rolled to the side as far as they could to see what it was. Slash. Only in his underwear, his enormous boner pressing against your soft ass cheeks. You moaned a nod, telling him he could do what he wanted. Taking off his underwear, positioned behind you. So certain it wouldn’t fit, but you didn’t care, you wanted him to fuck you to shreds with this new growth of his. He slowly entered you, only the head, you already felt filled. You moaned against Izzy’s cock. Izzy taking you by the hair and pushing you down gently, making your body feel on fire as you heard Izzys soft erotic groans as you pleased him with your mouth and tongue. You whimper against him, holding onto his thighs as Slash pushed deeper into you. It hurt like hell but god was it hot. You felt like he was reaching all the way to your throat, you were filled to brim with Izzy that was already down your throat. After you got comfortable with his huge cock in you, he started to thrust in and out of you. Moaning hard on Izzy dick making him groan and tug at your hair.
Slash’s thrusts got faster and harder, making your whole body move and shake, the bed squeaking and skin slapping. His one hand parted from your hip and with a flick of the wrist, nails turned to claws and he scratched his side, drawing blood, dripping and staining the sharp ends with his scarlet blood. Then swiftly going to claw at your back, harder than he did with himself, your blood starting to run, his that was on his nails fused with yours in your new wounds. A strong burn erupted your senses as his blood dripped into your veins. Marking you as his, just like Izzy. Another sweeter and stronger feeling erupted as Izzy spilled into your mouth and down your throat. “Swallow baby.” He said through pants. You did just that. “ Good girl.” He praised. Soon you and Slash felt the same feeling as his thrusts got sloppy but harder and he moaned, cumming into your clenching hole and you cumming over his dick, your sweet fluids fusing as-well.
“Ours.” The word that rang in your ears.
You were Izzy’s s Sun
You were Slash’s Moon
Both weaknesses, but intertwined with their souls
A/n: idk what to write at the end so theres some horrid poetry i guess
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paperweight91 · 4 months
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We’ve been teasing and scheming all week, now it is time to announce our full AU. We’re All Monsters will be co-written by @krirebr and me! Kris will be handling our Vampires and I will be handling our Werewolves. But don’t worry that doesn’t mean they all won’t be meeting each other throughout this AU. As for how? Well you’ll just have to wait and see.
This will be building off of Kris’ Psycho Killer AU and will feature some of, if not all the CE characters we know and love.
We’ve outlined the reader pairings and nicknames below, we hope you’re as excited as we are to delve into the supernatural with us!
Andy Barber - Runner
Ari Levinson - Queenie
Curtis Everett & Jake Jensen - Angel
Frank Adler & Pete Brenner - Dove
James Mace - Sneak
Johnny Storm - Cutter
Lloyd Hansen - Snipe/Spitfire
Ransom Drysdale - Little Rabbit
Steve Rogers - Sunshine
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mythtiide · 6 months
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bulletjournal sketches from recent times (transcripts under the cut)
Storch: “One time in training we had to do the cupid shuffle and I called it the stupid shuffle and a STAR bodyslammed me into the pavement”
Falke: “Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling. I like it”
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wasted-women · 6 months
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Cause of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Jenny Calendar
Cause of Death: Neck snapped
Jenny is so beloved to me. She was sent to Sunnydale, California to watch over the vampire that killed her family (Angel), told that he was supposed to suffer for all eternity, but after he saved her life + after she spent some time with him and the people who cared about him, she realized that she'd changed her mind and didn't want anything to do with continuing a mission of vengeance -- especially since Angel's girlfriend Buffy was also the mentee/surrogate daughter of Jenny's boyfriend Giles! Messy! Despite this, when Angel lost his soul and it came out that Jenny had been sent there to watch him, Jenny was immediately blamed, even though she'd had no idea that Angel would turn evil and TOLD everyone as much! She decided to try and find a way to resurrect old magic and give Angel his soul back, and Angel killed her in retaliation. Parts of the fandom talk about Jenny's death like it was necessary/a good thing/a good writing choice, but I don't think it was. Jenny's death is talked about by the showrunners as "proving that anyone could die," and her dead body was placed in Giles's bed, surrounded by red roses, subsequently inspiring him to try to go on a suicide mission and kill Angel. When the kids are looking at a drawing of her dead body, one of them says, "Wow. Poor Giles." Her death is very clearly engineered to raise the stakes by emphasizing how sad it is for Giles to lose her, and before her death, nearly all of her scenes centered around being Giles's girlfriend/love interest. She was never given a chance to develop as a character, and the only backstory they gave her was designed to push her towards death.
Irene Adler
Cause of Death: Poisoned
[No Propaganda Submitted]
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sirottertonthe1st · 3 months
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Would you be my friend based on all my fav characters? :3
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Races of Daibolik Lovers
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Demons World's Hierarchy
Highest<————In order from ————>lowest
Superior Demon Races: Ancestor, Vampire (Bat), Vibora (Snake), Wolves (Wolf) and Adler (Eagle).
Inferior Demon Races: Ghoul (Crow), and other numerous different inferior races not named.
Please note that things they are able to do with their natural abilities and magic are two different things.
Also before you say it, witches are not a race and as far as I am aware are not mentioned.
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Ancestors (Originators, Founders, or First Blood Clan):
Intro -
They are the ancestor race of all the demon kinds in the Demon World.
Though they don’t directly rule over the other races, as they have their own kings/queens, they are the highest in social hierarchy, giving them some power over others.
Abilities -
Possessing all the basic racial skills of the four superior demonic sub-races (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler), but they don't possess their weaknesses.
-Transform into bats, snakes, wolves, and eagles.
-Summon familiar’s(bats, snakes, wolves, and Eagles)
-High strength, smell, hearing, speed, and regenerative abilities.
-“Read” consciousness/thoughts through mementos/objects
In the general prologue of Dark Fate, this is how Carla and Shin find Lord Burais Castle through “reading” Menaes thoughts connected to her pendant, in search of her after her death.
-Highest Magic Ability
Weaknesses -
-Decapitation is the only way to kill them, however, if their body is too damaged to heal fast enough, it can be life-threatening, even if not directly.
-All Abilities are weakened during a Full Moon
-They are susceptible to Endzit
Endzit is a sickness that only First Bloods can get but Karlheinz fears it may spread in the future to other races.
Food Source -
No direct information is stated but judging from their descendants it’s assumed that Blood can nourish them. Note that this is not definite.
And though there is no evidence that it’s beneficial, it’s shown that they can enjoy eating human food.
Cultural Traditions -
In BLOODY BOUQUET Drama CD "The Secret Behind a Demon World's Wedding Reception ~Vampires' Hospitality~", they reveal wedding/celebration traditions of the First Bloods.
-Weddings lasts three days and three nights in total
-They congratulate the bride and groom through a ‘never-ending’ banquet
-During those three days and nights, one must never have an empty plate. Once something has been eaten, it will immediately be replaced by a fresh batch
-Though the banquet itself does end after three days it is meant to symbolize that the marriage itself is a “never ending” celebration of the persons bond.
-One of their traditional dishes is called the Founder’s special ‘Four Species Pudding’. They mince and combine wolf, snake, eagle and bat meat, bake it all together, then pour a special sauce on top. It signifies the eternal bond with those four bloodlines.
Other -
-All Abilities are Heighten During a Lunar Eclipse
Vampires (Bat clan):
Intro -
One of the four sub-races under the Ancestors, and second in the social hierarchy of the demon world.
Abilities -
-High strength, speed, regenerative abilities, increased vision, sense of smell, and hearing
-Transform into bats
-Summon familiar’s(bats)
-Average to High magic ability
Weaknesses -
-Pureblood vampires can only die by having their heads cut off, however, if their body is too damaged to heal fast enough, it can be life-threatening, even if not directly.
-Their vision diminishes in sunlight
-All powers are weakened during a lunar eclipse
Food Source -
They can eat human food, but it doesn't nourish them; blood is their main source of food.
And though it is stated that it is not beneficial for them to, it’s shown that they can enjoy eating human food.
Other -
- During a full moon, pureblood vampires can fly
Impure Vampires (Bat clan):
Intro -
Impure vampires are similar to pureblood vampires, except that they were turned, meaning they weren't born as a vampire.
Abilities -
-High strength, speed, and regenerative abilities, increased vision, smell and hearing(not to the same degree as a pureblood vampire)
Weakness -
-While they do have some of the same abilities are pure blood vampires they do not have them to the same degree making them weaker
-They have no ability for magic
Karlheinz grants some to the Mukamis, such as protective barrier and bat familiars.
-They cannot summon/control familiars
Food source -
All human food nourishes them, but blood is still their main food source.
Other -
-During a full moon, pureblood vampires can fly
-Unlike the pureblood vampires, they see perfectly in the sunlight.
Vibora (Snake clan):
Intro -
-Transform into snakes
Weaknesses -
Food source -
Other -
There isn't much known about this race, but we do know that they were allies of the vampire race.
Wolves (Wolf clan)
*No information yet*
Adler (Eagle clan)
*No information yet*
Ghouls (Crow clan):
Intro -
Ghouls are humans that have stayed in the demon world for to long, or they are the children of two humans that are already ghouls. Ghouls are compared to humans and used as slaves by other demons races (Ancestor, Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler).
Abilities -
-Transform into crows
-They possess no ability for magic
Weaknesses -
Food sources -
Other -
-They have a vary long life span (it is unknown if they are immortal).
-Ghouls are humans that have stayed in the demon world for to long, more specifically have breathed in Miasma for to long. Ghouls can also have ghoul children.
-In the manga Younge Blood, it’s hinted that ghouls are prone to going “feral”. Where they are overwhelmed by bloodlust, hunting for higher rank demons to kill, and eating there flesh. In hopes of gaining their magic ability.
-One clear physical attributes of a ghoul is black Sclera.
Note: All races suck blood, but only for the vampires is blood the main source of food.
-Vibora in Spanish (vìbora) means viper; Adler in German means eagle.
-All demons race are inspired by animals, except for the ancestors (because they are all demons races in one being).
-In official websites the Tsukinami and Kino are intentionally wrongly classified as "vampires" to avoid spoilers (Tsukinami are ancestors and Kino is an unknown race).
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artsbyfrey · 2 months
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vampire sadie adler!!
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moonah-rose · 1 year
Pearson, during Chapter Five: Who the hell made Mrs. Adler our new boss while Dutch is away?!
Mary-Beth: You did.
Abigail: You said she should be the boss.
Charles: And then we all took a vote and it was unanimous.
Tilly: Then you made her a little plaque that said "Boss of Us".
Karen: You put little sparkles on it.
Pearson: All valid points, thank you!
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thefreakyfun · 1 year
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villanelle x irene x katherine x ezgi
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stabbyfoxandrew · 7 days
heard u had OCs & lore & shit… well i’m dying to know more. pretty please.
ah! the guys i was talking about were my OCs from my books and not aftg OCs (though i do have one of those too!) but if you're still inchrested i would be happy to go insane about them sometime! :D
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that-theaven · 4 months
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I know most of these are former villains but still
1. Batman & Catwoman
2. Vegeta & Bulma
3. Cyclops & White Queen
4. Sherlock & Irene/Moriarty
5. Krillin & Android-18
6. Captain America & Diamondback
7. Spike & Buffy
8. Atom (Ryan Choi) & Giganta
9. Firestorm & Killer Frost
10. Spider-Man & Black Cat
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he-goes-down · 6 months
vampire izzy. pleasd i need him
Ur a whore like me (POSITIVE)
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin(Vampire) x reader
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Warnings: vampire? Bit of a blood kink cus vampire. Smut!!! Unprotected p in v. Less dialogue more descriptionWORST SMUT TRANSITION EVER
Second person POV:
“Who are you?”
A low voice echoed throughout the cathedral like manor, scaring you making you jump. You thought the place was abandoned as you tried to look for shelter out of the rain and cold dark night. You looked around the shadow filled room, your eyes trailing up the grey walls and pillars, not expecting to find anyone up there. But, a dark shadow fell down fast from the unlit ceiling. You stood still. Glistening hazel eyes glared at you from a far, you couldn’t make out the rest of the face as an arm was in front of it. The figure soon speed far left from you, far back, then far right and immensely fast inhumane speeds. Didn’t even looked like the feet moved and inch off the ground. The figure soon flash past your eyes and stopped right in front of you. Those eyes. The moonbeams reflected of his iris showing glowing brown and green colours, but then a flash of red covered them and flashed back to normal.
You shivered, your skin chilling and making goosebumps while you stood paralyzed as the figure moved closer. Now seeing his features in the moon light. Dark jet black shoulder length hair, pale white skin, straight big nose, pink lips. Fangs. He drew closer, you were still stood still as you couldn’t mover, actually paralysed. His hand clutched onto your face harshly, his fingertips digging into your cheeks. “You never answered the question doll.” He said. You couldn’t speak, not because of fear, and terror, but because you physically couldn’t. With a snap of his fingers you mouth was freed for the invisible lock. Your lips parted trying to form a sentence for this stranger. Not just any stranger a vampire. The vampire inspected your face, last landing on your lips, your mouth still slightly a gape. Realizing you had no fangs. He could have taken you right then an there for dinner, but he didn’t. “Answer it.” He commanded. “I’m sorry- I’m no one, I just needed a place to take cover from the rain.” You sputtered out.He looked at you up and down, analyzing. Letting go of your face. Taking off your now damp hood, caressing his thumb on your temple as his hand clawed around to the back if your head, holding you. Gently.
“Come with me. I’ll keep you warm.” He said, his eyes turning red then back to normal again, turning on his heel. Your body now unparalysed. You didn’t even know his man but you were entranced by his gorgeous features. ‘Shit he’s a vampire though he could kill you.’ You internal dialogue began. ‘Yeah, but i’d let him.’ ‘Hmm, true he is so so fine.’ The angel on your shoulder agreed with the devil on the right. ‘And get this, if he bites us we could be vampires too.’ ‘Omg you’re so fucking smart.’ Sometimes your internal dialogue weren’t the most logical of the bunch.
You followed the man, upstairs, downstairs, through windy corridors, never ending corridors. Until finally coming to a wooden door. He opened it revealing a very nice kept up bedroom, no dust, a canopy bed with black and white lacing bedding. Everything you’d find on gothic vampire pinterest board. You really expected for him to sleep in a coffin but I guess the black out curtains were enough for him. You were entranced by the room but got snapped out of it by his voice. “Get undressed.” Straight forward to the point. You look at him for a second in utter shock. “Huh?” You responded after a pause. “I apologise… I haven’t had visitors in, well a while. Let alone, a human…” He told you. Then explaining that he had extra clothes you could borrow so you would have to be in the wet clothes you were in now. You agreed feeling a bit stupid, but you were both in the same boat. Whilst you got dressed he set up the fire on the other end on the room, and you did get to know each others name, his was Izzy. Once you finish buttoning the second last button from the top of the white oversized blouse, your hair moved from your neck, exposing it. A deep quiet sniff was heard from him, and a grunt, almost sexual.
You looked back to him, crouching down by the fire place, he was in middle of setting it a lit but now his eyes were boring into the floor, holding his mouth, biting on his finger. “Are you okay?” You began to slowly walk towards him, He waved his hand at you telling you it’s fine and you could stay were you were. He did glance at you, and back to the floorboards trying to collect himself but he did a double take. You in his blouse, neck and partly exposed. The fabric only going little past your hips onto your thigh, your legs all the way exposed as you just had your panties on. A softer incoherent grunt cane out his mouth this time, eyeing you from your sexy legs to your delectable neck and your pretty face. You looked at him confused as he got up, the fire place still not lit. He looked at you through his brows, lust and bloodlust coursing through his veins. Another flash of red in his eyes and a flash of his. Inhumane speed. Standing right behind you.
“There’s another way I can warm you up…”
He spoke softly into your ear, you could hear the sound of his fangs like a knife being sharpened. Shit. Your mind was racing, there was two different meanings to this. Being made into a vampire, or a vampire being in you. Both of those options tickled your secret fanatasies
“What do you mean…?” You asked stampering
“Both.” His face lowered to your neck
It was like he knew you mind, like he could read it.
“ I can.” He answered to your internal monologue. You looked at him with surprise, “Oh, but I cant stop if you want.” He said as he retracted his hands that was about to snake around your waste. His eyes flashed red again and back to normal. He wasn’t spying on your brain anymore. But he already knows what you want, deeply. “But… can I?” He paused and stammered want to put his arms around you, and the things that you were thinking of. You nodded but he just kissed your neck and groaned softly. “Use your words precious angel…” He told you. You squeaked out a needy yes, his hands traveling to hold you, arms around you from behind, fingers fiddling with the fabric of the shirt. You heard a few groans from him as his nose and mouth were right there on your neck, but he tried to control himself to not go wild. Your delicious scent, tender and soft skin made him weak and practically drooling. His hands found his way under the shirt, caressing up to your waist where he held you. Your cheeks were set a flame, burning red hot, so was the rest of your body. His mouth opened slightly on your neck, his hands travelling down again to your hips, his fangs grazing over your supple skin. His breath making your whole body shiver and tingle.
His fingers began to tap on your hips, looping his fingers under on the ends of your panties. Hie kissed your neck when his hand went under your panties and slowly made it to your aching core. After one kiss he couldn’t get enough. Kisses getting more aggressive and hungry after each taste of your skin. “Fuck…” You cursed as his finger began to work circles on your clit. He kept sighing and moaning as your un pierced skin teased his fangs. Wanting to take this new found virginity of yours. “Shit.” He hissed, nearly bitting into you. He didn’t have plans to stop, he had plans to get more comfortable. He turned you around with one quick motion and pushed you onto the bed. You shifted back so your whole body was lying on the bed, arms perching up your torso. Izzy crawling over you, and with a snap of his fingers the dark, red and black lace curtains fell from their restrains and perfectly placed themselves closed. Izzy effortlessly moved your body, your head now on the soft satin pillows. Him in between your legs, his eyes scanning every single crevice of your body, the best scene he’s seen in over hundred years of living.
He unbuttoned the shirt with ease, seeing you in only your panties. His hard on very visible against his pants. “Perfect.” He said, seeing your nearly naked body. Another snap of his fingers and all his clothes except his underwear was still on. His dick even more visible. You could foam at the mouth seeing how enormous he is. With another swift movement he took off your panties and his boxers soon after. Now his dripping tip against your wet heat. Looking st you with a desperate and pleading look. You agreed. His tip digging into your slowly, his mouth now back on your neck. Kisses over kisses, getting sloppier as he went further deeper into you and as he began to lose self control, and the blood pumping in you veins right below him teased ever sense in his body. You moaned, wriggling under him trying to get comfortable as he completely stretched out your sweet cunt. Moaning and whining as he bottomed out into you. Slight sweat dripping dien his face and body, panting and sighing as you clenched around him tightly.
One of your sweet moans turned into a scream as your felt his fangs graze over your skin then violently inject into your neck. Blood came drizzling out the two formed holes, Izzy sucked most of it away into his mouth before it dripped down further. Except for a few drops snd trails that went dien to your breasts and even down your stomach. Izzy watched the scene hearing your painful yet moans that were laced with a sick pleasure, sucking on your neck and draining your veins. Your mind and his became foggy, his covered by sick lust and yours by loosing blood. Your neck became to sting and ache less as Izzy began to thrust is huge cock in and out of you. “My good little - fucking-…” He couldn’t finished his sentence as he moaned whilst ramming his cock onto your g spot, making your even feel it in your throat. It made your head spin as he called you ‘his’, clenching around his dick as he spoke in groans into your ear whilst he was still fang deep into you.
Your hips slammed together again and again, the whole manor was filled with moans and the sound of skin against skin. You were about to pass out right before Izzy gained some self control and retracted his fangs from your body. You whined as his thrusts became slower and as your neck ached like a thousand bruises would show up tomorrow on it. Izzy watched as the blood streamed from your neck, tainted your breasts and red colour, traveling down to your stomach and getting lost from sight as it traveled beyond your pleasure bound hips. Izzy moaned again, needing to keep his mouth occupied and not suck you to death. He was now going deathly slow trying to control himself. “Izzy- please… harder-” You moaned out as your tried to get some friction. The last of your whines were muffled as his mouth passionately met yours, lips crashing as his dick pounded into you violently. The bed shaking and squeaking, Izzys perfect dark hair getting messy as he fucked you with inhumane strength. His tongue found its way into your mouth, swirling around as you tasted the metallic taste of your own blood from his mouth. You moaned in pleasure as he continued fucking you like an animal, his hands now getting your arms away from clawing and leaving deep scratches on his back only to then use on hand and handcuffs and pin your arms and hands above your head. The other hand went to one of your thighs, lifting it and pushing it a bit to the side. Digging his nails into your skin as this new angle could make him fuck deeper into you. “Oh fuck-“ you moaned against Izzy’s mouth, feeling your orgasm bubbled in the pits of your stomach, swallowing and sighing hard, feeling the ache in your neck as your body began to shake lightly. “Cum on me sunshine.” He said. ‘Sunshine’ his only weakness in the world, and it was you, your tasty blood, your precious lips, everything.
Your legs shook as he pounded into you harder and harder making your orgasm burst like a flame, you moaned and sighed as your juices spilt over his dick as you clenched tightly, some of the juiced leaking from your filled pussy and mixing with the blood that ran down your inner thigh. A few more thrusts snd Izzy was holding your wrists tighter and his dick twitched inside you. “Fuck- good girl… take my cum.” He told you lowly as his thrusts became more sloppy and desperate. He moaned and cursed away from your mouth now and back to muffling noises against your blood soaked neck. He came inside of you, coating your walls white, the warm sensation making you whine, some of it leaking out aswell to mix with the other liquids on your inner thighs.
He pulled out letting his cum and your juices spill from you. Soon after watching the erotic scene if your blood and his cum mix, he got up to get bandages and a small biscuit. He bandaged your neck, gave you the biscuit before kissing your forehead. He wiped up the mess the two of your made, and came to lie next to you. Him moving your body with effortlessness again, now for him to make you lie on top of him. Holding and cuddling you in his silk and satin bed.
“You’re mine now sunshine.”
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saintes-rpg · 11 months
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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
As a princess, Katherine’s only purpose was to marry someone to secure an alliance with whatever kingdom her father deemed necessary. She was the first daughter of the King’s second wife and did everything expected of her in order to compete with her elder siblings. She assisted her father at every chance she got and learned all the skills expected of a noblewoman like herself. With her hard work and perfectionism, she soon became her father’s favorite. Nevertheless, his favoritism didn’t save her from a life of misery.
At a young age, she and her sister were sent to a potential suitor, expected to compete for his affections and hand in marriage. Unsurprisingly, the man had chosen Katherine and she was soon married and pregnant, regardless of her thoughts about him. Joyfully, her first child happened to be a son and Louis ensured her husband an heir. One wasn’t enough, and by the time Katherine’s father had passed away, she and her husband had three children.
While her marriage had been uneventful thus far, with her father’s passing went along any protection Katherine had from her husband’s true side, especially since her older brother resented her for being their father's favorite, Katherine’s only worth to her husband was the blood flowing through her veins and he constantly demanded more and more children from her.
After a straight year of failure, he had Katherine imprisoned in her own room with little entertainment or hobbies. She was to be available for every opportunity to procreate and Katherine was slowly beginning to lose her sanity.
When he got what he wanted and she was again pregnant, Katherine was finally released from that room. She knew that her freedom was fleeting, and the moment the child was born, she would be once again trapped in her room. After six months of planning her escape, she finally achieved it, finding refuge at a nearby monastery that took her in with no question.
She gave birth at the monastery and was able to spend a few moments with her newborn child. It was a stroke of luck that Anna had decided to seek refuge at the monastery as well. She heard Katherine’s story and took pity on the young woman. While she was safe for now, the monastery wouldn’t have the resources to feed her forever and it was only a matter of time before her husband’s men came barging through those holy gates so Anna offered Katherine a chance at freedom. In exchange, she would have to abandon her previous life, including her children.
With a heavy heart and knowing that she wouldn’t see them again anyway because her husband would be locking her up for the rest of her life, Katherine accepted Anna’s offer. The newborn was wrapped in their mother’s fancy clothing, a sign to the father that the child was in fact his, and he was informed that Katherine had died during childbirth. Katherine couldn’t even stay long enough to see the child safely in their father’s arms–her only option was to place her faith in the people who rescued her. Her perfectionist personality didn’t leave Katherine after death and she did her best to learn under Anna. They traveled together for a period of time before Katherine ventured off on her own to build a life for herself. Having always had a passion for art, Katherine soon started selling paintings, taking on different names and trying different styles throughout every human generation. She built an easy fortune off her works and had a distinct eye for the art of all her contemporaries throughout history.
As the years went along, Katherine was getting tired of running, and hearing that Anna had died was the final push, why avoid the inevitable? She was about to give up when she met David, he swept her off her feet, everything felt new again when he was by her side and for the first time in her life she fell in love.
Katherine Adler is played by A, 31, She/Her, BRT
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mythtiide · 7 months
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I dont post a lot of my traditional doodles tbh ….. i need to get on that i think
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reinekes-fox · 1 year
Interactive WIPs w Demo
Grey Swan I - Birds of a Rose
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The Divine Flock. Some call them crazy, some even dangerous. Some even say the cult is hiding dark secrets. But, in all your life you have yet to find one. After all you should know should there be any dark secrets: you are a member after all! A member, not only of the Divine Flock, but also of the Avis Academy, the best school the cult has. Your life is quiet and follows a strict routine, at least until two Strays from the outside, the normal, world are allowed in the normally so closed off grounds and as a newly appointed Wing it is your job to keep an eye on one of them. With their arrival some of those dark secrets may finally come to light…
You ARE not playing as a BIRD!!!
DEMO https://dashingdon.com/go/13119
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dark Academia.
Moniker for MC: Wing MC.
Genderselectable MC: cis male or female, trans male or female. However due to growing up in a cult, MC wont know that trans is a thing/what it means, this is something MC can learn about. The same goes for sexual orientation: play as gay, bi, straight, aroace or ace, but be prepared for consequences.
Pick your level of devotion: be a devout follower of the teachings of the Divine Flock, reject it partly or wholly, or simply not care. All of it will have consequences.
Choose one of various school clubs, your volery, and get an unique storyline. Ranging from dance to school security, to managing your social media page.
Important people: Your flock, a group of younger pupils you were responsible for before the Strays arrived. You may not be their Wing on paper anymore, but you still hold a special place in their heart! They do miss you and are looking forward giving you a present on your birthday!
Your volery: whichever volery you joined, you are going to met pupils that are just as enthusiastic about your chosen interest as you are! Some more than others.
Your parents. It’s another question if the relationship between you is good, but important it surely is!
ROs: Fuchsia King
Chase Watson
Wing Droznik Juschka
Wing Astoria Rapace
-only for Peacocks: Marter
-only for Swans: Elrond/Estelle Falkenflug
-Vampire route: Sebastian Voss
-AMAB Raven RO: Marcel Rabenschlag
-Heron RO: Amelia Fern
Grey Swan II - Hawks and Doves
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Unless otherwise stated you are playing as a normal human! Two legs, two arms, internal organs, hopefully a brain too. We will see how much of this organ stays intact after state propaganda, will we?
Someone once said that you were the most happiest youth in the world after the Great Heartbeat, that had shattered the old world. Earlier you would have agreed in a heartbeat, wearing the light green uniform of your state youth organisation. But now? When war has come to Avistrions shores and news reels show only destruction ?
Choose your gender, way of thinking and stance while growing up in a religious dictatorship on the giant island Avistrion. Be a devout follower of the Divine Flock, the only thing that survived the earthquake that devastated the earth. Or be the Vulture, trying to rip it to shreds, while wearing the badge of youth leadership… where will you be when war strikes your so closed off country? Which side will you be on when it ends? Will you even survive long enough to see the outcome?
Moniker for MC: Fugol MC.
Agon Falkenflug Adler/Weihe Habichtklau
Johanna/Nikola Arra
Grey Swan III - Wisteria Birds
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Wisteria Birds (fantasy, drama, angst)! Currently on pause.
You are beautiful, trained in art and music. You are deadly, trained in the unique weapons that no one except you can use. You are dying. Kept alive by the very same thing that keeps you save from others abusing their power over you… You have no rights. But you can do whatever you want, even kill, without having to fear any consequences. You are the most pleasant death that anyone can wish for. You are an artwork. And all you are supposed to be is look pretty, show of your owners wealth. But oh, you could become so much more…
You play as a highly specialised trained entertainer… an Artwork, expensive companion to the rich and noble ones in Aklant, a country with rigid rules and unspoken laws, strict class divide and obsessed with anything that shows how rich they are… or at least let them appear rich. Artworks themselves are outside of this all, freed from all those social chains, but not seen as human… maybe its time to change that? Or leave the status quo as it is, up to you!
Moniker for MC: Artwork MC.
Fauconniers, your potential buyers:
Chevalier Armand Sanson Alexandre Desrosier Others, you may work together with one or more of them? “Mouette” Sanglant du Verdier
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You have been a Hound, the human companion of a vampire, for years.
Until you find yourself among the undead and masterless after a night where everything went wrong… leaving you with no other choice but to move back in with your parents.
ROs (will expand)
Theo Grimm
Agent Rosa Caleb
Marian Viorel
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Ghibli inspired! Mainly Howls moving castle.
You play someone from our world who ends up in another world! Since this is an aspect I greatly enjoyed in the book and was really sad they didnt include in the movie, there will be chances of jumping between the worlds (and of course becoming a magician too!).
ROs, some are locked into specific magic combinations:
Opera Job and changing into Animals: Santu Cajarin
Changing into Animals: Rosalind Eagledancer
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263adder · 8 months
The Horny Bisexual Trope
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Eleanor Shellstrop, The Good Place
"[In a research paper by The Journal of Sex Research] researchers found that bisexual women, compared to lesbians and heterosexual women, were evaluated as more confused, promiscuous, non-monogamous, neurotic, extraverted, and open to experiences. Bisexuals were also evaluated as less agreeable and less conscientious." Psypost
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Lisa Palmer, Santa Clarita Diet
"Though LGBT+ representation in the media has been improving in recent years, it is still rare to see positive portrayals of bi characters on television. Characters are usually assumed to be either gay or straight, depending on which characters they are interested in romantically. Even if a character is portrayed as being attracted to both male and female characters, they rarely identify as bi, instead claiming to “not need labels.”
"Bi characters are typically villains, promiscuous characters, or untrustworthy." Soapboxie
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Nick Scratch, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
"A common and inaccurate stereotype is that all bisexual people do not want to be, or cannot be, monogamous. It is inaccurate and harmful to imply that bisexual people are categorically more “promiscuous” than others. People of all sexual orientations can be monogamous for some or all of their lives, or they can choose other types of relationships. This decision is entirely separate from one's sexual orientation." GLAAD Media Reference Guide
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Klaus Hargreeves, The Umbrella Academy
"Pansexual people are [also] commonly faced with [this] stigma, fuelled in part by some people's belief that they lead hypersexualized lives. This infers that pansexual people are more likely to cheat and be promiscuous because they are "available to everyone."
"This misconception has led some people to assume that pansexual people are wanting to engage in any and all sexual activities, negating the need for sexual consent." Very Well Health
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Irene Adler, Sherlock
"The hypersexualization of the LGBTQ community has taken many forms. Not only are gay men and transgender women framed as sexual predators, but lesbians are objectified and fetishized by straight men, and bisexual and pansexual people are assumed to be constantly sleeping around." The Under Ground
Bisexuality on screen is used to indicate sexual experience and promiscuity. This feeds into the misconception that bisexuality is used as a way to appear more attractive and "bisexual people [are] just attention-seeking nymphomaniacs – or that bisexuality was, in the words of Carrie Bradshaw, “Just a layover on the way to Gay Town.”" Fashion Journal
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Margot Tenenbaum, The Royal Tenenbaums
"The way its [bisexuality] been commodified, that was always going to happen… there’s a whole sort of discourse around bisexuality, its exotic… that bohemian angle, it masks the actuality of being a bisexual person even in this day and age." University of Huddersfield
Bisexuality is used to add to the mysteriousness of an already mysterious character. It's not undisclosed for privacy; it's hidden to feed into a "not like other girls / guys" trope.
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Willow Rosenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Bisexuals talk about “coming out twice"—once as gay or lesbian in a heterosexual world when they acknowledge their attraction to their own gender, and then again when they acknowledge their continuing attraction to the opposite sex." Psychology Today
The common depiction of bisexual myths is one of the reasons bisexuals feel they have to come out numerous times or don't come out at all.
"Three in ten bi men (30%) and almost one in ten bi women (8%), say they cannot be open about their sexual orientation with any of their friends, compared to two per cent of gay men and one per cent of lesbians." Stonewall
Not all visibility is good visibility.
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