#vaccination is safe
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toshootforthestars · 1 year ago
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soberscientistlife · 6 months ago
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It tells me your a selfish fool
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dosesofcommonsense · 5 months ago
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If you go down the rabbit hole of fetal tissue in vaccines and food, you’ll likely get nauseous and/or puke.
Why had autism skyrocketed with vaccines? There’s carcinogens and known cancer causers in vaccines. Theres mRNA in vaccines. There’s also aborted fetal tissues.
Now correlate the info. Make the inference.
Maybe RFK isn’t off his rocker like the MSM and Big Pharma want you to believe. I mean, they’ve lied about everything else. Why are you believing the smear campaign against a man pointing out the truth about vaccines?
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skelskeleton · 4 months ago
Hey just a heads up yall but get fully vaccinated if you havent already.
Not only is it a generally good idea of course, but if vaccine bans go into place / become too expensive for lower class then you will not be able to leave the usa.
most countries have requirements on being up to date on vaccines since, yknow, most countries dont want polio 2 electric boogaloo
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lazyscience · 4 months ago
So for my followers who come with a factory-installed uterus I know you're concerned about your health and autonomy. And you well should be
But here's something all of you should be thinking about and planning for no matter what your plumbing - if Trump goes through with putting RFK Jr. in a position of power as far as the Department of Health and Human Services, he could do a LOT of damage as far as vaccines. Vaccines are not super profitable for pharma companies, despite what cranks think; they take a LOT of development for only a few uses. Vaccines are driven by public health requirements and a lot of places would shrug and say "ok, bet" if there isn't a guaranteed market for them.
The professional medical community will still have recommendations about when and how to vaccinate, but they won't have the force of law, and insurance will probably smell blood in the water and start kicking up a fuss about covering vaccines when they're not required. So then when doctors recommend them there'll be suspicion and pushback that they're just doing it for "kickbacks" even though the only doctor who would have gotten paid for vaccine is ironically Andrew Wakefield, the lying fuckshit, because his whole "vaccines cause autism" lie was to push his OWN, SPECIAL proprietary vaccines that wouldn't cause his made-up syndrome, because NO vaccines were causing it. May he roast somewhere warm when the devil comes for him.
This will not happen immediately, but. Because there will no doubt be anticipatory compliance on the part of drug companies and healthcare systems. I HIGHLY advise you get the fuck out there and get your Tdap updated (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis). Whooping cough is out there, and it is horrible for babies. If you are eligible for shingles vaccine and haven't done it, get that. Get your COVID vax if you haven't, there might not BE another one, at least not that's available in the US.
If you have kids, especially make sure THEY'RE up to date because their classmates might very well not be mandated to get them any more - state regulations will undoubtedly vary, but with the current composition of the Court, it will rule in favor of every possible exemption for antivaxxers as possible because the conservatives are all "fuck the weakest of us, I got mine fuck you." And expect idiocy like "pox parties" to spread (not like the average suburban parent can tell measles from rubella from chicken pox from hand foot and mouth by fuckin' looking at it, who knows what the christ they're going to be passing around). Measles is NOT just a "bit of a rash." Rubella is the world's leading preventable cause of birth defects. Chickenpox can result in scarring, encephalitis causing blindness or even death, and the risk of shingles later in life. I have a cousin who would be 57 this year who died as a toddler from hemophilus influenzae strain B meningitis, one of those "too many" childhood vaccines that were invented in the 1990s. Tell my aunt that's too many vaccines -oh, wait, you can't, she fucking killed herself out of grief her baby died.
tweens? get them the HPV vaccine if they haven't gotten it (given its associations with sex it'll probably be one of the first to go, but it prevents CANCER. who wants their child to get cervical cancer, or penile cancer, or throat cancer, or rectal cancer? IT PREVENTS CANCER. JUST DO IT.)
Similarly, if you have a child with any kind of immune issue that precludes vaccination, I would very much look into homeschooling, because bye-bye herd immunity.
If you have teenage kids, encourage them to update their Tdap and get the meningiococcal meningitis vaccine if they haven't been mandated to already by campus policy. Tetanus and meningitis aren't common, but they are frequently permanently life-altering when they're not fatal. We're talking months in the hospital. I'm old enough that I remember people fucking dying in college, and the panic that went around campus every time one of those breakouts happened in the state wondering if it would make its way to our campus.
Stay safe out there. I have no idea what this will do to our already teetering healthcare system but I don't think it'll be pretty. Everybody pray Trump pulls his usual scam and hangs RFK Jr. out to dry, because while the plutocrats consider regulations an unnecessary burden, they don't have a stake in creating a public health state of emergency when we already have a workforce not keeping up with demand, unlike Captain Convenient Brain Worm.
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yukipri · 6 months ago
TW: pet death.
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I miss my Lu.
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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tj-crochets · 6 months ago
Covid booster obtained! Wish me luck lol
(because I have other health issues and any vaccine tends to make them worse for a few days, not because it’s a covid booster in particular lol)
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autville · 2 months ago
good evening from the autistic town of autville!
a public service announcement: if you can and you haven’t already, please get a flu shot (and an updated covid shot!) to do your part in keeping yourself and your community safe!
*insert and then remove joke about topping off the ole ‘tism*
remember, folks—vaccines cause adults!
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scrumptiousstuffs · 9 months ago
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Get vaccinated people (and practice safe sex)
Ohhhhhh I love this!!! As a medical doctor myself, I completely approve of this!
Wandee Goodday, episode 4
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daisiesonafield-blog · 6 days ago
Be safe. Get vaccinated.
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greycappedjester · 8 months ago
So fun facts about me today: Got to go to an international conference (yay!), get to go a few days early to see my top dream travel destination (yay!), second full day here and now I have Covid.
Anyway, win some, lose some, and now I'm self quarantined in a hotel. Stay up to date with your boosters, kids, this could've been a lot worse.
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evamostly · 4 months ago
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Little sister helped me take Eva to the vet for her annual vaccinations. For the first time in three years, Eva didn’t bite anyone! 😹
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vizthedatum · 6 months ago
The new 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine (USA) is out. It might not be free after this month for uninsured adults (?), and it may not account for further trending variants, BUT YOU SHOULD STILL GET IT.
Hi, y'all! I published a new Substack article because:
The updated COVID-19 vaccine for the 2024-2025 season is now available as of August 22, 2024.
And I have thoughts!
An excerpt from this article:
"The CDC advises that all adults receive this vaccine. The CDC recommends that everyone over six months of age receive this updated vaccine, regardless of previous vaccination status, unless they have contracted COVID-19 in the last three months.
This new vaccine will _allegedly_ remain covered under the no-cost vaccination program, the Bridge Access Program, until the end of next week. (I say “allegedly” because I don’t know.)
But you should call your pharmacy and check!
(I personally booked a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at my local CVS for August 28, 2024. I called the pharmacist earlier today to see if it would be covered under my insurance (UPMC Health Plan provided by my employer, University of Pittsburgh) or the Bridge Access Program). They told me the shipment has yet to arrive at their location, but they think it will be before my appointment and will be covered by either one. However, they can only definitively tell me once they get the shipment.)"
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9w1ft · 1 year ago
Don't you find the strict rules of society in Japan overwhelming for you and the kids?
not one bit
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romanticfistfightz · 7 months ago
i love how i figured out i might ask my mother to get covid tests cuz we've both been sick and for me its been like 4 or 5 days and its not really getting much better for the last 2 and she was like no its probably just a virus:) why would we waste time and money on the tests it doesnt matter if its covid flu or cold we have to wait it out:) the tests are NOT that expensive come on if you don't care get one for me like jesus christ 30pln is not an amount thats problematic and id rather know
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dr-robert-chase-apologist · 4 months ago
Taking a break from my usual fandom posting to tell y'all to GET YOUR FLU SHOTS.
I am typing this with one arm double the size of the other, tucked up close by my body, because of the flu shot. I am allergic to it. Every year since I was 4, the flu shot has made me swell up near the injection site for days, sometimes even as long as two weeks. It looks like there's an egg under my skin, and I can feel the fluid moving when I walk.
And y'know what?
Because I would rather be in pain than spread the flu. Because there are people in my community who could die if they got the flu. And getting the vaccine is a simple precaution I can take to reduce their risk of getting the flu. I do not want their death (or life-threatening illness, or long-lasting complications, or even just unpleasant sickness) on my conscience.
Vaccines work. When everyone gets them, the herd immunity can protect those whose vaccines weren't as effective, or those who can't get a vaccine (like those with severe egg allergies).
Unless you will go into anaphylactic shock from a flu shot, or your doctor has told you not to get it, you should go get your shot. It protects you, and it protects the vulnerable people around you.
At least in the US, the flu shot is offered for FREE at many large supermarkets (ie Kroger) and pharmacies (ie CVS), in addition to clinics and vaccination drives run by organizations near you. For more information or if you don't live in the US, you can check with your county/other local government's website. They should have a page directing you to places to get vaccinations.
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