#valentino x asexual reader
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self-indulgent-devils · 10 months ago
Chubby/Fat Reader (Valentino x Reader)
Hiiiiii!!! Wrote our first chubby/fat centered reader oneshot!!! I hope everyone likes it! We want more chubby/fat x reader fics since we are chubby ourselves. :3 So finally had the energy to write our first one, starting with our fave boy Valentino.
It's in my collection of Valentino fluff. These stories are more for asexual readers and focus more on relationship fluff, but I def wanna write more from other angles later on.
We were running out of energy through it so apologies if it's a bit rushed or meh halfway thru or near the end T.T We didn't want to leave it forgotten as a never finished draft so we really pushed to finish it.
Link below vvv :3
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stories-and-chaos · 1 year ago
Shrike: 2582 Days of Hell
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable.]
[One shot, word count 3326, Cw: none]
Eleven months. Eleven fucking months since Alastor disappeared after that fight with Vox. And not a word or glimpse of him in that entire time. You knew he was alive. There was a tiny fragment of his shadow magick in the decorative finial of one of your hatpins. The enamel black eighth note at the end of a foot of thin steel was warm to your touch. It felt like your hand resting in the crook of his arm whenever you walked together.
If he’d died, that bit of shadow would have vanished and it would just be cold enamel and metal. So you checked it morning and night. You kept your usual rotation of pins; despite wanting the constant reassurance you didn’t want anyone to notice you favoring one accessory. Maybe you were being overly cautious, but you couldn’t help it with Alastor’s absence.
Niffty had vanished in a puff of ash about two weeks after Alastor had. Presumably your husband had summoned her to
wherever he was. There were other demons that had made deals with him in exchange for their souls. If he’d died all those deals would be void. But not one had dissolved, giving you more hope that he was recovering somewhere.
Which you needed. Every time you ventured beyond your territory or Cannibal Town, every television screen in your vicinity started displaying Vox’s face. The insufferable screen saver enjoyed rubbing Alastor’s absence in your face whenever possible. Sometimes it was just his face following you. Others, he staged talk shows or news stories discussing that last fight. He always circled back to the fact that he was active and your husband hadn’t been seen for months. The longer it was, the more gleeful he became.
Extermination Day was about a month ago. You spent the whole time gripping the music note pin, trying to detect any hint of Alastor running into the angels. Fortunately the shadow was unchanged.
Carmilla Carmine had called a meeting of Overlords to discuss the fallout from this latest attack. Meetings like this generally occurred every few years, often a result from something unusual happening. A drastic increase or decrease in kills, the loss of an Overlord, a particular district being targeted, all had warranted a meeting in the past.
This year it seemed there were several upheavals in territory and Overlords in charge. After Carmilla greeted the assembled demons, her focus turned to you. “Y/N. Will your husband be joining us today?”
Decades of performing allowed you to answer steadily, with a smile even. “No, not today.” Usually you attended these together, occasionally Alastor went alone. This was the first time you were there solo. There was an immediate bray of laughter from the other side of the table.
All three of the Vees were here today. Vox had a confident sneer on his screen (he’d updated his head to be a flat screen television a little over a decade ago). Valentino licked his lips before slowly grinning in what you presumed was meant to be a lascivious manner. Velvette, the youngest of everyone in the room, was texting rapidly on her phone. She’d been the one laughing and continued to snigger.
“Not today?” she asked without looking up. “Don’t you mean never, little Miss Frigid?” She finally glared at you over her shoulder, pink braids falling heavily around her face. “Why don’t you just admit what everyone in Hell fucking knows? Vox killed your twiggy arse husband and you’re useless without him.”
You did your best to keep your cool. This would be easier if you at least knew what Alastor was up to. Outright lies could get you in trouble later on, but admitting you didn’t know where he was? That would bring a shit load of trouble now.
“Surprising that ‘everyone in Hell’ is so eager to believe your tabloid drivel.” You waved a dismissive hand at the trio, launching a slight gust at them that frizzed Velvette’s hair. Not enough to undo her hairstyle, but she wouldn’t be able to fix it without taking it all down. The girl was fanatical about looking perfect in public; the loose hairs would drive her crazy.
Carmilla smacked the tabletop. “Y/N. You know my policy on weapons and magick at these meetings,” she said firmly.
You tilted your head slightly in her direction. “Apologies, cher, I just get annoyed by the chittering of little bugs.” You deliberately avoided saying that it wouldn’t happen again. Velvette growled. “If my darling Alastor was dead don’t you think that all the former members of this group he had ownership of would be coming after me?” You laced your talons together and rested your chin on top of them. “But I haven’t had to bother myself with any of them.”
Vox snorted. “Then why isn’t the pussy whipped fucker here?”
“I’ll admit you got some good hits in during that fight, Vox. So he’s taking a well earned rest.” Hopefully your tone was dismissive enough that they’d stop pushing.
Of course they wouldn’t. Especially not Velvette, she seemed to thrive on pushing buttons. She laughed again. “Ha! An Overlord taking what, an eleven month rest? Pathetic. If he can’t even show up to protect his territory I say it’s free game.”
Apparently the girl hadn’t gotten the message about you. Vox and Valentino exchanged a glance over her head as you smiled sharply at her. “Zut alors cher! Impatient, vapid, and misinformed? On top of being poorly dressed? I suppose you have that chip on your shoulder for a reason, ma petite.” You had the satisfaction of seeing her manicured nails digging into the table. “I’m not some pretty proxy little girl. Our territory is staying ours.”
Velvette was rising from her seat when Carmilla slammed the tabletop. “¡Es suficiente! Thank you for the information, Y/N. Velvette, take your seat. We have other business to discuss.” With that the meeting started in earnest.
A handful of minor players had perished. There were still turf wars going on but it looked like at least one new Overlord was emerging from the fray. Carmilla displayed a map of the city; one contested spot was close to your borders. You really didn’t have the motivation to go after it at the moment however. If you didn’t though, the brats might just do so instead. You could see them slowly creeping closer, putting pressure on you and yours. Although with the anger in Velvette’s eyes it might not be too slow.
The meeting stretched on. Before ten minutes had passed the Vees had pulled out their phones and the pings of text messages filled the air constantly as they texted each other. Despite glares from Carmilla, they kept going. It would almost sound musical if it wasn’t so strident.
There was discussion, offers and counteroffers for territory and cash, all with the undertone of tension. You participated enough to not be dismissed as an easy target. Carmine’s rule extended to the streets immediately around her building. Despite that, you could feel Velvette and her compatriots following you closely once the group started leaving.
Fuck this nonsense. Quickly, your wings flicked open and you pushed off into the sky. You didn’t even have to add anything to the downdraft; the Vees were knocked off balance, Velvette’s hair ripped out of its braids and tangled in the gusts. “YOU FUCKING OUTDATED BITCH!” she shrieked from below. Valentino could follow you but you doubted he would. He didn’t relish pain on his own person, just his employees.
You pushed yourself faster than usual on the flight home. The exertion helped distract you. But once you were home, the door locked securely behind you, all the emotions boiled over.
“Alastor you bastard!” you screamed into the cold dark house. “Where the fuck are you!” You sent out an involuntary rush of air; you could hear items pushed off surfaces, paper and cloth ripping. That was enough to stop you from screaming more, but it didn’t get rid of your twisted knot of feelings.
You didn’t have great night vision but you couldn’t make the effort to turn on the lights. You knew where the item you wanted was. You grabbed a bottle from the sideboard and made your way to the bedroom. You skipped your nightly routine, opting to just shed clothes as you walked. Your hatpin and hat you dropped on your vanity counter. Going by feel, you grabbed the music note pin.
In the past months you had arranged cushions and blankets in the mattress into a comfort nest. You couldn’t bear the empty expanse of the bed. Your nest surrounded you on every side with enough illusion of warmth to let you sleep.
You opened the bottle of whiskey. Not bothering with a glass, you chugged gulps until it was half empty. That wasn’t the way to treat good liquor but this wasn’t a good night. You capped the bottle, placed it on your nightstand for later before burrowing under the duvet.
Not even half a bottle of strong alcohol could keep everything at bay. But there were no Overlords here to mock you, no underlings to gossip, no friends to pester you. No Alastor waiting with a handkerchief after you cried all your emotions out. Just the drone of insects in the bayou and a drop of shadow attached to enamel and steel.
Maybe he could hear you through that fragment. You were going to talk either way. “Alastor? Please come home cher. I miss you. I can do this alone, I know it. I have been. But where’s the fun without you? Come home. S’il vous plaüt?” At some point you started crying and eventually fell asleep.
You woke up to a hand on your shoulder and a voice calling your name. For a split second you hoped it was Alastor, but the scent of blood and rose perfume told you who it was. “Rosie,” you mumbled, not removing the duvet. She’d had a key to your house for decades of course.
“Darlin’, how long have you been in there?” she asked gently. She didn’t remove the duvet, perhaps knowing you needed to retreat from everything.
“When was the meeting?” you managed to ask. According to your friend, it had been a full day ago. “Since I got home from that.”
She sighed and rubbed your shoulder gently. “Y/N, dearie, you can talk to me if you’d like. It seems like you have a lot going on.”
You wanted to. Oh how you wanted to just let that knot of emotions loose. But even though you were friends, Rosie was still an Overlord, roughly equal in strength. You were vulnerable enough like this. If she knew Alastor was missing, would she be able to resist the temptation to take over? You hoped so but still didn’t want to take the chance.
A few long moments passed silently. Then: “You don’t know where Alastor is. Do you honey?” You froze. “Of course not, you wouldn’t have been so cagey at that meeting if you did.”
You flipped back the duvet enough to look at her. Nothing calculating in her expression, just worry about two of her friends. Her solid black eyes still managed to express concern. She answered your silent question “I’ve known you both for ages, darlin’. We’ve helped each other out plenty of times! If your man was really that hurt, you’d have let me help by now. So, you must not know what’s going on yourself.”
“Rosie, cher, you really are one amazing demon.”
“Oh honey, you flatter me! Let’s get something in you other than whiskey and we’ll talk.” You asked her to grab your housecoat, not feeling up to getting dressed but you also didn’t want to share every bodily secret, no matter how good of friends you were.
Later the two of you were sharing a pot of coffee, biscuits, and eggs. “Do you think anyone else has figured it out?”
“That not even you know where he is? I don’t think so. You’ve been acting as if he’s with you. And none of the other Overlords know you two like I do,” she said while adding sugar cubes to her coffee. “Alright, details, details. If I’m going to help you out, I gotta know what’s going on.”
There wasn’t much more you could tell her. She had seen the footage of Alastor and Vox fighting, then both backing down and his disappearance into his shadow. Vox had aired every angle he had of the incident multiple times. He’d even made an hour-long special with 3D models recreating the fight with dramatic shots and heroic close ups of his face. Part of the special even went frame by frame through Alastor’s shadows wrapping around him, pointing out every possible detail that Vox could spin as proof the Radio Demon couldn’t have survived.
While Rosie wasn’t about to believe Vox’s word, she did gently ask how you were so sure your husband survived. “Like I said, if the former Overlords he owns were free, they’d be coming for me. But also,” you hand the music note hatpin to her, “we made these in
 the 1940’s I think it was.”
You let her examine it. The cannibal turned it over in her hands, gleaming steel flashing between her slim fingers. Before long she noticed the magick in the finial. She brushed her fingertips against the eighth note and felt Alastor’s distinctive green edged black power.
“Alastor has matching cufflinks with my power in them. So I know he’s alive. I just don’t know where.” You took the pin back and sighed. “I’m not about to let everyone know about this however. Especially when he hasn’t contacted me.”
“Well, shit. That makes things harder. Not a word from him?”
You shook your head. “He summoned Niffty a while back. I thought he might send her back with a message, some information, anything. But she’s been gone since a couple weeks after Alastor disappeared. I’m so scared of making something up and it backfiring! And if those brats find out I’m basically alone they’ll all come at me together.” You ran a hand through your hair restlessly. “I can take them on individually. Maybe even two to one. But if all three attack together? I’d be fucked.”
Rosie stayed quiet, letting you vent your fear out as she ate. “Well, one thing I can do is back you up. Both with what you say about Alastor and if those three come calling.”
you’d do that for me? For Alastor?” Sure you were friends, but putting yourself on the line for another Overlord was not the norm.
“Of course honey! That’s what allies do; it's what friends do. We’ve done enough favors for each other that I’ve stopped counting, just like you right?” You had to nod at that. At some point it was silly to keep track who owed whom. “Not to mention, you and Alastor are much better neighbors than any of the Vees or their cronies. And you know my people, they don’t care for all that modern junk those brats peddle.”
You hadn’t realized quite how unsteady you’d felt these past months. Just knowing there was someone on your side helped immensely. Enough that you could think of your next steps instead of simply trying to endure what came your way. “Merci Rosie.” She squeezed your hand gently before encouraging you to eat. You hadn’t had much of an appetite recently but you needed to. Especially if you were going to rule your territory alone for now.
You and your friend discussed your options as breakfast disappeared. Rosie, reassured you at least felt a bit more stable, headed home after helping you wash the dishes. You then soaked in the bath, letting the warm water soothe the tension in your body. Your back and wings were sore after that dash home yesterday.
The hatpin was sitting on the bathroom counter. “I’m still mad at you, cher,” you said to it. Sound probably couldn’t travel through that fragment but you decided to act like Alastor could hear you. “And I’m not going to forgive you easily. But I’m not letting everything we’ve done together crumble because I’m upset. And I’m not letting those little bitches from the Vees crush us.”
You kept busy the following days. You quickly annexed that contested area for starters. No need to give the Vees a foothold so close to you and your friend.
Alastor’s broadcast station couldn’t do much without him. But there was space in the building. You moved recording equipment there. While you couldn’t write music, you recognized talent and you had an ability to pick what music would not just be popular, but endure past the moment.
Starting with an album of your favorite songs, you set up Songbird Studios. You leaned into the audio quality of vinyl records and the aura of class and exclusivity. Even though your library of music spanned genres, you were very selective about who could sign with the studio.
With a steady flow of income, you increased your power base. More deals and souls, favors and debts waiting for you to cash in, all of which firmed up your Overlord status.
There were days you cried, days you raged, days you wanted to stay in your nest and days you wanted to tear down the Vees tower brick by tacky brick. You confided in Rosie who continued to give you support and pinkie fingers to crunch when you were particularly upset. You were there when she needed someone to talk to and provide entertainment to Cannibal Town, both on your own and scheduling artists that worked for you.
It took a lot of effort, but you did your best to act indifferent at the Vees’ needling. The less reaction they received, the less fun it was. It took years but eventually they lost interest in messing with you.
You counted the days since Alastor vanished. Even once you knew his location, you kept track until you saw him in person again. Carmilla called a few meetings over those 2,500-plus days. You went to some, skipped others.
The latest one, you saw Velvette entering the building from your vantage point above. You were not in the right headspace to deal with the little bitch, knowing where Alastor was staying but not having seen him yet. Choose your battles.
Of course, when you found out later that your husband had attended that meeting, you wanted to kick yourself. And him. And Velvette but you always wanted to kick Velvette. Might as well add in the other two Vees while you were at it.
Once you reunited with Alastor at Charlie Morningstar’s hotel, you immediately moved into his suite. He kept the same motif as your home and it was easy enough to settle in. That night, you refused to let go of his torso as you laid in bed together. Even so, you were more relaxed than any other time in the past seven years.
“Two thousand five hundred and eighty two,” you said, your face buried into his side.
“Hmm? What was that, cher?” he asked, stroking your arm.
“Two thousand five hundred and eighty two. That’s how many days it’s been since I saw you last.” You sat up a bit to look at him in his vibrant red eyes. “I kept track.”
“I would expect nothing less from you my dear.”
“I’m going to take those days out on the person that separated us.”
His smile turned sharper. His sclera flickered black as his pupils turned into radio dials. “Will you allow my assistance, my dear Shrike?”
You reached up to stroke his face. You could feel your feathers sharpening. “Of course. I’ll need help after all. And who am I to deny the Radio Demon his revenge?”
@whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
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endara · 1 year ago
Alastor x Reader Chapter 7 out now! đŸ–€
Asexual/Demiromantic Alastor, Reader is AFAB and on the asexual spectrum.
Fluff + Angst + Protective Alastor. Kinda slowburn. Flashback type scenes with human Alastor and reader being a serial killer duo and falling in love. Childhood friends to lovers. Reunited after 100 years. Alastor is a mamas boy. Angel and reader have a best friends dynamic. Valentino gets fucked over!
In the few weeks you’d been getting to know Alastor again since you'd reunited, you had never seen his full demon form from a distance like this. You’d had his shadow tentacles used around you once or twice, sure. But then you had been too close and distracted to really get a good look. It made sense to you now why so many people were terrified of him. His limbs were warped and extended in a way that made you feel uneasy. Dark, writhing tentacles sprouted from his back, two held him off the ground while another two held his victim elevated and pinned to the wall. The rest of them swirled menacingly behind him.
It was quite fascinating
 In some strange way.
You couldn’t make out what Alastor was saying, all you could hear from where you stood watching him at the end of the alley, was the radio static emanating from him. Even from here though, you could see his smile cutting through half of his face, the corners of his lips were pulled to rest beside his eyes while he grit his teeth.
“Holy shit!” Angel Dust squawked from beside you when he finally caught up and spotted Alastor.
The Radio Demon reacted to the sudden voice instinctively, not registering who the voice belonged to before he’d sent a bin lid flying like a frisbee. It smacked Angel in the head and he yelped, his feet going out from under him as the impact almost immediately stunned and knocked him out.
In the few seconds it took for Angel to fall, you just about managed to grab under his arms before his head hit the floor. But you stumbled from the sudden unexpected weight, “Jesus Christ.” You exclaimed and looked up with wide eyes at Alastor, whose limbs were now back to their regular proportions and his feet were planted on the concrete.
At least by now, he’d realised who was watching him wasn’t a threat. He looked at you with narrowed eyes and a tight-lipped smile, the man behind him still pinned to the wall and begging you to help him. The poor guy didn't realise you had no intention of stopped Alastor's fun.
You planted your feet firmly on the ground so you could better support Angel.
When you checked on your unconscious friend, you sighed in relief, he seemed like he was going to be okay. His head wasn’t bleeding and he was breathing just fine.
“What are you doing here?” Alastor asked, his voice low and annoyed from the interruption. He also didn’t like the fact that he didn’t know how long you’d been watching or following him. Or why his sentient shadow duplicate hadn’t alerted him to your presence.
“Sorry. We didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” You answered, your voice strained from trying to support the weight of your much taller friend. Slowly, you were able to lift him up enough that his legs were the only thing dragging on the floor as you approached Alastor. “We were on our way back to the hotel when Angel spotted you. I just wanted to say hi and see what you were up to.”
Alastor watched you as you struggled to keep an unconscious Angel Dust off the floor, but he didn’t offer to help. If he were you, he would have dropped the pornstar onto the cold ground without an ounce of guilt by now.
He turned his head to shoot an annoyed death glare at his victim, all that yelling at you for help was starting to get on his nerves. The man whimpered in fear and cowered towards the wall as if it would protect him. When Alastor was satisfied enough by the reaction he got, he looked back at you.
“Why are you not at the hotel in the first place my dear? Did you forget there's a madman loose with your name atop his list?”
“Of course not. But I needed to visit my club to see how everything was going without me. I can't put my life on hold forever... I brought Angel with me, so I wasn’t alone- But he isn’t very helpful now you’ve knocked him out.” You explained, lifting your friend up slightly as you mentioned him.
Alastor laughed, moving his mic from one hand to the other and then looked at the limp Angel Dust in your arms, “Aha! I suppose that is true. Although I’m not sure he would have been much help while awake either.” He flashed a charming smile and shrugged, “But not to worry darling. Now you are here you might as well stay. I will ensure you return to the hotel unscathed.”
Read here <3
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fangirlstorycreator · 3 months ago
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Alastor X Reader
Context: Alastor saves you, and you both, surprisingly grow closer. When you defend him from an old aquatence of his, Alastor's fondness for you grows. But when you find yourself in danger, Alastor will stop at nothing to get you back, especially when your in the hands of one of his enemies...
Contains: Asexual Alastor, Asexual Reader, but romance is involved, swearing, mentions of injury, kidnap, attempted sexual assult, hypnosis, Not for minors
P.S. Anytime you see writing in red, that is when Alastor is speaking with his static demonic radio voice
Part 4/4
"God fucking damn it!! How the fuck did you get past security?!"
"It would appear your attempt to isolate me from Y/N was as weak as you are Vox"
"What happened to my guys? I should have heard gun shots! Why the fuck didn't they kill you?!"
"Your pathetic excuse for security were no match for me and my determination. You have crossed the line Vox. You have taken it upon yourself to do the most unspeakable torture to my darling Y/N, and I will not be leaving this building without her! Now...if you value your existence, you will untie her"
"(Chuckle) Or....."
Vox's eyes flash, and his hand balls into a fist, which makes the cables around you tighten. You wimper in pain, the tighter it gets, the harder it is to breath.
"Maybe, I can kill you now....while Val.....takes his time with her...."
"Untie her now! And if you, Valentino, lay one hand on my lady, I shall see to it, that you will suffer the same fate as Vox!"
"Pfft! I'd like to see you try, bitch!.....Vox.....I wanna play now...."
"Fine, Alastor's MINE!"
Vox charges at Alastor, both turning into their demonic forms before you. Alastor maneuvers around Vox, with the help of his large black tentacles, whipping and slashing at Vox, but he's giving as good as he's getting. It clear they're both just as strong as eachother in this rage filled battle, everything was so fast, you couldn't really tell who was winning, all you could see was blurred colours, and monstrous noises. Even if you wanted to get up, you couldn't. Pain consumed you, and Vox still had power over your binds. But that was the least of your problems, because now Val wanted you. Grabbing you by the throat, he picked you up, holding you close to his face, smiling cruelly.
"My turn now...(chuckles) Oh...the things I'm gunna do to you...."
"I'll never stop fighting back Valentino!"
"......Oh.....I think you will...."
Alastor was pinned up against the wall by Vox, the very same second he witnessed Val forcing his lips onto yours, with his pink saliva.
Alastor pushed Vox back with such ferocity, but Vox wasn't giving up, they continued to fight eachother, but you on the other hand, were in graver danger. Val's saliva had somehow put you into a state of hypnosis. Your mind was blank, you couldn't speak, you were just frozen, unable to move, unable to blink, to do anything.
"That's a good girl.....now...."
He stands, putting you onto your knees before him. Slowly, he unzipped his trousers, staring right into your hypnotized eyes.
"It's time for me to play with you.....and there will be...no...fighting back...."
Again, Alastor caught sight of Val, about to assult you under hypnosis, and that was the final straw. He screeched in his wendigo form at the top of his lungs, black power surged through his body. He pointed his arms towards Vox who was advancing on him, but Alastor's power threw him into the wall, one of his tentacles keeping him there. His other tentacle shot to Val, grabbing him and pulling his away, mere seconds before he was about to assult you. He ties them up, throwing both against the walls, again and again, not stopping until they were both as broken as you were. Panting, and still angry, he drops them both on the floor, grabs unused TV cables, and binds them together to within an inch of their life. Even butter couldn't slip these two out of this tight hold. They were unconscious for now, which meant, finally, Alastor could go to you. His demonic form disappearing the second his hand touched you, you still on your knees, hypnotized.
"Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me?! Please! Speak to me! Wake up! Come on, come on!"
Still you don't move, frozen like a statue. With Vox now unconscious, his binds on your weren't as tight, and Alastor tore them from your body, allowing you to be free.
"My darling?! Please speak to me!"
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Val's saliva was strong stuff, what could get you out of this? Alastor does the first thing that comes to his mind, holds your face tenderly and kisses you. In hopes that it may wake you. And thank god, it did. The second his lips touched yours, you gasp for air! Crying and collapsing in pain in Alastor's arms. He holds you close, delicately turning you so your now lying in his arms, hand gently resting against your face as he looks down on you.
"Oh my darling! I am so so sorry! I came hear as fast as I could! This is all my fault! I promise that noone will ever harm you again! Oh my poor sweet Y/N, your hurt all over. I'm going to keep you safe, I promise. I'm taking you home"
You were in so much pain that even being held so gently in his arms was making you wince. You couldn't control the tears that came, pain in your voice when you spoke to him.
"Alastor, ever-everything hurts! Oh god-it hurts so much Al. Please, please I'm begging you, make it stop, please"
His own eyes watered up, seeing you struggle and begging for help. He gently stroked your cheek, warm eyes looking at yours, trying his best to calm you.
"Shhh shh shh..its alright. Just look into my eyes my darling. I will send you into a sleep, deep enough to temporarily take away this pain. Just look into my eyes...."
Hypnosis must be something most overlords can do, Val did it, Vox did it to Angel, but they did it for bad reasons. Alastor was gently and tenderly looking into your eyes, making you feel like you were floating, the pain slowly drifting away, before passing out against Alastor's chest. He exhaled in relief, thankful you were now safe, and back with him once again. His only priority now, was to get you home and help you heal from all you've suffered. He was very gentle in picking you up, holding you in his arms bridal style, he couldn't keep his eyes off you, resting soundly in his embrace. He was just walking towards the door, when he stopped, hearing Vox coming around.
"Nngghhh? The fuck? Hey, HEY! Where do you think your going asshole?!"
"I am taking my darling lady home. After the torment you inflicted on her, she needs medical attention and emotional support. Your lucky to be alive, she is my priority, if she wasn't, you'd be dead already"
"Like fuck I would be! I'm-fuck! Did you tie me to Val? Let me out and fight me like a man! You fucking coward!"
"You want me to fight like a man? But I am doing what a real man would do. Protecting my lady......and if you ever.....come near her again Vox.......I will see to it that all of pentagram city will witness your agonisingly and very much deserved demise! You can count on that!"
Turning his back on Vox, Alastor walks out of there with you, ignoring anything Vox is saying to get him to come back.
"Your just a stupid hazbin Alastor! I'm stronger and better than you in every way!! I know I am! Get back hear you dick!!"
"Uuhh...my head"
"Val, your awake, good! Get us out of this!"
"Huh? Why have I got to get us out? They're TV cables"
"Yeh, but their broken! I can't use them without a connection. Now come on! Do something!"
"Oh do it yourself you asshole"
"Your the one who got us into this shit show-"
"No! You needed to help me fight Alastor-"
"Don't give me that bullshit!"
They both argue continuously, their voices were still heard at the entrance of the building by Alastor, who simply shrugs, carrying on towards the hotel. Once he arrives, he kicks the door open, carrying you inside. That's when Charlie, Angel and Husk all rush towards him, worried about what has happened.
"Oh god! Alastor! What did they do to her?"
"I'm afraid Charlie, they tortured her beyond comprehension"
Angel tries to apologise again, seeing the state you were in.
"Fuck fuck fuck, she looks so bad! Al I'm so sorry! Please, is there anythin I can do?"
"You can stay out of my way Angel. Last thing I need is you being a danger to her again"
"Alastor, that's not fair! Angel was hypnotised! It's not his fault"
"He failed to protect her Charlie"
"Come on man! Charlie's right I didn't know what I was doin! I tried to help her when I came out of it. Please Al, she's my friend, I wanna help"
"You can help by staying out of my way! Now Charlie, I need to know where the medical supplies are. Y/N is in desperate need"
"Of course, you take her upstairs and me and Husk will bring it up. But Alastor, Angel IS going to help"
"But Charlie, I-"
"He's helping, and that's final!"
It was strange for Alastor to see Charlie be firm, but she was the princess of hell after all. He huffed, not wanting Angel to come, but now he had no choice. Angel followed him to your room, closing the door as Alastor lead you down on your bed.
"Ok Al, what can I do?"
"I suppose, seeing as I'm stuck with you.....Y/N will need ice packs"
"Ok! I've got loads of those in my room, I'll be right back"
Angel's out of there in a flash, he had a little smile on his face too, knowing he can help you. Alastor on the other hand, sat on the bed beside you, resting his hand against your cheek, filled with worry for you. He'd never seen anyone hurt this badly, and the fact that it was you, was far more painful. He hurriedly wiped his tear away when Charlie and Husk came in, bag of supplies in hand.
"A'right. This is all we got. Look, I ain't got no experience with this shit"
"Worry not Husk, I'm sure me and Charlie can take it from hear"
"A'right. Il be downstairs if anyone needs me"
"Thank you Husk!"
Charlie shouts when he leaves. She carries the first aid bags over to the bed, then her and Alastor start to unpack and see what they can use. As they were doing that, Angel comes back with ice packs.
"I got 'um!"
"Splendid. Now leave them hear and get out"
Charlie says in a mother like tone.
"Fine. If you could wipe the blood from her face, and apply the ice pack to her black eyes, that should be helpful"
Angel is very delicate when he wipes your face, being careful not to add too much pressure to your swollen eyes. He does that as Alastor and Charlie bandage up and clean the rest of your wounds on your arms, legs, chest and neck area. With their combined team work, you were bandaged up and resting on your bed in a short amount of time. Alastor still never left your side.
"Alright Angel, we've done all we can for now. It's late, we should all get some sleep. Come on, I'm sure Alastor's planning on staying with her tonight"
"That is correct my dear. I will stay until she awakens. And...thank you for your help"
"It's no problem. Goodnight"
They both leave, allowing Alastor to keep an eye on you. Even if he wanted to sleep, he wouldn't be able too. He couldn't stop looking at you, still hurt, but at least you were being cared for now. He closed the curtains, climbed into bed and lead beside you. He knew not to hold you, there were too many injuries you sustained, it would hurt you if he did that. Instead, he gently held your hand, stroking his thumb over your soft skin, not letting you out of his sight. Like hell was anyone going to lay a finger on you again. He stayed like that the whole night and you didn't move a muscle. His hypnosis was gentle compared to Val's, and he did it a certain way to allow you to rest off the pain. So, only when your body started to heal, and the pain had subsided by a large amount, would be when you would start coming out of it. It could be hours, days, even a week. The next day, you and Alastor were still in bed, but you hadn't woken up. Poor Alastor's pillow was wet from his tears, desperately wanting you to open your eyes. He hadn't realised what time it was when a knock came to the door, he was instantly defensive, in his protective mode.
"Who goes there?!"
The door slowly opens, and a flash of pink hair pops in through the doorway.
"It's a'right Al, it's just me. Damn, your demon voice is creepy as fuck"
Angel enters, holding a small trey of breakfast for you and him. Still a little weary of Alastor, he slowly puts the trey on the bedroom table.
"Charlie and Husk made this. Didn't know if you'se was gunna be awake, but they still made it anyway"
"Mm.....tell them I am grateful for their efforts"
"Will do. So uh, how's she doin? Has she woken up at all?"
"No she hasn't. Her body will only awaken when her pain has died down. So I am unsure as to when she will"
"Oh shit, that must be hard for yah. Is there anythin I can do? You want me to watch her so you can have a nap or somethin?"
"You are not watching her. You couldn't protect her from Val and Vox!"
"Oh for fuck sake, this again! I don't know how many times I gotta say I'm sorry! A'right! I feel guilty about that moment everytime I close my eyes!"
"As you should. (Gets up and walks to the balcony, looking out at the city) Y/N is fragile right now, and this wouldn't have happened if not for you"
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"You think I don't know that?! (Storms over to Alastor) I hate every second that I work in that god damn studio, every fuckin second! When I get back hear, I feel safe for a short amount of time, it's not a lot, but it's there! And the main reason I feel that may is because of Y/N! Look, I know there's something goin on between you two, and I get that your protective of her. But so am I! You love her as your girlfriend, I love her like a bestfriend! And it kills me knowing that because of me, she's lying there in pain, and possibly traumatized by everything the V's did to her! You can say everything you want to me Al! But no matter what insults or comments you make, nothing even touches the surface compared to the guilt I feel everytime I look at her!"
Alastor is completely silent, never uttered a word when Angel was arguing, and his smile, was small, his eyes were softer. Exhaling, Alastor held onto the balcony rail.
"Your right Angel"
"And another thing! I-w-wait what?"
"Angel....I apologise. I...have been so focused on the situation, that I didn't understand what you had been feeling. I am angry at you, yes. But.....I think that's because I am also......angry at myself"
"Huh? Why?"
"Angel, I was dismissing your feelings about Y/N, upset that you didn't protect her when she needed it, because.........that's exactly what I did..."
"What'cha talkin about Al? You literally barged into the V's tower, beat the shit outta Vox and Val, and brought her home"
"But I did not protect her when they took her. I believe that is why I was being harsh to you. I saw myself in you. I was not there to prevent this, I was not there to stop her being kidnapped. I was projecting onto you, when I was the one who deserved to be punished. You did the same thing as me, and yet you were the one who tried. You tried to stop them at the time........and I wasn't even there......I wasn't there...."
Alastor hid his face in his hand, desperately trying to hide his sadness from Angel, but Angel understood. He knew Alastor wasn't a fan of being touched, but it seemd like he needed some kind of comfort. Reaching his hand over, he just rested it on Alastor's shoulder, no tapping, no rubbing, just kept it there. And Alastor didn't move it, he looked at it touching him, but he didn't move it.
"I get it Al. Both of us made mistakes. But we both did the right thing in the end. I told you and Charlie the truth, and you put yourself in danger to get her back. We've done all we can to help. And if your still angry with me, don't think I won't get away without being punished for it. I know once Val gets me back too the studio, I'll be in for a world of pain"
"Well, it won't be for a while. They're both tied up in that cable pretty tight"
In that moment of silence, they both hear movement from behind them, and it's at that point, when your eyes start to open, coming out of your hypnosis.
"Al! Look!"
"(Gasp!) Oh! Y/N!"
They were both by your side in a heartbeat, Alastor gently helping you to sit up on the bed, one hand resting on your back incase you weren't strong enough.
"Nngguuhh....I don't feel very well....."
"That's normal my dear. You had been hypnotized by two separate beings, that kind of thing can make anyone's body and mind feel strange"
"How uh.....how long was I out?"
"Since yesterday afternoon toots. But it's a'right, your safe back in the hotel now"
"A-Angel? Oh my god, are you ok? I remember what happened when Vox and Val-"
"Hey hey, it's a'right baby, trust me. I just got knocked out that's all. I've been knocked out hundreds of times before. But listen, I am so so sorry I couldn't help yah when all that shit went down. Val wouldn't listen to me"
"It's ok Angel, I understand"
"But it ain't ok babe! I should've-"
"Angel, I remember you begging Val. I remember you saying you'd do anything, and considering the things you've told me that Val does to you, that was an incredibly brave thing to do for me"
"Babe, can you ever forgive me?"
"Of course I do Angel, your my bestfriend"
"I love yah babes"
Angel couldn't help but hug you in appreciation. But, what he didn't realise was that he needed to be gentle with you.
"Hhss! Ouch, careful Angel"
"Oh! Shit! My bad, my bad. Sorry toots"
"It's fine, don't worry. Oh, I will say this though, I feel better than I did before you hypnotized me Alastor"
"I am very glad it worked my dear. The pure distress you were in was impossibly difficult to witness. But, I am very glad you are starting to heal"
You hold his cheek, stroking your thumb over his soft skin, it makes his radio static noise buzz with his beaming smile.
"A'right, I'm gunna leave you guys to it. And I'll let Charlie and the others know your awake. Plus, it'll be fun to tell Pentious and Nifty"
"Cuz they placed bets on when you'd wake up, and it seems Nifty's just lost herself 50 bucks! Aha! I'll see you'se lata'h"
Angel was just about to exit through the door, when Alastor said.
"Oh! Angel, before you leave?"
"Yeh? What's up?"
"This evening I shall be returning to the V's tower, I trust you can stay with Y/N while I'm there?"
"Of course. But, why're yah goin back?"
"Well, I have to make sure Val isn't going to cause you anymore distress when your in his studios. I'll....gently warn him that if you are to come to any harm in his studio, I shall be back for round two"
"Al that's...you ain't gotta do that yah know"
"I know. But you can think of that as my way of apologising to you for my behaviour"
"....Thank you Al.....I really mean it"
"Your welcome"
You were confused when he said that, and the moment Angel left, you questioned Alastor.
"What was that about?"
"Hm? Oh! Yes, I did not inform you of what happened in your absence. (Collects the food trey and places it between you on the bed) You see my dear, when I heard the very unpleasant news of your situation, I found myself in a state of rage. I was furious at Vox and Val taking you, and unfortunately, I let my anger out on Angel. But, as you were resting, we both had a discussion about the event's that took place (hands you a plate of toast) and now we are both comfortable with one another. And as my way of making up for my actions, I will be making sure that no harm comes to Angel at the hands of Valentino"
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"Oh god, Val! But Alastor, how are you going to stop Val from hurting Angel? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would listen to a threat"
"Not to worry my dear. Valentino now has first hand experience of what I am capable of. He would be incredibly stupid not to head my warning. I can assure you, Angel will be quite safe now that he has the radio demon looking out for him. So this evening, I will be journeying to their tower, but Angel will be keeping you company. But for now, you have me"
You and Alastor happily ate the breakfast made for you both, feeling safe being back with him and the hotel. After a while, you felt a little tired, and felt the need to lie down.
"Yes my darling?"
"I don't suppose...I could ask a favour?"
"Why of course my dear! Anything in hell you want, I can provide"
"Could you.....just hold me for a while? I feel a little tired and....I just want to be in your arms"
"Awww, my sweet darling Y/N. I will hold you till the ends of time if you asked me too"
He kissed you on your forhead as he chuckled, he completely adored you, and your little request was very cute in his eyes. He climbed onto the bed with you and lead down. He gave you plenty of space and time to manoeuvre yourself into his touch, you knew your painful areas, not him. Carefully, you lay your head and hand on his chest, allowing him to put his arm around your back, holding you gently against him.
"Are you comfortable by dear?"
"Yes, thank you"
"You are welcome. Oh, do excuse me, there is something in my pocket that is causing me some discomfort"
Reaching into his trouser pocket, he pulls out the pieces of your radio trinket. You were shocked to see it like that, and wondered what had happened.
"Alastor? What happened to it? Why was it smashed up like that?"
"I am afraid, my dear, that Vox broke it, along with many other things in my room. I believe it was his way of making me angry. But the state of my room was a merely a thought at the back of my mind. Him taking you was the real source of my rage. But you are safe now"
"So your rooms all smashed up? Oh god, that's awful"
"Worry not my darling. Nifty is in there as we speak, working her little magic hands amongst the rubble. And as for this"
Alastor uses his powers to levitate the pieces out of his hand, calling on dark power to swirl around it. It was as if a little green and black tornado was in the palm of his hand. Seconds after these flashes of colour, there, floating above his palm, was the now fixed radio trinket.
"Wow Alastor! I didn't know you could do that"
"Aha, as you well know my dear, I have many abilities. I say? Was that a yawn I just heard? And your poor eyes can barely stay open"
"I'm just a little tired. I have no idea why, I was hypnotised for so long"
"Ah, but hypnosis to help with your wounds is different to getting a restful sleep. You see, your whole body was mending itself, that is what I did when I put you under. But I think you definitely need a real sleep. Would you like me to leave you alone to get some rest"
"No, please don't go"
"Then I shall not. I will hold you as you sleep, and I will not allow anything to harm or disturb you"
"Thank you Alastor"
With a simple snap of his fingers, some peaceful jazz music started to play in the background, it was so soothing. And with the warmth of Alastor's body, the music and him running his fingers through your hair, you fell asleep within minutes. He happily watched over you as you slept so soundly in his arms, still stroking your hair and humming to the music. But what you didn't feel, was him planting a sweet kiss to your forhead.
"Sweet dreams my beautiful darling.................I love you........"
Link to part 1
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schrodinger-swriter · 1 year ago
Helluva Hotel Masterlist
Here you will find my writings for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I more so go off of what we are shown within the episodes, as I do not follow Vivzie and the crew on social media. Any headcanons that may go against what has been said outside of that is purely do to this fact. I stress that you be patient.
The characters listed below do not determine what characters I will and wont write for. I will not be writing for Valentino, though. For reasons I feel I do not need to explain.
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F J O C for Charlie
B L T Z for Charlie
D G K U V for Charlie
Prompts 1 and 3 with Charlie
Prompts 2 8 and 11 with Charlie
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B C J L T Z for Vaggie
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Alastor x Deaf!Reader
Alastor x Short!Hotheaded!Reader
Alastor and the Reader pining for one another
H I P W for Alastor
S for Alastor
Alastor x Short!Plushie!Reader
A B C E G J K for Alastor
L Q R for Alastor
D N Y Z for Alastor
Prompts 3 and 4 with Alastor
Alastor and the Reader battling together
T X for Alastor
Prompts 8 11 12 with Alastor
Platonic Alastor x Reader who loves old music
Alastor x Cat Demon!Reader
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Sir Pentious x Warm bodied!Reader
Sir Pentious and the Reader pining for one another
A D J Z for Sir Pentious
I K O P Q U for Sir Pentious
C H S X Y for Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x Winged!Reader
Reader becoming jealous of Cherri Bomb
Sir Pentious x Bat!Reader
Sir Pentious x Intelligent!Inventor!Reader
Romantic Sir Pentious headcanons
Sir Pentious x Reader w/ a goat skull for a head
Prompts 3, 4, 11 with Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious with a partner who is maternal to the egg boiz
Sir Pentious and the Egg Boiz with a Sick!Motherly!Reader
Marriage with Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x Reader who is on their period
Sir Pentious saving the Reader
Sir Pentious x Reader who has self image issues
Sir Pentious x Girly!Reader
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A C I J K N P Z for Husk
E H L R X for Husk
Platonic Father!Husker x Teen!Reader
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A D F K L P Q T X for Angel Dust
C I Z for Angel Dust
Angel Dust x Asexual!Reader
Platonic Angel Dust x Reader who ghost writes erotica
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B Y N for Niffty
C G I P for Niffty
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A B E H for Lucifer
J K L Z for Lucifer
D I O X Y for Lucifer
R T for Lucifer
P U for Lucifer
Lucifer x Sinner!Reader
C for Lucifer
Lucifer x Fallen Angel!Reader
Lucifer x Reader who did something terrible for a good cause
Lucifer x Writer!Reader
Prompt 13 with Lucifer
Prompt 12 with Lucifer
Prompts 8 10 and 11 with Lucifer
Prompt 3 with Lucifer
Prompt 1 with Lucifer
Lucifer x Artist!Reader
Lucifer x Baker!Reader
Flying with Lucifer
Lucifer x Gardener!Reader
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C E I J M F for Vox
B D K for Vox
Vox x Cat Demon!Reader who bites him
Vox x Reader who gives him things
Prompts 8 9 10 with Vox
Prompts 5 and 12 with Vox
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C K Z J for Lute
A B G H U for Lute
D E L V W for Lute
Prompts 1 3 12 with Lute
Prompt 10 with Lute
Prompt 5 with Lute
Prompts 8 and 13 with Lute
Prompts 7 and 15 with Lute
M R for Lute
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B C K L P for Adam
Q U R X Z for Adam
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Carmilla x Injured!Reader
Prompt 13 with Carmilla
A B C F J for Carmilla
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T V for Rosie
Prompts 2 and 13 with Rosie
C K Z for Rosie
J I for Rosie
Prompts 3 and 9 with Rosie
Rosie x Non Cannibal!Reader
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Platonic Fizz x Clown!Reader
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Striker x Reader who got cheated on by Blitz
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Asmodeus and Fizz being friends with the reader
The main cast of Hazbin on Valentine's day
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moodooivy · 7 months ago
Lately I've really been wanting to share with you some of my writing skills. Drawing is really hard for me but I always love writing, so I wanna see how everyone feels about my writing, please let me know! Hopefully it's better than my art. (I mean this isn't really an example of my writing, but if you guys like this I'll give a real example of it) To start I wanted to share a list of some of my Yandere Alastor headcanons! Vox is the senpai because I don't like making x reader stuff and I'm writing a fanfic for it anyway, so this will be good setup! Now, I don't want to hear anyone say "OHH, VoX sHoUlD'vE bE tHe YaNdErE!" I don't see Vox as a yandere and I'm not gonna force myself to. "AlAsToR iS aRoAcE!" He's asexual and even if he was aroace, aroace people can be in love too. So, without further ado...:
A dangerous yandere ~ Yandere Alastor x Vox headcanons
Alastor will keep his feelings hidden from his Vox at all cost. Perhaps it has something to do with his ego. Alastor takes great joy in knowing that his Vox is just as obsessed. He will never admit his feelings for his Vox of course.
Alastor has but one very old TV so that he can keep up with his Vox's broadcasts. He knows the date of every time his Vox is supposed to be on air. If he's even a minute off, Alastor will know. To add onto this, Alastor also kept his Vox's old TV head. Perhaps that's the one he uses to watch his broadcasts. He has the other half of the photo with his Vox on it. He keeps it in his room. Somewhere no one will find it except him. Not like anyone else is ever in his room anyway.
Alastor is not the type of yandere that will kill for his Vox unless he sees someone as a threat to their rivalry/relationship. Valentino is on very thin ice. Alastor knows he has broken his Vox's screen before (He let it slide at the time since he wasn't obsessed yet). And if he ever does it again... Let's just say Alastor will know which voice is going to be heard on his next broadcast. If anyone is going to break his Vox's screen, it can only be him. Velvette is cool. For now. She hasn't given Alastor any reason to think she's a threat. But if he ever has to "take care" of Valentino he plans to "take care" of Velvette as well.
Here's some fluff for the last headcanon. Alastor doesn't like it when his Vox overworks himself. But he can't exactly tell him to stop. So instead, Alastor will purposefully antagonize his Vox while he's on air to make him cause a blackout so he is forced to take a little break. Sure for only like 15 minutes, but it's also fun so Alastor likes to do this.
Alastor has always had the ability to sense Vox's frequency. He will do that from time to time just to make sure Vox is where he's supposed to be.
Tell me if you want me to share headcanons for other ships. Maybe you want me to make a sheet for yandere Vox or past RadioStatic? Maybe you want me to try other ships, which I'm down for. Or maybe you want me to try x reader.
Hazbin Hotel, Alastor, Vox: Vivziepop/Spindlehorse Vox belongs Alastor
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cannibalbuffe · 1 year ago
Hello! You can call me B, and I created this blog specifically to write for Hazbin Hotel. I do have a few ideas of my own, but sometimes I don't know what to write so I would really like getting some requests. I'll leave a list of who I write for and what I will and won't write.
Before I start, I'd like to make it clear that I only write x gender neutral or x male reader works. You can be of any gender to request, ofc. The genitalia also can be whatever.
characters i write for:
â€ș Alastor (only platonic or qpr. No smut.*)
â€ș Husk
â€ș Angel Dust
â€ș Sir Pentious
â€ș Nifty
â€ș Vox
â€ș Valentino
â€ș Velvette
â€ș Adam
â€ș Lute
â€ș Lucifer
*for now, at least. Some asexuals might engage in sexual activities for a variety of reasons, but I'm still thinking of how I would, and if I would, approach this with Alastor.
â€ș Again, only male or gender neutral reader inserts.
â€ș Smut is allowed! And as such, this blog is 18+. Minors, please do not interact. (I will, of course, tag what is NSFW as such.)
â€ș I can write toxic relationships/tropes, but it really depends on how I'm feeling. Just ask and if I can't deal with that at the moment, I'll just save it in my inbox for later. Angst also depends on my mood.
â€ș I errr have a preference for fluff. This isn't a rule, I'm just saying, haha.
â€ș Kink is allowed!
â€ș Exceptions: ageplay, diapers, any bodily fluid that isn't blood, vore. If you request a kink I don't want to write for I'll just tell you, no judging.
â€ș You can only request headcannons or one-shots.
â€ș Know that I can refuse to write anything for any reason, and I am a slow writer. Be patient </3.
â€ș I will absolutely not write (non-platonic) adult x minor, incest and non-con.
â€ș No character x character requests.
‌ Be aware that I do not agree with everything I write about. Writing can be used to explore dark themes, and sometimes I might do that. It doesn't mean I support those things. ‌
(Less importantly, English isn't my first language. I ask, once again, for patience 💔.)
I'll make a master list once I have enough works to fill it up.
My writing tag: #buffet tag.
List of works in progress:
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self-indulgent-devils · 10 months ago
Hehehe wrote our fic. So excited and happy with it. We mostly just wrote whatever for the first chapter to get it published, but we are still very satisfied with it.
You'll also be able to find our other two writings there. A collection of Valentino x Reader that is sfw and more for asexual and soft/comfort purposes and a collection of random drafts and scenes that don't really correlate with anything. :)
Here is a link to our Val x Reader fic.
And then here is a link to our unfinished drafts/rambles collection.
Will share links to our fics as we primarily post them on ao3. Requests will be posted here before being posted there. Will make a headcanons collection on there eventually. Enjoy :)
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bad-and-drawn-that-way · 1 year ago
Mandatory Pinned Post!
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Hey, call me Cherri! I write HH and HB x reader requests. SFW and NSFW are both open! Come to me with your dark desires, you'd be surprised how much I'm comfy writing.
Inbox Status: 43
Requests will be answered a bit slower than usual as I crank out my multi-chapter fic!
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss - Requests Open
I will not write the following characters as lead interests. The only other thing of note, is I prefer requests of dating Charlie and Vaggie together, rather than just one or the other.
Favorite Characters to Write
Vox, Emily, Charlie AND Vaggie
Verosika, BlitzĂž
Characters I DO NOT WRITE
Valentino, Lute, Alastor, Adam, Saint Peter, Sera
Moxxie, Millie, Chaz, Loona
Masterlist of Requests and Series Below the Cut!
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Sweet Little Obsession [NSFW Vox x Reader]
Part 1
More than Anything - Mini-Series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2.5 Vox POV
Part 3 Final
Digital Pet - Mini-Series
Part 1
What Do You Mean You Don't Know (Reader and Lucifer)
Reader Headcanon Appearances/My New Accidental OC's
Electric Love - Series
Chapter 1: Not What I Expected
Chapter 2: Pleasantly Surprised
Chapter 3: What's in a Deal?
Independent Requests and Headcanons
Assumptions (SFW, Fluff)
Star-Crossed Idiots (SFW, Angst and Fluff)
At Your Service (NSFW, Secretary Reader)
If You Insist (NSFW)
Unread Notification (SFW, Fluff)
Reader with a low Sex Drive (NSFW implied, Headcanons)
Super Fucking Old Headcanon Request That is Inaccurate and Outdated But I'll Keep for Shits and Giggles
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Angel Dust
Asexual Reader (Headcanons)
Short Reader (OLD CONTENT, Headcanons)
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Sleepy Girlfriend (OLD CONTENT, Headcanons)
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Just the Way You Are (Plus Sized Reader)
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(OLD CONTENT!! I no longer take requests for him out of personal preferences.)
NSFW Headcanons
Qualities in a Partner (Headcanons)
Someone Tried to Hurt His Love (Headcanons)
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Human Reader (OLD CONTENT, Headcanons)
Reader is Moxxie's Little Sister (OLD CONTENT, Headcanons)
Vulnerability (OLD CONTENT)
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alastorhazbinintheseguts · 4 years ago
Considering I have to make my way back into the Hazbin Hotel Fandom again here’s my post to make myself known.
So uh.. hiya guys. My other hazbin hotel account is @uzuihazbininmyhotel I forgot the password so there obviously won’t be any posting on there anytime soon.. my ao3 that I mentioned on that account is still up but I’ve been gone for a while now so yeah.. I haven’t been updating..
I’m hoping you guys will welcome me back. When I had made that account I didn’t know tumblr had a function where you can make multiple accounts on one account thingy. Fml.. anyway let’s just continue.. I would say let’s continue where I left off but it’s really been a while now has it.
Anyway here’s some things to help you all out here on this account of mine:
One. I DO write NSFW or things that might TRIGGER people. As someone with ptsd and depression I will have my moments of posting some really sad shit.. and as a sex positive (it REALLY DEPENDS!) asexual I do write nsfw. It’s not like I craze over sex but I do find it a bit fun to write it. It’s whatever. (HEAVY NSFW WILL BE POSTED ON MY Ao3)
Two. I write characters x characters. HOWEVER, I am picky with my ships. Like, very fucking picky.. so to help you all out I’ll write ships that I like so people like me can request them or simply know what I like so you don’t request something I dislike.
Alastor x Sir Pentious
Vaggie x Alastor
Vaggie x AngelDust
Sir Pentious x Vox x Valentino
Charlie x Katie Killjoy
Vaggie x Katie Killjoy
Vaggie x Lilith
Vaggie x Lucifer
Sir Pentious x AngelDust
Vaggie x Valentino
And more that I can’t really tell if I like or dislike right now. I’ll update when I can figure it out.
The ships I like are more like crack ships to some people but I don’t care. If you don’t like them then go ahead and head out playa. If you haven’t noticed from the little list, I’m not a big fan of Charlie. I don’t know what it is.. anyway thanks to that I’ve developed an almost unhealthy obsession to Vaggie cheating on her with almost everyone else. If you are a Charlie lover, Charlie x Alastor lover, (that shit is mad lame as a ship sorry) or anything like that.. please find another account to follow. And these are my opinions, don’t like em then you don’t have to read them lol.
I do character x reader. While I’m looking back to learn some of the newer characters I’m still happy to write x readers. I’m sure many of you know how to request things without being assholes so please send in requests however you wish! I write most things except for like vore and feet shit..
I do Yandere. I’ve always been into Yandere so yeah.
Honestly I think these are the main things I had to say.. if I have anymore I guess I’ll add them later but these are the major things I wanted people to keep in mind while being on this account. I guess all that is left now is to tell you all to have fun! Let’s get along here guys!
OH! And I Roleplay! That’s another big thing I wanted to add! I’m more of a literate role player. I send multi para and at time novela. I don’t do ‘baby role play’ with like stars and shit. I want a Roleplay that’s good enough for me to go back and reread over our replies when I’m bored and when you’re busy or some shit to answer. I’ll rp nearly anyone but my rp rules come down like this:
If you wish to do an ‘x readers’ role play you are to rp your oc and my requested character while I do the same. This way it is fair for both role players. Just tell me your suggested character and I’ll tell you mine. For example, because I know some people have a hard time understanding this.., in total there’s usually for characters all in the rp. Your Oc, my oc, your suggested character, and then mine. You rp you and my character and I do vice versa. Y’all get it? Good! (If not just dm me with your questions.) (some of my suggested characters I’d like you to rp would be Alastor, Sir Pentious, Vox, AngelDust, Lucifer, Lilith, and Vaggie. Yes I love them all..)
When rping with me, the least you can rp is less then three paragraphs or fifteen sentences. If you don’t think you can handle that then don’t even bother to dm me with the idea of even role playing with me.. i want to have fun and there’s nothing fun about someone who role plays like a child.. I’m been role playing for over seven years now.. keep that in mind. Spelling errors are totally okay as well! As long as I know what you were at least trying to say, hell even I make errors. We’re all humans living in order to grew as beings, it’s ok love.
Last thing I believe but try not to control my oc.. I have a couple but please.. that’s like rp 101. Also when sharing your oc if you have a bio you can send it as well as pictures and stuff. It helps me truly remember what you oc looks like and get a good idea of who they are as a person. It doesn’t have to be a long bio or a extravagant picture, (considering my art isn’t like how it used to be either...) just a little something for me to get to know your oc. I’ll do the same.
Anything else about role playing with me can be asked via dm or ask box. Don’t be shy, I’ll answer either way most likely uwu.
Ok! So I believe I am done now. As I said earlier, if there’s anything I need to add to this post then I’ll add it later. For now though I think I’ve went over everything over wanted to go over.. so guys, please let’s have fun! I welcome you guys!
No hate is allowed! If you see something here that you don’t like JUST FUCKING LEAVE! Don’t waste your time and mine, jeez. Aight guys bye! Ask box is officially open!
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schrodinger-swriter · 1 year ago
Helluva Hotel Masterlist, Volume 2
Copied from the first list's intro:
Here you will find my writings for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I more so go off of what we are shown within the episodes, as I do not follow Vivzie and the crew on social media. Any headcanons that may go against what has been said outside of that is purely do to this fact. I stress that you be patient.
The characters listed below do not determine what characters I will and wont write for. I will not be writing for Valentino, though. For reasons I feel I do not need to explain.
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Charlie x Bullied!Reader
Platonic Charlie x Socially Anxious!Reader
Prompts 22 and 28 with Charlie
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Angel Dust x Bullied!Reader
Prompt 20 and 29 with Angel Dust
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Alastor x Reader who makes club music
Platonic Alastor x Asexual!Reader
Alastor x Artist!Reader
Prompts 1 10 and 13 with Alastor
Prompts 19 and 20 with Alastor
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Sir Pentious x Shy!Reader
Sir Pentious x Snake Demon!Reader
Sir Pentious x Fan!Reader
Sir Pentious x Overprotective!Reader
Sir Pentious x Reader who died in the 2000s
Sir Pentious x NB!Autistic!Reader
Sir Pentious x Reader who is struggling
Sir Pentious x Bullied!Reader
Prompts 8 9 and 13 with Pentious
The Reader taking care of Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x Reader seizure aftercare
Prompts 23 and 28 with Sir Pentious
The Reader helping Sir Pentious shed
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Lucifer x Protective!Reader
Lucifer x Sinner!Reader who constantly changes their story
Lucifer x Reader who is on their period
Platonic Lucifer helping the Reader with their homework
Pre Fallen Angel!Lucifer x Angel!Reader
Lucifer x Bimbo!Reader
Lucifer x Fan!Reader
Lucifer x Reader who is good at chess
Lucifer, the Reader, and Lilith
Lucifer x Succubus!Reader
Prompts 22, 23, and 28 with Lucifer
Lucifer x Wingless!Fallen Angel!Reader
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Platonic Adam x Angel!Rock Fan!Reader
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Lute crushing on Sinner!Reader
F Y I for Lute
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Vox x Demisexual!Reader
Vox x Reader who works in the fashion industry
Vox x Streamer!Reader
Vox x Reader who is on their period
Reader putting Vox on the period device
Vox x Reader who loves his claws
Prompts 21 23 and 27 with Vox
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General Rosie x Reader headcanons
Marriage with Rosie
Prompts 1, 11, and 12 with Rosie
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General Velvette x Reader headcanons
Lucifer, Adam, Lute, and Husk x Reader who is afraid of heights
Lucifer x AFAB!Reader telling Charlie she's going to be a big sister
Platonic Charlie and Vaggie x Reader who doesn't want to leave Hell
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