mambodork · 2 days ago
Hi, me again! In the buttercup HOA au, does Grian need to eat in his code bodies? Or is he like one of Martyn's lore Watchers where he only feeds off of emotions? Or maybe every time he makes a new body, he cannibalizes the code of the old one if Scar doesn't need it for snacking? I assume Scar eats normally with the exception of occasional flesh, and Mumbo, being a sort of parasite, either can make his host eat to sustain himself or just slowly eats the host and changes them every once in a while.
Also is there a reason Grian needs to keep making new bodies, like the code can only hold itself together for a short while before it starts decaying, or maybe because he can't eat it starts to die and that'd why he builds new ones?
I did not, in fact, find motivation to write anything today because my roommates distracted me with watching pirates of the carribean, but the ideas have been bouncing around in my brain all day long.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble can you tell I'm obsessed with your aus <3
In concern of Grian eating... I really like Martyn's interpretation of it with the watchers feeding off of emotions. Would also explain why Grian loves to make games and pranks all the time since he primarily feeds on positive emotions. Although I do believe his primary reason is always to make his friends happy, the benefit of being able to absorb their happiness for his own gain is an added bonus. I like to think the more emotions he gets, the more powerful he can be. Meanwhile, if he doesn't get enough to feed, he'll just dwindle out and fade back to become part of the universe.
My headcanon for the Watchers are that they're the main force to drive the world so it can continue living by making things interesting. Consider it like a book or a movie or even a game. Nobody would play it if nothing good happens, and if they stopped playing, the world within that game would just stop altogether. This is the primary worldbuilding I use when using the concept of minecraft inherently being a game as their actual world. The watchers are creatures created by the universe to keep it going by rousing powerful emotions like sadness, grief, or happiness. In this note, I am also a firm "the watcher's are morally grey" believer. They simply have their own goals and do what it takes to get it.
I think you're quite spot on with Scar and Mumbo's way of feeding! Mumbo is definitely a parasite and I agree with the fact that he makes his host eat for him to eat aswell.
As for Grian's body, my current headcanon of it at the moment is that unlike normal players who treat the world as real life and bodies, etc, as organic, Grian has ascended when he became a watcher and could see the world as what it truly is (code, for simplicity). As such, he treats his body and how he uses it more like an actual minecraft skin. Normal rules of real life and logic that ground a player also don't really apply that much to him now.
For why he has to change it every few days or so... I just think that Grian is just too weak or simply doesn't know that much about code yet to make a sustaining body (think of him like a highschool intern developer that's still learning how to code). I like to think that Grian's current bodies are being held together by duct tape and glue 😭 he doesn't really know what he's doing yet, hence the body malfunctioning or just simply disintegrating back to the universe's code (at this point, he would just give the body to Scar for him to snack on. Just because it's all useless code to him doesn't mean that it's not organic fresh meat for Scar). I also like your suggestion on the body decaying because it couldn't eat... maybe this can also be integrated since the entire organic world & code stuff is separated much like the 4th and 5th dimensions. It would SEEM that the body is rotting due to lack of nutrition, but it could also be a code error on Grian's part, who knows :3
Tysm for the interesting questions and ideas !! These are all just my headcanons atm and you're free to take anything you want from it, or not use them at all ! Again, I really appreciate it that you're willing to expand on this world lol <3 take your time on it !
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vrainydays · 8 months ago
I really wanna make some gifs but there is SO many bts material that I don't know what to gif jflskdf so if you have any request or suggestion i'd very much appreciate them.
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potato-lord-but-not · 6 months ago
When she Cecil on my Gershwin til I Palmer
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moonshynecybin · 2 months ago
have you seen this vale watching marc video???!!!
it's making me insane for some reason. i need to know what's going on inside vale's head in that moment
vale looks like he’s gonna throw up 10/10
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maedre13 · 1 year ago
Podcasts I’ve listened to, in the order I’ve listened to them…
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calechipconecrimes · 1 year ago
@one-time-i-dreamt says she is the actual ultimate sexyman so I must run this poll out of wtnv pride
yes I know it's an old, forgotten post by now and this has been rotting in my drafts for months(?) shut up
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fuckyeahchinesefashion · 7 months ago
let's feel what is exactly a 山歌shan'ge (mountain songs) without explain
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fox-guardian · 2 years ago
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[ID: A digital drawing of Cecil and Carlos. Cecil is an older mid-sized white man with a graying lilac mullet and mustache, a lot of body hair, tan lines, long purple and teal painted nails, and purple eyeshadow. He is wearing a green cross wrap halter crop top, a teal miniskirt, a purple shoelace as a belt around his waist, furry rainbow legwarmers, and pink bunny slippers. He's holding a black cell phone with a pop socket with the Night Vale logo on it. Carlos is an older mid-sized Latino man with medium dark brown skin, black and gray curly hair with a matching beard, a lot of body hair, and a couple moles by his eye. He is wearing a white labcoat, dull red boxers, white crew socks and brown sandals, a small black stud earring, and large square glasses. The entire image has a magenta filter over it.
Cecil is sitting on a red cushioned stool with his legs crossed over each other and smiling down at his phone. Carlos is standing with one foot raised, hugging Cecil with one arm and holding his free hand over his shoulder with the other. They're both leaning into each other. Cecil says, "Carlos, look! I've been declared the "Ultimate Sexyman"!" And Carlos replies, kissing his cheek, "I could've told you that, my honey-voiced honey~" with "honey-voiced honey" italicized. end ID]
good evening cecilsweep nation. i made a celebratory Them <3
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gammija · 2 years ago
[CECIL]: "So, as we move into the final hours of the competition, vote! Whether it's for your favorite, local, Night Vale community radio host or some... pile of bones, don't let your voice go unheard.
Also... Well, this might be a little bit outside the rules, but you could even make a second account to show a little more support for whoever you think should win. You probably won't get caught. As City Council declared in a recent press release, "Voter fraud doesn't exist."
"There is no such thing as voter fraud," City Council said last Wednesday, their many mouths moving as one. "No one can vote more than once. We certainly can't. Ha, ha." Some of their feet shuffled. "We definitely did NOT commit voter fraud by using the recently developed cloning technology to make copies of ourselves, force them to vote for us, then bus them into the Whispering Forest where we threw them out. That. Never. Happened," they added emphatically.
Immediately after the press conference they disbanded the City Council's, 'Night Vale committee for Fair Elections', by eating them."
[A door creaks.]
[CECIL]: "Listeners, someone has just entered my studio.
Uhm, excuse me! You're not allowed to be in here!
It looks like it's a small man, with a smoothly bald head, and dark empty eyes...
Oh no. They're sockets. This must be him, this 'Snas' the skeleton. He's coming to defend his title...
Listeners, as I prepare myself for what will surely be a fight to the death, seeing who takes who out first, I take you... To the weather."
[CECIL]: "Welcome back. I know you're all dying to know whether I won the Tumblr sexyman poll, and if I defeated the small skeleton. Well...
I was all ready to fight, getting into a stance, when the skeleton held up his hands. He said that he didn't want to fight, and that he'd come here to concede and hand me the title.
I'll admit, I was a bit taken aback by this at first. Of course, I had to protest. Wouldn't that be unfair to the few people who voted for him, I asked?
But he explained that, since he already won last year, he wasn't really looking forward to all the attention and hassle from winning a second time. And seeing as it apparently meant a lot to me, he'd rather just let me win than miss his wedding.
Yeah, apparently he's about to be wed to someone named Komaeda in a few days? Good for him.
Dear listeners, after his heartfelt plee, I felt I had no choice but to accept the win.
Which means I am now, officially, Tumblr sexyman of 2023. Yay!
Stay tuned next for muffled sounds of celebration, overheard from a neighbour's house nearby.
Good night, Night Vale. Good night."
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mambodork · 3 days ago
sometimes when i see Parrot in your boetem supervillain au, i forget he is wearing a mask and laugh cuz this image of him totally beating u up with a cheerful 😄 is so funny
I think that just adds to his charm <3 he is so stupid (they're all are)
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bloodydrew · 1 year ago
I was doing FINE then I started to listen to podcasts and now I’m GAY
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months ago
Your Cecil looks like he would ROCK a sundress. I mean, so would every Cecil, but yours especially
no you’re so right tho
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moonshynecybin · 2 months ago
Valentino and his eagerness to teach + Marc and his eagerness to learn from Vale versus Marc being too good already + Vale’s ego not wanting to help make Marc better than him (fight)
it really is like. vale LIKES being in that position of benevolent authority he LIKES teaching he LIKES mentorship and cementing his legacy by influencing all the best riders on the grid none of whom can quiteeeee match up to him in terms of legacy and ability and charisma so he remains secure on his throne. and then he meets marc when hes a lil SHRIMP and he's like i'll take care of you kid and he helps him get his merch out there and promises to look after him... and when marc gets to the higher classes with that reckless streak of the divine and is like hello you are my idol and i am in love with you and vale fresh off a flop for the agesssss is lookin at him and his massive hype train trying to process that it might be time to pass on the torch and maybeee its okay because he LIKES him and is as such is swallowing the BURNING ACID that pools in his throat when marc breaks a record until it actually and for real looks like vale could be competitive again and that a championship could be within his grasp and suddenly marc and all of his overeager talent is a THREAT and an OBSTACLE and all the affection slides towards rivalry and suddenly he wants that twink's head on his WALLLL.... like marc was too good to be a student he was always going to be a competitor, and vale has quite literally never forgiven him for it and MARC. has never gotten over the rejection of it. and i like this sport i love it
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caffeinatedpunk · 2 years ago
I'm sorry guys but if you are on tumblr and don't know who cecil is you need to go back on history books. He's the blueprint of the sexymen, the og twink, the first eye-motif guy, he ended queerbaiting during a time where queerbaiting or k*ll your gays trope was all the representation we could get. Respect the elder. He threw the first brick
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dellovestorant · 1 month ago
Do certain words motivate you to win again in Misano?
"I'm always motivated to the max, then you have to be realistic about what you can achieve. I will try to give 100 percent as always. I repeat, the last thing I am interested in is getting into these games with a rider who is no longer active"
Do you think this is an attempt at a psychological attack on you?
"I don't think so, also because it wouldn't achieve anything, as happened in 2016, in 2017, it's all in the past"
According to you what was his intent?
"Ask him"
Do you think he's obsessed with it?
"Ask him. I don't care, I don't want to get into wars that bring me nothing"
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capnaptain · 4 months ago
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based on this post by @kerink, mother lauren as an animal crossing ostrich / special npc! if you saw this twice no you didnt
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